Is it possible to make an air conditioner yourself? We make a car air conditioner with our own hands

Making an air conditioner from a refrigerator, and even with your own hands, solves three problems at once: cool down in the heat, save on purchases new technology and beautifully get rid of the old one. It’s especially nice that even a beginner who has a couple of hours of free time can handle the task.

Benefits of a homemade air conditioner

1. Refrigerator air conditioning saves a lot of money cash. This is especially important when neither the dollar exchange rate nor the Ukrainian salary contribute to a comfortable summer microclimate.

2. Allows you to create comfortable and cool conditions in rooms where you do not visit very often and where installing an expensive independent air conditioner would be too expensive or impractical, for example, in a country house, and perhaps in an office.

3. By making an air conditioner from a refrigerator yourself, you save yourself from the need to decide on a model, resort to the help of professionals to install the unit, and you also a priori cease to need specialized maintenance and possible repairs technology.

4. There is no need to purchase and replace special filters, which are usually used in air conditioners and require replacement from time to time. (And this, by the way, costs a pretty penny). It’s just that the refrigerator simply does not provide such a detail as filters.

5. It’s pleasant to use cool air on a hot summer day, but receiving cold air from a device designed by yourself is doubly pleasant. In addition, you will always know the design of your air conditioner and if it breaks down, you can quickly fix it yourself.

How does an air conditioner work and how does it work?

The air conditioner works according to one of the well-known physical principles: due to liquid, which absorbs heat during evaporation. In fact, the air conditioner is a completely sealed box, the cooling inside of which occurs largely due to a special refrigerant (as a rule, the main component of the latter is freon gas). Everything is simple here: the refrigerant “pulls” heat from the room and inside the air conditioner compresses it and transforms it into condenser liquid.

In a refrigerator, refrigerant gas under pressure from the compressor is pushed into the condenser, where its gas state changes to liquid, and after that the process of heat release begins. Passing through a special capillary tube, the refrigerant gas returns to its gas state. During this process, the pressure created by the compressor is lost, and the remaining refrigerant liquid enters the evaporator and boils.

The corrector, in turn, is connected to, where the production of cold occurs. This is the center from which the cold is distributed along the inner walls of the refrigeration chamber. The refrigerant is returned to the compressor, after which the procedure with compression and evaporation is repeated in a circle.

Subsequent cooling of the air occurs using special copper tubes with thin aluminum plates. These tubes are called heat exchangers; with their help, the refrigerant exchanges air and, in fact, heat.

Tip: To speed up the process, the air inside the air conditioner is accelerated using small fans.

During air cooling, the evaporator indoor unit The air conditioner performs its functions while the condenser operates outside. If the room needs to be heated, then the air conditioner and condenser simply change their tasks.

Each has a similar principle of operation, only all the cooling does not go outside, but remains inside and cools the food products. The refrigerator and air conditioner operate in a closed circuit using warm air, recycled using refrigerant.

The process of converting a refrigerator into an air conditioner step by step

After you have obtained a suitable refrigerator to convert it into an air conditioner (the device can be accepted as a gift from friends who decided to replace the unit with a new one, or find a suitable device on the Internet). Now we need to arm ourselves necessary tools. You already have some of them, the rest can be borrowed from friends or bought at a hardware store:

  • Electric household

In progress self-assembly air conditioner from an old refrigerator, you will need to cut metal fragments of the unit body. A household jigsaw is specifically designed for carving metal, and will allow you to process it without much difficulty.

It can be of any convenient color and diameter - its main function in this case is to remove cooled air from the case former refrigerator directly to the premises

  • Polyurethane foam or special insulation

Needed for insulation - when creating an air conditioner with your own hands, it is extremely important that the body of the refrigerator not only does not allow cool air to pass through in places where it is not needed, but also does not absorb heat - because then it turns out that your device is running almost idle and not manages to cool the air.

  • Two small

They will be needed to create the correct air flows of cold air - after all, as you know, the air conditioner works on the principle of blowing - fans in this case will serve as guides for this air. The size of the fans should be chosen relative to the refrigerator itself, but, as a rule, small fans for kitchen hoods are the most popular choice in this case.

