What to read to a 5 year old child list. What should preschoolers read? Calendar ritual songs

Hello, friends!

It's standing on our street beautiful weather— I want to walk, ride a bike, roller skate, climb trees and slides. And I'll tell you about what we have read so far over the long autumn-winter period and What, in general, can you read to a 5-6 year old child?. :)

At this age, many children are already reading on their own. It’s a pity that some mothers and fathers then stop reading. After all, he already knows how to do it himself! The logic is usually like this: I’ll stop reading, he’ll want to and will “reach out” himself. But I still think this is not the age and not the thing when you can throw it into the water and either it will come out and learn to swim, or you will be unlucky...

A common problem: a child can read, but does not read and asks his parents. On the one hand, the child does not like to read because of the low reading speed, on the other hand, in order for the speed to increase, he must read. Contradiction. But, by the way, it can be solved quite easily TRIZ methods. It is necessary to separate these two processes in time: There is a time when a child reads on his own, and there is a time when his parents read to him.

Gleb has been reading himself for a long time. I have already read several thick books with short fairy tales and stories. I wrote about our first books. But now the interests of the child lie much further than the possibilities. You want to read or listen to 10-15 pages, but you can only read one! Yes and font in books that are truly captivating small child— definitely not for preschoolers or even first-graders.

But it's important not only continue reading, but also know what to read to your child. You can often hear parents complaining “the child used to love it when they read to him, but now it’s somehow not so much.” And it turns out that they still read to him the Adventures of Dunno and the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. (These are wonderful books, but the library still needs to be updated and the repertoire constantly expanded.) Books should “grow” with the child or at some point they will become boring, like the pyramid and the tumbler.

I'll tell you about some books we have read in the last 6-8 months. Of course, this is not all - there was still a lot New Year's stories, encyclopedias, ordinary fairy tales, educational stories.

I read this book when I was in 3rd grade. We lived in a village and dug up mole crickets more than once when we planted potatoes; fought aphids on apple trees; Colorado beetles were collected from leaves. That's why This book made a huge impression on me then. After all, I saw all these insects, held them in my hands, and now I was talking about them, and in such an unusual form.

For Gleb it was a “doubly” new world. A city child doesn’t even see an ant very often. Literally after each chapter, we looked for the mentioned insects on the street, if possible, or at least photographs in encyclopedias.

And of course, This book is just for this age: exciting, dynamic, educational. It's hard to imagine better.

“This universe is full of things that are necessary
figure out, that is, examine in terms of their biteability, and
also, perhaps, devouringness; full of mysterious
places where you can carry out entertaining experiments for
clarifying the question of where is the best place to make puddles.”

Some might say that these are “strange tales” or “not for everybody.” It seemed to me that this almost philosophical tales that ask deep questions to think about the eternal. And don’t think that the topics here are “too mature”, and children need something simpler. This is wrong. He begins to think about many things that a child would not have thought about for a long time. His understanding of the world and people expands at lightning speed. Much faster and more efficient than when reading the same encyclopedias.

And of course, for everyone who wants but doesn’t know how to develop a sense of humor in children- I warmly recommend it. There is something funny or ironic in almost every line.

The story is about a doctor who has magic pills to cure cowardice and sadness. And these pills, along with the suitcase in which they were located, are “lost” and a series of adventures and “strange” events begin.

In my opinion, this is one of those books when baby can't tear himself away, and somewhere deep, deep, a solid foundation is being formed - reading is an incomparable pleasure. Unfortunately, this foundation does not appear on its own; its place can easily be taken by playing games on an iPad or watching cartoons.

This year we read a lot of history books. It all started last summer with legends of the flying Dutchman. Gleb and I read this book in 7 days while we were on a water kayaking trip. And then it started: King Arthur and knights Round table, Iliad, Odyssey, twelve labors of Hercules. Of course, we didn’t read them in a row. After every book you need a good break: you get tired of the language and style of storytelling.

But I’m glad that in classes at the theater studio Gleb can “show” (depict with gestures or body movements) King Arthur. But often children easily show “cars”, “luntik” and fall into a stupor when they hear the task of showing the knight of the Round Table.

