Impregnation for wood interior finishing. What is the best impregnation for wood, its main types

Wood, along with clay and stone, is the oldest building material. However, despite all its unique mechanical and physical properties, it is very sensitive to the influence of the external environment. Precipitation, biological pests, fire is only a small part external factors, which are capable of slowly, and sometimes very rapidly, destroying wooden structures.

The only way to at least partially protect the tree is to treat it with a special appropriate substance that will increase the material’s resistance to negative circumstances.

What's the point of protecting a tree?

Despite mechanical properties wood, under the influence of external factors it loses its properties and is destroyed. Parts of the external part of the house are most susceptible to this, so treatment of such parts is extremely necessary, otherwise the tree will very quickly lose not only its attractive appearance, but also functionality.

As for fire protection, it has been scientifically proven that treated elements burn much harder, and if the fire is not large, then they will only smolder.

Classification of protective equipment

Means (impregnations) for protecting wood are divided into several groups. Depending on the purpose:

Fire retardants or flame retardants. The main task of the product is to create a film that prevents the entry of oxygen, thus preventing further combustion of the material. Please note that the validity period of fire retardants does not exceed five years; do not forget to re-treat the wood in a timely manner.

Antiseptics. They serve as protection against biological (beetle larvae) and bacteriological (fungal spores, mold) pests. Please note that modern impregnation for wood against rotting is not toxic to people, and does not allow microorganisms and insects to multiply inside structures.

Anti-atmospheric. Their main task is to protect the wooden structure from the influence of the external environment (sun rays, precipitation), preventing the appearance of cracks and all kinds of deformations.

The negative side of such processing is the unpresentable appearance of the material, as well as the loss of a number of physical characteristics.

Moisture-repellent. Moisture impregnation for wood allows you to increase the service life of wood, since it is a hygroscopic substance and, even with high-quality drying, can absorb moisture.

Due to the fact that the composition of such solutions often includes metal oxides, they also affect the finishing shade of the material after processing. The color of wood impregnation varies from pale yellow to purple, burgundy, and blue shades.

Combined. These products combine several types of protection, which is very important in difficult climatic conditions.

Types of protective equipment bases

Depending on the basis, the products are divided into:

Aquatic. The main advantage of such substances is their easy permeability into the upper layers of wood, a minimal drying period (up to 3 hours), the absence of a specific chemical odor, the ability to be used for internal treatment of buildings, they are considered environmentally friendly.

Solutions for water based divided between salt and without. The main components of salt aqueous solutions are coal, boron, and phosphorus salts. The negative side of salt options includes a short period of protection (up to 5 years), specific application methods, and structures cannot be further finished.

Oil or organic. The functional task of wood impregnation oil is to protect the building material from condensation, while creating a beautiful glossy shine. Often used for these purposes linen impregnation for wood, due to the fact that it is the most environmentally friendly.

However, it should be taken into account that after applying the protective agent, other cladding (painting, varnishing) becomes impossible, so it is more advisable to use it for external work.

Primary requirements

When choosing an impregnation, in addition to looking at the photo of the impregnation, pay attention to the following indicators of the product:

  • does not clog the pores of the wood, allowing it to “breathe” normally;
  • does not lose its properties even at a high percentage of humidity;
  • deep adhesion (penetration) into wood;
  • the degree of water washout is low;
  • do not affect the structure of the tree.

Treatment wooden elements from all kinds of pests and external factors - an important part of building a house (gazebo, bathhouse).

As you can see, it is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of which wood impregnation is better, because each of them has its own properties and applications. Just choose the right option, and then your home will not be afraid of any pests.

Photo of impregnation

August 10, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Currently, there are quite a lot of products on the paint and varnish market to protect wood from rot, moisture, and other negative impacts. But which one and in what cases is it better to use? To answer this question, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most common types of impregnations and their main features. This information will definitely help you decide for yourself which wood impregnation is best in your case.

A few words about the coverage functions

Before you start choosing impregnation, you need to figure out why it is needed at all? This material can perform various functions:

  • Antiseptic. Protects wood from rotting, as well as other biological influences (fungi, insects, etc.);

  • Water-repellent. The composition clogs the pores of wood, thereby protecting it from moisture;
  • Fire safety. Due to the fire retardant content, fire impregnation makes wood a low-flammable material, i.e. it smolders, but does not burn;

  • Decorative. Serves finishing coat, which gives the surface of the wood a certain shade and also emphasizes its pattern.

It must be said that modern compositions usually combine several functions, therefore they are divided into two types:

  • Protective. They are applied under paint and varnish coatings, therefore they include only three functions - they protect wood from biological influences, moisture and serve as fire retardants;
  • Protective and decorative. Such compositions are also called 4 in 1, since they perform all the functions described above.

It must be said that on sale you may still find exclusively decorative impregnation, which only gives the wood a certain shade and protects it from moisture. Therefore, when purchasing the composition, carefully read the instructions.

Currently, the following types of impregnating compounds are most often used to protect wood:

Option 1: water-dispersed

Water-based impregnations in Lately are most popular due to their relatively low cost and efficiency. They are both protective and protective-decorative.

Advantages. Water-dispersion coatings have a lot of positive qualities:

  • No smell. Due to the absence of organic solvents, these compositions are harmless to health during the application process, which allows you to work with them without a respirator;
  • Absorbs quickly and dries. As a result, the application process is quite simple and fast;

  • Large assortment of colors. This allows you to accurately select the color of the coating and its shade according to your desire;
  • Versatility. Can be used for both outdoor and indoor interior works. The only thing, keep in mind that not all formulations are universal, so before purchasing, carefully study the scope of application.

Impregnations should not just be applied like a paint coating, but rubbed into the surface as required by the instructions.

Flaws. Among the minuses, one can highlight the presence in the composition chemical substances, which somewhat reduces the environmental friendliness of the tree.

Price. Below are prices for some water-based impregnations that have worked well:

Conventional impregnations cannot be used to treat baths and saunas, since under the influence of high temperatures they release harmful substances.

Option 2: oil

Since ancient times, people have learned to protect wood from influences environment flaxseed oil and some other natural oils. Due to a number of advantages of this solution, it has not lost its relevance today.

True, modern oil-based impregnations often contain some other components that improve the characteristics of the coating. But at the same time, many manufacturers are trying to maintain the environmental friendliness of the composition.


  • Efficiency. Oil reliably protects wood from moisture and biological influences, for example, linseed oil is a good natural antiseptic;
  • Environmentally friendly. Unlike the impregnations described above, the oil does not contain harmful chemicals. Therefore, some compositions based on them can even be used in baths and saunas;

  • Versatility. Can be used for indoor and outdoor use.


  • Requires periodic processing. Wood needs to be treated with oil more often than with chemical impregnation, since it is less resistant;
  • Impossibility of painting. The oil is used exclusively as a finishing coating.


Option 3: wax based

Waxing is another ancient way of protecting wood from various negative influences. In its protective qualities, wax resembles oil - it also penetrates the structure of the wood and provides water-repellent properties.

It must be said that some manufacturers in the manufacture of such coatings do not use natural beeswax, and paraffin. This somewhat reduces the environmental friendliness of the tree, and also reduces its vapor permeability.

In addition, wax does not tolerate well high temperatures, therefore it can only be used where the wood will not be exposed to thermal effects. But it is more durable than oil, so it has to be applied to the surface of the wood less often.


Here, in fact, are all the types of compositions for wood processing that I wanted to talk about.


Now you can decide for yourself which impregnation is the best of all those described above. The only thing is, before you go to the store, watch another video in this article. And if you still can’t make a choice, contact me in the comments, and I will be happy to help you.

During construction wooden house or creating pieces of furniture from wood, the question always arises about choosing products that will help preserve the wood long years. Wood impregnation is the process of applying a solution designed to protect wood from a variety of negative factors. In this article we will try to figure out what qualities the best wood impregnation should have.

External wood impregnations

Wood exposed to the street is subjected to daily negative action moisture and ultraviolet rays. As a result of frequent fluctuations in humidity levels, its deformation is observed, which is manifested by swelling and drying out of the wood. In addition, the accumulation excess moisture causes mold to grow, which slowly destroys the wood surface.

Protective impregnation for wood against moisture must be used when processing wood. Another enemy of the tree is insects and molds. If there are fungal spores in the air, they will certainly settle on a damp wooden surface and begin to multiply there abundantly.

The worst enemy of wood is a microorganism - white house fungus. In just a month it will destroy floorboard 40 mm thick.

Different types of impregnations are used at different stages of construction:

  • in the process of timber harvesting
  • after its felling
  • during wood storage and drying
  • before starting installation work.

Timber processing must be carried out in a complex manner to prevent an increase in the moisture level of the material, because humidity is the main destroyer of wood.

In order to protect timber from biological effects, it must be isolated from contact with the soil. For this purpose, you can create a stone or brick base.

The main purpose of applying external impregnations is to protect wood from moisture, fire and biological factors. At correct use Such compositions increase the service life of wood significantly. All protective equipment is divided into several categories:

  • antiseptics protect against mold and mildew
  • Fire retardants guarantee fire protection.

