The best varieties of peppers. Varieties of the earliest peppers

The largest varieties of sweet peppers are very popular among many summer residents and gardeners. Giant fruits not only have good shelf life and transportation, but also have excellent taste, allowing them to be used both for salads and for preparations.

How to grow big peppers

There are amateur gardeners who can grow big harvest large red peppers from the most common varieties of the crop. But there are situations when the seeds of large-fruited sweet pepper varieties give unsatisfactory results. In order to get the giant fruits of this crop, you need to take into account the basic requirements.

Choose the right crop variety. It is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region in which the largest variety is supposed to be planted. In addition, it is worth paying attention to hybrids of sweet pepper varieties, which produce very large fruits.

Pepper is a heat-loving crop, so it should be planted in the middle zone only in closed ground. The same requirements apply to lighting. If the days in the growing region are short, then it is worth organizing good lighting.

Some varieties bred specifically for open ground, feel good in any soil. Therefore, before planting large varieties of peppers for open ground on your site, study all the recommendations experienced gardeners. Selection does not stand still and therefore every year many new varieties appear that are capable of producing a large harvest of large, sweet peppers in any conditions.

Compliance with all agricultural technology rules. We must not forget that the varieties of the largest red peppers love a lot of moisture. Therefore, if you water the beds with plenty of water once a week, you can get a good harvest even on the ground.

If the crop grows where the wind blows strong winds, then the ground must be covered with a film so that the wind does not dry out the soil. In addition, pepper loves loose, light soils, so the loosening process must be carried out after each watering.

It is worth constantly mulching the holes to prevent the rapid loss of moisture from the soil, and do not forget to constantly feed the best varieties of large-fruited sweet peppers. There are varietal crops that easily tolerate untimely watering and temperature changes. But if you prefer to plant hybrid varieties, then be careful, they react strongly to untimely watering and fertilizing.

If you take into account all the nuances and follow the rules of crop care, you can be sure that the harvest of large, red giant peppers will please you. But there are crops in which the weight of the fruit reaches 850 g, but it is worth noting that a fruit weighing 200 g is also considered quite large. If you want to get giant fruits, then let's look at the largest and earliest ripening varieties of sweet pepper.

Important! If you have no experience in growing sweet peppers, the largest-fruited ones, then it is better to read the relevant literature and consult with gardeners.

Greenhouse giants

This is a group of high-yielding hybrids that can produce large crops all season long. There is one thing for this important condition– these crops should only be planted in heated greenhouses. If there is a greenhouse or simple greenhouse, then it is better to give preference to early-ripening large-fruited varieties of sweet pepper.

Bourgeois F1

An early-ripening hybrid, which is green in color when technically ripe. Ripening occurs on the 115th day after planting the seedlings. Biological ripeness at 140 days, yellow fruits. This is a tall hybrid. If it is planted in a heated greenhouse, then the height of the bush can reach three meters, but in a simple greenhouse the growth is much reduced. The fruits themselves are very dense, smooth, heavy in the shape of a regular cube. The weight of one fruit reaches up to 250 g, the walls of the fruit are very tasty and fleshy. This culture has features:

  • the bush can withstand heavy loads, up to 40 fruits;
  • produces uniform shoots and stepsons;
  • disease resistant;
  • excellent taste quality;
  • The fruit is very fragrant.

This crop requires special care, gartering, and pinching. Per 1m2, no more than 3 bushes are planted.


A large variety of sweet pepper, mid-early, with good yield. Already on the 120th day after germination, the first harvest can be harvested. Biological maturity occurs at 150 days. Bushes grow up to three meters in winter greenhouses, when planted in a greenhouse, it can reach up to one and a half meters. The bush itself has dense foliage - powerful, tall plant. This crop is demanding on planting density. In order for fruiting to be abundant and not interrupted throughout the season, you need to plant no more than three bushes per meter. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, with walls up to 8 mm thick. From one square meter you can get up to 19 kg of fruit. Features of the most large varieties pepper:

  • bear fruit all season long;
  • does not suffer from tobacco mosaic virus;
  • great aroma and taste;
  • not afraid of temperature changes.

The fruits of the large-fruited hybrid "Boatswain" become bright red when fully ripe. It has good shelf life and is resistant to transportation.

