The meaning of the name Elena and her. Name Elena in English, Latin, different languages

Since ancient times, the name has been given great importance. It was believed that it influences the character and destiny of a person. People in all countries took his choice very seriously. Many names were considered to bring good luck. One of them is the name Elena. Its meaning is quite contradictory.

What does the name Elena mean?

It comes from the Greek language and means “chosen”, “sunny”, “bright”. There is a version that it comes from the word “helios”, that is, the sun. This name was a symbol of beauty and femininity. According to legend, Elena was considered the most beautiful woman, and this was the reason. According to another version, it is derived from the ancient name Selena, which means moon. But the characteristics of the name and the qualities of its bearers do not confirm this theory. Although in Elena’s character opposite qualities often coexist: excitability, activity, that is, solar traits, and receptivity, isolation - lunar traits.

Therefore, since childhood, Elena has been very impressionable, but calm and affectionate. With loved ones she is emotional and very trusting. Parents need to know what the name Elena means, because this girl really needs to be loved, if she doesn’t feel it, she can become withdrawn and stubborn. These children generally study poorly because they are a little lazy, sloppy and like to put things off until tomorrow. They are often unpunctual and lack initiative. But if their parents help them cope with these qualities, they can study well, because they have a very good memory, rich imagination and a heightened sense of beauty. But more often than not, these qualities do not lead to good grades, but to the fact that Elena lives in a world of fantasy and dreams. They love fairy tales very much, especially about balls and princesses. They love everything beautiful and shiny, outfits and jewelry. Therefore, they are fond of handicrafts, trying to sew, knit and make jewelry. But despite this, they often change interests and manage their household poorly. Many Elenas are ready to be content with minimal comfort and are often sloppy.

The name Elena means that its bearers are emotional and always worry about their favorite characters in books and films. But in life they are in no hurry to really come to the rescue, although they are very

kind. And if in childhood they are compliant, obey authoritative and strong people, then when they grow up, they become capricious, eccentric and love to be admired. They often have many admirers, love adventures, but they usually do not marry for love and are often unhappy in their family life. These women are often jealous, but in love they are capable of sacrifice. Elena can be inquisitive, envious and very touchy, and they always try to punish the offender.

What else does it mean? She is very emotional, so she often chooses creative

profession, as well as the work of a psychologist and translator. Because of her laziness, she rarely achieves great success in her work. Although she loves to work and communicate with people.

Elena has many positive qualities: she can create an atmosphere of peace and comfort in the family, she is very cheerful, talkative, optimistic and rich in imagination. She easily gets along with any people and knows how to adapt to any situation.

Of course, not all Elenas have these qualities. A lot depends on a person’s upbringing and environment, and on his zodiac sign. In addition, the name does not influence a person independently, but together with the patronymic and surname. And how a woman is called by diminutive names or nicknames is also important. But all the same, it is advisable for parents choosing a name to know what the name Elena means.

The name Elena became widespread during the baptism of Rus'; there are various variations of it among different peoples. The Old Russian nobility especially loved the name; it is shrouded in a haze of mystery. It is worth mentioning the image of Helen the Beautiful, which is immortalized in many works of art.

The origin of the name Helen is important; it is borrowed from Greek, this was the name of the mother of Constantine the Great, who converted to Christianity one of the first among the Roman emperors. For a woman, this name carries such qualities as the ability to shine and attract attention. She is feminine and patient, smart and beautiful. But she is stingy in showing feelings.

Elena always acts at the behest of her heart, rarely guided by reason. Her life is ruled by emotions. Love for her is more like compassion, pity, but not passion. In terms of energy, it is one of the happiest names.

Helen's name day is celebrated according to the calendar, the saints who protect the bearers of this name are the Grand Duchess of Russia, Equal-to-the-Apostles Helen, and the martyr Helen, the daughter of the Apostle. They protect women and bring them good luck.

Among the stones, chalcedony will become a talisman, giving longevity and health, supporting internal energy, allowing happiness in love. He protects the girl’s femininity. The lucky number is 5, and the patron planet is Mercury. The name has a water element and its favorite color is yellow.

Totem animals are deer and cod. Deer is considered a symbol of rebirth, and cod brings happiness and financial well-being. Favorable plants are orchid and aster. Orchid is a symbol of harmony, beauty, feminine charm and charm, luxury and splendor. The white flower symbolizes pure love. Asters are considered the flowers of love and modesty. Spring is always the most prosperous time for Lenochka; on Wednesday all important matters and tasks are resolved more successfully.

The most common affectionate forms of the name are Lena, Lenochka, Lenok, Lenusya, Lenchik, Lesya, Nusya, Lenochek, Alena ( this name is now separated into its own). Translated, Elena is sunny, which means her ability to give light to people.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name changes with the seasons. Born in spring, women are focused on the material side of life, they are excellent students, and grasp everything on the fly. They build their careers harshly, choose a wealthy husband, and live in abundance all their lives. Summer Lenochka is an intriguer with great ambitions that allow her to achieve a lot in life. She must be the best in everything, she has few friends, and more often chooses in favor of her husband and children.

A woman born in the autumn months is careful and scrupulous, always thinking through all her moves. Even when looking for a man, she chooses a husband who suits all her parameters. Thanks to this, her family turns out to be strong. Winter Lenochka is distinguished by her persistence and adherence to principles, she is active and resourceful, and successfully brings all her dreams to life. He does not like unnecessary attention to his person and is very reluctant to participate in events.


What does a name mean in terms of character? Despite the fact that little Lenochka is somewhat unsociable and difficult to get along with other children, she has a deep inner world. Since childhood, she adores fairy tales, is slightly naive and gullible, and is easy to deceive. But when faced with deception, she will not stop until she deals with the offender, showing hitherto unnoticed resourcefulness.

He is a very kind person at heart, but he can reveal his kindness only at an older age. Since childhood, she has been capable of compassion; determination is not her trait. The secret of the name Elena is that in essence she is a very cheerful, cheerful, positive person, but only those closest to her can recognize this.

My fascinating nature gives me no rest. Lenochka is always busy with something, I try to choose some kind of needlework for myself. Beauty always plays a big role in her life, but there is a certain inconstancy, and she often changes hobbies, sometimes without even finishing the job. She is not very interested in studying, but if she likes the teacher, she shows herself to be a diligent excellent student. Her excellent memory helps her in this.

