Our work on painting walls in children's rooms. Painting the walls in the nursery: tips and recommendations for decorating the room Painting the walls for the children's living room

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Painting walls in a children's room is great way“animate” the baby’s personal space and make it more interesting. Wall drawings can be either really complex or very simple in execution. It is better to entrust large-scale works to a professional, but images that are not too large, detailed and multi-colored can be drawn with your own hands. The main thing here is to choose the appropriate design, materials and follow some rules of technology.

For those who are in the process of searching for ideas or tips on how to paint the walls of a nursery with their own hands, we have prepared a selection of inspiring photo examples and a small master class.

Ideas for beginners

If drawing is not your thing, then here are some options for painting a children's room you might like:

  1. A drawing that can be drawn using a ready-made or homemade stencil. Using a stencil, you can carefully draw a sketch or apply an image to the wall by painting the stencil cutouts.

This method is very simple, but you can come up with so many things with it different ideas, both for boys' and girls' rooms. Here are a few of them.

Decorating a wall using stencil technology involves the following steps:

Step 1. Mark the wall with a pencil and mark out the stencil locations using a construction or laser level.

Step 2. Secure the stencil with masking tape or glue the finished template if it is self-adhesive.

  • How to make a stencil: find it on the Internet and print out a picture, transfer its contours to lavsan film or thick paper and cut out the corresponding holes with a stationery knife.

Step 3. First apply one layer of paint and let it dry, then the second. You can apply the paint tightly at once, but the drawing will be more accurate if you work in stages. If you are painting with a brush, apply the paint in a circular motion. Periodically, excess paint should be wiped off with a foam sponge. If desired, the resulting drawing can be complicated - add volume to it or draw details.

Step 4. Give our drawing 24 hours to dry. Once the paint is dry, cover the picture. protective varnish, which will make it moisture resistant.

  1. Simple freehand drawing

A graphic or low-color, small and not too detailed design can be drawn by hand. We’ll tell you how to do this with your own hands below in the master class. In the meantime, we suggest you take a look at following photos painted walls in the interiors of children's boys and girls - maybe you and the owner of the room will like some ideas.

Ideas for lovers

It’s great if you have some drawing skills, then you can draw with your own hands not only cute characters and animals, but also a whole plot, for example, as in this photo selection of interiors with painted walls.

It is especially worth highlighting the theme of trees, which is fertile for creativity - they are not difficult to draw, but you can come up with so many interesting details! For example, these could be birds or fairies sitting on branches, beautiful leaves or flowers, squirrels or butterflies.

Ideas for the pros

If you have conceived the design of a wall on a grandiose scale, which only a real artist can implement, or you yourself are such a professional, then we bring to your attention examples of more complex works.

Here is a photo of artistic painting in the interiors of girls’ children’s rooms.

Photos of wall paintings in the interiors of boys' rooms

Master class on painting walls in a children's room with your own hands

Stage 1. Preparation - choose a design, buy paints, prepare the wall

So, first you need to choose a wall to paint, come up with a drawing or composition, taking into account the arrangement of furniture, sockets, lamps, etc., and also based on, of course, the desires of the child, your drawing skills and color design interior It’s better to think through several painting options at once and draw several sketches. The picture you and the owner of the room like should be printed in color, then you will understand what colors of paint you need to buy.

Shopping list:

  • For painting walls in a children's room, acrylic paints are best suited. water based, and to fix and protect the design - matte varnish, also water-based.
  • You also need to buy and prepare: synthetic brushes, a roller, a palette, masking tape, a pencil, a ruler, a laser or construction level, and a stepladder if necessary.

At this stage it is important to ensure that the wall is dry and clean.

  • To make drawing easier, the colors were bright and the drawing lasted longer, before you start painting, the wall can be treated with an acrylic primer.

Stage 2. Transfer the sketch to the wall

Now it's time to draw a sketch of the future picture on the wall. This stage is not very difficult, but important. This can be done by hand, using stencils (purchased or homemade) or using a projector as shown in the photo below.

