Instructions for making a homemade laser. Gutting a DVD drive or how to make a laser cutter with your own hands Homemade laser cutter for wood

with your own hands.

Step 4: Laser Optics

To cut a sheet of metal you need a laser beam with a density heat flow 1550 W/mm2.

A 100 W laser can achieve this fluence for spot sizes 0.6452 mm2 (280 microns). However, with the optics used in the project, the beam diameter ranged from 1.6 to 2.3 mm. In the case of 1.6 mm, with a threefold increase in the beam, we obtain the diameter 4.8 mm.

Diameter calculation = 0.013 * M 2 * (focal length/D), where M 2 is 1 and D is the diameter of the input beam.

If you replace M 2 with 1.5, you get a diameter of 150 microns. According to calculations, the density for this beam should be 1550 W/mm2.

Distance from laser (mm) = Beam diameter (mm)

  • 0 mm = 1.9 mm;
  • 250 mm = 2.9 mm;
  • 500 mm = 4.7 mm;
  • 750 mm = 6.7 mm;
  • 1000 mm = 8.7 mm;
  • 1500 mm = 12.9 mm;
  • 2000 mm = 17.2 mm.

Thus, at a distance from the laser of 500 mm without any expansion, the beam diameter will be (assume that M 2 = 1.5) = 0.013 * 1.5 * (38.1/4.7) = 0.158 mm

Step 6: Frequently Asked Questions

I want to make a cutting system. What would you do differently? Are there ways to save time when purchasing components?

Most of the mechanical parts, such as the CNC table, cooling system, frame, laser, are quite cheap. The purchasing process does not take much time. Perhaps the biggest technical problem that confronted me was the use welding machine, which may not be for everyone.

The optics were pretty much homemade and I don't think they will last very long. There are some types of optics that are specifically designed for laser use. This allows you to simply take the optic out of the box, connect it to the system and start cutting.

Electronics. You must have motors, multiple controllers, Limit switches and an emergency switch. Putting it all together into one integrated system was a lot of work.

There are examples on ebay where laser cutters with sufficient power to cut metal are sold. They are very expensive and require ventilation and cooling. An excellent option for those who have money.

The short answer to the question is: unless you have an extra $50,000, I think you should do most of the elements of the system yourself.

Will I be able to cut brass?

No you can't. The problem is that in copper and brass, heat travels quite quickly. Because of this, it will not be possible to concentrate the heat flow at a certain point. The metal will not evaporate.

How much will all this cost?

At a rough estimate... the total cost was about 15 thousand. $. The cost of the laser was about $6500, the CNC table was $500, and the optics were $2500. Cooling system – $500. There were many other unexpected costs such as: electronic components, motors, controllers, wiring for 220V and ventilation. It took 2 years to build the laser.

Looking at all these machines, the idea came to me to remake my 3D CNC printer.

I don't think this will work. The problem is lateral traction.

While the printer is operating, place your hand in the path of the print head. You will see that even a small amount of resistance will hinder the operation. Now consider installing an engraver on your printer instead of a print head.

Imagine the problems that will arise when a cutting tool operates with inertia. If heavy cutting tool is moving in one direction, it will not be possible to quickly change the direction of movement. If you attempt an emergency change of direction, damage to belts, gears or steppers may occur. Most of these systems suffer from inaccuracies in the movement of the mechanism. The system has some play.

Can a laser cause a cut? Does it leave burns?

No, he can not. One of the reasons a laser can't do this is because it uses CO2. The beam cannot penetrate water, which is part of the skin. Another reason is that the beam power dissipates quickly. An equivalent example would be shooting a shotgun at targets a kilometer away. If you manage to get a cut, the blood will immediately bake into it.

Step 7: Gallery

Various objects that were made using a laser.

Thank you for your patience! CNC for you homemade!

Good day, brain engineers! Today I will share with you a guide on how to how to do laser cutter 3W power and a 1.2x1.2 meter desktop controlled by an Arduino microcontroller.

This brain trick born to create coffee table in pixel art style. It was necessary to cut the material into cubes, but this is difficult manually, and very expensive through an online service. Then this 3-watt cutter/engraver for thin materials appeared. Let me clarify that industrial cutters have a minimum power of about 400 watts. That is, this cutter can handle light materials such as polystyrene foam, cork sheets, plastic or cardboard, but it only engraves thicker and denser ones.

