Russian doll. Competition “Russian Matryoshka” (photo report)

Irina Zagonkina

In our kindergarten there was contest"Russian doll".

Matryoshka - Russian folk toy in the form of a painted wooden doll, inside of which there are other smaller dolls.

Name Matryoshka comes from the name Matryona, which means “mother”, “noble woman”.

Creativity is an unlimited concept; it has no rules or laws, but there is complete freedom for imagination and activity. The creative process helps the child feel independent, and also brings children and their parents closer together. Joint creativity helps to get to know each other better. The more time we, adults, spend studying together with a child, the faster he develops as a self-sufficient person.

Nice doll - matryoshka,

Where are the pens?

Where are the legs?

Oh, what cheeks

Red, ruddy,

Flowers on the apron

And on a sundress.

Here matryoshka - mother,

Here nesting dolls - daughters,

The mouth is like berries,

The eyes are like dots!

Mom sings a song

The daughters dance in a round dance,

Mom wants some peace,

They hide in one another!

Publications on the topic:

Presenter: I’m very glad that you came to see me. We gathered in this hall to hold our “Braid - Maiden Beauty” competition. Ours are wonderful.

The reading competition in our kindergarten “Beryozka” was dedicated to the year of cinema and was a qualifying round for the regional competition. The main goal competition.

Photo report. Parent meeting - gatherings in the mini-museum “Russian Izba” using ICT “The role of small folklore genres in education.

Goal: Formation of ideas about the culture and life of the Russian people through history folk doll, acquaintance with Russian folk toys.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group of the kindergarten “Russian Matryoshka” Purpose of the lesson: Introducing children to the folk toy - matryoshka. Objectives: 1. Introduce children to the history of the nesting doll. 2. Make a blank from.

Abstract of the GCD on artistic and aesthetic development “Russian Matryoshka” Abstract of GCD on artistic and aesthetic development on the topic: “Russian nesting doll” Goal: the formation of a moral and patriotic principle.

I made a model of a Matryoshka doll for a kindergarten. It serves as both an attribute and a visual aid during holidays and entertainment in Russian.


Russian competition-festival of folk art

"Russian doll"

Moscow, Russia

GC "Izmailovo"

General provisions:

Goals and objectives of the festival:

  • Identification of the best groups in Russia specializing in folk dance, folk vocals, and folklore.
  • Preservation cultural diversity Russia. Development of interest in the origins of the culture of the peoples of Russia.
  • Popularization and revival of interest in folk art in Russia.
  • Activation of creative activity of talented youth.
  • Exchange of creative achievements and the opportunity to establish close contacts between creative teams from different cities.
  • Professional development of artistic directors of creative groups.

Conditions for participation in the competition:

Creative teams and individual performers aged 5 years and older from Russia and Abroad take part in the competition.


Folk dance, stylization of folk dance.

Performance requirements:

  • Choreographic groups present a program of 2 numbers for the competition. Total timing is up to 8 minutes.
  • Soloists, duets 1-2 numbers. Total timing is up to 6 minutes.
  • The competition performance must be constructed according to the laws of dramaturgy with an extensive pattern, expressive lexical material, and vivid choreographic images.
  • Participants' performances will be divided into blocks according to age categories. The block operates a “round-robin” performance system. First, I present all participants in the block to the jury for the first number, then in the same order for the second.

Criteria for evaluation:

Composition and staging of the performance; technical mastery of execution; artistry of performance; decoration of the room.

For each criterion, a jury member can give a score from 1 to 10 points. The final score of the performance is the sum of the scores of all judges and can range from 1 to 40 points.

Folk vocals

Performance requirements:

  • Soloists and ensembles perform two different works. Total timing is up to 8 minutes.
  • For age categories 16-19 years old, 20-25 years old, over 25 years old, the mandatory performance of one of the a’capella works.
  • Arrangements and adaptations of folk songs are allowed.
  • Competitive performances are conducted using “minus” phonograms, “live” accompaniment (instrumental ensemble, button accordion, etc.) or without accompaniment.
  • The use of backing vocals duplicating the main part (Double track), phonograms of poor sound quality, as well as karaoke programs is prohibited.

