Buy a combined house. Combined house projects

Such structures first appeared in the Middle Ages, and at first they were common in the Alps. Then, combi-houses began to develop in other territories, because such housing was to the liking of the Germans, British, Austrians, French and representatives of other nationalities inhabiting Europe at that time. Main features such houses are sloping gable roof and the use of at least two main materials in construction - stone and wood. A little later, this style of architecture was called a word that you have probably heard - “chalet”.

The first floor is stone, the second and all subsequent floors are wooden. Although, most often combi houses are two-story. This solution is optimal, because stone is a heavy and durable material, so the first floor serves reliable foundation for all subsequent levels made of wood. It is noteworthy that it is a stretch to call combined houses wooden suburban real estate, lined with brick, natural or artificial stone. At their core, they are not combi-houses, because both stone and brick take on the finishing function, and design features structures have no effect.

Pros of combi houses

  1. Decent appearance. Combined houses are able to fit into any landscape, and they definitely attract attention, because they are still classified as atypical for Russia. But they are most suitable for our climate, which is very similar to the Alpine.
  2. Durability. We dare to assure you that for a chalet, a hundred-year service life is not the maximum value, which is explained by the peculiarities of the materials. What can happen to a stone that doesn’t burn or rot?! If you are confused by the fact that all subsequent levels are made of wood, then do not worry: for construction we use softwood lumber. It is less susceptible to rotting and the effects of other negative factors, moreover, wood material, regardless of the name, is treated with antiseptic compounds, as well as impregnations that provide fire resistance.
  3. Low price. This is true, because the construction and commissioning of a “partially stone house” is cheaper compared to a stone structure. Even the most elite lumber is cheaper than stone.
  4. Environmentally friendly. Conifers trees tend to release phytoncides and regulate heat and air exchange well. Stone retains coolness in summer and warmth in winter, and the combination of these materials ensures the creation of an optimal microclimate.
  5. Accelerated pace of construction. Combi-houses are lightweight compared to their brick and stone counterparts, which means that building a foundation will require much less time, money and effort. Also, such structures do not require shrinkage.
  6. Fire resistance. Combi houses become victims of fires much less often than frame, timber and log houses, and the reason for this is the presence of stone elements in the structure. Treating wood with fire retardants can significantly reduce the likelihood of fire.
  7. New business opportunities. This point may seem confusing. We explain: having a chalet-style house, it becomes possible to make an interesting business decision. On the ground floor of such a building it is quite possible to set up an office, cafe, shop, bakery, workshop, and on the second floor you can live with your family. You may be interested in this, and we are ready to finalize the project you like in accordance with your wishes, because organizing a business space implies a separate entrance and a layout different from the “domestic” one.

Are there any disadvantages to combi houses?

The disadvantages of combi houses come down to possible risk shortening their service life due to insufficient care wooden elements. Stone is more resistant to precipitation, excessive humidity and temperature changes, and in order to preserve the original characteristics of wood, it needs to be looked after, that is, wooden surfaces must be periodically treated with special compounds.

What do we offer

"Russian Style" is a diversified company with a staff of different specialties, including: planners, architects, designers, masons, craftsmen specializing in construction wooden houses, finishers, etc. We can offer one of our many projects for your consideration. Also, you have the right to withdraw from standard scheme layouts, because most often on the ground floor of a chalet house there are technical and utility rooms such as kitchens, bathrooms, boiler rooms. In addition, dining rooms and living rooms are located on the ground floor. The second floor is a living area, with bedrooms, offices, and dressing rooms. If you see your future home in a slightly different format, then tell us about it.

Cooperation with our company has many advantages. Here are just a few of them:

  1. The presence of a huge number of standard projects that can easily be transformed into individual ones.
  2. Possibility of constructing a facility on credit, including a mortgage (all documents are prepared in our office).
  3. Quality assurance.
  4. Attracting the labor of highly qualified workers - citizens of Russia.
  5. Only high-quality materials are used in construction.

We carry out projects of any complexity.

Austrian style chalets in Russian cottage villages

Construction technology combined houses consists of laying the walls of the first floor from stone and using wood to assemble the second floor. The general name of the buildings is chalets. The word came from Austria: such buildings were often erected in the mountains.

GOOD WOOD builds combined houses from laminated timber own production and porous ceramic blocks Porotherm. These are safe and durable materials that can be used without additional insulation.

Why are combined houses so popular?

Chalets are a hit in cottage villages. Over the past 3-5 years, the popularity of combined projects has been steadily growing: several hundred families are already living in a standard KD-225, which has become a real bestseller among GOOD WOOD offerings.

Advantages of combined houses:

  1. Non-standard appearance. Agree, against the backdrop of completely brick and wooden buildings The chalets look very advantageous.
  2. There are ready-made projects and many objects built according to individual drawings. It is easier for the customer to choose a suitable house and immediately determine the price of construction.
  3. Reliable stable design. It will suit anyone who doubts the strength of wooden housing construction.
  1. Combining two materials for families who have not yet come to a consensus on what to build a house from. The solution will suit both brick (ceramic block) supporters and wood lovers.
  2. Division into residential and common areas. The first (stone) floor is reserved for the living room, kitchen, boiler room, and storage rooms. The second (wooden) floor is used for bedrooms and children's rooms.

Ready-made projects of combined houses

The catalog contains 3 ready-made projects: KD-225, KD-202 and new development our partners (architectural bureau "Carlson and K") - cottage K-1. For all standard cottages, a detailed package is provided - with materials, a description of construction technology and other details. For KD-225 and KD-202, you can even calculate the monthly heating cost in advance.

Let's look at the reasons for their popularity, and then find out whether it is advisable to combine wood with stone.

Advantages of combined houses

Combined houses have remained attractive since ancient times. Thanks to the use modern materials and borrowings from (wide eaves overhangs, open beams, etc.) the facades of such buildings look unusually impressive. The same applies to the interior, where it is easy to combine, for example, classic and country.

There is also a purely practical advantage: even the most modern technologies wood protection is not able to preserve the frame crown throughout the entire service life of the log house, but if this crown is raised high above the ground, it is well ventilated and practically does not rot. In this way, owners can fully enjoy themselves without thinking about the upcoming complex wall repairs.

Choosing a foundation

Now let’s move on to issues of construction practice and the foundation of a lightweight structure is unsuitable for a semi-stone house. It is better to immediately eliminate the shallow (floating) tape and screw piles. In dry areas where it is possible to arrange a basement, a full-fledged strip foundation. For heaving soils, a pile-grillage structure is perfect. The “Swedish” slab is reliable both on subsiding and heaving soils.

Selection of wall materials

Now about the choice of wall materials. For the first floor, you can use all types of lightweight blocks, as well as any of the layered masonry options (for example, foam block + insulation + brick).

It is more difficult to decide on the second floor. Ideally, it should exhibit minimal shrinkage and not require caulking or sheathing. Only . Solid profiled timber, kiln-dried, is 60–70% cheaper than glued timber, but shrinks at least 6% and, due to cracks, looks less neat.

With a rounded log, things are much more complicated: it must stand for at least a year, heat wooden floor at the same time it is impossible. The seams between the logs will have to be caulked; another option is to use a thick synthetic (semi-synthetic) sealant and pierce the seams with linen ropes.

It is hardly worth constructing a second floor from ordinary unplaned timber - the walls made of it will be blown through, no matter what sealant you use, and additionally, expensive finishing will be required.
Since the second floor partly violates the concept of a combined house, it is advisable to choose wall material taking into account modern requirements for thermal protection of buildings. Experts recommend for middle zone In Russia, timber with a width of 200–250 mm and logs with a diameter of 320–380 mm.

If the walls of the first floor are used aerated concrete blocks density less than 600 kg/cu.m. m, on top it is required to pour a concrete belt 15-25 cm high with a spatial frame made of reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm. Without such reinforcement, the top row of masonry will not withstand the load from the floor. In addition, the armored belt allows you to support the release of logs for the construction of a balcony with steel consoles

How to properly join wood and stone

Preparing the site for installation of the first crown

As a rule, it is enough to level the blocks on top with a layer of mortar 3–5 cm thick, reinforced with a steel masonry mesh. When building from heat-insulating foam blocks, an armored belt is required. Reinforced concrete reinforcement is also desirable if the building is being erected on problematic soils - it will greatly reduce the likelihood of cracks appearing in stone walls ah above the openings.

Open crossbars made of massive timber and rafters with figured sawn ends will emphasize the building’s closeness to the architectural tradition. For such structures, it is advisable to use laminated wood, which is not subject to warping and cracking.

Preparing the first crown

When building from logs, the bottom of the casing crown is flattened to the width of a little more than the inter-crown groove, and then the resulting plane is planed evenly. The first crown must be treated twice with an antiseptic. If used, it is advisable to cut off the locking protrusions from its lower surface. The backing board should only be made of larch.


Is it necessary to fasten the casing crown to the top rows of masonry with anchors (mortgage pins)? Overall, this will, of course, increase the strength and rigidity of the house frame. However, calculations and practice show that labor-intensive anchoring can be done without - from the point of view of wind resistance of the building frame, it is not necessary.


Masonry, even at a height of more than 2.5 m from the ground, gets moistened by slanting rain, so it is necessary to lay it between it and the casing crown. It also performs the function of a sealant - crumpling under the weight of the timber (logs), it compensates for minor irregularities and prevents the joint from blowing through. Optimal waterproofing is fiberglass impregnated with bitumen. The thickness of the material must be at least 5 mm, it should be glued to the base with mastic.

Interfloor overlap

Most often, overlap is arranged according to wooden beams, which are laid on the projections of the walls of the first floor. A reinforced concrete slab floor (prefabricated or monolithic) must be erected before the assembly of the wooden part of the house begins. In this case, the slab should be thermally insulated along the contour.

When installing a box from laminated veneer lumber can be used different types corner joints - traditional bowl(s), " dovetail"(b) or hidden key (c); the choice depends on the configuration of the building and the customer’s wishes for the appearance of the facades. As a rule, the first crown is placed on a backing board made of antiseptic larch

Combined turnkey houses: choosing a contractor

There are specialized and generalist companies in the construction industry. The former work with a specific group of materials, while maintaining a clear division into “masons” and “carpenters”. The latter, as a rule, enter into informal subcontracting agreements with small specialized firms and private teams. By contacting a universal company, you will get rid of the need to look for craftsmen and organize construction.

Another way involves independent contact with an architect and specialized companies, one of which, as a rule, is tasked with building the foundation and first floor, and the other with building a wooden floor and covering it with a roof. With this approach it is almost always possible to provide more high speed and quality of construction. But we must not neglect the conclusion of formal contracts, which should spell out the warranty obligations of the companies. The contract with the “masons” should include a clause on supervision of the installation of the separating layer and the first crown.

The construction of combined houses meets modern trends. People are trying to make their homes reliable, durable and environmentally friendly. Structures made of stone and wood fully meet these requirements. They are very practical and are becoming increasingly popular among private developers. Experts tell us what you need to know before drawing up a project, what are the pros and cons of houses of this type.

This type of building is not know-how. Back in the days Kievan Rus They noticed that such houses are strong, light, more resistant to fire and retain heat better. With the development of technology, there are more variations in the combination of materials for combined houses. However, the stone remains closest to the ideal.

Two-part houses, as a rule, have 2 floors. The basement level is built from durable stone, which is not afraid of fire, strong wind, precipitation, groundwater and abundant sun. In addition, the stone base of the house becomes an excellent support for the second floor, which is assembled from wood. The timber helps to increase the energy efficiency of the structure, adds coziness, beauty and convenience. It can be of several types, depending on the purpose:

Houses made of stone and wood are warm and reliable
  1. Glued. One element consists of many thin glued lamellas made of softwood.
  2. Unprofiled. Regular timber, obtained after processing a log at a sawmill. The cheapest option for construction.
  3. Profiled. It has grooves and bulges for reliable fixation and improved thermal insulation at the joints. Has clearly defined parameters.

Among the projects of composite private dwellings, the chalet style is in demand - Swiss shepherd's houses with characteristic, strongly protruding eaves overhangs. The cottage got its shape for a reason. It allows maximum conversion of solar rays into thermal energy. The second wooden floor of such a house is.

Attention! Other options for combination with wood: concrete, foam blocks, expanded clay blocks or reinforced concrete.

Pros and cons of combined houses

The popularity of such cottages is explained by the large advantage positive characteristics over negative ones. This type of building is actually quite practical. Its advantages:

  • lightweight construction, reduced pressure on the foundation (compared to a conventional stone or brick house);
  • the possibility of construction in a place with close groundwater;
  • durability;
  • the possibility of construction using modern eco-materials that are safe for the environment;
  • wide choose design solutions along with high aesthetics;
  • efficiency;
  • higher fire safety (compared to buildings made only of wood or modern combustible materials);
  • increased protection against moisture;
  • The function of the second floor is a thermos: in hot weather it will be cool there, in cold weather it will be warmer.

Attention! Environmental friendliness of materials is not a fiction. It has been proven that living in a wooden environment improves sleep and normalizes nervous system and prevents the development of respiratory tract diseases (if the timber is made of coniferous trees).

There are not many disadvantages of two-part houses:

  • wood lasts less than stone;
  • Stone and wood have extremely different physical and technological properties, which is why difficulties may arise after use in severe frost or heat;
  • even in combination with a non-flammable neighbor, the timber remains a flammable material.

Stone is not as light as foam blocks or expanded clay building materials. Such a house should be additionally strengthened against subsidence with a high foundation. Nevertheless, combined housing is a solution for those who cannot afford it. two-story cottage. Architects also recommend this type of structure when, due to heavy load, the foundation of a 2-story brick or stone house may burst or cause distortion. In fact, an ordinary foundation for a 1-story house is sufficient for the construction.

Expert advice on designing composite houses

The design approach to the arrangement of rooms can be anything, but usually fits into the natural concept. The facade of the house is also usually not additionally covered - the more natural the texture looks, the better. The stone part can be additionally decorated in a rural or other direction, and the timber can be decorated with carvings.

There are exceptions when, with the help of modern facing materials, both floors achieve a single design style. But in this case we should not forget about different characteristics materials. On one, after a few years, the cladding will still look good, on the other it will no longer hold up.

When drawing up a project, the size of the home does not matter. In the photo you can see cottages that are completely different in size and design. The condition of the soil is also unimportant. The main thing is that the ground is not swampy and can support a one-story stone house.

The construction of such a building takes relatively little time. The main period will be spent pouring, drying the foundation and raising the stone walls. A lightweight wooden level develops much faster: it does not require finishing. At least at first you can live with naked people wooden walls while you decorate the lower floor. Even before picking up a spatula or facing panels, carry out communications. They are advised to be located only on the 1st floor.

Attention! The combination of premises for business and life in a 2-story combined house is quite in demand. Downstairs the owners are setting up a commercial area, and upstairs they live themselves, making a separate exit and communications.

The combination of materials in housing construction opens up ample opportunities for its styling. You can make a home to suit every taste. To avoid disappointment with the result, work only with experienced builders.

Combined houses: video

The main advantage of combined projects is the combination of different wall materials from which they are taken best characteristics and properties. Simply put, these houses are more comfortable to live in than completely stone ones, and more reliable than completely wooden houses.

The lower, stone floor usually has a garage, boiler room, swimming pool or sauna, kitchen, storage room and laundry room. Thus, these rooms are not exposed to moisture and fire. However, concrete lacks the comfortable feeling of warmth and naturalness. This disadvantage is solved by constructing a combined project, in which the second floor is designed from wooden wall material, giving comfort and a healthy atmosphere. The upper, wooden floor is a living area with bedrooms, a nursery, and an office for work. As you know, wood “breathes” because it has pores and allows air to pass through. Relaxing and sleeping in wood is much more pleasant and easier than in concrete.

The base of a combined house is usually made of:

  • brick
  • building blocks (gas blocks, foam block, wood concrete, keramite, expanded clay block)
  • monolith
  • a natural stone

The second and subsequent floors are designed from:

  • timber - regular, glued, profiled
  • log - planed or rounded
  • frame technology with wood-look cladding
  • made of sip panels - also with wood finish

An excursion into the history of combined projects

The combination of stone and wood has been used in the construction of houses for a very long time, both in Russia and abroad. Initially the basis for this method The construction was inspired by the chalet style, common among the inhabitants of the Alpine mountains. A stone foundation was necessary to firmly plant the house on the mountain slopes and to withstand snow and wind. The residential roof was built of wood and had wide roof overhangs to protect from rain, which is currently “ business card» of this architectural style.

In our country, houses using stone and wood were quite popular among merchants, wealthy artisans and kulaks. The lower stone floors were used by merchants as warehouses and shops, and by artisans as workshops. The second wooden floor was used as a residential floor. Such combined houses were cheaper than completely stone ones, and were more durable than completely wooden ones; thanks to the elevation of the wooden part above the ground, it was protected from flooding and less susceptible to fires. Total benefit!

Features of designing combined houses

As previously stated, main feature combined projects is a symbiosis of the strength of the stone of the first floor and the lightness of the wood of the upper floors. Of course, without good foundation this cannot be done, but its load will be less in the case of designing and building two floors from stone at once. And since the foundation is usually 25% of the total price of the house, you can save quite a decent amount on it. Unlike blocks, wood on the second floor will not require global finishing, except for priming and painting, so you can save money at this stage as well.

Combined houses do not require a long time to shrink. You can move into these houses immediately upon completion of the basic construction - having finished only the lower, stone floor. Wooden part, as in conventional wooden houses, will shrink up to 1.5-2 years, so it is not recommended to finish it and move in immediately.

Savings on the construction of combined projects can also be obtained on thermal insulation, because, unlike an entirely stone house, a combined one requires less thermal insulation. It is also not necessary to treat the entire house with an antiseptic, unlike an entirely wooden house.

The tree is removed from the ground, and therefore from exposure to moisture. From stone building materials you can safely build such premises as a boiler room, a bathroom - even with a sauna, even with a swimming pool, a living room with a fireplace. As a result, the customer of the combined project will receive, at a low price, a competent, technologically advanced building, the materials of which are used by each person precisely for their own purposes.

A pleasant and unusual appearance is guaranteed if you choose a combined house project. A log or beam looks aesthetically pleasing and of good quality, and the finishing of the first floor is made of artificial stone or plaster will give appearance respectability. Our company’s specialists can design the facades either as a single whole or by preserving an unforgettable combination of wood and stone!