Some tips on how to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer. How to put up a Christmas tree How to put up a live Christmas tree at home without a stand

I think it's time to think about this. In general, the sooner you start, the longer it seems to me. So let's start, and let's start with there are many ways to install it, everyone has their own. Who puts a Christmas tree on a cross, but on such a cross, especially if the room is warm, it will not stand for long. There is a lot of hassle with sand, especially in the city, where it is not always at hand. There is another, very simple way to install a Christmas tree.

Installing a Christmas tree in the apartment

To do this, we will take one and a half liters or 2.5 liters and use them to install the tree in a bucket. We fill the bottles with water, so they will give the tree and bucket good stability. They need to be turned upside down and distributed tightly throughout the bucket, and a Christmas tree should be placed in the very center of the bucket. Then we pour water into the remaining volume in the bucket and disguise this entire unsightly stand with something, preferably something white, of course - the same sheet or other material reminiscent of snow.

Food for the Christmas tree

Although the tree is no longer alive, it still, by inertia, continues to slowly “drink” water, and sometimes it “drinks” 2-3 liters a whole day. Therefore, you should not forget to “give her water”; it is better to do this every day. So, your Christmas tree can stand in water for a very long time, of course, under optimal conditions for it. Just don’t forget to add water and make sure that the water doesn’t sour or spoil; you can use various solutions for this. Such solutions are also good feeding.

Before you install the tree, you should definitely “update” the location of the frame on the trunk and also remove the bark at the bottom of the trunk by 10-12 centimeters.

One of the nutritional composition options for the Christmas tree

There are a lot of nutrient solutions for Christmas trees. Everything is simple here too, you don’t need to bother and it’s better to use what you have in the house.

For example, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, you can add the same salt that is used for baths (preferably with pine extract), you can add sea salt or just iodized table salt. Essential oil, again pine (10 drops per the same liter of water), is quite suitable as such additives; 2 or 3 aspirin tablets, a couple of spoons of sugar or mustard. To extend the life of your Christmas tree, you can add glycerin to the water (stir 2 tablespoons in 10 liters of water), a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar or the same aspirin tablet.

One of the symbols of the New Year is the Christmas tree. Decorated with balls, garlands, rain and serpentine, it always pleases both adults and children with its appearance. Typically, two types of Christmas trees are used - artificial and live. The first ones are easily assembled and installed on a pedestal in the house, but the second ones can puzzle an inexperienced person who decided to place it for the first time. So, what is the best way to place the Christmas tree so that it stands upright and does not fall, and what should be done for this and by what means.

It is usually recommended to buy a live tree in advance. This is due to the fact that on the eve of the New Year, prices for fluffy green beauties rise sharply. However, on December 31, prices begin to decline due to the fact that demand decreases, but having purchased it, you may not have time to install it. As a rule, having chosen and bought a tree, we bring it home and first of all bring it into the hallway. Naturally, if the spruce or pine was purchased 7-10 days in advance, then you should not dress it up right away and you should not just keep the tree at home, since in a warm place it will quickly begin to lose moisture and wither. Therefore, the tree should be taken from the corridor to the balcony, where the outside temperature is. At such a low temperature, the tree can stand for a long time.

A few days before the holiday, the Christmas tree needs to be taken out from the balcony and installation begins. It can be produced different ways depending on what you have available.

If you have a metal or wooden stand in the form of a cross, then you need to do the following:

1. Place the stand in the place where the Christmas tree will be located.

2. Measure the diameter of the stand and tree using a ruler or the circumference using regular thread.

3. If the diameter of the tree is larger than the diameter of the stand, then using an ax or a sharp knife, grind the trunk along the entire circumference to a length equal to the height of the stand and then check whether it fits into the fastener by lifting the trunk and putting on the stand.

4. If the barrel is narrower than the diameter of the stand, then use a small piece wooden board or a fragment of a branch, which should be split into small wedges to fit under the gaps around the entire perimeter using a hammer.

5. Place the tree on the stand and make sure it is level and does not wobble. If the Christmas tree is poorly secured, then to prevent it from falling and overturning when the toy swings, secure it with small wedges.

If you do not have a tree stand, you can place the tree in a large, deep bucket filled with sand. For this:

1. Place an empty bucket in the place where the Christmas tree is expected to stand.

2. Take another bucket and, after filling it with sand, place it next to the empty bucket.

3. Fill an empty bucket a third with sand and, taking it by the trunk, place the tree in it in a strictly vertical position.

4 Using a spatula or scoop, carefully without spilling the sand, pour sand evenly to the edges of the bucket around the tree trunk and compact it lightly.

5. Make sure that the tree is securely fixed, remove the empty bucket and cover the bucket of sand where the tree stands with a white cloth.

You can also put up a Christmas tree yourself using a simple device made from the lower part of a spruce, for this:

1. Cut it down bottom part Christmas trees with one tier of branches, the so-called camel, using a hacksaw, 5 - 7 cm in length;

2. Using a drill, drill in the middle of the tree trunk and in the place opposite the cut in the camel, a hole for a metal pin in the form of a rod;

3. Place the camel upside down (with its branches facing down) on the floor so that it looks like a cross;

4. Insert a metal rod into the trunk of the tree and, lifting it, lower it onto the fireplace so that the rod enters the hole of the fireplace;

5. Cover the semblance of a cross, hiding it from view with white material.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Is there anyone who is indifferent to the New Year holidays? The wait for a fairy tale and a miracle begins with the first snowfall. But the real holiday comes only with the appearance in the house of the indispensable companion of the New Year, a living Christmas tree.

In order for the tree to stand for a long time and delight you and your loved ones, it is necessary approach your purchase carefully . Choosing a Christmas tree is not an easy task, but if you know some secrets, then you are guaranteed success. So, how to choose a really good one live Christmas tree ?

Secrets of choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year - how to choose a live Christmas tree correctly?

To choose a really good Christmas tree that will delight you with freshness and aroma throughout the New Year holidays, it is important remember a few rules .

So, we know how to choose a Christmas tree. But the right choice is half the battle. It is important to know how to preserve your Christmas tree at home.

Rules for installing a New Year tree at home - how to keep the tree longer?

In order for the purchased tree to stand for a long time and retain its original appearance, it is necessary install the Christmas tree correctly .

It is recommended to install the Christmas tree in two ways:

  • On a special cross. The advantages of such an installation are strength and relative ease (but it is still better to entrust this work to the male part of the family). Disadvantages - the inability to feed the tree or water it.
  • In a bucket of wet sand. The installation process is more labor-intensive and troublesome, but it allows you to preserve the Christmas tree longer.

In addition, there are several more rules for installing a New Year tree:

  • Bought a tree from the cold It is not recommended to immediately add warm apartment . Let the Christmas tree stand in the entrance for a while for better adaptation;
  • Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk– peel it from the bark (8-10 centimeters), plan it a little under running water;
  • You can trim the top of your head a little near the tree and lubricate the cut with Vishnevsky ointment;
  • If the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket of wet sand, then It’s better not to pour it into the sand plain water, and prepared: 1-2 aspirin tablets or a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water;
  • It is important to choose the right place to install the Christmas tree: Do not install the tree near radiators or heaters.

Following these simple rules will allow you preserve the aroma of the holiday in the house for a long time, and save you from hassle later , when the holidays are over, and you have to remove the fallen pine needles.

Happy New Year!

To celebrate New Year, you need to create suitable atmosphere. And a real forest beauty will help with this. It is very important not only how the tree is decorated, but also how it is installed. Of course, many people have artificial Christmas trees in their pantries and closets, which can be quickly assembled before the celebration and disassembled after it. But these plastic analogues can never compare with the real smell of pine needles, with fluffy “spruce paws” and with the beauty of living nature.

Buy stand It’s not difficult, they are sold not only in stores, but also at points where they sell the trees themselves. This method is not even worth mentioning, but you can assemble the stand yourself. Wooden cross It is made easily and simply from two bars, which are filed and fastened together. The tree is attached using long self-tapping screw , which is screwed into the crosspiece and then into the tree trunk.

The easiest way which many people have used before is regular bucket. It filled to the middle sand or gravel, then the tree was placed in the center, and the sides were compacted with the selected material until the tree became stable. But this method has a few disadvantages. For example, get sand It’s not so easy in the city in December (unless you go to a hardware store to buy it). In addition, you most likely will not be able to avoid getting this very sand on the carpet and laminate. What to do in such a situation?