Grenadier F1

The hybrid has medium ripeness and high yield. Biological ripeness occurs on the 160th day. The bush grows up to two meters high, but it needs to be shaped, as it produces many stepsons. The planting density is three bushes per meter of land, this is the only way to get a high yield. The fruit is in the shape of a prism with a long spout, with a weight of up to 650 g. This large-fruited variety of sweet pepper has walls 1 cm thick. The variety has its advantages:

  • good yield;
  • perfectly transportable;
  • well stored;
  • begins to bloom early;
  • fruits with excellent taste and aroma.

Now it’s worth considering large varieties of pepper for open ground and universal cultivation.

Growing peppers in open ground

There are varieties that are bred specifically for open ground, but they can be grown both in a greenhouse and in a greenhouse. There are a lot of early varieties of pepper with large fruits that can be grown in open ground. Experts are constantly working to develop new crops that can be adapted to any conditions.

All large, red pepper crops for open ground are early ripening. The crop is planted in open ground when the third true leaf appears on the seedling. Despite the fact that early-ripening large varieties of peppers are adapted to weather conditions and temperature changes, they require special care:

  • shading in bright sun;
  • timely watering;
  • constant feeding;
  • loosening the soil after each watering.

If you follow all of the above, you can get a very good harvest of large red peppers in open ground.

Claudio F1

Can be grown in any conditions. One bush can produce approximately 10-12 peppers. The taste quality of the fruits is very high, and they have a wonderful aroma. Already 70 days after planting, you can get the first harvest - fruits weighing 260 g. Peppers are in the shape of an elongated cube, red in color. The crop has a powerful stem that can withstand the load of several of the largest peppers. The foliage is quite dense, which is a plus when grown in open ground - it protects the fruits from the steaming sun. Hybrid features:

  • resistant to various viruses;
  • not afraid of sunburn;
  • tolerates temperature changes well, even critical ones.

The wall thickness of mature pepper exceeds one centimeter, while the variety has good shelf life and can be transported.

Quadro Red

The best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers, bred by Siberian breeders. Fruits weighing 350 g, cuboid in shape. It can grow both in greenhouses and greenhouses, and in open ground. Large-fruited, early-ripening variety that bears fruit well throughout the season. This variety has very little high grade– 60 cm. But this stocky bush can produce up to 15 large fruits. The color of the cube-shaped large pepper is bright red. From one square meter of area you can get up to 3 kg of harvest. In order for the crop to bear fruit well, it is necessary to constantly pick ripe fruits and shoot them, forming a bush. The plant loves moisture and responds well to applications. complex fertilizers. The plant is grown by sowing directly into the ground.

Gemini F1

A large variety of pepper for open ground that can bear a large number of fruits on the bush. Large fruits weighing up to 400 g, while up to 10 peppers are formed on the bush at the same time. The first fruits can be harvested already on the 75th day of planting the seeds in the ground. This hybrid was bred in Holland, and it has many advantages:

  • even in difficult weather conditions it can adapt and bring a large harvest;
  • can grow in any conditions, be it a greenhouse or open ground;
  • a lot of fruits are formed on the bush;
  • the walls of the fruit are very fleshy and have good taste;
  • not susceptible to various diseases.

This large-fruited pepper variety is grown as seedlings. In the middle regions, sow seeds in early February. Despite the fact that the breeders made sure that the crop tolerates a lack of light well, it needs to be watered regularly and abundantly, otherwise you will not see a good harvest.

The bush is not tall, but it tolerates high yields and strong fruit formation. There is no need for constant pinching and bush formation. It responds well to feeding and fertilizing. The first harvest can be harvested in early August. Can be stored for a long time in a cool basement.

King Kong

This best variety of large-fruited sweet peppers was bred by American scientific breeders. An early ripening crop that produces a harvest 90 days after sowing. The variety has its own characteristics:

  • the harvest is high and stable;
  • the fruits are juicy, fleshy, tasty;
  • not afraid of temperature changes, even critical ones;
  • good transportation characteristics;
  • resistance to diseases.

The bush is standard, compact, up to 70 cm tall. The fruits are large, cube-shaped, which can reach up to 600 g. The bright red color of the fruit attracts attention, and has a wall 1 cm thick. The length of each fruit reaches 16-18 cm. Since the bush produces many large, fleshy fruits, the planting density should be up to 4 bushes per square meter. It is worth noting that if you break off a shoot, it will grow back very quickly. The variety is universal, it can be planted both in open ground and in greenhouses.


There are hybrids that have been on the market for a long time and have proven themselves over time.

