Religious terms. Basic terms in religious studies


Dictionary of church words and expressions

Angel(Greek - messenger) - a good spirit, messenger and executor of the will of God. Angels are endowed with greater intelligence, will and powers than humans.

Agiasma- holy water, consecrated by the Church on the eve or on the day of the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany).

Lamb- 1) lamb; 2) the Old Testament sacrifice, which prefigured Christ; 3) part of the prosphora, with the seal IC XC, NI KA, taken out at the proskomedia and intended for the mysterious transubstantiation into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hell- a place of torment for unrepentant sinners, fiery Gehenna.

Akathist- (Greek) - a church service consisting of one kontakion, which is sung, and 6 kondaks and 6 ikos (equally divided), which are read. Their total number corresponds to the number of letters of the Greek alphabet with which each hymn began in the first Greek akathist to the Mother of God, compiled by Sergius, Patriarch of Constantinople.

Hallelujah(Hebrew - praise the Lord) - a song in honor of the Triune God. It is sung or read three times during the service, along with the doxology “Glory to Thee, O God!”

Altar(from Latin “exalted altar”) - the eastern elevated part of the temple, in which the holy altar is located. The altar is separated by a special partition in which places for icons are arranged - an iconostasis. Three doors lead to the altar: the middle ones, opposite the throne, are called the Royal Doors, and the side doors are the southern, or deacon's, and the northern, or sacristan. In the altar, in addition to the throne standing in the middle, there is an altar on the north side. The altar means heaven, the place of God's special presence. This place is sacred, accessible only to persons consecrated to serve the Church.

Amen- passed into Greek and Latin from Hebrew and means “genuinely, truly.” In church texts it is used for greater affirmation.

Antidor(Greek - “instead of a gift”) - a prosphora from which the Holy Lamb is taken out at the proskomedia and parts of which at the end of the liturgy are distributed to the faithful who have not partaken of the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Apostle(Greek - messenger) - apostles are the holy disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, chosen by Him to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to the world. They are divided into 12 and 70 apostles.

Artos(Greek - bread) - bread that is consecrated with a special prayer on the day of Holy Easter. Throughout Bright Week it is kept in the church on a lectern, and on Easter Saturday it is crushed and distributed as a shrine. Artos reminds believers of the presence of the risen Savior with us.

Archbishop(Greek) - chief bishop. Now this title is an honorary title.

Bishop(Greek) - chief of priests, bishop. The highest rank of the hierarchy of the Church of Christ.

Archimandrite- head of the monastery. An archimandrite has the right to wear some parts of the bishop's vestments - a miter, a club, a staff, and an archimandrite pectoral cross.

Dean- a priest appointed by the diocesan bishop to oversee church improvement among the parishes of his deanery. There are several deans in a diocese. There are also deans in monasteries.

Old Testament- books of the Bible, which contain the Covenant of God with people set forth by Moses and the prophets, the law of life of the people of God and the prophecy about their fate and the coming of the Savior.

Vespers- one of the daily services, performed in the evening. Vespers can be small, great and daily.

Vicar- a bishop who assists the metropolitan or archbishop in the affairs of governing the diocese.

Water Blessing- blessing of water. There are two rites of water blessing. 1. Great consecration of water. This consecration of water takes place twice a year - on the eve and on the very feast of the Epiphany. 2. Lesser blessing of water. Such blessing of water is performed by the priest at any time in the temple, in houses, in squares and in fields.

Exclamation- the end of the words of the secret priestly prayer, which he pronounces so that those praying can hear them, for example: for Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory...

Air- a cover with which, after the celebration of the proskomedia before the singing of the Creed at the liturgy, the Holy Gifts prepared for consecration on the paten and in the chalice are covered. The chalice and paten are covered with small covers, first separately, then both sacred vessels are covered with “air” together.

All-night vigil- church service before the holidays. It began after sunset and continued all night, which is why it got its name. Currently, in parish churches it lasts less than three hours.

Crown or halo- a circle, usually golden in color, near the head of the saint on icons, signifying his acquisition of the grace of God.

Monstrance- a small silver or gold box in which the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ are kept, intended for the communion of the sick. The monstrance contains a small chalice, a spoon, a vessel for wine and a sponge for wiping the chalice. The monstrance is kept in a bag with laces made of brocade or other valuable material. If necessary, the priest puts it on his chest. The monstrance is kept in the altar on the throne.

Tabernacle- a box in which the Holy Gifts are stored for the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts. The tabernacle is located on the holy altar.

Holy Gifts- Body and Blood of Christ. Bread and wine after consecration at the Divine Liturgy, mysteriously becoming the Body and Blood of Christ.

Deesis(Greek - prayer) - a number of images in the iconostasis: in the center is the Savior, on the sides are the Mother of God and John the Baptist, sometimes another saint.

Dikiriy- a portable double-candlestick of the bishop, with which he blesses the people during worship.

Paten(Greek - dish, plate) - a small sacred dish on a wide leg. During the liturgy, the Holy Lamb and particles of prosphora are placed on the paten.

Deacon(Greek - minister) - a clergyman of the first of three degrees of priesthood.

Dogma- a rule of faith based on Holy Scripture.

Litany(Greek - length) - a long, extended prayer containing various petitions. Each petition ends with the singing of “Lord, have mercy!” or “Give it, Lord!”

oil- an aromatic substance consisting of olive oil with the addition of four substances: 1) myrrh - the fragrant resin of the myrrh tree; 2) fragrant cinnamon; 3) incense reed; 4) cassia - fragrant bark bay tree. This mixture was heated over a fire and used to anoint and consecrate the tabernacle, high priest, and priests. Vegetable oil, usually olive oil, is also called oil. In the Orthodox Church, oil is used to anoint the sick in the Sacrament of Anointing, as well as in lamps and in the blessing of loaves, when oil, together with the five loaves, wine and grains of wheat, is blessed as a nutritious and healing substance.

Anointing- a rite that is performed in the church at matins: the priest anoints the people with oil, depicting a cross on their forehead.

Blessing of Unction- a church sacrament that is performed over a sick person. Otherwise called Unction.

Diocese- an area ecclesiastically subordinate to the bishop.

Bishop(Greek - overseer) - the chief shepherd of his diocese.

Stole- one of the parts of the vestments of priests. Worn around the neck, it looks like a double ribbon - wide on the chest and narrow on the neck. It is fastened at the chest with buttons and reaches almost to the ground. Epitrachelion means the grace of the Holy Spirit descending from above. Without the epitrachelion, the priest cannot perform a single service.

Veil- a curtain hanging inside the altar at the Royal Doors. The curtain covers the interior of the altar, which can be seen from the temple through the latticework of the Royal Doors.

Spare Gifts- The Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, consecrated at the liturgy, which are kept in the church for urgent communion of the seriously ill and dying.

Chorus- a short verse that is sung before the stichera.

Gate- a secluded cell. Sometimes this was the name of the cave where some saints spent their lives in prayer and fasting.

Conceived- excerpt from the New Testament. For ease of reading in the Church, the Gospel and Apostolic Epistles are divided according to beginnings throughout the year.

Zvezditsa- one of the sacred items of church utensils. It consists of two cross-shaped arcs connected at the top. After the end of the proskomedia, the star is placed on the paten above the Holy Lamb. The star means the wonderful star, behind which the wise men followed to Bethlehem to worship the born Savior.

Abbot(Greek - leader, mentor) - in the Orthodox Church - the abbot of a monastery, a monk in holy rank, a rank lower than archimandrite, but higher than hieromonk.

Icon(Greek) - an image of Christ, the Mother of God, saints and various events from sacred and church history accepted by the Church and consecrated. Icons are painted according to strictly defined rules. Icons are painted with paints (tempera or oil) on a board covered with pavolok (fabric) and gesso (soil). The icon board usually has an ark - a rectangular depression about 5 mm from the surface of the icon. Along the edges of the icon there are margins - a frame. Often figures of saints are written in the margins.

Iconostasis- a partition with icons separating the altar from the rest of the temple. Icons in the iconostasis are usually arranged in several rows.

Ikos(Greek - house) - church chant glorifying a saint or a celebrated event. They are called so because it was sung in the houses where the Monk Roman the Sweet Singer, the first compiler of ikos, spent his nights in prayer. They are printed in liturgical books after the 6th song of the Matins canon. Ikos and kontakion are similar in content and identical in presentation, are sung in the same voice and end for the most part (with the exception of those in the akathists) with the same words. Kontakion is usually shorter than ikos: kontakion is a theme, and ikos is its development.

Iliton(Greek - scarf, wrap) - this is the name of the scarf that is placed on the throne under the antimins. The antimins is wrapped in this cloth after the end of the liturgy.

Enoch- monk. It is called so because he must lead life differently from worldly people.

Subdeacon(literal: subdeacon) - a minister of the Church, lower in position than the deacon. During the bishop's service, the subdeacons vest the bishop, place eagles under his feet, on which he should stand, etc.

Confession- the visible, ritual part of the Sacrament of Repentance, which consists in the fact that a Christian, before his confessor as an empowered witness of the Son of God, Who alone can forgive sins, reveals his sins with heartfelt contrition and the determination to correct himself in the future.

Hierarchy(Greek - hierarchy) - in the Church of Christ, uniting superiors and subordinates, shepherds and flocks into one sacred union.

Hierarch- bishop (that is, bishop, metropolitan or patriarch), the highest sacred rank of the Church of Christ.

Priest- a priest, a minister of the Church of Christ who performs all the sacraments, except for the ordination of other priests, and all church services.

Hierodeacon- a monk in the rank of deacon.

Hieromonk- a monk in the rank of priest.

Censer- a metal vessel on chains in which incense is placed on hot coals, producing fragrant smoke when burned.

Kamilavka- a hat made of camel hair. In the Orthodox Church this is the name given to the tall, solid headdress of monks and white priesthood. The latter is given as a reward and a badge of distinction.

Catechism- a brief and clear statement of the fundamentals of Christian teaching.

Department(Greek - elevated place) - a place in the altar on which the bishop sits during the service at the time prescribed by the charter.

Kyoto- decorated frames for one or more holy icons or places for icons in the iconostasis.

Kontakion- a sacred song containing praise to a saint or expressing the essence of a holiday. Kontakion - a short song; and ikos is a lengthy song of the same content. Therefore, ikos is always read after kontakion and is never read alone, and kontakion is, as it were, a preparation for ikos.

Copy- a short triangular knife with two sharpened sides, with the help of which all the actions of the proskomedia are performed over the prosphora. The spear represents the spear with which one of the soldiers pierced the chest of the Savior who died on the cross.

Baptismal font or font- a sacred vessel in which the sacrament of baptism is performed.

Sign of the Cross- cross-shaped overshadowing of oneself with the right hand, three fingers of which are folded together as a sign of the Holy Trinity, and the other two, bent to the palm, are the two natures of Jesus Christ: divine and human.

Procession- this is the name of the solemn procession from the temple of clergy in vestments and the people accompanying them, while crosses, icons and the Gospel are carried in front of the clergy, singers and people. This procession takes place around the temple, and sometimes from the temple to a river, lake or spring to perform the blessing of water.

Baptism- A sacrament in which a believer, when immersed three times in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, dies to a sinful life and is born into a holy life.

Incense- an fragrant resinous composition that is placed in a censer on burning coals for fragrant incense.

Mantle- the outer robe of a monk without sleeves, leaving only the head uncovered.

Miter- a richly decorated headdress with icons, which is worn by the bishop or the priest awarded it during divine services. Mithras signifies submission to the Gospel of Christ.

Metropolitan- the bishop of the main city of a large ecclesiastical region, to whom other bishops of the same region are subordinate. In Russia, the title of metropolitan is an honorary distinction for the personal merits of the bishop or diocese to which he has been placed.

Miro- a composition of fragrant substances used in the Church since ancient times. The composition of fragrant substances has never been precisely determined either in the Greek or in the Russian Church. In the 17th century, 53 - 55 different fragrant substances were used for this purpose in Russia, and now about 30. Myrrh is consecrated by the Patriarch once every few years, as needed, according to a special rite of Chrismation and sent to the dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church, and from there to parishes. Myrrh is used in the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation- a church Sacrament in which, upon anointing with the sanctified world, the believer is given the gifts of the Holy Spirit, strengthening him in spiritual life.

Gaiter- part of the vestments of a clergyman. It is a rectangular cloth made of dense material on a ribbon, which is hung over the left shoulder to the priest’s right thigh. The legguard means the spiritual sword, that is, the weapon of the Word of God, with which the shepherd must be armed against heresies and errors.

Abbot- senior priest of a monastery, cathedral or parish church.

Nomocanon- a collection of church laws and rules.

Octoechos(Greek - literally “eight voices”, or “eight voices”) - a book of chants for eight voices, in Slavic it is also called “Osmoglasnik”. In Orthodox worship, eight main tunes are used, which are called voices; for each voice there is a full week's service. All these services are printed in Octoechos.

Omophorion- one of the parts of the bishop's vestments, in shape it is a wide strip of material lying on the shoulders. The omophorion depicts the lost sheep, that is, humanity, having found which, Good Shepherd- The Lord took him on his shoulders and led him to His sheep, that is, the angels.

Orar(lat. - pray, pray) - belonging to the deacon's vestment. It looks like a wide and long ribbon, which the deacon wears on his left shoulder during services. The deacon, raising the orarion with his right hand, gives the people a sign to pray.

Orlets- a round rug with an image of an eagle on which the bishop stands during the priestly service.

Mace- one of the accessories of the bishop's vestments. This is a rectangular board in the shape of a diamond on a ribbon, hung at one corner over the shoulder to the right hip. The club represents the spiritual sword. It may be the archpriest's reward.

Panagia- bishop's breastplate image of the Savior or the Mother of God. The bishop wears this image on his chest as a reminder of his duty - to carry the Lord Jesus in his heart and hope for the intercession of His Most Pure Mother.

Chandelier- a lamp with many candles, usually more than twelve. Rising above our heads, it reminds us of a sky illuminated by stars.

Memorial service- prayer singing for the departed. The Holy Church serves requiem services for the deceased both before his burial and after - on the 3rd, 9th, and 40th days. But in addition to commemorating each deceased individually, the Holy Church has established certain days when all deceased fathers and brothers in faith are remembered. Such memorial services are called parental and universal.

Porch- the vestibule in front of the church, the pre-temple, the closed or open part of the temple in which the beggars stood.

Parastas- service to God for the departed, including Vespers and Matins.

Proverb(Greek - proverb, parable) - liturgical readings from the Holy Scriptures of the Old (sometimes New) Testament, which contain prophecies about the event remembered on this day.

Flock- Christians who are under the spiritual guidance of the pastor of the church.

Patriarch- currently this is the name of the highest clergyman (bishop), to whom not only clergy, deacons and priests, but bishops and metropolitans of a country or district are subordinate.

Veil- a cloth cover with a sewn cross for the throne and altar.

Shroud- a quadrangular board made of linen, silk or velvet material with images on it of the deceased Christ the Savior, the instruments of His suffering.

Compline- evening worship, which received its name from what was performed after the evening, that is, after dinner. Compline is great and small.

Cover- a cloth that covers the paten or chalice during the liturgy.

Entrust- one of the details of the vestments of clergy. Put on your hands. They symbolize the power with which Christ defeated His enemies, and at the same time His bonds.

Novitiate- preparation for monastic deeds, a state of testing, “test in obedience,” to which, according to ancient church rules, a person who decides to become a monk is subjected. He is tested by the Church in the firmness and sincerity of his desire, and also prepares for monastic feat.

tonsure - component following the Sacrament of Baptism: the priest cuts off with scissors some of the hair on the head of the newly baptized baby or adult. In addition, this is the name of the ritual that is performed on those entering the path of monastic feat. In ancient times, cutting hair served as a sign of subordination and humility. Therefore, in the Sacrament of Baptism, the newly enlightened person has his hair cut as a sign that he promises to be obedient to God. When entering monasticism, tonsure is performed as a sign that the entrant promises to take up the cross and follow Christ.

Fast- a time when, according to church rules, Christians should not only eat meat, butter, milk, cheese, eggs, and sometimes fish, but also consume other foods in moderation. In the Orthodox Church, fasts are multi-day and one-day in duration, some of them are of constant duration, while others have a different number of days in different years.

Chalice- a chalice, a liturgical vessel in which the Holy Gifts are offered during the Divine Liturgy and from which believers receive communion.

Presbyter(Greek - elder) - in the New Testament this is what priests are called.

Throne- a square table installed and fixed in the altar opposite the Royal Doors, on which the great Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ is offered.

Chapel- this is the name of the altars, separated from the main one.

Coming- a church community belonging to one temple.

Communion- a sacrament in which the believer, under the guise of bread, partakes of the true Body of Christ, and under the guise of wine, the true Blood of Christ, and thus unites with Christ.

Prophet- predictor, messenger of God's will. The prophets were holy men, enlightened by the Spirit of God. They predicted the future, prepared people for the Kingdom of Christ, cultivated faith and piety among the people, led civil rulers, performed miracles, and wrote sacred books.

Proskomedia(Greek - offering) - this is the name of that part of the Divine Liturgy in which the priest prepares bread and wine for the Sacrament of the Eucharist. During the Liturgy, the Lord will mysteriously create them with His Body and Blood.

Prosphora(Greek - offering) - bread that is used to celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist. It should consist of two parts, depicting the two natures of Jesus Christ: divine and human. Prosphora is baked from the best wheat flour with yeast, prepared carefully and reverently. On the top of the prosphora, a special seal is used to make imprints of images of the cross, the Mother of God or saints.

Protodeacon- senior deacon.

Archpriest- senior priest.

Protopresbyter- senior priest in the cathedral.

Psalm- song, chant; In the Church, only those sacred songs that are collected in the psalter are called psalms, while others are simply sacred songs or hymns.

Paradise- the place where the Lord settled the first people - Adam and Eve. By the word paradise we also mean a place where the righteous will be eternally blissful with Christ.

Regent(Latin - manager) - leader, conductor of the choir.

Sacristy- a place where church utensils and robes of clergy are stored.

Ripidy- metal circles mounted on long handles with images of six-winged seraphim. The ripids remind us that during the liturgy, holy angels, who are depicted on the ripids, are invisibly present in the church. Ripides are used at bishop's services; during the service of a priest, they are replaced by a protection cloth.

Cassock- the outer robe of clergy and monks with very wide sleeves.

Sakkos- bishop's vestments, which are worn over the vestment; similar to the deacon's surplice, only shorter and wider. Previously, the sakkos was the attire of the pious Byzantine emperors, who, out of respect for the Holy Church, presented it to the Patriarch of Constantinople for priestly service. Then this vestment passed on to other bishops.

Saint- bishop.

Saints- a list of the names of saints and holidays in alphabetical order and by number when their memory is celebrated.

Saint- the same as the chosen one, the right believer; this is what Jews were called in contrast to pagans, and Christians were also called this way in contrast to Jews and pagans. Now we call this the saints of God, glorified by the Church, whose life and deeds she considered a model for believers to follow.

Priest- a member of the Church who, through episcopal ordination, has received the special grace of the Holy Spirit, giving him the right to teach the flock, perform the Sacraments and church services. A priest is also called a priest or presbyter.

Holy Bible - books written at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by holy people, prophets and apostles. Based on the time of writing and content, these books are divided into the Old and New Testaments.

Synod- a council of shepherds of the church who manage its affairs.

Skeet- secluded monastery, monastery.

Skufja(Greek - head veil) - headdress of clergy and clergy. It is a pointed cap; for clergy, it is made of velvet.

Missal- a church book in which the sequences of Vespers, Matins, the Liturgy of John Chrysostom, the Liturgy of Basil the Great and the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts are printed. Every priest needs a missal, therefore, at the Ordination, the bishop gives him this book.

Solea- an elevated place in front of the iconostasis. Solea is needed so that the actions of the clergy are visible to the believers. In addition, it prevents people from coming close to the iconostasis and gives the clergy the space necessary for the free performance of sacred rites.

Sorokoust- commemoration of the deceased within forty days from the time of his death. On these days, liturgies are celebrated and memorial services are served in memory of the deceased.

Christmas Eve- the day before the holiday of the Nativity of Christ or Epiphany, when they do not eat all day, and in the evening - only juice, that is, boiled wheat grains with honey.

Poem- a short passage from Holy Scripture. For convenience, all books of the Bible are divided into chapters, and chapters into verses. As a rule, a verse is equal to a sentence.

Schima- 1) the highest monastic degree; 2) the vestments (clothes) of the schemamonk.

Sacrament- a sacred action through which the grace of God acts invisibly and secretly on a person. There are seven Church Sacraments in total: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Repentance, Blessing of Anointing, Marriage, Priesthood.

Heat- this is the name of hot water, which during the liturgy before Communion is poured into the Holy Chalice and mysteriously unites with the Blood of Christ so that it is warm.

Typicon(Greek - charter) - this is the name of the church book, which describes the order and order of church services for every day of the year, indicates holidays, fasts and some rules for monastics.

Breviary- a book according to which church services are served, that is, irregular services performed according to need.

Trezvon- ringing of all the bells, happens at the beginning of the service after the bell.

Trikirium- a portable candlestick with three candles, used during the bishop's service.

Troparion- a short song glorifying the Lord, the Mother of God or the saints.

Church utensils- all sacred things that are used during worship.

Matins- a church service that got its name from what was performed in the morning. Now Matins is more often served on the eve of the day to which it is dedicated.

Felonne- this is what in ancient times was the name for long outer clothing without sleeves that hugged the body on all sides. In the Church, the phelonion has been one of the sacred vestments of bishops and priests since ancient times.

Cherubim- one of the closest to God (second after the seraphim) heavenly powers.

Ordination(Greek) - Ordination, initiation into the priesthood.

Banner- the banner of Christ, the banner of the Church. Banners were introduced by Saint Constantine the Great, Equal-to-the-Apostles, who replaced the eagle with a cross on military banners, and the image of the emperor with the monogram of Christ.

Royal Gate- are called so because during the liturgy the King of Glory Jesus Christ passes through them in the form of the Holy Gifts.

Exarch- a clergyman vested with special power to govern vast church districts.

Fool for Christ's sake- a saint who has chosen a special path of salvation. The holy fools behaved like madmen, although many of them were wise and perspicacious.


Anabaptists- adherents of the movement that arose in the 16th century. in Switzerland and Germany during the Reformation, supporters of T. Münzer (c. 1490 - 1525). They were united by a common opposition to the feudal system. They demanded secondary baptism at a conscious age to create a free church that did not recognize government interference in its affairs. The first such baptism of adults took place in Zurich in 1525. They acted as heralds of the separation of church and state and religious freedom of the individual. They condemned wealth, participation in government activities, military service. ).

By the decision of the German Reichstag in 1529, belonging to A. was punishable by death. Despite the persecution, A. spread throughout Germany, the Netherlands, and Moravia. They actively participated in the Peasant War in Germany (1524 - 1526). After the defeat of T. Münzer, the persecuted A. united into communities, which laid the foundation for a number of Protestant sects - Mennonites, Melchiorites, Hutter brothers. ( Anagnosts

- “readers”; the category of lower clerics who occupied the level preceding the subdeacon in the Byzantine church hierarchy. In the ancient Church, anagnosts had the right to interpret Holy Scripture. * Analav

- "perceive"; belonging to the vestments of a monk of the great schema, the same as the paraman of a monk of the small schema. * Lectern

(analogies) - 1) in Ancient Greece this was the name of the table of money changers and merchants for counting money; 2) in Byzantine times - supplier; a high table with a sloping top board, used during church services as a stand for the Gospel, cross and prosphora in artophoria (panagiare). On holidays, icons are placed on the lectern for worship. *- Egyptian deity, in hieroglyphic monuments called Anepu or Anup. According to Egyptian mythology, A. is the son of Osiris, born from Nephthys, whom Osiris mistakenly mistook for his wife Isis. The Greeks equated him with Hermes, sometimes uniting him with Egypt. and Greek name was called Hermanubis. On the monuments he is depicted with the head of a jackal, with pointed ears and muzzle; The Greeks replaced this head with the head of a dog. In both images of him, the double crown of upper and lower Egypt flaunts. According to Plutarch, a white or yellow rooster was sacrificed to him. Like Hermes Psychopompos among the Greeks, he, according to the beliefs of the Egyptians, was a guide of the dead to the underworld called Amentes, and, together with Horus, weighed their deeds before Osiris. When the Egyptian cult penetrated the Roman Empire, A. merged with Hermes and his images with a dog's head were accompanied by the signs of the latter.

Anchutka, in ancient Russian pagan mythology evil spirit, living in the air and in the water, after adoption Christian faith- one of the names trait. People called him “fifthless.”


Apologetics- a branch of Christian theology that deals with the defense and justification of religious doctrine with the help of arguments addressed to reason. *

Apologists- “defenders”; early Christian writers of the 2nd-3rd centuries.

Apostasy - 1) Orthodox teaching about the inevitability of a gradual deterioration in the state of the world due to humanity’s retreat from Christ and the Christian principles of life; 2) rebellion, rebellion against the power of the Byzantine emperor. Apostasy was not only a state crime, but also grave sin, since the basileus was considered God's anointed. *

Apostle(fragment and description).

Apostolic Church of Great Britain- Pentecostal denomination.

Apostolic Church of Nigeria is one of the major Pentecostal churches in Nigeria.

Apostolic Church of Christ is the largest Pentecostal church organization in Nigeria.

Apostolic Catholics- followers of one of the Christian denominations.

Apophatic theology- a theological method that prohibits transferring concepts of the earthly world to God.

Apse- “vault”; a semicircular, rectangular or faceted projection of a building, covered with a semi-dome or closed semi-vault, symbolizing the heavens. In Byzantine churches, the apse was an altar projection oriented to the east. An apse is also called a similar-shaped part of the internal space of a building - a niche, often covered with a conch - a half-dome in the form of a shell. *


Ariana- a Christian sect, followers of Arius, who preached heresy, from the official point of view.

Christ churches, the doctrine of the inequality of Jesus Christ in comparison with God the Father. Arianism

- a movement in Christianity in the 4th-6th centuries, which was preached by the Alexandrian priest Arius (died in 336), who argued that Jesus Christ is not equal to the Creator, was created by the will of the Father, is not eternal and is only a mediator between God and people. At the First Ecumenical Council (325), Arianism was condemned, and Arius himself was anathematized and sent into exile. Finally recognized as heresy at the Second Ecumenical Council (381). Armageddon , a place at the foot of Mount Carmel in northern Palestine where troops will gather at the end of time Antichrist

for the final battle with the Christians (Rev. 16:16). Armenian Apostolic Church

Artos- one of the oldest Christian churches.

, leavened wheat bread, a symbol of Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Heaven, feeding into eternal life. Artos is consecrated on the first day of Easter, and on Easter Saturday it is crushed and distributed to believers as a shrine, meant to remind us of the Savior’s presence with us. Archangel

(good spirit) - ranks second in the third rank of the heavenly hierarchy (archangels Michael and Gabriel). Archdeacon

Archbishop(Greek) - eldest of the deacons

Bishop- senior bishop. Spiritual rank, one of the highest levels in the Christian church hierarchy. In Russia until 1917, it was the second most senior private title of the black clergy in the Russian Orthodox Church. He headed church districts - dioceses.

