Registration in a nursing home. The procedure for registering an elderly person in a nursing home, a list of documents for checking into a boarding house for the elderly

How would you like to end your life? Probably many will answer what to meet last minutes they would like to be at home close to their family and friends. However, this is not always possible. Unfortunately, many elderly people remain completely alone in their old age. And it happens that their grown children live far away and cannot take care of them. That is why there are private nursing homes where elderly people are provided with Better conditions. It is important to remember that there are also government institutions that provide care for elderly people who cannot care for themselves.

Government institution

It cannot be said that living conditions in the state nursing home are at a high level. However, here the elderly will be provided with everything they need. And if there is no other choice, this is where they can spend the rest of their days.

To get into such an institution, you need to contact the social security authorities in your city, write an application and provide the required package of documents. Usually it is necessary to present the elderly person’s passport, pension certificate, medical insurance and a certificate of disability, if any. Next, social workers will check the documents, a commission will be assembled and an inspection will be carried out. If it turns out that the old man has no relatives and he cannot take care of himself on his own, he will be sent to a boarding school.

Unfortunately, the question of how to get into a nursing home may arise for anyone who faces loneliness in old age or who requires specialized care. At the same time, the registration procedure itself takes a lot of time to prepare and collect various documentation, which must be provided to the elderly person or his relatives by the social service.

General information

In turn, the assistance of state social services in such a situation is reduced to the registration of guardianship or trusteeship, and if for some reason this cannot be done, then their role can be assigned to social institutions.

These institutions include: a boarding school for people with limited physical abilities or the elderly, a boarding house or a nursing home, in general, any institution that can provide proper care and accommodation this category of persons.

It's no secret that financing social sphere budgetary funds in our state does not allow creating required quantity similar institutions. Therefore, due to the large number of pensioners in need, nursing homes are overcrowded. Because of this, social service workers are not able to pay attention to everyone, so older people may feel uncomfortable.

For this reason, homes for the disabled and elderly in our country are not as popular as in European countries. Nevertheless, a large number of elderly people who do not have close relatives who are ready to take on all the worries for the elderly who cannot cope with household responsibilities, of their own free will, want to go to a nursing home.

Which elderly people can receive free help?

According to the legislation in force in our state, people can apply to a boarding house for the elderly lonely elderly people age who do not have children or immediate relatives who are able to work and act as a guardian. As well as a category of people who, due to illness or injury, are unable to care for themselves independently.

Moreover, in order to get into a boarding house for the elderly, you must obtain special direction issued by the social service. Only in this case will the elderly person be issued an appropriate voucher. Unfortunately, not many can count on this, since nursing homes are overcrowded. In addition, not all old people can count on free help from social services.

How to register a pensioner in a state-supported nursing home in 2019

As statistics show, in our country there are quite a lot of lonely people of retirement age who are not able to cope with all the household chores. In such a situation, government assistance is the only possible way out.

Boarding schools for the elderly, supported by the state, despite not quite decent living conditions, still remain overcrowded. It’s hard to imagine that they will provide a decent old age there, but the elderly will receive at least some kind of care.

In order to register an elderly citizen in a nursing home, it is necessary to collect certain documents. In this case, first of all, you need to submit an application in the appropriate form to the social security department at the pensioner’s place of residence. You will also need to provide the following list of prepared documentation along with your application:

  • civil passport or other official document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • original compulsory medical insurance;
  • a document certifying that the citizen is a pensioner;
  • certificate of disability status together with a conclusion from specialists.

After all the documentation has been prepared, it is transferred to the social service, which will necessarily carry out a scrupulous check. Then it will be assigned special commission, which checks the conditions, residence of the elderly person, as well as the presence or absence of working close relatives. If the commission confirms the need to place an elderly person in a nursing home, then the social service will voucher issued.

How can a pensioner independently find a place in a state nursing home?

By current legislation social inpatient services can be used by the elderly category, as well as incompetent citizens who are unable to partially or fully provide themselves with proper care and require supervision medical workers.