With the onset of summer comes the heat, which becomes truly unbearable on the road. Sitting in a traffic jam for many hours, when the asphalt literally soars, is horrible dream any car enthusiast. And if the built-in air conditioner is acting up, then it’s time to shower yourself cold water and ice to somehow alleviate my condition.

Although a huge number of gadgets that operate from a cigarette lighter have already been invented for cars, air conditioners for cars remain a mysterious topic and incomprehensible to many. On the market and on the Internet you can find a bunch of different gadgets called with a serious word - air conditioning. However, to understand whether they have something in common with your favorite office oasis, let’s look at the operating principle of these devices.

The principle of operation of a car air conditioner

An air conditioner installed in a car at the manufacturer's factory works on the same principle as office units. That is, it absorbs heat through the evaporator, cooling the interior of the car. In this case, the “exhaust” air is discharged into environment(outside).

The air conditioner itself is a sealed system filled with freon and compressor oil. Oil reduces friction, partially removes particles released during operation and circulates in the air conditioning system.

Based on this, it becomes obvious that a car air conditioner can only be a unit that can utilize air outside. And of course, such a device cannot cost 3,000 - 5,000 rubles.

The Chinese air conditioner from the cigarette lighter to the car looks and functions more like a regular fan. Such a device does not cool the air, but only passes it in a circle, creating a light breeze. Manufacturers use tricks and proudly call such products a 12-volt car air conditioner, but in fact, in nature such units are so far produced only for trucks. These large devices, operating on 24 V, cut into the roof of the cabin and cost about 85,000 rubles.

Nevertheless, as they say, “the pain of invention is tricky” and if you really need an analogue as close as possible to an air conditioner, then you can make such a device yourself.

How to make a mini air conditioner for a car with your own hands

You can make something similar to an air conditioner in a car using a cigarette lighter yourself. To do this you will need:

  • a new or old plastic refrigerated container (aka cooler bag);
  • heater radiator of appropriate size;
  • several fans (you can buy the same ones as for computer video cards);
  • wires;
  • pump (you can take an aquarium pump or from a glass washer barrel);
  • old car charger for cell phone.

The pump must be secured at the bottom of the cooler bag, and the wires from it must be brought out. On the inside we make a square cutout with a diameter the size of the prepared radiator, and with outside cut two round holes for the fans.

After this you need:

  • Screw the fans and combine them into the wiring.
  • Install the radiator on the inside of the cover, lowering its pipe down. To prevent it from falling off, you can additionally strengthen it with silicone.

Healthy! If you have piano hinges lying around in the garage, you can use them to connect the lid and body of the container.

  • Connect the pump outlet and the radiator inlet to the cover. To prevent water from disturbing you while driving, you can also attach some kind of hose to the radiator outlet.
  • Route the wires to the old charger.
  • Ready.

This installation may not look the most presentable, but it copes with its functions. Before you connect homemade unit To the cigarette lighter, you need to fill the container with ice and fill it with water. As soon as the “con” is turned on, the pump will begin to draw cold water from the container into the radiator, and the fans will blow the resulting cold air throughout the car’s interior.

The advantages of such a device are its environmental friendliness and low cost. If we talk about efficiency, then a homemade air conditioner can also boast of this. An hour later, when the ice has melted, you just need to add a new portion and the unit will again saturate the hot car with coolness.

In custody

As you can see, unscrupulous Chinese manufacturers only confuse car enthusiasts by passing off ordinary fans, which are not capable of cooling the air, as full-fledged air conditioners operating from a 12 V network. If you look closely at the control buttons on such gadgets, you will see that they are not even close There is no talk of cooling. Usually there are only "fan", "off" and "on" buttons. But air conditioners for trucks are not a fiction, but real, expensive and difficult to install units.

As everyone knows, if the car does not have a complete set, then installing it there is very problematic, and often it is not possible at all due to technical reasons. However, every year the heat forces people to develop their ingenuity.

There is one way to “condition” your car, which, despite its complexity, is attracting more and more experimenters. This refers to a thermoelectric cooler based on Peltier elements. The most important advantage of such cooling using the thermoelectric effect is the minimum number of moving parts and the absence of a complex and expensive compressor.

