Do-it-yourself change house made of foam blocks. DIY change house: drawings, technology

You will definitely need temporary housing, that is, a place where people involved in construction will live.

And it is quite important that the construction of this temporary premises does not take much time. Consumables used Construction Materials must be readily available and have a minimum cost.

Frame change house standard type is carried out without the use of internal partitions, this shed should contain a small amount of and.

With this budget option, this cabin will cost you about twice as much as a frame-panel cabin, but its quality will be much higher and more reliable, because the frame cabin is much stronger due to durable timber and other building materials used in the work.

Necessary building materials and tools for installing a cabin

A do-it-yourself change house is carried out only using the building materials necessary for the work, as well as tools.

Below is a list of required materials:

  • To build a temporary foundation, cinder blocks are needed;
  • Sand and geotextiles;
  • or bitumen mastic;
  • Wooden and logs;
  • Sand-lime brick;
  • Various fittings, corners, screws;
  • For roof covering;
  • Mineral wool and;
  • Lining, wooden boards, bars of different sizes.

You also need to prepare the tools that you will definitely need when building a shed: a shovel, a hammer, a drill and others.

Do-it-yourself frame change house step-by-step instructions

If the cabin is temporary, for easy disassembly in the future, the foundation is made of cinder blocks, which are easily disassembled and have a low cost.

Temporary cinder block foundation

To install cinder blocks, you need to remove them from the ground, then compact the soil and cover it with special geotextiles, then cover everything with sand and compact it well again.

Cinder blocks are laid on the made base.

They must be placed in each corner and with intervals between them of 1.5 meters.

Cinder blocks must be waterproofed with roofing felt or mastic and secured with special wood.

Drawings, materials

The third stage is the construction of the wall frame and installation of the roof.

Construction of walls and roof

To begin with, build a base, using it around the perimeter of the entire structure. The logs are laid across and lengthwise.

The construction of a private house usually begins with a “construction trailer”. On the market you can find many offers for the purchase of new or used wooden cabins. Even such a concept as a “block container” has appeared in everyday life. It is made of metal and has a large number of configuration options and can be used as an element of modular housing construction.

But it is precisely the do-it-yourself cabin cabin on a wooden frame that is the most economical and optimal solution for the thrifty owner. After construction is completed, it can be used as a guest house, a shed for tools and equipment, converted into a bathhouse, or transported to a summer cottage and built a house from trailers.

Do-it-yourself cabin car: cabin project

The further use of the cabin depends on its size, design and finishing materials.

As a small shed, internal partitions are not needed. There is also no need to insulate walls, floors and roofs.

If you plan to use the cabin as seasonal residence(for example, summer garden house), then it is possible to envisage the presence internal layout. It is better to carry out insulation at the construction stage - when using heaters, the cabin with your own hands will better retain heat in the spring and autumn, and in the summer it will not get too hot in the sun.

For a construction trailer internal lining may be limited to inexpensive and simple materials. Conversion into a garden or country house will only require modifications in terms of decorative finishing.

It's best if inner space will be divided into at least two rooms. For example, the house in the first photo can be imagined like this.

Projects of cabins

A small vestibule-hallway and a large room with one small window - a typical do-it-yourself construction trailer.

And this is an improved version with three windows, which can roughly be called a house with a living room and a bedroom.

In this diagram, the change house consists of three rooms - a vestibule and two equivalent rooms.

And of course, before starting construction you need simple drawing indicating the main dimensions.

Drawing of a cabin


How to build a cabin step-by-step instruction Construction of a cabin begins with the foundation.

Feature small wooden structure at her low weight. But even this does not mean that it can be placed directly on the ground. To protect against the effects of soil moisture (including precipitation in the form of rain and snow), a raised base is necessary.

which can be painted or covered with vinyl wallpaper.

But cladding with wooden clapboard is more common.

The internal partition must be provided for while developing the design of the change house, but it is not too late to equip it later. The main thing is that it is attached to one of the floor joists from below and to the timber ceiling beam above.

Window and door frames are attached externally and internally. Finish off corner joints on the outside with planks or wooden profiles, and on the inside with skirting boards and fillets.

Finish by sanding wooden coverings, primer and paint treatment.

Any owner of his own home or cottage will agree that it is impossible to do without a place to store tools, fertilizers, hoses, and so on. In addition, not all building materials can be left outside and they also need a “roof”. In any case, there is no way to do without a change house. The topic of this article was a do-it-yourself change house. Types of buildings, stages of creation, choice of materials, you will find all this in this material.

