Why pregnancy does not occur. Typical mistakes that prevent pregnancy

I found an interesting and extensive article. Many who don’t have successful children ask the question “Why?” Some associate it with health, some say the reason is psychosomatic, some say “God doesn’t give,” etc. In fact, there may be several reasons, they may be tied into a ball, there may be one reason, but it lies so deep, you will have to dig deeper. The main thing is to find her. Perhaps this article will help someone find the right direction. I wish everyone who has not yet found the happiness of being a mother to find it as soon as possible.

Why doesn't pregnancy occur?

Infertile women told me at our first chance meeting, when they needed a certificate for donation, or permission to apply for a job: “I only need this from you, and I’ve been regularly seen in a private infertility clinic for several years now.”

One woman has been observed this way for 10 years in a well-known private clinic in Omsk. In such cases, I certainly say: why should a healthy person pay attention to money? It is enough to undergo fluorography and an examination room for free once a year. And if there are problems or a disease, then you need to be examined, find out the cause and be cured! For those who do not get pregnant, it is important to understand that there is some reason why there are no children. Something is preventing this. This is something we must definitely and calmly figure out for everything to work out.

There may be one reason or several, but it is always there! Most often, there are several causes of infertility: hereditary, genetic, hormonal, infectious, psychological, disorders in the hemostasis system, endometriosis.

For example, someone may have antisperm antibodies, which is an immunological factor in infertility. Some have more reasons, some have less. At the same time, one of the spouses smokes or even both, and this makes it difficult to conceive, while someone does not smoke, and this is a more favorable moment in a situation of infertility. If pregnancy does not occur, this may be due to hyperprolactinemia, insulin resistance, or hyperandrogenism. This is determined by an endocrinologist.

It must be borne in mind that the presence of a mustache on a woman upper lip does not mean that she has a lot of testosterone. Her testosterone may be normal, and there will be no problems with pregnancy (conception). With hypertrichosis - excess female-type hair - there are also no problems with conception. My friend L. (Russian) has two daughters, a mustache on her upper lip and very excessive hair on her arms and legs, to which L. and her husband do not pay any attention, although her hair is black. Even those women do not get pregnant who want to have a child too much, but this does not happen according to our desire. Sometimes pregnancy occurs after the adoption of a child, when the woman finally comes to terms with it.

Some women never get pregnant, even though they were practically healthy. Scientists have found that with infertility there is an unconscious feeling of hatred towards her mother, which the woman identifies with hostility towards herself, and transfers hatred to her own children, fearing that she will subsequently be hated by them as well. And the feeling of guilt and fear leads to the conviction that she will die in childbirth. Women became pregnant after realizing negative feelings towards their mother, after becoming more sincere about their mothers, or after losing their fear of pregnancy.

Scientists have discovered that sometimes completely healthy women who are capable of childbearing do not become pregnant because they play a male role in life; they like to behave like a man.

Infertile women became pregnant after self-critical reflection and the realization that infertility is to some extent a punishment for previous bad deeds and thoughts that the mother or father was allegedly hostile to them, for fears, for feelings of guilt. Scientists also claim that if in the subconscious there is a tendency to kill, fear, anger, alienation, depression, then this affects the reproductive system. Therefore, love for God, for parents, for people, for children, mercy, compassion, joy and the desire to live will help revive the genes.

Here is a case from life. In 2004, I met 28-year-old A. at a hairdresser. In the process of cutting my hair, I found out that A. had not had children for 9 years. She was examined, but the cause of primary infertility was not established. A. herself believed that she was not getting pregnant because the hairdresser’s job was hard, she was on her feet all day. And because of this, doctors advised her to change her profession. But I questioned this reason for infertility. At the same time, I found out that A. does not love her mother-in-law, since she does not love her either.

And A. loved her husband very much, was proud of him, how good he was. She loves her husband, but not his mother. Strange. After all, her mother-in-law gave birth to and raised a husband for her, who, by the way, will be a grandmother to her children. Her future children also contain the genes of her mother-in-law. How can you not love her? It would be more correct to thank the mother-in-law for raising her son, who became a real man (he is a soldier, an officer). We discussed with A. how to love your mother-in-law. A. doubted success, but listened to my advice. And after 3 months A. became pregnant and then gave birth safely. I call such situations this way: hatred blocks genes. But this is a fixable situation.

The reasons for infertility can be, for example, because of resentment: “Other people give birth to children” or because of resentment towards the husband: “He smokes and doesn’t want children.” And if everything is normal, but pregnancy does not work out, then you need to reconcile yourself, remember your talents and reveal them, engage in creativity or fitness, do physical exercises in the morning, gymnastic exercises or run in the morning. You can’t sit, cry and feel sorry for yourself. Nowadays they often say: “I’m already 40 years old, why should I give birth, I’m already old.” But we must look not at age, but at lifestyle.

Children do not appear at our request. On the contrary, it often happens that the fact of pregnancy is taken by surprise, when pregnancy is not included in the immediate plans, people want to live for themselves and take precautions. Until recently, when the couple got married, they immediately wanted to have children. This is no longer the case. Modern women increasingly want to wait with children, putting off such an important matter, using contraception, thereby limiting their reproductive function for a long period, creating a period of artificial infertility for themselves.

We were taught in medical school that the optimal age for having children is 21-23 years old, while youth is health. But in life many have been accepting for years birth control pills, and then it turns out that they are infertile. I met patients who were from 30 to 43 years old, with a long period of infertility from 7 to 13 years, but they did not go anywhere for examination and did nothing to find out why they were not pregnant. But such an important issue of childbirth cannot be left “for later,” because a period may come when illness or injury occurs. Anything can happen in life. Therefore, it is necessary to give birth on time. And if pregnancy does not occur within a year of regular married life, and there is no contraception, then you need to go to the doctors for examination.

Undoubtedly, the success of a favorable conception depends on many internal and external reasons. For example, there are no children because there is genetic incompatibility of the spouses, that is, he took the wrong person as a spouse, not his own, but someone else’s, the wrong spouse was chosen. There are cases where there were no children in a family for a long time, but after the spouses separated, children appeared in new families for both the husband and wife. These are my observations from life. Two healthy women, 33 and 35 years old, became pregnant a month after the death of their parents and safely gave birth to two children within two years, one after 13 years, and the other after 14 years of infertility.

And what people say is very important. So many infertile spouses say: “We really want a child” and wait for this desire to come true for years, doing nothing until their psyche begins to suffer. Feel the difference between the words “we want a child” and “we love children.” The phrases “we want a child” and “we want children” at first glance seem to mean the same thing. But life shows that they literally mean different things: they want to have only one child or they really want to have several children. That's what they say. In the words “we want a child,” there is, firstly, desire (I want that and that’s it! I really want it!), and not love.

