Why do you dream about an old guy you know? Dream Interpretation Familiar man - meaning and interpretation of sleep

May have seemingly opposite meanings.

Monitor your emotions to decide which value is right for you.

Soaring can be a symbol of: liberation and getting rid of problems and restrictions.

To soar emotionally above the situation: may mean a way out of a traumatic experience.

Sometimes people remember that after being injured, they seem to soar upward.

Soaring may also indicate that you are in harmony with your feelings and emotions.

You feel spiritual harmony within yourself and float towards your feelings and at the same time with them.

Floating in the water: means you have allowed your emotions to surface.

To float in the air: means to rise above it all.

Floating: Also means that you float aimlessly above the ground.

Ground yourself.

Outline potential goals and take steps.

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

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    Hello! I dreamed of a man whom I like in real life, but there is no relationship. He dreamed about his wife, it looked like he was in love with her. I was also with them and noticed her gorgeous hair. She had a gorgeous ponytail on her head. In her life too Thick hair, but here they were several times thicker. And I also thought that she looks so sexy with this hair and that this is what attracts her husband, my friend, very sexy. But when I got closer, I saw that the hair in her ponytail was artificial! That's why they looked so thick. What does my dream mean? Thanks in advance!

    • To earn someone's sympathy, you try to be someone you are not.

    There was a beautiful white car. A familiar man in a white festive suit stood next to her. There were light bulbs on the suit that glowed. He took off his jacket. Under the jacket there was a sleeveless vest. Many people applauded. Something like a holiday, but I didn’t see any people, just this man. I was not there

    • You have a chance to make changes for the better in your life. It is important to show off your intelligence and amaze.

    She stood in the room. A familiar man stood nearby. He was talking on the phone with a woman and drinking water from plastic cup. I finished the conversation, threw the glass on the floor and left. I looked at the floor and there were already a lot of glasses lying around, some had been trampled

    • The dream warns you not to neglect temporary acquaintances, as this may come back to haunt you in the future.

    I dreamed of a man I knew and liked. He stood in front of the grave of his wife (she is alive in life) on one knee and spoke to her. There was a photograph of her on the grave. In the photo, a girl was hugging her. There was a calm sea near this place

    • What you were counting on will not work out, to your surprise.

    I dreamed about the face of a man I like in life. It was like a photograph, but I didn’t see the photograph, only the face and a little lower. He was wearing a suit and tie (that’s how he dresses in real life). The face was sometimes in front, sometimes on the side, alternating. I don’t know if this means something or if I just dreamed because I was thinking about him

    • Either you think, or something pleasant will happen in the near future.

      Thank you. And if something is pleasant, does it concern this man or not necessarily?

      Not necessary.

    Another dream, also about a familiar man, but this time a former classmate. It was as if I was sitting somewhere, there were a lot of people, and he came up, saw me and we went somewhere together. Then I dream about how we are sitting inside a structure that looks like an old one spaceship, but there is no roof and the sky is visible. We talk nicely, he likes me, I feel like he’s in love with me. And suddenly I see that something strange is happening in the sky. Suddenly, some outlines of objects appear, at first transparent, like glass. Then they take on specific shape and begin to fall down, and there are many of them and they are heavy. We were afraid that they would fall on us, but they did not fall on us... And suddenly, in the same way, a huge and strange bird appeared in the sky, scary and with a large beak. This time we ran, and with us there were still many people who were also fleeing from this bird. She didn’t have time to peck me, I managed to run and hide in the room. But she pecked at a classmate’s head, I saw a wound on his head, with blood, but not dangerous, since he remained alive... Then, in the room, I was with a friend and this bird flew in again, but we were together, that is, with friend, dealt with this bird and neutralized it. She turned into a small and harmless bird... A strange dream, I would like to know what it means. Thank you in advance…

    • Anticipate trouble and worry. The news does hurt you, but it won’t touch you directly. Therefore, you can fully cope with both emotions and conversations around the news.

    Hello! I dreamed that a man I knew invited me to visit. In real life, just an acquaintance and that’s all. He has his wife in his house and a lot of relatives who live with them. I started going up the stairs, and he walked so close and touched me. And before he took off his outerwear and remained in only trousers. This is to show off your beautiful torso to me...Then we are in separate room, yourself. He lies on the bed and waits for me. And before I went to bed with him, I went to the door and locked it with a key so that no one could enter. And then they made love to him... And while I was visiting him, and since I was there for a long time, my mother and husband started looking for me. At first they called the phone, but I didn’t answer. Then they went to the man's house. I saw them walking, and there were some other people with them, but I managed to hide and they didn’t find me...Then we decided to run away together, he from his family, and I from mine. And I saw a tray with jewelry. I took a gold pendant with a large amber on a gold chain. And a few more jewelry, all with amber. These jewelry were not mine, but his sisters, but she never found out what they took and who took them... What does my dream mean? Thank you very much!

    • Trying to destroy someone else's quite successful marriage. As a rule, the dream has nothing to do with this acquaintance, you just know very well who we are talking about.

    I had a dream in which I was in the company of two men. One of them is familiar, the other I don’t remember clearly. Both showed interest in me. A man I knew and I were always arguing about something. We were talking about something with the second man, the rest of the time he looked at me and listened to arguments with a man he knew

    • To come to the right decision, it is important to look at the problem from different positions.

    Good evening! I dreamed that I was visiting a male friend. In real life, he tried to court me, but the relationship never worked out, I didn’t want to. So, as if I was visiting him, I was so kindly received by his parents and sister. I stayed with them overnight and we were supposed to sleep in the same bed, but we agreed that nothing would happen. I lay down on the very edge of the bed. And he still went to hug me, but since I was lying on the very edge, he and I fell to the floor together...

    • The dream advises you not to meddle in other people’s affairs if you are not going to shoulder them yourself, otherwise you will suffer significant damage.

    At work, outside of working hours, we walked along the corridors with the boss and an employee. We were talking with the boss about something. At some point I was on my own. I sat down in the hallway to pee. Someone came and I paused. Then I felt that no one was looking and finished. I wiped myself with a piece of paper and threw it in the trash. There was an employee nearby who had invented something and they talked to her about it. There were some other people. Then I went home. From the side I watched people sitting on chairs. All this was organized by a young man I knew. Another man spoke to the people and talked about his achievements. Everyone had badminton rackets in their hands. The man who was telling something left. The others stood up and the movement began. I was discussing with someone near which metro station to meet. Felt tired

    • A very troublesome time when you have to work hard and not forget about your loved one.

    Hello! I dreamed of a man I knew, a former classmate, we communicate with him occasionally, but as classmates and that’s it. So, I dreamed that I was flying on an airplane and suddenly unexpectedly met him. I was happy and surprised where he came from. Then such an interesting picture, no longer on the plane, since we arrived. How we jump from roof to roof. And when we touch the roof, we push off again and fly further to another roof. The feeling was incredible, it was so great, it was breathtaking! He hugged me from behind and held me tightly. That's how we jumped together and flew across the roofs! And during the next jump, I asked him: Can you jump over this? Because the distance was great. And he was able to jump over, together with me, of course, still holding me. But I wasn’t sure that he could do it... Then we walk down the street, go to visit him, he invited me. And he always tries to hug me, caress me, especially my breasts. On the way, he bought all sorts of food, a very large bag, and I decided to help him. Place some of his bag into your bag. And she began to put condensed milk, sweets, in short, everything sweet into her bag. And in his package there was other food left and I especially remember 3 bottles of red wine. And also cognac, which at first he wanted to leave on the street, but I took it, there’s no good way to go to waste :) ... But suddenly a friend met me on the way and literally stole me, dragged me with her to some kindergarten to watch her niece perform . And when I returned, he was no longer there. He left without waiting for me, he probably thought that I had changed my mind about going to him and left him. But then he was looking for me, came to my house, but I was not at home, and he was talking to my mother. Please help me figure it out! Thank you!

    • What seems impossible to you (regarding something personal), you can now completely implement, the main thing is to get the right support and not deviate from the intended course. Don’t listen to what they will tell you, confusing you, more faith into yourself, otherwise you will be left with nothing.

    I dreamed of an acquaintance, he said that my beloved was waiting for me. An acquaintance told me to get ready and he would take me to him.

    • Receive pleasant and important information for you.

      Does the information concern your loved one?
      It’s just that he’s away now and we haven’t seen each other for a long time.

      Not necessary.

