Scenario of the competitive game program "in search of treasure." Entertainment script “Everyone on a treasure hunt”

"In search of treasure."

Game - competition


    uniting the children's team;

    teach you to make decisions quickly;

    show the need to sacrifice personal interests for the benefit of the team.


    introducing children to collective play activities;

    developing in children the skill of working in groups, the ability to accept collective decisions in the process of discussing prompts;

    identifying leaders.

Equipment: hoops, glue, 7 cards, A3 paper, prizes, tasks on sheets, signs with the names of stations.

Progress of the event

Presenter. The island is small area sushi surrounded on all sides by water. We can say that this is a small dot lost in the ocean. We will get to this island by ship. On mysterious island Unforgettable adventures await you with the pirates and their leader. Pirate cocked hats, cutlasses, old maps with buried treasure, old Billy Bones' riddles and a search for a chest of gold coins.

Are you ready for adventure? (children's answer)

Then join our coastal brotherhood!

Hidden on this mysterious island is an ancient map that shows the path that leads to a treasure chest. But getting to the treasure will not be so easy! Since the map is cut into several parts and hidden throughout the island. There will be many obstacles on the island, as a result of which you will have to stop and complete various tasks.

Each team selects a captain and comes up with a team name. You run around the island and look for stations. At the stations you will need to complete a task to get a piece of the map. In terms of time, you need to complete the task as quickly as possible and run to look for the next station. Then, as you visit all the stations, you will have all the parts of the map. You will need to collect a map and go along the indicated route in search of treasure. Whichever team gets to the treasure first gets it.

Station 1. Swamp. - Guys, you have arrived at a station calledSwamp. To get part of the map, you need to solve riddles about the inhabitants of the swamp.

1. Jumps through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs.

Her name is... (frog).

2. She lives in the reeds,

Her house is among the swamps,

Where the frogs are.

Tsap! - and there is no wah. (Heron)

3. There’s someone’s house on the branch here.

There are no doors in it, no windows.

But it’s warm for the chicks to live there.

This is the name of the house... (Nest)

4. It may break,

It might cook

And if he wants, he will hit the bird

Might turn . (Egg)

5. Reeds grow by the river,

A baby lives in the reeds.

He has green skin

And with a green face. (Little Frog)

6. This is an old friend of ours,

He lives on the roof of the house.

He flies to hunt

For frogs in the swamp . (Stork)

7. People live under water.

Walks backwards. (Cancer)

8. In a blue shirt

Runs along the bottom of the ravine. (Stream)

9. There is something in this swamp.

You will pass along them by jumping.

There are tubercles in the swamp -

Small islands.

These little islands

Everyone calls ... (bumps).


Station 2. Box meetings.

Box meetings.

Box meets are fun sporting events. They are called “meetings” because they are held as a “counter relay race”. And they are “boxed” becauseAll relay races use only one apparatus - ordinaryMatchbox (no matches!).

In box relays, like all others, several teams from two to ten participate. The most optimal number of teams is three. With so many of them, it is very convenient to determine the winners both at each stage and based on the results of the entire competition.If the team completes the task first, it is awarded 3 points, the second - 2 points, the third - one . Whoever has more points after all stages is the winner of the “Box Matches”.

In box relays, as in all head-to-head relays, teams must consist of an even number of players: 4, 6, 8 or 10. In this case, half of the team must be on one line of the playing distance, and the other half on the other line. The distance between these lines is 5 meters (10 meters for older children). The challenge for players in head-to-head relays is simple: carry a box one way and pass it to a teammate to carry it back. When the last team member delivers the boxes to the place from which the movement began, the stage is completed.

And in totalStages in "Box Encounters" 6:

1 . Carry the box, placing it on the top of your head.

2. Carry the box, placing it on your shoulder like a shoulder strap.

3. Carry the box, placing its end on your clenched fist.

4. Carry the box, placing it on your back in the lumbar area.

5. Carry the box, placing it on your foot in the area of ​​the instep.

6. Carry the box, pressing it with your chin to your neck (the ends of the box should rest against your chin and neck).

Of course, if a box falls while moving, the relay participant must stop, put it back in place and only after that, continue on your way.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).Station 3. Cave. - Guys, you have arrived at the station calledCave. To get through the cave. You need to complete the following task. The team forms a column and stands still. Only two people are moving here, holding a hoop in their hands. They pass it through the entire team. One of the participants then stands at the back of the column, the other takes the first one as his partner. The path through the cave is repeated until the last one passes through it.- Well done! Guys, you crossed the cave and get part of the map.(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 4. INTELLIGENCE. (Quiz)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledIntelligence

    If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect sunny weather 72 hours later?(It’s impossible, because in 72 hours, that is, in 3 days, it will be 12 o’clock at night again, and the sun doesn’t shine at night, unless it happens above the Arctic Circle on a polar day)

    Which question cannot be answered in the affirmative?("Are you sleeping?")

    If a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will a chicken weigh if it stands on 2 legs? (2 kg)

    Why do they say “the buffoon”?(Because the jester had dried peas in his rattle)

    There were 4 birch trees, on each birch there were 4 large branches, on each large branch - 4 small branches, on each small branch - 4 apples. How many apples are there in total?(None: apples don’t grow on birch trees)

    Is there a year in this century that will not change if written in numbers and turned “upside down”?(1961)

    Where does the water stand?(In glass)

    The miller came to the mill. In each of the 4 corners I saw 3 bags, on each bag sat 3 cats, and each cat had 3 kittens with it. The question is, how many feet were there in the mill?(Two: cats have paws)

    What could it be: two heads, two arms and six legs, but only four in walking?

    (Rider on a horse)

    Which city is sweet?(Raisin)

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 5. Tavern.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledTavern .

I’m going to read assignments to you now, and you have to guess what they’re about. we're talking about. After you answer all the questions, you will receive a piece of the map. - So, listen carefully!


  • 1.I really like this thing.

2. It causes a lot of trouble for adults.

3. Once she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band.

4. It looks like a grenade.

5. She has a string that you need to pull.


    1. They come in different colors.

2. The entire floor of our house was covered with them.

3. One day, mom got them confused in her head, and she couldn’t get them out.

4. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling.

5. My dad makes them with a hole punch.


    1. This is something so long.

2. My mother decorated my suit with this.

3. It is so colorful and shiny.

4. It can be easily torn.

5. It is made from foil.


    1. When I was little, I never heard them.

2. They are only in Moscow.

3. And at this time everyone gets up and clinks their glasses.

4. They are always shown on TV.

5. Actually, they have arrows.


    1. My dad says that they could set the house on fire.

2. I have a whole pack.

3. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands.

4. You can’t hang them on the Christmas tree, but some people do it.

5. They burn and throw sparks everywhere.

(Bengal candles)

    1. I tried it once while my mother wasn’t looking.

2. And we had it in the sideboard for six months.

3. There first “Bang-bang”, and then “P-sh-sh”.

4. The most important thing is to make sure it doesn’t run away.

5. Our traffic jam almost broke a mirror.


- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 6. Mixed up newspapers. (This assignment requires several newspapers.)

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledMixed up newspapers.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

(The team receives part of the map and goes to look for the next station).

Station 7. Zoological quiz.

