Which sign are Pisces most compatible with? Compatibility with a Gemini man

For Pisces, love is not an empty phrase, but one of the main events in life. Due to the combination of emotionality and sensitivity, they are not particularly passionate, but are insanely devoted. In marriage, they are looking for protection and the opportunity to rely on their chosen one, which is why they take the relationship quite seriously.

Pisces do not like to delve into the practical spheres of life, leaving this to a partner whom they sincerely admire. The latter constantly hears declarations of love and praise. The point with fidelity is ambiguous: Pisces will not cheat, but always leaves for herself the opportunity to end the relationship if she suddenly wants it.

Pisces always take into account the desires of their chosen ones, managing to sensitively anticipate their needs. They always give wonderful gifts on holidays, they accurately reproduce the moment they met or other details of the couple’s biography.

Pisces do not like to be too dependent on a partner: this often becomes the cause of suffering. IN love relationships appear detached. Fish can be easily deceived. If the lie is revealed, Pisces immediately breaks off the relationship.

Pisces compatibility with other signs in love

Pisces are prone to daydreaming and are very sensitive, which is why they get along well with Cancers and Capricorns, who will compensate for these qualities.

An alliance with Sagittarius can be dangerous: its activities can only push Pisces away from it. A relationship with Aries will also unsettle Pisces for some time.

A good couple would be Pisces and Taurus, where both romance and sobriety will harmoniously intertwine.

Pisces sexual compatibility with other signs

All people like Pisces because they know how to emphasize their strengths, hiding their shortcomings. In their own way, such people are very charming, and they understand this, sometimes even use it.

If we talk about sexual relationships, we cannot fail to note the ingenuity of Pisces. However, representatives of this sign never insist on the fulfillment of their desires, and often do not talk about desires in principle. Pisces love sex in an environment that is ideally suited to this action: then they feel at ease.

Pisces are prone to travel, in which romances often occur: being far from home, they relax and behave more frivolously, if not irresponsibly.

Representatives of the Pisces sign have excellent emotional compatibility; they are very comfortable together. Alone with each other, Pisces are capable of such revelations that they consider unacceptable in communication with other people. They are tactful, kind and tolerant of human weaknesses, each of them is not afraid of rudeness or unpleasant remarks from the other. Pisces do not like to criticize and bring bad news, so they carefully avoid such situations. This is one of the difficulties of their relationship. If one sees that the other is clearly following the wrong path, is mistaken in something or trusts those whom he should not, then he is unlikely to rush to open his eyes to the truth. Most of all, fish are afraid of offending, because they themselves are very vulnerable and have suffered a lot from the rudeness of other people. Having let the situation take its course, one of the Pisces will silently watch as the second representative of this zodiac sign openly harms himself, but will not intervene under any circumstances. This is unlikely to contribute to their rapprochement, because in difficult situations these people are not each other’s helpers.

♓ + ♓: In a love relationship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— Representatives of the Pisces sign dream of a love that does not exist in real life. Alone with each other for the first time they will feel absolute happiness. They are not fans of casual relationships and simple flirting, so each of them will appreciate the seriousness of the other’s intentions. After some time, their opinion of each other will change significantly, and the reason for this will be false hopes and unjustified expectations.

The Pisces girl wants her lover to be strong in spirit, dominant in the relationship, but at the same time not have the habits of a tyrant, be gentle with her and not look around. If you try to imagine the earthly appearance of the ideal man from her dreams, you will get a madly in love representative of one of the fire signs of the zodiac in the first weeks after meeting, that is, a very rare and short-term phenomenon. The Pisces guy does not dominate the relationship and does not deal with the problems of his beloved. He is just there with his love and moral support. Most likely, the girl will not stop her choice on him.

A young man born under the sign of Pisces, like his beloved, is inclined to dream about the unreal. In his mind, a girl should be gentle, feminine and understanding, but at the same time not demand anything from him except love. He is not ready to become someone’s reliable shoulder, since he himself often needs support and support. The Pisces girl will disappoint him because she is not ready to accept him for who he is. His main requirement will remain unheeded, so he will soon continue his search for the ideal life partner.

♓ + ♓: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— A Pisces woman can find happiness in this marriage only after a divorce from her previous tyrant husband. If this is the first marriage in her life, and she is still very young, then her requirements for life with her husband risk becoming mutually exclusive. She longs for a wealthy life, so he will be forced to disappear at work. At the same time, she also wants attention, which her husband cannot give her in the desired amount due to being busy. If he changes his job to a less lucrative one in order to spend more time with his family, his wife will again reproach him about his low earnings. The result will be a vicious circle.

