Do-it-yourself powerful laser - detailed instructions. How to make a laser cutter with your own hands

Made with your own hands, it will be useful in every home.

Of course, homemade device will not be able to gain the greater power that production devices have, but still some benefits in everyday life can be obtained from it.

The most interesting thing is what to make laser cutter You can use old unnecessary items.

For example, using an old laser pointer will allow you to make a laser device with your own hands.

In order for the process of creating a cutter to progress as quickly as possible, you need to prepare the following items and tools:

  • laser type pointer;

  • battery-powered flashlight;

  • an old CD/DVD-RW writer that may be out of order - you will need a drive with a laser from it;

  • electric soldering iron and a set of screwdrivers.

The process of making a cutter with your own hands begins with disassembling the drive, from where you need to remove the device.

Extraction must be done as carefully as possible, and you will have to be patient and attentive. The device contains many different wires with almost the same structure.

Choosing DVD drive, you need to take into account that it is writing, since this is the option that allows you to make notes using a laser.

Writing is done by evaporating a thin layer of metal from the disk.

During the reading process, the laser operates at half its capacity. technical capabilities, slightly illuminating the disk.

During the process of dismantling the upper fastener, the eye will fall on a carriage with a laser, which can move in several directions.

The carriage must be carefully removed and the connectors and screws carefully removed.

Then you can proceed to removing the red diode, which burns the disk - this can easily be done with your own hands using an electric soldering iron. The extracted element should not be shaken, much less dropped.

Once the main part of the future cutter is on the surface, you need to make a carefully thought-out plan for assembling the laser cutter.

In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following points: how best to place the diode, how to connect it to the power source, because the diode of the writing device requires more electricity than the main element of the pointer.

This issue can be resolved in several ways.

To make a manual cutter with more or less high power, you need to remove the diode located in the pointer, and then replace it with the element removed from the DVD drive.

Therefore, the laser pointer is disassembled as carefully as the DVD burner drive.

The object is untwisted, then its body is divided into two halves. Immediately on the surface you will be able to see a part that needs to be replaced with your own hands.

To do this, the original diode from the pointer is removed and carefully replaced with a more powerful one, its reliable fastening can be done using glue.

It may not be possible to remove the old diode element right away, so you can carefully pry it out with the tip of a knife, then lightly shake the pointer body.

At the next stage of manufacturing a laser cutter, you need to make a housing for it.

For this purpose, a flashlight with rechargeable batteries is useful, which will allow the laser cutter to receive electrical power, acquire an aesthetic appearance, and ease of use.

To do this, you need to install the modified upper part of the former pointer into the flashlight body with your own hands.

Then you need to connect the charger to the diode using the charger located in the flashlight battery. It is very important to accurately establish the polarity during the connection process.

Before the flashlight is assembled, it is necessary to remove the glass and other unnecessary elements of the pointer that may interfere with the laser beam.

At the final stage, the laser cutter is prepared for use.

For a comfortable self made All stages of work on the device must be strictly observed.

For this purpose, it is necessary to check the reliability of fixation of all embedded elements, correct polarity and evenness of the laser installation.

So, if all the assembly conditions stated above in the article have been strictly met, the cutter is ready for use.

But since a homemade hand-held device is endowed with low power, it is unlikely that it will turn into a full-fledged laser cutter for metal.

What a cutter can ideally do is make holes in paper or plastic film.

But you cannot point a laser device made by yourself at a person; here its power will be enough to harm the health of the body.

How can you amplify a homemade laser?

To make a more powerful laser cutter for metal work with your own hands, you need to use devices from the following list:

  • DVD-RW drive, it makes no difference whether it works or not;

  • 100 pF and mF – capacitors;

  • 2-5 Ohm resistor;

  • 3 pcs. rechargeable batteries;

  • soldering iron, wires;

  • steel lantern with LED elements.

Assembling a laser cutter for manual work occurs according to the following scheme.

With the use of these devices, the driver is assembled; subsequently, through the board, it will be able to provide the laser cutter with a certain power.

In this case, under no circumstances should you connect the power supply directly to the diode, as the diode will burn out. You also need to take into account that the diode must take power not from voltage, but from current.

A body equipped with an optical lens is used as a collimator, due to which the rays will accumulate.

This part is easy to find in a special store, the main thing is that it has a groove for installing a laser diode. The price of this device is small, approximately $3-7.

By the way, the laser is assembled in the same way as the cutter model discussed above.