The story is about a red-haired boy who lived quietly in a village near Leningrad, and then was forced to move with his mother to the other side globe- to Kamchatka.

This is not a fairy tale, or an adventure novel, or a historical story., and at first it seems that it won’t hook a modern child who doesn’t understand what it’s like to get a haircut while wearing cologne, or why you should date a sailor, and what’s so special about this sailor in general. But Gleb really liked it(maybe because he also dreams of meeting, but only with the driver :))). AND there was a lot to discuss: and about Soviet Union, and about travel, and just about the lives of other people.

I talked a little about this book in an article about unexpected children's thinking . This book is a treasure trove of all kinds of TRIZ questions and problems. Anyway, the three Naxitralls are very inventive, and your child can become the same, just by watching them and trying to help with every “difficult” problem.

I cannot recommend all the stories in this book openly. On the one hand, it is interesting that the main character, an already adult father who talks about his childhood, has a lot of pressing childhood problems. Anyway, Gleb “found” many of his problems: touchiness, selectivity in food. And awareness of the problem, even through the main character, is a reason to work on oneself, sometimes even unconsciously. Maybe, of course, Gleb simply “outgrew”, but, to my happiness, after some time after reading the book we stopped hearing: “I’m offended by you!” But some of the conclusions the author makes and the straightforward morality in some of the stories turned me off. But this again gave a lot of reasons for discussion - which in itself is good.

I didn’t know about such an author - Vangeli Spiridon Stepanovich, nor about the book, of course. But enjoyed immersing ourselves in the unfamiliar world of the Moldavian village. I will not tire of repeating: it is important for children not only to know wild animals, types of transport, rivers in Africa, capitals of Europe, or count to n-twenty. These are the books, which tells about such an unusual, completely different life, starting from food, ending with the daily routine and views on the meaning of life, truly expand our understanding of the world.

She left the book with me double feeling. On the one hand, Gleb understood the boy’s feelings - our grandmothers also live far away, they come 1-2 times a year for 5-10 days. On the other hand, it begins to seem that the boy has a “strange” relationship with his parents. It’s as if something is missing in them, and so the poor boy makes up for this lack with fantasies in a tree or communication with an elderly neighbor. The more loving adults around a child, the better.. But still if have loving parents, there cannot be such a pressing need for a “caring adult.”

But, in any case, an interesting, calm, reverent story.

Like this impressive list for the summer I did it. Now you know, what to read to a 5-6 year old child.
Good luck in choosing books and happy reading!

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    I found inaccuracy in the article: the book “Sunny Boy” - You cite an illustration of a Book for parents raising special children by O. Stepanova, but you apparently mean this book http://www.labirint.ru/search/Sunny%20boy/ author S. Sakhorov.

    Ksenia Nesyutina


    My children love books. My son has been able to read for three years now, but we still continue to read together. This is already like a tradition or even a ritual before bed. Sometimes only I read, sometimes I take turns with him, then we discuss what we read together. Last summer we started reading a series of books about the adventures of Karandash and Samodelkin; both our eight-year-old son and our five-year-old daughter like these books. We all want to laugh together.


    Everything is correct, Ksenia, we need to continue reading)) My daughter is 11 years old, and we very often read to each other and sometimes distribute dialogues according to roles. You can have a lot of fun reading together))
    For some reason, “The Muff” didn’t work for us, maybe we started working on this book too late.


    Ksenia, interesting review. We have also started reading “The Adventures of Gugutse” now; we recently finished another book by the same author, “Chubo from the village of Turturik”. I really liked these books, they are so unusual. There are such non-trivial decisions, such unpredictable turns of events. I agree, such books teach you to think outside the box, expand your boundaries, and break molds.
    We are not yet five years old, but I keep many of the books from your review on my radar; I already have a whole shelf at home to grow on. There is still something to read for our age.
    And from Dunno we have only read “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, but we have not yet gotten to the Sunny City and the Moon, although we read a lot. So, at the age of five, children are no longer interested in this?

