Polinor or ppu which is better. Polinor: consumer reviews

One of the best materials for arranging foam thermal insulation at home with your own hands. Polinor is superior to most insulation materials both in terms of thermal insulation characteristics both durability and efficiency.

This article will explore possible areas of application of foam thermal insulation, its specifications, Advantages and disadvantages. You will also learn how to properly perform thermal insulation with Polinor yourself.


Foam polyurethane thermal insulation, thanks to technical characteristics that are an order of magnitude superior to other thermal insulation materials, has always been considered the most effective way to insulate a house.

However, due to its inferiority to classic insulation in terms of availability and cost, PU thermal insulation for polyurethane insulation has not yet become as widespread as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and polystyrene insulation produced by extrusion.

Problems with accessibility were explained by the fact that to insulate a house, which requires a fairly large amount of foam insulation, until recently it was necessary to use the services of contractors, or buy special equipment, raw materials, and delve into the basics of thermal insulation yourself.

With the advent of polyurethane insulation Polinor, the situation changed in the opposite direction. Now, in order to insulate even a large surface, you do not need to look for external contractors or invest in expensive equipment.

Polinor is a polyurethane insulation that is produced in compact cylinders, the contents of which are enough to insulate one square meter of surface, with a thermal insulation thickness of 6 centimeters.

If we compare the cost of thermal insulation with Polinor cylinders with the price that will have to be paid for insulation services to third-party organizations, the difference is more than obvious.

The average statistical cost of insulating one square meter with polyurethane foam by a team of workers today is about 1-1.5 thousand rubles per square meter, which includes the cost of insulation and labor. At the same time, the price of one Polinor cylinder (per 1 m²) is approximately 500 rubles.

Based on the above, Polinor – perfect option polyurethane foam thermal insulation for private use. This material can be used to insulate the following surfaces:

  • Internal walls and facades of houses made of any material - brick, concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • Lag floors, and any coverings with a non-load-bearing structure;
  • The inner surface of the pitched roof;
  • Attic, attic floor (Astratek liquid insulation is used);
  • Foundation, basement, ground floor.

The liquid form of Polinor allows it to be applied to any surface, as a result of which the material is often used to insulate sewer pipes, hot and cold water supply located outside the building.

It is worth noting that the release form of Polinor somewhat limits the possibilities of its use. Insulation cylinders do not have the level of pressure required to foam the empty space in hollow walls. Polinor is an insulation material used exclusively for spraying.

In general, as evidenced, in one working day, one person can thermally insulate approximately 80-100 square meters of insulated surface with Polinor.

Structure of hardened polyurethane Polinor 1.1 ADVANTAGES OF POLYNOR The key advantages of Polinor over other PU thermal insulation are, of course, cost-effectiveness, convenience and ease of installation. We can also highlight the following strengths Polinor Fast hardening - within one hour;

  • Mice do not eat (as well as liquid thermal insulation);
  • No cold bridges are formed;
  • Does not provide negative influence on the human body;
  • Does not require special expensive equipment;
  • Highest efficiency;
  • Durability;
  • Closed cells do not allow steam and moisture to pass through;
  • The material has the ability to self-extinguish in the absence of direct exposure to fire 1.2 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS
  • Polynor sprayed polyurethane insulation has technical characteristics superior to most of the insulation on the market, such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and extruded polystyrene foam.

    The properties of balloon Polinor are virtually identical to those of industrial polyurethane foam produced in pneumatic units.

    Let's look at the main technical characteristics of polyurethane thermal insulation Polinor.

  • Thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.023 – 0.025 W/mk;
  • The density of hardened foam is over 28 kg/m³;
  • The number of closed pores in the insulation structure is no less than 70%, like the Izospan V vapor barrier;
  • Moisture absorption when immersing insulation in boiling water for 90 minutes – 2%;
  • The upper limit of the permissible operating temperature is 121 degrees (in this mode, Polinor does not lose its characteristics for about a year);
  • The average durability of the material is 40-50 years;
  • Polinor is an elastic foam that does not collapse when deformed up to 50% of the original volume;
  • Resistance to wet environments – maximum;
  • Environmental performance – certified for internal thermal insulation of indoor residential premises.
  • Sprayed thermal insulation from Polinor can be applied to the surfaces of any building material. Let's consider the adhesion characteristics of PU foam in relation to some of them.

