Pots for the garden: original DIY ideas. Outdoor hanging flower pots: design features and rules for caring for flowers in them How to hang a flower pot on the street

The charm of the most beautiful and well-groomed plants will not be complete if they are planted in assorted pots that differ in shape, size, and the material from which they are made. Perfect solution problems – flower pots. Purchased in a store or made with your own hands, they will complete the look of the collection and help decorate a country plot.

Selection of ready-made pots for indoor and garden plants

The range of ready-made flowerpots in stores is incredibly large. In order not to get confused when choosing, experts advise paying attention to several aspects. Among them:

  • the price of the sample you like;
  • destination of the pot;
  • the size of the pot to be decorated;
  • compliance with the style of interior or landscape design;
  • practicality of the product.

Most often, flower growers prefer flower pots made from polymer materials, fired ceramics or clay, glass.

Flower pots made of plastic

The most affordable samples are made of plastic. They are easy to clean and can be used indoors and outdoors. Thanks to the presence of drainage holes and the ability to easily make new ones, plants in pots are protected from rotting of the root system. Another useful quality is lightness, which is important if a gardener needs a hanging flowerpot for hanging plants or a spectacular garland of them flower pots. Despite the thin walls, a container exposed to the sun does not heat up to critical temperatures and does not cause overheating of the soil and root system.

If desired, plastic flower pots can be easily decorated with fragments of wood, textiles, beads, or simply painted using safe and bright acrylic paints.

A store-bought plastic planter can be easily transformed with a roll of string and glue. The side surface treated with it is tightly wrapped with twine or cord.

However, with a lot of advantages, plastic flowerpots have a couple of disadvantages. They are not very durable when used outside the home, and the products cannot be called original.

Ceramic flowerpots

Ceramics different types has long been used to make flower pots and flowerpots. Clay is incredibly malleable. She can take the most different shapes, natural material keeps the warmth of the master’s hands, transferring it to the interior or summer cottage.

When choosing a ceramic pot, you should pay attention to the presence of a drainage hole, as well as the outer covering.

Unglazed clay retains porosity, which improves the microclimate inside the pot, but reduces the durability of flower pots. When watering tap water Untidy stains may appear on the walls. Outside the home, containers are in danger of destruction:

  • increased air humidity;
  • sudden changes in temperature, especially freezing and thawing.

Painted or glazed ceramics look very impressive and are much stronger, but they warm up slowly and do not remove excess moisture well.

Due to the large weight of ceramic products, especially when making hanging flower pots with your own hands, you need reliable fastening. It's easy to make using strong twine and macrame techniques.

Glass flower pot

Transparent or colored glass is a fragile but effective material that will help decorate the interior and make the house unique.

At the same time, if you show your imagination, it’s not at all difficult to make such a pot with your own hands for indoor flowers.

As a basis you can take glass jars suitable size, glasses, vases or even a small round aquarium. By connecting the vessels with a rope and securing them to a wooden stand, you can build a garland for flowers or make a flowerpot for several pots at once.

How and from what to make a flower pot with your own hands

The decoration of the window sill and garden will be flowerpots that were not found in the store, but were made by the gardener himself. Such samples are usually:

  • many times cheaper than analogues from the store;
  • created taking into account the tastes and preferences of the master;
  • unique.

But, relying on his imagination, the gardener needs to remember about the reliability of the future flowerpot, safety and practicality. It is especially important to take into account weather variability and the impact external factors, if you have to assemble a flowerpot for the garden with your own hands.

The most popular materials suitable for this work:

  • wood, including planks, bamboo, dry branches collected from the garden;
  • cement mixtures that turn into durable, moisture-resistant structures after hardening;
  • durable types of twine and rope from which wicker flowerpots are made;
  • textiles treated with wear-resistant paint.

Behind original flowerpots or materials for its manufacture do not necessarily need to go to the store.

One has only to look around to notice things that have fallen out of use, but can turn into a unique interior or landscape object.

DIY hanging flower pot

Handmade flowerpots for the home are a great opportunity to show your imagination and demonstrate your ability to create practical and absolutely unique things.

The simplest option is a hanging planter using the macrame technique. Woven to fit the size of the pot, it:

  • fits perfectly into the interior;
  • decorates any container in which an indoor flower grows;
  • can be used for ordinary and hanging plants;
  • in combination with others, it forms a multi-tiered garland, saving space on the windowsill and giving the window a unique look.

In addition, the pot allows you to significantly improve the lighting of plants and simplifies care when large quantities flowers in the house.

When choosing a rope for weaving, it is better to give preference to samples made of wear-resistant fiber that does not stretch under load, does not fade in the sun and is not susceptible to moisture. The same requirements apply to wicker flower pots for outdoor use.

Floor and table flower pots

Large plants, e.g. indoor lemon, monstera, ficus or lush fern are a magnificent home decoration. To make them look even more impressive, the pot can be placed in an original flowerpot.

Choose an option suitable design and size is not always possible, but everyone can make a tall floor planter for flowers on their own.

One option is a cement pot. As a base, a quickly hardening mixture is taken, which is poured into a prepared mold and after some time a strong casting-pot is obtained. Another way to use the material is to drink it through a textile scrap and give it suitable look, wait for the composition to dry. This pot can be used indoors and outdoors. garden plot. For more decorative effect the casting is painted and even covered with mosaics.

A box of a suitable shape would be an excellent flowerpot for a large flower. It is first sanded, treated with moisture-proof varnish or painted. To protect the floor and other surfaces, for example, a table under a wooden flower pot, a tray is installed at the bottom to collect excess moisture. The free space between the pot and the flowerpot can be filled with coconut fiber.

Make caring for your green pet easier large sizes, a pot with a built-in watering system will help protect the plant from moisture deficiency and drying out. You can buy it or make it yourself from scrap materials.

In addition to the container for the pot, there is a cavity for water and a tube for filling it, as well as a system of holes that supply moisture to the roots and remove excess moisture. A similar design for flowers of any size can be assembled at home. It will be useful both on the windowsill and in the garden, especially when the plants are deprived of the daily attention of the gardener.

The simplest flowerpot with automatic watering can be made from an ordinary one. plastic pot. The main thing is that it is of a suitable size, and its bottom has many large drainage holes. A shipping container in which flowers arrive at the store is ideal. Under the drainage, a plastic mosquito net is laid at the bottom. It will prevent the soil from being washed away. Several nylon cords are threaded through the holes so that their ends remain hanging freely.

By placing such pots with home or garden flowers on gravel in a tray filled with water, you can be sure that the plant will not suffer from drying out. The liquid will rise along the rope to the ground, but will not cause root rot.

Making a hanging flowerpot with your own hands - video

Warm days are approaching, and many will want to take their flowers out onto the balcony or loggia. But sometimes there is not enough space for flowers and you have to look for ways to place them. I really like vertical gardening. And for a convenient vertical arrangement of flower pots, you can make flowerpots for them with your own hands using improvised means.

  • 1 Hanging planter made from fabric strips
    • 1.1 Pot made from a plastic bottle
    • 1.2 This is also interesting

Hanging planter made from fabric strips

Almost every woman collects several knitted T-shirts over the course of a season, which she no longer wants to wear and would be a pity to throw away. You can make a lot of useful things from them, as well as make cords for weaving flowerpots.

To do this, you need to cut strips about 2 cm wide across the product. It is better not to use a hemmed edge. You should end up with a ring with two seams, one of which needs to be cut, and then the strip should be stretched. You will need from 4 to 6 strips depending on the length.

If the strips are long, then 4 pieces will be enough. They need to be tied into a knot in the middle. For short strips, make the knot closer to the edge.

Then you can start weaving flowerpots. For convenience, you can use an empty flower pot.

The photo shows in some detail the scheme for connecting the strips. Repeat the process of tying knots depending on the height of the pot to prevent it from falling out of the pot in the future.

The remaining ends of the cords can be simply tied into a knot, or they can be tied to a ring to make hanging more convenient.

Pot made from a plastic bottle

This pot is more suitable for use in the country. Cut from a plastic bottle top part the right size. It is better to melt the cut edges so as not to injure yourself or damage the plants later. Make 3-4 holes and stretch the rope through them.

Such a pot can be hung on an old tree or used on a balcony, having first planted flowers or herbs in it.

In the same way, you can use plastic bottles with handles from under household chemicals. Naturally, they need to be washed thoroughly before use.

Then cut off the bottom of the bottles, turn them upside down, attach them somewhere, fill them with soil and plant the plants. By the way, if you do not screw the lid tightly, excess moisture will not be retained in the container and the roots of the plants will not rot.

Of course, the bottles can be decorated beforehand, but only if the desire arises.

A flowerpot or an unusual pot can highlight the unique charm of the plant in it, add zest to a mini-garden on the windowsill, or become an interior decoration both inside the house and in the garden. However, the question of material that should be preferred when choosing a container for flowers often arises. The article will discuss how to choose or make flower pots with your own hands.

Material selection

Depending on your needs and budget, you can choose from a wide range of pots. Before you decide to buy, it's worth comparing different variants, and weigh the pros and cons.

A few points to consider:

  • finance. There are a lot of options on the market - from inexpensive flowerpots to exclusive handmade ones;
  • purpose. Will the flower pot be part of a temporary project? In this case, there is no point in spending a lot of money on it. If it will be an element of interior decor, then it is worth investing in the long term;
  • self-production. Often, to save time, a ready-made flowerpot is purchased, however, nothing compares to your own unique creation;
  • advantages and disadvantages. Before purchasing, it will be useful to consider the advantages and disadvantages of different types of pots.

Types of materials for pots

Plastic flower pots

A cheap, universal material from which both small pots and large flower pots are made.

  • The color of the pot is preferably light; it will not heat up quickly in the sun, and the plants in it will be less susceptible to the spread of microorganisms.
  • If necessary, you can always make additional drainage holes for the root system in such a pot.
  • Among the disadvantages of the material, it is worth noting its fragility, especially if it is used outdoors; over time, the material becomes thinner and becomes brittle.

Clay pot

Traditionally popular material for flowerpots.

  • In terms of design, clay pots offer many attractive options.
  • However, for plants clay pot is not always best place life, since it is almost impossible to provide adequate drainage.

Pots made of natural stone

Most often used in the manufacture of outdoor flower pots, as an element of landscape design.

  • They are very beautiful, monumental and, of course, durable.
  • In addition, stone can be called perhaps the most environmentally friendly material.
  • Its main drawback is its heavy weight.

Wooden flower pot

Wooden pots are very attractive and distinctive.

  • They provide excellent thermal insulation for the soil. Where necessary, they help insulate plant roots from excessive solar heat.
  • However, due to the fact that wood is a natural material, pests can grow in it, and wooden bottoms rot over time. To avoid this, it is recommended to combine the tree with other types of flowerpots, for example, put several plastic pots in a wooden pallet.

Metal planter

Metal containers will add a touch of austerity to the design.

  • They are strong and durable, but have a very high thermal conductivity, so they, like wooden pots, are recommended to be used in tandem with an insulating pot, for example, made of clay.

Nylon threads

They are used to weave flower pots in the macrame style. These are inexpensive, but at the same time exclusive flower pots that will fit perfectly into the interior not only country house V rustic style, but also suitable for a modern city apartment.

Six ideas on how to make flower pots with your own hands

In spring and autumn, gardeners traditionally put things in order in their gardens, both regular and mini-gardens on the windowsill: they replant plants and get rid of unnecessary things. Why buy a new expensive flowerpot if you can make it yourself from scrap materials? Surprisingly, such simple things as baskets, shoes, dishes, furniture make amazing, unique flowerpots that will undoubtedly decorate any garden.

Old drawers cabinet or chest of drawers will look very interesting as a flowerpot. To prolong their life, it is better not to pour soil directly into the box, but to place smaller pots with plants in it.

Helpful Tips:

  • It is better to remove the pots from the box during watering, so its life will be noticeably extended;
  • To camouflage pots in a box, they are covered with coconut fiber or moss.

Sackcloth. This material, rough at first glance, in capable hands becomes an excellent design tool. The fabric can be dyed and simply wrapped around the pot. Thus, even pots of different shapes and quality will turn into a single ensemble.

Helpful Tips:

  • in order to securely fix the fabric on the pot and simplify the process of creating a flowerpot, it is recommended to use a glue gun;
  • Alternatively, you can create a removable cover for the pot, in which case it is sewn together with thread.

Multi-level design made of baskets. This technique will not only help optimize space for plants, but will also make watering easier. In addition, this is an excellent option for pots for hanging flowers.

Helpful Tips:

  • to extend the life of the baskets, a layer of coconut fiber (peat) is first laid on the bottom, and then soil is poured;
  • Before planting, it is necessary to calculate the height of the baskets and the height of future plants in them.

Bright plastic sand buckets. Only for children to play in the sandbox? Not at all! It is enough to make drainage holes in the bottom, and bright plastic buckets will lift the mood in your summer cottage.

Helpful Tips:

  • with the help of such flower pots you can create kindergarten, planting your baby’s favorite plants in them so that he learns to care for them on his own.

Looks unusually stylish old shoes as a flowerpot. It can be rubber boots or leather boots. The undoubted advantage of this type of pots is the ability to replace them regularly. And old bags can also be used as hanging flower pots.

Wooden box. You can leave the tree untouched, adding brutality to its appearance, or paint it to match the overall landscape.

Helpful Tips:

  • using boxes you can create themed corners, for example: medicinal or culinary herbs, spring and summer flowers, etc.

DIY flower pots with self-watering system

A flower pot with a self-watering system consists of the following elements:

  • the actual pot. Any old plastic one will do, just make sure it has the necessary drainage holes;
  • moisture-absorbing area; any plastic bottle;
  • The tube for filling the tank with water is wide enough to make it convenient and easy to fill the water. You can use a plastic tube or hose;
  • barrier ( mosquito net, plastic bag, etc.);
  • stones (for example, large river pebbles);
  • land (in which the plant will be planted);

Step one: preparation

  • In a self-watering pot system, the heart is the area that is responsible for transferring moisture to the roots of the plant. Therefore, the manufacture of the pot begins with this element.
  • To make it, take any plastic bottle, the bottom of which must be cut off and many small holes made in it (through which the soil will be saturated with moisture).
  • The height of this plastic part depends on the height of the pot, and should be at least a quarter of it.

Step 2: Prepare the tube and drain hole

  • The tube must be installed in a flowerpot and cut to height. It can be 2-4 cm above the ground surface.
  • Then the level at which the hole will be made to drain the water is measured. It should be flush with the top of the plastic part that was made to saturate the soil with moisture.
  • The drainage hole is responsible for preventing excess water from reaching the roots of the plant to prevent them from rotting.

Step 3: Filling with Soil and Installing Absorbent Area

  • At this stage, you will need a mesh or film, the size is determined by the diameter of the pot, the fabric should be 2-2.5 times larger.
  • The middle of the cut is marked, which is inserted into a plastic drainage cup.
  • Then the mesh must be straightened and earth must be poured into the cup. It is important to ensure that it lies evenly along the edges and that the earth is thoroughly compacted.
  • After which the glass can be placed in the center of the flowerpot.

Step 4: installing the watering tube and filling with stones

  • A glass with soil was placed in the center of the pot, a tube (or hose for supplying water) was installed on one side and then stones were poured to the height of the plastic cup.

Important: the protective barrier (mesh) must be held at this moment; then it will be carefully laid on top of the layer of stones. Its function to separate is to separate stones from the soil. There is no need to cover the cup itself with material.

Step 5: filling the soil and planting the plant

  • Filling the soil begins from the middle of the pot, from the place where the plastic glass is placed, which performs the function of saturating with moisture, moving from the center to the edges.
  • When pouring soil, the mesh can be gradually pressed down. When most of it is covered with soil, the plant itself is planted to the required depth. Then the soil is added to the top of the pot.

Step 6: watering and finishing work

  • Now that the plant is planted and the soil has been filled, it’s time to water.
  • Water for the first time after transplantation upper layer soil, and then water is added through a tube into the bottom layer.
  • The plant will now be able to take the necessary moisture with the help of its roots through a moistened area of ​​soil in a plastic cup.
  • You can also feed the plant by adding fertilizers to the water, which is poured through a tube.

A flower pot made in this way can be used as a wall-mounted one if it is woven using the macrame technique, or as a floor-mounted one for large-sized plants.

For flowers with your own hands. Almost all families grow houseplants or flowers in the garden. It looks very interesting if standard flower pots are placed in unusual flowerpot. Of course, there are a lot of bright and original models of flowerpots on the market, but any person wants to bring individuality and some zest to their home or garden. There are a huge number of options on how to make a flowerpot with your own hands; all you have to do is choose the material that will look most appropriate in yours or home

Advice! It is worth remembering that a flowerpot, unlike a flower pot, does not have special holes in the bottom from which water could pour out after watering. Don’t forget to drain it from the pots so that the plant roots don’t rot. Free space between the pots and flower pot or another container in which flowers grow, usually lined with moss or gravel so that the pot does not “dangle” inside.

DIY flower pots: building material

Surely, after renovation, any housewife is left with some unused materials that can be used to create flowerpots:

  • If you have slats, bars or other boards, you can create wooden planter . First you have to cut out equal parts for the walls, and then connect them with nails or glue. The walls and bottom of the pots can be designed in the form of a lattice, or they can be solid. For oblong bowls with flowers will do planter box in the form of a small fence. This design is appropriate in an apartment or.
  • Pretty easy to do DIY planters for the garden from leftover logs However, it is better to entrust this matter to a man. A log about 1-2 meters long can be rested on two small logs to form a kind of bench, or simply placed horizontally on the ground. Then in big log cut out inner part, only the walls and bottom remain. You can put small bowls inside petunias or others.
  • From the leftovers ceramic tiles you can make a bright flowerpot . To do this, you will need only 5 parts, one of which will become the bottom, and the rest - the walls. The easiest way to connect the parts is with glue. Spectacular interior items are obtained from mirror tiles, they are easy to fit into modern minimalist interior or style.
  • When from construction and gardening work burlap or other dense fabric remains, you can make flowerpot pockets for small plants . To do this, you need to cut out two identical square or semicircular parts and sew them on three sides. For a more complex pattern, you will have to select a base in the form of a wire, which will give the shape to the product. Such pockets look great on the fence of a country house or on the balcony.

Pots made from natural materials

What could be easier than using the materials given to us to create vases and pots? nature? In the nearest forest or by the river you can find something that will subsequently significantly transform your interior:

  • A beautiful flowerpot will be made from pebbles - small, streamlined stones. They are glued together, giving the future product an unusual shape. Similarly, you can use nut shells, tree cuts, small twigs, cones, etc.
  • Can be done do-it-yourself garden pots made from a stump . A core is cut out of it, where it is placed large plant, for example, fern. If you make several of these stumps at the same time, you will get a whole clearing in the garden.
  • Eco-style pots can be woven from wicker. Weaving from wicker is quite difficult for a beginner, but the products are very impressive. You can hang or place such pots both in the house and in the garden.

Let's see how you can transform your favorite indoor flowers? For example, if you create flower pots with your own hands, then such decor will please the eye and add zest to the interior. In addition, by arranging flower stands and/or shelves with your own hands, you will also find it convenient to care for your pets.

Design options for pots for indoor flowers

What is the difference between a flower pot and a regular flower pot? Translated from French cache-pot means "to hide the pot." Thus, a flowerpot is a decorative “wrapper”. Certainly, the best home there will be a clay pot for flowers, but it quickly loses its attractiveness appearance, since ceramics allow water to pass through and stains appear on its surface that cannot be removed. Often as protective film glaze is used, but over time it also cracks and crumbles, and then the pot will either have to be replaced or decorated. In this case, a flowerpot comes to the rescue - with its help you can easily hide unsightly places and create decor in the same style.

If you have a couple or three pots, then the easiest way is to arrange them beautifully on the windowsill. But if there are more than a dozen colors, then placement can become a problem. The most common way to hang flowerpots is to use ready-made hanging hooks or make holes for rope. But you can make the mounting method creative.

You can organize a simple crossbar or build an entire structure under the ceiling, on which, for example, hang several.

The design of a one-piece flowerpot does not provide drainage holes, and openwork ones do not retain excess moisture, so this must be taken into account when watering.

Or here’s an idea for hanging flowerpots, even those who don’t know how to do it can do it:

If you need to small space place a lot of flower pots, then this idea is for you!

Using simple techniques from wooden blocks and rope, you can make a whole shelf for flowers with your own hands, arranging suspended structures. More detailed instructions in this video:

Imagine, combine different ways, the more flowers you can place, the cozier your home will be.

Making flowerpots with your own hands from scratch: materials and master classes

In this section we will look at options for independent “cases”, which are made separately, and then a flower pot is “settled” in them. For indoor flower pots the choice of materials is unlimited and relates only to overall design and your preferences. The most common and used for hand made:

  • cardboard,
  • paper straws,
  • felt,
  • recyclable materials.

From felt

From simple materials You can get wonderful things for handicrafts and children's creativity, you just need to use your imagination. Look, a charming flowerpot from...

DIY stands and shelves for pots

Making a flowerpot or decorating a pot is not everything. This beauty needs to be put somewhere! Here you can’t do without special shelves and stands. You can build a structure on the wall.

Or you can order a whole shelf for the floor.

Or this stepladder bookcase.

And it’s not at all necessary to ask someone. If you buy blank parts cut to size in a store, then even a gentle woman’s hand can handle the assembly. Like in this video:

But it’s much more interesting to use your imagination and adapt unusual objects under shelves to place flowerpots. For example, pallets. Paint it with stain or dark paint and voila - a great shelf is ready.

And in this tool cart, various plants coexist perfectly, creating mini-plants.

"Cross" will not give bad advice! :)