Secondly, these words convey the desire to have a child, but only one, and if you say it in other words, this means that you want to have only one pregnancy and that’s it. After all, it is known that words materialize. When they say “we love children,” they really love them: our own and strangers. As they rightly say, there are no other people’s children. People who sincerely love children help and love other children, not just their own. There have been many times in history when infertile people prayed all their lives and gave birth to children in their old age.

I knew a childless woman who, at the age of 40, married a widower with three children and babysat his grandchildren to his heart's content. Maybe, having given birth to a child, a woman directs all her love towards him alone, while a childless woman loves every child who happens to be nearby? Not all people have children. And that’s why humanity invented artificial insemination, conception “in vitro”, outside the mother’s body. In the twenty-first century, new reproductive technologies continue to develop as the number of infertile marriages increases. A new specialty has emerged as a reproductive specialist who specializes in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). According to the federal program, quotas are allocated for ART, but there are only a few of them, and the age of women referred for IVF at state expense is limited to 38 years.

There is an algorithm for examining women with infertility. It is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of infertility, since if the cause of infertility is not identified and eliminated, then when pregnancy occurs, it can most likely be terminated. And if pregnancy does not occur, you still need to look for something missing - there is definitely a reason.

Infertility is more common in women who smoke than in non-smokers. Smoking is harmful regardless of the number of cigarettes. Spouses who want to have children must completely avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and using drugs. It is also necessary to avoid overheating in baths and saunas, visiting solariums and infrared cabins. It has also been proven that drinking several cups of strong coffee daily reduces the chance of getting pregnant by 25%. You need to know that the microflora of partners is the same, therefore both need treatment. And if infertility is due to infections or diseases (endometriosis, for example, or tuberculosis of the female genital organs), then you need to be examined and treated, including by a phthisiogynecologist, who will tell you when to do PCR or culture of menstrual blood for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to exclude infectious process in the female genital organs. After all, it is believed that, which cannot be cured (eliminate), in 20-25% of cases it occurs due to tuberculosis. A smoking women You need to know that nicotine is present even in the mucus of the cervix and in the fluid of the ovarian follicles, and tuberculosis of the fallopian tubes is most possible.

To exclude uterine endometriosis, a transvaginal ultrasound should be performed on the 5-7th day of the menstrual cycle. When uterine endometriosis is detected, it is successfully treated. There are now enough drugs to treat him, they are all being given good effect. It is necessary to look for the cause of infertility different methods and don't stop until it is found. There may also be hyperhomocystenemia. Or it simply doesn’t work out for “technical” reasons: someone simply doesn’t have a husband, or the uterus may be deviated posteriorly, while the cervix is ​​located upward, closer to the womb. After all, most often the cervix is ​​located in the posterior fornix, which favors conception in a woman’s position, lying on her back. And when the cervix is ​​positioned upward, the position of the woman is more favorable for conception, lying on her stomach.

And more information for those who cannot get pregnant: an egg is capable of fertilization only within 24 hours! And if there was no intimate contact on that day, then pregnancy will not occur. Or, conversely, some infertile couples “make babies every day.” But sperm mature in 72 hours, and an immature sperm does not have enough strength to fertilize an egg. Marital relations for conception are desirable with an interval of 3-5 days with the determination of an ovulation test, because the egg is viable for only 24 hours, and you need to know this day and have time to get pregnant. It should be borne in mind that on days Orthodox posts and holidays, conception is not recommended.

It is believed that on the 14-16th day from the first day of the last menstruation, ovulation occurs - the release of the egg into the abdominal cavity, but for every woman ovulation occurs at different days. That is, ovulation can occur immediately after menstruation, or maybe on the eve of the next one. To determine the presence and fact of ovulation, a woman must measure her rectal (basal) temperature in the rectum every morning for a month, without getting out of bed. So, when a woman measures her temperature, which rises by 0.7-0.4° C before ovulation, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of a normal two-phase menstrual cycle. If there is no peak temperature, then there is no ovulation either, which means there can be no pregnancy, this is an obstacle to conception. Temperature is measured by injecting the usual mercury thermometer into the rectum to a depth of 2 cm, for 5-7 minutes. You need to write it down, or better yet, draw it in the form of a graph, like drawing a temperature curve in a hospital. You can determine the day of ovulation either by measuring rectal temperature or using an ovulation test, which is sold at the pharmacy. If there is ovulation, but conception does not occur, the reason is different, and we must continue to look for it. In the absence of ovulation, an obstetrician-gynecologist will prescribe treatment to stimulate ovulation.

What needs to be done? First you need to get examined. In big cities this can be done in special Centers. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to infertile marriages or pregnancy losses. Sometimes infections enter the genital tract from a previously infected sexual partner. Active youth and casual relationships in the past do not instruct men and women to be examined for infections before getting married. For example, this is a case from my practice: K.’s wife is 33 years old, primary infertility 5 years old, Epstein-Barr virus detected, viral hepatitis“C”, my husband has a herpetic infection. Only when they were treated did the long-awaited pregnancy occur.

Therefore, women with infertility or inflammation of the appendages in the past should be examined for infections: cytomegalovirus infection (CMVI), genital herpes (HSV), chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma, papillomavirus infection and Epstein-Barr virus, gardnerellosis (PCR from the cervical canal) . The examination is not cheap, therefore, if anything is detected, then you need to be treated immediately, and not also look at quantitative tests. Then it will be even more expensive, and as a result, doctors do not advise treatment if, for example, 10² of viruses are found. But it was found! Today the analysis shows 10², and tomorrow after stress or hypothermia everything can worsen and be 100 times more. Who knows?

At the same time, I recommend saving money and not immediately examining your husband, but being treated together with your husband with the same drugs if something is revealed. Sometimes the couple itself decides which spouse will be tested for infections. But more often it is a woman. It is psychologically more difficult for a man to do this, although it is not easy for a woman either. Important, that? You need to take tests then and prepare for the test so that there is a result. If a woman is being tested, the preparation should include some important points so that the money is not wasted. Before taking smears from the cervix for infection, you must keep in mind that the more discharge there is, the more likely the cause of infertility and miscarriage will be identified.

If the analysis is taken from the urethra, then you should not urinate for two to three hours before taking smears. And after taking a bath and after douching, there will be no discharge either, and then the analysis will not work, that is, it will be false negative. Infections worsen before menstruation and after eating spicy and salty foods. Therefore, I recommend 7 days before your period to start eating garlic for three days, salted cucumbers or tomatoes, herring to aggravate the infection. This will be a double provocation for infection. I recommend taking a shower these days and refraining from intimate relationships, as sperm affects the analysis. By the way, there is no need to force your spouse, as many women do, to take a sperm test.

