How to know if you are under a spell. Protection from occult influences

Clear signs of a love spell will help you understand that you have been bewitched. The symptoms of magical effects differ in men and women, while the rituals for identifying a love spell are the same for representatives of both sexes.


Signs of a love spell

Love spells are dangerous mainly because it is extremely difficult for the victim to evaluate the substitution of feelings. However, there are a number of symptoms that directly indicate that a love spell has been cast. There are also indirect manifestations that should alert the victim of a love spell and signal that she needs help.

Direct signs

Direct signs that help to understand whether a person is bewitched or not include:

  1. There were problems with eating or sleeping associated with falling in love. Feeling sore and unnaturally tired.
  2. Small foreign objects found in the home or personal belongings. These may include needles, rags or homemade dolls. You should also be wary when in a certain place at home or when wearing some item of clothing, thoughts about your lover intensify.
  3. After falling in love, self-esteem dropped sharply. The impression arises that not only will there be no desire to attract anyone, but there will also be no opportunity.
  4. After starting a relationship with a partner, there is no need to talk with close friends and acquaintances. Even if a person was previously very sociable, all his thoughts are now occupied only with the object of his passion.
  5. The desire and determination to argue with a person disappears, including about things that you absolutely do not like. Actions are performed under the invisible canopy of approval/disapproval of the object of passion.
  6. Constant dreams of the bewitcher. There is a feeling that fantasies are not associated with the joyful feeling of falling in love. Happy dreams involving the object of love do not bring positive emotions.
  7. The victim of a love spell begins to act in a completely unusual manner, the style of clothing and habits change.

Indirect signs

Indirect signs indicating the presence of a love spell include:

  1. Frequent meetings with acquaintances outside the circle.
  2. Obsessive thoughts about an unfamiliar person.
  3. Sudden nostalgia for ex-boyfriend, husband. Although the relationship did not end very peacefully, I only remember positive points and a strong, unmotivated desire to renew them appears.
  4. The shortcomings and ugly actions of the object of passion are not repulsive. The bewitched person prefers to justify or turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of his partner.

How to distinguish sincere love from a love spell?

Distinguish true love from a love spell is quite difficult, but some features are characteristic of magical intervention in feelings:

  1. I suddenly fell in love with a friend who had never been attracted to me in any way.
  2. Feelings seem unnatural. With a reasonable analysis, an understanding arises that the person is absolutely not suitable, does not correspond to tastes, and lacks common hobbies and interests. However, an inexplicable abnormal feeling of euphoria appears when thinking about the object of love.
  3. You feel the need to constantly be close to your loved one, but there is no relief when you meet. Dating is desirable, but depressing.

How does a bewitched person behave?

Main features of behavior during a love spell:

  1. A love spell affects willpower. A bewitched person agrees with the bewitched person in everything, obeys, and can justify cruel treatment and beatings.
  2. A love spell has a strong effect on energy flows. A person under the influence of love spell magic has problems with inspiration, he looks weak and lethargic.
  3. The feeling of falling in love abruptly gives way to apathy or aggressiveness and again turns into euphoria. The victim of a love spell is emotionally unstable.
  4. Criticism towards the object of passion is not perceived or ignored. Sometimes it can provoke anger on the part of the person under the power of a love spell.

Peculiarities of behavior of bewitched men

Bewitched guy:

  • may become whiny, weak, apathetic;
  • does not pay attention to anyone except the chosen one;
  • gives up hobbies;
  • becomes passive, cannot maintain a conversation in a company;
  • all his actions are aimed only at winning love.

Peculiarities of behavior of bewitched women

Bewitched girl:

  • stops taking care of appearance;
  • does not do anything without the approval of the partner;
  • avoids contact with other potential partners;
  • gets angry at any mention of unnatural feelings.

Analysis of relationships to identify love spells

Proven relationship analysis methods to identify love spells:

  1. Happy couples often remember the period of the emergence of sympathy. At the beginning of a relationship, the basis for interaction between lovers is laid - partners get to know each other’s views and needs, and their characters become harmonized. In situations with a love spell, there is no such period. The bewitched person is suppressed by the will of the caster, completely submits to him, and does not pay attention to the lack of mutual understanding.
  2. In relationships, attention is subconsciously directed to the strong qualities of the loved one. Attracts character, intelligence, appearance or hundreds of small details. The love spell does not take into account such nuances. When feelings arise for a person in whom there is nothing attractive, one should suspect the influence of magic.
  3. Sincerity is not characteristic of a determined person. You just have to look your lover closely in the eyes. An averted gaze, a confused or angry facial expression is a sign of possible influence or problems in the relationship.

Rituals to identify a love spell

There are several effective rituals that allow...

Such rituals include:

  • magical ritual with candles;
  • ritual with an egg;
  • ritual with wax to determine a love spell.

Magic ritual with candles

To determine whether a person is bewitched at home, you will need:

  • oil lamp with dim light;
  • 6 drops of Ylan-ylang oil;
  • matches or lighter;
  • 1 green candle (it can also be a red candle, think about which color you like more) 15-20 cm in height;
  • one red ribbon (about 1 m long);
  • one green ribbon (about 1 m long).

The best time to perform the spell is in the second half lunar cycle. The ritual can be performed at any time of the year, but effective results are achieved in the spring.

Ritual process:

  1. It is necessary to create a magic circle.
  2. Pour oil into an oil lamp, light a candle and pray to Mary Magdalene.
  3. Take the green candle in both hands and say: “I give love to the true chosen one. Love comes into my life like spring comes after winter.”
  4. Tie a rubber band around the bottom of the candle.
  5. Then repeat the step with the green ribbon and say: “My love is true, the unloved will not bewitch me, the word is stronger than stone, harder than iron.”
  6. Do not extinguish the candle, pray in gratitude for future love. During the ritual it is necessary to meditate. Then you need to remove both ribbons from the candle and weave them together so that you can wear them on your wrist.
  7. The amulet is worth wearing until your dream partner comes to life. Love spells will not work on the owner of the amulet.

You can learn how to understand that you have been bewitched from the video. Taken by user Evgeniy Green.

Ritual with an egg

A popular way to determine whether someone has been exposed is love magic is the following ritual with an egg. This technique can be used to absorb negative energy or to see if there are severe magical disturbances that require immediate attention.

For the ritual you will need:

  • fresh egg;
  • transparent glass;
  • aroma oil or incense;
  • holy water.

Actions in the ritual:

  1. Take a clean transparent bowl and fill it with holy water.
  2. Add aroma oil or incense to the water and pray to the Gods/Universe to bless the mixture and help you see the truth in the situation.
  3. Take the egg out of the refrigerator and pray that the egg will absorb the negativity.
  4. Place the egg on top part head, move it along the crown.
  5. Move the egg from the back of the head, to the back of the neck, then to the center of the back and around the chest. It is necessary to focus on any negative effects absorbed by the egg.
  6. Then pass the egg over your open palms and over the soles of your feet. It is necessary to perform manipulations from top to bottom to remove negative impact malicious magic from the body.
  7. Then break the shell and pour the egg into a clear glass of water.
  8. Carefully inspect the egg for signs of a conspiracy, look for abnormalities, blood or changes in color.

You need to pay attention to these signs:

  • unpleasant odor;
  • blood in a glass;
  • the water is cloudy.

These traits indicate magical influence, the need to create an amulet or perform protective rituals.

Ritual with wax to determine a love spell

If you suspect that a love spell was cast on your son/daughter, friend or loved one, it is worth checking the effect of the spells. One of the powerful rituals is a magical ritual with a candle.

For the ritual you will need:

  • paper and pen;
  • white wax candle;
  • a large flat-bottomed container filled with water;
  • mirror.

The ritual is best performed on a full moon, closed room, all alone.


  1. You have to wait until nightfall. You should check that no light enters the room.
  2. Place a piece of paper in a bowl of water own name or the name of the person who was bewitched.
  3. Place sheets of paper around the bowl with the names of people potentially involved in the love spell.
  4. Place a mirror in front of the bowl.
  5. Light the candle by tilting it and slowly moving it over the container, drawing an invisible circle. Make sure that the movements remain smooth and stop subconscious attempts to hold the candle closer to the name of the alleged “offender”.
  6. It is necessary to carry out ten circles clockwise and ten circles counterclockwise.
  7. After completing the ritual, carefully look to see if there is a large cluster wax. Repeat the ritual if necessary.

How to find out who did the love spell?

To find out who made the love spell, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. The bewitched person often mentions the name of the one who subjected him to magical influence.
  2. The person on whom the spell has been cast can name the object of his desire in a dream. Sometimes close people may also see in a dream the image of someone who practiced witchcraft.
  3. A bewitched person is constantly found in places where he has never been before.
  4. If the bewitched person behaves inappropriately after meeting his “beloved,” then there is reason to suspect this particular person.

Do I need to remove the love spell?

Love spell is with a strong blow for an energy background. Of course, you should get rid of extraneous magic. To remove the dryness, you should contact a magician, go to church, or create a protective amulet on your own. The bewitched person must be helped in every possible way morally, without provoking him or causing aggression.

It is imperative to remove the love spell. Moreover, if too much time is lost, then a person’s worldview will be irreversibly destroyed, and then it will be almost impossible to return everything to its place.


You can find out in the video. The video was filmed by the Marina Sugrobova channel.

Regardless of what kind of magical ritual, damage, spell, love spell or lapel was previously performed, the result will certainly have its own external manifestations. So, the following “symptoms” are signs of a love spell.

When any magical action is performed on a person (love spell, lapel, ignorance of damage or evil eye), it will always have external “symptoms”. Below are the “symptoms” characteristic of bewitched people.

Direct signs of a love spell

Sometimes, on a threshold or area, you can find “linings” hidden in a secluded place, which served for carrying out a love spell ritual. The purpose of the “linings” is to discourage the bewitched from his family, his wife and children.

How to distinguish the sincere love of two people from the effect of a love spell?

If people love each other of their own free will, their communication and cohabitation gives them both pleasure, they are ready to make selfless sacrifices for each other. There is no place for manipulation, which is present in a union where the other half bewitches the other, humiliates her with actions and words and completely controls her actions.

A bewitched person, although he does not see life without the one who bewitched him, when he is nearby, he experiences pain, torment, jealousy and suffering. But getting rid of a love spell is not so easy.

A love spell is a type of popular, widespread household magic, which is not surprising. Many men and women in love resort to the services of fortune tellers and magicians when they are unable to arouse sympathy or attract the attention of the object of inspiration. A bewitched person does not always realize that intense changes in his behavior are entirely related to magical actions. But if you know how to determine that you have been bewitched, you can easily determine that a magical love spell has been cast on you, or on your loved one.

How to find out whether a person has a love spell or not

A love spell is characterized by the fact that a person falls into a state of fixation on the person who ordered the love spell.

A love spell enhances the body's bad tendencies: if there was a tendency to gluttony, the bewitched person will get fat, if there was a habit of drinking, he will fall into alcoholism.

The first signs of a love spell:

  • The first sign that allows you to identify a love spell is a sharp, and to some extent, unnatural desire for a person of the opposite sex, for whom you previously had no feelings. Also, during the action of a love spell, the bewitched person completely loses interest in other people of the opposite sex, the attraction extends only to the person who cast the love spell;
  • After a love spell, a person experiences addiction rather than passion. You experience such signs of a love spell as an obsessive feeling that you cannot live without the person who cast the love spell on you, but, despite this, from this attraction you experience neither happiness nor joy, all contacts with this person cause only a feeling of guilt;
  • A person who is under the influence of a love spell is in an apathetic state, experiences lethargy, completely loses interest in things previously familiar to him, and does not enjoy life. This inappropriate behavior is noticed by everyone around the person, but the bewitched person himself does not understand this. A man or woman who is bewitched acquires a large number of problems at work, does not complete mandatory tasks, is constantly in depressed state, grows cold towards his family members.
  • The very desire for this person will seem illogical and meaningless, but it will still increase every day.
  • Another way to determine that you have been bewitched is to watch your sleep. If a love spell has been cast on you, most likely you will begin to suffer from insomnia, you will be constantly tired during the day, and at night you will not be able to sleep due to nightmares. You can simply chalk up your condition to a streak of bad luck in your life.
  • All past interests of a person disappear, now he faces only one task - sympathy for the object and the fear of losing this person. This situation leads to humiliation, loss of dignity, simultaneous feelings of hatred and love for the person who bewitched him, and, as a result, a feeling of self-pity.
  • The main evidence of the ritual can be the earth that is scattered at your doorstep, or the earth with salt and poppy seeds in your shoes and clothing pockets. Try looking for ritual objects near your home - pins, melted candles, needles door jambs, matches, nails and much more. All these factors indicate that someone wants to bewitch you. If you discover or feel something, you must urgently contact a specialist who will help remove the consequences of the ritual, otherwise a love spell can simply destroy not only your life, but also the lives of people close to you.

How is a love spell diagnosed?

Possible options for determining a love spell are:

  • Diagnosis of love spell with egg. In this case, you will also need clean spring water and a photo of the person on whom the love spell may have been cast. First, hold the egg in your hands, transfer your warmth and energy to it, then move it over the person’s photo for a couple of minutes so that it absorbs his energy. After this, break the egg and place it in a glass of water. If the yolk at the same time lost its integrity, and the white formed small flagella, indicating the intervention of foreign energy, it is quite possible that they tried to bewitch the person. To make sure of this, place the egg in a dark place for a day. If it looks even worse, this confirms the love spell theory;
  • To diagnose a love spell a loved one, try performing the ritual using church candle. Take the silver chain and candle. Light a candle and take it with your right hand, then place it at the level of your heart. At this moment you need to hold the chain in your left hand. Close your eyes, concentrate and sit there for 10 minutes. If at this time the candle crackles, smokes, and black spots appear on it, it means that a magical effect was exerted on you;
  • If they tried to bewitch a person, he becomes nervous, more absent-minded, his eyes often dart, and his speech may become incoherent. He constantly talks only about the one who ordered the love spell, and follows him everywhere. The behavior of a bewitched person becomes unpredictable, he may fall into hysterics, laugh or cry at random. When trying to speak negatively about someone he has been bewitched by, he may show aggression; in his absence, he falls into an apathetic state and melancholy.

How to find out if there is a love spell on your husband or wife

Hot Red Pepper goes well with Thursday Salt, all natural amulets and any church attributes. The properties of red pepper also interact perfectly with incense and other incense with magical effects.

Red Pepper is completely incompatible with synthetic detergents and soap. If you use Red Pepper even just for food, wash it only with water, otherwise it will stop “working”.

In order to find out whether your husband or wife has a love spell, you need to cut off a small piece about the size of a match head from a bunch of Red Peppers, from one of the pods. This piece should be added to the teapot when you start brewing tea. You need to do everything as usual, and brew the tea as always, just add pepper. When you do this, be sure to say:

Pepper, show yourself, turn to the truth!

And then pour this tea for your spouse. If he doesn’t notice anything, then there is no love spell on him, and if he says that there is something wrong with the tea, then there is a love spell, and it needs to be removed.

Remember that trying to get rid of a love spell yourself is dangerous, so it is better to contact a specialist magician who has experience in such matters.

Help for the bewitched

How to determine a love spell? Here are the obvious signs of a love spell: the bewitched person behaves strangely: he does not hear the words spoken to him, although he has no hearing problems. He does not see - although he is sighted. Looks through a person, as if the person does not exist.

  • It is believed that reading the Psalter for six hours helps to get rid of magical influences. But this method only helps 50%.
  • Do not impose the point of view that a love spell was cast on him. This will make him furious. The victim of a love spell realizes late that he is a victim.
  • If your partner leaves, hold him with all your might, but so that it doesn’t lead to hand-to-hand combat. Let the things remain so he can return. As soon as the effect of the love spell ends, he will have no desire to leave home.

If such a misfortune has happened to someone you know, who has shown signs of a magical love spell, the most important thing is to calm down. This happens!

How to remove the signs of a love spell

  • Attending any trainings helps a lot: dance, painting, psychology, shamanism. Any training knocks you out of a cycle, and the goal of a love spell program is to get you into a cycle.
  • Removing damage using a candle can be effective. Light a candle, pour wax so that the candle makes circles counterclockwise. At the same time, cast any spell against damage. The wax should form a circle. Then this circle needs to be wrapped in paper and thrown away.
  • One of the methods for casting a hard love spell involves creating a doll-double of the love spell victim and reciting spells on this doll. Each chakra has its own conspiracy. At the same time, the words are pronounced: “Your thoughts are obedient to me, your eyes see me, your ears hear.” To destroy the action, you need to do the ritual in reverse order. You can read the plot in reverse: “My thoughts do not obey you, my eyes do not see you, my ears do not hear, and so on.”
  • To get rid of a love spell, you need to ask for protection from higher powers.
  • If you managed to identify a love spell, then effective method To relieve it - therapeutic fasting or a strict diet selected by a specialist.
  • The best way to help in such cases is to escape from those places where the customer of the love spell appears. A love spell, even a very strong one, lasts for a maximum of six months.

Magical interference in a person’s feelings has been the most widespread for hundreds of years. Destructive actions intrusions come at the expense of desires, which negatively affects the mental and physical health victims. How to find out if there is a love spell? In this review, we will analyze in detail the main signs of witchcraft and its diagnosis.

Characteristic manifestations

All people strive for love, but it is not always possible to achieve reciprocity. If the object of adoration does not pay attention, then you have to resort to the help of otherworldly forces. Due to the fact that the victim cannot soberly assess the situation and all the transformations in life, experts call the procedure witchcraft zombification.

A love spell on a person is an aggressive intervention in feelings and desires that is carried out from the outside. Many patients do not pay attention to the increasing frequency of problems, associating them with troubles at work or mental fatigue. During this period, all hidden and obvious vices become aggravated. Chronic drinking or nervous breakdowns are accompanied by outbursts of aggression or suicide attempts.

Often the victim does not even realize that he was bewitched. It is very difficult to determine the symptoms on your own, and many do not want to listen to the comments of friends and relatives. Health problems become chronic, and doctors are unable to find the source of the disease.

How can I find out that a love spell has been cast on me, my son or my husband? There are a number characteristic features, which appear in the charmed person.

  1. Bad mood. A depressed state, gradually turning into depression, often accompanies the victim. I don’t want to do anything and everything always falls out of my hands.
  2. Uncontrollable desire to be with a certain person. All previous interests fade into the background, and the man unconsciously reaches out to her.
  3. Fear of losing a lover. The bewitched person suffers, hates the person who ordered the ritual and hates himself for his weakness.
  4. Insomnia. A person has difficulty falling asleep, and during short minutes of oblivion he often has nightmares.
  5. Physical problems mental health. The body resists witchcraft, so hidden ailments worsen. During this period, disruptions in the functioning of the genitourinary system begin. Immunity to many diseases decreases.
  6. Problems at work. A person pays little attention to the usual process, which is accompanied by career destruction (from salary reduction to dismissal).
  7. Sensitivity. The victim feels sorry for himself, often cries and complains about his bitter fate. Anyone who does not understand him is excluded from his social circle.
  8. Foreign objects. In the house, under the threshold or in pockets, needles, hair and various unexpected things are found. When causing damage, the sorcerer uses certain conductors that convey the necessary information.

Trying to control a person, the performer breaks the bewitched person on the mental level. The victim struggles with the imposed will and your own desires, attachments. Such actions lead to the destruction of family and career. Psychologists misdiagnose depression without even realizing the magical intervention. Inattentiveness of loved ones and ignoring the problem leads to nervous exhaustion, and in a neglected state – to death.

The ritual for menstruation is the most powerful and common love spell on a man. Just a few days after the ritual, the guy experiences sexual attraction to the customer. Often magicians do not recommend using such manipulations, considering them damage. The young ladies do everything on their own and it is no longer possible to “roll back” back.

The victim will desire the tormentor while the love spell is being cast, so they must put up protection so that the loved one does not remove the ritual. Sometimes repeated sessions are carried out, trying to consolidate the result.


If you urgently need to determine at home whether a person has a love spell, then it is better to carry out the ritual using a fresh egg. This method does not require the personal presence of the victim, so you can bring an ordinary photograph. The ritual also requires fresh spring or illuminated church water.

The component is held in the hands for several minutes, trying to transfer body heat through the shell. Then they place it over the image of the intended victim to “gather” information. After 120 seconds, break the egg and pour it into a container with liquid. Magical intervention affects the integrity of the protein or yolk, so pay attention to the signs:

  • heterogeneous structure;
  • strands similar to threads;
  • small nodules.

To confirm the changes, the egg is left in this form for 24 hours in a dark place. If during this period any transformations occurred in him, then this indicates that there is a love spell on the husband or son.

Professionals often use wax diagnostics. To do this, pour into any container clean water, into which a pinch of salt is poured. It is better to take raw materials from church candles. The procedure is carried out both in the presence of the victim and using a photograph. It is important to remain calm and not think about magical ritual, otherwise it is difficult to obtain complete information.

The cut wax is placed in a ladle and melted in a water bath. A ladle is passed over the image of a person three times, and then the contents are poured into the center of the container with liquid. After the substance has hardened, the data can be read.

If the surface remains clean and unclouded, then there are no magical manipulations. The casting is inspected from all sides, paying attention to any growths or irregularities. The more tubercles or tears, the more dangerous the love spell that has been brought upon a person.


How can I find out if I have a love spell? You can recognize a witchcraft ritual on yourself using an ordinary church candle and a silver chain. The ritual is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • light the fire;
  • raise a candle in right hand at the level of the heart;
  • Take the decoration with your free limb.

During the ritual, they close their eyes and sit in silence for at least ten minutes. It is important to drive all extraneous thoughts out of your head, otherwise you will not be able to concentrate. If there is a conspiracy made, then the flame will smoke and shoot. Dripping wax will acquire dark inclusions. Remember: the more active the manifestations, the stronger the witchcraft on my consciousness.

The absence of any changes in the fire indicates that there is no otherworldly influence on you. But there is no need to relax: strong sorcerers may hide signs of love interference, so we recommend not stopping at just one check. Often people forget, and the occult ritual gradually continues its destructive actions.

A love spell on menstruation is one of the simplest and most accessible, so women often use it to attract the object of passion. The effect of such a ritual is short-lived and ends after the cycle ends. If suddenly feelings fade and flare up during a calendar month, then this becomes an indicator of repeated repetition of witchcraft.

Rough interference in a person’s mental spheres is not suitable for harmonious relations, which is always accompanied by scandals and aggression on the part of the victim. The consequence of such negligence will be alcoholism and problems in the intimate sphere. The object of the magical attack lashes out at his family and beloved woman, experiencing constant irritation.

Is there a love spell? / How to find out if there is a love spell?

How to recognize a love spell.

How to determine a love spell / coachhit

We recommend checking for spoilage using salt. In the evening, you need to put your photo on the table and sprinkle salt on top so that the entire image is covered. For 12 minutes they think about something pleasant and bright, throwing all the negativity out of their heads. Then you need to go to sleep in silence. Remember: watching TV or listening to music at night will reduce the effect of the ritual to a minimum.

In the morning, they carefully examine the picture, studying the slightest changes. Any slight darkening in the image indicates that the person has a love spell. The salt is thrown away and the photograph is wrapped in white paper and hide it in an inaccessible, dark place.


What to do? There is no point in waiting for the power of witchcraft to act on you or your husband, but it is better to immediately move on to active maneuvers. We recommend paying attention to your own home and the places in front of your doorstep. Sorcerers leave magical things in the least visible corners. It can be:

  • prickly objects (needles, pins, buttons);
  • substances (sand, earth, sawdust);
  • animal remains (wool, hair).

Sometimes you can find scraps of paper covered with incomprehensible signs and drawings. In some cases, there are letters in Russian that necessarily contain the phrase: “Resa. Rer. Amen". This is the magical completion of a love spell.

Any items found should not be touched with your hands. Experts advise sweeping them with a broom onto a dustpan and throwing them outside the house. If a conspiracy is made, then witchcraft “clues” are never burned in the home or left in the trash. Smoke from “infected” things harms just as much as whole elements.

A person under the influence of a love spell becomes indifferent to the entire world around him and can only be helped if he performs a magical ritual aimed at removing negativity.

A love spell goes through several stages, so people cannot always determine whether there is a problem.

  1. Primary. The initial impact on a person is almost imperceptible.
  2. Rooting. The mistress takes the “reins” into her own hands and controls her husband under the control of the magician.
  3. Recession. The primary signs of a love spell subside, the victim curbs his desires and behavior. Everything is escalating side effects witchcraft.

How to find out who did the damage? It is important to have time to identify the problem and remember all the people who have entered the home in the last few weeks. Often close friends or neighbors become customers, and then the enchanted items are found in living quarters. It is easy to receive such a message as a gift without even knowing its purpose.

A food spell can be cast at work. For this, both sweets and regular bread are used. Quite simple and accessible remedy, especially if a man or guy is not shy about helping himself to other people’s food. To strengthen the effect, rituals must be repeated regularly. If a plain-looking young lady suddenly becomes beloved, then this is a reason to think about negative impact to myself.

Manipulating a doll is black magic that will cause suffering to the victim. The demonic ritual with needles forces a person to toil and completely transform his habits. It is difficult to deal with such a ritual on your own, so you need to contact a specialist. Figures or body parts made of paper, fabric or wax cannot be destroyed, otherwise the bewitched person will die.

Love damage cannot be removed on your own at home. Be sure to find an assistant who will supervise the process. Most often, they read prayers and excuses, and then fast for forty days and perform Sunday services in church.

Men are most often subjected to magical interventions in feelings, so close people need to be as attentive and sensitive as possible. Our recommendations will help determine whether there is a problem.

I was 20 years old when I met a girl. I was working and was planning to go to school. While dating a girl, I began to notice that she was very frivolous about life. I decided not to date this girl. As soon as she found out about this, she told me that I would feel very bad without her. I didn’t believe it at first, but then I realized that it was really true. I couldn’t live a day without her and thought about her all the time. Strong jealousy appeared. I began to lose weight and sometimes could not sleep at night. Depression set in, I went to the doctors, but nothing was found. I took antidepressants for a while, which helped a little. I also began to notice that I had lost interest in other women, and practically didn’t notice anyone. Then my friends told me that I must have been bewitched.

I began to look for a way out of this situation. At this time, the girl left for another city, and I felt a little better. I began to cope with the situation. Went to Church, confessed, took communion, etc. It seems to have passed. But the girl arrived, and I was drawn to her again. A frank conversation took place. She hinted that she went to a witch. And that it was the same with her first boyfriend. But she herself gave birth to a child out of wedlock, began drinking and is getting married for the third time. And I still can’t get married. I don’t know why, maybe she’s the reason, or maybe I no longer have the desire to communicate seriously with women.

Alex, 46 years old.

Good afternoon

I was a little over twenty. I had recently graduated from university and was now a licensed psychologist. I also managed to get married, give birth to a child, get divorced and move to the capital. A young, beautiful, self-confident girl with great ambitions and an overgrown sense of self-esteem.

In Moscow, I met a woman, the head of a small psychological center, and we began to work together. She was interested in esotericism, extrasensory perception, fortune telling and often used all this in her work. I was amused by these methods of work, I did not believe in them, I considered them bait for a certain type of client, nothing more.

She invited me many times to become her student, saying: “Extrasensory perception is the same psychology, only you have the opportunity to work directly with inner world a person, bypassing consciousness, and therefore without encountering defenses and resistance.” In the end, I agreed and we started classes.

The first thing that unpleasantly surprised me was a very strange feeling during classes. It feels like someone is stirring inside you, and not so much on the physical level, but on another, much deeper level. I definitely felt someone's presence, and that someone was vile. I asked my new teacher many times whether this was the result of her actions, whether she was trying to “work directly” with my inner world, bypassing my “defenses and resistances.” For some reason, I didn’t want this at all. She looked at me in surprise and shook her head negatively.

I was also amazed by the content of the classes. We started the training by talking about sins. I expected anything, but not this. Moreover, we talked about sins without even trying to look into them. Holy Bible. My spiritual education at that time consisted only of the children's Bible, which I read a long time ago. But, nevertheless, there was a feeling that I was being fed a very free and inaccurate retelling. It turned out that the most important thing is to admit your sinfulness and agree with it. In fashion magazines it's called in beautiful words“accept yourself as you are.” It is not at all necessary to correct sins. You can, of course, try, but you shouldn’t get carried away, because nothing will come of it anyway: the person is too weak, he is not able to fight his passions.

The turning point came when we talked about the sin of adultery. It turned out that adultery is sex without love. That is, if you sleep with the first person you meet, but at the same time call your feelings for him love, then there is no sin. Then something clicked inside me and I abandoned further studies. More precisely, she said that I wanted to take a break for an indefinite period of time.

During the same period, I began to be very drawn to the temple. I came in, looked at the candles, at the icons, and I felt very, very good. But thoughts constantly swirled in my head: “You are a stranger here, they have their own world, their own life, no one needs you.” And I left.

Some kind of internal tension was growing, I was completely confused, I didn’t know which way to move next. My head is a complete mess, there is no value system. And my “teacher” spoke more and more insistently about the need to continue classes.

And at this very moment he appeared in my life. He turned out to be a pimp and, by a strange coincidence, a great supporter of extrasensory perception. The feeling that literally pierced me from our first meeting cannot be called either falling in love or even passion. It was a real obsession. I understood that I absolutely didn’t need this person, I didn’t find anything attractive in him, but I woke up in the morning and went to him. I knew that I was falling into the abyss, but I couldn’t help myself. It was like he had me on a short leash. Then I remembered my colleague and turned to her for help. I will not describe how this “therapy” took place. I’ll just say that my “teacher” at some point said: “Oh, this is happening here... I’d better go to another room, it’s safer there. Figure it out for yourself." And she left. I don’t know what happened what happened. But the feeling was that I was repeatedly lifted out of the chair in which I was sitting and thrown back. So I left the “therapy” pretty shabby. But in my thoughts, it seemed, I was full order: my conscience no longer gnawed, I realized that my relationship with this man is my personal matter, which does not concern anyone, so we can calmly continue our relationship.

And then I had a dream. Horrible dream. And there, in a dream, I really wanted to pray, but I didn’t know a single prayer and couldn’t remember anything. The first thing I did in the morning was to find the “Our Father” on the Internet.

A few days later I found myself in the temple. She didn’t come, she didn’t even intend to go there - she just turned out to be. She stood and cried. The abbot noticed me and called me over. He talked about something, and I listened silently, only nodded occasionally. Then I returned to my “teacher” all the books she gave me. And a couple of weeks later I bought a cross. Then there was the first confession, which lasted, it seems, more than two hours (thanks to the priest for not sparing his time and energy on me). Now I work as a psychologist at the temple.

28 years ago I got married. I simply adored my husband, he seemed to me the most the best man in the world, although he drank. Over time, his drinking became more frequent, and we began to quarrel over it. Quarrels began to reach terrible scandals, but the worst thing is that I forgave him everything. One day he raised his hand to me. I kicked him out, but then called him back, as if I was to blame for what happened. My mother told me that I was bewitched, but I didn’t believe her.

Such difficult years of living together passed, but I could not part with him. He offended me, and I felt sorry for him. 4 months ago he left for his mistress. And for me it was a nightmare. I understood that I should be glad that the alcoholic had left me. And I started to feel depressed, I was in the hospital, I lost sleep, I lost 16 kg. At work and at home, all thoughts were only about him. I didn't want to live. At first I wanted to take revenge on him, to bewitch him, I began to read a plot to quarrel with my mistress, but I was afraid that I would sell my soul to the devil. I gave up everything. I couldn’t find a place for myself out of sadness, I cried and cried all the time. After my husband’s calls (he sometimes called on business matters), she fell into depression. I wanted to call him constantly, to hear him. I understood that I was humiliating myself by maintaining a relationship with him. But she couldn’t help herself.

Then I began to pray to God that the Lord would forgive me and give me comfort. One day after work I went to church, prayed and cried. The priest came up to me and said that he wanted to talk to me. I told him everything. For two evenings he read prayers over me. It turned out that my husband’s grandmother and mother-in-law bewitched me to him. If only it was good for him, that I would look after him, run around like a little dog, save him, and protect him from drunkenness. And they didn’t care that they ruined my life. After these prayers, confession and communion, I became a different person. I enjoy life, every day of it, but recently I wanted to die.

People, be merciful, don’t bewitch anyone. Don't ruin people's lives.

Nina, 50 years old

I am one of those men who suffered from a “love spell”. My wife was vacationing at the dacha with the children, and I was working in Moscow. And I started “hanging out” on a dating site. Fooled people's heads about serious relationship, but he just wanted to get laid. But for the most part, the local public readily responded to such proposals. I liked it too: today - one, tomorrow - another, online I love the third... This went on almost all summer.

And then one Saturday summer evening I met a young lady. During the correspondence I chatted about the fact that I have a lot of apartments. And the car is not cheap at all, it rings in your pockets and all that. Late in the evening we met in a cafe, then went for a walk around the city. We chatted nicely about this and that. I didn't think about anything more. But my attitude towards her suddenly began to change dramatically (after having dinner together in another cafe 4 hours after the meeting). It seemed “natural” to me. Suddenly I wanted to give her flowers (although at first I didn’t like her!), I wanted to kiss her (and in some romantic place), and then it came to inviting her to her home. Upon entering the apartment, it seemed that there was someone else there.

There was only one bed, we went to bed in our clothes. I said that I needed to sleep (it was already morning) for literally an hour, and I would go home. We lay down on the bed in our clothes, and I didn’t have any thoughts about “something.” The girl often shuddered in her sleep, her lips “smacked” and drooled. I didn’t like it very much, I decided to go home. Suddenly the girl woke up - and we “sinned.” We had breakfast, and then strange things began to happen to me. I felt strangely calm. I no longer wanted to go anywhere at all, not even to work. The girl said that she was leaving today on vacation to her homeland and would return in two weeks. It was like an electric shock hit me. There was sadness, as if life had ended. She began to get ready, and I went to my place, agreeing to take her to the airport. On the way home I thought only about her. He did not answer calls from other “friends”. There were a lot of tears and romance along the way and in the port. All thoughts in my head were only about her. Daily hours-long conversations and SMS.

I told my wife that I “fell in love” with someone else. Upon her arrival, he moved in with her. But doubts rarely appeared in my soul that something was wrong here. That it doesn't happen that way. But then everything fell into place. Life seemed happy. True, I often caused some kind of incomprehensible aggression and anger in the new “wife”. Constant “extortions” - like, give me money. From a wealthy man he turned (very quickly) into a beggar. Conversations began about registration and other things. material goods. This went on for 3 months until I “broke through” for the first time. When I was alone in our apartment, I suddenly became scared, my mood often began to change. I went and unexpectedly got drunk.

I called my wife and said that I love her and don’t know what’s wrong with me. When my “beloved” came home from work, we had a fight. I went home happy. But just before the house my mistress called, and I, like I wasn’t myself, went to her. In the morning I got ready to go home again, and in the evening I went back to her place. A week passed and everything happened again. Then everything seemed to “get better” (later I read her correspondence on her computer - she was discussing with someone how to get me back with the help of a mutual “friend”).

Two months passed, and in another scandal based on jealousy, I literally went crazy. Went to my parents. She told them that I would come back to her anyway. She was so confident. In the evening I felt very bad, my blood pressure dropped significantly, and glitches began.

The emergency doctor arrived and said that I urgently needed to go to Church. I repeated it twice. In the morning everything went away without any medications. It seemed to me that something had “died” inside me.

We talked a lot on the phone, but I only went to her for things a week later. She didn't expect this. Then she called and asked to come back. And at that time I was looking at her profile on a dating site)). But still, a month later we got back together, but we no longer lived together, but were dating. But soon they broke up anyway.

Time passed, and I found out that my former “beloved” was seriously ill with gynecology, had lost a lot of weight and was having no luck in her personal life. I became even more angry. No prospects.

So, dear ladies, you will achieve nothing except harm to yourself with a love spell. Literally, if you win three pennies, you will lose millions. Be reasonable - if everything was so great with magic, everyone would be doing it. Everything dark cannot do anything good in principle. Well, a wolf cannot eat grass. Good luck to everyone and remember that only with God everything is possible!

Dmitry, 35 years old.

Leave a review Read reviews
There is no need to look for signs of a love spell, but if found, act
Stories of bewitched men. Signs of a love spell (1)
What is stronger than a love spell? (Life of Saints Cyprian and Justina)
Protection from occult influences ( Hieromonk Anatoly (Berestov), ​​Doctor of Medical Sciences)
The power of demons over man is punishment for sin ( Archimandrite German (Chesnokov))
Stories of the Bewitched. Depression set in (3)
How to protect yourself from the evil eye, conspiracy and evil spells ( Valery Dukhanin)

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