Presentation of the Khazars. Presentation on the topic “Relationships between the Khazars and Kievan Rus in the 7th-10th centuries

The Rise and Fall of the Khazar Khaganate

1. According to many historians, the main source of power of the Khazar Kaganate was intermediary trade. Do you agree with this statement?

Justify your answer.

I agree with this expression, because Khazaria was at the crossroads of trade routes.

2. Complete the sentences.

The tribes of Alans, Huns and Bulgarians, Slavic tribes, were subordinate to the Khazars.

In the Kaganate there was a massive transition from nomadic cattle breeding to sedentary farming.

The title "Kagan" was equivalent to the title Prince

The largest cities of Khazaria included Itil, Samandar, Atil, Sarkel.

3. Make a plan for a story about the journey of Russian merchants to Tamatarcha.
1) The path to Tamatarkha
2) Foreign goods
3) Trade
4) Have a good day

5) Departure

4. What religions were practiced in the Khazar Kaganate?
Ruling elite - Judaism
Majority of the settled population - Islam and Christianity

The nomads subject to the Kaganate have a pagan faith.

5. Mark the correct statements with a + sign
The tribes that were part of the Khazar Kaganate completely lost their independence
- The steppe “empires” were fragile formations and quickly disintegrated after the first major defeats.

+ The Khazars kept the “allied” tribes in subjection with the help of a mercenary army, which was supported by funds received from control of trade routes.

6. Solve the crossword puzzle.

4. State created by the Khazars. Answer: Kaganate
5. The Slavs called them images. Answer: Avars
8. Tribes that defeated the Bosporan kingdom. Answer: Huns
9. "The Scourge of God." Answer: Attila
11. A cart that served as housing. Answer: Kibitka

12. Eastern Roman Empire. Answer: Byzantium

1. One of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Answer: Alans
2. The people who considered the city of Itil as their capital. Answer: Khazars
3. The name of Hermonassa in the 9th century. Answer: Tamatarkha
6. State in the North-West Caucasus, which existed in the V - X centuries. Answer: Bulgaria.
7. State religion of Khazaria. Answer: Judaism

10. Battle. Answer: Battle

7. Fill in the missing words. Nomadic tribes periodically invaded Khazaria . First, the steppes left the control of the Khazars Northern Black Sea region . was inflicted by the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. Even more damage was done to the Khaganate Pechenegs . By the end X

centuries, the Kaganate ceased to exist.

8. Solve the crossword “in reverse”, that is, make up tasks for an already completed crossword.
1. An ancient city in the Northern Black Sea region.
2. Branch of the economy
3. Tribes that were subordinate to the Khazars.
4. Unit of the Mongol army.
5. The name of the East Slavic tribal association.
6. One of the three world religions. Originated in Arabia in the 7th century. Based on faith in one god - Allah.
7. Cash collection
8. Lightweight construction covered with fabric.

9. Tribes that were nomadic.

Teacher Chernyavskaya D.K. Krasnodar region, Slavyansk-on-Kuban.SUBJECT: "Great Bulgaria. Avar Khaganate. Khazar Khaganate". (Nomadic peoples in Kuban . By the end V


GOAL: to introduce students to the invasion of nomadic peoples in Kuban.

OBJECTIVES: 1) Find out the features of the creation and reasons for the collapse of the states - Great Bulgaria, Avar and Khazar Kaganate. 2) Develop skills in working with documents, maps and textbook text; highlight the main thing. 3) Cultivate a feeling of love for your small Motherland, instill an interest in the past of our region.

EQUIPMENT: presentation on the lesson topic; textbook by B. A. Trekhbratov “Cuban Studies” 6th grade, document from the works of Theophan the Confessor.”


Organizational unit.

    Greetings. Checking absentees.

D/Z check.

Work with cards (3 students) ST 1. Frontal class survey:

1) What event is associated with the beginning of the Medieval era? (Great Migration) 2) What are the reasons for this event? (climate search for food and pastures for livestock) 3) Which people gave impetus to the Great Migration of Peoples? (Huns) 4) What kind of life was typical for them? (nomadic) 5) What is the main occupation of the Huns? (war) 6) Which peoples were attacked by the Huns? (Chinese, Alans, Bosporan Kingdom) 7) On the battlefield, the Huns did not know defeat. Why? (military skills; tactics; lightning speed of attack; experience of other peoples).

    3 students hand over cards.

Learning new material.Topic of our lesson: Nomadic peoples in Kuban . By the end VI centuries "Great Bulgaria. Avar Khaganate. Khazar Khaganate".

We will learn with you about new tribes that came to Kuban. About how these states were created and why they ceased to exist. ST 2.

