Is it possible to use an air conditioner in winter for heating? Air conditioning operation in winter

Often when the cold season approaches, the question arises as to whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter. This is due to the fact that heating using split systems is much more economical than electric heating. But for correct use you need to know a few things about the full potential of the device important rules and strictly adhere to the recommendations of the equipment manufacturers. The article will help you figure out which air conditioner is best to use for this. Photos of some specialized heat pumps will convince you that, in addition to functionality, industry leaders also pay attention to design.

Split system heating efficiency

When operating an air conditioner, heat is pumped from one environment to another. When working for cooling, it leaves the room into external environment, when heating - vice versa. To do this, use the capabilities of the compressor refrigeration cycle. Interestingly, the efficiency of the air conditioner significantly depends on the outside temperature. To assess the efficiency of thermal performance of household and semi-industrial systems, the COP (Coefficient of Performance) coefficient is used.

COP is calculated as the ratio of the thermal performance of the air conditioner to electrical energy. The higher this indicator, the better. For example, a coefficient of 3.6 means that for 3600 W generated, 1000 W electrical is used. IN modern systems this indicator can reach a value of 5.8 and higher.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter?

Is any air conditioner designed for heating? IN last years the vast majority of models for the European market are available with a heating function. There are also models for cooling only, but they are most often produced for special application(for example, for server rooms) or for hot countries.

To the question: “Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter?” - you can give a positive answer, but with some reservations, which will be discussed in this article. In cold weather, the air conditioner can be used for both heating and cooling. To work at subzero temperatures with the second purpose, there are fewer models, and some of them need to be modified, which we will discuss below.

Heating with air conditioning

First of all, you need to make sure that the air conditioner can operate for heating. This is evidenced by the presence of a heat pump mode in the device. What should the operating instructions for the air conditioner remote control say directly, as well as the description of the split system itself. The heating mode is usually indicated on the button with a stylized sun sign or a similar pictogram.

Next, you need to make sure that the split system can be operated at a specific outside temperature. Even the simplest and most inexpensive appliances work for heating in cold weather. Just note that for such systems the lower operating temperature limit is usually limited to -5 °C. Inverter air conditioners can be turned on down to -15 °C (some models up to -20 °C). And specially designed heating systems are designed for use without loss of efficiency down to -28 °C.

Using an air conditioner for cooling in winter

Sometimes there is a need to use a split system for cooling even in cold weather. This is necessary if there are any powerful heat sources in the room and the temperature in it is elevated even in the cold season. Most often, these can be server rooms, telecom operator stations, hot shops of restaurants and diagnostic laboratories.

In this case, you need to keep in mind that most constant capacity air conditioners are not designed for cooling at outside temperature below +15 °C and some inverter systems below -15 °C. To use the air conditioner when the air parameters go beyond the established limits, a special modification is required: the use of a winter kit. It includes:

  • crankcase heater;
  • drain heater;
  • fan speed and condensation temperature regulator.

Please note that modification is only necessary when using the air conditioner in cooling mode at low outside temperatures.

Problems and risks of operation

You can often hear about the following problem: “I turned on the air conditioner in winter for heating, but the temperature in the room does not rise.” This may indicate either a breakdown of the device or a lack of power. Let's talk about possible problems when using air conditioners during the cold season.

The air conditioner must be operated strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. When using a split system for heating in winter at temperatures below those set by the manufacturer, the following problems may arise:

  • The efficiency of the system is greatly reduced;
  • Freezing of the condenser of the outdoor unit and breakdown of the fan may occur;
  • due to the increase, the compressor may break down during start-up.

In any case, you need to know that using the device outside the recommended temperatures is a violation of the manufacturer's conditions. Failure of the air conditioner is not covered under warranty.

Heat pump models

Let's consider the questions of whether it is possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter for effective heating as the only heating system and what equipment is best designed for this. Many manufacturers offer air conditioners designed specifically for use in heat pump mode. They are characterized by high efficiency and low limit temperature.