    I had a strange dream. It’s as if an acquaintance of mine (we haven’t communicated for almost a year) came to visit my mother in the village, and we are all brothers and sister at my mother’s place, everyone has gathered at my mother’s. And suddenly this friend of mine appears there, although he has never been there. I arrived on a truck with a trailer, alone. And I was kind of glad that it arrived, but also very surprised. Then he started talking to my brothers, and my sister and I started setting the table. And suddenly he goes out into the street, gets into the car and drives away, and I stand and look out the window and think to myself, but he’ll probably drive away again and move away from the window. Then about 10 minutes later he came in again, and I told him that I thought you were leaving. And he answers me, no, I just turned around and that’s it. But then, two days later, I again dreamed of this friend of mine, just briefly, in the same clothes as in the first dream. I see him, only him, he’s sitting on something and that’s it. And I look at him and I kind of feel sorry for him.

    • Things that you have forgotten about are trying to remind you of themselves.

    I dreamed of an acquaintance, a friend of my beloved man. He was with some friend (I don’t know him). We rested together in nature. A friend I didn’t know began to show signs of attention to me. I tried to politely hint that I wasn't interested, but he didn't understand. Then my beloved’s friend stood up for me, saying that my beloved would come now and he would not like that someone was vying for the attention of his beloved woman.

    • They will try to force an unpleasant matter on you. Look for arguments for refusal.

    Good afternoon I dreamed that I was lying on a large and wide bed with a man I knew, but with whom I had not seen in real life for a very long time, there had never been a relationship. So, we are lying and talking, spiritually, and he suddenly says to me: “You know, you were already here on the 14th. And today is also the 14th.” That is, as if I had already been with him for 14 years, on the same bed... The month was not named. What would that mean? The dream occurred from Wednesday to Thursday. Thank you!

    • It is important not to forget things on the 14th, but to complete them.

    Hello. I dreamed that her beloved man came to visit my mother. And we went into nature together. We communicated well and had a great time.

    • To a pleasant pastime.

    I dreamed that a former acquaintance of a man stood with his back to me, I look at the back of his head, and he is gray in parts and I tell someone about this, look how he turned gray. Thank you!

    • In a matter known to you, you will need wise advice.

    A familiar man hugged me from the side. He pressed himself very close to me and brought his face close to mine. The hand with which he hugged stroked his temple and cheek. He said something. I felt his passionate attraction to me. My mother walked ahead with her back to us

    • A small detail is that all this happened while walking. We went. His appearance came as a surprise to me, and I think it was pleasant. But I didn’t have time to clearly define my attitude because of the surprise

      The male sex (or someone in particular) likes you, and you know it.

    In the theater auditorium, I sat down in one of the rows. He was not far from the exit. It only had a few seats. View of the stage a little from above. I was alone, everyone passed on. I thought it was the best there and went to have a look. But where most of the people were, the hall was long and there was a view of the stage from below. Hard to see. I approached a man I knew. I was surprised to note that he was sitting with a girl. She sat on his lap, he hugged her. Someone else was sitting in the same row with them. I realized that it was better in my row and invited them to move to my row. This man became interested and invited the girl to change seats. Then I woke up

    • You need to now attract people to your side so that they say only good things about you.

    It was somewhere. There were a lot of people. Mostly military (strangers) and people from my work. At some point, large shells began to be thrown at us from somewhere; they looked like large stone balls. Everyone ran into the building. Then I stood near the bridge. My boss stood a little to the side with me, and an employee stood behind me. There was someone else. We watched some of the people who were with us cross the bridge. Mostly military. Because of the shooting, they were allowed to leave because... before that they were not allowed. At one point, my boss praised the courage of the employee’s children, who were not there, and her

    • I would like to add that before they started shooting at us, everyone except the military was in the building, in which they then hid. I separated from the crowd and walked through the aisles and went out into the street. Later they started shooting. In addition, the bridge was made of stone and solid. It was light when they shot. It was dark when we looked at the bridge

      More small nuance. The bridge was across water body, but there was no emphasis on water. When I looked at the bridge I felt a sense of self-confidence

      A turning point in life that may not happen - the choice is yours. You will have to fight to achieve what you want.

    Came to public toilet. There were a lot of different things, strangers’ bags, piled up near the wall. But the passage to the toilets was cleared. However, in this aisle, a man I knew (I know him in real life, but not personally) was washing the floors and talking on the phone with his back to me. Didn't notice me. I stood and waited for him to finish

    • The obstacle to the goal, oddly enough, will be friendly help and an excess of information.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that one of my friends was very thirsty for me, tried to kiss me, hug me. He was very excited.

    • Know about your feminine attractiveness.

    Why do you dream about a man who shows indifference?

    • You will be ignored when help is needed.

    Why do you dream about a man you know turning his back and walking away?

    • Refusal to receive the support you were counting on.

    I dreamed that I was lying somewhere and sleeping. A young man I knew in my life tried to create noise so that I would leave. He was saying something and seeing how I would react. It seems there was another older man there, but I don’t remember well. At some point they did something to my bed. I had to get up. But I quickly found another smaller one here, like a chair, first sat down, then lay down. I was surprised how I settled in there, but I was very tired. The young man looked in surprise and tried to continue his conversations so that I would leave and wake up

    • It will be very difficult to find time to relax in the near future.

    I dreamed of a familiar man. We came with someone to the hostel. He lived there. Suddenly they found out that he had been married a long time ago, but had been hiding it from everyone. He rented a sofa. With his wife he already had two children, two girls. One is 15 years old, the other is 3 years old. The younger girl was running around and happy. His wife was French, so the girl spoke only French. It was not clear what she said. Then we all left, but without this friend’s family. I asked him at what price he rented the sofa. He said that renting a sofa is three times higher than renting a regular room

    • Do something familiar, but at the same time suddenly encounter incomprehensible nuances, gossip and gossip about your abilities, and fatigue. The dream recommends taking time to rest and paying special attention to the numbers.

    I dreamed of a man's friend, he stood at a distance, looked at me and called me by name. And I ignored it. Then the episode changed, he was performing his duties in his work uniform, generally pretending to be busy, but didn’t look at me or didn’t notice. Could this mean something? Thank you in advance.

    • If you do not respond to a request for help, then they will not rush to you later.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a large leather trolley bag. The bag was full, so it was heavy. I met an acquaintance, a friend of my beloved man. He was with his wife. I felt mistrust of my friend and therefore was glad when he, having greeted me, went on about his business.
    I went to the post office to send money. My trolley bag was a little unstable because it was so full. So I decided to carry it in my hands. I was surprised to notice that it was light. Approaching the counter, I saw the envelope that I was supposed to send. I looked inside and saw that there was no money there. I remained calm, I knew that there was no one except me and my friend and my wife on the square in front of the department. In addition, I understood that there was a surveillance camera in the department. Therefore, I was sure that my $567 (for some reason this exact amount) would definitely be found.

    • You have taken on a lot of things, but if you don’t worry about it, but do it calmly, you will easily cope with everything, you won’t even need anyone’s help. It’s true that you won’t get what you were counting on in the end (whether it’s money or information).

    I had an interesting dream. We're driving a car and a girl I know is driving, she's telling me how she missed her lover.
    (friend of my beloved man), I am also in the front seat. Suddenly, he appeared on the street, she invited him to go for a ride with us, he sat down behind me and hugged me from the back, it turns out, he put his hands on mine. I tried to shake it off, but I couldn’t put it away.
    My friend didn’t see this, she was driving and smiling. Thank you in advance.

    • Refuse help in achieving a goal for moral reasons.

    Good morning! I dreamed that I was at my friend’s house, and when I left, I saw all her relatives through the window. I thought that no one noticed me, but when I went outside, her brother caught up with me and went with me. In real life, of course, there is nothing wrong with him, he is just my friend’s younger brother. We walk, talk, laugh... And some song was heard, in the disco style, which I liked. We crossed the bridge and came to the bus stop. Then I decided to return, but not to my friend’s house, but simply in that direction. I had to cross the bridge again...he went with me again, but on the bridge I went further, and he decided to return. And I see him leaving and carrying with him Balloons Red. There were a lot of balloons, and they were so beautiful and festive... Thank you!

    • It’s a hectic time, in an effort to change your life, but you won’t always get help, and you’ll have to say goodbye to some dreams.

    A friend of a beloved man climbs down a rope, and in his hands holds a red beautiful rose. And I just look at them. He does not descend towards me, but as if past me even lower. Thank you in advance.

    • Warning: be careful lest love pass you by.