California miracle

A sweet, mid-season variety that has an average bush height. The harvest is produced 120 days after sowing. The cube-shaped fruits are very large, reaching 160 g; the wall thickness reaches 0.8 cm.

Peto Miracle

A large bush 1 m high, with fruits up to 800 g and 25-30 cm long, the fruits can be red or yellow with excellent taste and aroma.


An early large-fruited variety of sweet pepper. The first harvest can be tasted 100 days after sowing. The fruits reach 500 g, while the wall thickness is equal to a centimeter. It can grow both indoors and outdoors.

Many people are afraid to sow large varieties of peppers, believing that they cannot do it. But don’t be afraid, they don’t require that much care. It is enough to remove the shoots in time, forming a bush, and water and feed well. Some varieties require mandatory garter.

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The culture is spread throughout Russia. Varietal diversity bell pepper allows you to grow vegetables in different climatic zones. Some varieties are universal, others are intended for cultivation in open areas, for greenhouses and greenhouses, and for growing at home on a windowsill.

Origin and general description of the culture

Sweet pepper has been known since ancient times. The spread of the vegetable around the world began after Columbus discovered America. The seeds of the culture came to Europe, then to Bulgaria, where many hybrid varieties. From this country, a representative of the Solanaceae family came to Russia in great variety, which is why it is still called Bulgarian.

Perennial, but grown in gardening as an annual. Depending on the variety of sweet pepper, a bush of 0.15-3 m grows with paprika of yellow, lemon, whitish, red, orange, purple, brownish, black color, with a specific sweetish taste. At the technical stage, the color is greenish of varying intensity, but the size and shape of the pods correspond to a fully ripened vegetable.

The stem is soft, but becomes woody as it develops. It is very fragile, so the shoots need to be tied up periodically. Mature plant can be standard (1 stem), semi-standard (1-3 additional branches from below), bushy. The leaves are green, ovate or elongated. The root system is powerful and can be located in the surface layer of soil. The seeds are yellowish, flat, remain viable for about 5 years.

Classification by ripening time

When choosing seed material, it is important to consider the length of the growing season, since the crop may not have time to ripen in an area with short summers. For different regions The best varieties have been selected, differing in external characteristics, productivity, and resistance to adverse factors.

According to the duration of ripening there are:

  • ultra-early - ripen to technical maturity in 80-90 days;
  • early ripening – 90-115;
  • mid-season – 115-130;
  • late – about 140 days.

The bags with pepper varieties contain a description containing information on the ripening period, plant characteristics, requirements for growing conditions, and recommendations for using the crop.

It is important to consider that it will not be possible to grow hybrids from your own seeds, since the new bushes will be very different from the mother plant.

Early ripening

– early pepper, ripens in 90-105 days, cultivated in open and protected areas. The bush is semi-standard, up to 80 cm. The pods are large, weighing 110-200 g, red in color, similar to a long cone, ribbed, with walls 5 mm. The variety is characterized by excellent taste, long fruiting, and large fruits.

Green miracle It is allowed to pick after 75-80 days. The pepper got its name because it is recommended for harvesting when it is technically ripe; after ripening it turns red. Characteristics and description of the vegetable: cube-like shape with 3-4 ribs, parameters 10-12 cm, weighs 85-120 g, walls up to 5.5 mm. The variety tolerates well sharp changes temperature, not susceptible to potato virus, tobacco mosaic. Universal use, grows in greenhouses and open areas.

– a variety that ripens to acquire a red color in 115-125 days, intended for greenhouses and hotbeds. The bush grows up to 1.4 m and is formed in a semi-standard form. The peppers are shiny, trunk-like, up to 27 cm, weighing 60 g, thin walls (3 mm). Resistant to tobacco mosaic, in the technical stage it is used together with seeds.

One of the best varieties of sweet pepper - Venti. It bears fruit in 95-110 days and ripens together. The bush is neat, 45-55 cm. Red paprika, similar to a long cone, weighs 60-70 g, pulp thickness is approximately 5 mm. The variety is recommended for fresh vegetable salads.

Suitable for cultivation in open and protected ground, ripens in 90-100 days. Bush 1-1.2 m, yields 7-17 kg per 1 m². The peppers look like a prism, large, weighing 200-500 g, biologically bright, red in color, with walls up to 8 mm. The variety is immune to tobacco mosaic.

– early ripe black bell pepper at the stage of biological maturity. It bears fruit in thick-walled, large, cube-shaped pods, weighing 150-250 g. It is characterized by excellent taste and stable yields.