  • Aluminum – 1 kg/cm²;
  • Brick, reinforced concrete – 2.5 kg/cm²;
  • Plywood, wood – 1.5 kg/cm²;
  • Steel – 1.5 kg/cm²;
  • Cast iron – 2 kg/cm².
  • 2 FEATURES OF INSTALLATION OF SPRAYED THERMAL INSULATION In terms of the complexity of arranging insulation, Polinor foam insulation differs from roll and slab thermal insulation materials for the better.

    With the help of polyurethane foam Polinor can perform thermal insulation of any surfaces: horizontal - floors, flat roofs; vertical and inclined – walls, facades, roofs; and objects with complex shapes - water supply pipes, well caissons, etc.

    Insulation with Polinor can be done by one person, without the need for any outside help. Foam thermal insulation is produced in compact cylinders containing enough insulation to cover one square meter (based on the thermal insulation thickness of 6 centimeters).

    It is worth noting that such packaging has a positive effect on savings, since it is extremely simple to calculate the number of cylinders required to insulate an object, knowing their productivity.

    Before starting thermal insulation with Polinor, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface to be insulated. The wall, floor or roof of the house is cleaned of dust and mechanical impurities.

    If any damage is detected in the structure of the house, the defects must be eliminated to prevent their further spread. In case of cracks in brick, concrete, or gas silicate walls, the damage must be repaired with a mixture of glue and cement.

    Next, the insulated surface is degreased using any organic solvent - acetone, toluene, 748. This must be done due to the fact that Polinor’s adhesion to an oily surface is much worse than to a clean brick wall.

    The PPU cylinder, before starting work, must be stored at an air temperature of 18 to 30 degrees. Before application, shake the container for 2-3 minutes.

    Thermal insulation is sprayed using a special gun, which must be purchased separately, since it is not included with Polinor cylinders.

    Together with a polyurethane cylinder, you will receive a universal nozzle that controls the flow and supply of PU foam, which allows you to spray Polynor with any foam gun.

    It is necessary to mount the nozzle onto the barrel of the gun (until it clicks), after which the cap is removed from the end of the cylinder, after which the gun rod is screwed into the PU foam cylinder, which is in a vertical position.

    As a rule, the thickness of the Polinor thermal insulation layer should not exceed 6 centimeters. The foam flow rate is regulated by the pressure of the release handle mounting gun. The cylinder itself must be shaken every few minutes of operation (you need to hold on to the cylinder itself, and not to the mounting gun).

    When spraying thermal insulation, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety regulations, since uncured polyurethane foam can cause harm to the human body.

    Polyurethane foam can cause irritation to the eyes, mucous membranes, and areas of the skin that it comes into contact with, therefore, installation of Polinor must be carried out in a protective suit, or, in the absence of special protection, use construction glasses and gloves.

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    Victor, 29 years old, Rostov:

    I used Polinor for thermal insulation of the attic floor. The insulation proved to be excellent, both in terms of ease of installation and thermal insulation properties.

    To cover 45 square meters of a room, cylinders worth 22 thousand rubles were required, which is significantly cheaper than other insulation materials of comparable quality. I recommend!

    Oleg, 39 years old, Moscow:

    The first time I dealt with Polinor thermal insulation was about two years ago, and since then it has been my main insulation material. I have already completed the thermal insulation of a house, a cottage outside the city, and brick garage. All that remains is to insulate the attic. In my opinion, there is no thermal insulation with a better price-quality ratio.

Among modern foam polyurethane thermal insulation materials, one of the leaders is Polynor spray insulation, developed by Norwegian specialists. It is several positions superior to heat insulators from other manufacturers.

The high technical characteristics of this sprayed insulation allow us to rightfully consider its use one of the most effective ways keeping the house warm.

Properties and scope

It should be noted that in general, insulation materials based on polyurethane foam are somewhat inferior to their classic counterparts in terms of affordability. For this reason, these heat-insulating materials have not yet become as widespread as insulating building materials from mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, the production of which is based on the extrusion method.

The issue of availability of polyurethane insulation materials for purchase is explained by the fact that the thermal insulation of a house requires quite high consumption foam insulation. Until recently, this problem was solved by involving various contractors or in the case of an attempt to solve it independently by purchasing raw materials and special equipment, as well as the need for personal mastery of thermal insulation technology.

The appearance of Polynor insulation on the market radically changed the situation. Now, to insulate any, even very large, surface, the consumer does not need to resort to the services of third-party contractors and spend money on purchasing expensive equipment.