    Ksenia Nesyutina

    Dunno on the Moon - you can read it at 8-10 and it will be interesting. We started a year ago, but it seems it was too early. I meant that Dunno is a fairly popular work and parents fall into the trap of rereading it and rereading it. Many people still try to remember books from their own childhood - this is wonderful, but reading with my children, I understand how much I missed in childhood! What I mean is that sometimes you just need to look for interesting books. Perhaps you just haven’t read them, but your child will be a little luckier)


    I see, Ksenia. We don't have such a problem. I read a lot to children, much more than in my childhood. I enjoy learning new works. I simply don’t have time to read the same thing several times. We have such a list of things we haven’t read yet; there are two shelves in line. I have another problem - not what to read, but when to read it all? There are so many wonderful publications now! There is so much at home and there is so much you want. That’s actually why I started my own blog, to share with people. There's no need to go to the library yet. I have something to read at home. In general, I plan to take books from the library later that I don’t need to re-read often. You can't buy everything.
    Now we have mastered Dunno in the sunny city, while the child was sick, we read it in 3 days. The book makes a very mixed impression. There are whole pieces that I would only read to a child at school. The narration and description are very drawn out, it is difficult for a preschooler, for me it was even boring that there were preschoolers there. But places where there is active action and dialogue are interesting. And the idea of ​​communism is clearly visible. But children don’t understand this yet, of course. And yet it is worth thinking about how to correctly present the ideas of building society from this book, especially for schoolchildren.

I am very much in favor of poetry at this age. Chukovsky, Marshak, Baruzdin, Alexandrova. And if you find ( Lately I rarely see him), then also Pyotr Vegin ("Katya's Secrets") - they are very mischievous, more fun than previous authors. In all of the above, the poetic presentation is very close to an ordinary prose text, to the usual construction of sentences, which allows the child to grasp the meaning well. At the same time, these children's poems are very rhythmic, allowing the child to feel the rhyme, intonation (especially when changing the rhythm), and when read repeatedly, to remember even a very large volume of the poem and repeat the lines after you. Due to the simplicity of the presentation, it is very easy for a child to perceive the entire text by ear, to retain the entire plot in memory (for comparison: at this age I was already reading on my own, so I coped with all sorts of Saltans, Golden Cockerels and Little Humpbacked Horses - forgive me for dragging in Ershov to Pushkin, but they are very similar; and I read them to my son, he had to perceive them by ear, and because of the abundance of unfamiliar words and phrases, due to the change of emphasis in many words, the child lost the thread of the story; They stopped him reading and sometimes analyzed several paragraphs at a time so that he understood what was being said. I don’t claim that this is even easier for some children to navigate by ear, but we encountered this)

The first books teach a child to empathize with heroes, distinguish good from evil, open up horizons for him, lead him to unknown real and fantastic countries, and develop imaginative thinking. It is very important for parents to choose the right books for their children that would teach their children “reasonable, kind, eternal.” Below is an overview best books for children 4-5 years old.

What books to read to children 4-5 years old: the best works of fiction

S. Mikhalkova “Holiday of disobedience”

This wonderful work, written by the Soviet children's writer S. Mikhalkov, will be useful to read not only for children, but also for adults. This is a fairy tale about the need for compromise for peaceful coexistence between adults and children. The plot of the fairy tale is seemingly simple. A naughty boy is punished by his mother and locked in his room. There's a knock on the window of his room kite, caught with its tail drainpipe. This serpent takes an offended child to a city where everything has abandoned adult population because of children's disobedience. Children are left to their own devices; they become masters of the situation. But the children did not know that freedom “is a conscious necessity” and turned it into anarchy, which led to unpleasant consequences. They ate too much ice cream, got sick and realized that they couldn’t live without adults. The kite on which the boy arrived carried the children's letter to the adult population of the city, in which the children asked them to return back. The adults returned to the mutual happiness of the children and themselves.

