Organize access control. Comparison of biometric identifiers can be carried out in two modes

Comparison biometric identifiers can be carried out in two modes.

If during identification the comparison is carried out in the “one-to-many” mode, the newly presented identifier is compared with all previously registered ones. We can say that in identification mode, the biometric system searches for the answer to the question “Who are you?”, analyzing the entire list of identifiers, information about which was previously registered.

If during identification the comparison is done in a one-to-one mode, information about two specific identifiers is compared. An example is comparing information about a newly presented identifier with information recorded in the memory of a special card - in this case, of course, it is necessary to present both the biometric identifier and the card. IN in this case the answer to the question “Are you really who you say you are?” is formed.

Systems operating in verification mode are, as a rule, fully automatic (i.e., they make decisions without human intervention). Systems operating in identification mode can also be automated (a list of possible “candidates” for matching a newly presented identifier is formed, arranged in descending order of the probability of a match, and final decision accepted by the system operator).

To speed up recognition, the user may be prompted to use an additional identifier (for example, a PIN code indicating the number of a department, section, etc.). In this case, in the identification mode, a comparison is made not with the entire list, but only with its part, allocated in accordance with the entered additional identifier.

Historically, law enforcement agencies were the first to use biometrics. Then the scope of use of biometric technologies expanded significantly and covered many other areas of society - from information security and access control to trade, financial and payment systems, education and healthcare.

The use of biometric technologies in law enforcement agencies and “civil” systems has a number of fundamental differences. The main one is that “civilian” systems do not operate with biometric identifiers themselves (images of fingerprints, faces, etc.), but with their digital models, and reverse restoration of a real identifier from its digital model is impossible.

Thus, the protection of users’ personal biometric data is guaranteed and a significant acceleration of the operation of “civilian” biometric systems is ensured, since digital identifier models are much more compact, which is especially important when serving a large number of users.

Types of passes

To gain access to an enterprise or individual premises, as a rule, several types of passes are installed. These can be: permanent, temporary, one-time and material passes. Samples of pass forms are developed by the facility administration (security service). In my own way appearance and the contents of the pass must differ from each other and have protective properties. All types of passes, with the exception of material ones, are processed and issued by the pass office (or other department) upon written requests. Types of passes are determined depending on the specifics of the enterprise.

Permanent passes are issued to facility employees hired for permanent job, as well as employees of other organizations assigned to the constant maintenance of the facility. Permanent passes can be divided into groups, their number and purpose are determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Permanent passes can be kept both in the hands of facility employees and in booths at checkpoints. Permanent passes for persons leaving the facility for long time(vacation, illness, business trip, etc.) are deposited at the pass office (HR department), and when such passes are left in the cabin, a corresponding mark is made on the cell (where the pass is stored). The passes of those dismissed from work are destroyed in accordance with the established procedure.

Temporary passes are issued to persons working under a contract, in temporary work, seconded to an enterprise and are stored, as a rule, at the checkpoint. The validity period and procedure for issuing temporary passes is determined by the instructions on the access control regime.

Temporary passes can be with or without a photo. Temporary passes without a photograph are valid only upon presentation of an identification document.

One-time passes (for visitors and clients) are issued to one person and only for a one-time visit to the enterprise and its departments. The pass is issued and valid upon presentation of an identification document. One-time passes must be periodically changed according to the color of the forms and other distinctive features.

A one-time pass issued to the driver of a vehicle can also serve as a one-time pass for transport.

A one-time pass is valid for entering the territory of an object or its subdivision for a certain time.

Control over persons visiting the enterprise with a one-time pass is carried out using a mark on the back of the pass, which indicates the time of the visit, certified by the signature of the person who received the visitor. A one-time pass is confiscated at the checkpoint by the controller when the visitor leaves the site and is handed over to the pass office. The controller reports to the head of the guard (checkpoint duty officer) about persons who did not leave the facility after the expiration of the established period of validity of the pass to take measures to determine the reasons for the delay. The names of persons who visited the facility with a one-time pass can be recorded in a special accounting book. Material passes for the export (removal) of inventory items are issued by the administration of the enterprise. The validity period of the pass is determined by the instructions on the access control regime. Material passes must be confiscated at the checkpoint and handed over to the pass office. Samples of valid passes must be available at the checkpoint. Funds are allocated for training security workers required amount sample passes.

Gearbox equipment

To organize access control, the enterprise is equipped with checkpoints (checkpoints). The checkpoint equipment must provide the necessary throughput and the ability to thoroughly check passes and documents of passing persons, inspect all types of transport, transported cargo and meet the following requirements:

exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry through the checkpoint into the facility (from the facility) of people and Vehicle;

help reduce the time for checking documents, inspecting vehicles and material assets;

help eliminate (minimize) security guard errors when allowing people and vehicles through;

provide security measures for security guards during vehicle inspections.

All types of gearboxes must be equipped necessary types communications and alarm system to call reserve security. It is recommended to have an internal telephone number and a list of telephone numbers for the enterprise administration at the checkpoint.

Checkpoint for the passage of people

To control persons entering the facility and individual buildings (premises), checkpoints are built. It is recommended to equip each human checkpoint with: a security room, a room for screening citizens, a storage room, a wardrobe, a turnstile with locking devices.

The placement of premises is determined by the projects and depends on the means of mechanization, gearbox automation and the characteristics of the enterprise.

In the control room there are passages that are equipped technical means security and physical barriers (Figure 10).

Figure 10 - Set of checkpoint equipment for the passage of people

Motor transport checkpoints

The motor vehicle checkpoint includes an inspection platform and office premises. The inspection platform is intended to accommodate vehicles during inspection. Inspection sites can be located both on the territory of the enterprise and outside it, in the area directly adjacent to the main gate of the checkpoint. The inspection platform must meet the following requirements:

have sufficient area to accommodate inspected vehicles, technical means to ensure normal working conditions for the security guard;

exclude the possibility of unauthorized entry into the facility (from the facility) of people and vehicles;

provide inspection at the established traffic intensity, at any time of the day or year road transport and transported goods;

be isolated from other structures that are not related to the security of the facility and the checkpoint equipment;

provide security measures for security guards while performing their duties.

The dimensions of the inspection area are set depending on the dimensions of the vehicle and the cargo being transported and can be: 10-12 meters in length and 5-6 meters in width.

On the territory allocated for the construction of the inspection platform, the terrain is graded in such a way that rain and melt water do not linger on it. The transverse slope of the inspection area is made at least 2% from the place where the guard is posted in the direction of its sides (perpendicular to the roadway). The surface of the inspection area is covered with concrete or asphalt.

On the roadway of the site there is a designated stopping place for vehicles for inspection, limited by two “STOP” lines painted in white.

Before entering the inspection area with outside main and auxiliary gates (barriers), no closer than 3 meters from them, a transverse line and the inscription “STOP” are also applied. In order to ensure traffic safety, at least 100 meters from the gate with right side or an indicator sign “Move in one row” is installed above the road, and 50 meters from the sign - a speed limit sign of up to 5 km/h.

Motor transport checkpoints can be equipped with traffic lights, scales for weighing vehicles, an inspection pit or overpass for inspecting cargo, and mechanized devices for automatic opening and closing gates with locks.

Figure 11 - An example of organizing a checkpoint on the approaches to an enterprise

Inspection areas along the perimeter are equipped with physical barriers and an alarm line. Sites, as a rule, are fenced off with a visible fence made of metal mesh or decorative grilles up to 2.5 meters high. The site is equipped with main and auxiliary mechanized gates. The main gate is installed on the line of the main fence of the facility, and the auxiliary gates are installed on the opposite side of the inspection area. Instead of gates, mechanized barriers can be used. At automobile checkpoints, gates with and without height restrictions are used. By design, they can be hinged or sliding (retractable). Swing gates must be equipped with latches.

To regulate the movement of vehicles passing through the passages of checkpoint inspection areas, two-section traffic lights with red and green lenses can be used.

The composition of the electromechanical equipment of gearboxes for road transport is presented in Figure 12.

Figure 12 - Set of gearbox equipment for vehicles

Group switchboard(control panel) can be installed in the checkpoint room, and in the absence of a checkpoint building in a special metal cabinet directly at the inspection site.

The procedure for export/removal, import/export of material assets and documentation to/from the territory of the organization

Admission to the territory (from the territory) of the enterprise of vehicles belonging to the enterprise is made upon presentation by the driver personal pass with a special code or transport pass and waybill. Loaders and accompanying persons traveling with transport are allowed through the checkpoint on a general basis.

All vehicles are subject to inspection when passing through the checkpoint. Entry and parking on the territory of the transport enterprise. Personal property owned by employees is permitted according to special lists.

Vehicles of third-party organizations that arrived with cargo to the address of the enterprise in work time, are allowed into the territory on official notes with inspection at a motor vehicle checkpoint. Cars are driven into the territory of the enterprise by a full-time driver, accompanied by a representative of the administration (consignee).

Railway transport and the crews serving it are allowed into the enterprise using passes of the established form, according to lists or in another manner established by the instructions about access control. For the passage and inspection of railway transport, an inspection group is allocated from the security unit.

Sealed wagons and containers are passed through the checkpoint after their external inspection, if the seal imprints correspond to the imprints in the shipping documents or invoices. In the event of a discrepancy between the prints, the detection of breaks in the car (container) or a broken seal, the car (container) is subject to opening and inspection in the presence of representatives of the administration and the railway.

Pick-up and take-out finished products and other material assets from the territory of the facility is carried out using material passes of the established form.

Having made sure that the documents are completed correctly and are in full compliance with the valuables being exported, the guard leaves a pass at the checkpoint, marks the pass with the date and time of cargo removal, signs and gives permission for the removal of material assets.

All documents for export (removal) from the enterprise material values are registered in the pass office according to the accounting book and are transferred to the accounting department the next day. Forms of all types of material passes are printed and stored in the accounting department, issued to the departments of the enterprise according to official notes. Documents for the export (removal) of material assets must be issued only for the amount of cargo (places, weight, etc.) that can be exported (carried out) at the same time and are valid only on the date specified in the permit document.

Construction and wood waste, waste paper, scrap metal, metal shavings are recommended to be removed from the territory of the enterprise by order of invoice, as material assets. Removal of various garbage, soil and snow from the territory of the facility can be carried out without paperwork, but with mandatory registration at the motor vehicle checkpoint.

Control of vehicles entering (entering) the enterprise is recommended to be carried out in the following sequence.