Step 1: Materials

Arduino R3
Proto Board – board with display
stepper motors
3 watt laser
laser cooling
power unit
DC-DC regulator
MOSFET transistor
motor control boards
Limit switches
case (large enough to hold almost all the items listed)
timing belts
ball bearings 10mm
timing belt pulleys
ball bearings
2 boards 135x 10x2 cm
2 boards 125x10x2 cm
4 smooth rods with a diameter of 1cm
various bolts and nuts
screws 3.8cm
zip ties
a circular saw
various drills

Step 2: Wiring Diagram

Laser circuit homemade products is presented informatively in the photo, there are only a few clarifications.

Stepper Motors: I think you noticed that the two motors are driven from the same control board. This is necessary so that one side of the belt does not lag behind the other, that is, the two motors work synchronously and maintain the tension of the timing belt necessary for quality workcrafts.

Laser Power: When adjusting the DC-DC regulator, ensure that the laser is supplied with a constant voltage not exceeding specifications laser, otherwise you will simply burn it. My laser is rated for 5V and 2.4A, so the regulator is set to 2A and the voltage is slightly lower than 5V.

MOSFET transistor: this important detail given brain games, since it is this transistor that turns the laser on and off, receiving a signal from the Arduino. Since the current from the microcontroller is very weak, only this MOSFET transistor can sense it and lock or unlock the laser power circuit; other transistors simply do not respond to such a low-current signal. The MOSFET is mounted between the laser and the ground from the DC regulator.

Cooling: when creating my laser cutter, I encountered the problem of cooling the laser diode to avoid overheating. The problem was solved by installing a computer fan, with which the laser functioned perfectly even when working for 9 hours straight, and a simple radiator could not cope with the cooling task. I also installed coolers next to the motor control boards, since they also get quite hot, even if the cutter is not running, but just turned on.

Step 3: Assembly

The attached files contain a 3D model of a laser cutter, showing the dimensions and assembly principle of the desktop frame.

Shuttle design: it consists of one shuttle responsible for the Y axis, and two paired shuttles responsible for the X axis. The Z axis is not needed, since this is not a 3D printer, but instead the laser will alternately turn on and off, that is, the Z axis is replaced by the piercing depth . I tried to reflect all the dimensions of the shuttle structure in the photo, I will only clarify that all the mounting holes for the rods in the sides and shuttles are 1.2 cm deep.

Guide rods: steel rods (although aluminum is preferable, but steel is easier to get), with a fairly large diameter of 1 cm, but this thickness of the rod will avoid sagging. The factory grease was removed from the rods, and the rods themselves were carefully ground with a grinder and sandpaper until perfectly smooth for good glide. And after grinding, the rods are treated with white lithium lubricant, which prevents oxidation and improves sliding.

Belts and stepper motors: For installation stepper motors and I used timing belts ordinary tools and materials that came to hand. First, the motors and ball bearings are mounted, and then the belts themselves. A sheet of metal approximately the same in width and twice as long as the engine itself was used as a bracket for the engines. This sheet has 4 holes drilled for mounting on the engine and two for mounting to the body. homemade products, the sheet is bent at an angle of 90 degrees and screwed to the body with self-tapping screws. On the opposite side from the engine mounting point, a bearing system is installed in a similar way, consisting of a bolt, two ball bearings, a washer and a metal sheet. A hole is drilled in the center of this sheet, with which it is attached to the body, then the sheet is folded in half and a hole is drilled in the center of both halves for installing the bearing system. A toothed belt is put on the motor-bearing pair thus obtained, which is attached to wooden base shuttle with a regular self-tapping screw. This process is shown more clearly in the photo.

Step 4: Soft

Fortunately the software for this brain games free and open source. Everything you need can be found at the links below:

That's all I wanted to tell you about my laser cutter/engraver. Thank you for attention!

Successful homemade!

Many craftsmen make something new out of unused equipment, including homemade laser machines for cutting metal. Although high power cannot be achieved, for household use enough functionality. You can increase it by using some available means.

How to assemble a metal laser cutting machine yourself

Craftsmen make laser cutters with their own hands because of their high cost. In everyday life, you can only create a solid-state cutter with the power to cut into metal by only 1-3 cm. This is enough to make decorative elements. The laser operates using crystals used in LED equipment and special glasses.

Necessary materials

The main element is the laser of a writing disk drive for a computer with high speed recording (the higher it is, the greater the power). In addition it is required:

  • battery-powered flashlight;
  • laser pointer;
  • soldering iron;
  • locksmith tools.

If you need a more powerful tool, you will need additional elements for making a driver:

  • resistors 2-5 Ohm;
  • two capacitors (capacitance 100 pF and 100 mF);
  • collimator (collector of light rays into a beam);
  • LED flashlight (the body must be metal);
  • multimeter

If there is no driver between the batteries and the light bulb, it may burn out.