    I dreamed that I came to a conference. One of my friends, who was the organizer and leader of the conference, had a large abscess on his nose, which was very painful for him. Other conference organizers wanted to help him, but could not. I came closer to take a look and thought that the abscess needed to be opened so that the pus would come out. But looking at the wound again, I saw that it would open up on its own and the pus would come out. I went to get some antiseptic. When I returned, I saw that the wound had opened and all the pus had come out. I attached a sterile napkin. I saw my friend’s relief; he was very grateful to me. Throughout the conference he showed me signs of attention, constantly being near me and hugging me. He, along with other conference organizers, helped me resolve all my questions.

    • A conflict will occur that has been brewing for a long time, but you will be able to deal with it and its consequences painlessly and profitably.

    Hello! I dreamed of a man I knew. We know each other virtually, nothing special, we just correspond from time to time. Never dreamed of this before. So, it’s as if I see from the outside how one of his friends, I even remember her name, is corresponding with someone and sharing her love secrets, telling about him that he loves her and other nonsense... I woke up, and when I fell asleep, again I dreamed about him, but this time it was him. It’s like I’m looking at photographs and suddenly I see photos of us together, me and him. I especially remember one where I’m standing, and he’s standing behind me, hugging me. Such a warm and tender photo. And I thought it was strange where I was from with him in the photos, if we didn’t know him in real life. And it was unclear, so I knew him before? Then I talk to him... Such an incomprehensible dream. Thank you in advance!

    • There will be gossip about you, and obstacles in business will appear. The dream is trying to remind you that you are not alone, there are people in your life who are ready to support.

    Please explain
    I dreamed of an acquaintance, in my life I am married to my husband and he is married. We look at each other with interest and nothing more, we saw each other a year ago. In a dream, he came to me for the first time, with sympathy, held my hands, kissed me, treated me tenderly. Then he just went to bed and I stayed by his side. Afterwards I saw him from the outside, he was with his children, and pretended that he didn’t know me. I didn't want to wake up...

    • Feeling tired and lacking tenderness and attention in life.

    Hello! I dreamed of a man who has affection. We walked with him at night along the river, there were people around. He calls to come to the edge of the shore. I'm afraid, he takes my hand, I approach. He invites me to dive into the river. The river is nocturnal and therefore dark. I dive first, he follows. And we emerge in some kind of sunny place in clean, clear blue water. I'm happy.

    • To have a pleasant time, perhaps you will be invited somewhere or taken for company.

    • Unexpected support during a change (trip), since you will be denied the help you were counting on.

  • I dreamed that a friend of my ex wanted to tell me something important

    • Expect something that never comes.

    Hello. Today I dreamed of a friend. Instead of hugging me, he put his hand on my butt. I asked him to remove his hand, he said: “Oh, sorry,” and removed it. I was wearing a skirt and heels. We were planning to go somewhere with a few other friends. Thank you)

    • Feel confident even in an awkward (non-standard) situation.

    Was on the beach on the border of two foreign countries. I only had permission to stay in one country. The border looked like a stripe in the sand. I was surprised that I could easily and without obstacles get to another country, I jumped from one country to another. there were a lot of people and everyone was familiar. In the country in which I was illegally, a man I knew stood and smiled. In the country in which I was legally there were women I knew. They didn't pay attention to me. Then I, that man and some other people turned towards the country where I was illegally, and we walked along the beach

    • Choose from two options for action: the imaginary correct one, which is advised to you with not the best goals, and the one against which there are prejudices, fear of the unknown.

    Good afternoon I dreamed former colleague, with whom we worked in an organization from which I quit a year ago and went to live in another city. I liked him, he liked me too, judging by the way he communicated with me, we didn’t have any relationship. The dream was as follows: I’m sitting at my current job, suddenly the door opens and this man comes in, smiling, wearing a white shirt. I am very very happy, I go up to him, he, very impulsively, hugged me tightly, pressed me to him and kissed me. The dream was short, but so emotional and vivid that I woke up and couldn’t fall asleep again.

    • Someone is reaching out to you, wants to get closer.

    I dreamed of an acquaintance with whom I had a relationship many years ago. I left the entrance, and he was waiting for me. He came up to me with a wad of money in his hand. He said that there were some problems at the company, but he wanted to give me money. I was surprised but pleased with the unexpected profit

    • What you hope for will come true.

    I don’t remember the dream completely. Only certain moments. We were walking with a group of people (I know everyone in my life). The weather has deteriorated sharply. There was a slight descent, very steep and dangerous. A familiar young man ran up to me. Helped me. At the same time, I gave him my package and left the bag in his hands to make it easier. Then the whole group had to go somewhere and ran to the helicopter; the woman and I wanted to quickly run to the toilet. I don’t remember the details, I went somewhere, but I made it to the helicopter on time. Then I remember that we are all in another country. Walking next to me is a man I know, who is much older than me in age. In real life he is a foreigner and it is difficult for us to understand each other. In my sleep, he and I talk easily, at some point I discover that he speaks to me in Russian. I ask him when he learned the language. He replied that he always knew, but did not tell me. Good mood. Then I hear a conversation on the side about some man who committed heroic deed, something related to the sinking of a submarine that was rescued or found. I do not remember exactly

    • Ordinary everyday affairs, most likely work, although they will be in large quantities, but you will have time to do everything, they will help you, and even where you expect complications, everything will go smoothly.

    A man I know in my life (much older than me) bought himself a new device - a video camera with a support. When this support extends, it creates a convenient location for filming several people. I was very interested in this device. I looked at him. Thank you

    • I also asked how it works, and this man explained. He bought it by chance, because... I was looking for something and found such a device

      Something important that you need to remember and keep in mind.

    Hello, I dreamed of a man whom I bump into every morning on the way to work, we say hello, I think he likes me. I dreamed that I was holding an object in my hands, he removed this object and put his palms in mine, then I began to examine its lines on the palm. I'm married and so is he. Thanks in advance this is important to me

    • He would like to get to know you better.

    This morning I had the following dream:
    I quickly run in the center of my city, trying to remember where the store I wanted to go to and I see a saleswoman and she gives the key to the store and says to return it later and leave the money at the end of the working day, although in real life she works in another store, then I’m in some house, like a hostel, and I go into the room of an “acquaintance”, but in fact I don’t know him, I ask permission to enter and say hello, then I tell him the number of your lottery ticket, I remember part of the number 010**, it turned out to be a winner , and he says that he has already taken the winnings and we have a nice chat with him, and next to him my former classmate from real life, and the saleswoman was his sister from real life, and a classmate with a repulsive intonation says that either I or an “acquaintance” is hitting on me;
    Perhaps this is due to the fact that in high school I was called a couple with this classmate, although I was indifferent to him, and he could not even give a refutation, he was silent, a strange guy, and I pretended not to notice all this. I didn't even think about him.

    • The information you want to receive will most likely turn out to be either false or contaminated with gossip, be careful.

    I dreamed about a friend of mine. We sat at the same table. My girlfriend and my husband’s friends were also there, but my husband was not there. The acquaintance was wearing a white shirt and a blue suit. Handsome, happy. The tablecloth was also white, there were treats, the most memorable thing was candy. Suddenly, an acquaintance took a white sheet and threw it on our laps in such a way that the sheet covered our hands. And then I really wanted him to take my hand. He seemed to guess my thoughts and took my hand. I had chocolate in my hands. We sat and held hands, and no one saw it because the sheet covered our hands. I was so happy in my sleep that it hurt to wake up. Before this dream, an acquaintance declared his love for me and I stopped communicating with him

    • You won’t have enough strong feelings and beautiful experiences in your life, so the dream projected your needs onto a specific man.

    I dreamed of an acquaintance, my friend’s husband. We were on vacation somewhere together. There were two men in the company that I didn’t really like. We were relaxing in nature, but the Eiffel Tower was not far away. Suddenly I realized that the men I didn’t like were bungee jumping from the Eiffel Tower. But something went wrong there and they crashed. I didn't see them fall, but I heard the sound of them hitting the ground. I think I was relieved that they were gone, and also that I didn't see them fall. My girlfriend's husband said that we need to go home. I was surprised at his calmness. But then I decided that the dead men were in another dream. It was as if I knew it was a dream. Approaching the car, I saw that instead of passenger seats there were chairs like fishing chairs. I said it was inconvenient and dangerous. And that my daughter and I (she was also with us) will not travel in such conditions. I started taking the chairs out of the car. Then we found ourselves near our entrance, I don’t know how. I put the chairs in the sun to dry.
    P.S. My friend actually lives in France and when we were visiting them, her husband took us on an excursion to Paris. Maybe that's why the Eiffel Tower. But everything else, I don’t understand...

