Kaluga State University specialty. University employees are participants in the Great Patriotic War. Karpov Nikolay Vladimirovich

Kaluzhsky State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky

The teaching profession is one of the most in demand today. Despite the sometimes insufficient funding for the education sector, as well as the actions of individual representatives of this profession, the teacher is the basis of everything. After all, in order to learn and educate any literate and cultured person what is needed is a teacher.

Today, preparing a teacher himself is not a simple matter. After all, in order to raise a real teacher and mentor, you need not only modern educational technology, but also a competent and highly qualified team of teachers. These are the advantages that Kaluga State University named after K.E. has. Tsiolkovsky.

KSU named after Tsiolkovsky yesterday and today

KSU named after Tsiolkovsky is perhaps the oldest educational institution in the region, since its history dates back to 1786. True, university status was awarded educational institution much later, nevertheless KSU has a rich history and traditions.

A huge role in achieving all the existing successes belongs to the teaching staff of KSU named after. Tsiolkovsky, the basis of which is people who have devoted their entire lives to their profession - to train young and promising teachers. Among the teaching staff there are many teachers with scientific and academic degrees, honorary titles and awards. And another absolute advantage of the institute is its unusually warm, almost family-like atmosphere, which allows students to study effectively and teachers to pass on their knowledge.

The following faculties are available for university students:

· Psychology;
· Primary education;
· Philological;
· Historical;
· Foreign languages;
· Physics and mathematics;
· Engineering and pedagogical;

Each faculty has its own traditions and achievements. For example, one of the youngest is the Faculty of Psychology, which has been operating since 1993. Training at the faculty is conducted in several areas: health psychology, management psychology, economic psychology, and legal psychology.

One of the largest and oldest faculties is physics and mathematics. To date, more than 700 students are studying there. And during its existence, the faculty has trained more than 5 thousand specialists. The faculty trains teachers of physics, mathematics and computer science - people whose task is to teach the future Russian intellectual elite, engineers and designers. It is worth noting that L.S. dedicated many years to the faculty. Atanasyan, the author of textbooks on algebra and geometry, known to all schoolchildren.

Based on Kaluga University. Tsiolkovsky has a graduate school that trains future scientific personnel in a number of areas, including physics and mathematics, biology, history, philology, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies.

What is useful for KSU applicants to know? Tsiolkovsky

Great value at Kaluga State University. Tsiolkovsky is attached to working with future students. For this purpose, the university has organized preparatory courses in all subjects in which it is expected to pass the Unified State Exam in school.

As the practice of the institute shows, most of the schoolchildren who have completed such courses successfully pass the Unified State Exam at school and become students of KSU.

To familiarize applicants with the work of the university, the official website of KSU named after. Tsiolkovsky on the Internet. The site will introduce future students to a complete list of specialties for which the university trains specialists, the rules and procedure for admission to the institute.

It is worth noting that the university website is very easy to use and informative, which allows you to get all the necessary information about the university.

KSU named after Tsiolkovsky: To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.

Kaluga State pedagogical institute named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky received the status of a pedagogical university in 1994, in May 2010 it became a classical university.

Kaluga State Pedagogical University is one of the largest educational and scientific - methodological centers in the Kaluga region and the Central region of Russia. It was founded as a pedagogical institute in 1948.

However, the history of development dates back to 1786, when, by the personal decree of Catherine II, the Main Public School was created, in the senior, fourth grade, which trained teachers for district schools. In 1804 it was converted into a classical gymnasium. The eighth graduating class of the gymnasium was also pedagogical.

In 1875 A real school was opened in Kaluga, where in the 1896-1897 academic year K.E. worked as a mathematics teacher. Tsiolkovsky. It was at this time that K.E. Tsiolkovsky began to study rocket theory and created the famous blower. Nowadays the building of the real school is one of the educational buildings of the KSPU. From 1913 to 1918 Teacher training was carried out at the Kaluga Teachers' Institute, as well as in a number of post-revolutionary and post-war pedagogical educational institutions. Wonderful teachers worked within the walls of the historical buildings of the university: K.E. Tsiolkovsky, D.I. Malinin, S.V. Shcherbakov, N.A. Olisov, M.M. Mesterhazy, P.P. Korovkin, L.S. Atanasyan, G.I. Sarantsev, and more late time- N.S. Voronin, V.R. Novikov, V.M. Spivak, N.M. Kurochevsky, M.I. Golyshev, D.M. Grishin and others. KSU named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky carefully preserves teaching traditions.

The history of Kaluga Pedagogical University is rich in graduates who later became famous, including writers, philosophers, scientists, local historians, engineers and politicians: brothers S.N. and E.N. Trubetskoy, one of whom (Sergei Nikolaevich) became the rector of Moscow University, physicists A.P. Sokolov and A.N. Terenin, academician V.Ya. Khinchin, power engineer N.N. Vashkov, developer of the GOELRO plan, writers B. Zaitsev, G. Medynsky and many others.

The formation and development of a higher pedagogical institution is a complex process. During the existence of the Kaluga Pedagogical University, over thirty thousand graduates have graduated from its walls. Most of them came to schools and others educational establishments, where they pass on the acquired knowledge to the younger generation. KSPU graduates carry out pedagogical activity in Moscow, Tula, Ryazan and other regions, in certain areas of Siberia, Altai, Far East, on Sakhalin and Kamchatka.