(gr.) - a person who has the highest degree of priesthood; bishop. Bishop - in Greek. translation of the LXX, this is the name of the highest representative of the Old Testament. priesthood - the high priest (Lev. IV. 3); this is the name of the app. Paul also applies to I. Chr. (Heb. iv. 14). In Greek and Russian In the church, bishops are the names of persons of the highest hierarchy - bishops, as high priests, in contrast to the priests and priests subordinate to them. Bishops' Council

Archimandrite- a meeting of bishops of the local Orthodox Church, convened to resolve the most important issues of church-administrative and other nature. The Council of Bishops, convened in Moscow on September 8, 1943, elected Metropolitan Sergius as Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' and formed a Synod under the Patriarch,

(from the Greek arch and mandra - fence, shed for livestock, sheepfold - in relation to the monastic society, as to the flock of Christ, the sheep of Christ, par excellence).

AC Assassins

(from Arabic assassini - hashshishin - consumers of hashish).(osilki, velets), in ancient Russian pagan mythology - giant heroes who created rivers, erected cliffs, freed captives kidnapped by the Serpent from caves. Revolting against Perun, they were destroyed by him.

Asceticism, in Orthodoxy, the exercise of will and thoughts through fasting, prayer, solitude, vigil and other deeds and hardships. True Orthodox Christianity is self-sacrifice. The Russian Church teaches that asceticism, although in varying degrees and forms, is obligatory for all Christians without exception. In the words of Jesus Christ: “The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and those who use force take it away” (Matthew 11:12). For salvation, a combination of both grace and the free will of a person is necessary, who must follow the path of ascetic deeds.

Ascetics(Ascites) - in the first centuries of Christianity, fasters and prayer books, who did not impose vows on themselves, as monks later did, but spent their lives in fasting and prayer

Asmodeus(actually Ashmedai, that is, the tempter) is an evil, voluptuous demon mentioned in later Jewish literature. In the book of Tobias, A. kills Sarah’s seven husbands one after another out of jealousy; in the Talmud he is called the prince of demons, i.e. Satan, who drove King Solomon out of his kingdom. In Slavic narrative literature of the 16th and 17th centuries, this legend is known in two editions: the western, which is called “The Conversation of Solomon with Morolf” and the eastern, “The Tale of Solomon and Kitovras”. The latter is known among the Russians. The same A. appears here: in the 1st - under the unclear name Morolfa, Marcolfa or Morolta, in the 2nd - under the name Kitovrasa, which comes from the Greek word kentauroV, which in turn was formed from the Sanskrit Gandharva. Asparuh or Isperikh - leader of the Bulgarians VII century. Only Byzantine historians provide information about it. He created a Bulgarian settlement between the Dniester, Danube and the Black Sea. At the end of the 7th century. he crossed the Danube, penetrated to Varna and created the Bulgarian kingdom there; reigned from 640 to 700. His successor was Tervel. The Greeks call it Isperi (Irecheka, "History of the Bulgarians", 1878).

Asp, according to ancient Russian beliefs, is a winged, two-headed snake with a bird’s nose, living high in the mountains. Apparently the same as Dragon Russian fairy tales.

Astarte(among the Jews Ashtoret, among the Assyrians Ishtar) - the name of the main goddess of the ancient Semitic pagans, namely: the Himyarites, Syrians, Assyrians, Arabs, Phoenicians and Jews.

Asuras- in Hindu mythology, powerful rivals of the gods, cast down from the sky and turned into demons.


Atheism- godlessness; a view that rejects all religious beliefs.

Attis(Atis or Attys, Atys) - a native deity in Phrygia, related to Adonis. According to the legend preserved by later authors, Attis descended from the god of heaven and mother earth, going through a series of miraculous transformations - a hermaphrodite and an almond tree, from which the daughter of a stream finally gave birth to him. It is usually said that the mother of the gods (Cybele, Dindymene, Agdistis) loved him and, out of jealousy, doomed him to madness, after which he castrated himself, or, being already Cybele’s lover, was castrated and killed by others. According to Arnobius and Servius, this happened under a pine tree, into which, according to Ovid, his spirit flew away. According to the first, violets grew from A.’s blood. At festivities, in Mal. Asia, A.'s death was mourned at ordinary orgies, and then his resurrection was solemnly celebrated. In this case, the symbol was a pine tree decorated with violets, an emblem of the reviving nature.


Auca, according to ancient Russian beliefs, the spirit of the forest, which, unlike damn does not sleep either in winter or in summer. He loves to fool a person, he will lead him into the wilderness and lead him there until the person dies.

Auto-da-fe- ceremony of carrying out the sentence of the Inquisition. Included a solemn procession with the participation of the clergy, members of the inquisitorial tribunal, their assistants, monks, religious brotherhoods, convicts dressed in clownish, shameful clothes (sanbenito), a solemn prayer service, the announcement of the verdict in the presence of the royal court or local secular authorities, execution of sentences: punishment with lashes or burning at the stake. Carried out by secular authorities. The last A. was committed in Valencia in 1826 ( Materials used from the site


Ayatollah- from the Arabic “ayat” - miracle, sign.

A Shia Muslim figure who is popular among his followers and religious authorities. For example, Ayatollah Khomeini, leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran.


* Materials from the book were used: Byzantine Dictionary: in 2 volumes / [comp. General Ed. K.A. Filatov]. SPb.: Amphora. TID Amphora: RKhGA: Oleg Abyshko Publishing House, 2011. Abie

- immediately, immediately. Ava

- father. Avvadon

- Heb. "Destroyer"; name of the angel of the abyss. Abraham's bosom, womb

- allegorically: paradise, a place of eternal bliss. Hagaryans

Agiasma- descendants of Ismail, son of Hagar, Abraham's concubine, allegorically - nomadic eastern tribes.

- water blessed according to church rites. The water consecrated on the feast of Epiphany is called the Great Agiasma.- inscription on ancient icons; Greek "saint".

Agkira(read “ankira”) - anchor.

Lamb- lamb; pure, meek creature; part of the prosphora for the Eucharist taken away at the proskomedia; pl. h. — " lambs" - sometimes means "Christians".

Lamb- sheep.

Agnya- lamb.


Adamant- diamond; diamond; gem.

Adamantine- solid; strong; precious.

Hells- hellish.

Adonai- Heb. "My Lord."


Aermonsky- associated with Mount Aermon.

Az- I.

Airomancy- air magic, i.e. superstitious fortune telling based on atmospheric phenomena.

Akathist- Greek "non-seated"; a church service during which sitting is prohibited.

Aki- as if, as if.


Axios- Greek "worthy."

Alavaster- stone vessel.

Alector- rooster.

Alkati- starve; to want to eat, to strongly desire something.

Alcota- hunger.

Hallelujah- Heb. “praise God”; "God bless!"

Hallelujah red- singing “Hallelujah” in a special touching chant. See Lenten Triodion.

Alleluia, alleluia- a verse proclaimed by the reader after reading the Apostle at the Liturgy. At this proclamation, “Alleluia” is sung in the choirs.

Aloe, aloe- the sap of an incense tree, used for incense and embalming.

Altabas- the best antique brocade.

Amalek- people who lived between Palestine and Egypt. In church poetry this name is often attached to the devil.

Pulpit- the elevated part of the temple in front of the royal doors.

Ambrose- incorruptible food.

Amygdala- almonds.

Amen- Heb. "May it be so"; "true"; "genuinely"; "Yes".

Amo, amo- Where.

Perhaps even- wherever.

- "perceive"; belonging to the vestments of a monk of the great schema, the same as the paraman of a monk of the small schema. *(more correctly "

analogies") is an elevated table on which church books and icons are placed for reading.

Anathema- excommunication from the community of the faithful and surrender to the judgment of God; one who has undergone such excommunication.

Anathematize- anathematize.

Anchorite- hermit.

Angel- messenger.


Angelic- outwardly reminiscent of an Angel.

Angelic- famous, revered in the face of angels; bearing the name of an angel.

Angelic- decent for Angel.

Angelic- having the wisdom of an Angel.

Angelic life, angelic image- the highest degree of monastic perfection; Greek "schima".

Anepsia- nephew, relative.

Antidor- blessed bread, i.e. the remains of the prosphora from which the Lamb was removed at the proskomedia.

Antimens- Greek “in place of the throne”, a consecrated board with the image of Jesus Christ in the tomb and sewn-in St. relics. Only on the antimension can the Liturgy be celebrated.

Antiphon- Greek "anti-government"; a chant that should be sung alternately on both choirs.

Antichrist- Greek "the enemy of Christ."

Anthology- Greek "Flower"; The title is “Festive Menaion.”

Anfipat- governor, proconsul.

Anfrax- yakhont.

Apocalypse- Greek "revelation".

Apollyon- Greek "Destroyer"; name of the angel of the abyss.

Apostle- Greek "messenger".

Apostasis- apostasy.

Apostate- apostate.

Aprililium- April.

Ariel- a forge at the altar of burnt offering in the temple in Jerusalem.

Armonia- harmony.

Fragrances- fragrant ointment.

Artos- Greek leavened bread; it is consecrated with a special prayer on St. Easter.

, leavened wheat bread, a symbol of Jesus Christ, who is the Bread of Heaven, feeding into eternal life. Artos is consecrated on the first day of Easter, and on Easter Saturday it is crushed and distributed to believers as a shrine, meant to remind us of the Savior’s presence with us.- commander of the Angels, the name of one of the ranks of angels.

Bishop- high priest, bishop.

Archmagir- chief cook.

Archpastor- senior bishop.

Arch-synagogue- head of the synagogue.

Archangel- military leader, commander.

Architecton- architect, construction artist; chief builder

Architricline- master of the feast.

Asmodeus, Azmodeos- “destroyer”, a demonic name.

Aspid- poisonous snake.

Asp soaring- flying lizard.

Assary- small copper coin.

Asterix- a star placed on the paten during the Liturgy.

Afarim- spies; spies.

Afedronanus(Matt. 15:17).

Athenea- Athenians.

African- Africa.

More- If; Although; or; whether.

It's too bad- because the; because.

Baalnik- wizard.

Woman- midwife.

Babiti- help during childbirth.


Balia- sorceress; enchantress.

Bathhouse- sacrament of St. Baptism.

Fabulousness- tell tales; lie.

fables- a false and useless doctrine.

Vigil- wakefulness; long night service.

Bdenno- vigilant, alert.

Bdenny- vigilant.

Bchildren- stay awake; don't sleep.

Bedne- difficult; intolerable; hard.

Go crazy- to rage, to rage.

Poor- cripple; crippled.

Poor- sometimes: crippled; cripple.

Bezvedriye- bad weather.

Formless- without form or image.

Guilty-free- having no beginning or reason for its existence. One of the Divine definitions.

Ageless- baby.

Timeless- inopportunely; untimely.

Aphonia- muteness; silence.

Yearlessness- disaster; misfortune; difficult period in life.

Unleavened- fresh; not sour.

Bookless- unscientific.

Flightless- endlessly; forever; before all time.

Motherless- without a mother.

Unmercenary- does not accept bribes or payments.

Merciless- not feeling or showing mercy or pity.

Silent Man- desert dweller; hermit.

Silent- sometimes means: safe; calm.

Brideless- celibate; virgin.

Recklessness- impudence; shamelessness; impudence.

Without ceasing- Always; continuously.

Unsmitten- having no stumbling block, temptation, or obstacle.

Pathlessness- seduction from the path; corruption.

Uncorrupted- having no defilement or vice.

Wordlessness— bestiality; stupidity; madness.

Wordless- animals, livestock.

Unmercenary- a person who works for nothing, for free.

No studio- shamelessness.

Tsarny- not having a king over him.

Childlessness- lack, deprivation of children.

Don't participate- deprive the due part; deprive.

Dishonest- dishonored.

Lawlessness- mess; disorder; mixing.

Bezchinnovati- lead a chaotic life.

Countlessness- countless.

Bervenny- wood.

Possessed- possessed.

Killer- brawler.


Beads- pearls.

Blagiy- good; Kind.

Blagovest- the sound of a bell, calling Christians to prayer in the temple. From

"ringing" It differs in that the gospel is announced with one bell, but many are rung.

Evangelize- proclaim good; preach.

Blessed- professing the right faith; Orthodox.

Annunciation- good news.

Favor- treat someone well; take part in someone.

Incense- fragrance, good smell.

In good time- at a convenient time.

Blagoglasnik- preacher of the word of God.

Blagodatny- full of Divine grace.

Charity- a good, godly deed.

be grateful- rejoice.

Benevolent- having knowledge of useful things.

Blagoklasny- bringing a bountiful harvest.

Benevolent- happened at the right time.

Noble-red- very beautiful.

Splendor- beauty; splendor; rich decoration.

Splendid- Beautiful; decently.

Blagolozny- bearing abundant, good fruits.

Benevolent- prone to goodness.

Gracious- merciful.

Benevolent- fortress; force.

Philosophy- prudent courage, valor.

Beneficial- guides to good behavior.

Well-dressed- adorned with elegant clothing.

Benevolent- repaying good for evil.

Welfare- sweet, tasty food.

Benevolent- listening with attention; obedient.

Benevolent- attentive; easy, well audible.

Beneficial- well arranged; pleasing; necessary.

Charity- cleansing; health improvement; clarification.

Charity- cleanse; improve health

Blessed- growing well.

Blagorozgny- branchy.

Blessed Leaf- shady.

Blessed-producing abundant shade.

Blessed- glorified; praised; exalted.

bless- dedicate to God; to wish well; praise; pray for the sending of God's grace on someone; allow; wish you well.

Blessed Wine- a respectful reason.

Prosperity- firmness, strength (in good, against evil).

Charity- good deed; mercy; virtue, good deed.

Goodness- kindness.

Blagoteschi- go quickly.

Blagovetie- condescension.

Benevolent- condescending.

Comfort- calm, clear weather.

Charity- mercy.

Praise- outright praise.

Blagotsvetny- speckled; flowery.

Blessings- to be in awe; to reverently honor someone.

Piety- true worship of God.

Pious, pious- God-fearing; reverent; worshiper of God.

Blissful- happy.

Blažiti- to please; glorify.

Blazniti- seduce.

Bled, pale- pale.

Shine- to shine; shine; shine.

Blizna- scar; wrinkle; fold.

Shine- sparkle; outpouring of light, brilliance.

Whoredom- an indecent house.

Fornicator- violator of marriage.

Fornication- drinking that induces fornication.

Wandering- unfaithfulness to the true God, service to idols (Ex. 34, 15; Judges 8, 33). Just as the violation of a marriage is fornication, so in spiritual sense and violation of the union with God is serving idols, walking in the footsteps of other gods, that is, fornication, especially since some types of idolatry were accompanied by fornication in the proper sense of the word.

Dishes- saved.

Watch out- keep; take care; observe.

Whore- vanity; false words; lies.

Bo- because; because; for; because the.

Bogatiti- enrich.

God-verbal- speaking by inspiration from God or on His Name.

Almshouse- by the action of God.

Godly- as is fitting for God.

Divine- having divine beauty, dignity.

godly- Divine-human.

God-beginning- having its origin in God.

Godfather- this name in church books is assigned to David, from whose family Christ was born.

Cheerfully- vigilant; vigilantly.

Sick- endure the pain; suffer.

Boliy- bigger.

Borze- soon.

Fight- hurry.

Boritel- opponent.

Brada- beard.

Bradaty- bearded.

Rein- furrow.

Marriage Stolen- deprived of chastity, virginity.

Branity- forbid; defend; hinder.

Swearing- war; battle.

Brotherhood- fight; fight.

Brasno- food; food.

Burden- burden; heaviness.

Shaving- clay; dirt.

Perishable- taken from the earth; weak; fragile.

Breschi- guard; keep.

Brozda- bit (part of horse harness).

Ringing- ring.

Alarm- one of the monks in the monastery, waking up the brethren to pray.

Bueslovie- stupid speeches; lies.

Buesloviti- speak stupid things.

Buoy, (buoy)- crazy; crazy; silly.

Rampage- stupidity; madness; madness.

Past- grass.

Babylon seed- a tribe of wicked people.

Vaga- scales; heaviness.

Vaditi- make a false denunciation; slander; blame; lure; attract.

Vaiya- branches; leaves.

Vainy- consisting of fronds.

Valsamny- fragrant; odorous; aromatic.

Wap(a)- dye.

Var- heat; heat; boiling water.

Varity- to precede; preempt; anticipate, warn.

Basilisk- a large poisonous snake.

Vborze- soon.

Plunge- throw in.

Vdavati— to instruct; transmit; trust.

Weglas- knowledgeable; skillful.

Vedeti- know.

Witchcraft- sorcery; divination; sorcery.

Beelzebub- "Lord of the Flies"; chief of evil spirits; one of the names of Satan.

Vezhdi- eyelids; eyelashes.

Veee- branch; knot.


Velelepota- beauty; splendor; decoration.

Wisely- arrogant.

Decree- decree; command; commandment; teaching.

Eloquent- verbose; boastful.

Velerechiti- talk a lot; brag; be proud.


Belial) is one of the names of the devil.

Veliy- great; strong.

Velikovynyy- proud.

Great- the largest, main bell.

Great-gifted, great-gifted, great-gifted- generously rewarding.

Be magnified- to be proud; boast; boast.

Velmi- quite; Very.

Velblud, Velbud- camel; thick rope.

Velbluzd- camel.

Veno- groom's payment for the bride.

Get married- lay a wreath or crown; honor; vouchsafe

Boar- a wild boar.

Verbier- willow; vine.

Vervitsa- rosary.

Vereya- door; crossbar; post at the gate.

Version- throwing; throwing; throwing.

Turning the stone- distance, equal to that, on which you can throw a stone.

Versity- throw.

Versize- fell.

Chains- chains; fetter.

Vert, Vertograd- garden.

Nativity scene- cave.

Heligradar- gardener.

Top- on the; above; above.

All- village, hamlet.

Vetia- speaker; rhetorician.

Sail- sail.

Ancient of Days- the name of God in Dan. 7, 9. Based on this prophetic vision, in the iconographic tradition of the New Testament Church, the image of God the Father is depicted as an old man.

Supper- dinner; feast.

Supper- have supper.

Ophthalmic- addicted to madness to perishable goods.

Thing- case; event.

Mutually- on credit; on loan.

To be charged- get up.

Play up- play; jump; have fun.

Collect- strive, seek.

Take hold- take; open; come true.

Guilt- reason; accusation; apology.

Vinar- winegrower.

Vinnytsia- vine.

Wine drinker- drunkard.

Wine drinking- drinking wine.

Viseti- hang; hold on to something.

Visson- precious thin yellowish yarn or clothing made from this fabric.

Vitalishche- location; home

Vitalnitsa- room; hotel; inn; overnight stay

Vitati- to inhabit; abide; reside; spend the night.

Together- together.

Vagina- bag; pocket; casket

Sovereign- master's or Lord's.

Owner- possessing; dominant.

Authorities- the name of one of the ranks of angels.

Hair shirt- clothing made of hard, prickly hair.

Vlayatisya- to poke around; hesitate; worry; rush through the waves.

Vleshchi- drag.

Attracted- wander; walk slowly; trudge.

Vmale- soon; a little later; almost; barely.

Outside (out)- from outside; outside.

Always- When.

Suddenly- all of a sudden; suddenly.

Steeped in- caught fire.

Vnitie- entry; phenomenon; advent.

Again- recently.

Inside (udu)- inside.

Hear it- note; hear.

Hear from- beware.

Get involved- catch fire.

Get it right- throw at something; plunge; contribute.

Vodruzity— approve; strengthen.

In the hedgehog- to; for the sake of; For.

Vozhdeleti- to wish strongly.

Go wild- become frantic.

Chosen, chosen- military; brave in battle; victorious.

Forbid- hinder; hold.

Rumble- sing; praise in songs.

Vlaschit- pull up.

Restore, bring back- to lay, to lay.

Heading- pillow; headboard

Exclamation- the final words of the prayer secretly performed by the priest.

Proclamation- loud singing or reading; Exclamation.

Take a look- look; look.

Excite- spread the fire.

Erect- raise; elevate.

Exaltation- raising, elevation.

Get up- sometimes: hit the road.

Vozdvizati- lift up; elevate.

Ascension- raising, elevation.

Air- a cover placed on top of sacred vessels at the Liturgy.

Recline- lie with your elbows; recline.

Disturbance- confusion; riot.

Rumble- to outrage; produce discord.

Send down- send from above; reward.

Arrive- head up.

Imagine- take on the image; impersonate; inhabit a visible image; to be depicted again.

Age— age (number of years); height.

Grow up- grow; increase.

Resurrect- to shake; shake.

Restore- restore; put back in its original place.

Volity- want; want; demand.

Wave- wool; fleece; sheepskin.

Magus- sage; astrologer; sorcerer; predictor.

Wolf- prickly grass.

Stink- into him.

Stink- smell; smoking.

The stench is evil- stench.

Scream, scream- shout loudly; cry.

Enchantment- to cast a spell; predict the future.

Vorozheya- wizard; witch; poisoner.

Exclamation- choral singing.

Rise up- straighten up; get up; unbend.

Resurrect- to rebel; come to life; come back to life.

Resurrection- rising from the dead.

Resurrect- revive.

Voskrilie- hem; edge of clothing; floors of outerwear.

Perk up- to feather; inspire (with hope).

Describe- depict in writing; express.

Ask- ask.

Perk up- jump up; jump; come to life.

Vosterzati- extract; pull out

Delight- tear; pluck; weed

Stand up- pull up; strengthen; pull up.

Get excited, get excited- research; test; be interested.

Delight- catch; catch; it is not lawful to seize; kidnap; carry to heights; delight.

In vain- in vain; wasted; for nothing; in vain.

Voutrier, voutrier- Next day.

fall into- fell; hit; tumble in; be subjected to; fall.

Vperity- elevate; lift; shoot upward like a feather.

Stare into it- soar; take off.

Vpersity- take it inside yourself.

Directly- directly; against.

Vrabii- sparrow.

Corvid- crow.

The gate is red- western church doors.

Goalkeeper, goalkeeper- guard at the gate.

Doctor- medicine; healing.

Doctor- hospital.

Harms- skin disease.

Vresnotu- really; deservedly; decent.

Sackcloth- bad, rough clothes; sackcloth; mournful robe.

Time- boil; foam; get excited; to beat with a key; boil away.

Time- to plunge; sweep in; push.

All-beneficent- fabulous.

Everything is seen- popularly.

Omnipotent- the creator of everything.

Of course- absolutely.

All-red- the most beautiful.

All-Evil- the most insidious, i.e. devil

All weapons- full armament.

All-sung- glorified; praised by everyone or everywhere.

Burnt offering- a sacrifice in which the entire victim was burned.

All-institution- a rich treat.

Omnivore- the one who eats everyone, i.e. hell, or death.

All- sow.

Open up- on the edge; near; near.

Vskaya- Why? because of which? for what?

Backwards- back.

In vain- in vain.

All sorts of things- absolutely; at all; at all.

Secondary- secondary; intensely.

Get in trouble- establish; legitimize.

I'll take it out- Always.

Lofty- high; proud.

Vyspr- up.

High-rise- proud; haughty; puffy.

be arrogant- to be arrogant; be proud.

Vysheletny- pre-eternal.

Vya- neck.

Great- bigger.

More- more.

Gaggren(read “gangrene”) - gangrene; Antonov fire; cancer.

Divination- mystery; ambiguity.

Gadi(plural) - reptiles.

Fortune telling- defamation; dishonor; swearing

Gasophilakia- treasury in the Temple of Jerusalem.

Gananie- mystery; parable.

Gastrimargia- gluttony; gluttony.

Gashchi- trousers; men's underwear.

Gehenna- the valley of Ginnom near Jerusalem, where idolatrous Jews under King Ahaz burned their children in honor of the idol Moloch. Allegorically: a place of future torment, afterlife punishments.

Genvar- January.

Death- waste; consumption.

Chieftaincy- head; Start; cause.

Head-heavy- Jewish headband.

Verb- word; speech.

Verbolati- speak; tell.

Verb- called; so-called.

Glezna- shin; sole.

Globa- execution; punishment.

Glumets- blasphemer; mockingbird

Mockery- a place for horse racing, dancing, masquerades, etc.

Sneer- have fun; amuse yourself; enjoy.

Glums(plural) - jokes; laughter; games.

Look- look; look.

Gnati- drive; chase; go; to follow someone or something.

Pus, pus- dung heap; wounds.

Gobsovaniye- abundance, contentment.

Gobzovati- abound; to excess; to be rich.

Gobbler- living in contentment.

Retreat- veneration (for example, fasting).

Beef- cattle.

Gaudet- whatever; Nice; suitable.

Godina, year- hour; time; it's time.

Starve- sleet, ice.

Gomola- com; lump; pellet; piece.

Gonzati- run away; flee.

Gongling- avoidance.

Persecutor- pursuer.

Grief- up; up.

Grief- worse; poorer.

Turtle, dove- wild pigeon.

Gornets- pot; bowler; brazier

Crucible- forge; smelter; a place for smelting or purification by fire.

Upper room- upper room; dining room.

Gorny- high; supreme; heavenly.

Gorohishny- grazing; wandering through the mountains; stolen wild beast from a mountain pasture.

Laryngeal madness- addiction to treats.

Gorushny- mustard.

Gorshiy- the most evil; worst.

Domination- one of the ranks of angels.

Lord— madam.

Gostinnik- innkeeper; innkeeper.

Gradar- gardener; gardener.

Gradezh- stronghold; fence.

Grezn- a bunch of grapes.

Hryvnia- necklace; chain worn around the neck.

Grapes- cluster of fruits; branch (of grapes).

Dirty- go; march.

Gugnivy- nasal; stutterer; tongue-tied; burry; speaking through the nose.

Buzzing- playing the gusli or harp.

Gudets- guslist; musician.

Yes- let be; to.

So that- to.

Dalechen- distant; difficult.

Databook- Promise; obligation.

Twice- twice.

Dvaschi- twice.

Hell's door- death.

Dvisati- move; stir.

Double-minded- unsteady in faith.

Two- pair.

Dvorishche- a small or deserted house.

Stupidity- obesity; completeness; corpulence.

Wilderness- valley; hollow; ravine; gorge.

Virginity- preserve virginity, chastity.

Action- action; performance.

Dekemvriy- December.

Workplace- merchant's shop; a weapon in someone's hands.

Delva- barrel; tub.

Delma- For.

Sharing- For; for the sake of.

Demestvennik- singer.

Demonfooting- worship of demons.

Demonreader- idolater.

Dennitsa- morning dawn, morning star; fallen angel

Daylight- similar to daylight.

Power- force; fortress; power; state.

Sovereignly- imperious; powerful.

Dare- to dare; rely.

Boldness- courage.

Insolence- impudent speech.

Insolent- insolent; impudent.

Daring- brave; shameless; bold.

Right hand- right hand.

gum- right; located on the right side.

Tithe- tenth part.

Decalogue- the ten commandments of God given through Moses.

brainchild- baby; child; adolescence

childbirth- conception in the womb of a baby.

Tiara- crown; diadem.

Diviy- wild; forest.

Divyachitisya- to commit atrocities.

Didrachm- Greek double drachma", ancient Greek. silver coin.

Denarius- coin.

Hand- palm.

Dmenie- pride.

Dmytisya- to be proud; boast.

day- relating to the number of hymns from the Octoechos, and in the days of the singing of the Triodion - from this book.