Such a car does not require freon, it does not need many pipes and radiators, which must be sealed. To work, it will be enough to supply 12 volts to a very thin plate and remove heat from one side by blowing with a fan, and on the opposite side receive cold, even with the formation of frost or ice.

Creation of a thermoelectric air conditioner

For example, consider the operation of a conventional car refrigerator. made in China powered by a cigarette lighter. The refrigerator itself consists of two parts - a lid with a thermoelectric cooling system and a heat-insulating box.

The lid contains a 65-watt Peltier element plate, to which a 12-volt wire from a regular car cigarette lighter is connected. Fans blow on each radiator, causing air flows to mix, creating a cold breeze inside the box.

Based on this simple design, you can easily make “air conditioning”. The most interesting idea for creating a cigarette lighter is to make a panel of Peltier modules and insert it into the glass of the rear door of the car.

The glass is lowered, and a model with thermoelectric modules is installed in its place, then it is raised to fix the resulting glass. The most important advantage of this simple system is that it is very easy to separate the cold and warm sides.

WITH inside cold currents are removed by additional fans, and from the outside - by air flow from the movement of the car. In traffic jams, naturally, heat dissipation will deteriorate, but at speed you will clearly feel the cold air. To do this, you need to connect the module to the on-board 12 volt network, or to the cigarette lighter.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: B summer period The issue of air conditioning is especially acute. When it’s hot outside, you want to have a corner where you can hide from it. It happens that there is no money or opportunity to buy a ready-made air conditioning system. Then a homemade air conditioner using improvised means will come to the rescue.

In the summer, the issue of air conditioning becomes especially acute. When it’s hot outside, you want to have a corner where you can hide from it. It happens that there is no money or opportunity to buy a ready-made air conditioning system. Then a homemade air conditioner using improvised means will come to the rescue. Such a device will fit especially well into the interior of a dacha or country house, but it can also be successfully used in an apartment. It is better to start making an air conditioner in advance, before the hot days arrive. Since it is unknown how long it will take for someone who has no experience in such matters.


If you decide to make such a complex device as an air conditioner yourself, you must first decide what can be used for this. You can often hear that an air conditioner was made from an old refrigerator.

Indeed, both devices serve practically the same purpose - producing cold and cooling something. The refrigerator cools the products, the use of the air conditioner is wider; it cools the room, the people who are there, as well as everything that falls within its radius of action.


In order to make a homemade air conditioner from a refrigerator, you need to find an old unnecessary freezer, which, however, is in working order. If you don’t have one, you can purchase someone else’s by finding it in an ad.

To work, you will need a household jigsaw. With its help you can make curly cuts on metal surfaces. A corrugated pipe is suitable as a drainage pipe. It weighs less than pipes made from other materials. You will need insulating material and insulation, as well as polyurethane foam. For cooling you need fans, it is better to have two of them.

You should start creating a homemade air conditioning device by cutting a hole in the freezer. A jigsaw will help with this. It's easy to do with it round hole about 10 cm in diameter, into which the drainage tube will then be inserted. The rubber seal is removed so that air can flow inside well.

The tube that is inserted into the chamber should be sealed with warm insulation. You can also use for this polyurethane foam. And only after this are fans installed, one of which should blow on the compressor of our new air conditioner.


For the second method, you will need a radiator removed from the refrigerator, as well as a hood. A radiator is mounted at the back of the hood. So, exhaust device will be able to pass air flow through the radiator, cooling it, and then release it into the room.

After this, two hoses are connected to the device. One of them is brought to the sink, and the other to plumbing system. Fastening is carried out by homemade coasters. Under the finished air conditioner, you must place a tray to collect condensate, which will need to be drained regularly.

The equipment works this way. The air enters the hood and is cooled in the radiator, through which water flows from the water supply. Ideally, the water should be cold, that is, flow from a well or well. Regular tap water, unfortunately, will not give the effect we need and will cool the room slightly.


