Homemade electric stove. Electric heater for a sauna: choosing and installing a stove Electric stoves for a sauna yourself

A modern electric oven provides the specified temperature conditions and can replace a Russian wood-burning stove. You can install the device yourself, following the attached recommendations.

Wiring requirements for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

Electric sauna stoves 220 V with a power of up to 4.5 kW operate on single-phase current. High power devices use three-phase current. You can connect several heating elements in parallel to the network, but this increases the current threefold. Therefore, in this case, select the correct cross-section of electrical wires designed for the power of the furnace.
Consider the following points:
  • For a single-phase network, use a three-core cable, for a three-phase network, use a five-core cable.
  • A prerequisite for wires is the presence of a grounding wire.
  • Attach the wires to the wall using conventional cable ducts.
  • The cable between the control panel and the oven must be in special rubber insulation. Sometimes this cable is supplied with the oven.
  • Reinforced insulation wires are expensive, so it is recommended to reduce their length. To do this, install a metal mounting box near the stove (no closer than 1 m), on the wall. Between the box and the remote control, covertly lay ordinary wires in vinyl insulation, and from the box to the oven - wires with reinforced insulation. Pull the heat-resistant wires through a metal hose or pipe, which you ground.
  • In conditions of high temperature twisting of copper and aluminum wires oxidize, so all wires in the structure must be copper.

Rules for placing an electric furnace for a bath

It is recommended to install an electric stove in the corner closest to the front door. Manufacturers produce corner electric stoves for Russian baths; some models can be hung on the wall. Modern products can be installed in the middle of a steam room if all requirements for the safe operation of the device are met.
Please meet the following requirements:
  1. The gaps specified in the technical documentation of the device must remain between the hot surfaces of the stove and the walls of the bath. Typically the gaps are 50 cm.
  2. The device can be placed close to a flammable surface if it is protected by a special screen.
  3. For safety reasons, the device is protected by protective structures. The gap between them and the stove must be at least 7 cm, different for each device.
  4. Behind the stove, provide an inlet for ventilation of the bath. It is made at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor. The air should exit through a hole on the opposite side of the room. The diameters of the ventilation holes range from 150 to 250 mm, depending on the power of the stove.
  5. A foundation for floor structures is not needed; make a massive base of fireclay brick or metal sheet on a heat-insulating base.
  6. You can cover the floor on which a small stove stands with non-flammable material, for example, ceramic tiles or an asbestos-cement slab. Please note that the stove has a lot of weight with stones.

Features of installation of electric furnace elements in a bathhouse

All electric furnaces contain the same components, connected to each other by cables. Fundamental electrical diagram The device is simple: voltage from the mains is supplied to some terminals of the remote controller, and other wires going to the heating device are connected to the output terminals. If there is a steam generator, wires are stretched from the remote control to it. The installation of each element is carried out according to certain rules.

Installation of the furnace body in the bathhouse

The housing contains heating elements and their connection points. There are models in which space is allocated for stones, a water tank or a steam generator.
If the stove must work with stones, you cannot turn it on if they are missing; the heating elements will fail. Rinse the stones well before laying. The sizes of stones are also regulated. Usually pebbles measuring 5-9 mm are used. The heating rate of the steam room depends on their size.

Installation of a control panel for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

Using the remote control you can set the temperature and various effects. Sensors allow you to see changes in heating. In modern electric sauna stoves, the control panel of the device is often built into the stove body, and the device is configured directly from the steam room. A remote control is also supplied with the device and performs duplicate functions. When installing the remote control, adhere to the following recommendations:
  • Due to the high temperature and humidity in the steam room, install the remote control on the wall in a room that is maintained at room temperature.
  • Stretch the wires from the remote control to the electrical panel and connect to a separate circuit breaker. The switch must be rated to match the power of the electric furnace.
  • The circuit must also contain an RCD.
  • The remote control and the stove in the baths are in different rooms, so make wall penetrations to pull the wires.
  • After making a hole in the wall, install a tube made of non-combustible material through which you pull the cable. Then seal the hole with non-flammable material, such as cement.
  • Do not lay electrical cables and wires from sensors in the same wall penetration.
  • It is advisable to carry out the laying of cables at the stage of erecting the walls of the bathhouse.

Temperature and humidity sensors for an electric furnace in a bathhouse

The sensors are connected using special heat-resistant cables. Sensor wires must be solid; multiple cables connected to each other cannot be used for extension. They are installed in the places specified in the oven operating instructions. Typically, sensors are installed above the stove, shelves or above the exit from the steam room.

Grounding an electric furnace in a bathhouse

The room must have its own grounding circuit to which the stove is connected. The circuit is buried in the ground at the construction stage of the bathhouse. The grounding cable from the furnace to the circuit is pulled through cable channels. If there is no circuit, connect the oven grounding cable to the neutral terminal on the electrical panel.
And finally, we present a video about electric sauna stoves:

This concludes the list of basic rules for installing an electrical device in a bathhouse. By completing them, you will be able to install an electric sauna stove with your own hands and get a safe, easy-to-use unit. Author: editors of TutKnow.ru

For some, there is nothing better than the smell of firewood cracking from the fire and the feeling of real, natural warmth, but for others, on the contrary, they are ready to sacrifice the original Russian attributes of a bathhouse and give preference to comfort and functionality. In this regard, electric sauna stoves - perfect option: they do not need to be supplied with fuel from time to time, they do not smoke or smoke, and thanks to their compactness and lightness, the interior of even a very small steam room can be made quite attractive.

Modern electric stoves for baths are good not only because they take up little space - they do not need to be installed with a chimney, and therefore their installation will cost several times less than any other stove. In addition, only an electric heater has a fairly wide temperature range. And thirdly, the area around electric stoves is always perfectly clean: no ash, no dust, no smog.

Advantages of electric ovens over others

Modern electric sauna stoves are much stronger and more durable than conventional wooden ones. They also have a number of rather pleasant advantages:

  • They are extremely easy to use - just press a button and you can prepare for bath procedures.
  • If desired, you can use voltage of different phases: either 220V or 380V.
  • You can place such a stove in a steam room anywhere - be it near a wall or in the center.
  • A modern electric stove is absolutely safe for a bath: it has a well-thought-out cyclic operation, automation and protective shutdown of its heating elements.
  • Many models of such furnaces are designed to maintain desired temperature in the steam room without additional energy.
  • Most modern models of electric furnaces have a built-in or even remote control panel, which is very convenient.
  • With such a stove, the steam room warms up quickly, the heat is soft and uniform.

What should you consider when choosing?

The choice of these compact and convenient sauna stoves today is truly huge. And, in order not to make a mistake and choose the ideal unit for your favorite steam room, it is important to pay attention to the following parameters:

Usually the required power of an electric furnace is calculated using the following formula: 1 cubic meter steam room volume = 1 kilowatt of electricity. After this calculation, you still need to take into account the energy capacity of the room - so that a short circuit does not occur and the plugs are not knocked out, as well as the available voltage - is it 220V or 380V.

2. Controls

The second important fact is how exactly the furnace will be controlled. Namely, its built-in remote control or remote control, whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is that using the remote control you can control the heating of the bath, maintain the temperature for the required time and turn it off by pressing the same button.

3. Heater type

This parameter of an electric oven is the most important. Thus, heaters can be strip, heating element or combined. A heating element, also called tubular, is capable of heating a steam room to 800°C, but it is short-lived due to its fragility. That is why it is better to buy electric sauna stoves only with expensive heating elements made of stainless alloy, which can withstand repeated heat loads.

But a tape heater will ensure faster achievement of the required temperature. It is more economical and environmentally friendly than a heating element, but its surface temperature is much lower, and therefore it does not burn air as much. It also lasts much longer than tubular ones.

Combined stoves, which combine both tape and electric heating elements, are much more expensive, but they heat the steam room very quickly and to the highest temperature that can be achieved.

4. Furnace design

Modern sauna stoves - electric - can be of very different designs and sizes. These include electric heaters for the very center of the steam room, and corner stoves with a special bracket.

The bathhouse itself can be either beautiful metal or lined with natural stone. Moreover, the facing stone - and this can be soapstone, and coil, and soapstone, which in itself is not only aesthetics, but also:

Protection from direct infrared radiation;
- heat accumulation;
- absence of convection temperature changes;
- ideal uniform thermal background in the steam room;
- beneficial effect on the human body.

5. Certificate of conformity

And finally, when purchasing an electric stove for a bath, you must require a certificate for the product and a certificate for its fire safety.

Subtleties and nuances of installing an electric oven

And, if there is an opportunity to have the stove installed by a real electrician, it is better to take advantage of it - this is what Russian SNIPs require. But as a last resort, it is important to simply remember the following safety rules:

  1. The bathhouse must have a grounding circuit, its own separate circuit, and not just a neutral wire from the substation. If this is not the case, then it will be necessary to do “zeroing” - connect the zero terminal switchboard with an electric furnace grounding wire. Secondly, the electric heater must be equipped with an established emergency shutdown device so that it is triggered without error in the event of short circuits or overheating of the air.
  2. The electric furnace can only be connected using a heat-resistant and moisture-resistant cable that can withstand the temperature conditions.

That's all the nuances. If the electric oven has been installed correctly and safety precautions have been followed, all that remains is to enjoy the cozy warmth of the steam room. After all, there is one very pleasant plus in caring for an electric stove - no chimneys or cleaning them!

The bathhouse, sauna, hammam and many other similar rooms where people come to rest, relax and improve their health are noticeably different from each other, but there is one thing that unites them all existing varieties steam room - warmth.