Liquid foam insulation Polynor is produced by the manufacturer in compact cylinders. The consumption of the contents of one such cylinder, provided that a heat-insulating layer 6 cm thick is created, is equal to 1 m² of the surface area being treated. At the same time, a comparison of the cost of Polynor thermal insulation sprayed from a cylinder with the costs of paying for the services of a third-party organization for home insulation clearly indicates in favor of the option of spraying liquid insulation.

It is known that the average cost of insulating 1 m² of polyurethane foam insulation by a team of specialists is approximately 1 thousand rubles, taking into account the cost of the material and the work performed. Whereas one cylinder of Polynor insulation for the same square meter of insulated surface area of ​​a gable or attic will cost the consumer approximately 500 rubles.

This type of heat insulator is recommended for insulating rooms from the inside or outside by applying it to the internal surfaces of walls and facades of houses made of any material - brick, concrete or made of gas silicate blocks. This also includes log floors and any coverings with a structure that does not support dynamic loads. This heat insulator can be used to insulate internal surfaces pitched roofs, attics, attic floors, foundations, plinths and ground floors buildings.

Thanks to Polynor's liquid form, it can be applied to absolutely any surface. Therefore, this material is successfully used for insulation. sewer pipes and mains of both hot and cold water supply, located outside the construction sites.

It should be taken into account that the operational capabilities of this insulation are somewhat limited by its balloon form, which does not allow creating a pressure level that allows foaming voids inside hollow walls, that is, this material is only suitable for external spraying. Regarding the issue of labor productivity when working with this material, according to reviews from those consumers who have already used it, within one working day one person can process about 80–100 m² of insulated surface with Polynor.

In addition to the convenience and simplicity in the process of work and the high efficiency of sprayed thermal insulation of the Polynor brand, one can also highlight its key advantages over analogues from other manufacturers, such as the ability to quickly harden, no more than one hour, and the absence negative impact of this material on human health.

Polynor insulation does not attract rodents as a food source. It does not create cold bridges and, despite its highest efficiency, does not require special expensive equipment for its installation. The closed cells of this durable material do not allow moisture and steam to pass through, and in the absence of direct contact with fire it is capable of self-extinguishing.

Advantages and disadvantages

This type of thermal insulation material, in comparison with analogues from other manufacturers, is characterized by ease of installation, which does not require the creation of a frame and the use of materials such as films, isospan, adhesive composites, fasteners, reinforcing mesh, and the like. This heat insulator is conveniently used when working in hard-to-reach and spatially limited places and where there is a complex profile of the surface to be coated.

Polynor application technology does not require the use of special equipment and the consumption of electricity. This material, which has one of the best thermal conductivity compared to similar thermal insulators, also has excellent adhesion to a wide variety of building materials, from brick, concrete or wood to metal and glass.

At very high speed coating, when an area of ​​1 m² is covered with this material in one, maximum two minutes, Polynor is characterized by a low degree of consumption. One container with a volume of 1000 ml is enough to apply a six-centimeter layer per square meter of surface.

The polymerization process of this heat insulator takes one hour, after which the coated Polynor surface can be painted, plastered, or any other coating or protection applied to it. This environmental safe material does not emit harmful volatile compounds during operation and has a long service life, which, according to the manufacturer, is about 35–50 years.

In addition to thermal insulation itself, Polynor is a sound-proofing material, rodents and insects do not like it, and it is resistant to fungal mold and other biological factors.

As for the disadvantages of this material, it is not resistant to direct solar ultraviolet radiation like polyurethane foam and is short-lived when in regular contact with water. Installation of Polynor is possible in somewhat limited temperature conditions.

The spraying process is difficult to obtain a layer of uniform thickness, as a result of which finished coating may have non-uniform thermal conductivity. Therefore, better, more uniform spraying depends on experience in working with this material. In this case, you should take into account the manufacturer’s recommendation, according to which the thickness of the applied layer is limited to 6 cm.

During operation, the cylinder can be used at temperatures ranging between +18 and +35°C. This waterproofing agent, as already mentioned, is toxic during operation, which entails the mandatory use of personal protective equipment.

Polynor is not hygroscopic, so there is a sealing effect on the surface coated with it, which serves as an obstacle to vapor absorption. The supply of insulation in cylinders requires the separate purchase of a construction gun equipped with a special nozzle. If the gun or nozzle is lost or broken, you will need to purchase new ones, since without them, the quality of the spraying process, according to the manufacturer, is significantly reduced.