Day and night- for the whole day.

Today- today, now; Now.

Daily- current; today's

Valiant, valiant, valiant- strong in goodness; firm in virtue.

Kindness- beauty; niceness.

Dobroklasny- bringing a bountiful harvest.

Dobropobedny- famous for victories.

Kindness- beauty.

Dobrokhvalny- deserving of praise; commendable.

Do enough- to satisfy.

Get there- get out; to be sufficient; grab

Happy- sufficient.

Dogma- Greek one of the fundamental tenets of faith.

Wait- send rain; sprinkle; irrigate

Dozde- hitherto; till today; up to here.

Dozela- extremely.

Doilitsa- nurse; nurse.

Doity- breastfeed.

How long— until what time? how long?

Dolniy- lower; earthly (as opposed to “heavenly, upper”).

Down, down- at the bottom; down.

Pre-fascinating- pulling down.

Dondezhe- Bye.

Donelezhe- Bye.

Dorinocity- to accompany someone as a guard or retinue.

Annoyance- doing something objectionable; wickedness; insult.

Achievable- It's clear.

Property- estate; inheritance; power.

Drachma- ancient Greek silver coin.

Drachie- weed.

Drevle- for a long time.

Treemaker- a carpenter; carpenter

Drekolie- stakes.

Shivering- yeast; sucks.

Friend- girlfriend.

Druzhina- society (comrades, peers).

Druchity- depress; to languish; run down.

Dryaselovati- be gloomy, gloomy, sad.

Decrepancy- sadness.

Decrepit- sad.

Dska, dschitsa- board; tablet.

Arc- rainbow.

Dhnuti- to breathe; blow.

Daughter, daughter- daughter.


Whenever- When.

Egov- him (possessive case of the pronoun “he”).

Food- really? really?

Let's go- Eden; heaven on earth.

Uniformly- according to; the same.

Alone- the same; equals; more.

Is it the same- really yet?

Uniform- one-type; monotonous.

United- one day.

Hedgehog- What; something

Jezero- lake.

To her- Yes; true; right.

Exapsalms- six psalms.

Litany- intense prayer; petition.

oil- olive, wood oil.

Elen- deer; doe.

Eleonsky- olive.

Ever since- whenever.

Every time, every time- always like; whenever.

Eliky- Who; which.

Eliko- How many.

Eliko-eliko- after a short time; very soon.

Extremely powerful- if possible; as much as strength allows.

Yellin- Greek; pagan; proselyte of Judaism.

Elma- because the; how much.

Ependite- outer dress.

Epistoly- letter; message.

Erody- heron.

Yesmirnismenny- mixed with myrrh.

Echidna- poisonous snake.

Thirst- want to drink; to desire something strongly.

A pity- jealousy; zeal.

Zhatel— reaper.

Hot- the one who is burned with fire; sick with fire; sick with fever, fever.

Rod- staff; cane; stick.

Marriage— marriage; marriage; marriage.

Misogynistic- lustful; prodigal; voluptuous.

Fierce-necked- insensitive; stubborn.

Lively- to give life; give life; revive

Zhivodavets- giver of life.

Life-giving- Start; reason for life.

Stomach- life.

Animal- living; animated.

Drawing lots- foal.

eat- to stab; make a sacrifice.

Bogeyman- hot sulfur.

Have fun- speak; bewitch.

Fun- delay; hesitation; expectation.

Amuse- hold; slow down.

Zabobony- unauthorized service, outrage.

Visor- wall; fence.

Covenant- union; contract; condition.

Zavida- envy.

Envious- few; not enough.

For the hedgehog- in order to.

Back up- block.

Get ready- look in; notice; condemn; reproach.

Borrowing- loan; duty.

Borrow- borrow; borrow.

Slaughter- sacrifice.

Rivet- constipation; lock; valve

Killing- sacrifice.

Law-writer- drafter of laws.

Legislate- give a law.

Zakrov- a place for shelter.

Zaleschi- to be in ambush; hide.

Zamatoreti- become outdated; become stale; grow old.

Frozen- caught in a net.

Zane- because; because.

Zaneže- because the.

Zan- for him.

Ignition— sunbathing; fire.

Chorus- a short verse preceding the stichera (on “Lord, I cried,” laudatory, verse) or troparia of the canon.

Capture- seal; approve; to tie; fasten.

Stammering- hostile action.

Binge drinking- drunkenness.

Zapona- veil.

Banning- denial; locking.

Ban- prohibit; to be sad; mourn.

Desolation- desolation; desert.

Desolate- to come to desolation or desolation, to become desolate.

Comma, comma- stop; detain; to be seduced.

Comma- punctuation; let; stumbling.

Zarevidny- like the dawn.

Zareluchny- radiant.

Stagnation- stop on the road; hold; bore; bother.

For xia- for myself.

Gate- lock; constipation; a place of prayerful feat of some monks who took a vow not to leave their cell.

Sharpened- overwhelmed by the wind; wearable; persecuted.

Zatuliti- close; hide; cover.

Zatuna- for free; without a reason.

Get tired- close your mouth; shut up.

Morning- before sunrise; in the morning; early; Tomorrow.

Zautrie- tomorrow.

Buzzing- slap; punch to the face.

Zaushati- stop your mouth; prohibit speaking.

Choke- immerse.

Zakhodny- western.

Conceived- Start; the name of passages of text in the books of the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament.

Zayati- borrow; borrow.

Stargazer— astronomer.

Starmagic- tell fortunes by the stars; practice astrology.

Star Law— astronomy.

Astrologer- astrologer.

Starology— astrology.

Zvezdoslovity- practice astrology.

Beast eater- livestock damaged by a predatory animal.

Zizdenie- whistle; whistle.

Zvizdati- whistle.

Zvonets- bell.

Belfry- Bell tower.

Zvyatsati- ring; strum.

Zdati- build.

Here- Here.

Zdo- building; wall; roof.

Zeleynik- a healer who heals with herbs and spells.

Greening- drinking poison.

Zeleiny- consisting of a potion, i.e. grass or other plants.

Potion- grass; plant.

Zelo, zelne- quite; very much.

Green- strong; great.

Zemen- earthly.

Zemsty- earthly.

Zenica- pupil in the eye.

Zep- pocket; bag.

Mirror- mirror.

Founder- creator; creator.

Zizhditi- build.

Winter- winter; cold; bad weather.

Cereal- plant; greenery; vegetable.

Zlatar- goldsmith.

Zlatitsa, zlatitsa- gold coin.

Zlatozarny- brightly shiny.

Gold- gold.

Gold-plated- minted from gold.

golden-blooded- having a gilded roof.

Zlachny- herbal; rich in vegetation and cereals.

Evil- evil; cruel; bad.

Malice- care.

Malicious- full of malice; deceit.

Malicious- the villain; ill-wisher; enemy.

Malice- depraved or bad temper.

Malice- trouble; misfortune.

rancor- rancor.

Evil-speaking- scold; scold; slander; vilify.

Malicious- ruthless.

Evilradiation- stench.

Sinister- evil intent.

Malice- strong and vicious passions.

Get angry- greatly annoy.

Malicious- causing great anxiety, torment.

Pilgrimation- depraved or evil acts.

Malicious- suffered a difficult death.

Evil- to plot evil.

Evil- insidious.

Malicious- crafty; spiteful; lawless.

Angry- wicked; bad; waste; thin; cruel.

Known- an acquaintance, a close person.

Significantly- educational.

Significant- educational; denoting something.

Znamenati- indicate with a sign; mark; depict; show; manifest.

The Omen- sign; sign; phenomenon; miracle.

Standard Bearer- miracle worker.

Flag-bearing- miraculous.

Zobati- fill the crop; peck; There is; absorb.

Zrak- face; view; image.

See- look.

Face death- be on your last legs.

Zybati- move; move; sway.

AND- his.

Hegemon- leader; boss; ruler.

Yoke- yoke; burden.

playground- place for performance.

Game- a funny or obscene performance.

Ideje- Where; When.

Idolatry- frantic idolatry.

Priest- priest.

Depend on- reside; spend; spend.

Izhe- which.

Shine- shine; lick; shed light.

Izbodati- flog; to hit; pierce; pierce; prick out.

Election- defeat.

Elect- win; hit.

Burden- facilitate; disburden; disembark.

Exhausted- rotten; spoiled.

Excess- remain in excess, excess; abound; free yourself.

Excess- contentment; abundance.

statue- idol; idol.

Eruption- exclusion from the church clergy or defrocking.

Please inform- hang down; hang out.

Lime- announce; announce; certify.

Known- exactly; thoroughly.

Izvet- denunciation; notice.

Notified- sure.

Notice- certificate.

Coil of words- eloquence; floridity.

Elaborate- tell it eloquently.

Get out- undress; expose yourself.

Permission- will; wish.

If you please- allow; want; wish.

Pervert- turn out; change; transform.

Pervert- throw away; sweep away.

Izvykati- to learn, to know.

Nail- pull out, remove the nails.

Bending- perishing, disappearing.

Bend- die; abyss; get lost.

Smooth out- exclude; destroy.

Izdetsk- since childhood.

Since ancient times- for a long time; from time immemorial.

Get exhausted- exhaust yourself.

Marry- expel; kick out.

Izlaziti- go out; to get off (for example, from a ship).

Excess- excessively; even more.

Unnecessary- to the point of excess; more than measure.

Izlyatsati- stretch out; extend.

Measure- die.

Izmetati- spew out; throw away; throwing away.

Treason- replacement; turn; ransom

Change- replace; change.

Change your face- pretend.

Izmlada- from a young age.

Abuse- washing; cleansing

Silence- stop talking; shut up.

Wear and tear— take-out.

From Iznitsati- arise; appear.

Wear- take out; pronounce; produce; to grow; bring.

Extort- to remove from need.

Depict- detect; appear; open.

Isostat- stay somewhere.

Sophisticate- aggravate; sharpen.

Irritation- growing; work; generation.

Imagination- throwing away; eruption; exception.

Irrigated- igneous; thrown out; driven away.

Izrinuti- push; knock over; knock down; destroy.

Izrok- saying; condemnation.

Dig up- dig; dig up

Considerably- especially; predominantly.

Izsunuti- take out; to tear out; pull out; withdraw.

Outburst- amazement; delight.

Izuvedeti- understand; to know.

Harness- free yourself; get freedom.

Izumewati- to be perplexed; do not understand.

Amazing- violent; raging.

Be amazed- go crazy; go crazy.

Izuchi- take off your shoes; take off your shoes.

Isolate- deprive of members; crush members; disfigure.

Seize- to squander; waste.

Ikonom- housekeeper.

Ikonoratny- iconoclastic.

Ikos- a lengthy song written in praise of a saint or holiday.

Imati- take.

Imatisma- outer dress, cloak.

Personalized- treasure; concerning the estate.

proprietary- mostly.

In- other; another.

Inamo- in another place.

Inokowati- live like a foreigner.

Inude, inde- in another place, in another place.

Ipakoi- a hymn set according to the small litany after the polyeleos at Sunday matins.

Iparkh- head of the region; mayor; viceroy

Hypostasis- face.

Irmos- a chant that stands at the beginning of each of the songs of the canon.

Herodians- supporters of Herod.

Iroy- Greek myth. hero.

Distort- spoil; castrate.

Iskapati- exude; emit drops; expire.

Iskovaty- forge.

From time immemorial- from the beginning; at first; Always.

Primordial- former from time immemorial; everlasting.

Sincere- neighbor.

Art- trial; temptation; examination.

From the beginning- at first; from time immemorial.

Ispleviti- weed; pull out; to tear out; pull out; collect.

Weave- weave; fold; compose.

Confess- confess; openly express your faith.

Confessor- a person who has been subjected to suffering or persecution for the faith of Christ.

Execution— completeness; filling; commit.

Execute- filled; fulfilled.

Execute- fill; commit.

Used- half; in half; partly

Correct- straighten; to correct; direct; strengthen.

Correction- recovery; right way of life.

Eliminate- to overthrow; destroy; belittle

Perish, perish- trample; wash.

Tested- thoroughly.

Test- find out.

Hyssop- a plant used in bunches for sprinkling.

Isteee- more precisely; clearer.

Istesy- loins, legs.

Petition— expiration; emission of semen; wet dream.

Istaevati- melt; disappear.

Uproot- pull out; withdraw.

Exhaustion- exhaustion; humiliation; condescension.

Get sober- sober up.

idol- statue; blockhead; idol.

Earnest, earnest- accurate; authentic; true.

Torture- pull out; receive; interrogate.

Origin— exit point; source; Start.

Outgoing water- Creek; flow; river.

Outgoing paths- crossroads; crossroads

fiend- brainchild; fetus; genus; descendants.

Julius- July.

Iunius- June.

Censer- fragrant incense offered to the glory of God.

Censer- a vessel in which incense is placed on burning coals to perform incense.

Kad- tub, tub.

Kazhenik- eunuch; harem watchman; courtier.

Kazatel- teacher, mentor.

Casati- instruct; teach.

Kaziti- distort; damage.

Kako- How.

Camara- tent; tabernacle; upper room; chambers

Camo- Where?

Campan- bell.

Kamy, Kamyk- stone.

Kamyk is burning- sulfur.

Kandilo- lamp.

Kandilovzhigatel- sexton.

Candia- a small bowl.

Temple- idol temple.

Katapetasma- veil.

Kathisma- one of the 20 sections into which the Psalter is divided.

Katseya- the censer is not on chains, but on a handle.

Katsy- which ones; which; which.

Kvass- sourdough; yeast.

Kvass- cooked with yeast.

Celarnya, kelarnya- a room in the monastery for storing things needed by the cellarer.

Cellarer- senior economic position in the monastery.

Icon- box for icons.

Kidar- headdress of the Old Testament high priest.

Cymbal- musical instrument.

Kimin- cumin.

Kinovia- communal monastery.

Kinson- tribute; submit; qualification

Kiriopaskha- the name of the Easter holiday, which fell on the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary on March 25.

Flaunt- pride.

Treasure- deck (instrument of torture).

Kladenets- pit; treasure

Kladyaz- well.

Class- ear

slander- comrade; fellow.

Riveted- a mallet used in monasteries to call people to prayer.

Klepati- call; knock or hit the rivet.

Cage- hut; chambers; pantry; room.

Choir- an elevation in the temple on which the singers are located.

Cry- scream, uproar.

Cowl- a veil worn by monastics over the kamilavka.

Key- fit; good; happened by the way; useful.

Turn on- to happen; happen.

Bookworm- judge; bailiff

Scribe- scientist.

Cove- intent; CONSPIRACY.

The ark- forged box: chest; casket

Codrant- small Roman coin.

Goat talk- unruly screams at the feast.

Intrigues- slyness; cunning.

Kokosh- mother hen.

Knee- genus; generation.

Chariot Driver- driver; pursuer on a chariot.

Kolivo- boiled wheat with honey, brought for blessing to church on holidays.

Kolizhdo- When; How.

Colico- How many.

Kolia- pit; ditch

Colmi- How many.

Colmi more- especially; especially.

Kolo- wheel.

Kolobrodity- walk around; dodge.

Kohl- How many; how much; How.

Kolkrats- how many times; how often.

Combosta- raw cabbage.

Kontakion- a short song in honor of a saint or holiday.

Konob- boiler; pot; washbasin

Kennel- a small bag worn by superstitious people along with roots or other amulets.

Kopr- dill; anise.

Ship- a small ship.

Corvan- gift; sacrifice to God.

Corvana- treasury at the Temple of Jerusalem.

Helm- steering wheel.

Feed- edit; lead.

Feeding- governing body; control.

Korczag- tub.

Innkeeper- tavern; tavern.

Kosnity- hesitate.

Tongue-tied- slow-tongued; stutterer.

Inert- slow; indecisive; stubbornly remaining in the same state.

Kotva- anchor.

Kosh- wallet; basket.

Koshnitsa- wallet, basket.

Blasphemer- jester, joker.

Blasphemer- actress; dancer.

Blasphemers- ridiculousness.

Krabitsa- box; box; reliquary; little chest.

Krava- cow.

Edgeness, edgeness- acrostic, i.e. a work of poetry in which the initial letters of each line form a word, phrase, or follow alphabetical order.

Sedition- turmoil; CONSPIRACY; riot.

Red- Beautiful; beautiful; immaculate.

Krasovul- a measuring cup in monasteries, holding more than 200 g.

Krastel— quail.

Krata- once.

Strong- strong; strong.

Kreplius- the strongest, the strongest.

Cresati- extract; strike a fire; revive

Crean- lily.

Except- outside; from outside; separately; except.

Pitch-black— external; transcendental; remote; deprived.

Sprinkled- a brush for sprinkling with blessed water.

Ktitor- creator; builder or supplier of a temple or monastery; churchwarden.

To whom- henceforth; then; more; already; more.

Koopa- bale; pile; heap; heap.

Font- lake; pond; cage; vessel for performing the Sacrament of Baptism.

Kupina- a combination of several homogeneous objects: a bush, a sheaf; thorn bush.

Purchased- together.

Purchased- joint.

Custody- guard; guard; security;

Kutia- boiled wheat with honey, brought to church to commemorate departed Christians.

Foliage- tent; tent; hut.

Kushchnik- a person who makes tents or lives in a hut.

Ladiya- small ship; boat; rook.

Incense- a fragrant resin placed in a censer on burning coals for fragrant smoking.

Lazaroma- grave clothes; povoy; a shroud in which the Jews wrapped their dead.

Lazne- bathhouse.

Barking- blasphemy; reproach.

Lapping- Heb. measure of length.

Lanita- cheek.

Barker- scolder; detractor; sitting in ambush.

Lvichisch- lion cub.

Leviathan- crocodile.

Legeon- regiment; crowd; a bunch of.

Lying- lying down; resting.

Lemargy- guttural diarrhea, i.e. gourmetism.

Lention, lenty- towel.

Lepo- Beautiful.

Lepo-like- decent; deservedly.

Lepota- beauty; grace.

Mite- small coin.

Ladder- ladder.

flattering- flattering, false.

Flattery- deception; cunning; insidiousness.

Summer- year; time.

Letorasl- an annual shoot of a tree that has grown in a year.

fly- lzya; Can.

Lech- ridge, row.

Treatment- medicine; medicine.

Lechec- doctor; doctor.

Lies- lie.

False speech- false speeches.

Liv- noon; south; southwest wind.

Lebanon- sometimes means the same as Frankincense.

Face- meeting; chorus

Rejoicing- crowded singing; dance; dancing.

Rejoice- greet through touching the right cheek.

Likovna- with glee.

Likostania— vigil for church prayer.

Lithium- leaving the church to pray.

Liter- a measure of weight.

Liturgisati- perform the Liturgy.

Likhva- profit; interest.

Likhoimets- moneylender; money lover.

Face- face; view; Human.

Mask- masquerade or jester mask.

Be deprived- need.

More- more, beyond that.

Kiss- oral kissing.

Lovitva- fishing; hunting; networks; mining; robbery.

Fishing- ambush, trap.

Bed- bed, bed

Lozhesna- woman's womb.

Vine- grape.

Breakable- refracted.

Bosom- sinus; breast; knees.

Moonlight- monthly cycle in women.

Lysto- shin; caviar; lytka.

Flattering- deceptive.

Flattering- deception; deceit; flattery.

Lubo- either, or.

Liubomy- philosophy.

Rebellious- prone to rebellion.

Inquisitiveness- lust for power.

Lustful- loves to celebrate.

Controversy- love to compete, argue.

lust- voluptuousness; love of carnal pleasures.

Curiosity- veneration; honoring.

Curious- worthy of praise, honor.

Luby- Love.

Lute- cruel; hard.

Fierce- ferocious; cruel; wicked; painful.

Lyadveya- thigh; upper half of leg; crotch.

Lyarva- mask; disguise


Maiy- May.

Malakia- the sin of masturbation.

Malimiy- reduced.

Malobreschi- to be careless about something.

Mammon- wealth; estate.

Mandra- fence.

Mania- a sign with the hand, head, eyes or other kind containing an order; command; will.

Manna- heavenly bread given to the Israelites in the desert.

Mannoreception- containing manna.

Olive- olive; olive Tree.

Oilseed- olive.

Mastity- spread.

Venerable- plentiful; fat; deserved.

Suit- ointment; oil.

Mother-virgin- simultaneously referring to both mother and maiden.

Materolepne- motherly.

Motherly- maternal.

Mother of the city- capital; capital city

Hazy- surrounded or covered in darkness.

Medven- honey.

Slow-tongued- tongue-tied; stutterer.

Mednitsa- copper coin.

Honey- boiled honey with hops.

Medotochny— exuding, pouring out honey.

Honey-tongued- sweet-tongued.

Interdoramiye- the space between the shoulders.

Mezdnik- mercenary.

Abomination- filth; vileness; lawlessness; wickedness; sometimes an idol.

Merilo- measure; scales.

Mesk- half donkey; mule; hinny.

Messiah- Heb. anointed

Throwing- bow from the waist.

Fur— a leather bag for storing and transporting liquids.

Mzha- flashing; squint.

Mzhati- squint your eyes; squint; see poorly.

Bribe- reward; pay.

Bribe-giver- paying for work, giving reward.

Bribery- bribery.

Nice activities- crouch low to the ground; ask to have pity on yourself.

Milk- sheepskin; a rough woolen coat made from sheep's wool.

Cute- pathetic; regrettable.

Past mother-in-law- go, pass by without stopping.

Peaceful- the name of the great litany.

Miro- fragrant liquid or ointment.

More peace-giving- giving peace.

Myrrhstreamer- exuding miraculous myrrh.

World-Manifested- revealed, open to the world.

Mirsina- the name of a beautiful tree.

Young people, young people- take on the image of a baby; take on flesh.

Foolishness- immaturity of mind.

Mlat- hammer.

Mleko- milk.

Mnas- mine, ancient Greek. silver coin.

Less to me- less.

Crinkle, crumple- think; assume; seem.

Mniy- smaller.

Mnih- monk.

Many times, multiply- often; many times.

Much speechlessness- ignorance.

Much rich- abounding in everything.

Multi-painful- who has endured many labors, exploits, troubles, and sufferings.

Versatile- subject to strong temptations and attacks.

Multiburst- alarming.

Mnogobzenny- very plentiful.

Multi-lipped- many times.

Multi-class- spicate.

Much troubled- full of vanity.

Elegant- very famous.

More diverse- in many forms; various.

Multi-oral- cultivated many times.

Many-read- having many eyes.

Multiple pregnancy- fruiting; many children.

Multiflesh- obesity.

Many-charming- full of charms and temptations.

Multi-light- joyful; solemn.

tearful- full of sadness and grief.

Mnosedny- abundant in variety of food.

Multi-subject- aggravated; multiplied; reinforced.

Busy- completely empty, useless.

Multibranched- very lenient.

Multipurpose- granter of many healings.

Multipart- many times.

Many-wonderful- exuding many miracles; famous for his miracles.

Multilingual- consisting of many tribes.

Rumor- talk; murmur; hearing; care; excitement.

Molviti- take care; fuss; worry; grumble.

Molie- moth.

lightning-visible- resembling lightning.

Pissing against the wall- dog

Relics- the incorruptible body of the saint of God.

Mraviy- ant.

Mraz- freezing.

Mrezha- fishnet.

Mature- married.

Muzhatitsa- married woman.

manly- not knowing her husband; not involved in marriage.

Murin- Ethiopian; arap; black person; black; spirit of darkness; demon

Musiyskiy, musiyskiy- musical.

Musikia- music.

Mshela- bribe.

Mshelomystvo- greed.

Mšica- midge; midge.

Publican- tax collector.

Mytnitsa- customs; house or yard for collecting tolls.

Myto- duty; collection; tax.

Muscle- hand; shoulder; force.

Meat-eater- the last day of eating meat food.

Meat eater, meat eater- the time when the Charter allows the eating of meat.

Myatva- mint.

Nabdevati- to supply; to endow; keep.

Navazdati- teach; instigate.

Navet- slander; slander; intrigues.

Navclear- the owner of the ship.

Get used to it- get used to it; get used to.

Get ready- walk without clothes.

Nag- see Ready.

Come on- to suddenly comprehend, to happen.

Backdat- build on; strengthen; approve.

Nazirati- note; observe.

Name it- appoint; designate; to overshadow with the Cross.

Most of all- especially; predominantly.

inspiration- descent; invasion; descent.

Punishment- sometimes: teaching.

Nalyatsati- pull.

In mala- short time; cheap.

Namaschati- spread; rub.

On the mnose- for a long time; expensive.

Naopak- vice versa; contrary to.

Feasted on- in trouble.

Confidant- friend, confidant.

Finally- recently.

Backgammon- a spiky aromatic plant.

Named- predetermined; provided; appointed.

Naritsati- call.

Narok- a specific or appointed time.

Deliberate- special; glorious.

Swear- laugh; neglect; disgrace.

Suicide bomber- sentenced to death

Urgent- real; current; essential; necessary.

On the capital- at such a time; for that price, for that much.

Beginning spiteful- the culprit of evil.

Firstfruits- Start; first fruit

Draw- depict.

Nayasna- out; open.

Nayati- hire.

Unbleached- safe; infallible.

Neblazny- incorruptible.

Nebreshchi- to be careless; neglect.

Neveglas- ignoramus; simpleton; unlearned.

The bride-to-be- providing dowries to poor brides.

Bridedecorate- decorate like a bride.

Non-evening- undarkened; light.

Innocent- causeless; original.

Unrestricted- unhindered.

Disrespectful— humbly.

Negli- really; May be; maybe.

A week- the church name for Sunday.

Wakeful- vigilant.

Nedristy- having a wide chest.

Subsoil- inside; womb; breast; interior; bay.

Illness- disease.

Nezhe- than; how.

Unenvious- unspoiled; unscathed; pleased; abundant.

Undependent- cannot be spent or used to the end.

Unleashed- incessant.

Unbending- not subject to decay or time.

Ineffable- inexpressible.

Neiskubrachny- has not experienced marriage.

Inexperienced- not knowing her husband.

Untested- secret; secret.

Furiously- with bitterness; with rage.

Frantic- lost his temper; not in proper condition.

Unexplored- incomprehensible.

Unswitchable- useless; waste.

Inviolately- immediately.

No one- no longer; not yet; no longer.

Unflattering- undeceiving; unsly.

Fledgling- it is forbidden.

Inability- disease; infirmity; impotence.

Not wet- on dry ground.

Infirm- sick.

Unusual- immense.

Don't hurt yourself- act boldly.

Unapologetically- boldly; boldly.

Neopalny- fireproof.

Undescribed- depictable.

Uncertain- limitless.

Unearthed- unplowed; uncultivated; intact.

Unmarked- unalienated.

Infertility, infertility- barren woman.

Incomparable- obscene.

Immaculate- the name of the 17th kathisma of Psalm 118.

Immaculate- blameless; saint; clean.

Not true- act wickedly.

Not idle- pregnant.

Unchanged- indispensable; immutable.

Immutable- invariably; without change.

Indispensable- unchangeable.

Irresistible- irresistible; invincible.

Non-chattering- opinion; forgery; artifice.

Nepshchevati- think; invent; count.

Restless- indestructible.

Undecided- indestructible; untied.

Non-sedal- a church service during which it is forbidden to sit.

Unslany- unsalted.

Nesliyanne- unfused.