Here is another way to transfer a sketch to the wall: on whatman paper, a piece of wallpaper or craft paper, draw a sketch with a pencil or chalk, then place cardboard or carpet under it and, using a pin or copy wheel, draw all the contours of the drawing. Next, glue the paper to the wall and draw your sketch with a pencil so that all its lines remain on the “canvas”.

Stage 3. Coloring and painting

  • First, practice using loose strokes on paper. This should be done relaxed, holding the brush at a certain angle.
  • Long lines, like the stem of a flower, need to be applied in one smooth and sweeping motion.
  • To make the line thicker, you just need to press the brush a little harder.
  • To draw round and rounded details, just apply gentle pressure and rotate the brush, and then paint over the resulting outline.
  • It is more correct to paint “from the general to the specific.”

Once all the local spots are painted over, you can start drawing the details. And one more piece of advice - don’t be afraid to make a mistake, because most mistakes can be corrected, and handmade wall painting does not require such perfect lines from the artist.

Stage 4. Cover the drawing with varnish

Hurray, almost ready. We give the paint a couple of hours to dry (sometimes it takes longer depending on what kind of paint you used) and cover the entire composition with matte varnish, so that in the future you can wipe the walls with a damp cloth, and the paint will not fade from sunlight.

In this video you can watch a short story about painting a children's room in the program “Housing Issue”.

Dear friends, we are pleased to welcome you to the page of our website dedicated to artistic wall painting in the children's room.

Art painting professionally, quickly and inexpensively! We will help you create an interesting and unique interior for a children's room.

We have been doing interior painting for over 15 years. We have many completed works, each work brings us joy and value in its own way.

But work related to children's themes brings us special pleasure. Each such work contains elements that make you smile and evoke warm memories.

We use only environmentally friendly materials. All paints have certificates.

A wide range of colors, from bright saturated to muted pastels. The paint is UV resistant and does not fade over time. Our experts will help you choose colors based on pantones not only for the picture, but also for the general background, in combination with wallpaper or other coverings.

Beautiful and original drawings will surprise not only children, but also parents. Lots of stories. Sketches for FREE!

Guarantee for work performed. Special wear-resistant, durable paint that can be wiped with a damp cloth. Even if a child draws on top, it can be washed off.

We will make the children's room a source of pride for your child!

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Painting on the wall in a little girl's room. Cottage community "Domodedovo Town".

Our clients received an apartment in a new building and immediately began renovations. When it came time to decorate the children's room, they came up with the idea of ​​putting a drawing on the wall. Julia, that was the name of our customer, came to our website in search of performers. She liked our work so much that she immediately called us and we agreed to meet...

We can easily help make a child's room original and fun with the help of artistic painting. The interior will be transformed beyond recognition. The room will have its own unique flavor and your child will be proud to bring his friends to visit.

Our company has been engaged in artistic painting for many years. We paint children's rooms, creating an incredible atmosphere of joy and fun. Our specialists will help you choose suitable option for your child's room. Together we will select a theme, style and picture for painting. Your baby will become a direct participant in the process. IN game form The child will be able to show all his imagination. Experts listen to children's opinions. This allows you to truly create unique painting. In such a room, the child will feel as if he is in his own little world.

Limitless variety of artistic painting

Specialists can bring any idea to life. Thanks to the original artistic painting, the interior of the children's room will become brighter and more energetic.

You can choose any plot to your taste:

  • Fairy tale theme;
  • Cartoon characters;
  • Animal world.

For maximum effect artistic painting can capture not only the walls, but also the ceiling. This solution looks incredibly beautiful and interesting.

Against the background of the painting you can find a place for the child’s name. baby with early years will see himself in bright colors. This will help your child grow up to be more self-confident.

Painting for study and relaxation

The child spends most of his free time in his room. He does his homework, plays, sleeps. Therefore, it is important to create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere for all occasions. The interior should be both bright and calm at the same time. However, the most important thing is that the child likes the room. It is necessary that the interior has a positive effect on the baby, causing him only positive emotions.