Let's write new words - terms - into the topic of the lesson. ST 3. Khaganate

- the name of the state among the ancient Turkic peoples. Khan

- ruler of tribes in a Turkic-pagan state. Patrick

- one of the titles of the serving nobility. Together with the Huns, the Turkic-speaking BULGAR tribes came to the North Caucasus. In Russian chronicles they are called “BULGARS”. The Huns went further to Europe, and the Bulgars remained nomadic in the steppes of the Kuban region and Stavropol region. They created the state of Great Bulgaria( "Great Bulgaria. Avar Khaganate. Khazar Khaganate". (Nomadic peoples in Kuban . By the end V With its center in Phanagoria.ST 5. The heyday of Great Bulgaria occurred during the reign of Khan Kubrat.WORK BY CARD. We determine the center of V.B. and location.

Kubrat created a military-political association, establishing close ties with the Byzantine Empire. He was brought up in Constantinople in the emperor's palace, was baptized and received the title of patrician. This association did not have a strong economic base.

    Physical exercise.

ST 6. From the writings of Theophan the Confessor:

(Working with a document) “.. the ruler of Bulgaria Kubrat died. He left five sons... to the peoples under his control.”(page 57 of the textbook, paragraph 2)

What happened after Kubrat's death? (Split into Volga, Danube and Kuban Bulgaria).ST 7. - Scheme. Great Bulgaria ceased to exist.

ST 8. Who completed the defeat of the Kuban Bulgarians? Working with the textbook, page 58, paragraph 1, read independently.


In the middle of the 6th century, the steppes of Ciscaucasia were taken over by the Turkos, a pagan tribal union of the Aurs. The Avar Khaganate was formed - a tribal union with the outstanding commander Khan Bayan. The Kaganate did not have exact borders, but its power extended to the territory from the Elbe to Transcaucasia.

ST 9. Where was the center of the Avar Kaganate? (Pannonia - modern Hungary).Why did it cease to exist? (Byzantium struck. The Franks led by Charlemagne were defeated).Working with the textbook, page 58, read independently.

ST 10 - 12. KHAZAR KAANATVII - Xcenturies

In the middle of the 7th century, a state was formed on the territory of the Ciscaucasia - the Khazar Kaganate. Khazaria was at the crossroads of important trade routes -Great Volga route, “from the Varangians to the Greeks”, Great Silk Road from Asia to Europe. Trade was the main source of income for the rulers of the Kaganate. The center of Khazaria was Itil.Reasons for the collapse of the Khazar Kaganate? Working with the textbook, page 61, paragraph 1, read independently. (different peoples; different religions; Pechenegs; Kiev prince Svyatoslav Igorevich)

    Summarizing. Checking the table - read out:

Performance evaluation

    D/Z. paragraph 10 – 11.

In the first period, the role of the Khazars was progressive. They stopped the onslaught of the Arabs, established order and security in the Caspian and Black Sea steppes, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the national economy of these countries and led to the settlement of the forest-steppe zone by the Slavs of Eastern Europe

The Khazars consisted of two main tribes of white and black Khazars (Kalis-Khazars and Kara-Khazars). The White Khazars are the ruling caste of professional warriors from the Slavic-Aryans. Black Khazars are Turkic tribes who came to the lower reaches of the Ra River (Itil - Volga) from the depths of Asia, as refugees from Ancient China. In short, Khazaria existed as a multinational state-province in which people of the White and Yellow races coexisted peacefully. Just like with all your neighbors. It is also worth noting that the Great Silk Road

During the era of the Arab-Khazar wars, the main force of Khazar power was the militia. At the request of the Khazars, the dependent peoples deployed military contingents. The number of troops could reach up to a thousand people. The backbone of the army was the cavalry. Military tactics were typical for nomads: part of the army hid in ambush and entered the battle at a convenient moment. The Khazars knew how to take cities using siege engines. The Kaganate army turned out to be capable of confronting the regular Arab army, under the command of the best commanders of the Caliphate.

The basis of economic activity of the ordinary population was nomadic cattle breeding. The ancient settled center of Khazaria was Dagestan, where viticulture developed. In the 88th centuries, in the coastal regions of Crimea, Taman, in the lower reaches of the Kuban and Don, an important consequence of Khazar rule was the process of settling of nomads on the land. In Khazaria, wheat, barley, rice, garden and melon crops were grown. Blacksmithing, jewelry and pottery crafts were developed, targeting the local market. The dishes were made on a potter's wheel. For the ruling elite, the main source of enrichment was initially military booty obtained by plundering neighboring countries.

At the beginning of the 6th century AD. in the Persian Empire, the Jews organized a revolution under the slogans - Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood. The ruling caste - white Persians - descendants of the Slavic-Aryans, who created the Persian Empire, were destroyed. The revolution was not successful - the Jews were forced to leave the “country of social equality and brotherhood” they had created together with the looted wealth of the Persian nobility, and settled in Khazaria.

