Controls for blinds and roller shutters description. Automatic blinds

The blinds are firmly attached to Russian market as an excellent means for protecting windows from sunlight and prying eyes. But the choice of mechanisms and materials for their manufacture is so wide that it is quite difficult to make a choice right away.

Vertical blinds

This type is used in Lately more often. The control mechanism of such a design is quite multifunctional, allowing you to finely adjust the lighting in the room, transmit diffused soft light or completely illuminate the room.

It is based on the following elements

  • slats,
  • runner,
  • weights,
  • connection and control chains,
  • rope for control.

The slats are attached to the cornice, which serves as load-bearing element. The cornice can be plastic or metal, but the latter is preferable, since plastic ones can simply deform under the load of the slats. In addition, plastic tends to turn yellow and absorb dust.

The slats are attached to the cornice with runners and thus people walk on it. They are made exclusively from plastic, and the service life of the structure as a whole depends on the quality of workmanship. If the quality of the material is low, over time the mechanism begins to jam, the slats become not parallel and fall out.

The weights are designed to put a small load on the structure with a downward traction force so that it does not sway from the wind. They are made of plastic or metal, but are still present in plastic ones metal elements. Plastic in in this case They win - inside them there is a metal ball that is not subject to corrosion, unlike an all-metal one.

The connection chain is designed to fasten all the lamellas from below. Fabric blinds use plastic chains, while metal and plastic blinds use metal chains.

To control the position of the lamellas, a chain and an adjustment rope are attached. They rotate the slats by degrees and raise or lower the canvas as a whole.

Horizontal blinds

This is a traditional type of window protection, which is perfect for functional rooms - kitchens, bathrooms, leaving the space on the windowsill free. On plastic windows These are installed quite simply, without making additional holes, and they are also easy to install in attics.

Among constituent elements of this design are lamellas that can rotate around their own axis using a turning rod. They are located at the same distance, on a small rope ladder attached to the cornice from above.

The control rope is pulled through each lamella, therefore it allows you to raise the canvas to any required height. The material used to make such blinds can be exactly the same as for vertical ones. Therefore, they need to be cared for in the same way, depending on the material.

Roller blinds

In fact, they are also called, since they are already somewhat different from the usual understanding of blinds. This design is based on a fabric wound and twisted on a pipe. The canvas can be up to two meters wide, and its height can be adjusted with a chain. When the roll is assembled, it rolls neatly over the window and does not take up much space.

The blocks can be mounted either on a window or on a wall, since the blocks are quite small and compact. Often this choice is made for bedrooms and children's rooms - the canvas materials allow you to show your imagination and beautifully decorate the window, and the absence of strict lines will give the design a cozy look.

The fabrics are made from fabric treated with agents to extend their service life. These products include antistatic agents, antibacterial impregnations, as well as compounds that repel dust. As a result, you get a canvas that will not wrinkle or become dirty if you periodically clean it correctly.

Roller shutters

This type of structure is popular not only for protecting windows, but also for protecting doors. In Europe they are actively used to protect garages.

The mechanism is based on a fabric of lamellas, which are interconnected and create a solid fabric. In this way, the web can be rolled up and wound onto the shaft. But since the lamellas are made of metal or plastic, the strength is quite high.

The shaft is located in a box that is installed above the window. The canvas is fixed on two guides, so it is not possible to open the window from the outside when the roller shutters are closed. Inside the room it opens thanks to one of the mechanisms.

The mechanism is based on a drive, which can be a crank, belt or cord - these are types of manual drives. But there are also electric drives that are controlled remotely. Such roller shutters are most often installed instead garage doors, since they can be opened from a distance without leaving the car.

Other varieties

Among other types that may confuse you when choosing in a store, you should highlight interframe and attic ones. Essentially, these types of blinds work according to the same mechanism as horizontal ones, but differ in the installation location.

The first ones are installed inside the frame, between the glasses. In this case, the control chain is led indoors, but for this it is necessary to make a hole in the frame. Their advantage is complete invulnerability to dust, as well as absolutely free space on the windowsill.

The second ones are created specifically for inclined windows and are made of aluminum. The difference from the standard horizontal stroke is the presence of a guide cable that will hold the structure regardless of the angle of inclination of the window. And since skylights usually tilted, such structures are indispensable for them. To make structures lighter, lamellas can be made from special lightweight composite compounds coated with a layer of plastic. Then the blinds perform their functions, while reliably protecting the window and extending their service life compared, for example, with plastic or fabric ones.

We use Arduino to make automatic system opening and closing blinds with sound or button activation.

This Arduino blinds project will allow you to automate the opening and closing of blinds using just an Arduino and a stepper motor. With this project, you can save time on the process of opening or closing the blinds, and you can also impress others. For this tutorial we will need the following parts:

The design of this Arduino automatic blind system is quite simple and there are two ways to activate the curtains:

  • Using a sound sensor (microphone) to control it using hand claps;
  • Using buttons to open/close curtains.

Step 2. How does it work?

The operation of this system is very simple. Arduino accepts input signals from a sound sensor (microphone) or buttons. It then controls the stepper motor accordingly via a Darlington driver for the motor. Stepper motor attached to the curtain control handle and thus rotates and opens/closes the curtains.

Step 3. Connect and configure the stepper motor

The project should always be tested first before its final build. Let's start with the engine. The motor is connected to the 4 wires of the driver as shown in the pictures above. Depending on the direction of rotation, the driver must be connected accordingly.

The first button on the right will activate the motor to rotate in a specific direction (you can change this in the code below). Press the button 4 times and it will return to its original position as it will rotate 90 degrees with each press. The middle button blocks the circuit so that the first button cannot activate the motor.

The LED turns on when the engine is locked. The last button will return the motor to its original position no matter where it is when pressed.

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; int numofroun=1; //Change accordingly to your needs int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int lastLockState = LOW; long lastLockTime = 0; int LockState; int Lockreading; bool lock=true; int lastPauseState = LOW; long lastPauseTime = 0; int PauseState; int Pausereading; bool paused=false; bool pause=false; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<8; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void button1() { Lockreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Lockreading != lastLockState) { lastLockTime = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastLockTime) >50) ( if (Lockreading != LockState) ( LockState = Lockreading; if (LockState == HIGH) ( lock=false; if ((place!=1536*numofroun)&&(place!=1024*numofroun)&&(place! =512*numofroun)) (type=abs(type-3);) ) ) ) lastLockState = Lockreading; ) void button2() ( Pausereading = digitalRead(pin); if (Pausereading != lastPauseState) ( lastPauseTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastPauseTime) > 50) ( if (Pausereading != PauseState) ( PauseState = Pausereading; if (PauseState == HIGH) ( Pauseled=!Pauseled; pause=!pause; if (Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);) if (!Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,LOW);) ) ) lastPauseState = Pausereading; ) void button3() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading ! = ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } reset(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button2();button3();} if (!pause) { if (lock==true) {button1();} if (lock==false) {stepper();} if ((place==2048)or(place==0)or(((place==1536*numofroun)or(place==1024*numofroun)or(place==512*numofroun))&&(type==3))) {lock=true;reset();} if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; } }

Step 4. Setting up the Arduino blinds circuit

After testing the stepper motor, you can use the above wiring diagram to make the final prototype. Once you're done you can simply change the input (button) to the sound sensor. Code below:

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; float numofroun=4.5; //Change accordingly to your needs int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int claps = 0; long detectionSpanInitial = 0; long detectionSpan = 0; long spancondition; bool spanconditioncheck=false; bool lock=true; int lastPauseState = LOW; long lastPauseTime = 0; int PauseState; int Pausereading; bool paused=false; bool pause=false; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<8; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void sound() { int sensorState = digitalRead(pin); if (sensorState == 0){ if (claps == 0){ detectionSpanInitial = detectionSpan = millis(); claps++; } else if (claps >0 && millis()-detectionSpan >= 50)( detectionSpan = millis(); claps++; ) ) if (millis()-detectionSpanInitial >= 400) ( if (claps == 2) ( lock=false; if ((place !=1024*numofroun)&&(place!=512*numofroun)) (type=abs(type-3);) spancondition=millis(); claps = 0; ) void button1() ( Pausereading = digitalRead(pin ); if (Pausereading != lastPauseState) ( lastPauseTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastPauseTime) > 50) ( if (Pausereading != PauseState) ( PauseState = Pausereading; if (PauseState == HIGH) ( Pauseled=!Pauseled; pause=!pause; spancondition=millis(); if (Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,HIGH);) if (!Pauseled) (digitalWrite(pin,LOW);) ) ) lastPauseState = Pausereading; ) void button2() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading != ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } reset(); spancondition=millis(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button1();button2();} if (!pause) { if ((lock==true)&&(millis()-spancondition>1000)) (sound();) if (lock==false) (stepper();spanconditioncheck=false; ) if ((place==2048*numofroun)or(place==0)or(((place== 1024*numofroun)or(place==512*numofroun))&&(type==3)))( lock=true; reset(); if (!spanconditioncheck)( spancondition=millis(); spanconditioncheck=true; ) ) if (current==3) (current=0;) else ++current; ) )

Step 5. Final steps

It is better to use foam to make a holder for the motor (1, 2) and the blind handle (3). Because In some homes, many people prefer not to drill into the walls; later, you can use double-sided tape to hold everything in place.

We also have a pause button in case your room gets too loud - then you can lock it so the curtains don't go crazy.

Note! You may have to adjust the potentiometer on the sound sensor to adjust the sensitivity.

Watch below a demo video of the final result of the project when controlled by clap:

Step 6. Alternative version using buttons

If you don't like sound controls, you can just use the buttons. In this case, you only need two buttons: activation and return to the starting position (since we no longer need a pause). Activation is the same as before, and the reset button will return the curtain back to its original position. The code for this version is below:

int pin=(2,3,4,5,6,7,8); int steps = ( (HIGH,HIGH,LOW,LOW), (HIGH,LOW,LOW,HIGH), (LOW,LOW,HIGH,HIGH), (LOW,HIGH,HIGH,LOW), ) ; int current=1; int type=3; int place=0; int lastLockState = LOW; long lastLockTime = 0; int LockState; int Lockreading; bool lock=true; int lastReturnState = LOW; long lastReturnTime = 0; int ReturnState; int Returnreading; void setup() ( for (int num=0; num<5; num++) pinMode(pin,OUTPUT); for (int num=5; num<7; num++) pinMode(pin,INPUT); } void reset(){ for(int num=0;num<4;num++) digitalWrite(pin,LOW); } void stepper() { for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} if(type==0) {++place;} if(type==3) {--place;} delay(2); } void button1() { Lockreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Lockreading != lastLockState) { lastLockTime = millis(); } if ((millis() - lastLockTime) >50) ( if (Lockreading != LockState) ( LockState = Lockreading; if (LockState == HIGH) ( lock=false; if ((place!=1024*4)&&(place!=512*4)) (type= abs(type-3);) ) ) ) lastLockState = Lockreading; ) void button2() ( Returnreading = digitalRead(pin); if (Returnreading != lastReturnState) ( lastReturnTime = millis(); ) if ((millis() - lastReturnTime) > 50) ( if (Returnreading != ReturnState) ( ReturnState = Returnreading; if (ReturnState == HIGH) ( type=3; digitalWrite(pin,HIGH); while (place>0) ( for (int num=0; num<4;num++) { digitalWrite(pin,steps);} --place; if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; delay(2); } digitalWrite(pin,LOW); reset(); } } } lastReturnState = Returnreading; } void loop() { if (lock==true) {button1();button2();} if (lock==false) {stepper();} if ((place==2048*4)or(place==0)or(((place==1024*4)or(place==512*4))and(type==3))){lock=true;reset();} if (current==3) {current=0;} else ++current; }

Demo of how it works below:

That's all. You can use your imagination and improve the project.

Optimal use of natural lighting in an apartment, home or office is necessary for people’s health, comfort, and energy savings. Therefore, the design of the Smart Home system involves the development of event-scenario control of blinds. Curtains, awnings, roller shutters and other types of window equipment can also be automated.

Typical automation solutions can take into account many external factors: weather conditions, external/internal lighting, temperature conditions - to provide comfortable lighting scenarios. All of them serve to optimize the functioning of the climate system.

The benefits of automating blinds

1. Comfort. If you choose a convenient and pleasant automation mode for yourself, you will watch your blinds automatically close after sunset, or slowly open in the morning.

2. Convenience. You will save yourself from the daily tedious task of manually opening/closing blinds. Automatic mode will provide this function even without your intervention. They can also be controlled via a smartphone, even while on vacation.

3. Energy saving. By adjusting the automation mode to the ambient light level, you will significantly reduce your energy costs. In winter, they will help keep you warm, thereby reducing heating costs.

4. Security. Automatic blinds increase safety while you are in or away from home.

5. Easy maintenance, wear-resistant. Smooth movements of the blinds and the absence of sudden pulling in manual mode ensure durability and wear resistance.

Automated blinds

The most popular wireless technology used for home automation systems allows you to quickly create a system that covers the entire house with the transfer of all device status parameters.

Choice of blinds

The market for blinds and shutters today offers several standard solutions, among which the most common are:

1. Power - 230V
The system is connected to the wireless controller directly. With its help, an electric motor is started, which allows you to move the blinds, stop them, and change the direction of movement.
This module is designed for all types of 230V blinds, roller shutters, motorized awnings. It is located behind the switch or next to the engine itself.

2. 24V power supply
Low-voltage blinds operate on 24V. Such systems have only 2 wires connected to the motor. They control the direction of movement by changing the polarity. The motors are connected to the controller. Control is carried out using an external switch. Remote control is provided by connecting a relay switch.

Since 1995, Rolatex has been known in Siberia as a manufacturer of blinds. It all started with a small office selling horizontal blinds. Now we are a large company with our own production and 16 branches in eight cities of Russia. Since then, the range of products has become more diverse - roller blinds, blinds with photo printing, roller shutters, awnings and much more. The choice of blinds for plastic windows has increased. High quality materials, a wide selection of fabrics, fast and high-quality installation are just a small part of our advantages. Our company offers to purchase custom-made blinds at an affordable price. The Rolatex company has the largest collection of fabrics for roller blinds in Siberia, and many of them were developed exclusively for us. That is why the client can choose the most suitable option for himself and be confident in good quality and excellent service.

Features of custom-made curtains and blinds at Rolatex

Custom-made blinds for windows is a simple option for purchasing compact and easy-to-use dimming systems. The manufacturer installs a special mechanism that makes it possible to control the flow of light in the room. Our range includes very dense fabrics, thanks to which you can completely darken the room.

The ability to make custom-made blinds helps you choose shading systems for both your home and office. If classic blinds are not suitable for you, we suggest considering non-standard blinds. Automatic blinds have excellent sun protection properties, which makes it possible to ensure optimal indoor temperature in the summer.

If you want to order blinds for windows, please contact our company. This is the best way to darken windows. Our blinds will last for many years, as we use the highest quality materials. The price of products in our company is quite low, which ensures their availability to a wide range of customers.

Our company offers the integration of electric drives of various mechanisms with the Smart Home control system. These solutions allow you to remotely control blinds, curtains, roller shutters, awnings, gates, home theater screens and other devices that have an electric drive for opening and closing something.

This allows you to make life in a modern country house, cottage or apartment not only more comfortable and convenient, but also safer.

Blinds, awnings and curtains can be closed or opened either individually or in groups, for example, only in one room or on the entire floor. In addition, it is possible to close blinds, curtains and awnings throughout the building. This makes life easier in a large house or cottage.

To close all the curtains or blinds, you don’t need to run across floors from room to room. All curtains and blinds can be closed remotely by pressing a button on the touch control panel or a smart button on the wall with a “close all” function.

And the control and management of metal roller shutters on the windows allows you to block all the windows in the house with the press of one button. Living in such a house will be both calmer and safer.

Blinds, curtains, roller shutters, awnings, gates, cinema screens and other devices can be controlled manually from any control devices included in the Smart Home system. These are touch and push-button control panels, switches, radio remote controls, as well as iPad and iPhone.

For example, you can open the garage door before entering remotely using a radio remote control without leaving the car. You can lower the screen and turn on the home theater by pressing a button on the Smart Home touch panel.

In addition to manual control, various automatic closing and opening functions based on sensors are possible. You can control blinds, curtains and other devices using light, rain and IR sensors.

Roller shutters, blinds and curtains can open in the morning at sunrise, and close automatically in the evening at dusk.

Awnings will be controlled depending on weather conditions. The Smart Home control system, having analyzed the sensors, will close the awnings on the windows in case of rain.

In addition, we offer control of curtains, blinds and roller shutters using complex control algorithms that take into account the residents’ private life schedule.

As control system equipment, our company uses modern equipment from foreign manufacturers such as AMX, Creston and Control4, as well as controllers of our own production: the main control controller Master Controller and the data input/output controller CP-32.

The controllers developed in our company successfully perform most of the functions of controlling various electrically driven devices. Moreover, their price is significantly lower in comparison with foreign analogues.