Our company’s specialists advise dividing the children’s room into functional zones:

  • For games;
  • For study;
  • For sleep.

Subject to certain rules it will be possible to create the necessary environment in each individual zone. The place where the child will rest and sleep should first of all be soothing and relaxing. Flashy colors are not allowed here. A great option is to depict a starry sky on the ceiling. The play area should be the brightest spot in the room. Rich colors will help fill this part of the room with a special mood.

Another important point- artistic painting should be combined with the interior of the children's room. To achieve such harmony, you can also order painted furniture.

Children grow up very quickly. They are like sponges absorbing everything that surrounds them. From an early age, artistic painting will help instill in children a love of beauty. You can choose any plot depending on the age of the child. Order artistic painting for a children's room in our company.

Art painting of a children's room to order in Moscow and the Moscow region. Call us, we will always be happy to answer any of your questions!

Painting walls in a children's room is a bold and bright solution for those who do not want to limit the child's imagination and imagination to four boring walls. This interesting design element gives the children's personal space an individual look and originality. Let's find out how you can unusually decorate the walls in a room where a little connoisseur of beauty will live.

Wall painting means decorating one or more walls with large-scale drawings. It does not matter whether the wall is hand-decorated or not. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for applying an image to the wall.

Wallpaper for coloring

These unusual coloring pages in rolls, made of thick coated paper, will allow the child to decorate his room on his own - you just need to color the contour images with finger paints, colored pencils or felt-tip pens. This creative way of self-expression will appeal to all children, without exception. For very young artists unusual wallpaper They will help you legally develop fine motor skills of your fingers through drawing, and older children will be given the opportunity to develop their imagination and constantly experiment.

If you decide to decorate a room with such wallpaper, stick it only on bottom part walls so that the child can easily reach any image. In addition, colored wallpaper glued to the entire surface of the wall makes the room too colorful. Upper part It is better to decorate the walls with light, plain wallpaper.

Photo wallpaper for children's rooms

Some readers, whose memory still retains the idea of ​​Soviet-style photo wallpapers, most likely arched a skeptical eyebrow, vividly recalling the unbearably boring and faded landscapes. Modern photo wallpapers can be compared to unusual dynamic posters, the beauty of which sometimes takes your breath away. Now not only photos, but also drawings and computer graphics are transferred to photo wallpapers. In a word, this not new element of decor today has carved out its niche among interior design solutions. Thanks to new technologies, bright and durable colors, a large number designs and textures, photo wallpapers are appropriate in the room of any, even the most picky child.

There are countless options for decorating a wall or part of it with photo wallpaper. With a colorful image you can decorate the wall near the child’s bed or opposite it, fill the gap between the closet and the table, and decorate the upper or, conversely, lower part of the wall. The subjects of photo wallpapers can only be limited by the customer’s imagination.

Well-chosen photo wallpapers are a logical continuation of the main theme of the interior. For example, in the elegant room of a little princess, an image of a fairy-tale castle just begs to be hung on the wall, and the “lair” of a sea pirate will be harmoniously decorated with photo wallpaper in the form of an old map or a majestic schooner under sail. You can invite their favorite cartoon characters into your kids’ rooms.

These wallpapers are very convenient to use: they can be glued not only to the wall, but also to the ceiling or furniture of a child’s room. The use of modern photo wallpapers will not bring much difficulty, since they are created with maximum consideration for the needs of parents. For example, there are photo wallpapers with a dense washable surface and anti-marker photo wallpapers that a young experimenter cannot spoil.

When choosing photo wallpaper for a nursery, you can duplicate its plot in the small details of the room in order to maintain consistency and completeness of the interior. For example, the floral theme of photo wallpaper can be safely continued on pillows.

Vinyl stickers

This is another convenient and easy way to transform the plain walls of a children's room. Funny pictures in the form of vinyl stickers will always cheer up your child. A vinyl sticker is a thin elastic film that you can stick to any smooth surface yourself.