The most common ones will help solve the problem. plastic bottles with a capacity of one and a half liters. Such "modernized" way involves using bottles filled with water instead of sand. They placed around the perimeter inside the bucket, and a Christmas tree is placed in the middle. If the tree is unstable, then you need to stick small pieces of fabric between it and the bottles.

Having bought a living tree, I want to see it green and fresh long weeks, not just a few days. But very often the tree begins to lose needles immediately. What is the reason? If you purchase a tree that has been stored in the cold, do not rush to immediately bring it into a warm apartment. Let the spruce stand for a while in the pantry or on landing, adapts to new temperature. Only after this can you bring it into the house.

All housewives know that flowers need to be trimmed. This way they absorb water more actively and live longer. But the tree trunk also requires similar care. Carefully cut a thin piece of wood to provide the tree with a more active flow of beneficial fluid.

The water in which the Christmas tree will stand must contain antiseptic. Use the most common aspirin which prevents the development of bacteria. To nourish the forest beauty, dissolve in water a pinch of salt and dining room spoon Sahara. This “cocktail” will keep her alive for many weeks.

The ancient teaching about the correct arrangement of objects in the house allows you to distribute Qi energy in the right way and activate the desired side of life. Some people dream of love, while others care more about their health, some have problems with their careers, and some with finances. To achieve success in the new year, set Christmas tree in the center of the room, then you can strengthen all sides equally. And for those who know exactly in which area they need special help, the Bagua grid will come in handy. Position Elkow in the desired area and look forward to changes in the new year.

We are all looking forward to the arrival of the New Year holidays. Since childhood, every person associates the New Year with miracles, with the beginning of a new, unknown. But which one is real? New Year's celebration maybe without a Christmas tree. Each of us independently determines. But after acquiring the treasured tree, the question arises: how to place it correctly so that it pleases the eyes of family members for as long as possible and creates a unique holiday ambience.

There are simple, uncomplicated rules that you can follow to extend the life of your Christmas tree for a long time.

  1. You should not immediately bring the tree into the cold warm house. It is better to give it some time to acclimatize to temperature in a cool place.
  2. Install conifer tree It is better just before New Year's Eve, and until then, store it in a cool place. For example, on the balcony of an apartment.
  3. The tree should be placed at maximum possible removal from heating devices.
  4. We can distinguish two main ways to install and secure a Christmas tree: installation using a tripod; installation in a bucket of sand.

Let's take a closer look at the installation methods.

  1. When installing the Christmas tree on a tripod, if necessary, trim the lower branches so that the distance from the place of cutting to the nearest branches is at least 20 centimeters. If the tripod is metal, then the tree trunk must be secured in it using clamping screws, and if they are missing, using wooden wedges. If the tripod is wooden, then screws are used to strengthen the tree trunk.
  2. When placing a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand(without stand) it is necessary to first clear the tree trunk of branches by 25 - 30 centimeters. The end of the trunk near the cut is cleared of bark; it is advisable to update the cut itself. After installing the tree, water is poured into the sand.

The water must first be prepared: use 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tsp. sugar per 1 liter of water.

The New Year tree is the main symbol of the holiday

New Year is the most favorite holiday, full of mysteries and expectations of change. This fabulous night has many symbols, but the main one is, of course, the New Year tree. This holiday creates a lot of trouble: how to choose, how to install the Christmas tree? And decorating it is a real ritual, in which, as a rule, all family members take part. Today there is a huge selection of artificial Christmas trees, allowing you to purchase any imitation of spruce or pine, matte or shiny, green or even white, different sizes for every taste. Still, most people prefer to install a live Christmas tree. A furry forest guest brings a scent to the house winter forest, resins, pine needles, so familiar from childhood, filling the house with a fabulous atmosphere of an approaching miracle.

Don't forget about unique properties live pine needles. Essential oils, which it contains, have bactericidal properties. In addition, the pine smell has a beneficial effect on nervous system. But unlike artificial beauties, a real Christmas tree requires proper care and reliable installation.

How to choose a Christmas tree?

We can talk a lot about the beauty and benefits of a living tree, but we must also remember that spruce needles fall off quickly and we can do everything possible to make the holiday last longer. A lot depends not only on how to put up the Christmas tree, but also on the right choice. What features of the Christmas tree are worth paying attention to:

    The spruce should look fresh and healthy with uniformly colored needles. The width should not exceed the height.

    Inspect the branches. On a recently felled tree, the branches stretch upward, they are elastic and flexible, and difficult to break.

    The needles should look bright and smooth. If in doubt, stretch one needle between your fingers. Fresh spruce needles are easily ground and have a characteristic pine smell. A dry needle means that the tree was cut down a long time ago.

    Look carefully, shake slightly, and if the needles fall off, then such a tree will not stand for long.

As for appearance and size, this completely depends on the space in the apartment intended for the forest guest. So, if you place the Christmas tree in a corner, you can choose a not very fluffy specimen and turn it on the more beautiful side. But if the center of the room is intended for it, then you need to pay special attention to the even shape of the crown and its spreading nature.

How to prepare a Christmas tree for installation?

The choice was made, and the fairy-tale beauty arrived at her destination. You can give several recommendations on how to properly install a live Christmas tree, regarding its storage and installation location:

    If the tree is purchased in advance, then it must be kept in the cold, for example outside the window, on the balcony, terrace.

    Before installation, do not immediately bring the Christmas tree into warm room, and even more so, installing and decorating, because the tree can die from a sharp temperature change. You need to give it time to stand and freeze in a room with a low but positive temperature, for example in the entrance, in the vestibule.

    Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk, clear it of bark, and you can lightly trim the top.

    The tree should not be placed close to radiators, heaters or fireplaces. It will begin to crumble very quickly, even if it was installed in a bucket of water or wet sand.

    The size of the New Year's tree should be determined by the size of the room where it will stand and the height of the ceilings. This must be taken into account so as not to create inconvenience by cluttering small space. And also so that you don’t have to cut off the top or lush lower rows of branches, which will significantly spoil appearance tree.

How to install a Christmas tree without a stand?

Exist special devices– stands, crosses, with which you can install a Christmas tree in your apartment. The advantages of this installation are its ease and reliability. However, the lack of opportunity to water and feed the tree is frustrating.

Most easy way to protect the tree from drying out quickly - before installing the tree in the cross, wrap the bottom of the trunk with a damp cloth that can be easily moistened with water.

You can make stands for mounting the Christmas tree yourself. However, if there is no desire or ability to build such structures, we will turn to simpler methods. Let's consider options for how to install a Christmas tree at home without a stand, old the folk way. And there may be several of them:

    Bucket with sand. An ordinary bucket is filled with clean and wet sand. A nutrient solution is added, for which there are many recipes. For example, dissolve a little edible gelatin or glycerin in one liter of water. Another recipe: two tablespoons of sugar and a couple of aspirin tablets. Before installing the tree in the sand, be sure to clean the cut area on the trunk, and also remove the bark approximately 10 cm from below. It is recommended to water the sand every two days and the tree will last a long time.

    There is one more interesting way how to install a Christmas tree without sand. When instead of sand, you can put gravel or plastic bottles with water in a bucket, which will tightly fix the trunk, previously wrapped in damp cloth.

    Vessel with water. Please note that you will need hot water, this will help flush out the resin from the wood pores, making it easier for moisture to enter. It is advisable to add acetic or citric acid to the water, or you can replace it with an aspirin tablet. There are many options for the solution, one of them is: a spoonful of gelatin, crushed chalk and half a spoonful of acid.

The twigs need to be periodically sprayed with water, which will allow them to maintain their freshness longer. After installing the Christmas tree, the bucket or container can be decorated with colored paper, fabric, cotton wool, New Year's tinsel and toys.

This way you can keep the tree fresh and beautiful not only during holidays, but also much later. These simple rules for installing a Christmas tree indoors and caring for it will allow you to preserve the holiday atmosphere in your home for a long time, along with the smell of pine needles. It will also help you avoid unnecessary hassle when it comes time to remove fallen pine needles.

Good luck and happiness in the New Year!