We are arranging the children's area according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui for Children: Western Sector of Bagua

According to the famous octagonal Bagua symbol, behind the children's and creative development West answers. Careful preparation This zone in a house or apartment allows you to prolong good relationships between children and parents; the sector also gives children good health and activity.

The area of ​​children and feng shui creativity should be the subject of special attention from those who want to have children. In addition, the western side of the apartment is also responsible for such an important aspect of life as bringing your creative talents and creative ideas to life.

The main element of the West is Metal, and the element that gives rise to it is Earth. The water element, on the contrary, tends to reduce the effect of Metal, and Fire destroys it. Accordingly, in order for the zone to be strong and developed, in order to activate it, you need to use white, gray or silver colors in the room on the western side of the apartment, which characterize the Element of Metal.

Gold color and all shades and reflections of metallic are perfect. Various types of furniture are well suited for interior improvement. metal objects, for example in the form of traditional magical talismans for invoking good luck.

Talismans and symbols for activating the children's and creativity zone

A very common talisman is the “chime of the wind” - thin hollow metal tubes that produce a melodic ringing upon contact - either from an involuntary touch, or from the movement of air in the room. Their sound was considered cleansing from the influence of extraneous forces and one that attracts flows of Shen Qi.

Also, things made of metal and “wind music” invariably help improve well-being and add positive energies.

The children and creativity zone brightly welcomes the presence of the Earth element and its various representatives. For example, Feng Shui says that it is important to bring more strength, real reliability to the connection between relatives.

It is recommended in the children's sector to use colors such as terracotta, brown or yellow in pleasant shades. Here, objects made of porcelain, crystal or clay, and all types of ceramics have an excellent effect on the energy field of people and the room in general.

A symbol of good fate and beneficial numerous offspring is a god named Fuxing in the Chinese tradition. He is always depicted with a child, whom he holds in his arms, as well as with a scroll, denoting knowledge, or with peaches, a traditional symbol of immortality. Feng Shui recommends using all these symbols in the children's area to successfully activate it.

Pomegranate is a direct allusion to fertility; since ancient times it has meant happiness in the family and a large number of offspring.

You can post pictures of pomegranates on dishes in the West. Plants placed in pots, especially young ones, carry approximately the same symbolism.

In this zone, the results of children's creativity, drawings, modeling, children's crafts, what they make from construction sets will be very appropriate (here at the same time the support of Metal, as the basic Element of this sector, will be felt).

Be sure to place photos of children or family images in this place. For proper feng shui, it is important that the pictures radiate positivity. They were joyful, healthy and happy, energetically powerful.

This sector is wonderful. It is a magical place that can be used to achieve your important goals. For example, in this sector you need to spend more time in order to decide or determine which job or activity you are most passionate about.

Activation works if you place items from your hobby or interesting activities, books or magazines dedicated to hobbies and important ways pastime, etc. Lighting and selected musical accompaniment will also play a huge role, as well as the fact that this part of the room should be regularly tidied.

This is where, according to Feng Shui, it is advisable to place your wish map; this is where intentions and dreams are modeled in the mind.

In the western sector, it is unfavorable to use water talismans; it is better to abandon fountains, etc. Orange, red, black or blue colors should not be used.

It is better not to display candles here, not to place fireplaces or other manifestations of the indicated Elements. You should also avoid having this area coincide with a toilet or bathtub.

The complete absence of the western sector is also unfavorable, and if this is the case, then you need to hang a mirror in place of the children's area, which should not reflect the entrance doors.

Break away from the mundane limitations and discover possibilities in your home that you may not have considered before.

(Nancy Vaidra)

Remember how, in the touching and very instructive film “My Life,” actor Michael Keaton leading role Bob Jones associates his childhood with the nursery on the second floor, where he often hid in a closet from his father and loved to watch the outside world from his window. Yes, my dears, whether we like it or not, memories of childhood are primarily evoked by our children's room. It is the children's room that is forever imprinted in our memory.

Feng Shui looks very carefully at the things we surround ourselves with in our apartment and studies how they affect us. Feng Shui reveals how color, shape, texture, smell, taste and sounds around us affect our emotions, physical and spiritual state, imagination, character and energy. Our material world forms three-dimensional reality. The magic lies in the fact that it gives us the opportunity to help the child get to know himself, maximize his potential, give his imagination an outlet, develop his soul, mind and body, and push him towards self-realization.

Dear parents, do not forget that children are much more sensitive and receptive to external actions than adults. They are clear indicators, certain litmus tests of destructive or creative energy at home. And take my word for it, if children in some houses for no apparent reason behave inappropriately, lethargically, begin to act up or are drawn to sleep, then in this room the energy has stagnated and has long been “reclassified” as destructive Sha-Qi. Fortunately, the opposite is also true. If you come to visit friends and the children begin to actively play, have fun and behave well, then this is a clear indicator of the fresh and good energy of Shen Qi in this house. Yes, these are our irreplaceable, inimitable and unique helpers from God – children.

About three months ago, at the request of a lovely family, I conducted a feng shui audit of their new country house. According to the mother of the family, they purchased this house from very wealthy people a year and a half ago. After moving to a new home, their family business began to flourish even more. That is money energy moved instantly. The remaining energy of the abundance of the former owners brought wonderful fruits to the current owners.