The most popular are water-based formulations because they are safer and easier to use. Their advantages:

  • no odor
  • quick drying
  • harmlessness
  • no need to wait for the surface to dry before applying the composition.


  • not deep penetration
  • cannot be used on wood that is in constant contact with moisture
  • provide only superficial protection.

Residential buildings are treated with such compounds, outbuildings, individual wooden elements.

In addition, impregnations are sold organic origin, which penetrate much deeper into the wood texture, which guarantees longer-lasting protection. However, they have a pungent odor. They are advisable to use for wood that is constantly in contact with water. For example, in basements, cellars.

In the process of preparing raw materials for the purpose of their further transportation and storage. Often wood is stored outdoors and without treatment the wood will darken due to infection by a certain type of fungus. Such impregnations protect the wood for a long time.

Most modern compounds guarantee short-term protection of wood, for 3-6 months. You can also purchase expensive formulations, the balanced recipe of which guarantees longer protection for the tree.

For sale a wide range of compounds that bleach wood. Some of them are aimed at eliminating the defeat, and some are aimed at camouflaging them. Chlorine-based solutions can burn wood, but this destroys its structure while simultaneously removing resins and tannins from it.

Gentle impregnations are made on the basis of active oxygen. Such substances do not destroy the wood texture and therefore do not affect its characteristics. Treated with such compounds makes the wood lighter.

Impregnation of wood against rotting also protects against cracking of the end sections. Preference should be given to compositions that combine both fire retardant and bioprotective functions.

There are two types of fire retardants:

  • frequent type covering
  • compositions.

The first option includes varnishes, paints, pastes and coatings, and the second includes impregnations directly. After treatment with coating-type compounds, the color of the wood changes, so they are used in areas that are not inspected.

When choosing any composition, it is necessary to check quality certificates, documents confirming fire safety and sanitary and epidemiological conclusions.

Decorative impregnations differ in a wide range color scheme. Such impregnations have ultraviolet filters. They do not lead to darkening of the wood due to the fact that they absorb ultraviolet radiation.

Impregnations for wood internal

Unfortunately, even indoors, wood needs protection. Despite the fact that wood indoors is not subject to such aggressive actions as outdoors, you should not skip the impregnation stage.

When choosing impregnation for interior work, you need to take into account the effect you want to achieve, as well as the functions that such impregnation should perform.

What impregnation does:

  • protects wood from moisture and temperature fluctuations
  • provides fire protection to the material
  • prepare the surface for further decorative processing.

Impregnation for interior work must meet the following requirements:

  • natural composition that does not harm human health
  • no pungent odor. Since impregnation is used indoors, sharp, strong, toxic odors should not be used.

There are several types of impregnation for interior work:

  • antiseptics are designed to protect wood from humidity, temperature changes, rot, mold, pests, changes in color and shape. Such compositions are based on different components
  • special solutions for treating wood for baths. After this treatment, the wood will be maximally protected from constant moisture and high temperatures.
  • fire retardant compounds. Such solutions reduce the flammability of timber.

Water-based impregnations are not hazardous to humans. They penetrate well into the wood structure and guarantee high level protection from external factors. In addition, they dry quite quickly, in just 2-3 hours. They should not be used on very dry wood because water may cause swelling.

Impregnations based on organic solvents are also suitable for interior work. They are created on the basis of organic solvents that are not harmful to human health. Drying time reaches ten to twelve hours.

Oil-based impregnations have a safe composition. This impregnation extends the life of the tree by more than a dozen years. After treatment, the wood does not change color and does not crack.

Impregnation of any wood with natural or synthetic wax serves to protect the material from mold, rot, damage and insects. With the help of wax, wood is not only protected from rotting, but its texture is highlighted. Wax is a reliable protector of wood from moisture. Waxing is old but effective method coatings wooden structures. The stores offer a wide range of waxes.

If you are going to wax wood that already has a coating, it must be removed. The varnish is removed with a solvent. This treatment should be carried out several times to expose the natural board. Residues of solvent can be removed warm water. After drying, the surface must be sanded. If after these measures you get a flat and smooth surface, then you did everything right.

More often wax compositions They contain soft beeswax diluted with turpentine. They are sold in tin cans. A special tampon is perfect for applying such a coating. But you can also use a thick brush, as well as steel wool for washing dishes. Wax paste - wonderful finishing material, which can be used to cover other coatings after impregnation with oil.

Liquid wax is used to treat large surfaces, for example, large panels. It is applied with a brush. Floor finishing compositions have a transparent mastic base and are used in difficult operating conditions.

Colored wax solutions are most often sold in dark colors. To cover oak furniture, brown or black shades of impregnation are used, which are specially created to enhance naturalness, so that the board shows its texture. In order to cover cedar or pine, golden impregnations are used, and for processing mahogany, red mastics are chosen.

After treating the wood with wax, a slight yellowish tint can be seen. This is the result of waxing, impregnation using an ancient method wooden furniture and parquets. After this, the structure of the tree really stands out and attracts attention.

You can find oleoresin waxes on sale, used liquid with the addition of a solvent. This solution is based on beeswax and pine resin or orange oil. For floor treatment, durum varieties They contain a little chemistry. Special waxes have also been developed, based on petroleum components; they contain chemical solvents without an oil base. Please note that the use of wax protective compounds significantly extends the life of wooden coverings.

The best oil for wood is coal oil. However, its use is only advisable for processing sleepers or other objects that are used in harsh conditions. For residential premises, more affordable compositions with a pleasant smell are used.

Oil, like wax, improves the appearance of wood and increases its strength and service life. Impregnating oils are characterized by high antiseptic properties. They penetrate deeply into the wood, giving its surface elasticity. They protect the wood from drying out and do not clog the pores. Wood breathes and regulates humidity levels.

Oils do not harm human health. The most commonly used oils are:

  • tung
  • teak
  • tar
  • flaxseed

Sometimes sunflower oil is also used. But it gives the worst result. It's all about polyunsaturated fatty acids. IN sunflower oil there are very few of them. There are extremely few of them in sunflower.

Advantages of wood oil treatment:

  • ecological cleanliness
  • aesthetic appearance
  • matte shine
  • the surface is velvety to the touch
  • ease of processing
  • availability of material
  • low price.

The disadvantages include:

  • requirement for care. It is necessary to impregnate every 3 - 4 months, and then polish well
  • vulnerability to fat. Oily stains clearly visible on oiled wood.

Linseed oil called the best and most cost-effective means for protecting wooden surfaces. Flaxseed oil has high waterproofing properties. They can be used to process external and internal surfaces. It creates on the surface wooden product durable water-repellent layer.

In order to treat wooden surfaces with oil you will need:

  • natural hair brush
  • foam sponge
  • soft fabric
  • rags
  • oil
  • stick for stirring it
  • construction hair dryer
  • metal brush - for removing outdated coating
  • sandpaper
  • gloves.

Just as with wax, the surface should be carefully prepared. Remove the old coating. Sand clean wood well. And only after that start coating. You need to apply the oil in several thin layers and let each previous one dry completely.

Can be used on wooden surfaces, previously treated with drying oil or other wood-coloring agents.
Provides long-term protection of wood from atmospheric influences. A specially selected system of alkyd resins with different viscosities, as well as use in the composition natural oils, provide the formation of high-strength breathable protective coating, which has high flexibility and elasticity. Availability in the composition natural waxes allows you to achieve increased resistance of the coating to the effects of precipitation.
Protects wood from biological damage. The latest environmentally friendly fungicides included in the composition protect wood from mold, putrefactive and wood-staining fungi.
Protects against exposure to solar UV radiation in the UV-A and UV-B ranges. The system of light stabilizers of this composition includes unique organic UV absorbers and UV absorbing nanopigments of a new generation, which allows achieving high stability of the final coating to fading.
The coating has high aesthetic properties. Leaving the natural structure of the wood visible, the composition forms a silky-glossy varnish coating, which, thanks to the use of special transparent pigments, has a deep, rich, noble color. All Aquatex Extra® colors can be mixed with each other to create your own colors and shades.
Convenient to apply. The composition has high painting properties, does not cause smudges, and perfectly wets the surface of the wood.
Convenient packaging. It is sold packaged in original “Euro-buckets”, which eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting, as well as violation of the tightness of the container during transportation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998 established a list of goods that are not subject to return or exchange:
cement, putty, plaster, primer, glue, paints and varnishes, wallpaper, wall and floor tiles, brick, SCC blocks, wooden beams and boards, putty-grout and sealing materials, plastic, plywood and wooden panels, plasterboard sheets and other partition materials, sound, noise, thermal insulation materials, siding and cladding products, linoleum, carpets, parquet, laminate, roofing materials(slate, tiles, roofing felt, spillways, gutters), window products (slopes, frames, glass, handles, locking mechanisms), door products, installation and fastening mechanisms and parts (channels, angles, I-beams, etc.), hardware , decorative items(balusters, palustras, stucco moldings), etc.