The security officer, having made sure that the accompanying documents are correctly executed, must ensure that the name and quantity of the imported (exported) cargo corresponds to the data in the accompanying documents, and also check the hidden places of the vehicle (which can be used for theft). For this purpose, he inspects the vehicle and cargo using a special viewing platform, an overpass. Material assets on a vehicle must be stowed in a certain order that is convenient for control. When passing sealed (sealed) cargo, the guard checks the seals (seals) with those indicated in the invoices, after which, when there are no doubts about the correspondence of the quantity and name of the cargo with the accompanying documents, entry or exit of vehicles is allowed. Material passes and invoices are registered by the security guard in the accounting book (separately for imported and exported goods) in strict accordance with the order of their receipt.

I approve

Deputy Minister

food industry of the USSR



Deputy Minister

Internal Affairs of the USSR







1. This Instruction establishes the procedure for organizing access and intra-facility regime at enterprises and organizations of the system of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR.

2. Access and intra-facility regime is introduced at all enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage or sale of material assets, including in workshops, sites, procurement points, bases, warehouses and other places of storage of agricultural and industrial raw materials, materials, products, containers, inventory, equipment located outside the main territory of these enterprises and organizations.

3. Facilities where access control and intra-facility control are introduced must be appropriately fenced and equipped with the necessary technical and fire-fighting means and weighing instruments.

Responsibility for organizing the access control and intra-facility regime, providing the facility with weighing instruments, technical, fire-fighting and other security means rests with the managers of the facilities, and for the implementation of the access control and intra-facility regime - with the relevant security units. The management of the facility, together with security, is responsible full responsibility for the safety of the object, the material assets located on it and the implementation of measures to ensure reliable security.

4. Persons who violate access and intra-facility regulations are held accountable in the prescribed manner.


A. Checkpoint (checkpoint)

5. Passage to and from the territory of the protected facility for workers, employees of enterprises, visitors, vehicles and cargo is carried out through specially equipped checkpoints at the time established by the administration.

Checkpoints are located in isolation from production premises and other services not related to security, and must be convenient for the passage of people, the passage of vehicles, checking passes and monitoring the import and export (removal and entry) of inventory items. They are equipped burglar alarm, internal and city telephone communications, special metal boxes (safes) for storing keys, stamps, documents and other means ensuring the implementation of security duties, as well as stands with samples of permanent, temporary, one-time, material passes and waybills for the passage of vehicles to the site and back.

If necessary, weigh scales should be installed at checkpoints.

B. Passage of citizens to and from the territory of the protected facility

6. Workers, employees and visitors are allowed into the territory of the facility only with passes of the established form.

A one-time pass (see Appendix 1) from the moment of issue until the moment of entry to the enterprise is valid for 30 minutes, after which it becomes invalid.

7. Security personnel of the enterprise (organization) enter the territory of the facility using permanent (see Appendix 2) or temporary (see Appendix 3) passes.

8. Admission to special production premises: design bureaus, laboratories, cash desks, etc. - is assigned to the managers of the protected facility. These rooms are equipped with locks, alarms and observation windows. Such premises must have a telephone or other connection with security.

9. On weekends and holidays (non-working days), admission of persons to the territory of the facility is carried out only with the special permission of the head of the facility or his deputies.

10. The right to enter the facility without passes upon presentation of an identity card (service ID) is enjoyed by:

a) members of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Central Committee of the Communist Party union republics, members of the government of the USSR, union and autonomous republics, secretaries of regional, regional, city and district committees of the CPSU, chairmen of regional (regional) executive committees and city (district) executive committees;

b) prosecutors of union and autonomous republics, territories and regions, cities and districts and their deputies;

c) deputy ministers of the food industry of the USSR, deputy ministers of the food industry of the union republics and deputy heads of other food industry management bodies of the union and autonomous republics, regional (regional) executive committees, as well as heads of sectoral departments and departments of ministries, their deputies, heads of central boards, trusts, directors of firms, associations, enterprises and their deputies for all enterprises subordinate to them;

d) heads of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the krai (regional) executive committees and their deputies, heads of departments - departments of the KGB in the krai and regions and their deputies, operational command staff of state security bodies and the police, investigators in connection with the investigation of the crime, management and inspectors of departments, departments (branches) of private security by territoriality;

e) employees of people's control committees, labor inspectors, boiler inspection, energy supervision, state supervision, as well as employees of bodies for regulation, use and protection of the water system of the Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Resources of the USSR;

f) employees of intradepartmental control of institutions and organizations of the system of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR, heads of control and audit departments, departments and their deputies, as well as chief, senior auditors and auditors, if they are entrusted with conducting an audit or inspection, employees of the inspectorate under the Minister of Food Industry of the USSR, ministers of the food industry of the Union republics and heads of other food industry management bodies of the Union republics.

11. Persons who are intoxicated are not allowed into the territory of the protected facility. If such persons are found on the territory, they must be immediately removed from there by administration representatives and security personnel.

B. Passage to and from the territory of the facility for vehicles without cargo

12. Horse-drawn transport (without cargo) of a protected enterprise (organization) is allowed into the territory of the facility and back upon presentation by the driver of his pass and waybill.

13. Horse-drawn transport (without cargo) of other enterprises and organizations is allowed into the territory of the facility upon presentation by the driver of a pass indicating the type of transport, license plate and identity card (passport).

In the event that the horse-drawn transport of other enterprises (organizations) contains items (cylinders, barrels, tarpaulins, etc.) that are subject to return export, then they are indicated in the one-time pass of the driver or person accompanying the cargo.

Railway transport without cargo is allowed into the territory of the facility and back in the manner established by the head of the enterprise (organization).