A Pisces man often has creative pursuits that cannot guarantee material stability. At the same time, he sincerely believes that the situation is about to change in better side. With the appearance of the first family difficulties that require quick decision-making, he immediately makes it clear to his wife that there is hardly any point in relying on him. The husband begins to become noticeably nervous, does not take any specific actions, and generally hopes that the problems will resolve themselves. If his wife had not been born under the same zodiac sign, she would have dealt with all this on her own. Most often, someone helps this family, for example, older relatives.

Sexual compatibility is very high. Representatives of the Pisces sign often have fantasies that they are embarrassed to admit to their partner for fear of being ridiculed. Alone with each other, they are completely liberated and are not afraid of harsh criticism. If for some reason their marriage breaks up, the ex-spouses may still for a long time remain lovers.

♓ + ♓: In friendship

PERFECT PAIR- born under the sign of Pisces has every chance of becoming strong. For Pisces, an emotional connection is important, which they will find in this relationship. They perceive each other as a reflection of their own inner world, and feel that no one else will understand them so well and will not morally support them. A Pisces girl and a Pisces guy are aware of all the events in each other’s lives; if there are such friends, there is no need to keep up Personal diary and cry into the pillow.

The complexity of relationships lies in the fact that if one of them is in trouble, the other will be nearby, suffering with him, but will not help. Pisces are not capable of decisive action; they are afraid to take the initiative because they are not confident in their abilities. In any case, they do not have closer friends, even among people who readily rush to help. For fish, spiritual intimacy is more important, this is their choice.

Video: PISCES ♓ Zodiac sign

People born under the sign of Pisces are very changeable, their element is water. They have compassion and flexibility, and at the same time they can show real courage, throwing all their strength into saving the world. The most important thing for Pisces in marriage is sincerity and understanding. But unfortunately, these feelings are becoming less and less common in modern people, so Pisces often encounter problems while searching for a soul mate.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: first decade

(February 19-28) People whose birthday falls in the first ten days are the deep-thinking type who are not inclined to soar in the skies. It is important for them that their significant other shows love and tenderness; the relationship must be orderly and reliable. People whose element is earth are more suitable for them.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: second decade

(March 01-10) People born in the second decade are very flexible, extremely changeable and emotional. They are characterized by sudden mood swings and are very impressionable. The main thing for these people is love and care, so they will perfectly build relationships with people whose elements are water and earth.

Characteristics of people born under the sign of Pisces: third decade

(March 11-20) People born in the third decade show unprecedented toughness, self-confidence, and stability. They are able to accept the thinking of anyone, so they will get along well with any sign. But it is worth considering that not everyone is able to understand their character.

Pisces in relationships

Compared to other signs, Pisces are the most extraordinary people. Pisces' thinking is more intuitive than rational, and they are extremely impressionable. These are people who listen well, but at the same time do not really like to engage in conversation. They are often dominated by indecision and receptivity. They very carefully select their circle of close people. Sometimes when communicating with Pisces, a person may get the impression that the interlocutor knows much more about the topic and considers the narrator naive. But despite this, they are very kind and are always ready to help their neighbors. At the same time, they often involve themselves in other people's problems and place them on their own shoulders.

The combination of tolerance, calmness, understanding and creative thinking attracts everyone without exception to the representatives of this sign. At the same time, they are always ready to go to great deeds, but at the same time their indecision often slows down the process and reduces all enthusiasm to zero. Therefore, having inspired someone, Pisces often retreat, falling into melancholy and suffering due to unfinished tasks.

What Pisces needs about relationships

Regardless of whether they are a man or a woman, all people born under this sign desire support and attention, they need it very much. If they feel that their partner is reliable and always ready to support them, then it will not be difficult for them to realize their abilities in any area, they can safely reach the greatest heights. But more often than not, not finding such support, they increasingly move away from reality, living their lives in the world of their own fantasies. Pisces is a very complex sign, compatibility with other signs in love is therefore unpredictable.

To make a marriage with a Pisces a success, you need to seriously try. After all, not only common interests are important here, but daily support and understanding. You will constantly need to dispel doubts, strengthen your partner’s self-esteem, rationally solve all problems and deal with all emotional difficulties. This will show them how committed the partner is to the marriage and loves the person of the extraordinary zodiac sign. In addition, you need to constantly maintain romance in a relationship, because this is the only way to protect Pisces from depression. The worst thing is if the girl is Pisces. Her compatibility with other signs is very difficult, but you can find the best option.

