How to make a lightweight chain-link fence with your own hands. How to make and install a chain-link fence How to make a chain-link fence yourself

A chain-link fence, installed with your own hands, is very relevant specifically for dachas, since serious metal or any other monolithic fences between areas are simply prohibited. Chain-link is an excellent, inexpensive material accessible to everyone, widely used for the construction of fences or fences for country houses. The cellular structure of the mesh does not shade areas with plants (like slate or siding), and freely allows air flow and sun rays to pass through. In addition, this material is successfully used to fence areas of reservoirs, poultry houses, animal habitats, and technical areas.

Chain-link fence, photo

Before making a fence from a chain-link mesh, you need to take into account all the nuances, especially the size of the cells. For example, if you or your neighbors keep chickens in their dacha, then the cell size should be minimal (so that the living creatures do not enter someone else’s plot). For the usual division of territory, a grid with cells of any size is suitable.

Types of mesh

On the market today building materials Three types of mesh are available and successfully used.

The difference is in the material from which it is made:

  1. Non-galvanized, non-painted mesh made of ferrous metal. Such a chain-link does not have a long service life; after a few days it begins to rust. It is used as a temporary material before installing more serious fencing, but coating it with paint significantly extends its service life.
  2. Galvanized chain-link is not subject to rust, and is the most common building material in cases where exactly such mesh fencing is required.
  3. Plastic chain-link mesh for fence (with polymer coating). This is a steel mesh coated with a layer of polyvinyl chloride. It has a modern aesthetic appearance, it is not afraid of moisture and corrosive processes. This grating is plastic, does not burst when deformed, and is excellent for installation in areas with high level acid or alkali in the soil. An additional advantage is the fact that plasticized chain-link is available in different colors.

One type of chain-link with plastic coating, photo

Braided climbing plants and the colors of the chain-link mesh look very aesthetically pleasing, and if it itself is green (plastic covering), then it is doubly attractive.

Installation of a chain-link fence, which is best

You can build chain-link fences with your own hands in two ways:

  • by tensioning the mesh between the support posts,
  • installation of sections (in the second case, a welding machine will be required).

Support posts can be metal (for example, pipes), concrete or wood. For a more thorough sectional fence, you will need metal corners to make a frame. Such a fence will look more aesthetically pleasing, but it will also be much more expensive. Tension option simpler, but also quite practical. In any case, the choice must be made by you.

Installation of racks for tensioning the mesh, photo of the working moment

The location of the future fence is marked with pegs, between which a string is stretched. The length of the rope should be equal to the length of the net, but for reliability it is better to stock up on a large number of meters. The placement of the pegs is a marking of where the posts for the chain-link fence will stand, so it is better if the distance between them does not exceed one and a half to two meters. This material(mesh) tends to sag, so you should not make too large distances between the posts.

Strengthening the corner of a chain-link fence, photo

The depth of the holes for supports is usually a meter and a half, and first of all they are installed corner posts(there is always more pressure on them). To strengthen the corner pillars, an additional sand and gravel mixture is poured onto the bottom of the hole, compacted, and filled with cement mortar.

Until the mixture has completely hardened, the pillar should not be touched. It is also appropriate to use a plumb line or level for these purposes. Options for strengthening supports depend on the preferences of the developer and the purpose of the fence.

Photo of a chain-link fence:

After hardening concrete mixture there follows a line of hooks to which the chain-link will be hooked. Typically, nails or wire are used for these purposes. large diameter, which are then welded to the supports using welding machine.

It is worth keeping in mind that there are now ready-made painted poles on sale that have hooks. Before tensioning the mesh, metal supports are painted, and wooden ones are treated with special protective agents (along their entire length). After this, the chain-link is stretched and put on the hooks in cells. For more reliable fastening Some summer residents additionally wrap the support with the mesh with wire.

To ensure that the installation of a chain-link fence is as reliable as possible, it is recommended to use a reinforcing technique. Additionally, a vertical support rod is installed. To do this, a rod or reliable thick wire is threaded into the first or second row of cells from above, which is also welded to the posts (or attached to a wooden support). This technique does not allow the mesh to sag over time and strengthens the entire structure as a whole. Make sure the tension is elastic. The subsequent process is similar for the remaining supports.

There is another, fairly common mounting option - a fence made of chain-link mesh on slags (wooden veins). The difference in installation is that the mesh is fixed not on the pole itself, but on wooden board(vein) attached to this support. Lightly attached to the top and bottom of the main support.

When the fence is installed, do not be too lazy to take pliers and bend all the upper hooks of the chain-link downwards - this way you will be sure that no one is accidentally injured.

Photo of a chain-link fence on a multi-level site

It happens that the fenced area has an uneven landscape; in these cases, so-called terracing is performed. It is done in a similar way: a support pillar is installed at the place where the soil drops. On one side, the grid is attached at a certain level, and on the other (the next piece of the grid) it is already higher or lower - depending on the height of the difference. In this case, the chain-link fence for the fence is cut into fragments.

But there is another option for installing a fence that is optimal for uneven ground - sections.

Sectional chain-link fence

These sections are welded metal frames, which are made from angles. Inside such a frame there is a chain-link, and it itself is welded to the support post. On initial stage During the installation, marking with pegs is still used, only the poles are already more powerful, since an increased load is placed on them. If you decide to make a durable one sectional fence from a chain-link mesh, then filling strip foundation will not be superfluous, but without it such a design will last just as long.

The dimensions of the frame are determined individually, the distance between the supports is 15-20 cm smaller. In turn, the width of the frame should also be less than the length of the post by about 15-20 cm. The roll of mesh is cut into sections of the required sizes using a grinder saw. IN top part a metal rod is threaded through the fragment. It is welded to the top of the frame. Using the same method, the remaining sides of the mesh are attached to the frame.

The next step is to attach the supporting metal strips (about 5 cm wide and 30 cm long) to the support (they are also welded). The section is then placed between the posts and welded directly to these strips. At the final stage, the sectional chain-link fence is painted.

Installing a tension fence will not require any special skills from you and will not take much time, and it is preferable to install a sectional structure with an assistant, or better yet, with two.

This type of fencing will serve you for many years; if any section of the fence is damaged during operation, it is easy to repair. Despite its “airiness,” a chain-link fence is a serious obstacle to uninvited guests— the tension structure is flexible, it will be very difficult to stay on it. And, if you install it, then it is the most economical and quick option for country fencing, and with an individual approach it is very aesthetic and attractive.

How to build a chain-link fence with your own hands - all installation options and decor ideas

The patented invention of Karl Rabitz has been a reliable material option for fences for centuries. In the fencing of the chicken coop and transformer hut, sports ground and land plot– such a grid can be found everywhere. There is no alternative to it in demarcating neighboring areas - according to the regulations, it is prohibited to install boundary fences made of opaque materials. The task of making a chain-link fence with your own hands will not seem difficult to any man with a minimum of tools.

Which chain-link mesh to choose for a fence

The chain-link mesh is a continuous fabric of wire spirals woven together. This design makes it easy to splice the fragments together. In this case, the cell size can be in the range of 20-100 mm (the most common sizes are 30-50 mm), standard height rolls 1, 1.5 and 2 m.

Chainlink fence

Wire is used to make mesh different diameters from 1.2 to 5mm; Most of the chain-links on sale are made of wire 1.5-2 mm in diameter. The wire can be coated or uncoated:

  • Without coating (“black”). It is better not to use mesh made from it for permanent fencing, its service life is short, and it is almost impossible to paint such a product with high quality, despite all the assurances of the “advisers.”
  • Zinc coated is the most common option. Galvanized chain-link will fade after some time, but will not rust, having served for decades.
  • From of stainless steel. A chic and timeless option, but very expensive.
  • In a polymer shell. This mesh appeared on sale not so long ago and is in great demand. Firstly, it has a long service life (provided you choose a reliable manufacturer with high-quality plastic coating), and secondly, you can realize your fantasies due to a wide palette of colors.

Galvanized wire mesh

Mesh with colored polymer coating

With your own hands you can not only build a chain-link fence, but also weave the mesh itself. There are many drawings manual machine for weaving it. Manufacturing the machine will require some milling, welding and light turning work. One person is able to produce up to 10 m of mesh per day, therefore, if you have wire, it makes sense to think about independent production.

Installation of supports for fencing construction

There are several options for making a chain-link fence. In any case, the most responsible and labor-intensive process is marking the territory and installing support pillars.

How to prepare the site and choose supports

Before installing a mesh fence, you should accurately, in accordance with the existing documents for the site, measure the boundaries of the future fence, think about the location of the gates and gates. Clear the area for the construction of the fence from debris and vegetation, and then drive stakes (wooden or metal stakes) into the places of future corner posts and supports for gates and gates.

To determine the location of the intermediate posts, you need to stretch a strong cord between the stakes, then measure the distance between them. Optimally, the racks are placed 2-2.5 m apart from each other, so the resulting distance must be divided by 2.5 and rounded up.

The distance between the pillars should be from 2 to 2.5 m

In this way the number of corner posts is found; the exact distance between them can be found by dividing the distance mentioned above by the number of pillars. The locations of future supports should also be marked with pegs.

Depending on the type of underlying soil, material, thickness of the pillars and the type of future fence, there are several methods for installing supports. Wooden posts are short-lived; concrete or asbestos-cement pipes cause difficulties when attaching the mesh.

The optimal solution for making a chain-link fence with your own hands would be metal posts made of round or profile square pipe from 60 mm in diameter. Next we will consider this option.

Support Pole Installation Methods

You can install metal racks:

  • simply driving them into the ground;
  • forget - place in a pre-prepared hole and fill it with stones or large crushed stone, constantly compacting it;
  • partially (when the end of the post is driven into the ground) or completely concreted in pre-prepared pits.

Methods for installing supports

There are many methods for calculating the length and depth of the underground part of the pillars - determining the type of soil, the level of passage groundwater and depth of soil freezing. But for a light chain-link fence, possible movements of the supports of a few centimeters in height are insignificant, so in practice they use a simple rule - at least 40% of the post must be in the ground. That is, a post for a fence 1.5 m high should be about 2.1 m long for any installation method, but full concreting is optimal.

In practice the process looks like this:

  1. Install corner (or end, if there are gates and gates) posts, strictly controlling their verticality using a level.
  2. Prepare holes for intermediate posts according to the preliminary markings. The presence of a drill in normal (without roots and large stones) soil makes the work much easier!
  3. After the concrete has hardened, pull a cord along the top of the posts to control the height of the intermediate supports being installed, and another one at the bottom to control the placement of all posts on the same line.
  4. To make it easier to level the pillars in height, fill the bottom of the holes with sand, gravel or small crushed stone and simply change the height of this cushion by adding or removing material.
  5. Pour the height-adjusted racks with concrete with level control, and install stops and supports if necessary.

Further installation should be carried out only after the concrete has hardened (at least one week); the posts must be primed and painted.

Installation of intermediate supports

Instructions for building different types of chain link fences

Before you start building a chain-link fence with your own hands, you should determine the purpose of the fence, the basic requirements for aesthetics and strength. Indeed, in one case you need a powerful fence made of a non-standard mesh with 4-5 mm wire for grazing livestock, in another you need a beautiful and elegant fence in front of the house or a lightweight structure without frills on the borders of neighboring plots. For each task there is its own option.

The simplest fence for a site

Most easy way installation of a mesh fence - simply attach it to the installed supports. For this work you will need an assistant, or better yet two.

  1. Before fastening, roll out the chain-link on the ground to a distance of slightly more than one span between the posts.
  2. Check the height level of the wire spirals and, if necessary, screw in or unscrew displaced ones. The fact is that it is not visible on the roll whether they are all at the same level, and after stretching the mesh it will be impossible to align the links.
  3. Immediately bend the edges of the spirals with pliers to avoid injury and the possibility of the mesh unraveling during installation.
  4. As you fasten the mesh, unwind it further.

There are several ways to attach the chain-link to the posts, but it is highly advisable to attach not the mesh itself (to avoid its deformation), but a metal rod with a diameter of 6-10 mm inserted vertically into its link. Using another similar pin, inserted a little further, the assistant should pull the fabric.

This does not require any blocks, levers or complex structures for tensioning, moreover, excessive efforts by one person can lead to deformation and stretching of the 2 mm wire mesh!

The rod can be attached to the support like this:

  • just tie it to a post with soft wire. Most quick way, but not too beautiful;
  • use special clamps rather than wire;

Fastening with clamps

  • put the pin on the pre-prepared hooks and bend them. Hooks made from pieces of wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm and a length of 50-80 mm should be welded to the stand at a distance of 400-500 mm from each other until the mesh is tensioned;

Fastening with hooks

  • weld the rod (not the fabric!) to the post in several places, obtaining a permanent connection;
  • stitch the mesh spiral with a rod, inserting it into pre-welded sections of pipe with a diameter of 1/4″ and a length of 15-20 mm. They should be placed on the support at the same distance as the hooks; the short length of the segments will allow them to fit into the grid cells. Most aesthetic way collapsible connection.

The end and corner posts will experience constant loads from the tension of the mesh, so braces (stops) are required.

Corner post installation method

Fence option with guy wires

To ensure greater rigidity of the fence, better resistance to wind loads and to prevent sagging of the canvas, you can stretch one (from above) or several rows of cable or wire 4-6 mm thick.

Such strings can be attached to supports and tensioned in any convenient way, but the most practical option– using special ties or tensioners.

String tensioner

Wire tensioners

When installing a chain-link fence with your own hands using guy ropes, the distance between the posts can be increased to 3 m. But it is worth considering that when tensioning, the load on the outer and corner supports increases many times over, so their rigidity should be increased in comparison with the supports for a simple tension fence.

The ideal option for fixing the fabric is through stitching the mesh along its length. But this process is long and labor-intensive, and the complexity increases with increasing diameter and stiffness of the cable or wire.

Therefore, in practice, the strings are first tensioned, then the chain-link is installed in the same way as described above simple method, and then after 200-300 mm the mesh is tied to the guy wires with galvanized binding wire with a cross-section of 1-1.5 mm.

Reinforced version with lags

To enhance load-bearing frame fence, logs should be welded to the installed posts, preferably from profile pipe. The main load in the fence will be compression, so the section of the log should ensure that the frame does not “fold” when the mesh is tensioned and the fence is subsequently used. With this installation method, there is no need for braces for corner and end posts.

Chain-link mesh on a frame with logs

Since most of the efforts will be applied in the upper part of the fence, the lower and intermediate logs (if any) can be replaced with reinforcement, rolled wire, or strings even stretched, as in the previous method. Screw the mesh fabric to the frame with wire.

A fence with logs will be a good foundation for the future, if there is a need to decorate the fence by hanging additional material. You can also easily replace the chain-link with corrugated sheets or slate, making the fence much more solid.

Practical sectional solution

Fence from sections

A fence made of sections, which are frames from a corner with a mesh fixed inside, is the most difficult to manufacture, but has a lot of advantages and benefits:

  • such a design is the most beautiful and impeccable from an artistic perspective;
  • each section is separate and rigid structural element, therefore, there will be no issues with the mesh sagging and loss of protective properties;
  • if necessary, sections can be dismantled and the posts can be used to build new fences;
  • Possibility of installation with a large slope of the fenced area. It is believed that the chain-link mesh can be stretched when the ground level rises no more than 6° (which corresponds to a slope of 1:10). If these values ​​are greater, the right solution would be a sectional fence with uniform ledges.

Sectional fence with ledges

To manufacture the section, a solid-rolled steel angle with a flange of 40-50 mm is used.

  1. Using a grinder (preferably a mounting saw), cut off parts of the required size strictly perpendicularly.
  2. Lay the frame on a flat surface (or level all the corners using pads), carefully measure the diagonals. To avoid twisting, the frame should be cooked in opposite corners.
  3. In the finished frame, clean the seams, prime and paint it (it is much easier to repair areas burnt from welding than to paint the corner under the mesh!).
  4. It is necessary to install the mesh fabric through rods, which can be welded or installed on hooks and bent (as with racks). At the same time, fasten the first pin on the side of the frame, after tensioning the mesh - on the opposite side, and then on the top and bottom.
  5. Do not apply excessive force when tensioning, otherwise the section may “fold” inward. Fastening on all sides, even with minimal tension, will prevent the canvas from “worrying” and sagging.
  6. The distance between the supports should be calculated so that there is a gap of 40-80 mm between the support and the frame (or make sections based on the already known distance between the posts).
  7. To attach the sections to the posts, weld metal dies (approximately 6*60*250 mm) in advance.
  8. The frames can be attached to the dies using either electric welding or bolts, resulting in a collapsible structure.

Approximate diagram of fastening sections

: DIY chain-link fence

How to decorate a chain-link mesh - original solutions

Many people do not want to make a fence from chain-link mesh, considering it impersonal, too simple, and refuse this option in favor of other materials. Completely in vain! There are many ways to make such a fence original and unique, here are some of them.

Making patterns from wire. A labor-intensive method, but beautiful and for a long time.

The use of polymer multi-colored ribbons and cords. Bright, elegant, but not too durable.

Elegant appliques made from ribbons and cords

Living plants. Always relevant, but beautiful only during the active growing season and flowering. And from autumn to spring, if the dried stems are not removed in a timely manner, it looks very untidy. You can use artificial greenery in the same way.

Light-shading nets. They come in different colors and degrees of light transmission. They significantly increase the windage and weight of the fence, so they are not suitable for a simple tension fence.

Application of light-shading mesh

PVC photo fence or decorative photo grid. New, expensive, beautiful and luxurious material. It is also worth using with a powerful frame or sectional fence solution, hanging over the chain-link.

Decorating a fence with a photo grid

At this point, the question of how to make a mesh fence with your own hands can be considered closed. Good luck in construction, and may the fence made using the advice received please you for many years to come!

A plot of land with a house that is not surrounded by a fence looks bare, and it will be difficult to live in such a space. Whatever you say, we have plenty of curious people, and it will be difficult to preserve our property from the encroachments of strangers.

For fencing houses, strong and reliable structures are usually created. There are several that have gained popularity among summer residents. However, for summer cottages you can use lighter materials that do not require large expenses. Such a structure is a chain-link fence. At the same time, you can build it yourself, without the involvement of specialists.

Steel mesh is considered ideal option creating a fence at the dacha. It has a number of undeniable advantages, such as:

  • quite low cost.

Most owners summer cottages can afford to purchase this material;

  • long operational period.

A well-protected mesh with galvanized coating can last up to half a century. At the same time, it will not lose its presentation and will fully retain all technological qualities;

  • possibility of self-installation;
  • low maintenance requirements;
  • the ability of the material to pass air.

This is very important for the plants that are on the site.

The main disadvantages of chain-link:

Incomplete protection of the site from the views of strangers. To protect your personal space, you will have to plant climbing plants along the fence;

Insecurity from external noise, strong gusts of wind, as well as dust and debris;

Possibility of rust coating on some types of mesh.

Types of produced chain-link mesh

Currently, our industry produces several types of mesh. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The cheapest type is non-galvanized mesh. Despite its availability, it is quite expensive, since the untreated surface needs protection from moisture. Such fencing quickly rusts and fails without proper care.

The most popular among owners is galvanized chain-link mesh. It is a little more expensive, but has a protective layer, which makes the material better and more durable.

This type of fencing does not require special care.

Modern plasticized material, which recently appeared on our markets, is, of course, inferior to galvanized mesh in price, but superior to it in quality. The polymer layer with which the metal is coated during production not only reliably protects the mesh from the effects of negative factors, but can also be painted in the most different colors. This makes the material attractive to designers.

Types of mesh fences

Despite the simplicity of the material, its installation as a fence has several types. A chain-link fence can be:

  • string tension;
  • residential hanging;
  • hinged along horizontal guides;
  • assembled from sections;
  • whole of sections.

The string design is the simplest and not very reliable.

The wire-hinged type is more rigid, since the mesh fabric here is hung on strong rods or pipes. But if there is mechanical pressure it will have to be replaced a large number of spans than in the first case. On high-density soils, such a fence can be mounted using a simplified version.

The design, hung along guide rails, is more complex to install and requires some experience. But it can be installed on not very stable soils.

Fencing made from prefabricated sections is characterized by high installation costs and complexity of work. In addition, the design is not very durable, although it looks attractive.

One-piece sectional mesh fencing is the strongest. But they are too expensive, which makes them less in demand. Moreover, they cannot be repaired.

Types of posts for a chain-link fence

Mesh fences are mounted on wooden, steel or asbestos cement posts. In this regard, you should pay attention to some important points:

Cement-based products must be concreted. In addition, you can purchase ready-made poles with ready-made fastenings.

The depth of the hole that is made in order to install the posts for the mesh fence should be about a meter. This is dictated by the load that the curtains place on them.

The cross-sectional size of such supports depends on the type of material used and can be adjusted in each specific case.

Strengthening supports for chain-link fences on various types of soil

On low-heaving, loamy and gristly soils, the supports are strengthened by dense driving or digging into the ground. In places where the freezing level is low, partial concreting is used.

Creating a cushion of sand and gravel, which is called butting, is done to strengthen wooden posts on any soil.
In all other cases, full concreting of the supports is used.

Installation of a chain-link fence

The supports for such a structure are buried to a shallow depth. This is due to the fact that the structure is held in place by well-tensioned strings and does not require additional reinforcement.

IMPORTANT: The diameter of the strings must be greater than 4 mm. They are tensioned manually and placed on fastenings mounted on poles. No welding is required for this assembly.

In order to properly stretch the chain-link mesh and make a fence, you need to invite an assistant. Work should start from the corner. The end of the mesh is fixed to corner support. It is better to first fix a steel rod on it so that the mesh does not sag too much.

Then unwinds required amount material and is pulled onto the next support.

A short training video on how to install a chain-link mesh with your own hands:

After the mesh is stretched, rods are pulled through it along the upper and lower horizontal perimeter. Later they are attached to the supports. All spans of the structure should be installed according to this principle.

The nuances of installing chain-link mesh

If miscalculations are made when installing the fence, then all the work will have to be redone. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully perform each item of work.
Areas where there are large uneven soils require special attention. If possible, they should be aligned.

But if the terrain has significant elevation differences, then you will have to divide the perimeter into segments and install support pillars. In this case, the mesh will need to be cut. The size of the pillars will also be adjusted. In low areas you will install longer posts, and in higher areas they will be much lower. After the mesh is tensioned, the structure will look even.
But it is best to choose a sectional type fence in such an area.

Chain-link is a good option for arranging a fence, and in short time and without using any special tools. The end result will not disappoint the owner of the site, since such a fence is simple, practical and quite reliable. In specialized stores, the mesh is offered to consumers in rolls, which can be easily delivered to the work site.

How to make it and where is it in demand?

Undoubtedly, any summer resident and owner of a private farmstead was faced with the question: how to make a chain-link fence with your own hands? This material is in demand in every subsidiary farm.

It is most appropriate to install such fences on summer cottages, mesh can be used to fence off ponds, poultry houses, livestock pens and others small areas that require fencing.

Advice: In order to extend the life of the mesh, try to purchase a galvanized version.

Types of chain-link fence

A fence made from such a mesh can be of 2 types:

  • Tension;
  • Sectional.

Tension fence

The device of the first option does not present any complexity, since it does not require complex tools or does not require welding work, the possibility of using and wooden supports(pipes).

It is enough to dig the pipes into the ground, and what they will be, round or square, does not matter in principle.

Sectional fencing

In this case, the situation is different, since it is assumed that the mesh is installed in metal frames, after which sectional installation fencing.

If you need to build a fence in a short time, then use the first option.

Installation of a tension fence

Let's start by telling you what actions will need to be taken to build a tension fence from a chain-link mesh.

Materials for the work

  • At the initial stage, you should decide on the amount of material that will be required for the work;
  • It is necessary to measure the perimeter of the fenced area, and for this purpose you should install four corner posts and pass a cord along them, the length of which will allow you to obtain the necessary data.

Knowing the required amount of mesh, it is easier to calculate how to properly make a fence from a chain-link mesh, how many support posts and other auxiliary materials are needed, such as:

  • Pillars made of wood or metal;
  • Fastening materials (cable, strong wire);
  • The mesh itself is a chain link.

On the construction market, such mesh is presented in several varieties.

It is distinguished by the shape of the cells and their size. But, if the first parameter does not play a special role, then in the second case the large size of the cells will not be suitable, for example, in the case when the yard in which it is kept is fenced off. Domestic bird. Since the chicks will be able to crawl through such cells.

The height of the future chain-link fence is equal to the width of the roll.

Installing columns

As already mentioned, the posts can be wooden or metal; the second material is more durable in use due to its high strength.

But wooden posts are also a good material, because the chain-link mesh does not have a windage, you just need to pre-treat one end of the wooden post (which will be dug into the ground) with a special mastic that has waterproofing properties.

Brief instructions will describe all the stages:

  • To make recesses for installing posts, it is optimal to use a special drill, which can be either mechanical or gasoline.
  • The height of the column depends on the width of the chain-link mesh roll, that is, if this parameter is 2 m, then the column must be at least 2.95 m.
  • The pillars should be installed at a distance of no more than 2.5 m, with a depth of digging into the ground from 70 cm to 1 m, so that the immersed part is 10-15 cm below the freezing level.
  • Once the holes are prepared, their bottom should be filled with small stones and crushed stone to prevent the pillars from subsiding.

Tip: If we're talking about about metal pillars, then it is also permissible to carry out concreting. For these purposes, you can prepare a concrete mixture yourself. Standard option requires the combination of ingredients such as cement, sand, crushed stone, taken in a ratio of 1: 3: 5, or use a ready-made brand of mixture No. 150.

If concreting is carried out, then it takes time for the mixture to dry - this takes 2-3 days.

Installation of mesh netting

After the pillars have taken their place, you can safely begin installing the chain-link mesh.

If it is intended to be attached to wooden posts, then in this case nails or special staples are used.

And the mesh is attached to the metal posts using hooks, wire and welding.

It is necessary to tension the chain-link in such a way that it does not sag later, that is, as tightly as possible.

If you wish, you can watch all the details in the video.

Tip: Tensioning the mesh should start from any corner post. To prevent it from sagging, you can pass strong wire or reinforcement through the upper mesh cells and secure them over the posts.

Sectional fence

IN in this case Almost the same materials are required as for the first option. You need to add corners for making fence sections and equipment such as a welding machine. In this regard, both the complexity of installation work and the total cost of the fence increases.

Manufacturing technology

  • A frame is welded from a steel corner;
  • The mesh is stretched and secured inside the frame;
  • The prepared sections are attached to metal poles, since o wooden options There is no question here that requires welding work.

According to its parameters, it is stronger, more reliable and durable in comparison with tension.

In order to prevent the possibility of water and excess moisture getting inside the columns, it is recommended to close them on top with special plugs. This can be done using self-made elements, or using industrial designs, which, in addition to protection, also play a decorative role.

If a chain-link with an anti-corrosion coating is chosen for the fence, its service life can reach 20 years. Regular mesh without protective coating may become unusable after five years, but this is one of the ways to save money if temporary fencing is necessary.


Chain-link mesh as a fence allows you to quickly and reliably fence off an area with minimal costs funds and time. The price of such a fence is low, it protects the area well from unauthorized entry, perfectly transmits light without limiting the view, and is excellent for fencing adjacent boundaries between neighbors.

A chain-link fence is one of the most common types of fencing among summer residents. And there are good reasons for this. After all, its characteristics such as low price, transparency, durability make this fence the best option for the dacha.

In addition, this fence is not difficult to install. How to do this, as well as some interesting facts regarding the material itself, you will learn from this article.

What is a chain link

It is a galvanized metal wire consisting of wire spirals woven together. This design was invented in the 19th century. German engineer Karl Rabitz. The resulting product was named after him.

For its production it is used low carbon steel wire. Special machines in factories knit it in the right way and then roll it into rolls like this. (see photo).

How to choose the right material

Here you need to take into account one very important pattern. The thicker the wire and the smaller the cells, the stronger the constructed fence will be. The percentage of zinc coating is also important. The higher it is, the longer the product itself will last.

Advice! The easiest way to determine the quality of the mesh is by weight. The heavier the roll, the better the quality of the material itself. If it is easy, then this is a reason to think seriously. It's not worth buying this one.

Types of fences created

There are two types of chain-link fencing: sectional and tension. The second type is easier to manufacture. We will consider it.

The tension fence consists of the following elements:

  • Pillars– can be wooden, concrete or metal. The latter type is preferable. Metal supports are usually scraps metal pipes;
  • Rabitz– the type with a size of 50x50 millimeters is most often used. It can be galvanized, painted or polymer coated. It is better to buy galvanized one. It will not have to be maintained: tinted, etc.;
  • Metal plugs, hooks or plates– installation of chain-link fences is not complete without them. After all, they are needed to secure the mesh more tightly;
  • Logs made of narrow metal profiles or rolled wire approximately 6 mm thick. – you can use other thick wire, the main thing is that it is of suitable strength;
  • Concrete– if you are going to concrete the pillars;
  • Welding machine– its presence is not necessary, but with its help it is easier to install the fence.

Having placed the supports in the holes, we drive them 0.5 meters into the ground. We fill the remaining distance to the boundaries of the pit with crushed stone and compact it. If desired, you can also concrete it.

By stretching the cord between the outer supports, we install other pillars. We check their height using a hydraulic level.

Installation of logs

Our instructions for installing fencing include the installation of joists as the next step. To do this, we drill holes in the posts and joists.

Then we secure our metal profiles with bolts and nuts. If you have a welding machine, you can simply weld them to the supports. When installing, do not forget to check the horizontal position using a building level.

Mesh attachment

The final stage that ends the installation of chain-link fences is attaching the mesh. First of all, we unpack and carefully unwind the roll by about one meter.

We lean the free end against the first post and fix it with aluminum wire. You can use steel, but it will be more difficult. In our work we use pliers or wire cutters.

Then we attach it from below. We use wire or special staples. You can also use plastic clips, which are usually used to secure electrical wires.

The most important thing in the fastening process is to make sure that the chain-link holds firmly and is well tensioned. Don't forget to check this while working.