Only people of retirement age can enter the nursing home, which includes women over 55 years of age and men who have reached 60 years of age, as well as incapacitated people and disabled people of groups 1 and 2. In this case, older people need to go through the following stages of registration to a nursing home:

  • If people of retirement age live independently and do not have close able-bodied relatives, then this category of persons must contact the social care service at their place of registration. At the same time, they can go there on their own, or if they cannot move for health reasons, then call the social department employees by phone. The social service will send a person who will provide all possible assistance in everyday matters, if there is a real need for this.
  • If social workers make sure that the pensioner is truly unable to independently manage household and deal with other everyday issues and expresses a desire to move to a nursing home, then a conclusion will be drawn up on the examination conducted. The drafted act will indicate that the citizen needs care and has no relatives who can act as an official guardian.
  • In addition to the act drawn up by the social service, a retired citizen must provide evidence that he is not able to live independently or the severity of his illness is such that he cannot purchase the necessary medications with the pension he receives. In this case, medical certificates will be assisted by social department workers who will refer the elderly person for examination.
  • A voucher to a nursing home is issued by the Municipal Department of Social Protection of the Population after all documents confirming their complete or partial incapacity have been received, which are provided by the district office. In addition to the certificate of inspection of living conditions and the conclusion from medical workers, an application from a pensioner who wants to live in a government institution must be submitted to the population protection department.
  • Also, an elderly citizen must have compulsory health insurance, a passport and a pensioner’s ID. After this, the elderly person needs to visit the nearest Municipal institution, and it is possible that he will have to wait for a place to become available in a nursing home, since it was mentioned earlier that there are more than available places for those wishing to live in a state boarding house for the elderly.

An alternative to a free government institution is considered a private house elderly people, which currently exists in almost every big city. At the same time, anyone can register for a private boarding house for the elderly, the main thing is that he or his relatives can pay for the services provided.

How do you pay for services in 2019?

If a person of retirement age is registered in a nursing home, then you need to know who and how will pay for his stay. At the same time, there is Several variants development of the situation:

  1. The pensioner will independently pay for his stay in a boarding house for the elderly from his own pension. In this case, 25% will be given to him, and the remaining amount will be used to pay for his maintenance.
  2. If a person of retirement age has close relatives, they can pay for the services of staying in a nursing home.

In addition to paying for accommodation, it is necessary to understand who will own the property belonging to the pensioner. If an incapacitated person has close relatives, they have the right dispose of property citizen. If the elderly person has no relatives, the property will go to the disposal of the following organizations:

  1. Old man may transfer the property belonging to him for the use of a nursing home. At the same time, it will act as payment for living in a boarding school for the elderly.
  2. If the citizen’s property is not transferred to the disposal of the nursing home, then it is transferred to the city authorities, who file a special claim.

Dignified old age - private homes for the elderly

An alternative to a free nursing home could be private boarding houses for the elderly, which today exist in most major cities. Anyone can get into such a private institution, the main thing is that he or his relatives pay for the services provided on time.

In such institutions, living conditions are higher than in state nursing homes. In a private boarding house for the elderly, pensioners will receive not only care and medical services at the proper level, but also communication with peers.

At the same time, to register for a private boarding house for elderly people, you do not need to wait until a place becomes available. However, the cost of services of this type of establishment is quite high. But despite this, private boarding houses for pensioners are in great demand.

The procedure for registering an elderly person in a nursing home is quite complex and time-consuming, especially if there is no compelling reason for it. Therefore, if possible, it is better to arrange guardianship for a person who will provide proper care for the old man, especially since living in your own apartment is always more pleasant.

An older person often faces problems with daily activities and self-care. His loved ones do not always have the opportunity to devote a sufficient amount of time to routine care. In this case, you have to look for ways to solve the problem. And then many people have questions about what institutions for the elderly exist, how they live in a nursing home and what a pensioner needs to do to get there. But not everyone thinks about how the new environment affects the well-being of an elderly person. What does this change mean to him? Even for capable and relatively healthy people moving to a nursing home is a blow. Is there an alternative that will help older parents not feel abandoned? In this article we will look at the features of care homes financed from the regional or national budget and non-state boarding houses for the elderly, and also tell you how to get there. But the choice remains only for the pensioner and his loved ones.