Such systems include the following equipment:

  • series of air conditioners Zubadan from Mitsubishi Electric;
  • Hitachi models using All DC Inverter technology;
  • Hyper Inverter air conditioners from MHI;
  • line of split systems Ururu Sarara from Daikin.

Of course, any of the presented systems is a relatively expensive, but modern air conditioner. You will find photos of some of them in this article. Regardless of what type or brand of split system you use for heating, it is important to strictly follow all recommendations of the equipment manufacturer.

With the high energy efficiency of modern climate control devices, when with one kilowatt of electricity used you can get 3 - 4 kilowatts of cold or warm air, there is a desire to use air conditioners all year round. But whether this can be done and what you need to have in order not to cause the device to break down, you need to find out in advance. Some models operate in a temperature range from minus 50 degrees to plus 50, but they are very expensive. These are the latest technologies. For more simple models There is special devices, which allow you to turn on the air conditioner in winter.

Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner in winter and at what temperature?

Operating conditions depend on the specific split system model. Devices in the lower and middle price segments are designed for a maximum temperature of minus 5 degrees during the cold season. You can take a risk and turn on the equipment at more low temperatures, but a compressor breakdown is a serious thing, and repairs are expensive. You need to find out what the operating temperature range is for a given air conditioner model when purchasing. For cheap systems it is small.

The average split system operates for heating at a maximum minus temperature of 7 degrees.

Mitsubishi Electric brand models are capable of maintaining operating mode at temperatures down to minus 20 degrees outside the window. If you have a winter kit - up to minus 30.

Another Japanese brand Daikin has also solved the all-weather problem for its split systems. Air conditioners operate for heating in winter at temperatures of minus 15 degrees.

Before turning on the equipment for heating, you need to re-read the instructions and find out to what lower temperature threshold the device can be used so as not to damage it. There are two reasons why an air conditioner may break down:

  1. Freezing drainage system. Condensation that flows out into the street during operation freezes in cold weather and the liquid cannot escape.
  2. Oil freezing. Each brand has its own limit of lower temperatures at which it thickens and can no longer perform its functions.

As a result of violation of the rules for using the device in winter time Various breakdowns occur. If provided protective functions, the equipment will simply turn off, which will save it from expensive repairs.

Heating is available only in spring and autumn, when the use of gas boilers is irrational because they consume a lot of fuel. Warming up the room a little is all that can be achieved from a conventional air conditioner. However, consumers want to cool and heat a room using the same appliance.

In winter, the efficiency of the split system decreases if you turn on the air conditioner at sub-zero temperatures. Cooling work during the cold season is only needed in specific rooms where equipment is located that has high heat output and requires constant cooling. A winter set was created for these purposes: to cool, not heat, the room. It includes the following components:

  • A device that reduces the speed of the impeller. Thanks to it, efficiency is normalized.
  • A device that heats the compressor crankcase. As soon as the compressor stops, the crankcase heater starts. Freon does not flow into it, the oil remains liquid, and the refrigerant does not boil.
  • Drainage system heater. Pipes and baths do not freeze, condensate flows out freely. There are heaters mounted outside and inside the line.

An air conditioner equipped with such a kit can be turned on in winter without fear.

To heat a house or apartment in winter, you need to buy a very expensive model, or use an average air conditioner at above-zero temperatures, which usually occur in the off-season. At sub-zero temperatures, use only for cooling equipment, for example, in server rooms, and be sure to install a winter kit.

What happens if you turn on the air conditioner in winter?

The refrigerant evaporates to transfer heat at a temperature lower than atmospheric air by 5 – 14 degrees. Thus, even if the outside temperature is +6 degrees, the evaporation temperature should be negative. If you turn on the air conditioner in winter, a “snow coat” builds up on the heat exchanger. The exchange of heat with the atmosphere is disrupted, the temperature of freon evaporation decreases, and productivity drops.

When the heat exchanger freezes, equipment performance drops

The power of a heat exchanger covered with snow is not enough to evaporate freon. The refrigerant enters the suction line and from there into the compressor, causing water hammer.