Firstly, it is difficult and humiliating for a man, and secondly, most often it is not problems with sperm, as such, but the presence of infections that are not detected in sperm. I advise you to take a sperm test last, when the stage of examination for infections and hormones has already been completed, but nothing has come to light.

Both spouses need to understand that sometimes too much hatred towards men or women accumulates in the family, and this prevents children from being born. You need to repent of the fact that you once didn’t want to have children (due to studies or lack of an apartment - it doesn’t matter). And for the wife, it’s also that she once envied boys: “It’s good to be born a boy, it’s good for men: there are no periods, and there’s no need to give birth.” Then the woman will wonder why she can’t get pregnant, but in her blood high level male hormone testosterone, and little female hormones, so my period disappeared. All this is due to dislike for oneself as a woman. You have to love yourself as you are: without makeup, for real. After all, a man loves her, but she doesn’t love herself. Infertility can also be caused by a deficiency of microelements. Promotes infertility and ovarian dysfunction, for example, manganese deficiency. It has been scientifically proven that in the body of modern people there is an excess of tin, aluminum, lead, cadmium ( food colorings, exhaust gases), and they can cause various diseases. Lead poisoning reduces a man's fertility. Cadmium is able to be absorbed in the tissues of the uterus, and the fetus accumulates cadmium from the mother’s blood through the placenta. At the same time, the absorption of cadmium in women is 2 times higher than in men, and in the fetus and newborn it is higher than in adults. Unfortunately, toxic microelements do not undergo self-purification processes, but can only be replaced by antagonist metals. Or the reason for infertility may be that the woman was interested in or practiced magic (or her ancestors). All this together reduces the likelihood of conception. If someone cannot get pregnant after a medical abortion, reproaching themselves, or after an abortion loses subsequent pregnancies, then the solution is repentance. In an Orthodox church, a priest reads a special prayer over such a woman. Confession, communion, and alms help. As Saint John of Kronstadt said, alms cover many sins. Blood hormones (TSH, prolactin, total testosterone, FSH, LH) and lupus test are examined. You also need sanitation of the oral cavity, regular physical exercise, avoiding contact with dyes, pesticides, solvents, drugs household chemicals. 3 months before the planned pregnancy, it is recommended to take vitamin “E” in the 2nd phase of the cycle, one capsule per day, folic acid at a dose of 400 mcg per day and magnesium supplements in courses of 6 weeks. Spouses need to realize that they are still young, they are not 90 years old and they will succeed. Some people think it’s “already old.” But 27-35 years is not old. Those who consider themselves old have difficulty conceiving. Both the fear that there will never be children and the excessive desire to have children prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. It’s better to mobilize: what else needs to be done, what to be examined for, who else to consult, etc. Try to increase love for your parents and for the children of other people. The problem is not always only with the woman. If quite recently the proportion of male infertility was only 5%, now it is 40%, and mutual infertility is 20%. In modern men, fertility decreases: the number of sperm and the volume of sperm decreases, its quality deteriorates, and in smokers, the number of immobile sperm increases. About 60% of men with chronic inflammatory processes suffer from infertility. If you have male infertility, you need to be examined and treated by doctors: an andrologist, a venereologist, an endocrinologist, and maybe even a sexologist. To improve male semen, there are now drugs that increase the number and motility of sperm, and this increases the chance of successful conception. And if a man also quits smoking, the effect will be even better. Some varieties of modern “live” beer contain increased amount natural plant hormones, under the influence of which a man develops a belly like a pregnant woman, and his sperm lose strength, which makes conception difficult. In addition to being examined for infections, the husband needs to determine hormones in the blood - TSH, prolactin, testosterone, sex-binding hormone, and take a spermogram. And if you deviate from the norm, find the strength in yourself with the support of your wife and go through necessary treatment. What won't you do for the sake of the children? The food of spouses who want to have children should be predominantly plant-based, as this increases metabolism and the level of prostaglandins. Prostaglandins F2a and E2 are involved in all processes occurring in the reproductive system: regulation of the menstrual cycle, peristalsis of the fallopian tubes, ovulation, uterine tone, egg advancement and sperm motility. Nowadays, doctors often prescribe ultrasound and force people to do folliculometry multiple times. The end result is expensive and ineffective. As I say: ultrasound does not heal, and people of 20 centuries lived without ultrasound, and got by. But many women often do ultrasounds themselves, but do not go to doctors, and do not read the ultrasound results themselves. Why then do an ultrasound if they don’t show it to a doctor? An ultrasound should be prescribed by a doctor: what to look for. A case from my practice in 1985-1887, when I worked in a rural hospital. In my gynecological department in different time Two sisters L. and N., who suffered from infertility, were treated and examined. They were married, their last names were different, so I had no idea that they were related (second and third children), in total their mother had 11 children. The eldest N. was 34 years old; she had previously been unsuccessfully examined for infertility in Omsk at a family planning center and therefore by that time already wanted to adopt a child. When L. and N. had a clearly hormonal cause of infertility, from the very first month of admission drugs they got pregnant. They thanked me with delight and asked me to help their third sister N. Of course, I agreed, but N. herself did not believe in the success of the treatment. And the treatment had no effect; N. did not become pregnant. But in January 1987, N. showed such a decrease in hemoglobin in her blood that she was hospitalized for examination in the surgical department of the Central District Hospital. It didn’t even occur to me to repeat the blood test for her before inducing ovulation, because N. had been examined earlier and looked so rosy and beautiful. But it turned out that she always had beautiful makeup, which she used to cover up her very pale skin! I was surprised how N. worked with such low hemoglobin, standing on her feet all day (she worked as a saleswoman). They restored her hemoglobin only by pouring someone else’s blood into her! When N. was discharged from the hospital healthy, I recommended that she undergo treatment again. She assured that it would be as useless as the last three months, but then she made up her mind. She had nothing to lose, but what if she succeeded? And from the first month of treatment, N. immediately became pregnant! Hooray! And in November, N. had already safely undergone a caesarean section in the regional maternity hospital. All three sisters gave birth to healthy children in 1987. And their mother came to meet me with gratitude and brought her fourth daughter to me for treatment. As an Orthodox person, I recommend that the unbaptized be baptized in the Orthodox Church. The word “sin” translated from Greek means “damage to the soul.” So we need to think about the soul, why it suffers and there are no children. You need to regularly confess and receive communion, ask the Creator to give children, travel to holy places, help other people's children. In the distant past, people waited for God to give a child and prayed. And modern people who do not have children, having undergone the necessary examination, go and pay a lot of money in a clinic where they will “make” a child. Some will succeed, and some will not be lucky, this is what happens when they want to bypass the Creator. It seems that everything is so simple: ask the Lord why there are no children; find out from Him the cause of infertility and eliminate it; ask God to give him a child, and then accept him, a child sent by the Creator. Orthodox doctor and medical psychologist Zorin K.V. in his books he writes that if God does not give children, then there is a good reason for this. The cause of infertility can be assertiveness and selfishness, due to which God does not fulfill the excessive desire to have children. The motives for conception are very important. What guides people when they want to have children? Zorin K.V. writes about other causes of infertility, for example, like that of 31-year-old Natalya, who was married for 8 years but had no children. One day, Natalya, after reading a book about Saint Matrona of Moscow, suddenly realized that she did not have children because her mother had abortions. That same day, she called her mother in another city and, expressing