Features of registration in government agencies

In old age, it is important to be with those who understand and sympathize. Loneliness, even at home with children and grandchildren, negatively affects both the mental and physical state of a person and can accelerate the course of dementia. Lack of control on the part of loved ones and doctors often leads to pensioners feeling abandoned. At the same time, they are prone to depression and a desire to leave home, which, against the background of memory loss, can lead to unpleasant consequences. Able-bodied relatives work a lot, so often the only option for an old person to live is a specialized institution.

Getting into a nursing home financed from the state or municipal budget is not easy. To do this, a pensioner will have to go through a series of bureaucratic delays in order to prove his right to a place in such an institution.

So, sometimes you have to transport older family members to budget house care or other facility for the elderly, and we will try to explain what steps are required to do this. You must contact the social security authorities at your place of residence. To be referred to one of the social protection institutions, you will need to collect a set of documents, which should include:

    statement; passport; compulsory medical insurance policy;

pensioner's ID; certificate of disability (if any). Social protection authorities consider the applicant’s situation: they check living conditions and the presence of relatives nearby. If the decision is positive, the pensioner is given a referral to a state nursing home. IN budgetary institution

accommodation can be paid for from the savings of an elderly person or his relatives. If it is not possible to pay the full payment, 75% of the pension is allocated to the nursing home (25% is given personally).

Who can go to a nursing home

The main reasons why old people cannot live alone or with a family and end up in a nursing home:

the need for complex rehabilitation;


suitable conditions for accommodation. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, not only single elderly pensioners, but also war veterans, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups can get into a boarding house or care home.

About private boarding houses

Today, pensioners have the opportunity to go not only to state institutions for the elderly, but also to private care homes. Such boarding houses allow guests to live in favorable conditions and an almost homely atmosphere. Private nursing homes are different

high level comfort and organization of qualified medical and social assistance. The situation in non-state nursing homes, on the contrary, is conducive to trusting relationships. Such conditions allow older retirees to truly understand the stage of life when caring for children and grandchildren is behind them, they do not need to worry about finding a job, but can enjoy life experiences, memories and conversations with pleasant people.

Advantages of private nursing homes IN last years

Society's attitude towards life in nursing homes has changed greatly. Previously, it was categorical and predominantly negative. Today, many realize that young people cannot always live next to retirees due to lack of time, differences in interests and views. It is calmer and more beneficial for the elderly to be with peers, under the strict control of health workers and caregivers who are ready to provide timely professional assistance. Loneliness when staying at home within four walls away from people can aggravate the situation and contribute to the exacerbation of chronic diseases. With age, natural mental changes also progress. But it is precisely the lack of things to do at home or outside in social environment , the opportunity to speak out and realize themselves in a new status makes pensioners grumpy, picky, and deprives them of proper sleep and inner comfort. Commercial establishments have created the maximum

    high-quality nutrition that corresponds to the state of health;

the opportunity to undergo therapeutic exercises, physical education, and engage in active recreation; control over the implementation of medical prescriptions, change of linen and quality of personal hygiene; availability of special beds and strollers for people with limited mobility;

medical supervision;

communication with people of the same social status;

the opportunity to regularly see relatives and friends, and to leave the boarding house for a while.

Living in a commercial nursing home can be paid for not only with available funds immediately, but also from a pension. This is a way out for pensioners who have no relatives and no savings. Some elderly residents move into such care homes for as long as needed

professional care

or rehabilitation, and then return home.

Help and supervision

    Pensioners with chronic diseases and signs of dementia require constant medical and psychological care and support. In private care homes, specialists work who monitor the condition of elderly patients, compliance with doctor’s recommendations and certain restrictions in diet and lifestyle. The elderly person is under round-the-clock supervision, which minimizes the risk of accidental injuries and the development of dangerous complications.

Passing a medical examination is a mandatory condition in order to get into a care home or any other government institution for the elderly. The pensioner will need to undergo an examination by specialized specialists, obtain a report on his state of health, and submit the results of fluorography. The decision is made by the social commission.

You can get into a private care home or boarding house for the elderly much faster. The pensioner or his relatives will need to choose an institution and sign an agreement, which will indicate the living conditions and the cost of additional services.

Offer from the “Third Age”

Placing your retired parents in a nursing home or private boarding house financed from the state or municipal budget is not the only thing Possible Solution. "Third Age" offers its guests everything they need for a comfortable and relaxing stay. You just need to contact our consultants using the contact information on the website. We will organize a tour and tell you in detail about how to get to us and what the capabilities of our residences are.

We are confident that the life of an elderly person should be rich and interesting, therefore we provide not only care and wellness treatments, but also many additional activities.

Advantages of the “Third Age” residences:

individual characteristics

“Third Age” is not an ordinary care home or a simple boarding house for the elderly. This is a special living space, located in Moscow, in an area with a favorable environmental situation. We practice a completely different approach to organizing the life and living conditions of pensioners. They can live as part of a treatment and rehabilitation program or stay permanently - it all depends on the goals and desires of the residents. In their work, our specialists adhere to the experience of European countries and use French practices in caring for elderly people.

Unfortunately, the question of how to get into a nursing home may arise for anyone who faces loneliness in old age or who requires specialized care. At the same time, the registration procedure itself takes a lot of time to prepare and collect various documentation, which must be provided to the elderly person or his relatives by the social service.

General information

In turn, the assistance of state social services in such a situation is reduced to the registration of guardianship or trusteeship, and if for some reason this cannot be done, then their role can be assigned to social institutions.

These institutions include: a boarding school for people with limited physical abilities or the elderly, a boarding house or a nursing home, in general, any institution that can provide proper care and accommodation this category of persons.

It's no secret that financing the social sphere with budgetary funds in our state does not allow creating required quantity similar institutions. Therefore, due to the large number of pensioners in need, nursing homes are overcrowded. Because of this, social service workers are not able to pay attention to everyone, so older people may feel uncomfortable.

For this reason, homes for the disabled and elderly in our country are not as popular as in European countries. However, a large number of elderly people who do not have close relatives who are ready to take care of the elderly who cannot cope with household responsibilities, of their own free will, want to go to a nursing home.

Which elderly people can receive free help?

According to the legislation in force in our state, people can apply to a boarding house for the elderly lonely elderly people age who do not have children or immediate relatives who are able to work and act as a guardian. As well as a category of people who, due to illness or injury, are unable to care for themselves independently.

Moreover, in order to get into a boarding house for the elderly, you must obtain special direction issued by the social service. Only in this case will the elderly person be issued an appropriate voucher. Unfortunately, not many can count on this, since nursing homes are overcrowded. In addition, not all old people can count on free help from social services.

How to register a pensioner in a state-supported nursing home in 2019

As statistics show, in our country there are quite a lot of lonely people of retirement age who are not able to cope with all the household chores. In such a situation, government assistance is the only possible way out.

Boarding schools for the elderly, supported by the state, despite not quite decent living conditions, still remain overcrowded. It’s hard to imagine that they will provide a decent old age there, but the elderly will receive at least some kind of care.

In order to register an elderly citizen in a nursing home, it is necessary to collect certain documents. In this case, first of all, you need to submit an application in the appropriate form to the social security department at the pensioner’s place of residence. You will also need to provide the following list of prepared documentation along with your application:

  • civil passport or other official document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • original compulsory medical insurance;
  • a document certifying that the citizen is a pensioner;
  • certificate of disability status together with a conclusion from specialists.

After all the documentation has been prepared, it is transferred to the social service, which will necessarily carry out a scrupulous check. Then a special commission will be appointed to check the conditions, residence of the elderly person, as well as the presence or absence of working close relatives. If the commission confirms the need to place an elderly person in a nursing home, then the social service will voucher issued.

How can a pensioner independently find a place in a state nursing home?

According to the current legislation, social inpatient services can be used by the category of elderly people, as well as incompetent citizens who are unable to partially or fully provide themselves with proper care and need the supervision of medical workers.

Only people of retirement age can enter the nursing home, which includes women over 55 years of age and men who have reached 60 years of age, as well as incapacitated people and disabled people of groups 1 and 2. In this case, older people need to go through the following stages of registration to a nursing home:

  • If people of retirement age live independently and do not have close able-bodied relatives, then this category of persons must contact the social care service at their place of registration. At the same time, they can go there on their own, or if they cannot move for health reasons, then call the social department employees by phone. The social service will send a person who will provide all possible assistance in everyday matters, if there is a real need for this.
  • If social workers make sure that the pensioner is truly unable to independently manage the household and deal with other everyday issues and expresses a desire to move to a nursing home, then a conclusion will be drawn up on the examination conducted. The drafted act will indicate that the citizen needs care and has no relatives who can act as an official guardian.
  • In addition to the act drawn up by the social service, a retired citizen must provide evidence that he is not able to live independently or the severity of his illness is such that he cannot purchase the necessary medications with the pension he receives. In this case, medical certificates will be assisted by social department workers who will refer the elderly person for examination.
  • A voucher to a nursing home is issued by the Municipal Department of Social Protection of the Population after all documents confirming their complete or partial incapacity have been received, which are provided by the district office. In addition to the certificate of inspection of living conditions and the conclusion from medical workers, an application from a pensioner who wants to live in a government institution must be submitted to the population protection department.
  • Also, an elderly citizen must have compulsory health insurance, a passport and a pensioner’s ID. After this, the elderly person needs to visit the nearest Municipal institution, and it is possible that he will have to wait for a place to become available in a nursing home, since it was mentioned earlier that there are more than available places for those wishing to live in a state boarding house for the elderly.

An alternative to a free public institution is a private nursing home, which currently exists in almost every major city. At the same time, anyone can register for a private boarding house for the elderly, the main thing is that he or his relatives can pay for the services provided.

How do you pay for services in 2019?

If a person of retirement age is registered in a nursing home, then you need to know who and how will pay for his stay. At the same time, there is Several variants development of the situation:

  1. The pensioner will independently pay for his stay in a boarding house for the elderly from his own pension. In this case, 25% will be given to him, and the remaining amount will be used to pay for his maintenance.
  2. If a person of retirement age has close relatives, they can pay for the services of staying in a nursing home.

In addition to paying for accommodation, it is necessary to understand who will own the property belonging to the pensioner. If an incapacitated person has close relatives, they have the right dispose of property citizen. If the elderly person has no relatives, the property will go to the disposal of the following organizations:

  1. An elderly person can transfer his property for use in a nursing home. At the same time, it will act as payment for living in a boarding school for the elderly.
  2. If the citizen’s property is not transferred to the disposal of the nursing home, then it is transferred to the city authorities, who file a special claim.

Dignified old age - private homes for the elderly

An alternative to a free nursing home could be private boarding houses for the elderly, which today exist in most major cities. Anyone can get into such a private institution, the main thing is that he or his relatives pay for the services provided on time.

In such institutions, living conditions are higher than in state nursing homes. In a private boarding house for the elderly, pensioners will receive not only care and medical services at the proper level, but also communication with peers.

At the same time, to register for a private boarding house for elderly people, you do not need to wait until a place becomes available. However, the cost of services of this type of establishment is quite high. But despite this, private boarding houses for pensioners are in great demand.

The procedure for registering an elderly person in a nursing home is quite complex and time-consuming, especially if there is no compelling reason for it. Therefore, if possible, it is better to arrange guardianship for a person who will provide proper care for the old man, especially since living in your own apartment is always more pleasant.

Responsible body: Department of Social Protection of the Population of Moscow (DSZN)

Recipients: Citizen Russian Federation registered in Moscow

You can request this service:


. Personally

Scroll necessary documents:

1. Identity document of the applicant (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required

2. Identification document (for citizens of the Russian Federation - passport). (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

3. Individual rehabilitation program (for citizens recognized as disabled). (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required

4. Unified housing document (or an extract from the house register and a copy of the financial personal account) (original, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Available without return

The applicant is explained about the possibility of obtaining a single housing document from the EIARTS district without his participation. If the applicant confirms in writing that he agrees to the request for his personal data, the State Social Security Service of the Moscow region sends an electronic request to the EIARTS. If information is received about the absence of a single housing document, a request is sent on paper.

If the applicant does not agree, written confirmation is taken from him that he has been given explanations about the possibility of obtaining the document without his participation, but he refuses and will submit the required document to the Department of Social Security of the Moscow region on his own.

5. Pension certificate. (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

6. Documents about state registration acts of civil status (certified

Copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

7. Documents confirming the authority of a representative of an individual

Act on behalf of third parties (power of attorney executed in the established

order, and an identity document). (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

8. Compulsory health insurance policy. (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

9. Application (to be completed for legally capable adult citizens) (original, 1 piece)

  • Required
  • Available without return

Application of a citizen or his legal representative of the established form for the provision of stationary social services, certified by the personal signature of an employee of the district police department and the seal of the district police department. An application from a citizen staying in an inpatient healthcare institution is certified by the signature of the head of the department and the seal of the medical institution.

10. Certificate of medical and social examination about disability (for citizens recognized

Disabled people). (certified copy, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Provided only for viewing (making a copy) at the beginning of the service

11. Conclusion of the clinical expert commission of a psychoneurological dispensary or

Stationary social services. (original, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Available without return

12. Medical card issued by a medical institution, with

The conclusion of medical specialists (certified by personal signatures and seals), with

The results of tests established for the admission of citizens to institutions

Stationary social services, certified by the personal signature of the head

A doctor (deputy for medical affairs) and the seal of the institution. (original, 1 pc.)

  • Required
  • Available without return

The medical record must contain the following conclusions: a general practitioner, an oncologist (with a conclusion on the presence or absence of the disease), a dermato-venereologist, a phthisiologist (indicating the date and number of fluorography), a conclusion from the head physician of the hospital (polyclinic, hospital) on the need to stay in a general institution type.

The results of the following tests must be attached to the medical record:

  • for HIV (AIDS);
  • for syphilis (Waserman reaction);
  • for hepatitis B and C;
  • to the intestinal group;
  • for protozoa;
  • for strongyloidiasis;
  • for enterebiosis;
  • on I/worm;
  • for diphtheria.

Terms of service provision: from 30 working days

Result of service provision: Issued:

1. Voucher to a boarding house for labor veterans (original, 1 pc.)

  • Issued at the end of the service

The voucher, together with the documents of the personal file, is issued against signature to the applicant or, if it is impossible for the applicant to receive it in person, to his representative, upon presentation of documents proving his identity, relationship with the applicant, and when other persons apply, confirming their authority to receive the documents requested by the applicant. The fact of issuing a voucher and personal records is registered by a RUSZN employee in in the prescribed manner, indicating the passport details of the person who received the voucher.


Making a decision in obtaining a voucher to a boarding house for labor veterans ( New entry in registers, cadastres, registries)

Forms of receipt:

. Through a legal representative

. Personally

Rules for admission to the boarding house

Where to get a ticket to the boarding house.

To obtain a voucher to a boarding house, those wishing to do so must submit an application to the district department of population protection at their place of residence (RUZN). In the department you will receive a list of documents for placement in a stationary social institution. You must again contact the RUZN with the collected documents. The documents are then sent to the Moscow Department of Social Protection of the Population (DSZN). The collected documents are reviewed by the DSZN Commission and the issue of allocating a voucher for inpatient social services is decided.

List of required documents for admission to the Boarding House for Labor Veterans

For permanent and temporary residence.

1. Voucher from the Moscow Department of Social Protection.

2. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

3. Medical record of the medical institution with doctors’ opinions -

Specialists and test results; conclusion of the VKK psycho-neurological

Dispensary (on a separate form).

4. Certificate of disability with individual program rehabilitation.

5. Insurance certificate of state pension insurance.

6. Insurance certificate of state health insurance.

7. Muscovite social card.

8. Pension certificate of the agency providing pension services

(PF, MO, FSB, GP, Ministry of Internal Affairs).

9. Certificate from the agency providing pension services (PF, MO, FSB, GP,

Ministry of Internal Affairs) on the amount of the accrued pension.

10. Certificates (if available): WWII participant, WWII disabled person, WWII veteran, widow

WWII participant, labor veteran, benefits, etc.

11. Application for admission to a boarding house.

12. Conclusion of the district department of social protection of the population on the need for

Stationary medical and social help.