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– one of the best bell pepper seeds. Paprika ripens in 120-125 days and is cultivated in open and protected beds. The bush is single-stemmed, up to 60 cm. The pods are reddish, directed downwards, weigh 160-170 g, walls 6-8 mm. The variety is recommended for use in fresh, industrial processing and freezing.

Harvesting Peppers Magno F1 start 120-130 days after the first sprouts peck. The variety is intended for cultivation in greenhouses and unprotected areas. The bush is neat, 65-70 cm in height. Vegetables with an edge of 9-12 cm, have a cuboid shape, weighing 200 g, with walls up to 8 mm, change color from dark green to orange. From 1 m² of greenhouse it is possible to collect up to 7 kg, from an open area 4-4.5 kg. Valued for its taste, smell, and long fruiting period.

Kadiyu F1 It is permissible to pick 120-130 days after germination. The variety is suitable for open and protected cultivation. Bush 60-70 cm, neat. Peppers look like cubes with an edge size of 10x9 cm, weigh 200-250 g, wall thickness is 6-7 mm, color changes from dark green to bright yellow. The yield of the variety per 1 m² of greenhouse is 7-8 kg, in an open area - 5.5-6.5 kg.

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Late ripening

– a variety of reddish bell pepper, ripening in 145-155 days. The fruits look like a cube with an edge of 10-12 cm and walls of 5-7 mm. Recommended for growing in greenhouses and unprotected areas of the southern regions, since it will not have time to ripen in the short northern summer. Resistant to tobacco mosaic virus, universal in use.

Ruby variety It will fully ripen to a dark red color in 160-180 days. The bush is neat, 45-60 cm. The peppers are round, slightly flattened, walls up to 10 mm, weighing 115-170 g. The yield per 1 m² is 2.9-3.3 kg. Susceptibility to bacterial wilt is moderate.

Produces ribbed fruits that look like elongated cones, weighing up to 200 g. In the stage full maturity have a bright yellow color, stand out among others for their high content of carotene and vitamin C. The variety is grown on open areas and under film covers. Paprika tolerates transportation, lasts a long time, and retains marketability.

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Selection of seeds for open ground

Depending on the climate of the region and the purpose of the vegetable, varieties with suitable varietal characteristics should be selected. In the South, resistance to drought is required, in the North - to frost, as well as early ripening of peppers. Hybrid varieties are suitable for areas with increased exposure to adverse factors, since they are bred by breeders with specified properties.

Many modern seeds are resistant to diseases and do not require complex care during cultivation.

Thick-walled varieties of sweet peppers for open ground:

  • Golden Jubilee;
  • Kolobok;
  • Fatty;
  • Vesuvius;
  • California miracle;
  • Golden Star of the East F1;
  • Bogdan.

For the middle band

– early productive variety bell pepper. The pods grow red, cone-shaped, pointing down, weighing 80-110 g. They are characterized by taste, high shelf life, transportability, and versatility of use.

Asti lemon pepper– early ripening variety. The bush is powerful, the vegetables look like cubes with an edge of 9 cm, walls 5-6 mm. The color is greenish, becoming bright yellow as it ripens. It stands out among others for its productivity, large pods, and disease resistance. Tolerates drought, long-distance transportation, and is stored for a long time.

Bell pepper Krepysh ready to start harvesting 115-125 days after sprouts appear. The bush is pruned and formed into 1 stem, the height of an adult plant is up to 35-55 cm. At first the fruits are yellow, turning red when they reach full ripeness. The shape is a cone with a blunt tip. Paprika weighs 65-75 g, with 1 m² giving about 3-4 kg.

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For the Urals and Siberia

– early variety, tolerates low temperatures. The bush is medium in height, the yield in unprotected areas is 3.1 kg/m², in film greenhouses 6.7 kg/m². The fruits are cone-shaped, shiny, weighing 90-110 g, maximum 250 g, and when fully ripe they become bright yellow in color. Wall thickness 6-8 mm.

Sweet pepper seeds Cavalier selected at the West Siberian Experimental Vegetable Station. This variety is harvested 105-115 days after germination. After ripening, the fruits become reddish-orange, weigh up to 200 g, and are shaped like a cone.

– mid-season variety. The peppers are pointed with their nose down, look like a wide cone, weigh 150-170 g, with walls of 6 mm. At the technical stage of ripeness, they are green interspersed with a purple tint, after which the color becomes orange with a purple pattern.