In character she is more like her father, adding her feminine characteristics and sensuality. Highly emotional, sometimes overly sensitive, especially in cases where we are talking about those aspects of life that interest her most. It is worth showing firmness in upbringing, since spoiled Helens become lazy and childish.

Negative characteristics include isolation. They have a rich fantasy world in which they often hide from reality. Big dreamers, they have an irrepressible imagination, and this state of affairs leads to the fact that Lena begins to lie a lot. Often this does not happen on purpose, it just becomes difficult for the baby to distinguish reality from fiction.

The main feature that the name Lena bears is an unshakable will. She has a very strong inner core, which gives her the opportunity to achieve what she wants by any means.


Speaking about the fate of women named Elena, it is worth mentioning their tendency to live in a fictional world. A lack of basis in behavior and thoughts is often noticed; emotions in any area play an important role in their lives. In the absence of proper upbringing and strong moral principles, the girl becomes cunning and does not look at what price she has to pay for her desires.

Elena has a good destiny in love, she is often happy, knows how to attract a man and creates a strong family. Health is quite poor, so it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and diet, be sure to maintain physical shape, play sports, which Lena does not really like to do.

Helen's intelligence and hard work allow her to achieve her goals, she knows how to see the main thing, and does not waste time on momentary desires. Excellent memory and a penchant for exact sciences, meticulousness in achieving tasks help build a prosperous life. Intuition is well developed, which she completely trusts; a woman with this name is not afraid to take risks, she believes in herself and her strength.


Those named Elena are sensual and capricious, but they find a common language better with men. Even at school, they often fall in love, especially if the teacher is a young and interesting person. In love relationships, Lenochka is flighty, her mood often changes, and the next day she may not even look in the direction of the one she was crazy about. He is not shy about using fans for his own personal purposes, he literally goes over their heads.

An enthusiastic coquette, she tries to take an active position in winning over a man. He flirts easily, but having found the one, they are ready to lay the whole world at his feet. It’s true that they expect such a bright and passionate response in return. Elena will not be able to completely dissolve in the family; staying among the pots all her life is not her choice. But he would never trade his family for a career. Rather, he will try to maintain a balance between these areas of his life.

They are gullible, but when a man does not live up to expectations, a sophisticated punishment awaits him. She knows how to give what she deserves. Representatives of the stronger sex are always present in her life, she knows how to excite and charm, but Lenusya is looking for a man-father, strong and wise. It is with such a person that she will find happiness.

She values ​​perseverance, and can choose the most persistent admirer, even if she herself does not respond to him with the same passion. It is important for her to be loved, appreciated and to put family well-being at the center of attention. She is quite jealous and can create scandals even about her spouse’s communication with friends and being overly busy at work.

In family life, Lenochka is the creator of the family hearth, she is an excellent housewife, and the well-being of her family comes first. Despite his penchant for saving, he loves to spend money. The spouse and children will always be clothed and fed. Most often, they have sons, whom the Lenas madly love and pamper.

Elena has good compatibility for marriage with men bearing the names Alexander, Vladimir, Andrey, Igor, Dmitry, Lev, Stanislav, Ruslan, Roman, Yuri. It is undesirable to link your fate with Mark, Taras, Anatoly or Stepan.


An innate sense of beauty allows Elena to achieve success in creative professions. They make excellent models and artists, art critics and actresses. A passion for exact sciences and an analytical mind are good inclinations for areas such as financial activities. Accounting, economics, finance and lending - Lenochka will be successful in these areas.

As a rule, they are night owls by nature, so they often choose work that does not involve getting up early. In addition, they are not interested in monotonous and boring work. They will never stay in a service that does not give them internal development, interest, and passion. Because of this Elena often changes places of activity until they find a truly worthwhile offer where they can give their all one hundred percent.

The name Elena has become so popular that it is very difficult to meet at least one person who does not have a friend with that name. This is not at all surprising, because the name Elena comes to us from ancient mythologies and beautiful legends that can captivate hearts. But today we invite you to find out something much more interesting than popularity statistics. In this article we will reveal the secret of the name Elena.

A name is usually given once in a lifetime - at birth. Sometimes it seems surprising that a “parental gift” remains with us for life. This is not just a form of address that facilitates communication between people, it is a part of us. Apparently this is why we are so interested in knowing not only the characteristics and compatibility of the name, but also its origin, which carries a lot of interesting things:

  • One of the first interesting facts about the name Elena can be the roots of its origin. Elena is one of the most frequently used domestic names. This is probably why it is so difficult for us to imagine that it came to us from distant Greece.
  • There is a version that the Greeks at one time called themselves Hellenes. Over time, the sound of this name changed, so abroad the Greeks began to be called “Helen, Elen” or “Helene, Elena,” depending on gender. Apparently there were significantly more travelers, because it was the feminine word form that took root, by which the meaning of the name Elena was determined as Greek.
  • There is a more common version that can shed the truth on the question of what the name Elena means. It can be safely called the brightest name of all, because among the Greeks it served as the personification of the sun itself and was translated as “solar”, “fiery”, “bright”, “sparkling”, “shining”, “fire”, “light”, "torch", "sunbeam" or "sunlight". Perhaps this name was awarded to fair-haired or red-haired girls.
  • The Greeks are convinced that the name Helen comes from the more ancient version “Helena” or “Helena”, which in turn also means “fiery”, “brilliant” and “bright”. Also, the name Elena can be interpreted as “chosen one.”

It is interesting to know that the peak of popularity of the name Elena fell in the early 90s. XX century. Then it was included in the rating as one of the ten most popular names, so today we can often see it among adult girls.

  • Many people are mistaken in thinking that the names Elena and Alena are modified word forms of the same name, but this is not so. In fact, they are completely unrelated to each other, have different origins, history and meaning. But the most interesting thing is that the name Lena can also serve as an independent name, despite the fact that it is a shortened form of the name Elena, because before it had nothing to do with this name.
  • The fact that the name Helen is of Greek origin can be seen even in ancient Greek mythology, where one of the most beautiful women was Helen of Troy or, as the Greeks used to call her, Helen the Beautiful.
  • It still remains a mystery how the name Elena could become Orthodox, because at that time pagan worship of the gods ruled the country. Nevertheless, the fact remains that even in Orthodox culture this name has its saints, because Elena of Constantinople, Elena of Serbia, Elena of Diveevskaya, etc.

