Vietnam holiday is much better. Entertainment and attractions

Vietnam is very interesting beautiful country, with its own character and culture. But it is not as popular in terms of tourism as Thailand, although it is very close. The reason for this is not weak infrastructure, inappropriate political system or bad character of the inhabitants. It's quite the opposite. Climate is the reason. Most of the country is located in a subtropical region with frequent monsoons. Only the southern part of the coast of Vietnam is in a hot, tropical and dry zone.

Vietnam is one of the five countries most dangerous in terms of natural disasters. Frequent tropical downpours over several months erode roads and wash away upper layer soils, cause landslides and mudflows. Even despite such difficulties, this is a very worthy country to see. The tourism industry here is developing very quickly. Therefore, you need to have time to see Vietnam as unspoiled as it is now.

In our article we will tell you what is good in Vietnam, what you can see and where to relax. Let's start from the north.

One of the northernmost towns in the country. It is surrounded by mountains about 3,000 meters high. The city itself is located at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers. It’s worth spending a few days here to wander through the surrounding mountains, admire the man-made terraces for growing rice, and see the life of the mountain villages. From here you can cross the border into Laos.

Tourists who plan to visit not only beach hotels usually fly here. The city is very rich in attractions. It is very difficult to single out something. Many buildings in the city center remain from the times of French colonization. There are ancient temples and modern monuments. It's better to explore everything to the maximum:

  • old quarters of Hanoi;
  • Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh;
  • Park and Lake of the Returned Sword;
  • Hanoi Fortress;
  • water puppet theater;
  • Quan Tha Temple;
  • Cathedral of Saint-Joseph.

Ha Long Bay

A unique place, you won’t find anything like it anywhere else on our planet. It is also called the Bay of a Thousand Islands. There are really a lot of islands, more than 3000. It is worth seeing it both from a high point - an observation deck, and from the water - by taking a ride and even possibly spending the night on a boat in this bay.


The capital of the last dynasty of Vietnamese emperors. It is under the protection of UNESCO, which means there is something to see here. More than 300 historical, religious and cultural monuments are no joke.


One of the largest cities in the country. There are excellent beaches, shops, restaurants and interesting historical sites. This city is already suitable for a complete beach holiday.

City-museum. A huge number of temples, mountain peaks, beautiful landscapes. The Great River ran through Hoi An Silk Road. At the same time, there are magnificent beaches and few tourists.

Nha Trang

The most popular beach resort in Vietnam. Here you can find everything your heart desires. The only thing you won’t find is boredom and deserted beaches, especially in high season. Here is the highest concentration of hotels and tourists per square meter.

Phan Thiet

Great hotels different levels, golf courses, windsurfing, kitesurfing. There are constant winds blowing here, which lovers of boards, sails or kites adore. But here beach holiday in Vietnam it is better to spend it elsewhere.

Mui Ne

And in Russian - Muinovka or Muinya (forgive my French). Continuation of the beaches of Phan Thiet. If you are already tired of Vietnamese food, come here. Here you will meet familiar faces, familiar food, prices are 5 times higher than elsewhere and other attributes Russian life. It’s almost constantly stormy here, just like in Phan Thiet, so it’s better not to go here with small children.

Dalat – an unusual mountain resort

It was founded by the French who wanted to “escape” the sweltering heat of the south. Here they encountered alpine landscapes, waterfalls, rivers, and forests similar to their native ones.

Ho Chi Minh City - the southern capital of Vietnam

A large metropolis with all its attributes, into which an ancient town, once captured by the French, has turned. The Americans, during the Vietnam War, called it Saigon. In the USSR, the word Saigon was considered synonymous with robbery and vice. Those times have sunk into oblivion. Now it's beautiful city with an abundance of interesting monuments and places worth visiting. For example:

  • palaces and buildings of the French colonial period;
  • guerrilla tunnels of Cu Chi;
  • Jade Temple;
  • zoo and botanical garden;
  • park areas - there are many of them here;
  • markets and shopping complexes.

Phu Quoc

An island located in the Gulf of Thailand. Wide white beaches, jungles, temples, villages - an absolutely calm and measured lifestyle. People come here for this and nothing else. Although the island already has an airport, this does not prevent it from delighting its guests with the absence of fuss. At the same time, if you get tired of silence, you can easily go to noisy Ho Chi Minh City.

We hope this information helped you.

Have a nice trip to Vietnam!

Vietnam is one of the “rice civilizations” with ancient Buddhist temples lost in the jungle, underground guerrilla tunnels and a rich colonial heritage, perfectly preserved from French times. Vietnam is the Thailand of 20 years ago, not yet trampled by millions of tourists. “Fun, bright, inexpensive” - so in in three words can describe the local resort life. Incendiary discos until the morning, forbidden pleasures, excellent shopping, unimaginable exotic dishes... Or a relaxing holiday with children, romantic sunsets, mountain hikes and best photos as a keepsake. You choose what you like.

How to get there?

It takes approximately 9 hours to fly from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City on regular Aeroflot or Vietnam Airlines flights. And this is the only point that can confuse beach lovers in winter. Our fellow citizens do not need a visa to Vietnam. And if you want to see more in one trip, it’s logical to combine a vacation in Vietnam with a visit to neighboring countries - China, Laos, Cambodia, Burma or Thailand. Where is the best place to relax? More on that later.

Which resort should you choose?

If you fly now or in the coming months, then a rain-free holiday is most likely in the south and center of the country. These are popular resorts: Phu Quoc Island, Vung Tau, Mui Ne, Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Da Nang. Focus on flights to Ho Chi Minh City or Nha Trang, depending on the chosen resort. January and February are “velvet” months, it’s comfortable to relax, the air and water are +25...+28 °C. In March and April it is hot and dry, the temperature is +30…+35 °C. In the summer months, it is better to choose resorts in Northern Vietnam with a flight to Hanoi. And now we will briefly describe the most popular and rated resorts in the country, where you should go first.

Nha Trang

Nha Trang and its antipode Phan Thiet top the rating of preferences of Russian tourists. Nha Trang Bay takes an honorable 29th place in the world ranking of the most beautiful resort bays. Nha Trang (Russians from Far East they say “nishtyang”) is growing and developing rapidly, new hotels of international hotel chains appear every year. Many restaurants, shops, colorful markets, a beautiful resort promenade. You won't be bored. After or instead of the beach, you can go on a boat to the neighboring islands - see the monkeys or hang out for the whole day in an amusement park. Temple complexes, Buddha statues, pagodas are the cultural component of the resort. And you can improve your health in local mud baths and thermal baths. Nha Trang has a lot of European youth, decent clubs with trendy DJs, and a good selection of inexpensive alcohol. A few disadvantages: most hotels are on the second line; Locals come to the city beach, which is used by most tourists, in the late afternoon; after work, they like to relax here with their children. And in the summer months there are a lot of jellyfish near the shore.

Phan Thiet

The complete opposite of Nha Trang. Relaxed, democratic, inexpensive. Most of the hotels are two- or three-story cottages on the shore, comfortably hidden in palm groves. Here everyone smiles at each other, there is no crowd on the beaches, only the sea, the sun and a light, fresh breeze. If flip-flops (aka “flip-flops”), shorts and a white Panama hat are your style of relaxation, but you want to forget about the dress code at least for a while, this is definitely the place for you. Tourists come with children because it is inexpensive, sandy beaches and the entrance to the water is gentle. Couples find romantic sunsets and time to be alone in Phan Thiet. Lovers of large portions of seafood with ice-cold beer will find relaxation here, and local masseuses will make you see “the sky in diamonds” with their little hands. There are no particularly interesting attractions in Phan Thiet and the surrounding area. Tourists tired of the sun prefer to dilute their idle lying on the sand with water sports. And the downside is perhaps the only one. From the nearest airport in Ho Chi Minh City, it will take 5-6 hours to get to the resort by bus or taxi.

Mui Ne

A neighbor of Phan Thiet, this resort is loved by outdoor enthusiasts. Thanks to the constant wind, there is an ideal wave for surfers and kiters and several dozen specialized schools with professional instructors. The prices are tolerable: an hour of windsurfing costs about $50, kitesurfing costs $70. Many speak Russian, and there are several establishments where you will be treated to borscht and dumplings. True, prices at the resort are higher than in Phan Thiet, again thanks to a large number our tourists. On the central street of Mui Ne you will find spas and massage parlors, cafes and souvenir shops.

Phu Quoc

An island resort in the very south of the country, in the Gulf of Thailand, just 15 km from the coast of Cambodia. Considering the size of the island (the largest island in Vietnam is the size of Singapore), there is plenty of room to expand here. Active tourists choose trekking through the jungle, kayaking and canoeing, walks through numerous gardens and parks, and excursions to pearl factories. And diving in coastal waters is considered the most interesting and inexpensive in the country. But most importantly natural wealth The islands have luxurious sandy beaches stretching for many kilometers. There are still very few tourists on the island, although the infrastructure is rapidly developing. Hotels, casinos, golf courses, shopping and entertainment complexes, a new airport has appeared. But today it is still a calm, clean and still inexpensive resort. Best place you won't find anything for a quiet family or romantic holiday in Vietnam.

Vung Tau

A popular family resort 130 km from Ho Chi Minh City. It is almost as large and famous as Nha Trang, but there is no vibrant nightlife here. But in the evening you can while away the time in bars with live music, which is very rare for Vietnam. The beaches are wide and sandy, in the former villas of the French aristocracy there are now restaurants and guest houses. The choice of hotels is also decent, for every taste and budget. Buddhist temples, pagodas, parks, a former royal residence, caves and underground tunnels - there is where to walk and what to see. There are two disadvantages: petty theft on the beaches and the presence of oil drilling platforms in the water area.

Con Dao

“Let’s catch up and overtake Thai Phuket!” – this is roughly how one can voice the ambitions of the Vietnamese tourism authorities on the islands of this archipelago in the South China Sea. The first description of the islands belongs to Marco Polo, and Con Son (the old name of Con Dao) received its notorious fame thanks to the most terrible prison for political prisoners in Vietnam. Today it is a young resort with beautiful beaches and the best Six Senses hotel complex. Most of the island is occupied by a National Park, with many interesting dive sites and fishing spots.


A popular international mountain resort in the south of the country, 300 km from Ho Chi Minh City. These places are reminiscent of the French Alps with their mild climate and natural beauty. And it was built during the French colonization of Indochina as a mountain refuge from the sweltering heat. It is cooler here than on the coast, and daytime temperatures, even in the hottest summer months, do not exceed 25 °C, and at night drop to a comfortable 15 °C. From November to April is the dry season, it is better to come at this time. Dalat can be compared to Ubud in Balinese. Here are the best spas and massage parlors in the country, and also offer several options for treatment and healing using traditional oriental methods. These are acupuncture, Vietnamese herbal massage, Indian massage, Tibetan practices of facial and body massage with warm basalt stones. And Dalat has the best themed restaurants serving Vietnamese and French cuisine. As souvenirs, tourists buy the famous Luwak coffee (a palm marten has already feasted on its beans), artichoke tea, ceramic dishes inlaid with mother-of-pearl, and premium quality silk products. It’s logical to combine Dalat with a holiday on the beaches of Nha Trang and a few nights in Ho Chi Minh City.

Danang and Hoi An

The most popular seaside resorts in Central Vietnam. Best season for a beach holiday - March and April. Da Nang has a modern international airport, the city is the fourth largest and the industrial center of Vietnam. Nevertheless, it is very picturesque, there are several nearby good beaches, including the famous China Beach - a place for youth hangouts and surfing stations. And 40 km away is the cozy town of Hoi An with a huge number of temples, pagodas, art salons, silk and souvenir shops. This is a museum city; 844 historical monuments are officially registered in it. Here you should try authentic Vietnamese cuisine and inexpensively replenish your summer wardrobe with handmade silk items, literally sewn in front of you. The ancient imperial capital of the country, the city of Hue, is a place of pilgrimage for tourists, history buffs and adventurers a la Indiana Jones, located a few hours away by car from Da Nang.

Halong and Haiphong

Ha Long Bay is a very beautiful and unusual place in northern Vietnam. From Hanoi it takes 3-4 hours (150 km) by bus or taxi. If you've seen James Cameron's film Avatar, the cliffs of Ha Long will remind you of the floating boulders of the planet Pandora. Only in Ha Long do they stick out bizarrely from turquoise waters bay. The best way to spend a few days in Ha Long is on board a wooden cruise ship. So you can bathe to your heart's content in warm and clean water, visit the most beautiful and interesting places, buy authentic souvenirs in the floating village, go down to the mysterious caves on the shore and take the best selfies of your life. And don’t forget to try the local delicacy – sweet and sour fish baked in sugar. Halong is also famous as a filming location for the films “Indochina” with Catherine Deneuve in leading role and Tomorrow Never Dies with Pierce Brosnan as James Bond. Haiphong is a cozy resort town not far from Halong. It is reminiscent of Hanoi twenty years ago with its clean flower-filled boulevards, colonial houses and leisurely pace of life. In addition to good shopping, the city has many temples, inexpensive restaurants, and a decent zoo. The proximity to Hanoi makes it easy to visit Halong and Haiphong in one trip, along with a few days' stop in the capital.

Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

A description of the resorts will be incomplete without mentioning the main cities of Vietnam, which are usually visited by almost all tourists, because they air gate countries. These cities are definitely worth attention and at least a short introductory visit.

Hanoi is the capital of the country. This city will not leave anyone indifferent: the old french houses surrounded by greenery, and two steps around the corner there are ancient temples. Halt a rickshaw and ride along the city boulevards, and in the evening catch a performance at the Theater on the Water. Have dinner at a national restaurant, and the next morning go take a photo at the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, look into the Temple of Literature and be amazed at the elegance of the One Pillar Pagoda and throw a coin into the Lake of the Returned Sword. And if you have time and energy left, go for a while to the mountains to the former French resort of Sapa. In one day in Sapa you can feel all four seasons, enjoy natural beauty, see the unique Tafin Underwater Palace and the Thac Bak Silver Waterfall. And the bravest and most resilient will be able to climb the highest peak of Indochina, Mount Fansipan (3,143 m).

Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon, as locals and American tourists habitually call it, is the main city of South Vietnam. Saigon is interesting during the day and does not sleep at night. Colonial buildings of the last century peacefully coexist with skyscrapers, shopping centers and office buildings. You'll be impressed by the former Presidential Palace, and you can buy interesting finds from local designers on Dong Hoi Boutique Street. Military history buffs will be interested in descending into the guerrilla tunnels of Cu Chi, while families with children will appreciate a river cruise along the Mekong with lunch and a visit to a snake nursery. And in the evening it’s so nice to admire the bright lights and life boiling below, while sipping a cocktail or a cool beer at the hotel’s rooftop bar. And with renewed vigor, go in search of “adult” night adventures after an invigorating foot massage. In terms of the number and density of bars, discos, and entertainment on the edge, Saigon is not inferior to Bangkok.

Today’s article contains a detailed report on what recreational opportunities this country provides.

Popular resorts in Vietnam


How to get there


For whom

Own airport

Families with children and teenagers

Own airport


Nightlife lovers, partygoers, young married couples

Ho Chi Minh City Airport, river "missiles"

Phan Thiet

Ho Chi Minh City Airport

Families with children, elderly people, kitesurfers

By plane from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, by ferry from Rach Gia town


Families with children, people looking for a relaxing holiday, divers

By plane from Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, by ferry from Vung Tau


Divers, newlyweds

By bus from Hanoi



Da Nang's sandy beaches are ranked among the world's most attractive beaches by Forbes magazine. The town of Danang itself is located on a coastline indented by bays and surrounded by low picturesque mountains. Its location is also convenient because from Da Nang it is easy to reach towns such as Hue, Hoi An and My Son. The time from September to December is suitable for surfers - during these months there are stable waves.


  • Nearby is one of the best water parks in the country - Da Nang Water Park. China Beach is considered the best in Vietnam.


  • In June, the coastal waters are inhabited by red jellyfish, whose burns are painful and can cause an allergic reaction.

Nha Trang

Perhaps the most popular for Russian tourists. Announcements, advertisements, and menus in many restaurants are duplicated in Russian, and many Europeans call this city “Little Russia.” There are a huge number of bars, restaurants, clubs, beauty salons. In addition, the city has several dive centers, healing springs and a mud bath.


  • Nearby, on a separate island, is the Vinpearl water amusement park, which can be reached by cable car. Lots of attractions and entertainment.


  • In the northern part of the city, a river flows into the sea, which sometimes brings with it mud, giving the water an unpleasant brown tint. There are many thieves and petty swindlers in the city.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is located near, so residents of the metropolis spend their weekends here. The climate is milder than in other resorts, and you can relax all year round, avoiding the period from June to September, when it falls greatest number precipitation. You can entertain yourself by walking through the city park, going to the local market, exploring pagodas and temples, or visiting the lighthouse and statue of Jesus Christ.


  • Good infrastructure for shopping. Possibility to get to Ho Chi Minh City by water in 50-60 minutes.


  • The beaches are polluted by garbage washed up from the Mekong Delta and waste from industrial enterprises located within the city.

Phan Thiet

Phan Thiet is also located near Ho Chi Minh City and includes the small fishing village of Mui Ne. The resort is no less popular among Russian tourists than Danang, so you can often find Russian-speaking staff and menus in their native language. In addition, Phan Thiet is popular among surfers. Many people like to come here in the low season, as short rains relieve the heat. There is a lot to see in the area - the famous statue of the reclining Buddha, Binh Chau mineral springs, lotus lake.


  • Large selection of water activities, golf courses, really good beaches.


  • Almost complete lack of night entertainment.

Phu Quoc Island

Some compare Vietnamese Phu Quoc to a Thai island. And although they are somewhat similar, Phu Quoc is inferior to Phuket in the number of bars, restaurants, and discos. It is believed that Phu Quoc is the quietest and most relaxing resort in Vietnam. There are not only beautiful beaches, but also luxurious nature, into which the tourist infrastructure fits harmoniously. In your free time, you can visit pearl or black pepper factories, go on an eco-tour to the jungle or mountains, or try your hand at fishing.


  • The best place for diving.


  • You can only get to the island with transfers.

Con Dao Island

Con Dao Island is difficult to access, but this only plays into its hands - the holiday here is calm and secluded. Plus, most of the island is a national park, so the nature here is fantastic. The beaches are sandy, snow-white, and the visibility of the water sometimes reaches 20-40 meters. The best time The period for diving is from February to July, and from May to November there is a unique opportunity to see turtles that come to the island to lay eggs.


  • Few tourists. Perfect place for diving. There is an opportunity to travel to neighboring islands.


  • The tourism infrastructure is not yet very developed. Little entertainment.

Ha Long

Ha Long Bay is perhaps the most important and popular attraction in the country. More than 3,000 small rocky islands are scattered throughout the bay, creating a landscape of incredible beauty. Tourists mainly visit as part of excursions, but there is everything for a complete beach holiday. Particularly famous is the fashionable Tuan Chau beach, where Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh himself rested in the middle of the last century.

The best time to swim in the bay is from April to October.
since the rest of the time the water in the bay is not very comfortable.


  • Incredibly beautiful surrounding landscapes. Developed entertainment infrastructure.


  • Apart from the bay itself, there are no attractions. The resort is not suitable for diving.

Vietnam is a wonderful country, dazzling natural beauty countless tropical islands and sandy beaches. The coast of Vietnam is washed by the azure waters of the Pacific Ocean, and lush green forests and soaring cliffs conquer the hearts of tourists. Numerous resorts in Vietnam will make your vacation unforgettable and fantastically interesting. And to make it easier to find the right place, we want to show you...

In the heart of picturesque Vietnam lies the resort city of Danang, founded back in 1333. Today Danang is one of the main ports of Vietnam and the most important trading center of the country.

The leading city of Vietnam is famous for the fact that just a few kilometers from its surroundings lie the Marble Mountains, the main attraction of the country. A historical and cultural monument is the Michon temple complex, a sacred place revered by both locals and tourists. The city is home to a huge number of museums and cathedrals, as well as the famous China Beach - Da Nang's highlights are a must-see for any traveler.

The trading city of Hoi An occupies a large area in Vietnam on the banks of the Thu Bon River and is a World Heritage Site. Hoi An is located in the outback of Quang Nam, where the air is saturated with the traditions and customs of China. The streets in the city are small and quite narrow, and the one-story houses are covered with tiled roofs.

The city of Hoi An contains about 800 historical monuments, temples and cathedrals. Diving is quite developed in the resort, because the coast of Hoi An is perfect for diving. active species sports. The coastline is also surrounded by cozy hotels that suit both family vacations and romantic pastimes. Hoi An is undoubtedly one of those places where you can have a great holiday in Vietnam!

Thinking about where it is better to relax in Vietnam on the islands, the thought brings us to this paradise. The tropical island of Phu Quoc is the largest and calmest island in Vietnam. This landscaped corner of the country is famous for its dense forests and luxurious milky beaches. Phu Quoc is considered an international tourist center, a paradise for lovers of versatile recreation.

The “Pearl” of Vietnam is what Phu Quoc is called all over the world, because it is here that pearls are grown on numerous farms. Most of the island is a National Park, which is under constant state protection. There are about 6 settlements and a great many fishing villages on the island. Jungles, comfortable hotels, delicious street food - everything you need for a breathtaking holiday in Vietnam.

The most beautiful attraction in Vietnam is Ha Long Harbor. This is an ensemble consisting of rocky islands, gracefully scattered across the sea surface. Ha Long Bay is famous for its caves and grottoes, as well as its countless beaches. Ha Long Resort is the most visited place in Vietnam.

A particularly popular excursion is the boat ride through the beauty of the harbor. You will be delighted by the extravaganza of waterfalls and some kind of attractions - caves equipped with lighting. Mostly, tourists spend only a few days in Ha Long Bay during an excursion. But for a long stay here, a hotel awaits you on the island of Cat Ba, notable for the hospitality and friendliness of the staff.

The city of Phan Thiet is one of the three most important resorts in Vietnam. Phan Thiet appeared on the site of an ancient fishing village, so it successfully combines the charm of the east and the seductiveness of the province.

The resort town attracts with its tranquility and tranquility. Phan Thiet is surrounded by golden soft sand, palm trees and... pine trees, which makes the resort so unique. Despite the fact that Phan Thiet is a relatively young city, cultural and natural monuments are abundant here. Ke Ga Lighthouse, ruins of towers and temple complexes- the “highlight” of the Vietnamese resort. Pink and white dunes are a favorite place of natives and tourists, not far from which is Trang, a flowering lake. Phan Thiet is a colorful city in Vietnam, a visit to which will remain a pleasant memory.

Nha Trang is a resort city located almost in the central part of the country. The industrial city of Nha Trang includes large manufacturing enterprises, but it still remains one of the best places for a beach holiday in Vietnam.

A grandiose Buddha statue is a symbol of the city, majestically looking at Nha Trang from a high hill. The resort is famous for the Institute of Oceanography, which houses a titanic aquarium. Waterfalls, islands, mineral health springs, parks and sacred temples are the most amazing attractions not only of the city of Nha Trang, but throughout Vietnam. A holiday in the “beach capital” of the country will be truly unforgettable, because the city is home to exquisite hotels, bars and restaurants, as well as all kinds of entertainment.

Vietnam is a welcoming country on the Indo-Chinese Peninsula with colorful resort areas and impressive sights. A country where a piece of your soul remains forever. And now, knowing where is the best place to spend a beach holiday in Vietnam, you are guaranteed an unforgettable vacation.

Every year, Vietnam receives a huge flow of tourists who adore Asia and dream of vacationing somewhere else other than Thailand.

Islands and resorts

Vietnam is an ancient country that has managed to preserve its cultural heritage and preserve traditions.

Mui Ne (Phan Thiet)

It is Vietnam that every year becomes a popular holiday destination, since it is in this country that tourists can get a good rest and stock up on impressions long years forward.

Travelers can easily choose the most suitable resort in terms of cost and service for their holiday, or go to the island.

Demanding tourists will enjoy a holiday in Phan Thiet, where hotels and hotels with excellent service are located.

Tourists will also be able to relax in Nha Trang, the most picturesque resort.

The traveler will also be offered vacations at other resorts and islands, but the choice of a specific vacation spot will depend solely on the needs and financial condition of tourists.

Vietnam resorts

Sandy Danang beaches are among the top most popular and, moreover, they occupy a position in the Forbes magazine ranking.

From September - October to December, this resort attracts surfers who love to conquer steep waves.

One of the best water parks in Vietnam, Da Nang Water Park, was built in close proximity to the resort.

Nha Trang

Also a popular resort is Nha Trang.

This resort is especially loved by tourists from Russia who want to admire unique views at a low cost.

Thus, the resort has several dive centers, beauty salons and entertainment venues. In addition, the resort has healing springs and a mud bath. It’s good here in any season; you can come on vacation both in April and November.

For families vacationing in Nha Trang with a child, there are a lot of water attractions where children can have fun, and their parents can enjoy delicious cocktails in bars.

Vung Tau

Vung Tau is also an excellent Vietnamese resort - it is located near Ho Chi Minh City. Among the entertainments, tourists especially liked excursions to local markets and exploring pagodas and temples.

The peak season is March, May and July.

Islands of Vietnam

Among the resort islands, Phu Quoc has gained popularity, which can be compared to the paradise islands in Thailand.

paradise island Phu Quoc

is a quiet and peaceful resort.

Tourists will be able to relax on the pristine beaches, but also admire the amazing nature, as well as appreciate the level of development of the tourist infrastructure.

This island is considered the most suitable place for diving.

Con Dao is also a wonderful island for relaxation, but it is difficult to access, which certainly means that you can relax on the island in a calm and comfortable environment. People come here in August and July.

Where in Vietnam to relax with children?

The best place for a holiday with children in Vietnam will be the city of Phan Thiet - it is located a three-hour drive from Ho Chi Minh City. According to reviews from Russian tourists, this city is comfortable for children.

It is very convenient to get to Mui Ne village from Ho Chi Minh City by sleep bus.

sea ​​in Phan Thiet

If you are planning a vacation with adult children, then you can go to Nha Trang, which is developed from a tourist point of view, where tourists are offered attractions, cafes, as well as the best excursion program.

Where is the best place for young people to relax?

The best resorts for young people in Vietnam are undoubtedly:

Vung Tau

Vung Tau - this resort is a real paradise for young people, because the resort constantly hosts large-scale parties.

Such a vacation is considered presentable. Therefore, it will especially delight those who are accustomed to comfortable conditions.

Ha Long

Halong is the most popular city on the coast, where large clubs such as HaritageHotel, TopDisco and QueenVosa are located. This is a fast-growing resort with a developing infrastructure, which is mainly aimed at tourists.

Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City - this town will give young people a rich nightlife and entertainment program. It is located in the south of Vietnam (this part has the most cheerful population) and is considered one of the largest cities in this country.

sea ​​in Mui Ne

Mui Ne - from dawn to dusk, this resort is a quiet place for have a wonderful holiday, but everything changes with the onset of dusk.

Every night Mui Ne hosts lively parties with bonfires and dancing. In addition, the resort has a lot of entertainment venues.

Beach and sightseeing tours

Vietnam is amazing place, which is becoming more and more popular every year among people who want to get a comfortable vacation at a low cost.

Phan Thiet is located in the southern part of the country.

Kite surfing is popular in Mui Ne (Phan Thiet)

This resort attracts vacationers not only with its pristine sandy beaches, but also with amazing sights. The best time to come here is in May and June.

Nha Trang

Nha Trang is most often chosen by active tourists who do not like to sit still and try to get the most out of their vacation.

There are diving centers on the beaches of the resort., where vacationers can learn the skill of diving and enjoy incredible views of the seabed.

Sightseeing tours are organized in Nha Trang, so the main attractions are the Cham towers, which were erected in the 8th century, the Long Son pagoda and the statue of Buda, which reaches a height of 24 meters.

Get travel health insurance

Vietnam climate and beach seasons

In the north of Vietnam, it is always a little colder: in the mountainous areas in winter, air temperatures below zero can prevail.

It always stands in the south warm weather, which allows tourists to enjoy an incredible vacation and excellent tourist services.

Pongur waterfall in southern Vietnam

The central region, which is a kind of transitional link, is a completely different matter: there can be warm days and cool rainy weather.

When is the best time to go on vacation to Vietnam?

The beach season in Vietnam reigns all year round, but only some resorts have a ban on swimming.

In winter, they choose the southern coast for relaxation: the water temperature here is about +27 degrees. It should be noted that in summer the indicators, one might say, do not change.

In Vietnam, January and February are considered the velvet season - during this period precipitation is less likely.

On the central coast it is not customary to swim in the cold season, since the sea here is no longer so warm.

Vietnam resorts for beach and excursion holidays

Thus, among the popular resorts, Phan Thiet is an incredibly beautiful resort with pristine sandy beaches.

sea ​​in Mui Ne

It smoothly flows into the resort of Mui Ne, which is located very close.

Also a popular place for beach and sightseeing holidays is Nha Trang, which is known for its unique hotels and active life.

Also a popular resort is Da Nang, which is one of the top six best resorts peace. This resort will especially appeal to fans of surfing and excursion routes.

Specifics of rest

Currently, Vietnam tourism is at the stage of dynamic development, as evidenced by affordable prices and constantly improving service.

Vietnam offers its guests an amazing combination of old traditions and modernity with colorful cities and villages.

By world standards, this place is considered the safest for recreation.

The main attractions of Vietnam

Vietnam, like other countries of our huge world is rich in unique attractions that tourists visiting the country must see with their own eyes.

madhouse in Da Lat, southern Vietnam

So, the main attractions of Vietnam are:

Ha Long Bay

Ha Long Bay is one of the 7 Natural Wonders of the World and is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

This bay is of interest because it contains about 3 thousand majestic limestone islands.

This unique attraction is located in the north of the country and the most comfortable way to get to it is with an excursion from Hanoi.


Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam. The local population claims that the soul of Vietnam lies here.

Hanoi literally consists of unique attractions: the Ho Chi Minh City Mausoleum, the Temple of Literature, the Hanoi Citadel and much more.

You can go on a tour of Hanoi from any resort in Vietnam, but it is more economical and convenient to organize a trip on your own, because this way you can independently distribute your time and visit a larger number of memorable places that have their own centuries-old history.

Mountain town of Sapa

This place is of interest to adventure lovers.

There are a huge number of ethnic tribal villages scattered around Sapa, and the valleys are decorated with beautiful landscapes of mountain rivers and rice terraces.

It is also home to the country's highest peak, Mount Fencipan.

Hue Fortress

Hue Fortress is the former imperial capital of Vietnam.

Today, a huge number of attractions have been preserved here. In addition to the fortress, there are also museums and temples here.

mountains in Nha Trang

Son Doong Cave

This cave is recognized as a true natural wonder of Vietnam.

This cave was first discovered only in 2009 by British scientists, and previously local residents knew nothing about it.

To all other, Son Doong Cave is considered the largest in the world(you can fit an entire city in it).

The length of the cave is 5 kilometers, its height reaches 200 meters, and its width is 150 meters.

What souvenirs can you buy in Vietnam?

Vietnamese wine occupies a special place. Local red and white wines produced in Dalat are in demand.

Tourists should definitely buy wines in specialized stores to protect themselves from buying counterfeit drinks.

You can also buy cosmetics as a souvenir.

various sweets that can be brought from Vietnam

In addition to cosmetics, you can buy medicines such as ointments - in Vietnam they are inexpensive and of excellent quality.

For edible products, you can buy coconut candies and fruits. An oriental delicacy – lotus seeds in caramel – is considered especially popular.

You can bring fruit as a gift, but you should only buy it the day before departure.

You can buy coffee or tea as a souvenir. You can present spices.

You can also give wooden boxes, frames, porcelain dishes, national dolls, masks and much more as souvenirs.

You can give a girl jewelry made of pearls.

You can give your child national toys made of wood and fabric, clothes or fruit as a souvenir.

National dishes of Vietnam

Vegetarian restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnamese cuisine was created on the basis of Khmer, Thai and Chinese - they were used to create unique dishes and sauces that appealed to many gourmets.

When preparing many dishes, seasonings are added to give a piquant taste: coriander, mint, lemongrass, ginger, shrimp, black pepper, nuoc mam fish sauce, basil and garlic.

A unique Vietnamese dish is fried meat with rice - the dish is prepared according to a special recipe.

TO national dishes applies:

at your favorite cafe “Longtong” in Mui Ne

  • Bunthang- a dish made from rice noodles.
  • Ocean Monday– the dish is made from snails and has a very unique taste.
  • Laumam– the dish is based on a vegetable mixture, which is served in a pot.
  1. I do not recommend buying souvenirs during excursion trips around the country, because in places where tourist routes are laid, the prices for souvenirs are simply fantastic;
  2. It is recommended to purchase seafood at evening or night fish markets;
  3. You can try to bargain, especially if the purchase is supposed to be from street vendors and those who sell goods on the beaches;
  4. When buying in a supermarket you need to pay attention to the price tags: tourists are sometimes deceived by simply punching one product several times;
  5. When traveling around the country, you need to watch your wallet, pockets and bag;

Order an inexpensive transfer - taxi in Vietnam

Popular questions from tourists

Many tourists, before purchasing a trip to this unique country, try to find out as much information as possible about it. So, the most popular questions from tourists are the following:

Where can you go diving in Vietnam?

Excellent diving in Hoi An and Nha Trang, as well as on the islands of Phu Quoc and Con Dao.

It is here that divers can admire clown fish, moray eels, manta rays, barracudas, octopuses and other inhabitants.

What is prohibited from being exported from this country?

It is prohibited to export Nyuoc Mam fish sauce from the country, and it is also prohibited to export gold and gems, whose weight is more than 300 grams.

It is also prohibited to export turtles, bird eggs, bones, wool and teeth of animals. It is also impossible to remove weapons from the country, even collectible ones.

Where to book a photo shoot in Vietnam?

There are a lot of photographers who will do professional photography; in addition, you can find a suitable candidate without leaving your country via the Internet and discuss the details of the photo shoot with him.

If you can’t find a photographer, you can order a photo session from a “staff” photographer, who is available in almost every hotel.

Vietnamese dong

When going on vacation to Vietnam, it is best to take with you bank card, from which you can withdraw money from ATMs in Vietnam without commission.

ATMs in Vietnam can be found both at the airport upon arrival and in the cities of Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Ha Long and others.

If you have cash in euros or dollars in your stash, then take them on your trip and exchange them at the airport for the local currency - Vietnamese dong.

Renting a car in Vietnam

Travel documents

Citizens of the Russian Federation are allowed visa-free entry into Vietnam for up to 15 days.

To travel to Vietnam you must have the following documents:

  • valid international passport;
  • permission to obtain a visa on arrival (if you are planning a trip to Vietnam for more than 15 days);
  • 2 color photographs 40*60 (if you are planning a trip to Vietnam for more than 15 days);
  • completed application form (if you are planning a trip to Vietnam for more than 15 days).