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Selecting seeds for greenhouse cultivation

Indoor soil protects the crop from exposure to unfavorable factors, significantly increases productivity, and prolongs the fruiting period. There are varieties intended for cultivation only in such conditions.

The best varieties pepper for a polycarbonate greenhouse:

  1. – a high-yielding hybrid variety of paprika; an adult bush grows tall and spreading. The peppers are large, thick-walled, about 8-8.5 cm long, change color from greenish to yellow, then turn into an orange hue. They are resistant to cracking, have good marketability, and are grown in greenhouse conditions.
  2. – an early variety of purple pepper when technically ripe, changing color to dark red after ripening. An adult plant grows about 1 m in height. The vegetables are large, cube-shaped, weighing 250-280 g, with a wall thickness of 7-8 mm. Characterized by immunity to tobacco mosaic.
  3. – a mid-early hybrid variety, up to 70 cm high. The pods are large, cube-shaped, weigh 200-240 g, with walls 7-9 mm, change color from dark green to dark red. They are distinguished by their suitability for long-distance transportation and good keeping quality.
  4. begins to ripen 130 days after the appearance of sprouts. An adult shrub-type plant, 1.5 m high. The peppers are bright red, directed downwards, cylindrical, up to 25-30 cm long, weighing up to 500 g. The flesh is sweetish, aromatic, about 6-8 mm thick.
  5. Perchik Health can be harvested 80-90 days after the sprouts appear. A bushy plant about 1.4 m high. The vegetable grows blunt-ended, prism-like in shape, weighing 80 g, thick walls, delicate peel. The color changes at different stages of ripeness from light greenish to red.
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The varietal variety of pepper allows you to choose the best variety for given climatic conditions and the desired result. Depending on the variety, the plant grows tall or dwarf. The pods have different shape, color, fleshiness.

28.12.2016 62 742

Sweet pepper varieties - the best, early and productive

The harvest largely depends on how correctly the varieties of sweet pepper are chosen. Peppers, varied in shape, differing in taste and growth rate, are always present on the table in their natural form and in marinades. Their descriptions can be found in many gardening reference books. Many vegetable growers prefer to grow super-early species, but do not forget that late-ripening plants produce bountiful harvest, which stays fresh the longest. Below you will find information on how to choose seeds, look at the photo with a description, and understand what is better for you - early ripening or late varieties.


The earliest varieties of bell pepper

Summer residents and gardeners successfully grow early sweet peppers. They have gained great popularity due to the fact that, under proper conditions and care, the first harvest is harvested with the arrival of summer days. To obtain early harvests, vegetables are grown in greenhouses or film shelters. Varieties for open ground have also been bred, which ripen a little later, but are early. Let's look at a few of them in more detail:

Red Square. Super early variety, ripening occurs 3 months after the first shoots appear from the seeds. The plant is low, up to seventy centimeters high. The fruits are cube-shaped and have a four-chamber structure inside. The weight of one fruit can be 280-300 grams. Vegetables of technical maturity are green in color, then turn red rich color. The walls of the fruit are thick, 0.8-0.9 centimeters. The red square is well stored, so it is easily transported over long distances. The taste characteristics are excellent, used fresh and canned. The variety is resistant to viral diseases;

in the photo - the “red square” pepper variety

Ivanhoe is the most popular and early among many varieties. The first fruits after the entry of seeds appear already on the 105-115th day. By the end of 125-135 days they ripen completely, have a cone-shaped shape, with 2-3 chamber compartments and many seeds. Peppers are smooth, weighing from 95 to 140 grams. The earliest fruits are white-cream in color; when fully ripe, they turn red. The wall thickness of mature vegetables is 5-7 millimeters. Valued for its high commercial quality. Ivanhoe can be eaten and processed for preservation already at technical maturity. The bushes are compact, low, no shaping is required, which facilitates care during the cultivation process. The variety is strong resistant to mosaic diseases and verticillium wilt. ;

Funtik refers to semi-determinate varieties. The height of the plant bush is 50-70 centimeters. Densely leafy, compact. The fruits fully ripen at 125-130 days, technically they ripen at 100-110 days. The fruits are cone-shaped, uneven in shape, weighing 150-180 grams. Good and consistent yield, up to 18 pieces on one bush. High resistance to verticelosis and tobacco mosaic. It is in great demand among summer residents and gardeners, since it can be cultivated in open ground and unheated greenhouses;

in the photo - the “Big Daddy” pepper variety

Czardas belongs to determinant species, height can reach 70 centimeters. The type of bush is bouquet, compact. The fruits are cone-shaped, weighing up to 220 grams, wall thickness 5-6 millimeters. They are tied in bunches, have a beautiful decorative appearance and are suitable for consumption, starting from technical ripeness. Ripe peppers are predominantly orange-red in color. The variety is distinguished by the fact that up to 17 fruits are formed on one plant. Suitable for growing under all types of film covers and for open plantings.