her pain to her, asked her to go to church and repent. The mother said that all this was not true, she would not go anywhere and she had nothing to repent of. But some time passed, after prayers and reading the akathist to Saint Matronushka Natalya, her mother called and was glad that she was in the temple and repented to the Lord Jesus Christ. And soon Natalya became pregnant and gave birth to a son. In 2006, I had the opportunity to be present in the company of several elderly women. Two of them never had children. Other people's children were frolicking around us. The children ran back and forth, played ball, and communicated with each other. Normal healthy and active children, normal noisy games with a ball. All parents have gone through this and got used to it. But the childless old women could not bear it: after a few minutes they began to be indignant at where the children’s parents were looking, they needed to be pacified immediately. Further - more, sweet-looking old women began to wish death on their children... It was obvious that there was no love for children in their genes. Oh, it’s not for nothing that they were infertile, it’s not all for nothing. In 2008, I supervised a 30-year-old patient I. Here is her life story. Grandmother I. gave birth to 6 children, and her mother had one and had 8 abortions. Her aunt has maternal infertility. I. had sex from the age of 16, she took birth control pills for 5 years “ rigevidon“, and didn’t want to have children. And when she wanted, she could not get pregnant, then there was 9 years of infertility. I. was an Orthodox woman, married to her husband, but when I saw her, I.’s level of fear of losing her pregnancy was extremely high. She refused to be examined by a doctor for gynecological chair, from the midwife taking vaginal smears for analysis, even from an electrocardiogram (ECG). And at the same time, I. really wanted to have a girl (and this is self-will). What if she had a boy? Lack of faith and distrust in God did its job: at 14 weeks I. had a miscarriage, and on the eve of this, her chorionic detachment began to steadily increase and reached a size of 75 mm by 29 mm. At the same time, doctors were powerless to stop the process of rejection of the fetus by the mother. But after suffering, I. realized her mistakes and listened to my advice. And we both believed that with the new pregnancy everything would work out for her, because the organ was in place and I. could get pregnant, you just need to be able to maintain the pregnancy until full term, be it a boy or a girl - it’s all a joy. It is known that many infertile women undergo sanatorium-resort treatment (mud therapy, hydrogen sulfide baths). But not all of them know that radon baths reduce ovarian function, and after an exacerbation of the chronic inflammatory process, you cannot go to the resort for three months. No matter how much you would like to have offspring as soon as possible, you must remember that after sanatorium treatment you cannot become pregnant for two months, as it has been proven by practice: there is a high risk ectopic pregnancy. I had patients who had to be operated on after the resort. For some reason, no one warned them before. It is also important that if spouses are undergoing drug treatment for any disease, it is better to conceive a child two months after the end of treatment. After all, it is only the drugs that are quickly removed from the blood, but not from the cells: this process takes at least two months. Now some women have begun to say: give birth, give birth as much as God wills, as soon as the opportunity for this arises. And in the Bible, for example, it is written: “Do not covet a multitude of unworthy children and do not rejoice over the sons of the wicked. When they multiply, do not rejoice over them unless they have the fear of the Lord. Do not rely on their life and do not rely on their multitude. Better is one righteous man than a thousand sinners, and it is better to die childless than to have children of the wicked" (Sir 16; 1-4). In June 2013, I read in the Omsk Orthodox newspaper "Annunciation" about how, after a trip to the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos Three female pilgrims from the group gave birth to long-awaited babies after a long period of infertility. And at the end of 2013, I gave my friend V. a gift (for New Year) his book “Blessed Childbirth”. And her daughter L. brought this book to her work to make a photocopy of one chapter. Her colleague saw this and wanted to read the book, since her daughter had infertility. In my book, colleague L. read a story about 27-year-old O., who had already had two pregnancy losses, had hormonal disorders, and O. had been unsuccessfully treated for several years by an endocrinologist-gynecologist. I then found out that she and her own mother were enemies, and after reconciliation, the hormones in O.’s blood became normal. So. It turned out that colleague L. had the same situation in his life: he and his daughter were also in a quarrel. Having read about this, the mother herself went to her daughter to make peace and gave her my book “Blessed Childbirth” to read. And already at the end of April 2014, L. called me and told me the good news: her colleague’s daughter would give birth in October! It’s interesting that a colleague, having told all this to L., asked her: “Do you think this is just a coincidence?”, but L. firmly answered that this was no coincidence, but that the book definitely helped. It is clear that without the participation of a man, a woman has a child will not be able to appear, well, perhaps through IVF. In 2009, I was asked to consult P., who, according to him, had “dead sperm”, and he wanted a child to the point of tears. But at the same time, P. did not believe that he would have children. Since P. underwent surgery after an injury to his genital organs, and believed that the doctors were to blame for bandaging him in the wrong way: “They sewed it wrong.” I questioned this reason: the doctors helped him, in fact, and there is not just one cause of infertility. What should he do? It turned out that this infertile man smokes a lot, has not been tested for sexually transmitted infections, and has not determined the level of his hormones in the blood. And P. did not undergo any other examination by doctors, and did not plan to quit smoking. But the desire to have children is not enough. P. had to undergo a full examination, eliminate any identified infections if necessary, and be sure to quit smoking. That is, it is necessary to “revive the sperm,” as he wants IVF to help. Without a doubt, there is always a reason, which, having found out and eliminated, many women can become pregnant naturally. But sometimes people, without finding out the cause of infertility and without eliminating it, naively believe that they can easily get a child for money and then do in vitro fertilization (IVF) 4-5 times. So, in the spring of 2010, I supervised a 34-year-old pregnant woman, Z., who smoked after IVF, and who learned from me for the first time about the dangers of smoking. But even after this, Z. did not give up her addiction, although the woman did not have children. Z.’s husband was also a smoker. It is known that smoking makes it difficult to conceive, but many infertile spouses who smoke or those who have previously lost a child do not even try to quit smoking and thereby increase the chance of having a child. Well, why smoke, risking losing such an expensive pregnancy? And if previously women who had had their fallopian tubes removed went for IVF, today women go for IVF with intact organs and unknown causes of infertility. And some people get pregnant without IVF, if God’s help is added to the efforts of doctors. Rely only on money and high tech It’s not worth it. For some, IVF doesn’t help. For example, this is a case from my practice. The couple, due to their husband's infertility, which they did not even try to treat, turned to artificial insemination. They just paid for donor sperm. And so three times. The first time artificial insemination with donor sperm resulted in a miscarriage at 16 weeks of pregnancy. I had the opportunity to meet this woman when N., at the age of 27 years, after the third artificial insemination with donor sperm at 18 weeks of pregnancy, sutures were placed on the cervix. N.'s desire to have a child was excessive. I believe that a woman would not worry so much if the reason why she and her husband had not had children before was eliminated. With God’s help, a lot can be corrected. Priests advise that if the Lord does not give children (even through IVF), there is no need to despair. It is necessary to pray to the Lord, the Most Pure Mother of God and the saints who have been waiting for children for a long time. These are the forefathers Abraham and Sarah, the righteous parents of John the Baptist, Zechariah and Elizabeth. Prayers to the Monk Sava the Sanctified, who was a strict monk, also help, but pieces of palm trees that he planted in the Holy Land (they are distributed by the monks at the entrance to the Lavra) help with infertility. The spouses also read a prayer for the gift of children. After all, children are a gift from God, a gift, a reward, just like a caring husband who loves children. It’s good when everything coincides well and works out. But if not, it's no coincidence