14. Firefighting and emergency vehicles with crews in case of fires, explosions and other accidents, as well as police vehicles in the event of incidents, are allowed into the territory of the facility without hindrance, and in the absence of any incidents - on a general basis.

15. Sanitary vehicles along with medical workers are allowed into the facility territory in case of accidents without hindrance. The guard is notified of the call for an ambulance. Upon departure, control is carried out at the discretion of security.

16. Emergency teams from workers and employees of enterprises in case of emergencies (fire, accident, etc.) are allowed to the scene of the incident in the manner established by the head of the facility.

D. The procedure for the import (introduction) into the territory and export (removal) from the territory of the protected object of material assets

17. Export (removal) from the territory and import (introduction) into the territory of the protected object of agricultural and industrial raw materials, materials, products, inventory, equipment and other valuables (including products returned to the enterprise) is permitted only if there are properly registered documents for these goods waybills, invoices and other accompanying documents of the established form.

It is prohibited to import and export (bring in and take out) valuables from the facility based on oral orders, notes and other documents not provided for in these Instructions.

18. Accompanying documents must be written on standard forms, have a number, date and contain information about the name of material assets, their quantity, weight (volume), type of packaging and number of pieces.

Documents for the right to export (remove) material assets are signed by the head of the facility (deputy manager) or a person authorized to do so by an order for the facility, as well as the chief accountant or his deputy and the persons who released and received the valuables.

Material assets (except for those arriving at the site by rail and by water transport) according to these documents can be exported or imported (brought in, taken out) only once on the day of their issuance.

19. At the checkpoint, the compliance of the name and quantity of imported and exported valuables with the name and quantity specified in the document is checked, and if they correspond, both copies are canceled with the “Canceled” stamp (see Appendices 4 and 5 (Appendices 5 - 18 are not given) ) and are registered in the registration books of imported or exported material assets (see appendices 6 and 7). One copy of the document is handed over to the person accompanying the cargo, and the other - to the accounting department against a signature in the books of registration of imported (exported) material assets or to the pass office for subsequent transfer to the accounting department.

Note. In cases where checking inventory items at a checkpoint is difficult, their loading should be carried out under the control of a security officer assigned for this purpose.

20. Security workers are given the right to inspect railway cars, tanks, containers, cars and other vehicles entering and leaving the facility with or without cargo, to open boxes, bags, barrels and other containers with material assets, to demand necessary cases transferring or unloading them from vehicles.

21. If the cargo found during inspection does not correspond to the entries in the accompanying document, security workers:

indicate this in the book for registering access control violations (see Appendix 8);

together with the administration, representatives public organizations object and persons accompanying the cargo draw up a report of identified discrepancies in triplicate (see Appendix 9).

One copy of the act is handed over to the administration of the protected facility, the second to the supplier company, and the third copy is filed with the security documentation.

22. Security workers are required to notify the head of the facility and local internal affairs authorities about all cases of import and export of material assets without accompanying documents, as well as in larger or smaller quantities than indicated in these documents.

23. Import, export (moving in, taking out) of material assets from one workshop to another, which are located in different territories of the same enterprise, as well as for carrying out work outside the territory of the facility, is carried out in the manner established by paragraph 19 of Section II of these Instructions.

24. Accompanying documents for imported or exported goods do not give citizens the right to pass through the checkpoint and are valid only if they have a permanent, temporary or one-time pass.

25. If there are signals of theft of inventory items, security workers, on the instructions of the head of the enterprise, carry out searches of individual enterprise employees and visitors. The suspected person is invited to a separate room, where he is asked to return the stolen property. After the detainee categorically refuses to comply with this requirement of the guard, a search is carried out in the presence of two witnesses. Searches are carried out by persons of the same sex as those being searched. When something stolen is discovered, a report is drawn up (see Appendix 10), and the case of theft is recorded in the detention book (see Appendix 11).

Stolen material assets seized from detainees are taken into account by security and handed over to the warehouse using a slip, one copy of which is transferred to the accounting department of the enterprise, the second remains in the security files. The form of the invoice and the procedure for depositing seized valuables at the warehouse are established by the administration of the facility.

Head and Chief Accountant guarded facility must report monthly to a higher economic organization about all cases of detentions and measures taken to prevent access control violations.


26. The manager of the facility is obliged to determine the working hours for all workshops and areas, routes and rules for the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the territory of the facility; provide fencing, lighting and marking of places dangerous to human life, equipment of special places for smoking, storage of raw materials, finished products, personal belongings of workers, employees and visitors; equip facilities with technical means (communications, alarms, fencing, locks, checkpoints for guard dogs, weighing equipment, etc.); establish the personal responsibility of heads of workshops and departments for the safety of material assets, the state of fire and emergency safety and compliance with the established regime in the workshops and departments entrusted to them.

27. Only persons working on a given shift and persons with one-time passes may be on the territory of the facility at the time established for them.

28. It is prohibited to store cars, motorcycles, bicycles, household and other property belonging to employees of the enterprise and other persons on the territory of the protected facility.

Personal belongings of workers, employees and visitors (packages, briefcases, shopping bags, suitcases and other items), with the exception of overalls, must be handed over to the storage room.

29. Cultural, educational and other premises (clubs, dormitories, residential buildings, shops, sales tents, stalls, etc.) must be located outside the facility.

30. Windows on the lower floors of production and warehouse premises should be equipped metal bars or nets. Protection window openings These buildings and premises with metal gratings are carried out in agreement with the state fire supervision authorities.


31. Forms of passes, books and other documents specified in these Instructions are produced by printing at the expense of the enterprise. All types of passes must be different from each other.

Accounting, storage and destruction of pass forms is carried out in the manner established for strict reporting forms.

All passes, with the exception of material ones (see Appendix 12), are recorded, processed and issued at the pass office, and where they are not provided, registration, registration and issuance of passes are assigned to the personnel departments of enterprises.

Material passes (waybills) are recorded, stored and issued by the enterprise's accounting department. These passes are stored at the cash desk of the enterprise, and their issue is recorded in the book of records of issued passes and in the card.

32. According to their validity period, passes are divided into permanent, temporary and one-time passes, and according to their purpose - into personal and material.

33. Permanent passes are issued to workers, employees and engineering and technical employees hired for permanent work. The basis for issuance is the order (instruction) of the head of the facility to accept of this person to work. The validity period of permanent passes is set by the facility manager.

Temporary passes are issued to persons hired at enterprises temporarily for a period of up to 6 months.

In case of loss of a pass, the person who lost it must report this to the head of the facility or to the pass office. A pass will be issued to replace a lost one after an investigation into the loss.

Persons dismissed from work have their passes taken away when settlements are made with them, which is noted in the book of accounting and issuance of passes.

34. A one-time pass is issued to individuals or a group of persons by order of the head of the enterprise (organization) or persons authorized by him for a single visit to the facility on the day of issue and at the time specified in the pass. One-time passes are issued if the visitor has an identification document.

The head of the pass office, and in his absence, the representative of the administration who is entrusted with issuing one-time passes, maintains a book of registration of issued one-time passes. The book must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, place of work, number and date of issue of the service card, identity card, passport of the visitor, based on whose application a one-time pass is issued, its number, date and time of issue.

Foreign delegations can enter the facility with the permission of the manager without passes, accompanied by a representative of the enterprise administration.

One-time passes are selected by a security worker at the checkpoint when a visitor leaves the facility. On back side The pass must contain the signature of the person receiving the visitor and a stamp on the time of the visit, certified by the seal of the enterprise (shop).

At the end of the working day, one-time passes are handed over to the pass office or the personnel department, where they are stored for 3 months, after which they are destroyed by the commission according to the act.

35. A pass for the export (removal) of material assets from the territory of an object is a copy of the consignment note with a color imprint diagonally.

Material passes received from security workers (waybills with a color imprint diagonally) are verified in the accounting department with other copies of these documents and stored with them for the period established for the storage of material and monetary documents.

36. At the checkpoint there must be samples of all types of passes, seal impressions, stamps, as well as signatures of persons who are given the right to sign passes, waybills, invoices - material requirements and other documents that are subject to security checks when entering the territory and from the territory of the protected object of persons and vehicles.


37. A pass office can be created at enterprises with more than 500 employees.

The head of the pass office is subordinate to the head of the security of the facility or the head of the paramilitary unit. The duty officers report directly to the head of the pass office.

38. The head of the pass office is personally responsible for the work of the office and is obliged to:

know the protected object, its management, heads of workshops and services;

comply with the instructions, instructions and orders in force at the facility on issues of intra-facility and access control;

together with the manager and head of security of the facility, develop and implement measures to improve access control and security of the facility;

keep records of access control violators and persons detained with stolen material assets;

timely place orders for the production of forms of all types of passes, seals, stamps, books of registration of imported and exported valuables, organize the accounting and storage of these documents.

39. Pass office duty officer:

is responsible for the safety of stamps, seals, keys, passes and other documents, as well as property located in the premises of the pass office;

maintains daily records of passes and their forms;

in accordance with the orders and instructions of the head of the enterprise, issues permanent or temporary passes for facility employees and one-time passes for visitors. Before issuing passes, checks the documents presented as the basis for issuing a pass, and documents proving the identity or official position of the recipient of the pass;

when issuing a pass, explains to the owner the procedure for storing and presenting the pass and responsibility for its loss or transfer to another person;

daily receives used one-time passes from security workers, checks the correctness of the notes made on them about the presence of visitors at the site and compares them with the issuance registration book (see Appendix 13) and at the end of the working day hands them over to the head of the pass office;

daily receives used passes for the import (bringing in) and export (taking out) of material assets from the security officer, checks the correctness of the entries and marks in the passes, the presence of stamps on them, and hands them over to the chief accountant of the facility against a signature in the books of registration of imported (exported) material assets;

at the end of duty, reports to the head of the pass office about the work done and incidents that took place;

during mass clearance of workers and vehicles, the head and duty officer of the pass office provide assistance to the guards in organizing service at the checkpoint.

40. When serving at a checkpoint, a guard must:

upon taking up the post, take an inventory of service documentation, as well as inventory, check the serviceability of seals, locks, constipations, lighting, communications and alarm systems. If any malfunctions are detected, report this to the security chief of the facility (guard), the foreman or the security department (department);

accurately and timely carry out these Instructions on access and intra-facility regime, orders and instructions of the chief of guard (foreman), heads of security of the enterprise and departments (branches) of departmental or non-departmental security of local internal affairs bodies;

show vigilance and adherence to principles, prevent theft and abuse, detain persons trying to illegally export or import (withdraw, bring in) material assets, as well as violators of public order and access control. Immediately report this to the head of the facility, the head of security of the facility, paramilitary unit, foreman, departmental (non-departmental) security authorities;

be able to use fire-fighting equipment and ensure compliance with the rules fire safety at the post and the surrounding area. In the event of a fire, immediately report this to the head of the facility, the nearest fire brigade, the chief of the guard (foreman), the officer on duty at the police station and take measures to eliminate the fire, save people and property.

Shapes of others necessary documents are given in appendices 14 - 17.


41. In order to prevent and implement effective control over the import and export (movement and removal) of material assets, the foreman, the head of security of the facility, the head of the detachment (team, group), the service inspector, the management of the security department (department) together with the management of the protected facility periodically conduct control checks with excess, over-measurement and recalculation of the amount of products passing through the checkpoint.

Control checks must be planned and provided for in the work plans of security units. They must be carried out in a qualified manner, with the participation of specialists in the quality of raw materials and products, with wide involvement of the public and the assets of the enterprise (organization).

Deviations identified by the control check are documented in a report (see Appendix 18), which is submitted to the administration or police authorities to take appropriate measures.

If there is a discrepancy in the weight or number of places indicated in the document, a new consumption document is issued. In this case, the original document is canceled as invalid and attached to the goods inspection report, which is reported to the accounting department.

42. When conducting documentary audits, higher-level economic organizations check at subordinate enterprises the implementation of the Instructions on access and intra-facility regime at enterprises and organizations of the system of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR, the state of fire safety and security of the facility, and also check material receipts and expenditure documents and compare them with passes and books of registration of material assets imported and exported (brought in and taken out) from the site.

Where necessary, such checks should be carried out at any time.

43. This Instruction applies to all organizations, enterprises, institutions of the system of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR and in accordance with Standard provision O private security under the internal affairs bodies and the Model Agreement on the Protection of Facilities, it is also mandatory for private security workers.

Annex 1


Application stub N ___ One-time pass N ___ Control card for

On "__" On "__" pass N ________

19__ 19__ to "__"

Issue time ______ hours Issue time ______ hours 19__

min. min.

Last name ____________ Last name ________________

Name ________________ Name ____________________

Middle name ___________ Middle name _______________

Who declared _________ To the workshop, department ___________

Type and N of document ______

Signature ________________

M.P. M.P.

Badge size 15 x 12 cm

Left __________ hours ___ minutes.

Reverse side

Date _____________ 19__

Signature ______________

Appendix 2


Photo card location N ______________________ Last name _________________

3 x 4 cm Passage _________________ Name _____________________

Validity period __________ Middle name ________________

M.P. Personal signature _________ Head of facility ____

Signature _________________


Notes: 1. The badge size is 18 x 6 cm.

2. The form is made of thick cardboard covered with calico or lederin.

3. The photo card is sealed with a raised metal seal.

Appendix 3


Photo card location N __________________ Last name ______________

3 x 4 cm Aisle _____________ Name __________________

Surname _____________

valid until "__" _________ 19__ Personal signature _____________________

Head of the facility ______________________________________________________________



Extended until "__" __________ 19__


Notes: 1. The badge size is 18 x 7 cm.

2. The form is made of thick cardboard.

3. The procedure for registration and registration, as well as a permanent pass.

Appendix 4

(Business name,



For the import (introduction) of material assets

All material assets listed in this accompanying

document, verified in kind and imported (introduced) into the territory of the enterprise

on a vehicle (in a carriage) of the _____________________________________________________ series



19__ min.

The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

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REGULATIONS access system enterprises


The access system (PS) is integral part General System Access (OSD) to the enterprise. OSD is an integral part of the General Security System (OSS) at the enterprise.

This Regulation defines:

1. The purpose and objectives of the enterprise’s PS. Basic definitions and names.

2. Principles of organizing the PS of an enterprise. Types of passes.

The procedure for issuing, recording and confiscating passes

The main purpose of the enterprise's PS is to organize physical access (OFA) for visitors to the locations of employees, documents and equipment or other property of the enterprise.


- A visitor is a person who has a production or other need to be at the location of the enterprise, agreed upon with the administration of the enterprise.

- OFD is the process of identifying the Visitor and then providing him with the opportunity to visit the enterprise under the conditions determined by the administration of the enterprise.

- A pass is a document prepared and executed in a certain way, containing information about its bearer.

When conducting a formal document for an enterprise, the PS solves the following problems:

1.2.1 Ensuring the entry, location and exit of Visitors to the enterprise:

In the buildings and premises of the enterprise.

To the locations of employees, equipment and documents of the enterprise.

Restricting access to the enterprise by categories of Visitors.

Monitoring and recording the presence of Visitors at the enterprise.


When registering visitors to an enterprise, the following are determined and controlled:

An office employee is a visitor, workplace which is located directly in the administrative premises of the enterprise.

A salon employee is a line manager of a salon (administrator/senior salesperson) who has a regular production need to be in the administrative premises of the enterprise.

A GP employee * is a visitor who has a justified production need to be at the enterprise’s facilities to fulfill his obligations to the enterprise under concluded contracts.

* GPs are external service enterprises that provide maintenance of general facilities, electrical facilities or provide other services to the enterprise on a contractual basis.

Guest is a Visitor who may be at the enterprise by separate order of the administration of the enterprise and accompanied by a responsible employee of the enterprise.

Determining the category of Visitors is the responsibility of the HR department.


