Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov and Vodonaeva. Anastasia Volochkova started a terrible scandal with Alena Vodonaeva

Not long ago, Alena Vodonaeva wrote a column for an online publication that caused a lot of noise. The TV presenter said that she does not want to have anything to do with overweight women who do not strive to take care of themselves. In Alena’s article it was written that she was not very pleased to be in the same room with those who lead a sedentary lifestyle and eat a lot, preferring unhealthy and high-calorie dishes to all others.

Vodonaeva’s material, which touched on a resonant topic, caused heated public discussions. While some girls admired the star’s column, which helped them finally take care of themselves, others, on the contrary, found Alena’s material too harsh. So, ballerina Anastasia Volochkova stood up for overweight people. “Even if your body is curvy, you are beautiful! Keep kindness in your heart! And when some people say that they won’t go into the sea with fat people... I want to say: “So just sit at home yourself!..” – the celebrity wrote on her microblog.

The “Live Broadcast” program decided to discuss Alena’s column. The woman was not afraid to take part in the discussion of her material and adequately responded to the statements of her opponents.

“For me, overweight people are exactly the same problem as severe drug addiction. You can be indignant for a long time, but for me, for example, it’s unpleasant to look at an overweight woman on the beach eating cheburek, and a man who takes his dose in the same way. We, women, are obliged to take care of ourselves and control our weight, monitor our health,” said the presenter.

At some point, the discussions became too lively, and a scandal occurred in the program studio - designer Maria Pogrebnyak quarreled with plus-size model Dilara Larina. She provoked the slender blonde and Alena Vodonaeva in every possible way, not mincing words. During one of Dilyara’s critical remarks, delivered in a raised voice, Maria could not stand it and stood up from her seat. “Shame?.. Why is she insulting me?” – said the upset wife of the football player, leaving the studio. After some time, the beauty calmed down and joined the discussion again.

// Photo: frame from the “Live Broadcast” program

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova also spoke out on the controversial topic. Unlike the plus-size model, she did not start a scandal and provoke the public. In a soft and tactful manner, the artist expressed disagreement with Alena Vodonaeva’s opinion.

“You can be kinder in this world and try to give some advice. I am against doing this in a harsh manner. Prompting and saying “I won’t sit on the couch with a fat person” are completely different things. There are such dystrophies that it becomes scary. Is this beauty? Beauty is in the human soul. There are so many women who, you know, are not thin, but they are toned. The main thing is muscle and body tone,” said Anastasia.

// Photo: frame from the “Live Broadcast” program

Lawyer Katya Gordon also shared her point of view regarding compliance with beauty standards. A woman who recently became a mother for the second time noted that the fairer sex needs to keep in shape.

“A month ago, when I gave birth to my second child, I had two options - go to the “chubby” clan, which my body could easily do, or still try. Of course, the path to a sporty and slim figure is longer and more difficult, and in this case discipline is needed. Alena is right. She may be harsh, but she says the right things... It’s easy to say that we are good the way we are, but that’s not true,” the human rights activist said.

In addition to Katya Gordon, the guests of the program were Alena Kravets, coach Yulia Pecherskaya, public figure Evgeny Tarlo and many others. At the end of the TV show, Alena Vodonaeva noted that self-care does not require large financial costs. “Excess weight is bad, don’t go to a fortune teller here. And you can lead a healthy lifestyle cheaply,” noted the TV star.

The famous TV presenter and glossy star Alena Vodonaeva called overweight people almost subhuman, with whom she would not even go into the same elevator. “If I’m riding in an elevator with a fat man, flying on an airplane, going into the same water when I’m at sea, it’s unpleasant. For example, I won’t even go swimming if there is a very large person in the water or in the pool. I'll wait until it comes out... I also don't want to know what they smell like. How they look in underwear and without it...” wrote Alena Vodonaeva.

Humiliating everyone, Alena boasted with undisguised pleasure of her perfect figure. Vodonaeva now faces lawsuits for insults, intolerance and discrimination. In “Live” there is a confrontation: the queen of gloss herself and those whom she considers inferior...

Anastasia Volochkova and Alena Vodonaeva had a big quarrel - PolitRussia

The cause of a loud scandal during the filming of the program “Live” with Boris Korchevnikov was an aggressive statement by a former participant in the television project “Dom-2” against obese women.

Earlier, Russian TV presenter and blogger Alena Vodonaeva wrote a note in which she harshly criticized overweight people. The model asserted with confidence: “A woman should and must be beautiful, and fat ladies do not deserve any excuse.”

Moreover, the ex-participant of the Dom-2 program emphasized that it was completely unpleasant for her to be in the same room with fat people: “I ride in an elevator with a fat man, fly on an airplane, go into the same water when I’m at sea - and this unpleasant. For example, I won’t even go swimming if there is a very large person in the water or in the pool. I'll wait for him to come out. And even though I am that same fat shamer, as the author says, I believe that it should be a shame in our age of information, with our capabilities, knowledge and choice to be an overweight person.”

Anastasia Volochkova did not share Alena Vodonaeva’s point of view and argued with the TV presenter. The ballerina explained that every person on the planet is beautiful in their own way, and if someone’s shape does not suit someone, then these are only the problems of the viewer: “Even if your body is curvy, you are beautiful. Keep kindness in your heart, and when some say that they will not go into the sea with fat people, I want to say: “So sit at home yourself, don’t judge, but help. Or be content with the high cost and money. But this is not everything in life, not everything is bought and sold for money. It is important to remain human. Not many people can do this.”

Original release title:

Live broadcast with Boris Korchevnikov

Player quality: High HD, HDRip (legal)
Talk show production: New company and Studio for special and linear projects of the Russia 1 TV channel.
Show producers: Natalya Nikonova
Composer: Anton Gryzlov
Duration of each episode: approximately 60 minutes
Slogan of the show: "We're live"
Leading: 2011 - 2013 (Vladimir Zelensky), 2013 to this day Boris Korchevnikov
Genre: talk show, program
Show premiere: April 4, 2011 on Russia 1 channel
Characters: stars and asterisks, rejected and lovers, criminals and heroes, ordinary people from all over the country.

Transfer information: This is a public talk show that has been broadcast by Russia 1 TV channel since 2011 and today has a huge number of viewers, since the program is interesting and raises many problems of different directions. Basically, the topics for general discussion in the Live TV studio are high-profile scandals, accusations, fakes and many other unpleasant events from the everyday life of the “stars” and “kings” of show business: piquant and revealing photographs that were published in the wider media, divorces, high-profile and scandalous accusations of illegal prostitution, beatings, humiliation, divorces, crimes, beatings and much, much more. In addition to show business, the programs periodically air and discuss high-profile stories about the cruelty and cynicism of teenagers, high-profile illegal actions, issues of deprivation of maternal rights and other events that cause resonance in society. In general, watch the program and draw your own conclusions about this or that situation, learn from other people’s mistakes, be human!
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The other day, the former star of “House-2” said that she does not respect people who are overweight. “Don’t just talk about being overweight due to illness. Everyone knows what I mean! I don’t respect those who are overfed and don’t take care of themselves! Dot!" - she said.

According to Alena, she is disgusted to see fat people in public places, especially on beaches. “I ride in an elevator with a fat man, I fly on an airplane, I go into the same water when I’m at sea - and it’s unpleasant. It’s true, for example, I won’t even go swimming if there is a very big person in the water or in the pool. I'll wait for him to come out. And even though I am that same fat shamer, as the author says, I believe that in our age of information, with our capabilities, knowledge and choice, it should be a shame to be an overweight person!” — Vodonaeva shared.

Posted by Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva) Mar 31, 2017 at 10:43 PDT

Vodonaeva’s statement was harshly received by fans. Subscribers absolutely criticized Alena’s revelation. And now Volochkova has joined those who spoke out in defense of the donuts. She supported overweight people and admitted that she considers Alena inhuman. “Even if your body is curvy, you are beautiful! Keep kindness in your heart! And when some people say that they won’t go into the sea with fat people... I want to say: “So just sit at home yourself!” Don't judge, but help! Or be content with the high cost and money! But! That's not all in life! Not everything can be bought and sold for money! It is important to remain human... But. Not many people can do this...” - said Anastasia after filming the program.

Publication from Anastasia Volochkova (@volochkova_art) Mar 31, 2017 at 10:50 PDT

Viewers will be able to see how the scandal between Vodonaeva and Volochkova ended next week. The ballerina warns that the release was extremely emotional.

The illegitimate daughter of the Prince of Monaco made people talk about herself