Wire can also be used as an antistatic product; it is used to wrap the diode. Then you can start assembling the driver device.

Before moving on to complete manual assembly of the laser cutter, you need to check the functionality of the driver.

The current strength is measured using a multimeter; to do this, take the remaining diode and carry out the measurements yourself.

Taking into account the speed of the current, its power is selected for the laser cutter. For example, for some versions of laser devices the current strength can be 300-350 mA.

For other, more intense models, it is 500 mA, provided that a different driver device is used.

To homemade laser looked more aesthetically pleasing and could be used more conveniently; it requires a body, which could well be a steel flashlight operating on LEDs.

As a rule, the mentioned device is endowed with compact dimensions that will allow it to fit in your pocket. But in order to avoid contamination of the lens, you need to purchase or sew a cover in advance.

Features of production laser cutters

Not everyone can afford the price of a production-type metal laser cutter.

Such equipment is used for processing and cutting metal materials.

The principle of operation of a laser cutter is based on the production of powerful radiation by the tool, endowed with the property of evaporating or blowing out a molten metal layer.

This production technology when working with different types metal can provide high quality cut.

The depth of material processing depends on the type of laser installation and the characteristics of the materials being processed.

Today, three types of lasers are used: solid-state, fiber and gas.

The design of solid-state emitters is based on the use as working environment specific types of glass or crystals.

Here, as an example, we can cite inexpensive installations operating on semiconductor lasers.

Fiber - their active medium functions through the use of optical fibers.

This type of device is a modification of solid-state emitters, but according to experts, the fiber laser is successfully displacing its analogues from the field of metalworking.

At the same time, optical fibers are the basis of not only the cutter, but also the engraving machine.

Gas - the working environment of the laser device combines carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium gases.

Since the efficiency of the emitters under consideration is not higher than 20%, they are used for cutting and welding polymer, rubber and glass materials, as well as metal with high degree thermal conductivity.

Here, as an example, you can take a metal cutter produced by the Hans company; the use of a laser device allows you to cut copper, brass and aluminum, in in this case The minimum power of the machines only outperforms its analogues.

Drive operation diagram

Only a desktop laser can be operated from a drive; this type of device is a portal-console machine.

The laser unit can move along the guide rails of the device both vertically and horizontally.

As an alternative to the gantry device, a tablet model of the mechanism was made; its cutter moves only horizontally.

Other existing versions of laser machines have a work table equipped with a drive mechanism and endowed with property move in different planes.

There are currently two options for controlling the drive mechanism.

The first ensures the movement of the workpiece due to the operation of the table drive, or the movement of the cutter is carried out due to the operation of the laser.

The second option involves moving the table and cutter simultaneously.

At the same time, the first control model is considered much simpler compared to the second option. But the second model still has high performance.

General technical characteristics In the cases considered, it is necessary to introduce a CNC unit into the device, but then the price for assembling the device for manual work will be higher.

Precise cutting of metal is not an easy task. Milling cutters, plasma cutters, and waterjet cutters are used.

Recently it has become possible use scientific developments in industry and even in everyday life, and a metal laser cutter has turned from a fantastic accessory into ordinary tool, which can be purchased. Including for personal use.

Price industrial equipment goes beyond common sense. But for certain volumes of commercial use, purchase is possible. If the processing area does not go beyond 0.5 m by 1 m, it is quite possible to keep within 100 thousand rubles. This is a realistic amount for a small metalworking workshop.

Metal laser cutting installation - operating principle

We will not talk about engineer Garin’s hyperboloid; let’s leave this topic for science fiction writers. The size of the emitter and its power are still an insurmountable obstacle to the creation of portable combat lasers, or cutting tool based on them.

Industrial installations for manual application are not actually hand-held instruments. The installation itself is stationary and supplies the energy of the laser beam to the cutting head using optical fiber. And the operator’s protection should be at the level of an astronaut or, at worst, a steel worker.

Important! Any laser, even a low-power one, if turned on uncontrolled, can lead to fire, serious injury, and property damage.

Before you start making a laser with your own hands for cutting metal, and even more so, make a test switch on, Take safety precautions and eye protection. The beam reflected from metal also has destructive power.

Principle of operation

The laser beam creates point hyperheating of the material being processed, leading to melting and, with prolonged exposure, evaporation of the metal. The latter option is more suitable for destruction, since the seam results in uneven edges. And metal vapors are deposited on the machine elements, especially on the optics. This shortens the service life.