Even more power can be obtained if you use a 60 W laser diode purchased from a store.

It is best to install such a do-it-yourself metal laser cutting machine on a frame; use a computer equipped with a special program for control. Therefore, in addition to the laser, you will need:

  • a housing containing all elements;
  • stepper motors (from DVD players or printers);
  • boards and transistors that control electric motors;
  • a regulator that controls the voltage at the emitter;
  • timing belts and pulleys for them;
  • sheet steel for making brackets;
  • ball bearings, couplers, nuts, bolts, screws, clamps;
  • ring switches;
  • controller and USB cable connecting it to the computer, and a board with a display;
  • cooling system;
  • metal boards and rods.

The frame is made from boards, metal rods act as guides.

Important! It is possible to buy a kit for laser cutters for electronic components.

Manufacturing process

The first step is to disassemble the drive to remove the light bulb from it. It is installed in the carriage and reinforced. The fasteners are soldered with a soldering iron. During operation, do not expose the light bulb to strong mechanical stress that could damage it.

Before assembling the cutter, you need to decide what it will be powered from, where to mount the diode and how to distribute the currents.

Important! The diode requires more powerful current than for pointer elements.

You need to carefully disassemble the pointer and replace the diode with a light bulb removed from the disk drive. It is best to use glue for fastening. It is important that the light bulb eye is located in the center of the hole.

The power of the pointer for the cutter is not enough; it is increased with the help of flashlight batteries. For this Bottom part The flashlight is combined with the part of the pointer that houses the light bulb from the disk drive. The glass is removed from the flashlight, the light bulb is connected, observing the polarity.

Attention! The power is enough to burn the skin on your hands!

When increasing the power, the driver needs to wind an aluminum wire around the light bulb, which removes static, and mount it into the collimator. When making a laser for cutting metal with your own hands, the resistor elements are connected to the batteries in a series circuit. Precision is required when determining polarity. To change the current strength, a multimeter is connected to the diode, allowing you to adjust the indicator within the range of 300 mA to 500 mA.

The body of the device for manual laser cutting of metal can still serve as a metal flashlight.

For the most powerful option, after installing the body from the boards, the rods are installed. They are first ground and lubricated with a composition containing lithium.

To install stepper electric motors, brackets made of sheet steel bent at right angles are required. 6 holes are required for fastening the sheet and motor with self-tapping screws. Brackets also need to be made to mount the drive, created from two pulleys. Only the sheets need to be bent in the shape of the letter P. Holes are also needed for attaching the profile and the output of the shaft, onto which pulleys for belts are then mounted. The belts are connected to the base using self-tapping screws.

For the cutter to work automatically, you need a special program that can be downloaded and installed on your computer for free.

Important! If you plan to carry out engraving work, you should download the contour library. For settings software it takes time.

Final cost

The cost depends on the power of the finished product.

Material prices

Material and tool

Price (rubles)

Cheapest option

Battery-powered flashlight

Soldering iron

Reinforced cheap option




LED flashlight


Powerful on the frame

LED 60 W


Voltage regulator

Toothed belt


USB cable

The simplest cutter can be made almost for free if you have a flashlight, a laser pointer and a soldering iron at home. To strengthen it, you will have to spend 546-1520 rubles. A laser machine for cutting metal with your own hands on a frame is the most expensive. Even if you have materials at home to make the case and cooling system, electric motors, boards, pieces of steel, screws, nuts, switches, you will have to spend about 5,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the home cutting method

Laser cutting of metals has high accuracy, does not deform the material, allows you to obtain a high-quality cut surface. Open contactless, without mechanical impact and dust. But this method is not suitable for thick metal, since annealing can create problems during subsequent processing.

Safety precautions

While working, be sure to wear safety glasses and gloves, and try not to look directly at the beam. There should be no flammable substances in the room. There should be a fire extinguisher nearby (not a powder one). Since not only the beam, but also its reflection is dangerous for humans, you cannot work with metals that have a reflective surface. You need to regularly check the integrity of the wiring through which current flows.

Let's put it this way: a laser cutter for metal is like a men's watch. A cool and unique tool, necessary for a modern man who has his own garage and knows how to do something with his own hands.

You can make this tool yourself. This is not difficult if you follow the necessary rules and instructions. The power of a homemade laser knife will not come out God knows what, but if necessary, it can be increased in several ways.

Of course, you won’t have a tool for industrial needs, but for everyday household work, yours is quite suitable.