If a couple has been trying to conceive a baby for a long time, but all attempts are unsuccessful, the reason may be infertility. Fortunately, this condition is not hopeless. So don’t give up on your dream of having children right away. Instead, it is better to understand the preconditions that led to problems with conception and try to eliminate them.

The physiology of a woman is such that even completely healthy woman won't be able to get pregnant long time, even without any protection at all. Why does this happen? The thing is that a woman can get pregnant only on strictly certain days - during ovulation. On average, there is a very high chance of getting pregnant in just one or two days of the menstrual cycle, during which ovulation occurs. When planning a pregnancy, you need to take into account that approximately every fifth or sixth ovulation is infertile. It is believed that a healthy couple will be able to conceive a child within one year, and if this fails, there is a good reason to consult a doctor.

Reasons that prevent you from getting pregnant

Infertility is a whole complex of symptoms and diseases that negatively affect the reproductive function of one of the partners or both. If you fail to conceive the first time, it is too early to talk about infertility. Such a disease can only be suspected if it is not possible to get pregnant for a long time. The reasons can be very different, the most common of them are the following:

  1. Very often, dysfunction of the endocrine system leads to infertility. About 40% of women who cannot get pregnant suffer from endocrine infertility - this is a condition when ovulation is completely or partially absent.
  2. If you cannot conceive for a long time, the first thing you need to do is get tested for hormones. Lack of ovulation may also be associated with dysfunction of the genital organs, thyroid gland, brain, and adrenal glands. Lack of ovulation is the most common reason for failure when trying to get pregnant. Doctors should understand the reasons for ovulation, but before contacting them, you should make sure that attempts to conceive were made at the right time - during ovulation. In order to calculate the time of ovulation, there are various, including very accurate, methods.
  3. Polycystic ovary syndrome is also among the pathologies that often lead to infertility. The exact causes of the disease are still unknown to science, but experts are of the opinion that it is congenital. In any case, polycystic ovary syndrome can be successfully treated in our time, although it requires long-term therapy with strict adherence to all doctor’s prescriptions. The disease is provoked by excessive production of male hormones, which is why numerous cysts constantly form in the female reproductive system. Externally, these are water bubbles of different sizes, and they are detected only through ultrasound. The consequence of the pathology is a disruption of the ovaries with the absence of ovulation. Another possible cause of female infertility is complete or partial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. It occurs due to narrowing of the lumen in fallopian tubes or the formation of adhesive processes in them. The hole becomes narrow, so sperm cannot penetrate it to fertilize the egg. This pathology can occur under the influence of various factors, including inflammation in the reproductive system,, due to which adhesions are formed. Surgery may be required to correct blocked fallopian tubes, and artificial insemination is also a solution for many. If the process is not yet too advanced, lifestyle changes and treatment of existing inflammation will help cope with the problem.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur within one, two months, or six months, you should be examined for the presence of endometriosis. This is a disease in which endometrial cells (the inner lining of the uterus) begin to spread throughout the body, taking root and beginning to grow in other organs. Probable Causes pathologies are inflammation of the internal genital organs, disturbances in the production of hormones. The consequence of advanced endometriosis is often the inability of the egg to attach to the uterine wall, which causes infertility. Treatment involves taking hormonal drugs or surgical intervention. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of coping with the disease and conceiving a long-awaited child.
  5. Pathologies of the uterus of different origins also often lead to the inability to get pregnant. These diseases include: fibroids, endometrial diseases, intrauterine septum, hypoplasia, adenomyosis. First, you need to undergo an examination to identify the pathology, and based on its results, the doctor will select the appropriate treatment. It includes taking hormonal medications, physiotherapy, medications, and surgery may also be required. Pathologies of the uterus are divided into congenital and acquired, that is, arising as a result of previous diseases.
  6. If you cannot conceive even during ovulation, and examinations and tests do not reveal any visible reasons, the problem may lie in the functioning of the immune system. The immune system is sometimes “overzealous” and tries to protect a woman not only from pathogenic viruses and microbes, but even from pregnancy. The immune system forces the body to reject sperm or ovum, perceiving them as foreign organisms. Typically, with such disorders, the cervical mucus contains an increased amount of antibodies, which is detected by test results. This condition can be corrected with certain medications or other means, including insemination.
  7. Even if the doctor could not determine the reason why a woman cannot get pregnant, perhaps this is due not to physical pathologies, but to psychological factors. Some people fail to conceive because they are fixated on certain problems, suffer from depression, are constantly under stress, are nervous a lot, are afraid of responsibility, childbirth, etc.
  8. Individual characteristics of the physiology of partners. Speaking in simple language, incompatibility of a particular pair. For example, each of the partners individually is able to conceive a child, but together they are unable to do this. The reasons for this can be very different - from the rejection of sperm by the vaginal microflora to the characteristics of the woman’s immunity. The situation can be clarified using a special analysis - the Shuvarsky-Huner test.
  9. Male infertility. This also happens, although somewhat less frequently than female infertility. Non-viability of sperm can be associated with diseases such as varicocele, hydrocele, cryptorchidism, mumps, and tuberculosis. If a man is interested in bodybuilding, the cause of his infertility may be the use of steroids.

How to get pregnant after unsuccessful attempts?