The principle of operation of plasma cutting is clearly shown in this video

It is much more efficient (and more economically profitable) to bring the metal to melt and blow the material out of the melt zone. The seam turns out thin, perfectly smooth, and the melt products along with the smoke are instantly removed from working area.

All industrial cutters work on this principle. The main components of a laser machine for cutting metals:

    • The actual emitter, or laser gun. In addition to the source of the laser beam, it is necessary to ensure its “delivery” to the cutting area and focusing to the required size. Therefore, the optical element is necessarily included in the emitter kit. In this case, the optics can be made of a single design with a gun, or consist of spaced components operating as an integral complex. If you do laser cutting do it yourself - first of all, find a suitable emitter.
    • Feeding system compressed air(or inert gas) to the cutting point to blow out molten metal and cool the cutting head
    • Ventilation system the lower part of the cutter to remove smoke, combustion products and melt.
    • A coordinate drive that provides a programmed movement path. If you only need straight cuts, you will need a simple movement speed controller. For complex forms it is required coordinate system CNC. This is the most affordable element in terms of making a metal cutter with your own hands.
    • A work table on which the workpiece must be held firmly (without allowing it to move). The plate being processed can be placed on point supports. Laying the workpiece on flat surface will make work impossible, since the table will be destroyed by the beam.

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  • The table can also be equipped with a coordinate movement system.
  • The installation's power supply, and a controller that regulates the laser power for cutting metal.

The cutting emitter can operate according to different technologies:

Solid State Lasers

The active element is a semiconductor crystal. The advantage is compactness and ease of use. Models low power have affordable price. The disadvantage is the high complexity (and cost) of powerful models. Therefore, they are rarely used in cutters.

If you need a not very powerful laser, made with your own hands at home, this is best option. Metal engravers, capable of cutting thin metal sheets, have become widespread precisely because of their affordability.

This video compares the operation of two types of laser, solid-state and gas

Fiber lasers

The pumping and radiation element is a thin quartz rod - fiberglass. Has high efficiency - up to 40%. The product is quite compact and also generates relatively little heat. Therefore, there is no need to fence off the cooling system.

The emitting complex does not require complex optics; a pair of glass lenses is enough. Long service life due to low fiber wear. It is possible to create modular designs: several heads ultimately combine their power. The radiation can be transmitted via flexible optical fiber.

Gas lasers, mainly CO2

Inexpensive and fairly powerful emitters using Chemical properties gas High-voltage power supplies are used for pumping. A serious drawback is the bulky design and low efficiency (no more than 10%).

Do-it-yourself laser cutter - a practical example of creating

Despite the complexity of production, and expensive equipment(primarily the emitter), the machine can be assembled independently. Since the main burden (technological and financial) lies on the laser, the rest of the structure is built around it.

IN in this example CO2 laser LGN-703 is used. This is quite an ancient, but quite workable design. If you are smart, you can purchase it at research institutes with Soviet roots. Many copies are written off due to the formal end of their service life. However, the lasers are still operational.

The power of such a tube is about 50-60 W, which is quite enough to make a homemade laser cutter. The power supply is made from available parts from a tube TV. A multiplier is required: voltage to start pumping is 35,000 volts, to maintain the beam is 25,000 volts.

The circuit is quite simple to manufacture, as can be seen in the photo.

There is no point in describing the water cooling system; it is not difficult to organize. The main task is to create a system of coordinate movement and focusing of mirrors.

The first mirror is motionless. It projects the beam onto a second reflector, which moves along the beam on a movable truss. A carriage with a focusing head moves along the truss. The beam is directed to the optics using a third mirror. As a result, regardless of the position of the head, the beam always hits the target.

Let's put it this way: a laser cutter for metal is like a man's watch. A cool and unique tool, necessary for a modern man who has his own garage and knows how to do something with his own hands.

You can make this tool yourself. This is not difficult if you follow the necessary rules and instructions. The power of a homemade laser knife will not come out God knows what, but if necessary, it can be increased in several ways.

Of course, you won’t have a tool for industrial needs, but for everyday household work, yours is quite suitable.

Firstly, you can make do with scrap materials, that is, you don’t have to buy anything special in the store. The most important thing is to find an old laser pointer.

Additionally you will need:

  • screwdrivers of different calibers;
  • matrix with laser drive from a used DVD-ROM;
  • a flashlight powered by rechargeable batteries;
  • soldering iron

With great care and maximum care, we disassemble the laser pointer and disk drive. First you need to remove the drive from the computer drive.