Application technology

Before you start working with Polynor to insulate a section of any surface, you should prepare it accordingly. For this purpose, it is necessary to carefully remove accumulations of dirt and dust from such a surface, and if there are grease and oil stains, remove them using acetone or white spirit. Degreasing the insulated surface is necessary because sprayed Polynor adheres much worse to an oily surface than to a clean brick or concrete wall.

If there are any chips, potholes, cracks or other damage to the insulated surface, they must be repaired cement mortar or adhesive composite. Before you start working with it, the cylinder with insulation must be kept for some time in a room at an air temperature above +18°C. This is done in order to prevent the working substance from hardening and obtain a uniform layer after its application.

Preparation for using Polynor insulation involves installing a special nozzle on the cylinder. It is put on until it clicks, after which the cover is removed from the cross and the mounting gun, purchased separately, is connected. All these manipulations are carried out provided that the product packaging is held in an upright position.

From the moment you start work and during the process, the container must be shaken periodically. The insulation is applied to the surface by spraying it by pressing the lever of the mounting gun. In this case, the resulting thermal insulation layer should have a thickness of no more than 500 mm. At the end of such work, the gun is disconnected from the cylinder and its parts are cleaned with a liquid solvent.

Spraying of thermal insulation must be carried out in strict accordance with safety regulations, since liquid polyurethane foam before it hardens is harmful to the human body.

It can lead to irritation of the eyes, mucous membranes of the respiratory organs and those areas of the skin where it accidentally comes into contact. That's why installation work with Polynor should be carried out in protective clothing, construction glasses and gloves. Each package of Polynor thermal insulation includes detailed instructions by use of this material With necessary explanations and recommendations.

POLYNOR (polynor) - can be compared with many materials and insulation materials, but we will focus on the most basic ones.

We consider the economics or the true cost of insulation

When choosing any product or building material, the question always arises regarding the price/quality ratio. I would like to do everything efficiently, relatively inexpensively and not return to this issue for a long time. When insulating, it is not enough to choose the insulation you like based only on the cost and its physical and chemical properties, but you also need to understand what additional costs will arise during the work. Let's consider this using the example of traditional insulation materials: polynor, mineral wool, expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam for an insulation area of ​​100 m2.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of Polynor thermal insulation is 0,023 W/(m*deg.). This is the minimum indicator among the insulation listed above! The number of closed cells is 70%. Based on this and similar parameters for other insulation materials, the thicknesses required for insulation, all other things being equal, were determined:

Mineral wool -15cm.

Expanded polystyrene-13cm.

PSB-S15U -15cm.

Accordingly, the required volume and cost of the material itself (at prices Leroy Merlin as of 12/05/2014):

Polynor - 5m3 (or 100 cylinders) X 325 rub. = 32500 rub.

Mineral wool (Ursa Terra 34PN, 50mm.) - 15m3./70rub. per m2. 21000 rub.
Expanded polystyrene (URSA XPS, 50mm.) - 13m3. /224 rub. per m2. 58240 rub.
Polystyrene foam (PSB-S15U, 1x0.6x0.03) - 15m3/36.3rub. per m2. 18150 rub.

Now let's move on to the second part of the question - additional costs for installing thermal insulation, the cost of work and delivery of insulation materials to the construction site.

Polynor is produced in cylinders with a capacity of 1 liter, the covered area is 5 cm thick. is 1m2. For 100 m2 you will need 100 cylinders or 9 boxes. Transportation costs are insignificant, unlike other compared insulation materials. Their transportation requires special transport.

Cost of work.
Polynor is a high-tech material, there are no requirements for the preparation of the insulated surface, it does not require lathing or vapor barrier, any person without special skills can apply PPU insulation. As a rule, prices construction companies for work are 90-100% of the cost of the material itself, but this does not apply to the Polynor brand. You can apply it yourself or negotiate at your own discretion (maximum 30% of the cost of the material).

At Leroy Merlin prices as of 12/05/2014:

Vapor barrier Izospan, roll 70m2-950rub/piece.

Hydro-windproof membrane Izospan AM, roll 35m2-30 RUR/m2.

Mounting adhesive Tytan Prof Classic Fix - 139 RUR/pc.