The source of thermal energy in a steam room is traditionally a stove. And if previously, heaters operating on wood and other types were mainly used to heat the steam room space solid fuel, then today electric units operating from a conventional 220 V network are becoming increasingly popular.

After studying the information below, you will learn how electric stoves work, what are their advantages over other models, what to consider when choosing such a unit, and also how to independently install and connect it in a steam room.

The design of a typical electric sauna stove consists of a body, a thermal insulation layer and an electric heater (traditionally these are heating elements). The outer part of the case is covered with metal plates, inside of which there are channels for air circulation. The body of the electric sauna stove is filled with stones. The recommendation for choosing these is simple: what larger size laid stones, the faster the steam room space, heated by an electric stove, warms up. The thermal insulation layer in the design of modern electric sauna stoves is represented by steel screens placed one after the other.

The design of modern electric stoves is absolutely safe - there are units on sale that can be used even in apartment saunas without any fear or difficulty.

The circuit diagram of a traditional electric sauna stove model is shown in the following image.

The “heart” of an electric furnace is heating elements. Many uninformed citizens planning to purchase a similar unit for their sauna have a number of questions regarding heating elements. The answers to the most popular of them are presented in the following table.

Table. Features of using heating elements of electric sauna stoves

Question answer

The stones are laid so that the heating elements are completely closed. This will ensure protection of the heating elements from water ingress. At the same time, a gap must be left between the stones to ensure proper air exchange.

Heating elements are electrical elements Therefore, you cannot pour water on them. It is allowed to add water only to the stones, and the liquid must be warm. Otherwise, the tubular electric heater, if not immediately, will fail very quickly.
Regarding this point, everything depends on the manufacturer, design features and operation of the heating unit. In practice, it has been established that the average service life of budget models and devices in the mid-price category is about 5-6 years. More expensive heating elements serve regularly for up to 10 years. In commercial saunas this figure decreases to 2-3 years.

Why an electric oven?

Firstly, modern electric stoves are characterized by much higher strength and service life compared to their ordinary wood-burning “brothers”.

Additional advantages of electric furnaces include the following indicators:

  • extreme ease of operation - just turn on the unit with one press of a button and start preparing for the upcoming bath procedures. During this time, the oven will have time to warm the room to a comfortable temperature;
  • ease of installation - the electric stove can be installed either in the center of the steam room or near some wall. You just need to maintain the distance recommended by the manufacturer between the stove body, walls and other elements of the environment;
  • absolute safety - automation equipment, protective elements, cyclical operation and many other components eliminate the risk of fire and other problems associated with the operation of more traditional sauna stoves operating using other energy sources;
  • ease of control - almost every modern electric oven has not only a built-in, but also a remote control panel, thanks to which the use of the unit becomes as convenient as possible.

At the same time, there are no complaints about the environment created by an electric sauna stove: the steam room heats up as evenly and quickly as possible, and the heat generated is soft and very pleasant.

How to choose the right electric sauna stove?

The modern market offers a huge range of electric sauna stoves with various characteristics and functions. The most popular models of different categories are presented in the following image.

The variety of models presented can confuse and confuse an uninformed user. To choose the optimally suitable electric stove for a sauna, you need to take into account a number of important parameters and related nuances. Information regarding this is given in the following table.

Table. Criteria for choosing an electric sauna stove

Selection criterionDescription

To determine the volume of a room, it is necessary, as is known, to multiply the values ​​of its height, width and length. Based on the results of this calculation, the required power of the electric furnace in kilowatts is determined based on a simple rule: 1 kW of electricity for every cubic meter of space.
Be sure to compare the energy capabilities of the room (determined individually by the characteristics of each project) with the power of the heating unit. If there are discrepancies, in the best case the oven simply will not turn on, in the worst case a short circuit will occur, the possible consequences of which do not require additional discussion.
Also make sure that the selected stove model matches the voltage of your sauna (220 V or 380 V).
An important criterion for choosing an electric stove for a sauna is its control mechanism. As noted, stoves can be equipped with a built-in control panel, a remote control, or both elements at once. Regarding this point, each buyer makes a decision independently, giving preference to the option that is most convenient for him.
If you choose an oven with a remote control, make sure that remote device allowed at least to turn on the unit, set the required temperature and turn off the heating.
One of the most significant selection criteria. As noted, furnaces with heating elements are most widespread. In addition to this option, there are models on the market with tape heaters, as well as combined variations.
Heating elements are capable of heating the surrounding space to impressive levels of hundreds of degrees. Their main disadvantages are fragility and comparative fragility. Heating elements made from stainless alloys have the highest quality.
Stoves with tape heaters allow you to quickly warm up the steam room to the required temperature compared to their counterparts equipped with tubular heating elements. Additional benefits of tape heaters:
- higher rates of efficiency of use;
- environmental friendliness;
- lower surface heating temperature, due to which the air is not “burned” so noticeably;
- long service life.
Combined models of electric sauna heaters combine the advantages of the two previously discussed models:
- warm up the steam room space very quickly;
- provide the highest possible temperature in the room.
The main disadvantage of combined models is their high cost.
Design is everyone's personal business. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of electric sauna stoves, made in a wide variety of size variations and having different designs. For example, in addition to standard models installed near the wall, you can purchase a unit designed for installation in the center of the room or in a corner.
The body of an electric sauna stove can be either simply beautiful metal or finished natural stone(talcomagnesite, soapstone, coil, etc.). The presence of such cladding is not only a tribute to design, but also to functionality:
- more effective protection of steam room visitors from direct exposure to infrared rays is provided;
- stones accumulate (accumulate) heat, and then release it to the environment for some time even after the stove is turned off, which allows you to save some money on electricity bills;
- cladding helps eliminate convection temperature changes and create a generally harmonious thermal background in the steam room, etc.
Ask the seller to present a certificate of conformity for the stove you like. If this is not available, you should refrain from purchasing, because... It will not be possible to obtain reliable information regarding where and by whom the stove was assembled, how long it will last and whether such a unit is safe at all.
Important! Key documents 2: certificate directly for the product, as well as for its compliance with fire safety standards.

Important notes before installing an electric sauna heater

In accordance with current regulations, installation of this type of equipment must be carried out by professional, licensed electricians. However, many owners decide to install electric stoves themselves. If you wish, you can follow their example, but remember: responsibility for any consequences will lie solely with you.

ELECTRIC HEATER FOR SAUNA VIZA Data sheet and operating instructions

Instructions - download

In order for the further operation of the electric sauna stove to be reliable and safe, it is necessary to ensure compliance with several important requirements.

Firstly, the room must have its own grounding circuit. In this case, the circuit must be separate - connecting to the neutral wire from an electrical substation will not work. In the absence of an individual grounding circuit, it will be necessary to arrange a “grounding”. To do this, connect the grounding cable of the installed furnace to the neutral terminal of the distribution board.

Secondly, the connection of the electric stove must be made through an individual protective shutdown device, which is triggered in the event of excessive air overheating or a short circuit.

Thirdly, to connect the device in question to the network, you need to use a wire designed for use in such temperature and humidity conditions.

Fourthly, as noted, the installation of the unit must be carried out maintaining clearances in relation to nearby surfaces and objects. Specific recommendations on this matter are given in the instructions for the stove - please check individually. The minimum allowable distances are shown in the following image.

To fully understand the process, you should also consider the requirements for wires, cables and other related components that are used in the process of connecting an electric oven. Information regarding these points is given in the following table.

Table. Requirements for wiring diagram elements

Connected elementDescription

Remote Control If the stove is equipped with a remote control, it is installed on the wall near the door leading to the steam room, or in another room with normal room temperature (some models allow installation directly in the steam room, please check individually).
The distribution panel must have a separate circuit breaker for the remote control. In this case, the rating of the machine is selected in accordance with the current load that a particular stove consumes (information is indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions).
In accordance with current requirements, when connecting an electric sauna stove, either a differential circuit breaker is installed with a leakage current rating of 30 mA, or a residual current device is connected to the circuit after the switch.
Cable for connecting the remote control panel There are no strict requirements for it. If the network is single-phase, a three-wire wire is used, if it is three-phase, a five-wire wire is used. Recommended wire brands are NYM or VVG-ng.
Grounding conductor It was noted that an electric sauna stove must be grounded through an appropriate conductor (PE).
The cable installation method is determined according to the conditions of the specific situation. The most commonly used method is cable duct installation.
Cable for connecting an electric oven You cannot connect the oven itself using vinyl-insulated wires. In order for the operation of the heating unit to be as safe and efficient as possible, the connection must be made using a special cable equipped with rubber insulation with high heat-resistant properties (often you have to purchase it separately) or using a heat-resistant solid wire RKGM brand. Recommendations regarding optimal wire cross-sections are indicated in the instructions for the furnace, because this moment depends mainly on the power consumed by the unit.
Wire protection is provided by the forces of a metal tube or a grounded metal sleeve.
Along with this, laying cables through tubes and sleeves is a technically complex undertaking, and wires in a heat-resistant sheath are quite expensive. There is a compromise solution to this issue, which requires the installation of an additional junction box. Its installation is carried out on the wall, while maintaining approximately a meter distance from the stove and 50 centimeters from the floor. In this case, the connection is made like this:
- cables of NYM/VVG-ng brands are hidden hidden up to the installation box;
- wires in heat-resistant insulation are laid from the installation box through the pipes/metal sleeve.
Wires for connecting sensors These elements are included with the electric sauna stove. It is prohibited to twist, extend, or include such cables in intermediate connections.
Requirements for sensor installation points are given in the manufacturer's instructions - strictly follow each of them. Most often, installation is performed above an electric stove, as well as above the exit from the steam room and above the sauna shelves.
Wall penetrations If the stove and the remote control panel attached to it are placed in different rooms, it will be necessary to install wall penetrations, which must be made in strict accordance with the current requirements of the PUE.
Thus, at the penetration points, an embedded tube made of fire-resistant material is installed. After installing the cable, such a tube must be sealed with a material that does not support combustion and does not contribute to the spread of fire. For example, you can use cement.
Important! The joint passage of sensor connection lines with power cable lines is unacceptable.