In addition to the above species, there are others that are in no way inferior in their taste and agrotechnical qualities. Also good early varieties include such as Lumina, Triton, Solnyshko, Marinkin's tongue, Winnie the Pooh, Zdorovye, Orange Miracle, Siberian Prince and many others.

The most productive varieties

California miracle has been popular and common for many years. The plant is of medium height, can reach 0.7 meters. A mid-early variety, the technical maturity of the fruit occurs at 125 from the day of seed germination. The fruits are cube-shaped, smooth and glossy. The wall thickness of pepper varies from 4 to 5.5 millimeters, the weight of one fruit is 80-125 grams. Excellent yield and taste characteristics. Distinctive feature is a persistent aromatic odor. Well suited for consumption in its natural form and preparations for the winter;

ox ear, a representative of mid-season varieties. Suitable for cultivation in open areas and under film. Elongated fruit shape, corrugated, cone-shaped, weighing up to 200 grams. The length of one fruit is 12-16 centimeters, the wall thickness is from 6 to 8 millimeters. Turgor lasts for a long period of time and is suitable for long-term transportation. Retain their taste during long-term storage. Cow's ear is resistant to Fusarium wilt. Used in fresh and processed forms;

in the photo - the ox's ear pepper variety

Atlant It is famous for its high yield, which has earned it popularity among many vegetable growers. The plant is medium-sized, semi-standard, with a small number of leaves. The peppers are large, up to 26 centimeters in length. The pulp is juicy, the walls are thick up to 1.1 centimeters. A large number of seeds can be found on the cut. The weight of one fruit ranges from 110 to 150 grams. Excellent taste and aroma. Pepper is good because it prefers thickened plantings;

Eroshka fully reaches biological maturity 120-130 days after seed germination. The plant is compact, low-growing, no more than 50 centimeters high. The fruits are cuboid, tetrahedral and slightly ribbed. On initial stage When ripe, they have a light green color that gradually turns red upon reaching biological maturity. It is characterized by high fertility; up to 15-16 fruits can be collected from one plant. Appreciated for its friendly and early yield of fruits, resistance to infections, good taste and the possibility of cultivation in the open, closed ground.

in the photo - the “black horse” pepper variety

Also considered productive are Bagheera, Golden Calf, Mammoth, Three Fat Men, Mustang, Don Pedro, Bagration and others. And in order to get generous harvests, you need to know how to properly care for it.

Selecting the best varieties of sweet peppers is not easy. Nowadays the market offers a large variety of varieties and hybrids that surprise with their productivity, resistance to diseases, variety of shapes and colors and excellent taste.

Sweet pepper is a vegetable that we can see on every person’s table. It is easy to grow this crop in every garden, no matter what city you live in. And for good harvest, we recommend purchasing on the market the right varieties bell peppers that will grow freely in your area. Today there are a wide variety of varieties of bell peppers, but in this article we will get acquainted with the more popular varieties of this vegetable crop.

Let's meet - sweet pepper

In this article we will tell you what the best varieties of sweet pepper are. With the help of our information, you will select the seeds with which you will be able to reap a rich harvest of this vegetable. It is worth noting that sweet peppers belong to the nightshade family. The fruit is an empty false berry with seeds inside. The color of pepper is varied, it can be like:

  • yellow,
  • purple,
  • brown,
  • red hue.

Central America is the birthplace of bell pepper, where it is classified as a perennial plant, but here in Russia it is considered an annual plant. IN Southern regions In Russia, such as the Krasnodar Territory, the Northern Caucasus, pepper is grown in the ground directly on the street without any protective equipment, and in the regions of the North this crop can grow and bear fruit only in greenhouses.

Popular and early ripening varieties of bell pepper

Big MOM.