Types of cabins:

Homemade cabins. Perfect for cottages, storage garden tools and similar purposes. The main advantage is the low cost of construction;

Frame cabins. These mainly include buildings made of sandwich panels;

Timber and log cabins. Will fit perfectly into your summer cottage;

Panel cabins. Built for temporary use. For example, during the construction of the main house and for workers’ residence. After which they are quickly disassembled into formwork or firewood.

Do-it-yourself OSB change house

This is one of the cheapest and most common types of cabins that are built on our own. First, let's determine the list of materials and tools needed for construction:

  • For grounds we will need crushed stone, reinforcement, cement, sand;
  • Walls will be built from timber, lining and OSB boards;
  • Roof will also contain elements made of timber. Roofing material at the request of the owner.

Stages of construction of a cabin

The first step is to prepare a place for foundation cabins. Select right place so that you don’t regret it after construction is completed. Usually people choose one of the corners of the site, since in this location the change house is least likely to interfere.

DIY change house step by step instructions. Photo

After choosing a location, you need to clear the area and level it. After marking the area under the foundation, it is necessary to remove approximately 15 cm of soil - this is necessary to better connect the building to the ground. Next comes the multi-layer “ pillow» under the foundation of the cabin - a layer of sand, then a layer of crushed stone. Afterwards the wooden one is exposed formwork, the size of which is calculated based on the future height of the building’s floor.

Next step - filling. Concrete is poured into the formwork evenly and, until it dries, foundation bolts must be installed around the entire perimeter. Without this preparation, installing the walls will be a big headache. As a result, you should end up with a base similar to what is shown in the photo.

Let's move on to construction walls. Remember foundation bolts? Now they are coming to the fore. 4 medium-sized beams are installed along the perimeter of the foundation. Now you can begin installing the vertical beam.

DIY change house step by step instructions. Photo

First of all, they are placed in the corners supports, according to the level. All bars are connected by a cross beam on top of the walls. For stability during construction, supporting beams are installed, which can either be driven into the ground or supported by a wedge, as shown in the photo. By exposing one wall, you will complete the construction of the shed faster, since you already have practice.

Strictly observe the level, since one incorrectly installed beam will lead to further errors. This in turn will affect the installation of the roof.

How to build a cabin. Instructions with photos

Perfect for use with OSB boards gable roof. The first step is to install beacons for the rafters on both sides of the cabin, as shown in the photo. They are connected to each other by a transverse beam, which can be secured with clamps.

Do-it-yourself country house. Photo

Rafters It is best to fasten using special corners and screws. But if the building is very small, you can use nails. It all depends on the size.

Construction of the roof of the cabin. Photo

Now in front of you stands a full-fledged frame future change house. All that remains is to talk about the sheathing and roofing.


Here we come to main feature of this type of cabin is the cladding OSB boards. This material is suitable for cladding both walls and roofs. The door can also be constructed from OSB boards. The basis for it can be a frame made of beams that were used in the construction of the change house.

How to build a cabin. Wall cladding. Photo

The penultimate stage is roof cladding. Here you can use any materials convenient for you, be it metal tiles, slate, or just the same OSB boards. In the latter case, they will have to be painted and treated with an antiseptic so that the material does not deteriorate.

The last step is painting building. Everything here is at your discretion - you can cover regular paint and antiseptic, can be lined with clapboard, siding and anything else.

Do-it-yourself ready-made change house. Photo

Do-it-yourself cabin with a pitched roof

Let's move on to the instructions for a shed with a pitched roof. In some cases where a gable roof is inappropriate (for example, in winter time with a lot of snow), this option is suitable. The difference is not only in the roof, but also in the foundation.


To begin with, as usual, a place for construction is selected. Afterwards, preparation is carried out - garbage is removed, the site is leveled. There is no need to remove the soil layer, because the foundation will stand above the ground. The site is also covered over the entire area with sand mixed with crushed stone. Next are laid out concrete blocks along the perimeter of the future foundation. Don't forget about water drainage. Around the cabin it is necessary to make a slope in opposite directions by one meter with a difference of only a couple of centimeters.

Do-it-yourself frame change house. Photo

The installed concrete blocks are covered with several layers roofing felt. With the help of a beam and a regular level, the perimeter of the future change house is ringed. The beam should be no thinner than 100 mm, otherwise the base can be considered not very reliable. The advantages of such a foundation for construction are as follows:

  • The change house is not tied to one place. It can be moved or even transported to another place;
  • Guaranteed dryness, which is one of the most important aspects when working with wood. If you additionally treat the timber, the change house will serve you for many years.

