How can a man become infertile forever? How to make a man infertile

The causes of infertility that will surprise you, first of all, relate to the psychological plane, and only as a consequence - to gynecology.

A couple is considered infertile if a woman of childbearing age does not become pregnant within a year of regular and open sexual activity (without the use of contraceptives). According to WHO statistics, female and male factors are approximately equally responsible for infertility. In 15% of cases, both spouses have reproductive system disorders.

The common causes of female infertility are well known. These include problems with ovulation, hormonal disorders, dysfunction of the ovaries, patency and function fallopian tubes, abnormalities in the structure of the uterus. Many causes of infertility are associated with inflammatory diseases of the genital area and are caused by sexually transmitted infections.

But it also happens that a man and a woman have no obvious health problems, but desired pregnancy doesn't come. There are reasons for infertility that will surprise you.

The origins of many cases of problems with conception should be sought not in the field of gynecology, but in the psychological plane, experts say. It is no secret that the way of thinking affects the physiological processes in the body. Another cause of unknown infertility is a chronic disease that can only be recognized and treated by an experienced specialist.

If you are unable to conceive a baby, think about whether one of the following circumstances is stopping you.

Negative attitude

The subconscious plays an important role in realizing our desires. We may dream of one thing, but expect another. If you are worried about thoughts like “I’m afraid it won’t work”, “trying is pointless” - these are negative attitudes that prevent you from achieving your goal. Good way change the subconscious - reading forums where mothers who previously could not get pregnant “for an unknown reason” communicate. You need to gain confidence that you too will succeed in becoming a mother.

If you cannot cope with your subconscious on your own, consult a psychologist or psychotherapist.

"Blockers" of new life

The cause of embryo death may be microthrombi in the woman’s blood. They do not allow the embryo to receive nutrition, and it dies. In addition, the female body can produce killer cells against the embryo. To check these versions, you need to take a test for blood clotting and NK cells.

A man's body can produce antisperm antibodies, which prevents conception. The MAR test will show whether this is so.

Passive lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle disrupts blood circulation in the pelvis. Pregnancy can end at the earliest early stages due to lack of oxygen and nutrients.

In men, difficulty conceiving may be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle.

Offended femininity

If a woman is afraid of being a woman, then a program is subconsciously activated that prevents conception and pregnancy.
Often infertile women have a grudge against their mother, or they perceive their mother's grudge against men as their own. You need to analyze your thoughts and feelings, forgive your parents and allow yourself to become a woman. You will probably need the help of a psychologist.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Good afternoon. I'm 20 years old and have never had any problems with periods. At 8 weeks there was a miscarriage. a week later they told me that the ultrasound showed that the child had died a week ago. had an abortion. I would like to know the reason. I went for an ultrasound during pregnancy and they said that I had tone and that a little blood was normal. and on the same day I went to the sea, when I came out there was water with blood, there was not much blood. was it connected with the sea? Or is this not possible and there is another reason? Thank you.

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Hidden self-destruction

Anger, resentment, despondency and other negative emotions destroy a person from the inside. From a psychosomatic point of view, this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the body and the inability to reproduce.

Excess stress hormones

Excess stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol) contribute to a decrease in the level of the hormone progesterone in female body. This hormone is necessary for successful embryo implantation.

In turn, stress hormones in men affect testosterone, without which sperm cannot be capable of fertilizing an egg.

In addition, excess stress hormones can lead to embryonic death in the early stages.

Poor nutrition

Nutrition gives energy and health. If the metabolism is disrupted due to poor nutrition, the body does not have enough strength to give new life. In addition, for normal operation The reproductive system needs vitamins E, C and group B, which we get from diet.

Men should also have zinc in their diet.

Parents' mistakes

Causes of infertility that may surprise you include parental mistakes. The lack of parental love and their mistakes towards their children lead to a person being angry with his parents all his life. Subconsciously, he forbids himself to reproduce so that the children do not look like “such bad people, like parents".

In addition, the mistakes and negative emotions of our ancestors become the cause of their physical disorders, which are inherited and can interfere with conception and pregnancy. To reduce Negative influence these factors, you need to forgive your parents and take care of them.

Untreated infection

The inflammatory process in the uterus can be triggered by any pathogenic bacterium.

Male infertility in approximately 40% of cases is one or the only cause of infertile marriage. Fertility young man depends on whether he can introduce a certain number of healthy, normally functioning, mature sperm into a woman of reproductive age during her ovulation period.

Why do men become infertile? This may be due to disturbances in the maturation, formation or ability of sperm to fertilize, disorders of ejaculation or sexual function.

Secretory infertility

The first reason why a man may be infertile is secretory infertility. In order for a sperm to penetrate the ovary, there must be several tens of thousands of them, and in order for them to reach the ovary, tens of millions must enter the vagina! But the spermatogenic epithelium does not always produce them in such quantities for this to happen.