A reasonable question arises. If everything is great for them, then why did they turn to a feng shui specialist? Yes, there was one important “but”. The reason for their contact with me was a sharp deterioration in the health of their charming children, all three of them at once.

– Snezhana, you can’t imagine, but as soon as we moved here, it was as if something happened to my children. There isn't a single month when they don't get sick. Either the flu, or ARVI, or some kind of bruise, or something else,” the desperate mother told me.

It turned out that the former owners were also sick, and with very serious diseases. They sold this house intuitively, without knowing the canons of Feng Shui... As a result of my observations, the following became clear.

Firstly, on a plot of 20 acres there are 3 dried trees.

Secondly, the acute corner of the neighboring two-story house looks at the windows of the children's room.

Thirdly, according to the “Bagua grid” there is absolutely no sector responsible for the fate of children.

Fourthly, they did not neutralize the annual disease star 2, which, ironically, flew into the children's room.

Fifthly, they inherited from their former owners mirrored ceilings, and in two bedrooms.

Can you imagine what happened to the children who found themselves in a house that was attacked by five arrows of poisonous radiation at once? I recommended urgently uprooting the dried trees, neutralizing the attacking sharp corners of the neighboring house, correcting the missing sector, neutralizing disease star 2 and completely remaking the ceilings to ordinary ones. Believe it or not, Irina called me with gratitude exactly two months later.

This friendly family, following my recommendations, remodeled their house in just ten days. Praise and applause to them for this! Unfortunately, many of us live by inertia and cannot take the first step towards happy life, and then they wonder why Feng Shui doesn’t help. Need to work. We need to act. Yes, my friends, it’s action.

So, as soon as they healed their home, their children stopped getting sick! Why were they sick? Yes, because it was children, the most sensitive indicators of energy, who were the first to react to destructive radiation after moving to this house. Do you understand?

This is why it is impossible to overstate the critical importance of Feng Shui in improving the quality of life for our little ones. Therefore, here and now, it is important for parents to think about how the surrounding physical space affects the child’s development. After all, while children are under our wings, under the care of mom and dad, we, fortunately, can still influence the course of their development, which flows into adulthood. This is the responsibility you and I bear!

Therefore, let's think together about how we can improve the quality of life of our children using the canons of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in the children's room

Let me tell you about the canons of Feng Shui, by applying which many, many of my followers have improved the lives of their children.

According to the canons of Feng Shui ideal place for the nursery is the eastern side of the apartment. Why? Because in the east the dominant element is Wood. And Wood is the only element of the five that is capable of growth. It is the eastern location of the nursery that ensures the spiritual and physical growth of the baby.

It would seem that it could not be simpler. However, this is only general recommendations, let's just say, is just the tip of a giant iceberg called feng shui.

When allocating your children's bedrooms, you can also rely on Feng Shui compass formulas and take into account personal favorable directions, which are calculated based on the child's date of birth and gender. We will talk about this ahead. In addition, you can distribute children's rooms according to the Post-Heavenly Order of the Eight Trigrams or Bagua. We will also talk about this later.

In addition, remember that the nursery has Yang energy. Hence, I advise you to fill the room with bright and light colors. There should be a feeling of the “pulse of life” in the nursery, otherwise the child will be afraid of open spaces. For example, a cuckoo clock, a rocking horse, a stereo, a cage with budgies, etc. would be appropriate here. But if the child is hyperactive, then his bedroom should not be decorated in too yang colors, for example, poisonous crimson or ultraviolet. , and even hang it with posters of rock stars such as Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne.

Maintain a balance of Yin and Yang. Give preference to peaceful images. For example, instead of a bloodthirsty dinosaur, hang a friendly dolphin, instead of a predatory tiger with an open mouth, a cute kitten, etc. Also beware of images of war symbols, such as tanks, pistols, warships, fighter jets, etc. Because they generate a lot of the amount of hostile and aggressive energy in the child's bedroom.

I have quite often observed children's bedrooms having an L-shape and non-parallel walls. These configurations are not very favorable. Naturally, if this is not a private house, V standard apartments we cannot move the walls as we please. In such cases, good Feng Shui comes to our aid and recommends installing a partition, screen, curtain, as shown in the figure.

Many books advise hanging mirrors to improve the feng shui of the bedroom, but you need to be very careful with mirrors! Thus, your children's room takes the shape of a regular rectangle.

The ideal shape for a children's room is a square or rectangle.

Any bedroom, especially a child's bedroom, should be on the upper floors. It is unacceptable to place a children's room on the ground floor.

Just last week I was contacted by a family who have been trying to complete the construction of a three-story house for several years now. On the same plot they live in a separately built small house. The owner told me that as soon as they moved to this plot, the youngest daughter began to constantly get sick, an atmosphere of scandals and quarrels reigned in the family, and they could not move into the new house.

And what do you think? In addition to the fact that all three bedrooms - one adult and two children - are located above huge garage, and all the beds are under sloping ceilings.

Please remember that a bedroom, especially a child's bedroom, should not be located above a garage or storage room. Otherwise, the energy of the children's room will suffer due to the lack of a “solid foundation”, as a result of which luck will begin to elude your children; they simply will not be able to realize their plans.

The children's room should not be located directly above the garage.