What else can an air conditioner be made from? There are even easier and cheaper ways to assemble an air conditioner from improvised materials. One of them is an air conditioner made from simple plastic bottles and a fan. The bottles are filled with water and placed in front of the fan with a small gap. The water must be pre-cooled in the freezer. When the water heats up, it will have to be replaced with a new one.

The effect of such an “air conditioner” is slightly superior to that of just a fan without water, since there is also cooling involved, and not just the movement of air masses.

Another option also applies to simple designs, but more original and effective. Take copper tube small diameter and rubber hose. The tube will serve as an improvised radiator. It is twisted in the form of a spiral. The hose is needed to connect our “radiator” to a tap with running cold water. The tube must be copper, because copper bends better than other materials and has high thermal conductivity. To secure the hose you need clamps and sealant.

A fan is installed behind the radiator. The result will be somewhat more impressive than the first method with bottles. True, the efficiency will largely depend on the power of the fan.

Another option for which you will need a car radiator. Making such a structure is much more difficult than the previous two, it will make more noise, but the effect will also be more significant.

The fan must be connected to an outlet using a 12V adapter. The adapter can be purchased ready-made or assembled from the power supply of an old computer. The system will help cool the air in the room by several degrees. The exact value will depend on factors such as:

  • Fan power;
  • Radiator size;
  • Presence of air pockets inside the radiator.

It is better to prefer a radiator from a domestic car for this purpose. You will also need a casing and fixtures for mounting the fan. The cost of such an air conditioner will not exceed 3-4 thousand rubles.


Making such a device is not so easy, and may even require instructions. But it will be able to cool a room of up to 30 square meters. m. In summer, it is convenient to install it in a window, where it will simultaneously not only cool the air, but also promote greater ventilation in the room. In winter, when the air is often dry, the humidifier included in the air conditioner will saturate it with moisture.

Air passes through the grille and enters oil filter, where it is freed from dirt and dust. Next, it enters the humidifier, and then exits into the room through the grille.

You can reduce the noise from operating equipment if you connect an electric lamp or other device in series to the fan circuit. Its power should be such as to minimize the noise effect. The switched on lamp is an indicator of equipment operation.

The humidifier looks like a box through which gauze wicks pass. Holes for them are made every half centimeter, and their diameter is about 3 mm.

The box has 8 rows of such holes. On top of the box there is a tank with a capacity of 1.5-2 liters, which contains water. The wicks serve to allow water to flow through them into the inside of the device, where it evaporates and humidifies the air, which then enters the room. Excess water, at the same time, remains in a special tray.

By the way, there is no need to empty the tray. After all, the water from it rises again through the same wicks, evaporates and humidifies the air again. The air conditioner has an oil filter that looks like wooden frame with wire mesh. Its cell size is very small, about 1x1 mm. The mesh is lubricated with Vaseline oil. After a while, when the filter becomes dirty (usually this happens once or twice a month), it should be washed with hot water.


So, we looked at how you can make air conditioning at home. What advantages can be derived from its use? The main advantages of the homemade devices presented above are:

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  1. Saving money.
  2. Great for use in the garden and country house, where it is impractical to create a professional system. People come to the dacha mainly in the summer, and in the winter, expensive device without security it can be stolen.
  3. The opportunity to get a lot of positive emotions from the knowledge that you were able to make such a thing with your own hands useful thing like an air conditioner.
  4. Gaining new knowledge and experience in the field of converting one thing into another.
  5. There is no need for expensive equipment care and maintenance products.
  6. Comfort and vitality in the room due to air cooling in summer.
  7. There is no need to periodically purchase and change filters, since they are absent in almost all of the devices reviewed.

As it turned out, making a homemade air conditioner for an apartment is not so difficult. And anyone can cope with this. You just need to understand the principle by which the usual household air conditioner, and start taking action. published

Not all people can easily tolerate the summer heat while staying indoors. For many, it negatively affects performance, reduces appetite and worsens well-being. The solution to the problem is to install an air conditioner or split system, but due to various reasons This option is not available to everyone. Therefore, savvy home craftsmen have come up with several ways to make an air conditioner themselves with minimal financial costs and using improvised means. Those who suffer greatly from the heat are encouraged to consider these methods, choose the appropriate one and make a cooler with their own hands.

