A woman dreams of... What do women desire? What do women dream about? Healthy attitude towards yourself

This article is dedicated especially to readers of the male half of humanity: What do women desire? What do women dream about? In this article we will touch on an important topic and try to finally figure it out: what do our lovely ladies want? I can assure you right away that we will not do this to the end for only two reasons: first reason- all women are different. What another person likes, a third may not like. The second reason - women are impossible to understand. From my own experience, I am convinced that they sometimes do not understand themselves. But these are our women and we accept them as they are!

What do women desire?

Most men make mistakes when they allow themselves to think that women are just like them. Consequently, their desires are the same. And what is such a man trying to do? He begins to satisfy her needs that are characteristic of himself - a man. But you need to know that women and men are absolutely different creatures. Women have completely different needs and desires. Women also make mistakes because they think exactly as we just described above. It’s too bad that women and men don’t really study the opposite sex. You are apparently not one of these categories of people, since you are still reading this article. Men want one thing, women another. Men dream of one thing, women of something completely different.

Men don’t even suspect that any woman, if she has something accumulated inside, she will express everything to her man. And she doesn’t expect advice or a solution to the problem from him. She just wants to be listened to. Yes, women are like that. They love it when listening. And why attentively. Get this on your nose. If you want to attract a woman’s attention, listen more and do not offer any solutions when the girl expresses her inner feelings to you. This must be remembered.

Women also love it when representatives of the stronger sex get to know them, flirt with them, and pay attention to them. It is considered abnormal for them if men do not get to know them. Here even they may experience depression, because the essence of a woman’s life lies in men. Yes, there are women for whom career, success, self-realization are important, but even if this happens, the main thing will not be: families And children, the woman will be unhappy. Because a woman's purpose is family And children. Everything else fades into the background.

The first thing women want is attention. Attention is not as important to men as it is to women. Women need male attention like air. And this is necessary constantly. Therefore, if you are in a relationship, pay special attention to what your woman is currently going through in her life. Talk more about her and listen her.

The third thing women want is love. Women love to be loved. A woman wants to feel like she is one and only. Only in this case will she be ready to start a family. Love for a woman is the meaning of her life. Only after starting a family will she want what men want - self-realization.

What do women dream about?

As we said earlier, all women dream of great beautiful love and starting a family. Since childhood, it has been observed that girls read more and more fairy tales about princes on a white horse; watch cartoons about love, etc. All their thoughts are about boys. Therefore, in adolescence, girls often look at boys and “make eyes at them.” By that time, boys were still interested in toy cars. This is one of the reasons why boys in adolescence do not notice female body language and gestures.

Ural dumplings: “I have nothing to wear”

Everything women dream about: this is family, love and children. A man should be nearby and must always show love, care and attention. But what else is important for women to understand that this is the man of their dreams?

Recently, 3 categories of men for women were identified:

  • Friends. These are men with whom it is pleasant to chat on various topics and All! That is, such men do not arouse romantic and sexual attraction in them. These are just the men you can borrow a car from. Which can help in study or at work. Guys you can tell your experiences to like a girlfriend. Actually everything is here.
  • Lovers. These are the men who arouse sexual passion in a woman and she experiences physical attraction to him. Women don't want sex fewer men. It's just how we got it public opinion, that if a woman openly talks about it and physically shows it, it can cause serious criticism from women and disdain from men. Therefore, a woman is forced to hide her desires. Usually relationships with lovers do not last long, anywhere from 2 weeks to several months. But a woman does not consider such a man as a candidate for a permanent relationship.
  • Getters. These are men in whom a woman sees prospects for a long-term relationship. These are men in whom a woman feels hope and support. Usually a woman instinctively feels that men like to conquer a woman for as long as possible and therefore she tries not to open up completely and waits for the moment of that very level to come - the level of her desirability, as the basis for building a serious relationship.

The saddest thing is that for women, love becomes commonplace and is taken for granted. Over time, passions fade.

There is a main women's secret!!!

