How to get rid of moles in the garden? Means for controlling moles in the garden. Fighting moles in a summer cottage: a review of some humane methods Removing a mole from a plot using folk remedies

Moles leave furrows and earthen heaps, disturbing the appearance of the land, then the owners wonder how to drive the mole out of the garden using folk remedies.

Picking up best option getting rid of moles in your summer cottage, remember that none of the known methods will give a 100% guarantee. But some means of fighting moles are still worth trying.

What you need to know about moles

Moles quite often settle on land plots located next to forests or in the floodplain of a river. About 6-12 acres of garden approximately correspond to the home of one adult animal. A sign that moles have chosen your plot of land are characteristic mounds and raised ground. While digging their labyrinths, these small creatures severely damage the root structure of fruit and vegetable crops. In some cases, even if the mole has left the garden, numerous voles can inhabit the holes dug by it. Moving through underground passages, mice can destroy the entire crop of root crops.

If you do not want your crop to suffer irreparable damage, then measures to expel moles must be taken immediately. Remember that small diggers quickly and easily settle into new territories, digging through entire labyrinths of holes. And the more intricate the network of moves, the more difficult it will be to get rid of the uninvited guest.

Fighting moles in the garden

There are chemicals on the modern market designed to remove moles from plot of land. And not all anti-mole remedies have proven effective. In addition, these products must be handled with extreme caution, not allowing the toxic chemical to come into contact with exposed areas of the body. But at the same time, you must carefully read the instructions for using anti-mole drugs. After all, there are substances that are so toxic that it is better not to use them in the garden.

IN Lately Gas tablets against moles have gained popularity. They are laid in mole tunnels, where they decompose under the influence of moisture. A poisonous gas is released that affects the pest. But first it is advisable to use alternative methods getting rid of pests that do not cause damage environment. Therefore, every summer resident should know how to remove moles from the garden using gentle methods.

One of the most effective and safe means getting rid of moles and shrews is a modern ultrasonic device “Antikrot-Maxi”, designed for use in open areas. It is completely safe for plants and beneficial underground insects. Moreover, this method is also loyal to the moles themselves. One such repeller is designed for 10 acres of garden. This figure may vary slightly depending on the terrain.

What is the principle of operation of the Antikrot-Maxi device? When the device is turned on, it causes vibrations in the soil with a frequency of up to several times per minute. Moles perceive these vibrations as a signal warning of danger. That is, as soon as the “Antikrot-Maxi” is activated, the animals try to quickly leave the areas where vibrations are felt. Install "Antikrot-Maxi" in the center of your garden, and the expulsion of pests is guaranteed within 2 weeks. And to prevent moles from appearing again, it is advisable to leave the device in operation for the entire summer season.

"Antikrot-Maxi" operates in intermittent short-term mode, so electricity is consumed very economically.

If moles appear in the country, how to get rid of them using simple folk methods? Surprisingly, natural repellents often help to get rid of moles. These are the most safe ways in relation to people, garden plants and domestic animals.

Safe folk remedies

An abundance of plantings will help; onions, garlic, daffodils, marigolds, and hazel grouse are especially effective. Folk remedies based on castor oil have proven themselves to be quite good in the fight against moles.

How to make such a product yourself? It's pretty simple. First, prepare the mixture: 3 tbsp. liquid soap or shampoo and 200 ml of castor oil. The composition must be mixed in 4 liters of water. Then the solution should be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the area. This is especially good to do after watering the garden or after rain.

There are several natural ways that allow you not to resort to radical measures in the process of getting rid of uninvited guests. It’s better to just try to force the animals to change their habitat. It is very effective, for example, to reduce soil moisture. Due to excessive watering, moles begin to dig their tunnels very close to the surface. Therefore, reducing the number of waterings often helps solve the problem. Everyone knows that moles mainly feed on various insects and worms. If they are successfully hatched, the animals will have to leave your garden in search of food.

Several Yet folk ways fighting these animals:

  1. Making homemade repellers. Moles cannot tolerate harsh noise, so this method of fighting moles can be quite effective. Summer residents learned how to make various designs from cans and plastic bottles. These repellers make unpleasant ringing and rustling sounds from the wind, which small pests do not like. Even reeds can be used as a repeller against moles. Fighting moles in this way brings certain results. One reed must be inserted into each dug passage that comes to the surface. On windy days, reeds make very unpleasant sounds, reminiscent of the howling of wind in a chimney. This sound has such a strong effect on animals that they leave the garden within a few days.
  2. Another good way to expel moles from the garden is to lay out strong-smelling objects on the plot of land. For example, mothballs, rags soaked in kerosene and gasoline. You can place a cat in the garden, since moles cannot stand the smell of cat excrement. Thus, it is quite possible to fight moles and get rid of them using folk remedies in a summer cottage.
  3. A labor-intensive, but very effective way to protect your garden from being infested by moles is to fence it with sheets of slate dug to a depth of at least 80 cm. Then, in most cases, moles will not be able to penetrate your garden.
  4. If you do not have trees or shrubs on your site, you can resort to periodically plowing the soil. The fight against moles in this case will be quite effective.

Folk remedies for expelling moles can be quite effective.

As a rule, many farmers know from their own experience about the existence of pests of cultivated plants, their uncontrolled reproduction, immense appetite and vitality. But these “enemies of the crop” feed not only on leaves or fruits; they can also damage underground shoots, tubers or thick roots. Such creatures include wireworms, nematodes, and mole crickets. There is another animal that, although it does not gnaw on roots, it undermines root crops and digs where there is no need to dig. This is a mole. It is found in the garden plot along the characteristic mounds of earth. In the article we will look at how to get rid of moles in the countryside in a simple way forever, and what folk remedies exist.

Why are moles harmful? Behavior of moles underground

Why does the mole dig so many tunnels? This is an apt question. If you reduce their number to zero, then the damage to cultivated plants will be minimal. The underground space is the usual habitat of this fur-bearing animal. Here he finds food, lives, and reproduces. In the process of life, moles create a complex system of passages (feeding and living), because of these voids, crops, root crops and tree roots suffer. Since the mole likes soils near floodplains, rivers and forest edges, garden plots are also suitable: here the soil is softer, it is better fertilized, which means there is more food for it.

With its shovel-shaped paws, it digs into the soil like a gimlet; It leaves behind passages and voids through which air and moisture enter deeper, but other pests such as mice, shrews or horseflies also penetrate. A secretive lifestyle gives the mole an advantage: natural enemies he doesn't have enough. It is hunted by an owl or a crow, and by predatory mammals - fox, weasel. The latter only happens when it breaks to the surface.

🎧 How to deal with moles and shrews in a summer cottage?

An interesting interview with expert summer resident Andrei Tumanov: “How to deal with moles and shrews in a summer cottage?” For 20 years, the author broadcast on TV a number of programs dedicated to amateur gardening and horticulture - “Hacienda”, “The Bed”, “Our Garden”, “Rural Hour”, “Field Work”.

Description of the mole

As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight. This animal is often called a rodent, but this is incorrect due to the lack of such a strong jaw as in rats and mice. Digging its passages, it chooses places with soft soil and an abundance of food. The “diet” of this animal includes worms, larvae of many beetles (including pests), centipedes, spiders, slugs, harmful insects, and seeds of some weeds. As you can see, this insectivorous species is not a “vegetarian” at all. The mole obtains food not without the help of important sense organs - touch and hearing. It does not go into hibernation (but burrows into deeper layers).