Guys, you have arrived at the station calledZoology quiz . To get a piece of the map, you need to answer the following questions.

Who can hear with their feet? (Answer: grasshopper)

Who runs the fastest? (Answer: cheetah)

Who has a lip to the ground? (Answer: elephant)

Who flies without wings? (Answer:flying squirrel )

Who is the most toothy and clawed? (Answer:armadillo )

Who has a house made of thin air? (Answer:lizards - pongolins )

Whose tongue is longer than the body? (Answer:chameleon )

Who is the dead one that bites? (Answer:crocodile caiman )

Who has a nose like a cucumber? (Answer:monkey - kahau )

ANSWERS: grasshopper, cheetah, elephant, flying squirrel, armadillo, lizards - pongolins, chameleon,

crocodile caiman, monkey - kahau.

Logical task.

    How many days will it take for a snail to reach the top of a tree 15 meters high if it manages to climb 5 meters during the day, and during sleep it will fall down 4 meters?

ANSWER: 11 days.

- Well done! Guys, you completed the task, for this you receive a part of the map.

The teams go around all the stations and collect pieces of the map. Having collected the map, they go to the last 8th station in search of treasure. The location of the treasure is indicated on the map. The team that finds the treasure first takes it.

All-Russian competition methodological developments"Pedagogical holiday in kindergarten»

Summer sports festival for older children preschool age"In Search of Treasures."

Target: developing an interest in movement and a healthy lifestyle.


  • satisfying children's natural need for movement;
  • bring children pleasure, give a boost of energy and Have a good mood all day;
  • To cultivate in children a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, and the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment: 10 islands, 2 ropes, 2 brooms (brooms), 6 hoops on stands, 2 jump ropes, 2 gates, two clubs, balls.

Characters: Baba Yaga, 2 robbers, Evil Duke.

Progress of activities

Instructor: Guys, recently my teachers and I were sorting through things in the garden, and we found this old map. This map shows the path to the island where the wealth is stored. Of course, I don’t know what kind of treasures are hidden on this island. Maybe this is an ancient treasure of terrible sea pirates? Or maybe these are Ali Baba's treasures? Or maybe something completely unexpected...

I don’t know about you, but I’m very interested. Shouldn't we go somewhere interesting and an amusing trip in search of these treasures? But the path ahead of us is long and difficult. Only brave, resilient, sports-loving children can complete it. You are ready?

Host: Now let's take a close look at our map and try to navigate the area. The arrow shows that you need to go in this direction. What is this written on the map?

“Going is much more interesting when you eat with friends.”Children hit the road with the cheerful song “It’s Fun to Walk Together” (Words: M. Matusovsky,Music: V. Shainsky).

Across the expanses, across the expanses
Better in chorus, better in chorus.

Sing with us, quail, quail,
One needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree.

It's fun to walk through the open spaces together,
Across the expanses, across the expanses
And, of course, it’s better to sing in chorus,
Better in chorus, better in chorus.

In the sky of dawn a stripe will fill,
One birch, two birches - there will be a grove,
One plank, two planks - there will be a ladder,
One word, two words - there will be a song.

It's fun to walk through the open spaces together,
Across the expanses, across the expanses
And, of course, it’s better to sing in chorus,
Better in chorus, better in chorus.

The instructor and the children look at the map. A swamp is drawn on their way.

Is reading.

Hint tree
There is a clearing
There are riddles on the leaves,
You need to read them.
How do you solve the riddles?
Then you will find out how to get there.

Children find a tree with pieces of paper on which are writtenriddles about sports and healthy image life.

They beat him, but he doesn't cry,
It's more fun to just jump (Ball).

I don’t understand, who are you guys?
Birders? Fishermen?
What kind of net is there in the yard?
Wouldn't you interfere with the game?
You'd better go away
We are playing... (volleyball).

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean,
Everyone needs to have one.
What it is? (Soap).

Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And the shiny ones... ( skates).

Comma stick
He kicks the ball in front of him.
Hit and throw
Raise the ball often.
Hit him on goal ( Hockey stick).

This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it,
Just better drive (bike).

Instructor: Guys, we have solved all the riddles. And now we have a hint on how to cross the swamp.

Reads the hint:

There's something in this swamp
You will pass along them by jumping.
There are tubercles in the swamp -
Small islands.
These little islands
Everyone calls bumps .

1 relay race “Walk the swamp”.

You need to go from “bump” to “bump”, jump over to the shore (there are islands on the floor, at the end there are two ropes that you need to jump over).

The children are coming. Baba Yaga runs out to meet you.

Baba Yaga: Fu-fu-fu! It smells like the human spirit!

Although I wasn't expecting guests
But I'm very glad
What did you come running:
I took a walk through the forest,
I'm very hungry!
So, I'm taking from you
A dozen well-fed
And I’ll fry it today!


Why eat us?
You better play with us
Our ingenuity
Test your agility and strength!

Baba Yaga: Are you really strong, dexterous and savvy? Let's check it now!

To begin with, I’ll ask the guys to test my aircraft. Fly on a broom with all your might, so that grandma will take your breath away!

2 Relay race “Flying on a broom”.

You need to run astride a broom (broom) like a snake to a landmark and back.

Baba Yaga also competes with children in speed, running next to the children on a broomstick.

Baba Yaga:

Now amuse your soul -
And sing ditties to me.

Children perform “Sports ditties”. Baba Yaga is dancing.

We know a lot of ditties
Both good and bad.
It's good for him to listen
Who doesn't know any.

I washed my hands under the tap,
And I forgot to wash my face,
Trezor saw me,
He shouted: “What a shame.”

I'm very happy with life
And I sing and dance,
Because day and night
Fresh air I'm breathing.

In the morning, exactly at seven o'clock,
I get out of bed.
I'm ready for a run
And also for charging!

Remember the slogan:
“Wash your hands before eating.”
So as not to forget this -
We must repeat it again.

I'll walk through the forest,
I will harden my body.
I dream of being healthy
I'm pumping up my muscles.

Do your exercises
If you want to be healthy.
Douse yourself with cold water -
You will forget the doctors.

Instructor: We wish all the children not to grow old and not to get sick, to play more sports, to have a sense of humor.

Baba Yaga: I haven’t had so much fun for a long time. Convinced! And we won the games! Move on! Good morning! Many adventures await you!

Robbers don't tell fortunes with cards.
We know for sure that we have one life.
As soon as the moon rises,
And people fall asleep.
But we always have work to do before dawn.

It's not a sin to be robbers
Our work is without deception.
We do it best
Empty your pockets.

Robbers are like big children.
And since childhood we have been faithful to our dreams,
So that the greedy one gets richer,
Caught in our net.
You need to share your profits.

It's not a sin to be robbers
Our work is without deception.
We do it best
Empty your pockets.

1st robber: Who is it that wandered into our territory?!

I'll tell you guys this:
I'm a very big villain -
I love to hurt children!

2nd robber:

And I’m not lying, brothers, shit,
I'm a natural bandit!
Not cut, not combed,
A wet mustache sticks out under the nose.


And we are a friendly kindergarten,
Look how many guys there are here!
Cheerful, skillful, strong and brave!
We are not afraid of you at all,
If necessary, we will fight!

1st robber: Let me find out, gentlemen: where are you from and where to?

