How does a foam generator work? How to make a homemade nozzle - a foam generator for contactless washing

The safest method for car body paint is a non-contact washing method using a foam generator (we also call it foam). The essence of this method comes down to applying a chemical detergent to the surface of the body in the form of fine foam. After application, it softens dirt and dust, then all that remains is to wash it off with a stream of water. with a paint coating (rag, brush, etc.) eliminates damage surface layers varnish, that is, the formation of the so-called “cobweb” is completely excluded. Therefore, this method of car washing is now a higher priority and more advanced.

The effectiveness of washing is in many ways - the higher its density, the better cleaning properties, less water consumption and chemicals. And it’s the foam generator that produces the foam. Therefore, the main task of a foam generator is to obtain finely dispersed dense foam, as well as its uniform distribution over the surface of the car body.

Foam generator design

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional garden sprayer, circuit diagram they have almost the same. But there is one significant nuance - penogen is equipment that operates under high pressure.

Main constituent elements of this equipment are:

  1. Cylinder (volume varies - from 25 to 100 liters).
  2. Mixer.
  3. Gun.
  4. Connecting hose.

Large equipment, with cylinder large capacity, can be installed on a transport trolley to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless or ordinary steel, but with mandatory coating with anti-corrosion agents. In some factory models, a measuring ruler is installed on the cylinder, which allows you to control consumption and timely refill.

Penogen cannot work independently, since it requires a supply compressed air. For this purpose, there is a fitting on the cylinder for connecting a compressor. Usually operating pressure for a foam generator it is 5-6 Bar. To control the pressure, a pressure gauge is installed on the container; pressure adjustment is carried out using a pressure regulator included in the design.

Foam tablet

The main element of the mixer is the so-called foaming tablet. In reality, it is a fine-mesh mesh, folded in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is installed in a housing mounted on the cylinder. And it is to this that the supply hose is connected. This tablet ensures that the primary foam supplied to it is broken down into a finely dispersed high-density fraction.

The principle of operation of the foam generator

DIY foam generator

The operating principle of the foam generator is very simple:

  1. The washer fills the cylinder with a solution of water and foaming agent (detergent). The neck is then tightly closed, which ensures the container is sealed.
  2. A compressor is connected and air is pumped to the required pressure.
  3. When the gun valve is opened, air begins to squeeze out the solution through the nozzle, where primary foaming occurs.
  4. Moving at high speed, the foamed solution hits the mesh of the foaming tablet and, passing through it, separates, which is accompanied by the formation of fine foam.
  5. The finished foam is fed to the gun and then through the nozzle to the surface of the body.
  6. If necessary, the washer can adjust the flow on the gun (make the spray front wider, increase the speed of the jet).

It is noteworthy that another equipment for contactless washing, a sprayer, works approximately on the same principle. But unlike a foam generator, at the exit from the gun it forms an emulsion, whose cleaning effect is lower than that of foam.

The difference between them comes down to the different application guns used. Emulsion is a slightly different state of liquid than foam, so to spray it you need a nozzle with an enlarged hole. In addition, it is impossible to adjust the emulsion supply parameters of the sprayer, that is, there are no adjustment elements on the gun. These nuances will help you easily distinguish a foam generator from a sprayer.

The main advantages of the foam generator are:

  • economical consumption of detergent;
  • the resulting foam has excellent cleaning function;
  • possibility of adjusting the jet flow;

There are two main disadvantages of this equipment - large dimensions and the need to connect a compressor. Of these qualities, the foam generator is considered equipment for, not very suitable for home use.

Foam kit as a type of foam generator

In garage conditions, it is better to use a foam kit - a variation of equipment for contactless car washing.

Gun with nozzle for washing. Connects via a hose to the sink high pressure

This equipment works a little differently. It also has a capacity, but it is significantly smaller in volume than the foam generator - only 1 liter. Also included in its design is a foaming agent, which immediately plays the role of a gun for application. But unlike foam, the foam kit does not work from a compressor; it is an attachment for high-pressure washers.

A container with a foaming agent, otherwise called a foam nozzle for contactless washing

Foam nozzle diagram

The foam kit works like this:

  1. It fits onto the water supply hose from the high pressure washer.
  2. After the washer is put into operation, water under high pressure is supplied to the foam generator, and from there to a container filled with detergent, where primary foaming occurs.
  3. The resulting solution in the container is squeezed back into the foaming agent by the incoming water, where it passes through the foaming tablet.
  4. At the exit of the tablet, finely dispersed foam is formed, which is supplied through a socket to the surface of the body.

For ease of use, extensions (spears) of different lengths can be connected to the foam generator to ensure the application of foam to any surface of the car, including the roof and underbody.

The stream obtained at the outlet of the foam kit can also be adjusted using a valve installed on the foam generator.

The foam kit is different:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • the resulting foam of good quality;
  • ease of filling (no water required to create a solution);

But without a high-pressure washer, the foam kit will not be able to work.

Due to the powerful jet produced at the output, the consumption of detergent for such equipment is slightly higher than for foam. In general, this is a completely acceptable option for contactless car washing at home. And the foam kit costs much less than a foam generator.

How to make your own foam generator for washing

Foam generator assembly

Considering the design of both types of equipment, you will notice that their main component is a foaming tablet, which can be purchased separately. This means that it is quite possible to make a foam generator with your own hands.

The easiest way to make it is to take a regular garden sprayer as a basis and modify it a little. At the beginning it was mentioned that the foam generator and the sprayer are structurally similar, and this fact is often used when creating homemade foam.

Foam tablet assembly

  • sprayer (volume may vary);
  • two ½-inch bends and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • air fitting;
  • foaming tablet and adapter for it;
  • metal tube.

Having all this, you can start remaking:

  1. We cut off the pressure relief valve and the fitting for connecting the hose from the sprayer.
  2. We insert the brackets into the resulting holes and secure them with nuts on both sides and using sealing gaskets.
  3. We install a tube on one of the pipes (so that it almost reaches the bottom of the container), a check valve and an air fitting.
  4. On the second run, we wind the foaming tablet through the adapter.
  5. Hand pump The pressure pump of the sprayer must be completely turned off, since it will not be needed and will only serve as a tank cap.

Video: DIY foam generator

All that remains is to connect the hose to the outlet fitting of the tablet, and attach a garden spray gun to the other end. At this point the product can be considered ready.

Working with it is not as convenient as with factory equipment, but it is quite acceptable. To wash your car you need to:

  • fill the container with cleaning solution (2/3 full);
  • connect the compressor and pump air into the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the permissible limits);
  • after opening the sprayer valve, the air will squeeze out the solution, push it through the tablet, and at the exit from the gun we will get foam of quite acceptable quality;

Among the inconveniences of a homemade foam generator, one can note the need for periodic pumping up of pressure, since the homemade product is not equipped with a regulator, as well as the inability to adjust the output stream.

But the described design can always be improved by installing additional equipment to eliminate the shortcomings and improve the convenience of working with the foam generator.

In a contactless car wash, the use of detergent mixture generators fully justifies its high initial cost. Buying something like this expensive equipment For household use few can afford. Whereas anyone can construct a foam generator with their own hands. For this you need: straight hands, available materials and a little intelligence.

Foam concentrate design

As you can guess from the name of this device, its main purpose is to bring fluid chemical composition until foamy consistency. The latter, due to its porous structure, lingers better on the surface, cleaning the car from persistent dirt deposits.

The foam generator device includes the following elements:

  • storage tank for concentrated car shampoo;
  • foam tablet. It is this part that is responsible for the consistency of the escaping substance;
  • a nozzle spraying the prepared composition;
  • torch spray regulator, responsible for the area covered by the jet.

Foaming agent can be of two types:

If you decide to make a foam generator with your own hands from available materials, then the first option is more preferable. Technologically, such a project is much easier to implement.

Operating principle

To replicate the foam concentrate at home, you need to clearly understand how we will get the finished mixture for a car wash.

Compressed air is supplied to the concentrated shampoo tank, which starts the initial foaming process. The oxygen-enriched mixture passes through the foam tablet. It is in this place that the formation of a persistent composition used to clean cars occurs. The regulator, which is designed using parallel plates, allows not only to dose the supply power, but also makes the torch flat (this method allows you to cover the maximum area of ​​the car body).

Material for production

A foam generator for washing can be constructed from readily available materials, some of which many experienced car owners won’t even have to buy.

For construction you can use:

  • container with a volume of more than 5 liters. Freon, propane or other containers of a similar type are best suited. It is possible to use thick-walled plastic garden sprayers;
  • compressor for pressurizing the receiver. The minimum value is about 6 Atm;
  • hose with minimum cross-section 20 mm:
  • You can use a foam sponge, fishing line or thin wire as a foam tablet. It is possible to use an aerotor;
  • the limiter of the foaming filler can be made of a mesh with large honeycombs;
  • adapter, as well as connecting elements, which can be purchased at any plumbing store;
  • fumlent for sealing threaded connections;
  • gun for supplying the finished solution to the car body. The handle with attachment can be purchased at garden supply stores.
  • It is advisable to install a pressure gauge.


It is impossible to construct a foam generator for washing, as well as to repair or service a car without certain tools. For work you will need: an angle grinder, a tape measure, a caliper, wrenches, pliers, a knife. When working with a metal container, it may be necessary welding machine. In any case, much will depend on the device configuration you choose.

Construction process

You need to understand that a homemade foam generator is always room for your own imagination and ingenuity. The instructions below are only guidelines and possible way how a unit of this type can be constructed.

Let's look at the process step by step:

  • fill one end of the prepared hose with a foam sponge crumpled with thin wire or fishing line (minimum length 50-70 cm). The density of the foam will depend on the amount of filling material. To prevent material from entering the nozzle, we install a mesh limiter. We attach the designed gun;
  • One adapter for air supply is cut into the container. The receiver must be designed in such a way that air is supplied from the bottom. To do this, just lay the tube from the connector to the very bottom of the tank. Using an adjustable adapter allows you to control the power of the supplied jet. Another input will be used to output the finished mixture. By the way, a foam tablet can be placed in this place;
  • The air supply hose is connected to the compressor, threaded connections with the body and hoses are sealed with fume tape. Provide openings for filling the receiver with concentrate, which will be hermetically closed during operation of the foam concentrate;
  • To monitor the pressure in the system, you can install a pressure gauge. It can be embedded either into the receiver body or mounted using a mixing-type adapter.

The device is ready for car washing. Making foam concentrates of this type is much cheaper than buying finished product. If you don't have air compressor, car washes can be used to build up pressure. The only drawback is that the concentrate consumption increases.

Many car owners, in order to properly clean their vehicle, entrust this task to professional car wash employees, because it is believed that only they can perform this task at the highest level. And why all? That's right, because they have it for this special equipment and related materials.

As a rule, car processing in such places is carried out in an automatic way, in which an important role is played by a tool such as a foam generator - a special device designed to form bubbles obtained from a synthetic detergent that can provide quick, and most importantly, high-quality cleaning of the contaminated surface of the car. Of course, it would be nice to have such a unit at home, but the truth is that it is not cheap at all and not every car owner can afford it. The solution to this problem could be self-creation foam generator, which will cost much less, but we will now tell you how exactly to perform this task and what is required for this.

1. What is a foam generator and what is it?

Before moving on to the implementation of our plan, let's figure out what a professional apparatus is, used for washing cars at specialized service stations. Let's start with the fact that the foam generator is used when active foam is used. The main functions of the device are to prepare this foam and then distribute it over the surface to be cleaned.

Unlike conventional sprayers, the devices we are interested in are capable of forming a more uniform and finely dispersed foam, which is achieved by exposing the car shampoo to a jet of compressed air passing through a foaming agent. The foaming process in the installation consists of two stages: first is the production of the primary foam, and then the creation of the final, output product. At the first stage, a stream of high-pressure water comes out of the nozzle and connects with the car shampoo solution, simultaneously capturing air that enters the device through its holes. The result is a kind of foamy tincture, but it is not yet suitable for washing.

Its “improvement” takes place at the second stage, when the foam with high speed begins to flow from the mixer to a special foaming tablet. This tablet is made of hydrophobic wire (or mesh), which has increased anti-corrosion resistance and has a calculated cell size. When a foam tincture passes through this element, a stable foam of high expansion is formed, and what highest level multiplicity, the better the quality of surface washing.

At the exit from the tablet, the foam flow takes the form of a flat jet, which is facilitated by parallel installed regulator plates. Foam is applied to the surface of the car using a special gun, and thanks to its long and flexible hose, you can reach even the most inaccessible places. The maximum possible jet height reaches 6 meters.

Using a foam generator has a number of undeniable advantages, which include:

- applying the required amount of foam, without any loss;

Formation of high quality stable foam;

The ability to set a suitable rate of foam consumption (for example, on average, one charge of a 50-liter cylinder is enough to wash 10-15 cars).

The main disadvantages, and they are everywhere, experts include the need to install a compressor and regular refilling of the cylinder. In general, with contactless washing, it is unlikely that you can do without a foam generator, since it is he who is responsible for creating the foam, which cleans off the dirt, and the water pressure only washes it away.

2. Selection of materials for creating a foam generator yourself

As you know, our compatriots have always been distinguished by resourcefulness and enterprise, so it is not surprising that the turn has come to create homemade car wash, along with the same homemade foam generator. We won’t describe the process of creating a sink now, but we’ll still pay attention to the foam generator. So, what might be needed to complete the task? In fact, to manufacture such a device, it will not be enough large quantity toolkit, including a grinder, a set wrenches and standard, inexpensive tools for contactless washing: a “gun”, a washing hose with a nozzle and a compressor, which, preferably, should be factory-made.

Everything except the compressor does not have to be new and expensive, since used devices that need to be slightly altered can also cope with the task. Of course, the most expensive part of the future foam generator is the compressor. In some cases, they use a unit taken from a ZIL truck, of which there are tens of thousands in our country. The main thing is to carefully check that such a compressor does not have any defects (oil leaks or any obvious signs of wear) indicating an imminent possible exit failure, otherwise such a foam generator will only be enough for a few washes.

Often, homemade device of this type, also requires a piece of pipe, the diameter of which will be 2.5 centimeters, and the length will be 30-40 centimeters. This part must be connected to two plugs located on the threads, which allow the connection of other devices. A T-shaped adapter is screwed onto one of them, and an adapter fitting is screwed onto the second, from which foam will appear. Using shut-off valves, hoses are connected to the outlets of the T-shaped adapter, connecting it to the compressor and a container with car shampoo from which foam is produced.

In another option, creating a foam generator for home washing, two tees, preferably made of steel, are attached to the plugs. Also, it is worth preparing a tank for future liquid filling; an old propane cylinder, presented in the form of a barrel, is perfect for the role. large diameter. The finishing touch, completing the design of our device will be a foam generator mesh, which, in fact, is responsible for the formation of small bubbles - so effective in removing dirt deposits. The following materials are suitable for its creation: foam sponge with large holes, polyethylene synthetic body washcloth, nylon fishing line.

3. How to make a foam generator at home?

Well, having prepared everything you need, you can begin the process of creating our home foam generator. To begin with, let’s work on the device’s sprayer, to create which we use a pre-prepared section of pipe. Inside the segment you need to insert a mesh created from the materials described above. If you decide to use a washcloth for your body, just cut out a circle required diameter and place it in the pipe, making sure that it is tightly fixed and will not be washed away under the pressure of the foam solution.

If you use fishing line, it must be twisted tightly, resulting in a small tangled ball, and placed in the pipe in the same way.

Note! It is important that in the sprayer homemade generator there were as many threads as possible blocking the path of the liquid, because only in this case will the foam be able to form taking into account small bubbles that have a sufficiently high density.

On both sides of the pipe, you need to install threaded plugs - the outer one is used to fix the fitting. In addition, you can additionally install a damper on the foam generator, which will limit the supply of liquid and make it possible to quickly change the characteristics of the supplied jet. On the other side of the pipe, the plug should be connected to a steel tee, and for greater reliability it is better to place it on a sealant. A flexible hose is connected to the second outlet and with its help we connect the pipe to the compressor, on which a tee is also installed.

If you want to improve the design of the foam generator and increase the density of the foam, then for this the pipe can be made longer, and more obstacles can be created inside it using the materials already described. The only disadvantage of this option is that the outlet pressure of the jet will be somewhat lower.

But let's return to our design. After completing the described steps, you will notice that there are still free spaces on the tees (one on each) - we use them to supply the detergent solution. However, first, let's look at the storage tank. As mentioned earlier, a propane tank is perfect for this role. All possible holes should be welded in it, and then two new ones should be created: one should be at the bottom point of the end, and the second should be in the same plane, but somewhere in the middle.

Pipes with fittings are welded to them, which are used for quickly connecting flexible hoses. From a theoretical point of view, the type of connection used is not limited in any way and even push-in adapters or couplings can be used in the foam generator. various designs, the main thing is that they can withstand the pressure created by the compressor. Well, all that remains is to check the functionality of the homemade foam generator and if everything goes as it should, then there will be no problems with washing the car.

4. Modernization of the foam generator device

If the given example of creating a foam generator does not suit you, and you want to make the unit even cheaper, without having to deal with welding work, That you can replace the propane cylinder with any other one plastic container, able to withstand strong pressure. For example, this could be a plastic five-liter oil canister or a similar canister of larger volume. In this case, to get the desired device, it will be enough to solder a tube to it, the second hole of which will be located on top in a plastic vessel.

True, in this case, you will have to constantly monitor the liquid level, because if its volume is insufficient, detergent will not be able to enter the sprayer. Moreover, while working, carefully monitor the condition of the canister itself and if you notice even the slightest signs of imminent damage, stop working immediately, because if they turn into holes, you risk getting into the epicenter of a mini-explosion.

You can improve your homemade foam generator in another way. To increase its efficiency and ease of use, you will need a small tank from a spray gun (aerosol gun) and a nozzle for a high-pressure washer, often called a “spear”. It is this part that, in the improved device, replaces a pipe with filler, while instead of a cylinder a plastic container from a spray gun is used. As a result of such modernization, the most cumbersome and heavy element The structure becomes a compressor, and all equipment can be lifted “with bare hands.”

Naturally, such a foam generator will require significantly higher costs, but it will be portable if, of course, you place it on a small welded frame on wheels. So, what do we get in the end? Despite its “homemade” nature, our foam generator meets all generally accepted standards, which are used by manufacturers of professional equipment for car washes. Of course, in in this case workarounds were used technical solutions, but for a household foam generator, especially if it is used only a few times a week, this is more than enough.

The positive aspect of this design (in addition to being cheap) is that if any of its components fail, you can replace it as quickly as possible. short time without spending serious financial resources on it. However, as practice shows, the service life of a well-made home foam generator is not much inferior to the “life activity” of a factory product, the resource of which sometimes turns out to be excessive for home use. So why pay more?..

Touchless car wash is still considered a luxury for many car enthusiasts. During a crisis, spending 200-300 rubles to wash your iron horse is not the best practical solution.

Of course, you can buy a mini-car wash, but the price often reaches 10-15 thousand rubles. But there is a way out! Assemble a foam generator for washing with your own hands. Moreover, its cost will be several times lower than if you bought a finished product.

The only expensive element of a foam generator for washing is the compressor responsible for pumping air. But it can be purchased on the secondary market for relatively little money (low-power model).

Purpose and principle of operation

Before you start assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of its operation. The device performs two functions: it forms foam and distributes it evenly over the entire surface of the car.

The water stream passes through a special solution in the tank and mixes with the air stream. As a result, foam is formed. However, this is not the whole process. Inside the foam generator for washing, the blown substance must obtain the required density. To do this, soapy water is supplied to a special foaming tablet.

Important! The foaming tablet is resistant to corrosion, so you don’t have to worry about its safety.

The control plates are located in parallel. As a result, the fluid flow becomes flat. The long hose of the device allows you to thoroughly wash your car with comfort. Since the principle of operation is more or less clear, you can start assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands.

Comment! A special car shampoo is used as a detergent in the foam generator.

Assembly methods

There are many methods for assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands. In most cases, to create this device, there are enough components that can be found in any garage.

The drawings of a foam generator for washing are not particularly complicated. It is not surprising that most car owners decide to make this unit with their own hands.

Simple and fast

Attention! First you will need to buy a compressor.

The most convenient way to make a foam generator for washing with your own hands is from a sprayer. The design of this device is almost identical to the factory tank, excluding, of course, some differences.

Important! Please note that the walls of the sprayer must be thick enough to withstand a pressure of 5 atmospheres.

Remove the valve and mounting fitting from the sprayer. In the end you should get two through holes. The hand pump must be disassembled and plugged. Next, you will need the following elements to create an effective foam generator:

  • two half-inch rivets and four nuts;
  • check valve;
  • air fitting;
  • pipe connection barrel;
  • foam tablet;
  • hose adapter;
  • gaskets

Screw the squeegees into a plastic tank and tighten them with nuts. Don't forget to use spacers. They are needed for tightness. Select one of the fittings and screw on the check valve with fitting. On the other, install a barrel to connect with the tablet fixed inside. That's it, the foam generator for washing is made with your own hands.

Important! You need to attach a tube to the outlet through which air is supplied. It is necessary that the air enters from below. Due to this, the liquid will foam.

True, you still have to tinker a little with the hose, but it won’t take much time. Simply attach a garden sprayer to the end.

After you have made the foam generator for washing with your own hands, you need to pour water and a special cleaning agent inside. The proportion is 10 to 1. During operation, the neck should be tightly screwed. Turn on the air supply and activate the sprayer. The average consumption of car shampoo is 20-50 grams per wash.

Important! The compressor must create a pressure in the range of 4-5 atmospheres.

As you can see, the design of a steam generator for washing a garden sprayer is not particularly complicated. On average, the unit can be assembled in 2-2.5 hours.

How to make a foam generator for washing from a plastic canister

This method is even simpler than the previous one. It allows you to assemble a foam generator for washing from improvised means with minimal costs. To do this you will need:

  • set of wrenches,
  • Bulgarian,
  • gun,
  • plastic canister,
  • nozzle,
  • flushing hoses.

Take an inch tube 70 cm long. Fill it with fishing line of different sections. As a result, a homemade mesh should form. Both ends are closed with special plugs. The plugs must have threaded holes.

Install a T-shaped adapter onto one of the foam generator plugs. Attach a fitting to the second one. Attach hoses to the two outlets of the T-piece. At the same time, do not forget about shut-off valves.

One hose of the foam generator for washing will lead to a reservoir with foamy liquid (canister), the other to the compressor. This method allows you to assemble a foam generator with your own hands at home at minimal cost.

Important! When you first turn on your DIY washing steam generator, fill the tank with plain water with a small amount of dye. This will allow you to identify weak points in the structure, if any.

Alternative type of detergent reservoir

When assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands, selecting the right tank is of particular importance. The simplest methods have been described above. Nevertheless the best preparation for the tank is considered propane tank. It can withstand almost any pressure. With its help, you can realize a strong flow without fear of damaging the structure.

To create a full-fledged tank from a propane cylinder, you will have to use welding. First, weld all the old holes and make two new ones: one at the bottom of the end, the second in its middle. Weld tubes with fittings to them.

You can use either collet adapters or couplings. The main thing is that this element of the design of a foam generator for washing, created by yourself, can withstand the pressure generated by the compressor.

For greater convenience, you can make a hatch on top of the foam generator. To make it convenient to refill washing liquid through it. The main thing is not to forget about the seal. The container must be completely sealed.

The lower fitting of the tank is connected directly to the compressor, the upper one is connected to the atomizer. As you can see, the principle of connecting a tank from a propane cylinder is the same as that of a sprayer. But the service life and reliability are many times higher.

How to save on materials

Firstly, it is not necessary to buy new components. Secondly, practice shows that half of the necessary spare parts for assembling a foam generator with your own hands can be found in the garage.

Nevertheless, even a used compressor will cost at least 2-3 thousand rubles. But there is one trick here. This spare part can be removed from an old truck. On message boards on the Internet you can find hundreds of offers from tractor unit owners selling their vehicles for spare parts.

The ZIL-130 is equipped with a compressor of the required power. Most of these cars have been sitting in junkyards for a long time. Therefore, you can take the part you need for a purely nominal fee to the guard, or even for free.

Please check the unit carefully before purchasing. There should be no oil leaks or other defects on it. Otherwise, working with the compressor is dangerous. Even if you manage to start a foam generator for washing, made by yourself, but equipped with a defective compressor, 1-2 cleanings and the unit will fail.

Important! Above we have already presented a way to make a net for bubbles with your own hands. Then a fishing line was used. With the same success, you can use a foam sponge or a polyethylene synthetic body washcloth.

Alternative methods for shaping the atomizer

If you don’t have fishing line, you can make a foam generator sprayer for washing with your own hands from a synthetic washcloth. Simply cut out the piece you need and place it in the tube. Make sure it is securely fastened. It is necessary that it does not crumple under strong pressure.

Important! Your main task when creating a sprayer is to securely fix the filter, which will create small bubbles with high density.

How to make your device more portable

The design of the foam generator for washing can be modernized. Naturally, all operations can be easily done with your own hands. You will need a small reservoir for the spray gun, as well as a pressure washer attachment.

The pipe with the filler is replaced with a nozzle, and the propane tank with a tank for an aerosol gun (you can just as well use a sprayer). The weight of the structure is reduced many times. The installation of a welded frame and wheels makes the foam generator completely portable.


Making your own foam generator for washing yourself takes time and effort. But the result completely pays for all the costs. Now every wash will be practically free for you.

To ensure that your car has an attractive appearance and that the paintwork remains in perfect condition for as long as possible, you should wash your car regularly using a good car shampoo with the right composition.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Often, car owners who want to save money on car wash services prefer to wash their cars themselves, making car shampoo with their own hands. Making your own detergent is not particularly difficult, but you need to remember that the wrong composition can ruin the car’s coating.

Car wash

If you decide to reduce the cost of washing your iron horse and do it yourself, before you start making a cleaning product, read the recipe and purchase quality ingredients. The composition of the shampoo should be professional because:

  • the cleaning solution should form a lot of active foam;
  • wash not only dirt and dust, but also bitumen stains, soot, gasoline, oil;
  • The shampoo should be for manual and contactless washing and be in different containers (jars, canisters).

Some drivers use regular shampoos or dishwashing detergent to wash their cars. They cope with dust and dirt, but oil and soot remain on the surface even after washing. Sometimes vehicle owners do not delve into the recipe necessary to prepare the solution, and then aggressive chemicals spoil the varnish on the surface of the body, which incurs considerable restoration costs.

In order for the vehicle to look well-groomed, the varnish to shine, and the optics to be in perfect condition, you need to use only high-quality detergents designed specifically for washing cars. This will increase attractiveness and reduce accident rates. Car shampoo is one of the main components intended for car care.

Types and features of funds

There are many types of car shampoos. They differ in consistency, aggressiveness, additives, etc.

The following types exist:

  1. For contact washing. These shampoos are designed for hand washing with a cloth or sponge.
  2. Contactless washing. The method involves the use of water supplied under pressure.

GRASS foam for contactless vehicle washing

Today, the automotive market offers products intended mainly for the second type. They are characterized by the formation of a large amount of foam, which acts on dust and dirt, removing it from the surface.

Based on consistency, products are divided into the following types:

  • in the form of a powder that dissolves in water, simultaneously forming foam;
  • paste-like, rubbed over the surface of the car until a foam-like layer appears;
  • liquid, which are poured into special equipment and immediately cover the car body with foam.

IN Lately began to be added to car shampoos various means, which provide the body with light polishing or form a thin film of wax.

A simple option for gentle shampoo

How to make car shampoo with your own hands? To make a homemade cleaning solution for washing, you will need a container from a high-quality product on which the composition is written. We study it carefully and begin to act. We write down all the components, excluding chemical ones. We buy the most common hair shampoo, it doesn’t have to be expensive, simple is fine, add what’s written on your list, and the car shampoo for contactless washing is ready.

Regular hair shampoo

This method is the safest for both the car owner and the paintwork, but it probably won’t cope with complex stains the way you want. But it is economical, easy to make, produces a lot of foam and makes the car look quite clean.

Never use mixtures of cheap chemicals to prepare shampoo. By doing this you will not only undermine your health, but also spoil automotive coating. It will become cloudy, remaining in the same dirty spots, and, possibly, will corrode the varnish layer. Glass may also lose transparency.

Research car washing. What types are there, what products should be used in this or that case, what chemical components are harmful. Only after this begin to study basic recipes for car shampoos.

Car shampoo recipes

On the Internet you can find a whole bunch of recipes that promise us an ideal ratio of price and quality of the resulting product. If you want to cook a perfectly reminiscent store product, take care of purchasing deodorizing fragrances and polishing products. A small number of them will need to be included in the composition.

So, what does homemade contactless washing foam include:

  1. Surfactants.
  2. Foaming agents.

DIY car shampoo

The main thing where we start preparing our solution is the base. In good natural compositions, the base is water with a pH of 7. It is gentle on chrome and varnish. Having decided on the type of sink, you can add the following components. For hand washing they should be less aggressive. The most popular surfactants used in car shampoos are anionic and nonionic.

The next thing they add is complexing agents. They are used to reduce water hardness. If this component is not added, it will lose its fluidity, which will complicate washing in hard-to-reach parts of the car body.

These include:

  • foam formers, which are responsible for the formation of active foam;
  • polyphosphates, silicone resins, anti-corrosion additives;
  • polishing agents that protect against chemical damage and minor mechanical impact;
  • fragrances used to ensure that after washing there is no smell of chemicals included in the shampoo.

You can mix all the ingredients yourself without following strict rules. If you feel that it is difficult for you to cope with this task, and you do not know what and how much to add, buy car shampoo in the store. This will save you from mistakes, the cost of which will be damaged paintwork on your vehicle. Do-it-yourself active foam for contactless washing, prepared correctly, will serve you no worse than what you purchased at a car store.

Do-it-yourself active foam for touchless washing

How to use auto chemicals correctly

Car shampoo prepared at home has virtually no differences in application compared to detergent prepared industrially. Their operating principle is the same, the result is correct use it won't be any different either. You can start using the detergent immediately after you have prepared it. Considering the consistency of the shampoo for contactless washing with your own hands, it must be diluted with plain water.

In order to wash a car, you need to apply a diluted product to the surface, rub it over the car body until a rich foam forms and leave for a while. At this point, the cleaning composition will remove dust from the surface. Then you should use a brush or sponge to rinse the car shampoo off the car and wipe dry.

Wipe glass surfaces and mirrors with a soft, lint-free cloth or special wipes.

Do not allow the detergent to dry on the paintwork. This will lead to stains and streaks.

If you are not sure how much shampoo you should use to wash your car, it is better to use less. A concentrated solution may damage the varnish.

For contactless washing, equipment is used, with which you do not have to deal physical labor and rub the detergent over the surface of your car.

Microfiber cloth for cleaning glass

In order to wash your iron friend, you will need a gun, a spear and a steam generator.

The first step is to wash off dirt, sand and dust with abrasive particles from the machine using ordinary water. This will prevent the paintwork from forming minor scratches. Next, using equipment, detergent is evenly sprayed onto the body. With the help of a steam generator, an ordinary solution of car shampoo and water is converted into persistent foam.

Leave the car for five minutes so that the chemical components act on complex contaminants and corrode them. The composition of car shampoo for contactless washing allows you to cope with even stubborn dirt.

On last stage You should wash off the foam from the car.

Car washing is an important means of maintaining the attractive appearance of the car and the safety of its paintwork.

It doesn’t matter what product you use, homemade or industrial. By following safety precautions and the rules for using the washing solution, the car will thank you with the shine and cleanliness of the body surface.

Car washing is an important means of maintaining an attractive appearance of the car.

Rules that will help you avoid damage to the varnish when washing:

  • the dried solution leaves streaks and stains;
  • glass, mirrors and headlight covers should be wiped dry immediately after washing;
  • a high concentration solution is diluted with water and rubbed quickly until foam forms;
  • the concentrated product spoils the paintwork.