Is it possible to go to the gym with a hangover? How to combine alcohol and sports: Doctors and sports instructors answer

: Alcohol already has little health benefits, but many people don’t remember this until the hangover comes. There are ways - some are reliable, others are dubious. Those who at least once in their life had a hard morning after were probably ready to do anything to stop the pain: drink three liters of water, eat a can of pickles, take pills or, pardon the expression, get a hangover (all this is not recommended). There is a myth that a hangover will go away faster if you play sports: sweat a lot and remove alcohol from the body.

Trying to beat a hangover with exercise is popular. American chef and restaurateur Mario Batali tells People: “If you do a 45-minute workout after waking up and then drink beer, your hangover will go away. But you need to sweat a lot. Keep in mind, a hangover is a poison located in dehydrated parts of the body, it needs to be eliminated.” It’s not entirely clear what Batali means by dehydrated parts of the body, but let’s say right away: this method is dangerous to health. The desire to suppress a hangover with intoxication is understandable, but not laudable. When drinking alcohol, unmotivated anxiety associated with a decrease in dopamine levels in the brain does go away, but this method of improving well-being is potentially dangerous. Do not forget that, among other consequences of intoxication, such actions can lead to binge drinking.

Sports will also do more harm than good. This is confirmed by Dr. Damion Martins, a sports medicine physician from New Jersey: “You can’t sweat a hangover out. By trying to do this, you cause even more dehydration of the body, which is already damaged by alcohol, and this has a detrimental effect on your health.” A hangover is poisoning from under-oxidized breakdown products of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol breaks down in the body to acetaldehyde. As is known, the liver takes the brunt of this process; it is even believed that the rate of ethanol breakdown is approximately proportional to the mass of the liver. Residues are excreted through urine, breath and sweat. So when you sweat during exercise, toxic substances actually leave the body, and the more you sweat, the higher the concentration of toxic substances in your sweat. In this presentation, the theory about sports as a recipe for a hangover sounds quite plausible, but in practice, which we do not recommend, everything works differently.

You cause even greater dehydration of the body, which is already damaged by alcohol.

Alcohol and dehydration after drinking it can cause poor circulation, changes in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia. The cause of the latter is a lack of magnesium in the body. The fact is that the diuretic effect of alcohol leads to a frequent need to urinate, as a result of which the body loses potassium, magnesium, sodium, chlorine - the main electrolytes that ensure the maintenance of water and acid-base balance. Alcohol can remain in the blood even after a good night's sleep, so it is better to avoid alcohol at least a day before training. The effects of alcohol on the liver also result in a lack of oxygen, which makes it more difficult for the liver to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which goes directly to the muscles. When jogging with a hangover, the risk of muscle spasms, cramps, and sprains is higher. In addition, alcohol leads to an increase in the level of creatine kinase and lactate in the blood, which negatively affects the condition of internal organs and can cause increased painful sensations in the muscles. Another obvious factor not in favor of hangover training is the characteristic clumsiness and impaired coordination of movements - a direct path to unexpected injuries.

Some people exercise with a hangover not for the sake of a quick recovery, but simply because they are afraid of missing another workout. Perhaps classes in this format will not only not help you recover after drinking the night before, but will also not give a direct effect. Studies on laboratory rats have shown that alcohol reduces protein synthesis rates and, as a result, slows down the processes of muscle growth and recovery. Sports can only help in the fight against the habit of drinking excessively, although this is debatable: according to research, we are on days when we play sports. In general, with alcoholic beverages, as with sports, healthy relationships not easy. If, despite being unwell, you still really want to warm up, it is better to give preference to a short session of yoga or stretching under the strict guidance of a trainer, and postpone the ten-kilometer run and bench press until you are sober. And, most importantly, drink as much water as possible. Of course, The best way To avoid a hangover - drink less alcohol, but if you are already overtaken by the consequences of unbridled fun, respect yourself with peace.

Many athletes are interested in the question “is it possible to play sports with a hangover?” Today the number of people supporting healthy image life has increased significantly. Going to the pool, jogging, fitness and other disciplines help a person feel more harmonious and confident. However, sports hobbies sometimes manifest themselves quite fanatically.

There are situations when, after the last feast, the next morning a person faces symptoms of alcohol poisoning. How to be in this case? Is it worth going to training with a hangover or is it better to take a break from everything that day?

Can I exercise?

