How to make a snow slide in the yard. Snow slide, make a snow slide with your own hands

In the courtyard of a private house or in a country house, the best entertainment for a child is a children's slide. Playground with a descent, suitable for children from 2 to 7 years old and older. Implementing such a design is not difficult, knowing how to make a children's slide with your own hands, how to ensure safety and what to pay attention to during manufacture. The simplest, fastest and inexpensive option for the dacha - a wooden slide, the construction of which will be discussed in this article in the form step by step instructions for beginners without construction experience.

DIY children's slide

Types of children's slides

The location of the slide (in the house or on the street) will determine its dimensions and material of manufacture. From this position, two types are distinguished:

Indoor slide for a child in a house/apartment

Usually, small size, installed in the child's bedroom. Any materials (chipboard, plywood, laminate) are suitable for production, since Negative influence environment. A do-it-yourself indoor slide for children is made according to the same principle as an outdoor one, but in a more compact size.

There are such slides in the courtyard of almost every high-rise building. Residents of the private sector have to take care of their installation themselves.

Types of slides depending on the material of manufacture

There are ready-made slides on sale made from different materials (the most popular is plastic), for self-made usually wood or metal is used. Nevertheless, short review will give an idea of ​​the advantages of this or that material for the slide. The list is in order of ease of installation and duration of operation:

Inflatable slide

Made from PVC (laminated PVC fabric). Suitable for little ones.

Easy to assemble (inflated manually or with an electric pump), compact, has short term services.

Plastic slide

Designed for children 3-5 years old. Plastic allows you to make slopes various shapes: pipe, spiral, wave.

A PVC slide takes up little space, is easy to clean, safe, and has a sliding surface. You can go down the slide at any time of the year; the plastic slope has a high heat capacity (it does not overheat in summer and does not cool in winter). Making a plastic slide with your own hands is quite simple - connect the parts according to the instructions.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of the plastic (inherent in cheap Chinese-made models).

Metal slide

Reliable, durable, with proper care it can be ridden by two or three generations. There is an opportunity to do different heights and different lengths of the slope (descent).

The disadvantage is the high thermal conductivity of the metal (it’s very cold to go down in winter, and very hot in summer). In addition, the metal slide needs maintenance, and the steel slope is susceptible to corrosion.

Wooden slide

Wood is a natural and affordable material.

The wooden slide is environmentally friendly, lightweight, comfortable, suitable for installation in any place and use in any weather.

However, wooden slides require constant protection (wood is susceptible to rotting and deformation).

A wooden children's slide for a dacha is the most popular and simplest option for making your own, due to the availability of wood, maintainability and the ability to complete the work without the involvement of specialists (welding work, use welding machine and so on.).

How to make a children's slide out of wood with your own hands

1. Design

3D projects, drawings, slide diagrams allow you to get a holistic idea of ​​the configuration and dimensions of the future structure, and will also significantly facilitate the manufacture of parts.

Development of a slide project for children (what to pay attention to):

  • child's age. The baby will need a flat, low slide. So that he himself or with the help of adults can go down it. Older children will be more interested in the presence of turns or bends on the descent;
  • height. Allows you to select the required height of the stairs (the taller the child, the greater the distance between the steps should be) and the steepness of the flight. In addition, determine the installation location of the handrails;

Note. For small children, it is necessary to install a flat staircase; for older ones, a vertical one is acceptable.

  • slide dimensions. Dimensions are needed to calculate the width of the slope (descent) and the height of the enclosing sides;
  • installation location. It is necessary to leave free space in front of the slide for a safe descent;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs and slope so that they are safe for ascent and descent;
  • the wishes of the child and your own abilities.

A drawing of a simple wooden slide is shown in the figure.

2. Material for children's slide made of wood

As an example, we provide a list of lumber for a wooden slide with a slope length of 3000 mm and an upper platform size of 500x500 mm.

Material prepared for the website

No. Material Purpose Quantity
1 wooden beam 100*100*1500 mm. For supports 4 things.
2 wooden beam 20*40*500 mm. To strengthen the upper platform (stiffening ribs) 2 pcs.
3 wooden beam 30*30*500 mm. For fencing the upper platform 2 pcs.
4 wooden beam 30*30*1500 mm. For railings 2 pcs. if necessary
5 board 20*100*500 For connecting supports from below (giving structural strength) 4 things.
6 board 25*100*500 To cover the floor of the upper platform 5 pieces.
7 board 25*100*300 For arranging steps 6-8 pcs. (depending on the child's height)
8 floorboard, 3,000 mm or moisture-resistant plywood, at least 20 mm thick. or factory plastic slope For the ramp device 2 pcs. The number of pieces and their length depends on the specified length of the slope and its width
9 board 25*100*3 000 For installation of ramp guards (+ stiffener) 2 pcs.
10 screws, anchors For fastening Use galvanized hardware to avoid corrosion. It is better not to use nails
11 lumber for arranging stairs: board or timber For stringer/stringer of stairs 2 pcs.

Advice. Under the upper platform you can make a box for storing sports equipment or toys.

The tools you will need are a tape measure, a hammer, a level, a drill, a plane, a saw.

3. Preparing material for a children's slide

Please note that only well-dried wood is used in this work; this will reduce the likelihood of deformations. All lumber must be processed (planed) with an electric planer to eliminate nicks and knots. And also sand and chamfer (round) to eliminate all possible wood defects.

Bottom support pillars treat with any material that avoids rotting (waterproofing mastic, mining machine oil, resin, etc.).

4. Preparing a place under the slide for children

Level the area allocated for the hill and mark the location of the supports. In our case, this is a square of 500x500 mm. In the corners of the square, use a drill to deepen the holes 500-600 mm. Pour crushed stone-sand mixture down. The pillow will serve as additional protection for the support posts.

Note. If you plan to develop a complex playground, more free space should be provided.

5. Installation of supports for a children's slide

Supports are installed in the prepared places (No. 1 from the table with a list of materials) and securely fixed with concrete.

To make the structure stronger, its bottom is “tied”. To do this, grooves are made in the racks (with a chisel or a router) 20 mm deep. The supports are connected to each other using a planed board (No. 5), inserted into the prepared grooves. It is better to fasten with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.

Note. Installation of the slide is possible without digging in; in this case, guy ropes are provided.

6. Installation of the floor (top flooring) for a children's slide

The work uses elements No. 2 and No. 6. The timber is laid out parallel to each other, and boards prepared for the floor are attached to it.

Advice. A gap of 5-7 mm should be left between the boards to allow water to drain.

7. Making a ramp (slide) for a children's slide

If there is a plastic slope, it is simply installed and secured to existing structure. When making a ramp with your own hands, elements No. 8 and No. 9 are used. The floorboards are fastened together, and enclosing edges are installed along them.

The place where the ramp is attached to the floor of the upper platform can be made in two versions:

  • by forming desired angle(usually 45°) and attachment to the base;
  • by sawing the grooves, as shown in the photo.

Please note that the bottom of the slope is also sawn at an angle to ensure its stability when going down the hill.

The main rule here is that the boards that make up the slope are carefully polished after the shield is formed - this will eliminate the smallest imperfections of the boards and prevent the appearance of splinters and abrasions in the child.
After construction, the slope is painted.

What to make a ramp for a children's slide?

Summarizing the user experience, we can highlight the most popular materials for the release device:

  • plastic sheet. It has best characteristics slip, but is prone to cracking, and also makes the structure expensive;
  • galvanized steel sheet with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm;
  • thin plywood;
  • linoleum;
  • wax polish applied to wood;
  • Laminate, on the contrary, is not recommended to lay, because it deforms under load and under the influence of moisture.

When laid on top of a durable wooden deck, these materials make the slide for a children's slide more slippery, which means the descent will be faster.

A drawing of a children's slide slope is shown in the diagram.

An older child will be interested in a slide that has a spiral slope rather than a straight one. In this case, you need to take a more careful approach to the design of the gutter, and its additional coating is mandatory.

Advice. Any unevenness of the slope, sharp corners, or metal parts can cause injury, so the places where the screws are attached are sanded, and the slope is painted or varnished.

8. Making a ladder for a children's slide

A mandatory element of a children's wooden slide is a staircase consisting of at least several steps.

Structurally, the staircase can be made on a bowstring or on a stringer. An example is shown in the diagram.

Note. Round steps can be made from available materials, for example, from cuttings gardening tools(shovel).

9. Fencing the stairs and the floor above the landing

Guardrails for the stairs and upper landing depend on the height of the slide, the age of the child and other factors.

Despite its apparent simplicity, a wooden children's slide requires compliance with certain rules during construction:

  • flexible plywood can be used to make a rotary ramp;
  • each element of the ladder must be securely fastened;
  • ready wooden slide It is advisable to paint not with ordinary oil paint, but with acrylic paint, or even better with high-quality varnish. In any case, the most exploited surface is the slope. The decorative coating is applied in several layers with mandatory drying of each layer;
  • Over time, the coating on the ramp will wear off and will therefore require maintenance. Users advise that each time before painting, sand the surface, eliminate possible deformations of the board, fill the cracks with putty, and only then cover with a new layer of paint.

Safety when using children's slides

  • the slope should rest against the mat (or sand mound) - this will ensure a soft landing;
  • A wooden slide needs periodic inspection for cracked joints or deformed boards. Especially relevant after winter;
  • It is better to install a wooden slide in the shade, in a place that is clearly visible from the window;
  • There should be no thorny bushes, poisonous plants (datura, foxglove) or allergenic plants near the installation site. Honey-bearing flowers are also not the best neighbors - they will attract bees;
  • there should be enough space for several children to be near the slide;
  • electrical cables, pipes, hoses should also be located away from the slide.


A short guide will help you make a wooden slide with your own hands. In the future, it can be supplemented with other elements of the play complex: swings, sandbox, sports equipment.

In winter for most children the best entertainment is riding on a snow slide. Combining this activity with making a snowman and playing snowballs, you can have a great time fresh air. Moreover, during the winter holidays, active recreation options should be associated with visiting the street.

In order to get maximum pleasure from a fast descent, you need to know how to properly fill the slide. This requires the presence of certain conditions and certain means. The most important of them are snow and frosty weather. If they are absent, the idea of ​​skiing will have to be postponed until the onset of appropriate weather conditions.

Making a mountain of snow

Initially, you need to build a slide of the required height and desired design from snow and carefully compress all the snow elements. This will make it durable and will not allow it to sag during active use. To avoid the question of how to fill a slide correctly, you need to perform all actions in strict sequence and not neglect any of them.

We strengthen the slide with water

The next step will be to secure the snow slide and give it strength. But before this, the existing structure must be allowed to settle and settle for several days. After this, if there is severe frost, you can apply it to the entire surface of the slide. cold water. To ensure that the snow surface remains intact, it is best to spray water. Otherwise, the snow will simply melt, forming grooves and irregularities.

Watering the hill with a watering can

Another option for how to properly fill a slide in winter is to use a watering can for this purpose. Filled with water, you need to water the entire surface of the snowy mountain from the base to the top. Moisture should be evenly distributed over the entire sloped area. This will keep the surface smooth after the water has completely frozen.

Let's make the surface of the slide smooth

In order to understand how to properly fill a slide, you need to take into account the fact that if holes and uneven spots form, clothing may be damaged when sliding over them.

To eliminate such defects, you need to use a small amount of snow mixed with water to the consistency of a slurry. With this mixture you need to fill all the recesses and smooth out all the unevenness. If necessary, it can be used to apply over the entire surface of the mountain. This will level out all the protrusions and recesses and further strengthen the structure.

For a more convenient descent, the slide can be equipped with sides. They can be made from wet snow. The edges of the sides should be as smooth as possible to avoid damage to clothing or body parts.

Use a hose to strengthen the slide

Another great option for how to fill a slide correctly is to use a hose with a spray nozzle for this purpose. This method is only possible if there is a water supply or water pump in the immediate vicinity. You need to pour water carefully, avoiding melting snow. You should start applying water from the top, gradually moving down. This procedure needs to be done several times, then the question of how to properly fill the slide will be completely closed.

After a few hours, the wet snow should freeze completely. If this does not happen, you should wait until it hardens completely. After this, it's time to start riding. A flat and smooth descent surface is the key high speed slip. A properly made slide can bring a lot of pleasure, joy and positive emotions. If you follow these tips, the question of how to properly fill a slide will no longer arise.

When descending from ice slides You should be extremely careful to avoid causing injury to yourself and those around you. Riding by young children should be done under full adult supervision to prevent injury and avoid possible accidents.

Why do children love to go down the slides? An idle question. Well, it's cool, that's all. These smart adults and aunts have discovered that downhill skiing trains the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements, teaches how to correctly assess the degree of risk and group in a fall. Many animals make smooth paths for themselves on wet clay slopes and slide down them.

You can make a children's slide with your own hands without much difficulty. You can find many slides for children to ride that their mothers built for them. There is always a place for a children's slide on a plot of any size, see fig. below. The cost of materials for a no-frills children's slide, as long as the ride is good, fits into the equivalent of $15-$20.

Parents who have some excess free time and money can practice craftsmanship and design using a sample slide for children to ride (see examples in the next photo), without risking spoiling something significant and prestigious: any indispensable foundations of the design of a children's playground there is no corner. But certain technical rules There are performances of children's play slides in the material. They are dictated by safety requirements that take into account the characteristics of the child’s body.

First look detailed video, how to build a children's slide like those that are still in many places in kindergartens and on:

Video: building a wooden children's slide

The author is undoubtedly a knowledgeable, skillful and conscientious person. As far as construction techniques are concerned, he must be followed. But he either simply repeated the design of known samples, or, if he was guided by some regulatory documents, then outdated. Currently, the construction of children's slides is regulated by GOST R 52168-2003, taking into account modern data on some features of the child's body and psyche.

What do you need to know to ride profitably?

We are more than 3/4 water - this is common knowledge. As well as the fact that the child’s skeleton has not yet completely ossified and has not gained the elasticity of an adult. Although children are generally stronger and more resilient than adults, their skeletons are slower and worse at accepting and absorbing (damping) instantaneous loads. Previously, these features were considered separately; now – in interaction. A modern slide for children takes this into account to the fullest. Namely: a slight but sharp push in the direction from bottom to top causes a wave of compression of the internal organs in the child’s body. This is called hydrocontusion. On a hill, hydrocontusion is negligible in absolute value. Repeated repeatedly and systematically, it gradually causes harm. A bump, bruise or abrasion can make you cry all over the world, but they pass without a trace. Regular, completely imperceptible hydrocontusion by a child can cause a number of developmental disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Plus possible anomalies mental development: the child does not learn to correctly assess the degree of danger, risk and the degree of his endurance.


The main thing in a slide for skiing on the fifth point is its slope. GOST R 52168-2003 pays the most serious attention to its design. The slope of a modern children's slide should have a profile that completely eliminates hydrocontusion.

Excerpts from GOST R 52168-2003 regarding slope profiling are shown in the figure:

Its difference from the old ones is the obligatory presence of the final section C (brake pad, brake springboard). The sliding section Β (accelerating) must be interfaced with the braking smooth transition. Along the entire length of the slope there should be no joints of covering sheets, visible fastener heads, or other potentially traumatic areas. Because children really like to plop down before sliding down the slide. soft spot to the starting section, its coupling with the accelerating section is also highly desirable to be done smoothly. The ratios of the sizes of the sliding and braking areas are as follows:

  • B up to 1500 mm – C=300 mm for both types of slopes. Side height from 150 mm;
  • B from 1500 mm to 7500 mm – C from 500 mm for slopes of type 1 and from 0.3 B for slopes of type 2. Side from 250 mm;
  • B from 7500 mm – C from 1500 mm for slopes of type 1 and from 0.3 B for slopes of type 2. Side from 350 mm.

From slides of type 1 they slide onto a damper: into a sandbox, onto an inflatable or padded mat. In this case, section C must protrude at least 300 mm above the damper and overhang no more than 150 mm above it. Based on this, the height of the overhang of the end of the slope above the ground is calculated. From a type 2 ramp they roll down onto a lawn or soft bedding. The recommended overhang height of its end H is 50-70 mm, but not more than 120 mm. A type 1 ramp must be equipped with a side along its entire length as per the list above. For a type 2 slope, the side should extend into section C by 1/3 of its length.

Drawings of finished profiles of children's slides with extremely small and close to extremely large slopes of the sliding section are shown in Fig. (with support beams and sides); on the right, the profile line is highlighted in bold. To get a 50 degree profile from a 47 degree profile with more than enough accuracy for practice, it needs to be rotated 3 degrees clockwise.

It’s easier to slide down a steep hill, and it takes up less space, which is essential if you are designing a children’s slide for a summer cottage. For such a case, you need to make slides with an inclination of more than 40 degrees type 1, otherwise the braking section will be too long. Slides with an inclination of less than 40 degrees are made of type 2: the brake ramp, which gives the most thrill in the type 1 slides, will only spoil the fun of the type 2 slides (see also below, about the surfaces of the slides).

It is not difficult to design a slide profile of an arbitrary (within specified limits) slope specifically for your specific location. We need 3 profiles: minimum slope type 2, maximum type 1 and some middle one, with a flat section C of minimum length, so to speak, a half brake, half springboard. The profiles are drawn to scale, one above the other, so that the starting ends are spaced at equal distances from each other. Then vertical secants are constructed with the same step. The segments between the profiles are divided proportionally to the resulting angle, and the desired profile is constructed from the points, see Fig. on right. The slope angle, based on the available space, is calculated as φ=arctg(D/L), where L is the length of the downhill section minus the length of the braking section.

It remains to find somewhere a slope profile of 40 degrees with a flat section C of the shortest length. A slide for a children's playground, the drawings of which are given on the next page. Fig., has just this. The missing dimensions can be removed from the drawings; they are made according to all the rules. The entire design, which is quite complex, is not worth repeating, but the profile of the slope here is exactly what is needed.

Note: smooth connection of the beginning of the slope with the platform, if necessary. It is made using a pattern - the radius of its curvature is not critical, from 150 mm.

Platform height

By general rules TB, if a solid support under a person’s feet is above the base surface (floor, ground) above 1.7 m, then this is considered to be at a height. For an adult worker – work at height. For which an increase in salary is due. This is something that employees themselves often don’t even suspect, and even if employers know, they don’t raise the issue.

In relation to a children's slide, this means that the height of its platform should not be more than 1.7 m. However, for a country slide this is not significant; If the height is higher, it will spread over the entire area. And without hyperbole, it will significantly reduce its productive (or simply useful - for recreation) area. “No more” criterion is quite vague. If we also look at by-laws and industry regulations on this topic (GOST has the force of law), then two options emerge. The first one is that the site is solidly fenced and has a roof. There are only 2 openings in it: the entrance and the exit to the slope. Then its height can be maximum, 1.7 m. The staircase in this case is made in compliance with the rules for designing stairs in residential premises: passage width, slope, configuration of steps, etc. If any of these conditions are not met (say, there is also an opening to which the climbing frame fits), the platform should be made no higher than 1.3-1.4 m so that an adult can freely hold the child.

Note: It is advisable to make the flooring of the platform from tongue-and-groove boards, so that those who climb under it (what could we do without this?) will not have rubbish and sand falling on the firebrands.

Flooring and roofing

The smooth, slippery covering of the slope should lie entirely on a solid, hard and moderately elastic flooring. On the old slides without flooring, did you notice what looked like small dips under the cover? Each of them is hydrocontusion. Not the same, of course, as a parachutist who forgot to pull the ring, but quite sufficient to harm a child. Or just ruin the fun of riding.

Taking into account all modern requirements, the choice of materials for slippery coatings is small. Plywood, by the way, is not suitable: when peeling the veneer from a wooden block, the structure of the wood is seriously damaged, so plywood is not a material for external use. The best Finnish baked plywood on the slope of the hill after the first winter gives splinter after splinter. Covering options for the slope of a children's slide are as follows:

  • Wood impregnated with water-polymer emulsion (WPE), and on top - 3-4 layers acrylic enamel for baths or, better, 2-3 layers of yacht varnish or enamel. Yacht paint and varnish coatings are expensive, but are designed to withstand the abrasive effects of suspended matter in water and provide a very smooth surface, because Frictional resistance to movement is significant for small vessels. This coating will last 3-5 years until repairs are required; You won’t be able to slip on acrylic in 2-3 years, but you will get through it without difficulty, and it will need to be renewed. Wood flooring made from hard, fine-grained wood (oak, beech, hornbeam). Before painting/varnishing, it is thoroughly sanded and puttied.
  • Linoleum - laid on a flooring sanded to the profile (see below). If the stingray is covered with film for the winter, it will last 2-4 years, depending on the climate. Therefore, instead of overlays that hide the fasteners (also see below), it is better to install MDF skirting boards, pre-impregnated with EPE and painted or varnished.
  • Stainless steel with a thickness of 0.25 mm. Excellently slippery, does not lose anti-friction properties over time. On a solid wooden pillow it does not overheat under the sun. Buying a solid piece of stainless steel in our time is not difficult: even in small provincial towns in a tool store they will cut it from a roll for a sweet soul. In extreme cases, you will have to wait a few days until it is delivered from the nearest warehouse metal materials. There is only one drawback: any edges are traumatic, so they must be hidden or tucked. Advice about rolled stainless steel: find out which is more affordable in your area, and adjust the width of the slope (from 750 mm) to the width of the cut.

Note: how to build a children's slide with a stainless steel ramp cover with your own hands, see next. video clip:

Video: children's slide with a metal ramp (+ with a house and a swing)

How to make a ramp from wood

Wood is generally an excellent material, but how to make it? regular boards or profiled beams? It is impossible to steam the boards so as to bend them at home. Well, you can make a composite slope from scrap materials: scraps of boards and slats with a thickness of 20 mm or more.

How to make a children's slide from wood with a profiled slope from ordinary lumber is shown in the figure:

The dimensions of boards, slats and beams are conventionally increased for clarity. After assembling the flooring on the stringers, it is sanded in profile powerful drill(at least 350 W) or an angle grinder with a flexible grinding wheel (Durex). You can make Durex yourself from a circle of thick rubber (from 6 mm) with a diameter of 400 mm. To work with Durex, you will have to remove the safety cover from the grinder, unless it is removable, of course.

Note: Under a covering of linoleum with a lining (insulated), the flooring in the profile does not need to be sanded.

About purchased stingrays

The ramp, as we see, is the most labor-intensive part of the slide. Isn't it better then to buy ready-made? Propylene slope, slippery and durable outdoors, can be found on sale at a reasonable price.

How to choose the right ready-made slope for a children's slide is shown in Fig. below. It is better for older children to take stainless steel ones (item 1), and for the youngest (2-5 years old) - propylene ones (item 2), they are not so slippery. Make sure that the steel coating does not protrude anywhere (item 3), sharp edges are dangerous. Slopes with railings (pos. 4) are even more dangerous. What child doesn't flail his arms while he's rolling? What if your hand hits the railing during the crash?

Slopes with sharp breaks (pos. 5) and without a braking section - hydrocontusion after hydrocontusion. In slopes with inserts (pos. 6) and in general with joints on the coating (pos. 6), a traumatic ledge will inevitably form. Slopes with a threshold above 200 mm (item 7) are also produced by manufacturers high level. There is no obvious deception here, there is an “allowed” commercial trick: such slopes are designed for use with inflatable mats for outdoor use. Mats are sold optionally, i.e. separately. Price? Reasonable, economically justified: a little more expensive than the entire children's play corner.

But the spiral (very cool, of course) slide at pos. 8 is a real monster. The slope of the spiral slide must certainly be grooved, once. Second, in in this case The outer side at the bend needs to be at least twice as high, otherwise even a very calm child can fly off the slope of this slide at the turn.

Design examples

With good owners at the dacha and personal plot There is no such thing as extra space, and this will come in handy corner slide. But don’t squeeze it into the corner of the fence: the distance from the slide to any obstacle must be at least 1.3 m!

Drawings of the corner children's slide and its upper platform are given on the following. rice. Of course, it is better to make the slope profiled. In the same way, as a platform, you can build a sandbox for landing; then the length of the boards for it needs to be 1800 mm. The slide platform is supported by 4 pillars 150x150 at its inner corners.

The pillars do not have to be concreted. It is enough to scald their lower ends with hot bitumen to a height of 750-800 mm, sprinkle them with sand while still hot, wrap them in roofing felt and dig them in to a depth of 60 cm or more. In the pits you need cushions made of 15 cm of sand + the same amount of crushed stone, i.e. pit depth from 900 mm.

For scalding, the ends of the beams are immersed in almost boiling bitumen. Slowly, otherwise hot splashes will fly! Then they wait until the bitumen around the tree stops hissing and bubbling. This means that air and moisture are forced out of the wood. After this, the beams are kept in bitumen for at least 10-15 minutes so that it saturates all the pores. After installing the pillars in the pits, they are covered 3/4 of the depth with crushed stone in layers, 15 cm each, with a tamper and topped up with excavated soil with a height of 15-20 cm. Wooden non-foundation buildings on such supports last for 40-70 years or more.

In Canada, whose climate is similar to Russia’s, only even wetter, top platforms for children’s slides are common and do not require installation. earthworks, see fig. below. For proper rigidity and reliability of the entire structure, it is necessary, firstly, that the upper platform itself be of a box-shaped structure. That is, there may not be a roof, but balusters and reinforcement connections from the rear (stringer) are required. Secondly, the ladder legs must be attached to the strapping bars with rigid, one-piece units (leg brace), consisting of persistent jibs and attached earrings on the outside.

It is better to fix the entire structure on the ground, of course, not with pegs, but with L-shaped anchors made of reinforcing bars. The anchors are driven to a depth of 60 cm. In order for the ladder support brace, exposed to both soil and atmospheric destructive factors, to last for a long time, they must be protected from rotting especially carefully. For example, the same as the heels of a fence for a front garden, which is also installed directly on the ground.

The development of the idea of ​​a slide for children to ride, installed on the ground without excavation, are the samples shown in the following. rice. They use the rigidity of not only the triangle and the box, but also the so-called. biplane box. This gives a large supporting area, so such slides do not need to be attached to the ground at all, and the entire material is a 150x24 board. Second interesting feature– sides of slopes of decreasing height along the slope. You won’t fall off the top, but you’ll roll around - wave your arms and scream from your heart. Ready-made factory products of this type are available for sale; they are brought and simply placed where the owners indicate.

What if it’s a splash instead of a smack?

Translated into adults: if there is a swimming pool at the dacha or site with a depth of 60 cm or more. The slope of the slide for sliding into the water should have a curvature profile that decreases towards the end, and the finishing section C should also have a special profile and hang over the water surface by at least 400 mm. A splash instead of a splash is a delight to the skies and higher. Therefore, we conclude the publication with drawings of a slide for sliding into the water, see fig.

A DIY snow slide is an ideal activity for adults and children. After all, you only have to spend a few hours building the structure.

But your kids will have a wonderful ice attraction for the whole winter.

Let's start together

How to fill a snow slide? For this you need very little - snow, desire and enthusiasm. Well, also a few working hands. It’s good to involve the kids in this matter. After all, a snow slide made with your own hands will be especially loved if a piece of your labor is invested in it. Younger children can be assigned the simplest and most basic work, for example, bringing snow in children's buckets or rolling snowballs. Older children can be challenged by building steps. Well, you can even trust more experienced people to fill the descent with water. Believe me, the kids will remember the process of building a slide from ice and snow for the rest of their lives. It's so exciting!

Necessary equipment

Before building a snow slide, let's prepare the tools and equipment that will be needed for the job. There must be a lot of snow so that it can be used to build a frame and steps, and also add slides during operation. You also need to prepare:

It is advisable to equip the kids well who will help you during construction. After all, the main thing in this matter is not to get sick, and not just to solve the question: “How to fill a slide with snow?” Therefore, it is better for children to wear waterproof overalls and also stock up on several pairs of mittens. Make sure that the little ones don’t sweat or loosen their clothes, otherwise it’s very easy to catch a cold.


Any construction project must have its own parameters. They depend on the age of those who will ride on the homemade slide. If these are teenagers and adults, you can safely build a slide one and a half to two meters high. If kids will ride on this snow attraction, then the height of the slide should be no more than one meter.

The length of the descent, to make it easy and safe to ride, should be about 5 meters. It is very important to calculate the angle of descent. The slide should not be made too steep; the slope should be about 40 degrees. If you make it bigger, then the pleasure from

there will be less descent, and at the end of the descent on a steep hill the child may receive a noticeable blow. But a slide that is too flat will be uninteresting, because then the speed of the slider will significantly decrease.

The width of the slide should be sufficient to allow you to slide down it on a sled. This is about half a meter, no more. Having thought about how to fill a snow slide, do not forget about the sides on the descent to ensure safety. Otherwise, kids risk falling before reaching the end.

Don't forget about reliable steps - they will make it easy to climb the hill, and if you sprinkle them with sand, they will no longer be slippery.

Benefits of a snow slide

If you make a slide at the beginning of winter, then throughout the snowy season it can be improved and modernized by adding arches, turns, making branches, adding snow sculptures and decorating it. The advantages of this design are obvious:

  • construction can be carried out with children of all ages;
  • no special costs no need for expensive materials or specific tools;
  • You can experiment and apply your own design.

Before you fill the snow slide, you need to choose a convenient place. It is very important to place it away from the roadway and away from paths. See how well it will be lit in the evening, because it gets dark early in winter. Choose its location so that there are no bushes or trees nearby, no fences, hatches, poles, or anything that could pose a danger to those riding.

Shovels in hand - and forward

It’s better, of course, to guess when a relatively warm day will arrive. Then the snow will be sticky and the construction process will be much easier. How to make a snow slide? First, let's roll up a few snow globes different sizes. We place the largest one at the base, then we install a smaller ball and so on until the descent. We fill the empty space between them with snow and compact it tightly.

Then we form the steps. They should be wide enough and not too high. It is recommended to lay sheets of plywood on the descent line - then the surface will be even and smooth. The plywood should be covered with snow and the surface compacted tightly to a thickness of approximately 10-15 centimeters. Then, after filling with water, the slope will not sag and no holes or bumps will appear on it.

Fill several times

When the frame of the slide is ready, all that remains is to fill the slide with water. It is best to repeat this several times over several days so that the ice layer is strong.

Otherwise, the sled will quickly break the ice. Do not pour water in a strong stream so as not to wash away the snow; do it carefully and slowly.

If it is already frosty outside and it is impossible to choose a warm day to build a slide due to meteorological conditions, then from plywood and wooden shields You can install formwork and pour snow into it.

It will also be convenient to cut snow bricks from snowdrifts that have been well compacted. They are placed, for example, at the base of steps.

Initially, the steps should also be filled with water - then they will gain strength and will not crumble underfoot. As soon as they are well frozen, they must be sprinkled with sand so that the children can climb them without fear.

Think about the top platform of a snow slide. It should be level, safe and relatively large so that the child does not fall off it. You can also lay boards or plywood on top of it. But you should definitely ensure that the platform is not slippery.

You can make two descents from one site: one steeper, the other gentler. Don't forget to decorate your slide with an arch or a funny snowman - your attraction should not only be functional, but also aesthetically attractive.

Skiing down the mountain is a favorite pastime for children of all ages, and only adults can provide them with convenience and comfort in this activity, and they will have more than enough fun and enthusiasm. A slide can be built from a variety of available materials, and which ones will be discussed in this article.

What do you need for a slide?

In order to make a slide with your own hands, you can use metal, plastic, wood, as well as scrap materials left over from an old cabinet and desk. With even a little imagination, you can build a real miracle from them and place them in the corner of the children's room to the delight of your baby.

You can make a slide for your child from an old desk.

For this you will need:

  • varnished cabinet door;
  • plywood sheet;
  • small boards, which can be pieces of a shovel handle, legs from a table or chair.

Manufacturing stages:

Making a snow slide

Making a mountain out of snow with your own hands is very simple. The main thing is to wait until the temperature outside approaches about 0 ᵒC. And, of course, it is important to have enough snow.

You will also need:

  • shovel made of metal or plastic;
  • construction spatula, scraper;
  • bucket or watering can;
  • warm mittens.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. The primary task is to determine the location of such a homemade attraction. To minimize injuries, it is imperative to ensure that you roll out onto a level area so that
    the child could roll evenly until it came to a complete stop.
  2. The height of the slide is determined based on the age of the skaters. For children under 3 years old, a rise of 1 meter in height will be enough, and for older children you can build a higher slope, the main thing is that the slope does not exceed 40 degrees.
  3. Roll several large balls and form them into the foundation of a future building. If you plan to make a fairly high slide, then you should think about how the children will climb it. The problem can be solved by manufacturing the same snowballs, which can be laid at the foot in the form of steps.
  4. Use a spatula and scrapers to level the surface of the steps and leave the structure until cold weather sets in.
  5. The slide should be filled in cold weather. It is not recommended to use buckets or a hose for this, as there is a high risk of large holes forming. It's better to use regular garden watering can or the one that housewives use for watering indoor plants.
  6. Using a piece of plywood or a shovel with a wide working part, slowly pour water onto the structure. Or you can cover the raised area with a large piece of fabric and pour through it - this will help the liquid to be distributed more evenly over the snow.
  7. If you don’t have anything at hand except a bucket, then you need to mix the water in it with snow and cover the surface with this very slurry, leave it to freeze overnight, and repeat the procedure in the morning.
  8. That's it, the slide is ready. If necessary, potholes can be smoothed out with a spatula.