A very interesting fact is that Princess Olga of Kievan Rus, who was baptized in 955, took it under the name Elena. By the way, Princess Olga was canonized in 1547. She became the first female saint in the Orthodox denomination.

  • Because In Orthodoxy there are many saints named Elena, her name day occurs several times a year. Some dates are added and then disappeared, but basically the day named after Elena falls on the following dates: January 28, March 19, June 8 and 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12.

Character of girls named Elena

What else does the secret of the name Elena hide from us? Now that we know the history of its origin, can we say with confidence that the representative of this name should be kind and flexible, as the very meaning of the name tells her (bright, sunny)? Or is it worth considering the multiple faces of saints with the name Helen because its bearer must be sacrificial and respectable? We will never know for sure until we examine in detail the characteristics of the name Elena:

  • Elena grows up to be a very impressionable and vulnerable child. Even her parents’ divorce can cause her emotional trauma and impose a bunch of unjustified complexes that very likely will not leave her in adulthood.
  • Often this is the beloved child in the family. This is fundamentally wrong. Children who grow up in hothouse conditions, and especially such vulnerable ones, turn out to be completely unadapted to real life. Any injury can break a girl.
  • Elenas are most often prone to depressive disorders. Very advanced cases can have very sad consequences, which can be caused by suicidal tendencies. This is expressed to a greater extent in adolescence, so at this time, more than ever, a girl needs family support.
  • Elena is very lazy, so her parents need to make considerable efforts to encourage the child to study and other household obligations.

  • Elena has an innate sense of beauty. This feature opens up a lot of prospects for her. She can realize herself in creativity and achieve recognition in the field of her choice. A child needs to be taught this from childhood. The best solution would be to take her to several sections at once so that she can choose an activity she likes.
  • Elena is very trusting of people. Such blind devotion can bring her a lot of disappointments in life, especially in her personal life.
  • Elena is very susceptible to compliments. She enjoys being the center of attention and will happily take any available chance to provoke it. This is not always appropriate, but Elena grows up to be an emotionally dependent person from childhood. Complexes can only complicate the overall situation.
  • Elena grows up as a very emotional child and this does not leave her with age. She is very sociable, always easy-going and often the “ringleader” in the company of friends.

The fate of girls named Elena

The name given to a person at birth carries not only a history of origin and meaning, but is also capable of predetermining the fate of its bearer. This seems something incredible, but, nevertheless, many who have encountered this magic with their own eyes can confirm that the name really has the ability to influence not only our character, but also our destiny:

  • Elenas are real travelers, so many of them connect their fate with this activity. This weakness in learning new things can be associated with an increased emotional perception of everything that happens to them. They are very impressionable and always strive to take in a new dose of impressions.
  • Elena also has an innate ability for sports. It doesn’t have to be weightlifting; any physical activity attracts it like a magnet. Because Elenas are quite feminine and delicate in nature; they often give their preference to oriental dancing, Pilates or yoga. Elena has been attracted to this kind of activity since early childhood, so if parents pay attention to the child’s abilities in time, then it is quite possible that they will be pleased with numerical certificates and medals from international competitions.

  • Elena is always open and sociable with people, so she chooses a profession related to society.
  • It is worth paying attention to what was said above - Elena has an innate sense of beauty. This should not be overlooked. It is very likely that she will be able to realize herself in creativity.
  • Elena is not in very good physical health, despite the fact that these are not sickly children at all. Lena is prone to obesity, so she needs to maintain physical fitness and carefully monitor her diet. In addition to metabolism, it is also worth paying special attention to the kidneys and pancreas.
  • Elena is a compassionate person and prone to compassion, no matter how strange it may sound, but it is this trait that is the reason for the numerous unsuccessful novels that fate has destined for her. She is very amorous, and this becomes a problem every time she wants to show compassion for a man again. It’s easy to guess what kind of men she comes across on the horizon of her life.
  • In relationships, Elena is faithful and, having found her soul mate, becomes a good wife and mother. She appreciates her lover and supports him in everything, as befits an exemplary wife.
  • Elena is very jealous, although she hides it skillfully. Her impressionability and wild imagination can greatly distort reality, which can aggravate the atmosphere in her personal life, which does not improve from groundless scandals and unjustified reproaches. Elena would rather put on an emotional performance about the trash that hasn't been taken out than be honest about her concerns.

Compatibility in love of Elena with male names

Each name is individual and unique not only in its sound, but also in the particular character of its bearer. Nowadays, many are able to trust the secret of the name in finding the right partner. Of course, you shouldn’t blindly trust the compatibility of names, discarding worthy candidates, but it’s very worth taking these recommendations into account. In this section we will reveal the secret of a happy family life, namely, what male names are suitable for Elena in marriage.

Male names suitable for Elena:

  1. Paul
  2. Alexei
  3. Alexander
  4. Sergey
  5. Vladimir
  6. Andrey
  7. Dmitriy
  8. Eugene
  9. Konstantin

Male names that do not suit the name Elena:

  1. Arthur
  2. Anatoly
  3. Boris
  4. Victor
  5. Stanislav
  6. Vitaly
  7. Matvey
  8. Nazar
  9. Svyatoslav

Interesting facts about the name Elena

In addition to the history of origin, meaning, character and fate, the secret of the name contains many more interesting things. You will be very surprised how many different amulets and symbolic features your name hides. In this section, we will introduce you a little to some interesting facts that can help you in your personal achievements:

  • The lucky number for the name Elena is 5. This is the number of travelers and also symbolizes achievement. It helps you focus your energy on results and achieve well-deserved success. The number 5 can serve as a talisman for Elena. To do this, it is enough to make this number your symbol, for example, when going on a trip, book the 5th seat on the plane or take with you an amount of money that is a multiple of five.
  • Another amulet of the name Elena is ash. This is a wise tree, which in Scandinavian mythology symbolizes life and fertility. A representative of this name can safely rely on the elder ash tree. In moments of anxiety, emotional stress, or physical illness, just hug the tree trunk for a few minutes. Ash will share its energy with you, as well as its wisdom, if you are looking for answers to questions or are simply confused.
  • The flower named Elena is Astra. You simply cannot find a more delicate and feminine flower for this name. Like Elena herself, it represents love and romantic memories. There is a beautiful legend, which can be judged from the appearance of the flower. The pointed corners of Astra are very similar to a star. Legend has it that this plant gave us the sky.