How does a regular air conditioner work?

To identify the strengths and weak sides homemade coolers, for starters, it won’t hurt to understand the structure of traditional split systems and understand how they work. Such air conditioning system consists of several parts and assemblies:

  • external and internal radiator, called a heat exchanger;
  • radiators are connected to each other by copper tubes, where the gaseous substance- freon (technical name - refrigerant);
  • a compressor is installed on one line, creating overpressure and causing freon to move through the tubes and condense;
  • A special expansion valve is embedded in the second line.

Split system device

Important. Operating principle refrigeration machine, which is an air conditioner, is based on the ability of freon to evaporate when low temperatures, due to what thermal energy transferred from indoors to outdoors.

The refrigerant constantly moves in a closed circuit, evaporating in one heat exchanger and condensing in another. The heat transfer algorithm looks like this:

  1. Freon enters the internal radiator (also known as the internal module of the split system) in liquid form. Flow room air, forced by the fan, passes through the fins of the heat exchanger, causing the refrigerant to heat up and evaporate. At this moment, there is an intensive extraction of heat from the air in the room.
  2. Next, the freon gas enters the compressor, which increases its pressure. The goal is to compress the substance to such an extent that it condenses in an outdoor radiator, where the temperature is even higher than in the room.
  3. Getting into the external heat exchanger, blown by its fan, the refrigerant passes into liquid state and moves through the tube back into the room. At the moment of transition, it releases the heat taken from the room to the street air.
  4. On the way back, the liquid freon passes through an expansion valve, which reduces the pressure so that it can evaporate in the internal radiator. After which the cycle repeats.

Air conditioner operating diagram

Note. All processes occurring in the split system are controlled by an electronic unit using various sensors.

As you can see, the design of a factory air conditioner and its operating principle are quite complex. A technically competent specialist in this field can implement it at home, but not an ordinary user. Yes, and you will have to spend money on spare parts. Homemade designs cooling devices are much simpler and cheaper to manufacture.

Options for homemade air conditioners

From improvised means and materials, home craftsmen make the following types of air coolers:

  • devices operating on cold water;
  • devices that extract cold from ice;
  • homemade air conditioners from portable or old household refrigerators.

In the first two options, the source of cold is water and ice, blown by simple axial fan from some household appliance(for example, a computer). The third method allows you to assemble a device that is close in principle to a full-fledged air conditioner, but with certain limitations. How these options are implemented technically is worth considering in more detail.

Assembling a cooler from a car radiator

Units of this type operate according to the old principle proven in practice and are identical in design to industrial heaters, otherwise known as water fan heaters. The bottom line is that water of the required temperature is passed through a radiator, blown from the outside by a fan. The air passing through the fins of the heat exchanger is cooled by 5-15 °C depending on the temperature of the running water.

Components for assembling an air conditioner

Important point. Air heaters have one valuable advantage: they are able to function in the summer for cooling, and in the winter for heating the air flow. To change the mode, just point it at the radiator hot water from the heating system instead of the cold one.

To make an improvised winter-summer air conditioner at home, you will need:

  • The radiator of the car cooling system is in good condition;
  • floor-mounted household fan with a large impeller;
  • a plastic or metal tray with low sides, equal in length to the size of the radiator;
  • a housing into which the listed elements can be built in (for example, from an old TV);
  • connecting hoses and adapters;
  • clamps and fasteners.

The radiator and fan are placed in the TV case

Advice. If you want to get more comfort when operating the air conditioner, then take a fan with a remote control.

Water hoses need to be connected to the radiator

You can make the cooler housing and tray yourself from materials available in household. The purpose of the latter is to collect condensate that forms on the radiator fins from the temperature difference between the passing flow and the circulating water. The assembly is performed in this order:

  1. Check the car radiator for leaks, if necessary, solder leaks or seal them cold welding. Then install its body and attach it using steel angles and self-tapping screws (bolts).
  2. Attach a tray underneath the radiator. If the sides are too low and the container begins to quickly fill with condensate, then attach a tube to it to drain water into the sewer.
  3. Install the fan impeller behind the heat exchanger, separating it from the stand with control buttons.
  4. Attach hoses for supplying and draining water to the radiator pipes. This completes the assembly.