Firstly, you can make do with scrap materials, that is, you don’t have to buy anything special from the store. The most important thing is to find an old laser pointer.

Additionally you will need:

  • screwdrivers of different calibers;
  • matrix with laser drive from a used DVD-ROM;
  • a flashlight powered by rechargeable batteries;
  • soldering iron

With great care and maximum care, we disassemble the laser pointer and disk drive. First you need to remove the drive from the computer drive.

Important nuance: this drive must be not only reading, but also writing. All drives have these properties. modern computers, so before disassembling, check the model and characteristics of the drive.

Laser cutter for metal.

The second step is to find and remove the red diode, which is used to record on the disk in the form of burning. This diode is easy to remove: you need to unsolder the fasteners with a soldering iron.

Carry out all actions with tenderness and caution: diodes and other little things associated with them are fragile things and ready to deteriorate at the slightest opportunity. Reducing the risk of breakdown is easy. To do this, just replace the diode with a red light bulb from the DVD wire.

Now we begin to make the body of the cutter from the stored flashlight and rechargeable batteries that will be needed. Using a flashlight will allow you to produce a model that is compact and comfortable to work with.

Do not forget to remove the protective glass from it, as it may become an obstacle to the laser beam in the future.

The most important point during the manufacture of the body - right choice current polarity.

Now you need to power the diode by connecting it to the battery charger.

As a final step and before starting work, we check:

  • Is the fixation in the clamps and latches strong;
  • device polarity;
  • beam direction and focus.

What can you do with your cutter?

Do not forget that your new homemade one is not capable of cutting thick metal - it simply cannot do it. But you can strengthen the tool to do work on almost any metal if necessary.

Drawing of plasma cutting of metal.

First, you will need to stock up on a capacitor, because under no circumstances can a knife with increased power be connected directly to the network. Therefore, first the current must go to the capacitors and only then to the batteries.

You can increase the power using additional resistors. Your knife will receive additional power from the use of a so-called collimator, which serves to concentrate and accumulate the laser beam.

Collimators are very inexpensive and are sold in any electrical equipment department.

In the case of increasing power, the unnecessary static increases at the same time. It can be easily eliminated by winding aluminum wire around the diode.

Now we need measurements: we measure the current strength at the ends of the cutter after connecting them to the diode. The indicators are adjustable, the most suitable range is from 300 to 500 mA.

Why bother?

The gadget is cool and necessary. But dear. But making a metal cutter with your own hands is not difficult, even for beginners. So the motivation to implement our advice is obvious.

Let's better understand the principles of operation of a laser knife, this will be useful to everyone: those who bought it and those who made it with their own hands.

The main character is a focused laser beam, which, due to its directionality and radiation, acts, for example, on metal. The beam itself is extremely narrow - its diameter is very small. Thanks to this, the cuts on the workpieces are distinguished by the highest precision.

The cutting depth depends only on the power of the tool. Here, of course, professional factory models with high deepening rates win. As for our homemade laser knife, the depth here is available at the level of 10 - 30 mm.

Scheme of operation of a gas cutter.

Metal cutters are divided into three types:

Solid cutters

Made from special glass or crystalline LEDs. These are relatively cheap models, produced and used in industry.

Fiber laser knives

In this case, optical fiber is used, making these models very efficient in terms of cutting depth. In essence, the actions resemble solid-state devices - close relatives. But more effective and expensive in price.

Gas cutters

The gases used are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, maybe helium. These models are much more effective than the two previous types. They cut everything from polymers and rubber to the most difficult metals.

Make a laser for cutting metal with your own hands. The power of such a device will be small, but there are ways to increase it using available devices.

Laser cutter - unique device, which is useful to have in the garage of every modern man. Making a laser for cutting metal with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to follow simple rules. The power of such a device will be small, but there are ways to increase it using available devices. The functionality of a production machine that can do anything without embellishment cannot be achieved with a homemade product. But for household chores, this unit will come in handy. Let's look at how to build it.

Everything is ingeniously simple, so to create equipment that can cut beautiful patterns in strong steels, can be made from ordinary available materials. To make this you will definitely need an old laser pointer. In addition, you should stock up on:

  1. A flashlight powered by rechargeable batteries.
  2. An old DVD-ROM, from which we will need to remove the matrix with a laser drive.
  3. Soldering iron and set of screwdrivers.

The first step will be to disassemble the drive of the old computer floppy drive. From there we should remove the device. Be careful not to damage the device itself. The drive of the disk drive must be a writer, and not just a reader, the point is in the structure of the device matrix. We won’t go into details now, but just use modern non-working models.