If attempts to conceive a baby for a long time are unsuccessful, this is a reason to seriously think about your health and go to the doctor. Some may be intimidated by the prospect, but there is no need to be afraid of it. A thorough examination of both partners is necessary, because the causes of infertility can be anything - from psychological problems to congenital pathologies and chronic diseases.

Many problems, fortunately, can be eliminated, especially if you consult a doctor in a timely manner. It is worth noting that it is better to be examined not when the couple begins to suspect infertility, but already at the stage of pregnancy planning. For example, if a woman has obstruction of the fallopian tubes, but she herself does not know about it, she will still be able to conceive, only the fertilized egg will be fixed in the tube, and not in the uterus, as it should be. In such cases, an ectopic pregnancy occurs, which ends with the rupture of the tube and its removal. An ectopic pregnancy is also dangerous because without adequate treatment, subsequent attempts to conceive a baby will lead to a similar result, and removal of both tubes eliminates the possibility of getting pregnant naturally.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! After giving birth, I gained 11 kilograms and could not get rid of them. I tried to limit myself in food, but diets did not bring much results. I had to look for another solution. And I found it: (-15kg) I hope the information is useful to you!

How to get pregnant quickly if all attempts are unsuccessful? In this case, there are several recommendations:

  1. Avoid stressful factors. Evaluate the lifestyle you lead. If you are often nervous at work and at home, upset, worried about something, or suffer from depression, it is quite possible that unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant are the body’s reaction to stress.
  2. Give up bad habits. Very often it is alcohol and drugs that interfere with conceiving a child. Addictions cause irreparable harm women's health. The fact is that each girl is given a certain set of eggs at birth, which remains this way throughout her life, without being renewed. Alcohol and any drugs damage eggs - if one of them is fertilized during ovulation, this creates a risk of having a child with abnormalities or death immediately after birth. Nicotine increases the production of androgens and reduces estradiol levels, which interferes with conception. Men who use drugs expose themselves to another risk: their sperm become inactive and simply cannot move through the fallopian tubes.
  3. Adjust your daily menu. Lack of vitamins negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems. It is important that the diet is balanced and includes sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Women who have problems with ovulation may benefit from eating nuts and beans, whole milk, natural yogurt, fatty cottage cheese. Men are recommended to include more meat, fish and nuts in their diet.
  4. If pregnancy does not occur for more than six months, a year or even longer, evaluate your weight. Both obesity and excessive thinness often lead to problems with egg fertilization. Even if there is no disease, frequent alternations of losing weight and gaining extra pounds negatively affect the ability to conceive. A stable weight is important not only for women, but also for men, since it directly affects the number of sperm produced.
  5. Long-term drug treatment can lead to infertility, especially when taking antibiotics and antihistamines.

In this case, it is worth discussing with your doctor the possibility of at least temporarily replacing the drugs with their safer analogues.

If you have been unable to conceive a child for a long time, but you still can’t find time to go to the doctor, try proven traditional methods to solve this problem:

  • Change your usual lovemaking schedule. For example, if you usually only have sex at night, try having it early in the morning as well. Try more often - and this will certainly increase your chances of getting pregnant.
  • Try new poses. It is possible that in some position the sperm will reach their goal faster.
  • Don't force yourself to have sex. A positive attitude is very important, since problems with conception often cause not only physiological, but also psychological problems.
  • Ask your man to stop thrusting immediately after ejaculation. In this case, the sperm will remain in one place and will not spread throughout the vagina. Therefore, the sperm will have an increased chance of achieving its goal.
  • Another way that can help you get pregnant is to temporarily abstain from intimacy. This primarily applies to men. It is believed that after abstinence, they begin to produce more sperm, and with an increased concentration of sperm in it. This, of course, increases the likelihood of conception.
  • There is also a method of douching with soda for 20 minutes. before sexual intercourse. This creates a favorable environment for sperm, and at the same time you can cure thrush.
  • Herbal medicine can also be useful for those who cannot get pregnant. Try drinking special decoctions based on medicinal herbs sage, red brush, hogweed.

If you are unable to conceive your first child or second or third child, do not despair ahead of time. First, try to use our recommendations, go to the doctor, get comprehensive examination, pass all the necessary tests. In many cases, the problem of infertility can be solved. Even if conservative therapy does not help, it is still possible to become pregnant using IVF, insemination, or by transferring zygotes or gametes into the fallopian tubes.

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How to get pregnant after many failures? Olya's personal experience

How to get pregnant if you can't? Frankly!

Some people manage to get pregnant on the first try, while others try for years, but everything turns out to be unsuccessful. What is the reason?

If you want to increase your chances of having a baby, don't make the common mistakes we'll tell you about.

1. Worry too often

Stress is one of the main factors that reduces the likelihood of conception. If a woman's levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, increase, it can negatively impact her fertility. American scientists observed 400 couples trying to become parents and came to the following conclusions: if a woman has a high level of alpha-amylase (a stress indicator), her chances of becoming pregnant are reduced by 29% compared to those who have this indicator within the normal range. Experts are confident that under the influence of chronic stress, the production of hormones that ensure a stable cycle decreases.

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, try to relax and let go of the situation for a while. Try meditation, yoga - it contains asanas that improve blood flow to the pelvis and thus stimulate the synthesis of necessary hormones. This has a positive effect on the ability to conceive. Stop constantly planning your pregnancy. Instead, just remind yourself daily that this is a miracle that happens very often.

2. Don't do too much or too little

A large number of couples are convinced that the chances of conceiving a baby will increase greatly if they do not have sex for a week, “saving” sperm. It's a delusion. After a week of abstinence, sperm become much less mobile. Therefore, doctors advise having sex daily or every other day during the week before ovulation and on the day it occurs. More frequent intimacy can negatively affect the ability of sperm to fertilize, and less frequent intimacy creates the risk of missing the window of conception.

It has been scientifically proven that regular sex life helps stabilize the cycle: the male body secretes hormones that affect the female reproductive system.

Therefore, with regular sex, more estrogen is produced.

3. Use questionable techniques

Doctors do not support douching: along with harmful microorganisms, soda also destroys beneficial ones, disrupting the natural pH of the vagina. There is also a risk of exacerbation of inflammatory processes, which can cause damage and erosion of the cervix, which can often only be identified during an examination by a gynecologist.

4. Make mistakes in calculations

The most common mistake– incorrect determination of the day of ovulation. For most women, it occurs mid-cycle, but it affects women with a 28-32 day cycle. Ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of menstruation. Therefore, if you have a 24-day cycle, then ovulation will occur on the 10th day. If your cycle is noticeably longer, say 42 days, then it can be assumed that you are ovulating less frequently, not every cycle. In this case, and also if you have an irregular cycle (in this case, ovulation can be either on the 6th day or on the 21st), or you don’t remember the last time you had your period, forget these rules. Here you cannot do without an ovulation test, with which you can easily find out when your window of conception is.

Often women make another mistake - they do not count the beginning of the cycle from the first day of menstruation. The day your period begins is the one on which blood begins to be released, not the day before and not the day after. It is very important to know the exact day the cycle begins, because for a successful conception, the clock literally counts.

5. Blame yourself

If attempts to become pregnant are unsuccessful, infertility on the part of the woman is usually assumed. Only in reality both partners have the same degree of responsibility. According to statistics, in 40% of cases men are infertile, in another 40% women are infertile, and in the remaining 20% ​​unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant are due to problems with partner compatibility.

Note to moms!

So don't panic ahead of time: on average, a healthy couple takes from 6 months to 1 year to conceive.

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

It is impossible to accurately plan a pregnancy. Although usually healthy couples need from 6 months to a year to conceive, sometimes the first six months are spent on a woman just to normalize her cycle, which has gone astray due to taking birth control pills. Until the cycle becomes regular, there will be no ovulation. So, if after 6 months your menstrual cycle has not returned to normal or you are not sure that you are ovulating, be sure to go to the gynecologist.

7. Hurry

Many people find sarcasm in the statement that after sex a woman needs to lie on her back with her buttocks raised for about 20 minutes. But, according to doctors, this increases the chances of getting pregnant by 80%. So don't neglect this method.

8. Ignore concerns for which there are reasons.

Consulting a doctor is not paranoia. There are situations when you should not ignore what is bothering you, because it is not only about you, but also about the future baby. It is possible that your cycle has always been irregular, and this is the reason that you cannot get pregnant. Or maybe you have some kind of illness, and you want to make sure that this does not threaten the health of your unborn baby.

If you are concerned about something or are unsure about something, go see a specialist. He will explain to you what surprises and difficulties you may encounter. If you later have difficulties trying to get pregnant, you will know what to do.

9. You can’t give up bad habits

You should give up bad habits at least a year before your planned pregnancy. Doctors around the world warn: the first trimester is the most important stage in the formation of the future baby’s body. Even a tiny dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to him.

Some women drink alcohol in the early stages of pregnancy, not realizing their interesting situation. So, if you are not protecting yourself, either give up alcohol and cigarettes, or reduce their use to a minimum.

10. Don’t monitor your partner’s health

What harms your fertility can also negatively affect a man's ability to conceive. Tobacco, alcohol, and unhealthy diet worsen the quality and reduce the quantity of sperm. According to research, smoking and alcohol damage sperm at the chromosome level. Considering that complete sperm renewal takes 3 months, at least for this period your partner should give up bad habits. Make sure his diet is balanced and includes selenium, vitamins C and E - they are very beneficial for men's health.

The effect of temperature on a man's ability to conceive has not been proven. American experts believe that it is not essential for the functioning of the male genital organs. However, some doctors do not advise taking frequent hot baths, even if a man does not have problems with sperm quality.

Several studies indicate that scrotal temperature increases when a person holds a laptop on their lap for a long time. Other experts have found that radiation from mobile phones can reduce a man's ability to conceive, especially if the gadget is in his pants pocket. However, a clear relationship between heat and male fertility has not been established.

It often happens that, according to tests, healthy couples who want to have children, but, having lost faith, lose hope. A woman carefully monitors the condition of her body: she discovers that there is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur. Why is this happening?

Natural process

Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary. This happens before the start of menstruation (for any cycle length) 12–16 days. With a 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs in the middle. With a shorter or longer cycle, the duration of the first phase, that is, the pre-ovulation period, changes.

So, pregnancy occurs if intercourse occurs from the 3-4th day before ovulation (since sperm are able to live for 3-4 days) and ending with the last days after ovulation (after all, the egg is viable for up to 24 hours).

Signal of trouble

If a woman is unable to get pregnant, despite the presence of ovulation, other causes of infertility should be looked for. In other words, ovulation is an indicator of a woman’s health, and if it doesn’t exist, then there are some problems in the body.

In addition, it should be taken into account that it is on these days that the egg meets the sperm. For example, if a man has abnormalities in his spermogram: sedentary sperm and very few of them. Then it is highly desirable that sexual intercourse occurs a day or two before ovulation, but you should abstain 3 days before (in this case, the concentration of sperm and the chances that one of them will be able to reach the egg increase).

How to recognize ovulation

Signs of ovulation are quite subjective, but they cannot be ignored. In particular, during the period of ovulation, many of Eve’s daughters note an increase in libido. In parallel with this, in the middle of the cycle, tingling sensations or nagging pain are possible in the lower abdomen. Blood streaks may appear in the discharge.

In addition, the consistency of vaginal mucus changes: it is more viscous and viscous, and its quantity increases. Then, after ovulation, the volume of mucus decreases significantly.

In addition, you can judge the presence of ovulation by observing the menstrual cycle. As a rule, if the cycle is regular, then ovulation occurs constantly. If the cycle is irregular, it means that it is either absent altogether or happens every other time. On the other hand, a regular cycle does not at all guarantee the presence of ovulation, while an irregular cycle does not 100% indicate its absence.

In addition, the presence of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) - engorgement of the mammary glands, slight weight gain in the second phase of the cycle - is also observed during ovulation.

Non-medical problems

It is believed that in order for pregnancy to occur, you should take care of the baby during the period of ovulation, nurse him, change his diapers, rock him in your arms, then the body seems to tune in to the desired wave. The most striking confirmation is the example of the Ukrainian Olympic champion L. Podkopaeva, who soon became pregnant after adopting a child from an orphanage.

Or, for example, you need to drink something from a pregnant woman’s mug or eat something from her plate.

In addition, there is such a term as psychological infertility, when problems with pregnancy are possible even with regular ovulation. It’s not for nothing that they say that for pregnancy to occur, parents must really want a child.

In order for a little person to be born, two cells must meet: the male cell, the sperm, and the female cell, the egg. And for this meeting to take place, many events must occur in the body of the expectant mother and father, coinciding in time. The timing of pregnancy largely depends on their synchrony.

Favorable moment to conceive a child

Every month, a follicle matures in a woman’s ovary, which contains an egg. Under the influence of female hormones, it develops and bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, releasing the egg. This process is called ovulation. Having left the ovary, the egg is “captured” by the fallopian tube and, thanks to its contractions, moves towards the uterus. She retains her ability to fertilize for an average of 24 hours. The most favorable moment for fertilization is when ovulation is about to begin - then the sperm will have enough time to reach the fallopian tubes, where they will meet the female reproductive cell. With regular sexual activity and a normal menstrual cycle, there is no need to specifically calculate this moment.