This concludes the list of basic requirements. Having completed them, you will have at your disposal a completely safe, easy-to-use and effective unit. And there is no need to install protective screens, chimneys, or other elements, the presence of which is mandatory in the case of using furnaces that operate by burning fuel.

It is impossible to provide universal instructions for connecting an electric heater, because... the designs of such units and the connection diagrams of elements can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer and model of the device. Previously, you received recommendations on choosing wires for connecting an electric sauna stove and tips on its safe installation. Next, you need to either seek help from a professional electrician, or connect the circuit elements in accordance with the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

As an example, we will consider the procedure for wall installation and connection of the Cava electric oven from SAUNATEC. Separately, you can read the installation instructions for the popular Harvia stove model.

Download file – Instructions for connecting the Cava oven


Download file – Instructions for connecting the Harvia oven

Instructions for connecting the Harvia oven

Preparing for installation and connection

Before you begin installing and connecting the electric heater, make sure that all the components declared by the manufacturer are included in the package. In the example under consideration it is:

  • oven directly;
  • soapstones (most often made from soapstone);
  • fasteners for electric oven;
  • fastening strip;
  • metal screws;
  • screws for the cover;
  • mounting and support plates.

The number of listed elements, as well as the composition of the given list, may vary depending on the design of the stove being installed, which is why these points are subject to individual clarification.


The characteristics of the electric heater, taken as an example for writing this manual, are shown in the following table.

Important! The manufacturer's instructions must provide information regarding which control panels a particular electric heater is compatible with. Be sure to follow the recommendations provided. Operating the stove with an unsuitable remote control is not safe.

Carefully inspect the electric oven before installing and connecting it. If you notice any kind of external damage or find that any elements from the stated kit are missing, postpone installation and contact the place where you purchased the device.

Be sure to make sure that the power of the installed stove will be sufficient to service your steam room. Recommendations regarding these issues have been provided previously. Information about the power and maximum volume of the room served must be provided by manufacturers in the instructions for their furnaces.

To ensure that the installation of an electric sauna stove is carried out on top level, ensure that the following requirements are met:

  • make sure that the established installation dimensions are strictly observed;
  • use for finishing ceilings and walls wooden panels– this is a more acceptable option for a steam room, but not the only one possible;
  • strengthen the walls in the places where the electric heater fasteners are installed in any available way;
  • do not trust the connection of the furnace to an unqualified person;
  • Do not install more than one electric stove in the steam room. If the power of the unit you are looking at is not enough to effectively service the existing volume of the room, buy a more efficient electric heater.

Installation and connection

Instructions for self-installation and connection of an electric sauna stove are given in the table.

Table. Installation and connection of an electric heater

Work stageDescription

Carefully study the instructions specifically for your electric sauna stove in order to determine the minimum permissible safe distances between the oven and surrounding objects/surfaces. Recommendations specifically for this unit are shown in the diagram.
Thus, the distance between flammable surfaces and the heater, if it is placed at a height of no more than 45 cm, is 1 cm. If the electric stove is installed at a height exceeding the mentioned figure, the distance between its side walls and surfaces must be increased to at least 10 cm, between the front side and flammable elements - up to value D. Parameter D depends on the power of the installed device. For example, in the case of an electric oven with a power of 6 kW, the value of D is 30 cm, when installing a device with a power of 9 kW - 35 cm, etc.
To fasten the stove in question, a bar is used, the holes of which are located at a distance of 24 cm from each other.
The following elements are used directly to mount the device to the wall:
- furnace fasteners, indicated in the diagram by the letter A;
- fasteners for fixing to the wall (marked with the letter B);
- metal screws with a diameter of 4.2 mm and a length of 13 mm;
- cover screw. In the case of this stove, it has a diameter of 6 mm and a length of 40 mm.
Fasteners A must be placed in the hole located on the rear panel of the electric sauna stove. Install them so that the fixing part of the fastener is oriented upward.
The image shows The right way securing elements A in the structure of the electric furnace.
The wall strip (marked B) is attached to the selected section of the wall. The fixation must be done in such a way that the holes with the previously discussed fasteners A are located on top.
Also, the mounting strip can be fixed directly on the surface of the electric oven.
Pre-mark the mounting locations for the planks on the wall. If necessary, you can drill guide holes for easier mounting.
Next, you just have to attach the device to be installed to the wall. To do this, use the screws included in the kit.
For attaching furnace elements to wall rack Use self-tapping screws designed for working with metal.
After completing the installation to the wall, make sure that the legs of the device rest evenly on the floor surface. When adjusting the legs, a 15mm tolerance is maintained. This makes it possible to install the stove without distortions and as smoothly as possible.
The main function of the junction box is to ensure the connection of electrical wires with heat-resistant insulation used in the steam room, as well as wires through which the voltage provided by the distribution board is supplied to the device.
If possible, the distribution box should be installed outside the steam room - this is the best option. If this is not possible, the location for mounting the box is selected in accordance with the diagram shown.
The installed box must have heat-resistant properties and be able to withstand temperatures up to +125 degrees. In this case, the connection is made using wires, the insulation of which allows them to be successfully operated at temperatures up to +170 degrees.
When choosing a location for installing the junction box, make sure that there will be no difficulties in servicing it in the future.
The control panel is connected to the electric oven via a cable. There are remote control models on sale that are designed for installation both outside the steam room and inside the room.
It is impossible to provide any universal instructions regarding the selection of the location of the remote control and the installation of this device - the positions vary depending on the model of the unit and are subject to individual clarification in the manufacturer’s instructions.
In the example under consideration, the system is equipped with a temperature sensor model OLET 19. It is installed on the wall of the steam room along the heater line. The distance between the ceiling of the steam room and the sensor is 4 cm (other values ​​may be indicated in the instructions specific to your sensor, please check).
The temperature sensor must be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Deviations from approved standards can result in overheating of the steam room.
The function of the sensor itself is very important: if the electric heater, for some reason, heats up the surrounding space above the permissible values, the limiter included in the temperature sensor circuit will turn off the power supply and, consequently, the stove. After the temperature drops to normal indicators, the user will be able to independently return the limiter to its initial position by pressing the return button.
Important! Before returning the limiter to its original position, try to find the reason for the limiter operation and take action to eliminate it. If you cannot solve this problem yourself, invite a qualified electrician - this mode of operation of the electric heater is not normal and safe.
Ventilation system design In order for the electric sauna stove to operate correctly and, most importantly, to be safe for sauna visitors, effective air exchange must be organized in the room. In the case of an electric heater, complete replacement of the air in the room should be carried out 6 times within one hour. Ventilation can be natural or forced. Schemes of each option with accompanying descriptions are presented below.
When installing a natural ventilation system, the air supply duct is installed behind the stove, at a minimum elevation from the floor. If possible, the air supply should be organized directly from the street. If this is not possible, from an adjacent room with dry, fresh air.
The hood is installed under the ceiling, at the maximum distance from the electric heater and at a distance of at least 1 m up from the supply duct through which fresh air is supplied.
The flow area of ​​the exhaust ventilation duct should be approximately twice the corresponding parameter of the fresh air supply duct.
Each channel is equipped with its own sized ventilation valve. In this case, it is recommended to install 2 dampers on the hood - one near the ceiling, the other under the top shelf.
It is important to know how to use ventilation correctly. So, if the steam room is not used for its intended purpose and there is no one in the room, the valves should be closed. Before turning on the stove, you must fully open the air supply duct damper and partially open the hood damper located under the top shelf.
As the room warms up, the intensity of air exchange is adjusted by changing the degree of opening of the exhaust valve.
After turning off the electric oven, the upper hood opens completely, which allows for effective drying of the steam room.
Additional notes:
- between bottom the door leading to the steam room and the floor surface must be left with at least a 50 mm gap;
- due to the fact that the system is equipped with a temperature sensor, it is prohibited to place the input channel in the area above the stove at a height of more than 100 cm from the ceiling surface.
In case of arrangement forced ventilation, the fan will be responsible for supplying fresh air. The supply channel is installed 0.5 m above the electric furnace. The hood must be installed at a minimum distance from the floor (visible in the diagram).
When calculating the power of the supply fan, adhere to the rule that for each visitor to the steam room there should be at least 10 m3 of air for one hour. It is also important to remember that increasing the performance of the ventilation system inevitably entails the need to increase the power of electrical equipment and contributes to an increase in energy consumption.
But the presence of forced air exchange makes it possible to organize a more uniform distribution of heated air masses across the height of the room, which is a big advantage compared to natural ventilation.
Connecting the oven to the electrical network To understand the process, you need to study a number of rules and diagrams, which is what you are asked to do outside the table.

The equipment in question is connected to the network using special cables in heat-resistant insulation. Foreign brands VSB and VSN or their domestic analogues RKGM, PVKV, etc. are optimally suited. To determine the required cable parameters, refer to the information given in the following table.