A. Volkova “The Wizard of the Emerald City”

This story is actually a retelling of Frank Baum's fairy tale "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz." But this retelling was repeatedly refined, changed story line, new characters were introduced, so that the final result was already significantly different from the original source. The main storyline is the adventures of a girl, Ellie, and her faithful friend, a dog named Totoshka. Ellie and Totoshka, by the will of the evil sorceress Gingema, were transported along with their house to a distant country. Only the wizard of the Emerald City, Goodwin, can return them home. On the way to Goodwin, Ellie meets the Tin Woodman, who, in his opinion, lacks a heart. And she also meets the revived scarecrow Scarecrow, who is sure that he lacks intelligence and the Cowardly Lion, who, due to cowardice, cannot fulfill his mission and become the king of animals. They all go to Goodwin to solve their problems. Along the way they will experience many exciting adventures. In the end, it turns out that Goodwin is not a magician and cannot fulfill their wishes. But most importantly, each of them realized that they had long possessed what they had dreamed of. You just had to believe it.

If your child is already familiar with the work of Alexei Tolstoy “The Golden Key” (it is included in the list of recommended ones), then introduce your child to another work about wooden man. It's about a fairy tale Carlo Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio. The history of the wooden doll" .

Astrid Anna Emilia Lindgren “Baby and Carlson”, “Pippi Longstocking”, “Emil and Little Ida”

A. Lindgren is a wonderful Swedish writer, known far beyond the borders of her country. The literary characters she created have been beloved by children for more than one generation. Particularly popular are the Kid and his antipode Carlson, who appears in the child’s life at its most difficult moments. And, despite the fact that Carlson is boastful and selfish, he knows how to instill optimism in the Kid with his own love of life and draw him into funny adventures. And precisely because this literary character does not deserve the title of hero, he turned out to be especially lively and attractive.

Vladimir Korolenko “Children of the Dungeon”

You should definitely read this poignant story to your child. It will not leave either children or adults indifferent. There is an adapted version for children's reading called "In Bad Society". This is the story of how the son of a judge, unloved by his father and left to his own devices, meets orphans living in a dungeon. The brother selflessly takes care of his sick sister and goes to the city to look for food for her, leaving her alone. A boy from a good family tries his best to help these homeless children, but does not find understanding from either his father or society. Despite all the boys' efforts, the baby quietly passes away. There are few works for children and about children that would leave such an indelible mark on a child’s heart. The story will make you empathize, teach you compassion.

Dick King-Smith "Find the White Horse", "A Mouse Named Wolf", "Cat Lady"

These works by a wonderful English children's writer, translated into 12 languages, will tell your child about animals in a very fun and interesting manner. The author himself did not have to invent anything; he lived on a farm all his life and knew the life of animals firsthand. He observed her every day and, after 50 years, presented all his observations in charming fairy tales for children. Fascinating plots and excellent manner of presentation make them desirable for family reading.

N. Nosov “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dunno in the Sunny City”, “Dunno on the Moon”

The wonderful trilogy of the Soviet children's writer is highly recommended for family reading. Funny adventures of Dunno, a liar and a dreamer who didn’t want to learn anything and because of this constantly got into trouble. His antipode Znayka, smart and unquestioned authority for all residents of the Flower City, will make children think about the benefits of education and acquiring various skills. The magical world of shorties from the flower city will not leave children indifferent and will bring them a lot of pleasure and new emotions.

Selma Lagerlöf "Nils's Wonderful Adventure with the Wild Geese"

Selma Lagerlöf wrote this fairy tale when she was already a famous writer and Nobel Prize laureate in literature. But it was this fairy tale that brought her world fame and recognition from readers. And, although it was intended as educational, it was supposed to tell children about Sweden, its geography, traditions, the fairy tale turned out to be so interesting and fascinating that didactics faded into the background. The book is based on folk tales and legends and tells the story of the journey of a little boy, Nils, with a flock of wild geese, led by the wise old duck Akka Kebnekaise. Before this trip, he was a mischievous person and was not very interested in the fact that his mischief offended or caused inconvenience to anyone. But after everything he had to learn and experience, he became a completely different person. And the main thing is that he learned to be friends.