This variety was highly appreciated among tasters; it is suitable for both conservation and culinary use. Under normal weather conditions it feels good both in the garden and in greenhouses. The bush reaches a height of up to 1 meter. The pepper fruits themselves can weigh 200 grams. The fetal wall reaches a thickness of about 13mm. The berries are rectangular and smooth. It takes 120 days for the fruit to ripen. Spruce pepper has Orange color, then this indicates that the vegetable is ripe.


The Bogatyr variety should take no more than 120 days to ripen. The spreading bush of this variety can reach a height of 60 cm. The variety is distinguished by the fact that it has rather large fruits. When ripe, it acquires a green color that eventually turns red. The skin is slightly bumpy. The wall thickness of the pepper is 5.5 mm. The fruits can weigh 150-180 grams. Up to 7 kg of crop is harvested from one square meter, which indicates very good performance. This pepper contains many useful microelements, ascorbic acid, routine. Used for canning, freezing, and preparing hot dishes. Pepper of this variety practically does not get sick, and it also tolerates transportation well over long distances.


In this article, we list the best varieties of sweet peppers. The next variety will be able to give its fruits to the summer resident within 130 days after planting. The bush has a spreading shape and grows up to 60 cm, but for a good harvest you need to remove all the leaves before the first branch. The fruits are cone-shaped, 5 mm thick and weighing up to 70 g. They are light green in color. This pepper variety is resistant to diseases, which is good for planting in summer cottages.


If you don’t know what varieties of sweet peppers exist, then pay attention to our article. Here you will surely find something suitable for your garden. The next variety, “Merchant,” can be planted not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground. After planting in the ground, a harvest will appear within 100 days. The fruits of this variety have a pyramidal shape, and their weight can reach up to 130 g. During ripening, the fruit becomes light -green tint. Ripe fruits are red. Pepper “merchant” contains a lot of vitamin C and has a high yield of up to 2.5 kg per 1 sq.m.


This variety is distinguished by the fact that it has cone-shaped fruits, the weight of which reaches 165g. The thickness of the fruit walls is 6 mm. Harvesting can begin 110 days after planting. This variety has three-chambered peppers that are dense and fleshy. During ripening, the fruits become bright light green in color and have a sweet and juicy taste. Harvest 3-5kg per 1m2.


It is worth noting that this variety is grown in almost every garden in our country. The ripening period for pepper is 112 days. And the bushes can reach a length of up to 70 cm. The plant has ribbed, cone-shaped fruits. The pepper has a pleasant creamy color that can be observed during ripening. And when the fruits are fully ripe they become a beautiful red hue. The thickness of the fruit is 7.5 mm. Weight reaches 130 grams. Yield 8kg/m2. Peppercorns are tasty, grow together, are stored for a long time, and do not spoil during transportation.

Big daddy.

If you are looking for the best variety of pepper, then pay attention to the variety with the interesting name - “Big Daddy”. It is suitable for growing in gardens and greenhouses. At proper landing Harvesting begins within 90 days. The “Big Daddy” variety has cone-shaped, very tasty fruits 8mm thick and weighing 150g. When ripe, the fruits turn purple, and after they ripen they acquire a red-brown hue. Harvest from 6 to 8 kg. They remain fresh for a long time and do not deteriorate during transportation over long distances. “Big Daddy” is resistant to diseases, and especially to the tobacco mosaic virus.

California miracle.

In order for the harvest to be rich and tasty, you need to choose good varieties of pepper for open ground. The California Miracle variety begins to bear fruit in 110-130 days. The bushes grow up to 1m in height. You can grow peppers of this variety in the garden or in a greenhouse. . The pepper is juicy and sweet, has a cuboid shape, the thickness of the fruit walls is up to 8 mm, and the weight is up to 150 g. During the ripening process, the vegetable acquires a dark green hue, and when fully ripe, the peppers turn red.

Orange miracle.

The fruits of this variety can be harvested after 100-110 days. The bushes grow above 1 meter in height, the fruits are cube-shaped and can have a bright orange color. The pepper grows tender and juicy. The weight of the fruit can be 250g, and the thickness can be up to 10 mm. The collected fruits are very tasty and are used fresh and for canning.


This variety of pepper is considered the best. Many summer residents note that this pepper can be harvested within 4 months after planting. The bush is undersized. Its height is no more than 50 cm. The fruits are round and have a dark green tint when ripe. In ripe see red. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The walls are 5-6 mm thick and weigh from 50 to 75 g. The variety is resistant to diseases. In addition, it has excellent taste and excellent appearance. This variety of pepper is grown in open but protected ground.