Do-it-yourself country house step by step photos


Construction begins with the installation of corner pillars, which are secured at the base using reinforced corners. All racks are linked by horizontal beams around the perimeter and opposite each other. Since we should have a change house with a pitched roof, one wall should be approximately 50 cm higher than the opposite one.

Do-it-yourself country house step by step photos


Next step - rafters. They are installed on the roof in increments of approximately 60 cm. Do not forget about the canopies on both sides of the cabin - make the rafters a little longer than required. It is best to fasten it using special plates, corners and self-tapping screws, as was the case with the previous change house. The roof can be made of absolutely any material.

How to build a change house with your own hands. Photo

Let's take a closer look at the creation gender. It must be done in two layers - rough and finishing floor. The first layer of boards is attached directly to the cross beams of the base. Next the floor is covered plastic film, after which insulation is installed. A finished floor made of treated boards or OSB sheets is laid on top.

How to build a change house with your own hands. Photo

Thus, we made a change house with a pitched roof with our own hands, which can be moved and transported.

Change house made of sandwich panels

A more expensive and more practical type of building is cabins made from sandwich panels. Insulated options are used not only for storing tools, but also as temporary housing. This material is gaining increasing popularity. It is used to build not only temporary living quarters, but also full-fledged houses with summer cottages.


Typically, such cabins are sold ready-made in disassembled form and are accompanied by instructions for assembly and installation. But in any case, it requires a foundation. As in the two previous cases, you can make either a poured foundation or concrete blocks. Now let's consider the third option with on piles. To do this, four piles are driven around the perimeter of the future building and filled with concrete. Formwork for the future foundation is installed on top of them and a second pour is made, the third layer is poured with reinforcement. This option is good for a permanent stationary change house. If you plan to constantly disassemble and rearrange it, then it is better to look at the foundation option from point 2.

The walls of the cabin and the roof of the cabin consist entirely of sandwich panels. List of benefits:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • Preservation of heat for a long time;
  • Durable and practical to use.

The only disadvantage is high cost such a building. So, if you need a shed only for storing equipment, it is better to take a closer look at the previous options. A change house made from sandwich panels is excellent suitable for those for those who are just starting to build their own house from scratch - you can spend the night in it and hide your tools.

Second step - frame for installation of sandwich panels. Strictly according to the manual included with the purchased cabin. Maintain the level of all elements - otherwise the assembly will not go according to plan and you will not be able to complete the construction. Don't forget to reinforce the walls with transverse stiffeners, taking into account future windows and doorways. Taking things seriously installation work take 2-3 hours if available necessary tools under your hands. AND roof change houses, and the walls of the change house are assembled from metal and aluminum parts, as well as from angles and bolts for connection. This approach allows you to quickly disassemble and fold the cabin for storage or prepare it for transportation, which once again confirms its practicality and versatility.

The sheathing of a shed begins with the floor, then the walls are sheathed, and lastly the ceiling. A ready-made change house made from bare sandwich panels is only suitable for summer living. In any case, she will have to insulate. Final stage- installation of windows, doors, electricity, and so on.

Change house container

Making a container with your own hands is also not difficult. Buying such premises ready-made is a very expensive pleasure. In addition, there will be problems with delivery and unloading, because such a change house is not dismountable. The difference from other types of cabins is that the container is sheathed on the outside with metal, and not with panels or ordinary wood. Let's look at the stages of construction.


As with any construction, here, again, a level platform and preparation in the form of foundation. There is no need to describe the methods of building a foundation once again - they can be found above.

After this it is built base along the perimeter from a metal corner or channel. Four corner beams are welded in a vertical position at right angles and then tied with horizontal jumpers on top. Thus, we have a simple “box”. Now you can plan the location of doors and windows. Their openings are also welded out of metal. Container cabins are also called timber frames. However, it was from metal buildings that this name came.


The principle is the same as with sandwich panels, only the change house is finished professional sheet or any other metal. Inside, the walls are insulated (if the cabin is intended for living) and sheathed with chipboard, fiberboard or any other material. Chipboard or fiberboard sheets look more attractive in terms of construction speed.