The undoubted advantage of decorating a children's room in this way is that old vinyl stickers can be easily peeled off and new ones can be placed in their place. This is especially true for children - their interests and preferences, as a rule, change very quickly. Sometimes vinyl stickers come to the rescue when you need to hide the traces of a little mischief - stains, felt-tip pens on the wallpaper, etc.

We offer you a training video that will tell you how to properly glue vinyl sticker to Wall:

Chalk wall

Decorating a wall in a children's room based on functionality school board The idea is far from innovative, but still attracts many parents and children. You can make an improvised canvas for drawing with chalk yourself by using special paint to decorate a school board. Such dried paint cannot be scratched, and chalk can be cleaned with an ordinary damp cloth - just like at school.

Some mothers and fathers are afraid that a black wall will visually darken and make the overall bright image of the children's room heavier. This will not happen if the solution is correctly implemented and skillfully introduced into the interior of the room. For example, you can awaken your creative thinking and draw trees, houses, birds, or a month with stars on the board by hand. One has only to complement the picture with a couple of garlands and LED lamps, and your baby will find himself in an interesting fantasy world. In addition, the stories on the board can be easily changed in accordance with holidays or significant events in the family.

Artistic painting of a children's room

An ideal option for parents who want to make their child’s room unique and unforgettable is painting. If in the design of your baby’s personal space you want to bring the room to high degree artistry and originality, then, of course, nothing more beautiful than a real wall painting can be imagined.

There are two ways to decorate a room - invite a master to do the work or plunge into creativity yourself. There is nothing difficult or impossible in decorating a child’s room yourself with drawings on the walls. Do not think that painting for children can only be done by a specialist. In fact, it doesn’t matter to children how professionally the fairy tale on the walls of their little world is executed - the flight of thought and imagination of little people is higher and freer than that of adults. By decorating the walls of the nursery with kind and bright drawings yourself, you will not only become an authority for your child, but will also receive enormous pleasure and satisfaction from the work done. To get used to the brush and, as they say, get better at it, experiment first on whatman paper.

Interesting nuances of painting a children's room with your own hands

With the help of a drawing, you can turn a child’s room into an impromptu magical world: to do this, it’s enough to “settle” your loved ones on the walls of the room fairy tale characters or cartoon characters against the backdrop of a castle or a mysterious forest. Just take into account that the child spends a lot of time in this room: doing homework, sleeping, relaxing, playing with friends. As you can see, the painted wall should not absorb too much of his attention - it is too tiring. The image should be devoid of bright, flashy and too contrasting colors. It is better to give preference to light blue, pink, peach and light green shades for the background and richer colors for details.

Beware of the predominance of gray, dark brown and other gloomy colors in the design. Firstly, a dark range of colors will frighten and suppress the child on a subconscious level, and secondly, it blocks the creativity of a small personality. Kind fictional characters from fairy tales for children contribute to the development of a child’s imagination preschool age Stories with letters and numbers are relevant.

When growing children reach a period of gender separation, it also makes certain adjustments to the specifics of wall paintings. Girls identify themselves with good fairies and princesses.

And boys love cars and transforming robots.

Teenagers will be interested in graffiti or anime style images.

The painting of a children's room for a girl should reflect the little princess's craving for beauty. Use juicy “cozy” colors: carrot, apricot, apple, lemon shades. Think about what your daughter is interested in, and then transfer her hobbies to the walls! Wall painting in a children's room for boys most often gravitates towards blue and all its shades. Subject to moderate use of the palette of blue color a feeling of security and serenity will reign in your son’s room.

Always consider your child's interests and preferences. In the question of what drawing will appear on the nursery wall, the last word should always be his. Also be prepared for the fact that an artistic wall painting that your son or daughter likes so much now may not suit the grown-up child in a few years - then the image will need to be removed completely or replaced with another.

Necessary materials for wall painting

Before you start decorating the wall in the nursery, check if you have all the tools, materials and equipment at hand:

  • putty – starting and finishing;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • ladder;
  • ruler and simple pencil;
  • a set of brushes with natural bristles;
  • set of rollers;
  • paints for painting walls (acrylic);
  • water container.

