How to make a crossbow out of paper? How to make a crossbow at home. We make a mini-crossbow, a crossbow from pencils and paper with our own hands. We make a crossbow trigger mechanism

You will need

  • - boards;
  • - carpentry tools;
  • - hemp rope;
  • - feathers:
  • - leather;
  • - iron wire.


The crossbow consists of three parts. This is a stock, an arc and a trigger mechanism, aka . To make a crossbow of the most ancient design, start with an arc. The parameters of the remaining parts depend on it. Select boards. Suitable for the arc are yew, hazel, and rowan. Conifers no good. The board must be well dried and seasoned. There should be no curling, cross-layering or knots. Cut a piece 70-80 cm long, 3-4 cm wide and about 2 cm thick. Process it with a plane so that the arc evenly thins towards the ends to a width of 1-1.5 cm.

Make a bed. It is made from deciduous wood that has sufficient... It can be maple, beech and even oak. Keep in mind that the crossbow was not pressed down when firing and did not have a butt. Therefore, make the bed in the form of a board that is comfortable to hold in your hands. In the front of the stock, make a groove into which the central part of the arc should fit.

At a distance of 8-10 cm from the groove, make a hole for the rope fastening of the arc. Temporarily secure the bow in the slot with rope by wrapping the rope around the bow and threading it through the hole in the stock. Attach a bowstring to the ends of the soul. To do this, you need to make small cuts on it with a knife. Tension the bowstring as you would during shooting (as much as your strength and arc strength allow). Make a mark on the stock in the place where the drawn bowstring is located at this moment. Remove the arc from the bed and continue processing it. From the bowstring mark, step back a distance equal to the length of your forearm. Saw off the workpiece.

Make a trigger mechanism. In this design, you can use the most ancient lock of the so-called pin type. Drill through hole in the stock where the bowstring is marked. In the upper part of the stock, make a transverse recess to the depth of the bowstring. At the bottom, fasten it to the hinge according to the drawing. The lever axis can also be made of wood and fixed with two pieces of wire passing through it. Insert the axle into the stock, thereby securing the lever. Secure it by piercing it on both sides with pieces of wire. Holes for the wire can be drilled or burned. The latter method is more consistent with historical technology. Wrap the protruding small ends of the wire around the axis.

Place the stock and lever together. Secure them in this position with a clamp or rope and, using a ready-made hole in the stock, drill a blind recess in the lever to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. Remove the clamp. Check how free the lever is on the axle. Friction should be minimal.

Using a knife, cut a round pin from oak or beech so that it is slightly smaller than the lock hole. The pin should fit freely and without hooks into the hole, resting on the trigger lever. The length of the pin should be such that when the lever is fully raised, the upper edge is level or slightly above the upper plane of the stock. The function of the pin is to push the string out of the groove.

Perform final processing wooden parts. Sand them down with sandpaper. You can coat them with albumin varnish (egg white dissolved in water) or wax them.

Use a rope to secure the bow to the stock. Check that the lock is working correctly. When the lever is tilted upward, the pin should confidently push out the bowstring.

A copy of an ancient crossbow is a very interesting thing in terms of appearance, and when shooting from it. Now let's talk about how to make a crossbow at home so that it really looks like an ancient weapon. Nowadays, there are many modern crossbows, but their cost is quite high, and you want to hang a working copy of an ancient crossbow on the wall in your bedroom.

Now let's look step by step at what is needed to create wooden crossbow. Few tools are needed.

  1. Well sharpened knife.
  2. Drill.
  3. Hacksaw for metal.

Preparation of material, or How to make a crossbow from wood

In order for the product to look and shoot like a real weapon, it must be made from suitable wood:

  1. Poplars.
  2. Ash.
  3. Pines.
  4. Duba.
  5. Maple.
  6. Acacias.

These trees are perfect.

A crossbow consists of two main parts - the bow and the stock. If we are making a weapon with a power of up to 20 kilograms, for the bow we need to find an even branch five centimeters thick and a meter long. If the power of the crossbow is planned to be more than 20 kilograms, then it is better to take a blank 10 centimeters thick and a meter long. For the crossbow stock, select a branch with a diameter slightly thicker than the bow blank. If there are branches on the sawn material, under no circumstances should they be completely cut off. You just need to shorten them so that the length is from three to five centimeters. If you cut off the knots completely, they will immediately crack and the workpiece will be damaged.

Drying harvested wood

Before making a crossbow with your own hands, you need to ensure that the material dries gradually. To do this, you need to cover the cuts with varnish so that moisture does not escape through them too quickly. We also cover the cuts on the knots. If this is not done, then due to rapid evaporation the wood will crack, and this is undesirable. After this, the blanks should lie for a month in a dry and dark place. How longer tree If it dries, the better.

Primary processing

The material is ready, we can start. Let's start with the onion. We examine the annual rings of the tree. Where they are thinner, the northern side, that’s what we need. In this place the structure of the material is much denser. Now you need to cut the workpiece in half and take the north side for the product. After everything is done, the tree needs to be allowed to lie for another week so that the remaining moisture comes out.

Making a crossbow bow

We begin making a bow, during which we will see the structure of the tree and learn how to make a crossbow at home using ancient technologies. So, let's get started, we need to cut off the layers of the tree where its core is present. If you leave it, there is a risk that longitudinal cracks will appear. Then we measure the middle of the bow and begin to cut off the excess material, making the bow. When processing, you must ensure that its shoulders are the same. We check for bending all the time. As soon as the shoulders begin to bend even a little, you need to make a test bowstring.

A test string is a strong rope with one loop on one side and several on the other, located at different distances. They are needed to measure the bend of the bow arms. How more material cut off, the more they can be bent, while changing the loops to the nearest ones. By constantly pulling the test string, it is easy to see whether the bend is uniform after processing the bow. After all, if you look only visually, you can make a big mistake. The density of wood is not the same in all places, so a seemingly perfect bow may bend unevenly. Sometimes it happens that a thick section is a weak point, while a thinner section, on the contrary, does not bend. To avoid mistakes, you need to constantly check the onion. Only after studying all the nuances can you make a working copy, understanding how to make a crossbow with your own hands, and fully display the power and beauty of the ancient weapon.

Making a crossbow stock

In the front part of the stock you need to cut a two-centimeter depression where the bow will be located. After we mark 30 cm from the edge, the bowstring and arrow will walk on this surface. We level this plane if there are bends or branches on it. Afterwards, you need to measure out a place for a gutter 1 cm thick and 0.5 cm deep, then cut out holes for the bow and trigger mechanism. It is better to do this with a chisel or a carpenter's cutter, but to understand in detail how to make a crossbow, the drawings will help.


Let's take the simplest hold, called a nut. This is a cylinder that rotates freely on an axis. On one side there are hooks for the bowstring, on the other there is a stop for the L-shaped trigger. If the crossbow has a draw weight of up to 30 kg, the trigger can be made of wood. However, if the power is greater, it should be made of metal.

Making a bowstring

You need to take a board and insert pegs 1 cm thick. They should protrude 3 cm. From one to the other, we wind a nylon thread in a circle. When the thickness of all the threads is approximately 5 mm, you need, without removing them from the pegs, to wrap this skein once in a circle so that all the threads are tightly wound. After this, near the peg, we collect the two halves of the bowstring with our fingers and wrap it again, but much tighter, until the next peg. So, we will get a bowstring with two loops. A diagram on how to make a crossbow will help you understand everything. Everything is very clear on it.

Assembling the crossbow and pulling the string

First you need to attach the bow to the stock, then we mount the trigger mechanism, after which we tighten the bowstring. You can’t just tighten it, so you need to use a trial one. Next you need to draw the crossbow. When the bow is bent, we hang the bowstring. After which the trial is removed. That's it, the ancient weapon is ready. Here's how to make a crossbow at home using only basic tools.

Making a toy mini crossbow

For fun at home with children or for fooling around with friends, you can make a mini crossbow from scrap materials. What you will need for this:

  1. Two wooden skewers.
  2. Carpenter's chisel or knife.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Wooden clothespin.
  5. Glazing bead.

Scheme, or How to make a mini-crossbow from what you can easily find at home

  1. We take wooden skewers and cut off the sharp ends from them. After that we tie them together at the edges. This will be the crossbow bow.
  2. We take a glazing bead and mark two segments on it equal to the length of the bow of our miniature weapon. Then we cut off these two parts and connect them together with tape. This is the crossbow stock. We wrap the onion with tape in front.
  3. After this, we pull the bowstring onto the crossbow.
  4. We pull it back and see at what distance to install the hook. They will use a clothespin, or rather, its spring and one half of the wooden part.
  5. We cut out the necessary grooves on the crossbow stock so that it replaces the missing part of the clothespin. Let's assemble our hook.
  6. The crossbow is ready, press the clothespin on top, thereby opening it, pull the string together with the arrow and clamp it. To shoot, press from above again.

We figured out how to make a mini crossbow, and now we can go further and create a weapon out of pencils.

Create a crossbow from pencils

To do this you need to take:

  1. Four pencils.
  2. Seven rubber bands.
  3. Ballpoint pen body.
  4. Scotch.

Shall we get started?

  1. First you need to take pencils and connect them two at a time. You can use rubber bands or tape. This will be the bow and crossbow stock.
  2. In the front part of the bed we wrap the bow from below.
  3. On top of the stock we tape the body from the handle, this will be a guide for the arrow. It can be made from the shaft of the same pen.
  4. Now we put one elastic band on the ends of the bow, and tie their edges with thread or tape to make a solid bowstring. Now we grab the bowstring with the inserted arrow, launch it into the guide from the handle body and release it.

Here's how to make a crossbow out of pencils that shoots great.

Let's start creating a paper crossbow

This requires:

  1. A4 sheets - 9 pieces.
  2. Popsicle sticks - 4 pieces.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Durable nylon thread.

How to make a crossbow out of paper that will shoot pencils?

  1. Place three sheets of paper lengthwise in front of you. We bend from left to right. Cut in half along the bend line. This makes six sheets, the width of which is 10.5 cm and the length of 29.7 cm. We divide them into two piles of three sheets each.
  2. Using a pencil, roll one and then a second stack of sheets into tubes. Their length should be 10.5 cm, and their diameter should be slightly thicker than a pencil. To prevent them from unwinding, we secure them with tape.
  3. We insert a popsicle stick into one end of the tubes a third of their length. We break off the protruding part. From the free side we insert a whole popsicle stick, also a third. These are the arms of the bow. Now you need to bend them in half in the center of the paper tubes.
  4. We take five more sheets of paper, twist them with a pencil, this will be the crossbow stock.
  5. We tie the arms of the bow to the resulting tube in front. They need to be evenly wound in front of the product bed. Here's how to make a crossbow at home from paper. Now he needs a hook, a trigger and a guide.
  6. We tie the thread to the arms of the bow and pull it to understand where the hook will be. Having decided, we cut through the bed in this place. Then we cut off a piece of stick 3-4 cm in size and insert it into the hole so that it protrudes 5 mm from above and acts as a trigger from below.
  7. AND finishing touch. We make a tube 3 cm long so that a pencil can pass through it freely, and tape it to the front of the crossbow above its bow. This is a guide for the stele. That's it, now you can tighten the bowstring, put, for example, a pencil in the guide and shoot.

Here we looked at creating a copy of an ancient crossbow. However, it was also interesting to create throwing weapons from scrap materials, as they say: on your knees. From paper, they even showed how to make a crossbow from pencils, and a mini-weapon that turned out to be quite powerful for its size. So you should look at the world more broadly and always improvise, this is the only way to achieve excellent results in deeds worthy of admiration by those around him.

Make a crossbow with my own hands, You will not regret!

There is, perhaps, no other creative material as amazing in its versatility as ordinary paper. Under with skillful hands from a sheet of office paper, anything your heart desires can come into being - a craft, and even a model of a crossbow. Yes, not simple, but very effective. How to make a crossbow from ordinary office paper with your own hands will be discussed in our master class.

MK Crossbow made of paper

  1. Let's start building a crossbow with a bowstring. For this we will take three thin elastic bands.
  2. We pass one elastic band through the other, tightening the resulting knot tightly.
  3. We will repeat the same with the third elastic band, thus forming a chain 23-25 ​​cm long.
  4. Take a sheet of regular A4 office paper and roll it into a tube along the long side.
  5. Secure the end of the tube with tape.
  6. Let's fix the other end of the tube in the same way, making sure that it doesn't unwind.
  7. Let's roll up a few more paper tubes in the same way.
  8. We will also securely secure the ends of these tubes with tape.
  9. Cut one of the tubes into two equal parts.
  10. Let's connect two tubes together at right angles, placing one in the center of the other.
  11. Let's strengthen the horizontal tube-base by attaching another one to it.
  12. We will not spare the adhesive tape and securely fasten the entire structure together.
  13. Take a tube cut into two parts.
  14. We attach one of its halves at an angle to the crossbar so that it forms a stop.
  15. We will also attach the second half of the tube to the transverse bar on the other side.
  16. We roll up another tube.
  17. We separate from it a segment equal to 1/3 of its length.
  18. We wind this section to the crossbow so that it reaches the intersection of the vertical tube with the side stops. We wind the remaining section of the tube to the vertical support at a right angle, forming a handle.
  19. We wrap another paper tube at a right angle at the top of the crossbow.
  20. We tighten the bowstring, securing it at both ends of the crossbar.
  21. We strengthen the middle part of the bowstring with several layers of tape.

Modern children spend most of their free time on a computer, tablet or smartphone. They no longer play on the street as before, do not use their imagination, do not invent something unusual. Naturally, times change, generations too, so don’t be too upset, because this is a natural process.

But here's your chance to give your child the opportunity to learn how to make things with their hands while providing them with new toys. For example, you can show him how to make a crossbow out of paper.

The benefits of classes for a child

Many parents may be indignant, because making something with their own hands is no longer relevant, it will only take up the child’s time, and will also take away precious minutes from the parents, because such an activity still needs to be taught, helped, and evaluated. But you don’t have to worry - naturally, there are crafts that can take hours and even days to make, but no one is forcing you to choose them. In order to teach your son or daughter how to make a crossbow out of paper, you will need a maximum of half an hour, but then the child will have a full-fledged toy and a lot of joy from the realization that he made it himself. You can use this when you want to take a little break from your baby, who constantly demands your attention - provide him with the material, and he will selflessly immerse himself in the manufacturing process, and then come running to you with a beaming face, demonstrating the result. So don’t underestimate the benefits of such an activity - in any case, no one is stopping you from trying.

And for testing, creating a crossbow is ideal.

What will you need?

If you are interested in how to make a crossbow out of paper, then first of all you need to decide what you need to make it. Naturally, the main component is paper; you will need at least 10 sheets of it, preferably in A4 format, since it will be much easier to make a crossbow from them. They are also the most accessible, so you shouldn’t have any problems finding this material. But how to make a crossbow out of paper without holding it together? To carry out the fastening you will need regular tape, which is also very easy to get. Another required element- this is a pencil that will play the role of an arrow loaded into a crossbow. You will need to use string as a bowstring, but you will need to make sure that it is thick and strong enough. To give details the desired shape you will need scissors, and to make the process more fun, you should get some ice cream. But when you eat it, don’t rush to throw away the remaining wooden sticks - they will come in handy to create a full-fledged crossbow from paper and pencil.

These are all the components you will need - as you can see, there is nothing supernatural here, all the components can be found either at home or bought at the nearest store.

Creating Crossbow Shoulders

In order to make from paper, you will need to go through three stages, and the first of them is making the shoulders. To begin, you will need four sheets of paper, which you need to fold in half lengthwise and cut along the fold line. After this, take the resulting small sheets and roll them into a tube, using a pencil if necessary. Once the tube is ready, secure its edges with tape to prevent it from unraveling, then repeat the procedure with the remaining half of the small sheets. But this is just the beginning - to give the crossbow's arms strength, you will need to place paper straws Popsicle sticks. On one side, measure four centimeters on the tube and on the stick, insert the stick to the mark and break it so that it remains inside the tube. After this, bend the tube and insert another stick from the other end, and then repeat the procedure with the other shoulder. To make a crossbow made of paper and pencil more reliable, secure the entire result with tape.

Stage two: creating the foundation

Once the arms are ready, you can move on to creating the base of the crossbow, which is also called the stock because it is where the arrows are placed.

To do this you will need five sheets of paper, which you again fold using a pencil to better effect, and secure with tape. From the edge where the shoulders will be attached, this tube needs to be made flattened - they will be adjacent to these flattened areas. And again, attach everything very securely, using tape, so that your crossbow does not fall apart, but serves for a long time and is reliable. Here you can also use part of the remaining sheet to make a small tube-sight, which will be slightly larger in diameter than a pencil - the arrow will pass through it when released. Use the remaining paper to make two small tubes at the base of the crossbow - the arrow will go there.

Trigger Installation

But a crossbow differs from a bow in that it has a trigger that automatically releases the string and sends the arrow flying freely. To make it, you will first need to attach a thread to the edges of the crossbow's arms. Then pull it all the way and in the place that comes into contact with the base of the crossbow, make a small hole, and at the bottom it should be slightly wider than at the top. This is where the trigger will be located, which you can make from an unused leftover popsicle stick.

The result is a completely working trigger mechanism that can be used to launch arrows. Before completing the work, check all the elements of the crossbow for secure fastening, and if something somewhere seems shaky to you, do not skimp on tape to secure this part properly.

Safety first

So, you have learned a crossbow that can fire pencil shots. Of course, this is not a real weapon, but if not handled carefully, it can also cause harm to your child's health and damage to your property. Therefore, your child should be taught not only how to make a crossbow, but also how to handle it. Demonstrate everything to him clearly, designate an area where he can play with the crossbow, and then he will be absolutely safe.

How to make a crossbow out of paper?

Everything in the office is heated to the limit; even ice cream doesn’t help cool down the heat? Just a little bit and an unforgettable battle will begin, and you don’t have a weapon... Then you definitely need to learn how to make a crossbow out of paper yourself. For this we will need: office paper, twine, ice cream sticks, tape and knowledge of origami.


Let's take a closer look at how to make a crossbow out of paper. Let's make the main parts. This is a tension mechanism with two arches of the bow. We take four sheets of paper, fold them into a stack and cut them in half lengthwise.

  • We twist the cut halves tightly onto a pencil, secure it with tape and wrap it over the entire surface. This gives strength and elasticity to the workpieces.
  • We divide the stick into three equal parts and insert 1/3 into one of the tubes.
  • We break off our stick along the mark, insert this end into the next tube and also tear it off along the mark made.
  • We don’t throw away the pieces that are left from the sticks, we will still need them. We insert a whole stick from the other end of the tube until it stops, making sure that the already inserted broken part is perpendicular to the long one.
  • Now we insert the long sticks into both tubes and, where they connect, bend them at an angle of 90 degrees. The tensioning mechanism is done.
  • The next step is to make the crossbow carriage and attach all the other parts to it. We take paper, fold four sheets in half and wrap it around a pencil as tightly as possible, securing it with tape.
  • Straighten the front edge of the carriage. Using tape, we attach the tension mechanism to the main part by the short ends. We tie a piece of twine of suitable length to the ends of the sticks.
  • We make the trigger mechanism. Using a knife, we cut a slot in the carriage so that it is inclined towards the back of the crossbow. Divide a short piece of stick in half and insert it into the hole. As a result, we get a taut bowstring that, due to its inclination, does not catch or slip anywhere.
  • We twist a strip of paper on a pencil so that it passes through it freely. We attach the made tube to the front of the carriage using tape. It plays the role of a barrel and guides the pencil when firing.
  • We attach two compressed tubes with tape to the top side of the trigger. It should turn out that they will be in height relative to the trigger, and the lowered bowstring will rest against the center of the end of the pencil, which lies between these tubes.

Now you know how to make a crossbow out of paper.