How long to store carrots: the best storage methods. How to store carrots for the winter - advice from an experienced housewife How to store carrots for the winter

If there is a rich harvest, then the owner will definitely have a problem with how to preserve carrots for the winter. There are rules, if followed, storing carrots does not seem to be a difficult process. The main thing is to comply with all conditions and maintain them throughout the entire period until spring.

Preparing carrots for storage

  1. Remove root vegetables in a timely manner.
  2. Trim off all the tops.
  3. Dry and ventilate for 2-3 hours.
  4. Keep the root vegetables for a week at a temperature of 10–14 °C.

Immediately before storage, all carrots are carefully inspected and fruits with damage and stains are removed.

How to trim carrots for storage

If pruned incorrectly, carrots may sprout in winter. If the tops are not trimmed at all, the carrots will wither, since the greens will suck all the moisture out of them.

Proper pruning in preparation for storage involves two stages: first, the greens are cut before the roots begin. The second stage is cutting off the head to a thickness of half a centimeter. This will prevent the carrots from sprouting during winter storage and will allow you to preserve appearance and quality for a long time.

Where to store carrots

Storing carrots in winter can be done not only in a cellar or basement, but also in a city apartment. The main thing is to create all the conditions so that the root crops do not sprout and rot. When the product withers, it loses all its juice, which contains most of the vitamins. If available, then a cold pantry is also suitable, but only if the temperature conditions correspond necessary conditions storage


There are several options for storing a rich harvest in an apartment. First of all, apartment owners do not have a basement, and therefore create the necessary temperature conditions There are two ways: a refrigerator or a balcony. You can store root vegetables in the refrigerator or plastic bags or using a freezer. In the latter case, the carrots need to be grated.


A glazed but unheated balcony is suitable for this purpose. You can choose any method: peat, sawdust, sand. Important rule- root crops should be isolated from each other. In this case, there is no risk of rot occurring and spreading to all stored root crops. On open balcony It will not be possible to preserve the crop, since it will freeze if the temperature changes.

A box that stands on the balcony with vegetables must be closed, and in severe frosts it is recommended to cover it with warm clothes or wrap it in another way. At above-zero temperatures, you should not wrap a container with root vegetables, as it can stop and the process of rotting will begin.


Cellar in a private house - best option For proper storage carrots in winter. Here you can create best conditions. Including temperature and humidity. In the cellar, root vegetables are stored in any kind of bags, wooden and plastic boxes with filling. It can be sand, sawdust, or even earth with clay.

To preserve the harvest in the cellar, it is important to disinfect and disinfest the room in order to remove insects, rodents, and also destroy fungal spores. All this can interfere with the preservation of root crops, and you will lose the harvest.


The original storage method is a garden bed. It is important to understand that in this case the carrots remain until spring, since the bed cannot be opened. Thus, root vegetables are preserved until the spring warmth, and you can eat them until fresh greens appear.

Storage in the garden begins with cutting off all carrot tops to the very base. Then the bed is sprinkled with coarse wet sand. Then a film is stretched, onto which peat, sawdust or humus is poured. As a result, everything is covered with another film or roofing felt. In this form, the carrots will successfully overwinter until the moment of digging up and will not spoil. It is important that there is no close occurrence of groundwater.

How to properly store carrots for the winter

Proper storage for the winter depends on what exactly the root crop is stored in. Much depends on the filler, since each gardener chooses the best option for himself. But each method has its own nuances that need to be paid attention to.

In sand

The most common method. The main advantages of sand are that it allows you to maintain the temperature regime necessary for carrots and at the same time prevents the root crops from coming into contact with each other.

For storage you will need a box, sand and water. Use 1 liter of water per bucket of sand. This is enough to moisturize. Sand is laid out at the bottom of the box in a layer 5 cm thick. A layer of carrots on top so that the root vegetables do not touch each other. Sand on top, then another layer and repeat until the box is full. It is also acceptable to use dry sand. It makes sense to add ash or slaked lime to the sand.

In the sawdust

Sawdust should be exclusively coniferous, since such a filler prevents infection by fungus and kills pathogens. Carrots are also stored in layers in sawdust. In addition, phytoncides contained in sawdust will prevent germination during storage.

In the ground

Experts do not recommend storing the entire crop in the garden, since these root crops will only be available for consumption in the spring. This method is only suitable for those who have supplies for the winter. Vegetables in the garden will help you get enough vitamins in the spring and early summer.

In polyethylene

Plastic bags are great for storing root vegetables during the winter. If stored in the refrigerator, bags work great.

When placing root vegetables in bags, it is also recommended to use sawdust coniferous trees to pour root vegetables for preservation. This prevents the fruits from touching, kills pathogenic microbes, as well as fungus. You cannot tie a plastic bag, because the carrots must have access to air. The bag must be placed in a dark and cool place. If in winter there is a risk of a strong change in temperature, then the bag will need to be covered with warm clothes.

Important! When placed in polyethylene, carrots must be dried as much as possible, otherwise the rotting process will accelerate.

In a saucepan

A great way to preserve small amounts of vegetables. For this you will need an enamel pan. You need to harvest, dry and trim each specimen, and then place it vertically in a pan. Cover the top with a newspaper or napkin and close the pan with a lid. Thus, you can store the crop in a cool place until spring.

In onion or garlic peels

Onion or garlic peels are suitable as a filler for boxes and bags for storing root vegetables. The impact of such litter is the same as when using pine sawdust. The peels of onions and garlic contain special essential oils, which will prevent rot from spreading and repel rodents and insects. This method is especially useful when storing in a cellar. You also need to lay it in layers. The first layer of husks in the box should be thicker, and then we simply pour all the layers of carrots, avoiding the root vegetables touching.

In a refrigerator

In the refrigerator, the root vegetable is stored on the bottom shelf, in a plastic bag. In this case, the carrots must be completely dry and the bag tightly closed to prevent the penetration of foreign odors from the refrigerator.

If there is a small amount of vegetable, there is a method in which you need to wrap each root vegetable with stretch film and then put it in the refrigerator.

In the freezer

The freezer is suitable for storing small amounts of product. First, the root vegetables must be washed and grated on a coarse grater. Then distribute the resulting mass into bags, close them tightly and put them in the freezer.

The amount of vegetables to be frozen in this case depends on the size of the freezer. If the owner has a large separate freezer, then more healthy root vegetables can be preserved.

How to store washed carrots

Washed carrots do not last as long as dirty ones. Therefore, for long-term storage, it is not recommended to wash root vegetables.

Washed root vegetables are only suitable for short-term storage in the refrigerator with immediate use or, alternatively, for freezing. In the latter case, it is necessary to wash the vegetable.

Important! If the harvest is large and you plan to save the fruits for the whole winter, then you just need to shake off the soil and clean the root crop with your hands. You won't be able to store washed carrots for long.

At what temperature should carrots be stored?

Carrot storage conditions require high humidity and low temperature. Best option:

  1. Temperature 0–2 °C.
  2. Humidity 90–97%.

It is important to monitor humidity, since at elevated levels the crop will simply rot.

To control the temperature in the room where the root crop is stored, there must be a thermometer. During frosts, be sure to protect and cover the crop so that it does not freeze. Otherwise storage is useless.

Shelf life

The period depends on the chosen storage method. The maximum period during which the product retains its taste and nutritional qualities is 12 months. But this requires constant compliance with all storage conditions. The storage temperature of carrots should not fall below zero, since the root crop loses its taste and will no longer be able to be stored for a year.


Preserving carrots for the winter is easy. If the temperature and humidity conditions are maintained, root vegetables will be stored throughout the winter and even longer. It is important to prepare them correctly. Experienced gardeners They know that ideally they also need to choose the right variety. Optimal for storage are conical-shaped and medium-sized varieties. It is also worth paying attention to the timing of harvest. The product, either unripe or overripe, cannot be stored for a long time. The right variety, proper preparation, storage - the three pillars on which long-term storage of root crops in winter rests.

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Root vegetables must be stored so that they do not wither, rot or sprout., otherwise carrots will lose their taste and beneficial qualities. Effective methods and recommendations from summer residents will help preserve the juiciness and freshness of the vegetable. Let's find out how and where to store carrots correctly.

In a private courtyard (dacha) there is most often the basement is the best place for storing vegetables.

Knowing the subtleties proper preparation, carrots can lie inside basement until spring. Some manage to keep it until summer.

It all depends on the variety and preparatory work. The degree of preservation is influenced by the fact whether purchased carrots are stored in the basement or grown in the garden.

In apartment conditions, the root crop retains its qualities if place it on the balcony, where it is not cold, in winter or in the pantry. It also requires preparation and the right location.

In addition to preserving at home, options for storing root vegetables for future use are suitable here. For example, canned, dried or frozen.