The reason may be various diseases suffered in childhood: mumps, inguinal hernia, hydrocele, varicocele, syphilis, tuberculosis. Can also have a negative impact high temperatures, so after a hot bath you need to take a cold shower.

This violation is also facilitated by frequent mechanical influences on the testicles, for example, too much cycling. This disease is caused by prolonged stress, lack of vitamins in food, certain medications, radiation exposure, smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

It also happens when sperm are not formed in the testicles at all. Causes may be acquired or congenital.

Obstructive infertility

The second reason why men become infertile is obstructive infertility. The produced sperm must still come out! Obstruction of the vas deferens may prevent this. This happens as a result of complications of syphilis or tuberculosis, the result of an injury to the groin area.

The cause can also be bilateral epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis. This may be associated with mumps or mumps.


Cryptorchidism is a congenital disorder , that is, undescended testicles into the scrotum. They remain at the level of the inguinal canal or abdominal cavity. In this case, the testicles are far from optimal conditions, and spermatogenesis is also impaired. Children born with this disease must undergo surgery before the age of 3 years.

If this is not done, then the likelihood of developing infertility will be very high.

Why a man is infertile will no longer be a mystery to you.

One of the most unreliable. It is believed that the effectiveness of the method does not exceed 70%; almost every third act can be dangerous, since a small amount of sperm can be released at the beginning of sexual intercourse. intercourse. In addition, such “protection” can lead to sexual disorders in both partners.

Artificially prolonged sexual intercourse

Also applies to unreliable methods. Of course, it prolongs the time of sexual pleasure for partners and, as a rule, does not lead to ejaculation, but it cannot guarantee protection, since sperm is released not only during orgasm, but also along with lubricant. In addition, if this method is used frequently, it can lead to impotence and health problems in a man (increased blood pressure and headache).

"Samurai Egg"

Hot scrotum is an ancient Japanese method of temporarily sterilizing a man by increasing the temperature in the scrotum, which is achieved by taking a daily hot bath at 46.6 0 C for 45 minutes for a month. When the testicles overheat, sperm production is disrupted. By the way, the same effect is obtained if you sit behind the wheel of a car for more than four hours a day. After these procedures, the man becomes sterile for almost six months. Then everything is restored again to the same volume, but... there is a danger of cancer.


Ideal option for a man. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill. Modern technology offers highly durable and ultra-thin latex condoms in a variety of lengths, colors and flavors. However, the condom can break, and its use requires some skill.

Hormonal agents

Subdermal implant for men

Ampoules containing “androgens” are implanted by a surgeon under the skin, where they dissolve within 2-4 weeks. During orgasm, a small amount of “neutralized” sperm is released. The effect lasts for about 3-5 months. Sometimes it's not entirely pleasant side effects(headaches, genital spasms, etc.). The development of more advanced injectable drugs continues - 1 injection in the arm annually or monthly.

A drug containing “cyproterone acetate”

These are the same oral contraceptives, only for men. Constant use of the drug leads to temporary sterilization and a decrease in sperm count. After stopping taking the pills, sperm volumes are restored, but it is not yet clear how long after a man will be able to fertilize.

Pills containing "estrogen and androgen"

Such pills cause an increase in libido and at the same time reduce the quality of sperm. You can use it for 1 month, and then take a break for 3-4 months. If the drug is used for too long, side effects may occur: mental disorders, decreased tone and interest in life.


Dressing spermatic cord, which can be untied if desired. An ideal method for the treatment of sexual weakness, prevention of inflammatory changes after removal of a prostate tumor.


male contraception. This operation involves cutting the vas deferens, which carries sperm from both testicles. About a month after it, the man becomes completely infertile. Previously, the main disadvantage of a vasectomy was that a man would be unable to conceive a child for the rest of his life. Currently, the operation of “reverse vasectomy” has been developed, when the crossed vas deferens are sutured again, and the man again becomes capable of fertilization. The ability to conceive a child is restored in 90% of cases.

There is also an alternative technique when specially designed miniature valves , which can be opened and closed again at will by a very small operation.

Reversible vasectomy using soft rubber plugs that prevent the passage of sperm. They are inserted surgically and can be removed.

Polyurethane plug

The operation can be not only surgical, then a substance is injected into the sperm ducts, which hardens and gives a contraceptive effect.

Male spiral

A still little-known method of male contraception. The male IUD looks like a miniature umbrella and is inserted through the head of the penis into the scrotum. At the end of the spiral there is a gel that has a spermicidal effect.

To decide on the choice of contraception, a man must consult with an andrologist.

The Childfree movement is widespread throughout the world, and not only women, but also men become adherents. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, couples decide to make the man infertile. The partner does not swallow pills and does not resort to other means of contraception, which are sometimes dangerous and lead to obesity and vascular diseases. There are several ways to achieve sterility in a man.