Next taboo. The kitchen belongs to the element of Fire, so it is not advisable to place a children's room above it. This arrangement also brings bad luck to your baby. If it is impossible to place the nursery in other rooms, then at least take care not to place the baby’s crib directly above the stove.

The baby's cot should not be located directly above the stove.

In addition to all of the above, try to design your house so that the stairs, toilet or bathroom door, back door, door to the “mother-in-law’s room” are not located directly in front of the door to the children’s room. In particular, the stairs in front of the baby’s bedroom door are one of the most serious taboos. If this is already the case, then I recommend neutralizing these violations in this way.

Move the door to the children's room to another location.

Place a large plant, such as a ficus, between the stairs and the door.

Place a screen between the stairs and the door.

Hang a huge wind chime between the stairs and the door.

The staircase directly in front of the door to the children's room is unfavorable.

My dears, please do not be upset if you find one or two of the listed taboos in your home. Your goal is to mitigate the disadvantages of the situation as much as possible. Take my word for it, in very rare cases you can arrange your home so that it is 100% consistent with the canons of Feng Shui. After all, ultimately the fortune of your family depends on the final feng shui of the house as a whole, and not on small flaws.

You may be surprised, but I myself constantly make some feng shui adjustments in my home. Yes, yes, my friends, there is no limit to perfection. After all, I periodically replenish my knowledge base. I am constantly learning from different masters feng shui and immediately put this knowledge into practice. If I notice some shortcomings in my home that I didn’t pay attention to before, I immediately correct it.

Besides this, people who practice Feng Shui know one important thing. If you are interested in this amazing science, then at least once a month you must rearrange, hang or move something in your home. Of course, I mean movements associated with the favorable and unfavorable stars of the month, as well as the monthly cleansing of space.

Let's go back to the children's room. Now I propose to talk about the main item of her interior - the crib.

Feng Shui of a crib

Thank God, gone are the days when children, for lack of a bed, slept right in the stroller. By the way, I’ll tell you a secret, my first crib, or rather, my first car, was just a Soviet stroller on silver wheels, huge, like those of a tractor. Yes, yes, my student parents sent me, one month old, on a white Volga far away to the village to visit my grandmother. And my grandmother made me sit next to her bed in this very tall stroller...

Now, fortunately, there is a huge assortment of all kinds of cute cribs on sale with lace canopies, so beautiful that sometimes you want to turn back time and snore sweetly under this airy cover.

So, a crib is a baby’s very first home. We are obliged to arrange it according to the canons of Feng Shui.

Hang beautiful rattles or squeaky toys above the crib. Rotating devices with melodic accompaniment with all sorts of cute little animals are appropriate. All these cute things will keep your baby occupied and developed.

Not worth buying bunk beds even to save space. The child sleeping on the bottom section is pressed by the energy of the upper floor, and the one sleeping on the top is suppressed low ceiling. In such situations, the physical and spiritual growth children.

Remember how in the film Gone with the Wind, the sensitive and caring father Rhett Butler strictly ensured that his daughter Bonnie did not sleep in a dark room. He once even fired a nanny because she began to contradict him: “All children sleep in dark rooms. If you constantly indulge your daughter, she will grow up to be a coward for you.” If your baby is afraid of the dark, then you can install a night light or a lamp with a light power switch in the nursery. Then the child will calm down and sleep soundly.

Position the crib so that your baby sleeps with the head of the bed facing the main wall. This will provide support, protection and a sense of security.

It is not advisable to place the crib directly under the window. There is a lot of energy coming from the windows, and the baby will not have enough “support”. But in my practice, there was a case when there were two windows in a small children’s room, and the crib located under the window could not be moved to a solid wall. In such cases, I advise covering the windows with thick fabric.

It is not recommended to place the crib diagonally across the room, even if this compass direction is the best for your baby, based on the Gua number. It is more advisable to place the baby diagonally across the bed itself.

Good feng shui for a child's room is primarily determined by the crib.

My attentive readers They already know that they should never sleep in the “dead person’s position,” that is, with their feet towards the bedroom door. If this occurs, then urgently move the bed to the right or left. And if you can’t move the crib, then install a screen or place a cabinet between the crib and the door.

The location of the crib in relation to the doors in the nursery

In the dominant part of the apartments, the room doors are located directly opposite the window. In this case, there is an unwanted “energy breakdown”. Particularly unfavorable is the case when the crib is located with the head of the bed facing the wall where this “energy breakdown” occurs. Thus, the baby is exposed to harmful energy effects. This problem can be solved by moving the head of the bed to the opposite wall.

The location of the crib in relation to the toilet and bathtub

Further, you already know that the toilet emits negative energy. Therefore, try not to place the crib with the headboard to the wall on the other side of which it is located. Sometimes the children's room is located under the bathroom or toilet located on the top floor. IN in this case Be sure to move the crib so that it is not directly under the toilet, bathtub, jacuzzi or shower stall.

If you have a private home, then it is possible that the children's room has ceiling beams. Try not to place the crib underneath them. If the baby is already sleeping under a bulky beam and it is impossible to move the crib, then hang it on this beam suspended ceiling or at least repaint it bright hues: beige, cream or white.

Of course, there should be absolutely nothing above or below the crib. Chandeliers and bookshelves above the crib, all kinds of basins, boxes, toys under the bed are unacceptable.

If the nursery has a computer or TV, the crib should be located away from them. Be sure to cover the TV with a thick cloth at night.

To make your child feel safe in his personal space and fall asleep faster, I recommend arranging a fabulous canopy over the crib. My daughter is now 7 years old, and she happily falls asleep under a beautiful canopy, like a princess from a fairy tale.

The child should not be reflected in the mirror. This is very bad feng shui. Firstly, it negatively affects the activity of the heart. And secondly, a child, like an adult, undergoes a certain cleansing of negativity during sleep. I think you've probably already guessed what happens? Yes, the mirror returns this negative to the child.

And the last taboo that I want to warn you about is the Sha-Qi attacking “poison arrows” of protruding corners. An antidote can be some kind of crystal or “wind chime”, which is suspended from the ceiling directly in front of the corner.

Dear parents, many of you may have grabbed your head with the question: “Where should I put the crib?” As a moderately well-fed man in full bloom named Carlson said: “Calm, only calm!” Take my word for it, at first glance it seems that everything is so complicated and incomprehensible, there is not a single square meter where you can place a crib. There is always a way out. So take a long, long breath and begin to calmly plan the location of your crib. I assure you, you will definitely find the optimal place for your baby to sleep, which will bring him health and good luck. The most important thing is your intention to make your child’s life happy.

Feng Shui of a desk

A successful placement of a student's desk will bring excellent results in the form of school performance, great success in passing exams, and also discipline him.

The format of this book does not allow you to delve into the intricacies of the Bagua and Lo Shu formulas, but take my word for it - it is advisable for your child to sit at the table facing in the most favorable direction for him, which is calculated based on the child’s date of birth and gender. As I promised, we will talk about this ahead.

Do not place the table so that there is a door or window behind the sitting child. The back should be protected by a wall or cabinet.

A favorable desk location helps in studying and exams.

Place the table so that there is no beam or air conditioner overhanging it. They create failures.

When positioning the table, be careful not to look at the child. open shelves bookcases, which cut luck like blades. If another arrangement is not possible, then make some kind of doors for the shelves.

A child sitting at the table should see the door to the room.

There should be no shelves, nails, hooks or chandeliers above the child’s head. These are classic “poisoned arrows”.

In order for the child’s successes and achievements to continue, I advise you to hang his diplomas, awards, medals, cups, etc. in the area of ​​fame and position, relative to his room. Read about how to identify the nine vital zones in my book “I Choose a Happy Life!”

We determine directions that are favorable for your child

So, as I promised you earlier, I will teach you how to calculate the personal favorable and unfavorable compass directions of children. Let me remind you why you will need them.

To receive the beneficial energy of the Earth through the seventh chakra - sahasrara, the child must lie with the head in one of the favorable directions.

While studying at a desk, he should sit facing the most favorable direction for him.

Food nourishes both the spirit and the body, so at the dinner table the child should also sit facing the most favorable direction for him.

A favorable direction contributes to a child's success.

My regular readers are already familiar with these calculations, but, as they say, repetition is the mother of learning. Take my word for it - just using the “School of Eight Directions” can bring excellent results. This will help us, parents, raise future champions, leaders and millionaires! You can even print the child’s favorable directions, carry them with you and always orient your baby according to them, wherever you are - at home, in the country, visiting friends, in a hotel in another city, etc. This also applies to unfavorable directions . Remember them and try to avoid them.

The first example is from my practice. In one family, as soon as Kolya turned 5 years old, his parents gave him separate room. But, starting from the very first week, the boy began to have nightmares every night in the form of Baba Yaga, Kashchei the Immortal, etc. As a result, Kolenka did not want to sleep alone. After I examined his nursery, it turned out that the head of his bed was oriented towards the direction of total collapse (Jue-Ming). Of course, the boy immediately reacted to this.

On my advice, the parents moved the children's bed to the northeast direction, which is the best source of Shen Qi for Kolenka. In addition, a huge Turkish eye was hung near his bed, since his mother traveled to Turkey quarterly.

After such simple adjustments, the boy began to sleep peacefully.

By the way, remembering the power of words, never say: “My child sleeps like the dead.” I believe that comments are unnecessary here.

Second example. My friend Lyudmila’s daughter studies diligently at school. She only has one B in math. But a few months ago Lyudmila turned to me with a request. It turned out that as soon as her daughter Dayana sat down at the piano, she became uncontrollable and unrecognizable. The girl could not concentrate on performing compositions from homework. She referred to the fact that she was tired, she wanted to call her friend, or something else distracted her, but one thing was constant - her reluctance to make music. “Snezhana, I understand that if my daughter was absent-minded on her own and would do poorly at school. But the fact of the matter is that the girl is neat, attentive and diligent. And as soon as Dayanochka sits down at the piano, it’s as if she’s being replaced,” Lyudmila complained in bewilderment.

But as soon as we rearranged the piano so that Dayanochka was looking in one of her best directions, the girl began to bring only A’s in music. It was not easy to rearrange a huge piano in the living room, where every piece of furniture had its own place... But we did it!

These are the changes that await children who are focused on their favorable compass directions.

Shen-Qi, Tien-Yi, Nien-Yang, Fu-Wei are my best friends!

So, there are four compass directions that your child should become friends with once and for all, which means - and adult life Same. The highlight is that each of the four directions has its own peculiarity, that is, it brings different results. Based on your child’s current priorities, you can choose the direction that is most necessary for him.

1. Shen-Qi (+90). Source of vital energy.

My friends, this is the best direction out of the four auspicious ones. It brings good dream, because this is the best destination for vacation. This direction can also be used by children who have reached the age of majority. It helps to reveal a person’s creative potential and promotes the manifestation of leadership qualities. Besides everything, Shen Qi helps those children who start thinking about it at an early age to earn a lot of money.

2. Tien-Yi (+80). Heavenly Doctor.

If your child sleeps with his head in Tien-I, then, believe me, he will get less sick. Your child will be less susceptible to flu epidemics, ARVI and other unpleasant diseases. By the way, Feng Shui masters advise taking vitamins, dietary supplements and medications, turning your face in this direction, then heaven itself will help strengthen your health.

3. Nien-Yang (+70). Harmony in the family.

For adults, this direction symbolizes harmony in marriage. And Nien-Yang helps children become more balanced, calm, obedient and disciplined. So I recommend this direction to be “adopted” by those parents whose children are hyperactive, inattentive and absent-minded.

Dear moms and dads, if you want your child to succeed in school, in some sports competitions, etc., then try with all your might that your child, lying on the bed and sitting at a desk, dining tables, always looked in the direction of personal development. This is especially important during tests, exams or final sports competitions.

If it is necessary to improve the child’s health, as well as improve his performance at school, then you can orient the head of the bed towards the Tien Yi direction, and sit the child at the desk facing Fu Wei.

And one more very important point. The fact is that the energy of influence of the annual flying stars in the house changes periodically. After a certain period of time, the best direction for a child can become the worst. We must not forget about this! We'll talk about this a little later. Agreed? Okay, let's move on.

Ho-Hai, Wu-Gwei, Lui-Sha, Jiue-Ming are my worst enemies!

Dear parents, I will deliberately not list everything in this book Negative consequences four unfavorable directions. Avoid them. If you want to learn more about the meaning of these unfavorable directions, I recommend reading about it in my book “Money Loves Me.”

Eastern and Western children

We draw knowledge about whether children belong to the eastern or western group from the “School of Eight Palaces”. All children of the world, regardless of age, nationality, geographic location and other factors, are divided into two groups: Eastern and Western. In order to determine a child’s group, it is necessary to calculate his personal Gua Number. There are only eight Gua numbers, of which 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to the Eastern group, and 2, 6, 7 and 8 belong to the Western group.

Ever since I was a student, I have been very fond of all kinds of tables. It seems to me that they make it much easier to perceive information and also allow you to visualize comparative analysis. Therefore, I present for you a table that indicates the belonging of Gua numbers: 1) to the group; 2) the corresponding element; 3) compass direction.

Why do we calculate the Gua numbers of children? In order for the child to make friends with the above four favorable directions (Shen-Qi, Tien Yi, Nien-Yang and Fu-Wei), and also avoid unfavorable directions (Ho-Hai, Wu-Gwei, Lui-Sha and Jue-Ming).

So, let’s remember the simple mathematical calculations given in my book “Money Loves Me.”

Calculating Gua number for girls

When calculating the Gua number of a girl, and even a boy, pay attention to two factors.

In what year was the child born? Before 2000 or after?

In what month was the baby born? Before February 4th or after? After all, the Chinese lunar New Year differs from the European one in that it starts on February 4, and not on January 1. If the baby was born before February 4th, you must subtract one year from that date before using the formula. For example, if a child was born on January 29, 1999, calculate based on 1998. Remember this! By the way, there are borderline birthdays, then it is better to turn to accurate lunar calendars.

Gua number calculations for girls born before 2000

Take the girl's year of birth and add the last two digits. If you get a two-digit number, continue adding until you get a one-digit number. Add 5 to the result, again reduce it to one number, and in the end you will get the Gua number of your daughter or granddaughter.

Then 9 + 8 = 17; 1 + 7 = 8; 8 + 5 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4. So, the Gua number is 4.

Then 9 + 0 = 9; 9 + 5 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5. This case is an exception to the rule because the Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if in the end the number is 5, then for girls it automatically becomes 8, that is, the Gua number is 8.

Gua number calculations for girls born after 2000

For this calculation, the same calculations are made as before 2000. But instead of 5 you should add 6.

Then 0 + 1 = 1; 1 + 6 = 7. Katenka’s Gua number is 7.

That's all. Nothing complicated, right? And now we will carry out the same mathematical calculations for boys - future leaders.

Calculating Gua Number for Boys

Gua number calculations for boys born before 2000

Take the boy's year of birth and add the last two digits. If you get a two-digit number, continue adding until you get a one-digit number. Subtract this number from 10. This will be the Gua number of your son or grandson.

Then 9 + 9 = 18; 1 + 8 = 9; 10 – 9 = 1. So, the Gua number is 1.

Then 9 + 5 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5. Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if in the end the number is 5, then for boys it automatically becomes 2, that is, the Gua number is 2.

Gua number calculations for boys born after 2000

For this calculation, the calculations are the same as before 2000. But instead of 10, you should subtract from 9.

Then 0 + 3 = 3; 9–3 = 6. Vovochka’s Gua number is 6.

As you have seen, there is nothing complicated in calculating boys’ Gua numbers. Moreover, it's even entertaining.

All that remains for us is to clarify the friendly (favorable) and hostile (unfavorable) directions for each Gua Number. To do this, carefully study the tables below.

Now, my dears, I am calm for your children. After all, I have presented to your attention a whole arsenal of magic wands and I know for sure that if you correctly apply my “Feng Shui” tips, then your children will have excellent health, enjoy incredible success and inexhaustible energy. After all, you will call on the energetic power of the Earth itself for help! The main thing is to apply it. Take action! Create! And enjoy!

Meet the flying stars

My friends, of course, the topic of flying stars is very, very serious. This is the highest level of feng shui, almost like advanced mathematics. A separate thick book could be dedicated to flying stars, but here I can only give you some recommendations.

As I said above, in a certain period of time the best direction of a child can become the worst. This information cannot be ignored; all parents can and should take it into account. This is exactly what I will talk about now. Yes, yes, this topic is so serious!

Many skeptics claim that “if something is not visible, it means it does not exist,” but you and I know that, although the time factor and the changing energy of the stars are invisible and imperceptible, they have a huge impact on the energy of the house, therefore , for all its residents. As more sensitive and gentle creatures, our children are especially susceptible to the effects of flying stars.

I don't want to burden you with complex calculations and bore you with listing the meanings of all the stars. I’ll tell you about the main four afflictions (prohibitions) whose directions your children should avoid. After all, it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Is it true? Moreover, I will “warn” you three whole years in advance.

When calculating your Gua number, be sure to take into account the four afflictions of the flying stars.

First affliction. Star number 5 (Wu Wang, or Wu Huang)

There are nine of them in total. She is also called the yellow "five" or the hungry tigress that pounces on people. What is its harm? And the fact is that it harms health, activates and multiplies accidents, brings failures in all endeavors, and provokes problems in business.

Although our children are far from business, you must agree that it is impossible not to pay attention to such a mass of destructive energy!

When calculating the location of the unfavorable annual star, we are obliged to change the location of the crib; if the “five” flew into the children’s room, take an antidote for protection front door and secure desk.

How can we neutralize and calm down the “five”?

Based on the fact that the element of the “five” is Earth, we resort to the theory of the generation of the five elements of Wu Xing. When a woman gives birth to a child, she depletes her energy. Right? Do you think I'm going off topic? Not at all, my friends. I bring you to the point that if we want to deplete the energy of the mother of the hungry tigress, we must show her the tiger cub, that is, Metal. After all, the Earth gives birth to Metal. A huge metal “wind chime” with six pipes, bronze bells, metal weights, a singing bowl, a singing bell, a metal pagoda, 6 Chinese coins - this is our camouflaged artillery used against the uninvited guest - the hungry tigress.

Second affliction. Grand Duke Jupiter (Tai Sui)

The cosmic influence of Jupiter is so great that since ancient times many emperors took it into account when planning military operations.

So, how can ancient imperial knowledge help our future millionaires? The most important rule is not to sit facing him at the desk. What does this mean? Your child should not look directly at the compass direction where Tai Sui is this year while doing homework or playing on the computer, even if this is his best direction.

But your child can use the truly powerful powers of Tai Sui to their advantage. How? By turning his back to him, the child receives the power of the great patron Tai Sui. Consequently, academic success increases.

If Tai Sui is in the children's room this year, then advise the child not to particularly disturb the Grand Duke for 365 days. Do not play loud music or drive nails. In addition, feng shui masters recommend placing a protective figurine of the mythical animal Pi Yao in the nursery.

By the way, Tai Sui only occupies 15 degrees on the compass.

Third affliction. "Breakthrough of the Year" (Sui Po)

Just opposite the Grand Duke there is another sector subject to adverse effects - this is the “breakdown of the year” (Sui Po). Therefore, it also only occupies 15 degrees of the compass.

What does this mean? Firstly, Sui Po brings temporary bad luck astrological signs. For example, this year children born in the year of the Horse should be especially careful. Secondly, again, in this sector there is no need to drive nails or, in general, carry out any repair work.

Fourth affliction. Three Assassins (San Sha)

The Grand Duke also knows very well that one in the field is not a warrior. Therefore, he has three guards (the Three Assassins) occupying all 45 degrees of the compass each calendar year.

The rule regarding San Sha is to never position a child's desk so that he sits with his back to the Three Killers.

Knowing the main sources of problems and failures will help you protect your children from troubles this year. Dear parents, do not ignore the knowledge and practice of thousands of years. Is it true? After all, any information is not accidental. This means that it is at this moment in life that the Universe, through my book, transmits this most valuable knowledge to you. That is how it is. I know it.

In order to make it easier for you to navigate the four listed afflictions, I provide a table below that shows the compass directions of these damaging factors, and for as much as 3 years in advance.

Well, I’ve revealed to you the great secrets of influential Feng Shui masters. And I’m happy for you, my dear adults and children! This knowledge, accumulated over thousands of years, also helps parents.

After all, only those parents who are happy and enjoy life can help children. Not otherwise. Think for yourself. How, for example, can a father prohibit his teenage son from smoking and drinking alcohol if he himself smokes like a locomotive every hour and abuses strong drinks?

Please, dear parents, remember that when your children grow up, they will repeat the model of behavior and relationships of their mother and father. Therefore, only by being in a state of bliss and happiness can we, parents, teach our children to be successful and rich.

I wish you happiness, my dears!

After love and well-being, children and their health, future and well-being are probably an equally important area. Everything related to children and creativity is presented in the west sector. Feng Shui children and creativity zone.

The most traditional talisman in the east for the children's area are considered to be air bells, which are called “wind music”. These are cheerfully ringing hollow tubes attached with pendants to an imitation Chinese roofs- pagodas or to the celestial circle in the form of a solid circle. Hollow tubes are usually made of metal, wood, ceramics or porcelain.

You can select them from any material that corresponds to the element of the activated sector. If you want to neutralize negative energy, for example, an unfavorable angle, choose the “wind music” of five tubes and material that symbolically destroys the element of the angle. If, on the contrary, you want to activate positive energy in the sector, you need a material that matches the element of the sector or nourishes it. The number of tubes must match the number of the activated zone. The number for activating the children and creativity zone is 7.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone. The second most important talisman are figurines of children. They symbolize happiness and heavenly protection of children. The traditional feng shui symbol for this area is a figurine or image of the Chinese deity - Fu-hsing with a boy and peach fruits. It serves to protect children from misfortunes and illnesses, as it is a symbol of health and children's happiness. Children's photographs and their drawings will become an excellent talisman that will give constant success to your children. They can take a place on the western wall. Such a talisman can activate the energy of creativity.

The main element of the children and creativity zone is metal. To activate it, feel free to use metal symbols and symbols of the earth, the element that generates metal.

Feng Shui children and creativity zone. Beware of using fire symbols. Fire destroys metal. Any metal objects made of iron, bronze, gold, silver successfully work as talismans for this zone.

The use of a horseshoe has always ensured good luck and abundance in the home. In Feng Shui, a horseshoe serves as a very powerful talisman only if it is positioned correctly. I recommend hanging a horseshoe over the door with the ends up. Thus, in the resulting niche, beneficial qi energy will accumulate, giving your children happiness and success.

In this article you will learn:

You can determine where the children's zone is located according to Feng Shui in an apartment using Bagua - one of the ways to correct the energy of rooms. To enhance the beneficial energy of Qi, it is necessary to optimize the space and take into account all the nuances.

What is this sector responsible for?

The children's sector influences the happiness, well-being and health of younger family members, as well as creative self-realization. By activating it, you can achieve your chosen goal:

  • pregnancy;
  • development of the child’s inherent abilities;
  • harmony in relationships with children;
  • desires to become a creative person;
  • unlocking your own potential in the field of creativity;
  • participation in a creative project.

The children's zone is a direction that symbolizes childhood, and therefore should be filled with light, joy and positivity. When designing a sector according to Feng Shui, parents strive to achieve harmony, since in an energetically balanced space the child will grow up happy, purposeful, and self-confident.

Finding a children's area in the apartment

To highlight the children and creativity sector, you will need a floor plan, a compass with which you can easily determine the cardinal directions in the apartment, and a Bagua grid, which needs to be printed and cut out. By focusing on it, you can strengthen the influence of vital energy Qi on the necessary area of ​​life. It is important to consider that the arrangement of sectors on the Bagua diagram mirrors the cardinal directions.

How to find the children's zone:

  1. Draw a floor plan of the apartment on a piece of paper. Indicate all rooms, projections, window and door openings.
  2. Draw the plan to the correct rectangle and mark the cardinal directions.
  3. Divide the rectangle into 9 equal parts.
  4. Overlay the plan on the Bagua grid to identify zones, each of which corresponds to one of the areas of a person’s life. According to Feng Shui, the Western sector is for children.

The best option would be when the children's room falls into the children's area. If this does not happen, you can use the rectangle method in the room itself and bring harmony into the child’s life.

How to activate the children's zone

In order for the desired zone to work, it is necessary to follow some recommendations for activating the space:

  1. Purity. Feng Shui does not accept clutter: garbage, old things or dust.
  2. Lighting. They will help maintain the balance of energies and achieve activation of the zone beautiful chandeliers, desk lamp, sconces, spotlights. The light should be warm and moderately bright.
  3. Fresh air. The Qi energy must be renewed, so it is necessary to ventilate the room more often.
  4. Fragrances. You can use aroma lamps or sticks with scents of jasmine, cedar, citrus, lavender, cinnamon or geranium. Smells, like a magnet, attract the necessary flows of energy.

Suitable talismans:

  1. It is better to choose bells “Music of the Wind” that are hollow and without sharp corners.
  2. Deity figurines. For example, Hotei, surrounded by children, is a life-loving god who is a source of favorable Qi energy. It symbolizes a happy childhood and healthy offspring, and will become a talisman for those who dream of a child.
  3. Netsuke figurines depicting children.
  4. Children's drawings or paintings depicting forest landscapes, baby animals, frames for which should be chosen in white or metallic colors.
  5. Elephant amulet will protect and support the child.
  6. A crystal globe is a symbol of knowledge and wisdom.
  7. Child's achievements: cups, medals, certificates.

Colors and shapes

  1. Yin is the energy of calm and relaxation. Neutral shades are suitable: beige, cream, olive. They can be used for wall and ceiling coverings.
  2. Yang is characterized by brightness and saturation. These colors are suitable for creating accents: rugs, curtains, bedspreads, decorative pillows.

If it is impossible to register a sector in the required color scheme, you can change individual details, for example, home textiles or mascots of the children's zone.

Favorable colors according to Feng Shui:

  • white;
  • silver;
  • grey;
  • gold;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • terracotta.

The shape of objects is important. She must be:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square.

Emphasize on rounded corners and streamlined furniture shapes, oval or square frames for images in suitable colors. You should not choose triangular frames and unfavorable shades (blue, red, orange, green and black) in the design of the sector.

Elements of this zone

The main element governing the children's sector is Metal. Therefore, the presence of various metal objects made of steel, gold, silver, bronze, etc. is important here. Suitable for this:

  • metal rack;
  • hanging shelves;
  • silver bells;
  • wind chimes with metal tubes, of which there should be 7 - this is the number of the sector;
  • Chinese coins;
  • candlesticks;
  • lamps.

Signs symbolizing the element of Metal are also simple or gems, glass, crystals.

Earth strengthens the element of Metal, while Water and Fire weaken it. Therefore, the room should not be decorated in blue or red colors. You cannot overload the space; 2-3 objects are enough to attract the necessary energy.

And organize the space in the house in accordance with the canons of the ancient Chinese philosophy, you can significantly improve your life. Let's talk about how to do this.

How to determine zones by cardinal directions

Zones are determined using a compass and a floor plan. You need to put the cardinal directions on it and outline the space in accordance with them.

The fastest and easiest way to do this:

  1. Determine where north is in your apartment - this is the starting point for the subsequent division of space.
  2. Draw a schematic plan of the apartment and mark all cardinal directions on it. Then divide from the center into nine equal parts.
  3. Ready! You can begin to activate each zone of the apartment and organize the space in them.

What each sector of space is responsible for:

  1. Northeast is the zone of wisdom and knowledge. There should be an office or work zone. The spirit of education reigns in this space, so it is most suitable for study and self-development.
  2. The northwest is the zone of helpers and travel. Proper organization of space ensures that in any difficult moment of life you will have a strong patron who will help solve all problems and get out of the crisis.
  3. The East is the family zone. She is responsible for healthy relationships between household members, their well-being - physical and mental. Helps keep marriage bonds strong, live in happiness and harmony.
  4. The West is a zone of children and creativity. Ideal for placement. If you organize the space correctly, children will grow and develop harmoniously, love to learn and will always please their parents with their successes.
  5. Southeast - one of the most important parts of the apartment. How the space will be organized here directly affects financial wealth and material well-being. Money is also energy that needs to be activated.
  6. The south is the zone of glory, which is responsible for the social status and realization of a person in society. If you activate it, you will never have problems communicating with people, your opinion will be valued, and your authority will become unquestionable.
  7. The southwest is the zone of love and marriage. It is very important to pay attention to this area for people who are still single and have not met their soulmate. By organizing your space, you increase your chances of finding happy and harmonious relationships and activate the flow of sexual energy.
  8. The center of the apartment is the health zone. She is responsible for the well-being of everyone who lives in the house. Not only for health, but also for physical attractiveness. It is with the organization of space in this sector that you need to start first.

Layout modern apartments not always successful from the point of view. The money zone, for example, may be located in the location of the bathroom, which is extremely unfavorable. If you do not use special Chinese talismans, money will literally flow down the toilet.

Let's talk about how to use and activate all zones correctly.

Activation of sectors of space

In order for energy to circulate in space and fill the premises, it is important to correctly activate each sector and eliminate negative factors.

  1. To activate the career zone, place office equipment in it - here you can put a computer, a landline telephone, place photos with colleagues and superiors. Objects symbolizing the energy of water also have a beneficial effect on the sector.
  2. There should be sufficiently bright lighting in the zone of wisdom and knowledge. Make sure there is more than enough light in the space. If little daylight penetrates into the room, install additional lamps with powerful lamps.
  3. To activate the assistants and travel zone, place photos with your close friends in it. Hang pictures of people you consider to be your spiritual guides on your walls. You can also hang a wish map here, on which you have marked the places you dream of visiting.
  4. Remove all antiques, metal objects, and photographs of deceased relatives from the family area. Fill the space with life indoor plants and colorful images of natural landscapes.
  5. Decorate the children's and creativity area bright accents. Make sure there is bright lighting, place amulets everywhere, and hang your children’s drawings or some of their crafts on the walls.
  6. To activate the wealth zone, place special money talismans there. This sector is protected by the energy of water, so you can place objects that symbolize it. The perfect solution- an aquarium or indoor fountain.
  7. In the glory zone it is better to put all kinds of certificates, diplomas, awards and cups that you received. All kinds of figurines made of natural stone activate energy.
  8. In the love zone you need to place paired objects: figurines of animals, angels, candles, hearts, soft toys. Bird figurines have a very good effect on the energy situation.
  9. A bright crystal chandelier must be located in the center of the health zone. If this is a dining room or living room, place a table under a light source where the family will gather.

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