IN last years The university, responding to the changing socio-economic situation, provides its students with the opportunity to master a fairly wide range of specialties for other fields of activity. University graduates work in enterprises, commercial and financial institutions, are engaged in management activities.

1786 - 1804 Main Public School (4th grade - pedagogical).

1804 - 1918 Nikolaev classical men's gymnasium (8th grade - pedagogical).

1913 - 1918 Kaluga Teachers' Institute (male).

1918 - 1919 Kaluga Pedagogical Institute.

1919 - 1921 Kaluga Institute of Public Education.

1921 - 1923 Kaluga Practical Institute of Public Education.

1923 - 1936 Kaluga Pedagogical College, where an evening pedagogical institute was opened in 1932.

1936 - 1940 Kaluga Pedagogical School.

1940 - 1941 Teachers' Institute. Closed with the outbreak of the war of 1941 - 1945.

1945 - 1953 Restored after the end of the war of 1941 - 1945. teacher's institute.

1948 - 1994 Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute, since 1963 named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

1994 - 2010 Kaluga State Pedagogical University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

2010 Kaluga State University named after. K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

Currently at the university:

4.5 thousand full-time students;

More than 2 thousand students correspondence form training;

Every year, more than 700 young specialists graduate, of which more than 20% receive a diploma with honors. 2.8% continue their studies in graduate school;

The annual intake for full-time education is more than 1000 people, at extramural- 320 people;

Training is carried out by 465 highly qualified specialists. They include 60.4% candidates and doctors of science (213 candidates of science, associate professors and 50 doctors, professors). 19 full members and corresponding members of state and public academies of sciences, 5 honored workers high school Russian Federation, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.

The university structure includes 7 faculties and 2 institutes. These are the faculties: physics and mathematics, engineering and pedagogy, history, psychology, philology, primary education, foreign languages and Institutions: Social Relations and Natural Sciences. The university has 34 departments that provide training in 24 specialties: mathematics, physics, computer science, technology and entrepreneurship, professional education, Russian language and literature, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, history, pedagogy and methods of primary education, preschool pedagogy and psychology, psychology, biology, geography, chemistry, ecology and environmental management, microbiology, genetics, defense in emergency situations, folk artistic creativity, social work, social pedagogy and psychology, organization of work with youth, Physical Culture, socio-cultural services and tourism.

In addition, the following work:

Consortium together with MIRBIS;

Research sector;

11 research laboratories;

Center for Additional Postgraduate Professional Education;

Institute of Sociology and Consulting;

Center "Education";

Faculty of Additional Professions.

During the existence of Kaluga Pedagogical University, over thirty thousand graduates have graduated from its walls. Most of them came to schools and other educational institutions, passing on the knowledge they acquired to the younger generation. KSU graduates carry out activities in Moscow, Tula and Ryazan and other regions, in remote areas of Siberia, Altai, the Far East, Sakhalin and Kamchatka. Forty-two people are laureates national project"Education".

In recent years, the university, responding to the changed socio-economic situation, has provided its students with the opportunity to master a fairly wide range of specialties for other fields of activity. University graduates work in enterprises, commercial and financial organizations, and are engaged in management activities.

Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky traces its history back to the main public school of the Kaluga province, founded in 1786 and training teachers of district schools. In 1913, a teacher's institute was opened in Kaluga, which 5 years later was transformed into a pedagogical institute, which gave higher education. Since 1948, it functioned as the Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute, which in 1963 was named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Since then, Tsiolkovsky University has been steadily developing, preserving the best traditions of Russian pedagogy and creating new prospects for humanistic education and harmonious personal development of the younger generations of Russian citizens.

Among more than 400 highly qualified university teachers working in 35 departments, there are 50 doctors of science and more than 200 candidates of science. The university has 5 academic buildings, and another new one is currently being built. Training of specialists is carried out at 7 faculties and 2 institutes, there is a Center for New information technologies and Center for Additional Professional Education, 11 scientific laboratories. Today, 4,500 students study full-time in 25 specialties (of which 9 are non-pedagogical), about 2 thousand part-time, and over the years of its existence the university has trained about 32 thousand specialists. IN educational process For all forms of education, more than 300 computers are used, equipped with modern peripherals, united into a single network and connected to the Internet. The university library fund has 600 thousand items of educational, scientific and fiction literature.

Currently, the university carries out fundamental and applied research in the fields of philosophy, history, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, literature, mathematics, physics, biology, energy, security environment. There is a postgraduate school in 21 scientific specialties, which trains about 130 postgraduate students and 80 applicants. There are dissertation councils that defend dissertations in technical, biological, geographical, pedagogical and psychological sciences. International and all-Russian scientific symposiums and schools are regularly held on the basis of KSU. The university publishes the scientific journal “Bulletin of Kaluga University”, yearbooks of scientific works, monographs, thematic collections, teaching aids and methodological recommendations.
The university has created all the conditions so that every student can discover and develop their potential in studies, science, sports, and art. The dance ensemble “Credo”, the competitions “Student Spring” and “Our Hopes”, the KVN team “Insofar as”, the volleyball team “Oka-Burevestnik”, the football team “Lokomotiv” - these are just some of the areas of application of the diverse talents of KSU students.
The mission of the university is expressed in the words of the great Russian scientist and thinker Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky: “The basis of all reasonable and good deeds and our future well-being is knowledge.”