How to get rid of irritability and nervousness: psychological help. How to get rid of irritability Severe nervousness what to do

The feeling of irritation caused by the outside world is more of a symptom than a disease. Everyone experiences periods of irritability from time to time. This condition is explained by physical or psychological problems.

By the way, the psychological and physical states of a person are in the closest relationship, both at the level of symptoms and in terms of the causes that cause them. Sometimes this “symbiosis” makes it difficult to diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment. Let us add that “normally” increased nervousness should occur rarely.

If you are constantly in a state of extreme irritation, if it is negatively affecting your social or professional life, it is time to act!

Irritability as a result of prolonged stress

Let's say you're going through a period of anxiety and uncertainty. For example, you have an exam session. Then it is worth fighting precisely with stress, with the very reasons that caused anxiety. Try not to focus on possible failure, do yoga, do relaxation exercises or meditate. Replace negative thoughts with life-affirming ones.

If you eat pizza three times a day, your nervous system will definitely go into disorder.

But your irritation may have deeper roots. Perhaps this is emotional burnout? In this case, you should devote more time to careful and thoughtful self-analysis, reorganizing your routine and workload.

Watch yourself: if you are still ready to rush at people and every little thing makes you angry, you must definitely get to the cause, the root of your condition. Perhaps this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Are you striving for healthy image life? Are you eating right? If you eat pizza three times a day, your nervous system will definitely go into disorder. Try to eat a varied diet, limiting lipids and avoiding excessive protein intake. Alcohol and caffeine won't do any good either.

Lack of oxygen caused by a sedentary lifestyle may well be the cause of the irritable condition. During the next attack, try going outside and walking quickly, not forgetting to ventilate the room.

Remember the benefits of regular and sufficient sleep. Thus, fatigue caused by lack of sleep usually reduces the ability to concentrate.

Irritability and hormonal levels

Hormonal changes, characteristic of different periods of a woman’s life, are directly related to temporary anxiety. For example, during puberty, menopause or during premenstrual syndrome ladies are emotionally labile and can react irritably to others. This is how nature created women!

But some conditions can also be caused by pathologies of hormonal origin. For example, a number of diseases thyroid gland. In particularly serious cases it is even necessary surgical intervention. To understand the causes of internal discord, consult an endocrinologist.

Irritability as a consequence of psychological discomfort

Body and spirit are inextricably linked. This is an axiom. At the physiological level, irritation can manifest as skin hypersensitivity or muscle spasms. Experiencing mental discomfort, you can easily lose your temper and ruin your relationship with someone.

As we have already said, irritability has both physical and psychological causes. This is a normal reaction to stress, mourning, and depression. But sometimes it is a manifestation of deeper disorders, such as bipolar.

How to deal with irritability?

This condition is equally unpleasant both for the one experiencing it and for those around him. It can have a detrimental effect on relationships with other people.

Don't give in to despair or run to the doctor every time you feel nervous.

To avoid deteriorating mutual understanding, say directly that you are not at ease. Most people will understand, since periods of imbalance are familiar to almost everyone. To talk about your mental discomfort means to soften the unpleasant impression of your caustic remarks or outburst of sudden aggression. In this case, the interlocutor will react to your harsh words more calmly.

If you feel like you're about to boil, find an opportunity to move. Go outside, walk at a very fast pace, shout.

Do I need to go to the doctor?

There is no need to give in to despair or run to the doctor every time you feel nervous. As mentioned above, emotional instability is often caused not by serious illnesses, but by passing difficulties. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish one from the other.

If emotional lability interferes with life and causes inconvenience, physical suffering (for example, headache, muscle clamps), then you should consult a specialist. You should also seek the help of doctors or a psychologist if your condition affects your work or relationships with other people.

Anti-irritability medications

It goes without saying that it is best to do without medications or limit yourself to taking minimal medications. In any case, you should not self-medicate: the dosage and regimen of medications should be prescribed by a doctor.

Let's return to the postulate: irritability is not a disease, but just a symptom. Some medications have a mild sedative effect, others will compensate for the lack of microelements, such as magnesium or iron, and others improve sleep. Treatment with homeopathic medicines can be very effective. But, let us remind you once again, the prescription should be made by the doctor, and not you yourself.

The editors of Foma magazine received a question from a reader:

I have the following problem: periodically I am overcome by a feeling of irritation and nervousness. The mood changes very sharply, literally one word can spoil it, then I repent, but at that moment I can make my loved one feel unpleasant (answer rudely), realizing that he is not to blame. I just can’t understand why this is happening and where it comes from? I don’t want anger inside, I want purity and love.


Answers family psychologist Catherine Burmistrova, author books "Irritability. Methodology overcoming":

You can’t just suppress irritability; you need to figure out what situations make you angry and what needs to be done so that this irritability is not destructive for you and your family.

Let's deal with the first one: let's highlight five reasons why people most often get irritated:

1. To summarize: irritation is a reaction to failure. You imagined the situation one way, but it turned out differently - your expectations were not met. You were planning to spend a wonderful morning in the park, walking with your family, but the child became capricious and did not want to get dressed. The same applies to conflicts between parents and children: parents created an image of an ideal child in their heads, mapped out his life point by point, but their son or daughter chose a different path.

2. They want something from you, demand something, violate your personal boundaries. Your patience is running out, you begin to speak in a raised voice. Irritability here is a defense: this is how you show your dissatisfaction. However, irritation can turn into another stage - anger, and if the situation drags on - even hatred.

3. A situation of system overload: you don’t have enough rest, you work at an uncomfortable pace, doing several things at once.

4. You have a sedentary job, you don’t have the opportunity to go out for air, you didn’t get enough sleep, you didn’t eat on time. All this causes irritation - immature, primary reaction to imbalance the body's basic resources.

5. Disappointment or resentment, a breakdown, a crisis in one area of ​​life flowing into another - this is a characteristic of displaced anger. For example, a person has a stressful situation at work, there he holds back, and at home he pours out all the accumulated irritation on his wife and children. Or a wife, having quarreled with her husband, takes out her anger on the first person she meets.

Irritability can be caused by one reason or several at once and be expressed in different ways.

This reaction of rejection is most often directed at others. We take it out on those we care about. We pour out our most spontaneous, sincere and uncontrollable feelings to family or friends. This is due to ambivalence - dual nature close relationships, where feelings can fluctuate between two poles - from strong love to the same intense hatred.

What to do? If you are annoyed with your neighbor, but are not happy that you are experiencing such feelings, break off contact, go into the next room, stop communication for a while. This feeling has nothing to do with your basic attitude to a person - you love him, but at the moment you are angry with him. If your child is stuck over his homework, or your husband doesn’t hear your requests to fix the shelf, don’t break down - stop the emotion and wait out the moment.

Try to understand why now you are irritated more often than usual, and what could be behind this? Sometimes increased irritability is associated with serious health problems. There are diseases in which irritability is a side effect, such as hypertension or diabetes. A pregnant woman with serious toxicosis is also terribly irritable, and for her this normal condition At the moment.

But if you feel that irritability is becoming a system, not an exception, but a rule, an increased tone of conversation becomes a habit - this is a signal that you need to seriously approach solving the problem and restore the harmony of your life. inner world, otherwise it will harm you. For example, a mother knows that she should not raise her voice at her child or that irritation is a sin, but she cannot restrain herself. This brings her suffering because she is not who she wants to be.

When we decide to fast and try to be less irritable, the same thing happens. As if on purpose, we become more irritated than usual. This is connected with physiology: for some it is very difficult to do without quick food, while for others the very idea of ​​restriction, with which they do not agree, is latently influenced. There is also a lot of pressure that we cannot live up to own expectations, and this only gives us a new reason for irritation.

So, having dealt with possible reasons irritability, let's turn to the second question: how can you manage your reaction and not get irritated? I am attaching instructions on how to cope with irritation, albeit a simplified diagram, since this topic requires long hours of conversation with a psychologist or independent work above oneself.

How to cope with yourself?

1. Examine your triggers - those situations that make you irritated. Make a list: 5-10 main sources of irritation. In fact, there are more of them, if you describe them in more detail different areas life. For example, one thing annoys me in transport, another at work, and a third in my relationship with my husband. Next, trace the history of each trigger: why it annoys you. This is very effective way. Let's say you're annoyed by crumbs on the floor. Why does it make you feel this way? Because you don't want to spread them all over the house? Because you feel like you're a bad housewife? Or did the crumbs on the floor annoy your mom?

2. Find out more about the mechanism of irritation, read about it. Knowing how our emotions work helps a lot - we begin to understand their biological and psychological motives.

3. Come up with a metaphor for the state you get into when you get irritated. It could be a teapot, a volcano, a dragon, a concrete mixer - the one you turn into when this irritation takes over you. You don't want to be one, do you?

4. Try to catch the moment when irritation is just beginning to arise in you - then it will be easier to interrupt contact with the object, redirect the emotion or use other tactics - for example, breathing deeply.

5. Avoid situations where your triggers are triggered. I understand that it is easy to say and difficult to do. But try to create a route that avoids traffic jams or simply change your approach to what causes irritation.

It's easy to make mistakes in the fight against irritability. Therefore, I warn you: it is useless to suppress emotions - their accumulation will lead to a breakdown, hysteria or insomnia. If at first you were irritated and angry with a person, and then twisted yourself into a ram’s horn and decided to endure, your relationship with him will not improve. On the contrary, irritation will go further, to the very depths, and destroy, tear apart your family or friendship.

To prevent emotions from accumulating, do not keep pain and resentment to yourself: calmly, without shouting, share what you are experiencing, explain, try to sort out your feelings together. If emotions remain, do not direct them at the person, but find a form in which you can express them. For example, playing sports helps with irritation and stress - all energy goes into active physical activities, and not into quarrels.

Remember that irritability is not something that needs to be suppressed, but something that needs to be worked with.

Prepared by Anastasia Bavinova

There probably aren't any moms and dads who wouldn't be annoyed from time to time
their children's behavior. Usually, irritation arises and accumulates in situations where mom or dad fails to cope with some everyday situation. And such cases in conditions modern life- Not unusual. The problem of parental anger and its manifestation is truly enormous. So huge that it deserves a separate book, which was written by Ekaterina Burmistrova, a wonderful psychologist who has been dealing with the problems of family relationships for more than fifteen years.

The book is designed to help deal with the problem of irritability in the family and contains practical advice.

Do you know this state when your nerves are tense to the limit and any little thing can make you angry? Probably everyone has experienced this at least once in their life. But this becomes a problem if irritability becomes a constant companion. The readiness to explode for any reason interferes with communication, and simply normal life. Finally, nervousness may have far from harmless causes.

We have collected everything you need to know about increased irritability and methods to combat it in this article.

Irritability: a necessary outlet for emotions or a health hazard?

Irritability, or, as they often say in everyday life, nervousness, is increased emotional reaction to external stimuli, which in terms of their impact usually do not correspond at all to the effect produced. Simply put, a person loses his temper over every little thing.

This condition is sometimes explained by bad character. In fact, severe irritability as a personality trait, according to psychiatrists, is rare - in only 0.1% of people. So if your loved ones or you yourself suffer from constant nervousness, you need to look for the cause of this condition. Factors that provoke attacks of irritability can be somatic and psychological; let’s consider them in more detail.

Cerebral disorders

Increased nervousness and irritability may be the result of insufficient blood supply to the brain - as a result, for example, of atherosclerosis or hypertension. In this case, they are combined with other emotional, mental and somatic disorders. In patients with atherosclerosis, memory deteriorates (especially for recent events), concentration weakens, and intellectual activity decreases. In hypertension, the leading symptom is a persistent increase in blood pressure, and headaches are not uncommon. Against this background, anxiety disorders and a state of nervousness arise.

There are also other types of encephalopathy (brain damage): renal, hepatic, diabetic, toxic, post-traumatic. In all these cases, the basis is a serious illness, poisoning or injury, and, of course, irritability is not the only manifestation of the above conditions.

Endocrine diseases

Hormonal imbalances often affect the emotional sphere. If you are worried about excessive nervousness, it will not hurt to examine your thyroid gland. An excess of thyroid hormones that accompanies some of its diseases - thyrotoxicosis - is accompanied by constant irritability, fatigue, insomnia, weight loss with increased appetite, tremor, tachycardia, stool disorders.


The onset of menopause is often accompanied by a whole range of various symptoms, and a feeling of irritability is almost always present among them. Of other mental disorders and nervous system During this period, women report tearfulness, mood instability, fatigue, deterioration of memory and attention, and sleep disorders. If these signs are observed in combination with hot flashes, excessive sweating, and headaches, then most likely there is a pathological menopause.

All unpleasant manifestations go away on their own within several years after the complete cessation of menstruation. To alleviate the condition, including reducing irritability during menopause, you should contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist to prescribe corrective therapy.

It is important
Nervousness and irritability are constant companions of premenstrual syndrome. With this condition, symptoms may vary: some are more concerned about swelling, others - headaches, and others - pain in the mammary glands. But almost all women with PMS complain about severe irritability that occurs a few days before menstruation. The same mechanism - neuroendocrine changes due to changes in hormonal status - is activated during pregnancy.

Diseases and mental disorders

Severe nervousness and irritability occur against the background of such common mental disorders as neurosis, depression, and anxiety disorder. Sometimes they develop as a result of mental trauma. Irritability in mental disorders is often combined with insomnia, depressed or, conversely, unreasonably elevated mood, fear, and obsessive thoughts.

Sometimes increased nervousness hides a serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia. People suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction and other types of addiction are prone to irritability.

Accurately determine availability mental illness or disorder, only a doctor (psychiatrist, psychotherapist) can diagnose it. Symptoms are often mild, and at first glance it is difficult to understand that a person is really sick. To make an accurate diagnosis, a thorough examination is necessary.

Nervous exhaustion

This condition is sometimes considered a type of mental disorder, but we decided to talk about it separately because it is perhaps the most common cause of irritability. At modern image In life, many people suffer from exhaustion of the nervous system - from schoolchildren and students to office workers and housewives. Neurasthenia is caused by excessive mental and mental stress, which, in turn, arises due to work and study pressure, constant lack of time, abundance of information, inflated demands on oneself, negative experiences and other features of the life of inhabitants of modern cities.

In this regard, one cannot fail to mention the habit of suppressing emotions. Society requires a successful person to be strong, balanced, and stress-resistant. Trying to fit into this imposed image, fearing to appear weak, many people (this is especially typical for men holding high positions and generally associated with increased responsibility) restrain their emotions and do not allow themselves to show them. Nervous tension, which does not receive an outlet, steadily accumulates and sooner or later reaches a critical mass. The result is neurasthenia, which best case scenario leads to constant irritability and nervousness, and in the worst case, to a stroke or heart attack.

How can you tell if you have nervous exhaustion? A set of signs will allow you to suspect this condition. If you work a lot and have little rest, often experience stress and, against this background, begin to feel irritability, chronic fatigue, apathy, and difficulty concentrating - it is likely that your nervous system is exhausted. Psychosomatic disorders often occur with neurasthenia: instability of pressure and heart rate, digestive disorders, unusual sensations on the skin.

Manifestations of a nervous condition

So, nervousness is not a character trait or a consequence of bad upbringing, but a pathological condition that requires correction. At the same time, unmotivated outbursts of anger are usually not the only manifestation. A nervous state is often accompanied by other signs:

  • Insomnia. Anxious thoughts keep you from falling asleep or cause you to wake up in the middle of the night. The sleep is superficial, does not bring a feeling of rest, after waking up a person feels tired and exhausted, as if he had not slept at all. Daytime sleepiness interferes with work and usual activities.
  • Persistent feeling of physical fatigue. This is an inevitable consequence of excess nervous tension and lack of sleep. Due to chronic fatigue, performance decreases and it becomes difficult to carry out usual activities.
  • Headache. They intensify with physical or mental stress.
  • Anxiety, suspiciousness and restlessness. A person suffering from nervousness is haunted by unreasonable fears, obsessive unpleasant thoughts, and often “finds” symptoms in himself dangerous diseases. Minor everyday troubles in this state are perceived as a disaster.

People who are prone to increased self-control sometimes experience the opposite picture: outwardly they are calm, but inside they are seething with irritation and anger. We have already talked about how harmful suppression of emotions is.

How to get rid of irritability and nervousness

Before you think about how to deal with irritability, you need to understand why this condition arose. To determine the cause, diagnostics are carried out. For an initial consultation, you can contact a neurologist or psychotherapist. The range of studies depends on complaints, medical history, and accompanying symptoms. The doctor may prescribe general tests blood and urine, electrocardiography and other diagnostic procedures to identify or exclude somatic pathology.

Treatment will be aimed primarily at eliminating or alleviating the underlying disease. But there are special methods and to reduce irritability.


Various psychotherapeutic techniques allow you to work through the causes of a nervous state and master the skills of controlling emotions. People who are accustomed to restraining irritation and anger learn to channel them in a positive direction. The psychotherapist develops a program for getting rid of nervousness individually, taking into account the patient’s personality and lifestyle. The following techniques can be used:

  • behavioral psychotherapy, during which the patient learns to respond correctly to traumatic situations, to effectively cope with irritants in Everyday life, receive more positive emotions;
  • cognitive psychotherapy aimed at understanding and working through the internal causes of irritability;
  • hypnosis.


Drug treatment for nervousness depends on its cause. For example, if irritability is due to hyperthyroidism, therapy should be aimed at normalizing thyroid function, and treatment in this case is carried out by an endocrinologist. If the cause is depression, a psychotherapist prescribes medications. In such cases, antidepressants are prescribed.

But there are also symptomatic remedies, the use of which allows you to cope with irritability, regardless of its cause. Minimum side effects have calming (sedative) herbal preparations available without a prescription. Their action is aimed at reducing the excitability of the nervous system and weakening the reaction to stimuli. Many sedatives help normalize sleep.

In severe cases of nervousness, potent medications are prescribed - tranquilizers and antipsychotics. These drugs have many side effects, including addiction, and should not be used unless absolutely necessary.

Lifestyle correction

When patients ask how to get rid of irritability and nervousness, doctors first advise changing their lifestyle. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the factors leading to nervous exhaustion:

  • if possible, establish a work and rest schedule;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • normalize sleep (try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, do not watch disturbing news and programs at night, have dinner no later than three hours before bedtime).

General recommendations for a healthy lifestyle are also relevant in the fight against increased irritability. Try to stick proper nutrition, go in for sports, spend more time in nature and fresh air. To compensate for the lack useful substances in the diet, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes.

People suffering from increased irritability often hear advice such as “be more tolerant”, “avoid conflicts”, “change your attitude towards the situation”. However, not all so simple. Such “recommendations” are more or less relevant only if nervousness is a consequence of stress, and not of any disease. At the same time, one should not underestimate the seriousness of psycho-emotional stress: it can become chronic and can itself provoke malfunctions in the functioning of organs and systems. In any case, irritability is a warning sign. Therefore, do not neglect consulting a specialist: he will be able to find out the cause of this condition and, based on it, select the correct treatment methods.

Over-the-counter drug to relieve symptoms of nervousness

To quickly relieve symptoms of irritability, we can recommend an affordable Russian drug. Unlike the classic Corvalol, Corvalol Phyto from the Pharmstandard company does not contain phenobarbital, a substance that can be addictive and equated to drugs in a number of countries. The drug contains herbal components, the calming effect of which is manifested individually and in combination.

Ethyl bromizovalerianate in Corvalol Phyto helps reduce excitability and enhance inhibition processes in the central nervous system, due to which a sedative effect is achieved. The drug is also able to normalize vascular tone. Motherwort herb tincture calms, reduces heart rate, and has a mild hypotensive effect. Peppermint oil relieves spasms and promotes vasodilation. Thanks to the complex of these three components, Corvalol Phyto allows you to relieve irritability, weaken autonomic symptoms stress, normalize sleep.

A person constantly faces stress in his life. The nervous system is forced to be constantly excited, which naturally causes the development of nervousness and irritability. Symptoms appear vivid when a person is not at ease, because in such a state he is definitely not afraid to express himself. If the conditions in question become permanent, then it is necessary to undergo treatment from a specialist.

The online magazine site does not exclude the presence of nervousness and irritability in every reader. If these experiences are not constant, then they definitely arise periodically in a person’s life. What is the reason for their appearance?

Irritability is a consequence of a person’s dissatisfaction with current events. When circumstances arise that are unpleasant to a person, then he becomes irritated. Nervousness can be called a consequence of prolonged irritability. How longer person irritated by something, the more nervous he becomes.

It should be noted that irritability has a specific object to which the emotion is manifested. However, as the nervous system is exhausted by constant irritability due to a person’s inability to eliminate external pathogens from his life, nervousness arises, which can already manifest itself in absolutely everything.

What is nervousness?

Nervousness should be understood as extreme excitability of the nervous system, when a person reacts sharply to any stimulus. Moreover, the external stimulus may already be insignificant to throw a person off balance. The companions of nervousness are restlessness, irritability and anxiety, which are often the causes of its development.

Nervousness can be recognized by headaches, insomnia, a tendency to, increased suspiciousness, lability of pulse and blood pressure, and decreased performance. Nervousness overwhelms a person so much that he cannot think, do or reflect on anything else except about the object that caused the state in question in him.

Increased nervousness is perceived by others as imbalance, bad manners, lack of restraint, and promiscuity of a person. However, we are talking specifically about the properties of the nervous system, which for certain reasons cannot maintain balance. That is why it is recommended to consult a specialist who will help identify the cause and eliminate the nervous condition.

Why does nervousness occur?

An experienced specialist always begins his treatment by identifying the causes of nervousness. The condition does not arise by itself. A person does not become nervous just like that. There are always reasons that can be divided into physiological and psychological.

  1. Physiological reasons may be:
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • a lack of nutrients, minerals, vitamins.
  • Hunger or thirst.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  1. Psychological reasons may include:
  • Stressful situations.
  • Depression.
  • Anxiety.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Fatigue.

In a state of nervousness, a person can react sharply to any stimulus that comes from any object. And it all starts with irritability, when a person is unbalanced by a certain object. When irritability reaches its extreme boiling point, anything can make you nervous.

Many people admire the fact that people can control their emotions. However, it is not noticed back side medals. When a person is forced to control his emotions, he often simply does not show them. However, they boil and seethe in it, and simply have no outlet to the outside world. As a result, this leads to nervousness when a person gets tired, exhausted and is no longer able to pacify his accumulated emotions that he has not thrown out.

Restrained people often become nervous in the future. The inability to properly express one’s emotions without harming oneself and others, or the fear of expressing one’s experiences, which will be misunderstood, forces a person to accumulate them within himself. In the future, a minor irritant will cause such a storm of emotions that even the person himself will no longer be able to control himself.

Nervousness may be a consequence of some serious illness, when a person is worried about the mortality of his outcome. You should also consider nervousness as a pathology in the nervous system:

  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Post-traumatic encephalopathy.

Mental illness can also be accompanied by nervousness. These include:

  1. Neuroses.
  2. Depression.
  3. Various types of addictions: drugs, gaming, nicotine, alcohol.
  4. Psychoses.

Psychologists note that nervousness is more characteristic of the female sex than the male sex. And the reason lies in the workload, when a woman takes on too many obligations, worries and affairs. She must succeed everywhere: in housework, in raising children, in relationships with men, and at work. Everywhere she is responsible for everything, tries to participate in everything, bear responsibility. Since a woman cannot keep up with everything or she is not able to do her job perfectly, this irritates her. And in addition to physical fatigue, she also becomes nervous over time.

Why are men not prone to nervousness as a result of being busy? They don't take responsibility for doing everything. They shift most of their problems and concerns onto the shoulders of other people, including women. They do not try to control the process of carrying out their orders, but they always ask about the results they expect to receive.

The so-called delegation helps men not to get irritated, unlike women.

Another reason for female irritability can be called hormonal changes. They are periodic in the life of every woman, therefore they significantly influence her mood and condition. Menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause - everything entails hormonal disruptions that a woman is not able to cope with.

Nervousness is also a consequence of a person’s disagreement with the norms and rules that are imposed on him by society. If a person wants to live differently, then he will be annoyed every time when people impose their rules of life on him.

How does nervousness manifest itself?

Nervousness is a manifestation of a number of symptoms, emotions and sensations that are practically beyond a person’s control:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Bad mood.
  3. General weakness.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Aggression.
  6. Headache.
  7. Sense of anxiety.
  8. Fatigue.
  9. Tearfulness.
  10. Anger.
  11. Same type of actions: swinging the leg, tapping the fingers, walking back and forth, etc.
  12. Loud shrill voice.
  13. Sudden active movements.
  14. Raised voice.

A person resorts to various kinds of actions and a raised voice, because this is how he tries to get rid of the tension that has appeared in him. Nervousness can no longer be controlled and hidden, so a person either becomes nervous silently through active actions, or loudly through screaming, crying, anger, etc.

How to treat nervousness?

Nervousness that a person cannot eliminate on his own, no matter how hard he tries, should be treated together with specialists. Firstly, the cause of its occurrence is determined. If the cause is physiological pathologies of the body, then a specific drug treatment to eliminate the disease.

Nervousness is treated according to the following principles:

  1. Normalize and stabilize the daily routine. Caffeine, chocolate, cocoa and other stimulating foods should be eliminated from the diet. You should also give up alcohol and nicotine, which do not calm, but only excite the nervous system.
  2. Eliminate factors that destabilize a person.
  3. Add moderate physical activity.
  4. Take advantage of psychotherapeutic techniques: art therapy, psychotherapy, dance classes, reflexology, yoga, meditation.
  5. Go to bed early so that your bedtime coincides with your usual rest time. Before going to bed, it is better not to drink anything strong or eat stimulating foods. You should also avoid watching TV and talking about disturbing topics.

Some people try to cope with nervousness on their own. They use medications (Valerian, Valocordin, Phenazepam), which become addictive. Also, don't get too carried away sleeping pills, without which a person will soon not be able to sleep at all. It should be understood that taking medications provides only temporary relief. However, they do not solve the problem, so the person again and again faces factors that irritate him.

What is irritation? This is the level of dissatisfaction that is constantly expressed in the form of dissatisfaction and anger. It occurs in cases where a person cannot satisfy his need for a long time. IN in this case dissatisfaction arises within him, which then develops into anger. Nervousness is a consequence of constant irritability, so it should be eliminated in time so as not to accumulate.

Anger is a feeling that is intended to motivate a person to change the situation that has happened. A person faces difficulties, there is no satisfaction, there is a lot of anger. Expressing accumulated dissatisfaction is dangerous, because there are people everywhere, and they are not taught to express anger without harming others. What to do in such a case?

There are only two options here:

  • Give up the need.
  • Find a way to release the accumulated tension inside.

The first option is unrealistic. Giving up a need is tantamount to death. At the psychological and physiological level, this event is experienced as the deepest depression.

Therefore, many prefer the second option. This method is well known, but is not the only one.

The best option for relieving tension is non-aggressive sports: swimming, running, horse riding, etc. An interesting effect can appear here - a lack of strength and desire to play sports. Like, “I have a hard time coming home, but here I still need to play sports.” However, it is sport that helps relieve fatigue. Fatigue occurs when, trying to protect loved ones, an individual restrains his own irritation. And such restraint is done through muscle tension. Sport relaxes the muscles, making it no longer necessary to hold back tension.

No irritation. After which you need to find ways to satisfy your needs so as not to go through the stages of accumulating dissatisfaction, anger and release of tension. It is better to prevent than to fight later. Therefore, start satisfying your needs, then you can forget about irritation.

Bottom line

Irritability is a frequent companion of a person who is constantly faced with events that do not suit or satisfy him. If it is not reset in time, then nervousness develops when a person reacts sharply to absolutely any little thing, even to one to which he would have previously reacted calmly.

In order not to reach a nervous breakdown, it is better to learn to throw out your emotions and eliminate irritability. And if nervousness does arise, a psychotherapist will help eliminate it, whose services should not be neglected.

Incredible facts

It is difficult for a person who is often prone to nervousness and worry to control their emotions.

Anxiety is a healthy emotion, but many people find it difficult to cope with their worries.

Know that you are not alone and millions of people also suffer from anxiety. Luckily, there are proven methods that can help you channel your emotions in the right direction.

Read also:Don't try to relax when you feel anxious: what should you really do?

Try this anxiety management plan and calm your nerves in 21 days. Finally, think about what activities helped you cope with nervousness.

How to get rid of anxiety and irritability

Day 1: Get Coloring

Coloring helps to cope with many emotional problems. It has been scientifically proven that this activity calms your nerves, relieves stress and allows your brain to rest.

Day 2: Start doing breathing exercises.

Inhale and exhale slowly, holding your breath for a few seconds after each inhalation. Do this exercise for 5-10 minutes whenever you feel anxious.

Day 3: Listen to music that improves your mood.

As soon as you feel yourself starting to get nervous or worried, turn on your favorite song or band, put on your headphones and listen to music.

Day 4: Meditate

Take 15 minutes in the morning to simply sit in a quiet place and focus on the present moment.

Day 5: Call

One of the most effective ways overcome anxiety - do something that distracts your attention. Whenever you feel yourself starting to get nervous, call a friend or to a loved one just to talk.

Day 6: Go for a run

It has been proven that physical exercise, especially running, has a calming effect.

Day 7: Say positive affirmations

Choose a phrase that will help you cope with excess emotions and anxiety.

For example:

"I'll be fine"

“I’ve done it before, so I can do it now.”

"When it's all over, I'll be glad I did it"

“It may seem difficult, but over time it will become easier and easier for me.”

Day 8: Let the anxiety come out

For some people, suppressing anxiety can only make things worse. If you're feeling nervous, try simply letting those emotions out. If you feel like hitting a pillow or screaming, do it.

Day 9: Write in a journal

Write down everything you feel as soon as you feel that you cannot cope with the surging emotions. You don't have to watch what you write, just try to put into words what you feel.

Day 10. Solve the crossword puzzle

Games that require brain function and concentration help people with anxiety.

How to stop worrying

Day 11: Eliminate caffeine

Since caffeine is a stimulant, it can trigger anxiety attacks. Try cutting out caffeinated drinks and foods for a while and see if it makes a difference.

Day 12: Dance like no one is watching

Dance, move to the beat of the music as best you can. Dance is a powerful tool relieving stress and calming nerves. If you are embarrassed to dance in public, do it when you are alone at home.

Day 13: Use a stress ball

When you experience stress, your body is on high alert, your body tenses, but this energy does not find an outlet. By squeezing the ball, you release some of this energy and relieve tension.

Day 14: Accept warm bath

For instant relief, take a warm bath. This allows you to relax your body and calm your mind.

Day 15: Laugh

Watch funny videos or a comedy series when you're feeling anxious. When our brain is occupied with humor, it not only improves our mood, but also distracts our mind from obsessive thoughts.

Day 16: Get creative

Research has shown that engaging in creative arts and crafts can significantly reduce stress levels.

Day 17: Try yoga

Yoga is one of the most effective methods stress relief. You can take a trial yoga class or follow the instructions in an online video.

Day 18. Give up gadgets for a day

Try not using gadgets for one day. Leave all your worries at work, and when you return home, don’t look at your smartphone, don’t check social networks or email.

Day 19: Go for a walk

Changing the environment to a secluded and peaceful one calms the nerves. Whether you're at work or at home, take a break and get some fresh air.