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With the help of drugs

Doctors block the movement of sperm through the streams using an injection with a special gel

In 2014, scientists invented a gel that blocked sperm from moving through streams. Thus, the man does not impregnate the woman.

The gel is administered by a urologist after tests in the form of an injection. After this, the sperm exit is blocked. The main advantage: as soon as a man wants to regain the ability to conceive a child, he will need to administer a new injection with a gel that will cancel the effect of the previous one. Thus, this sterility is reversible and lasts for some time. Purchasing gels and administering them is much cheaper than performing vasoresection, when fragments of the vas deferens are removed during surgery.

Clinical trials have already been conducted on male baboons. After administration of the gel, none of the females became pregnant for a year. At the same time, all functions and sexual power in the monkeys were preserved.

Domestic urologists consider the drug dangerous and would like to receive more data on the consequences of use. According to urologists and andrologists from Russia, such gels can cause irreparable damage to the epithelium of the ducts, which is extremely important for the passage of ejaculate. As a result, a man may remain infertile forever, while after the operation, reproductive function is restored within five years. This has been confirmed clinically.

It is also known that other studies are being conducted specifically for men: these are tablets, powders and other drugs that can affect the cessation of sperm production.

Men who take certain medications as prescribed by a doctor in connection with any disease have noticed that they cannot conceive a child. Some medicines There are side effects such as infertility.

Having carefully studied the market and patient reviews, we can safely conclude that the most common drug today is Androcur. His strong point- this has an effect on potency, but along with the opportunity to have children, the desire to have sex disappears altogether, an erection does not occur at all. A man just doesn't need sex.

In addition, drugs that affect the ability to have children have side effects in the form of a violation hormonal levels, sudden mood swings and excess weight.

The drug Androcur

If we leave the topic of medications and remember bromine in the form of pharmaceutical powder, then it is worth remembering that small amounts consumed regularly with food and drink lead to complete infertility without a chance of cure.

Doctors remind that bromine in pure form- This poisonous substance, and not a medicine that, if ingested, can poison the body and lead to death.

Surgical methods

Sterilization is one of the most radical methods that allows you to make a man infertile. It has the exceptional ability to solve problems with just one simple operation. In twenty minutes, an experienced doctor, with the help of a few incisions, will eliminate the need to pay alimony and shudder convulsively after every sex for life. Moreover, the patient will not need to be in the hospital: he will be able to immediately return home.

Having lost the opportunity to have children, a man will not lose his taste for sex or the desire to have it. There will be no apathy.

Men mistakenly believe that vasectomy and castration are the same thing, but the two procedures should not be confused. During a vasectomy, a portion of the vas deferens is ligated or removed. And the passage of sperm becomes impossible. During castration, the scrotum is completely removed. And sperm is simply not produced in a man’s body. Castration is an irreversible process. It is suggested to do it only in extreme cases. And a vasectomy is reversible.


If a man decides within 5 years that he wants to have children, he can go to the hospital to have his ducts repaired.

The effectiveness of surgery

Experienced doctors believe that the success rate of vasectomy is close to 100 percent. However, it will be necessary to constantly monitor the urologist, since over time the vas deferens may recover.

Advantages of this procedure:

  • pregnancy will not occur if the operation is performed correctly;
  • the partner can be calm and not afraid of getting pregnant, which will allow her to completely turn off her head and have fun;
  • simplicity of the operation and its painlessness;
  • no complications subsequently;
  • not associated with the production of hormones;
  • does not affect fertility and endurance during intercourse.

Disadvantages of the operation:

  • the possibility of remaining infertile (sometimes even after the decision to resume childbearing and the desire to become a father, difficulties may arise with the restoration of the ducts);
  • discomfort in the groin on the first day after surgery;
  • despite the operation, you will have to use additional methods of contraception for the first time until the effect of the operation is fully manifested;
  • the operation does not protect against the risk of catching infectious diseases from sexual partners, including HIV.

No one is immune from the fact that the seminal passages will recover and become passable, as happens in cases of sterilization in females.

Restrictions on performing a vasectomy

Of course, there are restrictions that relate to both age and social status men: of particular interest psychological condition willing to undergo this operation.

They will not refuse surgery if a man is over thirty years old and already has a family, two or more children. In addition, this should be the desire of the man himself.

If your companion may experience irreversible changes and health problems after pregnancy or, for example, the use of one or another type of contraception is extremely undesirable, then this effective method, a noble step on the part of a man.

In addition, a vasectomy can be prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons due to health conditions, regardless of social status and the presence or absence of heirs at the time of application.


There are a number of reasons why a patient may be denied surgery:

  • if the man himself does not want to, but someone forces him to have the operation;
  • doubts. When the patient is not sure of the correctness of his decision, the operation will not be performed.