Criteria for evaluation:

The presence of a singing school (singing apparatus, breathing, clear intonation, excellent diction), mastery of performance, stage image, repertoire. The final score of the performance is the sum of the scores of all judges and can range from 1 to 40 points.


Performance requirements:

The festival program includes a performance of no more than 7 minutes of any genre of folk art:

  • small genres of art (spells, amulets, dry spells, fables, jokes, ditties, nursery rhymes, teasers);
  • ritual and ritual songs, sentences, spring songs, invocation songs, fortune-telling, round dance games;
  • fragments of traditional calendar holidays;
  • musical and game compositions;
  • dancing and calendar songs;
  • playing folk musical instruments(accordions, regrettables, pipes, balalaikas, spoons, etc.).

Criteria for evaluation:

Purity of performance, originality (correspondence of costumes, music, dialects), musicality, stage culture ( appearance, stage ethics), general impression.


  • individual performers (solo, duet);
  • small forms (from 3 to 5 people);
  • ensembles (from 6 people and above).
  • mixed age group,
  • 4-5 years
  • 6-8 years
  • 9-12 years
  • 13-15 years old
  • 16-19 years old
  • 20-25 years
  • 25 and older

Attention! In an age group, it is permissible to have children of a different age category in a quantitative composition of no more than 20%.

Festival jury: The competition jury is formed from leading specialists and figures in the field of culture and art in Russia, as well as teachers from famous universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The composition of the jury changes periodically from competition to competition.

Applications are accepted according to the template provided on the website. A separate application is required for each nomination.


The results of the competition and awarding are carried out taking into account the specified age categories, nominations and provide for the award of the following places:

  • Diploma 3 degree
  • Diploma 2nd degree
  • Diploma 1st degree
  • Laureate 3rd degree
  • Laureate 2nd degree
  • Laureate 1st degree
  • The Grand Prix

By decision of the jury members, the Grand Prix may not be awarded in a particular nomination.

Some participants may be awarded cash certificates for the team’s participation in competitions and festivals held by the Organizing Committee

Festival participants are awarded diplomas, medals, cups and memorable gifts.

An individual team, teacher or child can be awarded a special diploma from the competition jury.

Each festival participant is awarded at the Gala Concert.

Issued Thanksgiving letters to all teachers and, if necessary, additional ones. Thanksgiving letters.

Financial conditions:

Participation in competitive program, arrangement fee.

To participate in the competition, participants pay an organizational fee for participation in the nomination.

The size of the organizational fee in one nomination and one age group (2 numbers) is:

  • Soloist - 2000 rubles;
  • Duet - 3000 rubles;
  • Small form(from 3 to 5 people) -5000 rubles;
  • Ensemble - 6000 rubles;

Participation in an additional nomination is paid under the same conditions. The number of nominations is not limited.

Participation in master classes with the subsequent issuance of a certificate of completion is paid additionally.

Participation with accommodation and meals under the festival conditions, target fee.

The cost of the target contribution is: - 8900 rubles per person.

For a group of 15 people - a leader for free!

The cost of the target contribution includes:

  • registration of application 890 rubles per person
  • transfer railway station - boarding house - railway station.
  • accommodation in the Izmailovo Hotel Complex (2- and 3-bed rooms with private amenities), Check-in at the boarding house from 14.00. If possible early check-in from 06.00-14.00 early check-in fee is 400 rubles per person, breakfast is not included. When checking in on the night from 23.00-06.00, payment is for the whole day of stay.
  • meals at the Izmailovo Group of Companies (March 26 - lunch, dinner; March 27 - breakfast, lunch, dinner; March 28 - breakfast). Additional meals and its cost are negotiated in advance with the organizing committee.
  • sightseeing tour of Moscow with inspection of the main attractions of the city and photo breaks. The excursion is planned either “for the arrival” of the team, or “for the departure”.
  • meeting evening for executives, presentation of souvenirs with festival symbols.
  • solemn opening ceremony of the festival, Gala concert.
  • master classes. The festival is scheduled to hold one master class in choreography and one master class in vocals. Class topics and names of teachers will be announced additionally. Managers are given a certificate of completion of the master class.
  • round tables with the jury of the competition for teachers.
  • photographing groups.
  • disco for children on the day of arrival.