Preparing walls for painting

  1. Dirt, dust and remnants of the old coating are something of which not a trace should remain. Wash thoroughly work surface walls from everything unnecessary.
  2. Now carefully inspect the wall, noting all the cracks and irregularities. Use gypsum putty to get rid of any defects found.
  3. Sand the putty areas sandpaper. The wall for painting must be perfectly flat.
  4. Finally, coat the wall with a layer of finishing putty and sand it again.

Let's start painting the walls

  1. Draw a pencil sketch of the future image on the wall, focusing on the sketch.
  2. Glue construction tape to the borders of the picture.
  3. Stir the acrylic paint well before dipping your brush into it. The most suitable consistency of the material for painting a wall resembles liquid sour cream. The thickened mass must be diluted. To do this, use a small amount of water or a special paste for diluting the paint. First of all, start painting the background, then start designing large details, and then move on to drawing small elements.
  4. Wait until the paint is completely dry, then open the image with varnish. If desired, you can choose a matte or glossy fixer. This layer also needs to be dried well.
  5. Finally, use a dry brush to polish your piece.

Nuances to consider

  1. Other types of paints cannot be added to acrylic-based paint.
  2. Optimal temperature for drying acrylic paint should not be less than 10 0 C.
  3. To sketch an image, it is best to use a simple hard-soft pencil with medium visibility.
  4. As a rule, more white paint is used than was predetermined from the very beginning. In addition, you can mix white paint with paints of other colors, resulting in calmer shades.
  5. To easily transfer a sketch of a drawing from a sketch to the working surface of the wall, divide the images into squares. To do this, draw a grid on the sketch sheet, and then, taking into account the proportions, duplicate the same one on the wall. Then, one by one, copy the image of each cell of the sketch in the cells applied to the wall.

What paintings will create a magical atmosphere in a children's room? We invite you to admire the painting of children's rooms in the photo:

We hope that this colorful selection will inspire you to get creative! It is not at all necessary to try to reproduce one of the plots listed above - imagine with your child, and very soon your nursery will acquire an individual and unique character.

Wall decoration in a children's room. Video

Parents need to literally “fall into childhood” in order to create a good, calm environment in the children's room. Whether the child goes to kindergarten or school, what his favorite fairy tales or comics are - these are the main questions that parents need to answer before starting with a brush and a palette of paints on the nursery. When painting walls, you need to show imagination and kindness, because no one wants a high-security vacation. Therefore, it is never too late to look at the world through the eyes of a child when decorating his room.

Parents who draw on the wall in the children's room or invite an artist to paint the walls - brave people. The child will grow up and make new demands. We must keep this in mind when crossing the threshold of a child’s room. If there are two or more children, and there is only one nursery, you need to take into account the wishes and age of everyone, discuss all the PROS and CONS. Therefore, you need to be a designer at heart and not be afraid of change. In a children's room, paintings will not last forever; the complexity of the plots will grow with the child.

The first key question is: who is the artist?

If the baby is under 6 years old, this question disappears: of course, parents. If a preschooler has sufficiently developed fine motor skills, then you can give him the role of a young artist. There are several options for helping your child become Tube, the artist of the Flower City from “The Adventures of Dunno.” Jokes aside, this is how you can raise a real master.

  • Stencils will help your child in his first important task. From the existing selection of stencils for a child’s creativity, a reusable self-adhesive flexible stencil is suitable. It will be more convenient to purchase a ready-made one; you can start with A4 format. Let it be a fragment of a painting, but made by your child’s hands.
  • There is the most easy way introduce your child to art: cover the room with wallpaper on which the contours of the picture have already been applied. The child will be able to choose the colors of his drawing without worrying about the shape. Coloring will develop fine motor skills more than creative imagination, but will practically eliminate the risk of damaging the wall.
  • If you want to give your child complete creative freedom, modern decorative wall coverings will come to your aid. Tikkurila, MagPaint, Magnetico and other leading paint manufacturers have recently released new products.

Magnetic paint

Contains iron particles and allows you to attach drawings and notes to the wall without making holes in the surface. It can be applied to part of the wall in the nursery and decorated with children's drawings.

