How to make different types of fans with your own hands. Do-it-yourself fan from a cooler and a disk Homemade fan power supplies

Creating high-density airflow is possible in several ways. One of the most effective is a fan. radial type or "snail". It differs from others not only in shape, but also in its operating principle.

Fan device and design

Sometimes an impeller and a power unit are not enough to move air. In conditions of limited space, a special type of exhaust equipment design should be used. It has a spiral-shaped body that acts as an air channel. You can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made model.

To form a flow, the design provides a radial Working wheel. It connects to the power unit. The wheel blades have a curved shape and create a discharged area when moving. Air (or gas) enters it from the inlet pipe. When moving along the spiral body, the speed at the outlet increases.

Depending on the application centrifugal fan snail maybe general purpose, heat-resistant or corrosion-resistant. It is also necessary to take into account the amount of air flow created:

  • low pressure. Scope of application: production workshops, Appliances. The air temperature should not exceed +80°C. Mandatory absence of aggressive environments;
  • average pressure value. It is part of exhaust equipment for removing or transporting small fraction materials, sawdust, grain;
  • high pressure. Forms an air flow into the fuel combustion zone. Installed in many types of boilers.

The direction of movement of the blades is determined by the design, and, in particular, by the location of the outlet pipe. If it is located on the left side, the rotor should rotate clockwise. The number of blades and their curvature are also taken into account.

For powerful models you need to do it yourself solid foundation with housing fixation. The industrial installation will vibrate strongly, which may lead to its gradual destruction.


First of all, you should decide on the functional purpose of the centrifugal fan. If it is necessary for ventilation of a certain part of the room or equipment, the housing can be made from scrap materials. To complete the boiler, you will need to use heat-resistant steel or make it from stainless steel sheets yourself.

First, the power is calculated and the set of components is determined. The best option The snail will be dismantled from old equipment - an extractor hood or a vacuum cleaner. The advantage of this manufacturing method is the exact match between the power of the power unit and the body parameters. A snail fan can be easily made with your own hands only for some applied purposes in a small home workshop. In other cases, it is recommended to purchase a ready-made industrial-type model or take an old one from a car.

Procedure to make a centrifugal fan with your own hands.

  1. Calculation overall dimensions. If the device will be mounted in limited space– provide special damper pads to compensate for vibration.
  2. Manufacturing of the body. If there is no ready-made structure, you can use plastic sheets, steel or plywood. In the latter case, special attention is paid to sealing the joints.
  3. Installation diagram of the power unit. It rotates the blades, so you need to choose the type of drive. For small structures, a shaft is used to connect the motor gearbox to the rotor. In powerful installations, a belt type drive is used.
  4. Fastening elements. If the fan is installed on the outer casing of, for example, a boiler, mounting U-shaped plates are made. With significant power, it will be necessary to make a reliable and massive base.

This general scheme, according to which you can make a functional exhaust centrifugal unit with your own hands. It may change depending on the availability of components. It is important to comply with the housing sealing requirements, as well as ensure reliable protection power unit from possible clogging with dust and debris.

The fan will make a lot of noise during operation. Reducing this will be problematic, since vibration of the housing during the movement of air flows is almost impossible to compensate with your own hands. This is especially true for models made of metal and plastic. Wood can partially reduce background noise, but at the same time it has a short service life.

In the video you can see the process of manufacturing a case from PVC sheets:

Review and comparison of production ready models

Considering radial fan snail, it is necessary to take into account the material of manufacture: cast aluminum body, sheet or stainless steel. A model is selected based on specific needs, let’s look at an example serial models in a cast casing.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine the hot season without a fan. At this time, it is important large models, and small ones. But, unfortunately, the latter are many times more expensive, and you won’t find them in every store. suitable model. Don't rush to shell out money - there is a way out!

In this article we will give you some ideas on how to make a fan with your own hands at home. This process is quite exciting, so it will be possible to involve teenage children in it.

Cooler fan

This is the easiest way to make a home fan. To make it we will need a cooler from an old computer. This part itself is already operational; all we have to do is connect it to the wire correctly.

If the future fan will be located in close proximity to the computer, then a standard USB cable will be suitable as a wire. We cut off the unnecessary edge of the cord with a small connector and strip the wires. We clean the wires at the cooler in the same way.

Sometimes there are more than two wires in the cooler and USB cable, remember, we need the black and red color of the two wires in one and the other element. We don't need the rest.

After stripping, we connect the red wire to the red, the black to the black, the connections must be properly insulated. After insulation, the fan is already fully functional, all that remains is to come up with a solution for it original stand to your taste and stick it to the cooler. All! The device is ready!

The speed of the cooler is quite high, so you can safely use it as a fan for drying your hands.

Disc construction

This device is more complex than one made from a cooler. To make it, we need a motor with a protruding iron rod. These motors can be taken from an old toy, VCR or player (the latter option is the most suitable, because the player has a standard attachment for a disc). We connect the motor with the wires in the above manner.

We cut the disk into eight future blades; when cutting, we do not reach the end of the inner edge. We slightly heat the disk to soften it and bend the blades like a regular fan. Instead of a disk, you can use a plastic bottle.

We insert a bottle cap into the center of the blades; the cap will be the connector between the motor and the blades. If the insert turns out to be too big, carefully cut it with a knife.

Having connected all the details, we complement finished design stable stand. You can use a roll sleeve for this. toilet paper and a second whole disk, which will serve as a common support.

To fasten the parts to each other there will be better use high-quality glue so that in the future the structure will last a long time and not fall apart.

Fan made from two plastic bottles

This design is more complex and requires a more serious approach to manufacturing. The result is a great way to make a DIY table or floor fan of sorts.

For production we will need:

  • two bottles of different sizes - 0.5 and 1.5 liters;
  • small motor type 12 V DC;
  • 7 thick drinking straws;
  • power supply and connector to it;
  • CD disk;
  • hot glue and superglue;
  • switch;
  • plastic ties.


  • marker;
  • scissors or knife;
  • insulating tape;
  • soldering iron;
  • wire cutters

From a bottle with a smaller volume, cut the blades, as indicated above. Make a hole in the center of the cork with a hot awl or nail. We put the cover on the engine and fix everything with hot glue.

We are building a stand. We firmly glue the drinking straws together with superglue - this is our future stand. Cut out from the second bottle top part and insert the glued tubes to the middle of its length, not forgetting to fix the connection with superglue.

We install the engine with blades on a stand made of tubes, additionally again coating everything with hot glue. We hide the wires in tubes, so they end up inside the rack. We fasten the engine structure and the rack with plastic ties, gluing them along the tubes with hot glue and cutting off the remaining excess edges.

We cut holes in the bottom of the rack for the power supply connector and switch. We connect them, not forgetting about good insulation. We attach everything to the plastic with hot glue.

To make the base heavier and more stable, we construct a bottom from a disk. To do this, simply glue the disk with the edges of the plastic bottle using hot glue.

We connect the power supply to the connector, and voila - the fan is ready to work!

What to do if the household fan does not work?

So, we already know how to make a fan ourselves. But in your household there is probably a faulty factory fan. The design of such products is simple (you can use the instructions), so for those who are especially curious, the final topic of the article will be repairing a floor fan at home.

Causes of malfunction

We list the main problems in which the device does not work and possible ways their elimination.

The unit does not turn on. If the light is on, but the device does not turn on, then the possible reason is that the buttons are broken. If the light does not light up, then the reason is most likely in the cord or plug.

Weak rotation of the blades is a signal of insufficient lubrication of the bearing inside the engine.

The fan has stopped rotating left and right. It's all about the crank; its mounting screws can become loose or unscrewed.

Humming and no rotation. There are three possible causes of failure - lack of lubrication on the bearings, a broken capacitor or electric motor.

Photos of DIY fans

Hot. If I may say so, even too much. That is why you can think about how to make a fan. You will say that it can be purchased at the store. But, firstly, their cost increases significantly. Secondly, they are quickly sold out and it is not always possible to find what you need on store shelves. Therefore, several practical advice about how to assemble a fan. After all, it is quite possible to arrange it even at home from available materials. Here are a couple of options.

How to make a fan based on an old cooler. If you have an old one, you can take it from there. You can also borrow a switch there. In order to make a homemade fan, you will also need some kind of battery holder. There are many of these, you can take it from some broken toy or something else in the same spirit. Of course, you will also need several batteries themselves. All that remains is to connect all these components together, and a simple fan will be ready. If you don’t want to bother with the holder, you can use a regular USB port to supply power. The stand can be made from anything. It all depends specifically on your own imagination and what you have at hand.

You can, for example, make a stand from ordinary rigid wire attached to something. It is not so important what materials will be used, but how stable the entire structure will be.

Another option on how to make a fan may be useful for enthusiasts. Computer disks are an excellent tool for making. What else is needed? A motor from a simple toy, a cork left over from champagne, some kind of handy switch and several batteries. We take the disk, and then make as many cuts as we need for the blades. It is necessary to leave about a centimeter to the inner edge. Then turn each blade slightly at an angle. It bends much better if the disk is heated, for example, over gas. Then you will need to insert a champagne cork into its center. If you make a small puncture in its center, for example, with an awl, you can easily attach the entire structure to some kind of pin. You will need to make a leg - absolutely any cylinder-shaped object that can accommodate batteries and wires can play its role.

You will also need to design a base for the entire unit - it can also be anything, the main thing is that it is stable and can support the structure. All that remains is to add a few additional tips- when cutting out the blades, you need to make sure that each of them is approximately 45 degrees - you will end up with about 8 pieces. The plug inserted into the center of the disk will need to be secured with glue. In any case, the process should not cause you any difficulties.

If you've been thinking about how to make a fan, you now probably understand that it's very simple. Each of the proposed models is extremely easy to manufacture, and you will not need much time to create it. You don’t need any special things, the above is quite enough. These fans are very convenient and compact. You can put it on your desktop. Or, if there is such a desire, take it with you to the garage or country house, where these devices will serve as cooling means. It’s hard to argue with the fact that they have tangible dignity - after all, these, by and large, very useful things are collected from various rubbish.

As you can see, it is quite possible to make a fan yourself, from scrap materials, without bothering with going to the store and looking for a unit that suits you at an affordable price. Everything is much simpler.

If there is no air conditioning at home and even household fan, A summer heat doesn’t allow you to live normally, you can use your wits and use old computer parts. Any craftsman can assemble a fan from a cooler, fortunately, the materials for construction are always at hand, and in every home or office you can fish out something useful from computer trash.

Materials for useful crafts

To make this simple DIY device, you will need following materials and tools:

  • soldering iron and related accessories (solder, rosin);
  • a piece of USB cable of any length;
  • knife, wire cutters, electrical tape;
  • the computer cooler itself (one or more).

The fan will be connected via a USB connector to the computer. This makes it possible to use the fan without third-party power sources.

There are coolers different sizes. Their design includes wires with which you can adjust the number of revolutions depending on the temperature of the central processor. In our case, these wires will not be needed - we will work only with the black (minus) and red (plus) wires, which receive voltage from motherboard computer. The remaining wires can be cut off using wire cutters so that they do not interfere with assembly. We need to do this carefully so as not to damage the red and black cores we need.

Operating procedure:

  1. Take any unnecessary USB cable you need to connect the cooler to it. It may not be formally working, but here we need to find wires of the same colors as the cooler. For ease of work, the remaining wires are removed using wire cutters.
  2. Remove the outer insulation from the USB cable with a sharp utility knife: measure a distance of approximately 3-4 cm from the end of the wire and apply the knife to the wire.
  3. Then, in a circular motion, without pressing, draw the wire in a circle.
  4. Now pull the insulation - it should easily come away and expose the bundle of wires.

If you press too hard, cutting the insulation may damage the insulation of the wires underneath the outer layer of plastic you cut. Then you will have to bite off the entire braid and repeat the procedure due to the fact that a slight violation of the integrity of the insulation usually leads to a short circuit. Now that you have prepared the wires yourself, you can proceed to the next step.

Soldering and insulating wires

Take the wires of the cooler and the USB cable, remove about 10 mm of insulation and twist them so that the red wire is connected to the red, and the black to the black. Next, you will need a soldering iron to tin the twisted ends and thereby give strength to the connection. To do this you need to do this:

  • heat the soldering iron and prepare a piece of rosin or flux;
  • attach the twisted wires to rosin or soak them in flux;
  • melt a piece of solder or tin on the soldering iron tip;
  • run the tip along the twisted wires if they are treated with flux, or apply them to a piece of rosin and press a little with a hot tip.

This process is called tinning the wires or treating the contact points with hot tin with your own hands. Rosin is needed to help the tin bond better to the surface of the bare USB wire.

Now you need to insulate the conductors so that a short circuit does not occur when connecting to the computer’s USB connector. So, unwind a piece of electrical tape about 3-5 cm long and pass it between the soldered wires. Wrap one wire so that the tin-coated contact area is reliably insulated and no pieces of bare conductor are visible through the layers of insulating tape. Next, you need to cut off another piece of electrical tape and do the same with the second wire.


It's time to think about a stand for your DIY fan you just made. You will need a piece of copper or aluminum wire. Take a piece of wire and bend it into a “P” shape. Thread the ends into the bottom two bolt holes of the cooler. Bend the wire and thread the ends through the top holes. Now you can adjust the fan tilt level.

If there are many fans

You can make a whole battery of fans with your own hands. To assemble a fan from four or more coolers, you need to know how to properly connect them to the power source (USB connector of the computer), as well as how to connect these fans to each other.

Connecting cables

From the school physics course we know that there are two types of connections - serial and parallel. With the first type of connection, you need to take the red (positive) wire from the USB cable and connect it to the red wire of the first cooler, and connect the black wire of the first cooler to the red wire of the second cooler, and so on. The last one, black, connects to the core of the USB cable of the same color.

Parallel connection is much simpler: all the red wires are assembled into one twist, just like the black ones. The red wires are connected to the red wire of the USB cable, and the black wires, respectively, to the black wire. To make the contact more reliable, you need to make tinning and wrap the contact points with electrical tape, as described above.


Now you need to think about the design of the fan unit that you made yourself. In order to assemble all the coolers together, you need to decide what shape the structure will be in. You might find it easier to fold them into a square or just line them up.

In any case, for these purposes you will need glue gun, which is usually used to make DIY products in technical creativity or floristry circles. You can use it to glue the ribs of the coolers in the right places and let them cool. But if you don't have a gun and just have wire and tape, you can fasten the coolers through the bolt holes with wire and wrap the edges with black tape.

So, you have managed to make sure that making a simple room air blower with your own hands is simple and accessible even to a person far from technical creativity. Such simple solutions can help out in a situation where you need to keep the room cool in windless weather, but a regular fan is either broken or simply not in the house. In these cases, simple ingenuity comes to the rescue.

Very often, in the sultry heat, there is not enough air flow in the room. To solve this problem, many people buy table fans; they are convenient and compact, some of them work from USB, that is, they can be connected to any charger, power bank or laptop, so that the coolness is always with you. But why buy something that you can make yourself using available materials? For site readers we have prepared two simple instructions who will clearly explain how to do USB fan at home with your own hands. So, all you need to prepare is a sharp knife, good scissors, electrical tape, an unnecessary USB cord and, in fact, executive agency homemade products. As for the latter, it is customary to use one of two options: an old cooler from a computer or a motor from a car or other toy.

Idea No. 1 – Use a cooler

It will take no more than 15 minutes to assemble a USB fan from a cooler. First you need to prepare the cooler. Two wires come out of the device - black and red, and sometimes yellow, even less often - blue. Yellow and blue are of no use to us. We strip the insulation by 10 mm and put the prepared element aside.

Next you need to prepare the USB cable. We cut off one half of it and clean off the insulation at the cut point with a sharp knife; a stationery knife works perfectly. Under it you will see four wires, of which two are necessary: ​​red and black. We also clean them, but it is better to cut off the other two (usually green and white) and insulate them.

Now, as you understand, you need to connect the prepared contacts in pairs, according to: red to red, black to black using twisting. After this, you need to carefully insulate the cable connections using electrical tape or heat shrink and make a stand. As for the stand, it’s up to your imagination. Some people successfully use wire, while others cut out a nest in a cardboard box in a very interesting way.

In the end, a homemade mini fan is connected to a computer or charging unit, and you can enjoy the operation of your own electrical appliance.

Cooler idea

Idea No. 2 – Use a motor

In order to make a USB fan from a motor and a CD, it will take a little more time, but you can still easily make such an electrical device with your own hands in an hour. A motor for such a homemade product should be chosen with an operating voltage of approximately 5 Volts, maybe a little more. If you take the motor for more low voltage, then too much current will flow through the circuit and the motor will quickly fail.

First, we prepare all the elements of the device. In this case, you will need to make an impeller (blades).

To do this, we recommend using an ordinary CD. We draw it into 8 equal parts and carefully cut it with good scissors, almost reaching the center. Next, we heat the disk (it’s convenient to do this with a lighter), and when the plastic becomes more elastic, we bend the blades at an equal angle (as shown in the photo).

If the impeller is not bent enough, then during rotation of the disk air flow will not be created. However, if you overdo it, the homemade product will also work poorly and unstable.

When the blades are ready, move on to creating the main mechanism. Inside the disk you need to insert an ordinary one, cut to the right size, a champagne cork that needs to be placed on the motor shaft. Next, we move on to creating a USB fan stand for a laptop.

Here, as in the previous version, everything depends on your imagination. Of all the available means, the option with wire is the most suitable. When the homemade USB fan is ready, we connect the motor wires to the USB cord wires, as in the previous version, carefully isolate the twist and proceed to testing.