Zeus promised his brother, the ruler of the underworld - Hades, his daughter Persephone. When the time came for the newlyweds to marry, the bride was heartbroken. When the daughter left the family for the underworld, her mother, Demeter, was inconsolable. She cried bitterly, dropping her tears from Olympus to Earth, which turned into star dust. In the place where there were traces of Demeter's grief over the fate of her daughter, flowers grew as a symbol of what Demeter was grieving about. This flower is Aster.

  • The totem animal named Elena is Deer. His grace and beauty fully personify Elena’s feminine expression and reveal her desire for beauty. It is interesting to know that the Deer is also a symbol of the sun, as is the meaning of the name Elena.

  • The stone named after Elena is Chalcedony. This is a real amulet that it is recommended not to part with. This mineral is capable of bringing inner harmony to its bearer, so in moments of stress it is worth holding it in your hand for several minutes. Chalcedony is also a stone of love and can help Elena improve her personal life. To do this, you should pay attention to the gray shade of the stone.
  • The color that can bring good luck to Elena is yellow. We meet again and again with small symbols of the sun. Yellow color is full of vital energy. It represents dreams and eternal youth.
  • Elena's element is Water. It is not without reason that they say that water is alive and is capable of feeling energetic vibrations. In case of nervous stress, physical illness or the “heavy eye” of ill-wishers, it is enough to simply relax and take a bath, after mentally asking the water for help. Water can restore internal energy and put thoughts in order.
  • Elena, like every person, has good and bad days. We could change a lot if we knew them. No matter how sensational it may sound, Elena has a unique chance to get acquainted with them with her own eyes. It is better to plan important things, travel and dates on Wednesday, because... This is a good day named after Elena, but on Thursday it is better to stay at home and take a day off, because... it is very likely that all the things planned for this day will go to waste.

As you have already seen, the name Elena is not only beautiful and sweet-sounding, but also very interesting. In this article we have revealed all the secrets that we managed to convey to our time; it is possible that even more remained hidden from general attention. Armed with the knowledge that this article has provided, it will be much easier for you to choose a special gift or build a strong relationship with a girl named Elena.

Video: “The Secret of the Name Elena”

Character and destiny. Its origins are Ancient Greece. Translated, the name means “chosen”, “bright”, “sunlight”.

The meaning of the name “Elena” for a girl: briefly about the main thing

Interpretations include a description of character, habits, etc. If we consider the meaning of the name Elena for a girl, we can briefly say that:

Childhood Since childhood, she has been very trusting, curious, and believes in fairy tales. He is drawn to beauty and has many hobbies. Studying is easy, but she does her homework according to her mood. Has excellent memory.
He takes on many traits from his dad. Receptive, emotional, interested in art. Sometimes she’s lazy; if she doesn’t want to do something, it’s very difficult to force her.
Characteristics of the name He prefers to cope with life's difficulties on his own. Besides:
· has supernatural abilities, especially due to the amazingly developed intuition from birth;
· knows how to listen calmly;
· at an older age she begins to be interested in elegance and art.
Laziness does not always manifest itself; if she takes on something, she usually completes it.
Family, marriage Elena is very feminine, loves to look at herself in the mirror, and considers herself beautiful. She has very developed feelings of compassion and pity (even more than love). She can easily begin to take care of a lonely man, and if necessary, she is even capable of sacrificing herself.
However, he also demands the same from the chosen one. Her house is always calm. She is a good housewife, but often it depends on her mood, since housework is boring for her. She can get by with little and is not picky. A good wife and caring mother.
Career Sometimes she is reserved and shy, but usually she is quite sociable and chooses a profession according to this quality. True, in her youth it is very difficult for her to decide on a job. However, having chosen the right profession, he achieves great success. He prefers creative directions and is interested in philosophy. However, the business also brings her good income.

From childhood to old age, Elena has her own world of dreams, with which she does not part. She is able to independently restore peace of mind, is not vindictive, but remembers insults for a long time.

What does the name Elena mean for a girl according to the church calendar, Angel days

To determine what the name Elena means for a girl according to the church calendar, it is important to know the immediate Guardian Angel. It is believed that a lot depends on this. Honoring your Guardian Angel plays an important role. This day is considered to be the celebration of the next saint after Helen's birthday. This can be determined by the church calendar:

  • 01 – Helen the Great Martyr;
  • 03. and 03.06 – Queen E. of Constantinople;
  • 06 – Helen the Martyr;
  • 06. – Rev. E. Diveevskaya;
  • 07. – Princess Olga of Russia (baptized as Elena);
  • 08. – monk, E. Astashikina, venerable martyr;
  • 09. – martyr Elena Chernova;
  • 11. – Queen E. Serbian, reverend.

The name Elena means “bright”, “sunny”. Despite the list of saints, it is generally accepted to consider two dates as the day of the Angel - 3.06 (when the Sepulcher and the Cross of the Lord were found) or 12.11 - b.p. mother of the King of Serbia, who was later elevated to the status of saint.

The secret of the name Elena and description according to numerology

The secret of the name Elena carries divine origin and special energy. Finding out what it conceals means discovering your full potential, getting the opportunity to use it, changing your destiny. In addition to the interpretation of the origin described above, there is a second option, that the name comes from the name of the Greeks themselves - Hellenes. There are a number of common interpretations - Helena, Alena, Eleanor, etc.

The name Elena has enormous energy potential and also means “fiery”, “bright”. The most profitable option for a girl is if she was simultaneously born under the sign of Cancer. Elena has a keen sense of any lie since childhood. Very attached to family and friends. However, it is better for enemies not to stand in her way. He can take revenge in a very sophisticated way.

According to numerology, Helen's number is 5. These are privileges and obligations at the same time. She is smart, pedantic, hardworking, responsible and accurate. He has high moral qualities, never becomes arrogant and soberly assesses his strengths and weaknesses. Adult Elena is very witty, easy to talk to and loyal. However, if she is deceived, she will no longer allow this person into her world.

What is the origin of the name Elena and its meaning for children?

The origin of the name “Elena” and its meaning for children begins in Ancient Greece, with the Baptism of Rus'. At that time, this was the name given to girls from noble families. There is even a beautiful legend about how the name appeared. Helen gave birth to Constantine the Great, Roman Emperor. Supporting her son in spreading Christianity, she herself accepted this faith.

One day a woman had a dream with an angel's command to open divine places around the world. Especially where there were various artifacts that related to Jesus. This dream prompted the woman to travel to Palestine, where she found the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher.

After this, Elena became the founder of churches, the patroness of the disadvantaged and sick. This was one of the reasons why many newborns began to be called this.

The character of a girl named Elena: interesting features

The character of a girl named Elena manifests itself already in childhood. While still a baby, she already demands adoration. If this does not happen, it may close. Elena is very generous and kind, she perfectly recognizes lies. He is distinguished by his inventiveness, passion, and often changes his hobbies.

Excessive emotionality during adolescence causes a lot of anxiety for others. Elena quickly becomes a favorite for her cheerfulness, rich imagination, and optimism. An adult does not attach much importance to everyday life and is not picky about food. She can turn into a homebody and is reluctant to let other people into her own world. Avoids close proximity.

Elena: the meaning of the name, character and fate also have negative traits. Of these, strong emotional experiences can be noted. This reflects poorly not only on Elena’s character and fate, but also on those around her. She is quite capable of learning from other people's mistakes, but prefers to make her own. Sometimes she becomes too principled and becomes overbearing. If she starts to take revenge, you can’t expect pity from her.

The fate of a girl named Elena: interesting features

The fate of a girl named Elena has been interesting since childhood. At first, the child grows up very trusting, open and inquisitive. She believes in miracles, dreams, and since childhood Elena has created her own inner world where she can escape from the harsh reality. Children with this name love books. They grow up not greedy and willingly share their toys.

Elena grasps everything on the fly, so studying is easy. Her interests are very diverse and the girl has been trying to embrace a little of everything since childhood. However, she focuses her attention only on what is really interesting to her. She can easily be an excellent student, but only if she wants it.

Elena: the meaning of the name, character and fate largely depend on the time of year of birth:

  1. Winter ones are persistent, principled, do not marry for a long time, and are too demanding of men. Inventive and resourceful, always going towards the goal. They achieve great success, become independent and strong individuals.
  2. Summers are intriguing, envious, trying to become financially independent and be the first in everything. They have few friends, but this is not a problem for them, since they prefer to take care of themselves all their lives. They perceive criticism acutely and do not know how to lose.
  3. Spring people are very smart and selfish. They know their worth and make a great impression. They are well brought up and aristocratic. In their chosen one, social status is important to them; they do not know how to waste time on trifles.
  4. Autumn people are prudent, cautious, and very scrupulously consider all life circumstances before making a decision. They enjoy great success with the opposite sex, but they choose a partner with their mind, not their heart, in order to ensure a decent existence for themselves and their children.

Growing up, Elena is able to isolate important information and analyze it. They are very smart, highly educated, and have a high concentration of attention. It is more important for them to know that they are loved than to have the same feelings for their partner. She can always support her devoted friends and acquaintances not only morally, but also financially.

If the baby was named Elena, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls largely depend on the time of year of birth and the sign of the Zodiac. However, the main characteristics are the same even without taking these features into account. You can read comments on our forum topic or leave your own.

The name Helen comes from the ancient Greek Helene. Translated, it means “light”, “torch”, “fire”, “chosen”, “sparkling”, “brilliant” or “sunny”. Its ancient form, Selena, creates a lyrical image of the ideal feminine principle: pliable and accepting, refined and flexible, mysterious and weak, driven by the fusion and changes of feelings, but inert and not very deep. This female name is very popular in Russia among adult girls. In the early 90s of the 20th century, it was one of the ten most common among newborn babies.

Elena is a very excitable and suspicious person, she is overly impressionable and amorous, she has a well-developed sense of beauty. It is forever associated with the epithet Beautiful. Elena the Beautiful is the heroine of many Russian fairy tales, the embodiment of all-conquering beauty and charm. She tends to be lazy and easily spoiled. Often puts off planned tasks and does not complete them. Elena is capricious, needs home warmth and comfort, loves increased attention to herself. Much in Elena's character depends on the time of year in which she was born.

Characteristics of the name Elena

Corresponding zodiac sign: Leo ♌.

Patron planet: Sun ☉.

Dominant element of Feng Shui: Tree 木.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Chalcedony.

Talisman-color: Blue-gray.

Tree talisman: Oak 🍁.

Plant talisman: Astra.

Animal mascot: Deer.

The most successful day: Friday ♀.

Happy time of year: Summer ☀.

Character traits: Receptivity, Optimism, Gullibility, Self-sacrifice, Heightened pride.

Spring Elena- a rather selfish woman who is primarily interested in material values ​​in life. Since her youth, she has been a good student, grasping everything on the fly, making her first attempts at building a career. Being already an adult woman, she even chooses her husband primarily based on material criteria, so Elena’s family often lives in abundance.

Summer Elena- a great intriguer and envious person. This is an ambitious woman whose life principles allow her to achieve great heights in her profession. Often her goal is to be the best always and in everything. Therefore, summer Elena has a very narrow circle of friends (or none at all). What she lacks in friends, she makes up for with love for her husband and children.

Autumn Elena prudent and far-sighted. She approaches any life situations carefully and scrupulously. Even when choosing a husband, autumnal Elena first accepts the courtship of several men at once, and then chooses only one chosen one, who undergoes a thorough “casting” according to all her parameters. But she creates an extremely strong and reliable family.

Winter Elena persistent and principled. She doesn’t get married for a long time because she’s too picky. Can show dexterity, activity and resourcefulness in any situation. Winter Elena, as a rule, successfully implements all her plans. He has an analytical mind and pedantry. She does not like to participate in formal events, especially to be at the head of them.

Character of the name Elena

As a child, Elena loves to read and listen to fairy tales. She grows in her invented inner world. She treats others with trust, but is often deceived, for which she is vindictive and tries to punish her offender. He studies well at school thanks to his excellent memory. In communicating with people, Elena is simple, easy and relaxed. Acutely perceives life's troubles and difficulties. She is characterized by sudden whims and whims. She can be secretive and withdrawn, but behind this mask hides a very subtle and vulnerable soul.