You can study the connection diagrams directly in the manufacturer’s instructions attached specifically to your stove. In the case of the example under consideration, the wiring diagrams look like this:

A schematic diagram of connecting an electric sauna stove is shown in the following image.

Having connected the furnace in accordance with the above diagrams, proceed to further stages of work.

Table. Laying stones

Work stageDescription

Soap stones are placed only after the stove is installed in accordance with the instructions. Recommendations for installing the unit on a wall were given earlier.
Unpack the stones. Remove the short pieces from the packaging. You will recognize the stone to be laid first by its rounded bottom corners. Carefully place the element into the groove of the furnace body. The angles of the remaining soapstones are the same, so the order in which they are installed does not matter.
At this stage, the fixing plates are installed (in the example under consideration there are 8 of them). The installation of the plates must be carried out in such a way that they overlap the stones being laid. Thanks to this, the required gap will remain between the laid elements.
Plates are mounted on each side of all soapstones being laid, except the very first one.
After completing the laying of the front (short) stones, place the elements in the oven that are designed to be installed inside the heater. Their total weight for the stove in question should be about 30 kg. Most likely, there will be no stones included in the package and you will have to get them yourself. The best option is to buy in a specialized store. This point will be discussed in more detail below.
Place the stones so that the heating elements are completely closed.
Important! The placement of stones must be carried out strictly in accordance with the instructions provided. You cannot place stones between soap front elements and heating elements. In addition, a ban on the operation of an electric sauna stove is imposed if there are no soapy front stones, as well as if cracks are detected on the elements being laid.
Once you have laid the inner stones, proceed to attach the supplied support plates above them. The installation procedure for these elements is shown in the images.
Looking into the body of an electric sauna stove, you will see special limiters. The presence of these elements will prevent the soapstones from moving once they are placed.
Install the plates between the pre-installed vertical stops. The stones themselves will also be located between the limiters.
For correct installation of the upper soapstone, you first need to push its edge under one of the edges, and then under the second edge, so that as a result the element rests on the surface of the stop.
At the same time, make sure that the upper soapstone is located behind the preset stop.
Install a top soapstone that has rounded edges. This element must be pushed under the edge from the second end, and then pushed along the base plate until the limiter is reached.
In the corresponding image, limiters for fixing the position of the stones being laid are marked with arrows.
In the case of this stove, the middle stones have a length of 40.5 cm. Installation is carried out as follows: first, the element is pushed into the space under the right edge, after which it moves along the slab under the edge on the left until a stop with a horizontal stop is provided.
After completing the installation, make sure that there are uniform gaps between the elements, and that the stones themselves are located between the stops.
As noted, the full and correct operation of the electric heater is ensured by the complex efforts of facing (soap) and third-party internal stones, which are best purchased separately in a specialized store for baths.
Before placing stones in the kiln, they should be washed and dried. The largest stones are placed at the bottom, and smaller elements at the top. Gaps must be maintained between the stones being laid to allow air circulation. Additionally, make sure that under the influence of stones the heating elements are not pressed against each other and against the stove body.
Place the stones so that heating elements were completely closed. Refrain from using too small stones - if they are present, air circulation will noticeably worsen.
Between the first heating element and the front facing stones the internal stones are not stacked.
Before turning on the stove, make sure that all stones are intact and arranged in accordance with the instructions. You cannot turn on the oven if the mentioned violations are detected.
Important! Do not use ceramic stones in combination with an electric sauna stove - this may damage it and deprive you of the right to warranty service.
It is prohibited to turn on the stove without stones.

In order for the electric heater to perform the tasks assigned to it for as long as possible and efficiently, it must be properly warmed up before being put into permanent operation.

The first heating is carried out as follows:

  • the oven turns on, the temperature is set to 50 degrees;
  • After an hour, the device turns off and the stones are allowed to cool completely.

The procedure for the second warm-up is as follows:

  • the oven turns on, the temperature is set to 80 degrees;
  • The oven is allowed to warm up for an hour and then turned off.

Important! During the first heating, pouring water on the stones is prohibited. Otherwise, they may fail prematurely.

After the second warm-up, the device can be put into permanent operation.

Good to know! During use, the color of soap stones may change - this is normal. Such changes are caused, firstly, by the effects of high temperature, and secondly, by the quality of water poured onto the stones.

Important! If you find that the stones emit any odor or crack during operation of the stove, stop using them.

Recommendations for the correct use of an electric sauna stove

The oven is installed and connected. All that remains is to figure out how to use it correctly. It is recommended that you start studying this section by reading in more detail the information regarding the first use of the electric heater.

First of all, make sure that your stove is securely and correctly installed, plugged in, the stones are laid out in accordance with the requirements discussed earlier, and the temperature sensor and control panel are where they should be and connected in accordance with the relevant manufacturer's instructions.

Turn on the electric heater using the main switch. It is usually located at the bottom of the device. Set the previously recommended temperature (for the first warm-up - 50 degrees). Let the oven run for an hour and then turn it off. During this time, carefully monitor her condition.

Important! The first switching on may be accompanied by the appearance of a foreign odor. This is a variant of the norm and goes away quite quickly. The appearance of an uncharacteristic odor upon subsequent switching on of the stove is a reason to contact the service department.

Safety precautions

To ensure that visiting a sauna equipped with an electric stove causes only pleasant impressions and does not cause any trouble, follow a number of simple rules.

How to care for an electric stove and sauna?

First of all, basic hygiene must be maintained in the steam room. After each visit to the steam room, clean it up and dry it by opening the ventilation valve.

At least once a year (in the case of intensive use of the sauna - once every six months), remove all the stones, inspect them for integrity and replace cracked elements. Remove broken stones from the oven and throw them away. To replace damaged elements, use only high-quality stones designed specifically for use in conjunction with electric ovens.

Regularly wipe the oven with a damp, soft cloth to remove external contamination and generally maintain an acceptable appearance of the device. The use of abrasive cleaning agents is prohibited.

Have a professional electrician come to your sauna every year to check the condition of the connections in the terminal box - constant temperature fluctuations lead to loosening of screw connections.

Popular malfunctions of electric sauna stoves

It is possible that various kinds of problems will arise during the operation of the electric heater. You can find a description of the most common faults in the following table.

Table. Popular malfunctions of electric sauna stoves

ProblemSolution options

The oven does not heat up Try to resolve the issue by following these steps:
- turn on the main switch;
- activate heating using the electric heater control panel;
- make sure there is input voltage;
- check the condition of the temperature limiter - it may have tripped and turned off the stove;
- make sure the fuses are intact.
The oven does not heat well enough The average heating time for a well-insulated steam room with an electric oven is 1 hour. If during the specified period the situation in the steam room has not changed for the better, try the following:
- increase the temperature by setting the appropriate value on the control panel;
- make sure that the stones are laid correctly and in sufficient quantity. Do not forget about the need to leave gaps between individual elements, the absence of which leads to poor air circulation;
- make sure that the power of the stove used is sufficient to service a steam room of this size;
- check the condition of the ventilation system - too intensive operation leads to the need to increase the furnace power;
- check the functionality of all heating elements (they turn red during operation).

If the actions taken do not help normalize the situation, the problems are quite serious and require the involvement of a qualified specialist - it will not be possible to cope with them on your own without the appropriate skills.

An electric heater is an excellent alternative to conventional stoves that operate on the principles of fuel combustion. Now you can select a device and prepare to connect it, or even handle this task entirely on your own.

Video – Electric sauna stove 220V

A Russian bathhouse without a stove is just a damp barn. And it is the stove that transforms an ordinary building into a kingdom of healthy relaxation. A high-quality heated steam room will bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

If stove heating install it with your own hands, it will warm for many years not only the body, but also the soul, with the awareness of the work done. To do this, you must either purchase a ready-made unit or make it yourself. In any case, in order for everything to work out efficiently during installation, you should adhere to some rules, which we will consider in this article.

Installation Rules

With a purchased stove, the situation is somewhat simpler. The instructions accompanying the purchase will greatly help you.

Design own production requires twice as much attention. But if all the necessary nuances are observed, nothing too complicated is expected.

So, the installation of sauna stoves has the following important points:


For safety reasons, installation of a stove in a bathhouse should begin with pouring a reliable and level foundation.

To do this we do this:

  • At the chosen location, we dig a hole 40 cm deep for an iron stove and 80 cm for a brick stove, since it is much heavier. The dimensions should exceed the dimensions of the unit itself by several centimeters.
  • Fill in 15 cm of gravel and tamp it down thoroughly.
  • We install formwork on the sides from knocked down boards, and reinforced rods inside.

  • Fill with concrete mortar.

Advice: do not connect the furnace foundation to a common foundation. Their structure is different, which can cause deformations during concrete shrinkage.

  • After complete hardening, we place 1.2 cm thick asbestos cardboard and a three-millimeter steel sheet on top. In this case, the edges of these materials should protrude from under the oven by half a meter in front of the door and by 3 cm on other sides. This will protect the floor from fire if burning fuel particles accidentally fall out.

Fire door

In this case, the important point is to maintain the correct distance. It must be at least one and a half meters from the door to the opposite wall. The gap between the sides of the stove and the walls of the steam room is at least half a meter.


Equipped as follows:

  • We create a damper in the chimney that will regulate the combustion process in the firebox of the structure.
  • We fill the void between the ceiling surface and the ceiling with a substance that does not have flammable properties.
  • In the place where the chimney pipe will go outside, we install a roof section that will protect the roof from possible fire and from precipitation entering the room.

