When to flush heating systems. Flushing the heating system in an apartment building and in a cottage: only proven methods The procedure for flushing the heating system

Gradual corrosion of metal on the inner surface of pipes and radiators in the heating circuit, crystallization of salts in the coolant, lead to clogging of the heating system and a decrease in its overall efficiency.

Regular flushing of the heating system to remove foreign particles from the heating circuit will help prevent this.

For normal functionality, nothing should interfere with the movement of the coolant through the channels constructed for it.

There are several symptoms that a large amount of debris has accumulated inside the heating circuit, and scale has settled on the walls of the pipes. There are no obvious visual signs of clogging of the heating system.

It can be diagnosed by carefully monitoring the operation of the entire system and the appearance of a number of indirect signs:

  • warming up of the system takes longer than before (for autonomous heating systems);
  • the operation of the boiler is accompanied by uncharacteristic sounds;
  • increased gas or electricity consumption;
    the temperature in different parts of the radiators varies significantly;
  • radiators are noticeably cooler than supply pipes.

However, weak or uneven heating of batteries is not always a sign of clogging. Perhaps they were aerated. In such a situation, it is enough to reset air lock through .

Without regular flushing of heating systems, pipes become overgrown, their flow area decreases, resulting in an increase in hydraulic resistance

In houses with a central heating system, its flushing should be carried out by employees of the heat supply company. In a private home, this procedure is carried out by the owners or invited specialists.

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When dismantling the system for flushing and cleaning mechanically It’s more convenient to use a universal tool – a pipe wrench

The procedure for removing radiators from different materials no different in essence. But in any case, you should prepare a container to drain the remaining coolant. To carry out the procedure itself, you will need keys of the appropriate size. To unify the process, it will be useful to have a pipe wrench – a “butt” – in your arsenal.

Depending on which one, the dismantling procedure differs. In any case, the radiator has an inlet and outlet for coolant. During the dismantling process, we release the union nuts connecting the radiators to the pipes. During the first one or two turns of the nut, you need to be prepared for the fact that the remaining water will begin to ooze out of the connection. We collect it with a rag.

After the leakage of the untwisted joint " radiator pipe» increases, we collect the flowing coolant into a container - a basin, a trough or something similar. At the same time, we carefully ensure that the coolant does not leak to the lower floor.

Heating appliances can be flushed without dismantling the system. Cleaning is carried out using a hydraulic or pneumatic ram, exposure to chemical solvents or electrical impulses.

After dismantling the radiator, we take it either into the yard or into the bathroom. At the same time, we cover the plumbing fixtures from damage to the enamel coating with thick fabric, which you don’t mind throwing away later. or bathtubs must be covered with a mesh to prevent clogging of the siphon and sewer.

Mechanical cleaning of the radiator can be done with a cable similar to the one used to clean the sewer. We carry out the same procedure with pipelines. However, for a network with a large number of turns, mechanical flushing will be difficult.

After cleaning the batteries and pipelines is completed, we proceed to rinsing them with water. We wash the radiators there in the bathtub or in the yard, directing a stream of water from a hose inside.

To flush pipes, it is more convenient to use hoses with adapters. They allow you to hermetically dock the hoses for supplying water to the heating circuit and for draining it into the sewer. Flush the heating system with water until it comes out clean.

Draining liquid from heavy cast iron radiator It's better to do it together

After washing the radiators and pipes, you can repeat the mechanical cleaning procedure. To make the procedure more effective, it is better to insert the cable in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the coolant.

This is done so that the “scales” that have settled in the direction of movement are torn off as a result of mechanical contact. If there is less dirt in the flowing water than during the first round of cleaning, then the procedure is effective.

Method #2 - hydrodynamic cleaning

When choosing this method of cleaning systems, the procedure will require the presence special equipment. In this case, water is supplied not from a tap using a regular hose, but from a pump under high pressure.

Sometimes, during hydrodynamic flushing, the pump is connected to a break in the heating circuit as far as possible from the point of discharge of dirty water. But more often a special hose with an end cap is used for these purposes.

The design of the end nozzle has small diameter holes. Through them, water flows out under high pressure.

It is the accentuated effect of water jets supplied under pressure that makes it possible to effectively combat mud and salt deposits. The supply hose can be specially stopped in potentially problematic areas for more effective rinsing.

For flushing the heating circuit hydrodynamically you will need equipment capable of creating the necessary water pressure. The disadvantage of the method is that it helps to free the system only from water-soluble substances

When selecting a hose for hydrodynamic flushing, one must take into account that if it is sufficiently rigid, pressure can be applied further from the inlet. True, at turns in heating system pipes, it is problematic to push such a hose further.

Therefore, when carrying out hydrodynamic flushing using a hose, you will have to sequentially open the heating circuit in several places to supply water to all points.

Method #3 - chemical flushing of the system

It is possible to perform flushing without mechanical intervention. For these purposes, there are either ready-made chemical compounds or solutions that are easy to prepare at home. Dismantling of heating radiators is not required.

The figure shows sections of the pipeline before (left) and after (right) the use of a chemical solution to clean the heating system. The hydrochemical cleaning method involves the action of aqueous solutions of various solvents on the inner surface of the pipeline, instruments, and fittings.

The disadvantage of chemical flushing is the prohibition of using aluminum radiators for flushing and a large number of caustic solutions that require disposal in specially designated areas.

If the heating circuit is not very clogged, then for its preventive flushing it is quite possible to use:

  • caustic soda;
  • vinegar;
  • available acids (phosphoric, orthophosphoric and others);
  • whey and others.

But it is better to use specially developed formulations for these purposes. Their packaging will not only indicate the recommended use case (, nature of contamination, etc.), but also detailed instructions by application.

Focusing on the instructions will allow you not only to use the composition as efficiently as possible, but also to clean the heating system at the lowest cost.

How often is a procedure such as flushing the heating system performed? apartment building, and why is there a need for flushing? Let's try to answer these questions in this article.

The answer to the question of when heating systems are flushed lies on the surface when a significant decrease in the efficiency of its operation is detected. And the latter decreases significantly over time due to the fact that in them (especially when it comes to heating systems apartment buildings) processes such as siltation are continuously occurring.

First of all, this occurs in areas heating systems, through which the coolant moves at minimal speeds: heating radiators, connections to them and bottling.