These are the rich Jews of Persia, whom the Jewish revolutionaries did not touch, but simply expelled from Persia along with their wealth. These Jews were accepted by the Byzantine Empire. They accepted the anti-Mazdakite Jews and, it would seem, the latter should at least be grateful to the Byzantine Empire. But the Jewish “gratitude” turned out to be very strange “By secretly agreeing with the Arabs, the Jews opened the gates of the cities at night and let in the Arab soldiers.” They were expelled from the Byzantine Empire and they found their refuge in Khazaria, where the Mazdakite Jews had already settled

The bottom line is that the Jews gave their most beautiful sisters, daughters, and sometimes their own wives, to the highest nobility of Khazaria (white Khazars) as wives, concubines or sex slaves. Jewish women gave birth to children for the Khazar nobility, who, according to Jewish laws, were Jews, were raised by their mothers, like Jews, ACCORDING TO JUDIAN TRADITIONS, but the situation in social system The Khazars inherited from their fathers. Thus, among the Khazar nobility, children were born from Jewish women who received after their fathers not only property, but also their position

most likely due to their religious views. Similar versions can sometimes be seen in Persian sources (Mojmal at-tawarikh). Arabic sources generally insist on the closeness of the Khazars to the Turks, or at least their Turkic language, which is confirmed by a few runic inscriptions and proper names. Constantine Porphyrogenitus considered the Khazars to be related to the Ugrians (“On State Administration”), while Armenian authors allowed the participation of Iranian tribes in the ethnogenesis of the Khazars. East Slavic sources teach the origins of the Khazars rather vaguely (thus, the neighboring Bulgarians are described as “rekshe from the Kozars,” but this phrase can be understood as a description of their mutual kinship). However, on modern stage the presence in the region of complex ethnic contacts is recognized, which were characteristic not only of the Khazars, which is confirmed by some Armenian and Arab information, according to which among the Khazars there was a dark-skinned population “like some category from India,” as well as “perfect” fair-haired and light-skinned representatives.

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How the prophetic Oleg is now planning to take revenge on the unreasonable Khazars... A.S. Pushkin

The Khazars, mentioned by the great Russian poet in the “Song of prophetic Oleg" - another mystery of history. It is known that the Kyiv prince had quite compelling reasons for revenge: at the beginning of the 10th century, the Khazars defeated and imposed tribute on many Slavic tribes. The Khazars lived east of the Slavs. The Byzantines write about Khazaria as a state allied to them; even the kagan’s protege sat on the throne in Constantinople, i.e. king, Lev Khazar.

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KHAZARS - in Arabic Khazar - the name of a people of Turkic origin. This name comes from the Turkish qazmak (to wander, to move) or from quz (the country of the mountain facing north, shadow side). The name “Khazars” was known to the first Russian chronicler, but no one really knew who they were and where the “core” of Khazaria was; no archaeological monuments remained from it.

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Chroniclers still talk about the greatness of the capital Itil. Surrounded by large settlements, castles that stood on trade routes grew into cities. Itil was precisely such a city that grew out of the Kagan’s castle, which, as we know from sources, was located somewhere in the Volga delta. Many attempts to find its ruins over time have come to nothing. Many questions arise: what was the origin of the Khazars, what language did they speak, why did their descendants not survive...

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The Khazar Kaganate was a multinational state in which Burtases, Bulgarians, Suvars, Erzya, Cheremis, Slavic tribes, Jews, Alans and many other peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia lived. However, according to historians, there were no serious ethnic conflicts in ancient Khazaria: the state was tolerant of people of different nationalities and beliefs, recognizing everyone’s right to free choice. Christians, which included representatives different nations, were judged according to Christian laws, Muslims - according to Islamic norms, Jews - according to Jewish traditions. There was a separate judge for the pagans.

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Khazar sources. No texts in the Khazar language have been found, although some Khazar chronicles most likely existed, since there are mentions of them. However, their own Khazar monuments exist. They are represented by the so-called. Jewish-Khazar correspondence, including two letters in Hebrew, one of which was written by the Khazar king Joseph (c. 961), and the other by his subject, an anonymous Jew (c. 949). Both documents provide information about the origin of the Khazars, the circumstances of their adoption of Judaism, the ruling kings and their activities, as well as the geography of Khazaria. Recently, another source of Jewish-Khazar origin was discovered - the autograph of a letter of recommendation from the Jewish community of Kyiv (10th century). Some of its signatories, along with Jewish ones, bore Khazar (Turkic) names, which confirmed the practice of proselytism in the Kaganate. The last phrase in the letter is written in a variety of ancient Turkic runes. Similar inscriptions (very brief) were discovered during archaeological research. It is not yet possible to decipher them.