Gianni Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”, “Gelsomino in the Land of Liars”, “The Journey of the Blue Arrow”, “How Giovanino Traveled”

The Italian children's writer, laureate of the Hans Christian Andersen Literary Prize, made an invaluable contribution to the world's collection of children's literature. The heroes of his fairy tales are fighters for freedom and justice, they fight such human vices as greed, extortion, and lies. Such is Cipollino, who is fighting with Signor Tomato for Uncle Pumpkin's house, such is Gelsomino, the owner of an unusually strong voice, who entered into a fight with liars. These books are interesting in themselves and have an undeniable educational effect.

Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all"

A fascinating duology with the main character being a teddy bear named Winnie the Pooh. The most interesting thing is that this fairy tale hero there is a prototype. This is the favorite toy of Milne's son Christopher Robin, who is also a participant in fairy-tale events. The action takes place in the Hundred Acre Wood - this is the world of animals. Christopher Robin's children's room is a world of toys. Milne's books grew out of games and oral stories to his son. In this book, toys, animals, people, and nature coexist perfectly. Funny adventures teddy bear were liked by children all over the world.

Sofya Prokofieva “Patch and Cloud”

This is a touching tale about a little orphan named Patchwork. They called her that because her dress was constantly patched and consisted of nothing but scraps. She was unlucky enough to live in a country ruled by a cruel and greedy king who sold water to his subjects. But one day happiness smiled at her, and she met a cloud, which she saved from drying out. And the cloud helped Patchwork and the inhabitants of the country cope with the cruel king. The tale is written in beautiful language, all the characters are described so talentedly that it’s as if they were alive before your eyes. The book teaches kindness, friendship and mutual assistance.

Jan Olaf Ekholm “Tuta Karlsson the First and Only”, “Ludwig the Fourteenth and Others”

These books by a Swedish children's writer are about the friendship between a little fox and a chick. Two kids from hostile camps fell in love with each other and managed to resist the age-old enmity of foxes and chickens. The fairy tale convinces the reader of the omnipotence of love and friendship.

Eduard Uspensky “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”, “Down the Magic River”

Uspensky's books are recommended for reading for children aged 5 years and older . The wonderful ironic language in which these books are written, the bright, memorable characters make these books people's favorites. Who doesn’t know Matroskin or Cheburashka, or the crocodile Gena? But they are known mainly as cartoon characters. But in vain. It is imperative to familiarize children with the original source, i.e. with books. Children will have a lot of fun.

Grigory Oster “Thirty-eight parrots”, “Bad advice”

The fairy tale “The Thirty-Eight Parrots” tells about the friendship of a monkey, a baby elephant, a boa constrictor and a parrot. She is interesting because she interprets some words and concepts in a purely childish way. For example, the length of a boa constrictor is measured not in the usual length measures, but in parrots. But the monkey wants to receive his greetings as something tangible, and is very offended that they don’t say hello to her. Children love to recognize themselves in these characters. Well, the bad advice from the book of the same name delights the kids. After all, they advise doing things that are strictly prohibited by adults.

Yuri Druzhkov “The Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin”

This is a fairy tale about how two little men come to life in one city - Pencil and Samodelkin. Everything that a pencil draws comes to life, Samodelkin can assemble and build anything. But the characters drawn by Pencil cause them a lot of trouble, they live their own wrong lives. Children should read about the adventures of fairy tale heroes and animated characters. They will probably be interested in this.

Tales of A.S. Pushkin

For children 4-5 years old, we recommend reading “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” and “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” The tale of the fisherman and the fish tells about the boundless greed and vanity of the old woman, the fisherman's wife, about the omnipotence of the Golden Fish and the boundless patience and humility of the old fisherman himself. And about what boundless greed leads to. Well, very instructive! And the fairy tale about Tsar Saltan tells children and adults how bad it is to live in someone else’s mind. About the palace intrigues and adventures of the wife of Tsar Saltan and her son Guidon, expelled from the palace at the instigation of enemies. The tales are entertaining and written in the magnificent language of a brilliant poet.