There should be a condensate tray under the radiator

To start a homemade air conditioner, connect the fan to the power supply and the hoses to the source cold water. This could serve as home plumbing or a pump that lifts water from a well or well. The last 2 options are preferable, since the temperature of underground aquifers is just acceptable - 8-14 ° C. Direct the return to the sewer, a large collection barrel, or use it to water the garden.

In the garage, the entire system can simply be attached to the wall

Reference. It is highly undesirable to water plants with cold water from a well in the summer. By passing it through the radiator, you will kill two birds with one stone: you will cool the room and heat the water for the garden.

Homemade unit from a radiator - video

Compact conditioner made from a plastic bottle

To work this homemade device you will need ice, and you cannot do without a working refrigerator or freezer. But the cooler will be compact and quite effective for small room, for example, in an apartment. The principle is simple: ice is placed in a container, and a fan blows air through it, due to which the latter is well cooled. To assemble the air conditioner you will need:

  • large plastic bottle with a capacity of 5, or preferably 9 liters;
  • domestic duct fan which ones are used for extractor hoods in the bathroom;
  • thin clothesline;
  • plastic folder;
  • knife and drill with 8-10 mm drill bit.

Set of parts for making a cooler

Advice. The requirements for a fan are simple - it must be cheap and small in size. If desired, you can also adapt a cooler from a computer, but then the performance of the cooler will significantly decrease.

The neck of the bottle is cut off, and the second bottom is made from rope

Making an air conditioner takes no more than an hour and is carried out in several stages:

  1. Use a knife to cut the neck of the bottle so that the fan housing fits into the opening as tightly as possible.
  2. At a height of 7-10 cm from the bottom of the bottle, drill the wall in a circle. The distance between the holes is no more than 5 cm.
  3. By threading a clothesline through the holes, make a mesh that covers the cross-section of the container.
  4. Cut a circle from a plastic folder whose diameter is equal to the size of the bottle. Drill holes in it, and then place it inside the container on a rope mesh.

A circle of plastic is placed on top of the rope and the body is ready

To start the cooler, you need to place it on the second bottom, made of a plastic folder. more ice, insert the fan into the cut-out neck and turn it on. The air pumped inside will pass through the ice, cool and exit through the side openings.

To work, ice is placed inside the case and a fan is inserted on top

Advice. To ensure that the ice lasts for a long time, freeze it not in a special mold, but in plastic cups. You will get larger pieces that take longer to melt. Another option is to use commercially available cold accumulators instead of ice.

If you build a fan and a pipe into the lid of a portable refrigerator, you get an air conditioner

In the same way, a cooling device is made from a portable refrigerator. Its insulated body is used instead plastic bottle, and cold batteries or frozen water in small containers are placed inside.

Ready-made cold storage tanks

Video on how to make a cooler yourself

Air conditioner from an old refrigerator

Since the air conditioner and refrigerator operate on the same principle, the latter can be used to cool the room. The main thing is that the compressor and heat exchangers of the old refrigerator remain in working order, otherwise you will have to spend money on repairs and pumping freon. What else is needed:

  • household fan;
  • 2 coolers from a computer;
  • fastening elements;
  • plumbing tool for disassembling an old refrigerator.

Heat exchangers must be removed without disturbing the freon tubes

Note. Such a structure can only be assembled in a private house; this option is not available for apartment residents. Then you will understand why.

Coolers should be placed inside the freezer

During manufacturing, you can go in two ways: remove the heat exchangers, compressor and tubes, or leave them in the old housing. The task is to take the black external radiator outside along with the compressor. If there is an opening in the wall of sufficient size, then you can build the entire refrigerator into it without removing the insides. When the wall opening is small, only the internal heat exchanger will fit through it. To remove it without breaking the seal of the tubes, the refrigerator body must be carefully cut. Then do this:

  1. Attach the black external radiator to the wall outdoors, and the internal radiator indoors. To make the latter look decent, make a decorative case for it.
  2. Impeller household fan secure it so that it blows air over the compressor and external radiator.
  3. Place the coolers inside the heat exchanger, which previously served as a freezer.