Chalkboard paint

Creates a coating on which you can draw with crayons. The nursery will turn into an excellent starting point for school: instead of a boring blackboard, the child will be able to paint the walls, erase and draw again.

The new paints have a latex water-soluble base, which is safe to use. If your child is actively preparing for school, you should give him one a feasible task paint a wall in your room. If the toddler is still small and only paints diapers, the parents will have to dare.

When the artist is dad and mom

Of course, some families have the opportunity to invite Nikas Safronov or Sergei Andriyaka to paint the walls in the nursery for their dear child. At the same time, you must keep in mind that not a single most venerable artist will draw with such warmth and dedication as you yourself in your baby’s room. In painting walls with your own hands, as elsewhere, there is an easy way and more difficult methods.

The simplest thing is to cover the children's room with ready-made contour wallpaper with your favorite designs, and paint them yourself. The medium-difficult way is to use stencils.

These methods are for those who can say to themselves: “I’m not an artist, I’m just learning.” For people with an artistic education, there is the traditional, most difficult way of creating sketches and applying them to the wall.

Hobbyists first need to study the question: which stencils are more suitable: flexible or rigid, reusable or disposable, self-adhesive or glueless. Are you ready to make your own stencils or buy ready-made ones? Do you want stencils with special effects (volume stencil, or glow effect)?

Having answered these questions, you need to create list of materials that may be needed:

  • A4 paper, copy paper;
  • material for the base (hard cardboard for a disposable stencil or a plastic folder for a reusable and moisture-resistant one);
  • different types of tape: masking and transparent;
  • scissors and a special knife for stencils (sold in craft stores and construction hypermarkets);
  • acrylic paints (spray or liquid);
  • for special effects: decorative plaster(volumetric stencil);
  • to protect the painting: matte transparent varnish. Synthetic brushes and brushes with foam sponges;
  • computer and printer;
  • protective backing for the stencil from scratches on the table.

Having prepared the material base for work, you need to answer the following question: are you ready to repeat Michelangelo’s feat and paint the ceiling in the nursery? The fact is that child psychologists unanimously claim that to strengthen the psyche and improve a child’s vision in a child’s room, it is most useful to paint the ceiling. Meanwhile, when painting a ceiling, an artist’s neck may become stiff and his back and eye muscles may ache. You'll have to draw with your head up and your eyesight strained. However, the effect is worth it: both girls and boys like, when falling asleep, to see the starry twinkling sky or light, welcoming clouds on the ceiling.

Painting on the ceiling can help young patients fall asleep in the hospital, and during quiet time in kindergarten. Sleep is better than any medicine, but the dull white ceilings in government institutions for children once again prove: no one will try harder for your child than you yourself.

So, let’s turn on our cute fantasy and come up with funny scenes for painting walls or ceilings in a nursery:

  • if you don’t want to make differences in painting according to the principle familiar from diapers: blue ribbon for boys, pink for girls, you can paint the room with geometric patterns;
  • the word “impossible” applies not only to naughty children, but also to the rules for painting a child’s room. I found a recommendation on one design website: create an underwater or underground world for your child with your own hands. Images of waterfalls and sea expanses can strain and unnecessarily excite children’s nerves. Predatory, aggressive animals and characters of the underworld, especially negative ones, (God forbid) will also harm the child. You can’t traumatize a child’s psyche!
  • “Heavenly” motifs are suitable for children of both sexes: stars or clouds in the painting on the ceiling, beautiful snowflakes or 2-3 rain clouds will add a feeling of ozone in the room;
  • characters from your favorite fairy tales that bring positivity. It is less preferable to draw cartoon characters: a child may suddenly stop loving the cartoon;
  • if a girl is a lover of the Barbie house, and a boy is a young engineer, and pores over Lego, then ideas for a children's room can suggest their hobbies. Painted racing cars or fairies, Batman with dinosaurs or ballerinas will immediately indicate who lives here;
  • floral motifs are suitable for girls and are universal;
  • If you want to draw a giraffe in the nursery, you need to remember: Senka and the hat. That is, if the space allows, you can depict the entire fauna in the nursery South Africa. If not, then take a smaller topic: hedgehogs, butterflies and raccoons from domestic cartoons;
  • the nursery can be turned into class. You can use chalkboard paint to paint part of the wall for children’s art, and paint the rest of the walls with letters of the alphabet, arithmetic examples to learn to read and count, starting from the cradle. This technique is learning using the subconscious.