Developmentalbooks for children 4-5 years old: the best teaching aids

Zemtsova O.N. Smart books for 4-5 years old. What surrounds us. Let's get to know the world.

“Smart books” is a whole series, for 3-4 years, 4-5 years. These books teach children to explore the world, introduce them to the basics of mathematics, teach them to navigate in space, introduce children to letters, and expand them lexicon, develop memory and fine motor skills of children.

With children aged 4-5 years, it is advisable to regularly study using the following books by Zemtsova:

  1. Zemtsova O.N. smart books 4-5 Numbers and figures. Learning to count.
  2. Zemtsova O.N. Smart books 4-5 Find the differences. Developing memory
  3. Zemtsova O.N. Smart books 4-5 Remember the pictures. Developing memory.
  4. Zemtsova O.N. Smart books 4-5 Fun hours. We call days, weeks, months.
  5. Zemtsova O.N. Smart books 4-5 Live letters. Let's learn to read and write.
  6. Zemtsova O.N. Smart books 4-5 From words to stories. We develop speech.

At the age of 5 to 6 years, children are already ready for big books, for the process of reading with continuation. They actively react to the content of the work and sympathize with literary heroes. They willingly enter into a dialogue about what they read, answering questions, retelling what they heard from the book, and enthusiastically illustrating the plot they liked. Children aged 5 and 6 years old listen with great pleasure to and discuss works of different genres on topics of morality, the lives of their peers, surrounding nature and heroic events described in books. They begin to show great interest in scientific, educational and research literature.

List of books for children aged 5 and 6 years:

  1. Riddles, fables, teasers, counting rhymes, boring tales, proverbs and sayings, fairy tales of the peoples of the world
  2. Tolstoy L. Shark. Fire dogs. Filipok. Bulka. Milton and Bulka
  3. Pushkin A. Fairy tales: The Tale of Tsar Saltan. The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
  4. Andersen G. X. ugly duck. The Snow Queen. The Steadfast Tin Soldier. Magic Hill. The king's new outfit. Road comrade. Princess on the Pea. Daughter of the swamp king. Galoshes of happiness. Little Klaus and Big Klaus. Mermaid. Flint. Airplane chest. an old house. Sausage stick soup. Thumbelina. Darning needle. Wild swans (and others)
  5. Ershov P. Little Humpbacked Horse
  6. Mayakovsky V. Tuchkin's things
  7. Mikhalkov S. Fidgets. What do you have? If. Thomas
  8. Marshak S. Circus. The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich. Funny siskins. Baggage. old lady
  9. Kipling R. Tales
  10. Aksakov S. Scarlet Flower
  11. Kataev V. Seven-flowered flower
  12. Yasnov M. Morning song. Landscape with the moon. Suitable angle. Thank you! Hamster
  13. Grozovsky M. Marmot
  14. Kovalenkov A. Why does a bear sleep in winter
  15. Pivovarova I. My brave lion. Magic wand. About the hat
  16. Sapgir G. The gardener was walking. Cloud. My family. Night horror stories. Month
  17. Plyatskovsky M. Like a donkey, Alphabet learned to respect his elders. Mom's song. How the cat fell for the bait
  18. Lunin V. When I become an adult
  19. Usachev A. Merry mouse. How many legs does an octopus have?
  20. Harris D. Tales of Uncle Remus (How to bring a fairy tale to life. Brother Fox and Brother Rabbit and others)
  21. Dragunsky V. Childhood friend. Enchanted letter. It's alive and glowing...
  22. Moshkovskaya E. I sing. Boot doctor. So what, so what... What kinds of gifts are there?
  23. Tsyferov G. Big dandelion. Hail. Lonely donkey
  24. Oster G. Bad advice. Grandma boa constrictor. Beloved aid
  25. Bianki V. There were forest and fables
  26. Stepanov V. What kind of bird. Small stature. Who's the boss? Ginger dog. Bullfinch. Pelican Islands
  27. Berestov V. Acquaintance. hare trail
  28. Barto A. Clueless Ryzhik Ivanov A. About Thomas and the gopher
  29. Brothers Grimm. The Bremen Town Musicians. The wolf and the seven Young goats. A pot of porridge. Grandma Metelitsa. The Frog King, or Iron Henry. Thumb Boy. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Blue Beard
  30. Rodari D. The Adventures of Cipollino. Journey of the Blue Arrow
  31. Kharms D. Poems for children. Plikh and Plyukh
  32. Bulychev K. The Adventures of Alice (Alice's Journey. The Reserve of Fairy Tales. A Million Adventures. The End of Atlantis. The Underground Boat. Alice and the Crusaders. The War with the Lilliputians
  33. Lindgren A. Pippi Longstocking. Emil from Lönneberga
  34. Westley A. Mom, Dad, Eight Kids and a Truck
  35. Milne A. Winnie the Pooh and that's all, that's all. The Ballad of the Royal Sandwich
  36. Volkov A. The Wizard of the Emerald City. Oorfene Deuce and his wooden soldiers. Seven underground kings. Fire god of the Marrans. Yellow fog. Tales of a Thousand and One Nights (Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor. The Tale of the Wanderings of a Prince Who Became a Mendicant Dervish. The Story of the Copper City. Abdallah of the Earth and Abdallah of the Sea. Abu Kir and Abu Sir. The Story of Ala ad-Din and the Magic Lamp. Stories of the egg of the roc bird and the treasures of the pyramids and others)
  37. Hoffmann E. The Nutcracker and the Mouse King
  38. Schwartz E. The Tale of Lost Time
  39. Perrot S. Puss in Boots. Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella, or the Glass Slipper
  40. Lagerlöf S. The wonderful journey of Nils with wild geese
  41. Balint A. Gnome Gnomych and Raisin
  42. Panteleev L. The letter “you”. Fenka. Two frogs (and others)
  43. Zhitkov B. What I saw. Stories
  44. Chaplina V. Vaygach. Zoo pets
  45. Babich I. My familiar animals
  46. Golyavkin V. Notebooks in the rain
  47. Aleshkovsky Yu. Kysh and Two Briefcases
  48. Nosov N. Dreamers. Entertainers. Adventures of Dunno and his friends. Dunno in the Sunny City. Dunno on the Moon. The Adventures of Kolya and Misha
  49. Collodi K. The Adventures of Pinocchio
  50. Tolstoy A. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio
  51. Gubarev V. Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors
  52. Khait A. The Adventures of Leopold the Cat
  53. Popular science encyclopedias for children

Hello, dear readers. At the request of readers, today I will talk about what books for children 6-7 years old are necessary for development.

Every loving parent approaches the upbringing process with great responsibility. From the early age they read books to their children. Reading develops cognitive, educational and aesthetic feelings in children. Having the experience of a mother with preschool-age children, I can say that not every children's book is beneficial. Age, development, interests and psychological characteristics each child individually.

Try to make reading for children a pleasure, not a burden. There is no need to impose or force. Enter competently into the magical world of literature. The interest of preschool children is fragile; with just one piece of work you can lose it forever.

At the age of 6–7 years, children like works about the animal world, insects, nature, stories and fairy tales about their peers. For reading, you should give preference to classical literature. At all times, the classics remain relevant; many generations have grown up with them. But don't limit yourself, there are authors these days that are worth paying attention to. Reading their books will also bring pleasure and benefit.

Some areas can be highlighted:

  • Poetry. I think everyone remembers the poem " Uncle Styopa"Sergei Mikhalkov, " Moidodyr" or " Aibolit"Korney Chukovsky, "Younger Brother" by Agnia Barto.
  • Children's fiction by Yuri Tomin " A wizard walked through the city», « Adventure Electronics» Evgenia Veltisova.
  • Stories and stories " Do not lie» Mikhail Zoshchenko, “Knights” Viktor Dragunsky.
  • Small folklore of all peoples of the world. Songs, jokes, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes.
  • Russians folk tales, For example, " Masha and the Bear"Morozko", "Teremok", " Princess Frog", "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka."
  • Works about nature and the animal world. Konstantin Ushinsky wrote a lot about children, all the beauty of nature, animals, birds and insects. "The Scientist Bear", " Four wishes», « The pranks of the old woman of winter", "The Goose and the Crane".

