We are constructing a compressor for painting from a refrigerator. A full-fledged compressor from a refrigerator Homemade products from a compressor for a household refrigerator

It is not necessary to buy a compressor for painting work or inflating wheels - you can make it yourself from used parts and assemblies removed from old technology.

We will tell you about structures that are assembled from scrap materials.

In order to make a compressor from used parts and assemblies, you need to be well prepared: study the diagram, find it on the farm or buy some additional parts. Let's look at a few possible options for making your own air compressor.

Air compressor made from refrigerator and fire extinguisher parts

This unit operates almost silently. Let's look at the diagram of the future design and make a list of the necessary components and parts.

1 - tube for filling oil; 2 - starting relay; 3 - compressor; 4 - copper tubes; 5 - hoses; 6 - diesel filter; 7 - gasoline filter; 8 - air inlet; 9 - pressure switch; 10 - cross; eleven - safety valve; 12 - tee; 13 - receiver from a fire extinguisher; 14 - pressure reducer with pressure gauge; 15 - moisture-oil trap; 16 - air inlet

Necessary parts, materials and tools

The main elements taken are: a motor-compressor from a refrigerator (preferably made in the USSR) and a fire extinguisher cylinder, which will be used as a receiver. If they are not available, then you can look for a compressor from a non-working refrigerator at repair shops or at metal collection points. A fire extinguisher can be purchased on the secondary market or you can involve friends in the search, who at work may have written off fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher, fire extinguisher for 10 liters. The fire extinguisher cylinder must be emptied safely.

In addition you will need:

  • pressure gauge (as for a pump, water heater);
  • diesel filter;
  • filter for a gasoline engine;
  • pressure switch;
  • electric toggle switch;
  • pressure regulator (reducer) with pressure gauge;
  • reinforced hose;
  • water pipes, tees, adapters, fittings + clamps, hardware;
  • materials for creating a frame - metal or wood + furniture wheels;
  • safety valve (to relieve overpressure);
  • self-closing air inlet (for connection, for example, to an airbrush).

Another viable receiver came from a tubeless car wheel. An extremely budget-friendly, although not very productive model.

Wheel receiver

We invite you to watch a video about this experience from the author of the design.

The compressor can be used in a variety of applications and industries. It can be used for inflating wheels on a car, for airbrushing, painting parts, and more. Having the tools and some technical knowledge, anyone can make a compressor from a refrigerator on their own. This homemade product produces about 7 atmospheres and this is enough for a garage workshop. A self-made compressor from a refrigerator is good decision, which combines productivity and savings Money. About how to make a compressor out of a refrigerator and how reliable it will be, further in the article.

Self-assembly of a compressor is not as difficult as it might seem upon superficial examination of the issue. Knowledge of the operating principles of this equipment greatly simplifies the process of retraining a refrigerator into this unit. For a compressor to assemble it, you will need a motor that moves air into a container where it will be located under a certain pressure.

The design of the mechanism is such that excess air masses, which can lead to excess pressure in the container, will exit through a specialized drain valve. This is required so that during painting vehicle or other objects, the coloring composition was distributed and laid evenly over the entire surface.

Attention! Uniform distribution of paint over the surface can be achieved using a compressor only by maintaining a constant (at the same level) pressure in the sprayers.

“Homemade” or factory compressor

There are several differences between a homemade compressor and a device that is manufactured in production, including the following points:

  1. The design of the factory product contains an electric motor that transmits torque to the working chamber via a belt drive. In the case of a homemade product, it is assembled from a body and a motor, but there are no belts in its structure.
  2. Factory models come pre-installed automated systems, which relieve excess pressure, output and input filters. If you make it yourself, you will have to install the control and adjustment equipment yourself, taking into account each of the characteristics and features.
  3. Most factory compressors, although they have automated systems, in part budget models They are not here. That is, you will have to turn off such mechanisms yourself, keeping track of time. On homemade products, they usually install protective relays (they turn off the unit in case of danger of overheating).
  4. Some factory compressors are not lubricated, but in the case of homemade ones there is a lot of oil, which is not always good, especially in cases of “capricious” behavior of the spray gun, which does not tolerate any foreign impurities.
  5. The key feature of homemade products is low level noise during operation, provided that the required tubes are fully inserted and the seal is maintained. Factory models produce more noise and cannot be used in residential areas.
  6. The cost of assembling a compressor with your own hands is extremely low, since the main components are removed from old equipment, and the control parts cost up to one thousand rubles.
  7. There is no possibility to make design changes in factory models, that is, if the equipment’s power is high, then it can only be used as a booster pump car wheels. Self-assembled compressors are more functional and it is permissible to add some elements to them, for example, a large receiver, which will significantly increase the power of the unit.