Instructor: We set off on an exciting and dangerous journey in search of treasure. We also have a map of how to get there.

2nd robber: Map? Come on, show me, isn’t this our map you found? And what, a lot of treasures? What's there? Gold, gems, jewelry?

Instructor: We don't know what kind of treasures are hidden on this island. But we would really like to find them faster. We have already overcome so many different obstacles!

1st robber: Let's swing without looking! You give us a card, and we give you... And we won’t touch you!

Instructor: Well, somehow we’re not really afraid of you...

2nd robber: Then we will take the card from you by force!

Instructor: I don’t recommend it. Look how many of us there are, and there are only two of you. Our children are all strong, dexterous, and brave. They won't give up that easily. And they won’t give the card back!

1st robber:

If you are not afraid of us,
Then you will compete with us in relay races.
Dangerous games await you, gentlemen...
Whoever is not afraid, let him come out here!

2nd robber: But remember well, if we win, the map is ours!

Presenter. The guys and I agree on a fair fight! Do you agree, children?

Relay races are held.

1st robber: Now let's see how you can play our favorite game. He takes out a stick and balls.

3 Field Hockey Relay

The robbers are at the gate. You need to pass the ball with your stick and score a goal. Return - pass the baton.

4 Relay race “Walk through the gorge”

Climb through hoops that stand on racks, jump rope three times, run around a landmark, run back, pass the baton.

Instructor: Now we invite you to play our game.

Outdoor game "Catch-up"

The robbers stand on one side, with their backs to the children, the children stand on the other side. Children approach the pirates and say the words: “1-2-3, 1-2-3. Immediately after this, the children run away to their half, the robbers catch up with them.”

1st robber: You guys defeated us with your dexterity and courage.

2nd robber. Did they teach you in kindergarten to be so fast, agile and strong?

Children: Yes!.

1st robber: We are no longer an obstacle to you. Hit the road friends.

Instructor: It's time to look at the map. Guys, it looks like we only have a short distance left to go. We are already very close to the treasures! Here, on the map, there is the last clue.

You go straight first
And then turn left
Take a step, then a second one,
And then with the other foot.
Jump on your toes,
Turn around yourself,
Smile and lean in
The treasure is right in front of you.
Easy to reach with your hand!

Zlyuk-du-duk runs out and grabs the treasure chest.

Instructor: Wait, the guys and I searched for this chest for a long time, overcame many obstacles. We have a map, the treasures rightfully belong to the guys, you must give them back.

Zlyuka-du-dyuka: I am Zlyuka-du-dyuka, I took the treasure first, I won’t give it to anyone

Instructor: Angry, you can’t do that, friends don’t behave like that.

Angry: But I’m not your friend and I don’t have friends, and I don’t even know what friendship is.

Instructor: Guys, let's teach Evil to be friends?

Instructor: Guys, what is friendship?

Competition of proverbs about friendship.

  • A thing is good when it is new, but a friend is good when it is old.
  • Together, troubles are easier to bear.
  • Together it’s cramped, but apart it’s boring.
  • All for one, one for all.
  • Where friendship is strong, things go well.
  • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  • A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.
  • Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.
  • If you lose something, you will gain it again; if you lose a friend, you will never get it back.
  • Good brotherhood is dearer than wealth.
  • Friends are known in misfortune.
  • There are many acquaintances, but few friends.

Instructor: Our guys are friendly and cheerful! When we are together, we can handle any task! Especially when you make it fun!

We'll prove it now
Let's have fun, we'll show you.
Let everyone dance
Favorite dance of preschool children.
Of course, don't be angry
Stand with us.

Children dance along with Zlyuka (to any song about friendship).

Zlyuka-du-dyuka: Guys, it’s good to have a lot of friends. Thank you for teaching me friendship! ( Gives away the chest). Keep it yours, please.

Children with an instructor open a chest containing sweets.

Instructor: Guys, today we once again proved how brave, fast, and friendly you are, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten!

Search game "In search of treasures"

Target: organizing and conducting leisure activities for orphanage pupils.Tasks:- develop the outlook and creative abilities of students;- attract pupils to an active lifestyle;- instill in children a sense of camaraderie and team cohesion.The meaning of the game is to find a treasure, and the treasure is on a sunken ship. By completing tasks, the guys receive fragments of the ship, from which they must put together a picture at the end of the game.

Duration: 1 hour.

Preparatory work:- draw a colorful ad and convey information to the children;- students dress according to the theme, pirate makeup is encouraged;- prepare certificates and “treasures” - sweets;- prepare stations for competitions;- draw a map - route sheet; - cut the picture of the ship into as many parts as there are stations;- make a chest (you can wallpaper the box and glue a paper lock on it, or use an old suitcase);- prepare a soundtrack of marine-themed music files.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear boys and girls! Good evening, the bravest people of our school. We are very glad that you were not afraid and came to us to go in search of pirate treasures. Are you ready to go on a long journey to meet dangers and adventures? There is not a single person who did not read novels about pirates in childhood, who did not dream of finding treasures buried by pirates. Today we are going for pirate treasures. But unlike many treasure hunters of the past, we will definitely be lucky today. Luck will certainly smile on us. It cannot be otherwise, because you are so brave, smart, and friendly.

Presenter 2 : Do you know what language the word “pirate” comes from and what it means? Word"pirate" (in Latin pirata) comes in turn from the Greek “to try, test.” Thus, the meaning of the word would be “trying one’s luck.” This word came into use around the 4th-3rd centuries BC.

Presenter 1: What is the name of the pirate flag?(The presenter listens to all the answers of the travel participants) That's right, Jolly Roger. There are several versions of where the Jolly Roger came from. According to one of them, “Jolly Roger” comes from the French “Joyeux Rouge” (beautiful red flag). It was a blood red flag raised by pirates that meant they were going to kill anyone on board the ship they were attacking. Later, the British remade “Rouge” into the more familiar word “Roger”, and “Joyeux” into “Jolly”, that is, “Jolly”.

Presenter 2.Can you name the pirates’ favorite way to fight?(The presenter listens to the responses of the travel participants) The most common method of conducting naval combat among pirates was boarding (French abordage). The enemy ships approached as close as possible close quarters, usually side to side, after which both ships were tightly coupled with the help of cats and tackle. Then a boarding team landed on the enemy ship.

Presenter 1: Well done. You have read a lot, you know a lot. Knowledge and friendship are what will help us in our journey to overcome all obstacles and find the treasure. You are now not classes, but crews. Brigantines are at your disposal. During the voyage you will visit four islands. A challenge awaits you on each island. If you successfully deal with it, you will receive a piece of the map. Only by putting all four pieces together, you will get an old pirate map. When all the islands are behind, we are waiting for you in the hall again, because you will probably want to show off your trophies. Crew commanders, receive route sheets.

Presenter 2: So, seven feet under the keel and may the Jolly Roger help you!

Each team goes along its own route according to the route sheets

Mermaid Island.

Mermaid meets the children and offers to complete several of her tasks. She says that she loves to sing, that she knows a lot of different songs, and she wants to know if the guys know the songs.

Game "Guess the song". The mermaid says any line from the song, and the children must say the name of the song and sing the verse and chorus.

- “The river begins with a blue stream…..” - “Smile”;- “The snowstorm sang a song to her, the Christmas tree slept bye-bye...” - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”;- “The blue carriage is running, swaying, the fast train is picking up speed...” - “The blue carriage”;- "Chunga-Changa? There is no better place..." - "Chunga-Changa";- “If you walk along the path for a long time, if you stomp, jump and run for a long time ...” - “Song of Little Red Riding Hood”

The mermaid says that on her island there live many different animals - her friends, they are also very musical and love to sing together. The mermaid invites the children to turn into animals and sing a song in their voices.

Game "Singing with the voices of animals." Children sing Crocodile Gena's song in animal voices. Boys sing "Woof-woof-woof", girls sing "Moo-moo-moo"!The mermaid thanks the children for their good performance and gives a fragment of the ship.

Fishermen's Bay

Here they are met by a fisherman:

Game "Water - land". If the fisherman says the word “water” or the name of a body of water, the children jump forward, if “land” or the name of a part of the land, they jump back.

Game "Get the Apple"

Water is poured into the basin and the participant must catch three apples.

Wild coast.
Savage meets children. He says that he has a fragment of the ship, but he won’t just give it up. First the children have to do something for him.The savage says that his younger brother sent him a letter, but he cannot understand what is written there and asks the children to help him figure it out.A fairy tale is encrypted. Guess which one

Game "Decipher your little brother's letter."

"According to De Re. You are re bo - prebo. Sta De re from ze tya. Tya is sweat, and you are not mo. According to De Ba. Ba is for De, De is for Re, tya is sweat, and you are not mo!"

“Zhi – would be De and Ba. And neither would Ku-Rya. Sne ka-to Ku yai, not about, but about.”

After the letter is finished, the savage invites the guys to have a little fun and be a monkey.

Game "Merry monkeys". We are funny monkeysWe play too loud.We clap our handsWe stomp our feetPuff out our cheeksJumping on your toesAnd even to each otherWe'll show you the tongues.Let's jump to the ceiling togetherLet's put our finger to our temple.Let's stick out our ears,Ponytail on top of head.Let's open our mouths wider,We'll make all the faces.When I say the number three,Everyone, freeze with grimaces!

Children repeat after the leader all the named actions, and after the word “freeze” everyone freezes. The presenter says that everyone stands like this until he counts to 10Saying goodbye, the native gives the children another fragment of the ship.

Island of secrets and mysteries. Meets childrenmistress of the island . She says that she would be glad to give away a fragment of the ship, but she cannot. Otherwise, the god of the seas will be very angry and will not forgive her for this, so in order for her to give the key, the children must complete several tasks.

Game "Decipher"


Game "Go Around the Reefs". Reefs - pins are placed at a certain distance from each other. The captain is blindfolded and must guide the team without hitting a single pin - the reef. The rest of the team actively advises him.

Meets childrenlighthouse keeper . She says that she has the last fragment and in order to get it, the children need to pass a series of tests.Game "Tricky Questions". Guys, today I am for youI'll ask tricky questions.If the answer is negative,Please answer with the word "no"And affirmative - thenSay the word "yes" out loud.I have no doubt, guysEvery mind has a chamber,But I have some advice for you:Answers "YES", answers "NO"Don’t rush to give instantly,After thinking hard, speak.

1. Tell me one secret:Do giraffes live in the TUNDRA? ...

2. YOU WILL SEE a mole on a clear day,Soaring IN THE SKY, right? ...

3. The builder builds cities.Do wasps build honeycombs? ...

4. Orange and red colorAre they considered HOT? ...

5. Cars are given the green light,IS IT POSSIBLE TO FOLLOW A ZEBRA? ...

1 In the morning there is sunshine in the window,NIGHT is coming, right? ...

2 There is WARMING water in the river.And in the hole like this? ...

3. And we will see a star,What if the sky is cloudy at night? ...

4. Forest - habitatFor squirrels, hares, woodpeckers? ...

5. The reader, having read, alwaysEATS THE BOOK, right? ...

6Carrots with cabbage in a turnstile,

When entering the metro, shall we lower it? ...

7The monk makes a vow to himself.

Does he spoon it? ...

8A thin boy, like a skeleton,

Will you lift the barbell EASILY? ...

9There are many planets in the sky,

The Moon is a PLANET! Right? ...

10 Roofing felt roll

GOOD for dessert for us? ...

11Herds grazing in the ARCTIC

Horned cows and goats? ...

6Seeing a fisherman, “Hello!” -

Is a roach screaming from the river? ...

7What does a frog eat for lunch -

Elephant with peas, right? ...

8The toad definitely doesn’t have a tail.

Does a cow HAVE one? ...

9In the shadows - “plus thirty”, and then

Do we wear FUR COATS? ...

10Mom will buy me some sweets

Because I was lazy? ...

11On the trolleybus, having bought a ticket,

Do you need to ride on the ROOF? ..

The questions are over, friends!

And I praise everyone, guys.

The test has come to an end.

Well done to those who didn't make a mistake!

And who made a mistake even a little,

Not a good guy, but a hammer!

Game "Riddles"

1. I'm sailing on a ship,Sometimes I lie at the bottomI keep the ship on a chain,I guard the ship at sea,So that the wind doesn't blow away,I just rocked on the waves.(ANCHOR)

2. I'm puffed up by the wind,But I'm not offended at allLet him fool meThe yacht speeds up.(SAIL)

3. Storm at sea or fog,But where is the edge of the earthEvery captain knows.What is burning in the distance for them?(LIGHTHOUSE)

4. This ship is at the pierOil was pumped into the holds.More hold than tanks in a tank.And the ship's name is...(TANKER)

5. He is standing on the bridgeAnd he looks through the sea's binoculars,The ninth wave is not scary -He holds the helm tightly.He is on the ship - king and master.Who is this? ...(CAPTAIN)

6. He is both a cook and a sailor.Tell me what is his name?Everything is naval style, porridge, juiceWill cook delicious...(COOK)7. If this fleet is military,Then certainlyOn the ships are his sailors

1 Breaking thick iceHe goes forward aloneAnd only then after himThe ships are moving in single file.(ICEBREAKER)

2 He gallops and gallops along the waves.
What kind of friend is this?
The fish will pull the hook -
He lies down on his side.

3 He is the king of the seas,
Ocean sovereign,
He is the keeper of treasures at the bottom
And the ruler of the mermaids.

4. Summer is here, vacation is coming soon,
Mom and I will go to the mountains,
We'll definitely turn to the sea,
And where will we end up?
This is not the north, I know for sure
What is this point called?

5. Number one city in China.
It's simply called...

6. We couldn’t get there,
Where is the edge of the sky and the edge of the earth.

7 There are roads - you can’t go,
There is land - you can’t plow,
There are meadows - you can’t mow them,
There is no water in the rivers or seas.

They wear it with ribbons.

After all completed tasks, children receive the last fragment of the ship.

With all the fragments, each team runs to the beginning of the competition and folds the ship.

The first team to complete the task receives a Treasure Map and goes in search of the treasure.

