How to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and cross in a bucket of sand or in water for the New Year? How to choose the right live Christmas tree at the Christmas tree market: tips. On what date can you put a Christmas tree at home according to Feng Shui and in what place in the house or apartment? Correct spo

According to Feng Shui, all objects in the house should be arranged relative to the cardinal directions. Then the energy is directed in the right direction and ensures the fulfillment of desires. Have you thought about where the green beauty should stand? Ideally, the tree should stand in the most empty corner rooms or apartments. In this case, nothing will interfere with the free movement of positive energy that attracts The tree of Life. But, if you have priority goals and desires, experts recommend using Bagua grid(correspondence between the cardinal directions and zones of the house according to the theory of Feng Shui - Note)

  • Do you want to attract in the New Year financial prosperity? Place the Christmas tree in the southeast part of the room.
  • Dreaming about fame and popularity? Place the Christmas tree in the southern sector.
  • For those who want to improve personal life, it is necessary to place the Christmas tree in the southwestern sector.
  • New addition to the family a spruce tree decorated in the western part of the room can attract.
  • There are many who wish travel and it’s easy to find new friends by putting up a Christmas tree in the northwest.
  • Do you dream of advancing in career ladder ? Your tree should be in the north.
  • Would you like to receive new knowledge and experience? The Christmas tree should be located in the northeast.
  • If it's a priority healthy energy in the family, then it is worth putting the Christmas tree in the eastern part of the room.

In the very center? No, not the place!

Where you definitely don’t need to put a Christmas tree is in the center of the apartment. According to the theory of harmonization, a spruce installed in the center of the room will bring with it leapfrog of events, confusion and disorder.

If you just can’t decide where exactly to put the Christmas tree, then choose the most important direction, and “complete” the rest of the moments in life that need improvement with the tree’s paws. Outside front door It’s good to hang a New Year’s fir wreath - it will attract good luck and prosperity to your home.

Feng Shui in the Year of the Dog

Dog talismans in Feng Shui are usually complex. For example, a dog with a coin in its paws, a gold bar in its paws, a dog on a chest, etc. These talismans protect the family nest and help the owners live in love and prosperity.

Or maybe pine?

The classic spruce with a pronounced triangular shape carries two elements - wood and fire (triangular silhouette). Pine with its soft forms will carry within itself half the fire energy than in the case of spruce.

How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

The top is usually a star or pointed spire. It originally symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the newborn Jesus. IN Soviet years In our country, the star on the Christmas tree acquired a different meaning and turned red. If you want a “lucky star” to guide you through life, decorate your Christmas tree with a star, and what color it will be is not so important.

For the Tree of Life to bring good luck in all directions, the colors of all magical elements must shine on it - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth (red, blue, white, green and gold).

  • Fire Symbols - red decorations, as well as candles, a cockerel or the sun help achieve your goal without noticing obstacles.
  • Water Symbols - blue decorations, wavy in shape and “aquatic” in meaning (fish, shell). Such figures will strengthen peace in the family.
  • Metal Element, attracting success in money matters are all kinds of coins, as well as silver, gold and white balls.
  • Tree is responsible for creativity, and can be present on the Christmas tree in the form wooden toys and green.
  • Earth element Gives stability and self-confidence. It can be symbolized by ceramic figurines.

It is curious that tinsel, a golden “rain”, which is not given much importance, in the East is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. So don’t forget to generously decorate the Christmas tree and your apartment with “rain”! Feng Shui masters also approve of garlands of light bulbs, candles and sparklers.

Could you imagine the most awaited celebration of the year without a Christmas tree in your home? The conversation will naturally focus on spruce or forest Christmas trees for the New Year 2020. Buying your favorite holiday element doesn’t seem difficult. Since almost anywhere a couple of weeks before the event, Christmas tree markets come and you can choose any tree you like. But where to put it and how best to use it? After all, you should not miss the fact that not every room is large enough to accommodate such a tree; in addition, beloved pets often attack the Christmas tree, trying to, if not knock it over, then at least just shake it. Are there any special tips on where to place a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui in 2020? Let's look at some points in this article.

Have you ever heard about the philosophy of arranging things in the house to attract money and happiness? The conversation is, naturally, about Feng Shui. It's hard to believe - but it really works. You can verify this by at least placing a Christmas tree in your home:

  • Firstly, if you place a tree in the western part of your house, then in 2020, in the year of the rat, you will experience fun and prosperity. If you place the New Year's attribute in the opposite part of the room from the western part, then your inner well-being will certainly improve.
  • Secondly, if you want financial stability in the year of the rat, promotion at work, then place a tree to the south in your house.
  • Thirdly, by placing a Christmas tree further north in your apartment, you will certainly bring good news to your home. But do not forget that it is necessary to install live pine and spruce, because they are not charged with such energy.

At the same time, even an artificial tree should not be installed just anywhere. If the attribute of your celebration is green, then it should be placed to the east of the apartment, or to the southeast. It is this arrangement of the tree that will make the year of the rat lucky for you, while placing an artificial tree further north in the room will bring a lot of fuss and trouble.

Correct location Christmas trees

If your attribute is shiny in color, then the right decision would be to place it in the center of your room, on something tall, like a chair or cabinet. If you do this, an atmosphere of general well-being will appear in your home.

If your Christmas tree is tall, more than one and a half meters, then its location is not particularly important, but such a plant will look harmonious in the center of the room. While the tree is alive, it provides a very powerful charge of energy that will create a good mood in your home.

But do not forget that a withered Christmas tree will negatively affect the energy sector. That is why, after the holidays are over, the tree should be taken to a corner of the room, or completely thrown away. If we return again to Feng Shui, then constantly storing a withering tree at home is harmful.

That is why lazy owners who delay throwing out plants attract quarrels and troubles into their home without knowing it.

If you count on positive emotions and pleasure, then what is the best place to place a New Year's tree according to Feng Shui? If your home is small, then there is no point in placing the plant in the center of the room. It will constantly interfere with yours, and in the end you will completely topple it. But if you place the tree in a corner, it will take on a completely different look.

Convenient location

If you have a very small home, then spruce and pine branches are a wonderful alternative. A little creativity, and you will have an ikebana decorated with various designs. If you don’t like this option, then it’s appropriate to buy a small artificial Christmas tree.

If you have big house, then it is best to place your tree in the center of the room, since the kids will be able to dance and run around it. Although placing a tree in the corner of the room would also be a great option! If possible, buy a tall and straight spruce in the best traditions.

Do not forget that it is better not to place your tree near radiators - its needles will quickly fall off and it will wither. The most optimal solution Put the tree where it’s cool, and moisten the tree yourself.

Those owners who have their favorite fluffy and insightful pets at home should think not about where to place the tree, but about how to do it correctly according to Feng Shui. Naturally, it must be firmly secured! In addition, all toys on the tree should be soft and not sharp, in case your baby does not get hurt. Be sure to take into account the fact that children, as well as pets, can break wires or pull Christmas lights.

Safely fastening the Christmas tree

Therefore, pay attention to the fact that the wires from the garlands must be carefully hidden and in good working order, and also be in a place where no one can reach them.


After reading this post, you learned about where and how you can install a Christmas tree for the New Year 2020, and if you want to turn to Feng Shui recommendations, then you should not neglect the safety of you and your loved ones.

Securely secure the green tree, and let the decorations fully comply with the basic safety rules. Choose a Christmas tree with soft needles so that your little ones won't get pricked while playing nearby.

Video instructions for correct installation:

Video master class on making Christmas tree decorations with your own hands:

Need to create . And a real forest beauty will help with this. It is very important not only how it will be, but also how it is installed. Of course, many people have artificial Christmas trees in their pantries and closets, which can be quickly assembled before the celebration and disassembled after it. But these plastic analogues can never compare with the real smell of pine needles, with fluffy “spruce paws” and with the beauty of living nature.

Those people who prefer to decorate their home with Christmas trees that came from snowy regions know very well that it is necessary to install a forest beauty quite difficult. This light and factory-made artificial Christmas tree comes with the same plastic stand, A natural wood requires a special approach.

How to install a Christmas tree at home without a stand?

Buy stand It’s not difficult, they are sold not only in stores, but also at points where they sell the trees themselves. This method is not even worth mentioning, but you can assemble the stand yourself. Wooden cross It is made easily and simply from two bars, which are filed and fastened together. The tree is attached using long self-tapping screw , which is screwed into the crosspiece and then into the tree trunk.

How to install a Christmas tree at home in a bucket?

The easiest way which many people have used before is regular bucket. It filled to the middle sand or gravel, then the tree was placed in the center, and the sides were compacted with the selected material until the tree became stable. But this method has a few disadvantages. For example, get sand It’s not so easy in the city in December (unless you go to a hardware store to get it). In addition, you most likely will not be able to avoid getting this very sand on the carpet and laminate. What to do in such a situation? The most common ones will help solve the problem. plastic bottles with a capacity of one and a half liters. Such "modernized" way involves using bottles filled with water instead of sand. They are placed around the perimeter inside the bucket, and a Christmas tree is placed in the middle. If the tree is unstable, then you need to stick small pieces of fabric between it and the bottles.

How to install a Christmas tree to stand for a long time?

Having bought a living tree, I want to see it green and fresh long weeks, not just a few days. But very often the tree begins to lose needles immediately. What is the reason? If you purchase a tree that has been stored in the cold, do not rush to immediately bring it into storage. warm apartment. Let the spruce stand for a while in the pantry or on landing, adapts to new temperature. Only after this can you bring it into the house.

All housewives know that flowers need to be trimmed. This way they absorb water more actively and live longer. But the tree trunk also requires similar care. Carefully cut a thin piece of wood to provide the tree with a more active flow of beneficial fluid.

The water in which the Christmas tree will stand must contain antiseptic. Use the most common aspirin which prevents the development of bacteria. To nourish the forest beauty, dissolve in water a pinch of salt and dining room spoon Sahara. This “cocktail” will keep her alive for many weeks.

How to put up a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

The ancient teaching about the correct arrangement of objects in the house allows you to distribute Qi energy in the right way and activate the desired side of life. Some people dream of love, while others care more about their health, some have problems with their careers, and some with finances. To achieve success in the new year, set Christmas tree in the center of the room, then you can strengthen all sides equally. And for those who know exactly in which area special help is needed, it will be useful. Position Christmas tree in the right area and look forward to changes in the new year.

We select a good fresh tree of the required height. Must be remembered, which is strong a big tree(in height) will need to be cut down and your New Year's tree has the risk of losing the most beautiful and lush branches. Christmas trees with the top cut out also look very bad. Purchased Christmas tree Not recommended bring directly from the street into a warm place. Should be left it on the veranda or balcony for several hours so that the tree gets used to the warmth. Then there is a low probability that the tree will fall off earlier than usual.

Christmas tree installation process

Let's choose a place to install it in the room. Christmas tree doesn't like it's hot, so you don’t need to place it near a radiator, fireplace or stove. We take into account the fact that the tree should not only look great in the room, but also have an accessible approach. If there are children or adults at the party adult company, then you should place the Christmas tree in the center of the room. Children love to dance around the New Year tree.

Before you decided to bring the Christmas tree into the room, need to Shake it a little so that weak branches fall off. Next you need file down the trunk by two or three centimeters, or you can remove ten centimeters of bark. Such "chip" will allow your tree to drink water. We prepare the stand, as well as a container with liquid.

Christmas tree stand and some tips

Today, many stores offer a huge assortment of stands of various shapes, specially created for Christmas trees. They are equipped reservoir for water. If you have absent this device, There is Alternative option - a bucket of wet sand.

IN special The stands provide fastenings and clamps for the barrel. Completely make sure the fact that the tree stands strong, because the mass of the decorated tree will be greater. If you do not have such a stand, we recommend firmly securing the barrel with guy wires using strips and rope. Into the water that you use for a tree you can add one aspirin tablet, A little salt and one tablespoon Sahara, and specialized liquid, intended for cut flowers.

Don't forget regularly, add liquid to a bucket of sand, and sprinkle the branches with water, using spray.Now it is also very convenient to use a small real Christmas tree in a tub. With this option, no effort will be required from you (in the process of strengthening), and the tree can be placed on the site of your dacha.

Having bought a cut down Christmas tree at the market, each of us wants it to look fresh and attractive throughout the holidays. We offer several simple tips that will help preserve live Christmas tree at home longer. This does not require any special means, just a grain of knowledge on choosing, installing and caring for a Christmas tree.

From the article you will learn:

  • 1 How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?
    • 1.1 Choosing a quality tree
  • 2 Correct installation live Christmas tree
    • 2.1 Installation of the Christmas tree
    • 2.2 Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree
  • 3 The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next
    • 3.1 We also recommend reading:

How to preserve a Christmas tree so that it does not fall off?

Choosing a quality tree

Let's start by choosing a Christmas tree. If you buy a tree that has been sitting for a month from the seller, believe me, no matter what you do with it later, trying to preserve it. appearance, the beautiful Christmas tree will not stand for long. The needles will fall off simply from time to time.

choosing a Christmas tree

When buying spruce or pine before the New Year, check with the seller about the time of felling, asking for documents for the goods.

If they are not there, first of all pay attention to the color of the needles. A yellow tint will indicate that the tree is far from young and will soon begin to crumble. Experts also advise running your palm forcefully along the branch: if needles remain in your hand, the tree was cut down a long time ago and it is better not to pick it up. When running your hand along the branch, the needles should be flexible and remain on the tree.

To preserve your Christmas tree for as long as possible, pay attention to the trunk and branches of the tree. The branches should be elastic and unbreakable. The surface of the trunk should be covered with needles; there should be no wide dark border on the cut.

The freshness of the Christmas tree is evidenced by the elasticity of its branches and the bright, rich green color of the needles. If you rub several needles in your fingers, a strong spruce smell should appear, and the surface of the skin will become oily.

Proper installation of a live Christmas tree

If you decide to keep a live Christmas tree at home longer, do not rush to install it indoors immediately after purchase. Allow the tree to acclimate slightly. From sharp drop Temperatures can cause the tree to lose all its needles. For successful acclemation, place the tree in a cold garage or balcony.

installation of a live Christmas tree

While the Christmas tree gets used to the change in temperature, we will prepare a place for its installation. First, the wood should be kept away from open flames or heat sources that can dry it out prematurely. Secondly, place the tree out of the reach of pets.

If you plan to use garlands to decorate your tree, place the tree close to an outlet. If this is not possible, you will need to use an extension cord. Make sure that the extension cord runs along the wall and does not come into contact with moisture and does not pose a fire hazard to the wiring.

If you want to keep your live Christmas tree fresh for a long time, forget about metal and plastic cross stands into which the wood is secured with nails or screws. Buy a special stand into which you can pour water or select a deep container where you can pour water, pour wet sand or put pebbles. It should be deep enough so that the tree does not fall or tilt to one side.

Keep in mind that you will need some form of water to keep the wood fresh. So that she doesn't harm you floor covering and furniture, cover the area where the Christmas tree will be installed with cloth or light paper. You can also cover the container in which the Christmas tree is installed with something. With the help of tinsel, rain and others New Year's decorations everything can be organized as a great Christmas tree decoration.

Christmas tree installation

When installing the Christmas tree, remove the lower branches (they are perfect for a New Year's wreath or bouquet to decorate the holiday table). Clean the trunk by 10–20 cm. Be sure to renew the cut area. This is necessary so that the trunk can absorb moisture.

Note! On some sites you can find a recommendation to drill several holes in the barrel before installing it in water. It is assumed that this way the tree will absorb moisture better. However, experts do not recommend doing this - no particular benefit has been noticed from this, but such experiments can damage the stability of the tree.

Place the tree in the container

Place the tree in a container filled with damp sand or water. Instead of sand, you can collect small pebbles, install a Christmas tree in them and fill them with water. You can also wrap the cleaned part of the trunk with any loose cloth and regularly moisten it with water or a specially prepared solution.

In any case, no matter which way you choose to keep a living Christmas tree at home longer - in water, among pebbles or in sand, make sure that the tree stands stable. Stores sell special stands that contain a container for water. If there is no such stand, take an ordinary bucket, only make sure that the tree rests against the edges with its lower branches or secure it with rope guys. They are easy to hide under New Year's decor.

Several recipes for a nutrient solution to extend the life of a Christmas tree

To extend the life of a New Year's tree, make its water more nutritious and take measures to prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Here are a few simple recipes that will help you with this:

  • The simplest option is hot water And acetic acid. Boiling water will open the pores of the wood, and vinegar will protect against pests that live under the bark. In addition, the essence will act as a preservative, prolonging the life of the tree.
  • The second option is a solution of water and 2-3 tablespoons of liquid glycerin. This solution will protect the trunk from rotting.
  • The third method is a solution of cold water, sugar (2 tablespoons) and aspirin (2 pcs.). Sugar will feed the tree, and asperin will act as a preservative for the water. It won’t bloom, it won’t smell bad, and the tree will last longer.

Note: as folk remedy To replenish the Christmas tree, you can find advice to add cola or lemonade to the water. This product of the chemical and food industry, according to folk chemists, should extend the life of the Christmas tree. I don’t know how effective this is, but if you decide to try this remedy, be careful not to overfill sweet water Christmas tree, furniture and floors. In addition, you should not use this product if you have a small dog or other sweet-loving animals in the house. They will definitely want to know what smells so delicious there and you will be tired of driving them away from the tree.

The Christmas tree is installed. What to do next

So you've done everything necessary measures to keep your Christmas tree alive at home longer. Now all you have to do is monitor the water level in the container with the tree, if it is installed in water, or the humidity of the sand, if the tree is installed in a container with sand. To do this, look into the container and add water. The sand should be moist and the water level should not fall below the base of the tree.

In addition to feeding the tree from the trunk, it is advisable to spray the branches of the tree from a spray bottle from time to time. This should be done a few hours before turning on the electric Christmas decorations.

Important! When choosing garlands for the New Year tree, buy those equipped LED bulbs new sample. They will not dry out the tree much during operation and it will last longer.