Nesmesne- without mixing.

Ageless- eternal; unaltered.

No- No.

Insanity- inconstancy; embarrassment.

Undoubted- undoubted; reliable; candid.

Carrier- having no existence.

Incorruption- indestructibility; eternity; indestructibility.

Netrebe- no need.

Unworn- unworn; impassable.

Not cramped- comfortable.

Not heavy- easily.

Not at- not yet.

Unpleasant- uncontainable; incomprehensible; incomprehensible.

Inconvenient- uncomfortable; difficult.

Unwashed- incorruptible.

Desperation- surprise; carelessness.

Tawny Owl- pelican.

Below- especially not...; not even...; and not...

Nikolizhe- never.

Neither- Is not? really? Or no?

Nits- down; face to the ground.

Poor- beggarly; humiliated; poor.

Novemvriy- november.

Novina- news.

Newly created- newly built.

Newly Enlightened- recently baptized.

New planting- kidneys; offspring

Noemri- november.

Scissor- scabbard.

Night corvid- eagle owl; owl.

Nudity- to be forced; to be forced; be achieved with effort.

Nurturing- torture.

Nudma- forcibly.

Needy- one who uses effort.

Nyrische- ruins; ruin; non-residential place.

Nude- her.

Encouragement- divination; whispering; sorcery; witchcraft.

Charmer- charmer; sorcerer; fortune teller.

Obawati- charm; to charm; to bewitch; to conjure; speak.

Obada- slander; slander.

Adored- slandered.

Obanaten- twelve.

Obapo- at both sides; on both sides.

Obache- however; however; But.

Cheerful- to please.

Dress up- spend the night; spend the night.

Look around- look; look around

Maintenance— containment; control; embarrassment; sadness; confluence

Obdesno-handed- a person who is fluent in both the right and left hands.

Accuse- to remain without punishment; not knowing one's guilt.

De- habitable- deprive of strength, strength.

Infertility- deprive of fruit, success.

Decontaminate- make incorruptible.

Obesity- hang on something.

Vow, promise- Promise.

Obetshati- to fall into disrepair; grow old; become unfit; weaken; lament.

Promisor- accomplice; comrade.

Obzhadat- convey; slander.

Review- a high tower for monitoring the area.

Offender- offender.

Occupant- grape gatherer.

Be guilty- hesitate; doubt; to be timid; speak indirectly, by hints.

Allegation- retreat.

Habitation- housing.

Abode- hotel.

Obligate- to please; speak kindly.

Thank you- send down grace.

Smell- fill with incense.

Seduce- lead on the wrong trail; mislead.

Cheer yourself up- fall into error.

Region- power; force; domination.

Dress- put on.

Obleshchi- clothe; to dress; lie around; surround; make a halt; stay; stay.

Licking- insight; bright light.

Scroll around- illuminate; illuminate.

expose- show someone's true face; show off; find.

Cover- surround.

Socialize- spend the night; spend the night.

Obnoshch- all night long.

Adore- idolize; honor as God; to make partakers of Divine grace.

Obolgati- deceive.

Obon floor- on the other side; behind.

Obochie- temple.

Both- on both sides; at both sides.

Delighted- welcomed.

Educate- depict; acquire an image.

Please contact- turn; turn over; move; rotate.

Find- find.

Gained- findable.

Finding- find; opening.

quitrent- service fee.

Betrothed- a groom engaged to the bride, but not yet married to her.

Obsolon- against the sun.

Condition- siege; trouble; attack.

Dry- earlobe.

Obuyati- go crazy; to deteriorate; weaken.

Obviously- go crazy; become stupid.

Ov- other; one.

Ovamo- there; there.

Aries- ram.

Ovo- or; or.

Ovogda- Sometimes.

Ovoudou- on the other side; from there.

Publicize- announce publicly; teach; enlighten.

Deafness- deafness.

Ognevitsa- fever.

fiery- carried in whirlwinds of fire.

Fiery- flaming; burning; scorching.

Get rid of yourself- move away; beware.

Augusteti- thicken; make thick; curdle (about milk).

Odebeleti- get fat; harden.

Right hand- on right; on the right hand.

Turn ten- allocate a tenth part.

Hodegetria- guidebook.

Wait- sprinkle; irrigate; send in the form of rain; a lot.

Odr- bed; bed.

Harden- become tough; dry up.

Winterization- wintering.

Bitterness- misfortune; anger.

Get angry- cause misfortune; anger; inflame with anger.

Ozobati- devour.

Okaiwachi- recognize as an outcast.

Ocalate- to get dirty; defile; get dirty.

Petrify- make it stone.

Damned- worthy of damnation; unholy; sinner.

Damnation— crime; God-fighting; sin.

Eye- eye.

Chained- surrounded by shackles.

Caretaker- helmsman; ruler.

Nurture— to guide; to lead; edit

Okoyavlenne- obviously; frankly.

Okrastoveti- become covered with scabs.

Okrest- all around; near.

Oxed- protected by wings.


Tin- any intoxicating drink other than grape wine.

Altar- altar, altar.

Olyadeneti- overgrown with thorns and weeds.

Omakati- pour over.

Ometas- floors; edges of clothes.

She- they (two).

Onager- wild donkey.

Onamo, onudu- there; there.

Onde- in another place; there.

Onema- to them (two).

He's gender- the opposite bank.

Onsica- so and so.

Dangerous- carefully; thoroughly; carefully; dangerous.

Oplazivny- curious; idle talk; spy

Oplaznstvo- trick; idle talk.

Stronghold- fence; fence; tyn.

Take up arms- prepare for battle.

Justification- commandment; charter; law.

Unleavened Bread- unleavened bread baked without the use of yeast.

Plowshare- plow; plow.

Oranny- plowed open.

Oratay- plowman.

Orati- plow.

Organ- organ, musical instrument.

Hosanna- Jewish prayer exclamation - “salvation (from God).”

Oselsky- donkey.

Oselsky millstone- the top large millstone in a mill, driven by a donkey.

Osenity- cover with shadow.

grin- grin; smile.

Insult- to be sad; miss you.

Oscord- axe.

Weakened- relief; benefit

Donkey- young donkey.

Osmica- eight.

Osmoktati- suck; lick.

Leave- leave; forgive; allow.

Ostenity- fence with a wall, protect.

Infuriated- offensive.

Prison- Earthworks.

Stupidity- to strike with leprosy.

Realize— to carry out; give being.

Octometric- eight times.

Otay- secretly; secretly.

Open- open; open

From outside- outside.

Give it away- sometimes: forgive.

Milked- infant.

Milk- breastfeed.

Otterpati- become hard (tart); become wooden; harden; go numb.

Set off on the path of the whole earth- die.

Obliquely— obliquely.

Revelation- opening; enlightenment; education.

Otlog- damage; damage.

Deposition- rejection; retreat.

Sweep away- renounce; do not recognize; to be rejected; fall away.

Otmetnyy- rejected; prohibited.

Otnelizhe- since; since then.

Not at all- absolutely; not at all.

From nowhere, from nowhere- where; Why.

From both sides- on both sides.

Otonudu- on the other side.

From the floor- from half; from the middle.

Autereux- rubbish; chaff; peel.

Cut off- clean; pluck

Dismiss- untie; rid.

Give up- to be separated.

Otreyati- discard; reject.

Deny- reject; sweep away.

Hatching— revival.

Youth- slave; minister; boy under twelve years old; student; warrior.

Otrokovitsa- a girl under twelve years old.

Otrocha- child; baby.

Burp— to vomit.

Burp the word- pronounce.

Ottole- since then.

Ottorgati- open; repel.

Wait- strain.

Ocet- vinegar.

Get off your feet- take away; delete.

Brush off- lose; destroy.

Ochepiye- collar.

Ochesa- eyes, eyes.

Get upset- to be eliminated, to be removed.

Error- tail.

Oshuyuyu- left; on the left hand.

Evening party, evening party- small vespers.

Pavoloka- bedspread; case; veil; cover.

Blight- death; pestilence.

Pasture- meadow; cornfield; pasture; field; feed for livestock.

Paznokti(plural) - hooves; claws; nails.

Packs- again; more; again.

Packiness- spiritual renewal.

Nasty deeds- hit with hands; hit on the cheek; insult; harm.

Dirty dog- cause of evil, harm; disease; pain; sting.

Nasty- disgusting; uncleanness; abomination.

Ward- castle.

Those in the ward are the essence- government.

Palaestra- a place for competitions.

Palatelishche- strong fire.

scorching- burning.

Mace- cane; club; stick.

Palichnik- lictor; bodyguard; police bailiff

Memory malice- rancor.

Panfir- panther or lion.

Pair- steam; haze; smoke.

Paraecclesiarch— kandilovzhigatel; sexton.

Paraklis- fervent prayer.

Paraclete- comforter.

Parimia- parable; readings from the Holy Scriptures at Vespers or Royal Hours.

Parity- fly; hang in the air (like steam).

Parousia- solemn procession; the second glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; solemn bishop's service.

Flock- grazing; administered by a shepherd.

Pastvity- graze.

Pastured- having a shepherd.

Graze- to sin (especially against the seventh commandment).

ShepherdChief- chief of shepherds.

Shepherd- shepherd.

Spider- cobweb.

Pace- better; more.

More than nature- supernatural.

More than words- inexpressible.

More than your mind— incomprehensible.

Pevk, pevg- conifer tree.

Teacher- reproductive member.

Inferno- flammable sulfur, resin; unceasing fire.

Penticostarium- the name is “Triodion Colored”.

Penticostia- Pentecost.

Penyazhnik- changed.

Penyaz- small coin.

First- before; first; at first; in advance.

Supreme- the first of the supreme ones.

First position- reclining, sitting in the first, places of honor in meetings.

Pervochatok- first-born animal or first-born fruit.

Primate- the leading clergyman.

Feathered- having feathers.

Percy(plural) - chest; front part of the body.

Finger- finger.

Place finger on mouth- shut up.

Perstny- earthen; made from earth.

Finger-created- created from dust.

Finger- ashes; Earth; dust.

Song-singing- glorify in songs.

Pesnoslovity— see Song-singing.

Pestovati- babysit; bring up.

Variegated- multi-colored; elegant.

Pestun- teacher; teacher; uncle.

Loop- rooster.

Loop call- rooster crowing; early morning; time from 12 to 3 am, according to the popular reckoning of time among the Jews.

Sad(xia) - complain, grieve; sadden.

Sorrowman- guardian.

Print- seal; approve; hide.

Seal- ring.

Walk- walk.

walking- take care; have care.

Beer- something you can drink.

Beer- drinking; drink.

Pigan- rue, grass.

Pira- sum; knapsack

Pyrga- tower; pillar.

Wrote- a pointed cane for writing on a waxed tablet.

Scripture is putative- a charter given by the bishop to a newly ordained presbyter or deacon.

Piscati- play the pipe.

Letter- letter; graphic sign; literal meaning.

Pistikia- clean; unalloyed.

Pitenny- cherished; raised in bliss.

Petted- fattened; plump.

Food- containing abundant food; nutritious.

Drunkenness- drunkenness.

Swims- fields.

Floating- mature; ripe, straw color.

Plat- flap; patch.

Shroud- burial shrouds; cover; canvas; cloak.

Tares- weed; bad grass.

Plesgiti- crawl on the belly; grovel.

Spinning- reptile.

Captivity- braid; chain; necklace; basket; chain; fetter; bonds.

Plescati- clap your hands; applaud.

Plesna- foot; sole.

Plesnitsa- shoes such as sandals.

Pleshchi- shoulders.

Splashing- clapping.

Plintha- brick.

Board making- burning bricks.

Plishch- scream; noise.

Be fruitful- bring the fruits.

Fruit of the womb- child; children.

Carnal love- taking care of the body.

Carnally- flesh; bodily.

Carnal- carnal; sensual; bodily.

Flesh- body; Human; human infirmity or weakness; passion.

Spitting- saliva.

Dancer- farce.

Dancer, dancer- dancer; actress.

Victoriously- solemnly; victorious.

Get sick- push; regret.

Champion- defender.

Captured- painted; whitewashed

Overthrow- throw; knock over.

Tale- story.

Poviti- take birth or wrap in swaddling clothes.

Povoi- bandage; veil.

Mock- reason; reflect; reflect think.

Move- tremble; move.

Podvisati- encourage; encourage.

Get a job- perform feats; work.

Rootstocks- door jambs.

Podnikati- bend over; bend over.

Become similar- remind something.

Podobnik- imitator.

Imaginative- similar in appearance.

Undercut- a vessel for collecting squeezed juice.

Underframe- under a yoke (for example, a donkey).

Podyaramnichiy- belonging to the subjugator.

Because- because the; because; because; how much.

Because more- no matter how much.

Devour- sacrifice.

Later- late; not early.

Pozobati- peck.


, a shame- a crowded spectacle.

Poimati- take.

Polma- in half; in two.

Polish- field.

Pomavati, pomanuti- make signs; express yourself without words.

Little by little- soon; a little later.

Pomats- tablets on the bishop's robes.

Pometati- to sweep; sweep; throw.

Pomizati- blink.

Pone- Although; at least; because.

Ponezhe- because; because.

Diarrhea, vilification- a shame; ignominy.

Pont- sea; big lake.

Got it, got it- towel.

Show off your shine- put other clothes on top.

Make it witty- sharpen.

crawl- slip; to be seduced; be tempted.

Field- a measure of length equal to a thousand steps or a daily march.

Have a fight- rush; pursuit; move.

Rebuke- accusation; complaint; reproach; reproach.

Poreshchi- accuse; reproach; condemn.

Desecration- dishonor; vilification; inflammation; ulcer.

Scold- dishonor.

Purple- dark red fabric; porphyry, purple clothing of high-ranking persons.

Damage- I; poison.

In order- in order.

Soon- soon; fluently; without singing (about the service).

Lastly- then; in the end.

Last- the rest; finite; final.

Follow up- presentation of prayers of only one kind, i.e. either changeable or immutable.

Follow- research; follow.

Listen- testify; give evidence.

Salting- in a sunny way; like a sun; from east to west.

Hurry up- to help; help.

Acolyte- accomplice; assistant.

In the middle- in the middle.

Delivery- ordination.

tonsure- tonsure into monasticism.

Receipt- bowing the head in sadness; sadness; sadness; lamentation.

Encroach- get married.

Conspirator- pleaser; flatterer; sorcerer; witch.

Potvory- sorcery; witchcraft.

Stumble- to trip over.

Need— need; necessity; happening.

Consumer- Crap; cake.

Struggling- hurry up; try.

Poustitel- instigator.

Pushchat- encourage; encourage; instruct; teach.

Lustful- to have lust, lust.

Got it- tub; wallet; bucket.

Get started- to begin.

Almost- calm down.

Poyati- take.

Right- straight; true; correct; righteous.

Prag— threshold.

<;p>Celebration- empty; nonsense talk.

Idle, idle- limitless; lazy; empty; unoccupied.

Prati- trample; press.

Get over yourself- to be exalted; become proud.

Previtati- wander.

Exalted Eye- arrogance; pride.

Transform- change; turn; destroy.

Pre-temporary- pre-eternal, existing before the beginning of time.

Pre-advance- foreshadow with joy.

Preannounce- start singing; foretell.

Predgradie- suburb; stronghold; protection; fence.

Forecourt- front, outer courtyard in an eastern house.

Pre-mortgage- to taste death before others, to sacrifice oneself.

Predi- ahead.

Forerunners- run ahead.

Offer- altar; that place in the altar where the altar stands and the sacred vessels are kept.

Opening Psalm- the name of Psalm 103, since it begins Vespers.

Front- first; powerful; elegant; senior.

Pre-spun- dark red fabric; porphyry, purple clothing of high-ranking persons.

Representation- petition; intercession; earnest prayer.

Forepillar- strengthening.

Primate- abbot.

Forerunner, forerunner- walking or running in front.

Provide- intend.

Prejudice- meet in advance.

Anticipate- to foresee; know in advance.

Presented— prefiguring.

Disdainful- proud; haughty.

Excessive- to be satisfied; live in abundance.

Preizlikha- strongly; Very; cruel.

Prenominal- advantage; superiority.

Fretted- decorated.

Underworld- the lowest.

Underworld- the location of the souls of the dead before their liberation by the Lord Jesus Christ; a place of eternal torment for sinners; dwelling place of the devil.

Preitie- superiority.

Push limits- spoil boundaries; violate boundaries.

Lovely- deception.

Foreplay- adultery.

Wisdom- higher knowledge; wisdom.

Pre-initial- pre-initial; exceeding every beginning.

Get upset- resist; to be rebellious; be stubborn.

Overdressed- richly decorated.

Re-armed- too armed; proud.

Prepirati- refute; reflect; beat off; overcome; exhort.

Reverend- holiness.

Puberty- half; middle.

Prepoloviti- halve; divide in half; go halfway.

Obstacle- obstacle.

Belt yourself- to gird oneself; prepare for something.

Pretentious- controversial; convincing.

Simple- unscientific; ignoramus.

Obstacles- stop.

Disputed- controversial.

Argue- to contradict; speak contrary to; contradict.

Preventive- crossing; cutting.

Disobedience- disobedience.

creep- crawl on the ground.

Do well- be successful.

Prestaviti- rearrange; move; move into eternity.

Thrones- one of the ranks of angels.

Essential- pre-eternal; original

Pre-existing- supernatural.

Pretishya- argue; compete.

Pretty- forbid; mourn; be embarrassed.


Praetor- praetorium, residence of the representative of Roman power in Jerusalem.

Stumbling- interference; temptation; delay; stop.

Stop it- threaten; frighten.

Banning- threat; fear; ban.

Refuge- shelter; shelter; cover; the rescue.

Bringing- access.

Greet- to greet.

Attract- drag; call; summon.

Temporary- temporary; fickle.

Dress up- to attach; approach; bring.

Chapel- a small church attached to the main temple.

Add it- increase; increase; bring.

Prideyati- bring; bring.

Look after- kindly look; accept; shelter.

Take it easy- spend; spend.

Sincerely- similar; equals; exactly the same.

Cover-up- cover; pretext; a made-up reason for hiding something.

Purchase- profit; profit.

Buying- merchants; trade.

Prilog- application; desire to do evil; anger; slander.

Application- patch; flap.

Notes- to tidy up; give away; give in.

Sweep up- crouch; give up; lie at the threshold.

Mix in- join.

Get in touch- bend down; bend over; crouch; penetrate.

Acquiring- benefit; fetus; self-interest.

Get infected- attack; hit.

Burying- aspiration.

Priristati- run up.

Inherent- running up.

Consecrate- wither; dry up.

Squat- oppression; environment.

Squat- to be near something; to plot evil; attack.

Prisno- incessantly; Always.

Ever-animal- always living.

Everbearing- eternal; everlasting.

Ever-present- always existing.

Ever-flowing- inexhaustible.

Prisny- native; close.

Attachment- patch; appointment; control; supervision

Shelter- shelter; shelter; pier.

Get in touch- to resort; run up.

Frightened- scared.

Narthex- entrance to the temple.

Attractive- controversial.

Parable— allegory; mystery.

Take communion- become a participant.

Participant- participant.

Alien- visitor; alien.

Shelter- container; premises; storage.

Probaviti- continue; stretch out.

Daring- bold.

Vegetation— growth; sprout

Get cold- blossom; grow up; grow.

Originate- happen; grow up.

Spill in your feet- slip; allegorically - to sin.

Pronares- predict; intend

Penetrate- grow up; flourish.

Penetration- tribe; genus; stem; sprout

Preach- learn; declare; preach.

Proreshchi- predict.

Prophesied- predicted; foreshadowed.

Prophetic- spoken by the prophet.

Prophecy- dedicate; ordain.

Settle down- to burst.

Educational- light; enlightening.

Enlighten your face< - look fun or graciously.

Proskomisati- perform proskomedia.

Proslutie- parable; proverb; mockery.

Simple- standing upright; straight; clean; unmixed.

Sheet- compassion.

Squander- to burst; fall apart; crack.

To be torn apart- break through.

Counteract- look straight.

Against, directly- against; against.

Prouvadeti- find out in advance; foresee.

Manifested- obviously.

Pruglo- snare; a loop; net.

Prudny- uneven; rocky.

Spring up- resist (hence the spring); have a fit.

Springs- food of John the Baptist; according to some, a genus of edible locusts, or grasshoppers; according to others - some kind of plant.

Straight- dispute; litigation; mess.

Pryazhmo- fried food.

Direct- located opposite.

Let me in- let go; get a divorce.

Desert- a secluded, sparsely inhabited place.

Desert- a monastery located far from populated areas.

Path-creating- save on the go; pave the way.

Fetters- bonds; shackles; chains; fetter.

Abyss- whirlpool; sea.

Abyssal- sea; born at sea.

Pushchenitsa- a woman divorced from her husband.

Bird magic- a superstition consisting of telling fortunes by the flight of birds or by their entrails.

Span, span- a measure of length equal to three hands, and each hand is equal to four fingers, and a finger is equal to four sides or grains.

Pastern- fist.

Friday- Friday.

Rabiy- slave.

Job- slavery.

Raboten- subdued; enslaved.

Rabbi, rabbi- teacher.

Equal to the Angels- like Angels.

Equal to the Apostles- compared to the apostles.

Indifferent, indifferent- unanimous; having equal zeal.

Equally fair- worthy of equal veneration.

Happy- joyful.

Rejoice- rejoice; enjoy.

Radoshchi- joy (plural); fun.

Rejoice- Hello; Goodbye.

Rejection- combustion; ignition.

Razboteti- get fat; swell.

Isn't it- except.

Is it possible- mutiny; CONSPIRACY.

Debauchery— excitement; disturbance.

Destroyed- unbent.

Extension- extension; book opening.

Razdolie- valley.

Liquify- kindle; heat up; melt.

Reflect- to doubt; think; stay.

Difference- difference.

Allow- untie; release.

Relaxed- paralytic.

Intelligence- mind; cognition; understanding.

Mind with your body- feel.

Cancer- Heb. fool; empty man.

Cancer- tomb; ark with the relics of the holy saint of God.

Ralo- plow; plow.

Ramo- shoulder.

Ramena- shoulders.

Flatten out- unfold.

Spread- spread out; unfold.

Raspuditi- scare away; disperse; dispel.

Crossroads- crossroads.

Rust- sprout.

tear to pieces- break.

Rastniti- cut.

Waste- dissipate; scatter; squander; live dissolutely.

Ruffled- sawed through.

Unravel- arrange in order.

Rattay- warrior.

Ratovaty- to fight; fight; defend.

Ratovische- spear shaft.

Rat- war; army.

Rachitel- trustee; amateur

Thrifty- caring; worthy of care.

Zeal, jealousy- rage; passionate desire; passion.

Severov's ribs- the northern slope of Mount Zion.

Jealous- envy.

Rec- you, he said.

Advertising- said.

Recommended- nicknamed.

Rekoh- I said.

burdock- burdock; thorny plant.

Resno- eyelashes; eye.

Resnota- reality; true.

Roar- argument; dispute.

Reschi- say; speak.

Reyati- push away; discard.

Riza- cloth; sacred vestment.

Sacristy- room for storing vestments.

Sacristan- head of the sacristy; keeper of church utensils.

Stadium— stadium; circus.

Ristati- to scour; run.

Horn- rock; allegorically: strength; power; protection.

Genus— origin; tribe; generation.

Rodostama- rose water, which, according to custom on the Feast of the Exaltation, is used to wash the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord during its erection.

Born- horny; resembling a horn.

Rozhets- sweet pod.

Rod- young branch; the escape; offspring.

Rosodatelny- dew-bearing; giving dew.

Company- god; oath.

Rotel- oathbreaker.

Rotitisya- to swear; swear.

Swear- mock.

Handwriting- list; letter; written contract; scroll; receipt; obligation.

Handle- a handful of; armful.

Fleece- wool; sheepskin.

Pen- vessel.

Rtsem- let's say (behavioral inclination).

Rtsy- Tell.

Fisherman- fisherman.

Ryasno- necklace; pendants.

Samvik- musical instrument.

Self-witness- eyewitness.

Self-vocal stichera- having its own special chant.

Self-hunting- at your own request.

Self-similar- stichera, which has its own special chant.

Arbitrariness- outrage; mess.

Sata- a measure of granular bodies.

Sbodati- pierce; stab.

Swara- argument; swearing

Get cooked- argue.

Swedeti- to know; know.

Luminary- the beginning of Vespers.

Light gilded- superbly decorated.

Lordship- luminous beauty.

Svetozarny- illuminating with light.

Light eruption- shine.

Lightmaster- creator of luminaries.

Lightbringer- bringing light.

Candlelight- to participate in a feast together with someone.

Date- instruction; order.

Ferocity- unbridled language.

Scroll- package; manuscript wound on a stick.

Binding gold- spinning gold threads.

Communication- prisoner; slave.

Sanctuary- altar; temple.

Saint- bishop; bishop.

Sacrilege- theft of sacred things.

Saints- monthly book (a book containing the names of saints, arranged by day of the year); icon of "All Saints".

sacred secret- initiated into Divine mysteries.

Xie- Here.

sedmeritsa- seven times.

Week- seven days, which in modern language are usually called “week”.

Sedmichny- relating to any of the days of the week, except for the Week (Sunday); everyday.

Ax- axe.

Secrats- recently; just now.

Secret- fresh; new.

Selny- field; wild.

Village- field.

Semidal- fine wheat flour; grit.

Semo- here.

Seed- seed; descendants; genus.

Hay writing- unclear image.

Senj- shadow; cover over the throne.

Septemvrius- September.

Sickle Seer- the name of the holy prophet Zechariah.

Seryad- monastic handicrafts; yarn.

Net- a trap.

Sechivo- axe.

Sigklit(read “synclit”) - assembly, senate.

Sit down- that is.

Sicarius- murderer; robber.

Siquelia- O. Sicily.

Seeker- an intoxicating drink not made from grapes.

Powers- the name of one of the ranks of angels; sometimes it means miracles.

Synaxarium- an abbreviated summary of the lives of saints or holidays.

Sanhedrin- the supreme court of the Jews.

Synfrog- co-throne, i.e. benches on both sides of the high place for sitting priests serving with the bishop.

That is to say- that is; exactly.

Sirini- (in Is. 13:21) - ostriches; sirens.

Sirte- sandbank; stranded

Siry- lonely; lonely; helpless; poor.

Sice- So; Thus.

Sitsevy- such; such.

Fel- uncleanness; dirt; vice.

Through- through; through.

Skimen- young lion; lion cub.

Tabernacle- tent; tent

Cinematographer- tent maker.

Skeet- a small monastery.

Squint- smile, grin.

Sknipa- louse.

Skovnik- partner in crime; accomplice.

Rolling- tickling; incitement.

Skopchy- scopal.

Transient- walker; messenger.

Scorpia- scorpion.

Skrania- temple.

Tablet- board; table.

Skudel- clay; that which is made of clay; jug; tiles.

Skudelnik- potter.

Scarce- poor; skinny.

Skurata- masks; disguises.

Slavnik- prayer, prescribed according to the charter after “Glory”.

Doxology- glorification.

sweetish- fragrant.

Sweetness- harmonious singing.

sweetening- quiet, touching singing.

Slana- icy conditions; freezing; glacier; frozen frost.

Slannost- salty sea water; salt marsh, i.e. dry, salt-soaked soil; ice

Sweet-creating- seducing with carnal pleasures.