If all of the above does not frighten you, then the patient is given in advance to familiarize himself with the list of complications that he may encounter:

  • infection in postoperative period, brought into a still unhealed wound;
  • slight swelling or swelling more than expected;
  • severe hemorrhage, which can be observed in the scrotum.

At home

In addition to too radical methods ethnoscience offers his own methods. They will allow a man to become infertile at home. However, it is immediately important to make a reservation: such methods, compared with surgical intervention are not reliable and can often lead to a man only harming himself and his health.

The latest statistics show that you don't have to go under the knife to remain infertile forever. Ordinary life the average citizen who does not lead a healthy lifestyle will be enough to never experience the joys and sorrows of fatherhood.

Even the ancient Greeks noticed that if you take daily baths with hot water in order to deprive oneself of the opportunity to impregnate women, pregnancy does not occur. The effect of male infertility with regular manipulations lasted for at least six months. True, of course, no one can give a 100% guarantee that even if you steam with hot water, your partner will not get pregnant.

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to male infertility

In the century modern technologies To become infertile, it is enough to spend more than four hours a day in a sitting position. This also applies to men with a sedentary lifestyle.

It’s not for nothing that one of the loose-fitting underwear models for men is called “family.” Tight underwear is a direct path to the first symptoms of infertility.

As it turns out, not all sports have a beneficial effect on the body. So, cycling or horse riding is faithful helpers in male impotence.

It's no secret that abuse of alcohol, drugs and other substances blocks the ability to produce male hormones.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Do you have problems with ERECTION? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped?

These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Unfortunately, in recent decades, medicine has concentrated on contraceptives for women, this is explained by the ease of developing such drugs. To avoid pregnancy, a woman only needs to block her egg once every 28 days. In the case of men, the situation is different - you need to stop the “army” of sperm, which is much more difficult. But effective contraception for men still exists, it’s time to consider these methods in more detail.

Five basic methods of male contraception

Interruption of sexual intercourse.

Efficiency is about 80%. The man must remove his penis from his partner's vagina before ejaculation. According to statistics, every fourth man uses this method.


  • does not require the use of tablets or other means;
  • free;
  • does not harm the body.


  • a man needs to be able to control ejaculation well;
  • requires constant tension during sexual intercourse so as not to miss the right moment;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted infections;
  • with prolonged use, it reduces libido.

Using a condom.

Approximately 56% of men prefer condoms. This is the most popular and effective means of male contraception. Modern products made from latex, a substance impermeable to sperm.


  • highest efficiency (85-97%);
  • protects against HIV and other sexually transmitted infections;
  • ease of use and wide availability on sale.


  • psychological discomfort and decreased sensitivity during sexual intercourse;
  • requires some skills to use;
  • not always available at the right time;
  • sometimes men and women are allergic to latex;
  • If used incorrectly, condoms break and slip off, resulting in loss of protection.

Despite all the shortcomings, the condom is considered the main means of male contraception. Apart from allergies, there are no other contraindications.

Vasectomy (sterilization).

This is a surgical operation lasting 30 minutes, during which the ejaculatory streams are intersected. Does not affect the potency and libido of a man. 2-3 months after sterilization, the need for other means of contraception disappears completely. Efficiency reaches 99%.


  • high reliability;
  • the operation is done only once.


  • requires surgery;
  • irreversibility (the man will no longer be able to have children);
  • high cost;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • According to Russian legislation, sterilization is allowed only to men over 35 years of age who have at least two children.

This method is considered the most radical; after the operation, a man can no longer become a father; naturally, not everyone is happy with this prospect.

Male contraceptive pills.

A new word in contraception. Like their female counterparts, they contain sex hormones. An increased level of testosterone in a man’s blood interferes with the formation of sperm. After the end of treatment, reproductive function is restored over time.

Birth control pills for men is still in development

These tablets are not yet available for sale, since the drugs are still at the stage of clinical trials. But many experts are already skeptical about these funds. The fact is that male reproductive cells mature within 70 days, that is, to prevent unwanted pregnancy, the pills must be taken regularly three months in advance. Side effects of such drugs are also possible.

Contraceptive pills for men cannot yet be called anything effective means contraception. It may still be years before these products become available on the market.

Male contraceptive implant.

Another untested new product. This is a small (2.5 cm) object containing hormones that is injected under the skin. The drug suppresses sperm production and neutralizes a man’s reproductive function for some time. The only advantage of the implant is that there is no need to take other medications.

The disadvantages are the same as those of male pregnancy pills - they do not provide reliable protection and can cause negative hormonal changes in the body. There is also no need to talk about protection from sexually transmitted infections.

Conclusion: male contraception is effectively represented only by condoms; the use of other means is associated with certain risks.