We have looked at the categories of men. And there remains the last category, which will allow you to preserve all the colors in the relationship and that former passion, as in those moments when you just started dating. I called this category: "man of dreams". The man of your dreams is a mixture friend, lover and provider. Three in one. If a woman sees all three categories in you, she will fight for you and will never let you go.

From time to time you need to just be friend: talk and listen. Next, you should become professional lover, and “ignite” a sea of ​​passion and pleasure in your beloved. And of course you should be reliable in terms of relationships and have Fixed salary. This is all you need to have and do to become the man of your dreams.

And so, we looked at the topic: What women want and what they dream about. If you know much more, then express it in your comments. All the best to you!!!

Men very often try to answer the question of what women dream about. But who, if not the woman herself, can answer this question. So, what do women dream about? Survey. The age category of women is from 18 to 45.

What are you dreaming about, Katyusha? (18 years old, student)
Katerina: You know, I dream of love. No, I’m in love, but I really want my Vovka to love me, as I love him. I also want to have my own car. I strive for my dream, I work on it. I dream of building a house. No, not myself! (laughs). I just don’t want to live in the city, in this turmoil. I want a house in which the fireplace will always be burning.

Katyusha, you said that you are working on your dream. What did you mean? After all, you are still studying at the institute, right?
Katerina: Yes, I'm studying. But I also work. I don't want to "wipe" my pants. I know that I can combine everything, both study and work. Therefore, in my first year I switched to the correspondence faculty in order to find Good work, for which I will be paid. And I found her. So I think that my dream will come true very soon. I will do everything for this.

Thank you, Katyusha! I wish you success!

What are you dreaming about, Alya? (19 years old, student)
Alice: Mmm... about you...

Alya, but seriously? You are now in your fourth year, a little more and you will leave the perimeter of the institute.
Alice: But seriously, I dream of a career. I want to be independent from anyone. I want to leave my city and move to the capital, where I can make my way into the people. Yes, but education alone is not enough for me! I will definitely enroll in Kyiv again, only at a different faculty and definitely by correspondence.

Why correspondence?
Alice: Because I will work several jobs! Yes, it will be difficult, I have no doubt. But I'm strong, I can handle it. I'm on my way to my goal.

I know. Thank you.

What are you dreaming about, Oksana? (23 years old, HR manager)
Oksana: I dream that my husband and I will always have harmony. That's how it is now. After all, what is needed for happiness? My husband and I have been together for 6 years, and although our family is young (second year of marriage), our relationship is very good. I would like it to always be like this.

Are only relationships important to you?
Oksana: You know, I can’t imagine life without my Sashka. Of course, I dream about a child. I want to give birth to a healthy, strong baby in the future (smiled). But for now we are building. I would really like to arrange the apartment by the time he appears, so that when he opens his eyes, he sees funny bear cubs on the wallpaper of his room.

You say that you are building. Are you building a private house?
Oksana: No, the house in which we bought an apartment is being built. Construction will end next year. It will still take half a year to make repairs and move into it. So I think we will succeed! I believe in it.

Thank you.

Irishka, tell me what you dream about? (25 years old, former fashion model)
Irina: I dream of love! Big, bright and clean! Because I’m tired of this constant environment of married men around me. Sometimes I think that I am like a magnet for them. That's how I attract you. That's why I dream of meeting the Unmarried One.

Does money have a place here? Is his welfare important to you?
Irina: You know, I’m a capricious girl (smiles), and next to me I would like to see a more or less wealthy man. Poverty (grimaced) doesn’t appeal to me.

Is it important to you that he be rich? Did I understand correctly?
Irina: No! I don't want him to be rich (laughs), I want him to have a job he loves. I've had enough of rich people, I don't want any more. I want to see a normal man next to me who would love me.

Good luck to you. Thank you.

Marina, what do you dream about? (26 years old, assistant accountant)
Marina: Oh, I'm dreaming... I'm dreaming. About many things. I dream of my own corner. I want to have an apartment, my own corner. My world.

Would you live there alone?
Marina: What are you doing? I have a young man with whom I would like to live there. I love him so much. Although we don't live together. I just know that we love each other very much, this is probably the most important thing for me.

Are we not talking about marriage?
Marina: I can only dream about this. We are not raising this topic yet, although I would really like to be his wife (sadly).