Justification for visiting and staying at the enterprise.

Goal, tasks, time.

    The period of access to the premises of the enterprise is determined by the operating hours of the enterprise and its departments.

    The following are freely allowed into the premises of the enterprise on working days:

The presence of office employees on the territory of the enterprise after 20 hours is allowed in agreement with immediate supervisor and security engineer.

Access to the enterprise for GP employees after 20:00 is strictly permitted if accompanied by a responsible employee of the enterprise.

Access of all categories of Visitors on weekends and holidays to the administrative premises of the enterprise is carried out with the permission of the director of the enterprise. For this purpose the leader structural unit submits a memo indicating the category of the visitor (position or name of the organization), full name, date and purpose of the visit. Based on the memo, an order is issued in three copies: 1st copy. - filed into the case; 2nd copy - transferred to the fire safety engineer; 3rd copy - transmitted to the checkpoint to identify visitors.

Types of passes: electronic key, identification, temporary pass.

2.3.1. The electronic key is plastic card

size 8.5 x 5.4 cm. The data is plotted on the map in accordance with Figure No. 1. The card is programmed and is a key that allows its owner to open doors to the premises of the enterprise. 2.3.2. The ID is a paper card measuring 8.5x5.4 cm. To the card

in printed form

The data is plotted in accordance with Figures No. 2, 3. The certificate indicates that the bearer is an employee of the company's salons or a GP.

The GP employee's certificate contains: the name of the GP, the year the pass was issued, the date of the service agreement, and the validity period of the certificate.

The salon employee's ID contains: photograph of the employee, full name, position, date of issue of the pass, personnel number, validity period of the pass.


The temporary pass is a paper form measuring 8.5x5.4 cm (see Figure No. 1) and is valid only upon presentation of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Temporary pass



Additional Information


responsible from the IPS



Figure No. 1

2.4. Access period for Visitors: determined depending on their belonging to a particular category (Table No. 1).

Table No. 1

Type of pass

Validity period of the pass

Office employee

Electronic key


Salon employee

Electronic key


One year

GP employee

According to the contract


Temporary pass

An electronic key is issued to office employees after registration for work and is valid during the entire period of the employee’s work at the enterprise.

Procedure for issuing an electronic key:




Receipt by the employee of a copy of the employment order

PMO HR Specialist

Taking photographs and making a pass

Head of Photo

Electronic key programming

OPS AHO engineer

Receiving an electronic key


To obtain an electronic key, the employee requests a copy of the employment order from the PMO HR specialist. In accordance with the order data, the head of the OFOto produces a pass within 10 days and transfers it to the AHO security engineer for programming and issuance to the employee.

The AHO security engineer keeps a log of electronic keys.

The log records the full name. and employee position, pass number, etc.

Upon receipt of the electronic key, the employee signs in column 7.

For the period when an employee is on all types of vacations lasting more than 14 calendar days The electronic key is handed over for safekeeping to an emergency security engineer at AHO.

When an office employee leaves, the electronic key is confiscated and blocked, which is recorded in the accounting log, which in turn serves as the basis for the endorsement of the bypass sheet by the AO OPS engineer.

On a quarterly basis, the Administrative Office and the PMO carry out a verification of the compliance of the issued and confiscated electronic keys with the actual data.

Employees of the enterprise bear personal responsibility for the consequences of the use of the electronic key by other persons. If an electronic key is lost, the employee immediately notifies the duty engineer of the Administration and Maintenance Department. Next he writes an explanatory note addressed to the director of the RATO department. The electronic code of a lost pass is blocked, the fact of the loss of the pass is recorded in the log book with the mark “lost”.

The employee is issued a duplicate within up to 10 working days. Reissued passes are identified by placing a fraction after the employee's personnel number. Re-production of the pass is carried out at the expense of the employee. The amount charged from the employee is justified by the cost of producing the pass or an approved cost calculation for its production by departments of the enterprise.

3.2. Certificate

Issuance and accounting of certificates is carried out by an engineer for the safety and security department of the AHO:

Salon employees - on the basis of a copy of the order for employment/transfer to the appropriate position;

For GP employees - on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit who initiated the conclusion of this agreement.

If the ID is lost, the employee immediately notifies the duty engineer of the Administration and Maintenance Department. The fact of loss of the pass is recorded in the log book with the mark “lost”. The employee is issued a duplicate within up to 10 working days. Reissued passes are identified by placing a fraction after the employee's personnel number. Re-production of the pass is carried out at the expense of the employee. The amount charged from the employee is justified by the cost of producing the pass or an approved cost calculation for its production by departments of the enterprise.

3.3. Temporary pass

The production and issuance of temporary passes is carried out by the PMO on the basis of a memo from the head of the structural unit initiating the Guest’s presence on the premises of the enterprise.

The Guest's stay on the territory of the enterprise is possible only if accompanied by a responsible employee of the enterprise.

The head of the structural unit bears control over the Guest and responsibility for his actions during his stay at the enterprise.


4.1. The regulation comes into force from the moment it is approved by the director of the enterprise.

Enter message text

Organization of high-quality, prompt and legal access control at industrial facilities is one of the pressing problems. A control system at an enterprise is, first of all, necessary to control the access of employees and guests to the protected area. Enterprise management faces problems of ensuring comprehensive control almost every day. Each institution has its own security service, which is entrusted with the functions of ensuring required level protection.