The seams in the chimney system must be laser welded. Spot is absolutely not suitable.

The pipe outlet above the roof should not exceed half a meter.

Fire extinguishing agents

Even if your stove was installed by highly paid specialists, and it itself was manufactured at the factory with the help of all modern technologies, be sure to have available and serviceable fire extinguishing means on hand. Their price is much lower than the value of your life, do not skimp on them.


The distance to the walls, as we discussed above, should be at least half a meter.

If they are made of flammable materials, then two options can be used:

  • Installation of a sauna stove with a remote firebox. Then the fire source can be placed at a fairly safe distance.
  • Device brick partition between the sauna stove and the walls, level with the height of the heating structure itself.

The opening part of the firebox is placed towards the front door, and the heater door is placed in the corner of the room.


This part of the steam room is also susceptible to fire. And therefore, for safety reasons, if it is made of flammable materials, it is necessary to cover it with a metal section. Its area should be thirty percent larger than the oven area.


Installing a stove in a bathhouse is not anything complicated. The most important thing is to follow the above rules. And then you will be able to enjoy the services of your own steam room for many years and be proud that you did everything yourself (see also the article “Stove-fireplace for a bath - the most modern and rational solution”).

The main task when installing a furnace system is to make its operation completely safe. Limit access to flammable materials, fence off all heating elements. You should also never let your guard down and therefore keep a working fire extinguisher on hand.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information on this topic.

Remember that safety always comes first, and you will end up with a wonderful sauna stove!

Installing a stove in a bathhouse: step-by-step instructions

The interior design of the bathhouse is the second most important process for those who like to take a steam bath and at the same time prefer to do everything with their own hands. In addition to thermal insulation and the design of the bath interior, a special role in the functionality of the steam room is played by the heater stove, which heats the room and creates steam during bathing. Most often, installing a stove in a bathhouse is done first, but there may also be exceptions to this rule.

Installation of stoves in a bathhouse is ideally carried out by a professional stove maker who knows all the intricacies of the installation process. The oven has a complex structure with several cavities inside, which must have a carefully adjusted structure, since uniform heating and traction force will depend on this.

Lack of professionalism in this matter is fraught with unpleasant consequences:

  • soot,
  • frenzy,
  • bad traction
  • slow heating, etc.

However, if you are building a sauna “from scratch” with your own hands, then it is quite logical to want to install the stove yourself. Considering that the cost of installing a stove in a bathhouse will be very impressive, the price of a specialist’s services will have an impact, which in this case can be about 50% of the total cost of the material used.

Having certain skills and being guided by a clear scheme, you can easily carry out this process yourself.

This article will provide you with step-by-step instruction, about how to independently install a stove in a brick bathhouse. With its help, you can carry out this process completely independently and get a worthy result of your efforts.

Note! In this case, we will consider installing stoves in a bathhouse with a built-in tank and a heater, since this is the most common analogue today.

Furnace installation

Preparing the base

Before installing the stove in the bathhouse, it is necessary to form a proper foundation - the most optimal solution is a concrete pad. The mass of the brick structure, despite its small dimensions, will be very impressive and any other foundation is not suitable for this purpose.

It is categorically undesirable to lay the stove on the ground, since uneven shrinkage of the soil and the destructive effects of moisture are inevitable.

The order of work looks like this:

  • The selected area is cleared of debris and removed upper layer soil to a depth of at least 30 cm - it is desirable that the selected area is slightly larger than the dimensions of the future foundation. In place of the removed soil, sand or fine gravel with sand filler is poured - this will create a cushion for the concrete and reduce the degree of shrinkage of the structure. During backfilling, the sand must be moistened and compacted thoroughly;
  • Formwork is installed for pouring concrete - the dimensions of the base must exceed the dimensions of the oven by at least 10 cm around the entire perimeter. The thickness of the slab being poured must be at least 30 cm - the formwork is assembled to the appropriate height;
  • A frame welded from reinforcement or metal rods is used as reinforcement - the diameter of the rods must be at least 12 mm. IN assembled form the frame is a lattice with medium-sized cells;

Note! The reinforcement frame must be located exactly in the middle of the slab - you cannot place it directly on the backfill, as in this case the reinforcement will be incomplete. To position the reinforcement approximately in the middle, you can place stones under it at the corners or weld legs.

  • The material used to form the base is a mixture of cement, sand and crushed stone in a ratio of 1:1:3 based on the mass of the components. The concrete should be well mixed and have the consistency of thick porridge - the more water you add to it, the weaker its structure will be;

After the slab has “set,” the formwork can be removed and left to dry completely. Installing stoves in a bathhouse begins with laying waterproofing, which will prevent moisture from the concrete from interacting with the masonry. For this purpose, a layer of roofing material is placed on the slab, which will effectively protect the brick from the effects of ground moisture.

Masonry mortar and brick

Ordinary cement mortar cannot be used as a mortar for laying a sauna stove, as it does not tolerate high temperatures. Strong heating and then cooling will cause irreversible changes in the structure of the binder component, which will lead to cracks and chips.

For this purpose, it is necessary to purchase a special heat-resistant mixture, which consists of fire-resistant fillers and is indifferent to strong temperature changes.

There is also the possibility of making a mixture with your own hands from a mixture of yellow clay and sand in a 1:1 ratio. Before use, the clay must be filled with water to soak it - there should be enough water so that the moisture completely saturates the material.

It should remain in this form for at least a day. The sand should also be sifted in advance so that there are no foreign particles in it that could greatly affect the masonry process.

Note! When soaking clay, it is better to have more water than necessary, since the excess can simply be drained before mixing the solution. If there is too little water, the clay will not get wet and uneven lumps will form.

Furnace assembly

Installing a stove in a bathhouse begins with familiarization with the order - a brickwork diagram that shows the exact location of the bricks of each row. Since the design contains a certain number of cavities inside, strict adherence to the order will guarantee the functionality of the future device (also find out how to properly install a stove in a bathhouse).

With its help, you can avoid even minor mistakes, which in this case would be completely inappropriate.

The furnace diagram looks like this:

  • As a material for assembling the furnace, it is necessary to use refractory fireclay bricks, which can withstand strong temperature changes without changing the internal structure.

  • A plumb line is attached to the ceiling, which will indicate the location of the future chimney. The plumb line must be located exactly in the middle of the hole made in the flow - a strictly verified vertical chimney is a prerequisite for good draft;
  • A continuous zero row is laid out, through which a surface that is as horizontally flat as possible is created. This condition is very important, since a clearly maintained horizontal line is also a condition for good traction. To lay the zero row, you can use ordinary cement mortar to level out uneven foundations;

Note! Further laying of bricks can be done only after the zero row is completely dry, otherwise leveling the surface will not have the desired effect.

  • Lay down the first continuous row, then lay out the second row in accordance with the diagram. At this stage, air intake cavities, the so-called blowers, are formed. In this case, there are two of them - the main one and the so-called “summer”, through which additional air flow is created in the summer;
  • Before laying out the next row, metal air intake doors are installed. Metal wire is used as fastening, which is wound around the corners of the door and secured in the masonry structure;

Note! To prevent the wire from disturbing the uniformity of the masonry, it is necessary to make cuts in the brick where it passes.

  • To cover the door from above, you need to select a groove in the brick using a grinder or an emery wheel. Thus, the brick will lie closely, despite non-standard sizes doors;

  • Before laying the fifth row, a metal grate is installed. The main thing here is to ensure that the grate is in a free position around the entire perimeter and does not rest against the walls of the furnace - during heating, the metal expands, which can lead to extrusion of the masonry;

  • On the fifth row, a fire door and a water tank are installed. A door is installed on the seventh row to adjust traction. On the ninth, a metal stove is installed to heat the stones;

Since bricks do not always have standard shapes, it may happen that when laid out according to the pattern, gaps are formed between individual elements. There is no point in covering them up, since after heating the solution will fall out and the oven will begin to smoke. In this case, it is necessary to cut the brick to the required size, and, moving the masonry, using additional element close the gap.

Bottom line

Installing a stove in a bathhouse yourself will help you save money on calling a specialist and, at the same time, create a real heater that will give good heat (see also the article “Gas and wood-burning stoves for a bathhouse”).

You can learn more about this topic through the video in this article, which will clearly describe this issue.

If conditions do not allow the use of wood or gas stoves, then the best option is to purchase a ready-made electric heater for saunas. It will save you from problems with fuel, and it can be used in any room.

Selection of oven

Domestic models of heaters, as a rule, cost less, but are inferior in design and reliability.

To understand how to choose the right electric heater for a sauna, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room.

  • It is believed that a 1 kW stove heats 1 cubic meter in a room well.
  • If there are windows or uninsulated walls, a lot of heat escapes through them, so for calculation it is worth taking the figure 1.2 kW/m3.
  • The price of the most budget electric sauna heaters starts from 4,500 rubles. For example, for this price you can buy Sawo for a steam room with a volume of no more than 2.5 m3 (about a room 1.9 m high with walls 1 * 1.3 m).

  • If the furnace power is less than 3 kW, it is connected to a regular 220 volt network. More powerful models are usually connected via a 380 volt network.
  • When installed in an apartment building, the maximum permissible power for wiring should not exceed 6 kW. If you are taking a powerful stove, it is worth obtaining permission and installing new appropriate wiring.
  • The stove must be purchased, and not made with your own hands. Make sure it has safety certificates and timer on/off functions and temperature control.
  • Since a large amount of heat comes from an electric sauna heater, the steam room should be large enough to lie in. That is, the minimum length is 1.7-2 meters. It is contraindicated to be in a vertical position in such a sauna.