In the character of adult Elena, the emotional side often prevails over the mind, although it cannot be said that she does not have intelligence. The representative of this name always achieves her goals, using significant mental resourcefulness and assertiveness. She can affect the feelings of others. She is able to attract someone in her direction so easily and naturally that you won’t even notice it. By nature she is a changeable person. She often lives according to a rhythm unknown to her, which is entirely subordinate to her emotional experiences.

Positive traits of the name Elena: Credibility, gentleness, charm, flirtatiousness. Elena is able to show sympathy and compassion for a person who needs help, even to sacrifice herself. At the same time, she is smart, does not shy away from danger, and does not tolerate deception. He knows how to punish the offender, showing extraordinary ingenuity.

Negative traits of the name Elena: Cunning, prudence, suppressed excitement and passion. The name Elena lives in its own inner world, but can obey someone else's strong will. Absorbed in her emotional experiences, she can neglect her affairs and her direct responsibilities.

Interests and hobbies

Lena has been passionate about sports from an early age. She likes to create beauty around her with her own hands. In his free time he enjoys handicrafts. At the same time, she shows her talents only in the circle of her family and for her family, preferring not to put them on public display. Loves to travel and visit different cities and countries.

Profession and business

Elena chooses professions that involve communicating with people. She is attracted to work in the field of aesthetics and art. Does not like rigid work schedules, as well as early starts to work. The professions of actress, musician, and singer suit her. Successful in modeling and financial affairs. May become interested in philosophy, religion, or studying the culture of another country.

Elena may have good luck in financial matters, but this is not enough for a successful business. Her generosity and indifference to money will not allow her to conduct commercial activities. Therefore, all Elena’s attempts to start her own business, as a rule, fail.

Mentality and health

Women named Elena are most often melancholic. Elena feels comfortable only in her own, fictional world, and she almost never feels a lack of communication. The fact is that Elena always has a smart, beautiful, and understanding interlocutor - herself. That is why she takes an extremely responsible approach to creating a family, because only in the family can she fully open her inner world.

Elena cannot boast of good health. She is inclined towards fullness. Weak points are the nervous system, pancreas, kidneys and spine. Possible diseases of the skeletal system, heart and intestines. Elena urgently needs a healthy lifestyle, which includes an active lifestyle, healthy eating and exercise.

Love and sex

Many men are ready to do anything for Elena, who has femininity and charm. This woman captivates, excites, drives fans to despair until she finds a man-father who is not afraid of her difficult character. Her response to the most passionate love may well turn out to be not so ardent. Elena’s mood is very changeable: today she will love a man madly, and tomorrow she will show complete indifference towards him. She shamelessly takes advantage of her many fans.

It is difficult to understand her sexual behavior, since she is flirtatious and prone to innocent (in her opinion) flirting, but she will not tolerate flirting with other girls from her chosen one. Her love is selfless and strong. She is often jealous of her chosen one, but never admits it. She doesn't know what hot passions are. In family life, intimate relationships can become a routine nightly ritual for her. It becomes an ideal match for a reserved man with a moderate temperament.

Family and marriage

She most often marries a man who is more persistent than everyone else, but at the same time she will not necessarily be in love with him. Elena longs for her husband to love her madly and put family well-being first. She is jealous of everything that her husband takes away from her - his hobbies, friends, work, affections.

Lena builds her family relationships according to the principle “husband is a hunter, wife is the creator and keeper of the home nest.” She may not truly love her husband, but this will be hidden behind the screen of a diligent housewife. Although Elena is thrifty, she loves to go shopping and spend money, and she will never forget about family well-being, which means that her children will always be well-fed, clothed and shod. She builds a relationship with her spouse in which peace and tranquility reign.

Horoscope named Elena

Elena-Aries ♈- This is a powerful, but at the same time open nature, whose motto is “movement is life.” Elena-Aries is a person of mood, and if she has a bad mood, then those around her will definitely feel it. Elena, born under this sign, loves to be the center of male attention, but often men, feeling her power, retreat from the battlefield. Only a strong man can subjugate Elena-Aries.

Elena-Taurus ♉– this ambitious and self-confident woman realizes her plans mainly at the expense of others, which is to blame for her natural laziness and reluctance to take responsibility. Elena-Taurus is an excellent speaker who can convince anyone to act as she needs, while she will never forget to emphasize her merits and importance. Men adore her, but her heart belongs to that one and only beloved man, to whom she is ready to forgive a lot.

Elena-Gemini ♊– thanks to her cheerfulness, wit and openness, Elena-Gemini can easily win over those around her. She gives the impression of a person whose life is like a holiday, in which there is no place for sadness and troubles. But this does not mean at all that there are no problems in her life, it’s just that Elena-Gemini knows how to treat them lightly. In relationships with men, she is careful: she will easily flirt, while she will build a serious relationship for a long time, subjecting her chosen one to many checks.

Elena-Cancer ♋- This is a scrupulous nature, in whose head a huge number of ideas arise, which remain just ideas. And all for the reason that Elena-Cancer is used to counting on someone, and not on herself. She often exaggerates her personal merits, but she also takes defeats extremely hard, blaming everything on fate, which is unfavorable to her. Elena-Cancer constantly looks for flaws in her partner, accusing him of cheating and insufficient attention to her person.

Elena-Lev ♌– pride, vanity, power and temperament – ​​these are the main characteristics of Elena-Leo, because of which those around her do not like her. Her condescending manner of communication does not endear her either. Elena-Leo herself is convinced of her chosenness, uniqueness and irresistibility. Undoubtedly, she attracts men with her independent character, but not all of them are ready to bow to the passionate Elena-Leo and indulge all her whims.

Elena-Virgo ♍ is a tough and principled person in whose life there is no place for passions and emotions. Regularity and stability are the basis on which (according to Elena-Virgo) life is built, both social and family. Such life principles are not shared by all men, so it is often very difficult for Elena-Virgo to arrange her personal life. her ideal partner would be a man who takes life lightly.

Elena-Libra ♎ is a spontaneous, sociable and energetic woman who loves to talk more than listen (by the way, it is better not to trust her with secrets, since she absolutely does not know how to keep them). Elena-Libra wants to take an active part in the bustling life around her, it’s just a pity that there are only 24 hours in a day. It is not so easy to win the heart of Elena-Libra the first time, because she strives for a stable and long-term relationship in which her partner will provide her with a certain amount of freedom.