However, there are cases when calculating the exact date of ovulation helps to quickly achieve the desired result. The simplest and exact method- This is the use of special test strips to determine ovulation. In addition, the release of the egg can be determined by ultrasound, changes in basal temperature body, using a special device based on the pattern of saliva crystallization, using the calendar method.

Ovulation disorders and what is “wartime infertility”?

Ovulation disorders can be observed in the most various reasons: for example, for diseases of the pituitary gland (with an excess of prolactin - a hormone that stimulates lactation), the thyroid gland (with a decrease in its function), the ovaries (cysts, polycystic disease, inflammation), the adrenal glands (with an excess of male sex hormones).

Overweight and underweight, as well as rapid weight loss, can also be causes. Excessive physical activity temporarily blocks this process. And stress negatively affects the ability to conceive. Its effects on reproduction were first described as "wartime infertility." This psychological impact is associated with the fact that critical situations The instinct of self-preservation turns out to be much stronger than the instinct of procreation. An organism that is struggling to survive blocks all non-essential functions, including reproduction. Is this why our grandmothers advised women who wanted a child to lead a quiet lifestyle, play with children more often, sew beautiful children's things, and read children's books? All this “tunes” the body for conception.

Sperm: what leads to male infertility?

Sperm are produced in paired male gonads - the testes. The cycle of their formation is 70–75 days. During sexual intercourse, 3–5 ml of sperm enters a woman’s vagina, which contains 300–500 million sperm. Before reaching the egg, sperm have to cross the uterine cavity and enter the fallopian tube, and not all participants in the race reach their goal. They complete this journey in 2–2.5 hours, and retain their fertilizing ability in the fallopian tube, according to various sources, from 2 to 7 days. In order for fertilization to occur, the sperm must overcome the barrier of the corona radiata cells (follicular cells surrounding the egg) and the membrane of the egg. For this, the “strength” of one sperm is not enough; an “attack” of 100 to 400 thousand of its fellows is necessary, although only one of them will penetrate the egg! A sufficient number of motile sperm in the ejaculate and their ability to fertilize an egg is the key to a quick pregnancy.

Of course, the likelihood of conception depends on the quality of the sperm. But the connection between potency and infertility is a myth. In reality, a man with very weak potency can have good sperm for conception, but the “sexual giant” may suffer from infertility. The fact is that sperm appear in the male body during puberty, when the immune system is already formed. In some men, sperm are perceived as foreign to their own body, which leads to the formation of antisperm antibodies, which worsen the quality of seminal fluid. Most common cause such counteraction are the following diseases: testicular trauma, cryptorchidism, varicocele (dilated veins spermatic cord), obstruction of the vas deferens, chronic infection of the genitourinary system and sexually transmitted diseases.

If a man is healthy, then the main guarantee of sperm quality is his Lifestyle. Thus, low physical activity, sedentary work, excess weight and smoking can lead to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs and inflammation. Spermatogenesis, like the female menstrual cycle, is regulated by the body's hormonal system. Therefore, if a man takes anabolic steroids, the natural balance of hormones in the body is disrupted, which can lead to.

There is one more factor, characteristic only for men, that influences reproduction. This overheating. The number of sperm produced in the testicles increases at temperatures that are slightly lower than general body temperature. It is not for nothing that northern peoples often used the bathhouse as a method of contraception. For the same reason, a man who wants to become a father should not often visit the sauna, wear tight underwear made of synthetic materials and tight pants, as this may increase testicular temperature. Any feverish conditions also lead to a deterioration in sperm quality. Moreover, fertilizing ability can be reduced within 3 months after an increase in temperature, since this is how long the maturation of each sperm in the testicles continues.

Another common and quite dangerous risk factor for the development of infertility in men is chronic stress. From a biological point of view, offspring should be born in the most favorable environmental conditions. This regulation is ensured by the close relationship between the reproductive system and all other systems of the body, primarily the nervous system.

Where and how does fertilization occur?

The possibility of fertilization depends on the health status of the partners. It takes 3 to 6 hours before the male reproductive cell meets the female reproductive cell in the fallopian tube. During the first 12 hours after fertilization, the genetic material combines to form a zygote (one-cell embryo), which will remain in the fallopian tube for another 7 days and only then descends into the uterus, where it will begin to “look after” a site for attachment. Therefore, the condition of the fallopian tubes often becomes a factor determining conception, because this is where the meeting and the first days of a new life take place. Pipe factor is one of the main reasons causing female infertility. Tubal obstruction most often occurs after acute or chronic inflammation of the genital organs and leads to the inability of the egg and sperm to meet. But, fortunately, such infertility is reversible. It can be treated with plastic reconstructive surgery on the fallopian tubes or overcome with the help of assisted reproductive technologies (IVF).

Choosing a position for fertilization

Another important point for the “meeting” of the sperm and egg is the position during sexual intercourse. Note that a correctly chosen position can increase the likelihood of conception, since it depends on which part of the vagina the sperm ends up on. In some positions (for example, a woman on top or a standing position), some of the sperm will simply be lost. The “man on top” or “man behind” position will be optimal. It is better if the woman lies on her back with her legs elevated for 20–30 minutes after intercourse.

To get pregnant, do you need to have sex more often?

Many couples believe that the more often they go, the faster pregnancy will occur. But this is not entirely true. Thus, the likelihood of conception during repeated sexual intercourse is reduced due to the fact that the second portion of sperm contains fewer full-fledged sperm, and the excess volume leads to its leakage from the vagina. When intimate relationships happen at long intervals, this is also bad. It is not so much the number of sperm that decreases, but their mobility - they no longer rush to the target so quickly. The optimal rhythm for the full maturation of sperm is the rhythm of sexual activity every other day (3 times a week) during the period of probable ovulation with desirable abstinence for 4–5 days the day before.

Contraception and conception

The best method of contraception at the stage of pregnancy planning is a barrier method; it does not in any way affect the ability to conceive. Other contraceptive methods may make fertilization difficult for some time after they are discontinued. In particular, the use intrauterine devices may negatively affect the function of the fallopian tubes and uterus. After removing the IUD, it is recommended to refrain from conceiving for 2-3 cycles to restore their function and reduce the risk of spontaneous miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. In the first months after stopping any hormonal contraceptives, a situation may arise when an immature egg is released from the ovary and is not capable of conception, or, conversely, the egg matures but does not leave the ovary. Therefore, it is recommended to stop their use 2-3 months before the planned conception.

Is the balance normal?

The normal environment in the vagina, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes provides active movement sperm. Don't use vaginal lubricants if you want to get pregnant. Lubricants sometimes contain substances that change the acid-base environment of the vagina and destroy sperm. Any infection in a woman's genital tract, as well as the use of various vaginal medicines, antibacterial and scented hygiene products, douching also disrupts the acid-base balance in the vagina, which reduces the chances of pregnancy.