Scenario of extracurricular activities in elementary school

Entertainment and game program “In Search of Treasures”

Olga Grigorievna Mikitchenko, teacher-organizer of the Cherkassy city multidisciplinary youth center in Cherkassy
Description of the material: the extracurricular event is an educational and playful form of activity for children aged 8-11 years with a competitive component. The vast expanses of the sea, formidable ships, exciting adventures and, of course, resilient sea robbers make many dream of the free and cheerful life of a pirate. Reincarnate into him at least for one day. This can be easily accomplished by organizing a pirate gaming program.
An unforgettable journey in search of the treasure, competitions, quizzes, theatrical competition, unexpected meetings and, of course, in the finale - treasure and treasures.
Target: attracting children and adolescents to a healthy lifestyle; organization of meaningful leisure.
Educational: teach children to actively interact with each other, quickly make the right decision;
Developmental: strengthen children’s skills to compete in collective play activities; develop children's skills in working in groups; develop mental, creative, physical abilities, erudition;
Educational: cultivate a sense of collectivism and responsibility for one’s comrades.
Participants: pupils of children's and youth clubs at their place of residence of primary and secondary school age.
Organization of the event: Children's park area. Numbered relay races (there are 10 of them), where children are greeted by costumed Pirates. The game involves 9 teams of 6 people.
Homework: team name, motto, choice of captain, performance on a pirate theme, ties for the team. Guests and the jury are invited to the theater venue where the theater competition will take place.


pirate message

cards with code

For each team; relay numbers; pirate chest with prizes; balloons, flags, posters; details for each task.
Making a card in Appendix No. 1.

The melody from the animated film “Treasure Island” plays. Participants of the event gather on the theater stage.
Presenter. Good afternoon I welcome participants and guests to our entertainment and game program “In Search of Treasures.”
(Pirate Flint runs onto the stage)
Flint: Hey half-hearted! All the way up!!
What kind of joke? What kind of laughter?
We can't stand fun
We take what we want, we don’t ask.
Arguing with us is of little use,
There are no barriers to the sea WOLF.
We know the treasures of all the seas
In the holds of different ships

Pirate Flint. Good afternoon friends! Are you interested in distant countries? (children's answers). I invite you to go on an exciting adventure to find treasures in the children's park of our wonderful city. Many years ago I locked up treasures in pirate chest, which was lost over time. My despair knows no bounds, but I still have cards with which I can find the treasure. Will you help me? (Children's answers).
Presenter. Flint! Today at our holiday there are pupils of children's and youth clubs at the residence of the Cherkasy City Multidisciplinary Youth Center, who will be happy to help you find treasures.
Pirate Flint. Wonderful! I would like to get to know you better.
- Create teams to search for treasures!
I have nine cards, now we need to assemble nine teams.
Presenter. Flint! We have nine teams that will tell about themselves. (Team presentation)
- Team: “Gang”
Motto: We are a fun, serious team - because we are B-A-N-D-A!
- Team “Rip off your head”
Motto: One - two, Rip your head off! This name is always heard here! All the cool guys have gathered here, their name is Rip off your head!
- Team "Cool"
Motto: We're the cool kids. We call ourselves “cool guys.” We drink Crazy, Coca-Cola, and like different jokes. Yo!
- Command: “Both-on!”
Motto: “Both-on!” - this is a miracle, “Both-on!” “This is class, our life is not bad at all, you will miss us.”
- Team “Scarlet Sails”
Motto: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.
Swim always, swim everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!
- Team: "ATAS"
Motto: We guys are just great, When they see us they shout Atas!
- Team "Veselchak"
Motto: Laugh 100 times a day or more
Veselchak lives the longest!
- Team "Tornado"
Motto: There is no need to run into us, Because we are a tornado!
- Team: “Sailors”
Motto: We are strong for each other, This is our maritime custom. Greet every morning with a smile, If a friend is in trouble, help him out!
Pirate Flint. Brave teams led by desperate captains deserve trust and respect. There will be various obstacles on your way that must be overcome. (The pirate reads out the rules for the participants in the entertainment and game program.)
The rules are very simple:
-you will have to overcome many obstacles, answer quiz questions, show courage, imagination, confidence, unity;
-Each team is given a map with the travel route. The game will consist of 10 stages of the competition, which are indicated on the map. Participants must strictly adhere to the sequence of their route;
-for each point passed, the team receives a card with a code. With the collected cards, the team proceeds to the finish line. There he finds a pirate's message, deciphers the code and finds treasure;
-players must not interfere with other teams’ route;
-players must comply with life safety rules;
-players must not cause harm to cultural monuments or green spaces of the park.
Pirate Flint. We are starting a great sea adventure! To make everyone happy today, we will go together in search of treasure!
Team captains, come get your cards. (Captains receive cards) I wish success to all participants in the adventure! We begin the report for the start: 5, 4, 3, 2,1, Go!
Task 1. Competition “Find the differences”.
Props: A picture with a task for each team, markers, part of the code.
Participants take turns finding differences in identical images and marking them in the picture with felt-tip pens. If a participant cannot find the difference, the team helps.

(Having identified the differences, a part of the cipher is obtained.)
Task 2. Competition: “Decipher the puzzles”
Props: a decorated lake (blue fabric), 2 fishing rods with magnets, paper fish (rebuses on the back, a paper clip on the mouth), part of a code.

To earn the next part of the cipher, you need to be smart. Contestants take turns catching a fish with a fishing rod and guessing their puzzle (teammates can give hints). If the participants cannot solve the rebus, they catch another fish with the rebus.

Task 3. Competition - “Initiation into pirates”
Props: a piece of paper with a hint line (Because we are pirates!), part of the code.
Pirate Flint: You can't become a pirate, you have to be born. Now let's see if the blood of real sea wolves flows in your veins!
- Listen to my command!
- Form a line;
- Left hand drive! – (step left);
- Right steering wheel! - (step to the right);
- Nose! - (step forward);
- Feed! - (step back);
- Raise the sails! - (the pirates stand still, raise their hands up);
- Wash the deck! - (depict washing the deck);
- Cannonball! - (everyone squats down, covers their head with their hands).
Pirate Flint. The teams have successfully completed training, now you are not cabin boys, but real sea pirates.

I order the ties to be tied into bandamas.
(The pirate reads a poem. Before the last line in each quatrain, he shows the children a piece of paper with a hint line, and the children pronounce the line loudly in chorus).
Pirate Flint. We raise the anchors and set off to the seas!
We are fearless guys...
Children: Because we are pirates!
Pirate Flint: There is a menacing wave in the sea, hurricanes and storms,
Well, we are sailing somewhere...
Children: Because we are pirates!
Pirate Flint: The inhabitants of the seas are dearer to us than all the animals:
Octopus, dolphins, stingrays
Children: Because we are pirates!
Pirate Flint: We sharpened our knives, Those who didn't hide - tremble!
Only we are not to blame
Children: Because we are pirates!
Pirate Flint: We'll sail straight to the island, We'll find treasures there!
Let's live richly, friends...
Children: Because we are pirates!
(The team captain receives part of the code.)
Task 4. Competition "Pirate Quiz".
Props: sheets with answer options for each quiz question.
Need to choose correct option answer (correct answers are underlined):
1. Name your favorite pirate drink:
Coca Cola
2. Who is a pirate?
Sea Robber
The Honorable Gentleman
Office plankton representative
3. Pirate headdress?
Cocked hat
4. Who did the pirates call the gunpowder monkey?
A pirate monkey who was injured in battle
Lowest pirate rank on a ship
Enemy soldier captured in battle
The boy who carried gunpowder and shells during the battle
5. Why were the pirates’ noses and ears cut off?
For foul language
For eavesdropping
For stealing from teammates
For curiosity
(Answer questions and receive part of the code)

Task 5. Competition “Painting “Pirate”.
Props: sheets with a blank painting; balloons; cord; scissors; eye patch; colored markers; part of the cipher.

The captain of the team, whose eyes are blindfolded, needs to cut off the “Pirate” picture wrapped in a tube from the rope with scissors, without damaging it. air balloons tied nearby. Each participant, in turn, needs to complete and color the picture “Pirate” with markers with their left hand.

(At the end of the work, they receive part of the cipher)
Task 6. Competition “The Most Accurate”.
Props: sheets of paper, basket, part of the code.
Each participant must make a ball from paper and hit the target (basket). In cases of defeat, team members help. (After 6 balls fall into the basket, the team receives part of the code.)
Task 7. Competition “Labyrinth of Daredevils”.
Props: playground parka, part of the cipher.
Participants need to overcome obstacles (slide down a slide, walk along a swinging staircase, climb a rope, go through a maze, the last participant picks part of the code from a tree branch).

Task 8. Competition “Sea Knots”.
Props: part of the cipher.
The team leader turns away, and his team members hold hands tightly, forming a chain. This chain needs to be “tied” into a sea knot. Players can twist around, step over the player's hands, standing nearby, crawl anywhere without letting go of your neighbor’s hand. After the sea knot is ready and the participants “twist” to the limit, the pirate crew shouts: “Polundra!” The team leader turns around and unravels the knot without breaking the chain. If the captain was unable to complete the task, the command is repeated.
(Having untangled the knot, they get part of the cipher.)

Task 9. “Theatrical” competition (home preparation).
Props: part of the cipher. Park scene. Each team uses its own props.
Participants must present a performance on a pirate theme prepared in advance. Approximate repertoire (Appendix No. 2)
Task 10. Sports relay race.
Props: skittles, skipping ropes, hoops, balls, tennis rackets; a box with ribbons and sea stones; capsules from Kinder Surprises; part of the cipher.
One after another, participants complete the sports relay race:
- pins with pictures of sharks pasted on them, you need to knock down all the pins with a ball;
- in boxes covered with sea-green fabric there are “sea waves” ribbons, at the bottom of the boxes there are decorations, you need to take out one decoration at a time and take it to the shore;
- the team captain holds a hoop on his belt. One player climbs inside, picks up tennis rackets (“oars”) and rows them. They reach the “shore” flag. The player remains “on the shore”, gives the “oars” to the captain, and the captain runs after the next player “to the ship”.
- inside the Kinder Surprise capsules there are pieces of paper with pictures, but only inside one there is a piece of paper with a code. Children must open all the capsules and find part of the code.
(They find part of the cipher.)
Finish. "Treasures."
With the pieces of the cipher collected, the teams proceed to the finish line. There they exchange the cards for a message from a pirate, with the help of which they decipher where the treasure is located.

The presenter and Pirate Flint announce the results and hold the awards ceremony. The first three teams to decipher the pirate's message and find the chest are the winners. They receive treasure from a pirate. The team receives a prize for the best performance.

Music from the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" is playing.
In our game program, the chest was hidden behind an ant, so we encrypted exactly these words “Behind the ant.”
Appendix No. 1 “Map”.
Making a card.
Brew strong tea (5 teaspoons per half liter jar). Cover with a lid and let it brew. When cool, strain. Crumple a piece of paper A-4 and make a lump. Repeat this 10 times. (We need 9 cards, 1 will be a spare). Place 5 lumps in the solution for 20 minutes. Then catch it and carefully lay it out on a flat surface. Repeat this with the other 5 lumps. Let the paper dry and iron it with an iron. To create the effect of a torn edge, you need to tear off the edges of the sheets. Lightly smoke the edges and lightly the background over the candle. Take a photo of the park diagram. Print. Transfer the diagram through carbon paper and then trace it with a brown pencil. Mark the competition locations with a red felt-tip pen and a number. The route is marked with a dotted brown marker. Each team's route starts with different numbers. The map is decorated with pirate symbols. On back side The map shows the sequence of the route.
For example:
On map 1: start-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-finish.
On map 2: start-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-1-finish.
On map 3: start-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-1-2-finish and so on on others.
When passing the relay race, a mark is made on the back of the card in order to check the completion of all stages of the competition.

Appendix No. 2 “Theater competition”.
You can use dramatizations of songs and poems.
From the cartoon "Treasure Island":
"The Story of Bobby the Boy Who Loved Money";
“Song about sports”;
“Song about the dangers of drunkenness”;
“A chance, it’s not a payday, it’s not an advance”;
“We are all participants in the regatta”;
"Song about Greed";
"Song about the dangers of smoking."
Pirate's song from the cartoon "Blue Puppy", "The King and the Clown", "Pirate Song".
"Pirate Song"
We are pirates, we will defeat everyone,
You won't find us anywhere better,
Earring in the ear, gold tooth.
And we have a big ship!
We are pirates, we are pirates
We have sabers and hats,
We are robbers, villains, scoundrels.
Our happiness is constant
We are looking for treasures, treasures, treasures,
And we live on a ship.

"About Pirates"
When the black flag flies on the mast,
Goosebumps run down everyone's backs -
And pirates have yellow pants,
And pirates have blue suspenders!
They rob ships on Wednesdays
And on Friday they play checkers at night -
And pirates have yellow pants,
And pirates have blue suspenders!
How proudly the seagulls soar over the stern
And the lemonade gurgles in the flask!

The proud galleon carries doubloons,
A sailor on the mast eats pistachios -
But pirates have yellow pants
But pirates have blue suspenders!
The guns have been polished for a long time,
And the boatswain strokes the shirts with a banner -
After all, pirates have yellow pants,
After all, pirates have blue suspenders!
They're about to board
And there will be pockets filled with candy!
After all, pirates have yellow pants!
After all, pirates have blue suspenders!

"The One-Eyed Pirate." Lyricist: Yuri Entin
I'm waiting for the golden catch!
I'll find a diamond treasure!
“Robber” is a nasty word!
I like the word "pirate"!
Skull and bones flaunt
On our pirate flag.
Out of anger at the sight of prey
The only eye sparkles.
I believe that piracy
It will bring me wealth!
After all, everyone admits:
Such is the time now!
Yo-ho-ho! Piracy
It will bring me wealth!
Now is the time to yo-ho-ho!
I want to live in a dacha
On a quiet river bank.
I suffer from pitching at sea.
And I can’t swim at all.
But I, living on land,
I have a pirate outfit
And also a pirate soul...
A pirate and a pirate on land!
I believe that piracy
It will bring me wealth!
After all, everyone admits:
Such is the time now!
Yo-ho-ho! Piracy
It will bring me wealth!
Now is the time to yo-ho-ho!

"Pirates"(hymn) Viktor Fedoseev
We sing a song about pirates.
Pirates are a friendly family,
We are all funny guys.
Yes, we guys go anywhere!
We are not afraid of either storm or waves,
We were born by the elements - mother,
Well, the father is Neptune, perhaps
But this must be proven!
We go out to sea to hunt.
All the ships are passing us
But they can’t escape the raids,
After all, we are pirates of the highest class.
We board the ship,
There are no barriers to stopping us.
We don't need wealth at all
Everyone is happy to have some fun.
Forward, pirates, day and night,
Let's catch up with the frigate we need.
He won't leave, that's for sure
Our “Pirate” will catch up with him.
Let everyone who goes to sea know
That we are guys anywhere!
And if someone argues,
Let him argue, trouble awaits him.

"Poem No. 6" Boris Erunov
Forgive me right now for seeing me with one eye,
But I see everyone around me - who is my enemy, who is my friend.
My pirate friends are extremely happy to see me.
Once a year, but we dig up treasures properly,
And theirs on the islands is enough for us and you.
I rule out riots, I drink rum and some tea.
This makes my tea strong and barbaric.
I am still a pirate, a slave to my desires.
So my team, team, not a gang,
Let's go on board, the main prize will be ours!

Unwashed, bearded pirates sail the seas.
Suddenly a shark is on the way, don't joke with it.
He tells them: “Hey, pirates, unwashed bearded ones!
I'm hungry as hell. Come on, jump overboard!
Otherwise I’ll bite your brig along with its sails!”
The captain answers: “I won’t give the command!
The mouth is not a cannon barrel. I'm not afraid of you, shark!
If you go on board, you’ll end up dead!”
The shark got angry and lashed the water with its tail,
It opened its mouth and went into battle - anyone would have been scared.
“No,” said the brave pirate, “I’m not the least bit afraid!”
Get it right,” and hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Bool!" – a toothy shark drowned in the blue sea.
He will know how to bite everyone, scratch his teeth on the sides!
And the funny pirates are unwashed and bearded
We sailed again...

"A Tale of Pirates: Brave Captain»
The pirates came ashore
Each with a map and a shovel,
They began to dig here and there -
Look for treasure on the island.
The first one dug up the snag,
And the second flask for rum,
The third dug up a chest.
A knock came from it.
The pirates got scared
Unwashed bearded men -
Everything in life is not like in the movies,
Anyone would chicken out here, but
The brave captain said:
“I’m not the least bit scared!
Get it right!”
And he broke the chest with an oar.
A cloud of dust blew up,
The smell is terrible, like a grave,
There are no treasures
A skeleton stands in their place.
He says: “Hey you pirates,
Unwashed bearded men!
Who is a stranger here looking for treasure,
He won’t come back alive!” –
And let's chatter our teeth,
Rattling rusty chains...
Waving his saber, eager to fight -
Anyone would have run away.
“No,” said the brave pirate, “
I'm not scared at all!
Get it right,”
And hit him in the forehead with an oar.
"Boom! Crunch! Bang! - and no more
Evil greedy skeleton.
The captain is happy about the victory
But where is the treasure hidden?
Suddenly from the waves and seagulls
The parrot's voice rang out:
“You won’t find a treasure anywhere -
Neither on land nor in water!
It has been lying there for two hundred years
In a safer place!
The pirate raised his head
And I found where the treasure was hidden -
A huge hook is driven into the palm tree,
And on it hangs a chest.
Pirates found it in the chest
And piastres and ducats,
Gems, pearls
And crystal horns!
The spoils were instantly divided
And they sailed away on the ship -
There are many treasures here and there,
Adventure doesn't wait.
Author. Olesya Emelyanova. 2002

"Grandmother and grandson"
Blue dusk was pouring in the sails of the frigate.
The pirate's grandmother accompanied him to the robbery.
I packed two brass knuckles and a bag for gold,
And then, of course, soap and tooth powder.
"Our dear breadwinner, one-eyed falcon,
Just be careful not to board the ship in vain.
Do not visit evil dens unless necessary,
Don’t hurt orphans in vain, take care of your cartridges.
Don’t drink rum without a snack - it’s very harmful,
And always move with diamonds if there is no move..."
But at this point, the grandson suddenly interrupted the old woman:
"Listen, grandma, if everything is so familiar to you,
You go ahead and go yourself, and I’ll stay at home.”

The Story of Bobby the Boy
music: V. Bystryakov
sl. N. Olev, A. Balagin
Since Bobby's birth
He was a good boy
(Well done...)
Bobby had a hobby -
He loved money
(Good boy...)
Loved and saved.
(What happened next?)

All children are like children -
They live without worries
(Happy childhood...)
And Bob is on a diet -
Doesn't eat or drink
(Poor boy...)
Puts it in the piggy bank

Money-money, rubbish money,
Forgetting peace and laziness.
Make money, make money
And the rest is all rubbish,
And the rest is all rubbish.
(What happened next?)

Here's a penny, there's a shilling,
And somewhere - a pound
(Big money...)
Bobby became a cheater
Fraudster and rogue, -
(Why a swindler and a cheat?)
Saved a whole pound.
(Ah-ah, well done...)
But that's the point
That he is not alone
Who is the most
I loved money in the world,
(Our man...)
He forgot it.
Money-money, rubbish money,
Forgetting peace and laziness,
Make money, make money
And the rest is all rubbish,
And the rest is all rubbish.

Team game - traveling through stations. The stations are located in different places schools. At the first stage, teams put together a travel map. At the second stage, in accordance with their route, the teams visit the stations one by one and carry out the tasks of the station rangers ( fairy-tale heroes), receiving a token for a correctly completed task. At the third stage, teams look for a “treasure” (sweet prize) using an encrypted note.



Travel game “In Search of Treasure”

Compiled by: teacher primary classes BOUSOSH No. 13 st. Vasyurinskaya

Volynko Galina Alekseevna

Leading: Today is an unusual day. Fate decreed that the stars in the sky aligned in a very favorable way. Today is an exceptionally good day. It involves discoveries, challenges and surprises. Do you like surprises? Do you like solving riddles? Aren't you afraid of challenges? Dear guys, today come to our camp for hot-air balloon this mysterious message arrived.

I invite all children

Get on the road soon!

The path is not to Antarctica, not to Africa -

To all girls and boys!

Tests await you

Difficult tasks.

If you want to find a treasure

Hurry up and hit the road!

Understood nothing. What is this talking about? What is a "treasure"? How do you know where to go to find the treasure? There are some cards right here. Oh, what is this? They are damaged! What to do? Go with your squads and try to restore these ancient maps to find out how to find the treasure. And after breakfast, gather together for a meeting to agree on how to proceed.


Leading: Did everyone manage to restore the treasure hunt map? Are you ready to hit the road? Since you will be looking for the path to the treasure with the whole squad, what qualities will you need? Let's discuss the rules:

  1. Together, everyone should follow the course.
  2. If you arrive at the place ahead of time, then stop 10 steps away and clap your hands together, warning that you have arrived.
  3. Collect as many treasure chest keys as possible and get ready for the lineup.

Routes (1 squad: 1,2,3,4 ; 2nd squad: 2,3,4,1; 3 squad: 3,4,1,2; 4 squad: 4,1,2,3).

Mysterious forest. (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Fairy):Hello kids: girls and boys! Why did you come here and not get dusty at all? Do you want to get the key? You need to be smart!