Harvesting can be done after 100-115 days. This variety has large bushes. It is recommended to plant it in areas sheltered from the wind. The pepper is sweet, has a peppery aroma and is yellow in color. And also contains large quantities ascorbic acid. Grows up to 250g with a thickness of up to 5-6mm. It can be grown freely in the summer in the garden or in a greenhouse. The variety is resistant to verticillium. The Gladiator variety is capable of producing a large harvest, which is 4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m.

Varieties for polycarbonate greenhouses

Miracle tree F1.

This variety is recommended for planting in greenhouses. The fruits grow even in the absence of light. They carry blossom end rot disease. The bushes of this variety grow up to 180 cm, the fruits are medium-sized, prism-shaped, and bright red in color. The wall thickness of the pulp is 4-6 cm, and the weight is up to 100g. The peppers are very tasty and sweet. Suitable for processing and fresh use.


The hybrid called “Pharaoh” is suitable for planting in greenhouses and open ground. Medium sized bushes. Harvesting of this variety begins 2 months after planting. The fruits are glossy, prism-shaped, weighing up to 160g. The thickness of the walls of the fetus in this case is 6-8mm. The color of the fruit is yellow, and when fully ripe, red. The yield is 6-7.5 kg per m2. The variety is good for unfavorable weather conditions and tolerates viral diseases well.

Fat Baron.

Pepper is the most popular crop in Russia. In order to buy seeds with high yields, you need to know the best varieties. And in this article we are talking about just that. Fat Baron is a variety of pepper grown not only in greenhouses, but also in the garden. The maximum height of the bush is 55cm. But the bush needs support, since up to 15 fruits can grow on one bush. The fruits are cone-shaped, sweet, weigh up to 140 g, and are 10-12 cm long. Ripe fruits can have a dark green color, which later turns red. Harvesting occurs 120-140 days after planting. Planting in the south of Russia is recommended.

Ox ear.

This pepper variety is characterized early maturation. The fruits can be collected after 70 days. The bushes grow up to 70 cm. The fruits are elongated and have a cone shape. They are also smooth. The weight of the fruit is 200 grams, and the wall thickness can be 6-8 mm. The pepper has a rich red color and a juicy sweet taste. It tolerates transportation well over long distances and is perfectly stored.


The fruits grow up to 30cm long and 500g in weight. The pepper is elongated, cylindrical, sweet and fragrant. It is better to grow cockatoos in the southern sunny regions of Russia, as this variety loves sun and light. Pepper bushes grow up to 1.5 m. The harvest can be harvested after 110 days. This variety is resistant to diseases and rotting processes.

Gift from Moldova.

In this article you can also find early varieties pepper, The “Gift of Moldova” variety has very beautiful and fragrant cone-shaped peppers. Their length can be 10 cm, and their weight reaches 90 g, the wall thickness is 4-5 mm. The fruits are dark red in color and ripen smoothly. Pepper bushes are no higher than 45 cm. This variety is resistant to diseases and adapts to local conditions.


The harvest of this variety will be ready for harvest in 110 days. The Topolin variety is recommended for the southern cities of Russia. Peppers have cone-shaped fruits that are dark red in color, but can also be harvested light green. A pepper can weigh 100-150g. and have a length of up to 10cm. Its walls are up to 6mm thick. Pepper of this variety has excellent taste. The variety also has a very beautiful appearance. Pepper is used for processing and consumed fresh. Resistant to Vercillium wilt.


The fruits of the “Ivangue” variety ripen on the 115th day. The bushes have a height of 70 cm. And the fruits are cone-shaped, weighing up to 140g. The pulp is tender and juicy and has a creamy color. When fully ripe, the pepper turns red. It can be grown in greenhouses and in open ground, the harvest is 7 kg per 1 sq. m. However, these indicators can only be achieved in a greenhouse. The variety deserves high commercial qualities, and also has immunity to diseases and temperature changes.


In this article we have listed the best varieties of sweet peppers for open ground. But the next high-yielding pepper variety is suitable for greenhouses. Harvest occurs after 3 months. Cuboid-shaped fruits dark green colors and then turn red. With a weight of up to 160g and a pulp thickness of up to 7mm. The bush grows up to 80cm in height. Disease resistant. Yield 3kg/m2.


You could learn a lot from this article. Choose the right varieties of peppers so that they will bring you an excellent harvest of tasty, fleshy and sweet fruits.