Thus, you can turn on the air conditioner in winter, taking into account several negative points:

  • cold performance drops significantly;
  • the outdoor unit may freeze, the compressor may be damaged, or water hammer may occur;
  • if the heat exchanger is covered with ice, condensate flows down it directly onto the impeller, which sprays water into the room;
  • compressor cooling is disrupted;
  • the compressor discharge temperature is exceeded, which threatens to melt the four-way valve;
  • the drain tube may freeze.

How to operate an air conditioner in winter

Using an air conditioner in winter is possible under the following conditions:

  1. For the device to operate safely, it must be used for its intended purpose - to cool the room. This reduces the risk of breakdown.
  2. A winter kit, preheating compressor and drainage system must be installed. Even in the off-season, the temperature at night can drop 1 - 2 degrees below zero, so it would be a good idea to protect the device if it is sometimes turned on for heating.
  3. The device must have a heating function as such in order to turn it on in warm mode. In hot countries, split systems are designed mainly for cooling, so all questions should be clarified with sellers when purchasing.

Companies that manufacture cooling systems are directing their efforts to design a device that can work effectively for cooling even in the most severe frosts. To heat a living space in Siberia, where frosts reach 40–50 degrees, any air conditioner will not even turn on, let alone maintain performance.

It is recommended to operate cooling systems in specialized rooms with expensive equipment alternately. The equipment is configured to automatically switch from one air conditioner to another so that they have the opportunity to rest and cool down. During periods of heavy loads, several split systems can operate simultaneously in the server room, so all outdoor units must be equipped heating elements for compressor and drainage. The winter kit heats the oil first, so that the rubbing parts do not wear out, and keeps the condenser tube warm so that the liquid in it does not freeze.

Split system heating during cold periods

You need to turn on the equipment for heating after cleaning the filters. Use regular detergents for a removable filter and special solutions for a fine filter, if available. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust from indoor unit and turn it on in ventilation mode for a couple of hours to remove moisture.

Check the device at the temperatures specified in the operating instructions. This is done with the winter kit already installed. If you purchased an expensive model that can operate at very low temperatures, you need to clarify whether a winter kit is needed, or whether it is already built into the external unit.

If operation is not planned, it is advisable to cover the external unit with waterproof material.

When purchasing a split system in winter, installation is carried out when the outside temperature allows the equipment to be turned on. You should not expect that the air conditioner will work productively, heating the room to 30 degrees. All you can expect is 18 – 23 degrees with a powerful compressor.

Air conditioning cooling in winter

Some rooms require constant cooling of the air because there is expensive equipment. As already mentioned, most often these are server rooms that have high heat transfer. When temperatures rise in summer, equipment can fail and disrupt the operation of the entire enterprise.

Similar equipment are magnetic resonance imaging scanners in hospitals. These devices cost several hundred thousand dollars and are very expensive to install and repair. The purpose of the air conditioner is to protect the MRI machine from breakdown, so it must work for cooling in both winter and summer. In summer there are no problems, but in winter you need to install heating for climate control equipment and observe the temperature regime.

In areas with harsh climates, it is better not to skimp on electronic cooling diagnostic equipment, since repairs will cost more than the most expensive model. The best are Japanese split systems, which turn on at temperatures down to minus 25 degrees, and with a winter set up to minus 30.

Several cooling systems are installed in special rooms so that if one fails, a spare one can be turned on.

Features of winter operation

Air conditioner heating mode designations

To turn on the air conditioner to operate in warm mode, find on the remote control remote control the required button. IN different models it looks different - in the form of an icon with a sun or with the inscription Mote, which means switching modes.

After pressing the button, the split system will begin heating no earlier than 10 minutes later. The air in the room will warm up in 15 - 20 minutes. First, the external unit will start working, then the internal unit will connect to work. You shouldn’t think that the equipment is broken, the system just needs to get ready for work.