But the condition is this: in order to receive the task, you need to present a portrait of friendship. Here are some colorful paints for you.

Each of them is special: the pink one was named so because it has the color of a rose. What other plants give names to shades of flowers? (lilac - lilac, cherry - cherry, raspberry - raspberry, pistachio - pistachio, lemon - lemon, peach - peach, olive - olive, mustard - mustard, coffee - coffee, cornflower - cornflower, lettuce - light green, carrot - carrot).

Choose any color for yourself and, using water and a fingerprint, depict yourself as a flower in the general bouquet of friendship of the squad. (On the prepared sheets, children use their fingerprints to depict the “Bouquet of Friendship”).

I accept the pass and ask you riddles. There will be exactly 10 of them. The key will be given to you when you can guess at least 7 riddles. Choose one of the smartest people - he will voice the answer, and you give him a hint.

1-2 squad

1. Grandma Masha has a granddaughter Dasha, a cat Fluff, and a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandma have? (1)

2. What time of year is it now? (summer)

3. Which beetle is named after the month in which it was born? (May)

4. Not heat, not fire, but if you take it in your hands, it will scorch. (Nettle)

5. What kind of forest animal is this?

Stood up like a post under a pine tree

And stands among the grass -

The ears are larger than the head. (Hare)

6. I thought it was a cat. He shouted: “Scram!”

It turned out to be... (Lynx)

7. How can you carry water in a sieve? (Frozen)

8. Which literary character owns the running shoes and the magic staff? (To Little Mook)

9. Sits on a spoon with its legs dangling. (Noodles)

10. Who drank the water and became a little goat? (Brother Ivanushka)

3-4 squad

  1. Birds flew over the site: a pigeon, a pike, two tits. How many birds are there in total?(3)
  2. List the winter months (December, January, February)
  3. Always in your mouth, but you can’t swallow. (teeth, tongue)
  4. In the middle of the courtyard there is a golden head. (Sunflower)
  5. She herself is a little light, but her tail is rich, from branch to branch hop-hop, nut after nut click-click. (Squirrel)
  6. What is the largest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
  7. What do a horseman and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)
  8. What medicine did Malvina want to give Buratino? (Castor oil)
  9. It curls around the nose, but is not easy to handle. (Smell)
  10. Who caught the pike in the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command”? (Emelya)

Cave of Wonders (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Gnome):Hello! We are glad to see you in our cave. May good luck accompany you! You will receive the key when you name two given words.

If only you don’t go astray and support each other, help each other and all together play the game “Say nothing, just show with your hands.” Ready?

Don’t say anything, just show with your hands: far, high, low, wide, narrow, to the left, close, in front, behind the mountains, under water. Well done!

Now you will receive the task. Listen carefully, don't miss anything. The key will be yours if you complete the puzzle picture in 5 minutes.

(Putting together a picture from a puzzle)

Peak of Questions (10 min.)

Stationmaster (Znayka):Hello children! You've climbed high. And we didn’t even get lost! What do you need here? Have you come to us for the key?

If you act together, then you will be able to break the whole into parts and assemble it from the parts. Here's a warm-up test for you before the main task: assemble a word from letters, and stand so that you can read it (get it in your hands letters 1. – stream, 2. – victory, 3. – curtain, 4. – piggy bank).

Well done! Now I see that you will definitely not go astray. Get a task and name two keywords to get one key.

Children receive two texts and guess two words. If you have time, play the game “Broken Phone”

1 squad

An arrow flew and hit the swamp. And in this swamp someone caught her. (Princess Frog)

2 squad

  1. Oh, people don't like me. They don’t like my voice, my eyes are round and glow at night. They think that I bring trouble, but this is not true. I am of great benefit - I catch mice and preserve the harvest. Who am I? (Owl)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

I wish the evening was approaching

And the long-awaited hour has come

For me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairytale ball. (Cinderella)

3 squad

  1. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

She approached the apple tree. The branches bowed down to her, and the apples fell towards her. She treated him strong man, and he married her. And she began to live well, without knowing the hard times. (Khavroshechka)

4 squad

  1. And everyone is afraid of me, that’s why they tell so many stories about me. They don’t like the fact that I love the dark and rest upside down. I am not like a bird or an animal, but I am not an enemy to man. Who am I? (Bat)
  2. Who can answer without a hint what fairy tale we are from?

Things were bad for the poor duckling. One day, in the evening, when the sun was still shining in the sky, a whole flock of beautiful large birds rose from the bushes; the duckling had never seen such beautiful ones: all white as snow, with long, flexible necks.

These were swans. (Ugly duck)

Treasure Island (10 min.)

Station Master (Pirate):Greetings, friends. I'm very glad to see you. Well, answer in unison, don’t be silent, what do you want to get? I’m ready to give you the key and tell you the task. But first, don’t be lazy, bring me some water. You see there - in the distance bucket costs? You will be distributed in a chain, and, passing drop by drop, transfer all the water to second bucket (In the bucket lid. They need to be passed along the chain and put into another bucket) Well, you did the job, now use these droplets to add 1st squad - ship, 2nd squad - car, 3rd squad - plane, 4th squad - helicopter.

Now you will receive the task. I have a wonderful bag in my hands. There are wonderful objects inside it. Guess what literary works they are from? For three correct answers you will receive a key. (Two packages - each contains a set of itemsfor one squad. One person answers, others help him.)

1-2 squad – shoe, arrow, mirror, telephone(“Cinderella”, “The Frog Princess”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess ...” or “The Mirror and the Monkey”, “Telephone”)

3-4 squad – soap, saucer, needle, thermometer(“Moidodyr”, “The Scarlet Flower” or “Fedorino’s Grief”, “Koschei the Immortal” or “Vaselisa the Wise”, “Doctor Aibolit”)


Leading: You have walked all the way along the map, and you have found a wonderful treasure. Didn't find it? The head of our camp will help you, and you will help her. Beginning camps are blindfolded and a box with certificates is brought in. Tell the boss where to go to get to the box. And now the head of our camp will present you with your well-deserved awards.


Leading: Where is the treasure? Let's see if there's anything else hidden inside? One, two, three, open the door! It's empty here! What a disappointment! Wait, I see a note: If you want to find the treasure, hit the road again. Shall we get the treasure? Forward without fear and doubt! Go, search and come back. (The notes are written on paper of different colors for the units, the first is issued, the second is hidden)

1 squad : Go out into the yard to the birch tree. Take 20 steps to the gate.

1 squad : Look for your treasure from the good fairy of all school textbooks.

2 squad : Go to the place where the muscles are pumped. Take 10 steps towards the stairs.

2 squad : Look for your treasure from the mistress with all the products of the school.

3 squad : Go to the place of honor in the school. From the highest place, take 10 steps to the left.

3 squad : Look for your treasure from the fairies of purity in the school.

4th squad: Go out onto the platform to the chestnut tree. Take 20 steps to the left.

4th squad: Look for your treasure from the biggest leader of the camp.


Well, here you are!

I'm glad you found the treasure!

Everyone is just great!

The journey is over.

Was it easy for you to cope with the search? How did you manage to overcome all the obstacles along the way?

Show your level of participation with applause. The harder you tried, the louder you clap! 1 squad!, 2!, 3!, 4! Well done!