It should be remembered that these processes occur most intensively in radiators made of cast iron, since they have large intra-sectional volumes. This is explained elementary physics. With fixed diameters of the connections and risers, the speed of water movement is inversely proportional to the internal volume of the heating device. And the lower the speed, the more deposits.

The method for flushing the heating system of an apartment building may be different, but, in any case, flushing, confirmed by the relevant Act, is designed to restore the efficiency of your system.

The rules and procedure for flushing the heating system of an apartment building depend on the time period that has passed since the day overhaul heating systems (HC), materials from which pipelines are made, etc.

The sediment in the CO is formed due to scale formed during the installation of the system during welding work, sand and other solid suspensions entering the main line from the heating main. The fact is that the thermal power plant takes in water around the clock and heats large volumes; it is technically impossible to filter them with proper purity.

If the CO line is made of steel pipes that have not undergone special anti-corrosion treatment, then flushing the heating system of a residential building is required due to another problem - mineral deposits. Mg and Ca salts settle on the inside of the pipes and internal diameter, due to this, is constantly decreasing. This problem can be solved simply; instead of pipes made of ordinary steel, galvanized pipes or pipes with an internal polymer coating are used.

The presence of solid suspensions in the coolant becomes the reason leading to complete blocking of movement through the entire radiator. Water moves only through a number of outer sections. Things can get to the point where the circuit completely overlaps and falls out of the CO (when the internal hole is completely silted up).

Heating flushing apartment building This method is considered the most effective and efficient and is chosen in cases where:

  • Work is being carried out to restore CO in an old apartment building that has been in operation for several decades without replacing the pipelines.
    Flushing of intra-house heating systems, in this situation, is carried out only after calculation economic feasibility operations. Often it is completely absent, since the pipeline is so destroyed that after cleaning, dozens of leakage points appear.
  • Work is being carried out to remove deposits formed in it from the system. But only in cases where the owner of the specified object refuses to completely change it to a modern one.
    In this case, the overwhelming majority of precipitation is concentrated in the boiler heat exchanger, and the sludge lies evenly over the entire surface (mainly in the lower parts).

Flushing the heating system of an apartment building, in these cases, consists of pouring a special solution (reagent) into the flushed circuit instead of the water present there. As a rule, the reagent is an alkaline solution (sodium hydroxide, NaOH) or phosphoric acids (general formula P2O5 nH2O).

Equipment for flushing the heating system of an apartment building, specially used for these purposes, in in this case is a pump that performs bubbling and circulation in the flushed circuit. The process continues continuously for at least two hours. Then the reagent is drained and the CO is pressurized, after successful completion of which it is put into operation again.

The technique for flushing the heating system of an apartment building strictly prohibits pouring waste solutions into the sewer. But, if there is no other disposal option, then this is possible provided that you have a neutralizing solution.

Hydropneumatic cleaning of the system

Flushing heating in an apartment building the specified methodology most often used by all housing and communal services since the times of the USSR, because demonstrated its high efficiency at relatively low cost of work.

In different organizations it is called differently: pneumopulse flushing of the home heating system, hydrodynamic flushing method, etc. But this does not change the essence of the technology.

The above work is performed very simply. The heating system circuit is closed to discharge into the sewer at the first stage from the supply line to the return line, and in the second - vice versa. The passing water, in these cases, is “adjusted” by a compressor (pneumatic pump), which supplies air under pressure into the main line.

The resulting pulp is driven along the contour of the entire CO. At the same time, it partially breaks up the scale and loosens the silt deposits and takes it all with it into the sewer.

The sequence of performing work such as flushing in-house heating systems, step by step, looks like this:

  1. The valve on the return supply line is closed (common house);
  2. After it, there is a metering valve in the system, to which the compressor is connected;
  3. A discharge on the common house return line opens;
  4. We raise the pressure in a special container of the connected compressor to 6 kgf/sq. cm, then open the valve;

The instructions for flushing the heating system of a residential building provide for the sequential closing of a group of risers, selected in such a way that no more than ten of them are opened at a time. With this approach, washing is as efficient and effective as possible.

The time during which flushing should be performed is easily determined by the state of the discharged liquid. It has reached a transparent state, we move on to the next group of risers.

After complete flushing of all risers, the heating system is reconnected so that the discharge is directed in the opposite direction.

Next step:

  1. The valve to which the compressor was connected shuts off the discharge;
  2. then the supply line to the house is closed with a valve and the house return is opened;
  3. The supply opens the reset;
  4. The compressor is docked to the valve on the return, after which this valve opens;
  5. The risers are being flushed. Only in reverse order.

The frequency of flushing the heating system can be significantly reduced if a recurring problem is solved, when it is enough to flush not the entire system, but only one heating device (radiator).

For this procedure, you can purchase a special flushing tap. But it is better to use a self-made structure for this, consisting of a ball valve and a radiator plug.

It should be installed in the system with the coolant discharged from the riser. Then, when the CO starts working, the specified device can be successfully used to remove any contaminants (slag, silt, etc.). Moreover, not only from the radiator, but also from the supply pipes to it.

In addition to the previously mentioned tap, you will need a hose equipped with a fitting. Moreover, the latter must have a thread that matches the one on the tap we installed for flushing.

Replacing a pipeline is far from cheap option improving the performance of the heating system. Timely flushing of the heating system allows you to remove contaminants inside the pipeline, which affect the decrease in the temperature of the heater. This is done in several stages and is consistently included in the heating flushing report - a reporting document documenting the work.

Stages of flushing the heating system

Organizations that clean heating systems operate in the following order:

  • initial check of equipment and assessment of its current condition. The first pressure test is carried out, and the pressure should be a quarter higher than usual. This is done to detect system deficiencies and check for leaks;
  • a certificate of heating flushing and other operations is created;
  • the technology for flushing the heating system is selected. Typically, hydropneumatic flushing with a pulp of water and compressed air is used. At home, chemical cleaning is used;

  • an estimate for cleaning work is calculated and drawn up;
  • an agreement is signed describing a number of aspects and nuances, taking into account the deadlines, obligations of the parties and fines in case of failure to comply with the conditions;
  • after signing the contract, work begins;
  • when flushing is completed, pressure testing is repeated to check the functionality of the system;
  • After completion of the work, a certificate of flushing the heating system is signed, and the customer must sign it. If there are violations or non-compliance with the terms of the contract, the customer has the right to refuse to sign the act and the issues will have to be resolved through legal proceedings.

How to flush a heating system using chemicals

The chemical method of cleaning the heating system is most often used at home and can effectively remove dirt, oil mixtures and debris. Chemicals remove various types of contaminants, including lime deposits and corrosion. The products can quickly and gently flush pipes without harming the seal. If you need to test the effects of a chemical cleaner, it is best to do so on stainless steel products.

The main advantages of using a chemical cleaner to flush the heating system:

  • prompt removal of corrosion and lime deposits;
  • careful removal of contaminants without destroying metal coatings;
  • effective and economical product with high level concentrations of active components;
  • preservation of the structure of the seal and rubberized gaskets;
  • the composition contains active retarders, which stop the development of corrosion damage and ensure long-term functioning of the heating system;
  • the composition does not have a pungent odor and does not contain hazardous components.

To flush the heating system with a chemical cleaner, you should follow safety precautions and wear protective gloves, construction glasses and a change of clothes. If the composition comes into contact with the skin, rinse the affected area with plenty of water and consult a doctor.


When to start flushing

To the question of when heating systems in a new house are flushed, the answer will be unequivocal - immediately after installation, first with cold and then with heated water. Cold washing is needed to remove small particles of construction waste, all taps and valves are opened to the maximum, the circuits are washed until the water becomes clear.
For a private home, such a procedure will not take much time - no more than one or two hours.

Hot water removes oil-based contaminants and removes some of the rust.

Preventative flushing of the system

After a scheduled heating shutdown, it is not recommended to drain water from the system. Firstly, all deposits on the inner surface of pipes and radiators will dry out and harden; no amount of flushing will help. Secondly, leaks may occur in the places of installation connections after drying and subsequent filling of water.

You need to start cleaning the system immediately before its planned launch. Stagnant and rusty water is discharged into the sewer system. If there is more than one floor in the house, then to speed up the draining process you need to open the air valves on the upper radiators. To create effective pressure, it is necessary to flush all circuits using special equipment, most often compressors are used for this.

There are two ways to prevent the system. The first of them involves flushing only due to high pressure water and is called pneumohydraulic.

But due to the fact that scale and corrosion build-ups form due to poor water quality, when flushing heating systems, the second method is more in demand - chemical,

Typically, bleach or other chemical additives are added to the water.

Each circuit should be flushed separately, and the direction of movement of the flushing liquid must necessarily coincide with the path of water circulation when the heating system is operating. Flushing is also done first with cold and then with heated water until the liquid goes down the drain clean and free of foreign matter.

After flushing is completed, filling the system begins with the boiler; it is advisable to add special chemical compounds (inhibitors) to the liquid composition that slow down the process of metal corrosion. The water level in the filled system should not exceed the control mark in the safety tank.


Signs of a poorly maintained heating system

For the normal functionality of the heating system, nothing should interfere with the movement of the coolant through the channels constructed for it.

There are several symptoms that a large amount of debris has accumulated inside the heating circuit, and scale has settled on the walls of the pipes. There are no obvious visual signs of clogging of the heating system.

It can be diagnosed by carefully monitoring the operation of the entire system and the appearance of a number of indirect signs:

  • warming up of the system takes longer than before (for autonomous heating systems);
  • the operation of the boiler is accompanied by uncharacteristic sounds;
  • increased gas or electricity consumption;
    the temperature in different parts of the radiators varies significantly;
  • radiators are noticeably cooler than supply pipes.

However, weak or uneven heating of batteries is not always a sign of clogging. Perhaps they were aired out. In such a situation, it is enough to reset the air lock through the Mayevsky tap.

In houses with a central heating system, its flushing should be carried out by employees of the heat supply company. In a private home, this procedure is carried out by the owners or invited specialists.

So, for example, in systems central heating The coolant must undergo a water treatment cycle, which reduces the degree of contamination.

True, this rule is not always followed. And the system itself is often in its third or fourth decade of operation, and the amount of waste circulating inside increases every year.

But how for centralized networks, and for autonomous systems, it is recommended to flush annually. Which, by the way, is confirmed by the requirements of building codes.

This period is considered critical for the accumulation of debris inside the circuit, which significantly reduces operating efficiency.

Options for flushing heating systems

Depending on the degree of clogging of the heating system, the volume and length of the circuits, several options for flushing heating systems can be implemented:

  • mechanical;
  • hydrochemical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • hydropneumatic;
  • electrohydropulse.

The first two methods do not require complex equipment and can be carried out without problems on our own. The remaining methods require an appropriate level of technical equipment of the performers.

Therefore, to implement them, you will either have to rent equipment or invite specialists to perform such work.

But anyway there is certain rules flushing autonomous or centralized heating systems, failure to comply with which will make the procedure ineffective.

Method #1 - mechanical flushing

It is immediately worth noting that such flushing is aimed, first of all, at cleaning the radiators from accumulated dirt, and to a lesser extent from scale on the inner surface of the circuit.

Before you start flushing, you should make sure that the coolant flows out in a minimum amount during the cleaning process. The procedure must begin by closing the valves that limit the flow of coolant into the circuit.

If the procedure is carried out in a high-rise building, then the valves are usually located in the basement of the house. In a private house, the valves before and after the boiler are closed.

The next stage is draining the coolant from the circuit. This can be done either through the drain valve, which was originally installed when installing the system.

If there is no such tap, then draining is done by unscrewing the plug on the radiator located below or further than all the others.

It is most convenient to discharge the coolant through a hose connected to the drain tap and discharged into the toilet or other plumbing fixture connected to the sewer.

Mechanical cleaning will be more effective if you first dismantle the batteries and clean the radiators and pipes separately.

The procedure for dismantling radiators made of different materials is essentially the same. But in any case, you should prepare a container to drain the remaining coolant.

To carry out the procedure itself, you will need keys of the appropriate size. To unify the process, it will be useful to have a pipe wrench – a “butt” – in your arsenal.

Depending on how the radiators are connected, the dismantling procedure also differs. In any case, the radiator has an inlet and outlet for coolant.

During the dismantling process, we release the union nuts connecting the radiators to the pipes. During the first one or two turns of the nut, you need to be prepared for the fact that the remaining water will begin to ooze out of the connection. We collect it with a rag.

After the leakage of the untwisted joint " radiator pipe» increases, we collect the flowing coolant into a container - a basin, a trough or something similar. At the same time, we carefully ensure that the coolant does not leak to the lower floor.

After dismantling the radiator, we take it either into the yard or into the bathroom. At the same time, we cover the bathtub with a thick cloth to prevent damage to the enamel coating, which is then kindly thrown away.

Be sure to cover the bathroom drain with a mesh to prevent clogging of the sewer.

Mechanical cleaning of the radiator can be done with a cable similar to the one used to clean the sewer. We carry out the same procedure with pipelines.

However, for a network with a large number of turns, mechanical flushing will be difficult.

After cleaning the batteries and pipelines is completed, we proceed to rinsing them with water. We wash the radiators there in the bathtub or in the yard, directing a stream of water from a hose inside.

To flush pipes, it is more convenient to use hoses with adapters. They allow you to hermetically dock the hoses for supplying water to the heating circuit and for draining it into the sewer. Flush the heating system with water until it comes out clean.

After washing the radiators and pipes, you can repeat the mechanical cleaning procedure. To make the procedure more effective, it is better to insert the cable in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the coolant.

This is done so that the “scales” that have settled in the direction of movement are torn off as a result of mechanical contact. If there is less dirt in the flowing water than during the first round of cleaning, then the procedure is effective.

Method #2 - hydrodynamic cleaning

When choosing this method of cleaning systems, the procedure will require special equipment. In this case, water is supplied not from a tap using a regular hose, but from a pump under high pressure.

Sometimes, during hydrodynamic flushing, the pump is connected to a break in the heating circuit as far as possible from the point of discharge of dirty water. But more often a special hose with an end cap is used for these purposes.

The design of the end nozzle has small diameter holes. Through them, water flows out under high pressure.

It is the accentuated effect of water jets supplied under pressure that makes it possible to effectively combat mud and salt deposits. The supply hose can be specially stopped in potentially problematic areas for more effective rinsing.

When selecting a hose for hydrodynamic flushing, one must take into account that if it is sufficiently rigid, pressure can be applied further from the inlet. True, it is problematic to push such a hose further at the bends of the heating system pipes.

Therefore, when carrying out hydrodynamic flushing using a hose, you will have to sequentially open the heating circuit in several places to supply water to all points.

Method #3 - chemical flushing of the system

It is possible to perform flushing without mechanical intervention. For these purposes, there are either ready-made chemical compounds or solutions that are easy to prepare at home. Dismantling of heating radiators is not required.

The disadvantage of chemical flushing is the prohibition of using aluminum radiators for flushing and a large number of caustic solutions that require disposal in specially designated areas.

If the heating circuit is not very clogged, then for its preventive flushing it is quite possible to use:

  • caustic soda;
  • vinegar;
  • available acids (phosphoric, orthophosphoric and others);
  • whey and others.

But it is better to use specially developed formulations for these purposes. Their packaging will not only indicate the recommended use case (pipe material, nature of contamination, etc.), but also detailed instructions for use.

Focusing on the instructions will allow you not only to use the composition as efficiently as possible, but also to clean the heating system at the lowest cost.

It is recommended to maintain the time intervals of action of the reagents as accurately as possible. At the same time, in autonomous systems, do not forget to turn on circulation pump to ensure uniform distribution of the “activated” coolant.

To carry out this type of flushing, it is useful to have at your disposal a pump with a container - a booster. In order to connect it to the system, you need to create a break in the circuit.

This can be done, for example, by disconnecting the direct flow from the boiler to the heating circuit. The circuit must also have a valve for discharging the used reagent.

To ensure uniform destruction of scale on pipes and radiators, after pumping in the reagent, leave it in the system for a period of several hours to several days.

The main disadvantage of this cleaning method is the possible negative impact of the active substance on the surface of the pipes. Therefore, after treating the system, we wash it clean water.

A more gentle, but similar in action, method of cleaning heating system pipes from overgrowing is dispersed cleaning.

In this case, a reagent is introduced into the system, acting exclusively on settled particles. In this case, the metal remains without negative impact. And the procedure itself is similar to chemical cleaning.

Method #4 - hydropneumatic cleaning

One of the most effective and equipment-friendly options for cleaning heating systems from accumulated dirt is considered to be flushing the heating system using the hydropneumatic method.

Its essence is to supply air under high pressure inside the heating circuit.

Air is supplied to the circuit by a compressor. In this case, turbulent flows with high kinetic energy are created inside the pipelines. Due to this, growths are removed from the inner surface and accumulated dirt is washed out of the radiators.

Turbulent flows do not pass through the heating circuit constantly, but from time to time in the form of short-term pulses. Such impulses are created using a pneumatic gun.

The compressor is connected to the circuit via check valve. This will prevent water from entering the compressor.

To carry out flushing, we shut off the flow of coolant into the circuit. Then we connect the compressor with a pneumatic gun.

If flushing is carried out without dismantling the radiators, then unscrew the plug on the farthest radiator and connect a hose through the adapter to discharge debris and drain it into the toilet.

The first air supply to the system should be done in the opposite direction to the direction of coolant circulation. The procedure can be repeated by changing the direction (switching the hoses for supplying pressure and dumping debris).

Hydropneumatic flushing can be carried out with the dismantling of radiators. It will be more troublesome, but also more effective. Then it is better to take the batteries outside and wash them there.

After completing the flushing procedure, we put the radiators in place, connect the circuit to the coolant source and let it into the circuit. Those remaining debris that are in the system will be washed out with water.

Then we briefly shut off the flow of coolant and undock drain hose and return the plug to its place. Now you can put the system into operation.

Method #5 - electrohydropulse technique

This flushing method is based on the use of energy. electrical impulse, which is aimed at destroying salts deposited on the walls of pipelines.

It is effective precisely for combating such blockages in heating systems. The pipes themselves are not affected.

A special apparatus is used to generate an electrical impulse. A coaxial cable is connected to it, at the opposite end of which a discharge is formed, the shock wave from which destroys the scale on the inner surface.

After this, the system is washed with clean water to remove foreign particles separated from the surfaces.

Cleaning the system using the electric pulse cleaning method requires special equipment. But its efficiency is quite high and there is no need to disassemble the system for flushing.

At the same time, unlike chemical cleaning, all slag can be poured into the sewer without hesitation.

Useful video on the topic

The effectiveness of using hydropneumatic radiator flushing can be assessed by the amount of dirt thrown out:

Subtleties of execution chemical type flushing the heating system is outlined in the following story provided by the owner of a private household:

Any of the considered options for flushing heating systems does not represent an overly complicated procedure. If you have some experience plumbing work and, in some cases, special equipment that can be rented, this operation can be performed with your own hands.


Procedure for heating flushing

Firstly, there is a need to inspect the entire system and its individual parts. To do this, the joint joints of pipes, pipes with radiators, pipes with a boiler and boiler, as well as pipes and instrumentation and automation are visually visible. The joints are checked for water leaks. If any are found, they must be repaired or replaced with new ones.

Secondly, before starting heating season carry out a test run of the system, during which the air accumulated inside the pipes and devices is removed from it. For this purpose, special air valves are used. Currently, experts recommend the installation of automatic air valves, which independently release air without human intervention until water comes out of the valve, after which the valve closes.

Thirdly, if a circulation pump is installed in the system, then it must be inspected, lubricated and turned on for testing.

Now you can begin the heating flushing process itself. This is a serious operation where you will have to strictly use the stages of implementation.

  1. The water supply valve is closed and the electricity is turned off.
  2. Through the drain valve, which is installed on the boiler, water is drained into the sewer.
  3. To speed up the draining process, it is necessary to open the air valves on the heating radiators. Not for everyone, but only for those who are located above the rest. For example, on the second floor of a house.
  4. The water supply valve opens and flushing continues until the water coming out of the drain valve is clean.
  5. Filling the system, which starts with the boiler. For better operation of the heating system, there is a need to add corrosion inhibitors to the water. To do this, the topmost air valve is opened, through which inhibitors are added.
  6. The completeness of filling must be controlled by the water level inside safety tank. It should only fill the tank halfway. During operation, the water will heat up and expand in volume, which will lead to its pouring out of the system. Half the volume of the tank will be enough to prevent this problem from occurring.

As you can see, the technology is quite simple, and you can easily do it yourself. But this is the simplest method, which does not require the presence of special equipment, so it is not the most effective.

Types of flushing

There are two types of system flushing:

  • Pneumohydraulic;
  • Chemical.

The first is applied only if all elements of the system are contaminated with silt deposits. The second is used if scale or corrosion build-up has formed. But, as practice shows, chemical cleaning of the heating system is in greater demand today than the first option. The thing is that in autonomous systems it is most often used tap water, which does not shine with quality. Hence the scale, corrosion of metals, and silt deposits, which only chemical reagents can deal with.

When using any type of flushing, it is necessary to use special equipment, usually compressors. The movement of water during flushing must correspond to the circulation of the coolant inside the system. This is very important point. But sometimes, this only applies to the pneumohydraulic method, there is a need for a counterflow of water when flushing. For what? In places where pipelines branch, pockets are formed from the turbulence of the liquid, where silt deposits accumulate. And they often cannot be removed with direct flow. That's why you have to install the compressor in the opposite direction.

If the house is large, then each circuit needs to be washed separately. And be sure to follow the washing scheme, which has its own sequence:

  1. Flushing heating radiators.
  2. Pipes supplying heated water to radiators.
  3. Pipes discharging cooled water.

How to flush heating radiators?

This process is not complicated, but it requires certain information. The simplest is to rinse the batteries with water with the addition of caustic or soda ash. Both are available for free sale today. To do this, you need to disconnect the batteries from the heating system pipes and remove them from the brackets.

After that, be sure to plug one hole from the pipe, and pour water mixed with soda into the second. You need to fill it to the brim. After which the hole is also plugged. Leave the radiator in this state for an hour and a half, then you need to shake it, turning it from side to side, you can knock on its sections with a mallet. Then the water is drained into a container; it will be useful for the next radiator. And the final touch is washing with clean water; you can use a compressor, this is the best option.

Heating batteries can also be flushed with a special liquid that is used to clean car radiators. But in this case, you can fill this liquid only for ten to fifteen minutes, after which the battery is thoroughly washed with clean water. By the way, the liquid must be diluted only with hot water.

Modern companies producing chemical cleaning products also offer radiator cleaning products. Not many of them can boast of excellent cleaning properties, but there are worthy examples.


When preparing multi-apartment housing stock for the autumn-winter heating season, one of the items includes flushing and pressure testing of central heating systems in multi-apartment buildings.
Rules and regulations technical operation housing stock, approved by Decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2003 No. 170, determine the flushing of the central heating system of an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as MKD): clause 9.2.9. flushing of systems is carried out annually after the end of the heating period, as well as after installation, major repairs, current repairs with replacement of pipes (in open systems systems must also be disinfected before commissioning). The systems are washed with water in quantities exceeding the calculated coolant flow rate by 3-5 times, and complete clarification of the water must be achieved. When carrying out hydropneumatic flushing, the flow rate of the air mixture should not exceed 3-5 times the calculated flow rate of the coolant. For washing, use tap water or process water. Connecting systems that have not been flushed is not allowed.
Flushing the heating system ensures better coolant circulation and heat transfer, and as a result, less energy consumption, which leads to comfortable living during the heating season and savings on payment for this type of service.
To carry out the measures, you need to submit an application for flushing the heating system of the apartment building to the heat supply organization of the area as soon as possible.
It is necessary to recall that the owners of residential premises of apartment buildings, in accordance with Article 161 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2004 No. 188-FZ, must choose and implement a method of managing an apartment building. The implementation of the chosen management method involves the conclusion of contracts for the supply of energy resources and maintenance, specialized organizations, in-house engineering networks public use apartment building.
If the owners of residential premises in apartment buildings do not comply with the above requirements of the law, then local government bodies in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation recognize the chosen management method as not being implemented and hold an open competition for the selection of a management organization in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/06/2007 No. 75 “On the procedure for holding an open competition by a local government body for the selection of a management organization to manage an apartment building,” that is, the management of the apartment building will be be handled by the management organization.

Administration of the municipal formation Korenovsky district 07/22/2011

Attachment to the letter
administration of the Korenovsky district municipality



9.2. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, hot water supply systems

9.2.1. The deviation of the average daily temperature of water entering the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water supply systems must be within +/- 3% of the established temperature schedule. The average daily temperature of the return network water should not exceed the temperature specified by the temperature schedule by more than 5%.
9.2.2. When operating heating, ventilation and hot water supply systems, the hourly coolant leakage should not exceed the norm, which is 0.25% of the volume of water in the systems, taking into account the volume of water in the heat distribution pipes of the systems.
When determining the rate of coolant leakage, the water consumption for filling heat consumption systems during their scheduled repairs is not taken into account.
9.2.3. In systems, as a coolant, it is usually used hot water. Other coolants may be used during a feasibility study.
9.2.4. All upper points of the distribution pipelines are equipped with air outlet fittings, and the lower points - with fittings for draining water or draining condensate.
9.2.5. Pipelines are made with slopes to prevent the formation of air pockets and condensate accumulation.
9.2.6. Nodal points of intra-shop heat pipelines are equipped with sectional valves (valves) to disconnect individual sections from the system.
9.2.7. Recycled heat from process power plants should be used as much as possible as a source of thermal energy for systems.
9.2.8. The use of electricity for heat supply purposes may be used during a feasibility study.
9.2.9. Flushing of systems is carried out annually after the end of the heating period, as well as after installation, major repairs, routine repairs with replacement of pipes (in open systems, the systems must also be disinfected before commissioning).
The systems are washed with water in quantities exceeding the calculated coolant flow rate by 3 - 5 times annually after the heating period, and complete clarification of the water is achieved. When carrying out hydropneumatic flushing, the flow rate of the water-air mixture should not exceed 3 - 5 times the calculated coolant flow rate.
Tap or process water is used to flush systems. In open heat supply systems, final rinsing after disinfection is carried out with water that meets the requirements of the current drinking water standard until the discharge water reaches the required values sanitary standards for drinking water, for condensate pipelines, the quality of the discharged water must meet the requirements depending on the scheme of condensate use.
Disinfection of heat consumption systems is carried out in accordance with the requirements established by sanitary standards and rules.
9.2.10. Connecting systems that have not been flushed, and in open systems - flushed and disinfected, is not allowed.

Attachment to the letter from the administration of the Korenovsky district municipality



5.2.10. Flushing of heat consumption systems is carried out annually after the end of the heating period, as well as installation, major repairs, routine repairs with replacement of pipes (in open systems, the systems must also be disinfected before commissioning).
The systems are washed with water in quantities exceeding the calculated coolant flow rate by 3 - 5 times, and complete clarification of the water must be achieved. When carrying out hydropneumatic flushing, the flow rate of the air mixture should not exceed 3 - 5 times the calculated coolant flow rate.
Tap or process water is used for washing.
Connecting systems that have not been flushed, and in open systems, flushed and disinfected, is not allowed.


Where does dirt come from in the heating system?

The main source of most of the problems that arise during operation of the heating system is considered to be the main coolant. As heated water circulates through pipes and radiators, various chemical processes occur that lead to the formation of scale. And given that the water in the domestic water supply is not very clean, this leads to the appearance of sediment, and often simple rust in metal pipes and cast iron batteries. In this case, ultimately, you will have to flush the heating system of a residential building.

It is the presence of various impurities contained in water that settle on the walls of pipes and radiators, may lead to a decrease in heat transfer and, as a result, an increase in energy consumption for heating the room. At the same time, to solve the problem, you cannot do without high-quality heating flushing. I would like to note that when scale or plaque forms with a thickness of more than 6–7 mm, the quality and functioning of the heating system decreases by 30–35 percent. At the same time, sediment and plaque on the walls of pipes and heating elements increases the wear rate of all components, significantly reducing their service life.

How to check for scale?

Naturally, according to the external data of the heating system, even if it was installed not so long ago, difficult to determine the presence or absence of plaque on the internal surfaces of all nodes. But determining this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to carefully monitor the operation of the heating system.

The main signs of the presence of plaque or scale on the internal surfaces of pipes and radiators for cleaning include the following changes:

  • increasing the heating time of system elements;
  • the presence of extraneous noise coming from the heating boiler, which was not previously observed;
  • there is a temperature difference on the radiator - bottom part devices are much cooler than the top surface;
  • the heating battery is completely cold, while the pipe leading to it remains hot;
  • In the case of an electric heating boiler, electrical energy consumption may increase significantly.

Very often, a sharp increase in scale is observed after an additional heating element was connected to the main, previously used heating system.

Chemical cleaning method

Using a chemical method for flushing the heating system is advisable only in two situations.

Chemical flushing is based on pouring special reagents into the heating circuit instead of water. Usually it is an alkaline or acidic solution. Then, using a special pump continuous circulation of fluid is performed for 2–5 hours depending on the degree of contamination of the system. Then all the liquid is drained and the system is put into operation.

Hydropneumatic cleaning of the heating system

This heating system flushing technology, which has proven itself with positive side , have been used by housing and communal services employees for decades. But the efficiency of the process can only be guaranteed if the technological process is strictly followed.

The sequence of such flushing is very simple and is determined by setting the circuit to discharge into sewer system, with preliminary supply of pressure pumped by the compressor to the return line and after a while vice versa. In this case, the injection of water flow is carried out using a pneumatic pump. Passage of pulp through the heating circuit leads to partial destruction of scale with further removal of sediment into the sewer system. In practice, for hydropneumatic flushing, a certain sequence of actions is used.

  1. The house valve of the return pipeline is closed.
  2. The compressor is connected to the supply valve immediately behind the house valve.
  3. The reverse system reset opens.
  4. After the compressor reaches a pressure of 6 kg, the valve opens.
  5. Groups of risers are overlapped one by one so that there are no more than a dozen pipes open at the same time.

Washing procedure time can be controlled visually by assessing the degree of contamination of the fluid leaving the circuit. At the moment when the water begins to come out clean, they move on to flushing the next group of risers. After cleaning all the pipes, the heating system switches to discharge in the opposite direction.

  1. The discharge and connection valve of the compressor device are closed.
  2. The house valve on the supply is transferred to closed position and the return valve opens.
  3. The supply reset opens. The compressor device is connected to the return pipeline valve, which is moved to the open position.

Very often, operating efficiency decreases due to contamination of one, almost the most important element of the heating system - the radiator. The problem can be easily identified by cold battery or by increasing its warm-up time. For this a number of preventive works are being carried out, which is important to carry out before the start of the heating season.

If the time has come to clean the heating system or its components, it is important to correctly assess your capabilities. Sometimes It's better to turn to professionals who will quickly cope with the task and carry out all the work in the shortest possible time.

In what cases is it not necessary to flush the heating system?

In an apartment building equipped with a centralized heating system, the frequency of cleaning should be at least once a calendar year. If we are talking about an autonomous complex, then the frequency of flushing will be determined based on need. In the case of a noticeable drop in the efficiency of the heating circuit, flushing is necessary.

This rule does not apply to metal water pipes that are coated on the inside with anti-corrosion substances or to aluminum and bimetallic products. This is primarily due to their small internal volume, which is why fluid circulates at high speed, washing away various kinds of dirt.

In addition, there is no need to flush closed heating systems equipped with special mud traps. The coolant in such a system no external recharge required and, consequently, there is no influx of new impurities and dirt from the outside. And most importantly, the system is equipped with removable filters.

It has been proven from practice that regular flushing of heating leads to an increase in service life heating device for up to 7 years, and the improvement in energy efficiency will increase by at least 25%. And, if hydrodynamic flushing can be classified as a gentle method, then chemical method is equivalent to carrying out major repair work.

Only by cleaning all components of the heating system will it work with less load. At the same time, water circulation is greatly facilitated, which leads to an increase in heat transfer from the batteries. Thanks to this significant energy savings can be achieved, used to heat the coolant.

Today, heating systems have become a part of our lives. None industrial enterprise, not a single residential building can do without them. Among large quantity requirements for them, especially durability and reliability should be emphasized.

Flushing the heating system - best way get rid of scale and other deposits that lead to breakdowns and clog radiators, batteries and pipes. As practice shows, preventive cleaning makes it possible to avoid contamination of pipes and their failure.

In the system of classification of types of economic activities, pressure testing work has the OKDP code 4530000, these activities relate to the repair and scheduled maintenance of equipment.

What is the problem?

Scale that collects on the walls of pipes and radiators causes numerous problems. Firstly, this contributes to accelerated mechanical wear of the pipes themselves. And secondly, heat transfer decreases. According to experts, scale, even up to 1 mm thick, reduces the level of heat transfer by approximately 15%.

Over time, key heating parameters change negatively - fuel costs increase significantly, while efficiency, on the contrary, decreases.

The only problem is that you need to flush the heating system of the entire residential building; you cannot limit yourself to just one apartment. That is why many people leave everything as it is.

In addition, statistics show that more than 60% of people with heating problems prefer not to attach importance to this fact. But all that is needed is to flush the heating system.

Cleaning technology

Flushing the heating of a private or multi-apartment residential building is a process during which it is necessary to clean all coolant pipes. The goal is to completely rid the internal walls of the heating system of scale, plaque and deposits. The scope of work also includes cleaning of risers and batteries.

Operating principle of washing equipment.

It is worth noting that it is first necessary to diagnose the entire heating system. This allows the specialist to find out the exact composition and nature of the scale. Based on the results obtained, the employee selects the appropriate equipment and also draws up technological map to flush the heating system.

After the entire procedure has been successfully completed, it will be necessary to carry out anti-corrosion treatment of the pipeline walls to prevent the appearance of deposits and scale in the near future.

Heating system flushing report (sample). Click to enlarge.

There are several main cleaning technologies:

  • Chemical;
  • Hydrodynamic;
  • Pneumohydropulse.
  • Hydropneumatic.

Each of them has its own positive and negative qualities. In the classifier of types of activities, washing and pressure testing work is assigned a separate OKDP code, which is indicated in the economic documentation.


Today, chemical flushing is recognized as the most popular and in demand, as it quickly and effectively removes all excess deposits on the walls of pipes and batteries. Most often, chelating agents, solvents, alkalis, composite solutions, as well as aqueous solutions of organic and mineral acids are used in chemical washing.

The chemical method of flushing the pipes of an apartment building is excellent where it is impossible to carry out physical cleaning with the greatest efficiency.

The chemical method is also good if you need to clean steel pipes, because washing plaque out of them is much more difficult than usual. The chemical reagent will do the job perfectly.

Chemical cleaning equipment

Chemical cleaning uses special equipment, which consists of hoses, a liquid container and a pump. Depending on the type of material from which the pipeline is made (galvanized surface, light alloys, cast iron, brass, aluminum, steel, copper), appropriate powder and liquid products are selected for washing the pipe walls from scale and deposits.

Most often, chemical cleaning of the heating system is carried out within a few days, which does not bring any additional inconvenience to the owners. In addition, during the heating season, everything continues to work, and the building continues to be heated.

Another advantage of this type of cleaning is that it is not necessary to stop the operation of the entire heating system in order to flush the pipes. This suggests that washing and pressure testing can be carried out even in winter time year. Once chemically flushed, it is guaranteed that no further cleaning will be required for another 7-9 years. All that is required for a high-quality result is to make a competent calculation.


As you can guess from the name of the method, it is based on the principle of the destructive action of water - deposits and scale are removed under the influence of a jet of water directed under enormous pressure. Water is supplied to work area using special nozzles. The cost of this operation is slightly higher than the cost of chemical washing, but the quality of the work performed is also much better.

Main advantages

This method has proven itself especially well when cleaning cast iron batteries. Cast iron is a corrosion-resistant material, which means that radiators most often stop functioning due to large accumulations of scale and deposits.

It is quite difficult to get rid of such accumulations by chemical flushing; some owners even completely replace old radiators with new ones. However, with the help of hydrodynamic flushing, excellent results can be achieved, restoring the throughput and efficiency of the heating system.

In this case, specialists use special equipment that has the ability to create pressure of over two hundred atmospheres. Interestingly, impressive results of flushing the heating system can be achieved solely by exposure to water, without adding any additional chemical solutions or reagents.


Specialists who resort to this cleaning method turn to the help of special equipment for flushing heating - a water pneumatic gun.

Easy to use and compact, this mechanism allows for comprehensive cleaning water pipes, batteries, as well as radiators whose diameter does not exceed 150 millimeters.

The uniqueness of this gun lies in the fact that it removes deposits and scale even from a distance of 50 meters - this is the maximum range of the device. The gun allows for spot cleaning of heating systems, and such results cannot be obtained with standard methods. As in the case of chemical cleaning, it is possible to wash heating devices directly during their operation, without the need to shut down.


Most effective way clean your pipes and radiators from dirt - hydropneumatic flushing of the heating system. This method has been used for quite a long time and is superior to chemical in many respects.

Operating principle

Analysis of the deposits shows that they consist mainly of salts of cadmium, sodium, magnesium and other substances, which, although they adhere firmly to the pipe, are very fragile in structure. When hydropneumatic flushing is carried out, strong turbulent flows arise in the heating system, which easily destroy salt deposits.

This method of cleaning pipes was developed quite a long time ago, and it was developed exclusively experimentally. Tests have shown that only a mixture of air and water can remove deposits most effectively. It is this mixture, entering the radiators and pipes, that forms uneven turbulences that hit the formed scale.

Unlike chemical method, flushing pipes under high pressure does not damage the pipes themselves. At most, if the pressure is not calculated correctly, the jet can squeeze out or damage rubber seals. But usually this misunderstanding does not occur.

The operating principle has proven so successful that today hydropneumatic flushing is used in 90% of cases. Experts recommend carrying it out every 5 years, but if not very clean water circulates as a coolant, and the heating system operates at extreme conditions, it is better to flush radiators and pipes once every 2-3 years.

How does washing happen?

This method is effective only with a certain skill and talent of the master. All heating systems are different (especially when comparing private house and apartment), so the standard instructions are not suitable here. Briefly, washing is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. The heating system is filled with water.
  2. Supplied into pipes compressed air and water.
  3. Flushing continues until clean water flows from the outlet pipe.

First, you can simply pump air into the filled system, let it stand for 20 minutes, and then drain the water with exfoliated deposits.

Flushing compressor

If we talk about equipment in general, it is worth noting that the main emphasis is on the compressor for flushing heating. There is a huge variety of such devices, some of which operate on the principle of supplying water to high pressure, others - water together with air.

In any case, you can purchase a compressor in almost every specialized store.

Nuances when purchasing

When choosing a compressor, attention should be paid to its technical indicators, on which the cost, as well as work efficiency, depends. The key parameters of compressors include an indicator of pulse pressure and water consumption, protection of equipment from spontaneous start, the ability to add various means for disinfecting pipelines and radiators, and adjusting the frequency of pulses of water supply to the radiator.

It is also worth knowing that the device should be quite reliable and compact, and its maintenance should not cause difficulties for users.

Thus, the operation of heating systems in any case will lead to the appearance of scale and deposits on the walls of batteries and radiators. However, this can be avoided if heating systems are flushed for preventive purposes. If the pipes are clogged severely enough, which affects the level of heat transfer, then a comprehensive flushing will be required - this will completely restore their performance and efficiency, and also increase their service life heating devices.

In any home this is one of the main components comfortable stay in it when cold weather sets in. Even a system installed in compliance with all rules and regulations will not be able to operate effectively without periodic inspection and preventive maintenance. If you do this from time to time once every two or three years, or even less often, then blockages and breakdowns will inevitably occur.

It's no secret that the water circulating through pipes and heating radiators is not of good quality. Some impurities in the form of silt, sand, and small particles of rust inevitably settle on the inner surface of heating devices. Flushing the heating system plays perhaps the main role in preventative work.

When to start flushing

To the question of when heating systems in a new house are flushed, the answer will be unequivocal - immediately after installation, first with cold and then with heated water. Cold washing is needed to remove small particles of construction waste, all taps and valves are opened to the maximum, the circuits are washed until the water becomes clear.
This procedure will not take much time - no more than one or two hours.

Hot water removes oil-based contaminants and removes some of the rust.

Preventative flushing of the system

After a scheduled heating shutdown, it is not recommended to drain water from the system. Firstly, all deposits on the inner surface of pipes and radiators will dry out and harden; no amount of flushing will help. Secondly, leaks may occur in the places of installation connections after drying and subsequent filling of water.

You need to start cleaning the system immediately before its planned launch. Stagnant and rusty water is discharged into the sewer system. If there is more than one floor in the house, then to speed up the draining process you need to open the air valves on the upper radiators. To create effective pressure, it is necessary to flush all circuits using special equipment, most often compressors are used for this.

There are two ways to prevent the system. The first of them involves flushing only due to high water pressure and is called pneumohydraulic.

But due to the fact that scale and corrosion build-ups form due to poor water quality, when flushing heating systems, the second method is more in demand - chemical,

Typically, bleach or other chemical additives are added to the water.

Each circuit should be flushed separately, and the direction of movement of the flushing liquid must necessarily coincide with the path of water circulation when the heating system is operating. Flushing is also done first with cold and then with heated water until the liquid goes down the drain clean and free of foreign matter.

After flushing is completed, filling the system begins with the boiler; it is advisable to add special chemical compounds (inhibitors) to the liquid composition that slow down the process of metal corrosion. The water level in the filled system should not exceed the control mark in the safety tank.

Flushing heating radiators

In some cases, when heating systems are flushed, one of the stages is pre-cleaning, this is more true for cast iron heating devices or those made of steel without anti-corrosion coating.

To do this, the batteries are disconnected from common system and washed separately.

You can add caustic soda or special chemical additives to the water to remove scale. After a certain time, usually no more than two hours, the radiators are pumped from one end to the other, periodically tapping the sections with a mallet or rubber hammer. There is no need to pour the cleaning solution down the drain; it will be useful for washing other batteries.

Sometimes for these purposes a special composition is used for cleaning car radiators; in this case, the liquid is drained after 15–20 minutes.

As a result of flushing the heating system, circulation is significantly facilitated, heat transfer from heating batteries increases, and the pump is subject to less load. All this leads to energy savings and reduces the amount of fuel used for heating.

Therefore, flushing must be carried out annually before the onset of cold weather.

Using water that has been previously purified and filtered from unwanted impurities for the heating system will allow you to resort to this procedure much less frequently.

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