Problems and risks of operation

Without a heat auxiliary pump, the oil will not be able to heat up to desired temperature. The compressor parts will run dry for some time. Without lubrication, friction between parts increases and leads to wear. At certain temperatures, the viscosity of the oil increases, at which point it is ineffective. In this case, compressor failure occurs gradually and depends on how long the rubbing parts can withstand.

Water hammer is when liquid freon enters the compressor. Normally, the refrigerant should heat up and gaseous state enter the compressor. At low temperatures, the transition of freon from liquid state into gaseous, which affects the operation of the valve system. When the pressure drops, less refrigerant enters the compressor than it should, the engine overheats and stops working. In this case, damage to the insulation and deterioration of lubrication may occur.

The heating function is becoming an increasingly popular component of household climate control equipment. The relevance is associated with off-season periods, when central heating has not yet been turned off or is no longer turned off. But the question is also often asked: is it possible to turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter? Manufacturers of climate control equipment produce special “winter kits” for air conditioners; some models are equipped with built-in heating systems at low air temperatures. Let's take a closer look at whether it is possible to use a split system as an additional heating device in winter.

Main function

The main initial function of household climate control equipment is cooling internal space apartments, rooms. That is why the purchase of air conditioners became a mass phenomenon before the start of summer season. How does the air cooling process occur?

The split system is equipped with a cooling circuit made of copper pipes. Freon circulates inside. The features are such that during evaporation it is able to cool the air. The indoor unit of the climate device has a heat exchanger through which freon evaporates and releases cold. A nearby fan supplies room air to the evaporator, drives it through it, producing a cooled stream.

Next, the heated freon moves to the external unit, inside of which it is converted, gets rid of the accumulated heat and, ready to cool, returns to the evaporator. In this way, the main cooling function of the air conditioner is realized.

Cooling mode

The instructions for household cooling equipment indicate temperature Range, where equipment operates at maximum productivity and efficiency. For the cooling mode, the lower limit is -5⁰ C, for some units – up to -25⁰ C. If the temperature changes below this level, the equipment cannot be turned on.

In addition to freon, oil circulates inside the cooling circuit, which lubricates the compressor parts external unit. Its presence is mandatory for efficient work climate devices. Reducing temperatures causes the oil to thicken. The compressor begins to work hard, wears out, and can quickly break down.

Another point is that sub-zero temperatures freeze the liquid discharged by the drainage system. This will gradually cause condensate to overflow from the indoor unit.

It should be remembered that when heat is released, the outdoor unit will inevitably become covered with ice in winter, which will reduce its efficiency and increase energy costs.

The -5⁰ C (or -25⁰ C) indicated by the manufacturer indicates that the device can operate up to this limit specifically for cooling, but not heating. Actively sold “winter kits”, heating elements of equipment, are designed specifically to ensure efficient operation of the air conditioner for cooling when the outside temperature drops. They do not contribute to the heating operation of the device.

Winter set

It is a combination of several devices:

  • Drainage system heater. Heats up the communications so that the discharged liquid can pass through the pipes without hindrance.
  • A device that heats the compressor crankcase of the external unit. Helps warm up the inactive compressor, so the latter starts up already warm, the oil is liquid, and the freon is cooled.
  • A device that reduces the fan rotation speed to normalize the efficiency of the device (relates to the cooling function; when heating, the fan should rotate faster than usual).

Installing the kit on a device with a heating option will not help the air conditioner function properly in winter. Such equipment will only be correct in the case of cooling operation.

Equipment modifications equipped by manufacturers with a winter kit and an anti-icing program are also ineffective in winter, despite the specified temperature ranges. Only a small part will work in cold weather. Semi-industrial models are capable of heating.

Heating mode

This function became available recently. Convenient when it gets cold inside the apartment before or after work central heating. Off-season periods are associated with a lack of heat. Electrical heating equipment – ​​energy-intensive Appliances, and therefore not economically profitable. Against its background, an air conditioner with a heating function looks more attractive. How does air heat up?

It should be understood that any split device is a non-heating equipment, since it is not equipped with a heating element. At parameters allowed by the manufacturer environment The heating function is realized by the reversible movement of freon.