Thank you.

Tell me what you dream about, Svetlana? (28 years old, assistant manager)
Svetlana: For me, a dream is something unrealizable. But I can tell you about my desires. At the moment, the child comes first for me, so I want the child to be happy with his childhood. I try to make sure that she has only wonderful memories of her childhood. Of course, wishing your child happiness and health is common to all parents. I want her to be happy in family life, like me, I want her to grow up to be a person with a capital letter.

You only talk about your daughter. Do you have any more wishes?
Svetlana: Of course there is! I want to spend more time with my husband and visit him in the north, where it is very cold, and in the south, where it is very hot. Learn French and visit the Eiffel Tower (laughs). I want to realize myself in this life, but I don’t know how exactly yet...

Thank you.

Olya, tell me what you dream about? (31 years old, married woman with a child)
Olga: I dream of being in a clearing under a large beautiful oak tree. Lie on the green grass, inhaling the aroma of wildflowers. I am a romantic by nature, so I have a romantic dream (smiled).

Don't you dream of wealth?
Olga: No, what are you talking about? This is a material dream. I don’t think that it is a dream, because because of wealth and power you can become so unhappy that you will strive for death. After all, in essence, wealth gives luxury, I am not so naive as to imagine that luxury and happiness are identical.

Thank you.

What are you dreaming about, Veronica? (33 years old, housewife)
Veronica: I dream of living my life again.

How to do it again? Are you unhappy with something in your life?
Veronica: I just would have lived it differently. Changed a lot of things. Not even that. I simply would not have made so many mistakes that are now affecting my life.

How would you change things?
Veronica: She probably knocked the crap out of her head at some point. Those stupid dreams of the so-called “glamorous” life. Dreams come true. So mine has come true, but why then do I want to howl like a wolf? After all, in life, believe me, wealth is not so important. Yes, I wear diamonds and I have mink coats. But I don't have the main thing. No happiness. If I could turn everything back, I think, no, I know that I would have gotten married at 18, to Kolka from a neighboring village. And I would be happy (very sad).

Thank you.

Lesya, what do you dream about? (35 years old, general manager)
Lesya: I dream that there will always be understanding and harmony in my family. I dream that this comfort, our hearth, will always burn with a bright flame. I love my husband and our daughter madly. I dream that they will be healthy and happy. I would like to spend more time with them. Unfortunately, I am a plowman and I love my job very much, so my dream is the well-being of my family.

You said that you are a plowman. I understand that your work is almost your second home?
Lesya: You see, I always devote myself to work. As they say, “I give myself completely” (laughs). I think you can say that work is a second home for me. That’s why I dream of spending more time with my family, unfortunately, sometimes life dictates the rules (with sadness).

Thank you.

Inna, tell me, what do you dream about? (37 years old, business woman)
Inna: Are you kidding? (laughs)

No, seriously. So what?
Dina: I don’t even have time to dream. I think I have everything. And if I don’t have something, then I don’t get upset, I just buy it (laughs).

You can buy everything. Don't you have a cherished dream?
Inna: About what? What should I dream about? I don't have that much free time to lie and dream. My day is scheduled minute by minute. Even with a man, I always spend a certain amount of time. Two hours and I’m already flying to another city. So it was, is and will be.

Don't you dream of children?
Inna: If you don’t mind, I won’t answer your last question. I need to run now.

Thank you. Run.

Tell us about your dreams, Alla Vasilievna. (40 years old, accountant)
Alla Vasilievna: I dream about better life(laughs).

Tell me, what exactly is the best for you?
Alla Vasilyevna: For me, like for all women, the ordinary is important woman's happiness. In my understanding, the most important thing for a woman is family. Beloved husband with whom you want to go through the whole life path, holding hands. But even being married woman, I would probably be unhappy if we didn’t have children. After all, is this a family where children’s mischievous laughter is not heard?

Do you dream that every married couple has children?
Alla Vasilievna: Yes, of course! Every woman dreams of children, no matter what she says.

Your dream has come true, you have two children.
Alla Vasilievna Yes, it has come true, but still I dream that every woman would know what made me happy.

