What prayers to read during Easter week. Orthodox evening and morning prayers from Easter to Ascension

Easter is the most significant holiday and main event for Orthodox Christians church year. In 2020, its date falls on April 19. What prayers are read on Easter?

On Bright Week, until Saturday morning inclusive, instead of morning and evening prayers The Easter Hours are read (Prayers of the Easter Hours, filled with joy and thanksgiving to Christ) - part of the Easter day service.

These Orthodox Easter prayers are given in most prayer books.

“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs.” (Read three times).

“Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one.
We worship Your Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Your holy resurrection: For You are our God, do we know no other to You, your name we call it.
Come, all faithful, let us worship the saint Christ's resurrection: Behold, through the Cross joy has come to the whole world.
Always blessing the Lord, we sing of His resurrection: having endured crucifixion, destroy death by death.” (Three times).

What other prayers are read on Easter? The Easter canon of John of Damascus is also read - it replaces the canons of the Penitential, Theotokos and Guardian Angel.

Before all Orthodox Easter prayers, including thanksgiving after communion, the Easter troparion is read three times:

“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs.”

How to pray during Easter week?

You can read a prayer-amulet that grants protection from troubles and adversity:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water, taught prayers, saved, protected.
And then at the cross she sobbed, shed tears, wailed, and suffered together with her dear son.
Jesus Christ rose on Sunday, and from now on His glory is from earth to heaven.
Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us and graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me from all troubles now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

The Rule for Holy Communion is also read, which includes the canons for the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel and the Follow-up for Holy Communion.

Until the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, instead of praying to the Holy Spirit (“To the Heavenly King…”), the Easter troparion (“Christ is risen from the dead…”) is read three times. Also, from Easter to Trinity there is no need to put prostrations.

1) From the Week of St. Thomas until Easter, all church services and services are preceded by three times of singing or reading the troparion “Christ is risen from the dead...” (see also in paragraph 5).

2) At the all-night vigil, “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times) is sung, according to tradition, instead of “Come, let us worship...” and after “The blessing of the Lord is upon you...”, before the start of the six psalms (cf.: paragraph 5).

3) At the Sunday all-night vigil, at the end of the Easter stichera at the vespers stichera, the troparion “Christ is risen from the dead...” is sung (once): it is included in the last stichera, being its conclusion.

4) At the Liturgy, “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times) is sung after “Blessed is the Kingdom...”.

  • Note. Usually, at the beginning of the all-night vigil and Liturgy, the clergy sing the troparion 2 times in its entirety, and the 3rd time, ending with the words: “... trampling death upon death,” and the singers finish: “And to those in the tombs he gave life.” In some churches, the troparion “Christ is Risen...” is sung (once) by the clergy, and then (once) by both choirs. Before the Six Psalms, the choir usually sings “Christ is Risen...” all three times.

5) “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times) is read at the beginning of the hours, Vespers, Compline, Midnight Office and Matins: at the 3rd, 9th hours, Compline and Midnight Office - instead of “Heavenly King...”, and at 1- m, 6 o’clock and Vespers (if the 9th hour is read immediately before its start), according to tradition, instead of “Come, let us worship...”.

6) At the Liturgy, “Christ is risen from the dead...” is sung (once) instead of “We have seen the True Light...”. Entrance: “Come, let us worship... risen from the dead...”.

7) At the end of the Liturgy, at the exclamation: “Glory to Thee, Christ our God, our Hope, glory to Thee,” the singers sing: “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times). At all other services, after the exclamation: “Glory to Thee, Christ our God, our Hope, glory to Thee,” the ending is as usual. Dismissal at all services begins with the words: “Risen from the dead...”.

8) On Sunday, after the dismissal of the Liturgy, according to ancient custom, the priest overshadows the people with the Cross three times and proclaims: “Christ is risen!”, as in the days of Bright Week. The singers sing the final “Christ is risen from the dead...” (three times), “And we have been given eternal life, we worship His three-day Resurrection” (once). There is no overshadowing of the Holy Cross on weekdays.

9) The troparion “Christ is risen from the dead...” is also sung at the beginning of prayers, memorial services, Baptism, funeral services and other services.

10) “To the Heavenly King...” is not read or sung until the day of the Holy Trinity.

11) Services of happened saints in all Sundays Holy Pentecost (except for Martyr George, Apostle John the Theologian, St. Nicholas, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena, temple and polyeleos holidays) are not combined with the Sunday service, but are performed at Compline along with the canon of the Theotokos from Octoechos and the three canticles of the Colored Triodion ( placed in the Triodion appendix).

12) “Having seen the Resurrection of Christ...” at Sunday matins is sung three times, and on other days at matins, before the 50th Psalm, once.

13) The Canon of Easter is sung at Sunday matins in the Week of the Myrrh-Bearing Women, the paralytic, the Samaritan and the blind man, with all the troparions and the Theotokos, without the final “Christ is risen from the dead...” for each song and without choruses for the 9th song of the canon. On weekdays (at weekday services), the Easter canon is not supposed to be sung. On the Sunday of Antipascha and on holidays, with great doxology, it is necessary to sing the irmos of Easter (except for the Midsummer and its celebration).

14) In all the Weeks (i.e. Sundays) before the celebration of Easter, “The Most Honest” is not sung at Sunday Matins. Every church ceremony takes place on the 9th song of the canon.

15) Exapostilary “Having fallen asleep in the flesh...” is sung at Sunday matins in the week when the canon of Easter is due.

16) At the 1st hour on all days from the Week of St. Thomas until the Ascension, it is customary to sing instead of “The Chosen Voivode...” the kontakion of Easter, tone 8: “Even to the grave...”.

17) At the Liturgy, on all days before the Ascension, except for the feast of Mid-Apocalypse and its giving, the venerable hymn is sung: “The angel cried out...” and “Shine, shine...”.

18) Communicated with Easter “Receive the Body of Christ...” is sung on all days before the celebration of Easter, except for the Week of St. Thomas and Midsummer with the afterfeast.

19) Prostrations to the ground before the day of the Holy Trinity are canceled by the Charter.

In the sequence of Monday of the 2nd week, the beginning of Matins is shown as follows: “Glory to the Holy Ones and Consubstantial...”, “Christ is Risen...” (three times). And “abie” (immediately) after “Christ is risen...” - “Glory to God in the highest” and the usual six psalms. At the same time, it was noted that such a beginning of Matins should be “even before the Ascension.”
See: Valentin, Hierom. Additions and amendments to the archpriest’s book “A Guide to the Study of the Charter of Divine Services of the Orthodox Church.” 2nd ed., add. M., 1909. P. 19.
See: Rozanov V. Liturgical Charter of the Orthodox Church. P. 694.
See: Rozanov V. Liturgical Charter of the Orthodox Church. P. 676. There is an opinion that “Christ is Risen...” at the beginning of the 1st hour is read only if there was a holiday at Matins; after daily matins, the 1st hour, according to this point of view, as an attached service, begins immediately with “Come, let us worship...” (see: Michael, Hierom. Liturgics: Course of Lectures. M., 2001. P. 196).

This article contains: a powerful Easter prayer for all illnesses - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Easter prayers for health, money, luck, love, marriage and wealth have had power and special energy since ancient times. Prayers for Easter were said and read during serious illnesses of relatives and friends, and they were remembered when it was necessary to attract good luck with the help of Easter prayer when starting a new business.

I WANT offers you the best texts and words of prayers for Easter 2016, which have been preserved and survived to this day. May they certainly bring you good luck, protect you from adversity and preserve love, health, prosperity and prosperity in your home! Let's read!

Prayer to be read for Easter

Mother Mary carried Christ,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Prayer on Easter night: text

Powerful prayer for Easter

Prayer for Easter for health from any disease

If an adult or child is constantly and severely ill, do the following for Easter. Pour holy water brought from church into a small bottle. Dip the (consecrated) pectoral cross of the person you want to heal into it and read the prayer for health for Easter 3 times:

Powerful prayer for Easter for good luck and peace in the family

A strong prayer for good luck and peace in the family, helping to improve family relationships. To do this, on the third day after Easter, the prayer for good luck is read twelve times in a row.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

His holy army,

Easter prayer for money

On Easter Eve, place a colored egg and money in every corner of your house, while saying a prayer for money for Easter 2016:

Won't come out of this corner

So from my house

The money never came out.

The eggs are eaten the next day, but the money is not spent until the end of Easter week.

Strong prayer for Easter “Christ is Risen” - Texts of prayers and spells to attract good luck to the house, conducting Easter rituals for health, money, marriage and peace in the family

Prayers that are worth reading on Easter have had special power and energy among Orthodox Christians since Ancient times. It was customary to pronounce sacred conspiracies to improve the health of close relatives and to recover from serious illnesses, to attract prosperity and good luck to the house, to increase money and wealth. Young girls read a prayer for Easter in order to get married soon. And with the help of the Prayer, Christ is Risen, people asked God and higher powers for health, love and peace for the whole family.

Prayers to be read for Easter - Christ is Risen

We have compiled a list best prayers for Easter in 2017, which have survived to this day. All texts have preserved the Sacred energy of the past and will certainly bring you and your family happiness and good luck, protect children and loved ones from any adversity, bring prosperity and well-being to your home, maintain health, preserve peace and love in relationships between loved ones.

Prayer for Easter - turning to Christ to be healthy and lucky

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Mother Mary carried Christ,

She gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water,

She taught prayers, saved, protected,

And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, wailed,

She suffered together with her dear Son.

Jesus Christ rose again on Sunday,

From now on His glory will be from earth to heaven.

Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us,

He graciously accepts our prayers.

Lord, hear me, save me, protect me

From all troubles now and forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

The text of the prayer Christ is Risen, which should be sung at night on Easter Sunday

Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tombs. (Three times).

Having seen the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one.

We worship Thy Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Thy holy resurrection: for Thou art our God, do we know no other to Thee, we call Thy name.

Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy resurrection of Christ: behold, joy has come through the Cross to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing of His resurrection: having endured crucifixion, destroy death by death. (Three times).

Easter prayer for health - a way to get rid of illnesses

If your child, parents or one of your close relatives is seriously ill, the Easter ritual will help get rid of illnesses. To do this, you need to collect holy water in the church and lower the consecrated cross of a person who needs healing into it. To speed up the treatment of the disease, read the Easter prayer for health 3 times:

There is a wonderful spring in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes his face with water, his illnesses will be washed away. I collected that water and gave it to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After reading the Easter prayer for health, the cross is taken out and put on its owner. Holy water must be smeared three times on the patient’s forehead, then sprinkled on the person’s body 3 times a day for 7 days of Holy Week. Keep a bottle of water near the icon. The ritual will not only help in curing a patient from a serious illness, but will also relieve the entire family from minor ailments that constantly come into the house.

Texts of Easter prayers for good luck, happiness and prosperity

There are a lot of prayers for turning to the Lord on Easter, but people often want to be lucky in all their endeavors. The texts of the most effective requests for help are presented below.

A very strong, proven prayer to attract good luck to your home

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water, taught prayers, saved, protected, and then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, lamented, and suffered together with her dear Son. Jesus Christ rose on Sunday, From now on His glory is from earth to heaven. Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us, graciously accepts our prayers. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me from all troubles now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A strong prayer for good luck on Easter Sunday, so that peace and harmony reign in the family

If you read the plot not only on Easter, but every evening before bed, your prayers will help improve the relationships of your family members. To ensure peace and harmony reign in your home, on the third day after Easter Sunday, read the prayer for good luck 12 times in a row.

Lord, help, Lord, bless with a happy Easter,

Clean days, joyful tears.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

John the Apostle, John the Theologian, John the Baptist,

John the long-suffering, John the headless,

Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, St. George the Victorious,

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,

Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,

Pray for the common path of the servants of God (names of the warring parties).

Calm their anger, tame their anger, quench their rage.

His holy army,

With an invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Easter prayer for marriage - a sure way to quickly find a groom

Surely all lonely girls dream of finding true love and start a family. Even those female representatives who do not talk about it openly, deep down in their hearts want to get married and have a happy marriage. Orthodox Church fully supports good intentions, because it is precisely by being a family man that the laity can lead a pious lifestyle. The church's position in this regard is that the family is a small church, and the Bible says that no one should be alone.

The Easter holidays are the perfect time to ask God for help in finding your life partner. In addition, there are even special icons of Saints in front of which it is recommended to pray for marriage.

The most famous and revered icons in front of which you should read the Easter prayer for marriage

Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title, sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

A wonderful addition to the Easter prayer for marriage would be a visit to the relics of Saints or original miraculous icons, which are regularly brought to churches in different cities. Don’t forget about such a holiday as Easter, and be sure to ask the Mother of God and the Saints to meet your betrothed. After this, go to church for a service, confess and receive communion. After the Sacred ritual of purifying your soul and heart, you will be open to a fateful meeting with your future groom.

Ritual for great love - a spell for Easter cakes

Since Easter can truly be considered a holiday of human and divine love, performing love spells will be very effective. If you have already met your betrothed, and your thoughts towards him are pure, you can perform a love ceremony. When baking Easter buns, prayers are read.

I am beautiful, I am pretty, I look like a slender birch tree. I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body. I am promised to you alone, heaven has destined for us to be together.

  1. When the Easter cake is ready, you need to kiss it and whisper:

Give my kiss to my betrothed, promise happiness to be with me. He will be satisfied with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.

You should treat yourself to a piece of Easter bread young man, and he will definitely show you favor. If you perform the ritual every year on Easter, a man’s attention to you will allow you to live a long and happy life in love and harmony.

It is important to know! Do not under any circumstances try to extract from love magic material gain or to cast a love spell for the purpose of revenge or ridicule, otherwise the consequences of the ritual will be turned against you. A girl can cast a love spell only if she has good intentions and bright feelings towards her chosen one.

The strongest conspiracies for Easter - options for rituals and amulets for Holy Week

Easter is not only joyful and bright Orthodox holiday, during which a person can be spiritually reborn. This Sunday is a very favorable time for magical rituals. Conspiracies for Easter have very great energy, since a large number of Orthodox believers are in great spiritual tension.

The power of amulets performed on Easter Sunday also increases because in the spring the human biofield with nature is restored after winter. That is why our pagan ancestors used this period to perform magical rituals.

Easter prayer to attract money and wealth

To ensure that you always have money in your wallet and in your home, on the eve of Easter Sunday in 2017 you should put a colored egg and a banknote in all corners of your apartment. In this case you need to say:

Like an Easter egg with a ruble

Won't come out of this corner

So from my house

The money never came out.

Christ has risen, and to my words Amen.

The next day you need to collect all the eggs in the corners and eat them with the whole family. The charmed money cannot be spent until the end of Holy Week.

Conspiracies for colored eggs for Easter - the path to victory and success

You can also invite good luck into your home with the help of colored eggs illuminated in the church. To do this, you need to take an Easter egg and bring it to your mouth, saying:

“Easter egg, bright egg, blessed egg, break all my troubles, overcome all my failures, spread the good news, bring me good luck.”

Then you need to play cue ball, and if your Easter egg breaks your opponent’s colored egg, you will be lucky and lucky for the whole next year. Try to talk as many of these eggs as possible, and then you will be invincible in achieving your goals at work, school and sports.

Holy Easter of Christ is greatest holiday in the life of any Christian. It is not surprising that, for some time, it changes our entire way of life. In particular, home prayers Holy Week different from the usual ones. The order of preparation of a layman for Communion is changing. From the evening of the first Saturday after Easter until the feast of Trinity, some of the usual elements of morning and evening prayers also change.

So, let's look at how the home prayers of Bright Week are changing and how they differ from those we are used to. I admit that my page can be read by people who are just joining the church, and I will start with a small introduction.

One of important points The church life of a Christian is the daily home (so-called “cell”) reading of morning and evening prayers. This can be compared to " Good morning" And " Good night”, which loving children say to their parents in the morning and when going to bed. Morning and evening prayers are a set of prayers composed by various saints, which the Church recommends as containing the most necessary for every Orthodox doxology and petition to God, the Mother of God and the saints for the day and the coming night.

From the Feast of Easter to the Feast of Trinity, home prayers are modified in order to express respect for the holy holiday during Bright Week and then to show the believer's understanding of the main biblical events that followed it.

The most important change that a believer needs to know about: on all days of Easter Week (Bright Week) - the first week after the Feast of the Resurrection of Christ, until Saturday morning inclusive - evening and morning prayers can't read at home. Instead, the Easter Hours are sung or read. They can be found in large prayer books and canonical prayer books.

Also, any other home prayers of Bright Week - canons, akathists, etc. must be preceded by three readings of the Easter troparion:

“Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tombs.”

Preparation for Communion on Bright Week

If a Christian spent Great Lent in abstinence and prayer, then on Bright Week he can begin Communion on an empty stomach (that is, without taking food or water since midnight), but without fasting the day before. Of course, a reservation should be made that before Communion and break the fast Breaking the fast- permission, at the end of fasting, to eat fasting food that is prohibited during fasting It is necessary in moderation, without overeating and without indulging in drunkenness or smoking tobacco.

The home prayers of Bright Week, which make up the rule for Holy Communion, are changed in this way: instead of the three canons (Repentant, Theotokos and Guardian Angel), the Canon of Easter is read, then the Easter Hours, the Canon for Communion with prayers.

As mentioned above, all prayers, including thanksgiving prayers according to Holy Communion, are preceded by three readings of the troparion of Easter, and psalms and prayers from the Trisagion to “Our Father...” (with troparions after it) are not read.

Regarding confession before Communion: if you confessed during Holy Week and did not commit grave sins, then the need for confession immediately before Communion is best determined with the priest of the church where you want to receive communion or with your confessor.

Home prayers for the second week of Easter and until Trinity

From the second week after Easter (the evening of the first Saturday), the reading of the usual morning and evening prayers is resumed, as well as the Rules for Holy Communion, including the canons to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, the Guardian Angel and the Follow-up to Holy Communion.

However, it is necessary to pay attention to the following features: before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord (40th day after Easter), on the eve of which the Easter holiday is celebrated, instead of praying to the Holy Spirit “Heavenly King...” the Easter troparion “Christ is risen from the dead...” is read three times.

From the Ascension to the Feast of the Holy Trinity (50th day), prayers begin with the Trisagion “Holy God...”, the prayer to the Holy Spirit “Heavenly King...” is not read or sung until the Feast of the Holy Trinity.

I remind you once again that before the day of the Holy Trinity, prostrations to the ground are canceled not only at home, but also in the Temple, in particular - to the exclamation “Holy to the Saints” and when taking out the Holy Chalice.


From Monday of Bright Week until Ascension, instead of the usual ending of the prayers, “It is worthy to eat...”, the worthy saint is sung.

The great Christian holiday Easter is celebrated in 2017 on April 16. The celebration and holiday week are preceded by Lent, which lasts forty days. They say that only believers who follow all the rules of fasting, limiting themselves not only in food, but also in bodily pleasures, can fully understand what the Easter prayer is, and fully feel the meaning of every word. The essence of the holiday is conveyed in short prayer from the Troparion "Christ is risen." Jesus was born outside of sin, he lived sinlessly, died taking upon himself the sins of all mankind, and was resurrected to establish the triumph of life and sinlessness over death and sin. On Easter, many prayers are read - about health, luck, marriage. There are also known spells for Easter that help with various diseases, attracting beauty and wealth, happiness and prosperity.

Orthodox prayer for Easter - Christ has risen from the dead

The Orthodox prayer for Easter, “Christ has risen from the dead,” explains the essence of the holiday itself. This joyful chant from the Troparion of Easter is constantly read at all services in churches. People in Orthodox families who are unable to go to church due to illness or the distant location of the temple can read this prayer at home.

The essence of the prayer “Christ is Risen” for Easter

The essence of the prayer “Christ is risen” and the Troparion of Easter is explained in the following way. Evil is never defeated by evil, however, Jesus Christ, by his death, destroyed the idea of ​​death as the final end of all living things. Having risen from the dead, he proved that with physical death the soul does not die - it is eternal. Believers who follow the teachings of Christ repeat the text of the prayer after the priests and strengthen their faith in eternal life. Having resurrected, Jesus made it clear to everyone that believers will also be resurrected in Christ. By His death and resurrection, Jesus gave hope to humanity for the continuation of eternal life.

Christ rose from the dead, trampling down death by death, and giving life to those in the tombs.
Having seen the Resurrection of Christ (three times), let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We worship Thy Cross, O Christ, and we sing and glorify Thy holy resurrection: for Thou art our God, do we know no other to Thee, we call Thy name. Come, all faithful, let us worship the holy resurrection of Christ: behold, joy has come through the Cross to the whole world. Always blessing the Lord, we sing of His resurrection: having endured crucifixion, destroy death by death. (Thrice)
Having anticipated the morning of Mary, and having found the stone rolled away from the tomb, I hear from the angel: in the light of the ever-present Being, with the dead, why do you seek as a man? You see the graveclothes, preach to the world that the Lord has risen, the slayer of death, as the Son of God, saving the human race.
Even though you descended into the grave, Immortal, you destroyed the power of hell, and you rose again as a conqueror, Christ God, saying to the myrrh-bearing women: Rejoice, and grant peace to your apostles, grant resurrection to the fallen.
In the tomb carnally, in hell with the soul like God, in heaven with the thief, and on the throne you were, Christ, with the Father and the Spirit, fulfilling everything, the Indescribable.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Like the life-bearer, like the reddest of paradise, truly the brightest of all royal palaces, Christ, your tomb, the source of our resurrection.
And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Highly sanctified Divine village, rejoice: for you have given joy, O Theotokos, to those who call: blessed art thou among women, all-immaculate Lady.
Lord have mercy. (40 times)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.
We magnify You, the most honorable cherub and the most glorious seraphim without comparison, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.
Bless in the name of the Lord, father.
Priest: Through the prayers of the saints, our fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death and giving life to those in the tombs (Thrice)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen. Lord have mercy. (Thrice)

Prayer for Easter for health

In Orthodoxy, prayer is considered the most powerful amulet and protector of man. When turning to God in prayer, a believer knows that the Lord always hears him. Evidence of the power of prayer for health was the healing of the infirm by Christ, and numerous contemporary testimonies of believers who saw with their own eyes how a cripple or sick person was healed by the power of the word of the Lord.

Texts of Easter prayers for health

The prayer for health on Easter is always said with special reverence. It is believed that during Easter week God becomes “closer”, hearing every word of the person praying. The texts of prayers can be different - even freely pronouncing your own requests is allowed. However, the prayer for cure from diseases, for healing, called “From three deaths,” is more powerful than others. They say that anyone who reads it before Easter will avoid mortal danger.

Easter prayer for healing - “From three deaths”

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Now and forever and endlessly. Amen. Under Tsar Manuel Komnenos. At his golden laurel, Saint Luke of Christ served the Lord Bot. On the eve of Easter, the saint, in the golden laurel. Hodegetria, the Mother of God, appeared to two blind men. She led them to the Blachernae Temple.
Angels, cherubim, seraphim sang, The blind before Mother Hodegetria received their sight. The holy Ruts wrote this prayer. All 40 saints blessed her. Truly!
The Lord Himself said: “Whoever reads this prayer before Easter will, with its help, escape from three deaths.” Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Prayer for Easter
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary carried Christ,
She gave birth, baptized, fed, gave water,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, wailed,
She suffered together with her dear Son.
Jesus Christ rose again on Sunday,
From now on His glory will be from earth to heaven.
Now he himself, his slaves, takes care of us,
He graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all troubles now and forever.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Prayer for Easter for good luck in business

Force Orthodox prayer“hidden” in the strength of your desire, in the energy message, the power of your thought. It is not without reason that common prayers said in all churches at the same time work wonders. How more faith for a praying person, the more certain the result will be. When praying for good luck on Easter, you can turn to the guardian angel, Jesus, angels, and the saints.

Texts of prayers for good luck in business - How to pray for Easter

On Easter, it is customary to pray for health, well-being in the family, recovery, and good luck in travel. A prayer whose purpose is to attract money is never in first place among Easter prayers. You can ask the Lord for help in financial matters only because of the greatest need. If you are expecting good luck at work, ask Saint Tryphon for help. You will find the texts of prayers for Easter on this page.

Prayer for luck at work

Holy Martyr Tryphon, our quick helper. Be my helper, protector of the evil spirits and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven. Pray to the Almighty that he will give me the joy of work, that he will always be near me and fulfill my plans.

Prayer for wealth and good fortune

The Lord is my shepherd. I will not need anything: He makes me rest in rich pastures and leads me to calm waters, strengthens my soul, guides me on the paths of righteousness. If I walk in the idol of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because You are in darkness. You have prepared a table before me in view of my enemies, you have anointed my head with oil, my cup is overflowing. Thus, Thy goodness and mercy will accompany me throughout the days of my life, and I will remain in the house of the Lord many days. Amen.

Prayer for marriage on Easter

In Orthodoxy, marriage is considered the duty and happiness of every girl. Only married woman can experience the happiness of motherhood, give life to another person, and continue the human race. What to do if time passes and the girl remains unmarried? Orthodox prayer will help here.

Text of Easter prayer for marriage

In order to enter into a strong, unbreakable marriage “in heaven,” a girl must pray on Easter for marriage. The text of such a prayer says that the girl completely trusts her destiny to God, asking him to fill her heart with love. An unmarried girl asks the Lord to keep her chaste until the moment when a worthy groom, her future husband, is found. She asks Jesus not to leave her alone and to give her a faithful life partner, to give her a strong marriage and healthy offspring. In turn, the unmarried girl promises the Lord to be a hardworking housewife, a kind and loving mother, and a devoted wife.

A girl's prayer for marriage

Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything.
Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God.
Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me.
Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors.
Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title, sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth.
Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine

O Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, true bride of Christ! We pray to you, for you have received the special grace that your Bridegroom, Sweet Jesus, has preceded you to: just as you have put to shame the temptations of the tormentor with your wisdom, you have overcome fifty revolutions, and having given them heavenly teaching, you have guided them to the light of the true faith, so ask us for this Godly wisdom, Yes, and we, having broken all the machinations of the hellish tormentor, having despised the temptations of the world and the flesh, will be worthy to appear of Divine glory, and for the expansion of our holy Orthodox faith we will become worthy vessels, and with you in the heavenly tabernacle of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ with the Father and the Holy Spirit Let us praise and glorify to all ages of ages. Amen.

To the Righteous Philaret the Merciful

Troparion, tone 4:
Imitating Abraham in faith and following Job in patience, Father Philaret, you shared the good things of the land with the poor and you endured their deprivation courageously. For this reason, the Hero of God, Christ our God, has crowned you with a bright crown, and pray to Him for the salvation of our souls.
Kontakion, voice 3:
Truly, your all-inclusive purchase is visible and wisely, it is judged by all the wise: for you have given what is long and short-lived, seeking what is above and eternal. Thus and worthily have you gained eternal glory, merciful Philaret.
Stichera, voice 2:
You are from God, says the Theologian, and you are from God, merciful to Philaret. Just as there is God, so is your work, the hedgehog of good deeds, His by nature, and yours by communion.

Easter spells for health and good luck

It is believed that conspiracies pronounced during Holy Week and during Easter week, have the most powerful force. The Orthodox Church does not welcome the fascination with Easter conspiracies, but allows their utterance in case of emergency. For example, there are conspiracies that, when pronounced on Easter, help heal even seriously ill people. For each disease there are special conspiracies, the texts of which are passed down from generation to generation.

Texts of Easter spells - Rituals for health and help against illnesses

Many conspiracies pronounced during Easter and Holy Week have powerful healing powers. When pronouncing their texts, you need to perform various rituals, examples of which you will find on this page. For example, if you want to cure bone pain, you should buy soap at the beginning of Holy Week, its first day. When paying for a purchase, you should leave the change to the seller and not thank him. When pronouncing Easter spells, you can use branches blessed in Palm Sunday willows. To do this, you need to touch the patient with twigs and pronounce the words of the conspiracy. The willow buds and branches themselves will fall at this time, otherwise you yourself may get sick. You can charm diseases with paint easter egg. At the same time, they roll the testicle over the patient, pronouncing words about the resurrection of Christ. Such a conspiracy is pronounced thirty-three times. To help a seriously ill person, you need to come to church with a blessed colored egg and ask the priest to share Christ with you. After this you should approach the icon Holy Mother of God and ask for the healing of the “bar of God” who is suffering from illness. To attract wealth and good luck, on the third day of the holiday you need to be the first to come to the temple and light a candle at the crucifixion of Christ. When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to cross yourself.

Spell for bone pain

"Like soap from my hands the Water of God washes away,
So let all the illness
It is disappearing from my body.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

Conspiracies for diseases

"Saint Paul waved the willow,
(name) drove away the pain from me.
And how true it is that people honor Palm Sunday,
The word is also sacred that my pains will go away.
Amen. Amen. Amen."

“Christ is risen, trampling down death through death.
People praise the Lord
And God’s words drive away my pain.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

"Lord, Almighty God,
Created everything from nothing!
Bless and cleanse my body,
May your work be holy and strong.
Just like the heavenly body, nothing hurts,
Doesn't whine, doesn't tingle and doesn't burn with fire,
So my bones wouldn’t hurt,
They didn’t whine, they didn’t ache, they didn’t burn.
The water of God comes down from heaven,
My body is being cleared of illness.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy for good luck and wealth
"How do people go to this cross,
So let big money come to me.
Now, forever and endlessly."

Any prayer for Easter can help a person, bringing him health, luck, wealth, and help in marriage. There is only one condition under which prayer works - it is sincere faith in the Lord and the words of prayer. Easter conspiracies are also pronounced with all the heart, however, they are distinguished from prayers by the obligatory ritual.