A small amount can simply be placed in the refrigerator, where root crops can lie and not spoil for up to 2 months.

In the cellar

Traditionally, containers were not used to store carrots; they simply poured a bunch of sand and buried the root crops in it. Nowadays, this method is often abandoned, using plastic or wooden containers.

The bottom of the box is covered with paper or cellophane to prevent sand from spilling out. Paper will be preferable as it allows air to pass through. Pour a layer of sand on top, level it, if stones come across, remove them.

Lay the root vegetables in an even layer, leaving small gaps so that sand can spill in there without any problems.

Sand is sprinkled on top of the carrot layer. so that it is well covered. Everything is thoroughly leveled for the next layer of root vegetables.

Advice: Instead of sand, root vegetables can be sprinkled with sawdust or onion peels.

Alternate layers as much as the height of the box allows. If necessary, you can store several boxes, it all depends on the amount of carrots.

There is no need to cover the boxes with anything other than sand. Read about how to properly prepare root vegetables in the material below.

On the balcony

Before the onset of cold weather, the safety of vegetables can be ensured even on unglazed balconies. However it is better if there is a balcony protected from moisture and sun, where the temperature in winter is - 0 - 1 °C.

You need to store carrots in boxes, layering the layers with newsprint.. Cover the top of the box with cellophane and cloth; the root crops will have enough moisture and coolness.

Tip: instead of paper, you can use sand as in the basement version.

Freezing in the freezer

Almost all vegetables are preserved by freezing. carrots are ideal for this purpose. This method will save time on cooking, because the vegetable will be peeled and chopped.

Before putting it inside the freezer root vegetables need to be peeled and washed under running water . You can freeze carrots in different ways:

  • cut into cubes, rings or strips;
  • grate or chop with a food processor;
  • use a Korean carrot grater;
  • cut into cubes or whole.

The cutting method is selected individually based on personal preferences. For example, grated is suitable for frying, and in cubes and whole for carrot puree.

Chopped vegetables are placed in plastic bags or airtight containers for freezing. Place inside a chest freezer or freezer compartment. The only disadvantage when frozen is that vegetables lose 65-80% of their usefulness.

Important: you can store this way until the next harvest; this method will never let you down.

Is it possible to store it in an apartment in the refrigerator?

Inside the refrigerator Root crops are able to retain their value and shape for quite a long period.

Carrots will feel comfortable on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator if you follow some rules:

  1. Prepare root vegetables correctly; do not wash them under any circumstances.
  2. Washed carrots are not suitable for long-term storage. If it is washed, dry it and place it in a plastic bag. Close it hermetically, then moisture will remain inside.
  3. In the case of unwashed vegetables, they need to be dried. Sort through to avoid rot and damage. Place inside a plastic bag and tie it to prevent air from entering.
  4. A special niche or shelf at the bottom of the refrigerator is usually used to store vegetables.

When you need to take carrots out of the refrigerator, open the bag, take as much as you need and close it back. At the same time, you should look to see if there are spoiled root vegetables inside.

If everything is fine, there is no need to worry. If putrefactive damage is detected, it is better to process or freeze such carrots.

In bags at home

If you place root vegetables inside a bag and store it in an apartment, if the vegetables are of high quality, they can stay like this for 2-3 weeks.

However There is no guarantee that they will not start to deteriorate. Everything may look good on top, but the inside of the carrots will begin to rot.

With this method, you need to regularly review the packages for putrefactive changes.

How to prepare carrots for storage

The preparatory moment is the most crucial, the shelf life of the vegetable depends on what and how the vegetable is stored.

To prevent mistakes, you have to adhere to strict rules:

  1. Never wash vegetables before storing them. The exception is freezing vegetables.
  2. Each root crop is carefully inspected, the slightest damage is rejected. It is better to use such root vegetables for preparations.
  3. The sorted vegetables are lightly dried in the wind. There is no need to over-dry or keep it in the sun for a long time. In this case, the carrot can be turned over from one side to the other.
  4. Store as described above with sand or place in bags.
  5. If you use bags, they must be strong and airtight. The bags can be tied or secured with tape.

Cleaning and preparing carrots for storage:

The quality and conditions under which the cultivation took place influence the quality of the food.. If the season was rainy or it was watered heavily, it may rot.

It happens that purchased vegetables are heavily treated with chemicals - this also affects their safety.

The best varieties for storage: Shantane, Moscow Winter, Vitaminnaya, Karotel.

Storing carrots causes enough trouble for summer residents. However, without proper conditions, this is difficult to achieve. If you do everything right, it will remain juicy and fresh until the next harvest!

Try to sow medium or late date maturation. ABOUT the best varieties, suitable for long-term storage, we talked about.

Don’t throw away the seed packaging in the spring and then you will know exactly how long your carrots still have to grow. If the packaging has not been preserved, you can determine the harvesting time by the appearance of the tops. The lower leaves of the tops have begun to turn yellow - don’t yawn, reap the harvest!

Read about when you need to remove carrots from the garden and how to do it correctly.

Why do we need optimal timing?

An unripe vegetable will not benefit your body - it has not yet acquired a sufficient amount of sugars. An overripe one, on the contrary, has accumulated sugars and amino acids in excess - keeping quality decreases and the root crop rots faster. More sweet carrots- a tasty morsel for rodents and insects.

Rules for collecting

  1. Dig up the carrots in the ridge with a pitchfork, this way you will damage the root crops less. Carefully pry it with a fork and pull it out of the soil by the tops.
  2. As soon as you dig up the carrots, sort them out immediately. All overgrown and small, as well as damaged fruits should not be stored. The structure of the vegetable should be dense, uniform, crispy at the edges and bright orange.

Attention! Shake the soil off the root vegetables very carefully, do not knock them against each other. This can lead to cracks, which will have a bad effect on the shelf life of carrots.

Proper pruning

After harvesting and sorting carrots, you need to immediately trim the tops. Trimming is done in stages:

  1. The tops are cut to the head of the vegetable.
  2. After drying, the head is cut off by 1 centimeter, completely removing the growth point.

This must be done with a very sharp knife so that the cut is even and smooth, this way it will “tighten” better when drying. Such root vegetables will be the most delicious and juicy in winter - the resulting crust will retain moisture and all the beneficial substances inside.

You can find out more about the features of cutting carrots.


It is also better to dry root vegetables in stages:

  1. Immediately after harvesting the carrots and trimming them for the first time, place the vegetables right there in the garden, in the sun, and leave them for a couple of hours.
  2. As soon as you cut off the growth point of the carrots, remove the root vegetables to dry for a longer period of time. long time. Place the carrots in a dark, ventilated place and dry for about 7-9 days.
  3. Then comes another sorting. Now all the “flaws” of the primary sorting are clearly visible. Rotten, cracked and spoiled fruits are revealed. After this “quarantine”, the carrots can be sent to the next stage of preparation for storage.

How to disinfect?

Do I need to wash vegetables before processing? No, if the carrots are well dried, then all particles of soil and small debris can be easily shaken off (we talked in more detail about the need to wash carrots before storing them). But it is necessary to disinfect root vegetables. The easiest way to do this is with potassium permanganate.

  1. Dilute potassium permanganate with water until it turns dark purple.
  2. Perform processing in a basin large capacity. Place carrots in the solution and leave for 2 hours.
  3. Finish the procedure with another drying, this time final.

Reference! Soaking carrots in a solution of potassium permanganate helps greatly in the fight against white rot; for black rot, this method is not ineffective.

Laying methods

There are many proven ones.


The most common and simplest ingredient used for storage is sand:

Both options have the right to life.


For this method you need boxes or cardboard boxes:

  1. Carrots are placed in small batches (no more than 20 kilograms) in existing containers.
  2. Close tightly and place at a short distance from the basement walls.
  3. It is also better to put small stands on the floor. Condensation may collect on the floor and walls and under no circumstances should boxes and crates be allowed to get wet, otherwise the carrots will sprout. For the same reason, there are no ventilation holes in the boxes.

This method is very convenient if you have dug up a lot of carrots and have a small basement.


Coniferous sawdust contains phytoncides that suppress the appearance of fungi and bacteria, therefore they are an excellent filler for boxes of carrots intended for long-term storage. The process of storing vegetables is identical to sanding root vegetables.

Onion peel

The original method is to use onion peels:

Onion peel is hygroscopic and at the same time acts as an antiseptic, protecting carrots from rotting and microorganisms.


A rather dirty, but still very effective way to “rest” carrots in winter. A clay “shirt” will help preserve the vegetable as best as possible.

  1. Dilute the clay with water until it becomes mushy, dip each carrot and place to dry. It's a lot of fuss, but the effect is worth it!
  2. The dried carrots, already in a clay shell, are put into boxes and lowered into the basement.


Very interesting way to preserve the harvest - leave it in the beds! Of course, it’s not worth risking the entire harvest. But some of it can be left until spring.

  1. The tops of carrots left to “freeze” are cut off, leaving no tails.
  2. The bed with root crops is insulated - covered with sand, and a film is placed on it.
  3. Then this entire structure is filled with peat or spruce branches, and humus can be applied.

In winter, you are unlikely to be able to try such carrots, but in the spring and until the new harvest, your garden bed will delight the whole family with fresh and juicy carrots.

Creating the right conditions

In order for carrots to be stored efficiently and for a long time, it is necessary to maintain certain storage parameters - humidity, storage temperature.

Are there a lot of substandard carrots left? Don't rush to throw away such vegetables. This vegetable can also be prepared for storage; it is important to know how to do this. Wash the root vegetables, peel and chop. Then put it in plastic containers for freezing or plastic bags and place in the freezer. In winter you ready carrots for any application. You can find out more about freezing carrots for the winter.

Attention! If you put in some effort and try, then everyone can save the harvest! If you follow the rules, any vegetables retain a maximum of vitamins and substances beneficial to humans.

You see, how much hassle there is with this queen of autumn. But it's worth it! What would soup be without carrots? And not only! In winter, you will delight your family with delicious juicy carrots and cook with them. healthy juice and lots of salads. Sweet and crunchy carrots for you in winter!

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With the onset of autumn, any summer resident begins to wonder how to preserve the harvest grown with love.

Of course, carrots are no exception, because this vegetable is quite capable of lasting all winter.

When and how to remove carrots from the garden: external signs of preparation for harvesting, timing and rules for digging for storage

So, September is coming, when it’s time to start taking a closer look at carrots, namely their color lower leaves: They should turn yellow. This is the main signal for harvesting. However, in addition to the fact that you need to choose the right moment (time) to harvest, you also need to properly dig it up and prepare it for storage.

Worth knowing! The accumulation of nutrients and vitamins occurs in last stage carrot growth (at low temperatures above zero, up to +4..6 degrees), so you should not harvest ahead of schedule its maturation.

Some summer residents even believe that, and - before their onset.

However, as experience shows, this is nothing more than a myth: frozen carrots will not be stored!

Preparing carrots for storage

  • Optional Rinse or at least clear the earth.

To wash or not to wash? Over time, most gardeners come to the conclusion that it is better to wash.

After all, it is quite obvious that during the washing process it is possible to better examine damaged root crops in order to subsequently reject them.

In addition, washed carrots will be stored similarly to unwashed ones. The main thing is that there are no spoiled places.

  • To prevent carrots from sprouting, it is necessary before storing them.
  • Necessarily dry thoroughly(not in the sun, but preferably in the shade so as not to wilt).
  • Conduct selection root crops subject to long-term storage.

Naturally, the best specimens must be selected for storage. Small ones (they will dry out quickly), cracked ones (infection will get through the cracks and they will quickly disappear), as well as with a green tail (the bitterness will spread throughout the entire root crop) - they are not suitable for storage.

Video: storing carrots - the most important points on the preparation and methods of preserving root vegetables

Carrot varieties for long-term storage

Obviously, not all varieties of carrots are suitable for long-term storage:

  • Early varieties nevertheless, they are more intended for consumption and making juices than for storage.
  • While mid-season and late varieties They have the best shelf life and are grown for winter storage.

Interesting! It is believed that thick and short carrots are better stored than cylindrical varieties (Nantes, Vitaminnaya, Amsterdam).

How to properly store fresh carrots: basic rules and conditions for long-term storage

Optimal storage conditions

  • the ideal temperature for long-term storage is 0..+2 degrees;

If you have more than warm conditions(above +4 and up to +10), then in order for carrots not to germinate, they must be cut off all growth points from the side of the tops (i.e. cut off the “butt” by 0.5 cm).

  • humidity - 80-90%.

The success of storing carrots (as well as beets) greatly depends on the humidity in the basement.

  • If the basement is very damp, then, for example, carrots will not be stored well in sand and will certainly rot. But storing it in moss is much better, because... it allows air to pass through well, and is itself an antiseptic.
  • If, on the contrary, the cellar is very dry, then store it either in sand or in moss: anyway, in a month the carrots will dry out (you’ll end up with mummies).
  • It is very important to take into account that the temperature and humidity are constant.

Thus, the place to store carrots should be cool, dark, moderately humid and well ventilated.

Only while in the above mentioned favorable conditions carrots will not rot, wither, dry out or sprout.

Where is it better to store: the optimal place

Accordingly, the most appropriate place for storing carrots - this basement (underground) or cellar, if you live in a private house.

In general, you can store in the garage, if it is sufficiently insulated.

If you only have a dacha, then you will have to store it at home. in a refrigerator, or on an insulated balcony or loggia.

Container and storage method

For long-term storage of carrots, it is very important to choose the appropriate container, and substrate, in which root vegetables will be stored.

Wooden and plastic boxes and polypropylene sugar bags are ideal containers for storing carrots.

Popular ways to store fresh carrots

Well, let’s list and describe the main methods and technologies for storing fresh carrots at home.

In the sawdust

Perhaps the most popular and effective way The best way to store carrots for a long time is to sprinkle them with sawdust (coniferous - spruce or pine).

Take any container (container), pour a layer of sawdust on the bottom, and then lay the carrots in layers and sprinkle each layer with sawdust.

Sawdust has antiseptic properties that prevent root crops from rotting, and is also able to retain the moisture necessary for long-term storage.

In sand

Storing carrots in sand is no less popular among residents of private houses with basements or cellars than in sawdust.

After all, sand is another great way to preserve juiciness and prevent mold from appearing on root vegetables.

The technology is similar: pour sand into the bottom of the container (container), then lay out the root vegetables in one layer and sprinkle with sand, then again a layer of vegetables and sand.

The sand should not be wet or dry, but slightly damp.

The method of storing carrots in sand is suitable if your cellar is not dry and not too humid ( ideal conditions), otherwise the root vegetables will either dry out or rot.

As for the sand itself, any clean sand (without organic impurities) will do.

Video: how to store carrots in a cellar in sand

In the moss

An equally effective way to store carrots is in sphagnum moss.

Remember! If your basement is very high humidity, then, for example, carrots will not be stored well in sand and will definitely rot. But in moss it is much better, because... it allows air to pass through well, and is itself an excellent antiseptic.

In clay

Of course, a little less popular, but quite effective method of storing carrots in clay.

Here's what you need to do:

  • Prepare a clay solution (the consistency is no thicker than sour cream).
  • Dip each root vegetable in the clay until it covers it completely.
  • Dry.

Or, as an option, you can pour clay over the root vegetables already placed in the container.

  • Place in a cellar or basement for storage.

Thanks to the clay shell, the carrots will not dry out and will be inaccessible to various microbes.

In onion skins

In general, the method of storing carrots in onion peels is similar to using sawdust: the first layer is onion peels, then carrots, then peels again.

In the chalk

Alternatively, you can sprinkle or powder the carrots with chalk, and then put them in boxes for further storage.

In plastic bags (vacuum and with holes)

Many people believe that it is best to store carrots in thick plastic bags (for freezing).

So, the first way to store carrots in vacuum bags: cut off the “butts” (growth points) and ends, wash thoroughly, dry slightly, and then put in bags, tie them tightly and release the air.

In any case, it will be better if you remove all excess air from them before tying the bags, for example, vacuum cleaner.

Or you can take straw for juice or cocktail, insert into a bag of vegetables, squeeze and pull out all the air through the tube, then immediately tie it tightly. So much for vacuum packaging!

Video: storing carrots in bags with air pumped out with a vacuum cleaner

The point of storing carrots in an airtight bag is to prevent air from getting inside. Then there will be no process of rotting or drying out (loss of moisture).

In addition, during storage, carrots will release carbon dioxide, which will act as an additional “preservative”.

Idea! Similarly, you can wrap carrots in cling film(this way you don’t even have to pump out the air).

You can also store carrots in plastic bags with ventilation holes.

However, as experience shows, in such non-vacuum packaging, carrots will be stored much worse and will quickly begin to rot.

In other words, the method is only suitable for short-term storage (1-2 months).

In sugar bags (polypropylene bags)

In general, the process of storing carrots in polypropylene sugar bags is similar to storing them in plastic bags with holes.

Important! The main thing is not to tie the bags!

In glass jars

Carrots store well in jars. Place the washed and dried carrots in clean jars, tops to bottom, roots up, towards the neck. We don’t close the jar, but turn it upside down and place it on the floor in the cellar. Fine, if the cellar is earthen. The carrots will seem to grow in a jar.

With horseradish and potatoes

You can also store layered carrots and horseradish in boxes (cardboard or wooden).

Why with horseradish? Horseradish roots will act as an antiseptic, preventing rot and mold formation.

And some people store carrots in potatoes.

Other ways to store carrots: dried and frozen

Note! Dried, like frozen carrots, retain all the beneficial substances and can be stored for more than 1 year.


So, you need to peel and then grate the carrots on a coarse grater. After this, dry it in any convenient way, including fresh air. Of course, an electric dryer is best for this (in extreme cases, an oven at 50 degrees with the door open).

Then fill the glass jar, close it with an airtight lid and put it in the kitchen cabinet.

Store only in a dry place!

Video: how to dry carrots in an electric dryer

In the freezer

The technology for preparing carrots for freezing is similar: washed, peeled, grated on a coarse grater, put in bags or containers for freezing and put in the freezer.

Advice! Before putting carrots in the freezer, it is advisable to remove all the air from the bags.

Video: how to freeze carrots

Thus, following simple tips and recommendations for storing carrots at home, juicy and fresh root vegetables will delight you all winter and even spring.

Video: how to store carrots in winter - best ways storage

In contact with

It should be carefully sorted, and root crops with traces of disease, damage, or simply uneven should be separated. Size also matters.

Attention: Carrots that are kept in the refrigerator for a long time should be approximately equal in size, not too big and not too small.

Is it possible to preserve root vegetables in the refrigerator?

Depending on the form in which you plan to store the carrots, you need to correctly determine the place where to place it. A modern refrigerator has suitable different cases locations: compartment for prepared foods, compartment for fresh raw vegetables and a freezer.

If you don’t mess with the location and comply with additional conditions in relation to the form factor in which the root vegetable is presented, then there will be no obstacles to using the refrigerator. in a refrigerator:

  • in the main compartment at a temperature from +2 to +6 degrees;
  • in the “freshness zone” at a temperature from 0 to +3 degrees;
  • V freezer at temperatures from -8 to -23 degrees.

How long is the shelf life?

For processed vegetable

If we're talking about about the finished product or preparation, the duration of preservation at home will depend on the specific case. Let's consider how long freshly squeezed carrot juice, boiled and Korean carrots can be stored.

  1. "Korean carrot- this is a ready-made dish from an orange root vegetable, which is grated and seasoned to taste, after which it is poured with highly heated vegetable oil. The composition of the gas station usually includes:
    • table vinegar;
    • salt;
    • sugar;
    • red pepper.

    Korean carrots are usually infused for 12-14 hours until ready, after which they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

  2. Boiled carrots is considered a fully cooked product, even if it is intended for some kind of salad. If you keep it in the refrigerator for more than two or three days, then the very appearance will no longer cause appetite. The carrots will become flabby or slimy in appearance and unpleasant. It is no longer worth eating it in this state.
  3. Freshly squeezed carrot juice- a tasty and healthy drink that is prepared by almost everyone who has a juicer. But it is extremely undesirable to store it: they get lost valuable properties. If necessary, you can place the carrot juice in the refrigerator in closed container for a couple of hours. But it is better to drink it immediately after preparation.

For fresh carrots

Speaking of fresh (raw) root vegetables, you can count on the fact that with the right approach to storage, it will remain in the refrigerator for one to several months and at the same time remain a high-quality, tasty food rich in vitamins and microelements.

How to properly prepare a root vegetable?

The operations before sending carrots into the refrigerator for storage often depend on personal experience and habits. Few people decide to make a sudden experiment if they are planning a long-term harvest of root vegetables, because a mistake can be costly.

The main difference is the almost Hamletian question “to wash or not to wash.” Some believe that washed root vegetables are stored better, others are inclined towards “grimy”.

Do I need to pre-wash?

- a controversial issue. In support of carrot washing supporters, a number of advantages of this approach can be cited:

The disadvantages include the fact that washed carrots are more demanding on storage conditions and unwanted neighborhoods in a refrigerator. It also takes longer to dry before sending it for long-term storage. It's up to you to decide which is best.

How to preserve carrots longer?

Regardless of whether you washed the carrots or simply limited yourself to removing excess soil, the primary stage of preparing the root vegetable for storage in the refrigerator is to thoroughly dry it from excess moisture obtained during “bathing” or absorbed by the soil. Carrots that are clean after water can be thoroughly blotted with a towel and thus speed up the process. The washed carrots, ready for the next stage, will be dry to the touch and monochromatic. From an unwashed root crop, small particles of soil will fall off on their own when rubbed.

Washed and cleaned

Whole peeled carrots are rarely placed in the refrigerator for long-term storage.. But if they have to, they don’t leave it open, because deprived of its natural “skin,” it quickly weathers and loses moisture.

Advice: A food-grade plastic container or film will extend the shelf life of peeled carrots for up to a month if stored in a special compartment of the refrigerator.

A proven method for short-term (3-4 days) storage of carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator is to immerse them in water. And if you change the water, you can “cheer up” the carrots for up to a week.

We recommend watching a video about storing carrots in film in the refrigerator:

I'm grating

When placing grated carrots in the main compartment of the refrigerator, you need to take into account that in this form they will weather even faster than simply peeled ones. A container will help the cause, glass jar with a lid or, as a last resort, just a plastic bag.

Without freezing, the shelf life will not be long, so grated carrots should be eaten within 10-12 days.

Without freezing

For long-term storage, carrots should be packaged carefully.. Examples of good packaging include: vacuum bags and cling film. They will not allow excess moisture to penetrate and preserve the root juices. This is one of the the most important conditions long-term storage. If you are going to use film, then be prepared to work hard: it must tightly cover each carrot.

Sometimes wrapping in paper or a paper bag is used to absorb excess moisture. Such packaging will need to be periodically felt, checking for dampness, and replaced if necessary. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to protect the carrots from rotting and flabby.

Placement also matters. The lower the tier in the refrigerator on which you place freshly packaged carrots, the better.. Ideally, this should be a compartment for vegetables. A working refrigerator maintains the optimal temperature and humidity ratio in this area.

  • Some housewives use wrappers made from newspapers and other printed matter to regulate humidity. It is strongly not recommended to do this, since printing or printing ink may contain lead, cadmium and other substances that are not very beneficial for the body.
  • If the carrots are purchased, then the tops have most likely already been removed. In this case, the place where it was torn off should be completely amputated. In the case when the carrot is your own, it is enough to simply trim the tops to the base.
  • When you have a lot of carrots, it is better to trim the tops of the root vegetables quite strongly: by 1-2 centimeters. This will prevent them from germinating in the refrigerator.

So as not to become sluggish and flabby

Even with hermetically sealed carrots, there is still a risk of them softening, flabby and sprouting if the optimal humidity regime is not maintained. For carrots it is 65-75%. No less important is the temperature regime. Temperatures beyond -1 to 8 degrees are incompatible with long-term preservation of fresh carrots. Typically the fruit and vegetable drawer maintains a range of 0 to 3 degrees. For carrots - just right.

For the whole winter

In addition to the rather troublesome preservation of fresh carrots in the “freshness zone” of the refrigerator, it is practiced. Most often, grated or diced carrots are frozen for the winter. In this form it can be stored throughout the cold season, although it loses some of its taste and useful properties. When placing it in the freezer, it should also be packaged: in containers, vacuum packaging or polyethylene. In this form, carrots are suitable for frying, in vegetable stews and any dishes where the cook’s imagination dictates.

We recommend watching a video about freezing carrots for the winter:

What to do if something goes wrong?

The most unpleasant thing that can happen to carrots in the refrigerator is their spoilage. Rotting, loss of pleasant strength or sprouting of carrots, as a rule, is due to violations of storage conditions. Let’s not talk about possible technical problems with the refrigerator, but rather talk about what depends on its owners.

If carrots are not stored in the freezer, then you should pay attention to the appearance of condensation inside the plastic or plastic packaging. These droplets may indicate concentration carbon dioxide inside a container or bag. If condensation is detected, the carrots should be removed, dried and repacked..

  1. You need to make sure that carrots are not in direct contact with other vegetables or fruits. With apples - any close proximity should be excluded altogether. Apples emit ethylene, which can ruin the taste of carrots.
  2. It is important for long-term storage. Among the hardiest are: “Moscow Winter”, “Vita Longa” and “Forto”. It is worth paying attention to varieties planted early.
  3. For winter storage, select only root vegetables that have reached maturity. Unripened ones may disappoint with quick spoilage.


There are experienced owners. They tend to stick family traditions and time-tested inventory conservation techniques. It’s another matter if there are no stable preferences yet. Then an experiment suggests itself: divide, for example, carrots into several parts and compare several ways to preserve a tasty and healthy root vegetable using the refrigerator. Perhaps this publication will be of some use to experimenters.

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