But, given all of the above, one fact needs to be taken into account - a homemade compressor breaks down much less often than those models that were produced in industrial scale in factories and factories.

Compressor for refrigerator air

To assemble the compressor yourself, you will need the following parts:

  • pressure switch;
  • gearbox with oil and moisture separator;
  • oil/water separator filter;
  • pressure gauge;
  • adapters;
  • nipple;
  • receiver;
  • nuts, studs, washers;
  • automobile clamps;
  • nut and fitting;
  • coupling;
  • crosspiece;
  • wheels for furniture;
  • toggle switch;
  • automobile oil;
  • refrigerator compressor;
  • fuel filter;
  • cord and plug;
  • plywood or chipboard panels;
  • screws;
  • oil and petrol resistant hose;
  • "Epoxylin" and sealant;
  • fum tape;
  • dye;
  • rust remover and the like.

The best option for a check valve is the RUCK14IAMSV check valve, which does not produce much noise and is well suited for building air compressors from refrigeration equipment. In addition, you will need a MINI SVM14-12 safety valve, and it is better to take a tank from a 16 kg powder fire extinguisher. The pressure with such a tank is 9.5 bar.

Attention! It is necessary to take into account that synthetic automobile oil does not combine well with regular oil, so you need to watch what is poured first and then.

A few points to pay attention to during collection:

  1. An oil separator must be installed between the tank and the compressor.
  2. Oil is added exclusively through the third solder tube.
  3. The best option is to solder the connector and screw it with a metal plug or screw.
  4. For better oil capture, it is advisable to install a dehydrator.

Homemade compressor, according to many reviews, is much more reliable in comparison with factory models, especially in cases of factory ones for automobile airbrushing.

How to assemble an air compressor from a refrigerator

It is important to correctly remove the compressor from the refrigerator so that it is not damaged. The process algorithm is as follows:

  1. First, using wire cutters, cut through the tubes that come out of the engine and lead to the radiator grille.
  2. The relay wires are cut, but their length should remain about 20 cm.
  3. A mark is made on the relay cover before unscrewing the compressor.
  4. After a rupture of the supercharger circuit, the spindle is exposed to the atmosphere and this leads to a loss of its properties. The factory oil in the supercharger needs to be replaced to prevent rapid engine failure. The best option is a semi-synthetic engine for cars.
  5. In addition to the inlet and outlet tubes, the refrigeration compressor has a third one, one end of which is sealed. The clogged part must be removed using a hacksaw. It is important that the chips do not remain inside the tube.
  6. The remaining pipe is flared and the old oil is drained, which is subsequently replaced with semi-synthetic oil in the same volume.
  7. After changing the oil, the pipe is plugged back with a screw tied with fum tape.

The fire extinguisher body is the best option for the receiver. The main thing is that it is solid and without seams, and its volume is at least 10 liters. Before using it, you need to carefully inspect it for corrosion inside (using a flashlight). If there is rust, it can be removed using a specialized liquid.

Which oil is best for an air compressor?

Starting and most important point preparation, on which the subsequent work and service life of a homemade compressor depends - oil change. At the factory, the spindle is filled, so-called “clean”; it is also called compressor and freon. But, in fact, it is mineral and does not contain additives, since the compressor is in refrigeration equipment operates in an airless and enclosed space and is not affected by the environment in any way.

When a refrigerator compressor is used for other purposes, for example, converted into an air compressor, the oil begins to be affected by oxygen, moisture, dust, and more. Because of this mineral oil begins to rapidly oxidize and become clogged, which leads to the loss of its original characteristics. The result is the following events:

  • the compressor overheats;
  • the piston system begins to actively wear out;
  • the noise level increases.

In addition to the above, due to the relatively low wetting and binding characteristics, mineral oil will “fly” to the outlet in large quantities, leading to air clogging with vapors and, as a result, a decrease in the operating level of the compressor.

Motor vehicle oil does not have most of the listed problems, primarily due to the presence of certain additives in its composition. They completely eliminate or partially compensate for factors that negatively affect durability and quality characteristics oils

Engine oil is designed for more severe operating conditions than those that will occur during operation of a homemade compressor.

Reference! It is not advisable to use fully synthetic oils, as they cost more, have less thickness and do not last as long as semi-synthetic ones.

Compressor from an industrial refrigerator

Compressors from industrial refrigeration units operate using a three-phase connection to the network and are therefore designed for a voltage of 380 V. When such equipment is converted to pump air masses and a 220 V network voltage, it is possible to obtain higher output pressure and power. To implement such an idea, you need to buy the appropriate transfer adapter-starter (it is connected to the 220 network, and the output is three phases at 380 V). If you completely redo it, you will need to refer to specialized literature and knowledgeable people who understand electrical circuits.

Compressor for painting

To make an airbrush from a refrigerator compressor, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. To implement the design, it is necessary to make a stand - this will allow you to secure the components of the circuit. The stand is made from a sheet of chipboard, the parameters of which depend on the size of the receiver (the part that catches oil drops and regulating air pulsation). For this purpose, you can use plastic bottles and food cans of different sizes. The container can be mounted on chipboard using metal tubes or wire. Receiver volume – up to 5 liters.
  2. After securing the container, you need to make a couple of holes in the lid and insert copper tubes through them. Fill the container from the inside with oxide resin, wait for it to harden, apply sealant and screw tightly.
  3. In plywood (9 mm and thicker), the legs are fixed and specialized holes are drilled for mounting the compressor. A start relay, a switch and a power cord are attached nearby.
  4. After fixing all the electrical appliances, the rest of the system is mounted - a gas filter is fixed at the compressor outlet.
  5. The output of the unit is connected to the input of the receiver using clamps and a rubber tube. A diesel filter is attached to the outlet of the receiver.
  6. After connecting and securing the parts, the airbrush is turned on and its performance is assessed. If the air hisses in the tubes and the compressor functions, it is assembled correctly. But you shouldn’t use the device right away, since the sealant needs time to harden.

Advice! It is advisable to mount the compressor on the edge of the plywood, as this facilitates the process of changing the oil.

Auto compressor

In the presence of the necessary tool ria and some understanding of the process, assemble the compressor for pumping with your own hands car tires not difficult. The homemade product produces approximately 7 atmospheres, and this is enough for work in the garage. The autocompressor from the refrigerator is quite quiet and cheap, in comparison with factory units.

To use a compressor to inflate tires, you only need to install the appropriate tip, which can be removed from a regular pump. Otherwise, all work occurs according to the algorithm given for assembling the air compressor.

Test and adjustment

The key test for a homemade air compressor is to determine whether it is possible to effectively regulate the pressure produced by the system. The easiest way to carry out this check is during a test painting of the surface, during which the following is performed:

  1. The relay is set to 4-5 atmospheres and the compressor is connected to the network.
  2. Using a pressure gauge, the stability of the set parameters is determined; when the relay is stable, then when the pressure increases, it will turn off the compressor. If this does not happen, you must open the reset valve and immediately disconnect the unit from the network.
  3. The system is checked for spontaneous bleeding of the energy carrier (this should not happen) - for this it is possible to use an ordinary soap solution.
  4. If the pressure drops to a level that is lower than the minimum permissible, the relay is also required to automatically turn off the compressor.

Upon completion of painting the surface, it is necessary to check the quality of application of the composition - during the external inspection there must be no traces of moisture, dirt and foreign particles. If such defects exist, then it is necessary to additionally double-check the functionality of the output filter (oil and moisture separator).


Make it from the refrigerator air compressor, if you have the necessary tools and some knowledge, it’s quite simple. The operation of the assembled homemade product will be long-lasting and without breakdowns, in cases where preventive maintenance is performed - replacing water filters, oil and purging each of the air ducts. At the same time, it is not recommended to load the assembled unit over 75% of its full power, since in home-made products it is virtually impossible to determine the extreme permissible limit, the operation of the device on which will not lead to breakdowns.

It is difficult to determine the exact number of atmospheres that will be produced by hand assembled compressor from the refrigerator, since a lot depends on the brand. In the case of old refrigerators, there will be a large number of atmospheres and for quality operation only timely replacement of consumable filters and oil is required.

Video: Compressor from a refrigerator to inflate wheels

There is quite a wide range of devices available on the modern market for painting a car. But knowing how to properly make a car from an ordinary old refrigerator with your own hands, you can save a significant amount of money. Many people have a question: isn’t it easier to buy a ready-made device? The answer is simple - by making the compressor yourself, you can set the required power, which will allow you to do the job faster and with better quality.

Selection of components

To make a high-quality compressor, you need to acquire all the components. A normal supercharger can be used hand pump or container for holding air. The device for supplying air to the receiver will be a compressor from an old refrigerator; it can be easily dismantled using a set of keys, a universal screwdriver and wire cutters. This device will make it possible to make a durable device, as it is more reliable.

Important to follow correct dismantling compressor to avoid damaging it. First of all, using wire cutters, you need to cut through the tubes coming out of the engine leading to the radiator grille. Next, the wires leading to the relay are cut, but their length should remain approximately 20 cm. Before unscrewing the compressor, you need to make a mark on the relay cover.

The fire extinguisher body will be an excellent replacement for the receiver. It is important that it is cast, seamless and has a volume of 10 liters or more. Before using it as a component, it is necessary to inspect the fire extinguisher from the inside for corrosion. To do this, the seal is turned out, and a flashlight is used for inspection. If corrosion is still present, it must be removed using a special liquid.

Purchasing additional materials

The remaining materials that are necessary to make a compressor for painting a car body from a refrigerator with your own hands can be purchased at a specialized store or on the market:

  • automobile clamps, toggle switch, fum tape, oxygen reducer, shut-off valve, relay RDM-5 or RM-5;
  • 5 meters of two-core wire, equipped with double insulation;
  • ball valve used in gas lines;
  • plumbing cross with 3/4 inch external thread and much more.

You will also need a petrol and oil resistant silicone sealant. Having all the necessary devices and materials, you can assemble the air compressor, but before that you should change the oil in the supercharger.

Assembly of elements and components

Once the compressor blower circuit from the refrigerator is broken, the spindle will be exposed to the atmosphere, which will lead to a loss of its properties. If the factory oil in the supercharger is not replaced, its pistons will quickly wear out, causing the engine to fail. Therefore, it is recommended that you first replace it with semi-synthetic motor oil taken from the car.

In addition to the outlet and inlet tubes, the compressor from a conventional refrigerator is equipped with a third tube with a sealed end. In order to use it in the future to paint a car, it is necessary to remove the clogged part. To do this, using a hacksaw for metal, you should make a neat cut around the tube, but without sawing all the way through, and then break off the cut piece. It is important that metal shavings do not get inside.

The remaining pipe must be flared with your own hands and the old oil drained, then pour semi-synthetic oil into it in the same quantity. After which the pipe is sealed using a screw wrapped with fum tape.

The water pipe is screwed into the fire extinguisher in place of the fire extinguisher, but its threads are first wrapped with fum tape. It is worth noting that when making a compressor for painting a car, all screw connections are wrapped with sealing tape, and to make them more reliable, a sealant is applied.

With additional accessories for car painting. Click on photo to enlarge.

The relay, which performs the functions of regulating pressure in the receiver, is screwed onto top part crosses through the fitting. Next, install on one of the inputs of the quaternary check valve and attach the fitting to it, which is necessary to connect the hose. Installed valve reverse action eliminates excess air pressure when painting a car in the receiver.

An oxygen reducer with an attached shut-off valve. It is necessary to shut off the gas in case it is necessary to replace pneumatic tools. To be able to connect a gun or spray gun, screw the adapter fitting to the tap. Thanks to the gearbox, there are no pressure surges in the supercharger - air flow will be dense and uniform.

IN modern world there is just a huge amount various equipment and tools that require compressed air to operate. At the same time, there are many other areas of application where this element is used as a driving force, or it is the main one during operation. Considering this, the question of how to make a homemade compressor is of great interest to many people, if only just to be able to connect a spray gun or a small pneumatic tool.

Application area

Before you begin manufacturing such units, you first need to decide on their purpose. The fact is that different types work requires a device with strictly defined parameters. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular areas used in everyday life and determining which homemade compressor is needed for them.


Most often, such products are used in order to be able to connect a spray gun or airbrush. These tools don't need much high pressure, and the compressor for them should not be too bulky so that it can be moved if necessary.

The easiest way is to make a homemade compressor for an airbrush from a refrigeration unit. It is almost always produced in a sealed form along with the camera and motor. As a receiver, you should use small containers in the form of fire extinguishers or small gas cylinders.

Instrument connection

For work pneumatic tools Usually a certain pressure is required. It must be said that there are many varieties and models of such devices, which differ in a parameter called “air flow”. It is analogous to the power of an electric tool.

Taking this into account, a homemade compressor from a ZIL-130 compressor is used for such purposes. It is quite powerful, and if you have a good receiver, it is quite suitable for such work. Therefore, the tool is selected for it, taking into account the technological requirements for performing specific work.

Sandblasting units and press

To operate such devices, homemade compressors are needed. high pressure. Moreover, in some cases they are used not to create a certain pressure, but to maintain air flow for a long time. It all depends on the model of the powered systems and their characteristics.

Typically, such units are equipped with fairly large receivers capable of maintaining the required pressure. It is believed that a homemade compressor from a ZIL-130 compressor is better suited for such a device, but with the right approach, you can also use a motor from a refrigerator. The main thing is to think through the system correctly.

Aquarium and decorative devices

Typically, small and low-power compressors are used for similar products such as aquariums, Jacuzzis or other devices. At the same time, they do not need a receiver at all or use small containers for it. Therefore, a homemade compressor for an aquarium is usually connected directly, although it is equipped with a check valve.

Considering this, it makes no sense to use a large unit for such products. However, it is worth considering that sometimes it is much easier and cheaper to purchase a device from a refrigerator than a small specialized compressor.

Manufacturing process

All work should be divided into several stages. Moreover, each of them requires certain knowledge and skills. The fact is that even the simplest homemade compressor for painting needs not only to be connected to a system using pipes and hoses, but also to have electrical control methods.

Necessary equipment

Almost all the main elements and components can be created from used items, but some elements will have to be purchased separately. In fact, the following parts will be needed for work:

  • Container for making a receiver. You can use an old fire extinguisher as it. gas cylinder or hydraulic accumulator.
  • Start relay. If you plan to make a homemade compressor from a refrigerator, then you can use its original unit, and there is a ready-made seat for it.
  • Overpressure valve. In this case, it is worth purchasing a new product that is adjusted to the required value or has a regulator.
  • Pressure compensator. It is needed to be able to regulate the output flow, regardless of the pressure in the system and at the inlet.
  • Pressure gauge. It is desirable that this device have adjustable contacts that can be set to a certain value.
  • Control relay. It can be used to supply current to the starting circuit depending on the position of the contacts.
  • Moisture separator. This node It is quite expensive, but it is responsible for the service life and quality of the product. Therefore, it is easier to make a homemade compressor water separator from an old oil filter, using silicone gel as a filler.
  • Check valve to protect the compressor.
  • To connect all the nodes you will need pipes and fittings. You also need a wire to power the electrical circuits.
  • If desired, you can create a frame on which to mount all the components.


When assembling all systems, you may need:

  • welding machine;
  • grinder with cutting wheels;
  • a set of tools (keys, screwdrivers, hammer, etc.);
  • soldering iron;
  • drill with drills.

In fact, the list of tools required for operation depends on what type of compressor will be manufactured and what specific components are used for this.

Working with the unit

If you plan to create a homemade ZIL compressor, namely from a car, then with the unit itself additional work no need to produce. It can be immediately installed on the frame and connected to the motor. In this case, it is best to use a belt drive.

However, when a homemade compressor is made from a refrigerator engine, some modifications are required. It is best to immediately cut the case along the top cover and carefully remove the mechanism.

Then you should clean the device and refill it with oil. You also need to change all the hoses and connect the inner ends of the inlet and outlet to each other. Although this depends on the model of the compressor itself.

It’s worth saying right away that homemade air compressors usually work with a lot of oil. Therefore, all hoses should be purchased from an automotive store with this environment in mind.

After all, the mechanism is placed back into the housing and covered with a lid. It can be fixed by soldering. However, you should immediately think about replacing this part, since it will be very difficult to install it back.

An air filter should be attached to the compressor inlet pipe. This will protect it from excess contamination. A check valve is installed at the outlet of it.

Install the compressor in the same position in which it worked on the refrigerator. At the same time, it is fixed in a suspended bed using springs. In fact, you can completely cut out the seat on the refrigerator and mount it on the frame.

Some experts suggest using additional rubber pads to get rid of excess vibration. You can also use sound insulation, increasing the level of comfort when working with the product.


It is best to use a 25 liter container to make this unit. If a homemade compressor from a refrigerator is used for an airbrush, then such a receiver will be enough for two hours of operation with the power off. This will help extend the life of the device.

First of all, you need to install an overpressure valve on the container. This can be done by welding or tapping for seat. It all depends on the container itself.

Then an inlet hole is made through which air will flow inside. You can immediately mount a barometer on it, and then a moisture separator. The air must enter the system dry so that liquid does not collect, as this will reduce its service life and pressure level.

A pressure compensator is installed at the outlet of the receiver. It is thanks to him that it will be possible to adjust the air supply.

The receiver is also fixed to the frame, but without shock absorbers. In this case, it is immediately connected to the outlet of the compressor using hoses or pipes. It is best to use flexible materials that will not be damaged by slight vibration.

A hose can be connected to the outlet of the container, connecting it to necessary device. It should be secured with clamps so that it can be quickly replaced if necessary.


When creating a homemade compressor, you should not skimp on systems automatic control. They greatly help save time and allow you to leave the unit unattended. Therefore, it is very important to purchase a pressure gauge with a limiter and an additional contact pair.

The power system connection diagram is quite simple. Power is supplied to the pressure gauge contact group. In this case, its arrows are set so that it is in a closed state until the pressure rises to desired value, and connected again at a different, minimum value.

Then from there the wires are connected to the relay on the compressor itself. In this case, it will turn on only when the minimum pressure is reached, and turn off when the maximum value is reached. It is also a good idea to install an additional power line with a button, which can be used in manual mode in parallel.

It is best to take a pressure gauge for work, in which the contacts working group can withstand mains voltage. However, they are quite difficult to find, and more often you come across products rated at 24 Volts. In this case, it is necessary to use a transformer that will be included in the circuit with contacts and relays.

Commissioning works

To begin, close the outlet valve and fill the receiver with air. The pressure in it is selected based on the initial characteristics of the device, which used to be a container. This value is set as the maximum allowable.

The overpressure valve is usually set to a rating of 1.2 times the upper limit. In this case, it is advisable to check it by disconnecting the pressure gauge contacts or setting the maximum level higher.

With the system under pressure, all components are checked for air leaks. It is easy to find by its characteristic whistling sound. Also, such a defect can be detected using soapy water.

The lower limit on the pressure gauge is set to a value equal to the minimum pressure required for the operation of a particular tool or device. After that, they record the time during which the receiver becomes empty with constant use. This data will help you properly plan the entire work process.

It is also very important to check the work electrical diagram. The compressor should turn on when the pressure in the receiver reaches a predetermined minimum, and when filled to the maximum it should turn off. If this does not happen, then it is worth checking the entire electrical circuit again.

  • If a homemade compressor is not mounted in a housing or on a frame, it will be very difficult to transport. This may damage the connections. However, when fixing to a common frame, it is very important to solve the vibration problem.
  • When purchasing a pressure gauge, you should immediately look for a seal or tag on it that would indicate the date of its last check. If it is not there, then such a device is not worth purchasing. Even new products have similar markings.
  • Sometimes it is much easier to purchase a ready-made unit than to create it yourself. However, some things are simply not available for sale. They are either very rare or have other characteristics that do not meet the design requirements.
  • It is worth making a small tap on the receiver itself so that the air can be released. This will allow the unit to be transported without residual pressure in the system. Also, such a valve will make it possible to drain liquid that will accumulate in the system, despite the presence large quantities filters and other measures to separate moisture from the air.
  • Some craftsmen, in order not to make extra holes in the container, prefer to create one branched output, installing all the necessary components on it. It's pretty practical solution, but according to safety rules, the overpressure valve must be located on the receiver itself.
  • If when working with the device it is necessary to obtain a suction effect, then you additionally need to make special device from two thin pipes welded together at an angle of 45 degrees. By supplying air from the side of an acute angle, you can get the necessary impact from the welded end.
  • Before you get started, it’s worth studying the market finished products of this type and estimate your expected costs. It may be much cheaper and easier to purchase a product in a store than to create it yourself.


Having studied how a homemade compressor is made, it is worth understanding that this work requires the performer to have certain knowledge and experience. We also need mass various instruments, among which there can be quite expensive types.

However, if you need to get a special device that has individual parameters that are ideal for a specific tool or type of work, then you will have to assemble it yourself. At the same time, you must immediately understand that such products require quite a lot of costs, although if you use components or parts that have already been used, then costs can be significantly reduced.

You can make a simple air compressor with which you can do painting work or inflate car tires with your own hands from scrap materials. A homemade compressor will work no worse than its factory-made counterparts, and the costs of its manufacture will be minimal.

You can make a mini compressor for connecting a spray gun or airbrush from car pump, improving it a little. Modernizing the compressor will increase its power (performance) and will consist of adapting it to a voltage of 220 V (instead of 12 V), connecting the device to the receiver and installing automation.

Adaptation of the device to 220 V voltage

To connect the car pump to a 220 V network, you will need to find some power supply (PSU), the output of which will be 12 V and the current strength suitable for the device.

Advice! A power supply from a computer is well suited for this purpose.

You can find out the current consumed by the device by looking at its nameplate. IN in this case The power supply from the PC (see figure above) will be quite sufficient in terms of current and voltage.

So, if you plug the electrical cord into your PC's power supply and turn it on, nothing will happen. This is explained by the fact that the power supply will not turn on until it receives a signal from the PC. To simulate turning on a PC, on the connector coming out of the power supply, you need insert the jumper. You will need to find among the many conductors one wire that is green and the other wire that is black, as shown in the following photo.

These wires can be cut and twisted, but it is better to short them with a jumper.

Since the car pump has plug for connecting to the car cigarette lighter, then you can cut it off and connect the device with the corresponding color wires from the power supply.

But it will be better if you buy a car cigarette lighter and connect it to the power supply, and connect the device itself using a standard plug.

There are 3 wires coming out of the cigarette lighter: red – “+”, black – “-” and yellow – “+”, intended for connecting the LED. Connect the conductors to the cigarette lighter, observing the polarity (see photo below).

If you insert the plug from the device into the cigarette lighter, you will get a 220 V electric air compressor, capable of not only inflating tires, but also working with an airbrush.

Connecting additional elements

To connect the device to the receiver, it is necessary to assemble the structure shown in the diagram below.

This harness includes the following elements.

  1. Cross, having all outputs with BP1/2. The marking means: “BP” - internal thread, “1/2” - thread diameter in inches.
  2. Tee, has all outlets with HP1/2 (“HP” - external thread).
  3. Valves in the amount of 2 pcs. (BP1/2 – BP1/2). Designed to block air movement in both directions. Double marking means that there is an internal thread on both sides of the valve.
  4. . Designed to allow air to flow in one direction only. You can install a simple spring valve BP1/2 – BP1/2. If you plan to work with a pressure of 6-7 bar, then you need to select a check valve that does not have plastic parts.

  5. Straight nipple, is an adapter having 2 external threads (HP1/2).
  6. Adapter nipple HP1/2 – HP1/4. Allows you to change from one external thread diameter to another.
  7. Extension(60 mm) HP1/2 – HP1/2. This is the same nipple, only straight. That is, the thread at both ends has the same diameter.
  8. Transition coupling. It is an adapter from an internal thread of one diameter to an internal thread of another. In this case, from BP1/2 to BP1/8.
  9. Tee, having all outputs already with HP1/8 thread.
  10. Straight coupling VR1/8 – VR1/8. Has 2 identical internal threads.
  11. Hose adapter HP1/8.
  12. Pressure regulator (pressostat) with moisture-oil separator. The pressure switch allows you to maintain the air pressure in the receiver not lower than the minimum and not higher than the maximum permissible level. A moisture separator may not be installed if the unit will be used as a tire inflator. When using the unit for painting, installing a moisture-oil separator is a must.

    The above piping diagram assumes 2 outlet fittings: the first for venting air to the spray gun (airbrush), and the second for inflating tires.

  13. Adapter nipple HP1/4 – HP1/8.
  14. Futorka(HP1/4 - BP1/8), is an adapter from a larger diameter external thread to smaller diameter internal thread.
  15. Pressure gauges. These devices allow you to visually monitor the level of air pressure in the receiver and at the supply to the main line.

When assembling all elements it is necessary use thread sealant, for example, fum tape. Pressure gauges can be connected via cut-offs of high pressure hose. The latter should be pulled onto the adapters and secured with clamps.

Pressure gauges can be screwed directly onto the thread, without using hoses, if you do not need to display them on the front panel of the unit.

What the compressor piping looks like when assembled according to the diagram is shown in the following photo.

The receiver for an auto compressor can be made from metal pipe large diameter, welded on both sides, a fire extinguisher or a gas cylinder.

If the compressor is supposed to work only with an airbrush, then a regular tubeless wheel from a passenger car can serve as a receiver.

Important! When selecting a container for the receiver, you should take into account the fact that the car pump can operate for no more than 10 minutes. continuously. Accordingly, the volume of the receiver should be small (about 20 liters) so that the device can raise the air pressure in it to the required level before 10 minutes have passed.

A simple version of the unit from a fire extinguisher/gas cylinder Making a compressor with your own hands using a fire extinguisher or gas cylinder as a storage tank for air is quite simple. For example, the compressor unit itself, if you need to make a powerful unit, you can take from a Zilov compressor

. But first it needs a little tweaking. You should drill 2 holes in each connecting rod (in assembled form

, together with liners) and 1 hole in each connecting rod cap.

When the unit is operating, the oil in the crankcase will flow through these holes to the liners and reduce friction between them and the crankshaft. If you take fire extinguisher for receiver

, then you first need to remove all unnecessary parts from it, leaving only the container itself and the lid.

The cast iron lid should be threaded to ¼ inch. It is also necessary to place a rubber gasket under the cast iron lid, if it was not there, and tighten the lid, using fum tape to seal the threads.

The steps to connect all the strapping elements were described at the beginning of the article. But, since this unit is made from a ZIL 130 compressor, and is more powerful than the one previously considered, it will require the installation of a safety (emergency) valve. It will release excess pressure if for some reason the automation does not work. gas cylinder compressor. But first you need to release the gas from the cylinder, and then tighten the valve. Next, you need to completely fill the cylinder with water to remove any remaining gas. The container should be rinsed with water several times and, if possible, dried. Usually installed under the cylinder gas burner and evaporate all moisture from the container.

A fitting is screwed into the hole where the valve was placed, and a crosspiece is screwed into it, to which the automation and the entire harness are attached. It is necessary to drill a hole in the lower part of the cylinder and weld a fitting to it to drain the condensate. You can install a regular water tap on the fitting.

For mounting on the receiver of the engine and compressor block, it is made frame made of metal corner. The mounting bolts are first welded to the cylinder. The frame will be attached to them (see photo below).

Important! The engine for this unit should have a power of about 1.3 -2.2 kW.

You can also make your own compressor for inflating tires. from a chainsaw which cannot be repaired. The device is made from an engine, that is, from a piston block: the output hose is connected through a check valve instead of a spark plug, and the exhaust gas hole is closed. To rotate the crankshaft, you can use either an electric motor or a conventional electric drill.

An air compressor made from a refrigerator, or rather, from its unit, is the quietest. But you should know that such a device does not have high performance. With its help, you can only inflate car tires or work with an airbrush. For normal operation Various pneumatic tools (screwdriver, grinder, spray gun, etc.) will not have enough performance of this unit, even if you connect a large volume receiver to it.

Although on the Internet you can find designs consisting of two or three compressors connected in series, connected to a large receiver. So, the unit removed from the refrigerator has start relay with power cord

. There are also 3 copper tubes coming out of the device. Two of them are intended for air inlet and outlet, and the third (soldered) is for filling oil. If you turn on the device for a short time, you can determine which of the two tubes sucks in air and which one blows it out.

Advice! Instead of an outlet filter, which sometimes bursts due to high pressure, it is better to install a moisture-oil separator. Its presence is mandatory if the device will be used for painting.

Installed on the inlet tube air filter to prevent dust from getting inside the unit. To automate the air pumping process, you can install automation in the form of a pressure switch.

DIY high pressure compressor

The high pressure compressor (HP) is made from two-stage compressor head AK-150.

As a drive you can take 380 V motor 4 kW. The rotation of the engine shaft is transmitted to the piston group shaft using an eccentric, which also serves as a drive for a plunger-type oil pump. It creates an oil pressure of about 2 kgf/cm2.

Compressed air, leaving the last stage, enters through an adapter with an installed pressure gauge into the fitting of a liter cylinder, which is installed in its lower part. A valve for draining condensate is also installed here. The cylinder is filled with polished glass chips and acts as a moisture-oil separator.

Air exits from the top of the cylinder through a finger fitting. Compressor cooling is aquatic. After 45 min. When the unit operates, the water heats up to 70 degrees. The author of this unit claims that during this time you can pump 1 8-liter cylinder and 2 4-liter cylinders to 260 atm.