A four-way valve installed inside the outdoor unit allows refrigerant to circulate back. The evaporator and condenser change functions. Now the heat exchanger of the indoor unit receives the heat of the freon, cooling it. The fan forces air through the newly formed condenser, heating the flow.

Freon arrives to the outdoor module cooled. There it absorbs the heat from the surrounding air and returns back inside the room.

That is, there is no heating of the air, only heat transfer from one place to another. This scheme is effective when the ambient temperature is positive. If there is a minus outside the window, it stops working, because the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit is not enough for the freon to relieve the cold, the module turns out to be too small for this.

There are air conditioners that can effectively heat a room in winter. But they are closer to semi-industrial ones; they are equipped with an enlarged external heat exchanger, which helps to warm up the freon.

Air conditioners for winter

Climate control equipment capable of operating in winter:

  • Daikin CTXG-J/MXS-E
  • Hitachi PREMIUM, ECO
  • Panasonic HE-MKD
  • Mitsubishi Electric DELUXE, PKA-PR

The devices are equipped with an air heating system in the apartment in winter. Their cost is higher compared to standard split systems. The terms of use must be carefully studied by reading the instructions and technical data sheet.

It is strongly recommended to turn off climate control equipment, even those equipped with a heating option, before frost. This will prevent compressor wear and failure. The device can effectively cool down to certain low temperatures. Modern split units are programmed to automatically turn off when heating is started at sub-zero ambient temperatures.

The exception is single models designed by the manufacturer for winter operation. They are equipped with an enlarged heat exchanger, programs for effective room heating, and anti-icing.

In other cases, you should prepare the split system for wintering by drying the internal unit with two-hour ventilation, and protect the external unit with a canopy or cover from snow and ice.

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Most of the air conditioners produced today are models that operate in heating mode in addition to cooling. In the so-called “off-season” - spring and autumn, when full heating does not work - the function is quite convenient for the Russian consumer.

But Is it possible to turn on the air conditioner for heating in winter, at subzero temperatures? ?

Using most brands of air conditioners in winter in HEATING mode is NOT RECOMMENDED at sub-zero temperatures.

In the instructions, manufacturers of climate control equipment always indicate the range of outside air temperatures that is acceptable for normal operation technology.

So, for example, for- not lower than minus 5 C ° . But we still do not recommend turning on the air conditioner at temperatures below 0 C°.

In case of heating problems, it is better to purchase a convector, infrared heater, heat gun, thermal curtain or otherspecialized devices.

When operating the air conditioner at HEATING at temperatures below 0 C ° The following problems arise:

  • On an external heat exchangerstarts to stand out condensate , therefore, at street temperatures 0 C° and below, the condensate begins to freeze. As a result, the outdoor unit becomes covered with ice.
  • As a result, heat exchange deteriorates and the heating performance of the air conditioner is greatly reduced.Liquid refrigerant entering the compressor leads to compressor failure.

When the air conditioner is operating in COOLING mode when the temperature is below +5 C ° :

The solution to this problem is to purchase and install a “winter kit”.

The operation of a split system in winter is important in rooms such as server rooms and base stations mobile operators communications, mini-bakeriesor other rooms with large heat inflows that require constant, year-round, uninterrupted cooling.

The kit includes:

  • Fan speed retarder: maintains the set condensing temperature, prevents freezing of the indoor unit of the air conditioner.
  • Compressor crankcase heater: when the compressor stops, the heater turns on to prevent refrigerant from leaking into the crankcase. It heats the oil, preventing it from thickening. Refrigerant boiling and water hammer do not occur when starting the compressor.
  • Drain heater: removes condensate from the air conditioner and prevents the water from freezing.

And most importantly, these kits are designed to operate the air conditioner in winter period oncooling, and not for heating.

Air conditioner breakdown guarantee

Turning on the (split system) at an outside temperature below that specified in the instructions is a violation of operating conditions and does not apply to the warranty case.