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And now archaeologists have announced that they have managed to make a long-awaited discovery: to discover the capital of the ancient Khazar Khaganate - legendary city Itil...This was reported by one of the leaders of the Russian Academy of Sciences expedition, candidate of historical sciences Dmitry Vasilyev. According to the scientist, a joint expedition of archaeologists from the Astrakhan State University and the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences worked at the Samosdel settlement near the village of Samosdelki, Kamyzyak district, Astrakhan region. Researchers have come to the conclusion that this settlement is the ancient capital of Khazaria.

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Itil found

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    A joint expedition of archaeologists from Astrakhan State University and the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences at the Samosdel settlement near the village of Samosdelki, Kamyzyak district, Astrakhan region, discovered confirmation that the settlement, on the excavations of which scientists have been working for many years, is the legendary Itil.

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    Samosdel settlement - the remains of a large medieval city in the Volga delta - was discovered by accident. Almost 20 years ago, near the village of Samosdelka, they started building a livestock farm. They built cowsheds and dug deep silos. And they pulled out of the ground a huge number of fragments of brick, ceramics, bone, bronze and iron products, glass vessels, beads, human and animal bones.

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    Employees of the archaeological laboratory took an aerial panorama of the ancient settlement. It turned out that in ancient times in this now arid place there was an island, surrounded on all sides by deep channels. The island was small, and people also settled along the banks of the river. This coincided with medieval descriptions of the city of Itil, which are found among Arab historians and geographers.

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    The king's palace was located on an island, far from the river bank, and was built of baked bricks. No one had a building made of baked bricks except the king, and he did not allow anyone to build with bricks. The Khazars had an excellent army, and in general military affairs were developed to top level. “The king has 12,000 troops; When one of their number dies, they immediately put another in his place. They do not have a definite permanent salary, unless a small amount falls to their share after a long period of time in the event of war, or when some matter befalls them, because of which they are all united.” (Al-Istakhri).

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    The city was located at the mouth of the Volga. Not archaeologically identified. Its descriptions are left in the Arab-Persian geographical literature and in the “Jewish-Khazar correspondence”. Archaeologically, Itil has not yet been generally identified. It is assumed that it was washed away due to rising levels of the Caspian Sea. Archaeological research here has revealed layers of the 9th-10th centuries, yurt-shaped dwellings, Guz, Bulgar and Saltov ceramics, and the contours of a triangular brick citadel can be seen. This is the only settlement of its kind in the region.

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    During its heyday, the city consisted of three parts, separated by a river. Communication between them was carried out by boats. The right (western) part was administrative. It was inhabited by a royal court of about 4 thousand people and a military garrison - according to various sources, from 7 to 12 thousand people. This part was surrounded by a fortress wall. There were four gates in the wall, two of which went out to the parking lot near the river, and two behind the city into the steppe. Between the two parts there was an island where the palaces of two rulers of Khazaria were located - the Kagan and the Bek (king) (according to other sources, the Kagan lived inside the Bek's palace). These were the only structures built from baked bricks; other residents were not allowed to build from this material.

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    Letter from the Khazar king Joseph to the Arab dignitary Khaedai ibn Shafrut (mid-10th century)

    “I inform you that I live by a river named Itil, at the end of the river G-r-gan... Near this river there are numerous peoples in villages and cities, some in open areas, and others in walled cities... They all serve me and pay tribute. From there the border turns along the path to Khuverezm (Khorezm), reaching G-r-gan. Everyone living on the shore of this sea during one month's journey, everyone pays me tribute. And on the southern side there is Samandar at the end of the country... and it is located on the seashore. From there the border turns towards the mountains...”

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    “I also tell you the size of the borders of my country... Towards the east it extends 20 farsakhs to the Sea of ​​Ghan; to the south for 30 farsakhs to a large river named Ug-ru, to the west for 30 farsakhs to a river named BUZAN and the slope of the river to the Gr-gan sea. I live inside the island, my fields and vineyards and everything I need is on the island. With the help of Almighty God, I live peacefully." (* G-Ghan Sea - Caspian Sea)

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    In the city there were about 30 neighborhood mosques with schools and one cathedral mosque with a minaret. To resolve disputes there were seven judges: two each for Jews, Muslims and Christians and one for all pagans. The activities of judges were controlled by an official appointed by the king. The Khazars lived in the capital only in winter time. In the spring, from the month of Nissan (April) to the month of Kislev (November), they went to their ancestral land: the nobility - for wanderings, the poor - for field work. IN later descriptions it is indicated that the city was surrounded by villages and arable land.

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    As the Astrakhan television and radio company Lotos reported, in top layer a city from the times of the Golden Horde was discovered. Below it are the ruins of the city of Saksin, which, according to the ancient Arab traveler, “had no equal in all of Turkestan.” And the lowest layer, according to archaeologists, is the remains of the ancient capital of the Khazar Khaganate - the disappeared city of Itil.