Verdict on cabin containers

It is possible to build a change house container with your own hands, but it is not always justified. Firstly, construction will take much longer than a building made of sandwich panels or a panel shed. Just building a foundation with a frame will take a couple of days, not to mention the sheathing. It is best to buy such buildings ready-made. The advantages include good heat retention inside the room, which will cause good option for temporary housing.

Log cabins

Too expensive and beautiful - this is how this material can be characterized. A log structure will serve you for a very long time if you take good care of protecting the wood. To do this, you need to cover the entire area of ​​the walls of the shed with an antiseptic, and then paint it in the color you like or varnish it. These measures will help prevent the logs from turning black quickly.

The basis of such a cabin is made up of beams or strip foundation, optional. It is rare that concrete foundations are poured for log buildings.

This change house will not only be useful and practical on your site, but will also perfectly complement appearance private house or garden plot. It makes no sense to build such beauty for temporary or construction needs.

Examples of do-it-yourself cabin projects

Let's look at several different cabins that you can build yourself and in the shortest possible time:

First option - classic frame cabin with a pitched roof. One small window for daylight access and door. External cladding- lining coated with antiseptic for durability. The roof is covered with ordinary corrugated sheets. The foundation is not poured - the cabin stands on beams or concrete blocks.

Change house with porch- a more exotic option. It makes sense to put such a building for permanent use. Spacious room with two windows, a small vestibule and two doors on small porch with a canopy that will protect you from the rain.

Third project- a similar option. It is worth noting the main difference - here the roof is gable, unlike the previous change house. A similar porch and two doors with windows. The cladding of the building is clapboard. The base is made of timber.

A more expensive cabin option. Material - conifer tree. On either side of the door there are two large windows. Total area - 13 square meters on three small rooms inside. The base is made of timber. The roof is pitched.

Project of a change house. Blueprints

Utility room with porch and balusters. Insulated option. The walls provide protection from wind and moisture, so the change house can be used as a living space. The porch has a small side with balusters. At proper finishing made of clapboard or imitation wood, this building will perfectly decorate your garden plot.

Project of a change house. Blueprints

Large change house, built on a frame principle from timber. The lining is clapboard, the corners are highlighted with platbands. Gable roof covered with metal tiles. The cabin stands on a foundation made of concrete blocks, which reliably protects it from wet soil and the rainy season.

Small timber cabin. Includes one room, one window and door. The roof is pitched. The basis is the bars. Cladding made of clapboard. Great for small plots. Due to the small area, it is unlikely to be suitable for temporary residence.

Something in between between the previous option and a change house with a porch. IN in this case you only get an awning over the door. The structure also has one window and common area. The roof is pitched, the foundation is strip. The budget option for the roof is a two-layer roofing material.

Project of a change house. Blueprints

Large insulated cabin. The walls are made of OSB boards, as is the floor. Sheathing outside- lining. The roof is pitched, covered with roofing felt.

And these are just a few examples of how you can make a change house with your own hands. In this case, you do not limit yourself to the quality of the material, area, height and design, which is specified in standard models by the manufacturer.

Bottom line

Let’s define the main rules for building a cabin on a site:

  1. Choose your location carefully. You are unlikely to want to rearrange the structure. And if the change house is transportable, then make sure that in the future the crane will easily gain access to it and be able to take it away;
  2. Take responsibility for preparing the base and foundation, especially if you are going to use wood and other materials in your work. natural materials. Also take care to handle these materials;
  3. If you are building a shed for permanent use, decide on the type of roof so that winter period you are not covered in snow;
  4. For residential cabins, it is best to use a frame type of construction made from sandwich panels or OB slabs, which will be insulated inside.

The variability of building a cabin with your own hands is simply enormous. You can build such a utility unit from almost any materials. The main thing is to know the order of construction stages, technology and some nuances that are worth remembering. But after reading of this material, you are completely ready to build a change house with your own hands.

Sometimes there is a need for cheap temporary housing. Change houses are inexpensive compared to permanent structures, so their use has become widespread in construction site, and on personal plot, and the rational distribution of area inside mobile home made the temporary shelter convenient and comfortable housing.

What attracts us to cabins?

Cabin trailers are made of wood (cheaper) and metal (more expensive), but each type of structure can be made independently, although to produce a container you will need special knowledge and tools, and a prepared room. The welded frame of the metal cabin allows it to withstand the load of the second floor of the mobile building. If you need a high-quality trailer for a construction site, then you should purchase a reliable design.

