Pediatrics profession. Faculty of Pediatrics is the best choice for applicants

Suitable educational specialties:
Key items:

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 0 rubles

Job description:

From Greek páis, genus. case paidós- child, child and iatréia- treatment.

Pediatrician- general practitioner, specialist in childhood diseases.

Features of the profession

Pediatrics studies childhood diseases, anatomy and physiology of the child’s body, develops methods of treatment and prevention.
Consequently, the pediatrician applies the achievements of pediatrics in practice.

Modern pediatric medicine includes many areas that are characteristic of medicine in general: therapy, surgery, cardiology, hematology, oncology, etc.
The pediatrician is responsible for therapy. He examines sick children, makes diagnoses, prescribes treatment, and writes prescriptions. And then evaluates the results: again examines, examines, talks with the patient and parents.

However, visits to the pediatrician are an obligatory part of everyone’s life. small child, even if he is healthy. A pediatrician is generally the first doctor in a person’s life, because it is very important, especially in childhood, to prevent illness. And if it does happen, recognize the first signs in time. A baby cannot talk about his health, but this does not interfere with a good doctor.

The baby's health greatly depends on the correct or improper care depends on whether the doctor gives the young mother the right recommendations and whether she can detect a serious illness in time.
In addition, the pediatrician monitors the child’s childhood development. And if there is any deviation in him, he draws the parents’ attention to it.
In Russia, each pediatrician attending a clinic is assigned a site (district) with children living there. And the doctor receives his patients not only in his office, but also visits them at home.

Pediatricians working with patients different ages.
For example, neonatologists are doctors who deal exclusively with newborns, i.e. babies up to 28 days. Other pediatricians specialize in treating older children and adolescents.


Children's clinics and hospitals.

Important qualities

Love for children and medicine, the ability to make responsible decisions, the ability to self-educate, patience, goodwill and sociability combined with good memory, accuracy, stress resistance.

Knowledge and skills

A pediatrician needs to have a good knowledge of the characteristics of the child’s body, the clinic of childhood diseases, understand the characteristics of medications, and speak Latin in the context of medicine.
Be able to find a common language with both the child and his parents.

Where do they teach

Medical universities.

After the prom, yesterday's schoolboy suddenly turns into an applicant and he is faced with a difficult choice of the right one. educational institution and faculty. And although you should think about this long before you become an applicant, many still choose a university for admission at the last minute.

In marketing, there is the concept of “impulse purchase”, in other words, it is the choice of a product, guided solely by a momentary desire, and it is not a fact that what you bought in this way will be useful later, and will not gather dust in the pantry for years. A lot in life depends on who you become professionally: your state of mind, financial situation and social status, your future fate. Therefore, this issue must be taken seriously.

Just as a caterpillar dreams of quickly becoming a butterfly from a pupa, so does any schoolboy wants to quickly get through the stage " applicant" and turn into the next stage " student" For some, this metamorphosis may drag on for several years, while others will be luckier - they will remain in this status for only 2-4 weeks. In any case, everything that is not done is all for the better. Perhaps not applying the first time will bring you big dividends in later life.

Your choice should be as balanced and informed as possible. Some are guided by their personal desires and ambitions, others soberly assess their strengths and the results of centralized testing, others rely on the opinion of their parents and their personal connections and contacts.

Despite everything, medical universities are still considered prestigious in the eyes of applicants and their parents, and competition is consistently high. Weigh all the pros and cons. Remember that there are no uninteresting faculties in medicine. However, there are people who made a mistake in choosing their profession and came to the wrong faculty, and maybe even to the wrong educational institution.

Traditionally in medical universities The faculties of medicine and dentistry are considered prestigious in Belarus. For those who want to put on a military uniform and connect their lives with the army, the military medical faculty is suitable. There are also faculties that train personnel for hygiene and epidemiology centers (medical and preventive faculty), pharmacists, psychologists, and laboratory doctors. But perhaps the most difficult and interesting of all is pediatric faculty.

Before your dream and the dream of your parents becomes a reality, and you see or hear your name on the list of applicants, decide for yourself whether you are ready to connect your life with medicine in general and pediatrics in particular.

15 reasons to become a pediatrician:

1. Children - the most grateful patients. Only children can be so sincerely grateful. Every pediatrician already established in the profession will tell you that he gets great pleasure from communicating with his patients and feels great joy when he sees the baby he saved. This is a very sensitive and responsive category of patients who subtly feel how you feel about them.

2. You love children very much. We are ready to help them find the joy of life, you don’t want to grow old in your soul, you are ready for everyone to say about you: “ pediatrician is the diagnosis" Are you ready for the fact that you will not hide your profession from anyone, even in public transport or on the street, children will feel your positive aura and, to the surprise of their parents, will smile to a stranger. By returning a smile to a smile, you receive positive emotions that prolong your life.

3. From the very beginning early childhood you wanted to become a pediatrician. Your favorite game was giving injections teddy bear. At school you went to the Young Doctor club. We read smart books about doctors. At home on your computer or DVD you have all seasons of the television series “Emergency Room”, “Grey's Anatomy”, “Scrubs”, “Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman) and “House M.D.” You believe that being a doctor, and especially a children’s doctor, is your calling and you cannot imagine yourself in another profession.

4. As a child, you got sick from everyone childhood infections(chickenpox, measles, rubella, scarlet fever, mumps or mumps). Otherwise, you will have to go through all this during the “Children’s” training cycle. infectious diseases" You can also bring the infection home from work and infect your children.

5. Yours parents are pediatricians. The most important topics in your family are medical ones. Your parents failed to dissuade you from applying to the pediatric faculty.

6. You have children or are definitely planning to have them. Do you want to take a professional approach to raising smart and healthy child and don't trust anyone treat your child except himself.

7. Your patients most often will not tell themselves what hurts them, and you are ready to consider even a child’s stool for making a diagnosis, trying to determine the nature of the stool, the presence of mucus and greens, blood or “raspberry jelly” (the medical name for stool with intussusception).

8. " All patients lie" - the motto of Dr. House from the television series of the same name. Fortunately, this does not apply to children. Little children will never lie or pretend to you.

9. In general, children are better and cleaner than adults, both directly and figuratively this word. You understand this every time you see a drunkard lying under a fence. Compassionate citizens call this comrade " ambulance“, and you think to yourself: “It’s good that I’m not a therapist.”

10. The most important direction in medicine is prevention. In pediatrics it is most relevant. Most adult diseases have roots in childhood. You understand that not only your health will partly depend on the quality of your work specific child, but the nation as a whole.

11. It’s hard to enroll, and even harder to study; over the years of study you need to study a huge number of books. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have no time to eat, sleep, or walk. In addition, in addition to the basic baggage of medical knowledge, you will also have to study children's characteristics. In addition to increasing the number of questions on the exam in individual disciplines, you will also find highly specialized pediatric items(propaedeutics of childhood diseases, childhood diseases, pediatric surgery, childhood infectious diseases, neonatology). No matter what anyone says, Pediatrician is a narrow specialty.

12. Dosages for children are much more difficult to calculate than for adults. The daily dose can be calculated in tenths of a milligram per kilogram of body weight, a single dose of tablets dosage forms may be a quarter or a fifth of a standard tablet of the drug. Infusion rate medicine in children sometimes even 10 drops per minute.

13. All doctors stable average earnings for a public sector employee. In any crisis, military or humanitarian disaster, you will always have work. Of course, you always want more money, and today, with a very strong desire, a doctor can officially earn money not only for bread, but also for butter.

14. As such, official percentage statistics leaving the profession There are no doctors in other specialties. We can only note that the older the class, the more such people there are. According to my subjective opinion, this indicator is the most optimistic among pediatricians.

15. Pediatricians always enjoy life; they are cheerful optimists. They always remain children at heart.

If everything listed above is not news to you and you are ready for all this, feel free to take the documents to the admissions office of the nearest medical university and do not say later that no one warned you about all the difficulties. If you have additions or your personal opinion on this issue, you can leave a comment.

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