Of course, drinking alcohol occasionally and exercising regularly is better than not practicing sports discipline at all. Any balanced physical activity, be it light sports or weightlifting, has a positive effect on the human body.

With the right approach, classes:

  • strengthen muscles and joints;
  • help train the heart and blood vessels;
  • have a positive effect on the digestive system;
  • increase stress resistance;
  • normalize sleep quality;
  • improve recovery processes and metabolism.

A sports lifestyle is a powerful prevention of alcohol addiction, reduces cravings for alcohol, helping to get rid of bad habit. However, during physical activity If you have a hangover, you should still be careful. The heart muscle is already overloaded, so extra work may cause unpleasant consequences. IN best case scenario training won't do any good positive result.

Due to the effect of ethanol on the central nervous system, alcohol can dull the pain during exercise.

When hit ethyl alcohol growth in the body muscle mass comes down to zero. It has already been proven that a glass of wine can reduce the productivity of glycogen production in the muscular system by 20%. It is this substance that acts as an energy booster during sports activity. Therefore, drinking and alcohol are far from perfect combination.

During training, with alcohol intoxication, there is also a risk of not calculating your strength. This is due to the body’s inadequate response to stress. Alcohol poisoning is characterized by dizziness, high blood pressure (blood pressure), nausea, and problems with the vestibular system. Therefore, doing sports during a hangover can aggravate the condition.

However, in the question “is it possible to exercise the next morning with a hangover?” There is also positive news. Light exercise has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes in the body. A gentle workout will improve detoxification and speed up your metabolism.

A light jog lasting 20-30 minutes will increase blood circulation and help the kidneys remove the decomposition products of ethyl alcohol. A lighter version of the workout will improve intestinal function, as well as eliminate swelling and headache.

This option for getting rid of a hangover is not suitable for everyone. People over 40 need to be careful with alcohol intoxication. Even minor strength loads during a hangover can negatively affect the cardiovascular system. There is a risk of heart attack or stroke.

Why won't working out after alcohol give the desired results?

Since alcohol reduces protein production in the body, during intoxication the muscles are deprived of building material. Therefore, until the cells are cleared of harmful toxins, training will not be effective. The only thing that physical activity will help with is improving blood circulation and removing toxins from the body.

Exercises with alcohol intoxication often result in injuries. During this period, it is easy to miscalculate your strength and drop the projectile on your leg or injure someone nearby. While jogging, you can literally lose concentration for a second and fall.

The dangers of training and consequences

If you are confident in your abilities and still plan to devote time to classes, you should also know that:

When training with a hangover, there is a high probability of tissue ruptures, skin injuries, displacement of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, as well as fractures.

What can you do?

If you drank a little alcohol the night before, you can still speed up the recovery process with a light workout.

During alcohol poisoning you can:

  • do Pilates;
  • perform light jogging, excluding jumping and sudden movements;
  • do light stretching;
  • include elements in the “sitting” or “lying” position into the set of exercises;
  • do a light warm-up.

Also on this day you can add a walk to fresh air and water treatments that will help fight toxins and improve general state. You should pay attention to your diet in the next few days. It is recommended to exclude spicy, fatty, starchy and fried foods.

Ideal drinks for a hangover day:

  • kefir or yogurt;
  • still mineral water;
  • green and herbal teas;
  • homemade kvass;
  • Orange juice.

Food must contain healthy vitamins and minerals. You can stick to a vegetarian diet for 2-3 days, then add seafood and dietary meats.

Being drunk. This time FURFUR decided to go even further and find out whether it is possible to combine business with pleasure, namely alcohol and physical activity. Will alcoholic drinks help you break sports records, increase endurance and reduce fatigue? FURFUR decided to ask these and other questions to experts from the field of medicine and sports and give especially desperate drinkers some useful tips.

Alcohol, along with other psychotropic substances, has been and remains the main taboo for professional athletes. Why? The fact is that the mechanism of action of alcohol inevitably leads to such unpleasant symptoms as dehydration, decreased reaction speed and deterioration of coordination. Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, contained in alcoholic beverages is a potent substance that enters the blood within a minute after consumption. Red blood cells begin to clump together and, when they enter the brain, cause hypoxia, that is, oxygen starvation. It is the lack of oxygen in the brain that we perceive as a condition alcohol intoxication. However, after just a few hours, the euphoria gives way to extremely unpleasant symptoms, which, as practice shows, do not stop many desperate lovers of physical education.