The benefits of change houses are not fully realized until temporary housing is purchased. But if you already have a change house, then your workers will be grateful to you for comfortable conditions accommodation.

Advantages of cabins:

  1. A quick process of manufacturing in production or installation on site, which cannot be approached by a handling crane.
  2. The construction of a permanent foundation is not necessary. It is enough to level the site for the structure and lay the foundation blocks.
  3. Change houses will cost you little, since their cost starts from 25 thousand rubles. Modern materials allow the construction of cheap but warm cabins. Once there is no need for use, more expensive structures are rented out or sold. But, most likely, you will need the change house more than once.
  4. The mobility of a temporary home is the main advantage of a cabin, because a mobile home can be transported from site to site, no transportation permits are required. And if there is a chassis with wheels at the bottom of the cabin, this will greatly facilitate unloading or loading the structure. Trailer trailer more convenient option cabins.
  5. Ready for use immediately after unloading.
  6. Refurbishment of a shed is an easy task, thanks to which it changes special purpose products.
  7. When purchasing prefabricated cabins, you save storage space.

The area of ​​use of temporary housing does not end at a construction site or a summer cottage, because the change house is useful in conditions of remote work in field conditions, as a warehouse, security point, mobile office or as another housing near your home, the so-called. guest house.

Sometimes temporary shelters are needed only for the construction season, and in this case it is worth buying wooden cabins inexpensively. A clapboard façade does not require special insulation if the structure is needed for the summer. But, more often, it is better to sheathe the change house with mineral wool, which will not only make the room warm, but also protect wood cladding from rotting.

How to make a wooden shed on your own?

If you do not want to overpay for the production services of assembling a change house or simply need to be confident in the high-quality installation of a temporary shed, then you should do it yourself. The manufacturing process takes 10 hours, subject to operation electric tools together with a partner. In addition to the materials presented in the table, you will also need self-tapping screws, staples with a stapler, and fiberboard panels for the interior cladding.

Table 1. Materials needed to build a shed
Material Characteristic Quantity
10*10cm length 6m 10 units
Board 5*10 cm 12 units
Board 2.5*15 cm 1.5 m3
Polyester Thickness 150 micron 6*8 m
Polyester Thickness 100 micron 3*10 m
Vapor barrier In rolls 2 units
Mineral wool Thickness from 50 to 100 mm 8 m3

The end result should be a wooden shed on a timber frame coniferous species, covered with lumber natural humidity. For interior decoration, lining is also used, but when installing a change house inexpensively, opt for hardboard or fiberboard. Wood moisture content should not exceed 12%, which minimizes the risk of cracks due to shrinkage of the structure.

The dimensions of a standard cabin are no more than 2.5 * 6 m and a height of 2.5 m. Standard dimensions facilitate quick transportation of the structure on the back of a truck. The wood should be treated in advance with an antiseptic compound, and the floor, walls and even the roof should be insulated with mineral wool, which is attached to the frame along the edges with staples.

Windows and doors are made of wood, but for greater thermal insulation they are made of metal-plastic. If you want to make a roof from ondulin or metal tiles, this will increase the cost of the change house by 8 thousand rubles, installation of electrical wiring - plus another 7-8 thousand rubles, sheathing the facade with siding, imitation timber or block house - plus 10 to 15 thousand rubles to the project.

Arrangement of a foundation for a change house is desirable, since if it is present, the change house will not be destroyed from the bottom. You can choose either a pile or block foundation installation option, which depends on the service life of the temporary building.

When the plot has already been purchased, and the cottage has yet to be built, its future owners simply need utility room. A do-it-yourself change house is purchased or built as temporary housing or even as a budget option country house. Subsequently it can be used for storage gardening tools, barbecue and furniture from the gazebo. Here you can also place clothes and shoes for working in the garden, or even a bicycle, toys and other items that are used while being outdoors. Depending on what communications will be used in the cabin, it can serve as a bathroom, shower, bathhouse or utility unit.

A container change house has many advantages. It is advisable to buy such a building in order to live in it during the construction of the main house, and then sell it. IN overall design dachas, where everything is usually made of wood, such a structure will not fit

Self-made cabins

Despite the sufficient simplicity of the structure being built, a drawing of the cabin is still needed. It will help to carefully “fit” the change house into the existing space of the site and will orient the builder to the area. Prudence will not be unnecessary. This is especially important if the change house is to be used in the future as a bathhouse or guest house. The drawing will give you the opportunity to visualize how to build a shed with your own hands: it will help you make the correct calculation of the need for material and tools.

Choosing the optimal location

The location of the shed on the site is determined depending on how the owner wants to dispose of it subsequently. It is necessary to immediately decide whether the change house will remain on the site or will have to be sold as soon as the need for it passes. If the owners of the site do not need a tool shed, a bathhouse, or a guest house, then the shed can be sent to another facility or simply sold. Then the structure should be located so that it would be easier to hook it from the roadway with a crane.

Otherwise, it will be necessary to dismantle the building, which is always undesirable. If the change house will be used as a utility unit, it is recommended to place it in the middle part of the long side of the site. Converted into a bathhouse, the cabin should be located at the far end of the site, since fire safety standards must be observed for such a building.

Construction of the foundation of the structure

Do-it-yourself construction of a cabin begins with the construction of a foundation. A change house is not considered a heavy structure, so a columnar foundation is usually used for its construction. If the change house is demolished in the future, it will not be difficult to dismantle such a foundation. For a temporary structure, it is better to choose cinder blocks - they are cheaper, and if something happens, they are easy to make yourself.

So, first of all, you need to remove cinder blocks from the surface of the earth at the location where they are located. fertile layer, compact the earth thoroughly and cover it with geotextiles, then cover it with sand and compact it again. We install cinder blocks on the prepared base, placing them in the corners and every 1.5 meters. Cinder blocks must be waterproofed using roofing material or bitumen mastic, after which they are secured using the anchor method wooden frame the buildings.

The foundation for a temporary structure is made simpler than for a permanent one: it can be easily disassembled if the change house has to be dismantled

When planning to make a permanent change house, the master should pay more attention to the foundation. In this case, the fertile layer is removed from the entire surface, covered with geotextiles and 5 cm of sand, which is carefully compacted. Under the foundation pillars you need to dig holes 50 cm deep in the corners and every 1.5 m of the perimeter. However, pillars can be placed more often. We must cover the holes with geotextiles and fill them with 40 cm of well-compacted sand.

It is better to make the foundation from bricks, and it should be 30 cm high (10 cm to the ground surface and 20 cm above). Reinforcement at least a meter high will be driven into the central part of the foundation. It is needed to fix the lag. Therefore, we leave an empty area in the center, which, after placing the rods, is filled with concrete. Don't forget about waterproofing the pillars bitumen mastic or roofing felt. We control the uniform height of the columns by level.

We create the frame of the premises and roof

When the question of building the foundation is no longer an issue, we proceed to the construction of the structure itself. We form the basis of the building: we place the logs around the perimeter and carefully fix them. After this, we lay the transverse and, finally, longitudinal logs. For the frame of the change house we use 150x100 mm timber, from which we install the floor and support posts in the corners. Reliable connection provide cuts in the logs, in which the beams are inserted into one another and fixed with self-tapping screws. The logs are strung on reinforcement contours. Angles and self-tapping screws are used to fix the vertical joists and the logs attached to them.

The frame of the structure must be built as carefully as possible, because the quality of the structure as a whole and its durability depend on it

The frame of the premises is ready, now you can make the roof frame. For pitched roof you need bars 50x100mm. Rafters will be inserted into the cuts of the load-bearing beams. Fixation occurs using self-tapping screws. The rafters should extend 30cm beyond the perimeter of the cabin itself. We choose ondulin as a coating, as it does not require special construction skills. General design The roof must contain hydro- and vapor barrier and insulation.

A sheathing of boards or wooden blocks is laid on the rafters, since ondulin is lightweight material. We install the ondulin sheets overlapping from the bottom up using special fasteners that are included in the kit. Now you can install doors and windows.

Finishing work

Well, the basis of the change house has already been created and the terrible question of how to make a change house yourself turned out to be not so scary. However, the work is not completed yet. We lay out the subfloor, not forgetting to treat the boards with an antiseptic. Between two layers of waterproofing we place a layer mineral wool. It is important not to confuse which side of the waterproofing should be facing up. Now let's lay the finished floor.

Such a wonderful shed can be built with your own hands in just a week, if you really want it and try hard

For internal lining buildings we use OSB if the structure is temporary or clapboard if it will be on the site for a long time. To fix both materials, it is preferable to use self-tapping screws rather than nails. Don't forget about vapor barrier and insulation. We cover the outside of the change house, for example, with a block house. All that remains is to make a comfortable porch and erection dacha cabins can be considered completed.