Glitchy- play together; have fun.

Verbal- reasonable.

Word position- agreement; conditions.

Settle down- persuade; define.

Slots- bad weather; bad weather.

Hearing- glory; popular rumor.

Sloppy, slutty- bent; crouched; hunchbacked

Slyatsati- bend; hump.

Emerald- emerald.

Adjacent- bring together; connect edges, boundaries; close.

Tornadoes- cedar.

Mix up- move; to copulate carnally.

Humble- humiliate.

Smokva- fruit of the fig tree.

Watching- fishing; care; care.

Crush- cause confusion; alarm.

Provide- save; keep.

Snedati- eat; ruin; crush.

food- food.

Filming- converge; going to.

Condescension- condescension.

Dream about- get married; get along.

I wish- involuntarily; forcibly; under duress.

Sobesity- hang it together.

Compliance— precise execution; dungeon.

In compliance- in a visible way; obviously.

Advice- advice; solution; definition.

Soviet- reasonable.

Sovlachity- expose; take off.

Seduction- undressing.

Consciousness- undress.

Conscience- build with yourself.

So sigh- grieve together.

Ask for advice- talk; compete in an argument.

Well-mannered- brought up together with someone.

According to— unanimously.

Spy- scout; spy.

Spy- consider; observe; scout.

fellow citizens- to construct; build.

Get dressed- become.

Co-making- case; transformation.

Co-maker- creator.

Sodetelny- creative.

Treasure- secret place; back room; storage; treasure; jewel; cellar.

Treasure- collect treasures.

Crush- destruction.

Heartbreak- repentance.

Solilo- salt shaker; bowl; dish.

Sonia- dream; dream.

Host- meeting; a bunch of.

Sonmische- synagogue.

Sopel- pipe, pipe.

Sopeti- play the pipe.

Sopets- a sniffler-musician who plays the sniffle, flute (at Jewish funerals).

Resist- argue; compete.

Co-arrive- increase.

Co-existent- existing together in eternity.

Pair- to unite in marriage.

Magpie- wheat, wine, incense, candles, etc., brought to church for 40 days of remembrance of departed Christians.

sucking- lace; rope.

Soskany- twisted; twisted

Soskutovati- swaddle; envelop

Shoot- hit with an arrow.

Vessel preserver- a room for preserving church utensils.

Mortal vessels- instruments of death.

nipples- sometimes water sources are called allegorically.

Sotnitsa- a hundred; singing “Lord, have mercy” a hundred times during the erection of the Honorable Cross of the Lord.

Honeycomb body- honey

Sousa- union; connection.

Combine- enter into an alliance, marriage.

Sochivo- lentils; boiled wheat with honey.

Composition- compilation; meeting.

Speculator- bodyguard.

Spira- squad; company; regiment.

Slavati- accompany you on the voyage.

Get sick- grieve together; grieve.

Collect- fight together.

Spode- row; heap; Department.

Spona- obstacle.

Obey- testify; confirm.

Acolyte- assistant.

Spostnik- fasting together.

Compassionate- suffer together.

Singing- singing together or at the same time.

extended- long lasting.

Spud- vessel; bucket; dry measure; tire; plate.

Sleepy- to overthrow; knock over

Shaming- foul language.

spliced- fused.

Srachitsa- shirt; shirt.

Srebrenik- silver coin.

Silver plated- gilded on silver.

Sredogradie- partition; partition; block.

Mediastinum- partition; middle wall.

Candlemas- meeting.

Sristatisya- flock; come running.

hide- unpleasant meeting; attack; infection; pestilence; fortune telling; signs.

Henchman- a person preparing for ordination to the clergy.

Stage- a measure of length equal to 100-125 steps.

Staynik- sharing the same secret with someone.

Stacti- fragrant juice.

Stamna- vessel; bucket; jug.

Get older- boss; senior.

Stater- silver or gold coin.

Article- head; subsection.

Stegno- upper half of the leg; hip; thigh.

Path- path; track.

Wall, canopy- shadow; reflection; image.

Degrees- steps.

Erase- erase; destroy.

Stichera- chant.

Verse to the beginning- the first exclamation of a priest during a public or private divine service.


Stichology- reading or singing the Psalter.

Versify- sing selected verses from the Psalter during worship.

Quote- flock; converge.

glass- cup.

Glass- glass.

Pillar- tower; fortress.

Stolpostena- tower; fortress.

Stomakh- stomach.

Foot- sole.

hundredfold- a hundred times.

Stogna- street, road.

Suffering- martyrdom.

Guard- guard; security; measure of time for the night.

weird- unusual.

Strange- third party; stranger; passerby; extraordinary.

Country- against; against.

Passion- suffering; passion; emotional impulse.

Strategist- military leader.

Stratilates- military leader; voivode.

Insurance- threat; fear; horror.

Goad- knitting needle; a stick with a thorn for controlling livestock.

Streshchi- guard.

Strishchi- cut; trim

Stropotny- curve; winding; obstinate; stubborn; wicked.

Stryti- erase; crush.

Stud- shame; shame.

student- well; spring; source.

Jelly- cold; cold; freezing.

Cold— restless.

chilling- embarrassment; persecution; annoyance.

Cold- bother; bother; crowd

Get cold- to mourn; sadden.

Stuzhny- alarming.

Tighten- tie; collect; heal.

Compete- argue; bicker.

Pure- double; doubled; increased; reinforced.

Sir- board; veil.

Judgment- court; sentence.

Sophisticated- sophistical; idle talk.

Sueslov- idle talker.

Bustle- emptiness; insignificance; pettiness; meaninglessness.

Bustle- vanity; bustle.

Sulitsa- a spear; dagger; dirk.

adversary- opponent; enemy.

Opposite- opponent.

Spouse- pair; couple.

Supra- dispute; litigation.

Severe- green; fresh; raw.

Skhodnik- spy; scout; spy.

Schinevati- connect.

Sonny- adoption.

Is the same- Then; then.

Tai- secretly; secretly.

Mystery- initiated into someone's secrets.

Secret eating- secret intemperance from food during Lent.

Tahiti- hide.

Taco- So.

Likewise- equals; Also.

Talent- ancient Greek weight measure and coin.

Tamo- there; there.

Tartarus- the location of the souls of the dead before their liberation by the Lord Jesus Christ; a place of eternal torment for sinners; dwelling place of the devil.

Tataur- a strap for hanging the tongue from the bell; leather belt worn by monastics.

Tat- thief.

Tatba— theft; theft.

Taffeta- thin silk material.

Dancing- these are.

Tache- for that; Also; Then.

Creature- creation; Creation; work.


Firmament- base; the visible horizon, taken by the eye to be a solid sphere, the dome of heaven.

Tverzha- fortress; citadel; jail.

Namesake- eponymousness; name day; Day Angel.

Tecton- a carpenter; carpenter

Taurus- calf; goby.

The same, the same- That's why; hence; So.

Temnik- a leader over ten thousand people.

Dark- black.

Darkfury— obscurantism; lack of enlightenment.

Terevinf- oak grove; thicket; forest; a large branched tree with dense foliage.

Thorn- thorn; thorny plant.

Thornos- fruit bearing thorns; allegorically: not having good deeds.

Tart- sour; astringent; severe.

Gorge- narrow passage.

Closeness- trouble; attack.

Bowstring- a tightly stretched rope.

mothers-in-law- go quickly.

Teschiti- exude; emit.

Timing- swamp; swamp; Tina.

Tympanum- timpani; tambourine.

Tympanica- a girl playing the tympanum.

Tyrone- young warrior, soldier.

Title- inscription; label; sign to abbreviate a word.

Quietly- calmly; meekly.

Smoldering, aphids- rotting; destruction; destruction.

Smolder- to corrupt; rot; collapse.

Tliti- damage; destroy.

Tma- darkness; darkness; ten thousand.

Tobolets- bag; knapsack; bag.

Current- current.

Tokmo- only.

Toliko- so much.

Tolk- interpretation; teaching; special opinion.

Interpreter- translator; interpreter.

Explanatory- explaining; containing explanations.

Tolmach- translator.

Tol- so much.

Tomitel- tormentor.

Tomiti- torment; torture.

Languor- torment; torture.

Topazium- topaz.

marketplace- square; market.

Torzhnik- money changer; dealer.

sticky— torn to pieces.

Sharpener- a press for squeezing grape juice.

Tochiyu- only.

Thin- diligently; exactly.

meal- table; eating; dining room, refectory; The Holy See.

Trebe- required; necessary.

Trebishche- altar; pagan temple.

Blessed- very blessed.

Requirement- need; need.

Demand- need; have a need.

Tregubo- threefold; three times.

Trekrovnik- third floor.

Tresna- decoration on clothes.

Terticea- three times; the third time.

Far Far Away- twenty seven.

Trisianny- shining from the three Luminaries.

Tristat- military leader.

Trischi- three times.

Troparion- a short chant expressing the characteristics of a holiday or event in the life of a saint.

Cane- reed (used as a writing instrument).

Work- disease; illness

Work hard- to work; find it difficult.

Coward- earthquake.

Try- rub; wash.

That- here; there; Here.

Tuga- grief.

Knock- fat; salo; wealth; satiation.

Tul- quiver for arrows.

Tune- in vain; for nothing; wasted.

Tunebleblem- wasted in vain.

Care- diligence; diligence.

Be careful- try; hurry.

Vanity- damage; harm; lesion.

Thin- empty; useless; unsatisfied.

burden- heaviness; encumbrance.

Traction- Job; case; arable land; field.

Heavy- worker.

Gravity- work.

heavy-hearted- insensitive.

U- more;

not at- not yet.

Ubo- A; same; Here; Although; Why; truly; authentic.

Ubrus- board; towel.

Wake up- wake up; wake up.

Take away- to know.

Uvet- exhortation.

Getting bogged down- placing a crown on the head.

Withered- headband.

Go Deeper- drown; dive; get bogged down.

Ugobziti- enrich, bestow.

Stolen- run away; slip away; leave.

Get ready- get ready.

Bite- bite with teeth.

Oud- bodily member.

Boa constrictor- rope.

Udica- fishing rod.

Convenience- convenient.

Convenience- tendency to please passions.

Fertilizer- decoration.

Fertilize- fill; decorate

Make it convenient- easily; comfortable.

Be satisfied- be satisfied.

Udolie, udol, yudol- valley.

Depress- tire; insult.

Already- rope; chain; bonds.

Zhik- relative; relative.

Prison- jail.

Reproach- disgrace; dishonor.

Cover- bandage; veil.

Dill- heat, i.e. hot water poured into the holy chalice during the Liturgy.

Ukrukh- hunk; piece.

Improve- to catch; find; get.

Anoint- spread; rub.

Umet- litter; feces; rubbish

Harm to mind- madness.

Umuchiti- tame.

Une- better.

Unznuti- stick in; stick.

Unshe- better; more useful.

Well-fed- fattened animals.

Hope- firm hope.

Abolish- destroy; cancel; disappear.

Uranity- get up early in the morning.

Lesson- lesson; submit; quitrent

Beheading— clipping.

Useryaz- earring.

Usma- tanned leather.

Usmar- tanner; furrier.

Usmen- leather.

Mouth- mouth; lips; speech.

Eliminate- deprive; to avoid; eliminate.

Ustuditi- cool; cool.

Usyriti- make it damp, hard, wet.

Utvarne- in order; elegant.

Utensil- cloth; decoration; decoration.

Statement- base; support.

Comfort- a treat.

Quench- calm down; to console; moderate.

Utrenevati- get up early; perform morning prayer.

womb- womb; stomach; heart; soul.

Hooting- sense of smell; smell.

Uhlebiti- feed.

Establish- treat.

Establishment- feast; dinner; treat.

Ushesa- ears.

Ingratiate- enrich; have mercy; regret.

Fakud- Heb. boss.

Pharos- lighthouse.

Chamfer- Easter.

Fevruary- February.

Felonne- cloak; outerwear; one of the priest's sacred vestments.

Fiala- bowl; glass with a wide bottom.

Incense- fragrant resin for incense when burning.

Phoenix- palm tree.

Halvan- fragrant resin.

Halkolivan— Lebanese copper; amber.

Haluga- wattle fence; fence; nook.

Charateyny- written on pregament or papyrus paper.

Charter- parchment or papyrus paper; handwritten list.

Mug- mask; disguise

Braveness- brushwood.

Heret- school, prison.

Chiton- underwear; shirt.

Sly- artist; artisan

Tricky Glasnitsa- rhetoric.

Cunning words- rhetoric.

Cunning— art; craft.

Cunning, cunning fiction- battering and throwing military vehicles.

Fornication- forced attraction to fornication.

Chlamys- men's outer dress; cloak; mantle.

Hleptati- lap.

Abyss- waterfall; abyss; abyss; space; lift door.

Intercessor- mediator, conciliator.

Banner- military banner.

Want- will.

Kramlyati- limp.

Watchful temple- treasury.

Temple, temple- house; premises; place of worship.

Storage- a bandage on the forehead or on the hands with the words of the Law.

Skinny- skillful; skillful.

Thinness- tongue-tiedness; stuttering.

Art- the science; fad; trick.

Thinness- poverty; unworthiness.

Hula- slander; complaint.

Flower garden- meadow.

Cevnica- flute; pipe

Kissing- greetings.

Kiss- to greet.

Chastity- prudence, chastity and bodily purity.

Whole- healthy, unharmed.

Tselbonosny- medical; healing.

Child- child.

Childbearing- birth of children.

Children- baby.

Enchantment- I; poison; sorcery; charm.

Enchanter- poisoner; sorcerer; witch.

Enchantment- magic; witchcraft; charm.

Part- Part; lot; fate.

Chayati- hope; wait.


Chvanets- vessel; damask; mug; flask.

Chelo- forehead.

Servants- servants; household.

Chain- chain.

Chervlenitsa- dark red fabric; porphyry, purple clothing of high-ranking persons.

Chervleny- crimson.

Get black- blush.

Chermny- red.

Chernets- monk.

Blueberries- forest fig.

Hall- ward; chambers

Chesati- collect fruits.

Cheso- what; What.

Honest- Dear; glorified.

Tetrarch- governor of a quarter of the country.

Chin- order; a complete statement or indication of all prayers.

Chinity- compose; do.

Gluttony- gluttony; gluttony.

Wombbearing- conception and carrying a baby in the womb.

Chred- order; queue; turn.

Establishment- a treat.

loins- lower back; hips; groin.

Chtiliche- idol; idol.

Wonder— to be surprised.

Miracle-working- to create miracles.

Feel it, feel it- feel; hear; feel.

Shelom- helmet; helmet.

Whisperer- earphone; slanderer.

Whispering- slander.

Shipok- rosehip flower.

Shuiy- left.

Shuytsa- left hand.

Generosity- mercy; generosity; condescension.

Generous- merciful.

Goldfinch- mast; milestone; pole.

YU- her.

South- heat; name of the south wind; allegorically; misfortune.

Vale- valley.

Udol is deplorable- this world.

Yuduzhe- where.

Yuzhik (a)- relative; relative.

Yuznik- prisoner; a prisoner.

. Abbot- the title of the abbot of a monastery in the Catholic Church.

. Abbey- a monastery in the Catholic Church.

. Absolute- in idealistic philosophy - the only, beginningless and endless spiritual principle of everything that exists. In religion there is an absolute basis. Bogg.

. Autocephaly - self-government, administrative independence of Orthodox churches.

. Church autonomy- in Orthodoxy - the independence of the church on issues of internal governance, provided by one or another autocephalous church, of which this church was previously a member with the rights of an exarchate or diocese.

. Autochthonous cults- indigenous, local cults of the population of a certain country.

adat- customary Muslim law, as opposed to official law - Sharia.

. Akathist- special church services consisting of panegyric chants and prayers in honor. Christ. Our Lady and Saints.

. Hallelujah- a laudatory refrain in Christian worship, addressed to all hypostases. Trinity.

. Allah- Name. God in the Muslim religion.

. Pulpit- an elevation in a Christian church opposite the throne (in front of the so-called royal doors), from which they are read. Gospels, sermons are preached.

. Amen- a form of spell in Christianity, used at the end of prayer.

. Lectern- a special high table with an inclined top board, on which liturgical books are placed in the Orthodox Church during their reading, as well as icons and a cross during services.

. Anathema- a curse on the name. God, excommunication, exclusion from the community of believers, the highest church punishment in Christianity.

. Angels- in Judaism, Christianity, Islam - heavenly servants. God, supernatural incorporeal beings.

antimens- a rectangular linen or silk scarf with the image of the person laid in the coffin. Jesus. Christ (in the center) and the four evangelists, in whose horn the relics are sewn. Before the sacrament of communion and the consecration of new churches, the altar is placed on the altar.

. Antichrist- opponent. Christ, the messenger of Satan.

. Apocrypha- works of early Christian literature that are not recognized as canonical by the church.

. Apologetics- a branch of theology devoted to the defense of doctrine through evidence addressed to reason. Apologists are ideological defenders of religion.

. Apostles- in early Christianity - the closest disciples. Jesus. Christ, traveling preachers. By. New. The covenant is 12 disciples. Jesus. Christa.

. Arhat- in Buddhism - an epithet. Buddha; man, through reincarnation, approached the highest level of spiritual development - nirvana. V. Hinayana - a monk of the highest (fourth) degree of monasticism.

. Church archeology- theological discipline, studies and describes subject monuments related to the history of the Christian church.

. Archbishop- in Christianity - the senior bishop, has the right to supervise other bishops; clergy, one of the highest levels of the church hierarchy.

. Bishops, archpastors- the general name for the highest ranks of the black clergy in the Orthodox church hierarchy: bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, patriarch.

. Bishops' Council- a meeting in which only bishops participate. Convened to resolve the most important issues of church life.

. Archimandrite- in Orthodoxy - the title of the highest clergy - the second monastic rank after the bishop, an honorary title for the rectors of theological seminaries and heads of spiritual missions, as well as the title for the abbots of large male Orthodox monasteries, ranks.

. Archon- V. Constantinople - a clergy whose function was security. Gospels. Also the person who was entrusted with the general management of the temple.

. Ascetic- Christian ascetic, hermit, adheres to religious asceticism.

. Religious asceticism- a concept and way of life that involves the voluntary renunciation of life's benefits and pleasures.

. Astral cults- veneration of heavenly bodies, natural phenomena, as well as religious and magical actions associated with them.

A strology- an unfounded doctrine about the connection between earthly events, characters and the fate of people with the location of heavenly bodies, as well as the possibility of predictions based on such connections. Astromancy - fortune telling based on the location of the stars. Atheism is a belief system, a worldview concept, according to which the existence of the supernatural (God, the immortality of the soul, the resurrection of the dead, etc.) is denied.

. Atman- V. Vedanta is the all-pervading subjective principle, "I", soulauot;, soul.

. Atharvaveda- one of four collections. Vedas - a collection of magic spells against demons, enemies, snakes, etc.

. Augsburg Confession- the most important document of Lutheranism compiled. F. Melanchthon based on the teaching. Luthera.

auspices th - fortune telling through observation of the flight and cry of birds, lightning and other celestial phenomena.

. Auto-da-fe- the ceremony of announcing and executing the sentence of the Inquisition, public punishment with lashes, burning at the stake of heretics, works recognized as heretical; a procession in which members of the Inquisition Tribunal and monks took part.

. Ahimsa- in Hinduism, Jainism - the principle of not causing pain and harm to living beings is associated with the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul.

. Ayat- a separate verse. Koran.

. Ayatollah- the highest title of a Shiite Muslim figure who has high authority both among his followers and among representatives of other religions.

. Basilica- a rectangular Christian church with three or five naves separated by columns.

. Baptistism- one of the trends in Protestantism that arose at the beginning of the 17th century. Recognizes the only source of doctrine. According to the Bible, personal salvation is a matter of faith in the atoning sacrifice. Christa.

. Loboda- enrollment among the blessed of certain persons, a lower degree of preparation for canonization. The right of beatification belongs. To dad. Rimsky.

irreligious Christianity- the concept of Christianity in Protestant theology of the 20th century. One of its creators is a German theologian. D. Bonhoeffer - proclaimed the need for a non-religious interpretation of Christianity, since religion is still a historical phenomenon and should disappear in the 20th century. By. Bonhoeffer, to be a Christian does not mean to be religious, but to be human.

. Immortality- in modern religions - the endless existence of God, the eternal nature of his existence in relation to man, religion, affirming the immortality of the soul in other world, removes the problem of the final nature of the earthly in the life of an individual.

. Beregini- East Slavic beliefs - good female spirits, protection of families and homes, protectors of crops, patroness of fishermen, etc.

Bernardines- a monastic order named by name. Bernard. Clairvaux, who in the 12th century carried out the reorganization of the Cistercian Order; Franciscan monks who settled at the cathedral of the saint in 1453. Bernard V. Krakow.

. Biblical studies- scientific analysis of the content and history of occurrence. Bible. It has two main directions - rationalistic and historical. The first studies the content of biblical texts, their correspondence to reality, the second - the historical mind of the language of origin. Bible.

bibliology- the sum of church knowledge about. Bible; a set of biblical studies subjects in religious educational institutions.

. Bible- a set of books that form. Sacred. The Scripture of Christianity consists of two parts:. Old and New. Testaments. Its first part (Old Testament) is also considered sacred in Judaism. V. The Bible sets out the foundations of both the Jewish and Christian worldview and doctrine. Used in liturgical and theological practice of Christianity and Judaism. She made a great influence on the development of religious and philosophical thought, as well as literature, law and art.

. Demons- in Christianity - spirits of evil, antagonists. Trinity and angels, invisible enemies of man, servants of the devil; the culprits of mental illness are carriers of absolute evil.

. Good- everything that contains a positive meaning, value for the individual and humanity.

. Grace- in Christianity - given to a person. Divine mercy is a necessary condition for the “salvation” of the Lord.

. Blessing- in Christianity - a sign with a cross, an image, a hand, the laying of both hands of a priest on the head of a believer as an act of transferring grace. Saint. Spirit.

. Piety- in Christianity - religiosity, piety, humility, respect for God.

. Dean- administrative-judicial executive in the Orthodox Church, an assistant to the bishop who looks after the churches and clergy of one part of the diocese.

. Blessed- in Orthodoxy - people who for the sake of. Christ and the salvation of souls voluntarily wander; in Catholicism - persons beatified. Dad. Roman.

. Bliss- happiness, a state of boundless joy that a believer experiences provided he adheres to the requirements of the doctrine and moral principles of his religion. For a Christian, this is before installation. Sermon on the Mount.

. Fornication- according to popular beliefs, Ukrainian is an evil spirit, the personification of evil spirits. It was believed that fornication at night leads passersby astray, lures them into a thicket, a swamp, thereby forcing them to wander until the morning. N. Prayer and appeal to Bogga were considered reliable protection against it.

. Blasphemy- ridicule or disdain for sacred places and things.

. God- a supreme supernatural being who is endowed with various properties and is the main object of veneration and worship in almost all religions.

. God the Spirit. Saint- in Christianity - the third person (hypostasis). Divine Trinity.

. God the Father- in Christianity - the first person (hypostasis). Divine Trinity.

. God the Son- in Christianity - the second person (hypostasis). Divine Trinity. Jesus. Christ,. Savior.

atheism- opposition to religion within the framework of a religious worldview, which manifests itself in the form of reproaches. God, prejudice is relative. Divine powers.

god-building- a movement that arose among Marxist writers (AB. Lunacharsky, VA. Bazarov, M. Gorky). The small goal is to create a religion without. God, considered Marxism as a religious system that is aimed at realizing the ideas of equality, mutual assistance, and fraternity.

. God-man A -. God incarnate in human form. In Christianity. Jesus. Christ -. God the Son and at the same time a man.

God-manhood- in Christianity - the expected and inevitable formation of humanity as a single mystical and real body. God in creating a perfect society and church.

. Mother of God. Our Lady. God's. Mother. Queen. Heavenly- earthly woman, female deity in many religions; the goddess who gave birth to a god or gods. In Christianity -. Virgo. Maria. She, by. According to legend, she gave birth. Jesus. Christata.

. Theology, theology- a system of justification, interpretation and defense of religious doctrine and ritual, as well as a set of church disciplines. There is academic, apophatic, cataphatic, dogmatic, moral (practical), spiritual, social theology.

. Liturgical books- religious publications containing rules and descriptions of the order of worship, as well as texts to them.

. Divine services- a set of specific actions, rituals and ceremonies is strictly regulated, namely: prayers, chants, sermons, music, lighting candles and lamps, etc.

. Blasphemy- verbal insult. God, other saints, disrespect for the shrines of a certain religion, its dogmas and objects of worship.

God-seeking- religious and philosophical movement. Originated in. In Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, its representatives (MO. Berdyaev, SM. Bulgakov, D.S. Merezhkovsky, D.V. Filosofova, etc.) considered it necessary to create a new religion - neo-Christianity, and were looking for something new. God (hence the name of the movement), meeting the requirements of modernity. One of the ideological sources of the search for God was the philosophy of “all-unity” by V. Solovyova. According to the God-seeker, in order to create a new social system it is necessary to free ourselves from politics and focus on religion.

. Epiphanies- in Christianity - appearance. God before people. As the gospel story testifies, during baptism. Jesus. Christ appeared. God the Spirit. Saint in the form of a dove. Therefore, it is a Christian holiday. Baptism. The Lord's manifestation also has the same name as the Epiphany.

. Bodhi- one of the basic concepts of Buddhism, especially Mahayana. This means a high state of consciousness, i.e. spiritual enlightenment of the individual. In meaning, this concept is very close to the term “nirvana”, but differs from it by a more significant emphasis on the cognitive function of human consciousness and human capacity.

. Bodhisattva- in Buddhism - a person or any other creature came close to exiting the wheel of samsara - the circle of endless rebirths, but voluntarily decided to stay in it in order to help enlighten others. In the pantheon of Buddhism, bodhisattvas occupy an intermediate place between buddhas and ar-doms.

. God's punishment- according to religious beliefs - the punishment that he directs. God of sinners. According to popular beliefs, manifestation. God's punishment was primarily lightning.

. Deity- in polytheistic religions - a god who controls certain areas of nature, human life, as well as lower gods. God - the same as idol.

. Brotherhoods- national-religious and educational public organizations of the 15th-18th centuries under the Orthodox churches of Ukraine, which fought for the national-cultural independence of the people from Polish Catholicism, focused on the religious and secular education of the population.

. Brahma- in Brahmanism and Hinduism - the soul. Universe, eternal and infinite substance; in Hinduism - one of three gods (together with Vishnu and Shiva) who form the divine trinity (Trimurti). At first he was considered as the creator and leader of the world, then he retreated into the background, giving way to two other members. Trinity.

. Brahman- representative of the highest varna and caste c. India, professional priest in Brahmanism and Hinduism. In the religious and philosophical teachings of Vedanta - the absolute, the faceless deity, which is supposedly the only reality in the illusory world. It is its creator and preserver, the beginning and end of everything that exists in it.

. Brahmanism- religion c. Ancient. India, which replaced Vedism. It was a further development of the Vedic religion during the period of early slavery.

breve- message. Dads. Rimsky on issues of secondary importance, differing from the bull in less solemnity.

. Buddha- in Buddhism - a being who, through the process of many rebirths, has achieved absolute perfection and is able to show others the path to religious salvation. In a narrower sense. Buddha is the name of the founder of Buddhism, M. Siddhartha. Gautama. After "enlightenment" he was named. Shakyamunili. Shak"yamuni.

. Buddhism- one of the three world religions. Originated in. India in the middle of the 1st century BC, then spread to. South-Eastern and. Central. Asia, as well as Distant. Vostokhodi.

religious fanaticism- carrying out actions on the basis of religious fanaticism that are harmful to human health: prayerlessness, bringing believers to ecstasy, stress, hallucinations, etc.. Prohibited by law.

. Bulla- 1) a round metal seal, with the help of which papal, royal and imperial documents were sealed, 2) the most important act (appeal, decree, order in Latin). Dads. Rome Moscow

. Bhagavatgty- Part. The Mahabharata is a treatise that sets out the foundations of Brahmanism and Hinduism.

. Baisheshika- one of the systems of ancient Indian philosophy. A significant place in it is given to the substantiation of atomistic views, according to which the world consists of atoms - eternal, unchanging and indivisible material particles. The driving force of the world is God, who acts according to karmic law.

. Bacchanalia- religious holidays in honor of God. Bacchus (Dionysus), which had the character of orgies and were especially popular in the. Ancient. Rome. The holidays were held at night outdoors with lit torches. The main roles in them were played by women.

. A vampire- in the myths of many peoples. Europe - a dead man rises from the grave at night, drinks blood from people who sleep, directs scary dreams, steals the rain, causes all sorts of damage.

. Varna- social position in ancient Indian society, the existence of which was sanctified by religion. Varna had its own symbols,

. St. Bartholomew's Night- bloody massacre of Catholics against the Huguenots (on the night of August 24, 1572) before the feast of the saint. Bartholomew. Held in Paris, in the provinces lasted until October 3. It was almost destroyed. 30 thousand people. The massacre was led by the Queen Mother. Catherine. Medici and the Catholic clan. Gisiv. This event led to the restoration of religious wars.

. Vatican- 1) the name of one of the 7 hills on which it is located. Rome, 2) a complex of buildings, including, in particular, a temple. Saint. Peter's and the Apostolic Palace. The Sistine Chapel, where popes have been elected since the 15th century, 3) official residence fell in 1870, permanent residence - in 1377 4) city-state with an area of ​​44 hectares.

. Wahhabism- a religious and political movement in Islam that arose at the end. Julio in the Arabia. The founder is an Arab theologian. Muhammad ibn. Abd al-Wahhab. Supporters of Wahhabism advocated true monotheism and did not recognize intermediaries. God and people (including the prophet Muhammad himself), which excluded the cult of saints, pilgrimage to the mazars, considering this as a manifestation of polytheism. They had a negative attitude towards smoking, singing, dancing, using rosaries, and luxury. They insisted on the need for jihad. They only recognized it. The Koran, not allowing its interpretation, etc. Sunnah of the times of the “four righteous imams” V. Saudi Arabia. In Arabia, Hhabism became the official ideology, losing its ascetic and puritanical features. Also widespread in. India,. Afghanistan and other countries.

. Vedanta- ancient Indian religious and philosophical system, marks the end of the Vedic period, the philosophical basis of Hinduism. Includes elements of Samkhya, Purva Mimamsa, Buddhism. According to Vedanta, the higher reality that creates the world is Brahman. He is eternal. The primary individual spiritual principle is atman. The source of true knowledge is. Ved. Lead.

. Veda- an ancient monument of Indian religious literature (late II - early 1st millennium BC). It contains:. Rigveda - a collection of hymns of mythical and cosmogonic content; Samaveda is a collection of hymns, repeated throughout. Rigveda, as well as ritual and ceremonial advice; Yajurveda - description of rituals, rules of sacrifice;. Atharveda is a collection of magic spells. K. Vedas also include the Upanishads (philosophical interpretation of the existing os of the world) and. Vedanta Sutra (a collection of aphorisms concerning the method of comprehending Vedic knowledge). The Vedas had a great influence on Brahmanism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Juddism.

. Easter- in Christianity - the main holiday in honor of the resurrection. Jesus. Christ. Other names:. Easter,. Resurrection. The Lord's.

. Lent- fasting for many days (7 weeks) before. Easter. Consists of two parts:. Saint. Pentecost (40 days) etc. Holy Week (week) in memory of suffering. Christa.

. Justification by Faith- Protestant teaching that salvation is achieved only through faith. Christ, regardless of compliance with certain formalized norms of behavior. The principle proclaimed. Luther was directed against Catholicism with its system of dogmas and rules.

. Altar- in Orthodoxy - the eastern part of the temple, separated from the rest of the room by the iconostasis. Here there is a throne for the blessing of gifts, and bread and wine are prepared for communion.

. Excommunication- religious-church punishment, a means of disciplinary influence on believers, consists of expelling them from the membership of a particular church.

. Absolution- in the Orthodox and Catholic churches - part of the sacrament of confession; the act by which a priest forgives the sins of someone who has sincerely repented of them.

. Funeral service- a church ceremony over the deceased should help alleviate the position of the deceased in the other world.

. Witch- in pre-Christian religions - an evil sorceress, a servant of the devil "evil spirits".

. Vicar- Deputy clergyman in the Catholic Church as a vicar. Jesus. They call Christ. Dad. Rimsky. In Protestantism, a vicar is an assistant priest. In the Orthodox Church - a deputy bishop who leads a specific diocese.

. Religious faith- a person’s special emotional and value attitude towards certain ideas, theories, recognition of the real existence of supernatural forces, properties and relationships in the world without rational evidence.

. Creed- a system of dogmas and ideas of a particular church, movement, sect; theological interpretation of the doctrine of religious views on the world, man, his morality and behavior, as well as on the church, its role in the life of society and man.

. Religion- a person’s affiliation with any religion, church, denomination, or religious organization. A separate association with its own creed, cult and organization.

. Tolerance- recognition of a person’s right to profess any religion; tolerant, tolerant, respectful attitude towards representatives of other religions.

. Vitalism- an anti-scientific direction in biology, whose representatives explain the essence of life by the action of supernatural and unknowable factors contained in the living organism itself.

poles- one of the highest gods in the pantheon of Hinduism and Vaishnavism. Along with. Brahma and Shiva is part of the divine triad. The personification of creative cosmic energy, the embodiment of eternally living nature.

. Magi- among the peoples. Ancient. The sages of the East predicted the future from the stars, healed people, solved dreams, and interpreted sacred writings. The ancient Slavs had magicians and fortune-tellers. By. Bible. Volkh were the first to congratulate the birth. Jesus. Christ.

. Fortune telling, divination- magical actions aimed at harming or helping someone. Carried out by wise men, priests, healers, etc. In pre-monotheistic religions, it is an integral part of the religious cult.

. All-night vigil- worship in the Orthodox Church on the eve of major Christian holidays. Starts after sunset and can continue all night.

. Vulgate- translation. Bibles in Latin. Conducted in 384-405. Canonized. Council of Trent (1546)6).

. Gazavat- the same as jihad.

. Halacha- a system of norms in Judaism that regulates religious, social and family life. The set of laws contained in. Tore. The Talmud, other rabbinic literature, and each of these laws.

haruspices- V. Ancient. In Rome, there were priest-soothsayers who read fortunes from the entrails of sacrificial animals and interpreted the hidden meaning of various signs (lightning, thunder, epidemics, dreams).

. Gautama- according to Hindu tradition - the family name of the prince. Siddhartha from the Shakya tribe, who became a traveling preacher, and later. Buddha, the founder of the religious and philosophical teachings of Buddhism.

. Gehenna- a synonym for hell, associated with the name of the basin. Hinnom, extending from Mt. Zion into the stream of the valley where in ancient times the Israelites sacrificed children. Moloch.

. General- head of the Jesuit and Dominican orders, elected for life. Unconditional submission to his will is mandatory for every member of the orders.

. Germa- a tetrahedral pillar, with the help of which in ancient times they marked the place of burial. It ended with a sculptural image of a head (at first, Hermes). Road sign, fetish - guard of paths, borders, gates.

glossolalia- according to the ideas of some faiths - “speaking other languages” p. God, what happens at meetings of believers supposedly during ascension. Saint. Spirit upon the believer. As a result of this, a person begins to speak in an incomprehensible language; Pentecostals, Lutherans, Mennonites, Presbyterians, Methodists and Idists had the same glossolalia.

. Gnosticism- the eclectic course of late antiquity (I-III centuries) combined the ideas of ancient philosophy with the ideas of Eastern religions. Recognized the existence of a perfect God and a material sinful world, between which intervening eons exist - intermediate beings to which it belongs. Jesus. Christ. She called for ascetic life and mystical knowledge for eons and rejected rational knowledge. She had a negative attitude towards the elements of Judaism in Christianity, for this reason she did not accept it. Dilapidated. Testament, viewed them as the product of evil. She opposed the doctrine of redemptive mission. Christ. Christ.

goveniya- a rite with the help of which in the Orthodox Church they prepare believers for the sacrament of communion. Human,. Howie is obliged to attend church services, pray at home, fast, that is, do not eat meat, belly fat, or drink milk.

. Homiletics- a section of theology that studies the theory and practice of preaching.

. Sin- a human act that manifests itself in rejection or violation of religious dogmas. One of the concepts of religious consciousness.

. Society religious- an association of supporters of a particular religion. Religious organization.

. Huguenots- a religious and political group of French Calvinists that existed from the 60s of the 16th century to the 20s of the 18th century. Its representatives were massacred during. St. Bartholomew's Night.

. Guria- according to the teachings of Islam - divas who delight the righteous in paradise.

. Guru- 1) the head of the Sikh religious community, 2) the founders of neo-orientalist movements, movements and cults that spread to. Europe and. America in the second half of the 20th century.

. Gyaur- a Muslim or a Muslim who has fallen into unbelief. Islam considers holy war (jihad) against infidels permissible. Representatives of other faiths, according to Islam, are not infidels, but there may be jihad against them if they eradicate Islam or seize Muslim territory. Other names for giaur are kafir, kafirs, infidels.

. Dalai Lama- the title of the head of the Lamaist church in. In Tibet, who is revered as a bodhisattva (“living god”) in the form of a man, datsan is a Lamaist temple, monastery. Decalogue - ten moral teachings. Dilapidated. Testament. Dean - assistant to the abbot in a Catholic monastery, senior priest in the Catholic and Anglican churches, overseeing the affairs of several parish parishes.

. Demiurge- creative beginning. In mythology - a deity who creates the elements of the world, cosmic and cultural sites, people or the world as a whole. In the idealistic philosophy of the Gnostics, it is the beginning that creates matter, burdened with sin and evil. In modern religious and philosophical literature - the idealistic principle, the creative spirit.

. Demons- in Jewish, Christian, Islamic, Arabic mythology - fantastic creatures: devils, demons, devils, genies - witches who personify evil spirits, harm people, oppose God's creation, deeds and intentions.

. Demonology- religious teaching about demons (devils, devils, etc.), which Orthodoxy recognizes as beings who have escaped subordination. Boguu.

. Tithe- deduction of a tenth of all the believer’s income to the church.

. Jainism- one of the religions. India, which arose in the 6th century BC. A contemporary is considered the founder of Jainism. Buddha -. Mahavira. Vardhaman, who was named for his adherence to an ascetic lifestyle. Gina the winner. Jainism recognizes the transmigration of souls, the law of karma, and the possibility of liberating the soul from reincarnation through self-improvement. The path to salvation is three “treasures”: perfect faith (in. Jina), perfect knowledge (teachings. Jina), perfect behavior (observance of the rules established by Jina.

. Jihad- a war against infidels, which Muslims consider sacred. The one who died in this war is considered a martyr (Shahid), who is already destined for a place in heaven at the time of his death. Another name is gazavat.

. Church bell- a metal percussion signaling instrument used to call believers to worship. The first bells in Christianity appeared in the 8th century. From the 11th century church bells spread. Kyiv Metropolitanate, and from the 13th century they were already made in. Kyiv. To strengthen the church bell, bell towers were built.

. Deacon- third, below the rank of clergy, assistant to a bishop or priest during divine services in Christianity. Protodeacon - first or senior deacon; first deacon - deacon of the monks.

. Dogma- provisions of religious doctrine, which are recognized as undeniable truth, have the force of unshakable authority and are not subject to criticism.

. Dominicans- members of the Catholic monastic order, founded at the beginning of the 13th century by a monk. Dominic de. Guzman, in order to fight heretics 31232 r, the Dominicans led the Inquisition and taught at universities.

. Second coming- in Christian doctrine - waiting for the second appearance. Jesus. Christ on earth to shame the “wicked” and give “blessings” to the true believers; true believers.

. Clergy- clergy, organized according to a hierarchical principle. They consider themselves mediators between God and people and carry out religious activities, as well as perform the role of preachers of the doctrine of a particular religion.

. Soul- according to religious ideas - the spiritual essence of a person, which opposes the physical and determines the life and abilities of the individual (in philosophy - the consciousness of a person in all its volume and all forms of manifestation).)

. Sexton- a church minister (communicant, sexton) who helps the deacon and priest in church affairs. In the Orthodox Church he is also called the psalmist, because he reads most often. Psalms

. Eden- according to biblical legend - an earthly paradise, the place where the first people lived before their fall.

. Esoteric- internal, inaccessible to knowledge by the “uninitiated”.

. Exarch- in modern Orthodoxy - the head of the exarchate, i.e. church district, sometimes unites several dioceses and enjoys relative independence. By 1992, a Ukrainian exarchate existed in Ukraine in its jurisdiction. Russian Orthodox Church.

exegesis- a section of theology, it interprets the content and meaning. Bible.

exoteric- intended for knowledge by the “uninitiated,” as opposed to the esoteric.

. Religious extremism- the tendency of certain groups of people to engage in extreme illegal actions on religious grounds in order to excite believers, inciting them to antisocial illegal actions.

. Ecumenical movement- a movement for the unification of Christian denominations, which coordinates. World Council of Churches.

. Encyclical- message. Pali. Roman to all Catholics or a particular country, believers of other faiths, sometimes to non-believers. Dedicated to the most important socio-political, religious, moral issues.

. Eschatology- religious teaching about the end of the world and the fate of man.

. Yeshibot- a Jewish school that trains rabbis.

. Evangelical churches- 1) another name for Lutheran churches, 2) a union of various Protestant churches carrying out evangelization, i.e. converting people to Christianity.

. Eucharistic congresses- international congresses of Catholic theologians convened. Vatican once every 4 years.

. Eucharist- the same as participle.

. Jesuits- members of the Catholic monastic order "Society of Jesus", created in 1534 by a Spaniard. Ignatius. Loyola to combat popular movements and progressive thought, strengthening the authority of the Catholic Church.

. Litany- a type of prayer in Orthodox worship. There are “large”, “petitionary”, “own” and “small” litanies; “power” and “small” litanies.

. Diocese- an ecclesiastical administrative unit in the Christian Church, which basically coincides with the territorial and administrative division of the country.

. Bishop (bishop)- the highest degree of priesthood in Christian churches.

. Penance- church punishment of Christian believers for violating church canons, orders, orders of the clergy, namely: prolonged prayer, increased fasting, prostrations in front of the icon, etc.

. Stole- in the Orthodox Church - part of the obligatory clothing of clergy for worship. It looks like an apron with crosses, sewn from two wide ribbons, worn around the neck and lowered to the ground.

. Heresy- religious teachings in Christianity that deviate from the official church doctrine on issues of dogma and cult.

. Heretic- an opponent of official church doctrine, a supporter of heresy.

. Sacrifice- a religious ritual of making sacrifices as a sign of gratitude to the spirits of deceased ancestors and gods. For Christians, it is the lighting of candles and lamps, the blessing of bread and fruits, the commemoration of parents at graves, and communion.

. Lives of the Saints- biographies of martyrs, ascetics, princes and other persons proclaimed saints (canonized) by the church.

. Religious prohibitions- norms of customary law, enshrined in tradition, but interpreted as religious (magical) prohibitions, the violation of which is punishable by gods, spirits and other forces. Most of them are sexual, food, production, etc.

. Law. God's- in Christianity - an academic subject for primary and secondary schools, which includes the study of prayers and catechism.

. Commandments- religious and moral instructions in the Jewish religion, allegedly written with one’s own hand. By God. Yahweh on stone slabs and??handed over. Moses on the mountain. Sinai. With the emergence of Christianity, the Beatitudes were supplemented by what were supposedly proclaimed. Jesus. Christ in. Sermon on the Mount and included in the Christian confessional canon.

. Zarathustra. Zoroaster- prophet and reformer of the ancient Iranian religion, called Zoroastrianism.

. Code of laws. Russian Empire- a collection of legislative acts that were in force on the territory of Ukraine in 1832-1917 and regulated all aspects of the life of religious organizations: they determined the structure and functions of official religions, their internal church activities, cult and even creeds, property benefits and personal privileges of clergy, etc. .Separate legal acts. The code textually reproduced the norms of church law. Based. The code acted as spiritual courts of permitted religions.

. Religious crimes- an attack on the foundations of religion, the property interests of the church, the personality and privileges of clergy; deviation from religious dogma and rituals; various violations of religious prohibitions, etc. These are also obstacles. Gianni carried out religious rites and ceremonies, the image of religion and clergy. For these crimes, many countries have established criminal, administrative and other liability.

. Abbot- the rank of abbot of a monastery, sometimes - an ijma temple - in Sunnism - the general opinion of theologians on religious, legal and everyday issues that are not mentioned in. Koran and. Sunnah. One of the foundations of Muslim jurisprudence.

. Idol- a material object or statue (most often made of wood or stone) that symbolizes a deity who was worshiped in ancient times. In modern religions it is preserved as a relic of totemism and fetishism.

. Church hierarchy - organizational form, the order of subordination of clergy, in Orthodoxy they are divided into “black” (patriarch, metropolitan, archbishop, bishop, archimandrite, abbot, hieromonk, hierodeacon) and “bi. ILE” clergy (protopresbyter, archpriest, priest, deacon, priest, deacon).

. Priest- the official title of an Orthodox priest.

. Icon- a pictorial or relief image of gods, saints and other sacred beings who are the object of religious worship and veneration. The cult of the icon in Christianity was established in the 6th century; the seam came to Ukrainian soil along with the introduction of Christianity. Kievskaya. Russia.

. Iconostasis- a wall with icons placed on it, separating the altar from the main part of the Orthodox church.

. Imam- a cleric in Islam: 1) the supreme head of the Shiite trend in Islam, 2) the founder of each of the four religious-legal sects (madhabs) of Sunnism, 3) the supreme ruler of the Islamic theocratic state, who concentrated in his hands the fullness of secular and religious power , 4) leader of worship in the mosque, 5) spiritual leader, mentor of Muslims.

. Indulgence- papal charter, certificate of absolution for a Catholic. In order to enrich themselves, the Catholic Church traded indulgences not only for committed, but also for sins not yet committed. The trade in indulgences caused outrage in all layers of society, and the demand for its cessation was one of the main slogans of the Reformation.

. Initiations- rites of acceptance of adolescents and youth into full members of the tribe. They consisted of severe, sometimes cruel physical tests, such as cutting the skin, knocking out teeth, plucking hair, circumcision, and burning the body with fire.

. Inquisition- a judicial institution of the Catholic Church, created in the 13th century to combat heretics. She acted as a strangler and executioner of progressive social thought. Entitled. The Congregation of the Holy Office existed until 1965, when it was transformed into. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith carries out a number of its previous functions, but in different ways.

. Ikok-monk, member of a religious community living in a monastery.

. Enthronement- a solemn act, the ceremony of enthroning the newly elected one. Dads. Roman or Patriarch of the Orthodox Church; carried out according to a special ritual.

. Hypostasis- the essence and characteristics of each of the three manifestations of Christianity. Trinity.

. Jewish law- a set of laws set forth in the sources of Jewish dogma -. Bible (Old Testament) and. Talmud, as well as in other Jewish books.

. Kaaba- the main sanctuary of Islam, the Muslim building in the center. Sacred Mosque in. Mecca, place of pilgrimage for Muslims.

. Censer- in Christianity - a vessel for fumigating a house, as well as other premises during worship.

. Kadiukazi- a Muslim judge who hears civil and criminal cases and makes decisions based on Sharia law.

. Canon- construction of provisions of a dogmatic nature. The dogmatic rule established by the Christian Church is beyond doubt.

. Canonization- the church's canonization of certain individuals.

. Canon law- in the Orthodox Church - a set of laws (canons) established mainly at ecumenical councils. A significant part of these rules was introduced into church law, which was in force in Ukraine back in the days. R. Russian Empire. Canon law is supported by church coercion, and in some countries - by the force of state coercion, it determines the structure of churches, cults, and the life of the clergy, monks, and ordinary believers.

. Chaplain- a Catholic priest who is located at the chapel (church). The institute of chaplains has been introduced in the armies of many countries.

. Chapel- in Catholic and Anglican churches - a small religious building for private services and prayers, as well as for storing religious relics.

. Cardinal- the second most important rank after. Dads. Roman in the Catholic Church. Appointed. Dad. Roman with the consent of the consistory - a meeting of the college of cardinals. The Cardinals are the closest helpers. The popes must be gathered together in an anniam (conclave) and elected from among them. Dad.

. Karna- special mystical power in Brahmanism, Hinduism, Buddhism; such that the “law of retribution” for the real life of a person automatically operates, which determines his fate in the process of reincarnation of the soul after the death of an individual.

. Religious catharsis- a state of psychological calm after prayer, worship, and other religious activities.

. Catechism- a guide for elementary teaching of the Christian faith.

. Catholicos- title of the supreme hierarchs. Virmeno-Gregorian and. Georgian Orthodox Churches.

. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Uspenskaya)- one of the oldest monasteries in Ukraine, founded in 1051, it became the largest religious and cultural center. Kyiv State and Ukraine. A monument to ancient Russian writing, the collection “Kyiv in the Pechersk Patericon”, and a number of other works were created here. The monks of the monastery fought for the national revival of Ukrainian statehood. Lavra status was received in 1598 imano at 1598 r.

. Kirch- a Lutheran church, which is characterized by clear forms and a modest interior.

. Clerics- representatives of the church or secular circles who advocate strengthening the role of the church in the political, economic, spiritual and educational spheres of life.

. Clericalism- a socio-political movement that seeks the dominance of the church and clergy in all spheres of society.

. Clergy- the totality of clergy and clergy, the liturgical staff of the church.

choir- a raised platform in front of the iconostasis, on which there are singers and readers.

. Religious oath- a promise reinforced with a kiss. Bible, cross, during which they swear to give truthful testimony, to keep secrets, not to violate their duties, etc.. In the Middle Ages, it was considered evidence in court during the prosecution process.

. The ark- 1) according to. Bible, the ship on which. Noah with his family and the animals he selected were saved during the global flood, 2) in the Orthodox Church - a monstrance - a box for storage. Anya objects that are considered sacred.

. Kolyada- a cycle of ancient Slavic pagan holidays dedicated to the agricultural cult, which were accompanied by cheerful customs: dressing up, games, dancing, fortune telling, feasting, visiting houses with wishes of happiness and prosperity to the owners, the gift of carolers, etc. After the adoption of Christianity, caroling partially coincided with the holiday. Christmas.

. Congregation- 1) in Catholicism, religious brotherhoods, from whose members, instead of ordinary monastic vows, they only require participation in charitable events or pious exercises, 2) basic institutions. The Roman Curia, which administers the Catholic Church, 3) among Catholics, is also an association of several monasteries, whose members live according to general rules.

. Conclave- a meeting of cardinals to elect a new head of the Catholic Church.

. Concordat- agreement between Dad. Roman and the government of a certain state, according to which the position and privileges of the Catholic Church in that country are determined.

. Church Constitution- a document of a virological nature, approved at the ecumenical councils of the Catholic Church.

. Confession- a certain religion, religious movement.

. Religious conflict- a clash between religious individuals or groups of believers regarding differences in positions of doctrine, religious activities and rules for the creation of religious organizations, disagreement during the division of property, their religious buildings, etc. Can occur in the form of disputes, competition, confrontation and religious confrontation, interfaith war. This conflict can arise within a religious organization, denomination, this is a church, as well as between individual confessions and religious movements.

. Religious conformism- subordination of religious views, value orientations, opinions and behavior of an individual to the views, guidelines, thoughts, canons, norms and authorities dominant in a particular religious group. Achieved under the influence of group coercion.

. Creationism- religious doctrine about the creation of the world. God in Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

. Krylas- in the Orthodox Church - part of the elevation in front of the iconostasis, to the right and left of the pulpit, on which singers and readers stand.

. priest- Polish name for a Roman Catholic priest or clergyman of a certain rank (for example, cardinal priest).

. Cult- an external manifestation of worship of a deity, a set of rites, holidays, rituals, and customs accepted in a particular religion or religious movement.

. Curia- the name of a set of supreme institutions. Vatican, in charge of finances, divorce proceedings, issues of canonization of saints, formation of orders, etc.

. curé- Catholic parish priest in France,. Belgium and some other countries. Western. Europe.

. Lavra- the name of the great Orthodox monasteries.

. Incense- an aromatic resin that emits aromatic smoke when burned is extracted from cuts in the bark of the Boswellia tree growing in. Eastern. Africa.

. Lama- a Buddhist monk who in Lamaism is considered a mediator between God and people.

. Legate- a person who performs special assignments. Dads. Roman in countries with them. The Vatican maintains diplomatic relations.

. Liturgics- a theological discipline in Christianity, in which there is a need and obligation for worship as a way of communication between a person and God.

. Liturgy, mass- the main, main worship service in Christianity, which takes place in the first half of the day, before lunch.

. Love for one's neighbor- one of the main religious and moral commandments obligatory for Christians.

. Mantras- verses from Vedic texts that are used as spells and magic formulas.

. Mara- in the mythology of many peoples of the world - the demonic personification of evil.

. Martyrology- a collection of stories about martyrs of the first centuries of Christianity.

. Mahdi- a person who follows the right path under guidance. Allah and notifies about the end of the world; Muslim . Messiah.

. Madrasah- a religious Islamic school where mullahs, judges of Sharia courts, teachers and even individual government officials are trained.

. Mosque- Islamic temple, religious building in Islam.

. Alms- helping those in need.

. Miro- a mixture of olive oil, white wine and aromatic substances, used during the sacrament of confirmation in the Orthodox Church.

. Miter- a gilded headdress, which in Orthodoxy and Catholicism is worn by the highest clergy during worship.

. Metropolitan- in Orthodoxy - the rank and title of bishop, who stands at the head of the church-administrative unit - the metropolis. In churches with patriarchal government - the second rank after the patriarch.

. Menaia. Chetyi,. Chetyi. Menaia- a church collection of biographies of saints, liturgical songs, teachings, canons, prayers for every day of the year.

. Miter- Ancient Iranian god of the sun, purity and truth.

. Prayer service- in Christianity - one of the church services, the content of which is a prayer with gratitude or request for events or needs of public and private life.

. Prayer- an appeal by a priest or the believer himself to God with a request to send good and prevent evil.

. Monastery- a form of unification of monasticism into communities with a single charter of life, joint ownership of residential, utility and religious premises.

. Monk, monk- a person who has taken monastic vows and vowed to lead an ascetic lifestyle in a monastery.

. Monotheism- religious idea and doctrine of the One. God, monotheism, as opposed to polytheism - polytheism.

. Monophysitism- theological-dogmatic direction in Christianity, which teaches that. Christ has only one divine essence, and not two - the divine and human monophysites were condemned to. Council of Chalcedon ((451). The Armenian Apostolic Church and other churches belong to the Monophysite (non-Chalcedonian) churches.

. Relics- the remains of the saint’s body have been preserved incorrupt. An object of religious veneration in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

. Church music- one of the types of religious-cultural, spiritual music created on traditional texts of religious content in Ukrainian Orthodoxy - this is unanimous or polyphonic (partes) singing in the church language in the Ovian language without instrumental accompaniment. The main genres are liturgy (mass), all-night vigil, prayer service, lithium, memorial service, spiritual concert. Most of the songs of church music, performed by groups (individual representatives) of Ukrainian Orthodoxy, were written by the composer. DS. Bortnyansky produced Ukrainian Orthodoxy in the middle. KHUP in its own chant - Kiev, based on the folk music language and traditions of songwriting. Musical forms of singing are regulated by the "Typikon." The music and texts of church services are set out in the books "Detour", "Octoechos", "Triod" and others.

. Mullah- minister of worship in Islam.

. Mufti- the highest cleric among Sunni Muslims, heads the spiritual administration of Muslims.

. Martyrs- in Catholicism and Orthodoxy - persons who suffered from persecution of Christians, but remained faithful to their faith. There are the first martyrs in Ukrainian Orthodoxy. Boris I. Glebb.

muridism- a direction in Islam that has spread to. Severny. The Caucasus in the 20-60s of the 19th century as a form of opposition to subordination. Russia called on the mountaineers to imitate Sufism, the demands of Sharia and wage war (gazavat) against the companies of infidels (i.e. Russians). He was a famous leader of the murids in history. Shamilil.

. Religious orders- requirements imposed on a religion or church on behalf of God, prophets, etc. They can regulate not only the cult, but also various spheres of human life: everyday life, family and sexual relationships, etc.

. Namaz, salat- fivefold daily prayer among Muslims.

. Mentor- elected leader of the Old Believer non-priest communities.

bookkeepers- in Orthodoxy - a person who knows the contents of church books, a church reader.

. Non-traditional cults, neo-religions- new religious movements that emerged in the 20th century.

. Unholy- an atheist, a non-religious person or a sinner who opposes religion and the clergy.

. Nimbus- the glow around the head on images of gods in Christian iconography - also. Mother of God, saints, angels, prophets. In the images of angels and saints, the halo is a brilliant circle, y. This circle of the Mother of God is often decorated with stars. God the Father's halo is depicted primarily in the shape of a six-pointed star.

. Nirvana- the term in Buddhism and Jainism means absence of desires, absolute peace, a break in the chain of transformations; in Brahmanism and Hinduism - a state of fusion with. Brahma.

. Nomocanon- a collection of Byzantine canon law on the activities of the church and church rules at the end of the 13th century. In the Kiev state, this collection was revised and formed the basis of the “Helmsman’s Book”, which became normative for the Ukrainian church and the church judicial court.

. Religious norms- view social norms, establishes the church or religion in general. Any religion has a certain set of such norms for regulation public relations consist of rules of conduct (permission, order, prohibition of certain actions), indications of their supernatural origin and the means to ensure their implementation (the promise of reward or punishment, the threat of church punishment). In some cases, they are also provided with means of state coercion.

. Nuncio- permanent diplomatic representative. Dads. Roman in countries with which. The Vatican maintains diplomatic relations. Combines diplomatic representation with supervision of the Catholic Church in a particular country.

. Dining- Christian worship, during which the sacrament of communion is performed.

renovationism- an opposition movement within Russian Orthodoxy in the 20s of the 20th century due to the dissatisfaction of some believers and the clergy with the anti-Bolshevik activities of the patriarch. Tikhon. It existed until 1946 in various forms: “Living Church”, “Church Revival”, “Union of Communities of the Ancient Apostolic Church” and the Holy Apostolic Church” etc.

. Circumcision- a religious-magical rite of cutting off the foreskin of the male genital organ, common in Jewish (performed on the 8th day after the birth of a baby by a special operator - mohel) and Muslim (performed on boys 7-10 years old) cults, as well as among many nations. Australia,. America. Oceania and. Afrik.

catechumens- people who are preparing to accept Christianity, but have not yet been baptized.

. Ablution- "a ritual of ritual cleansing of various parts of the body with water before sacred actions, common among adherents of Judaism, Islam, and some Christian movements.

. Oracle- 1) c. Ancient. Greece and. Rome - a prediction that was the answer of a deity to a believer’s question, transmitted through a priest, 2) a place, a temple where such predictions took place, 3) a priest-soothsayer.

. Oranta- iconographic image. The Mother of God, who was depicted in full growth with her hands raised to face level with her palms turned away from her.

. Religious organization- the unification of believers and communities on the basis of a single doctrine and affiliation with a confession, which has all the characteristics of a social group.

. Consecration- magical words and actions performed with the aim of providing sacredness to a particular object, for example, the consecration of a building, housing, water, etc.

. Pagoda, stupa- Buddhist temple, religious building.

. Sexton- in Orthodoxy - a clergyman who helps the priest during services. Another name is sexton, communicant.

. Pilgrimage- the trek of believers (pilgrims, pilgrims, pilgrims) to holy places (places of pilgrimage) in the hope of receiving divine holiness; places of pilgrimage are known in Christian culture -. Palestine,. Lourdes (F. France). Athos (Greece) in Ukraine -. Kiev-Pechersk Lavra,. Pochaev Lavra and others

. Panagia- a small round icon. Mother of God, worn on the chest as a sign of the bishop's rank.

. Memorial service- Christian funeral service over the body of the deceased or after his burial on the 3rd, 9th, 20th, 40th day, as well as on birthdays and deaths.

. Chandelier- in an Orthodox church there is a central chandelier with many candles or lamps.

. Porch- elevated platform in front of the entrance to the Orthodox church.

. Burqa- women's outerwear, which, according to Sharia, is worn by adult Muslim women outside the home.

. Coming- in the Orthodox and Catholic churches - the primary territorial administrative unit of the church, headed by the church council, which is elected by believers at a meeting of the religious community.

. Parsism - modern form Zoroastrianism, which is characterized by the idea of ​​a single omnipotent. God while preserving old, traditional dualistic ideas. The name is associated with. Persia, the country in which Zoroast three cm arose.

. Easter- the festive dough is baked and blessed on. Easter.

. Flock- in Christianity - a body of believers united by a church. As a rule, the term is applied to believers of one parish (parishioners)).

. Pastor- minister of the church in Protestant movements of Christianity.

. Easter- tables of celebration dates compiled by the Christian church many years in advance. Easter in accordance with the decision. Council of Nicaea (326), according to which. Easter is celebrated in the first week after Easter. The moon coincides with the spring equinox or precedes it, but cannot in any way coincide with the Jewish one. Easter. The calculation of Easter is done according to the Julian (Orthodox Church) or. Gregory Ansky (Catholic Church) calendars (the difference between the calendars for 2000 was 13 days per day)

. Pater- in the Catholic Church - a monk in the rank of deacon, priest.

. Patericon- in the Orthodox Church - a collection of biographies, stories about monks (for example, "Kievo-Pechersk Patericon"). The term comes from the word - pater (father, father). The first patericons appeared in. Byzantium in the IV century in the IV century.

. Patristics- a set of theological, philosophical and socio-political doctrines of Christian theologians of the 2nd-8th centuries, known as the “church fathers” of the Church.

. Patriarch- 1) in the Orthodox Church - the highest clergy; the head of an autocephalous church, 2) in Catholicism - the head of a separate diocese.

. Patriarchy- Christian church ruled by a patriarch.

. Patriarchy- 1) an ecclesiastical-territorial unit subordinate to the patriarch, 2) the highest authority of individual autocephalous churches in Orthodoxy.

. Patrology- a section of Christian theology devoted to the works and biographies of the so-called “church fathers.” Its content is the study and commentary on the doctrines of the “church fathers” and other teachers of Christianity, a description of their lives and activities.

. Hell- in the system of ideas of most religions of the world (Christianity, Islam, Brahmanism, etc.) - a place underground where the souls of sinners are sentenced to posthumous torment. By. In the Bible, hell is visible. Olyke. Jerusalem in the valley. Hinnomova (hence the synonym for hell - Gehennaa).

. Fast- a religious ban on fast food (meat, fish, dairy, eggs, etc.), weddings and entertainment, established by the Christian Church for a time.

. Religious pluralism- multi-confessional nature of religiosity social groups, subjects of one country, state.

. Ascetic- a person, for religious reasons, exposes himself to all kinds of needs and suffering (hermitage, refusal of various benefits of earthly life). Many ascetics were canonized by Catholicism and Orthodoxy as saints.

. Anointed- a prophet, high priest or monarch, anointed with chrism as a sign of receiving power supposedly from. God.

. Local councils- congresses of representatives of the highest clergy of a certain autocephalous church or its individual components, convened to discuss and resolve issues of doctrine, cult, church administration, etc.

. Pontiffs- 1) c. Ancient. Rome - members of the priestly college, which exercised general supervision over religious rites, issued religious instructions, court rules, kept track of the calendar, kept chronological lists of consuls, 2) title. Dads. Rimskog.

. Message- early Christian works, letters addressed to communities, individuals or all Christians, written by ascetics of early Christianity.

. Novice- a person who, serving in a monastery or individual clergy, is preparing to become a monk (monk).

. tonsure- in Orthodoxy and Catholicism - a rite that accompanies initiation into the clergy or monasticism. It originates from the custom of cutting the hair on the head of a slave. Ancient. Greece and. Ancient. Rome and The rite of tonsure symbolizes the transformation of the newly tonsured person into a slave. God's.

. Righteous- a person who fulfills all the requirements of religion and does not sin.

. Canon law- ecclesiastical legal norms, decrees and instructions regulating the way of life of the church.

. Religious law- a form of coordinated interaction between religion and law, a specific synthesis of religious and legal norms and ideas, the implementation of which is ensured by state-church coercion. It includes the biblical (old covenant), Talmudic, ancient Hindu, Muslim and other systems of legal norms.

. Orthodox sectarianism- a set of religious denominations and associations that arose as opposition to the Orthodox Church. In Russian Orthodoxy these are the Christovirs, Doukhobors, Molokans, Skoptsy, Ioannites and others.

. Orthodox cult- a set of holidays and rituals associated with the doctrine of Orthodoxy and regulated by the Orthodox Church.

Orthodox Autocephalous Church- independently governed Orthodox churches, heirs of the Byzantine religious tradition. They have a common doctrine, its main dogmatic provisions, developed even before the split of Christianity, set out in. Creed and other documents. Ecumenical. Councils (IV-VIII centuries) and the teachings of the "Church Fathers" The basic norms of church life (character, sequence of worship, appearance of clergy, etc.), important elements of religious practice (content and form of rituals, singing without musical accompaniment) are also common , internal view temple, etc.). Autocephalous churches differ in their political orientation, social doctrines, and assessment of the phenomena of social life. They maintain mutual contacts, coordinate issues of general Orthodox significance, and enter into... World Council of Churches for the sake of the Church.

. Orthodox autonomies- relatively independent Orthodox churches; in matters of church administrative management they depend on the autocephalous churches. These include. Sinaiskaya,. Finnish,. Japanese,. Cretan Church, and from 19 995 -. Estonian Church. The election of the chairman of the Orthodox Autonomous Church is sanctioned by the leadership of the autocephalous church under whose jurisdiction it is located. All Orthodox Autonomous Churches are members. World Council of Churches.

. Orthodox holidays - days of solemn celebration of the memory of outstanding events or persons associated with the Orthodox cult, depending on who is revered, are divided into. Gentlemen... Theotokos and saints. Between them there are transitional ones (Easter and those that depend on the day of its celebration) and intransitive ones (with a constant date of celebration). Depending on the celebration, they are considered larger or smaller. The most important of them are... Easter and 12 twelve holidays. Before the big ones there are five holidays: Circumcision. Lord,. Christmas. John. Theologian. Petrai. Paul's day. Truncating a chapter. John. Theologian and. Intercession. Holy. Mother of God. On major Orthodox holidays, in addition to solemn services, they also organize procession People associate various weather and agricultural signs with the celebration of the memory of saints.

. Church law- a set of religious and legal norms regulating the structure, organization and activities of the church. The advantage of legal or religious norms in the system of church law is determined by the relationship between the church and the state in the country. In some countries this right is sanctioned by the state and supported by state coercion, and is therefore completely legal. A component of church law is canon law.

. Presbyter- the leader of the community in Protestant churches and sects, who is elected from among active believers and approved by the highest bodies of the church.

. Throne- a quadrangular table in the middle of the altar in Catholic and Orthodox churches, on which the antimension is placed. Gospel, one or more altar crosses. The sacrament of the sacrament is performed at his place. STY, religious services are held.

. Primate- in the Catholic and Anglican churches - the title of the head of the church. For example,. Dad. Roman also primate. Italy, and the archbishop. Canterbury is the Primate of the Church of England. Great Britain.

. Clergyman- full-time clergy and clergy of one temple or parish in Christianity. Another name is clear.

proselytes- a person who has accepted a new faith.

. Sermon- a speech of religious and attitudinal content pronounced by clergy in a church during or after a service.

. Psalms- short and relatively simple in form religious hymns and songs included in. Psalms.

psalm-reader- in Orthodoxy - a clergyman whose tasks include reading and singing in the choir.

. Psalter- Old Testament book, contains 150 prayers and chants. Tradition ascribes authorship. Psalms to the king. David. Biblical criticism claims that only 9 psalms belong to him. Linguistic analysis indicates that the authorship of the prayers. The Psalter belongs not to one, but to several persons.

. Puritans- English Calvinists, supporters of the decisive implementation of ideas. Reformation c. England in the 16th-17th centuries and the transformation of the Anglican Church on the basis of consistent Protestantism. They demanded the separation of the church from the state, simplification of rituals, and a universal priesthood; played a significant role in the preparation and conduct. English revolution of the 17th century.

. Purusha- in Indian mythology, the first man from which it was formed. Universe.

. Deserts - Orthodox monastery in deserted, remote places, a place where a hermit lives.

. Rabbi- clergyman in Judaism, judge on religious and family life in the Jewish community.

. Paradise- the location of the souls of the dead righteous as a reward for compliance with the requirements of religion and the requirements of the clergy. Contrasted with hell. The concept of “Paradise” is characteristic of many religions.

. Ramadan, ramazan- the ninth month of the Muslim calendar year, when believers, according to... Koran and Sharia, observe fasting - ulcers. It is believed that this month. Revelation was given to Muhammad. Allahaa.

. Religious picture of the world- a set of general ideas about the world, its origin, structure and future; element of a religious worldview. Each religion has its own idea of ​​the picture of the world.

. Religiosity- the orientation of an individual or group of people, which is determined by the totality of religious properties of consciousness, behavior, and relationships between them. A common sign of religiosity is religious faith, which covers knowledge of religious ideas, concepts, myths and beliefs in the real existence of supernatural facts.

sacristy - premises in a Christian church or monastery where the liturgical vestments of priests and church objects are stored.

. Ritual- the totality and order of ritual actions, ceremonies of religious worship.

. Ritual processes- trials in which charges of murders allegedly committed for the purpose of human sacrifice were considered, a well-known ritual process in. The Russian Empire is a thing. Beilis v. Kyiv and (1913).

. Crucifixion- 1) for. The Gospels - execution and martyrdom. Jesus. Christ on the cross, 2) a cross with a crucified figure. Christ.

. Cassock- everyday outerwear of Orthodox and Catholic clergy and monks - a long-length outfit of a dark color with wide sleeves.

. hosts- one of the names. God the Father in Christianity.

. Sacralization- provision of material objects, creatures, actions, norms of behavior, etc. magical properties, holiness, as well as the spread of the influence of religion in the sphere of social relations and institutions.

. Satan(devil, shaitan) - evil spirit, enemy. God, the personification of evil on earth, the ruler of hell in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

. Church candles- an object of cult, an attribute of worship in Christianity, Buddhism and other religions, associated with belief in the mystical power of fire. In Orthodoxy, they are lit during baptism, funerals, communion and other rituals.

. Christmastide- 12 days (from January 7 to January 19), established by the Orthodox Church in memory of the birth. Christ.

. Priest- in Christianity, the rank of a minister of worship, who has the right to perform divine services and sacraments, except for the sacrament of the priesthood. Another name is priest.

. Clergy- a term to designate ministers of religious worship in the Orthodox and Catholic churches who have the clergy of bishops, priests, and deacons. Clergy (except for the deacon) have the right to independently perform divine services, rituals, and sacraments (the sacrament of the priesthood is performed only by the bishop).

. Priesthood- 1) in Orthodoxy and Catholicism - one of the seven sacraments through which initiation into the rank of clergy occurs. According to Christian doctrine, this is a sacrament of endowing the initiate with grace through the laying on of hands by a higher-ranking clergyman. Saint. Spirit, which makes him a mediator between. God and people, 2) priests, clergy.

. Sect- a religious association that has separated from the dominant one religious direction, disagreeing with his dogma, putting forward certain additions, proposing changes in the cult system.

. Secularization- the process of liberation of various spheres of society, consciousness, social relations and institutions from the influence of the church and religion. Including a whole complex of processes in social life.

. Septuagint- translation. Dilapidated. Testament in Greek, implemented in the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Alexandria, according to legend, in 72 days by 72 translators. The Septuagint consists of books and individual texts, 10 of which have disappeared or 50 books, the surviving ones are recognized by Orthodoxy as canonical (Judaism recognizes 39 books).

. Symbol of faith- a brief summary of the main dogmas that form the basis of the doctrine of any common Christian religion. The Creed consists of 12 dogmas; developed by the "Church Fathers" and approved. Nikeiysky (325) and. Constantinople (381). Ecumenical. Soborakikh. Cathedrals.

. Symphony- a book containing words, phrases and statements in alphabetical order, indicating their location in. Bible.

. Synagogue- a house of worship in Judaism, a community of believers who prays in it.

. Sanhedrin- the highest political and judicial body in. Jerusalem in the 1st century BC - 1st century AD, consisting of representatives of the priesthood, secular aristocracy and teachers of the law. Jews Judea.

. Religious syncretism- a mixed, inorganic combination of various faiths and religious positions in the process of mutual influence of religions at certain stages of historical development.

. Synod- an advisory body under the patriarchs of the Orthodox Church and. To dad. Roman in Catholicism. Consists of the highest church hierarchs. They work in Ukraine. Ukrainian Synod. Orthodox. Churches. Kievsky. Patriarchate, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church.

. Synopsis- a collection of biblical passages and their theological interpretations, works of religious philosophers and church leaders.

. Synoptic. Gospels- first. The Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke), containing basically the same description of earthly life. Jesus. Christ.

. Zion- Part. Jerusalem (mountain, hill), where, according to. Bible, there was a city of the king. David and the Temple. Yahweh.

. Skeet- a small Old Believer monastery in a remote place where believers lead a lonely life. In Orthodoxy, a branch of a monastery is usually located in a deserted and deserted place. There are currently about 10 sketes operating in Ukraine.

. Redemption, redemption- a dogma in Christianity, the essence of which is that... God the Father allegedly sacrificed his own. A son to atone for human sins.

. Suffering- a feeling associated with enduring pain, means, hardships. Suffering seemed to be a given. God as punishment for humanity for the Fall.

. stupa pagoda- a type of Buddhist memorial structure that was intended to store relics or mark holy places.

. Church court- religious-legal institution and system of judicial and investigative institutions in Christian churches. The jurisdiction of the church court included issues of marriage, apostasy, discipline of priests, etc. In countries where the church is not separated from the state, the church court is part of the state judicial system.

. Suna-. Sacred. Translation of Islam consists of sayings. Muhammad and stories about his deeds. Suna explains and complements. The Koran is the second (after it) basis of Islamic law. Suna was created in the second half. UP - the beginning. USP in, 6 of its collections compiled in IX with Art.

. Sura- chapter c. Koran.

. Schism- any church divisions, schisms as a result of contradictions between followers of different views within the church. The concept was first established to designate the conflict between Western and Eastern Christianity. Jansky churches, as a result of which in 1054 there was a division of Christianity into Orthodoxy and Catholicism. Later, schism began to be called only disagreements that were not related to the refusal to recognize church dogmas (as opposed to heresy).

. Schima- the highest degree of monasticism in the Orthodox Church. Initiated into the schema, schema monks vow to observe stricter ascetic rules than ordinary monks. It can be big or small.

. Taboo- among the peoples of primitive society - a religious-magical ban, its violation leads to inevitable severe punishment from supernatural forces. A taboo is imposed on certain things, actions, words, plants, foods, places, animals, etc. Remnants of taboos are preserved in modern religions in the form of certain prohibitions and regulations; their violation is considered a sin.

. Last Supper- 1) by. Bibles - dinner. Jesus. Christ with the apostles on the eve of his execution, during which he washed the feet of the apostles and established the sacrament of the Eucharist, 2) in Catholicism - a ceremony. Holy Thursday, during which the highest clergy (including the Pope) serves the poor, washing their feet in memory of their deeds. Jesus. Christ.

. Sacrament- in Christianity, ritual actions through which, according to the teachings of the church, believers receive. God's grace.

. Talmud- construction of dogmatic religious, ethical and legal provisions of Judaism. In oral tradition it arose in the 2nd-1st centuries BC. His written form dates back to III-V centuries.

. Tantrism- the general name of various schools and movements in Buddhism and Hinduism, which, using yoga methods, developed specific system esoteric practice. According to Tantrism, a person is considered as a microcosm, her body is built from the same material as the cosmos, and similar to it. It is considered possible, using the practice of yoga, to release the human forces dormant in it. Tantrism is widespread in. Japan,. NEP but... China, especially in. Tibet.

. Tartarus- hell, the lower part of the underworld; located at the same distance from the surface of the earth as the earth is from the sky.

. Theism- religious doctrine about the existence of gods or a single god, the transcendental world, its creator and ruler. Theism is the internal ideological basis of polytheistic and monotheistic religions, and the systems of theism are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

. Teleology- the concept according to which the world initially has pre-established goals and rationality, for the sake of which all processes take place in the world.

. Theogony- a set of myths inherent in a polytheistic religion about the origin and pedigree of the gods. According to the mythology of the ancient Greeks, it is also a cosmogony. The first known systematizer of theogony -. Hesiod. These stories can be found in the mythologies of many peoples, including ancient Russians.

theodicies- religious and philosophical teaching proves that the existence of evil in the world does not change religious ideas about. God as absolute good.

. Theocracy- form of state and government, in which the government of the state is carried out by the priesthood or clergy, and the head of the church hierarchy has the highest spiritual and secular power. In theocratic states in in different times included:. Judea (V-East BC), caliphate. Umayyadov and Lbbasidiv,. Papal States c. Italy. Switzerland during the reign. Calvin (XVI century). Yemen before the 1962 revolution. Vatican.

. Theologian- a person who practices theology, theologian.

. Theology- teaching about. God, built on the basis of texts, is perceived as evidence. God about himself, that is, divine revelation. Theology is concerned with the concept of the personal absolute. God, conveys to people knowledge about himself through his own word, and therefore is possible only within the framework of theism. In the strict sense of the word, theology can be spoken of in relation to three religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam. In Hinduism and Buddhism, theology is possible as a form of thinking only to the extent that they contain elements of theism in relation to other religious systems (Confucianism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, etc.), the term theology cannot be applied in the same understanding. This term partially corresponds to the concept of "theology of theology."

. Theosophy- religious and philosophical doctrine about the possibility of direct comprehension. God with the help of mystical intuition and revelation, which are available to a select circle of people.

Thomism- direction in scholastic philosophy and theology of Catholicism. The name comes from the name of the founder -. Thomas (Thomas). Aquinas Thomism applies existence proofs. God, as well as other provisions put forward by him. Thomism is characterized by the desire to combine a strictly orthodox position in religious matters with recognition of the importance of reason with the priority of faith over it. Now this trend exists in the form of neo-Thomism.

. Torah- Hebrew name. Pentateuch. Only handwritten text is used in religious activities. Torah made on a parchment scroll.

. Trizna- 1) part of the burial rite among the Eastern Slavs of the pagan period. It consisted of mourning the deceased, commemoration in his honor, competitions, war games, songs, etc. During the Christianization of the Slavs, funeral feasts were preserved for a long time in the form of songs and banquets, 2) a church service associated with burials.

. Trimurti and - in Hinduism and Brahmanism - three hypostases of a single non-personified cosmic spiritual principle - Brahman, reflecting its three main functions:. Brahma is a god-maker. Universe. Vishnu is his guardian. Shiva is the destroyer. The sculptures show members. The Trimurti either stand in a close group, or their bodies supposedly grow out of each other. A triptych is an icon consisting of three parts. Trinity - 1) in Christianity - three people. God: God the Father. God the Son and... God the Spirit. Saint. The dogma of the existence of one. God in three hypostases were formulated at the church council (381) c. Constantinople, 2) a Christian saint, which is celebrated in Orthodoxy.

. Troparion- in Christian worship - prayerful solemn singing (recitation) in honor of a holiday or saint.

Ukrainian Orthodox churches abroad- created in. Canada 1918, c. USA -1919 rub. The believers were Ukrainian emigrants. UISH abroad carried out active work aimed at preserving Ukrainian culture, defended the independence of the Ukrainian state, and had a fairly broad system educational institutions, publishers too.

. Ulema- Muslim lawyers and theologians are Unitarians - movements in Protestantism that defend the idea of ​​one. God as opposed to the dogma of Fr. Trinity.

. Church union- the unification of the Orthodox and Catholic churches on the terms of recognition of the supremacy of the Orthodox Church. Dads. Roman, Catholic. The symbol of faith and its preservation of its traditional rituals and worship in its native language. There are more in the world. ZO Uniate churches - Greek, Maronite, Armenian, Coptic and other rites.

. Uraza- 30-day Muslim fasting during Ramadan. Interrupts daily from evening to morning.

. Fakir- Muslim monk, beggar, dervish - specialist in religious law, skilled in casuistry.

. Religious fanaticism- blind, taken to extreme manifestations of recognition of religious ideas and attempts to imitate them in practical life; intolerance towards people of other faiths and dissidents. Types of fanaticism - from passive-contemplative to active-extremist. The extreme manifestation is religious fanaticism. Fatiha is the name of the first sura. Koranan.

. Fatwa- a written conclusion, the opinion of a religious authority (mufti) on theological and legal issues in Islam.

. Fiqh- Muslim jurisprudence based on. Koran. Su no, ijme.

. Hajj- Muslim pilgrimage to. Mecca.

. Caliph- the spiritual and secular head of the theocratic Muslim state (caliphate).

. Hasidism- a religious movement among Jews. Poland and Right Bank Ukraine at the beginning of the 18th century. Exists in Ukraine. Israel. USAA.

. Header- primary religious school in the Jewish community.

. Herem- the curse, excommunication from the synagogue of those who violated the guidelines and rules of the Jewish community is questioned. Toru and. Talmud.

. Khoja- the title of Muslims who trace their origins (usually falsified) from one of the four “correct” Arab caliphs.

. Temple- a place of worship, intended for worship and religious ceremonies.