Cost of thermal insulation materials per 100m2

thermal insulation



vapor barrier

hydro windproof membrane

assembly adhesive

mineral wool

expanded polystyrene


The cost of the required materials was calculated based on the amount of materials used:

  1. Edged board: distance between logs 1 m. Board section: 0.02X0.08m. Cubic capacity: 100X0.02X0.08=0.16m3. Cost: 0.16m3X7000rub.=1120rub. 1a. This section of the board at Polynor insulation is necessary and sufficient to ensure the solidity of the entire insulated structure as a whole, eliminates the temperature gradient, cold bridges and moves the dew point outside the insulated plane.
  2. Lathing + counter-lattice: Cell format - 0.6X1.2. With this format, the amount of timber per 100m2 is 25 pieces with a length of 10m. Section of timber: 0.05X0.15m. Cubic capacity: 250X0.05X0.15=1.875m3. Cost: 1.875m3X7000rub.=13125rub.
  3. Vapor barrier: Cost: 100m2-1360rub.
  4. Hydro-windproof membrane: Cost: 105m2-3150rub.
  5. Mounting adhesive: 17 pcs x 139 rubles = 2363 rubles.

Durability of materials:

Expanded polystyrene: PPS_JSC JV Tigi Knauf _ GOST 15588-70_13 years
EPPS_NPP "Expol"_TU 2244-001-17953000-97_34 years
EPPS_ZAO "Khimich. Plant"_TU 2244-002-17953000-95_16 years
Eps Flomate_ "Dow Chemical"_DIN 4108_37 years
EPPS Roofmate _ "Dow Chemical"_DIN 4108_40 years
Foam plastic: at least 30 years
Polynor: 45 years

So to summarize: we see thatPolynor is in the middle price segment between mineral wool and expanded polystyrene, but in terms of the totality of all costs for arranging thermal insulation, durability and transportation, it is confidently in the lead.

During construction country house You can’t do without thermal insulation work. A good owner will always take measures to insulate the walls and roof. When choosing required material For this purpose, one of the main questions that arises for the home owner is what kind of insulation is not chewed by mice or their relatives.

First of all, this concerns the insulation of floors and walls. As is known, many of the thermal insulation materials are used for these animals a cozy house. Rodents do not eat any of the existing insulation, but gnaw at it with special pleasure, making nests and passages inside it, and if they appear thicker than such material, then it is almost impossible to evict them from there. Therefore, when choosing a thermal insulation material, you need to carefully study all its characteristics so that you do not have to redo all the work done again.

Used insulation materials and their properties

It should be noted that for mice there are few barriers that they are not able to overcome - these small rodents penetrate through the narrowest cracks that form at the junctions of the walls of the house and concrete slabs, and through almost imperceptible cracks in the facade cladding. If, having penetrated the insulation, rodents feel comfortable in it, they will not be smoked out, therefore the material for thermal insulation must have properties that are unacceptable for the existence of animals in its thickness. There are several similar materials, and they are quite accessible to any owner of a house under construction.

Expanded clay

It has long won recognition as a reliable thermal insulator, as it has many advantages. It not only perfectly insulates the house, but also absorbs noise. It is completely non-flammable, and most importantly, rodents do not live in it.

Expanded clay is made from special grades of clay, which is cleaned, thoroughly wiped and mixed into a plastic solution. Then granules are formed from it and hardened at a certain temperature, at which swelling of the mass is achieved. When cooled, the insulation becomes light in weight and at the same time very durable, capable of withstanding significant mechanical stress.

Expanded clay can have different fractional sizes. So, it is produced in the form of sand, small and medium-sized gravel, as well as large, up to 10 - 25 mm granules.

It is unlikely that rodents will choose at least some of these materials for nesting and living. If they can move along large fractions of the material, then in insulation in the form of fine gravel and sand, mice, and especially rats, will simply drown. Rodents simply cannot live in such material, since there is not enough air in its thickness and a large number of small particles that will clog the animal's airways. Mice or rats will also not be able to chew expanded clay, since it is too tough for them, so they have nothing to do in a house where there is danger for them.

Expanded clay is used to insulate basements, interfloor and attic floors, but you can also use it to insulate walls.

  • To do this, a kind of formwork is made near or inside the walls, having the required thickness, into which expanded clay is poured. It tightly fills all spaces without compaction.
  • For laying on a rough base vapor barrier material, which is fixed to the logs. Expanded clay is poured onto it and the top is again covered with a vapor barrier. Next, a finished floor made of boards or plywood is laid on the joists.
  • In addition, fine expanded clay is used to construct a bulk floor using the “dry screed” technology, where it serves as insulation and sound insulator, and in addition, as a basis for laying gypsum fiber panels. When arranging such a floor, expanded clay can be poured both onto the ground and onto a concrete surface.
Fine expanded clay is the main component of the “dry screed” floor

But first they lay on any of them waterproofing material, if it is laid in separate sheets, they are glued together with special tape. The waterproofing is raised onto the walls by 15–20 cm, and a damper tape is installed along the wall and only then expanded clay is poured.

Gypsum fiber boards laid on expanded clay backfill will create a smooth and durable floor surface

On top of such an embankment, carefully leveled horizontally using a system of temporary beacons, is laid gypsum fiber panels that create a hard surface. Rodents will never live in such an insulated floor base.

  • Since mice manage to penetrate into interfloor and attic floors, they are also filled with expanded clay chips.

Prices for expanded clay

Expanded clay

Foam glass

Another material that mice and their relatives do not like is foam glass. It is produced in slabs and in bulk.

Foam glass - mice will not like this material

Placer material has the same properties as fine expanded clay, and it is used in the same way for walls, floors and ceilings.

You attach the slabs to the walls from the outside or inside, and also lay on floors, on concrete mortar, bitumen, construction adhesive, or on foam glass or expanded clay in a fine fraction previously poured under them.

Foam glass is thermal insulation material, which is made by melting and foaming glass. This process is possible due to the ability of glass to soften and boil at a temperature of 950 ÷ 1000 degrees.

When hardened, the material acquires high strength - this should reliably protect the house from rodents. However, you must also remember that the mortar on which the slabs are attached must be of high quality, and the seams between them must be sealed. Only in this case mice will not be able to enter the premises.

Video: Do ​​mice “love” foam glass?

  • Foam glass perfectly resists not only rodents, but also the appearance of fungal formations and the appearance of insect nests.
  • The material is durable, not damaged by moisture and does not decompose from ultraviolet radiation, does not crumble and retains its thermal insulation qualities for long years.
  • A very important advantage of foam glass is its environmental friendliness - under any conditions, the material does not emit any harmful fumes that negatively affect the health of residents.
  • Foam glass can be processed using a hacksaw or jigsaw, so it is very easy to work with when installing thermal insulation.

Video: advantages of foam glass as an insulation material


To prevent rodents from settling in the insulation, experts recommend using ecowool. It's relative new material, but it confidently occupies its niche among the frequently used effective thermal insulators.

Ecowool is installed using special equipment, which helps distribute the material over the insulated area. After initial setting, the applied layer is leveled with a special roller.

The question arises as to why rodents avoid ecowool, because it is soft and easily susceptible to the teeth of mice and rats. The secret of these animals’ dislike for such insulation is that during its manufacture the manufacturer adds a mixture of orthoboric acid, which causes suffocation and dehydration in rodents. Perhaps individual specimens will try to make a nest in ecowool, but they will not be able to stay in this insulation for a long time, much less reproduce, so the rodents quickly leave the seemingly cozy place to live.

Ecowool treated with orthoboric acid has antiseptic properties and also releases moisture well when heated, thereby providing fairly high fire-fighting characteristics.

Ecowool is produced from cellulose, which is absolutely harmless to the human body, so insulation can be carried out not only from the outside of the building, but also from the inside, distributing the material between the timber sheathing installed on the floors and walls.

Ecowool has low thermal conductivity and sound conductivity, so it retains heat well indoors and muffles all noise coming from the street, as well as from other rooms if the interior walls are decorated with it.

Ecowool remains functional for many years, as it is not subject to rotting and decomposition.

Video: insulating house walls with ecowool

Foam concrete

Another insulation that rodents definitely won’t like is. Moreover, the material is produced in two forms - in the form of blocks and a special solution.

  • Walls are made from ready-made blocks, or they are used to cover ready-made brick or wooden walls.
  • The solution is distributed over the surface of the floor or filled with formwork, made, for example, of two rows of brickwork.

This material consists of cement, water, sand and foaming agent. When hardened, it acquires rigidity and a pronounced porous structure. Foam concrete will definitely not be chewed by mice trying to make a nest in it, since such conditions are unacceptable for them.