Important nuance: this drive must be not only reading, but also writing. All drives have these properties. modern computers, so before disassembling, check the model and characteristics of the drive.

Laser cutter for metal.

The second step is to find and remove the red diode, which is used to record on the disk in the form of burning. This diode is easy to remove: you need to unsolder the fasteners with a soldering iron.

Carry out all actions with tenderness and caution: diodes and other little things associated with them are fragile things and ready to deteriorate at the slightest opportunity. Reducing the risk of breakdown is easy. To do this, just replace the diode with a red light bulb from the DVD wire.

Now we begin to make the body of the cutter from the stored flashlight and rechargeable batteries that will be needed. Using a flashlight will allow you to produce a model that is compact and comfortable to work with.

Do not forget to remove the protective glass from it, as it may become an obstacle to the laser beam in the future.

The most important point during the manufacture of the body - right choice current polarity.

Now you need to power the diode by connecting it to the battery charger.

As a final step and before starting work, we check:

  • Is the fixation in the clamps and latches strong;
  • device polarity;
  • beam direction and focus.

What can you do with your cutter?

Do not forget that your new homemade one is not capable of cutting thick metal - it simply cannot do it. But you can strengthen the tool to do work on almost any metal if necessary.

Drawing of plasma cutting of metal.

First, you will need to stock up on a capacitor, because under no circumstances can a knife with increased power be connected directly to the network. Therefore, first the current must go to the capacitors and only then to the batteries.

You can increase the power using additional resistors. Your knife will receive additional power from the use of a so-called collimator, which serves to concentrate and accumulate the laser beam.

Collimators are very inexpensive and are sold in any electrical equipment department.

In the case of increasing power, the unnecessary static increases at the same time. It can be easily eliminated by winding aluminum wire around the diode.

Now we need measurements: we measure the current strength at the ends of the cutter after connecting them to the diode. The indicators are adjustable, the most suitable range is from 300 to 500 mA.

Why bother?

The gadget is cool and necessary. But dear. But making a metal cutter with your own hands is not difficult, even for beginners. So the motivation to implement our advice is obvious.

Let's better understand the principles of operation of a laser knife, this will be useful to everyone: those who bought it and those who made it with their own hands.

The main character is a focused laser beam, which, due to its directionality and radiation, acts, for example, on metal. The beam itself is extremely narrow - its diameter is very small. Thanks to this, the cuts on the workpieces are distinguished by the highest precision.

The cutting depth depends only on the power of the tool. Here, of course, professional factory models with high deepening rates win. As for our homemade laser knife, the depth here is available at 10 – 30 mm.

Scheme of operation of a gas cutter.

Metal cutters are divided into three types:

Solid cutters

Made from special glass or crystalline LEDs. These are relatively cheap models, produced and used in industry.

Fiber laser knives

In this case, optical fiber is used, making these models very efficient in terms of cutting depth. In essence, the actions resemble solid-state devices - close relatives. But more effective and more expensive.

Gas cutters

The gases used are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, maybe helium. These models are much more effective than the two previous types. They cut everything from polymers and rubber to the most difficult metals.

In every home there is old equipment that has fallen into disrepair. Someone throws it in a landfill, and some craftsmen try to use it for some homemade inventions. So an old laser pointer can be put to good use - it is possible to make a laser cutter with your own hands.

To make a real laser from a harmless trinket, you need to prepare the following items:

  • laser pointer;
  • flashlight with rechargeable batteries;
  • old, maybe not working CD/DVD-RW writer. The main thing is that it has a drive with a working laser;
  • a set of screwdrivers and a soldering iron. It is better to use a branded cutter, but if you don’t have one, a regular one may do.

Making a laser cutter

First, you need to remove the laser cutter from the drive. This work is not difficult, but you will have to be patient and pay maximum attention. Since it contains a large number of wires, their structure is the same. When choosing a drive, it is important to consider the presence of a writing option, since it is in this model that you can make notes with a laser. Recording is done by evaporating a thin layer of metal from the disc itself. In the case when the laser is working for reading, it is used half-heartedly, illuminating the disk.

When dismantling the upper fasteners, you can find a carriage with a laser located in it, which can move in two directions. It should be carefully removed by unscrewing; there are a large number of detachable devices and screws that are important to carefully remove. For further work A red diode is required, with which burning is carried out. To remove it, you will need a soldering iron, and you also need to carefully remove the fasteners. It is important to note that the irreplaceable part for making a laser cutter should not be shaken or dropped, therefore, it is recommended to be careful when removing the laser diode.

How will it be extracted? main element future laser model, you need to carefully weigh everything and figure out where to place it and how to connect the power supply to it, since the diode of a writing laser requires much more current than the diode from a laser pointer, and in this case several methods can be used.

Next, the diode in the pointer is replaced. To create a powerful laser, the original diode must be removed from the pointer, and a similar one from the CD/DVD-RW drive must be installed in its place. The pointer is disassembled in accordance with the sequence. It must be untwisted and divided into two parts, with the part that needs to be replaced on top. The old diode is removed and the required diode is installed in its place, which can be secured with glue. There are times when difficulties may arise when removing the old diode; in this situation, you can use a knife and shake the pointer a little.

The next step is to make a new case. To make the future laser convenient to use, connect power to it and use a flashlight body to give it an impressive look. A converted one is installed top part laser pointer into the flashlight and power is supplied to it from rechargeable batteries, which is connected to the diode. It is important not to confuse the polarity of the power supply. Before assembling the flashlight, the glass and parts of the pointer must be removed, as it will poorly conduct the direct path of the laser beam.

The last step is preparation for use. Before connecting, you need to check that the laser is securely fastened, that the polarity of the wires is connected correctly, and that the laser is installed level.

After completing these simple steps, the laser cutter is ready for use. This laser can be used to burn paper, polyethylene, and to light matches. The scope of application can be vast, everything will depend on your imagination.

Additional points

It is possible to make a more powerful laser. To make it you will need:

  • DVD-RW drive, can be inoperative;
  • capacitors 100 pF and 100 mF;
  • resistor 2-5 Ohm;
  • three rechargeable batteries;
  • wires with a soldering iron;
  • collimator;
  • steel LED flashlight.

This is a simple kit that is used to assemble a driver that, using a board, will drive the laser cutter to the required power. The current source cannot be connected directly to the diode, as it will instantly deteriorate. It is also important to take into account that a laser diode must be powered by current, but not voltage.

A collimator is a body equipped with a lens, thanks to which all rays converge into one narrow beam. Such devices can be purchased at radio parts stores. They are convenient because they already have space for installing a laser diode, and as for the cost, it is quite small, only 200-500 rubles.

You can, of course, use the body of a pointer, but it will be difficult to attach a laser to it. Such models are made from plastic material, and this will cause the case to heat up and it will not be cooled enough.

The manufacturing principle is similar to the previous one, since in this case a laser diode from a DVD-RW drive is also used.

During production it is necessary to use antistatic bracelets.

This is necessary to remove static from the laser diode, it is very sensitive. If there are no bracelets, you can make do with improvised means - you can wind a thin wire around the diode. Next, the driver is assembled.

Before assembling the entire device, the operation of the driver is checked. In this case, it is necessary to connect a non-working or second diode and measure the strength of the supplied current with a multimeter. Considering the speed of the current, it is important to select its strength according to the standards. For many models, a current of 300-350 mA is applicable, and for faster ones, 500 mA can be used, but for this a completely different driver must be used.

Of course, such a laser can be assembled by any non-professional technician, but still, for beauty and convenience, it is most reasonable to build such a device in a more aesthetic case, and which one to use can be chosen to suit every taste. It would be most practical to assemble it in the housing of an LED flashlight, since its dimensions are compact, only 10x4 cm. However, you still do not need to carry such a device in your pocket, since the relevant authorities may file a claim. It is best to store such a device in a special case to avoid dusting the lens.

It is important not to forget that the device is a weapon of its kind, which should be used with caution and should not be pointed at animals or people, as it is very dangerous and can cause harm to health, the most dangerous is when pointed at the eyes. It is dangerous to give such devices to children.

The laser can be equipped various devices, and then a fairly powerful sight for weapons, both pneumatic and firearms, will come out of a harmless toy.

Here are some simple tips for making a laser cutter. By slightly improving this design, you can make cutters for cutting acrylic material, plywood and plastic, engraving.

Any CNC laser machine does an excellent job, for example, with making gift souvenirs, furniture, engraving various materials and creation of advertising products. Using a laser unit you can forget about manual cutting. Burning on any surface takes place without problems.

Making a CNC laser machine with your own hands is not difficult, it’s like assembling a construction set from components, below we’ll talk about how this is done and what components we need.

Device of a laser CNC machine

The first devices of this class had one common and very significant drawback: their high price. Nowadays laser machines are much cheaper and even small enterprises are able to use them. The simplest equipment of this class costs approximately 50,000 rubles.

But if we are talking about a full-fledged machine, its price will increase at least 4 times. Due to the fact that the machines became accessible, attention to them began to grow rapidly. The first thing that interests people when encountering such machines is how they work.

Exactly the same as in milling machines, homemade laser analogues are controlled by a CNC module. Therefore, they are assembled from the following basic parts:

  1. Frame.
  2. Horizontal platform (desktop).
  3. Place for tools (there is a working module - laser).

A stepper motor is used to accurately move the laser head in space. It works according to a given program.

The laser itself consists of the following parts:

  • laser tube;
  • head of the radiating part;
  • reflectors (ordinary mirrors);
  • lenses for focusing the beam.

During operation of the CNC laser machine, a special solution based on nitrogen and carbon dioxide is supplied to the tube; helium is also added. Current is supplied through this mixture (working substance) high voltage, as a result, a laser beam is formed.

Before hitting the working surface, the beam is directed through mirrors and focused to a point using lenses. The emitter head is moved to the desired location using stepper motors and, according to the program, draws the specified pattern. To cool the laser, or rather its tube, a liquid system is used, consisting of a pump and a water circuit.

Principle of operation

Before you start assembling such a unit at home, it is important to understand how it works. There are three main conditions that allow a laser to work properly. If at least one of them is not met, a beam of the required intensity simply will not arise. These are the conditions:

  1. Power supply.
  2. Working environment.
  3. Optical resonator.

The energy source fills the working environment with photons of a certain charge.

These photons are taken from the active medium by particles that are similar to them. When moving in a liquid, photons begin to accelerate due to collisions with atoms of the working medium, this leads to an increase in the potential of the installation.

At the other end of the tube is installed frosted glass, through which the photon beam exits. The beam is formed in such a way that all its photons meet at one small point, superimposing their energy on each other, as a result the processed material is burned.

Video: DIY CNC laser machine.

Do it yourself

In order to make such a device alone, you need to understand the structure of the machine. Let's take a closer look at what the machine consists of:

  • Main detail The device is its body. It is best to make it collapsible. In case of adjustment or breakdown, it will be easier to access the mechanism. It would be nice to equip the frame with drawers for tools, workpieces and finished products.
  • Lifting tables. You need to make the table so that it can be adjusted in height. Roofing felt with rising and falling platforms can be used for engraving. You can make a mechanism for raising the table with a handle or install servos that will do everything for you using buttons.
  • Rotor. This is the part that will rotate the cylindrical type workpiece to complete its processing. If you plan to work with round products, the rotor will have to be installed in any case.
  • Guides. They need to be made of metal or plastic and given a round or square cross-section. The first parts are easier to make, and they can cope with any task from engraving to cutting. In addition, the speed of round guides (working speed) is higher than that of square ones. The guides wear out over time, so be prepared to purchase and install new parts over time.
  • Working surface. For machines that will work with wood, it would be advisable to install special lamella legs. If you are installing a different type of workpiece or bigger size, such knives are easy to remove and put away. If your future machine will process small parts, install a grid that will prevent them from falling into the mechanism. This grill needs to be cleaned from time to time to avoid it becoming completely clogged.
  • Compressor and extractor. These parts are needed to select soot and chips obtained during the operation of a laser machine for cutting plywood. The more powerful the suction effect, the better the processing. In addition to small fragments of the workpiece, these units remove the smoke that is formed during the firing of the workpiece.
  • Pointer. This is an indicator (you can use a handheld laser) that indicates service personnel to the place that will be processed next. When we're talking about Regarding CNC machines, it is not necessary to use such a pointer.
  • Electronic components of a DIY plywood cutting machine. It is important to select the correct equipment to ensure signal transmission to stepper motor and laser. You can select one of the programmable Arduino boards as a control element. These kits are relatively inexpensive and can be used to assemble any control mechanism. There are a lot of materials on the network for programming and installing such systems; if you have minimal skills in working with a soldering iron, installing Arduino will not cause you any difficulties.

You also need to take care of software, which you will use to create an electronic drawing of the future part. Software is needed to transfer the workpiece digitally from a PC to the homemade machine itself.