Full development

At the age of 6–7 years, a child is considered a preschooler and many books can be classified as older preschool literature. Today, pedagogical training methods are varied among different authors. But all of them should shape the preschooler’s interest in reading. A parent or adult working with children should conduct discussions that encourage independent reasoning and expression of their opinions. Be sure to model situations - compose a story or fairy tale, draw the characters you like, mold them from plasticine.

It is better to choose educational books with bright illustrations and large letters. At this age, the emotional coloring of the heroes of the work plays a more important role. It is revealed in items of clothing, hairstyles, mood and behavior, in all sorts of details of the plot.

Before reading, show your child the picture. Try to write a description and understand what it’s about we're talking about. This will help for development creative thinking. If a preschooler can read, you can try expressive reading, role-playing. After reading, give the opportunity to retell. Practice poetry with your children.

There are some claims by psychologists that children's stories should end positively. This gives reliability to the surrounding world. And doubts and fears are caused by a sad, unhappy ending. An unwanted ending can always be corrected.

Developing an interest and love for reading

It is worth instilling a love of art from the earliest years of life. From the birth of the child, the mother hums lullabies, and as the baby grows and develops, she begins to read bedtime stories aloud. The child develops a habit and a need to learn new exciting stories.

Some interesting ways nurturing a love of literature:

  1. Offer a book based on interest.
  2. Be sure to put magazines, catalogs or newspapers in the most visible places in the house.
  3. Read for yourself. Cultivate habits; it is acceptable for children to repeat after adults.
  4. Pay attention to games that require reading.
  5. Ask the older child to read to the younger one.
  6. Availability of a specially designated place in the house for storing literature.
  7. Fuel children's interest.

A reward in the form of sweets or permission to watch TV will not bring any benefit, and will even repel you, simple praise or the gift of a new book will be enough. Don't judge quality critically.

What to put in your home library


  1. « cockroach"K. Chukovsky, "There are such Boys" by A. Barto;
  2. Folk tales and epics;
  3. « Dunno on the Moon» N. Nosov, “Brave Dog” K. Ushinsky;
  4. S. Marshak " That's how absent-minded", A. Volkov " The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle».

Modern top:

  1. “Light Bread” by K. Sergienko;
  2. « Pik, Pak, Pok» A. Laptev;
  3. « Sasha and Masha» Annie M. G. Schmidt;
  4. « Ant Ferda» S. Ondrej
  5. « Kwak and Toad all year round » L. Arnold.


  1. « Three Bears» L. Tolstoy;
  2. Children's stories by A.P. Chekhova, L.N. Tolstoy;
  3. « The Scarlet Flower» S. Aksakov;
  4. “Conscience” A. Gaidar;
  5. « The Tale of the Golden Cockerel» A. Pushkin.

Speech formation:

  1. Tales of all the peoples of the world;
  2. Poems by D. Kharms;
  3. “Vaska the Cat” by A. Tolstoy;
  4. « Enchanted letter» V. Dragunsky;
  5. « Silver hoof» P. Bazhov.


  1. « Secrets of plasticine» O. Roni;
  2. « Daisies in January» M. Plyatskovsky;
  3. « Very hungry caterpillar» E. Karl;
  4. “Sipsik” E. Raud;
  5. « Once upon a time there were hedgehogs» A. Usachev.

Give the opportunity to love books. Talk about her values. Be an example - read for yourself. If a child sees you reading, he will try to spend as much time as possible in the world of fascinating works. Technology does not stand still, and there is a huge selection on the shelves, but shopping is not comparable to a walk to the library. And for future schoolchildren, the library is one of the first assistants in successful studies and future endeavors.

On this note, let me say goodbye to you. Subscribe to blog updates, leave comments on the article. Maybe you can tell us more interesting works for children of this age, I will be grateful.