Thank you.

Galina Ivanovna, what do you dream about? (43 years old, single woman)
Galina Ivanovna: Am I dreaming?! I dream of having a big mansion and a lot of money. I want to live in this big house and not work.

Would you like to live alone in this house?
Galina Ivanovna: Well, why alone? No, not alone. My favorite cats would live with me.

Wouldn't you like a man to live with you? I'm talking about love.
Galina Ivanovna: I don't believe in love. And I don’t see the Man you’re talking about near me. Even when I was young, perhaps I would like to. And now for me a man is a burden that I don’t want to bear. I don't have the strength anymore, and special wish look after a man.

Thank you.

What are you dreaming about, Maria Alexandrovna? (45 years old, housewife)
Maria Alexandrovna: I dream that everything will be fine in life for my children and grandson. So that a healthy spirit does not leave them. So that my children’s life is not ruined. I want them to always hold on to each other in joys and sorrows. We have a large family and I have always tried to invest love, affection and faith in them. My children are happy and I am happy with them. Do you know why?

Maria Alexandrovna: Because when we all get together in the summer at the dacha for a big round table, and I see their faces filled with the joy of a long-awaited meeting, my soul always feels warmer at such moments.

Thank you.
Maria Alexandrovna: Come on, don’t rush! Come, sit next to me.

Yes, Maria Alexandrovna. Is there anything you want to add?
Maria Alexandrovna: No, dear, now I’ll ask you. What are you dreaming about? I know you are dreaming. Why are you sad? Now your eyes are so bright. Tell me what?

I dream about a child...

P/S The survey was conducted with real people my surroundings. What I liked most was watching the reaction to the question I posed. All the women behaved simply unpredictably. But after just a couple of minutes, they changed before our eyes and “went away” into their dream, talking about it... Thank you.

A woman is an incredible miracle that contains an endless stream of surprises and mysteries that not a hundred men strive to guess throughout their lives. For several centuries in a row, many philosophers, poets and singers have been trying to answer this simple question the first time - “What do women dream about?”

What does a woman dream about?

Someone will think that the beautiful half of our population dreams of only one thing - to have a big family and give birth to many children... In reality, everything looks different, many girls and women first of all at night dream about brand new “Louboutins” and a blouse from the latest collection , and not about baby diapers and undershirts, but there are those who want to write a dissertation and get a job. Therefore, answer accurately and specifically the question “What does a woman dream about?” impossible, but you and I will try to get at least a millimeter closer to the truth.

What types of women are there?

In order to plunge into the world of a woman for a second, you and I need to divide them into several types, so:

1. Woman of mystery. IN in this case It is very difficult to draw any conclusions, this type of representative of the fair sex has the ability to hide their feelings and emotions, their usual state can be called the words “think for yourself...”. Based on this, we can conclude that answering the question “What does the mystery woman dream about?” absolutely pointless.

2. A woman of this type is a very gentle and sophisticated person; all her conversations and gossip do not go beyond the boundaries of the family. At night she dreams of something new food processor, and during the day she washes the baby’s diapers, prepares the first and second courses, pleases her husband and manages to watch her favorite TV series.

3. Girls with a similar type of character should be wary, because the femme fatale is ready to do a lot to get what she wants. Her dreams can be different - from a manicure to a brand new Porsche.

4. Party animal. This person cannot live without fun and a big noisy company. They definitely need to visit all the nightlife spots in the city. Such ladies most likely dream of an unforgettable evening in a pleasant company of cheerful friends.

Having become familiar with the four types, you will understand what a woman of our century dreams of, but still do not forget that, oddly enough, just one lady can contain the four above-mentioned types.

Sex and dreams

Besides the fact that every woman dreams of new accessories and a big house on the seashore, almost all of them have personal preferences and wishes in such an intimate matter as sex. Let’s try to answer the question: “What kind of sex do women dream about?”

Women are so different that no one can give a specific answer, because some people like roughness during sexual intercourse, while others like tenderness and affection. But there is one common feature, which unites all girls all over the world - they all want to have a man next to them who will, first of all, think about their beloved during sex. Therefore, dear ones, be attentive to your soul mates and listen to their preferences.


I would like to address first of all to stronger sex. Gentlemen, be attentive to your ladies, listen to them, give them flowers and smiles, rays of sunshine and a sea of ​​positivity, because every woman only dreams of loving and being loved! The fulfillment of such a simple desire can truly make not a single million people on the entire planet happy. All that is required from you is just a little patience, love, perseverance and mutual understanding.

We wish you to love and be truly loved!

Generalization and statistics are a whim of modern society. Not a single generation before us was able to so selflessly sweep everyone under the same brush; even in the Soviet Union, which had sunk into oblivion, there were fewer, like carbon copies, identical people. Everyone had their own hobbies, aspirations and thirst for what was in short supply. And most importantly, everyone had a dream. After all, such high-flown thinking was partly cultivated by Soviet cinema. Take even Luda from “Queen of the Gas Station” - she was driven by the desire to achieve her goal, and she succeeded, even if it meant changing her dream! So try to understand what women dream about.

It is generally accepted that women are superstitious and frivolous people, easily changing their minds and too much in the clouds. But what if I told you that daydreaming is the main thing positive trait women? That’s right, because fantasies about something new, so desirable and pleasant, are the main resource that both she herself and the man next to her use.

As different as people are, they are also the same - and therefore we can highlight several items on the list of what women dream about.

Attractiveness i

Incredibly, with a huge selection of options for caring for your own body, a very small percentage of girls and women feel truly attractive. One of the dreams of a modern woman is a body like a magazine cover, the notorious nut-shaped butt and a wasp waist. At the same time, each woman still has her own concept of attractiveness, and it is this ideal that she strives for. Some go to the gym for the sake of juicy buns, and some give up everything and eat half a grain a day so that they can see protruding ribs or the gap between their thighs.

Harmony with yourself 2

Well-being can be not only physical and material, but also psychological. So, every woman wants to like herself, love herself and feel peace in unity with her own personality and body. But all this is sometimes achieved through incredible efforts, especially if initially there are a whole bunch of problems and they need to be untangled. After all, building self-confidence and love for your body and personality will not work if a woman is apathetic and suffering.

Self-realization and earnings 3

At a time when women were not allowed into educational institutions in the same way as men were not allowed into the women's bathhouse, there could be no question of a woman being able to realize herself other than as a mother and wife. But these are not the only roles that people want to try on. modern girls. The work of a lifetime is perhaps even more important than the love of a lifetime. If a woman finds something in which she can realize her potential, and then finds how to monetize it all, this can be considered a serious achievement on the path of life.

After all, in this case, she will never be left broke, even if she suffers a colossal failure - she will perceive this as a valuable experience and will continue to earn her own ice cream.

Happy relationship 4

The role of relationships with men in a woman’s life occupies a rather important position. It is through relationships that a woman realizes the need to share responsibility and be needed, to feel protected and confident in the future. After all, this basic needs and without their satisfaction there can be no talk of happiness. But the catch is that we are not taught to build relationships with other people in general, and even more so with the opposite sex. Most likely, the education system was designed for this, but something went wrong and now schoolchildren are more injured in educational institutions than learning something useful. Every woman dreams of getting along with anyone, knowing when to remain silent and when to speak. the right words. But all this comes only with experience and, alas, this experience is usually negative.

A strong and friendly family is what women dream of, if it is part of their value system. After all, a reliable rear is important not only for a man; it is the support and understanding from loved ones that fill a woman with energy and give her the strength to move towards her goal and not give up in difficult moments of life.

Travel 5

Our world is so diverse that it is impossible to know it one hundred percent. And even though the scale of everyone’s desires is different - for some it is enough to fly to Turkey or Egypt on vacation once a year, while others dream of waking up with the rays of the hot Indian sun to go bathe the elephants on the farm.

But still, every woman has a thirst for travel, because how can you live a full life if you don’t know anything? own apartment or cities. Although, avid homebodies may not agree with this judgment, but usually such people find their outlet in reading books - then we can say that they are also travelers, only through book worlds, which are not inferior in variety to the real world.