Selecting an access control system for access control at any protected facility is very difficult. This is due to the requirements for protective systems. An important role is played by the ability of security lines to integrate with other already installed control subsystems. Therefore, the choice of a reliable degree of protection must be approached comprehensively.

Comprehensive composition of the institution access system

To implement access control in an institution, regardless of the type of activity, different kinds ACS. The choice of throughput scheme depends on the tasks assigned and the functions performed. In terms of their complex composition, SKDs are similar. However, depending on the features functionality and configurations, they may differ significantly.

The device for monitoring the enterprise includes:

  • Authentication tools (identifiers and readers);
  • Actuators;
  • Controllers.

Access control is carried out using identifiers. There are many options for identification tools. The optimal ones are:

  • Electronic cards (including contactless ones);
  • Identification codes that are entered on a panel equipped with a keyboard;
  • Biometric features (fingerprints and palm prints, retina or iris, etc.).

A strategic enterprise can use several identification features simultaneously. Often a video camera is used as an identifier. The security officer checks the real image of the visitor with the photo image entered into the database.

This identification method is also used for cars. In this case, the registration number is checked.

Actuators represent a blocking mechanism. They are indispensable for controlling access of workers, guests, and vehicles to the site. The actuators control the pass using a signal coming from the controller. The most common pass devices are:

  • Turnstiles;
  • Electromechanical locks;
  • Barriers;
  • Gateways;
  • Growth cabins;
  • Gates, wickets.

A controller is a device (standalone or networked) that controls access in an enterprise by analyzing the provided identifying characteristics and system data. The controller manages all checkpoints. This device makes decisions about access rights independently. Each controller determines the operating order of all actuators or each individually.

When reading data from the identifier, a signal is sent to the controller. Next, the received data is automatically processed. If access rights are available, it transmits a signal to the actuators. Otherwise, access is denied.

IN Lately To implement high-quality access control, controllers can receive information from installed sensors. Sensors must be integrated with access control systems. Information can be received from security and fire alarm system or video camera motion sensors. The controller operation algorithm depends on the complexity of the system and the level of security provided.

The video explains in detail what ACS is and how it is used in an enterprise:

Main features of access systems

The access control system in any institution is primarily designed to ensure a decent level of security. Modern access control systems, thanks to their improvements, make it possible to keep track of working hours, indicate the exact location of the employee, and record the time of movement through the checkpoint.

The functioning of the system as a whole is based on the automation of the production and issuance of passes to employees.

Passes at an enterprise may differ in the set of rights. It depends on the place of work (specific workshop, department), position occupied. The database displays exact time entry/exit, employee’s name, his powers. The reports generated are stored in the database for a long time.

Main Features modern systems access controls at the facility are:

  • Possibility of use for small and large enterprises;
  • Standard electronic computer technology is used for work;
  • Access to the enterprise is provided through established checkpoints;
  • Security high degree protection from unauthorized entry;
  • Production of individual characteristics;
  • Availability of an electronic pass database;
  • Maintaining records of issued temporary passes;
  • Restricting access to certain areas;
  • Registration of movement of motor transport;
  • Obtaining accurate data about the location and time of an employee’s stay at the enterprise;
  • Possibility of creating long-term archives.
Automation of working time recording - the advantage of a checkpoint system

To implement access control at an enterprise, it is necessary to create a system that will control the entire perimeter of the facility. Using ACS, checkpoints are equipped by special means, which allow you to control the entry and exit of the employee, the time of stay at the site. The access system allows you to control all important areas (workshops, premises, departments).

ACS is not only an access control system in an institution, but also a powerful tool for controlling discipline and recording working hours. The basic rule for constructing such a line of control is the presence installed system. The time and attendance subsystem, as a rule, is integrated with an existing system. It allows you to create work schedules for employees.

The employees' work schedule is programmed into the enterprise database. The schedule is drawn up in accordance with the established requirements of the current SKD. Working hours are recorded according to the employee’s access period through checkpoints. Failure to comply with the schedule is clearly monitored by the system.

The video shows how this is displayed in the system:

Accounting for access control to a facility must be quite flexible and synchronized with real events. The system must be able to change schedules. This is due to the likelihood of emergency situations occurring (illness of an employee of the organization, combining work shifts, changing the place of work within the same enterprise, etc.). The flexibility of the system is due to the ability to transmit reliable time and attendance reports.

Equipped with the function of automating time tracking, it eliminates errors when compiling reports.

Work schedules are precisely coordinated with staffing table. In the presence of such a system, a violation labor discipline is reduced to a minimum. In turn, productivity and profitability of products increases, the fund wages optimized.

Drawing up regulations - required condition system installation

When installing an access control system in any organization, regulatory documentation must be drawn up. There are no requirements for its preparation by law. In the course of established practice, typical regulations for access control systems are being developed. The regulations should contain the following main points:

  • A detailed description of the checkpoints used at the site;
  • Description and types of passes issued;
  • Description of controllers;
  • Rights and obligations of employees;
  • Rights and obligations of controllers;
  • The procedure for employees' access to the enterprise;
  • Instructions for passing through the checkpoint;
  • Instructions in case of loss or damage of the electronic pass;
  • Transitional provisions (additional conditions).

Often, to tighten control at an enterprise, disciplinary liability is introduced for employees. If this is practiced, everything should be set out in detail in the regulations. Based on the regulations, it is drawn up standard instructions, with which all employees must be familiarized with their signature. Familiarization must be carried out before issuing a pass.