Nevertheless, alcohol still has a place in professional sports. In the Shooting Federation, alcohol is a mandatory component of doping control. In small quantities it reduces hand tremors and is therefore sometimes used to improve shooting accuracy. In addition, there has long been controversy about recovery from running with the help of beer. But much more often you have to combine alcohol and sports activities in Everyday life. At least once in a drunken stupor, each of us has thought of doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, riding a bicycle, or simply running through the forest. This is understandable: alcohol will make even the frailest alcoholic feel like an almighty Hercules.

Igor Konstantinovich Nezhdanov

psychiatrist-narcologist, director
Marketing of Doctor Isaev Clinic

Theoretically, alcohol can be used as a doping agent in extreme sports where the athlete experiences extreme stress, such as skydiving. Alcohol acts as a tranquilizer, or, more simply, a sedative, and also increases the pain threshold. That is, a drunk person experiences less pain than a sober person. However, it is worth remembering that alcohol is not a stimulant, it does not increase endurance, and also has a depressant effect on the central nervous system.

In my opinion, there is no point in using alcohol in sports. There are other, more effective dopings. Alcohol in sports is, rather, an anti-doping drug; it does more harm than good. If a person decides to drink before training, then he must be prepared for the fact that during training he will be uncoordinated, overly relaxed, and the clarity of his reaction will decrease. Alcohol is a disruptive substance that no athlete in his right mind would use to improve his athletic performance.

For an athlete, the use of any psychotropic substance means relaxation only for a certain period of time, however, I repeat, this will entail depletion of the central nervous system. Athletes get satisfaction from the release of endorphins when sober. They don't need alcohol or other psychoactive substances to relax. Speaking about drinking in sports, we can only mention those professional athletes who have already reached the peak of their career and, having become unclaimed, begin to drink alcohol regularly.

Dmitry Vladimirovich Vashkin

psychiatrist-narcologist, organizer
healthcare, chief physician Marshak Clinics

It is a myth that alcohol can be a dope. It is believed that a glass of cognac increases the body's capabilities and muscle tone. Even if alcohol has a positive effect on the body, it is very short-lived. Alcohol briefly gives you the feeling that you can do anything. However, in reality this is just self-deception, and the person has to pay with a sharp loss of strength.

Alcohol, even in small quantities, depresses the central nervous system, since ethanol by its structure is a toxic substance for the body. Its breakdown entails impaired coordination, attention, and decreased activity of the muscular system. Muscle tone decreases - for example, when drunk, a person raises his arm more slowly than when sober.

If we talk about extreme sports, then all professional climbers, without exception, strictly observe prohibition. A change in altitude causes a decrease in pressure and a lack of oxygen in the brain. Therefore, there can be no talk of alcohol. Drinking alcohol will give you nothing but increased blood pressure, impaired perception and artificially induced hypoxia of brain cells.

Alcohol does raise the pain threshold. However, sports such as boxing or any other types of wrestling, which involve some kind of pain disorders, also imply clarity of movements and coordination. Therefore, there is simply no point in drinking alcohol. The fact that an athlete does not feel pain will not make him a winner of the competition.

Mikhail Valerievich Gulyaev

psychiatrist-narcologist at the clinic of Professor Gorbakov

Ethyl alcohol is involved in the metabolic process normally in every person. Previously, alcohol was used in small quantities for pain relief, disinfection, and restoration of the body. This approach is still common among doctors. In their opinion, 50 grams of strong alcohol are considered useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, maintaining vascular tone, and influencing cholesterol levels in the body. However, this opinion, in my opinion, is not entirely correct. In modern medicine there are a lot of other drugs of natural origin that are more effective and do not have unpleasant consequences in the form of alcohol intoxication.

Exceeding a certain dose of alcohol will inevitably lead to harm to the body. And no dose is acceptable in sports medicine. If a person begins to exercise after drinking alcoholic beverages, the effect of alcohol as a stimulant will immediately end. And the breakdown products of ethanol in the form of very bad substances will enter the muscles, which will cause their weakness. The effects of alcohol will wear off in seconds, so drinking it is simply pointless during physical activity. Alcohol will give the illusion of increased strength and vigor, but as soon as a person begins to move, the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol will have a detrimental effect on the body.