Main rules

Over many years of using electric ovens, a standard way of using them has developed:

  • The designated corner is carefully insulated with mineral wool and covered with aluminum foil. The waterproofing must be secured with a reflective layer inside, and the joints must be securely taped.

  • Typically, an insulation thickness of 5-10 cm is sufficient. It is believed that every open 1 square meter stone wall increases the power consumption of the furnace is equivalent to increasing the volume of the room by 1.5-2 m3.
  • The top of the walls is trimmed with clapboard 12-16 mm thick. There should be about 1 cm of free space underneath for ventilation.
  • The optimal height of the steam room is 190-210 cm. This will reduce the power of the stove and speed up heating. The distance from the top shelf to the ceiling should be 110-120 cm, since the most warm air– at the top.

Furnace installation

  • An electric sauna heater can be installed either in the corner of the room or in its center.
  • It must be installed on the floor or a flat base using special bolts that are included in the kit.
  • When fastening, you must maintain the clearances specified in the instructions.
  • Only 1 stove can be installed in the steam room.
  • The surface of the walls behind the stove must be covered with a thermal protective screen. Light protection, for example, asbestos boards, is absolutely not suitable for this.

Network connection

  • The connection must be made using heat-resistant wires in a sleeve through a separate circuit breaker with a residual current device.
  • To do this, you can use rubber-wrapped wires, for example A07BB (VSB) or H07RN (VSN), but in no case with PVC insulation. The table contains data for calculating the power and number of fuses and wire cross-section.

  • All control elements, switches, distribution boxes are moved to another room. In the sauna itself, only the heating element and thermostat sensor remain.
  • The temperature sensor is mounted next to the stove in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The sensor wire cannot be extended using ordinary wires.
  • Using a sensor, heating operation will be suspended when the dangerous temperature is exceeded. Therefore, it is important to install it correctly.
  • As an additional protective measure, it is recommended to use fire protection system extinguishing.

Stones for the stove

  • Large stones are laid down, and small ones on top. Do not pack them too tightly or forcefully, otherwise air circulation will be impaired. The heating elements must be securely covered with stones. You cannot turn on the stove without stones.
  • Once a year, go through the stones: clean them and remove small crushed stones so that heat exchange is not disturbed. But you can’t load the first cobblestones you come across instead: this can not only reduce the efficiency of heating, but also become harmful to health.

Advice! The stones must withstand the heat and high temperature changes that evaporating water creates. They should not crack or emit odor when exposed to high temperatures. Usually a basic set of stones is included.

Sauna ventilation

Good ventilation in the sauna also plays an important role when connecting the stove. It will provide sufficient oxygen levels, maintain freshness and retain steam. If you organize it correctly, you will save energy, especially during warm-up.

Typically, ventilation in a heater can be forced or natural.

  • With forced ventilation, it is necessary to ensure air supply through the incoming air valve above the heater, at a height of more than 50 cm. In the diagram, this zone is shown as a hatched area with the letter “A”. This type of ventilation is recommended.
  • The exhaust duct should be installed as far and low as possible relative to the heater.

Advice! If the exhaust valve cannot be made so low, you can leave a gap of 10-15 cm under the door. The exhaust cold air will go into the adjacent room and then into the ventilation system.

  • If natural air circulation is used, the air should come from the area below or next to the heater (shaded area "B" in the diagram). In this case, the hood is installed as far as possible from the heater and at least 1 meter higher relative to the supply. Usually the hood is made under the shelf, or a gap is simply left under the door.

Oven operation

  • Do not exceed the air temperature in the steam room more than 100 degrees. This temperature is not only harmful to health: it dries out the skin and respiratory tract, but also provokes the release of harmful substances from the wood.
  • Do not add to water for serving on stones essential oils. It is necessary to use special compounds that evaporate and do not burn out. Simply place a container of hot water in a corner and drop a little oil into it.
  • Follow the rules fire safety. Do not dry clothes even when the stove is turned off.


In any case, only an experienced specialist should connect the oven to the network. But if you want to save money, then that's it preparatory work you can do it yourself ().

The video instructions in this article will show you in practice the process of using an electric heater in a home sauna:

When giving preference to a heater stove, you need to choose the right place for it, and also think about its appearance. At this stage, it is recommended to identify the main advantages of such sauna stoves .

DIY electric heater

Modern electric ovens for saunas can be made in compact sizes, which allows them to fit into small saunas. Implement installation work such heating equipment is possible without additional expensive materials. When building a heater, you shouldn’t think long time about how to arrange additional ventilation. In addition, modern electric heaters do not require a strategic supply of fuel to heat the room and heat the sauna. Such ovens also do not require regular cleaning. That is why we can more clearly highlight the advantages of an electric heater stove:

  • compactness;
  • installation speed;
  • does not require ventilation;
  • do not require fuel;
  • do not need cleaning.

People who save energy often refuse such stoves. However, even with relatively high energy costs, electric sauna stoves are considered profitable and attractive in appearance. If you build an electric heater correctly, it will perform various functions that will make every vacationer comfortable in the sauna.

Do-it-yourself electric furnace, materials for creation

Many owners of future baths purchase an electric heater stove ready-made. However, in this case, a situation may arise when the power of the stove does not fit the dimensions of the sauna or vice versa. Ready-made electric heaters are not always produced in compact sizes. Alternatively, it is better to make such equipment with your own hands. Before starting to build an electric heater with your own hands, it is necessary to ensure the availability the right tools. In addition to the tools, you should purchase the necessary building materials with which you can make an electric stove-heater.
Materials and tools for creating an electric furnace include:

  • Metal sheet;
  • electric heating elements;
  • electrical wire;
  • rheostat;
  • electric welding;
  • temperature sensor;
  • grinder;
  • paint;
  • stones;
  • asbestos sheets.

When working with such materials and tools, do not forget about safety. Proper Use necessary tools will allow you to quickly make an electric stove stove and provide the sauna with warmth and comfort.

Electric furnace power

Planning furnace construction heaters with electric heating, you need to choose the right power. To do this, you need to calculate the volume of the steam room and purchase the required number of heating elements. For a small wooden bathhouse, a stove power of 1 kW per 1 square meter is sufficient. To build an electric heater for a brick sauna, you may need a less powerful stove. It will be enough to purchase heating elements with a capacity of 0.8 kW. A network voltage of 220 V can be considered a convenient connection. At this voltage, all heating elements for an electric heater stove must be connected in parallel.
On initial stage you need to take a metal sheet that will serve as the furnace body. In such a case you need to correctly, and most importantly, evenly place the heating elements. It doesn’t matter at all how the heating elements are located. The placement of such heating elements can be vertical or horizontal. In the case of vertical placement of heating elements, they must be placed along the walls of the metal housing. When placing heating elements horizontally, you need to securely fasten them at the bottom of the housing. The second option is considered more suitable and can be built much faster. If heating elements are placed in the lower part of the body, then high thermal conductivity of the stone can be achieved, which will allow heating the entire room quickly enough.
When installing heating elements, you must be extremely careful about them. A gasket made of sheet asbestos should be placed between the metal body and the heating elements. This material has an insignificant heat transfer coefficient, due to which the case does not heat up at all. Experts recommend making a metal grate over the heating elements on which to lay bath stones. This grille can be made of reinforcement or thick wire. Due to the strength of such a grid, you can lay out a large number of stones on it.
It should be noted that it is better not to mount or weld anything in the upper part of the electric heater stove. It should be as open as possible. The beauty of this stove is that the stones are visible, but the heating elements are not. Quite often you can see a version of an electric heater with a special basket for stones. It is not at all necessary to specially order a container for stones. This can be any grille made with your own hands in order to save money. To give the grate an aesthetic appearance, it can be finished with forging, which will give the entire oven uniqueness and originality. You can choose leaves, curls, and flowers as forged elements. In this matter, it is important to correctly combine them. It doesn’t matter at all how many leaves there are on the basket with stones, the main thing is that they look beautiful. It is best to choose stones that are flat in shape, since they can be laid quite tightly, thereby increasing heat transfer.

Creating fences for the furnace

In order for an electric heater to be attractive in appearance, it must be cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. It is advisable to first treat the entire surface with acetone, which will allow it to be degreased. Then the body should be coated with a special primer. Only after the primer has dried should the stove be painted with heat-resistant paint, which will not peel or fade even when exposed to high temperatures. The stove must be placed at the installation site carefully, and it is advisable to install a fence around it. This must be done in order to prevent burns of varying degrees. Handrails for such a stove can be made of durable treated wood.

Connections for an electric heater stove

Before you start connecting the oven, you need to choose the right power cable. Such a cable must be powerful, since the power of the furnace itself is large. Thanks to the reliable insulation of the power cable, you don’t have to worry about safety. Oven connection must be done through a thermostat. If there will almost always be dry steam in the steam room, then you can install the thermostat directly in the steam room. It is more preferable to install a thermostat in the dressing room. The furnace body must be grounded. This will avoid short circuits and sudden fires in the steam room.
By building an electric heater in the sauna, you can steam at any time. Steaming not only cleanses the skin, but also allows you to relax after a working day.

Large brick stoves are traditionally used for baths or saunas, which heat not only water, but also stones. But such models are too massive, they require a special base, complex maintenance, and compliance with safety measures, since open fire is used for heating. And the cost of such stoves is significant, and it is recommended to invite a stove-maker for masonry. But for a bathhouse with your own hands, you can assemble a small but effective electric stove, which is perfect not only for an ordinary Russian bathhouse, but also for a Finnish sauna, where so-called dry heating is required.