Disadvantages of people born under the sign of Pisces

  • It is very important to continuously provide moral support to a person who may fall into melancholy, regardless of the reason.
  • It is necessary to clearly understand that emotional needs have thousands of directions, and all of them, without exception, will have to be satisfied; the Pisces woman requires this most of all; compatibility with other signs is therefore very complicated.
  • You need to constantly adapt to your partner’s temperament.
  • Pisces will very often remain silent, at the same time despondent and not explaining what happened.
  • They are very suspicious and will demand constant proof of their partner’s selfless love and fidelity.
  • Control in relationships is very important for Pisces, so you will have to constantly report where, what and how is happening.
  • If there are real problems ahead, representatives of this zodiac sign can step aside and entrust their solution to their partner without thinking about anything.
  • In addition to the fact that they tend to go into a world of fantasy and live in self-deception, they can also simply lie to the people around them.

Pisces compatibility within its own element

In addition to Pisces themselves, the water element also includes Cancers and Scorpios. The union between water signs is cemented by almost fraternal understanding, maximum spiritual closeness and a thirst for active action, which multiplies in a couple. The life together of such couples is filled with sensitivity between partners and mutual assistance; they are able to overcome absolutely all difficulties and adversities together. But it is worth considering that such an idyll has its own price - one of the partners must make self-sacrifice.

Well-being of the union of water signs

Thanks to Pisces' inexhaustible reserves of prudence, calmness and confidence, true family intimacy arises between partners in marriage. And if spouses adjust to each other emotionally, then they will be able to self-realize and give life to any joint ideas.

There can be no lies in such relationships, since the partners see through each other and intuitively feel all the emotions emanating from the other half. A stumbling block in this marriage may arise from quarrels over everyday life or emotional incompatibility, which, by the way, is extremely rare. Therefore, for Pisces, compatibility with other signs in marriage is extremely important.

Compatibility of Pisces with the element of earth

Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are extremely favorable zodiac signs in a marriage with Pisces. Such relationships will become productive and multifaceted. If we compare Pisces with the signs of the earth, then against their background the representatives of the water element are very active. The adaptation of earth signs to Pisces occurs very quickly; they satisfy the emotional needs of their partners by playing drama. But Taurus and Capricorn have limits to their patience, so you need to play extremely carefully here. If a man is Pisces, compatibility with other zodiac signs of the earth element can be very positive for him.

Combination of water and earth

If we take into account excellent compatibility, competent division of interests of partners, respect for personal internal space, then the union can safely be considered indestructible. The right touchpoints will bring wonderful results that you can be proud of.

Also, a marriage can be pleasant and strong due to the physical closeness of the spouses. Thanks to the developed intuition and wisdom of representatives of the water element, they are able to see the potential risks of relationships. And the rationalism of the earthly element will allow you to bring your partner’s crazy ideas to life or convince him of their unreality. Therefore, the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac signs of the earth element is very acceptable.

Compatibility of Pisces with representatives of the elements of air and fire

It is difficult to imagine a strong marriage of the water element with Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, and even more difficult to meet them next to purposeful Sagittarius or active Leo. Such unions are extremely unfavorable due to differences in perception of the world and the Universe. Representatives of the air and fire elements always act impulsively, depending on circumstances.

And for Pisces, the main indicator is emotions, so any decision they make depends on doubts and long thoughts. Therefore, fire is not at all suitable for Pisces. Compatibility with other signs - water and earth - will bring much more joy and understanding.

Unfavorable relationship of Pisces with fire and air

They will get along peacefully only if the tasks are distributed and unnecessary questions regarding dominance in the relationship disappear even in thoughts. Representatives of the fire elements will undoubtedly pull the blanket over themselves, but Pisces will not tolerate this; compatibility with other signs will be much more pleasant for them. Air signs speak to Pisces on different languages, because their emotions are in the background, and the most important thing is intelligence.

Detailed compatibility of Pisces with all zodiac signs

  • Aries. Aries's love for Pisces may be sincere, but people born under this sign do not have the depth that Pisces needs. Therefore, no matter how you seal the union, there will always be something missing in it, because Aries does not see even half of what is open to Pisces.
  • Calf. A wonderful choice for Pisces, because he can become the strongest support and even a real hero. And for Pisces this is almost the most decisive factor in choosing a partner. Both Taurus and Pisces value caring, reliability and understanding. Such a couple will create a very strong family, because both value feelings and intimate relationships equally. But conflicts can still exist, since Pisces need emotions, proof of love, and Taurus are conservative.
  • Twins. Such a couple will be brought together by constant emotional variability and understanding. From the side of Pisces, sensitivity and understanding will come, from the side of Gemini - the logical side of the inner “I” of impulsive individuals. Such a couple can merge completely harmoniously, combining logic and intuition.

  • Cancer. For Cancers, the most important thing is family values and true feelings, and because of the dreaminess and mystery of Pisces, he can constantly suspect something, doubt: is he being deceived about the authenticity and sincerity of feelings? Cancers are real owners, and Pisces, as you know, do not know how to give themselves completely to be torn to pieces. Therefore, everything here will depend on general agreements, because they both need support and logic. Who will win - Cancer or Pisces? Compatibility with other signs is filled with much less struggle in Pisces.
  • A lion. This fire sign often demands worship. Pisces do not tolerate such an attitude, because support and love are important to them, and not an authoritarian regime in a relationship. But if the pair is a Pisces woman, compatibility with other signs becomes much easier, and even with Leo she can find a common language, finding in him the masculine traits she needs. She will be able to provoke Leo to slow down, because he will be fascinated by her cunning and gentle attitude. Such pairs are often created family rules, in which the husband is in charge, but the wife indicates the direction where he should move.
  • Virgo. Marriage between representatives of these two signs is very favorable, because despite their differences and the complete opposite of their worldview, they are able to understand each other perfectly. The differences between them do not cause irritation for the couple, and from points of contact they build a strong foundation for marriage. Having gotten together with Virgo, he will receive a reliable assistant and girlfriend, which is why Virgo is so valued by the Pisces man. Compatibility with other signs will not give such a high-quality result for him. And for representatives of the sign of Pisces, in a marriage with Virgo, his love for the family will be clearly visible, such a husband will become a reliable protector.
  • Scales. The marriage of Pisces with Libra will give representatives of the water sign a feeling of similarity and kinship. Pisces will receive all the attention they need, from romantic surprises to wonderful courtship. But here conflicts may arise due to the softness of the signs and their weak resistance to everyday and life problems. If the marriage has already taken place between two people who are firmly on their feet, it will be good, but in youth, most likely, it will not last long.
  • Scorpion. Such a marriage is very attractive. It's more like a series plot than a real life Therefore, it often attracts envy and admiration from others. Even quarrels in such a family will be bright and intense, taking place according to all the rules. Such couples are formed against the backdrop of a desire to find sincere and strong feelings. But at the same time, a marriage will only be stable in adulthood. Scorpios are very jealous, but in Pisces they see their ideal, so they protect and protect it from all adversity. This is how Pisces manifests their zodiac sign. Compatibility with other signs reveals a variety of features in them.
  • Sagittarius. Pisces likes wisdom and justice in Sagittarius. But taking a closer look at Sagittarius, Pisces will be able to discover other qualities that will bring problems to the marriage. These are independence, interest in society rather than in the individual, the desire for success and the inability to settle down. This prevents Pisces from building the deep relationships they need. In addition, Pisces will be able to understand what Sagittarius means, but the opposite happens very rarely in a partnership where there are Sagittarius and Pisces. Compatibility with other signs may look much more positive.

  • Capricorn. By nature, Capricorns look very reserved and dry, but any Pisces can stir them up and awaken the most hidden feelings in them. In addition, this search for qualities and emotions gives Pisces confidence. Capricorns can give Pisces a sense of reliability and stability; the expression “like behind a stone wall” is applicable here.
  • Fish. This marriage is similar to a marriage with themselves, because they see themselves in their partner. Understanding, reliability, trust and awareness of what the other needs for happiness makes this union ideal. It all depends on personal preference. In such a marriage, a real safe haven and a storm of feelings and emotions can arise, which is what Pisces (zodiac sign) values ​​most in a marriage. Compatibility with other signs in in this case is unimportant, because the connection between partners in such a marriage is the strongest.
  • Aquarius. This is a very strange and unusual union, but if they understand each other, they will never part. These two types of representatives of different zodiac signs and elements are very similar, they both help people and their character is built according to the same principle.

Here is the entire Pisces horoscope. Compatibility with other signs in relationships and love, as well as basic character traits were considered. With its help, you can seriously evaluate all the pros and cons of a relationship with a particular person.

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People born under the sign of Pisces are changeable. Their element is water. They can show courage and bravery, rushing to save the world. Compassion and courage are their main qualities. In marriage they value understanding and sincerity. Therefore, the compatibility of Pisces with other zodiac signs is needed for a reason. If you approach this matter wisely, you can enter into a happy union.

Characteristics of the Pisces sign

In each month of the zodiac sign three decades are distinguished. Thus, Pisces born in the first ten days (February 19-28) are not inclined to soar in the clouds. They are very thoughtful. Therefore, it is important for them to see order and reliability in relationships. Their significant other should show love and tenderness.