After this, you will definitely need to remove the red diode, which burns the disk while recording information to it. Just took a soldering iron and soldered the fastenings of this diode. Just don't throw it away under any circumstances. This sensing element, which can quickly deteriorate if damaged.

When assembling the laser cutter itself, consider the following:

  1. Where is it better to install a red diode?
  2. How will the elements of the entire system be powered?
  3. How will the flows be distributed? electric current in detail.

Remember! The diode that will perform the burning requires much more electricity than the elements of the pointer.

This dilemma is easily resolved. The diode from the pointer is replaced by a red light from the drive. The pointer should be disassembled with the same care as the disk drive; damage to the connectors and holders will ruin your future laser for cutting metals with your own hands. Once you have done this, you can begin making the homemade case.

To do this, you will need a flashlight and rechargeable batteries to power the laser cutter. Thanks to the flashlight, you will get a convenient and compact item that does not take up much space in your home. The key to equipping such a case is to choose the correct polarity. The protective glass from the former flashlight is removed so that it does not become an obstacle to the directed beam.

The next step is to power the diode itself. To do this you need to connect it to the charger battery, observing polarity. Finally, check:

  • Reliable fixation of the device in clamps and clamps;
  • Device polarity;
  • Beam direction.

Fix any inaccuracies, and when everything is ready, you can congratulate yourself on a successfully completed job. The cutter is ready to use. The only thing you need to remember is that its power is much less than the power of its production counterpart, so it cannot handle too thick metal.

Carefully! The power of the device is enough to harm your health, so be careful when operating and try not to put your fingers under the beam.

Strengthening a homemade installation

To enhance the power and density of the beam, which is the main cutting element, you should prepare:
  • 2 “conders” for 100 pF and mF;
  • Resistance 2-5 ohms;
  • 3 rechargeable batteries;
  • Collimator.

The installation that you have already assembled can be strengthened to get enough power at home for any work with metal. When working on gain, remember that plugging your cutter directly into an outlet will be suicide for it, so you should make sure that the current first gets to the capacitors, and then goes to the batteries.

By adding resistors you can increase the power of your installation. To further increase the efficiency of your device, use a collimator that is mounted to focus the beam. This model is sold in any electrician store, and the cost ranges from 200 to 600 rubles, so it’s not difficult to buy it.

Then the assembly circuit is carried out in the same way as discussed above, only you need to wind an aluminum wire around the diode to remove static. After this, you have to measure the current strength, for which you take a multimeter. Both ends of the device are connected to the remaining diode and measured. Depending on your needs, you can adjust the readings from 300 mA to 500 mA.

Once the current calibration is completed, you can move on to aesthetically decorating your cutter. An old steel LED flashlight will do just fine for the case. It is compact and fits in your pocket. To prevent the lens from getting dirty, be sure to get a cover.

The finished cutter should be stored in a box or case. Dust or moisture should not get there, otherwise the device will be damaged.

What is the difference between ready-made models

The cost is main reason, why many craftsmen resort to making a laser cutter with their own hands. And the principle of operation is as follows:
  1. Thanks to the creation of a directed laser beam, the metal is exposed
  2. The powerful radiation causes the material to evaporate and escape under the force of the flow.
  3. As a result, thanks to the small diameter of the laser beam, a high-quality cut of the workpiece is obtained.

The cutting depth will depend on the power of the components. If factory models are equipped with high-quality materials that provide sufficient depth. That homemade models are able to cope with cutting 1-3 cm.

Thanks to such laser systems, you can make unique patterns in the fence of a private house, components for decorating gates or fences. There are only 3 types of cutters:

  1. Solid state. The operating principle is based on the use of special types of glass or crystals of LED equipment. These are low-cost production plants that are used in production.
  2. Fiber. Thanks to the use of optical fiber, it is possible to obtain a powerful flow and sufficient cutting depth. They are analogues of solid-state models, but due to their capabilities and performance characteristics they are better than them. But also more expensive.
  3. Gas. From the name it is clear that gas is used for operation. It can be nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide. The efficiency of such devices is 20% higher than all previous ones. They are used for cutting and welding polymers, rubber, glass and even metal with a very high level of thermal conductivity.

In everyday life without special costs you can only get a solid-state laser cutter, but its power with proper amplification, which was discussed above, is enough to perform household work. Now you have knowledge about making such a device, and then just act and try.

Do you have experience in developing a DIY metal laser cutter? Share with readers by leaving a comment under this article!