Advantages of the electric furnace: fast heating, easy maintenance, very easy to adjust and operate.

Types of sauna stoves

For a sauna with your own hands, you can make almost any type of stove that will provide comfortable conditions.

The following types are popular:

  1. A brick stove for a bathhouse with your own hands is a rather massive structure that requires the installation of a separate foundation, and its laying scheme must be carried out exactly according to the order. Red stove bricks are used for work, and firewood is used as fuel. The stove is heat-intensive, but heats up slowly, requires a chimney to remove combustion products, and ventilation is also necessary to supply fresh air.
  2. A metal wood-burning stove is lighter than a traditional brick stove; it is made of sheet steel and uses dry wood as fuel. The weight of this structure is less; a special foundation is not required, but a pedestal and a protective wall are needed.
  3. An electric stove today is considered the most suitable for small saunas or baths. This is a compact device that actually consists of a heating element and a container for stones and water. This design is easy to make with your own hands, it is practical, and easy to use. For such a stove there is no need to install a chimney. With such a unit, the sauna will be comfortable and convenient.

Advantages of an electric furnace

Vertical type oven.

When choosing an electric sauna stove, you get a whole list of advantages:

  1. Fast heating while maintaining a given comfortable temperature throughout the entire period of use, which is simply impossible when using wood-burning stoves.
  2. There is absolutely no dirt during use, since the stove runs on electricity and no fuel is burned. In this regard, an electric stove does not need a chimney to remove combustion products, but a special separate ventilation system. The air in the room does not dry out that much.
  3. Caring for the stove is extremely simple; it does not need to be constantly cleaned of traces of soot, remnants of unburned fuel, and soot. To start heating, you just need to turn on the structure, ensuring the supply of electric current, and setting the required temperature.
  4. Unlike other types, the electric furnace is very easy to adjust and operate. The thermostat is installed directly in the steam room. The temperature is maintained exactly at the set level throughout use, which is a huge plus. The thermostat has protection against overheating, which is very important when installing a sauna stove with your own hands.
  5. The oven is safe and does not emit emissions during use. carbon monoxide, there is no open flame, which does not pose a danger to the wooden furnishings of the sauna.
  6. The dimensions of the oven are compact and its weight is light. Such a structure can be installed in any convenient place; there is no need to first install a massive foundation; a small pedestal for equipment is sufficient; in some cases, a small protective brick wall is required, which ensures safety of use during recreation.

How to make an electric oven with your own hands?

Furnace layout diagram.

Electric sauna stoves have an extremely simple design. As a rule, this is a body made of sheet metal, inside of which heating elements are located - heating elements. A cage is installed on top, which is completely filled with stones; they must be laid tightly. The design of the body itself can be open or closed - it all depends on which particular oven will be more convenient to use for the steam room. Usually these are open housings that are suitable for obtaining not only dry, but also wet heating. Closed sauna stoves can be horizontal or vertical; the structure includes: a conductive busbar, a heater, and a heat shield. Open designs use nichrome wire, which is mounted in a ceramic stand as a heating coil. To connect the furnace, it is best to use a three-phase network with a voltage of 380 V, but for small baths A traditional single-phase 220 V is quite sufficient. For the latter design, a power of 3 kW is usually generated. This allows you to correctly calculate the heating power, which depends on room and the required maximum temperature. When installing an electric sauna heater, it is necessary to ensure that the housing is grounded. After installation, it is necessary to carry out tests, i.e., during the first start-up of the equipment, measure the resistance level. If the work is done correctly, it should not exceed 3-5 Ohms.

Assembly technology

To assemble an electric sauna heater with your own hands, you need to follow these steps:

  1. First, a drawing of the future furnace is drawn up, which depends on the following data: furnace area, required heating power, maximum and minimum dimensions, location. Typically, electric furnaces are made small; the main space of their design is a cage for stones.
  2. Calculation of the number of heating elements for the furnace. Their number depends on the power of the future design, the size of the furnace, and the power of one heating element that will be used.
  3. After this, you can begin assembling the sauna stove. To do this, heating elements are fixed on the frame and connected by jumpers. A sheet of steel with a thickness of 3 mm is used as a base, and other parts are attached to it using bolts and welding.
  4. If the frame is ready, it is necessary to lay the stones on top as tightly as possible, there should be almost no gaps between them.
  5. Next, a protective casing is installed, which can also be made of steel sheet, like the main structure. Additionally, you can put up a brick wall, providing for this the construction of a small pedestal for the stove.
  6. The connection of the electric furnace is carried out using serial, parallel connections of heating elements; it is necessary to have a thermostat, with the help of which the heating of the stones will be controlled. In this case, it is recommended to use rotary or drum switches; the control element itself must be positioned so that it is in a place convenient for use. Usually the regulator is placed in the steam room so that you can install it yourself without leaving it comfortable temperature in room.
  7. The last stage is to check the functionality of the stove, the safety and comfort of its use.

Today, for small home saunas, it is best to use not massive brick stoves, which take up a lot of space, but small and compact, but convenient electric ones. The cost of such structures can be quite high, but you can save money by installing an electric furnace for heating stones with your own hands. The technology for its production is accessible. This is a cage for stones, in which heating elements are used for heating.

Do-it-yourself electric sauna stove: assembly technology

You can quickly assemble an electric sauna stove with your own hands if you prepare everything in advance. Its main elements: cage, heating elements, stones, it is recommended to install a temperature sensor.

For those who have a dacha or a country house, the prerogative of creating a steam room for themselves and for guests is very tempting. Provided that there are no problems with voltage in the network and at the site, you can do do-it-yourself electric sauna stove and thereby save money.

Note! If you decide to buy a ready-made electric fireplace, choose it based on temperature conditions, electricity consumption and heating power.

Why choose electrician?

Nowadays, it’s really easier to build an electric heater than to heat a stove with wood. Because it:

  • Clean - no ash on the floor near the firebox and ash pan; there is also no need to get your hands dirty to light the fireplace;
  • Quickly – start and heat up the oven, this process does not take much time;
  • Safe - the likelihood of getting burned is minimized. There is also no risk of gas leakage or explosion, and the likelihood of a fire is significantly reduced;
  • Convenient - using a modern control panel, setting any specified parameters is not difficult;

What’s true is that you’ll only have to put up with high energy costs, so if you’re ready for them, let’s move on.

What is needed to manually assemble a stove?

We're going to create do-it-yourself electric sauna stove– it is necessary to select a thermal heating element (TEN). It is also worth deciding what type of oven will be, open or closed. Usually the second option is chosen more often, since the heating element in it can be installed in any position. In addition to the heater, you will need a screen and a busbar for the voltage wire.

Electric heater assembly

When starting to work with electricity, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in detail with construction and technical instructions, check the equipment and use a protective suit. During assembly do-it-yourself electric sauna stoves be sure to maintain grounding, and also check the resistance when starting for the first time so that it falls within the range of 3-5 ohms.

What the body is made of and what size it should be is up to you to decide, based on the volume of the room that needs to be heated. Sheet steel is usually chosen; the heater can be made with an open lattice or closed. Installation of equipment from pre-purchased or welded elements occurs as follows:

  • First, the number of heating elements is determined based on the cubic capacity of the bathhouse;
  • The heating elements are connected to each other using a system of jumpers;
  • A heat shield is constructed from sheet steel;
  • The heater is welded and laid out.

Advice: it is better to choose river stones, flat ones - they are sold ready-made in construction stores.

  • The frame is assembled from metal sheets. The electric oven can also be lined with bricks.
  • An electrical circuit is assembled in series and a control relay is installed. Rotary switches are usually chosen.

That's it, you can connect the oven to the network and after checking all the indicators, enjoy your new quick heating steam room.

  • How to make an electric sauna stove?

    The article talks about safety measures and do-it-yourself installation of an electric stove in a bathhouse. How to make an electric stove in a bathhouse yourself - tips

How to make an electric sauna heater with your own hands?

A self-made electric heater for a sauna will help to significantly save money on arranging a steam room, but it is better to entrust the connection of the finished device to professionals.

Electric heater control circuit.

Bath lovers are increasingly thinking about the advisability of using one or another type of heater. Even the most experienced specialist cannot unequivocally say that any stove-heater is superior to all others in the quality of heating the room. And all because each person has his own preferences both in the quality of steam and in the appearance of the heating system.

Advantages of an electric sauna stove

Drawing of a small sauna with an electric heater.

But an electric oven can definitely be called more convenient to use. Please note a number of significant advantages of such a stove:

  1. It is small in size, so it can be used even in small spaces.
  2. This electric heater is installed quite simply and without the use of expensive materials.
  3. For an electric furnace, there is no need to additionally think about and assemble gas exhaust and ventilation systems.
  4. There is no need to stock up on fuel.
  5. The need to clean the stove from combustion products automatically disappears.

The only drawback of electric ovens is their high energy consumption. But now the question is not about savings, but about functionality and reliability. An additional benefit from an electric heater is that it can be used both to produce dry steam and for use in a Russian bath.

Required tools and materials

A purchased electric sauna heater is reliable and durable. But it often happens that either the power of such a unit is not suitable for a specific bathhouse design, or dimensions do not allow you to conveniently place the heater in the steam room.

Electric heater with heating elements.

There is only one option left: to make the stove yourself. In order to make an electric sauna stove with your own hands, you will need a certain amount of materials and a small set of tools:

  • electric heating elements;
  • sheet metal (thickness of 3 mm or more);
  • wiring;
  • power regulator (rheostat);
  • temperature sensor;
  • electric welding;
  • Bulgarian;
  • asbestos;
  • heat-resistant paint;
  • stones.

Power selection and installation

First, calculate the volume of the existing steam room and select the required number of heating elements.

Sauna heater from a washing machine.

For a wooden bath you will need to achieve a power of 1 kW per 1 m² of space. For a brick building, it will be enough to have a power of 0.8 kW for the same volume. As a rule, it is convenient for users to connect everything electrical systems to a network with a voltage of 220V. In this case, all heating elements must be connected in parallel.

But first you need to prepare a sheet metal case, inside of which all the heating elements will be located.

There is no fundamental difference in the location of the heating elements: they can be placed either vertically along the walls or horizontally in the lower part of the housing.

Heating elements should be mounted on a metal body very carefully, using asbestos sheets as a gasket between the heating elements and the metal. This material has a minimal heat transfer coefficient, so the housing will not heat up directly from the heating elements.

But it will have to be protected from infrared radiation. For this you will need a heat insulator with a reflective surface.

Electrical diagram of a heater with heating elements.

It is necessary to weld over the heating elements metal grill made of thick wire or fittings. The grate must be strong, since a large mass of stones will be placed on it.

Try welding a kind of basket for stones from the same reinforcement. It won't look very good, but it can be decorated with elements that imitate forging. Such things will give the steam room a special charm, and you will be pleased to watch the creation of your hands.

Forged elements can be different: leaves, flowers, various kinds of curls. What is important here is not their quantity, but their skillful combination. Create a pattern that will be pleasing to your eye and weld all the elements of the resulting structure.

Improvement of appearance and protective handrail

The heater needs to be refined. We clean all metal elements with fine sandpaper, degrease the cleaned surfaces with acetone or gasoline and cover them with a primer. After it dries, we paint the parts with heat-resistant paint.

Now you need to install the stove at its place of operation and place a guard rail around the stove. This measure is necessary to protect steam room visitors from burns. Wooden elements are suitable for such a handrail.

Connecting equipment

Installation diagram of an electric floor oven.

The sauna stove is practically made with your own hands. All that remains is to connect it and check its functionality. It is very important to correctly calculate the power of the stove and select a power cable for it. The power of the stove is quite large, so the cable must be selected with a small margin. And the thickness of the core must be appropriate, the insulation must be reliable. The connection is made through a thermostat. If you mainly enjoy dry steam, the regulator can be installed directly in the steam room. But it is much safer to place this element in the dressing room. Then the version of the Russian bath will be safe for visitors to the steam room.

Don't forget to ground the heater body. It is important!

Now the basket needs to be filled tightly with stones. It should be remembered that the larger the total area of ​​contact between the stones, the higher the heat transfer will be. It is advisable to use stones of flat shape and different sizes for the stove. Then you will have the opportunity to pack them in the basket as tightly as possible. Try to maximize the height of the stones, since the volume is also very important: the larger it is, the longer the high temperature will remain in the steam room.

A do-it-yourself electric sauna heater can also be made to connect to a three-phase network.

But here all calculations must be made especially carefully in order to avoid excessive heating of the heating elements and their premature failure. Care must be taken when installing heating elements into a single electrical circuit. You definitely can’t do without some knowledge of electromechanics and electrical engineering. And if you don’t have such knowledge, then seek help from an experienced master.

Sometimes combined types of heaters are used in the interior of steam rooms. In addition to the electric oven, users install a brick wall finished with natural stone. This will increase heat transfer slightly, but additional safety measures will be required. You will need to lay a layer of thermal insulation between the load-bearing and imitation wall. This is important if the bathhouse is built using large quantity wooden elements(log house). For brick baths, there is no need for additional walls, since they only increase the percentage of heat losses.

Do-it-yourself electric stove for a bath (video)

A self-made electric heater for a sauna will help to significantly save money on arranging a steam room, but it is better to entrust the connection of the finished device to professionals.

Do-it-yourself electric sauna heater

Despite the fact that many bath lovers remain devoted to traditional stoves
An electric heater is a practical and effective device for saunas in yards; electric analogues of stoves are becoming more and more popular every day. You can either buy a so-called heater or build it yourself, and in both cases it will work much more efficiently and heat the sauna faster. Among other things, an electric heater is more comfortable than a conventional stove, and its installation does not cause difficulties. What types of heaters are there and how to connect a sauna stove yourself?

Advantages of electric sauna stoves 220 volts

Despite the fact that electric furnaces have a number of their own features that should be taken into account during operation, they remain more convenient. Basically, heaters are installed in small baths and perhaps this is the only drawback of an electric stove. A wood-burning stove can be installed in a bathhouse of any size, but if we are talking about a home sauna, then a heater will certainly be the best option.

Electric furnaces have a long service life and attractive appearance

So, what are the advantages of an electric heater operating on a regular 220 volt network:

  1. Ease of use. All you need to do is buy the device from the store or equip it yourself - to turn it on, you just need to connect the oven to an outlet.
  2. Heating rate. An electric heater heats a sauna much faster than a wood-burning stove. You don’t have to languish in anticipation - plug in the oven and very soon you’ll find yourself in a pleasant, park-like room.
  3. No burning or smoke. No unpleasant smell, no soot. You just enjoy the process.
  4. No firewood needed. This is also a significant plus. You don't need to worry about fuel, just turn on the desired mode and the automation will do everything itself.
  5. Possibility of adjustment. The way the heater works is such that the boiler can be turned in the right direction if necessary. Heating elements are especially convenient in this regard. If the heat is too strong, simply reduce the heating power. Everything is extremely simple.

Features of an electric sauna stove 380 volts

If a conventional stove is not enough for you, then for heating large room You can use a powerful heater that requires 380 volts to operate. Such a three-phase stove can heat up even a huge sauna for several groups of people in a matter of minutes.

The only disadvantage of this type of stove is that they require increased voltage in the network.

The jar oven can be various types regardless of power consumption. In addition to traditional Russian stoves, Finnish analogues, which are marketed by the company Harvia, have become very popular today.

Electric boiler for a sauna with a heater: safe operation

Undoubtedly, a wood-burning stove is a tribute to tradition. However, in addition to all the previously listed disadvantages, fire also poses an elementary danger. It can burn, and even worse, cause a fire. An electric boiler with a heater is much safer, since such a stove is not associated with the presence of fire at all.

The only danger is a short circuit, which can cause a fire when operating any electrical appliance.

Before you start using an electric boiler with a heater, you need to carefully study the instructions

When purchasing or building an electric heater with your own hands, be sure to take care of safety - it is best to use a heat-resistant cable that will not melt in a bathhouse; carefully insulate the boiler so that it does not heat the objects around it.

Construction and connection of an electric heater with your own hands

And now the most interesting thing is how to create a stone in a bathhouse with your own hands, because in this case you will have the opportunity to completely control the entire process and take into account every nuance that is important to you. First of all, you should select a heating element or heating element. The operation of the heater will depend on its effectiveness. It is recommended to buy a heating element made of a high-strength stainless alloy; it will allow you to use the furnace repeatedly without loss of operating efficiency.

Modern electric heating elements can heat the stove to a temperature of 800 degrees, which is quite enough to heat a bathhouse small size. The main material of the furnace is metal; it should be grounded and a resistance level of 3 to 5 ohms should be achieved.

The electric heater must be protected from flammable materials

The order of the main assembly of the furnace should be approximately as follows:

  • We carry out measurements and calculations. You should calculate the area of ​​the heated room and calculate the required furnace power.
  • Depending on the required power, the required number of heating elements is taken, since the heating area depends on their number.
  • Next, the heating elements are installed and securely fixed.
  • The heating elements are covered with a steel sheet, the thickness of which must be at least 3 mm.
  • Stones are laid out on the sheet, which will heat up. All selected stones must be in close contact with each other, otherwise you cannot avoid serious heat loss. Densely laid stones are a guarantee that you will not heat the air.
  • The entire structure must ultimately be hidden by a protective casing - either metal or brick. In the case of metal, you need to take multi-layer material, otherwise you can be seriously burned by the oven.
  • Connect the heating elements to the electrical network and test the operation of your homemade stove.

Selecting and purchasing an electric stove for a bath

If you don’t want to bother with building a stove yourself, then we advise you to simply buy a ready-made model. You can choose from many options on the market. When making your final choice, you can compare models with each other based on parameters such as heating power, heater type, energy efficiency, controls, and appearance.

As for power, everything is simple here - you should not buy a stove that is too powerful for a small sauna. Take a heater for a specific room, believe me, the declared power will be quite enough. As for the type of heater, it can be strip, heating element or combined. In most cases the best option is heating element. Control elements are also important when choosing, for example, high-quality models have a number of operating modes and all settings can be controlled by remote control. Agree, this is much more convenient than going to the stove every time and turning the settings.

Thus, an electric heater is a modern analogue wooden stove for a bath. An electric oven works more efficiently, faster and is much more comfortable to use. You can either buy a ready-made model or make a stove yourself, fortunately it’s not at all difficult. To make a heater, you will need heating elements, mains-powered heating elements, as well as metal, stones and, possibly, bricks to make a protective wall.

Do-it-yourself electric heater: electric sauna stoves 220 and 380 volts, electric boiler for a sauna with a heater

Do-it-yourself electric heater - what is it, what is it used for and how to do it correctly? The answers to these and other questions of interest to home craftsmen are further in the article.