    • Are you waiting now? pleasant events However, the pleasure will be overshadowed by unpleasant ones, although not for long, but you will have to worry. You have the power to make your circumstances more comfortable.

    I have a family I know, they have two children. Several years ago, I went to my husband’s parents and babysat their children.

    Dream: I came again to visit his (Anton’s) parents and played with the kids. He came into the room and sat down next to me on the sofa. He took my hand and began to stroke his finger between my fingers. And I started “tugging” his finger with my hand. He said that I am a good girl, although I rarely come, I am beautiful and kind.
    He invited me to meet, to which I removed my hands from him. He's married! (Although in Lately things weren’t going well for them and they actually wanted to file for divorce) but I wanted sex with him.. I don’t know how to seduce him. I wanted to throw a condom in front of the door so that when he came in, he would understand everything. But I think he wanted me anyway, but I was just scared to take the first step.

    Why did I dream about him? Don't know. I didn’t feel much interest in him, because I have a boyfriend. But recently I went to his parents to pick up his things. I didn’t see him, but when I passed someone else’s house, I noticed a guy who looked a lot like Anton... but it turned out it wasn’t him. In general, now I’m thinking about actually doing it, in real life, with him... just to seduce him)

    • A dream is your unsatisfied physical desire and has nothing to do with a specific guy.

← Previously 2

A dream about acquaintances whom you see in a dream usually carries information about events or news that are closely related to your everyday life.

An unexpected meeting or a chance conversation with them that surprises you in a dream, in reality means unexpected news and an unexpected turn in the relationship. Whatever impression you have about the meeting in a dream, so it will be in life. Quarreling with them in a dream means harm and experiences that will have a detrimental effect on your health.

A lively conversation with a familiar person in a dream is a sign that your business, thanks to this person, will go uphill. A rude conversation with an acquaintance in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business and a breakdown in relationships.

Feeling awkward when meeting friends in a dream means that your deception will be revealed. Trying to get to your friends in a dream foretells that you will have to endure a lot of suffering and humiliation in order to achieve their level of well-being and equal their status.

If you dream that someone you know with whom you are in a quarrel is friendly towards you, then beware of a conspiracy against you for selfish purposes. Seeing your friend handsome in a dream is a sign that he thinks badly of you and will denigrate you anywhere, trying to damage your reputation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Did you dream about a guy you know, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why a guy you know is dreaming about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend, who has now left for Moscow and will come in the summer, but I still like him and I dreamed of an SMS from him with the words I wish you happiness in your personal life, be happy.

    Hello. I had a dream in which my classmate and his friends invited me to go out with them, and I agreed. We walked everywhere, then we went into some building, everyone was sitting on a bench, only a classmate was standing. Then everyone stood up. And my classmate hugged me tightly. I do not understand. I woke up and hugged him

    Suddenly he came to my school and then I ran up to him and hugged him, he hugged me too, they said to each other that we miss him, then he leaves. And he’s already writing an SMS on my phone and it says, ‘Let’s meet, I miss you,’ even though he’s my friend’s ex-boyfriend. Why is this dream

    I dreamed of a guy I know. Well, he’s from my parallel. In the dream, he allegedly added me as a friend on some social network. And then he seemed to appreciate my photos. I would like to know what this could mean?

    We were sitting at my grandmother’s house, I think at a wake, and he told me that I was cooler live, then he called me into the next room and wanted to kiss me, but I refused, then someone came into the room and he stood up and became so short. . I know this guy very little, he is a security guard at the club and pestered me a little when I went there

    I’m at school in such a state as if I’m afraid of someone or maybe I’m depressed and a friend of mine saw me, his name is Vadim, he’s studying in a parallel class, and he came up to me and I turned away from him, but then he picked up a pencil and He started asking me something, I was silent, he drew something and then he just hugged me and started to calm me down.

    the guy I knew and loved, and now we don’t communicate, but we study together, at first he ran away from me and then hugged me, said that he loved me when we were walking down the street, I said that too, then my boyfriend with whom I’m dating called me, I I lied about where I was, and then the one who confessed came up and hugged me, kissed me and I answered, I felt good, and then my boyfriend appeared and just silently and angrily left, I love him in my life, I didn’t know what to do and I woke up , this dream was so realistic that even when I woke up, I didn’t understand that it was a dream, there were clear colors, sounds, faces, movements, everything….

    Good afternoon, the fact is that almost every night I dream of an old guy I know, a long time ago, what happened before between us, in the dream we kiss, even make love, I don’t even know what to think anymore and what all these dreams are for, I even I don't think about him. Please help me understand these strange dreams...

    I dreamed about the brother of my sister’s friend, we met at the school where I once studied when we bumped into him and started talking and he said that he had liked me for a long time, but I was hanging out with others.

    I dreamed of a friend (guy) whom I really like and I love him, but he doesn’t seem to have feelings for me, at least I don’t know. We have purely friendly relations. but at the moment we haven’t communicated with him for a month, they told him something about me and he suddenly stopped communicating with me. I dreamed that we were sitting at someone’s house, me, him and my girlfriend, talking, laughing, he called me his beloved, hugged and kissed, tell me what does this mean?

    A guy I know comes to our house to eat (I personally don’t communicate with him, he’s my mother’s friend’s son), I come home and he’s sitting at my house, my mother feeds him all the time, when I got home I didn’t even communicate with him at all, I go into another room , and I have a classmate there, my ex, and we sit with him and watch a movie

    Hello! I dreamed of one guy, well, I used to like him, but it was a long time ago, so I didn’t even remember about him, But yesterday I dreamed about him before, I had never dreamed of him in this dream, he protected me, he smiled at me, but for some reason I took off his clothes? the question is why?

    I was sleeping in a dream and I was dreaming of a guy I knew with whom I had never communicated before. We were lying in bed and kissing. I knew that he was almost an acquaintance, but because I liked him, I didn’t mind. And then we somehow- then they ended up at my house in my room. Then my grandmother came in and was surprised and looked at me with a stern look. Then she woke up the guests who were at home at 5 o’clock in the morning. They all cried and condemned me because they thought that I had slept with him. I tried to explain everything but they didn’t listen to me and bad rumors spread about me.
    P.S. I'm 15 years old

    Why did you dream about this? I was walking late in the evening at some holiday with my ex-boyfriend and his friend. But I had a fight with my ex and his friend took me aside and I tried to kiss him, but it didn’t work and he just hugged me. Then he and I went home together and almost had sex there, but for some reason I was afraid. Why did you dream about this?

    This is the second time I’ve dreamed about a boy from class, but I don’t like him and my other classmate is with him, but again I repeat, I don’t have any feelings for him. And now about the dream. I was on my birthday, I was only with parents and relatives, then I went somewhere, although I don’t know why I went there, then I found them, my two classmates, they shouted to me “hey Sasha”, I was like “oh hello” and went up to them, went into the room, I stood near the window, one of my classmates stood next to me, the other leaned me down to the corner of the window sill and began to look at me from face to toe, then I looked at him and woke up…. And now the first dream, I walked into some room or room in a red short dress, they were there again, one stood next to me, the other again pulled me close to him, only he was behind me, lifted my skirt and touched my 5th point, I I said no need and told them not to let anyone know about it and woke up... Again, I repeat, I don’t feel anything for them, what should I do and what should I think?

    In general, it was all like this, there was a guy in my apartment, a friend of mine, and he was sitting either in the hallway or somewhere and he was sitting with a bag, and seemed a little sad. There was a dream from Thursday to Friday, what was that for?

    It’s like I’m with a guy I know, but I haven’t seen him for a long time. We were at school and walked hand in hand into the office. He sat on the second desk and I sat on my first. It was a history lesson and I was called to the blackboard. I said something and he constantly looked at me.

    Good afternoon. I had a dream that a guy I knew, with whom we were previously classmates, had a crush on me. The confusing thing is that he is a nice young man, but I have never been in love with him. On top of everything else, he's already had enough for a long time meets a girl, also our common classmate. They are doing well (God willing). I dream that we are together or that he is seeking my favor. I had a similar dream, I can’t say for sure, about 3 times (not in the same week). Please tell me if it means anything.

    I dreamed that a classmate (who likes me) was sitting at school with friends and did not pay attention to me, and when I turned away, he looked at me. The second dream with him was that my classmate and I were in some building and he was together with us, but we don’t talk to him, then he waited for me and helped me with something, during these dreams we never made eye contact and I got the impression that he was shy.
    In real life, he looks, but does not take any decisive actions, he had a dream from Tuesday on Wednesday

    In life there is one guy who comes to our city for the summer, his name is Denis. And there is one who lives here - Roma. At the moment I’ve liked Denis for about a year, but when I was younger, probably about 5 years ago (I don’t know if this is necessary or not) I liked Roma. And then Denis arrived and I started thinking about him all the time. He and Roma are friends and that’s why they went out sometimes last year, but I haven’t seen him this year yet. I dreamed that the three of us were sitting on a bench, while I was sitting on the left side, pressing my legs to me. Roma sat in the middle, slightly turned towards right side, Denis was there. We were sitting talking and suddenly Roma took and put his hand on my legs or chest, I don’t remember, the hand was straight. I took it and put my hands on his hand (somehow strange, but this is what I remember. Denis saw this and smiled, and Roma said: “Well, why are you my type” and I lay down on his back. And then I suddenly woke up and was very upset that it was just a dream. Now I am in love with Roma.

    Hello! Today I dreamed of a guy from whom I know that we don’t communicate at all! I dreamed that we were walking through the market (he wanted to give me a gift) ... while he was holding my hand (as if we were with him lovers).But then my jacket accidentally tore, and we went to the nearest workshop, where they sewed it up for me! But at that time he disappeared, well, I thought that he was ashamed (I don’t know why) and left myself! And the next day (this all happened in one dream) I approached the school, near my house, and saw him with a girlfriend... as soon as I approached them, he immediately left, and this girlfriend began to ask “why did you leave?” I answered “well... I thought that he felt ashamed, and he also left!”

    I dreamed that five guys fell in love with me at once. I know all of them, two from school. I dreamed that everything happened at a summer camp, where I know the other three. Accordingly, at a disco in the evening in the hall they invited me to dance, one even kissed me. And before that, the one who also kissed me during a choreography lesson (it was all in a dream) was my partner and kissed me on the cheek, then we fell asleep together, me on his lap. I liked this guy before (already in life) close friend. In the dream, an equally important role was played by a guy who has been in love with me in my life for two years, and in the dream I was a little sorry that I was doing this, but he knew almost nothing.

    I dreamed about the guy I was dating. as if he came to my room and took me to visit me against my will, knowing at the same time that I was married. then I couldn’t go, but I got home, but he asked me if we could be together again, I said no and he asked if it was his fault that I was married, I said yes because I missed my chance. then I saw my house and there was a husband on the balcony, I showed him my husband, then I couldn’t get into the apartment because the house had been rebuilt, but my husband met me and brought me home, but I almost had a fight with him and cheated on almost some girl who was sitting in the elevator

    Well, I dreamed of a guy I know. I dreamed of him at school. I was just walking down the stairs, and he presses me to the wall and doesn’t let go. I deny his declaration of love to me, since I’m 11 years old (September 17 will be 12), I wake up. Later I fall asleep again too. dreaming about the continuation of the dream...
    Then the boy and I walk together in the park, hugging and sitting on a bench, talking.

    I had a dream about how he first came into the office, touched my hair, then sat down next to me, he took my pen (writing), I took it back from him, then I opened his palm and put my pen in his hand.

    My classmates and I were in class as usual. One of my classmates looked at me very often and I looked at him too. He looked straight into my eyes for a long time. This doesn’t happen in reality, why is this

    It was summer, my friend and I went for a walk and then a guy named Vlad came out, we were all 15 years old, we went for a walk along the road and I turned on my headphones to listen to him and walked to the other side of the road and for some reason my tears began to flow, then we went to the nursery playground and we sat on the swing, then we went back onto the road and after that I gave him a slap, but we’re not even dating, then I started screaming at him a lot and then I woke up.
    Please explain my dream, I had it from Thursday to Friday

    I dreamed of a guy from the group where I do Breaking, he is 4-5 years younger than me, it’s like I’m dating him, he came home to me, then we went to training together, in reality I like the coach, and he seems to like me

    At the beginning I studied at school, then when the literature lesson came, I then put the textbook on my desk and a pen with a diary. A familiar classmate came up and said I love you. Then we started dating and after the second walk he left me

    I dreamed of a guy I knew who was older than me. In a dream, he asked me to meet and I agreed. We kissed. This was my first kiss in my life. I am 14, he is 16. Also in this dream was my friend, with whom I had recently made peace, we were from her balcony, or rather she, throwing pebbles at him and his friends. Only her house was in a different place; in reality, her house is in a completely different place. My classmate was also with us. He asked about the circle that we were told about (also in a dream) and I was the only one who remembered what they told us and remembered it, and still remembered and told it. And this boy’s name is Sasha and my classmate’s name is also Sasha. In my life I had no sympathy for him, but maybe just a little, I didn’t think about it. Why is this dream??

    one guy loved me very much for almost 2 years, he ran after me, but now he somehow got rid of him and I didn’t love him at all and always refused. I recently had a dream about him and I talking, riding in a car, he takes me home in a dream, I love him very much and he loves me. I wonder what this is for

    I dreamed that the guy with whom I study together was sitting by the pool on a bench and tears were flowing, he looked me straight in the eyes, and I tried to calm him down, then we reached out to kiss each other, but something prevented us from doing this

    I was walking home and heard my sister laughing, and I felt a little uneasy at first, but when I saw that she was playing with a guy I knew, we didn’t hang out with him, they were playing and having fun, he started running away from her and climbed to the house with some kind of rope, but then he pulled him down, he fell, but was not hurt, I was worried about him, and then my little sister came up to me and we came to some kind of lake, the water itself was clean, transparent, but we were swimming in the water algae and some bugs, my sister wanted to touch one of the bugs, but I shouted no, and she didn’t touch it, and then I saw the face of a girl I knew in the water, took a stick and held it there, I saw the face, and it disappeared , but the water did not become cloudy, and I woke up

    I dreamed of a handsome guy, but we don’t know each other, I see him almost every day.
    I dreamed that he was driving me in my own car, he was sitting behind the wheel, and I was in back seat my sister and I were silent the whole way

    A guy I knew stroked my head. The atmosphere pointed to romanticism and he loved me in his dreams. Confessed his love. He loved me more than I loved him. But I really liked it. I felt warm and needed. He was sitting on the sofa and I was sitting in front of him on the floor. The room was all white.

    I had a rather strange dream. I don’t remember everything exactly and in detail, but I didn’t want to wake up, I really liked it. I don’t remember how it started, but it was a guy with a very beautiful body, he flirted with me, pestered me, and I really liked him, but I didn’t see his face. As far as I remember, we then had some kind of relationship. Then I ended up at school and for some reason the dream made me believe that that guy was my neighbor at my desk... By the way, I never liked him, didn’t seem handsome, but I heard a rumor that he liked me and maybe he still likes me . So, he and I didn’t want anyone to find out about “us” and hid everything. At the same time, it was somehow unpleasant or even surprising to me how he behaved as if there was nothing between us. Then in the dream I found myself in a bright room, yellow color. And that guy (no longer my classmate, but a guy without a face) was, I don’t remember why, offended by me, then the dream acquired some strange erotic overtones (I can’t say that I didn’t like it). I also remember how he stood in the shower, without a face. And that's all I remember, then I woke up. By the way, I imagined a guy older than me, with a beefy physique, but my classmate was certainly not like that.

    I dreamed that I arrived in the village, and I was going to the old school, as if I was following someone, and I seemed to know this person, I agreed with the security guard to go and follow that person and so that he would not give me away, I went into the school saw that man, he was drunk, I hid and listened to him, he was talking to the guard loudly and at a distance, and you could hear that he was talking about me, he said: you see, she doesn’t love me and that’s why I’m drunk and suffering (about so) then some girl came up and wanted to take him somewhere and they walked, she supported him (since he was drunk and could barely stand on his feet) and she leads him and it turns out they pass by me, and I’m outside the door and then they We walked through the door and 3-4 steps away he seemed to notice me and turned and screamed aaaaaa and pushed the girl who supported him (so angry, as if he wanted to kill me, very angry at me) I saw his face, but it’s not familiar to me , I run away after me, I ran out of the school and he also runs, I jump over a fence of medium height, he also runs as if he is catching up and I woke up. I knew him by feeling that he loved me, but I didn’t. But the face is not familiar to me at all

    Hello, I dreamed that I moved to a guy in Russia, that he rented an apartment and we live there, the apartment is not cozy, not beautiful. It was an evening and we sat with his friends and played cards, then I cut his hair funny. But in reality in reality this guy is just an acquaintance and that’s all

    I dreamed of a guy I knew, it was not an unexpected meeting, in real life we ​​met once in our lives, maybe 2-3 years ago, that communication was not very good, but in the dream it was the other way around, the meeting took place in a cafe, he began to flirt with me, treated me tea and sweets (the tea was black and the sweets were soaking) everything was fine, we chatted, one might say, about life, and on this good note I woke up. What is it for???