The cost of an additional night of accommodation with meals is 2500 rubles per person.

Attention! The registration fee for participation in the nomination is paid additionally!

Teams from Moscow and the Moscow region participating in the competition-festival only pay an organizational fee for participation in the nomination.

  • Soloist - 2000 rubles, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Duet-3000 rubles , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • Small form (from 3 to 5 people) -5000 rubles , including registration of the application 500 rubles per application
  • Ensemble - 6000 rubles , including registration of the application 600 rubles per application

Participation in master classes with the subsequent issuance of a certificate of completion is paid additionally.

Terms of payment.

Payment of fees is carried out in cash, by bank transfer, as well as by prepayment. Prepayment of 30% is required!

To receive an invoice for payment, you must send the payer's details to the organizing committee's email address. In the header of the letter, indicate the name of the team and the city.

The invoice must be paid within 10 (ten) business days.

Original financial documents are issued on the day of registration with the organizing committee.

Festival program:

  • From 8.00 Meeting of participants at Moscow railway stations
  • From 10.00 - rehearsals, registration
  • 12.00-15.00 Lunch
  • From 14.00 Hotel accommodation
  • 18.00-19.00 Dinner
  • 19.30 Opening of the festival
  • 21.00 Disco
  • Scheduled meals
  • From 9.00-15.00 Competition program, choreography
  • 15.00-21.00 Competition program, vocals
  • Master classes throughout the day
  • At the end of the program, round table
  • Breakfast from 8.00
  • From 11.00-13.00 Gala concert

General requirements:

  • Replacing the repertoire is possible on the day of registration at the competition.
  • Participants may be presented alone in their nomination and age category.
  • The recording of the soundtrack must be on a CD in audio CD format with ideal sound quality, as well as on a flash card. It is also required to record one phonogram on one CD media or a separate folder with the name of the group on a flash card. Each entry must contain information: the name of the ensemble or the name of the performer, the name of the track with exact time sound. Be sure to have a duplicate entry.
  • Each team and participant presents 2 numbers in one nomination age group. The duration of one number should not exceed 4 minutes. Exceeding the composition time established by the regulations entails a reduction in the overall result by 1 point, if the time is exceeded by up to 30 seconds, by 2 points if the time is exceeded by up to 1 minute.
  • The Organizing Committee has the right to close the acceptance of applications in any nomination before the deadline if the number of applications in the nomination exceeds technical capabilities competition.
  • The rehearsal takes place in a strictly defined sequence, according to nominations and age categories. The duration of rehearsal time for groups is no more than 5 minutes, for individual performers no more than 3 minutes.
  • The organizing committee has the right to remove a team or an individual performer from participation for inappropriate behavior during the competition. Organizational fee to in this case not returned.
  • Check your email carefully. email daily so you don't miss important information.
  • Important! In correspondence with the organizing committee of the competition, we kindly ask you to begin your letter with the introduction (i.e. team, city, competition), and then information with explanations.
  • If your team needs an official invitation to a competition (challenge), please inform us about this additionally by email. mail indicating the name of the sending organization and full name. leader.
  • Participants of the competition do not have the right to view the protocols of the competition program without the permission of the chairman of the jury. The jury's decision is final and cannot be discussed! Evaluation scores, according to competition protocols, are not submitted for public discussion.
  • The results of competitive performances are published on the website within 10 working days.
  • The organizing committee has the right to post photographs on its website and use them in advertising materials without the consent of the team or individual performer.
  • Quality control! The organizing committee accepts wishes and complaints regarding the organization of the competition in writing to email.
About the competition “All-Russian Art Competition “Russian Matryoshka””

The Matryoshka doll has won the hearts of lovers of folk toys and beautiful souvenirs around the world.

Over the many years of its existence, the nesting doll has changed its appearance more than once. For changing classic styles paintings - flowers or ancient ornaments - came dolls with the “face” of ancient Russian boyars or knights, fairy tales and historical heroes: Napoleon, Kutuzov, Razin... Literary works of Russian classics were also used as subjects for painting nesting dolls: “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” by A.S. Pushkin, "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by P.P. Ershov, fable "Quartet" by I.A. Krylova, “Turnip” and others.

Paint your nesting doll and take part in a competition on a given topic.

Participation in the competition is FREE. You must submit an application for the competition and wait until the status of the application changes to “free”, about which you will receive an email.

A participant can only submit an application for award documents in in electronic format. A teacher can only submit an application for award documents in electronic form for participants, and for a teacher in electronic form, provided that 5 or more participants submit an application. After summing up the results, only the winners and their teachers will receive award documents in electronic form. The number of winners and runners-up can be no more than 25% of the total number of participants in the competition.

Job requirements:

  1. The work must be completed by the competition participant independently (preschoolers are allowed to set the shape of the nesting doll according to the template).
  2. The work must correspond to the theme of the competition.
  3. Execution technique - any.
  4. Works can only be published in electronic form in JPG formats.
  5. The file size should not exceed 1 MB.
  6. Works whose images are “blurred” will not be published.
  7. Only one file containing one work is accepted from each participant.

You can find the results of the competition on the event page and in “ Personal account» within the specified period.

Only the participants who took 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are published in the final table. Participants who were not included in the winners are not included in the final table.


Age of competition participants: preschoolers - 11th grade
Competition subjects: technology, mkhk, fine arts

Publication of results

Results of the event

Full name of the participant Class School City Place
1 Abdyusheva Alina 1 class Lyceum No. 6 named after. Z. G. Serazetdinova Orenburg1st place
2 Belov Dmitry 1 class Novosibirsk city1st place
3 Vasilyeva Alisa preschoolers MBDOU No. 99 Bratsk, Irkutsk region1st place
4 Vinogradova Daria 4th grade Saint Petersburg1st place
5 Golubeva Victoria preschoolers Yoshkar-Ola1st place
6 Danilova Maria 1 class GBOU secondary school No. 1206 Moscow1st place
7 Kazakov Ilya 2nd grade City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk city1st place
8 Kalinina Alexandra 1 class KOU HE Boarding School No. 7 Voronezh1st place
9 Koltukova Dasha preschoolers MBDOU - kindergarten No. 16 in Ivatino village Ivatino1st place
10 Kotikova Alena 5th grade MBOU School No. 132 Ufa1st place
11 Kudryavtseva Maria 2nd grade Secondary school No. 135 Saint Petersburg1st place
12 Laskaris Elena 4th grade City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk city1st place
13 Manninen Anna 9th grade 1st place
14 Matveev Timur 2nd grade City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk city1st place
15 Meshcheryakova Tatyana 7th grade MBOU Gymnasium No. 7 Torzhok1st place
16 Moshnikov Fedor preschoolers MKDOU kindergarten No. 4 Republic of Karelia Pudozh1st place
17 Pereyaslovets Diana 1 class MBOU secondary school No. 57 Krasnodar city1st place
18 Tikhonov Egor 5th grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 Moscow1st place
19 Uskova Tatyana 3rd grade MKOU Novokurlakskaya Secondary School With. New Kurlak1st place
20 Shestakov Yaroslav 1 class MBDOU kindergarten No. 42 Korablik Yoshkar-Ola1st place
21 Shishkin Sergey 8th grade KOGOBU SHI OVZ town Oparino, Kirov region Oparino village, Kirov region1st place
22 Shutova Valeria 6th grade GBOU school No. 1206 Moscow1st place
23 Shchetinina Marina 3rd grade MKOU Novokurlakskaya Secondary School With. New Kurlak1st place
24 Yuskaev Timur preschoolers MBDOU Tyulyachinsky d/s No. 1 1st place
25 Yakushkina Lyubov 4th grade GC OU LO Boarding School "Red Dawns" Saint Petersburg1st place
26 Vandyshev Maxim Grade 10 SaranskII place
27 Ganja Maria preschoolers MADO kindergarten No. 90 "Aibolit" NizhnevartovskII place
28 Glotova Sofia 3rd grade City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk cityII place
29 Demidov Egor 7th grade MBOU Gymnasium No. 7 TorzhokII place
30 Egorova Stefania 2nd grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowII place
31 Latypov Salavat 5th grade MBOU School No. 132 UfaII place
32 Nikolaev Demid 2nd grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowII place
33 Parshikova Alina 6th grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowII place
34 Svintsova Anna 1 class GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowII place
35 Selnikhina Elizaveta preschoolers children's club Phoenix MoscowII place
36 Syubaeva Gulnara 2nd year GBOU RM SPO Saransk State Industrial and Economic College SaranskII place
37 Tishkov Vladislav 4th grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowII place
38 Fakanova Victoria 4th grade GBOU school No. 1206 MoscowII place
39 Fedorenko Marina 2nd grade MBOU House of Children's Creativity With. Znamenskoye, Omsk region.II place
40 Khoruzhaya Ekaterina 1 class City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk cityII place
41 Cherenkova Victoria 3rd grade MKOU Novokurlakskaya Secondary School With. New KurlakII place
42 Shuvakina Veronica 8th grade Municipal educational institution secondary school p. Novorechensky II place
43 Yakovenko Maxim 1 class KOU HE Boarding School No. 7 VoronezhII place
44 Agapova Alexandra 2nd grade MKOU Drakinskaya secondary school With. Drakino, Voronezh region.III place
45 Baeva Vasilisa 1 class III place
46 Bashlykov Nikita 5th grade MBOU School No. 132 UfaIII place
47 Danilova Daria 7th grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowIII place
48 Dubinkin Vadim 4th grade KOU HE Boarding School No. 7 VoronezhIII place
49 Elfimov Nikita 3rd grade MKOU Novokurlakskaya Secondary School With. New KurlakIII place
50 Ilyin Roman 3rd grade MKOU Novokurlakskaya Secondary School With. New KurlakIII place
51 Kalashnikova Alena 1 class MBOU House of Children's Creativity With. Znamenskoye, Omsk region.III place
52 Kotkina Daria 5th grade MBOU School No. 132 UfaIII place
53 Kuznetsov Kirill preschoolers MBDOU "TsRR- Kindergarten No. 8 “Palace of Children's Joy” CheboksaryIII place
54 Mambetov Maksut 6th grade Municipal educational institution secondary school p. Novorechensky village Novorechensky, Saratov region.III place
55 Meshcheryakova Polina 5th grade MBOU School No. 132 UfaIII place
56 Mikhailov Matvey preschoolers MBOU secondary school No. 3 Khanty-MansiyskIII place
57 Natarov Ivan 8th grade KOU HE Boarding School No. 7 VoronezhIII place
58 Perovskaya Alina 4th grade MBOU House of Children's Creativity Omsk region, p. ZnamenskoyeIII place
59 Reengard Valeria 2nd grade MBOU House of Children's Creativity With. Znamenskoye, Omsk region.III place
60 Rozhdestvenskaya Anastasia 5th grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowIII place
61 Svetenko Veronica preschoolers MBDOU No. 16 Vladimir region, MelenkiIII place
62 Sergeev Evgeniy 9th grade KOGOBU SHI OVZ town Oparino, Kirov region Oparino village, Kirov regionIII place
63 Sitnikov Alexey preschoolers MBDOU Kindergarten No. 21 VyborgIII place
64 Tishchenkova Tatyana 2nd grade GBOU secondary school No. 1206 MoscowIII place
65 Tribunskaya Oksana 1 class MBOU Educational Complex Ozerki With. Ozerki, Belgorod regionIII place
66 Shiganova Maria 2nd grade City Interethnic Center Novosibirsk cityIII place


Online voting results

Full name of the participant Class School City Vote Place
1 Danilova Maria 1 class GBOU secondary school No. 1206 Moscow 853 1 place
2 Little Lera 1 class GBOU secondary school No. 1206 Moscow 828 2nd place
3 Yuskaev Timur preschoolers MBDOU Tyulyachinsky d/s No. 1 RT, Tyulyachinsky district, Tyulyachi village 317 3rd place

From time immemorial, the Russian land has been famous for its wonderful craftsmen who created and are creating fabulous beauty with their own hands. The most common types of folk art were hand weaving and painting fabrics, artistic stitching and embroidery, lace weaving, carpet weaving, wood carving and painting, artistic pottery, bone carving, soft stone processing, artistic treatment metal, lacquer miniatures and much more.

But all over the world, the most famous symbol of Russian fine and applied art is the bright matryoshka dolls. Matryoshka is a symbol of Russian character, a symbol of the Russian soul, combining basic Russian values: motherhood, family, Russian conciliarity, unity, warmth, patronage and touching care for loved ones.

We invite you to take part in our wonderful competition and draw or make your own nesting doll. We do not limit your imagination and the materials used, the main thing is your desire and inspiration!

We will be glad if our quiz helps participants broaden their horizons and increase interest in studying folk art in Russia.

Procedure for holding the Competition:


The competition is held for educational institutions of any type and kind.

Pupils of any preschool institutions.

Students of grades 1-11 of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges and any other educational institutions.

Categories of participants:

Competition nominations:

Nomination "Drawing"

Nomination "Decorative and applied creativity"

Conditions of the competition:

One work per participant on the stated topic of the competition is accepted for the competition. The work must have a title and short description. All works are provided electronically only in JPEG/JPG format.

Rules of participation:

  1. Required (a teacher or parent of the participant can register).
  2. Please read the distance competitions carefully.
  3. Print a receipt and pay the registration fee for participation in any way convenient for you. The registration fee for participation is 90 rubles for each participant. Organizational fees for a group of participants are paid by the Curator with one receipt for the total amount.
  4. Prepare the work in accordance with the requirements for registration of competitive works
  5. Follow the link provided in the Regulations of the event you have chosen to download the competition entry.
  6. Carefully fill out all fields of the competition application. Be careful when filling out the form to upload your entry. The data you enter will be used when processing incentive documents.
  7. Upload the competition work, following the recommendations specified in the section.

For preschoolers, assistance in filling out and submitting the form with the competition work is provided by parents or teacher-curators.

Requirements for uploading competition works:

  1. Acceptance of works for participation is carried out only by independently filling out an electronic application on our website. Materials sent to us by email will not be published.
  2. All application fields must be completed.
  3. The size of the work file should not exceed 10 MB.
  4. After successfully uploading the files, you will receive a notification to the email address specified in the application that the work has been accepted for consideration. Works are published on the website within 3 days from the moment the work is accepted for consideration.
  5. The administration of the ART-Talent Academy reserves the right to refuse participation in the competition if the submitted materials do not meet these requirements. If an application is rejected or changes need to be made, a message will be sent to the Authors of such works at the email address specified in the application.

Encouragement of winners:

The jury determines the Winners of the competition, who took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and the Laureates of the competition.

The winners are awarded Diplomas of the Winner of the creative competition.

The laureates are awarded Diplomas of the Laureate of the creative competition.

Teachers who prepared the Winner or Laureate of the competition are awarded Teacher Diplomas.