The fan must blow on the heat exchanger and compressor

The air conditioner from an old refrigerator will never turn off until you do it yourself. The reason is that the automation is set to turn off the compressor at a temperature of the internal module of minus 5 ° C, and this is impossible in the middle of summer. The second nuance: the unit is not designed to cool large volumes of air, so there is no point in installing it in large rooms, it will be of no use.

Refrigerators built into openings - rear view

Important. Before connecting to the electrical network, be sure to ground the device so that in the event of a breakdown or short circuit, none of your loved ones will receive an electric shock.

Air conditioner from the refrigerator on video

Simplified designs for the home

One of these designs is a water heat exchanger combined with a conventional floor fan. To make such a primitive cooler, you need to take a copper tube and roll it into a spiral, attaching it to the fan protective grille. For installation, you can use plastic clamps used to secure wiring in cars. The ends of the tube are connected to the water supply, and the fan is connected to the network.

The copper tube is attached directly to the fan grille

Note. The described design is ineffective, since the tap water is not cold enough, and the usable area copper heat exchanger too small. Air flow the impeller will cool slightly and nothing more.

Bottle conditioner is placed in window hole

The original design was invented in one of the African countries, where it is traditionally hot and, in addition, there is no electricity supply. The device works based on a law of physics that states that the temperature of a gas passing through a sudden contraction and expansion drops by several degrees (up to 5 ° C). The neck of the same plastic bottle, and to get more cooled air, you need to use a dozen of these necks.

To make it you need to drill through the plywood and cut the bottles

A non-volatile air conditioner is done like this:

  1. Cut a piece of plywood or fiberboard the size of the window opening to be opened. Check how many bottles can be placed on it close to each other.
  2. Cut off the necks of all bottles and twist the caps. Then place them on a sheet of plywood and mark the centers of the holes with a pencil.
  3. Make holes with a core drill whose diameter matches the neck. Insert the cut bottles into them.
  4. Attach the plywood to the outside window opening so that the bottles stick out into the street.

Assembly is simple - bottles are inserted into the holes

The device is suitable for country house, where other options cannot be used due to lack of the required amount of water or power outages.

Video instructions for assembling a non-volatile cooling device

Pros and cons of homemade coolers

The undoubted advantage of improvised air conditioners made at home is their low cost. As a rule, most of the components needed for assembly can be found in your own pantry or garage. The remaining parts are purchased in the retail chain for relatively little money.

When assembling any of the proposed types of coolers with your own hands, you need to understand that you will have to put up with numerous disadvantages of such units:

  1. Models using running water, do not work effectively when connected to cold water supply pipes. Cause - too heat supplied water. In addition, the air conditioner “winds up” cubic meters on the meter, and you have to pay for it.
  2. When using well and borehole versions of water installations, the question arises of where to put the water pumped through the radiator.
  3. Ice devices cool rooms well, but at the same time humidify the air. When there is oversaturation of moisture, the heat in the room turns into stuffiness after the device is turned off.
  4. Ice needs to be frozen in the refrigerator, which means using electricity and paying for it. The second nuance: while you are cooling one room with a homemade air conditioner, in the next room the refrigerator is building up the heat generated when the water freezes.
  5. Cooling using a freon circuit from an old refrigerator is ineffective because the system is not designed to operate in this mode. Again, a continuously operating compressor “winds up” the electricity meter.

Note. The only model whose manufacturing and operating costs correspond to the effect obtained is an air conditioner made from bottles inserted into a sheet of plywood. It reduces the room temperature by a maximum of 5 °C, partly by blocking the light opening.

Homemade air conditioners that operate using cold water and ice are a temporary solution to the heat until you buy a split system. The same applies to the option with an old refrigerator. Yes, they are easy to manufacture, but at the same time they suffer from poor cooling performance, and there is no need to talk about comfortable operation. The use of such cold sources is appropriate in a country house or in a garage where you visit periodically, so it makes no sense to install a split there.