    I had a dream about a guy, and I’ve dreamed about him many times already, but I know him, and maybe he doesn’t know me, today I dreamed that I was standing behind him and that some kind of conversation started, and he answered rudely and I went to my room.

    I had a dream that I was in a cafe with my friends and there was one guy I knew with whom I don’t have contact, but I know we were talking and the conversation turned to appearance, this same guy told me that he liked my appearance and that he wanted to be with me meet

    The dream occurred from Monday to Tuesday.
    I came out of the entrance and saw a friend’s dog, but didn’t pay much attention to it. When I closed the entrance door and turned around, I saw him holding the dog by the leash. He looked at me. However, I left the yard and walked along the sidewalk, between the houses and the CCO. As I walked, I heard a man talking behind me, but the voice was not at all the same as that of a guy I knew. After a certain time, in some magical way, my friend and I stood and looked at each other. We kind of talked, and even kind of hugged. Later the scene continued at my home. He was already in different clothes. I walked around the house and then headed towards the exit. As soon as he put on his shoes and wanted to open the door, suddenly the door opens by itself and beyond the threshold I see my brother and aunt. The acquaintance left the apartment and called the elevator, and the brother and aunt went into the apartment and closed the door. The entire time that my friend and I were at my house, no dialogue took place. When did they close front door, I went into the room. My aunt said something to me, I smiled and that’s where the dream ends.
    Tell me what does this mean?

    I dreamed of a guy I like. In the dream, we were a couple, we walked around the store and chose clothes for him to wear on a date. My best friend was with us, then she stayed there and talked to someone. The guy and I went into the elevator and went up to the Murzhe department of the store, then we started talking and he said that he would leave Yen someday because I’m not Russian, well then I said then let’s finish now because I don’t want such a relationship.

    I dreamed that a guy with whom I had been communicating for some time offered to meet me, but then he tried to use me sexually, but I refused him, in the end he confessed his love for me
    in and

    We walked with him and his girlfriend. I walked hand in hand with him, he had a girlfriend, but he didn’t care. It was night. We found an abandoned building and were left alone. The cops saw us and started looking for us. We hid and separated. I almost got caught, but everything turned out okay. We hugged tightly and that was it.

    I dreamed of a guy I knew. I like him a little. I came to his house in a dream, and he left the girl for me in front of me. And then we walked with him. Then he introduced me to his mother. He and I were happy in our dreams. But the fact is that I have a boyfriend in reality, and in a dream I was happy with someone else.

    Hello, I dreamed of a guy, a guy I know who lives in my block, he is much older than me, I’m 19 and he’s 24, I dreamed of us talking and walking together, etc., as if we were a couple.
    I had this dream from SATURDAY TO SUNDAY, what does it mean?
    Is this a prophetic dream?
    And what does this dream predict?

    I dream that my boyfriend and I broke up and it seems like we didn’t, I dream about my mother always pointing at Maxim (the boy I like) and waving her head at the guy, and every time we float further and further, and Maxim is getting closer, we walk with him, and Mom doesn't let him near the guy at all

    I dreamed of a guy I know, but we don’t communicate. I haven't seen him anywhere at all. In the dream we met and I really liked him. After sleep, I went for a walk and met him. And I’ve been seeing him for over a week now. I began to develop feelings for him. Although we never communicated...

    I’ll start from the beginning, I’m in some kind of house and I’m surrounded by people I know, that is, acquaintances, relatives, everyone smiles kindly towards me. (At the moment I have a young man he has a friend) so in a dream I dreamed of this friend, we communicate with him and he constantly comes up to me and hugs me and I feel him trembling, but I myself no less, I feel how pleasant it is for me. In the dream, I was constantly doing something and I don’t remember what, but he was there all the time and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. Then we left this house and went for a walk, we all went together. But then I saw in a dream how my dog ​​was running after me and I had to return to this house to take it away. I did this, but for some reason I started crying, then I go back, I approach some gate and I see a little pig, it’s not big, somewhere in the middle, and I quickly cover the fence, he can’t go in and out of nowhere he takes a snake, one a big one and a lot of small ones, I put them near the fence and they crawled through it. After these I didn’t see any snakes. But I decided to climb over the fence, riding along the fence for an hour, so that I could get back to this guy and in a dream I needed it. I started to break it and when I wanted to jump off the other side, a wild boar bit me and more than once, I couldn’t get down. Well, then the dream was abruptly interrupted, my young man came and loudly opened the door.

    I dreamed that I was walking with a guy, and in the dream I really started to like him, who doesn’t know me, but I know him, then I dreamed about all my exes, they were all relaxing together at a local restaurant and both this guy and I were supposed to be there I ask them where this guy is, and they were offended, they said that he was not there, that he had left, and then I went out and saw him, I went up and hugged him and we stood talking... and I woke up

    The boy’s father arrived and gave all the girls in my family bouquets of flowers, and he gave me a bouquet of roses in the shape of a white heart, with red roses around the heart. At 4 o’clock in the morning, a boy Danil, 14 years old, called me. At first he said that he had checked his heart, everything was fine. Then he said: are we ready for a higher relationship? And I said yes. And then the dream ended.

    I dreamed of a guy whom I met and saw once, we had just started communicating on the Internet, in the dream it was as if we had a relationship with him and I loved him madly, we broke up, I cried a lot, then his father tried us on and we went to the driver and him went to the store at night, I went to the store to buy cigarettes and there I saw two older sisters, they seemed to be torn there, I went up to the Cashier and asked for cigarettes, then the oldest sister came up to me and the seller offered me a job in a pharmacy, as it turned out, I was standing in the store for an hour and hurried to go out to my beloved, but when I went out he wasn’t there, I started showing off, I wanted to call him and then the phone went dead and I didn’t know how to get to him in a foreign city. What should I do, have I really lost him and we’ll never be in place and here the Dream ended, but the point is that in Java we hardly know each other

    Hello! I dreamed of a guy with whom we have not communicated for a long time. Lately I haven’t thought or remembered him at all. In the dream, he and I were walking down the street. He told me something and in a dream I knew for sure that he liked me. The dream was neither bright nor dark, the light was neutral. In the dream I was very happy and woke up in the same good mood

    I saw a guy in a dream; I know him in real life. There was some kind of holiday, I helped, then both of us stood by the river. I said I know that you talk about love not only with me, to which he said that he is not the one who really loves several girls. I take him by the hands and tell him that I love him. The river begins to rise and we run away.

    At first everything was fine, but then I met several guys. One of them came up to me, and the rest disappeared. We went for a walk and he hugged me. Then we saw one of the guys driving by, the one I dreamed about at the beginning. And that's where the dream ended

    I saw a guy whom I loved once for about 8 years, I had a dream about him today in a dream I really liked the dream, it was very warm, in the dream he asked for my phone number and I didn’t give it, but my number was written on the wall and he found out and I was happy I saw him in a dream a couple of days ago, please tell me what it means

    I met in a dream with a guy whom I can’t stand just as much as I can’t stand him. But we walked with him, walked hand in hand, then we came to my grandmother and his mother was there, we stood talking and held hands, then he told me let’s leave here and we left. Then he and I drove by car to the district and there in the car he began to approach me. Look like that's it

    Everything happened on some large ship near the shore. I was about to sail away with someone, I don’t remember exactly, and suddenly the mother of my ex-best friend starts calling me. She starts asking me if we will still be friends. I definitely didn’t answer her and hung up. Then her grandmother called me and again her mother, and in the end I said that maybe I would. And then she appears on my ship. We start hugging, I was of course not very happy about this. I didn’t want to resume communication out of resentment. But in the end, we had a nice chat, and then my classmate appeared there, he is usually gloomy, and we don’t communicate with him. In the dream, he was gloomy at first, and then, when we began to communicate with him, he began to smile. And was in good mood. I don't remember much else.