Those born in the second decade (March 1 - March 10) are changeable, emotional, and flexible. They are very impressionable and are characterized by mood swings. They value love and care in a partner.

In the third decade (March 11-20), people were born who are very confident in themselves and show unprecedented cruelty. They are resilient. Such a person will accept any thinking and therefore easily get along with any sign.

Typical Pisces exhibit the following qualities:

  1. Tolerance;
  2. Calm;
  3. Understanding;

They are often hampered by melancholy and indecision. Therefore, many plans and ideas remain unrealized. Pisces men also need support and attention. They must be confident that their partner will provide reliable support if necessary. A successful union requires common interests.

Aries, powerful by nature, will try to subjugate Pisces. They mistake the calmness of their loved one for weakness. But Pisces are not so easy to catch: they sense that traps have been placed on them and will skillfully avoid them. Partners will be strongly attracted to each other. A whirlwind romance is likely. But to create a prosperous family union, you will have to make a lot of effort. If an Aries guy does not regularly turn his beloved’s life into a fairy tale, she will be offended and leave him. The Aries woman can help with money and financially support her partner. But he will have to live up to the expectations placed on him.

The relationship with Leo will not last long. Quickly arising sympathy and passion will not help create a long-lasting union. They are too different and love will fade faster than the partners can adapt to each other. Friendship is best for these signs.

Everything interesting is hidden in the person himself - this is what Pisces (Zodiac Sign) thinks. Female compatibility with Sagittarius men is negative. Representatives of this fire sign are accustomed to constant movement in life. Therefore, they seek new experiences and travel often. Sagittarius will be irritated by the silence and mystery of the chosen one. Therefore, the likelihood of a long union is minimal.

Before talking about which zodiac sign Pisces is compatible with, let's consider their interaction with the elements of air and earth. The union with Virgos is quite encouraging: partners complement each other perfectly. However, Virgo's excessive pickiness can ruin things. They will be driven by the feeling of re-educating their chosen one, accustoming him to order. But Pisces will not tolerate such an encroachment on their freedom and will prefer to leave the relationship. But they can try to convince Virgo that everything is fine, and this can save the union.

With Taurus, a similar situation is observed in Pisces (zodiac sign). Compatibility with other signs depends not only on harmonious combination elements, but also on the characters of the partners. In the combination of the elements Earth-Water, everything is perfect. But Taurus will be irritated by the dreaminess and suspiciousness of the chosen one. Those, in turn, will not be happy with the pragmatism of the satellite. Despite the complete incompatibility in love relationships, this couple will become friends.

Capricorns are famous for their gloom and coldness. The union doesn't change anything for them. But thanks to their patience, Capricorns will take a long time to achieve their chosen one. She will be flattered by this. This is a good iconic combination. There is every chance to start a family. Loving Capricorn will carry a loved one in her arms, and impressionable Pisces (the zodiac sign of women compatible with sincere people) will be delighted by this.

The situation is slightly different with air signs. These include:

  • Aquarius.
  • Libra.
  • Gemini.

To successfully build relationships, you need to study the horoscope. Pisces and compatibility with other signs can be ambiguous. So, paired with Aquarius there will be no pleasure. They will try to re-educate their chosen ones. And they will be offended. Compatibility in the intimate sphere is ideal. But this couple is unlikely to make a promising union.

Libra will make you happy family life. On the one hand, lovers gravitate toward building castles in the air. On the other hand, they experience mutual attraction and can be good friends. Pisces is slightly melancholic for the optimistic Libra. But such a contrast in views is only beneficial.

With Gemini the situation is not so clear. Water and air complement each other perfectly. But Gemini loves noisy events and will try to drag their significant other out to them. Your partner is unlikely to like such coercion. Therefore, these signs are unlikely to be able to build a happy family life.

Cancer and Pisces are perfect for each other. Both partners are mysterious, prone to a mystical vision of the world. From the outside they look like a model couple. Complete mutual understanding will reign in their family. Therefore, you can get married right away.

Compatibility with Scorpios is explained by one element - water. Despite different tempers, their union will be successful thanks to common hobbies. Surprisingly, Scorpios who are hungry for power will be submissive to their soul mate. This couple will never have disagreements about choosing a vacation spot or which school to send their children to.

The Pisces-Pisces combination is bad. Despite the common element and similarity of characters, such an alliance is doomed to failure. They will have mutual understanding and no conflicts. The reason for the breakdown of a relationship will be... boredom. One partner will become uninteresting in being around ideal person, and the couple will separate.

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