Preparing your air conditioner for winter

An important question is how to prepare the air conditioner (in in this case we are talking about a split system) for winter. Minimum things to do:

Many people are concerned about the question at what temperatures can the split system be turned on in winter? For example, in Krasnodar in winter frosts can reach -30 degrees Celsius and below. Although not for long.
Almost all manufacturers play it safe and write standard on|off split - systems that the split system cannot be turned on when the outside air temperature is below 0 or -5 degrees. In fact, most likely a split-the system will turn on even at -10 and will operate in heating mode more or less normally. But there are still certain limitations and ways to avoid unnecessary breakdowns in such cases.

Warning: you need to understand that when using a split system under conditions that do not correspond to the normal operating conditions specified in the instructions - the operating manual developed by the manufacturer, you assume all risks associated with possible breakdown of the air conditioner. If suddenly the split system breaks down at the same time, the breakdown may be considered not covered by warranty and repairs may be paid at your expense, despite the warranty period not yet ending.

The main reasons for failure or reduced service life of split systems at low temperatures are thickening of the oil in the compressor and the likelihood of ice freezing inside the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit. Thickened oil during frequent cold starts can reduce the life of the compressor, causing increased wear, or even jam the compressor, as a result of which it can, in principle, burn out altogether. Although the latter option happens extremely rarely. When ice freezes in the outdoor unit, the heat exchanger may be damaged or the fan may be damaged when the blades beat on the ice.

Secondly, you should understand that the lower the frost, that is, the greater the “minus”, the lower the heating efficiency of the split system. When decreasing subzero temperature The heating efficiency decreases all the time. The split system will more and more often need to switch to defrost (thawing) mode so that the outdoor unit does not freeze over. Therefore, despite the fact that a regular split can, in principle, heat even at an air temperature of -25 degrees, it will do so rather weakly. With this disadvantage, it is more profitable and faster to heat the room with an electric shadow heater, for example.

You should know that in the cold winter, inverter-type split systems work better and more efficiently for heating. The fact is that they already have a winter kit pre-installed. In the compressor crankcase of the outdoor unit there is electric heater, the fan of the outdoor unit is smoothly adjustable. This allows the outdoor unit to almost never freeze and start the compressor easily even in very cold weather. At the same time, the inverter heats much better and more efficiently, wears out less and is quieter, and can start even if the voltage in the network is below normal, when everyone turns on electric heaters and the voltage sags.

Manufacturers usually recommend using inverter split systems up to temperatures of -10 or -15 degrees. In reality, paying attention to our warning above, the inverter can be used down to -30 sometimes -40 degrees. The main thing is to observe the following useful tips and recommendations.

Try to turn off and turn on the split system as little as possible when the temperature outside is below -8 degrees Celsius. The more often you do this, the more the resource of your split system decreases. As mentioned below, cold starts in the cold are not very useful. It’s better to let the split work longer without turning it off. In this case, the compressor will be constantly warm, the oil in it will not thicken, and the service life of the air conditioner will not decrease.

Also pay attention to the outdoor unit - if it is suddenly completely frozen with ice - you should turn off the air conditioner to avoid its breakdown and do not turn it on until it thaws. You should listen to the sounds that the outdoor unit makes during operation. If you suddenly hear an unnaturally loud hum or rumble from the street (possibly from the fan impeller beating on the ice), immediately turn off the air conditioner.

A split system, in principle, is not intended to be used as the sole and main source of heating for premises in the winter. However, if you do not have other economically viable options, especially in our warm southern latitudes - in Krasnodar and the Krasnodar Territory, you can use a split system as the main heating system.

When choosing an air conditioner for such a purpose, it is better to contact professionals for qualified assistance. correct selection models. It is better to take a split system with a large power reserve, since heating efficiency drops in cold weather. In such cases, it is absolutely correct to buy an inverter split system.

As for using a split system in cooling mode in winter - for example, to cool server rooms, it is better to use a special winter kit installed separately inside the air conditioner. It allows you to heat the drainage, crankcase and smoothly regulate the rotation speed of the outdoor unit fan.

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