. Tzadik- in Hasidism - the head of the community.

. Royal Doors- in churches of the Byzantine rite - swing gates leading from the vestibule to the middle part of the temple. The name is due to the fact that the Byzantine emperor took off his crown and weapons before entering here and allowed them to guard. Subsequently, this was the name given to the low gate in the iconostasis, which serves as the entrance to the altar. This is a kind of icon, divided in half. In Catholicism, the name is interpreted as follows: through. The royal gifts also pass in the form of holy gifts. King of Kings. Jesus. Christ to satisfy the flock with his body and blood.

. Celibacy- celibacy, a promise that is given by Catholic priests.

. Spiritual censorship- a system of supervision by the church over printed publications with the right to ban their publication.

. Church- a type of religious organization, as well as a Christian religious building that has an altar and a room for worship.

. Veil- a type of veil that, according to Sharia, Muslim women are required to wear.

. Turban- a headdress made of a cloth cloth, rotating on top of another headdress - fez, skullcap, etc., less often - simply around the head.

. Book of Hours- a church liturgical book containing psalms, prayers, songs and other texts of the daily cycle of worship.

. Black clergy- part of the clergy, unlike the white ones - not monks. Distributed mainly in Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Ukrainian Greek Catholic and Armenian Gregorian Church). The name associated is due to the fact that after tonsure, monks wear black clothes as a sign of renunciation of secular life.

. Sharia- a set of laws and regulations compiled on the basis. Koran and. Sunnah.

. Sheikh- in Islam - an outstanding clergyman, theologian, lawyer, leader of a religious community (sect).

. Shiva- one of the gods. Trimurti in Hinduism. For followers of Shaivism, he is the highest god who destroys and revives everything that exists. At the beginning of the cosmic cycle creates. The Universe, and then, at the end of this cycle, destroys it. Often. Shiva was depicted as a man with five or four faces and four arms, dancing in a fiery stake.

. Yahweh. Jehovah,. Yahweh- supreme. God in Judaism. Faith in one. God. Yahweh spread, in particular, among the Protestant movement. Witnesses. Jehovah.

. Paganism, paganism- a term of theological origin, used to designate primitive cults and beliefs and polytheism in general.

yashmak- veil covering bottom part face, nose, mouth and chin. Muslim women wear it under their veil. Wearing. Yash-maka is an indicator of decent behavior and submissiveness of a woman.

ANIMISM (from Latin anima, animus - soul, spirit), belief in the existence of souls and spirits, an essential element of any religion.

TOTEMISM, a complex of beliefs and rituals of primitive society associated with the idea of ​​kinship between groups of people (usually clans), etc. totems (in the Ojibwe language, ototem is its genus) - species of animals and plants (less often natural phenomena and inanimate objects); each clan bore the name of its totem. He could not be killed or eaten.

FETISHISM (from the French fetiche - idol, talisman), the cult of inanimate objects - fetishes, endowed, according to believers, with supernatural properties. It was common among all primitive peoples. The surviving features are belief in amulets, amulets, talismans.

MAGIC (from the Greek mageia) (witchcraft, sorcery), rituals associated with belief in the supernatural ability of a person (sorcerer, magician) to influence people and natural phenomena. Magic arose in primitive society and became an element of rituals.

SHAMANCE (shamanism) (from Evenki shaman, saman - excited, frenzied person), an early form of religion. It is based on the idea of ​​a shaman communicating with spirits during a ritual (a ritual that leads to an ecstatic state; accompanied by singing and beating a tambourine). The main function of shamanism is to “treat” the sick. Known to many peoples of Africa, North. and Vost. Asia, Indians, etc.

ANCESTOR CULT, one of the earliest forms of religion, worship of the spirits of deceased ancestors, who were credited with the ability to influence the lives of descendants.

TABOO (Polynesian), in primitive society, a system of prohibitions on performing certain actions (using any objects, pronouncing words, etc.), violation of which is punishable by supernatural forces. Taboos regulated the most important aspects of human life. Ensured compliance with marriage norms. They served as the basis for many later social and religious norms.

INITIATIONS (from the Latin initiatio - performing the sacraments), initiation rites of society associated with the transfer of boys and girls to the age class of adult men and women. Some of the initiation rites, which had lost their original meaning, were performed on younger people.

BRAHMANISM, a stage in the development of religious thought in India (approximately 8-2 centuries BC), associated mainly with late Vedic literature (Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads).

Vedic origins of Brahmanism

Brahmanism can be considered as an early stage of Hinduism, the main content of which is the transition from Vedic mythology and polytheism (see Vedic religion) to the idea of ​​a single creator god and then an abstract absolute, the basis and cause of the world. This transition begins already in the Rig Veda. Some hymns, especially later ones, express dissatisfaction with archaic cosmogony, attempts are made to find the only creator of the world, a god who combines the properties and functions of all gods and at the same time surpasses them. Various figures are put forward for this role in the Rigveda, most clearly the goddess of speech Vach, Vishvakarman (the craftsman god, “Creator of everything”) and a certain cosmic man Purusha. The latter, in fact, are identified and called the First Germ of the universe or the universe itself. One of the hymns (X.21) identifies Prajapati (“Lord of Beings”) as the cause of the world, whose figure becomes central in the Brahmanas, texts devoted to the description and interpretation of Vedic ritual. In them, Prajapati is likened to the Golden Embryo (Hiranyagarbha) of the universe and is understood as the embodiment of a cosmic sacrifice, uniting in itself the one to whom the sacrifice is made, its performer, and the sacrifice itself. Having dismembered himself, Prajapati creates the world from his parts and, as it were, dissolves in it, endowing it with his power.


This interpretation of the cosmogonic act, without completely breaking with mythology, still departs far from the original Vedic myth about the struggle of Indra with Vritra. Without a doubt, it reflects Vedic ideas about sacrifice as an analogue of the creation of the world and about the enormous potential power of correctly performed ritual actions. These actions themselves gradually become increasingly important, and the ritual, being at first only a means of communication between people and the gods and their mutual exchange of benefits, becomes over time an instrument of magical influence on the gods, subordinating them to the will of the priests. The power contained in the ritual, connecting it with cosmic processes, was called “brahman” (from the Sanskrit root “brah” - “to grow”, “to expand”, “to support”). Previously, this was the name given to a text (mantra, spell, prayer) capable of influencing the gods, and this is how priests began to be called - experts and performers of ritual and sacred texts, i.e. those who owned a brahman. They formed a class, or varna, of spiritual and intellectual leaders of ancient Indian society, whose authority and high social status became unshakably strong during this period.


One of the main activities of Brahmin theorists was the understanding of the parallelism of space and ritual, the symbolic interpretation of ritual actions and their details. Reflections on these topics were concentrated, in addition to the Brahmanas, in the Aranyakas, “forest (books)” intended for hermits. In them, interest in purely mental operations prevails and the idea of ​​internal, mental sacrifice appears (for example, breathing - prana - is conceptualized as “pranagnihotra” - “libation into the fire through breathing”). In parallel, the idea of ​​asceticism as a factor of sacrifice, outlined in the Brahmanas, develops, where Prajapati performs the act of creating the world with the help of tapas, the heat of ascetic deeds.


The concept of Brahman as a cosmic force receives its final form in the Upanishads. Brahman is the impersonal essence, the basis and cause of the world. He cannot be defined or described positively; he, as the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says, is “not this, not that” (“neti, neti”).

Another important concept in the Upanishads is Atman, the individual spiritual principle in a person, his innermost essence. Although this principle is sometimes associated with prana, the vital breath, the prevailing tendency is to consider Atman as an out-of-body, impersonal entity identical with Brahman (also called the Creator, Truth, Pure Intellect). The idea of ​​such identity is central to the Upanishads, and the highest wisdom, according to their teaching, lies in its awareness.

The creators of the Upanishads were also concerned with other issues related to man and his essence, his place in the world. Among them is the problem of life and death, the discussion of which leads to the development of the concept of rebirth. The idea is expressed that a person's incarnation depends on his knowledge, but preference is generally given to the point of view according to which incarnation is determined by the actions (karma) of a person in a previous birth. This is how the theory of karma, which is so essential for Hinduism (as well as Buddhism and Jainism), is formalized. In connection with it, the idea that existed in the Vedas about two possible paths for a person after death also develops. Those who have realized the identity of Atman and Brahman follow the path of the gods (devayana) to the world of eternal bliss; those who have not acquired true knowledge follow the path of their ancestors (pitriyana), that is, they are reborn again and again in this world.

Exploring the nature of the human “I,” the authors of the Upanishads devote a lot of space to vital breath (prana), the carrier of the principle of life, which becomes one of the manifestations of the Atman, as well as the problem of sleep, leading to the theory of the three states of the individual. These states (waking, sleeping with dreams, sleeping without dreams) represent stages of immersion in the true human “I”. The latter means a state of complete undifferentiation, absolute peace, impersonality - that is, the Atman.

Some later Upanishads offer unconventional ways of achieving truth, in particular, working on the body, which lays the foundation for the yoga teachings characteristic of Hinduism. The idea of ​​a personal god appears in the Upanishads, albeit sporadically. Rudra (Shiva) and Narayana (Vishnu) are mentioned as embodiments of Brahman, which can be considered an important link in the formation of Hinduism itself.

Along with religious and philosophical texts, during the period of Brahmanism, a whole literature of a practical nature appeared, belonging to the category of “smriti”. These are all kinds of instructions concerning the rules for performing public rituals (srauta-sutras) and home rituals (grihya-sutras), as well as texts treating issues of ethics and law (dharma-sutras). At the center of these texts is the concept of dharma (“law”, “order”), which replaced the cosmic rita and, having acquired a human dimension, began to mean not only the universal orderliness of phenomena (both cosmic and social), but also the duty of man, fulfillment of his duties, especially religious ones.

HINDUISM, a set of religious and mythological views formed and existing in South Asia: India (83% of the population), Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh. Partly distributed in East Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore), Africa and some other regions - mainly among people from India or Sri Lanka.

general characteristics

The term “Hinduism” arose on the basis of the word “Hindu”, the Persian version of the name of the river Sindhu (Greek Hindu, modern Indus), which was recorded in the Avesta. Later, this word began to mean not only the river and the country adjacent to it, i.e. India, but also the people inhabiting it. During the Muslim and European conquests, “Hindu” was the name given to all adherents of the local religion, contrasting them with Muslims and later with Christians. The Hindus themselves (Hindus, Hindus), having adopted the word “Hinduism” through the English, still continue to use the self-name of the religion - “sanatana dharma”, which, given the polysemy of the word dharma, can only be translated very generally - as “eternal order”, "eternal law" Such an abstract definition perfectly reflects the elusive essence of this religion, which - and this is its essential feature - does not lend itself to an exhaustive and consistent description. Hinduism as a whole gives the impression of a cumbersome, amorphous complex without clear boundaries, breaking up into a number of movements, branches, countless schools, opinions and cults, sometimes based on mutually exclusive ideas and practices. In Hinduism there are a huge number of gods, but there is no one god for all; there is no founder of a religion or a prophet, but there are many founders of (often mythical) individual teachings and a highly developed cult of spiritual guidance; there is no single Holy Scripture, but the authority of the main texts and traditions recognized by each direction is extremely high; there is no creed or generally accepted doctrine, but there are concepts that are always at the center of Hindu attention [dharma, karma, samsara, moksha, brahman, atman, varna (see varnas), caste (see castes), etc.]. The famous Hindu principle of “ahimsa” (non-violence against living beings) is contradicted by blood sacrifices still practiced in some places. Hinduism has nothing like the church organization familiar to the West, but it uses other internal bonds, the most powerful of which is probably the caste structure it sanctifies, often perceived as the cornerstone of traditional Hindu society. However, it is also rejected by many members of this society, and its meaning is not everywhere and not always the same. Generally speaking, there is nothing in Hinduism that would be unconditionally accepted by all Hindus and that would be viewed from only one, once and for all fixed point of view. One of the clear examples of this is varna-ashrama-dharma, a moving system of life goals, values, guidelines of a Hindu, which change not only from his position in society, but also from what stage of life he is at (student - brahmacharin, householder - grihastha, hermit - vanaprastha, ascetic - sannyasin).

The amazing diversity of Hinduism forces some researchers to argue that Hinduism is not a religion, but a combination of separate, although close to each other, religions (say, Shaivism, Vaishnavism, etc.). Others, also rejecting the existence of Hinduism in general, propose to distinguish only its different types: temple, home, priestly, rural or folk, tribal, etc. However, it seems inappropriate to abandon the general concept of “Hinduism”, since various currents and directions of Hinduism are closely related to each other, constantly interact, complement each other, and use the same ideas, ideas and images. It’s just that in each specific case they are selected: some of them are highlighted and emphasized, others - sometimes pointedly - are discarded. This reveals the fundamental pluralism of Hinduism, which is its most characteristic feature. It explains the absence in Hinduism of a comprehensive doctrinal dogma and, accordingly, of heresy that must be eradicated. In the history of Hinduism, the struggle against dissent rarely took extreme forms, and alien elements, as a rule, were not expelled, but were processed and assimilated by it. Actually, Hinduism arose as a unique and complex fusion of numerous elements of religions generated by various ethnic groups in India (there are four main such ethnic groups: Indo-European, Dravidian, Austro-Asiatic, Tibeto-Burman). Hinduism even borrowed some things from Islam and Christianity.

BUDDHISM, one of the three (along with Christianity and Islam) world religions. Originated in Dr. India in the 6th-5th centuries. BC e. The founder is considered to be Siddhartha Gautama (see Buddha). Main directions: Hinayana and Mahayana. The rise of Buddhism in India in the 5th century. BC e. - beginning 1st millennium AD e.; spread to the Southeast. and Center. Asia, partly in Wed. Asia and Siberia, having assimilated elements of Brahmanism, Taoism, etc. In India by the 12th century. dissolved into Hinduism, greatly influencing him. He spoke out against the predominance of external forms of religious life (including ritualism) inherent in Brahmanism. At the center of Buddhism is the teaching of the “4 Noble Truths”: there is suffering, its cause, the state of liberation and the path to it. Suffering and liberation are subjective states and at the same time a certain cosmic reality: suffering is a state of anxiety, tension, equivalent to desire, and at the same time a pulsation of dharmas; liberation (nirvana) is a state of unbound personality by the outside world and at the same time the cessation of the disturbance of dharmas. Buddhism denies the otherworldliness of liberation; in Buddhism there is no soul as an unchanging substance - the human “I” is identified with the total functioning of a certain set of dharmas, there is no opposition between subject and object, spirit and matter, there is no God as a creator and an unconditionally supreme being. During the development of Buddhism, the cult of Buddha and bodhisattvas, ritual gradually developed in it, sanghas (monastic communities), etc. appeared.

VEDAS (Sanskrit veda, lit. - knowledge), monuments of ancient Indian literature (late 2nd - early 1st millennium BC) in the ancient Indian (Vedic) language. The Vedas, or Vedic literature, consist of collections of hymns and sacrificial formulas (Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda), theological treatises (Brahmanas and Upanishads). The Vedas are a source of information on the socio-economic and cultural history of ancient India.

BRAHMA, in Brahmanism, one of the 3 highest gods, the creator god, creator of the Universe and all things. The cult of Brahma is practically absent. Usually depicted with four faces, four arms, sitting on a swan.

ATMAN, one of the central concepts of Indian philosophy and the religion of Hinduism, the individual (subjective) spiritual principle; Beginning with the Upanishads and especially in Vedanta, the identity of atman with brahman - the cosmic (objective) spiritual principle - is affirmed.

KARMA (Sanskrit - action), one of the basic concepts of Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) and philosophy, complementing the concept of samsara. In a broad sense, it is the total sum of actions performed by every living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of his new birth, reincarnation. In a narrow sense - the influence of completed actions on the nature of present and subsequent existence.

MOKSHA (Sanskrit), one of the central concepts of Indian philosophy and the religion of Hinduism, the highest goal of human aspirations, the state of “liberation” from the disasters of empirical existence with its endless reincarnations (samsara), etc.

YOGA (Sanskrit, lit. - connection, unity, concentration, effort),

1) the doctrine and method of controlling the human psyche and physiology, an integral element of the religious and philosophical systems of India, which aim to achieve a state of “liberation” (moksha or nirvana). Recognizes the existence in man of unconscious forces and the ability to control - through a certain organization of the psyche - organic and inorganic processes and bodies; a system of physical exercises has been developed. Yoga has achieved well-known success in controlling the respiratory and other physiological functions of the body, in realizing the desired mental states of a person. The main philosophical idea: the correlation between human psychophysiology and the cosmos (the body of the Universe).

2) One of the six orthodox (recognizing the authority of the Vedas) systems of Indian philosophy, founded by Patanjali; she comprehended the nature and functions of yogic methods, the stages of their application, etc. In general philosophical questions she adhered to the teachings of Samkhya.

TRIMURTI (Sanskrit), in Hinduism, the manifestation of the trinity of the supreme gods of Hinduism - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; depicted with one head and three faces.

VARNA (Sanskrit, lit. - quality, color), four classes of Ancient India. Representatives of the highest varna - brahmans - were assigned white color - the color of purity, spotlessness. Brahmins performed the duties of priests and performed numerous rituals, which were given exceptional importance in Ancient India; they were considered representatives of people in the face of the gods, who demanded sacrifices and the casting of spells. Brahmins were also the guardians of ancient learning, experts in sacred texts. For many centuries these texts, not yet written down, were kept exclusively in the memory of learned Brahmins. That is why each brahman underwent a long training: while still a boy, he was sent to the teacher’s house, where he spent his life working and memorizing the Vedas.

The second varna was represented by kshatriyas - warriors. They were credited with the color red - the color of fire, war, determination and energy. From childhood, kshatriyas were trained to wield weapons and drive a horse and chariot. The rulers of states usually belonged to this varna.

The third varna is Vaishya - farmers and artisans, “the people”. Their color is yellow, the color of the earth. They were responsible for cultivating fields, working in workshops, and trading. Among them were very wealthy people.

The fourth varna is the sudras, or servants. Their color is black. The duty of the Shudras is to serve the representatives of the higher varnas. Unlike the Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, the Shudras were not considered the descendants of the ancient Aryan conquerors and, apparently, were the descendants of the conquered population. The three highest varnas were also called “twice-born”, since they underwent the rite of “second birth” - initiation into the Aryans. During this ritual, a sacred cord was put on the boy, after which he was considered a full member of his varna. A person’s belonging to his varna was inherited: a child born into a brahman’s family became a brahman, etc. In Ancient India, marrying a woman from another varna was condemned. It was considered a special sin to create a family in which the wife was higher in varna, and the husband lower; then their children became disabled.

However, not all the inhabitants of Ancient India belonged to the four varnas; part of the population stood outside these classes. Chandalas were considered such - “untouchables”; they were so despised in society that it was forbidden to touch them, hear their voice and even see them, so as not to be defiled.

The idea of ​​varnas was closely related to the belief in rebirth, according to which the soul of a person, after his death, moves into the body of another being. From the Indian point of view, the “success” of a future incarnation depended on behavior in the present life. A person is born a Brahmana or a Shudra, a king or an “untouchable”, depending on the sins or virtues with which he was distinguished in “ past life" Therefore, the idea of ​​four varnas is important for understanding not only the social, but also the religious life of Ancient India.

CASTES (Portuguese casta, from Latin castus - pure; Sanskrit jati),

1) closed, endogamous groups of people, isolated due to the performance of a specific social function, hereditary occupations and professions (which may be associated with belonging to a certain ethnic and sometimes religious community). Castes form a hierarchy, and there are strict restrictions on communication between castes. Archaic castes (classes or social ranks) existed in a number of ancient and medieval societies (Ancient Egypt, India, Peru, etc.). In India, the separation of groups of people on one or another basis, sanctified by the religious system of Hinduism, has become universal. In India in the 40s. 20th century there were 3.5 thousand castes and podcasts.

Hierarchy of castes in medieval India: the highest - the Brahmans and military-landowning castes - constituted the class of large and medium-sized feudal lords; below are the trading and usurious castes; then the landowning castes of small feudal lords and farmers - full-fledged community members; even lower - a huge number of castes of landless and disadvantaged farmers, artisans and servants; Among the latter, the lowest layer is the disenfranchised “untouchable” castes.

The Constitution of the Republic of India (1950) recognized the equality of castes and the legal rights of the “untouchables”.

2) (in a figurative sense) a closed social group (for example, “noble caste”, “officer caste”).

NOBLE TRUTHS, the foundations of Buddhist teachings, discovered by the Buddha at the moment of Enlightenment and formulated by him in four statements.

NOBLE TRUTHS (Sanskrit - arya-satyani, Pali - arya-sachcha), the main provisions of Buddhism. Includes the essence of all his doctrines, especially the early period and the Hinayana schools. In his first sermon, the Buddha proclaimed four noble truths: 1) there is suffering (duhkha), which pervades all forms of existence, including gods; the lower level of suffering is dissatisfaction, disagreement, dissatisfaction, the upper level is pain, torment, death; 2) there is a cause (samudaya) of suffering, which consists of three types of desire, or attachment (“clinging to”): thirst for passion, thirst for existence, including existence after death, desire for non-existence and non-existence after death (all of them are the drivers wheels of rebirth); 3) there is cessation (nirodha) of the action of the cause, which represents oblivion of desires, liberation from them and the obscurations of consciousness associated with them; 4) there is a Path (marga) leading to liberation from suffering, this is the noble eightfold Path of right views, thoughts, speeches, actions, ways of maintaining life, ways of exerting strength, ways of mindfulness and concentration.

These four truths were the basis for the classification of all Buddhist teachings (eg, cosmology is the first truth, and ethics is the third). In the Mahayana and Vajrayana this kind of division has faded into the background, but the training of laymen and neophytes here also begins with the noble truths. Usually, to clarify the meaning, they are compared: the first - with the disease, the second - with its diagnosis, the third - with the healing process and the fourth - with the medicinal drugs necessary for this. In philosophical language, the truth of suffering means the universal law of variability, impermanence (anitya) and the absence of the eternal soul (anatman), as well as the emptiness of the self-existent.

THE EIGHT FOUND PATH, translation of the Sanskrit name (ashtangika marga) of the Buddhist teaching about the spiritual Path to liberation from suffering. Buddha proclaimed it in the first sermon on the Wheel of the Law. Each of the steps of the Path is called “correct” (samyak) and they are as follows: view, reflection, speech, behavior, method of maintaining life, application of strength, memory and concentration. Descriptions of what these stages practically mean constitute the teachings of the “fourth truth” of Buddhism. This same Path is called “noble” (arya) and has another interpretation as “middle” (madhyama-pratipada), i.e. laid between two extreme religious paths. The first is the path of satisfying one’s own desires, for which Brahman priests pray and perform rituals, and the second is the path of self-torture, mortification of the flesh, which is followed by ascetics of all stripes.

NIRVANA (Sanskrit - extinction), the central concept of Buddhism and Jainism, meaning the highest state, the goal of human aspirations. In Buddhism - a psychological state of completeness of inner being, absence of desires, complete satisfaction and self-sufficiency, absolute detachment from the outside world; In the course of the development of Buddhism, along with the ethical and psychological concept of nirvana, the idea of ​​it as an absolute also arises. In Jainism - the perfect state of the soul, freed from the shackles of matter, the endless game of birth and death (samsara).

SAMSARA (sansara) (Sanskrit), one of the basic concepts of Indian religion and religious philosophy, reincarnation of the soul (in orthodox Brahmanical-Hindu systems) or personality (in Buddhism) in a chain of new births (in the form of a person, god, animal); carried out according to the law of karma. See also Metempsychosis.

"TRIPITAKA" [Sanskrit. "Three Baskets (Laws)", Pali Tipitaka], the canonical collection of texts of Buddhism. "Tripitaka" in Pali is the canonical work of the Hinayana; a number of its provisions were set out at the 1st Buddhist Council in Rajagriha (5th century BC), the final edition - at the 3rd Council in Pataliputra (3rd century BC); recorded in 80 BC e. The Tripitaka in Sanskrit, the canonical work of the Mahayana, has not been completely preserved; Some parts of it have survived in translation into Chinese and other Eastern languages. Asia.

MAHAYANA (Sanskrit, lit. - great chariot), along with Hinayana, one of the two main directions of Buddhism, the so-called. northern Buddhism. Originating in India, from the beginning of the century. e. spread to China, Tibet, Japan, etc. Mahayana emphasized the features of tolerance in the ethical teachings of Buddhism and put forward the ideal of the bodhisattva. Nirvana is understood as absolute reality, identified with the organic community of all things - the Dharmakaya (the cosmic body of the Buddha). The proclamation of the divinity of Buddha led to the emergence of a complex cult and the emergence of ritual. Main philosophical schools: yoga-chara, madhyamika.

HINAYANA (Sanskrit, lit. - small vehicle), along with Mahayana, one of the two main directions of Buddhism; Southern Buddhism. Established in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand and other southern countries. The Buddhist ideal of “liberation” took in the Hinayana the form of primarily personal improvement, independent of any external conditions - the ideal of the arhat. She developed the doctrine of dharmas. Main philosophical schools: Sautrantika, Vaibhashika.

LAMAISM, Tibeto-Mongolian form of Buddhism. Originated in Tibet in the 8th century. Distributed in the autonomous regions of Tibet and Inner Mongolia (China), in Mongolia, as well as in certain areas of Nepal and India. In the Russian Federation it has followers, mainly in Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva. Since the 1970s the term “Lamaism” is falling out of use in European science.

The state of satori is described as a mystical union with the universe.

ALLAH (Arabic), the name of God in Islam.

THE KORAN (Arabic qur'an, lit. - reading), the main holy book of Muslims, a collection of sermons, ritual and legal institutions, prayers, edifying stories and parables spoken by Muhammad in Mecca and Medina. The earliest surviving copies of the turn of the 7th-8th centuries .

SUNNAH, Muslim sacred tradition, consisting of hadiths. It worked out in the end. 7th-9th centuries

The five fundamental duties (pillars of Islam) prescribed for adherents of Islam are:

1) the belief that there is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah (shahadah);

2) praying five times daily (salat);

3) alms in favor of the poor (zakat);

4) fasting in the month of Ramadan (sauna);

5) pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), performed at least once in a lifetime. Sacred tradition is sunnah. The main directions are Sunnism and Shiism. In the 10th century a system of theoretical theology - kalam - was created; The legal system of Islam is developed in Sharia law. In the 8th-9th centuries. a mystical movement arose - Sufism. The number of followers of Islam is estimated at 880 million (1990). In almost all countries with a predominantly Muslim population, Islam is the state religion.

HIJRA (Arabic - resettlement), the resettlement of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to Medina in September 622. Under Caliph Omar I (634-644), the year of Hijra was declared the beginning of the Muslim calendar. The starting date for it is the 1st day of the 1st month (Muharram) 622-16 July 622.

JIHAD (Arabic - holy war, war for faith; lit. - zeal, zeal), a prescription of Islam, providing for its spread and approval, up to the so-called. "holy war" against the Gentiles.

SHARIA (Arabic sharia, lit. - the proper path), a set of Muslim legal and theological standards proclaimed by Islam as the “eternal and unchanging” fruit of divine institutions.

SALAD (salat) (Arabic - prayer; synonymous with Persian-Turkish namaz), one of the main rituals of Islam is daily prayer five times a day.