A painting on a wall in a nursery can occupy the entire wall, or a character from a fairy tale will occupy only a fragment of it, rules for painting in a nursery remain unchanged:

  • the picture should bring positivity into the child’s life;
  • the picture on the wall should be multi-colored, in warm colors. For a girl, pastel and muted colors are more suitable, for a boy, brighter ones;
  • painting in a nursery is a dynamic process, and we must remember that “childhood will end someday.” A teenager can make drawings in the room with his own hands on the topic of musical hobbies, fashion trends, etc.
  • a child is an open book, and the drawing should sow reasonable, kind, eternal things for the baby. Experiments and fashion trends It is better to leave it for painting in the living room or hall.

Good luck to everyone!

From the first days of life, the child begins to actively absorb information about the world around him at the visual and auditory level. Everything he sees and hears has an effect strong influence on the emerging psyche. Therefore, the color setting in the room is extremely important not only for an adult, but also for a baby. Plain wallpaper or painting are design options that are hard to come up with anything more boring. Another thing is painting the walls in the nursery, which you can do yourself by studying a detailed master class.

Having decided to paint a room, the first thing you should do is decide on the composition that will be placed on the wall. In this matter, you need to rely on the child’s age, gender and personal preferences (if any have already been expressed).

There are several rules that should be followed when decorating a nursery:

  • Simple interior in pastel colors - perfect option for a child up to three years old. In a bright and cozy stop, the baby will always be calm, and flashy colors may not have the best effect on him. in the best possible way. Drawings should also be simple, large and recognizable: geometric shapes, animals, flowers, trees.
  • The use of complex images is acceptable for decorating a child’s room from three to ten years old. Usually at this age children already have their own preferences, so their favorite ones can “settle” on the walls fairy-tale heroes or a cartoon scene. Only the playing area should be decorated with bright colors.

Adolescence is the most difficult period in the life of every child. Therefore, you should not be surprised if he expresses a desire to decorate his room in a non-standard way. You don’t need to agree to everything that is proposed, but you need to listen and understand it.

To decorate a teenager’s room, dark or “screaming” colors are acceptable. Unusual abstract compositions will add style and originality to the interior: combinations of stripes and spirals, figures, blots, etc. If a teenager is interested in painting, he can be entrusted with painting the walls himself. The child will definitely like such a trusting gesture from the parents.

Decorating the walls in the nursery: deciding on the color

The strong influence of flowers on the human psyche has been known since ancient times. Therefore, when decorating a room, this issue should be approached especially seriously, based on children's characteristics and preferences.

Each color can influence a child in its own way:

  • The white shade relaxes and liberates. Such the color will suit shy and introverted teenager. However, it is important not to overdo it: the feeling of sterility further constrains a person.
  • Yellow color promotes the development of intelligence and increases attention. The option will do for finishing working area teenager Sleeping area can be decorated with any shades of green.
  • Blue color inspires and develops creativity. However, too much of it can lead to depression, so you should use such shades wisely.

Red and orange walls excite nervous system. Therefore, decorating a nursery in such colors is not recommended. The child will not be able to fully rest and relax.

An ideal option for a girl's room would be bright hues: beige, cream, soft pink. They will make the room truly cozy and pleasant.

How to paint a wall in a room: from classic painting to slate

The modern construction market offers a varied selection of paints for decorating a room, so choosing the desired shade is not difficult. However, in addition to the usual painting, there are other options for how to decorate the walls in a room.

Among the design methods are:

  • Wallpaper with the outlines of the picture on it. The child not only gets the opportunity to decorate the room with his favorite colors, but also develops imagination along with fine motor skills.
  • Stencils. Additional tool for painting walls to help those who cannot draw.
  • Slate paint. Modern way decoration, allowing a creative child to show his talent without harm to decoration and furniture. Thanks to this paint, a special coating is created on the wall, on which you can endlessly draw with chalk.

It is worth noting that these finishing options are suitable for any room. And even an adult will enjoy coloring wallpapers: there are coverings with beautiful, intricate designs that can decorate any bedroom.

If you are not sure about own strength, you can turn to a professional artist for help. However, it should be remembered that handmade is expensive. You need to choose a trusted person who has a high-quality portfolio: only in this case will decorating the walls be successful.

Paintings for a children's room on the wall: choosing paint

Having decided on the image and how to apply it to the wall, you can begin choosing paint. We are talking about decorating a nursery, so the composition must be completely safe for health. You can paint the room with acrylic or latex paints that meet this requirement.

Alkyd-based compositions cannot be used to decorate a room. Such paints emit toxic substances that can provoke serious allergic reactions in a child.

Artistic painting of walls with latex will cost more than painting with acrylic. However, high operational properties reimburse the cost of the composition. Latex paints more resistant to mechanical damage and moisture, are not affected ultraviolet rays. And matte compositions can hide small cracks on the walls.

DIY wall painting: master class for a beginner

You can decorate a children's room without even knowing how to draw. Special stencils will help with this difficult task. Thanks to this tool, even a beginner in working with paints will be able to turn a room into a real masterpiece.

The stencil performs two functions:

  • Helps to draw a sketch of a future painting;
  • Serves as a tool for carefully painting over the finished image.

Stencil painting consists of several stages. First, the location of the tool must be marked with a pencil. Then secure the stencil with tape.

The paint is applied in two layers, making the decor look neater. The circular technique is used when using a brush. We paint small details with a thin tool, not forgetting to remove excess paint with a sponge.

After finishing the work, the drawing should dry within 24 hours. Then the image can be coated with varnish, which will give it water-repellent properties.

Wall painting in kindergarten: design features of the institution

The environment in kindergarten greatly influences the child’s desire to attend. Therefore, if the child likes the design of the premises in the institution, he will go there with pleasure and interest.

The walls in the kindergarten are painted taking into account some features:

  • It is advisable to use a fairy-tale theme in the interior, which promotes the development of imagination in children;
  • The color of the walls must be combined with the floor and furniture (the use of contrasting tones is unacceptable);
  • When placing a bedroom and a place for games in the same room, it is necessary to resort to zoning (highlight the recreation area in pastel colors, and the entertainment area in bright colors).

Painted walls in a kindergarten should not be dark green or blue. White and black colors should also not be used. Children quickly get bored with monochromatic, boring rooms: they become lethargic and capricious.

If full painting is not possible, the kindergarten premises should be decorated with ordinary crafts in the form of stars, flowers, and various figures. Or implement any other ideas. Bright wall elements will make the room interesting and attractive for kids.

Drawings for a children's room: decorating the ceiling

The interior will not seem complete if beautiful paintings are placed only on the walls. The ceiling should also be painted, taking into account the child's preferences. Girls most often dream of the vault of heaven; It is typical for a boy to desire to have a mysterious space above his head. However, the two ideas are easily compatible.

The ceiling can be decorated by drawing a sky with clouds, which will visually increase the space of the room. After the paint has dried, various cosmic “things” should be depicted with a light-accumulating composition: stars, satellites, the Milky Way. These drawings will only be visible at night.

When decorating a room, you should remember that the painted walls should echo the image on the ceiling. Only in this case will the interior look original and harmonious.

Examples of wall painting in a nursery (video review)

Painting walls in a nursery is a difficult task that requires careful preparation. There is no need to rush into decorating a room; first of all, you need to ask the owner’s opinion about what you are planning. Then consider the proposed options and study the technique of applying paint to the wall. In this way you can not only get original decor in the nursery, but also save a significant amount.