Elena-Scorpio ♏– this talented, but impressionable and somewhat irritable woman is guided primarily by emotions and spiritual impulses, while cold calculation and common sense fade into the background. Elena-Scorpio is very hot-tempered, which leads to the creation of conflict situations. Elena, born under this sign, is capable of truly deep feelings, but her temperament is fraught with quarrels.

Elena-Sagittarius ♐– Elena-Sagittarius’s independence and entrepreneurial spirit know no bounds. Only she prefers to generate ideas rather than implement them (she can impeccably organize the process of translating a plan into reality, but she is a poor performer). Elena-Sagittarius is constantly in search of unusual sensations, so her novels are often short-lived and frivolous.

Helen-Capricorn ♑– this sensible and pragmatic woman gravitates towards order, both in her personal life and in her work. She does not like petty and frivolous people who do not take life seriously. Elena-Capricorn always has everything under control - appearance, actions, and words. She accepts the advances of men, but with caution. He will never allow flirting with strangers. Such coldness and prudence make it extremely difficult for Elena-Capricorn to trust a man and fall in love.

Elena-Aquarius ♒ is an independent and freedom-loving nature who lives in peace and harmony with herself, preferring not to meddle in someone else’s life and not to let her into her own. Elena-Aquarius does not like to conflict; she would rather remain silent correctly, but at the same time draw her own conclusions. She is feminine and graceful, so she has no shortage of fans and romances. She will connect her life with a man who will be more likely to be a loyal friend than a passionate lover.

Elena-Pisces ♓- This is a good-natured and sensitive nature who is afraid of offending her interlocutor by word or deed. Elena-Pisces will not prove that she is right, but will give in to her opponent, even if she knows that she is one hundred percent right. Elena-Pisces has charm and charm, so she often catches the admiring glances of men. She knows how to love sincerely, selflessly and selflessly.

Compatibility of the name Elena with male names

Elena and Alexander- sensible Alexander looks at life rationally, preferring to achieve everything on his own, exclusively in an honest way and with his own work. He is modest and does not like to be the center of attention, which cannot be said about Elena, who prefers to shine in the rays of glory. The relationship of this couple can have a bright future if Elena learns to take into account Alexander’s opinions and capabilities.

Elena and Dmitry– cheerful Dmitry is a monogamous man, for whom family is a priority (for the well-being of his loved ones, he will work day and night). Lena respects and loves her husband for his dedication, attention, reliability and loyalty, so their union is often very strong.

Elena and Sergey– Respect and understanding reign in this couple, but there is also a place for love in them (the tenderness in the relationship between Elena and Sergei often amazes those around them). Both partners are very strong personalities, but this does not prevent them from peacefully and productively building a large family in which both adults and children are surrounded by love and care.

Elena and Andrey– there is no commonality and rationality in this couple, because both partners have an extraordinary character, and therefore do not accept any generally accepted norms. However, Elena and Andrei can be together, despite their isolation (the main thing is that the relationship in this couple is built on love).

Elena and Alexey– impulsive and touchy Elena sees in Alexei a comforter, a protector, and support. In return, she gives him affection, care, love, tenderness. Their relationship is built on the principles of equality and mutual respect, so lovers very rarely quarrel, but make up quickly and do not hold a grudge against each other.

Elena and Ivan- this is a strong union in which both Elena and Ivan are happy, and all for the reason that both live by the same values ​​and strive for self-development. They love to travel, and most often Elena becomes the driving force, while Vanya is happy to make her beloved’s wishes come true.

Elena and Evgeniy– this union can be called not only successful, but also prudent, because its basis is cooperation and friendship, understanding and unity of souls, but not passion or ardent love. But the intra-family struggle for power between Elena and Evgeny may somewhat overshadow these relationships.

Elena and Maxim– despite the fact that both Lena and Maxim do not want to part with their freedom, they manage to build a trusting, but at the same time quite independent relationship in which there is no room for mistrust. Their restless natures cannot stand loneliness, so life is always multifaceted and unusual, full of events and emotions.

Elena and Vladimir– in this union, Vladimir is assigned the leading role, while Elena is ready to completely dissolve in her partner, submit and trust him. Determined Vladimir takes on the role of a strong protector, a loving and faithful husband, and a wonderful father. The goals and desires of both partners often coincide, so they find it easy and comfortable to be together.

Elena and Denis- romance, passion, sensuality, love, impulsiveness - all this is present in the couple of Elena and Denis, and over time such a riot of feelings does not weaken, but, on the contrary, intensifies. And here it is very important to avoid conflict situations, since a showdown can develop into a real war and destroy love.

Elena and Pavel- this is truly a very gentle couple in which an atmosphere of care, peace, serenity, and sensuality reigns. Elena and Pavel concentrate as much as possible on each other’s desires, so in their relationship there is no place for rudeness, rudeness, or raising their voices. These are people who prefer to give rather than receive, so their union is very productive.

Elena and Artem- this is an ideal union in which they do not know what mistrust and jealousy are. Maybe the couple of Elena and Artem lacks passion and romance, but for them this is not the basis of the relationship. Moreover, often the love in this couple is the fruit of the hard work of two people who, first of all, were brought together by common interests and views on life.

Elena and Anton- This is an impulsive couple whose life is simply impossible to imagine without passionate showdowns, presentation of claims and even the destruction of property. Such realities, undoubtedly, can diversify family life with Anton, but will not make it strong, reliable and ideal. In figuring out who is right and who is wrong, all the love can be lost.

Elena and Mikhail– the dissimilarity of the characters of Elena and Mikhail does not mean that these two cannot be together. Yes, both are subject to mood swings. Yes, both are emotional and hot-tempered. But they know how to make concessions, listen and forgive, so their strange union often stands the test of time.

Elena and Roman– these relationships are based primarily on the sexual component. Common interests (both everyday and spiritual) fade into the background, especially since both have enough energy to solve several tasks or problems at once. In a couple of Elena and Roman, it is the passion and dissimilarity of characters that will help create a strong family.

Elena and Nikolay– love at first sight is quite possible between Lena and Nikolai (unfortunately, such love rarely develops into an adult and serious feeling, on which a reliable marriage is built). Maximalist Nikolai is very demanding of his chosen one, while she is not ready to part with her optionality and frivolity.

Elena and Igor- the institution of marriage is not of particular interest to either Igor or Elena (if they love each other, they can live together for years without official registration). Their relationship is quite free, they do not expect vows of eternal fidelity, enjoying the feeling of freedom that binds Lena and Igor to each other.

Elena and Ilya- these are two opposites that cannot be together or apart. She is passionate and impetuous, and he is extremely conservative and reserved. Elena and Ilya can create a wonderful family, but only on the condition that they do not remake and re-educate each other. Otherwise, such transformations will only lead to quarrels and scandals.

Elena and Vladislav– the sociability, energy and restlessness of both partners interfere with a calm and measured family life without Mexican passions. Elena's jealousy and Vladislav's impulsiveness lead to the fact that kitchen utensils may be damaged during conflicts. If scandals and reconciliations suit both, then the union is destined to happen.

Elena and Vadim- a rare phenomenon, and all for the reason that the open Elena cannot understand the secretive Vadim. The partner in this relationship lacks lightness, frankness, and transparency. Over time, reticence and reticence can lead to the breakup of this interesting couple.

Elena and Konstantin- a man named Konstantin is a serious and thorough nature, it is important for him to be confident in the future, but Elena, on the contrary, does not really like to think about what awaits her tomorrow. The man in this couple will try to the last to reason with his chosen one and save the relationship, but often Elena herself does not need such salvation, so she leaves Kostya.

Elena and Vyacheslav– this couple is ruled by an amazing relationship: those around them get the impression that Elena and Vyacheslav (even after many years of living together) are at the stage of falling in love. For each other they are devoted friends, ardent lovers, tender spouses. But even in this couple there are conflicts, they are simply resolved very quickly and peacefully.

Elena and Egor– hardworking Yegor can move mountains to win Elena’s heart, and if she reciprocates his feelings, then it’s hard to imagine a more harmonious couple. The relationship can be destroyed by the chosen one’s capriciousness and carelessness, which are not always clear to Yegor. Compromise is the lifeline for this couple.

Elena and Vitaly– partners converge on a subconscious level, they are attracted to each other like a magnet, and neither marriage nor everyday difficulties are capable of destroying their idyll. Affection, care and tenderness are present in relations with Vitaly always and everywhere, so their union is indestructible.

Elena and Oleg- these are two people with very similar characters, so they understand each other perfectly, they do not need to waste time and mental energy on the process of getting to know their other half. On the other hand, it is always more interesting to read a novel with a twisted plot and an unexpected ending. The main thing is that Elena does not get bored in her relationship with Oleg.

Elena and Valery– between Elena and Valery there is not only love, but also friendship, not only passion, but also tenderness. In addition, they are united by common interests, so their union, which is not afraid of any circumstances or obstacles, will be strong.

Elena and Yuri– these two prefer an atmosphere of celebration and fun, so they surround themselves with people who go through life easily, without bending under any circumstances. But Elena and Yuri should remember that real life is not a theatrical performance, otherwise they cannot avoid divorce.

Elena and Anatoly– Anatoly’s practicality does not fit well with Elena’s carelessness, for whom life should be filled with fun. In addition, Elena can hardly be called an ideal housewife, while for Anatoly it is extremely important that peace, comfort and coziness reign at home. In general, the compatibility between them is extremely low.

Elena and Ruslan– quarrels rarely occur in this couple, because they don’t have time for it. And the whole point is that both Elena and Ruslan see their mission not only in creating a family, but also in helping others. Such an active life position helps them get to know each other and the world around them. They are never bored, which is very important for building strong relationships.

Elena and Victor– this creative union has great chances, because both partners are looking in the same direction. In marriage, Elena and Victor always support each other (and they teach their children that people should help each other). It is not surprising that this couple has many friends who appreciate them for their openness and good nature.

Elena and Nikita– this couple, whose energy and strength can only be envied, can be both a strong family union and a successful partnership tandem. And this is quite natural, because both partners have an analytical mind and entrepreneurial acumen. But Elena and Nikita love power and fame, which can destroy their relationship.

Elena and Kirill– this union is very interesting, because both partners in it strive to explore the world around them, to find new facets in it. Travel brings Elena and Kirill closer, whose thoughts and feelings are directed in the same direction. This couple is definitely not in danger of boredom.

Elena and Leonid– the winner Leonid, accustomed to always being the first in everything, is fascinated by Elena’s love of freedom and rebellion. He spares no effort to conquer his chosen one. But over time, Elena’s independence may become an obstacle to building family happiness. If Leonid can suppress the feeling of possessiveness in himself, then the union can become strong.

Elena and Peter– Peter’s seriousness attracts Elena, who lacks rationality and pragmatism. But the problem is that the woman in this union does not want to learn from her man, believing that her job is to be there and give her lover joy. When Peter starts lecturing Elena, she simply turns around and leaves.

Elena and Arthur– Italian passions are boiling in this couple, where every little thing can become a reason for a huge scandal. And if at the beginning of family life such quarrels are followed by passionate reconciliations, then over time Elena and Arthur withdraw into themselves, and love is replaced by irritability and indifference.

Elena and Gregory- ordinary family life does not threaten Elena and Grigory, because even after five years of marriage they will resemble two lovers who have just found each other. They always have something to talk about, they treat each other warmly, tenderly and reverently and try to avoid quarrels.

Elena and Edward- in this tandem, both partners are looking for novelty, and this can include travel, moving, changing jobs, and meeting new people. The main thing for Edward and Elena is not to forget about stability, otherwise sooner or later love and romance will be broken by the realities of life.

Elena and Vasily– they suit each other, first of all, sexually, so their relationship begins brightly and passionately. But the life together of Elena and Vasily most often does not work out, and all because of the dissimilarity of their characters and interests.

Elena and Fedor– both partners strive for power, but are often unable to share the reins of power between themselves, which causes conflicts to arise. And since neither Elena nor Fyodor know how or want to compromise, their family life does not work out.

Elena and Gennady– this union is based on the spiritual unity of partners, for whom feelings and experiences are important, and not the material component. Gennady and Elena know how to clearly plan their lives, but are not always ready for the difficulties that life presents, which can destroy their union.