It moves crawling underground and feels unprotected on the surface, so it avoids light and breaks out to the top most often at night. He can swim across the river. Its distinctive features are:

  • an elongated proboscis with pink nostrils at the end;
  • the front paws are larger than the hind paws (the claws are also larger on the front paws);
  • body length from 10 to 18 cm;
  • short tail;
  • a skin with short shiny fur;
  • small head, elongated shape;
  • the eyes are very poorly developed, the eye openings are barely noticeable.

Folk remedies for fighting moles

Owners of summer cottages fight moles with a wide variety of methods. Mechanical methods are aimed at physically stopping the activity of the mole - isolating it alive in a trap or crushing it in a trap. Mole traps are designed like a kind of trap. As soon as the animal reaches the device in the hole and wants to push through, squeeze further, it involuntarily presses the release lever and is pressed against the metal base. Special tubular catchers keep the animal alive, but it will not be able to get out of the trap on its own (the release valve will hold it back).

Video “How to make your own repeller”

Repelling or how to remove moles from an area when they have already appeared

This is the right way, without blood and slaughter of an animal. It is better to prevent the approach of this animal than to poison it with drugs like “Rodenticides” or kill it with traps. Now there are many devices on sale to scare away this animal with sound or vibration. There is no point in listing them. Why spend your money on them if others have long been known among the people effective methods fight against moles.

  1. Using pungent odors (chopped garlic, onions, hemp, rotten fish or rags soaked in kerosene, etc. are placed in mole holes).
  2. Chemicals: decomposition of toxic substances (with the smell of meat) or pumping toxic gases into burrows.
  3. By using sound signals(various turntables, ultrasonic devices, special whistles, etc.).
  4. They resort to special plantings within the radius of the mole’s possible habitat ( biological method). They plant fava beans, marigold flowers, plants such as Siberian Scilla, Imperial hazel grouse (a type of lily), and decorative onions (⊗).
  5. Flooding with water. In this case, there is a high probability that the mole will crawl out. This method is effective if you need to get rid of a small number (1-6 individuals).

What does a ready-made device for repelling moles look like with your own hands?

A method for preventing the appearance of moles on a site. Conventional mechanical fencing is very effective. It could be slate or metal grid, which must be buried very tightly around the perimeter of the site (without the slightest inconsistencies) to a depth of at least 75 cm. This protection has a big disadvantage - this process is very labor-intensive.

Explanations of fighting methods

Explaining in more detail all the above methods to select the most effective methods in your case, you need to start from three factors:

  1. Approximate number of moles per plot.
  2. The appearance of the “digger” is primary or secondary.
  3. The nature of mole holes and damage to cultural plantings.

Strong odors are an effective remedy, but they must be constantly renewed and replenished, because they erode. But the smells of plants will give a warning signal to moles for as long as 5-8 months. And those who have planted legumes or hazel grouse lilies say that they help without fail.

What does a finished mesh anti-mole fence look like?

On one information resource, a summer resident, sharing his experience, states that he completely forgot about moles after he inserted a hose from the exhaust pipe of his car deep into a hole. But it is premature to conclude that such “eradication” from the garden will help for several years. A similar statement can be made about a sulfur bomb. There is another folk remedy - pouring the liquid contents of “chamber pots” into mole holes! Those who performed this “procedure” say the moles left them. So, the most famous gardener N. Kurdyumov wrote that the best way to fight ants in a garden bed or in a greenhouse is to water them with urine. And this is also suitable in the fight against moles! And even without harming the environment.

Various poisonous baits are not suitable for “humane” summer residents, but they are a good choice if you know that there are 1-2 animals on the site. It is unlikely that all molehills will be flooded with water; this method is only suitable if the mole has just appeared on your site and the passages are not long.

The most radical method of protection, but not getting rid of moles, is indeed digging a mechanical barrier deep into the soil. It’s interesting, but some summer residents set dogs on molehills; for example, dachshunds and fox terriers like to hunt moles. For them, it’s like a warm-up, training before going out on a real animal or bird. Some farms use cats, which scare away and catch the pest, but do not completely destroy it.

Sound repellent deserves special attention. Why? The whole secret is that sound in a denser environment, in the ground, travels very quickly and can be significantly amplified. And the mole has a very high sensitivity not only to smells, but also to sound.

Comparison of the effectiveness of mole control methods

Method Factors and Featuresapplications Advantages of the method Flaws
Laying mole traps in holes If you need to urgently eliminate the mole Accurate result Possible death of the pest. Inhumane
Smell repellent: garlic, hemp, fish Apply only when one or two first appear on the site Environmental friendliness Requires frequent renewal of the odor source
Use of chem. means (including poisonous gases) Use only in case of urgent removal from the site - a last resort Quick result - death of the pest Danger for small children; other animals; soil poisoning
Flooding with water In case of recent (no later than 1 hour) appearance of a molehill Environmental friendliness and quick results Need a lot of fluid
Pouring urine onto molehills When staying on site for a long time Environmental friendliness A lot of work, requires regularity
Biological method Suitable for all cases except urgent removal 100% natural method without negatives Duration, you have to wait until the protective plants grow
Scare with sound and vibration signals Ideal for those whose garden is “teeming” with moles One of the most effective countermeasures: bloodless eviction Troublesome: you need metal jars, lids, tubes and time to install them

Sound repelling, as inherent in the biology of mole behavior

The musky smell is a kind of protection for the mole from predators such as foxes and raccoon dogs, but not from weasels. She is the only one capable of not only scaring him, but also destroying him. The weasel, without disgust, climbs into the mole's passages and catches it.

Weasels tend to make a sound during the rutting period that resembles a chirping sound, and this is what moles are afraid of, so they run away. This is known, for example, in England to scare moles off lawns. There, the recorded sound of weasels is “allowed to listen to diggers” through special devices located in the ground. And the latter remember the weasel, their natural predator, and immediately run away from the area. In our area it looks like this: a farmer installs rotating windmills on metal tubes in areas occupied by moles. And their sound is an exact copy of the chirping of rutting weasels. The sounds of the turntable are transmitted through the riser tube into the soil. The moles, hearing these sounds, run away from the garden in panic. Nowadays, many gardeners are successfully installing various clanking, whistling and chirping devices in their gardens, not just turntables.

One of these do-it-yourself devices for fighting moles and shrews is a pinwheel cut out of plastic bottle. To make it you will need a piece of plastic pipe and a plastic bottle. Also very effective are cans of energy drinks without a bottom, hung on thin tubes (not necessarily metal, plastic can also be used). The tubes are dug into the ground to a depth of 35-45 cm. At the first wind, such devices make good sounds, and moles hear it.

Another good way fighting moles without chemicals. Along the edges of the area (about 3 pieces on each side) you need to bury empty bottles at 45°, towards the prevailing wind direction. When the wind blows, the bottles will “make noise and whistle,” and this will be transmitted into the ground. Moles cannot stand this and leave the territory.

Previously, our grandfathers expelled moles from the garden in this way: they took reeds 1.5-2.0 meters long and inserted them along the reed into a hole that went to the surface of the soil, while a little more than half a meter of reed remained on the surface). When the wind blows, the reeds will begin to vibrate and make a subtle sound. This affects moles. They disappear within a week.

These are ways to passively use a sound emitter, that is, it begins to work only in the presence of wind. Interesting way active sound radiation, which was used by one pensioner from Ukraine, taking an ordinary battery-powered alarm clock, he set it to work for 3 minutes twice a day. I placed it in a small 5-liter can (also serves as a sound amplifier) ​​and covered the lid with plasticine so that moisture would not spoil the clock mechanism. This pensioner only needs to replace the battery once every 5-6 months to ensure that his land is protected from moles!

Trapped mole

Don't forget that moles also provide significant benefits to your soil. It eats wireworms that spoil potato tubers.(subtle passages are their traces). They make an excellent meal on cockchafers, snails (⊗) and mole crickets (⊗). And such pests can cause much more harm than a mole. If there are too many moles, you should not start using radical methods - toxic substances, traps. Try and use gentle measures: try to scare them away with smells, lure them with sounds, or place a biological barrier around the perimeter of the garden (plant marigolds or beans).

Plus, you can combine several of these mole control methods for greater effectiveness. For example, not only plant plants that are disgusting to the mole, but also install several metal trinkets, and periodically place aromatic repellers in the holes. This will help cope with the mole infestation.

Video “Expert opinion on modern mole repellers”

Demonstrative video with expert comments about modern mole repellers.

Answers to common questions from gardeners

Question No. 1. Is it better to buy a repeller or can you still make do with one you make yourself?

Absolutely no need to buy expensive device to repel moles. By following the rules described in the article, you can easily make your own repeller, with which you can easily get rid of annoying pets.

Question No. 2. Is it better to make a repeller from a plastic bottle or a tin can, or is it better to bury it around the perimeter of the bottle to create a sound when the wind blows? – All three methods of scaring are quite good. Here you should choose the one you like best. However, keep in mind that digging bottles into the ground requires a large number of them and time.

The mole is an underground creature that prefers fertile soil for digging its passages and caves and feeds on worms and larvae. But for gardeners, the appearance of such animals always becomes a real problem, since due to the vital activity of moles they can lose most of the future harvest. Today we will tell you where pests live, how to make the fight against them effective, how to remove moles with proven folk and homemade repellents.

Under natural conditions, moles are very useful because they loosen the soil, saturating it with oxygen, and destroy harmful insects. But in a cultivated area, they are able to dig up the soil to such an extent that, along with weed crops, those needed by summer residents will be destroyed. Moist soil suitable for digging is best suited for animals. Moles are blind and come to the surface only occasionally and often at night.

The mole hole has a clear division into zones. The bedroom is located in the center of the nest; it is usually located under the roots of trees or bushes.

The depth is no more than 1 meter. There are 2 entrances in a circle. Here the pests are engaged in raising young animals and resting. There are also main passages dug at a depth of 10–30 cm, from which the animals push the earth to the surface as they work. In addition, feeding passages are created. They are the ones that look like an earthen roller and spoil the external beauty of any garden or lawn. The animals are active all year round; they do not even hibernate. Therefore, if with the arrival of spring you notice traces of pests on the site, you need to urgently begin to fight them.

Video “A simple and effective way to drive a mole out of your area”

From the video you will learn how easy it is to drive this animal out of your garden or garden.

How to start protection on time and make it effective

If you ignore the appearance of molehills, you can lose valuable time. And then the whole garden will be entangled underground network moves and holes. Protective measures must be taken at all times. Even if you don’t discover new animal movements for some time. Most likely, they are simply hunting nearby. Moles tend to return to their habitual place. And then the owner will have to start the fight against moles in his summer cottage from scratch.

Why do animals quickly spread throughout your territory? Because they live in families, each of which includes a female, a male and offspring. Due to the depth and width of underground communications, eliminating pests will become problematic. Over the years of difficult struggle against them, humanity has invented a large number of methods, both humane and quite cruel. You will have to choose which one to use yourself.

Folk remedies

IN modern world dogs and cats, which many years ago helped people catch moles, have lost their natural skills as hunters and more often have decorative function. Therefore, you have to deal with shrews on your own. Many novice gardeners are interested in how to remove a mole from a plot using folk remedies quickly and effectively?

You can take reed stems, clean them and place them in the molehills you find. There are also homemade turntables and ratchets. Their role can be played by tin cans attached to iron rods. The operating principle of such simple devices is simple. When the wind hits them, vibration and noise are created that are intolerable to the keen hearing of moles. Frightened by such sounds, pests tend to leave the area.

It has long been known that animals dislike the smells of certain plants and flowers. Such natural repellents are garlic, onion, hot pepper. There is one drawback to using this method, but it is a very significant one. The pest may temporarily leave the area, but over time it will dig bypass tunnels. For better effect Plants should be planted in advance between the rows, and not laid out ready-made.

Rags soaked in kerosene or gasoline are often used. But such strong-smelling substances can cause discomfort to the gardener himself when he gets ready to work on the plot. The same applies to rotting fish that are dug into the site. In some cases, moles escape, but be careful that people living in the neighborhood and you yourself do not escape with them.

An interesting method is the use of validol. Not to relieve the gardener’s stress due to the appearance of pests on the site, but to scare away the pests themselves.

Moles do not eat the tablets, but their smell repels the animals well. Therefore, it is advised to place the medicine in working tunnels that go to the surface.

A trap made from old pan or banks. You need to find an active molehill, and then dig a pan or jar below the level of its location. It is recommended to place thick material or paper over the passage. This is necessary to prevent light from entering the hole. Then the animal will want to get out of the home and fall into a trap. If you additionally fill the container with water, your captive will simply drown.

Many more use a product based on castor oil. The mixture is made from 3 tablespoons of liquid soap or shampoo with the addition of 200 ml of oil. The composition is placed in 4 liters of water and mixed thoroughly. It needs to be evenly distributed over the surface of the land. It is best to do this after watering or rain.

There is another method that will require significant cash outlay.

In order to protect your site, if moles have settled on your neighbor’s, or for prevention purposes, you need to dig hard materials around the perimeter of the territory. Tin, slate, and linoleum have proven themselves well in this matter.

They will provide a reliable barrier to shrews who will not be able to reach your plants. The barrier should be dug in at a depth of at least 70–90 cm.

It is also used to protect the territory from uninvited guests. reinforced mesh, which will require a lot. It lasts a long time and quite effectively prevents the appearance of shrews. The mesh needs to be dug around the perimeter to a depth of 50 cm so that it is visible above the surface by 10 - 15 cm. Unlike the use of slate, linoleum, tin, the mesh will not block the access of beneficial microorganisms to the site at the same time as moles, without which full development is impossible and crop growth.

Of course, not all of the above methods give 100% results, so you need to try different ones. And this is true until there are hordes of shrews in your garden. When it is already full of holes and passages, it is worth using modern pesticides.

DIY repellent devices

Manufacturers offer many electronic repellers on the market. Such innovative means of combating moles are not only effective, but also safe. Because during the work they do not harm the soil structure, plants, or earthworms. And most importantly, for people, small children and pets. Electric repellers generate sound vibrations at low frequencies. This is approximately 300 - 400 Hz. The radius of their influence is up to 25 meters - it all depends on the density of the soil. Obstacles to the spread of vibration can be excavations, wells, and foundations. This should be taken into account when placing devices on the site. The larger the area, the more repellers will be needed. They make the life of pests uncomfortable, and over time they leave their habitable place.

Is it really possible not to spend money on buying a repeller, but to make it yourself? Yes, as evidenced by the practical experience of many folk craftsmen. A simple design is obtained if you use a plastic bottle, part water pipe and a metal rod. The order of work is as follows. The pipe is placed in the ground on the site so that the edge is located below the level at which there are molehills.

A metal rod is installed on top of the part of the pipe that is driven into the ground. It can be securely fixed using a stopper. You need to make a hole in the bottom of the bottle. To do this, take a hot nail in advance. The diameter of the hole must exceed the size of the metal rod. On the plastic bottle itself, 4 U-shaped cuts are made with a knife not far from each other. Then the edges of the plastic are bent. The structure should be put on the pin. It works on the same principle as reed stems, pinwheels, and rattles.

Moles that constantly dig holes in your area are pests. Their appearance can be prevented by fencing your land with protective nets, etc., but if they have been living on your property for a long time, the rodents need to be repelled or destroyed. Let's look at effective methods for removing animals from your territory.

Many villagers and summer residents are interested in how to get rid of moles? There are 3 main methods of rodent control:

  • prevention;
  • scaring;
  • destruction.

Let's consider different variants, allowing you to fight the invasion of moles on the site.

The easiest way is to take preventive measures to prevent moles from wandering into your area. When there was not such a variety of pest control products, gardeners used their own methods of prevention.

For example, they fenced off areas by digging slate or metal sheets, concrete blocks, etc. around the area. In addition to the fence, you can dig a ditch and fill it with gravel.


A special mesh is now on sale. It must be buried vertically to a depth of 80 cm to 1 m.

Moles prefer to live underground. They come up very rarely. When the gnawing stumbles upon the net and cannot get through the barrier, it will turn around and begin to dig a passage in the opposite direction.

A mesh with small cells is required. Galvanized or plastic will do. The plastic must be durable. When you dig in the barrier, make sure that there are no gaps. Otherwise, the rodent will be able to get through.

Advice! This method is suitable only for small summer cottages. After all, the mesh is expensive and it is quite difficult to bury it deeply.

There is also a mesh for lawns. It's metal. The protection must be laid horizontally. Literally retreat 10 cm from the surface of the earth. Unfortunately, where beds or a flower bed are laid out, it cannot be used.

Solomon's Trap

This kind of trap is very effective. The animal will remain alive, and you will move it to a clearing or forest - away from the gardens. This method is humane.

The trap is made in the form of a cylinder. It has the diameter of the average mole tunnel. Its length is 50 cm. The animal can climb in from both ends, but there is no way out of it. Your task is to find the mole's passage, put traps there and wait for prey. There is no one to expect help for the animal in such a situation. Got caught? Release away from gardens.

Let's look at different methods that lead to the destruction of rodents. For example, electric shock and others. If you feel sorry for animals, use only humane ones.

Mole traps

If you know for sure that there are moles on your site, then it is useless to do prevention. They need to be expelled or destroyed. Some gardeners use traps.

Install them directly into the hole. The mole crawls along its own path and, touching a valve or spring that is on edge, gets caught.

There are traps called live traps; we discussed one of them, Solomon’s, above. You can make a similar one yourself.

You will need a water pipe of suitable diameter. Doors are made on the sides that will let the animal in, but it will not be able to get out. Take a similarly 50 cm long pipe. Place directly in the hole.

Important! In theory, everything is smooth, but in reality, a lump of earth often ends up in a trap, which the animal pushes into it, and it intuitively bypasses the strange obstacle from the side or from below.

Destruction by traps

Wire traps are much more effective. They pinch the mole, but you need to know how to use them. Reliable mole traps from SuperCat are easy to install. There are models that are also used by professionals.

For example, a trap from this series “Claw” (Switzerland). It acts like scissors, with a pin between them. The animal knocks it out and gets between the blades.

Such mole traps are effective, but not everyone likes to kill animals and go check mole traps every 3 or 4 days.

People know that moles eat worms and this bait can be poisoned. This requires the following.

  • We need to dig up worms. Now sprinkle them with mole-killing poison. Yes, thicker.
  • Immediately, while they are alive, place the worms in the holes where the moles live. And fill that place with earth. Air should not enter there.
  • Now leave, and the moles will crawl and eat the moving bait. They will get poisoned and die.
  • Bookmark only in the evening. This is the time of activity for animals. If you do it during the day, then no one will take the bait.

A very cruel way.


Many people made crossbows in childhood. Some shoot moles with nails and kill them. An extremely inhumane method.


Animals that come out can be killed with electric shock. The method is effective, but not every gardener will decide to take such drastic measures.


If you have your own well at your dacha and there is a lot of water there, you can try to fill holes with it. Some manage to drown the moles, but a lot of liquid is lost. Not every person will decide to use this flayer method.

There are more humane preventive or deterrent methods of control. To scare away animals, the following types of repellers are used:

  • means invented by the people;
  • effective chemicals;
  • electronic or ultrasonic.

Let's look at them in order.


Moles, although blind animals, have an excellent sense of smell, and they do not like unpleasant, pungent odors. Gardeners bury rotten herring in molehills and make pinwheels out of plastic or tins. The sounds and smells coming from them are unpleasant. There are also those that include hard rock for rodents, but the neighbors suffer more.

Experienced gardeners know that moles cannot tolerate the smell of some plants. These include garlic with onions, imperial hazel grouse or beans (black) and others. Choose the ones you want to grow and sow around the perimeter of your garden. This is more about prevention than control.

Chemical exposure

Manufacturers now produce various chemical products. They all smell strong. This repels rodents.

Among gardeners, repelling with calcium carbide mixed with calcium arsenide and phosphide is popular. If you pour water on this product, different gases are released: phosphine with acetylene and arsine. Moles will not like turpentine with kerosene, gasoline with ammonia and various solvents.

The effectiveness of the method is relatively low, and the chemistry harms insects and microorganisms living in the ground. After kerosene, nothing will grow in that area for another 10 years.

They repel rodents with products in granules or gel form. For example, the Chinese “Argus from moles”. The main substance here is aluminum phosphide. When interacting with water, the drug releases poisonous gas into the air. They make a dig and squeeze the gel into the holes with a syringe. 5 to 10 g is enough.

Dr. Klaus - anti-rodent concentrate with ejector

This latest development our scientists. A product with a volume of 1 liter costs approximately 600 rubles. Use concentrate in early spring when moles just begin to actively dig holes.

You need:

  • Screw the hose to the ejector;
  • set how the concentrate will be used and turn on the water.

We use sound repellers

The simplest remedy is to stick a metal stick into the ground and place a drink can on it. In windy weather, these cans rub against the rod, resulting in a nasty grinding noise. This repels rodents.

Unfortunately, when there is no wind, some of the moles will begin to make their way into your area. Grinding noises can make both you and your neighbors nervous.

Rodents get used to such sounds and continue to dig holes under your site.

Experienced gardeners recommend burying a bottle or reeds in the ground at an angle of 45 degrees with the neck facing outward. Under the influence of the wind, a nasty hum will be heard underground, which will get on the nerves of the animals, and they will leave your area.

Electronic repellers

Special electronic repellers will help fight both moles and shrews. More practical are devices that emit not only vibration, but also ultrasound. It is important that the frequency of the signal changes. The domestic device “Tornado” is good.

The operating principle of the device is such that at a depth of approximately 20 cm, the device emits ultrasonic or mechanical vibrations. Animals don't like it.

In the ground, waves travel approximately 1 km. People and pets cannot hear anything because the device is underground. It costs approximately 675 rubles.

The results after use are different. Moles leave some areas immediately and have no intention of returning. In other cases, they dig tunnels not far from the device and do not particularly react to it.

Most likely, where sound is reflected from the foundations of houses and buildings or fences, the device is ineffective. Choose the right way to control pests in your area.


Place firecrackers in holes and light them with the whole family to scare the rodents and force them to leave your area. The noise will be decent. Unfortunately, nearby crops may die.

Acrid sulfur smoke

Bombs that emit sulfur smoke are really effective. After using them in holes, the moles living on your site will leave. But they can be replaced by animals from neighbors’ plots digging tunnels.

In addition, moles know how to close the passages from which a bad odor emanates. They will begin to dig new ones even faster, rebuilding their home.

The bad news is that sulfur smoke is poisonous and can harm plants growing nearby. Especially young shoots.

Now you know how to get rid of moles. Choose a method you like and preferably a more humane one, rather than killing animals with electric shock or traps.

It is enough to fence the area with an anti-mole net, burying it 1 m deep. Bottles that make a noise that is disgusting to them have a good effect on the nerves of moles. Try several methods at once. Good luck in your fight against rodents.

Good afternoon, readers! The disaster happened unexpectedly. Earthen heaps and dug furrows began to appear on the site. As a result, not only the appearance of the garden was damaged, but also part of the crop planted in the beds.

I got tired of contemplating the view of the lunar surface, so extreme measures were used. Do you want to know who was responsible for the damage to the beds and how we got rid of it, as well as how we prevented the possibility of its next appearance? Read on to learn how to deal with moles in your summer cottage.

Simple ways to remove moles from your property forever

How to get rid of moles in your country house and garden in a simple way? Gardeners know that if a summer cottage plot has begun to resemble a battlefield, thanks to the numerous mounds of freshly dug earth, moles have chosen it.

No matter how harmless these miniature animals may seem, for a summer resident hoping to get a good harvest, they are a real disaster, comparable to an invasion of locusts.

Unlike locusts, they are not interested in simple garden crops; moles feed on insects. They unwittingly harm plants by breaking through underground passages and holes; their activity has a detrimental effect on root crops. The question of how to remove moles from a site forever will be discussed below; first, let’s get to know these pests better.

Is a mole in the garden a pest or a helper?

Animals prefer simply well-hydrated chernozem soils, rich in insects. Favorite food is simple earthworms, but also garden pests - insect larvae, mole crickets, mice, beetles - are a frequent food in their diet.


Like all insectivores, earth diggers have an active metabolism; the normal amount of food eaten per day is approximately equal to the weight of the rodent itself.

Simply getting rid of insects that harm plantings is not the only useful property of earth diggers. Molehills are also useful - molehills contribute to aeration (air saturation) of the earth, and constant movement underground simply improves the quality of the soil, like a special machine for loosening the soil.

Despite the advantages of living next to moles, it is necessary to get rid of them at your dacha if you have planted a vegetable garden there.

How to get rid of a mole on your property, the main methods

Many gardeners and vegetable gardeners cannot get rid of moles in their dachas. Since these animals are frequent guests on plots of land in the middle zone, folk practice has accumulated many ways to get rid of them.

Simple methods are divided into three large groups- repellent methods, chemical and folk remedies. To get rid of moles in the country in a simple way, in the garden or in the garden, different approaches to the choice of means are required.

Simple repelling of moles in the country. Acoustic methods

You can get rid of moles in your dacha using a simple method of repelling, a humane method of influencing animals. The task of deterrents is to create uncomfortable conditions in the area; there are two ways: to influence hearing or a well-developed sense of smell.

Acoustic repellent methods:

All sound repellent methods that depend on wind fluctuations lose their effectiveness in calm weather.

Get rid of moles in your dacha using scents

How to get rid of moles in the country if acoustic methods unsuitable? Moles are animals that are blind from birth, but nature has endowed them with a very sensitive sense of smell.

The second group of methods of influence actively uses this feature and simply tries to drive away the underground inhabitants with the help of unpleasant odors. Folk recipes encourage the use of a variety of substances and products with a pungent odor at the dacha.

  1. Kerosene. (kerosene solution: 100 ml per bucket of water). Simply soak tow or rags in the solution and place them in molehills.
  2. Naphthalene. It is believed that the persistent and strong smell also repels blind rodents.
  3. Castor oil, the smell is not liked by most animals. Castor oil is filled into small containers and distributed over the area of ​​the site.
  4. Fuel oil or antifreeze. Potent substances retain their aroma for a long time. Usually they use tow and rags soaked in substances.
  5. Peppermint and wormwood are herbs high in aromatic oils. Pick bunches of fragrant herbs and distribute them in the areas of burrows and passages. Replace the grass as it wilts.
  6. Vinegar essence. The substance repels well small pests, but quickly evaporates and loses its effectiveness.
  7. Ground red pepper. Red pepper powder gives a good repellent effect, but only when dry.
  8. Chlorine bleaches. Rapidly evaporating substances repel mammals, but to do this, bleach or another product must be poured into a small container and lowered into the mole passage.
  9. Herring heads. Herring heads are laid out in mole tunnels and passages; during rotting, the unpleasant aroma intensifies many times and repels pests.
  10. Cigarette butts or infusion of cigarette butts. Many animals cannot stand the smell of tobacco.
  11. Snuff. Effective as long as it is not saturated with moisture.
  12. Rotten eggs or rotten vegetables in the country. The unpleasant smell of rotting food will scare away not only pests, but also summer residents. It won't be easy to get rid of him
  13. Tear gas from moles. The method requires certain preparation (special clothing, respiratory protection, a minimum of people). A canister of tear gas is sprayed directly into the hole. It is important not to overdo it - scare it away, not kill it, otherwise you will have to dig up the area and get rid of the corpses.

Olfactory methods of getting rid of them require patience from the owner of a summer cottage. Surviving an olfactory attack is difficult not only for moles, but also for people. The methods are designed for long-term and methodical removal with regular renewal of odorous substances. They are not effective - when you get tired of updating the aromatic baits, the pests will return.

Plants against moles

If moles are permanent inhabitants of your summer cottage, which you encounter every year, try to get rid of moles in the garden by planting live repellents - plants that repel moles. Garlic, black beans, beans, and nuts have these properties; Flowers include marigolds, hazel grouse, daffodils and blueberries.

The most inhumane way is to destroy moles

The third group of means - methods for exterminating moles, includes chemical and mechanical methods.

Flooding mole passages and holes in the country with plenty of water is the most popular method. If you managed to catch pests at the installation stage, this method will help.

But if the animals have already worked hard on the internal architecture of their home, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of moles in your dacha by flooding. The underground dweller will find a place to hide during the water attack.

To catch a mole, you can bury a small pan or jar into an active mole tunnel. A fast-moving mole will not notice the trap and will not be able to get rid of it. You need to carefully consider the place where the trap will be installed; you should not place it at the exit, at this time the mole slows down and he has time to feel the threat.

Features in the garden

To get rid of mole rats in your dacha garden, you need to take into account the nuances; fruit bushes and trees are quite tall; it is permissible to treat the land with pesticides. Injecting poisonous gas yourself is dangerous; you need to make a confident calculation of the toxic substances, otherwise you can simply destroy the trees.

Damaged beds and ruined root crops require active measures to eliminate moles in the country. It is simply impossible to use the method of gassing with toxic substances; toxic chemicals will get into your crop.

More ways to get rid of moles in the country on your own

How to get rid of moles in the country without consequences for the harvest? Moles avoid sounds made by special repellers, but the meaning of scaring away garden diggers in the country is questionable:

  • A purchased repeller can send an animal to the neighbors.
  • The noise of the repeller is unlikely to please the residents around.
  • Little diggers get used to the sounds.
  • Getting rid of moles using rotting herring is ineffective. A terrible odor spreads throughout the entire area, and pests will simply bypass the rotting area.

How to fight at the dacha, summer cottage and in the garden

How to get rid of a mole in a summer cottage using poisons? It is difficult to get rid of poisons, because moles are predators that will outwit poisoned food. Poisoning fertile land doesn't promise positive result, it is unwise to get rid of a mole on a summer cottage by sacrificing the harvest.

How to get rid of moles in the garden using a pipe trap with lids? Moles bypass foreign objects on their territory; the method is ineffective. There are more expensive traps, designed specifically for animals, similar to a pest mink - they work better than pipe traps and will allow you to get rid of moles in the garden for a while.

How to deal with moles in the countryside by setting traps? A cruel, effective method until the pests understand the mechanism. It doesn’t always work; subsequently, the diggers dig tunnels, avoiding the traps. Fighting moles in the countryside in this way will take a lot of time.

How to get rid of moles in your garden using mole punches? Another cruel but effective method, which has positive reviews from gardeners. Mole beaters kill animals with electricity in tunnels marked with devices. Getting rid of moles in your garden using this method will be costly, but effective.


How to deal with moles in a summer cottage

Almost every gardener, sooner or later, is faced with the result of the activity of moles on the site. Waking up in the morning and going out into the area, you notice that your lawn has been “attacked” by moles - mounds of dug up earth have appeared. And the question immediately comes to mind: “How to expel a mole from your site once and for all?”

But as practice shows, quickly getting rid of a mole is not so easy. In order to get rid of a mole, you will need to know everything about it: its lifestyle, what it eats, how it lives, why it chose your area, and most importantly, how to get rid of it? Let's look at everything in order.

To begin with, you should know that the mole is not a rodent, but an insectivorous animal. So you don't have to worry about him eating tulip bulbs in the lawn, carrots in the garden, or roots of trees or bushes in the garden. He doesn't feed on it.

How does a mole live and what does it eat?

The mole in Europe has chosen almost the entire territory, except for the mountains and northern regions. The number of moles in a certain area depends on the amount of food - soil invertebrates. They tend to live in organic-rich and well-structured soils.

When you purchase a plot of land, you immediately try to improve the structure of the soil on it, enriching it with organic matter, making it favorable for the life of invertebrates, for example, worms. And oh, how the mole loves them. Throughout his life, the mole creates an entire underground city with a system of branched passages, with bedrooms, dining rooms and storage rooms, the floor of which is neatly lined with leaves or grass.

Such apartments for moles are located deep underground, up to 70 cm. The length of such passages reaches several hundred meters. Moles are very hardworking and sometimes their hard work is even amazing. In one day he can dig 15, and maybe up to 30 meters. The mole makes its moves with its powerful paws, which are perfectly adapted for this work.

The mole, as a rule, feeds on various larvae and insects, and especially likes to eat earthworms. And here the secret of the mole’s love for a well-groomed area is revealed, where the soil is rich in organic matter and on the surface of which earthworms work, processing organic matter into fertile soil and enriching it with useful substances.

How to fight moles?

The mole lives and works all year round and 24 hours a day. They live mainly in one place, but sometimes circumstances force him to travel several kilometers from home in search of food.

Basically, young moles go in search of food, both underground and crawling to the surface and moving in this way over very long distances. Once at the dacha I saw a mole crawling across the lawn, but then I looked for a long time for the place where it crawled out from, but I never found it.

Summer residents do not like moles not for their appearance (like rats, for example), but for their activity - digging molehills on the site. As a result, the appearance of the site deteriorates.

Although I would also highlight one thing negative consequence The activity of a mole is when it digs its passages under the roots of trees, bushes, and other plants, as a result of which the roots hang in the air, and this will not lead to anything good.

There are many ways to combat moles, but not all of them are effective. In my article There is a mole on your lawn. Will we destroy or “relocate”? I briefly described many ways to combat moles. But today I want to describe the most effective methods of fighting moles, which I use myself or heard from neighboring gardeners.

In my opinion, there are many ways to scare off moles (they are described below), but there is only one way to fight them – to catch them. Some gardeners generally give utopian advice, for example: bury the herring's head in a molehill or fence the area with slate, digging it 30-40 cm into the ground.

In the example with the head, the mole, of course, will not climb this path again, but will make a new one, but the head will stink and will smell fragrant throughout the entire area until the rat digs it up, and the rat is already a new problem, and as they say in Odessa, “Do you need it? " Slate, of course, will give results, but here you won’t limit yourself to one sheet. What if there is a large area?

In order not to torment you with reading for a long time, I suggest paying attention to the 2 most effective ways to combat moles - these are plastic weather vanes on poles and ultrasonic repellers, which you can read in more detail in my previous article on this topic. There is a mole on your lawn. Will we destroy or “relocate”? .

I will say from my own experience that a plastic bottle will bring the desired result faster than ultrasonic repellers. But this is my personal opinion. Of course there is one big drawback This method - plastic bottles are very noisy, and also, what to do if there is no wind. That's all! I wish you victory in the fight against moles!


Fighting moles

Yes, yes, these underground neighbors are able to turn your summer cottage into a dug-up military training ground in a week. There is only one conclusion - fight the moles.

And of course, we know from studying at zoology school that these insectivores perform a special task in the entire ecosystem of our planet, but I admit that the mole is very useful look fauna but for gardeners and gardeners it is the most main enemy. And because of this, sometimes you have to survive on your site.

Damage caused by moles

When a mole digs its tunnels, it naturally damages the root system of fertile bushes and vegetable crops. Of course, he does not steal or spoil your harvest, into which you have invested a lot of effort throughout the spring and summer.


But calculate the material damage of dug up lawns and you will immediately have a question: How to deal with moles? One option is to purchase a repeller in our store.

How to find a mole? And after his tricks, correspondingly eating worms, frogs and all kinds of larvae useful for the soil, moles worsen the aesthetic appearance of the lawn on your site and help attract pests. Moles also cause irreparable damage to lawns and beautiful lawns.

Probably each of you, as a child, saw fresh mounds of soil in your garden, or even worse, in your garden. So the most interesting thing is that moles especially love beautiful and tidy lawns, because under the irrigated soil there is always something to eat, for example, worms, and they are one of the favorite delicacies of moles.

A mole is a complete disaster, because even if you manage to drive it away for an indefinite period of time or it leaves on its own for some reason, whether it is a planned migration or a banal lack of food, voles will regularly use its underground farming.

These guys, although a little simpler in terms of harm, will also give you a reason to worry about your harvest. The mice will take over all the root crops and flower beds for you. Because of these moments, we so zealously want to get rid of moles. The main task is not to leave everything to chance, especially for a long time.

Otherwise, we may easily miss several bags of potatoes, carrots and other crops planted in your garden. That is, it is important to immediately begin the fight against moles, with the first pile of dug earth on the surface. How to get rid of moles in the garden?

It will be much more difficult to deal with the expiration of wasted time than when it was first discovered. Moles, like efficient miners, dig their tunnels at an amazing speed of about 6-10 meters per hour.

And from this we will conclude that the longer we are inactive, the more extensive the scheme of his tunnels will be and the more difficult it will be for you to fight him. Some amateur gardeners make a big mistake, thinking that if fresh tracks do not appear on the surface within a few days, then the moles have left.

Of course not, and if they left your territory for some time, they will definitely return, because the road to your home is already open for them. Moles usually settle in groups, entire families, creating a settlement several hundred meters long.

Individuals living in the same territory are at enmity with each other and win the most tasty morsels of your harvest for themselves. You can't give up too early! You have enough ways to deal with moles and how to get rid of moles. Now you will learn ways to fight moles.

Biological methods of mole control

How to drive a mole out of the garden? You can start fighting moles by destroying the moles' food supply. This will also give you the opportunity to remove these animals from your property. Moles have a huge need for food and can eat as much food per day as they weigh. They are active in eating at any time of the day.

Their diet includes snails, all kinds of large insects, their larvae, earthworms, spiders and small invertebrates. Therefore, the use of insecticides that are aimed at destroying their food supply will force moles to leave your territory. How to get rid of moles in the country?

One of the ways to deal with moles is to use domestic animals, and specifically dogs, such breeds as dachshund and fox terrier; they are burrowing breeds and this is simply their calling. For dogs, this is not a way of food, but as training before a hunt.

Some gardeners also claim that cats catch moles - but not all. The problem is most likely that pets have lost their hunting instincts due to excessive care. But even though the chance of killing the mole is not great, it still exists.

Mechanical means of mole control - Mole trap

Mechanical methods include traps, the so-called “mole trap” different ways actions: crossbows or nooses. Mole trap pipe - effective remedy from moles, especially when fighting moles in the garden. This mole trap is useful at the initial level of removal with a small number of pests.

One of the most useful and effective models at the moment are tunnel mole traps. Their device is very simple - it is not a large piece of pipe, the same diameter as the hole, 2 pieces of metal are attached to its ends, and the whole trick is that the mole can get into the middle of the pipe, but cannot get out of it.

Destruction of moles using mole traps, mole trap

What to do? This question is usually asked by summer residents who have run out of patience to look at dug-up plots (greenhouses, flower beds) and other land. These devices are sold either by craftsmen or online stores; sometimes these traps appear for sale in city markets.


The best and more reliable purchasing option is, of course, an online store. You just need to fill out the order form and the device will be delivered to your doorstep.

Destruction of moles with folk remedies

How to catch moles? And again, one of the stories from my grandfather is about moles. My grandfather had large vegetable garden with many different cultures, potatoes, carrots, beets and other root vegetables.

And he made the mole traps himself, most likely borrowing a mechanism diagram from one of the manufacturers. So there you go! How to catch a mole in the garden? The most important thing in the art of setting mole traps is to find the right place to install it.

Otherwise, it will be of little use. It is imperative to place the trap in an active mole tunnel that leads to the surface. defining it is not that difficult. We just need to compact the black soil dug to the surface a little and see if after a while there is fresh soil on some pile again, then we have found it.

After that, we install our tunnel trap in it. A little advice from the master...a regular trap should be installed on both sides of the tunnel, since we don’t know which side the mole will come from. After installation, you need to prevent the mole from moving from sunlight. Don't forget to check traps and traps occasionally - this will increase your catch.

Effective fight against moles with your own hands. You need a metal rod (piece of reinforcement) up to a meter long, depending on the length of the 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle that fits on it. We insert the rod into the ground and place the bottle on it.

The diameter of the rod is approximately so that the bottle can easily be put on it and dangle in the wind. Thus, she knocks on the rod, and then the sound goes deep into the ground. In general, another option for how to get rid of moles in the garden.

Protection against moles. One of the most reliable and effective methods There was and will be a way to bury mole nets around the perimeter of your area. It needs to be laid under the lawn and in this case the mole will not be able to bring the soil to the surface. But like any other, this remedy against moles has its drawbacks. This is a very labor-intensive installation and meticulous work.

Another use for stainless steel mesh (or other sheet material) is to bury it to a depth of up to half a meter around the perimeter of your vegetable garden, orchard or any other area. Yes, this method is quite labor-intensive but also quite effective.

Folk methods of fighting moles

Use a dug-in fence made of slate or sheet metal. This fence must be installed very tightly, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain. The digging depth is about one meter. If you are not afraid to over-wet your area, you can try pouring water over the mole.

And another measure to combat moles: you can put rotten fish in holes. Its terrible smell will scare away not only moles from your garden for quite a long time. But it is worth understanding that all of the listed folk methods give only temporary results. And if the moles leave your area, they may return.


How to get rid of or remove moles from a summer cottage

Moles are underground animals from the Insectivore family. In fact, they are quite harmless - exactly as we remember them from our favorite cartoons in childhood.

However, moles and the fight against them are the main problem of almost all gardening farms and those owners country houses who seek to decorate their property with landscape design.

The reasons why the fight against moles in the garden is carried out so actively is obvious - after all, these cute animals can dig up the soil at a speed of up to 10 meters within an hour. Moreover, these underground inhabitants settle in families and the more favorable the conditions on your site, the more extensive the network they will build on it.

Benefits and harms from representatives of the mole family

It should be immediately noted that effective control of moles in the countryside is, first of all, a quick response. After all, the longer these animals consider your territory to be theirs, the harder it will be to get rid of them later.

Moreover, the mole on the site is a fast-reproducing animal and, if you decide to leave it alone, then very soon there will be no trace left of your green spaces.


Of course, in the natural ecosystem, moles play one of the main roles. This should be taken into account when you begin to decide how to remove the mole from the garden. Thus, they loosen the soil well, which contributes to a significant increase in its fertility, and also feed on insect pests (they successfully eat larvae chafer and others).

However, the harm from the settlement of moles is a consequence of their natural life activity. If in the fields the decorative quality of the soil is not at all important, then your lawn, watered daily and cultivated with such difficulty, will be hopelessly spoiled by molehills.

Therefore, lawn protection (or garden protection) is the main objective, who is pursued when they decide to defeat the moles. In addition, moles in the country can become a major disaster for:

  1. fruit bushes and small trees with an insufficiently developed root system,
  2. any decorative lawns or flower beds,
  3. flat areas for recreation, tennis courts.

An interesting fact is that moles previously occupied a prominent place in fur harvesting. Indeed, a small soft moleskin was considered quite valuable. Today such fishing is not carried out.

Moreover, in the countries of the European Union, known for their humane attitude towards animals, the extermination of moles is prohibited - here the measures and methods of combating moles are of a “loyal” nature and are aimed at eliminating the animal from a certain territory, while preserving its life.

In addition, in Europe the mole is listed in the Red Book - here they understand the importance of this small animal in the ecosystem. Accordingly, manifestations of humanism and an understanding of responsibility do not allow the moles to be destroyed on the site - they can only be driven away.

Modern methods of fighting moles

As already mentioned, fighting moles in a summer cottage is inevitable. After all, the favorite prey of moles are earthworms, and without food the animal can live only 12 hours, which forces it to constantly move.

As a result, plant roots suffer, the aesthetics of the landscaped area are disrupted, and “molehills” make it impossible for mechanized tools, including mowers, to operate.

Among the folk ways of how to fight moles in a garden plot, there are even conspiracies, as well as many “proven recipes”, including plugging holes with concrete and installing homemade ratchets from plastic pipes. It should be noted right away that such a fight against a mole in the garden will never bring the desired result.

Actually, to one degree or another, there are only three working methods of how to deal with moles and shrews in the garden:

Use of toxic substances. There are several “buts” here - such getting rid of moles is unsafe, first of all, for humans, since the poison, when decomposed, enters the ground, and from there into food (vegetables) or water, not to mention the fact that the poisoned bait can eat some pet.

In addition, choosing similar methods means of fighting moles, it is very difficult to predict the location of the poison - and everyone will agree that sprinkling the area with pesticides is not only impractical, but also dangerous.

You can also kill moles using traps. This kind of protection against moles always works. You just have to choose the trap that is more convenient for you to work with, whether you want to kill the animal or just catch it. They are absolutely not difficult to install. You just need to determine the animal’s route and place a trap in its hole. Some of the most effective are:

  • pipe trap (it simply catches the animal without killing it) price 350 rubles,
  • and the trap Molebreaker (this is a formidable weapon that shoots through a mole) price 800 rubles.

Effective control of garden moles can be carried out by installing a repeller. This is the most effective way to eliminate the question of how to get rid of moles and shrews, while preserving your plantings and magnificent landscape and without harming the animals. The best models of these devices are:

  1. Tornado OZV 02 (price 1200 rubles)
  2. Ecosniper LS-997MR (price 1,700 rubles)
  3. and Yochomi model “B” or “D” (price 2400 rubles)

Features of using repellers when fighting moles

In solving the problem of “how to get rid of moles in a garden bed” or “how to expel a mole from a plot,” repellers can be a good help. This is the most effective anti-mole remedy to date, allowing you to drive out the mole without killing it.

Despite the fact that this solution to the question of how to remove or drive moles from the site appeared relatively recently, it is very effective because it perfectly takes into account the physiology of the animals.

The creators of such devices perfectly calculated how to get rid of the mole - after all, it has underdeveloped organs of vision, but its hearing, perception of vibration and sense of smell are heightened. Repellers work by emitting ultrasonic waves.

They, in turn, create vibrations in the soil environment. From now on, you won’t have to think about how to fight moles in the garden or how to get rid of moles in the cellar - due to the installed generator in the repeller, animals within its range of action will constantly experience discomfort due to such fluctuations.

With the purchase of a repeller, you will get rid of the problem with moles once and for all, because among the advantages of this device are the following:

  • high degree weather protection
  • Full autonomy due to power supply solar panels
  • the ability to effectively work a full season without replacing batteries
  • noiselessness and safety for humans
  • the humaneness of the device, because the moles will not die, but will just leave the inhabited areas


How to deal with moles in the country

Every owner of a summer cottage knows how difficult it can sometimes be to keep it in proper order. And here we are talking not only about the fact that it requires constant care in terms of agricultural work, such as weeding and cultivating the appearance of lawns and lawns, but also about the fight against various pests that can sufficiently complicate an already difficult life summer resident One of these miscreants is undoubtedly the mole.

What are moles?

These are mammals that lead a predominantly underground lifestyle. They feed on various larvae, earthworms, spiders and other similar “living creatures”. The treated topsoil provides a haven for insects and worms, which attracts these animals as well.


Before moving on to considering the question of how to deal with moles in the country, you should first determine the signs that there are moles in the country at all.

In search of food, they dig fairly extensive underground passages. But animals cannot avoid coming to the surface at all, and the result of these exits are easily noticeable mounds up to several tens of centimeters high. As soon as such signs are detected, we can say that the fight against moles in the country should begin.

Ways to fight

Before removing moles from the site, it is worth deciding on the method of getting rid of them. There are quite a few ways to do this, and each of them is effective in its own way.

They are conventionally divided into several categories: chemical, physical and folk. You can also use the services of professionals by calling representatives of the rodent control service. Experts know exactly how to get rid of moles on your property quickly and for a long time.


Chemicals are not special nutritional value for an animal, so the likelihood that it will “bite” on the bait is negligible. But driving away moles using similar methods is quite possible. Chemical control agents include:

  1. Zinc phosphide;
  2. Phytorodent;
  3. Pomethanol;
  4. Anti;
  5. Creatol.

These drugs emit substances harmful to the animal and have an unpleasant odor, which helps scare off moles, which rely heavily on smell to navigate. In addition, they destroy insects, and pests simply leave the area due to lack of food.

It should be noted that the use of such chemical substances It is unacceptable if food crops are planted at the dacha.

If the goal is to destroy the mole on the site, then you can purchase special baits in the form of granules, which, if eaten, will kill it. Among such drugs are “Antikrot” or “Moleboy”. They are not dangerous for cultivated plants, do not pollute the soil and do not harm human health. In addition, their cost is low - up to 20-25 rubles per package.

Physical methods

More effective way mole control can be considered an application physical means. This refers to various technical devices. Among them are several:

  • Ultrasonic emitters ( technical device emitting ultrasonic pulses at a frequency of about 400 Hz). The sounds injure the sensitive hearing system of moles, which makes it possible to effectively scare them away within a radius of up to 20 m.
  • Vibrating devices (both specially manufactured and homemade). During operation, they produce vibrations that are transmitted into the ground, which disorients animals and also drives away insects. Sensitive animals, finding themselves in uncomfortable conditions, prefer to move away.
  • Traps (devices aimed at destroying moles in the physical sense). Their installation is usually carried out inside an underground passage. For example, it can be used metal pipe, equal to the diameter of the stroke with special inserts at the ends, allowing the animal to climb inside and preventing the opportunity to get out.

We use folk remedies

In the fight against moles on the site, the people's ingenuity could not stand aside, which made it possible to invent a number of methods for their extermination.

Using reeds

You need to insert a reed stalk into the entrance of the hole. The wind, brushing the leaves, will create vibrations and knocking, which, resonating in the cavities of the stem, will create noise unbearable for the insectivore.

Planting repellent plants

Moles cannot tolerate legumes, as well as plants that have a strong odor - onions, garlic, wormwood, etc. By planting onions and garlic on the site, you can to some extent reduce the risk of this pest.

Dry wormwood stems must be ground and dug into all the holes in the mole tunnels. The strong smell of this plant will scare away not only the blind animal, but also harmful insects.

Rotten herring

It is unlikely that it will be possible to exterminate moles in a dacha in this way, but a rotten fish carcass placed inside a passage can drive away an uninvited guest.

First, let the fish lie in the sun for a long time. Place the carcass in a molehill and wait for the animal to leave the area.

Odorous liquids

A variety of liquids can be useful here - from gasoline to ammonia.

  1. Soak rags in them.
  2. Bury them inside the passages.

Thus, fighting moles in the physical sense is quite a troublesome task. Therefore, it is much more important to prevent their appearance in the country. It is best to fence off the perimeter using sheets of slate or metal dug to a depth of a meter.

It is also important to conduct regular inspections of the area to detect signs of pests, and if any are identified, begin to take action. Figuratively speaking, it is necessary to immediately make it clear that “guests” are not welcome. The mole is a fairly smart animal and will prefer to move away and look for food elsewhere.