Homemade compressor for an airbrush. Making a compressor for an airbrush with your own hands Homemade mini compressor for an airbrush

An airbrush is a device whose operating principle is based on spraying paint with an air stream. It began to be used back in the 19th century, when airbrushing had just begun to be used by craftsmen to create paintings. Now this pneumatic tool used both in creativity and in construction or design, for painting and painting surfaces of various sizes.

Excellent tool for car airbrushing

Spray gun + auto compressor.

Let me explain right away that the idea is a failure. I wanted to try it - I tried it. The maximum that can be painted like this is...

Assembling the airbrush yourself

The design of this device is quite simple, so assembling an airbrush with your own hands is not at all difficult for a person who has some idea of ​​its operating principle. To organize such a unit as homemade airbrush external mixing, you will need the following elements:

  • ballpoint pen body and refill;
  • a small container with a tight-fitting lid;
  • hospital IV tube;
  • air pump.

We remove the head of the rod, and rinse the rod itself until the ink is completely removed. Next, we move on to the container: you need to make a hole in its lid so that the prepared rod fits clearly into it. We insert the rod, not bringing it to the bottom of the container by about 5 centimeters, and fix it with hot glue or epoxy glue.

Homemade airbrush powered by car pump? We fix the free edge of the rod at an angle of 90 degrees to the handle body: our task is to ensure the direction of the air that will exit the handle body from the side of the narrow hole towards the end of the rod.

The opposite end of the handle is connected to the pump using a tube from a medical dropper. The airbrush assembly is complete and now you can check how it works. We fill the container with paint or solution that is supposed to be used to treat the surface. Air is forced into the handle body, resulting in a zone of reduced pressure at the outlet. Due to this pressure, the paint moves up the rod, where it is met by an air flow, and atomization occurs.

The size of the ink jet changes if you change the distance between the rod and the outlet of the pen. Such an airbrush cannot be used for fine work, but to acquire general skills and become familiar with the principle of operation, as well as perform some simple work, will do just fine.

The simplest design, not for professional painting

The pump plays a very important role when working with an airbrush. It is necessary to select the appropriate compressor if the goal is to achieve good coloring. In addition, this device is selected taking into account the type of spray gun and its purpose.

For working with objects small size you can take a car compressor, and if the volume of work is large, such as, for example, painting walls or a car body, a compressor is needed high pressure.

It is easy to install such a device. With enough knowledge, you can make a fairly high-quality compressor for airbrushing with your own hands even in your garage. A homemade high-pressure compressor produces up to 10 atmospheres and is capable of providing operation to any pneumatic tool.

But the container is selected that can withstand the appropriate pressure - a fire extinguisher or a welded pipe fragment.

Making a compressor for an airbrush

First of all, you will need a working compressor from a broken refrigerator.

If possible, it is better to take this device manufactured abroad: such a compressor, unlike a unit domestic production, produces less noise and is more economical.

Most likely, you can take a pressure switch along with the compressor; a receiver will also come in handy.

This is a fairly simple way to make a compressor - this way you don’t have to carry out turning work or connect certain elements by welding. Another, sometimes decisive, factor that pushes a craftsman to organize a homemade compressor is minimal costs.

So, we remove the unit from the refrigerator and at the same time remove the relay, if it is also in good condition. Make sure that no dirt or small debris gets into the compressor. Next, you need to acquire a capacity for the receiver.

A hydraulic accumulator from a 24-liter water pump is best suited for this purpose. Along with it, you will need to purchase an RDM-5 pressure switch at a hardware store. You will also need emergency valve with pressure sensor. Although the relay is designed to operate at pressures up to 2.8 bar, it maintains trouble-free operation up to 6 bar.

An emergency valve is installed in case of automation failure.

In order to assemble the airbrush compressor together, you will need additional adapters and fittings. Some auxiliary parts are also needed:

Check valve must be installed in front of the receiver. It is attached to the plywood. An oil-water separator regulator, as well as a compressor with a start relay are also attached there. Install two filters: one on the inlet pipe, the second between the compressor and the receiver. There should be a switching relay at the bottom of the structure, and a check valve at the inlet.

Use sealant where necessary.

Compressor based on a diaphragm pump

A mini compressor for an airbrush can be used without special costs build from a car pump. Of course, it will be inferior to professional devices in terms of performance, but it is quite suitable for processing small-sized parts.

An airbrush with a membrane-type compressor has a lower cost, and the choice of such a unit is justified when it is necessary to perform small-volume work that does not take a long time.

A membrane compressor supplies air by oscillating the membrane and can supply pressure up to 3.5 atm. In the most common case, the airbrush is connected to a membrane compressor via a hose. The system must be supplemented with a receiver to avoid air flow pulsations, due to which the paint may be distributed unevenly.

For this purpose, you can use a regular five-liter plastic canister. A car expansion tank is also suitable; due to the presence of outlet pipes, its installation will be much easier. The hoses are put on the pipes, secured with clamps, and the compressor can be used for its intended purpose.

Additional Information:

We bolt a receiver tank, a repaired compressor, a starting relay and an oil separator regulator onto a plywood sheet or chipboard board. Filters are installed on the inlet pipe, between the compressor and the receiver. A check valve is also mounted at the inlet, and a relay is placed below to turn it on.

  • with external mixing. This is the easiest type of airbrush to assemble and operate. It is precisely such devices that, as a rule, are assembled by hand (in this case, a part of an old vacuum cleaner or the most ordinary one can be taken as a basis). ball pen). This type of airbrush is intended mainly for painting large surfaces and is perfect for creating a background pattern on a car;

Airbrush with external mix

  • with internal mixing. This is a more complex type of airbrush. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the mixing of air with paint occurs directly inside the tool, the body of which is represented by a special spray head.

Airbrush with internal mix

Using the regulator, I increase the pressure - it gets better. Several trial attempts - and it becomes clear that pressure in the range from 2.0 to 2.2 atm is necessary and sufficient. It is this range that allows you to hold this receiver perfectly, but if you constantly bleed air through a completely open airbrush, there is no longer enough air.

First of all, you need to assemble the cartridge and needle retainer. You need to make it from a syringe, a gel pen refill, a fountain pen spring and a bolt. Remove the piston from the body, lower the spring inside (it should be next to the thin nozzle), make a hole in the rod and insert a bolt, and they should be perpendicular to each other.

This structure is subsequently inserted into the housing.

  • Next, you should cut off a small part of the handle body 35 mm long. Make a mark in the desired location and cut off part of the tube using a hacksaw.
  • Clamp the sawn-off part of the handle body in a vice in a vertical position.
  • Using a triangular file, make a cut in the end of the tube, as shown in the following photo.

    The simplest design is an airbrush connected directly to a diaphragm compressor hose. Given the pulsation of the air flow created by the pump, the layers of paint will lie unevenly. To avoid this, you need to include at least the most primitive receiver in the system.

    Don’t forget that you should also have a container for paint (for example, a hand-friendly jar with a lid). And for greater convenience, you can make something like a paint supply valve. To do this, you need to drill a hole with a diameter of about 3 mm in the handle body.

    When you close the hole with your finger, the air will flow as expected - through the nozzle, a vacuum will be created at the end of the rod, and the paint, rising along the rod, will splash. If you remove your finger from the hole, then all the air will pass through it and no splashing will occur.

    I have been using a nebulizer inhaler for the last 7 years. Practical, convenient, you can work for quite a long time, although of course it gets hot. At the same time, when God forbid someone is sick, the airbrush is replaced with a standard mask and the device is used for its intended purpose. Works quietly.

    By definition, there is no oil in it. The flow pulsation is evened out in the hose; a receiver is not needed. All junk is put away in place of the mask, inside the body.

    Works quietly. The sizes are small. There is a handle on top, you can carry it.

    The cost is about 3,500 rubles, it has already paid for itself a long time ago.
    And the colleagues whom I convinced to use this unit are also happy.
    So there is an alternative.
    The only drawback is that you cannot work with dual-action airbrushes. However, the latter requires a proprietary compressor.

    Car owners in Lately began to often use airbrushing - each of them dreams that among the many Vehicle his car was special. Airbrushing is the application of a design to a body using special paints using an airbrush. Such work can be done not only by professional artists, but also by ordinary car enthusiasts.

    How to do airbrush with your own hands for beginners? You can use stencils. But to make images beautiful and vibrant, expensive tools are required. Fortunately, you can get by with more affordable options...

  • Airbrush – modern method drawing drawings on different surfaces. Its essence lies in spraying coloring emulsions or powders with a special device - an airbrush. Compressed air forces the paint out of the device, ensuring precise and fast application. The advantages of this method are the uniform coverage of both even and uneven textures, and the easy mixing of pigments to obtain a variety of desired shades.

    Airbrushing is used mainly in car painting. It is also used to decorate walls, body painting, textiles, laptops, souvenirs, and other items and equipment. Often the method is excellent choice For repair work. Regardless of the object, such tuning is not cheap. The price of professional craftsmen takes into account not only the fact of the service itself, but also the cost of equipment. The final cost for painting, for example, a car hood ranges from $150 to $400.

    If you have artistic skills, you can paint it yourself. However, you can’t do without an airbrush. It is the uniform flow of air supplied under pressure that allows pigments to lie on surfaces without lumps, bubbles or smudges. The main driving force is provided by the compressor of the device. In artisanal conditions it will not be possible to find similar components a lot of work. Understanding the principles of operation and assembly will take some time, but will help you save a lot.

    Airbrush - a device with pneumatic type of operation. Based on the principle of mixing air with paint, internal and external views.

    Options with external mixing have simple design. They are great for covering large areas in a continuous layer, but are not great for fine art work.

    Devices with internal mixing are more complex to assemble. They have a modest pigment reservoir volume, since it is built into the spray head. This type allows you to change nozzles and perform the most delicate tasks.

    In any case the design will include the necessary elements:

    • container for paint;
    • nozzle – a jet of pigment is sprayed through it;
    • needle – regulates the flow of the jet;
    • release valve (trigger) – starts the supply of air with paint, activates pressure;
    • air valve – transfers air to the nozzle;
    • handle – for comfortable handling in the hand, not available on all models.

    A compressor from an older refrigerator is usually quiet, although not particularly powerful in comparison with industrial models. But it’s great for airbrushing, tire inflation, blowing, and painting auto parts. Such a compressor is necessary in any home or garage workshop. Gives 6-7 atmospheres, and more is usually not required. A homemade compressor has a number of advantages. Firstly, due to quiet operation, and secondly, due to cost. A self-made compressor from a refrigerator will cost on average about a thousand rubles.

    If you do everything correctly and take care of depreciation, then there will be almost no noise at all. For those who like to make things with their own hands, and this usually happens at night, this moment is extremely important. A compressor is needed for painting parts for modeling and other hobbies that are usually done after the main job. Therefore, noise level restrictions are very important.

    ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline!

    The design of a refrigerator compressor is extremely simple. A container is attached to the compressor from the refrigerator to equalize the pressure, since direct blowing is not stable. This container acts as a receiver and air flow mixer.

    What do you need to make a compressor with your own hands and where can you buy all this?

    1. Refrigerator compressor. You can unscrew it from your old one, or you can buy it at a repair shop that specializes in refrigerators. To avoid confusion, let us explain that the refrigerator motor is the compressor.
    2. Sealed container that holds pressure well. Receiver. Many people use fire extinguisher cylinders, but there are also plastic containers that are quite resistant to stress. It is important that the container is large enough to mix the air and equalize the pressure from the refrigerator compressor. You can make a receiver from a suitable plastic container from garden sprayers. If the container is plastic, you will need epoxy resin for fastenings.
    3. Start-up relay. You can take it from the same refrigerator or buy it. But usually the motor and the relay are together; it is from the relay that the power cord with a plug comes.
    4. Gasoline filter, diesel filter.
    5. Pressure gauge. Sold at a plumbing store. Not mandatory, but desirable detail. Installed on a metal receiver.
    6. FUM tape for connections.
    7. Three pieces of fuel hose. 2 of 10 centimeters and 1 of about 70.
    8. A hose that will remove air. You can attach a standard hose from an airbrush or a thicker hose if the equipment will be used for painting cars.
    9. Clamps, fastenings, electrical tape.

    Some DIY experience preferred.

    Manufacturing process

    The most fuss will be with the receiver. If you use an old fire extinguisher as a receiver, be prepared for the fact that there will be quite a lot of metal work. In addition, it will be necessary to ensure tightness. If we do not have significant experience working with metal with our own hands, it is better to take a plastic receiver.

    If you use heavy parts, you should be mentally prepared for the fact that the compressor will be stationary. It’s better to prepare for him right away solid foundation and fasteners.

    Compressor preparation

    Determine where the compressor has a tube for the incoming air flow and where the outgoing air flow is. To do this, you can briefly plug in the compressor and determine which tube the air is blowing from. Be sure to mark the tubes at the base so as not to mix them up. This can be done with colored electrical tape or a piece of medical tape.

    Carefully trim the tubes to about 10cm. This is necessary for easy connection of hoses.

    The vertical position is important for the compressor. The relay body has an arrow pointing up.

    It will be convenient if we fix the compressor in the correct position.


    Let's consider a simplified version with plastic canister. Let's cut two holes in the lid for the tubes. The inlet tube must be made long, almost to the bottom. The outgoing one can be made short, about 10cm.

    Small sections of about 2-3 cm remain outside.
    The structure should be secured epoxy resin to ensure tightness.
    In the case of an old fire extinguisher, the same actions will have to be done by soldering and welding the fittings.
    But you can install a pressure gauge on the metal case.

    Do not solder parts tightly. It is better to weld nuts and cut threads where possible.

    Connecting parts

    Attach a gasoline filter to a short piece of fuel hose. Place the other end onto the compressor inlet tube. The filter is needed to prevent dust from falling into the compressor.

    Use a second piece of fuel hose to connect the compressor outlet pipe and the receiver inlet tank. Air flow will go from the compressor to the receiver. We put clamps on the hoses, since the air flows under pressure.
    Another short piece of fuel hose is needed to secure the diesel filter. The filter is needed to clean the air flow.
    A hose and equipment can be attached to the outlet fitting.

    Compressor Maintenance

    Transformer or motor oil in the compressor must be changed periodically. It is advisable to change the gasoline filter approximately every six months. Replacing the filter is a routine maintenance that any car enthusiast can understand. All maintenance can be done yourself.

    How to change oil

    Inspect the motor. There should be a sealed tube coming out of the refrigerator compressor. Carefully cut off and drain the oil from the engine. Usually there is about a glass of it. However, if you purchased the compressor from a workshop, the oil has most likely already been drained. Using a syringe, you need to pump in new oil and take care of how to close the hole. It will be most convenient to glue the external thread with FUM tape and make a screw cap.

    Compressor application

    Mainly used for painting

    • For painting with an airbrush. Airbrush allows you to draw fine details and apply artistic images.
    • For painting auto parts using a spray gun
    • For quick painting during repairs. To do this, you need to attach wheels to the compressor platform, like a vacuum cleaner. The accuracy of painting using a compressor is much higher and is used in luxury interior design.

    Anyone who is interested in airbrushing knows well that this activity requires the presence of an appropriate compressor. The cost of such a device is quite high. Therefore, many are interested in the answer to the question: how to make a compressor for an airbrush with your own hands?

    To ensure an uninterrupted air supply during the airbrushing process, you will need a compressor; it is not difficult to design it yourself.

    The air supply is provided by a mini airbrush compressor. The operation is carried out through the connected hose. When choosing a compressor, pay attention to very important characteristics:

    • performance;
    • pressure.

    To determine the values ​​of these parameters, it is necessary first of all to determine the conditions where the work will be carried out. IN living conditions It is best to use a silent device. You can install a higher power device in the garage. It is very important to know several basic characteristics:

    • excess pressure;
    • total volume of air.

    Compressor technical parameters

    1. Pressure.

    Manufacturers usually report flow parameters in documentation compressed air. There are two such indicators:

    Operating pressure refers to the pressure when the compressor unit operates at maximum efficiency. The device, having such overpressure, can function for quite a long time.

    No damage to the main parts occurs. The maximum pressure is the pressure at which the greatest compression of the gas occurs, which can cause the unit to break down.

    1. Performance.

    This value shows the volume of air that a mini compressor can create. It is measured in m³/min. Foreign manufacturers consider the performance of the device by the amount of air absorbed.

    Russian companies calculate productivity by the volume of gas leaving the device.

    Since large losses occur in the discharge valves, the performance indicator is reduced by forty percent in comparison with the input parameters.

    Consequently, the indicated performance of imported compressors is much inferior to that of domestic devices.

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    Main types of compressors

    It is quite difficult to choose a mini compressor. These airbrush devices come in many varieties. Moreover, each has its own positive and negative sides. Before the beginning self-made spray guns, you need to get acquainted with their main types.

    1. Membrane. One of the advantages is low cost. Due to the oscillation of the membrane, air is supplied. This type is ideal for carrying out small jobs that require a short period of time. Each model is capable of creating a specific pressure, which reaches a maximum of 3.5 atmospheres. Air is pumped at a low speed, so only one airbrush can be connected to the device. The design of the device may contribute to the occurrence of pressure surges. At first, the pressure is minimal, but gradually it increases, which negatively affects the painting and its quality.
    2. Piston. This type of compressor, used in airbrushing, is considered the most productive. Pressure is created by a piston moving in the cylinder. The mini compressor is compact and very easy to maintain. Since the power of such a device is quite high, it becomes possible to connect several airbrushes at once.
    3. Oil-free piston. The main advantage is the absence of mandatory maintenance. The air leaving the device does not contain gas vapors or toxic oils.
    4. Special mini compressor. These compressors can be of two types:

    • oil-free;
    • non-resistive.

    The device is connected to the mains and operates with a pressure of no more than 1.6 atm. Its productivity reaches 6 l/min. The generated power is quite enough to draw a picture on an A3 sheet. This type of spray gun is used by artists who have to work in a small space.

    Even with a single mode, the mini compressor has one characteristic advantage. It does not create any noise during operation. His negative side It is impossible to change the pressure, in addition, it heats up very quickly. Therefore, you need to often turn off the device and wait for it to cool completely.

    The mini compressor for airbrushing, made in Japan, is highly reliable. Each of these models has a separate receiver adjustment, you can adjust the desired pressure. Safety is ensured by an emergency valve that abruptly releases the pressure if it exceeds the maximum values.

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    To make your own compressor for airbrushing, it is enough to take a working compressor designed for a refrigerator. It is desirable that the device be imported. Such devices are highly economical and create minimal noise during operation.

    This compressor will have pressure regulation. It is equipped with a separate receiver. Production will require small financial investments.

    It is best to take the compressor from a non-working refrigerator. It must be carefully removed from the mount. No need to saw through the tubes. Possible accidental entry of chips. Together with the compressor, you need to remove the operating relay.

    Then to complete the work you will need to have:

    • receiver tank;
    • emergency valve;
    • pressure gauge;
    • pressure switch.

    A hydraulic accumulator with a capacity of 24 liters can be used as a tank. The relay should measure pressure within 2.8 bar. Basically, it will remain operational even when it reaches six bar.

    A pressure gauge and emergency valve will be needed in case of automation failure. Devices need to be purchased based on the response pressure indicator. If necessary, you can relieve the pressure yourself: just turn the regulator knob.

    To connect all the parts, you must have:

    • fittings;
    • clamps;
    • adapters;
    • check valve;
    • fuel filter;
    • hoses;
    • sealant;
    • plywood;
    • oil/water separator;
    • welding machine;
    • reducer regulating outlet pressure;
    • nuts and bolts.

    Before you start assembly work, the compressor oil needs to be changed. For this purpose, a tube is soldered through which the old oil is drained and new oil is poured. The tube is sealed by a sealant.

    After that, a sheet of thick plywood is taken, to which the following is mounted using bolts and nuts:

    • oil/water separator;
    • compressor;
    • trigger relay;
    • receiver tank.

    The inlet tube is equipped with a special filter. Another filter is installed between the receiver tank and the attached airbrush compressor. A check valve is installed at the inlet, and a connection relay is installed below. All connections are processed silicone sealant. When connecting the relay, you must punctually follow the attached instructions.

    The idea of ​​which was based on articles from the great and powerful Internet. Once I saw a homemade compressor made from a fire extinguisher, I got an idea and for a long time(since there was no urgent need) I collected components. Which includes:

    1. The engine from the refrigerator is the compressor itself!

    2. Receiver - a tank that holds pressure.

    3. Pressure switch - turns the engine on and off.

    4. Pressure gauge - you can use it to determine the pressure in the receiver.

    5. Pressure reduction reducer - so that the output air flow is uniform and can be adjusted.

    6. Moisture separator. Separates condensate as the air cools during compression. And water when working, for example, with an airbrush can cause a lot of trouble.

    7. Gasoline filter (car)

    8. All kinds of tees, couplings, adapters, etc. and so on. Since the connection diagram to the compressor is not standardized and many options can be used.

    9. Well, wires and hoses.

    Sorry, no photos step-by-step assembly. But the final result shows what was connected to what and how!

    This option is not yet finished, since a frame of 15x15 mm tubes will be welded under it.

    My version of the compressor was made for an airbrush. Its operating pressure is about 2 bar. Therefore, the tank from the reagent for refilling air conditioners was enough for my receiver (its maximum pressure is 3.2 bar).

    The engine was connected via a switch (so as not to run to the outlet), from the pressure switch. We install a coarse filter (gasoline) on the air intake tube. We connect the air supply tube to the receiver. The third tube, for changing the engine oil, must remain sealed; if not, close it with a plug.