The sedative effect of a small acceptable dose of alcohol for healthy person middle age will last around four to five hours. A poisonous dose of alcohol is more than 40 grams of pure ethyl alcohol. That is, more than 100 milliliters of strong alcohol, 300 milliliters of wine drinks, 660 milliliters of beer. The situation with beer is more complicated, since it contains additives that are more addictive than traditional strong drinks like cognac or vodka.

Svetlana Belova

fitness instructor at the Don-Sport sports club

In the life of any professional athlete, sooner or later there occurs a stage during which he prepares for important competitions. And I believe that during this period of time you should under no circumstances drink alcohol. However, I allow it to be used a little after the preparatory period for relaxation purposes.

Alcohol is certainly not a doping. Doping is a substance that allows you to achieve improvement sports results, and alcohol, on the contrary, slows down many processes and negatively affects muscle strength. In addition, drinking alcohol before physical activity can simply be dangerous, as it leads to a lack of coordination. A person, even being sober, can harm himself in the gym or in the pool - accidentally drop dumbbells on his leg, tear ligaments, or choke on water. Imagine what could happen if he decides to work out while drunk.

Speaking about physical activity during a hangover, I recommend in such cases to abandon cardio training to avoid stress on the heart. The type and intensity of physical activity must be selected depending on the condition, and a fitness instructor will always help in this matter. Therefore, you should always notify your coach about what you drank the day before. But it’s better, of course, to come to Gym cheerful and sober.

So, to break sports records while drunk,
And without screwing up, you should adhere to very simple rules:

Alcohol acts as a sedative. Therefore, if you decide to skydive, you can afford a small dose of alcohol. However, this does not guarantee that your landing will be soft. This is where another property of ethanol comes in handy - increasing the pain threshold. The sedative effect of a small dose will last about four to five hours.

In order to still reach the finish line and not fall asleep in a puddle of your own vomit, you should avoid toxic doses of alcohol. A poisonous dose is more than 40 grams of pure ethyl alcohol, which is equivalent to 100 milliliters of strong alcohol, 300 milliliters of wine drinks, 660 milliliters of beer for an average middle-aged man.

The first and most important rule is don’t try to play sports under pressure. This is dangerous to health and life. After drinking 50 milliliters of strong alcohol, it will take about four hours for you to be ready for physical activity again.

If you have a hangover, you should first stop doing cardio exercises to avoid stress on your heart. The type and intensity of physical activity must be selected together with a fitness instructor.

Climbers and generally those who like to climb higher should abstain from alcohol. A change in altitude causes a decrease in pressure, which causes a lack of oxygen in the brain. Alcohol causes impaired perception and even greater hypoxia of brain cells.

Since alcohol increases the pain threshold, it is more advisable to drink it after wrestling rather than during. This will help dull the pain from injuries and wounds, if any.

Are running and alcohol compatible? Drunkenness existed under socialism, and it remains a significant problem in society today. Therefore, the authorities, the Ministry of Health, and sports committees order articles and books that talk about the dangers of alcohol. On this page we will forget about moralizing and talk frankly.

Drinks by group

Alcohol can be divided into three main groups:

  1. Beer.
  2. Guilt.
  3. Strong drinks (vodka, brandy, rum) and their derivatives.

In the article we will consider only the first and third groups: by the nature of the effect on the body runner.


In the Spanish city of Granada, scientists conducted a study on combining alcohol with sports training.

For this purpose, two groups of 25 volunteers each were taken. Some of them drank beer after training, others - water.

Experiments led by Professor M. Garzón showed that beer helps restore not only the amount of fluid in the body, but also water-salt balance.

Along with alcohol, beer contains a number of microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon. No wonder you can drink beer it's easier to quench your thirst in the hot season than drinking water.

In general, you can’t get drunk with distilled water, and guess why?

Strong alcohol

More extensive work compared to Garson was carried out by Dr. Matthew Barnes from the USA. In the second group, he replaced water with orange juice and gave whiskey instead of beer.

Athletes drank drinks after a certain amount of exercise on simulators.

A positive result was obtained only after the third experiment, when the dose for the next group was reduced to 35 g of whiskey. The athletes performed, they recovered quickly and blood pressure, they did not have any unpleasant sensations in the brain and muscles.

Pros and cons of alcohol

If a spoonful of valerian helps a patient stabilize his condition, why doesn’t he drink the whole bottle at once?
Right! Because you have to call ambulance due to complications after the medication. Even poison can be beneficial in small quantities!