    Yesterday we were walking with my friend, she decided to call a friend from Sokolniki (we are in Butovo), he arrived. I dreamed about him. My friend likes him, and I like him a little. And the dream was about the fact that he pushed her away and chose me. Now I’ll tell you everything in detail. (I don’t remember how the dream began) the three of us went to the heel to buy something to eat. We ate and then he said, “I need to go there.” Do you know what's there? I "Metro. Are you home? guy “You will call me when there is something left” I “ok”. The third one came (she was in the toilet) and we went to accompany the boy to the metro. They began to hug goodbye. His friend hugged him, then I hugged him. He didn’t let me go, and asked Katya to stand here, while we either went behind the metro so that she wouldn’t see us. We stood there for a long time, still hugging, and he kissed my neck. For a long, long time, and then he said “I have to go” and left.

    I dreamed of a guy who I just can’t like. In the dream, we corresponded with him on VKontakte. For some reason I was so happy. He wrote to me “I like you because you are the standard image of a girl, like a princess.” I burst into a smile of happiness. But then he wrote a message that was exactly in his style: “Come on, so I won’t hurt you.” I distanced myself, my eyes went blank, I started writing that no, it was too early. And it looks like we've been dating for a while, since it's early. The dream was so real that even when I woke up, I started checking this correspondence on my phone. What could this mean? I think about this all day.

    I dreamed that I was walking hand in hand with this young man, we were hugging, walking together, but I was afraid that my friend would find out about this, since she still had feelings for him, and when she got sick, we didn’t hide anything, We walked around school together, kissed and hugged.

    I had a dream with a boy who had already graduated from our school and left for Orenburg to study, he actually said that he would arrive in November.
    So, the dream:
    I had a dream, as if Timur was writing to me and telling me that he had arrived (although it was October 10) and that he was repairing the curb in the courtyard of our school. Naturally, I begged my mother to send me to the store so that I could walk past Timur and say hello. My mother let me go and I went to school, pretended that I hadn’t noticed him and moved on. And Timur ran up from behind, tapped him quietly on the shoulder and I turned around... Naturally, I was in seventh heaven, because I hadn’t seen him for a long time. And so we hugged, and he picked me up in his arms and began to rock me up and down.
    Tell me what this could mean? The dream is very pleasant. And yes, I really like this Timur and I think he guesses

    It seemed that I was sitting in my apartment and my friend, with whom we study at the institute, came in. It turns out that now he lives with me. Then we suddenly find ourselves on the street and see a man who starts shooting. A classmate began to block me and him They shoot, then I close it and they shoot at me.

    Hello, I had a dream that I started dating a guy from 11th grade, his name is Valentin, in the dream we were hugging together, I was hanging out in 9th grade. One day we came to my house, he hugged me, I held his hands. Then I introduced him to my mother, he was as sweet as in reality. He is blond and has blue eyes, then when dad came, I don’t know what happened, Valya began to hide, but he didn’t succeed and they also met. I was so happy

    At first I walked with Vlad (my classmate and the guy who likes me), we went shopping, generally had fun, but then he left and Borya (my classmate) appeared and I hugged him, then he kissed me on the cheek when we got to some place, we parted. I walked through the vacant lot, where my former classmate (Edita) was standing with her mother, I walked past and pretended that I had not noticed her. After that, I found myself in a class where all my classmates were sitting, including Borya and Vlad. Edita came unexpectedly and said that she knew something and I realized that she would tell something about me. She said that I was dating Vlad, and at that moment Borya wrote on his hand that he was dating me. I thought about how ashamed I was, because I kissed Vlad, but not in a dream. Then they started beating each other, but unable to bear it, I told them both to stop.

    Hello! I dreamed that my class was walking along one of the streets in my city, and we all beamed. Then my classmate, who is not very interesting to me in life, catches up with me and takes my hand. I ask “What does this mean? What’s going on?” and he is silent.
    Then we calmly board a bus. There we start talking, this classmate begins to tell something about his family. That she is not very prosperous, that he has some problems in his family, and then starts crying. I see this and hug him, as if we had been dating for a long time. And this, as far as I remember, is where the dream ends. Thank you!

    I don’t remember how it all started, but we were running away from the police and then walking along the embankment, I kissed his neck. We had friends with us, we sat on a bench, he hugged me and watched the sunset, so beautiful, and I also rummaged through his phone.

    I dreamed of a guy with whom I once wanted to communicate, we walked like lovers, he was waiting for me at the exit to go to school together, then I remember we often walked and I remember well that his name was Nikita and his hair was light and soft, it was pleasant for me to touch it and he always Kotdal was next to me, I woke up, Vasil’s thought came to you, were you stuck in him?😂 tell me what this dream could mean please

    Hello, I’ve been dating my boyfriend for two years now, and yesterday I first dreamed that he was, firstly, cheerful, trying to somehow cheer me up, and secondly, that we were standing near the apartment, and in the end we went there , and then I don’t remember anymore.

    I dreamed of a guy who I really like, but he doesn’t like me. And so, I dreamed that for some reason I came and sat on his lap, he kissed me, hugged me (in short, what I want in real life), I was very happy.

    My father appointed this guy as my caretaker, so to speak, so that he would monitor me and my nutrition and I would ask him what to eat and what not to eat. At first he was cold towards me and then I once asked him to take me home and it was winter. Then I don’t remember why, but he was jealous, took me by the hand and looked into my eyes angrily and warmly. And yes I know him

    I dreamed of a guy I didn’t know very well (I know his name, I saw him sometimes, he’s the brother of one of my bosses). He complimented me, flirted, I was pleased. I was at a height and tried to come down, some kind of fear. We were in some room. I saw a lot of cakes, I really wanted them, but I didn’t try them.

    I dreamed of a guy (who in real life is a friend of my cousin. And this boy recently pestered me in real life), he came from Poland, but in the dream he didn’t greet me or see me...

    The entire dream took place at school. The school has 3 floors. The first thing I remember is me talking to my best friend on the 3rd floor, and the guy I like is sitting around the corner on a bench very close to me. Then the scene ends and the next one comes. Again, I and my best friend are walking along the 3rd floor to the stairs and the guy I like (the same one everywhere) stands against the wall and looks me straight in the eyes. It seemed to me that there was a lot of kindness in those eyes. And then there is darkness. On the 1st floor the dining room has been changed and in addition regular tables there were tables with large sofas on which you can sleep. I just decided to take a nap, and the same guy was sitting at another table and then he was kicked out. He stood up and walked towards my table. And when he approached, he asked if he could sit down. Naturally, I allowed it and then we talked very nicely, laughed a lot, addressed each other by name. And then he tickled me. He and I became very good friends. And then we went to bed with him under the same blanket. Without any intimate connections. And again the piece breaks off. And the last scene. I walk past the stairs on the 2nd floor and he runs up from the first floor, pats me on the shoulder, runs forward, turns around, smiles, I start to run after him when suddenly he pats me very hard on his shoulder best friend and then the 3rd guy (also his friend) also pats me on the shoulder and they all run into the office together in English. All.

    I was sitting in class, he came up and said that I would listen to the music that he liked and put his hand to my cheek and ear, but instead of music I heard silence. I felt like I was blushing. He was wearing trousers (I don’t remember what color) and a beige jacket.

    I entered some mansion in which there was a guy who loves me. and it happened that I had to sleep with him. But I said that I wouldn’t sleep with him, but my soul somehow wanted to sleep next to me. and his sister came and said that she would sleep between us. But when I was sleeping, I felt like my sister came out and I hugged this guy. And then I woke up in a dream and said that I was going home.

    Hello. I saw my ex-boyfriend. Who is he currently in a quarrel with? I want to measure myself. But he doesn't. I saw that we were driving in a car. He, me and our common sister. I wanted to sit next to her, but my sister got ahead of me and sat down herself. I sat back. And he smiled. I love my sister very much. She doesn't wish me harm. Something like this. Why is this dream?

    It was in my former school, at his textbooks were missing, and I asked which ones I needed.” He didn’t answer and even laughed, then he left the class, closed the door so that there was a crack left and looking through it at me at the moment when he looked through the crack, he sent and he comes into the classroom and starts to come at me from behind, he tickles my neck and says what did you say there, it looked serious. but I’m afraid of ankles and start to remove his hands, but he continues and it turns out that my face is not visible, but he stands on top of me . Hands in front of my face, but my face is not visible if you look from the front, and suddenly he kisses me on the lips, not with a hickey, but just a peck, but it was a long time

    I dreamed New Year and my former classmates were climbing up the wall into my apartment through the window, and I was naked, then I dreamed that we were baking a cake for my niece and also that I had a boyfriend and we went somewhere with him

    I went to the house of the guy I love. He was cleaning the house. Then I went outside and looked at his balcony. Then I left and hid my fist from him; he was on the balcony. When I was walking I saw my people
    A relative of one cousin is like a third friend of my brother. They said that they were watching me, they were told by me Native sister Elmira, she thought I was meeting someone. That's all.