The walls are insulated with foam concrete only on the outside of the building, or the mixture is poured into the middle of the masonry during its construction. It is rarely used indoors for wall insulation, since the technological process must be strictly followed, and at the slightest deviation from it, condensation may appear in the walls, which means the development of mold processes can begin.

The floors may well be filled with foam concrete mortar. When completely hardened, it will become a reliable basis for decorative design surfaces. Floors filled with this material will receive excellent thermal and sound insulation.

If the walls of houses are removed, then such buildings are considered reliable, warm and durable, since the material does not absorb moisture, is not subject to cracks, and therefore will be inaccessible not only to rodents, but also to the appearance of colonies microorganisms or insects.

Foam concrete blocks are light in weight, so laying them is easy. They are environmentally friendly and do not pose any danger to the residents of the house. They are easy to process - cut or drill holes if necessary. The material is absolutely not flammable and does not rot.

What about the usual insulation materials?

1. Penoizol is the same polystyrene foam, only sprayed in liquid form onto walls and floors using a special compressor. Many articles indicate that mice do not chew this material because of its components, but, unfortunately, this is not true. Rodents do an excellent job of working on this material. Perhaps they will not make passages and nests in it, but they gnaw at it with great pleasure.

The same can be said about extruded polystyrene foam - it is quite dense, and therefore mice or rats will not live in it, but they will not refuse to chew it.

Ordinary polystyrene foam will become not only a simulator for teeth, but also great place for making nests and passages. Rodents pass through it freely, find cracks in the wall and enter the house.

Video: mice and polystyrene foam

2. All types of mineral wool are also tough on mice and rats, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s glass wool or stone wool. Any of them is suitable for rodents to live in.

The mice have already done a good job on this insulating layer of mineral wool.

They do not eat this material, but they skillfully crush it, setting up their houses, and if they have taken a fancy to the insulating layer of a certain house, it will be very difficult to remove them. The trouble is that you can’t lay out poison for them, otherwise the rodent can say goodbye to life right in the nest and then it will be very difficult to get rid of the putrid smell. That's why bottom part It is not recommended to insulate houses with these materials.

In order for a house to be protected from rodents, its basement and basement rooms must be insulated with hard or bulk materials, and the joint between the wall and the concrete slab must be very carefully sealed. It is extremely important that no cracks or cracks form in this place - even the smallest of them will become a good loophole for gray sneaks. And one more thing - to a private house was protected from mice, you need to get a good active cat that will intercept rodents on the way to the house.

But when choosing insulation, after all you need to follow the advice given above, which is based on performance characteristics materials and the experience of numerous owners of private houses.

Using POLYNOR insulation is no more difficult than working with polyurethane foam and much easier than working with any other insulation. NPU POLYNOR® is new and has no analogues on Russian market insulation, unique in its combination of characteristics and consumer qualities. With its help, you can solve the most complex problems of thermal insulation of your living quarters or the whole house.

Download instructions

The instructions for use are simple and follow just a few simple steps:

  1. Clean working surfaces from dust, dirt and oil stains and moisten.
  2. Before work the cylinder must be room temperature(18-35°C).
  3. Shake the container thoroughly.
  4. Place the special attachment (included in the kit) onto the gun barrel until it clicks.
  5. Remove the cover from the cross and screw the gun (not included) onto the vertically standing cylinder.
  6. The output is dosed by pressing the trigger of the gun. The spray layer should be no thicker than 5 cm.
  7. During operation, shake the cylinder with the gun periodically (while holding the cylinder, not the gun).
  8. To clean the gun and remove contaminants from the insulation, immediately after completing work and disconnecting the cylinder, use a special cleaning liquid PULP® Cleaner.
  9. Cured NPU is removed using a cleaner for cured foam PULP® Cleaner+ or mechanically.


The kit includes a special attachment for the gun. It is PROHIBITED to use this nozzle with regular polyurethane foam!

The attachment does NOT fit all mounting guns!!!

The nozzle must be put on with force and not freely rotate on the gun.

Precautionary measures:

Uncured polyurethane foam irritates the skin, respiratory tract, and eyes. Therefore, during work you need to use protective gloves and goggles, and in case of insufficient ventilation and high concentration of vapors, use a respirator. If insulation gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with water and consult a doctor. A foaming agent is heavier than air and is a flammable substance. Work in a well-ventilated area. In the work area, you must not smoke or use sources of open flames, sparks, or devices with open heating elements.

The contents of the cylinder are under pressure!

Contains 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate.