How to make scented candles at home. DIY decorative candles (95 photos)

Candle making at home is becoming an increasingly popular hobby. This is a very interesting and simple activity, having mastered the basics of which you can always surprise your friends or colleagues with a small but pleasant gift. You can also decorate the interior of your home with interesting candles. self made. In this article, the author invites you to try your hand at candle making with a minimum set of materials and tools; you won’t have to buy any special devices or components. And if you are fascinated by this activity, then you will already experiment with dyes, flavors and shapes.

To get started, prepare everything you need:
1. Regular paraffin candle.
2. Small knife.
3. Empty juice or milk carton.
4. Pencil.
5. Dishes for a water bath. Since it is very difficult to put the dishes in order later, it is recommended to use inexpensive dishes that will be used in the future for such purposes.
6. Small sieve.
7. Coffee beans.
8. Small decorative elements for decorating the candle (optional).

Before you start work, carefully read the precautions for working with paraffin!!!
1. Paraffin is a flammable substance, so melt it directly over a fire or in microwave oven not worth it. You need to melt paraffin only in a water bath, and the fire should not be too strong. During the melting process, paraffin can be stirred with a wooden stick or spatula, and under no circumstances should paraffin be left on the fire unattended.
2. When pouring paraffin into a mold, be careful if you use a container with iron handle, then do not forget to use an oven mitt.
3. Also, when pouring paraffin into molds, be extremely careful and make sure that the melted paraffin does not get on the skin.
4. In case emergency situations keep an open pack handy baking soda. In case of fire, paraffin should not be extinguished with water, only with soda.
So let's get started.

1 step.
Using a knife, carefully make shallow cuts along the entire length of the candle, without cutting the wick. Break the candle into pieces and carefully remove the wick. We will need it later. We chop the paraffin from the candle with a knife and put it in a previously prepared container for melting. Now take a larger diameter pan, pour water into it and put it on gas. Place a vessel with finely chopped paraffin on top of the water. When the water in the pan boils, the paraffin will begin to melt in the water bath.

Step 2.
Before the water boils, prepare the mold for the future candle. To do this, take a juice bag and use a knife to cut off the top. Now we take the wick previously removed from the candle and wind it around the pencil. Then place the pencil with the wick strictly in the center of the form.

Step 3.
Now let's return to paraffin. The water has boiled, and the paraffin begins to slowly melt in the water bath. After the paraffin has completely melted, pour a handful of coffee beans into it.

Step 4
Now pour this entire mixture into the previously prepared form. This will be the first, decorative layer of the candle. Now you need to give the paraffin mixture in the mold a little time for it to harden.

Step 5
Then melt the paraffin again in a water bath and pour it into the mold with a second layer. Since we are already making this layer without grains, any impurities in it are undesirable. Therefore, you can use a strainer and pour paraffin into the mold through it, sifting out unnecessary impurities.

Step 6
Now we wait patiently for the paraffin to completely harden. Then, using a knife, we cut into the juice bag that served as a mold for the candle, and carefully remove it. Candle can be decorated special stickers for candles or simply rewind with tape, which will need to be removed when the time comes to light the candle. Like this excellent result at a minimum cost.

And if you choose a wider shape and wrap several wicks around a pencil, you will get such a miracle candle with several wicks. And in order for it to be a pleasant coffee color, it is enough to add a regular wax crayon during the melting process of paraffin Brown. I hope you liked your new experience and you will enjoy learning a new useful hobby. Happy creativity!

Today it has become fashionable to spend romantic evenings by candlelight. This sets us up for positivity and makes our life much more beautiful. However, the prices for such popular goods in stores “bite”, but sometimes you really want to make your evening unusual and give it as a gift to a loved one. Don't be upset! You can simply make candles with your own hands.

What will you need?

People will always buy candles to decorate their homes. Their warm combustion makes the surrounding atmosphere romantic. No special preparation is required to create candles. Perhaps someone will need information about their production for personal purposes, and someone will turn a simple hobby into a business. You should begin preparing to make a candle by protecting your clothing with a special apron so that drops of wax do not spoil it.

Then you need to start organizing your desktop. It should also be protected from contamination, so it is better to cover it. To start, you can take a newspaper. If this lesson If you continue to be carried away, then buy a silicone mat (greasy drops come off easily). Next, we will study the materials that will be needed:

  • wax or paraffin;
  • special thread for the wick;
  • water container;
  • bowl for melting wax;
  • any molds for filling (glass, plastic, etc.);
  • sticks to hold the wick suspended.


Candles are made from helium, paraffin and wax (this type is the most acceptable). Wax comes in different varieties.

One of the most famous is soybean wax. This is a natural product and therefore environmentally friendly.

When burned, this type of wax does not produce soot. And emissions into the air are non-toxic for children and adults.

It melts when the temperature reaches over 75 degrees. You should not raise it higher, otherwise you will spoil the product.

The second wax option is palm wax. It melts at temperatures above 60 degrees.

During the hardening process, this product seems to crystallize and form a pattern similar to the frost of a winter window.

Therefore, take solid containers for making candles. This effect will not work in soft containers. Besides, “palm” candles have their own uniqueness. Therefore, they don’t need to be decorated.

The most famous are candles from beeswax. This product useful for the human body, as it has special properties and smell. Such a substance must be cleaned of impurities, and then just start working. Beeswax can be melted and cast various shapes candles.


Not suitable for its manufacture artificial materials. The base should be cotton or other natural material, otherwise your candles will crack and smoke. For better combustion, the wick must be equipped with reinforced wire.

It must be taken into account that the thickness of the candle should be proportional to the thickness of the wick.

A very thin thread in a thick candle will immediately burn out, and you will not see the fire. A thick thread in a thin candle will burn it very quickly. To select the correct wick thickness, you must adhere to the following parameters.

  • If the diameter of the candle starts from 8 cm, then take the thickest threads. IN in this case the weave must include more than 22 threads.
  • If the diameter is smaller, then the wick should consist of 13 or even 20 threads.
  • Other thin candles can burn with a wick, which consists of 8-10 threads.

However, keep in mind that all knowledge comes with practice and it will not be possible to compare the thickness of the thread and the diameter of the candle the first time. This requires accumulated experience. For a wax candle, take a fairly thick thread with a loose, seemingly absorbent surface. Wax is a viscous substance. To prevent the candle from smoking, it must be slightly absorbed into the wick.

Those who want to seriously engage in candle making need to choose a method for obtaining the material. For example, wick can be bought in bulk at a craft store, or you can find suppliers online. They will sell a wick that has already been pre-treated with wax or paraffin. It is necessary to take into account that wicks can be twisted, simply braided and braided.

Nevertheless, if you buy all the components, it will not give much profit. If desired, adjust small business, you should learn how to make your own wicks. There are no limits to fantasies here. The easiest way is to take a thin cotton thread and twist it yourself. The wick will be the thickness you need. Some people use an ordinary bandage to make a wick. All the threads in it are already twisted in advance. All that remains is to choose the thickness and adapt to it.

The finished wick must be dipped into hot wax (paraffin) and squeezed out with your fingers. Place the squeezed out base on a flat surface until the wax hardens completely (about 10 minutes). This maneuver will allow you to saturate the thread almost to the very base, and you will get rid of any air that may remain inside.

Note: the thread must be soaked, not coated on top. Otherwise, your candles will burn out very quickly.


There are no restrictions in this matter. It all depends on your desires. For the first time, you can get by with packaging molds left over from drinking yoghurt, or you can use cotton swab jars in the shape of a heart or a round (oval) shape. Use whatever you can get your hands on. Well, those who have already begun to seriously engage in candle making are always in search of original solutions.

The best solution here is to buy ready-made molds.

All options have their advantages and disadvantages. Take, for example, polycarbonate molds. They are transparent and comfortable, but not too durable. Their service life is about 5 years. There are also plastic molds. It is difficult to remove finished candles from them, and they also do not have the required transparency. Shapes from soft plastic(it is used to make soap) will be suitable for making mini candles.

There are molds made of imported plastic (as a rule, they are very large). These molds are the most durable and suitable for temperatures above 200 degrees. The most the best option forms made of metal are considered: aluminum, steel. The candles are smooth and even. However, this option is not suitable for many due to the simplicity of the forms. In addition, the metal gets very hot and is difficult to work with.

Many manufacturers use silicone dough molds. They are comfortable and withstand temperatures well. The downside is its fragility.

Making a silicone mold yourself is not difficult. You can buy the material in specialized stores or online. This substance consists of a base and a hardener. They are mixed based on the instructions for use. This produces a component from which you can make your own original mold for a future candle in the form of a toy, an ornate branch, etc.

Another material that will allow you to show originality is gypsum. You can use it to make any shape for a candle. However, some craftsmen find it easier to use those forms that are always at hand. Take, for example, ordinary tea cups. They make candles very attractive. A simple eggshell will also work.

There is only one conclusion: you need to be smart when it comes to choosing, and then everything will work out.

Containers for melting

It should conduct heat well and be easy to clean from melting residues. For beginner candle makers, the easiest way is to use a tin can. Even if something goes wrong, you will throw it away without regret. Besides, This container can be easily placed in a pan of boiling water.

But there is a minus in this option.

When the tin gets hot, it is difficult to remove it from the boiling pan.

In addition, this process becomes dangerous due to the threat of getting burned. To solve the problem, use a little trick. Remove the boiling jar with ordinary tongs or attach a handle made of aluminum wire to it. For melting, you can use an old saucepan or a narrow ladle with a spout.(it’s convenient to pour the substance).

To pick up convenient option dishes, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the dishes should be sufficiently voluminous, since wax significantly increases in mass when heated;
  • It is better to take the container from aluminum; it does not react and does not affect the color of the future product.

  1. Under no circumstances should you melt wax over an open fire, otherwise it will ignite. This product cannot be melted in the microwave. The wax in it will definitely catch fire.
  2. When the wax melts, it must be stirred with a silicone spatula.
  3. The smaller the pieces of wax, the faster it will melt.
  4. Wax residue on dishes can be easily washed off by pouring a little water into it, adding dishwashing detergent and placing it in a steam bath. It’s even easier to hold the container over the spout of a boiling kettle. The remains will just as easily come off the walls.

Aroma oils

So that your candles give environment even more romantic and even had a healing and calming effect, add some kind of aromatic oil which is extracted from plants. Healing properties People have been using flowers and herbs since ancient times.

Aromas have a beneficial effect on the human body: they help to relax, restore strength, etc.

To take advantage beneficial properties plants, buy aromatic oils at the pharmacy and add them to candles, which will emit an aroma when burned.

Let's consider what properties individual plant components have:

  • geranium has a positive effect on nervous system, calms;
  • grapefruit helps restore harmony of soul and body;
  • ylang-ylang eliminates anger and sadness;
  • bergamot soothes;
  • cedar is able to restore human strength;
  • cinnamon eliminates self-doubt;
  • St. John's wort will protect from enemies and evil spirits;
  • wormwood will cleanse your home of negativity;
  • a rose attracts love;
  • sandalwood will help you avoid making hasty decisions;
  • sage will increase energy levels;
  • vetiver will create inner peace and tranquility within you;
  • Eucalyptus will double your health.

Some tips:

  • add aromatic oil to the wax when its temperature reaches 60 degrees, otherwise the aroma will “burn” and be very weak;
  • To get an original aroma, mix several oils at once, just don’t overdo it;
  • use approximately 20 ml of oil per 450 g of wax.

Additional accessories

To make your product look complete, it needs to be supplemented with a stand and decoration. It can be made from an ordinary tin can. Cut out patterns, remove excess edging and paint in the desired color. By the way, the stand can be made in the form of a round house. Attach a roof with a hole at the top (to allow combustion products to escape) and insert a candle inside the structure. When the candle is lit, it will be very romantic and beautiful.

Housewives can be recommended to bake a gingerbread-shaped stand. It will turn out romantic, interesting and edible. You can also cut a hole in a small pumpkin and insert a candle into it. It will be good if the peel is decorated with a carved pattern.

And how beautiful a candlestick made from orange peel will be! Carved tropical fruit stands always look appropriate for Christmas and New Year. A candlestick or stand made of tree bark will become the best decoration for a candle. If you decide to go the most in an original way, then make a border from cinnamon sticks.

How does the filling happen?

When you are going to make a candle with your own hands, it is better to know all the details about this process in advance. At home, it is recommended to melt the wax in a jar in a steam bath. Before the wax reaches the desired condition, prepare a mold for the future candle. Lubricate it with water or vegetable oil. Then pour a small part of the melted wax onto the very bottom of the mold. Adjust the wick and refill. It's better to do this in stages. This way you will get a smooth and defect-free candle. When the candle is completely filled, cool it at room temperature.

It is not recommended to place a homemade candle in the freezer. After about 24 hours, the candle will be ready and can be removed.

If removing the candle is difficult, then put the mold in the refrigerator for a few minutes, and then place it under the stream hot water. The candle can be easily removed. After removal, part of the wick must be cut off and only 1 cm left.

Dyeing technology

Natural and synthetic dyes are used for coloring. Natural ones are made from natural ingredients and herbs. To do this, they are processed and the desired product is obtained. Synthetic ones are made from chemical elements and color the candle evenly and quickly.

However, synthetics have their drawbacks - a lack of environmental friendliness and an unpleasant odor.

Dyes also coat the candle with a greasy layer. If this doesn't bother you, then add them during melting. But if you want to get an uneven color and add some color, then add dye to the wax before pouring.

Remember that while the candle is still warm, its color will appear more saturated. Wax is endowed with its natural shade, so when you add dye, you won't get quite the color you expected.

Some also use it for coloring coloring pencils. This should not be done. The impurity contained in them will interfere with the burning of the candle.

Crafting Recipes

Beginning candle makers, as well as professional craftsmen, often resort to various master classes. This helps you keep up with new products and not miss anything interesting. Let's look at several popular recipes for making candles that will not cause difficulties even for a beginner.

Candles made from coffee have a special aroma and presentable appearance.

The coffee candle emits a wonderful aroma. You can decorate it with whole grains. To make a candle, add some ground coffee to the wax. Coffee candles are considered decorative and are made for special occasions. They are “tasty” and pleasing to the eye.

Wonderful aroma has a candle with the addition of scented soap. Your favorite scent will accompany you not only in the bathroom, but also while relaxing. To make such a candle, grate a little of your favorite soap and add it to liquid wax or paraffin. This will make a soap candle.

Massage candles are in particular demand.

They have a special aroma, as they are made with the addition of different useful components. A massage candle can be with herbs and dried flowers inside. When burned, it releases special aromas that help you relax during a massage.

Soy candles are ideal for adding essential oils. They burn very slowly and emit various aromas for a long time.

By the way, a soy-honey candle will ideal option, if you decide to create a unique and relaxing environment at home.

Openwork candles are very original. To make them, paper milk bags are used. They are cut in half and get square cups. A candle will be poured into them. Then a little melted wax is poured onto the bottom and the wick is secured. Next, you need to place pieces of ice in the mold (about 2 cm should be missing from the top). Then pour the remaining wax on top. When the ice freezes, it will do its job and leave carved clearings. Once ready, take out the openwork candle from the mold, which was created thanks to the melted ice.

Decoration of finished products

Decorative candles are wonderful gift for family and friends. They will emphasize your love and devotion. Moreover, you will invest your warmth in them. If you are going to present homemade candles as an additional gift for a friend’s wedding or a mother’s birthday, then you need to decorate your unusual gift. And here the choice depends on individual preferences. The decor will add personality and sophistication to the gift. For example, candles decorated with multi-colored ribbons look strict and solemn.

You can also make carved samples. To do this you will need a special wood carving tool and a little skill. Candles can be made in the form of a Christmas tree cone or a toy.

A very fashionable idea would be to decorate a gift using burlap. To do this, cut a piece of fabric to size and wrap the candle. We complement the decoration with a bright ribbon. Burlap is also suitable for use in autumn composition. We “season” the fabric with dried autumn leaves or flowers.

There are also beautiful openwork decorations. They are made from thin napkins for decoupage. Once you have glued the lace pattern to the base of the candle and it has dried, coat the openwork decoupage with varnish.

Decoration may vary. For example, a candle covered with shells is good for relaxing near the sea. The sea breeze will be complemented by candles decorated with white beads in the form of pearls of different sizes.

Church candles are important attribute any temple service. For believers, a burning candle symbolizes divine light, and three candles in a candlestick, which can often be seen in church, represent the trinity of God.

The rules for making church candles state that such candles must be made exclusively from natural wax. Wax candles look very beautiful, emit a soft, pleasant light and have a noble aroma. By following some rules and techniques, it is quite possible to make such a candle at home.

To make wax candles, you will need special casting molds, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Some craftsmen replace these forms with improvised objects with similar outlines, for example, thin rubber hose, which are cut lengthwise before pouring, making it easier to remove the covered candle. Before starting work, the mold should be greased with oil, or even better, with dishwashing detergent.

Melting wax is best done in a metal container with a narrowed “spout” - with its help you can simply pour the wax into the mold. Due to safety regulations, the wax should be heated in a water bath. Once it has reached a temperature of 80 degrees, it can be poured into the mold. Before pouring, you should take care of the candle wick. It is made from natural materials, for example, several cotton threads bunched together. The wick is placed in the mold before the wax is poured. IN special forms To secure the wick, there are holders designed for this purpose, which homemade form You may notice an ordinary wooden stick to which the wick is tied and secured to the top of the mold. When choosing a wick, you need to take into account that its length should be slightly longer than the length of the candle, approximately 5-8 mm.

As mentioned above, church candles are made primarily from wax. However, for best results it is recommended to mix it with paraffin, approximate proportions are 52% wax and 48% paraffin.

In addition to the traditional method of making a wax church candle by melting and pouring wax into a mold, such a candle can also be obtained by repeatedly wetting the wick in hot wax. For such work you will need a special container - deep and narrow. The wick is tied to a stick and dipped in wax until the desired thickness is formed. This manufacturing method wax candles very ancient, however, is rarely used today, as it requires patience and dexterity.

To make a church candle, you can use not only wax, but also natural foundation. It is very important that it is clean yellow color, without any contamination or dark spots, otherwise such a candle may not burn well. Sheets of foundation are rolled after preheating them, and thus a candle is obtained. Before rolling, a wick is placed on the sheet. You need to twist the foundation under constant pressure so that all layers fit tightly to each other.

Create masterpieces with your own hands for family and friends with the site "

Since ancient times, beeswax has been considered a valuable material; it was not easy to obtain. It was originally used to make candles, which were quite expensive. With the widespread development of beekeeping, everything has become much more accessible. However, real wax is still common only in narrow circles of beekeepers. But if you yourself or your relatives are engaged in beekeeping, it will not be difficult for you to get material to create wax candles with your own hands, which will serve as interesting decorative elements or great gifts close people.

Natural beeswax has many advantages over paraffin or, for example, gel. Wax candles do not form soot when burning and do not emit carcinogens. They also contain propolis and natural essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on our body when burning.

Among other advantages, it is worth noting that with the spread of industry and urban life, people began to lose touch with nature and therefore value even small news from the green world more. And candles made from natural beeswax have every right considered a link between urbanization and artisanal origins.

Rules for working with wax

To avoid force majeure that may overtake you when working with wax, remember a few simple rules:

  1. Always use an apron. It is desirable that it be made of thick canvas fabric.

  1. When working with wax, do not wear revealing clothing. It is better if you wear a sweater or long-sleeved shirt to avoid getting burned if hot wax gets on your body.
  2. The wax begins to melt at a temperature of 65°, you need to make sure that the wax does not overheat, otherwise it may ignite. This can be easily prevented by heating the material in a water bath, when the condition of the wax can be constantly monitored.
  3. When heating the wax, you need to be constantly nearby, you cannot leave.
  4. If wax catches fire, you should never put it out with water, otherwise an explosion may occur. In this case, you should always have baking soda on hand.

By following all the rules for working with wax, this activity will bring you only joy and pleasure.

Materials and preparation for work

To make original candles, you need to choose their design and color in advance, decide whether they will be flavored or regular.

For work we need following materials and tools:

  • water bath pan;
  • container for melting wax;
  • molds for candles. It is better to lubricate them before work liquid soap, dish soap or vegetable oil;
  • baking soda;
  • wick. For wax candles, it is recommended to use natural cotton threads;
  • wax dyes. Natural wax crayons are suitable, food colorings(just not on water based), you can also use gel pigments;
  • stick or pencil. Needed to secure the wick;
  • wick weight;
  • natural wax. It can be purchased in specialized stores in the form of wax or granules.

Manufacturing progress

The process of making wax candles is quite simple to perform. If everything is done correctly and all simple conditions are met, you will enjoy not only the work itself, but also the excellent result. This master class will help you navigate the choice of product and perform it in the best possible way.

First you need to melt the wax in a water bath.

On a note! If you purchased large pieces of material, it is better to cut it into smaller pieces.

Next we proceed to fixing the wick. We attach a weight to the lower end of the thread so that the future wick does not dangle when filling the mold with wax. If it is possible to make a hole in the bottom of the container, then thread the thread there and tie a knot at its end; in this case, a weight is not required. It is advisable to wax the thread itself. Tie the upper end of the wick to a pencil or stick, as shown in the photo:

Now you can start filling the mold with wax. Let the wax harden. There is no need to rush to remove the finished candle from the mold; it is better to let it stay in it longer.

When the product has hardened well, you can pull it out of the container by pulling the end of the wick. This will work if there is a weight attached to the wick. If the thread is secured to the form with a knot, you just need to cut it.

If desired, you can easily and simply give the candle any color and shape. The color is created using dyes, the shape can be initially chosen to be curly. The easiest option is to use silicone baking molds. They are easy to use, it is easy to get a ready-made candle from them, they can be found in any hardware store in a large assortment:

Also unusual look The candle can be decorated using paper gluing:

It is possible to use a split form:

The option of using ice to create an openwork candle is very simple and interesting. When filling the mold with wax, pieces of ice are added to it, which then flows out through the holes, leaving an unusual ornament:

It is possible to make a magnificent rose with your own hands from wax. This does not require any special skills. Making the petals yourself is not difficult. You need to pour the melted wax onto a saucer in a thin layer, then start wrapping the not completely frozen plates around the wick.

Video on the topic of the article

The videos below will help you complete the job of making wax candles correctly and without problems:

People have been using candles for a long time.

Previously, they served to illuminate rooms, but now they are an element of decor and a way to create a romantic, festive or cozy atmosphere.

You can find a lot in stores different types candles, ranging from simple to fancy. You can make similar decorations yourself from simple materials. Making decorative candles will not require financial costs and will not take much time, but by showing your imagination and putting a piece of your soul into your product, you can create a unique thing that will bring joy to you and your family.

How to make decorative candles with your own hands

What you need

Candle material. Wax, paraffin or stearin. For people new to candle making, it is best to start with paraffin wax as it is easier to work with. Paraffin can be purchased or obtained from white household candles or their remains.

Stearine can be easily obtained from laundry soap. Grate the soap on a coarse grater or slice it with a knife. Place the shavings in metal container, add water until the liquid covers it and send to melt on water bath. When the soap has dissolved, remove it from the heat and add the vinegar. A thick mass will float to the surface, which needs to be collected with a spoon after cooling. This mass is stearin; it must be rinsed several times under water and wrapped in a clean cloth to remove excess moisture.

Wick. For the wick you will need a thick cotton thread, for example, braided or twisted floss. Synthetic materials They are not suitable for candles because they burn quickly and smell unpleasant. It's easier to get a wick from regular candles.

Form. You can use different containers as a mold for making candles: coffee jars, durable packaging, sand molds and plastic balls. If you decide to make a narrowed or round candle, the container you will use for this, for example, a plastic ball, should be cut lengthwise and a hole with a diameter of at least 1 cm should be made at the top so that the composition can be freely poured into it.

Dyes. You can use dry food coloring, wax crayons, or natural ingredients, such as cocoa. But alcohol- or water-based paints are not suitable for making candles.

Melting utensils. A small one will do a saucepan or bowl that can be conveniently placed in a steam bath.

Additional materials. You will need them to decorate and add fragrance to the product. Since DIY candles provide a lot of room for imagination, you can use whatever you like, for example, coffee, dried flowers, shells, beads and sparkles. You can scent the candles with your loved ones essential oils, vanilla or cinnamon.


  1. Grind the selected raw material and place it in a water bath. If you are using household candles, be sure to remove the wick. Remains of candles must be cleaned of black soot. While stirring, wait until the mass melts. Dip the wick into it several times until it is saturated and set it aside.
  2. Add flavoring and coloring to the mixture. If you use wax crayons, you need to grind them using a fine grater. By using two or more colors you can achieve a marbled look. And by dividing the mass into several parts and painting them in different colors, you can make a multi-colored candle.
  3. Grease the mold chosen for the candle with vegetable oil or dishwashing detergent. Attach the tip of the wick to a stick, toothpick or pencil and place it on the mold so that the free end of the wick passes through its middle and reaches the bottom. For reliability, you can attach a weight, such as a nut, to the free part of the wick.
  4. Fill the mold with the melted mass, wait until it hardens completely, then remove the candle by pulling the wick. If the candle is difficult to remove, immerse the mold in hot water.
  5. You can decorate candles in different ways, for example, place dried flowers, blades of grass and seeds around the edges of the mold and then pour in the melted mass. For the manufacture of coffee candle you need to pour a layer of coffee beans on the bottom of the mold, pour them liquid material for the candle and put the grains on top again. Decorating the product with beads, rhinestones and shells is best done after it has hardened and been removed from the mold. Decorative elements inserted into the melted surface of the candle or secured with glue.

You may have some problems the first time, but after a little practice, making candles at home will not be difficult.

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