But people people often forget about the dose when drinking alcoholic beverages.


Ethanol (the alcohol in alcoholic drinks) causes a number of negative processes in a runner:

  • Stimulates the production of myostatin, which leads to inhibition of muscle growth.
  • Suppresses carbohydrates and proteins for.
  • Reduces glycogen synthesis and its accumulation in muscles and liver.


Ethanol, after being absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), enters primarily into the muscles, providing them with energy.

Alcohol provides 7 kcal per gram. An hour-long run requires 380 kcal if you weigh 80 kg. If you consumed 50 g of alcohol (125 g of vodka or 3 bottles of beer), then this will cover almost all your energy needs for training.

But this is a theory. On practice You can't replenish energy this way, if you want to have .

The practice suggested below is suggested based on years of research by Dr. Jade Teta from North Carolina USA.

Alcohol before exercise

If you are 20–30 years old and have had to run after drinking alcohol, for example, trying to catch the bus, you can confirm that moving at such a moment was easier than usual.

True, this statement is suitable when the feast was short-lived. It's the snacks that make running harder.

Running after beer has approximately the same effect: you will cover your daily distance with pleasure. But be careful. The dose is important!

But you can drink 350 ml of beer or just 30 ml of vodka an hour before class. This amount of alcohol will not reduce your training or worsen your health.

Tonic while running

If you take a sip of beer while running, it won’t make you feel bad. After all, cycling masters not only drink liquids during long rides, but also consume certain foods. A glass of beer won't disrupt your running rhythm. But this must be done listening to your well-being.

Draining the bottle in one gulp will not work here. Watch your cat drink water. She takes a hundred small sips to empty the half-filled saucer. Do the same: stretch 200 ml of beer 10–20 times or the entire distance.

After classes

You can drink beer (0.5 l) after a run, or dry wine (200 ml), or vodka (50 ml), and also eat, but not earlier than an hour after physical activity.

Video. Alcohol and sports: compatible? Fitness theme

If you drink alcohol after a workout, you can trigger the accumulation of fat mass, as well as problems with metabolism and the functioning of the circulatory system. Let's take a closer look at the question of whether sports with a hangover can be beneficial or harmful.

Quite often you can come across claims that alcohol can have a positive effect on weight gain. However, drinking alcohol after training slows down recovery processes and also dehydrates muscle tissue. It is quite clear that this does not contribute to progress at all. It doesn’t matter whether you play sports professionally or not; drinking alcohol after exercise is absolutely inappropriate.

If you had an intense workout and then drank beer, the effectiveness of the training decreases sharply. We should not forget that alcohol significantly slows down the synthesis of protein compounds. Even minimal amounts of alcoholic beverages have an extremely negative effect on your body after training.

How does alcohol affect the body of athletes?

To understand how sports with a hangover can benefit or harm, it is necessary to consider the effect of this substance on the body of athletes:

  1. Coordination is impaired and reaction speed slows down. You must understand that these abilities largely determine the quality of the training. It doesn't matter what sport you play, it's best to avoid drinking alcohol.
  2. Alcohol significantly reduces endurance levels. Agree that the higher your endurance, the more intense and, as a result, effective the session will be. Alcoholic drinks reduce the rate of glycogen production, and you will not be able to exercise with sufficient intensity.
  3. The processes of creating adipose tissue are launched. Alcohol has a high rate energy value, and at the same time, alcohol does not contain the carbohydrate-protein component necessary for athletes. Thus, by drinking alcohol while losing weight, you nullify all your efforts.
  4. Alcoholic drinks disrupt sleep patterns, and it is at this time that the body recovers at maximum speed.
  5. Alcohol leads to fluid imbalance and dehydrates the body. This not only slows down muscle growth, but also increases the risk of blood clots.
  6. Alcohol negatively affects the functioning of the endocrine system, disrupting hormonal balance.
You probably already understand that exercise can be beneficial or harmful when you have a hangover.

Is it possible to drink alcohol after training?

We have already discussed the effect of alcohol on the body, it’s time to talk about the benefits or harms of sports with a hangover. The main goal of any workout is to force the muscles to work at maximum intensity. During exercise, the muscles experience severe tension, blood pressure rises, the respiratory system works at maximum load, since all tissues need a large amount of oxygen.

All this suggests that the heart muscle is forced to work with maximum load and pump a large number of blood. Being in this state and drinking alcohol, you force the body to experience enormous stress. The first organ that suffers significantly in this situation is the liver.

Under the influence of severe physical activity, the liver is forced to switch to an active mode of operation in order to neutralize a large number of toxins. If you also drink alcohol, the organ will have to destroy the alcohol as well. This requires a lot of water, which is also not enough due to fluid balance imbalance.

Here are a few drinks you can drink after exercise and reap the benefits:

  1. Green tea- this is an excellent tonic drink that can increase your vitality, speed up metabolic processes and has an immunostimulating effect. Scientists have proven that for two hours after training, the body’s protective capabilities are very limited and green tea can help cope with this problem.
  2. Mate- this type of tea also has tonic properties and can perfectly invigorate. It is also necessary to note the ability of mate to improve liver performance. Mate is also extremely useful for men, as it enhances sexual function.
  3. Mineral water- will help in short time restore water-salt balance in the body.
  4. Herbal teas- these drinks will help you restore fluid balance and strengthen the activity of the immune system.

When can you start exercising after drinking alcohol?

If you have an event coming up where you cannot do without drinking alcohol, we recommend postponing the training session for a couple of days. If you visit the gym immediately after drinking strong drinks, you will not get a positive effect. Also, the next morning after drinking alcohol, you should have a good breakfast.

It is very important to use foods rich in protein - cheese, meat or seafood - as a snack when drinking alcoholic drinks. Good decision You will also eat protein foods before going to bed. Speaking about the benefits or harm that sports can bring to a hangover, we recalled fluid imbalance. To avoid this unpleasant moment between alcohol, you should drink juice or fruit drink.

In any case, you should not get carried away with alcohol, even if you are not a professional athlete. According to scientists, the maximum dose of alcohol for athletes is two glasses of wine or 0.5 liters of beer. If you do not drink more than this dose, you can train even the next day after the holiday.

But after the training, it is best not to drink alcohol for at least a day, but not to violate the above norm. Here are a few interesting facts which will help you find out what benefits or harm can come from sports with a hangover:

  • If alcohol is consumed systematically, then training will not be effective.
  • A state of severe intoxication in its effect on the body is similar to a pause in training lasting one week.
  • When you have drunk little alcohol, you can assume that you have missed one lesson.
  • Alcoholic drinks cause disruption of sleep patterns, which sharply slows down the regenerative processes in muscle tissue.
  • Alcoholic drinks speed up the process of removing micronutrients from the body.
  • Under the influence of alcohol, the production of such a powerful anabolic hormone as somatotropin is reduced.
If you have not yet understood whether sports with a hangover are beneficial or harmful, then at least several days should pass between drinking alcohol and exercising. In this case, you will not be able to cause serious damage to the body. Although a glass of good wine, drunk a few hours after completing a workout, will not cause harm to your health and will not reduce the effectiveness of your workout, you should avoid alcoholic beverages.

Fitness and hangover

Surely everyone already understands the benefits or harm that sports can bring when you have a hangover. However, some people may assume that fitness does not involve as much physical exertion as, say, bodybuilding. However, in any case, conducting a cardio session with a hangover, you sharply reduce its effectiveness. In addition, due to decreased concentration and poor coordination of movements, you can fall off the treadmill and suffer serious injury.

No instructor will allow a person to train under his leadership if he drank alcohol the day before. The trainer will advise you to go home and rest. Unfortunately, sometimes a person is sure that with a hangover he is not able to feel tired, which is completely untrue.

The thing is that alcohol lowers the pain threshold, but in any case you will feel pain. Most often this happens after a few hours. If you have been drinking alcohol, then the only type of physical activity you can afford is walking at a calm pace.

We have come across information online that yoga will help you cope with hangover syndrome. However, this is not entirely true, because when performing complex asanas, you can lose your balance and get seriously injured. If you have the strength, then, as we said above, take a walk down the street. You should definitely avoid other types of physical activity. Let us remind you that training can be carried out no earlier than 30 hours after stopping drinking alcohol. According to scientists, this is the period of time required for the body to recover from negative impact alcohol

You need to accept the fact that sports are completely incompatible with alcohol. If you drink strong drinks rarely and in small doses, it will not do much harm. But when alcohol is taken, say, at least once a week, then after each such incident you can consider that you have missed one lesson.

For more information about the benefits and harms of sports with a hangover, watch the following video: