Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house. Pump to increase water pressure in an apartment or private house Water supercharger

Water booster pumps are an integral part of water supply systems. Such installations are necessary for buildings with no centralized water supply, or when the level of water pressure in the water supply is insufficient for normal operation household appliances.

Boost pumps are often used for individual or centralized systems heating. Increased hot water pressure improves the quality of heating systems.

1 Device and scope

The booster pump for water supply is a strong monoblock design, the main elements of which are a pump and a motor. For the manufacture of parts of the flow part and the working body, which are constantly in contact with water, durable anti-corrosion materials are used - cast iron, brass or stainless steel.

The working part body is open only on one side. A front suction bell is located above the pump shaft. The feed bell is placed on top of the shaft.

Models with a hydraulic accumulator or membrane tank are more productive for water supply with a constant lack of the required pressure. Diaphragm tank accumulates a supply of water, depending on the volume. When you turn on the taps or household appliances, such as boilers, washing machines and dishwashers, this stock is used first.

Thus, the local main is provided with the required starting amount of water. As it is used, the pump fills the tank.

Boost pumps and pumping stations are used:

  • to increase pressure and transport water in a home or industrial building;
  • in main pipelines, at waterworks;
  • to increase pressure in a production plant;
  • for transporting liquid to fire protection or cooling systems.

1.1 Types of boosting units

Depending on the control method, pumps for increasing water pressure are:

  • automatic;
  • manual.

The operation of manual pumps is controlled by the operator. Turning on and off is forced.

Automatically controlled units are equipped with water flow sensors. They are triggered when the tap is opened and ensure that the installation is turned on. After closing the tap and stopping the flow, the sensor turns off the pump.

Depending on the technical characteristics and operating conditions, the following types of pumps are distinguished:

  • surface centrifugal;
  • jet-centrifugal;
  • vortex.

The principle of operation of surface-centrifugal pumps is as follows: a working impeller is installed on the rotating drive shaft, opposite it there is a suction pipe, which is located at the bottom of the pump housing. The task of the impeller is to create a radial movement of water from the center to the periphery. Hydraulic losses at the same time minimal.

Radial blades are located inside the impeller, which, when water moves, convert mechanical energy into pressure and flow acceleration. After leaving the impeller, the water is directed into a spiral, with the help of which it enters a conical diffuser. There, kinetic energy is converted into pressure energy.

Jet centrifugal pumps are a type of centrifugal pump. An ejector is installed inside the housing, which provides a self-suction effect. Part of the liquid pumped by the pump enters the discharge pipe. The part that remains is recirculated using an ejector, which is connected to the suction chamber. Recirculation creates a vacuum inside the suction chamber, which promotes self-suction of water.

There are types of pumps in which the suction chamber with the ejector is placed in a separate block and connected to the pump by two pipes. The block can be lowered into the well.

Vortex pumps have radial blades at the periphery of the impeller. They transfer mechanical energy to the pumped water. Thanks to the design of the blades, they provide radial recirculation of water that enters the pump. Vanes and double channels are located on both sides of the impeller. Water is recirculated between them.

Numerous blades facilitate the transfer of energy, which leads to a gradual increase in water pressure. As a result of this work, the output flow is uniform, with high pressure.

1.2 Features and benefits

To reduce noise levels, most household models have a rotating rotor placed directly in the pumped liquid. Such designs are called models with wet rotor.

All boosters are small in size, so they can be easily placed on the pipe. Easily used in private houses and apartments.

Despite the fact that pumps slightly increase the pressure in heating and water supply systems, even such a minimal increase in pressure improves the circulation of coolant in the batteries and ensures the normal operation of boilers, washing machines and dishwashers.

The liquid with which boosters work can have a temperature ranging from 10 to 100 degrees. The air temperature should be below 40 degrees.

Pumps for increasing water pressure have a number of advantages:

1.3 Efficiency of use

The cause of low water pressure is not only clogged filters and overgrown pipes. Often low pressure is the result of large water intake at a certain time. If apartment buildings Since it is quite easy to cope with such a problem, then for private construction, autonomous water supply systems are simply irreplaceable.

The design of a pumping unit, which includes a storage tank, will eliminate the problems of general water intake. Systems using surface and submersible pumps have many advantages.

During the installation of such equipment on the highway, often with excellent performance indicators there is no operational efficiency.

This happens because when installing a booster, the water pressure does not increase, since water is drawn from different points. As a result, the amount of water supplied to the pump will constantly decrease. Especially if the neighbors below also installed a pump to increase the water. As a result of a lack of water, the pump begins to work at its maximum. This leads to premature wear of parts and reduced service life.

To achieve operating efficiency and increase pressure, it is recommended to install storage tanks in parallel.

2 How to choose the right pump to increase water pressure?

When purchasing equipment, to select the optimal model, you need to pay attention to its capabilities.

Main selection criteria:

  • operating temperature;
  • power;
  • noise during operation;
  • method of connection to the water supply;
  • pressure;
  • throughput.

To maximize the operating time of the unit, it is necessary to avoid operating it at maximum permissible temperatures.

If you need to slightly increase the water pressure over a short distance, you do not need to buy a very powerful mechanism. A motor with high power consumes more electricity. It is more profitable to purchase a less powerful model that can easily cope with this task.

The method of connection to the water supply also plays a big role, because the blower is usually connected secretly so as not to spoil the interior.

For indoors small sizes The noise level is very important. When installing equipment in a basement or other enclosed space, noise during operation does not play a special role.

One of the most important selection criteria is maximum pressure. Power is not always an indicator of high pressure. There are models with low energy consumption that can create high pressure.

A direct indicator of the speed of filling the required capacity is throughput. Measured in cubic meters per hour.

3 How to install a booster pump?

For efficient work unit, you need to connect it correctly. When installed on a common pipeline, the pressure will increase on all branches of the pipeline at home. Since the pipe area is large, the pressure created by the blower in the separated sections of the pipeline will be less.

As a result, the pump operates at full capacity, and the efficiency of such work remains insignificant. Especially if water is taken from several points at once. Installing a unit with higher power will not be beneficial in terms of power consumption and noise during operation.

Suitable and budget option The installation will be installed on a pipeline in front of the consumer. For which constant maintenance of the required pressure is important. With this installation, the pressure on other lines will not change.

Sometimes it is better to install several units with low power at once the right areas pipeline than installing one powerful one for the entire pipeline.

In each individual case, the length of the pipes, their cross-section, and pressure level are measured. This allows you to determine the maximum parameters.

Installation of the equipment is not difficult:

  1. First, make sure that there is an outlet at the location chosen for installation.
  2. Next, markings are made at the cutting points.
  3. The water supply is shut off and the remaining water is drained from the pipeline.
  4. The pipe is cut and the external thread is installed.
  5. Adapters are screwed on.
  6. The fittings are screwed in.
  7. Using a three-wire cable, the unit is connected to the panel. In this case, an individual machine is installed.
  8. The tightness of the joints is checked.

After this, a test test is carried out. The first start of the pump is carried out only after water circulation has resumed. If the inspection is carried out by specialists, an inspection report for booster pumps is drawn up.

Thus, this equipment can eliminate low water pressure. But for maximum efficiency, you should choose the right model and take into account all its characteristics during installation. To monitor the technical condition of the unit, it is also very important to install it in an easily accessible place.


It often happens that, getting up in the morning and going to the washbasin, we find, instead of a good, powerful stream of water from the tap, only a thin, barely oozing stream. It takes a lot of time to fill a kettle or coffee pot, and performing ordinary hygiene procedures turns into torture. Not to mention that many household appliances, such as a washing machine, simply will not work in such conditions. The problem is serious, but it can be solved by installing a pump that increases the pressure. However, first you need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Standards for water supply parameters

Requirements for water supply network parameters in apartment building set out in SNiP 2.04.02-84. According to this document, the water pressure value at the entrance to the apartment must be at least 0.3 atmospheres and no more than 6.0 atmospheres. Conventionally, 1 atmosphere can be considered equal to the pressure created by a water column 10 meters high.

When entering the building, the pressure must be no less than 1.0 atm and no more than 6.0 atm. For buildings with a height of more than one floor, the pressure should increase by 0.4 atm for each floor.

It is easy to calculate that if the number of floors is more than twelve, these requirements will not be met. To ensure normal pressure in the upper floors, for example, on the sixteenth, at the entrance to the house it must be equal to:

1.0 atm + 0.4 atm*16 fl. = 7.4 atm

This value is higher than the maximum permissible established by SNiP. To comply with all standards, multi-storey buildings use pumps that increase pressure. They are installed in technical rooms houses immediately after the water supply entry point. Such pumps pump up the water entering the building and deliver it to the upper floors, providing the required water pressure.

Often, booster pumps for water supply are used in buildings with more than five floors. In such cases, it is more often necessary to use them for injection cold water, since the pressure in the pipeline with hot water supported by pumps installed in boiler rooms.

Often, even in buildings with a small number of storeys or in multi-storey buildings With booster pumps, the water pressure in the apartment is insufficient. The reasons for this can be very different.

Owners of private houses also often face the problem of insufficient pressure in the system autonomous water supply. In this case, it is also necessary to find out the cause and install the appropriate equipment.

Reasons for low pressure

There can be many reasons for unsatisfactory pressure:

  • clogged filters for rough mechanical water purification installed at the entrance to the living space;
  • underestimation of the calculated diameter of pipes or its reduction due to the build-up of deposits on the internal walls;
  • presence of defects or malfunctions of shut-off valves at the entrance to the house or apartment;
  • the presence of faults in the main water supply and loss of pressure due to leaks;
  • non-compliance of water supply with standards due to the fault of the water supply organization, which usually services the pipelines.

In most cases, you should first eliminate the root cause, and then think about purchasing a pump to increase the pressure.

Clogged filters are detected by disassembling and inspecting the filter element. Typically, this is a brass mesh rolled into a cylinder shape. It may be clogged with large pieces of rust and scale that got into the pipeline during repairs. The mesh must be washed and replaced.

In high-rise buildings

Underestimating the diameter of the main pipeline is possible when several more large consumers that were not taken into account during the design are connected to the existing water supply network. This can happen, for example, if several apartments on the lower floors are converted into non-residential premises used as hairdressers, laundries, and SPA salons. Water consumption in such premises, especially during the daytime, can increase many times over.

Sediments can accumulate on the walls of pipes due to poor preparation of water for domestic needs. Water that is too hard, that is, containing a lot of calcium, releases this element when heated and it, especially in a hot pipeline, is deposited on the walls of the pipes. In both cases, if the diameter of the pipes is insufficient, their replacement is necessary.

If there are faults in the pipelines, they must be eliminated, and then the parameters of the water supply system must be checked again.

The dishonesty of the water supplier can be identified if all previous causes have been eliminated and the pressure in the water supply has not increased. To do this, you need to monitor the pressure throughout the day in all rooms. It often happens that suppliers turn off some of the electric pumps that are supposed to increase pressure at night or in the middle of the working day. At this time, water consumption in urban residential areas decreases, and such a shutdown helps save energy for the organization, significantly reducing its operating costs.

In a private house

In a private house with autonomous system water supply is a little different. As a rule, water is supplied either by a deep-well pump from a well or by a pumping station with a centrifugal vane pump from a well. In the event of a drop in pressure, it is necessary to check the productivity of the well, the serviceability of the pump, and at the pumping station you also need to check the condition of the hydraulic accumulator, which is responsible for maintaining the operating pressure.

Often, a deep-well pump in an autonomous water supply system is designed for high performance. Its task is to lift as much water as possible from the lower horizon. The depth of the water can be 120-140 m, and such a pump may no longer cope with the rise of water to the upper floors of the cottage. In this case, it is also necessary to connect a pump to the system to increase the pressure.

Which pump to install

To pump up water pressure you can use various options equipment. If you are going to install a pump to increase water pressure in an apartment, then the choice should be based not only on performance and other functional characteristics. The level of noise emitted by the unit during operation is also important. In a private home, you cannot always rely on this indicator, since it is possible to install equipment to increase pressure in various utility rooms.

The pump performance should take into account the number of people living in the house. The calculation may be based on housing and communal services standards, which require the use of 200 liters of cold water and 100 liters of hot water per person per day. Of course, such a flow rate is unlikely to be in demand, but a pump with better characteristics than required during operation will work much longer, and the increase in price will be insignificant.

When choosing pumps to increase water pressure in a private house with several floors, you must take into account the possibility of creating the pressure necessary to lift water to the upper floors.

Control method

Depending on the control method, pressure booster pumps can be manual or automatic.

Hand pumps are turned on for the time required to supply water and then turned off. Such options are used to fill storage containers. Similar water supply schemes are also used in private homes. The inconvenience is that the operation of the pump must be monitored and turned off in time to prevent unnecessary waste of water or running dry.

Booster pumps, equipped with special sensors and controllers, can be turned on and off depending on the conditions created by operating modes. Automation, based on the readings of pressure sensors, will determine when a vacuum appears in the water supply and turn on the pump. If all shut-off equipment is closed and the pressure reaches the control value, the pump will turn off. The automation will also protect the pump from running dry if the water supply to it suddenly stops.

Design differences

The operating principle of pressure boosting units also differs. They can be circulating, which are included directly in the pipeline, or they can be suction - lifting water and directing it into the main line.

Pumps circulation type They are used primarily to increase pressure in the heating system, but with some tolerances they can also be used to increase pressure in the water supply system.

Installation of such pumps is carried out in pipeline breaks, and they, using a rotary impeller, accelerate running water. Such pumps are very quiet, but their performance is low.

Centrifugal pumps can be used to lift more water to greater heights and also to increase pressure. The working body in them is the impeller, which is installed in a housing that looks like a snail. Experts call it that among themselves. Water entering through the central hole of the volute is accelerated by a rotating impeller and thrown out under the influence of centrifugal force through a side hole, entering the pipeline.

Suction pump operation diagram

The operation of the suction pump is based on creating a vacuum in the intake pipe. Such pumps can lift water from wells and shallow wells. When assembled together with a hydraulic accumulator, such a pump can turn into a full-fledged pumping station, which is capable of lifting water several tens of meters.

Vacuum is created when the pump impeller rotates. Depending on its design and engine power, the suction depth can vary, but rarely exceeds 8 meters.

The horizontal distance from the pump to the well also affects the suction depth.

To correctly take this characteristic into account when choosing equipment, you must use the formula:

where H is the maximum possible suction depth,

L – distance from the pump to the water intake,

h – height difference between the pump installation location and the water level.

The h value can increase or decrease depending on weather conditions or time of year. When calculating, you need to take into account the lowest position of the water in the well and take the maximum value of h in the formula.

Features of pumping stations

To organize an autonomous water supply for a private home, it is advisable to use pumping stations. According to their design and principle of operation, they can be submersible or suction. The first ones are installed in a well and are intended for water supply to houses with permanent residence people. The latter can be dismantled if they are not used for a reason seasonal residence in houses. Depending on the chosen scheme, pumping stations may differ in design and equipment.

For schemes using storage water pumping container will do simplest submersible pump, which can be turned on and off manually, especially with a large tank volume. You can improve the design of the pumping station by installing in the tank float sensors water level. The advantages of this scheme are that it makes it possible to use the water supply even when there is no power to the electric pump for some reason. If the storage capacity is large enough, then you can survive significant outages.

Pay attention! Pumping stations with hydraulic accumulators are more often used. These are metal two-volume tanks in which the cavities are separated by an elastic membrane.

Gas is pumped into one cavity, creating pressure in the pipeline as it is compressed. Water from a source is pumped into another cavity by a pump. The design of the hydraulic accumulator has a pressure sensor that turns off the pump when the maximum calculated value is reached, and turns it on when the pressure drops when the collapsible fittings open in the pipeline. This ensures automation of the water supply process.

The capacity of the hydraulic accumulator is selected based on the volume of water consumed. The size of the tank determines how even the pressure will be when using the water supply, how often the pump will turn on, and how much pressure reserve in the accumulator will be sufficient if the power to the pump is suddenly turned off.

Hydraulic accumulators can be used to create pumping stations with both submersible and suction pumps. When using the latter, it is advisable to equip the station check valve, which is installed at the end of the suction hose.

Power selection

The power of the pressure boosting pump must be selected based on the conditions in which it will have to operate and the requirements for parameters and characteristics. The pump must provide comfortable conditions for the implementation of hygiene procedures, as well as for the operation of household appliances that require water supply with certain parameters.

For normal operation of the shower, a pressure of 1 atm is usually sufficient, which must be provided on the top floor of the building. For washing or dishwasher higher pressure is needed. To determine which pressure boosting unit to install at the water supply inlet, you must carefully study the technical documentation of all available devices.

Pay attention! Having chosen a pump based on pressure and performance, you must make sure that the existing electrical network is suitable for operation.

Pump installation

Installation should be in a location where regular maintenance is possible. It should be noted that many booster pumps make noise during operation. If there is utility rooms, well isolated from residential areas, there will be no problems, but if the boost pump is installed in small apartment, careful consideration must be given to deciding where to mount this unit.

In some cases, the option of installing inside a closing door slightly reduces noise. kitchen table. Even better results can be achieved if you use a gasket made of foam rubber installed between the pump and the base.

When connecting to a pipeline, it is necessary to provide the possibility quick dismantling during repair or replacement in case of breakdown. To do this, you must use detachable fittings.

Famous models

The most common manufacturers of pumps for increasing pressure and pressure are traditionally Grundfos, Jeelex, Wilo.

One of the best pumps can safely be called Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N). This device, consuming only 120 W of electricity, is capable of raising water by 8 meters at a minimum pressure of 0.2 atm, while providing a flow rate of up to 1.5 m³/h. The pump is very quiet, the noise level is only 35 dB. Service life up to 10 years.

For users who are more demanding in terms of performance, we can recommend the Wilo PB-201EA model. This pump is capable of delivering a capacity of 3.3 m³/h, lifting water to a height of up to 15 meters. Noise level during operation: 41 dB. Service life up to 10 years.

One of the most powerful units Jeelex Jambo 70/50 N-50 N is a suction pumping station to raise water. Provides a flow rate of 4.2 m³/h with a lift height of up to 50 meters and a suction depth of up to 9 meters. Power consumption of the electric pump is 1.1 kW. The device is equipped with a 50-liter hydraulic accumulator.

The problem of lack of pressure in an autonomous water supply system is not uncommon. This often happens from incorrectly selected equipment with mandatory storage tank at the top point - in this case, water flows by gravity. The system is suitable for a dacha, however, for meeting the needs of a residential building it is absolutely not rational. The pressure is not enough even for hygiene needs, not to mention the amount of equipment that requires water. In such a case, experts recommend a booster pump for the water supply system, which increases the pressure in the system.

Types of booster pumps - which one to choose

The device is a unit designed to be inserted into a system to increase the existing pressure. The parameter range is from 1 to 3 atm. The classification of these products is as follows:

  • Cooling type. Dry and wet rotor. The first unit is highly efficient, but noisy. The second is ineffective for numerous needs, but is quite acceptable in country gardening - watering, summer shower, bathhouse
  • Switching method. Automatic and manual mode. Naturally, the first option is preferable. It is equipped with a flow sensor that monitors the operation of the device. In manual mode, you will have to monitor the heating of the pump. There are also combined models that allow, first of all, to save energy during short-term switching on.
  • Installation. Horizontal, vertical, in any plane. The one whose position is suitable for the water supply section is selected.
  • Speed. Multistage models allow you to smoothly increase the pressure in the network.
  • Construction type. Compact In-lines work on any section of the water supply system, but are low-power, which will affect productivity. Vortex models are noisy and require special piping, but at the same time they provide the proper level of comfortable use of the water supply.
  • Material of manufacture. Traditional cast iron and stainless steel. The first is fragile, sensitive to water hammer and temperature changes if the pump is also used for hot water. The second one is not cheap. The material of the impeller also matters - plastic is suitable for seasonal dacha needs, bronze and brass are suitable for residential use.

Based on the classification, a choice is made. As a rule, compact built-in units with low productivity and one speed are purchased for dachas. A residential building requires something significant.


Almost always, the specifications listed in the owner's manual indicate the maximum value. To determine the actual parameters, the values ​​are divided by one and a half, two times. Then they make a choice in favor of one or another unit.


  • Maximum working pressure . Actually, this is what the unit is bought for. For a dacha, 2 bar is enough. A residential building often requires more than 3 bar, but since the pumping equipment of a residential building is more powerful than a country house, this value is enough.
  • Maximum feed. More the better. Measured in l/minute or cubic. m/hour. For watering or a summer shower, an acceptable figure of 1.8 cubic meters. m/hour. For the needs of the home, the parameter is carefully calculated.
  • Maximum head. Regarding the well, the main work will be done by deep equipment, but it remains to bring the resource to the house, and they are often two floors. Therefore, the total height from the ground floor is taken into account.
  • Electrical network. Pumping equipment requires an uninterrupted source of electricity. If your home network is replete with frequent interruptions, it makes sense to think about purchasing additional equipment, stabilizing the work.
  • Flow amount. The parameter indicates that the equipment will operate after the pressure drops by a specified amount. Lower values ​​will indicate a better model - the pump will begin to replenish the loss with minimal water withdrawal.
  • Maximum and rated power. The meaning of the parameter is clear - the higher the indicators, the better pressure the booster pump will provide.
  • Water temperature. The range from 2 to 100 C characterizes the model as universal, suitable for a residential building. Cold water supply is more often required at seasonal dachas - a summer shower is provided electric water heater or a collector.
  • Diameters of inlet-outlet holes. It is important to know in advance the area where the unit is connected, then it will be easier to select identical values. Otherwise, flanges are used during installation.

A booster pump that best suits its technical characteristics to the object and water source - considered reliable. The model and manufacturer matter for the choice. Let's see what they offer:

Top 5 booster pumps for home and garden

The Russian market is able to provide consumers with a wide selection of pumping equipment. Among the models there are budget ones and those designed for high demands. The following have gained popularity:

Booster pump Termica TL PI (Aquatic)

The cost is 3,700 rubles, which is not a burden for dacha owners. The model is powered from a 220V home network. Maximum pressure 10 m, medium temperature can rise to 60 C. Consumption 1.5 cubic meters. m/hour allows you to provide all dacha needs.

Boost pump Jemix

In addition to the dacha, it is used for apartment networks. This is especially important for owners whose meters are located above the fourth floor. Standard power supply, but an uninterruptible power supply is required - if we are talking about an apartment. maximum temperature – 110 C, pressure 18 m. Price – 5600 rubles.

Grundfos booster pump

Leaders in pumping equipment. The price of 13 thousand rubles is most likely due to the brand, since some characteristics are inferior to inexpensive analogues - pressure 9 m, flow rate - 1.8 cubic meters. m/hour. The model uses cast iron and stainless steel, which makes the pump durable. The warranty is essential - 2 years.

Boost pump E.SYBOX

Italian manufacturer of pumping equipment for private residential buildings, cottages, production. Naturally, the characteristics are high: productivity is up to 5 cubic meters. m/hour, pressure – 50 m. Lower carrier temperature – 40 C. Average cost – from 35 thousand rubles.

The pump for your own needs is selected carefully. There is no point in overpaying for functions that will not be in demand at the dacha. For a house or apartment, on the contrary, a more powerful unit is required, otherwise what is the point of a running pump if it is not able to squeeze out the required amount of water?

Where to install a booster pump in the water supply system

To begin with, an installation diagram is thought out depending on the number of equipment and water collection points. As a rule, the pump is installed in front of household appliances or a boiler. For trouble-free use of water in bathrooms, the installation location will be behind the storage tank. The pump cannot operate without a bypass - a bypass line. The unit serves to increase the existing pressure, and does not completely replace the circulation pump.

Connection is easy:

  • The water pipe is dismantled at the insertion point.
  • The booster pump is installed using flange or coupling connections, naturally, using a seal - rubber rings, fum tape and other things.
  • A bypass with a ball valve is welded on the same line.

The purchase and installation of a booster pump for the water supply will ensure stabilization of the water pressure in the system. Over time, old underwater pipelines (connections) lose capacity and no longer provide residential buildings with acceptable water pressure.

This makes it impossible to use several points of consumption at the same time. Installation of the device will ensure the functioning of household water appliances, creating conditions for acceptable living.

Application and installation of a water pump for pumping water to the central water supply

A booster pump is used when it is necessary to increase the pressure in an existing water supply connected to the central water supply. It creates sufficient pressure in front of the water collection points.

Such devices are also used for industrial purposes in the form of large backup installations that work to mitigate situations associated with accidents.

The main parameter of the water supply system is the degree of water pressure in the system. Acceptable pressure in the pipe will allow the entire water supply system to operate. European standards prescribe its value to be 4-4.5 atmospheres. Lower pressure will not ensure the operation of a washing machine, dishwasher, hydromassage shower, jacuzzi, or gas water heater.

For stable water pressure, designs operating in two modes are used:

  • manual mode, which involves the operation of a constantly switched on pump;
  • automatic mode, which ensures the operation of the pump using a water flow sensor. Such products are preferable. They are protected in the absence of water mode.

Pumps for pumping water are installed in apartments, private houses, country houses, and cottages. The main condition for their reliable and proper operation– skillful connection of electrical and water systems according to the attached instructions.

Read also our article about and methods.

Old apartment buildings require pipe replacement. It would be the best option to increase pressure in apartments. But this process is long, labor-intensive, and therefore unpromising. Some residents solve the problem with water pressure by installing pipes smaller diameter, but this measure is expensive and not always effective. Installing a booster pump with a storage tank in the water supply system eliminates the problem.

There is a wide range of different devices available, according to design features water supply in apartments. The industry produces products installed on a hot water riser. Such designs allow you to change the pressure in the pump using adjusting screws.

Some types of devices increase pressure when the hot water tap is opened directly. They are applicable when using household appliances: showers and water heaters.

If there is insufficient water pressure in the house, minimal diagnostics are carried out, including checking the serviceability of shut-off valves (taps, valves), the passage of risers, and the presence of household contamination of pipes. Having confirmed that there is insufficient pressure in neighboring apartments, it becomes necessary to purchase a pumping station for the entire house.

A pumping station is a type of water booster pump that has a hydraulic tank or accumulator. They are installed between the water supply and the water source, generating pressure in plumbing system. If one is installed in the house, but the water pressure in the apartments is not sufficient, it is replaced with a more powerful one. Sometimes it is enough to replace the accumulator or pump, or adjust the pressure using a pressure switch that monitors the operation of the accumulator and pump.

Operating principle of a water pump

The principle of operation of any booster pump for water supply is that the equipment system increases the pressure in the water supply network depending on the pressure available in the water circuit.

Advantage individual system heating in a private house or apartment lies in the short distance of passage of the coolant from the heating source to the battery. Forced circulation involves the presence of a pump pumping water through heating elements: batteries, registers, pipes.

The pump is installed on the return water supply pipe, first draining the coolant or turning off the existing taps on the pipeline. Correct installation The pump will be indicated by an arrow, the direction of which coincides with the direction of movement of the coolant. After installing the coarse filter and the pump itself, the system is filled with water, removing air by opening the central screw. The unit is connected to the network using a regular electrical plug.

The booster pump is installed strictly in a horizontal position. It will not only contribute to its quiet operation, but will also prevent damage to the rotor.

Pay attention to the installation of the pump terminal box, preventing water or condensation from entering it. It is strictly prohibited to operate the unit in the absence of coolant in the system. The pump, equipped with a thermostat, is installed away from water heaters that can affect the operation of the thermostat.

At large sizes indoor water consumption increases significantly. Installing one pump may not fully provide the required pressure. In such cases, several pieces of equipment are installed.

How to choose a booster pump for a private home

When choosing a product, we evaluate the condition of the plumbing system. The choice of unit of the required power depends on this.

When choosing and purchasing a pump for pumping water, you must take into account its main characteristics:

  • performance;
  • power;
  • performance;
  • size;
  • warranty period;
  • price.

The units differ in technical characteristics and method of cooling the engine and housing. Products with “wet” and “dry” rotors are purchased.

The cooling process of devices of the first type is carried out by the liquid itself. They are silent in operation, but are demanding on the quality of pumped water, requiring constant and timely maintenance.

The motor housing of units with a dry rotor is cooled using an impeller. They are practical and reliable, although a little noisy. This type of pump is in great demand when purchasing.

Some booster pumps are made with a fixed pressure rise value, other models may have several operating modes, are made with several sensors, control units, and have the ability to connect to a control panel.

Pressure boosting stations are purchased when there is no water in the taps. Availability good pressure water from the neighbors below, indicates that it does not reach your riser.

Review of manufacturers of pumps that increase pressure in water supply systems

  1. High power products and high quality offered by the company
    TAIFUN. A wide range of products can satisfy the most sophisticated buyer.
  2. Danish pumps
    GRUNDFOS They are small in size and quiet in operation. They are manufactured with two types of housings: stainless and cast iron. The products are reliable and have a long service life.
  3. Products of the German concern
    WILO have gained fame due to the high quality of their products. The concern's branches are located in many countries around the world. The functional parameters of the manufactured units allow them to be used both in private houses and apartments. The products are resistant to corrosion and have a high protection class.

Cost calculation

Sheets for calculating the cost of the device are processed by employees who offer goods that best meet the customer’s conditions.

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You can find out how installation is done by watching the video:

Installing a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply ensures uninterrupted operation of all gas and water appliances and provides the opportunity to use water in bathrooms, Jacuzzis, and showers at any time of the day. The downside is the problem of space in the apartment when installing a hydraulic accumulator. You need to remember this nuance when installing a tank of 200-300 liters.

A drop in water pressure in the pipeline inevitably leads to the fact that any instantaneous water heaters, including geysers stop working like washing machines without a storage tank. If there is no hot water in your apartment, even taking a shower can be difficult. Correct selection and installing a special pump eliminates this problem.

Why do you need a pump to increase water pressure?

The water supply system is represented by many pipes interconnected by a large number of taps, tees, elbows and other elements. The presence of a large number of pipe bends helps to reduce pressure, and with increased water consumption by the population and subject to the presence of outdated pumping equipment at water supply stations, the situation can become catastrophic.

It is from these factors that the upper floors are often apartment buildings remain completely without water during hours when its consumption increases everywhere. If the pressure in the water supply system drops to less than 2 atmospheres, a special pump must be installed to correct the situation.

At the same time, it must be taken into account that in some cases such equipment can only partially improve the situation, and sometimes cannot eliminate the problem at all. For example, if low pressure is the result of a clogged pipe or a rupture, it is not possible to solve this problem by installing a pump. The situation in such cases can only be corrected by cleaning the pipes and replacing them if necessary.

Since the water pump will later be used at home, many factors must be taken into account. The first thing you should pay attention to is the power of the device. This is the defining parameter. When choosing a pump, you need to take into account the number of taps and equipment that use water during operation. Often, only powerful devices can meet the needs of the residents of an apartment or house.

Existing models of water pumps also differ in the type of control. Some are manual, while others are automatic. By increasing the water pressure, any electric pump will create a certain level of noise. This may create some discomfort for residents. When choosing a unit, you must pay attention to this parameter, since many modern models They work almost silently.

In addition, compact models can only be connected to pipes of a certain diameter. Some devices are designed exclusively for cold water supply, while others can be used to increase the pressure in the hot water supply system.

When choosing a pump, you need to consider how much it can raise the water level. This parameter is especially important when choosing a pumping station designed to increase pressure in several apartments of a multi-story building at once.

To buy a quality device, you need to pay attention to the performance of the device. This parameter determines how much liquid the pump can pump per unit of time. Productivity values ​​must necessarily exceed the average water flow.

Some water pressure compressors have additional features, for example, a built-in filter. In addition, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer, since devices from companies that have already earned a good reputation, in most cases, are durable.

Types of designs of household pumps

All pumps used to increase pressure in the water supply system of houses, apartments and cottages can be divided into devices with a “wet” and “dry” rotor. Each option has its own characteristics. Pumps used to increase water pressure in pipes with a “wet” rotor are compact in size and make little noise during operation, since their internal parts are lubricated by the pumped liquid.

Such devices have a simple connection diagram. In most cases, they simply cut into the water pipe and work like flow pump. Such pumps are installed in front of the water intake point or in front of household appliances.

Water compressors with a dry rotor have higher performance. Such devices are used in most cases to service several water intake points. Distinctive feature All water pumps with a “dry” rotor is the location of the main electric pump away from the main body and the presence of a separate air cooling system. The rotor does not interact with water.

The best wet rotor pumps

Since there are many types of pumps with a “wet” rotor on the market, selecting such a device can present some difficulty for people who do not understand such equipment. To the very the best models water pumps with a “dry” rotor include Grundfos UPA 15-90 (N).

This device is equipped with a reinforced cast iron housing, a terminal box and a flow sensor. Work can be carried out both automatically and manually. The advantages of this device include:

  • high build quality;
  • overheat protection;
  • low noise level;
  • resistance to corrosion and wear;
  • durability;
  • compactness.

The disadvantages of this model include high cost and expensive post-warranty repairs.

In addition, experts often recommend a German-made wet rotor pump - Wilo PB-201EA. This device has a reliable cast iron body with a special coating, bronze pipes, a plastic wheel and a shaft with stainless steel. This pump has an operating mode switch. The advantages of such devices include:

  • use of corrosion-resistant materials;
  • low noise level;
  • possibility of pumping hot water;
  • overheat protection;
  • ease of installation;
  • long service life.

The disadvantages of this device include its relatively large dimensions. In addition, such a pump can only be mounted horizontally.

High-quality models of pumps with a “dry” rotor

In some cases, it is advisable to use pumps with a dry rotor. The best and at the same time inexpensive devices of this type include Jemix W15GR-15 A.

This device has a durable cast iron body, but the motor shell is made of aluminum, and the rotating wheel is made of durable plastic. Using a switch, you can configure such a pump to operate in both manual and automatic mode. The advantages of this model include:

  • high performance characteristics;
  • ability to withstand high water temperatures;
  • overheat protection;
  • dry running fuse;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • relatively low price.

The obvious disadvantages of this model include the possibility of heating during operation. In addition, this device is very noisy. The service life of this unit is relatively short.

Among other things, noteworthy models of pressure boosting pumps that feature a dry rotor include the Comfort X15GR-15. This model is equipped with a stainless steel housing, flow switch and paddle cooler. This unit operates in both manual and automatic modes. The advantages of this pump include:

  • small dimensions;
  • low power consumption;
  • Possibility of use for pumping water at high temperatures;
  • ease of operation and installation;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • relatively low price.

It should be taken into account that this device makes a lot of noise during operation. In addition, many users note that the power cord of this pump is short, so it is often necessary to use a carrying case.

Pumping stations to increase water pressure

Pumping stations deserve special attention. Good reviews has Grundfos model MQ3-35. This is one of the best pumping stations designed to increase water pressure. She has automatic control. This device is equipped with an electric motor, a self-priming pump, and a hydraulic accumulator. Such a pumping station is controlled by automatic system, equipped with a pressure switch, a protective block and a flow sensor. The advantages of this device include:

  • reliability of design;
  • wear resistance;
  • built-in protection system;
  • ease of installation;
  • low noise levels;
  • durability.

Please note that this unit is only suitable for pumping cold water. In addition, in this model the hydraulic accumulator is small in size.

The Gilex “Jumbo” 70/50 N-50 N device has good performance. This model has a built-in asynchronous motor, ejector, centrifugal pump, horizontal accumulator, pressure gauge, pressure switch. The device has good power and performance. The advantages of this model include: