How to get a recalculation of gas fees if you live in the country in the summer? Explanations of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Rostov-on-Don. Recalculation for gas if you do not live What documents are needed for recalculation of gas

Advice from lawyers:

1. Gas debt. Counted incorrectly. They refuse to do the recalculation. They say now new law and they don't do it. Is it true?

1.1. Alexander! This is not legal. You need to go to court with a claim to have your issue resolved positively.

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Not really

2. I wanted to recalculate for gas but they refused to do so, what should I do?
2.1. Evgeniy, refusal to recalculate is illegal. I recommend filing a complaint about the refusal to recalculate to the prosecutor’s office, court or the Federal Antimonopoly Service. This will help solve your problem.

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Good luck to you.

3. Is there a recalculation for gas if there was a large gas leak?

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3.1. Is this leak documented? Was the act drawn up? if the leak was not your fault, you can write a request for recalculation.

4. My son joined the army, they don’t recalculate gas costs, what should I do?

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4.1. Go to court. You can, however, first write a complaint to the State Housing Inspectorate. If you pay for gas according to the standard, then you are required to recalculate, but at the same time you need to provide documents confirming that your son is actually serving in the army, and to obtain such documents you need to contact the local military commissariat.

5. I haven’t paid for gas for 5 months, it wasn’t charged according to the meter, you can recalculate it.

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5.1. Yes, of course, you can bring your meter readings to the gas company, and they will recalculate you and charge you a tariff based on the meter.

6. Recalculation of debt for gas.

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6.1. Well, the point is that you need to first submit an application for recalculation, but if they refuse, then file a complaint with the housing inspector and then file a claim in court.

7. The gas meter is faulty, should we pay a six-month recalculation?

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7.1. Unfortunately. Yes. they should, well if they don’t count for 3 years, that is, within the limitation period - see Rules for the provision of utility services 354

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7.2. Again, if you prove that no one lived there, then a recalculation is required, but in reality it is very difficult to fight with them, contact a lawyer in person.

8. My brother serves in the army. Will they recalculate the gas bill?
Your brother must send you a certificate, upon presentation of which management company and the application - must issue a recalculation based on the actual residents. Recalculation is not done if accounting is done by meters.
Best wishes to you!

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9. The child was discharged a long time ago, will they recalculate the gas bill?

9.1. If the child is discharged, this information must be reported to the management company so that accruals are made based on registered citizens.

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9.2. If you paid according to the IPU indications, then there is no reason for recalculation. If the IPU has not been established and they paid according to the consumption standard based on the number of registered ones and the bills were issued erroneously for one more, then the recalculation must be performed for the last three years.

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10. Is it possible to recalculate gas due to the owner’s absence for 2 months?

10.1. If you have individual metering devices installed, then you can apply for a recalculation.

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11. We paid for gas without a meter reading, much more, how to recalculate.

11.1. If only one month was transferred without a meter, then it is possible to recalculate according to your application for the previous 2 months 0 or more.

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12. The meter is out of order, how do they recalculate gas fees in such cases?

12.1. In your case they do.

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13. How to write a letter to Novotek about recalculation for gas due to the fact that the meter is faulty, they did a calibration, but the gas workers refuse to recalculate and while the meter was being calibrated, they counted 74 thousand.

13.1. This kind of statement is written in free form outlining all the circumstances and attaching documents confirming its verification.

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Consultation on your issue

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14. On the issue of recalculation for gas. We checked the gas meter with a delay of 5 months because... We didn’t see the verification period on the receipt. According to the standard, we were charged 1800 rubles every month; we paid according to the meter readings on time every month. Now we are being charged a debt for the standard of 5130 rubles. I asked for a recalculation but they refused. Referring to the fact that according to the standard they do not re-read. The question then is where will this money go if I didn’t consume more gas but only through the meter. Thank you!

14.1. Gas company. Who didn't check?

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14.2. If the verification is not carried out on time, then the first three months of delay will be charged based on the calculation based on the average meter readings, and from the fourth month - according to the tariff. Recalculation is possible only if you were charged according to the tariff for the first three months, and not according to the average. And the money goes to the service provider. It's something of a fine.

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15. How to recalculate gas costs, I don’t live in an apartment, I missed checking the meter. They installed a new gas meter, on the old one the readings that were transmitted every month were the same, i.e. it is clear that they did not use gas. Accrued according to the average for the period when the verification period expired.

15.1. If you submitted meter readings and did not submit an application for temporary absence from your place of residence, and now you have not verified the meter but replaced it, you will not achieve any recalculation.

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16. Conducted a state inspection of the gas meter on November 26. 19. They issued a certificate of state verification, and on January 14, 2020, the gas workers came to check and, incomprehensibly, discovered that the meter was not counting correctly, the error of the meter reading was 0.5% higher. They issued an order to replace the meter and recalculated the payment for consumption. gas according to the norm starting from January 28, 2019. This is about 30 thousand. When checking, the report indicated that the seals were not broken. Are the actions of the gas workers legal?

16.1. Legal. You need to demand compensation for material damage from the center where you sent it for verification. If the meter has passed such a test. We need expertise.

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17. How can I get a recalculation for gas if the readings were not transmitted during the year, but at the same time they paid for gas according to a receipt. And on top of that, the gas meter has broken down and there is no way to write off the reading.

17.1. Only in court.

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18. I missed checking the gas meter. Accrued according to the standard. Checking the meter confirmed its serviceability. Can I request a recalculation for the gas consumed, according to the meter readings?

18.1. No, there will be no recalculation. You could check the meter in advance.

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19. My son is studying in another city. He provided a certificate from the educational institution. The recalculation for gas and the reduction of payments were later refused, citing a government decree, which allegedly states that starting from 2020, recalculation and reduction of payments for retired family members will not be made. I didn't find anything like that. Is the gas company right in this situation?

19.1. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 N 549 (as amended on April 15, 2014) “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens” (together with the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the municipal and household needs of citizens”), it follows , that if during the verification process it is established that the subscriber, the volume of gas supply to which is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards, did not inform the gas supplier about changes in circumstances affecting the determination of the volume of gas consumed that occurred after the conclusion of the contract, or provided information that was unreliable confirmed by authorized executive authorities or local government bodies, the gas supplier has the right to recalculate the volume of gas supplied to the subscriber and the amount of payment for it for the period from the date of the previous inspection, but not more than 6 months.
If you pay by meter, what kind of recalculation? we're talking about?

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20. My two sons went into the army, I received the certificate six months later. They refused to recalculate gas for six months. We live in an apartment, there is no gas meter. I, my mother and two sons are registered. There is no way to install a gas meter; I receive a pension.

20.1. And they didn’t give a reason for the refusal?
If only because the certificate was provided six months later, then the refusal to recalculate is unfounded. You can contact the housing inspectorate about this or appeal to the court.

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20.2. Take their actions to court.

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21. I was absent from the Russian Federation from 04/22/19-12/31/19. I brought an application and a copy of my passport, but they refused to recalculate my gas bill. I want to know on what basis?

21.1. So I’m the same as you and I don’t know why write a complaint to the customer service department.

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22. My son is registered in the apartment, but long time does not live, as he serves under a contract in another city. They refuse to recalculate my natural gas consumption. Do they have the right to do this?

22.1. Tatyana Vladimirovna! No, they don't. You need to ask your son to send a document confirming his service under a contract in another locality, this will be the basis for recalculation.

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23. I have one stove in my kitchen. I did not live in the apartment for 5 months; I was temporarily registered in the village. My application for recalculation for gas was rejected. We need a report on the technical impossibility of installing a gas meter. That is, they oblige me to install a meter, which is expensive. What laws can I use to protect my rights? Or the gas company is right.

24. They turned off the gas for debts in 2014, the debt was 60 thousand rubles, in 2018 it became 200 thousand rubles, such as penalties, fines, is this legal, since the recalculation is for the last 3 years?

24.1. You are referring to the general statute of limitations, which is 3 years. It is applicable if you yourself stated this in a timely manner in court.

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Any person, no matter where he lives, uses public services every day. These include water supply, sewerage, electricity, heating and, of course, gas supply in those houses where it is provided. In order to regularly pay such public utilities It is necessary to know not only the tariffs and payment procedures, but also the standards for the provision of these services, the rights and obligations of the user and the supplier. That is why it is necessary to study the basic standards and requirements in order to not only know how much to pay, but also what should be provided for this money.

It is quite possible to live without natural gas. Almost half of residential apartment buildings in our country are equipped electric stoves. It should be noted that this, among other things, is also more secure. However, the other half still cooks their food on gas, and in addition, uses geysers for heating water and gas boilers for heating. It is for such citizens that we have tried to combine in this material the basic rules for the use of natural gas, the procedure for providing this utility service and the rules for determining tariffs. So that every homeowner or just a tenant can know how to act in any situation

Standards for providing services for centralized supply of natural gas to the population

Requirements for the procedure and standards for the provision of gas supply services are defined in Appendix No. 1 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. Gas supply is a public service for the centralized supply of natural gas residential buildings, both multi-apartment and private. Because the gas is a source of increased danger, in terms of fires or explosions, the provision of this service occurs according to strict rules. Technically, gas supply is a distribution network of natural gas in a populated area, in which a gas pipeline natural gas supplied directly to subscribers' gas equipment. Thus there is main gas pipeline and city or village gas network. In this network, gas is under a certain pressure. This pressure must be balanced, regardless of how much gas the subscribers consume, therefore, special devices are installed in the system - gas tanks, which compensate for uneven gas consumption. After all, if the pressure drops, subscribers will not be able to use their gas appliances, and if the pressure increases, there is a danger of explosion.

Therefore, we must immediately make a digression and say that any manipulations with gas pipes and gas equipment should only be carried out by professional gas workers, and not by “plumber Uncle Vasya” or skillful hands owner of the home. Gas is no joke. After all, if the water supply is installed incorrectly or the electrical wiring is connected, the apartment is only at risk of local sweat or short circuit. But for an incorrect connection or unauthorized manipulation of gas equipment, you can pay with the lives of yourself, your family and neighbors. Therefore, you need to remember that if the pressure in the gas network suddenly drops, or gas workers carry out an emergency or planned gas shutdown, it is necessary to shut off the gas supply to the stove, water heater or gas boiler. For this purpose, a special valve is installed in each apartment or house. In this situation, you can turn on the gas only after a command from the gas workers. Since when gas is supplied to the network, there may be overpressure and this may lead to an explosion.

So, the gas supply of a residential building is an orderly system of subscriber branches that are connected to the city gas network. What is a subscriber branch? This is a system consisting of several system-forming points: gas supply directly to the subscriber, an intra-house gas pipeline and gas supply to the house itself. It is noteworthy that it is possible to cut off the supply of natural gas to each residential building separately. For this purpose, there is a special valve located at a distance of at least two meters from the building line. Such a disconnecting device is located in a special well, in a complex, one for each residential building.

The gas pipeline enters a residential apartment building through the stairwells. At the same time, each apartment is connected through technical corridors. gas pipes overlooking the kitchen. Technical corridors in the house are mandatory, since introducing gas directly into ventilation systems, elevator shafts or apartments is unacceptable. Gas risers must be installed in kitchens and stairwells vertically. Installing or moving gas communications to other parts of the apartment, for example, bathrooms, loggias or corridors, is unacceptable. When installing gas boiler or column is mandatory connection them to the ventilation system.

It should be noted that any gas supplying organization is obliged to enter into an agreement with subscribers not only for the supply of natural gas, but also for gas appliance servicing. This service is mandatory and cannot be refused. It is paid annually, based on the gas appliances in the apartment, in accordance with the established tariff, which can be found out from the contract or on the supplier’s website. Every month the company's specialists are required to produce inspection of subscriber's gas appliances and draw up a report on their condition and serviceability. In case of malfunction, gas appliance must be disconnected from the gas supply until it is repaired or replaced.

In some apartment buildings where there is no internal gas pipeline, but gas stoves are installed, it is allowed to use liquid gas in cylinders. Such gas cylinders with a volume of 50-80 liters are sold only by a gas company. They are supplied tested, and residents are required to comply with safety standards when connecting them. They are installed in the kitchen directly next to the gas stove. One cylinder of gas is approximately enough for one or several months, depending on the intensity of use.

How to pay for gas?

The rules and regulations for calculating fees for gas supply are given in Appendix No. 2 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings.” According to these rules, gas fees are divided into two categories:

1. Subscription fee for gas directly supplied to residential/non-residential premises;

2. Payment for gas provided in an apartment building for general house needs.

As follows from the new rules for payment for utility services, including gas supply, payment for some types of services can be carried out both according to the standards and in accordance with the readings of individual metering devices. Payment for gas, in particular, depends on the number of people registered in the apartment. An individual meter can also be installed. The installation of such a meter is carried out exclusively by the gas company. She also checks and maintains it. According to the agreement with the subscriber. Residents can pay for gas either directly to the gas company, if a subscription agreement has been concluded with it, or to the company servicing the house, as part of a single receipt for utilities. Gas supply tariffs are always set centrally by local authorities authorized to approve utility tariffs. As with other utilities, gas payments can be provided with a subsidy if necessary.

Calculation of payment for gas provided in residential premises:

If you have a gas meter

The amount of payment for gas in an apartment or private house equipped with an individual natural gas meter is determined in paragraph 42 of the Rules for the provision of utility services. For this purpose, there is a special formula No. 1 given in the document:


  1. - this is the total amount of natural gas consumed during the billing period by the subscriber in a residential premises, determined in accordance with the readings of an individual meter,
  2. - this is the gas supply tariff established by the local government in accordance with legislative norms Russian Federation.

The result is the cost of gas consumed, which the subscriber must pay.

An example of calculating fees for gas supply in residential/non-residential premises:

  • The gas meter reading for the calendar month was 100 cubic meters
  • The established tariff for gas supply services in the region for the population in apartment buildings was approved at the rate of 4.5 rubles per 1 cubic meter of gas consumed.

Total: 100 x 4.5 = 450 rubles

In the absence of a gas meter

The amount of payment for utility services for the use of natural gas for heating in an apartment or house that is not equipped with an individual gas meter is also carried out, in accordance with paragraph 42 of the rules for the provision of utility services, according to formula No. 5:


  1. - This total area apartments or houses,
  2. - this is the standard gas consumption for heating residential premises,
  3. - this is the number of residents who permanently and temporarily reside in an apartment or house,
  4. - this is the standard gas consumption for cooking,
  5. - this is the standard gas consumption for heating water in the absence of a central hot water supply,
  6. - this is the gas tariff, which is established by the local government in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

From this formula it is clear that gas can be used both for cooking and for heating and hot water supply. If a function is not used, it can simply be removed from the formula. In apartment buildings, only the gas cooking function is most often used. Therefore, you need to calculate the cost of gas only based on the number of people living and the standards for gas stoves.

An example of calculating fees for gas supply in a residential area:

If the apartment is simply equipped with a gas stove, and is not equipped gas water heater and heating.

  • 4 people live in the apartment
  • The regional standard for natural gas consumption for cooking is 12.58 cubic meters. meters per person
  • The regional tariff for natural gas is 4.5 rubles per 1 cubic meter. meter.

The gas supply fee for this apartment for one month will be:
4*(4.5*12.58) = 226.44 rubles

General house gas needs are usually calculated based on the readings of the common house meter and are shown as a separate line in the receipt for utility bills and house maintenance. You can find out all the norms and tariffs, as well as use special calculators for calculations, most often on the websites gas companies on the Internet.

Do I need to pay for the maintenance of gas equipment?

This question arises among consumers of such communal resource, like natural gas. At one time, in order to prevent emergency situations, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 549 of July 21, 2008 was adopted, which stipulated the possibility of disconnecting a consumer from the general gas system if he does not have a contract for the provision of services maintenance intra-house gas equipment(VDGO).

The maintenance performed should include:

Services for visual inspection of VDGO (its integrity and completeness);

Checking the tightness of connections - with a gas analyzer or soap emulsion;

Checking the integrity and completeness of gas equipment;

Explanation of the features of natural gas consumption;

Taking immediate corrective measures if malfunctions are identified.

Art. 26 Federal Law "On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation" states that gas suppliers are prohibited impose additional services, in addition to gas supply services. Equipment inspections should be carried out at least once every six months and should be carried out absolutely free of charge. It is possible to conclude an agreement for the provision of maintenance services. However, it should not occur as a result of imposition, otherwise there will be a violation of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. Compliance with the law in this area is entrusted to Rospotrebnadzor, as well as the Federal Antimonopoly Service, which has the authority to attract the violating organization under Art. 14.6 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Since time immemorial, maintenance has been carried out free of charge, as long as all in-house gas networks and equipment were on the balance sheet of gas distribution organizations. Since 1997, when gas equipment ceased to be dangerous object, which led to a violation of the system for monitoring the condition of the VDGO.

In 2006 Federal service according to tariffs, the costs of servicing VDGO were completely removed from retail price for natural gas consumption. Maintenance and repair fees gas systems and equipment began to be charged separately, according to agreements concluded by HOAs and management companies. Sometimes maintenance work was carried out by specialists who had no education and special equipment, which has more than once led to the emergence emergency situations. The situation changed with the appearance in 2008 of the above-mentioned Government Decree No. 549, as well as, in 2009, the order of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation No. 239 establishing the procedure for the maintenance and repair of VDGO.

In connection with the adoption of these documents, the consumer became responsible for the condition of the equipment and was charged with the obligation to conclude contracts with the relevant organization. The legal field was gradually filled with other regulating legislative and regulations. In 2013, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 410 “On measures to ensure safety when using and maintaining indoor gas equipment”, as well as Rostechnadzor Order No. 613, which clearly outlined the “rules for conducting technical diagnostics intra-house and intra-apartment gas equipment.”

At the same time, despite all the measures to streamline and regulate maintenance, no one can impose the service. If the consumer believes that additional payment is imposed on him, then he has the right to contact the regional branch of the FAS or the territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor, where his appeal will certainly be considered.

How to avoid paying for gas for the population at inflated tariffs? Do I need to pay for gas using new bills? How to force a gas supply organization to recalculate a gas receipt? How can a household consumer write off part of the existing gas debt?

The “Legal Portal of Ukraine” ( provides a really working procedure for reducing the existing amount of debt and subsequent legal coercion of the regional (gor) gas (hereinafter referred to as “regional gas”) to reduce the gas tariff, which has already been taken advantage of by many Ukrainians. To achieve fair gas supply tariffs, use the instructions from our lawyer on housing and housing and communal services issues.

Regional gas companies of Ukraine issue inflated bills to the population at unreasonable gas tariffs as long as the consumer pays for them. Restructuring of gas supply debts, as well as reduced (individual) tariffs, is possible only if the gas consumer takes an active position. Let's consider legal basis and the procedure in more detail.

Reasons for inflated gas bills

The main reasons for illegal overstatement of tariffs in gas receipts are:

  • inclusion in the tariff for gas supply of surcharges that are charged by gas distribution organizations
  • calculation of the volume of gas used using increased natural gas consumption standards
  • since 2020, Ukrainian consumers began to receive two receipts for gas: the first is a payment for consumed cubic meters, and the second is a payment for the distribution (delivery) of natural gas

There are a number of other, less common reasons. The sample application for recalculation (reduction) of the amount of gas debt given in this article is suitable for all cases of inflated amounts in payments.

Gas consumption limits

On January 23, 2019, the Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine for the first time officially recognized the illegality of using inflated gas consumption limits for apartments without a meter.

The main reason for the legal conflict that has arisen between the statement of the Ministry of Social Policy and the position of the regional gas companies (which use inflated tariffs) is the following: the installation of gas meters for the population is included in the price of gas, therefore the supplying organization is obliged to equip each apartment with an individual meter at its own expense. If a gas meter has not been installed for any reason other than the consumer’s refusal, calculation based on the maximum rate of gas use is illegal and the citizen has the right to demand the return of overpaid funds.

Some apartment owners without a gas meter receive new bills at an inflated rate. For example, instead of the norm 3,29 cubic meters gas per person per month, to calculate actual consumption, a norm of more than 3.3 cubic meters is applied. However, in practice, the average tenant apartment building actually consumes no more than 3 cubic meters for cooking. m of gas for a month. The rest is “free” volumes of gas that remain unaccounted for and can be resold to other consumers.

Thus, inflated consumption standards lead to the population paying for gas twice - “for themselves and for that guy” (the latter is usually an industrial consumer). Therefore, double tariffs for receipts for natural gas to the population are very beneficial to gas distribution organizations. You can avoid billing consumed gas at double tariffs using the installation individual counter, and the gas supply organization must purchase and install it in the end consumer’s apartment at its own expense.

If individual device there is no metering - you need to achieve its immediate installation at the expense of the service provider (consumers have the right to free installation of meters). Otherwise, if the regional gas service has not installed a meter, demand a reduction in the gas tariff, restructuring of the debt amount and recalculation of the monthly gas payment (see example of a statement below).

Illegal surcharge

In addition to manipulations with tariff schedule Gas sales organizations may illegally charge the following types of surcharges for gas:

  • surcharge due to an increase in consumption per person (a debt arises for the past time, which is required to be repaid)
  • inclusion in the tariff of losses of the supplying organization due to gas expansion at high temperatures and a decrease in its volume at low temperatures
  • increasing the tariff by including the service provider’s costs for modernizing gas transmission networks and equipment
  • fee for delivery (distribution) of natural gas

Carefully check the gas receipt you receive and make sure there are no illegal surcharges. If the tariffs in the payment invoice and the total amount of payment for gas supply are calculated taking into account the surcharge, request a recalculation of the amount of debt.

Ways to reduce gas costs

There are only two ways to reduce the amount in your gas bill:

  • install a meter in your apartment (subject to adequate gas tariffs)
  • achieve a reduction in the cost of gas by recalculating its consumption rates

More details about this year.

You can reduce the monthly gas payment and recalculate the amount of debt in the following ways:

  • contact the gas supply organization with an application for recalculation of monthly payments and debt for gas
  • file a claim in court to reduce charges, apply lower consumption standards and reduce the tariff
  • submit an application for cancellation of an additional invoice for separate payment for services for the distribution (delivery) of natural gas

It is important to know that the first method is mandatory in any case. To apply to the court for a recalculation of gas payments, a consumer must first write an application to the regional gas service and receive a refusal. It should be noted that some consumers manage to obtain a positive decision already at the first stage of the dispute procedure (not wanting to go to court, regional gas companies make concessions). However, for a positive outcome, the consumer needs to take the initiative.

Sample application to regional (city) gas

You can make an application to the city (regional) gas using the following example:

Upload to Kievgaz (pdf)

Download to Kievgaz (docx)

The description of violations may be different - the wording depends on the consumer’s comments.

In Ukraine, the most common forms of application-claims to the region (mountains) are:

  • overestimation of tariffs when calculating amounts in a gas receipt
  • poor quality (calorific value, calorific value) of gas

The above claims against supply companies are faced equally often by both households equipped with gas meters and owners of apartments without gas meters.

If the legitimate demands of consumers are not satisfied at the level of regional gas distribution companies, the next stage of protecting violated rights will be a judicial procedure (lawsuit). To draw up a statement of claim in court, you will need the legal assistance of a lawyer for utility issues and housing and communal services matters (you can get a free consultation below).

Nadezhda Ivanovna, a resident of house No. 17 on Matrosova Street, was denied a gas bill, but the reasons were not really explained.

I live at the dacha all summer, and before, the chairman of the gardening association always gave a certificate about this,” said Nadezhda Ivanovna, “The document was required in order not to pay for gas while I was away from the apartment (there are no questions about electricity and water, there have been meters there for a long time ). But this year the chairman refused - supposedly the gas service no longer considers certificates. They say we need to install a meter. But the gas workers themselves constantly warn that if you only have a gas stove, the costs of meters are unjustified, so I didn’t install them. Please advise what is the best thing for me to do?

Alas, we are faced with another legal conflict. Indeed, the government, having obligated residents to take into account the consumption of electricity and water, freed them from the obligation to install gas meters on the stove - they are necessary if a boiler is used for heating and (or) hot water supply. However, this point is not taken into account in Resolution No. 1498 of December 26, 2016, which amended Rules No. 354.

From January 1, 2017, recalculation of standard fees for utility services in the event of a temporary absence of consumers is possible only in two cases. 1.If residents were forced to leave the house due to force majeure ( natural element, man-made accident, God forbid). 2. If there is an act confirming that the installation of a resource metering device is technically impossible.

In practice, this means, GAZEX explained, that it is necessary to call a mechanic, who must assess the technical feasibility of installing a meter in the apartment and draw up an appropriate report. But, as a rule, such a possibility always exists.

Meanwhile, in the new edition of rules No. 354 there is no clear indication that the fact of temporary absence will not be taken into account when paying for gas! But there are also exceptions to general rule not specified for gas. Apparently, this is why the rules are interpreted in two ways, depending on the position of the supplier or the strength of the consumer’s resistance. For example, in Moscow, various official housing and communal services websites provide the following explanations in connection with amendments No. 1498: the procedure for recalculation for the gas supply service remained the same (regardless of the provision of a certificate of absence technical feasibility IPU water installations).

We got two pieces of advice.

1. Taking into account the Moscow precedent, you can try to file a complaint about the refusal to recalculate to the prosecutor’s office, court or the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

2. If you are regularly away for a long time, it is wiser to install a gas meter. For you, the costs will be justified faster, since little gas is actually consumed (instead of 600 rubles per year per person, maybe 100-200), and you will get rid of the hassle with certificates. The only thing you need is a reliable device that you don’t have to check often. And it will be more convenient for the consumer if the supplier allows readings to be transmitted not monthly, but once every quarter or six months, with subsequent adjustments based on the results. Usually this condition is specified in a special annual agreement to the contract with the company.

The current economic situation dictates its own conditions for the use of energy resources. A savvy consumer must certainly know how to optimize his own utility costs and use resources efficiently. Paying less allows you to have the right to recalculate your gas bill, which can be done without or with a meter.

Procedure for calculating fees for consumed gas

There are two ways to calculate the amount for gas consumed:

  • determining the volume of gas consumed according to meter readings;
  • calculation according to consumption standards.

The second method is used when metering devices are missing, faulty or do not meet established requirements and their readings cannot be considered correct. The gas supplier is required to monitor the condition of the metering devices; for this purpose, the legislation provides for inspections of equipment once every six months, but not more than once a month. Grounds for out scheduled inspection A consumer statement may serve as a basis. What is included in the check:

  1. Technical condition of the metering device.
  2. Safety of seals.
  3. Technical serviceability of household gas appliances.

Important! The consumer must independently monitor the condition of the meter, since if violations of the requirements are detected during a scheduled inspection, the volume of gas consumed will be calculated according to current standards for the period from the date of the last inspection, but not more than six months.

In the event that a citizen does not provide data for the gas consumed on the meter, charges are made based on average monthly consumption data for the last 12 months. If the meter was installed less than 12 months ago, then the average values ​​for the months of actual operation of the meter are taken. The same procedure applies if the subscriber lives or uses the premises for less than a year. But this method of calculation cannot last more than three months in a row.

Recalculation for gas

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides that the payer may demand changes in payments for utility services in accordance with established rules. You can recalculate gas costs if there is no meter in the room on the following grounds:

  1. Change in the number of registered residents.
  2. Temporary absence of a registered occupant.

If the tenant was absent for more than five days, he has the right to pay only for those days when he was actually in the apartment. Excludes overweight calendar days when the tenant was absent, not counting the days of arrival and departure.

The supplier is obliged to make a recalculation later than five days after the tenant submits a written application. If the payer applies for a recalculation for gas before the start of the period of absence, the supplier makes a recalculation for the period of time designated by the applicant. This period of time cannot exceed six calendar months. When the consumer is absent for more than six months, then he should declare in writing an extension of the period of temporary absence.

It is important to note! If the consumer applies for recalculation after returning, this must be done no later than 30 days from the date of arrival. In this case, the gas supplier makes a recalculation taking into account the payments previously made by the tenant for the recalculation period.

In what cases is meter recalculation made?

Previously, it was said that recalculation can be initiated by the gas supplying organization if, based on the results of checking the metering device, violations are identified. But the consumer has the right to demand a recalculation if he independently discovers irregularities in the operation of the meter. To do this, he needs to call specialists gas service to dismantle the metering device and send it for inspection to an expert organization. She is obliged to provide a conclusion based on the results of the examination, which may subsequently serve as the basis for changing the charges.

Documents required to submit an application for gas recalculation

If the recalculation is made on the basis of a change in the number of registered residents, then in this case a certificate in Form 9 or, as it is also called, a “certificate of family composition” is attached to the application. The certificate is issued at the housing office or passport office. It can be received by any person who has permanent or temporary registration in the apartment where payment receipts are received. This document contains the following information:

  • Full name of all registered people in the apartment;
  • their dates of birth;
  • dates of receipt of registration in the apartment;
  • Who are the registered residents of the owner?

The certificate may include data on citizens who previously had registration in residential premises. Then it will indicate the dates of their deregistration.

If the recalculation is made on the basis of the temporary absence of the payer, then in this case it is necessary to attach documents to the application that would confirm the fact and duration of the period. Such documents are:

  1. Certificate from a medical or sanatorium-resort institution, if the citizen was undergoing treatment.
  2. A travel document or other document confirming the assignment on a business trip: order, instruction, etc.
  3. Certificate of temporary registration at the place of stay or a copy thereof.
  4. Travel tickets or copies thereof, which indicate the full name of the apartment resident.
  5. A certificate provided by the organization that provides security for the apartment, which indicates the period of time when the premises were continuously guarded. The payer has the right to provide other documents that, in his opinion, confirm the fact of absence and its duration.

Rules that allow you to save gas

Not all consumers know that in order to save on gas bills, you must follow simple household rules:

Installation of meters or meters. This way, the consumer is guaranteed to pay only for the gas he has consumed. This method of saving is relevant in the case when the number of citizens actually living in the apartment is less than the number of those registered in it.

Compliance with the rules for using a gas stove. To save gas, it is necessary to control that the flame does not heat the walls of the pan or other container used for cooking. This is explained by the fact that on the flames the most heat, so they must be located directly below the bottom. One more simple rule is to adjust the flame during cooking or heating water. If, according to the recipe, the dish must be simmered over low heat after boiling, this recommendation should not be ignored. There are special utensils for use on gas stoves, which helps not to waste extra gas. An example would be an ordinary kettle with a whistle, which will indicate that the water has already boiled and the stove can be turned off.

Saving on hot water supply. There are two types of boilers that provide water heating using gas: storage and flow-through. Operating principle storage boiler The point is that there is always hot water in it; for this purpose, it is heated as it cools. The second type heats water only as needed, that is, the water heater turns on only when the tap opens hot water. This ensures economical gas consumption. The disadvantage of a flow-through boiler is that it produces water at a moderate temperature. For real hot water can only be obtained from a storage type water heater.

Savings on the heating system. If a consumer wants to save gas on heating a living space, then he should take care of thermal insulation, after all. This applies not only to cracks and thin walls, but also to windows and doorways, which must be carefully insulated. Another main condition is the correct choice of heating boiler, so that when working, it provides sufficient heat, but is not too powerful, since then you will have to pay extra money for gas.

Interesting! One of the simplest ways to avoid heat loss is to install a foil heat sink screen between the wall and the radiator.

Use of special devices. Today there are many “smart” devices that allow you to save gas. Among them are heating systems that automatically regulate the room temperature. Such systems can take into account the location of people and reduce the temperature where there are no people. Another such device is automatic sensors. There are several varieties of them. Some take temperature into account external environment and, if it rises, reduce the temperature in the house. Others support temperature regime indoors, changing the intensity of the gas supply. Special device called a recuperator, it is built into the ventilation system to avoid heat loss through the ventilation pipes.

To pay less for utilities, you need to become a literate consumer. Learn your rights and responsibilities and how to effective use Absolutely everyone can use resources. Observing simple rules, the payer can easily save his money.