    I'm walking with 2 friends at school and this boy and his two friends are walking towards me, this boy stopped, looked at one of my friends at the second and then at me, looked at me for more than a minute and then said this is my wife or something like that kind, and said think about it (I don’t remember what) I laughed and these boys left and my friends began to persuade me and say agree

    I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. In the dream, I was with my former classmate, with whom I had been in love for a long time. He doesn't know about it. In a dream, I invited him to meet, to which he agreed to my surprise. Then we walked with him in the park, holding hands. I couldn’t leave the feeling of comfort and security and the feeling that this was happening in reality. Then I woke up.

    I dreamed that we were on a bus with a guy, I was communicating with this guy on the Internet, we had a short relationship about 8 years ago. We are going, and I say that nothing will work out for us, because I am leaving (in reality I am actually leaving for another city for permanent residence), he freaks out, grabs me by the neck, then in the end we go somewhere together, to company and say that we are a couple now.

    Hello, I dreamed of a young man whom I know, I have beloved guy this one likes me, sometimes it seems to me that I like him too, but that doesn’t mean anything because I love my boyfriend very much, the dream was like this, I was riding in a minibus, I saw him there, but he didn’t even say hello, he was ashamed I was with friends, but then by chance I didn’t get to the place I needed, but I got with him to his educational institution, in In fact, we don’t have anything like that in our city, and he’s no longer studying! and there we felt good, we hugged, said many things to each other, it seemed that we loved each other and it was like it was real, we hugged and kissed

    After work, I go to a cafe where a friend of mine works, I see my current boyfriend sitting at a table there with a new girl. I sit at the bar and drink a cocktail, and a friend sees that my boyfriend, with whom I am in a relationship, is sitting with a new lady. A friend came up and hugged me, and I felt so warm and good. Although I know that he hangs out with other girls and we are just acquaintances.

    We arrived in Dagestan and there I hugged my mother’s friend and this guy stood not long before us. Then in a dream my mother showed one girl and said that she was beautiful, then this guy said that I was beautiful and that I had beautiful legs. That's why we started to be friends with him

    Hello! I had a dream that I was dating a guy. Now in more detail: We had school competitions. We have 2 physical education teachers at school. I dreamed about the one who doesn’t see us. His girlfriend is our biology teacher. In reality, they are dating and in a dream we also met, but then he began to pay attention to me. At first it was just at competitions. And then he called me to his teacher’s room for physical education teachers, and confessed his love to me and in a dream I was in love with him. We kissed and hugged .In general, we fell in love with each other. This is the dream

    I am in a house unfamiliar to me, in a room with large window. I play in front of the window with my nephew. There is a guy sitting outside the window, he sees us and smiles. After a while the phone rings, the phone is not mine either. he calls I pick up the phone and look at him, he smiles

    I had a dream that I was corresponding with a classmate who I used to like on VKontakte. I don’t remember exactly what the conversation was about, but I remember that I wrote something that shouldn’t have been sent, I tried to delete the message. This is where the dream ended

    I was hinted at a relationship by a classmate who definitely doesn’t love me in reality, I ran away from the relationship for a long time (in a dream), but then I felt sorry for him and I thought that he wasn’t disgusting to me and maybe something would work out, at the end of the dream we hugged my initiative so the dream ended

    I saw him standing with a friend, I stood almost opposite him, he left (he said goodbye to his friend and left on the bus), I took another bus to pick him up, then when I saw that he wasn’t there I started crying

    I dreamed of a guy I knew. We were drawing together during class, but suddenly he fell asleep 😅 when I leaned over to him and asked if he was awake, he pressed his head to my chest and said that he was listening to my heart.

    My friends and I were standing near the store, and this guy was next to us, but he didn’t communicate with us, he just stood and looked into my eyes and he looked so strange, he’ll look, look away, look, look away. But in the end he looked for a long time into my eyes and I was very happy and started smiling and laughing.
    There was another such dream, me and this guy were standing in some small room, there was dim lighting. And this guy stood right in front of me and looked into my eyes, without blinking, etc. For some reason I began to rejoice and I started calling my friend (it’s just that in reality we notice that this guy looks at me very often and always when he sees me, he calls his friend to tell her)

Dreams are a mysterious, unknown part of our life. It is impossible to comprehend, but one cannot pretend that they do not make sense. Seeing a man you know in a dream - why you dream about such a picture, find out from the following article.

With the help of dreams, you can interpret upcoming events, use advice and important information. The main question will be how much we can decipher the meaning of a dream. And not everyone can do this.

Seeing a man you know in a dream - a loved one, an employee, a friend... What does this dream warn about?

Dreams about friends

When people we know visit us in our dreams, this can signal upcoming events that will happen in reality. If in a dream there was an unexpected conversation with a person whom you did not expect to see, then in reality such a situation can also be repeated with amazing accuracy. Or the dream indicates that the relationship will change.

It is important to remember the emotions and impressions that the dreamer felt. They may happen again in reality.

If you dreamed that you were animatedly communicating with a person, this may promise success in business. If this communication took place in a rude manner, then things may not go very well, leading to a breakdown in the relationship.

If in a dream you felt awkward when meeting an acquaintance, in reality this may mean the discovery of a deception. If you dreamed that the dreamer was trying to visit a friend, this foreshadows suffering and humiliation when there is a desire to become as successful and prosperous as the friend.

If you dream that the person with whom you quarreled suddenly began to show friendliness towards you, gossip and conspiracies in reality. Caution must be exercised. When you meet an acquaintance on the street in a dream, this means success in business and problems in your personal life.

Seeing a familiar man in a dream happens to every girl. This is quite natural. But there can be many reasons and explanations for this situation. Therefore, this dream must be deciphered in different ways.

Most often, girls dream about:

  • Darling;
  • husband or betrothed;
  • superiors;
  • teacher;
  • stranger;
  • famous male personality.

Dreams about men can be explained by the fact that they naturally occupy the attention of girls, being representatives of the stronger sex. Moreover, for a young girl, thinking about guys is an important part of their life. Free women also tend to see representatives of the stronger sex in their dreams. Moreover, the frequency of their appearance in dreams depends on the intensity of thoughts about men.

Seeing a familiar man in a dream about whom you think all day is a continuation of thoughts and dreams. But sometimes such night dreams carry a warning or a hint. Everything will depend on the personality of the person in the dream.

Dreams about a loved one

Seeing a familiar man in a dream for a woman who is with him love relationships, means many things. A girl always subconsciously expects love, and when she meets her soulmate, she completely dissolves in her. Love covers all her thoughts and feelings. Therefore, the betrothed will visit the girl in her dreams.

The meaning of such dreams:

  • Hugs and kisses, talking in the dark are considered a bad sign. Such dreams indicate conflict and misunderstanding between lovers. You should show attention and tact, be patient and work around conflict situation.
  • A vision of a loved one among nature, in the sun, fresh air is a good sign and promises joy, understanding, love and cloudless happiness.
  • It’s not scary if in a dream you witness the betrayal of your loved one. Kisses and even the marriage of a lover with another person arise due to causeless jealousy and accusations of deception, which have no basis. The dream warns of caution. You shouldn’t make accusations, it’s better to learn to trust. And it is important for the girl herself to remember to remain faithful and honest with her lover.
  • Bathing with your loved one is an important dream. Dreams about water always bring important information. To interpret a dream, it is important to pay attention to the state of this liquid:
  1. If the water was cloudy and dirty, this promises illness and trouble.
  2. Dreaming about shallow water means a lack of money.
  3. If a girl is drowning and her lover rushes to save her, this is the beginning of a serious romance.
  4. The sight of a fast-moving river and current means serious plans and a shared future.

Considering the purity of the water and the events you dreamed about, you can prepare for them in real life and avoid trouble. Dreaming of swimming in muddy waters means that troubles may arise in a relationship. Therefore, instead of waiting for troubles, it is better to try to work on harmonious relationships.

Different dreams

If you dreamed that an acquaintance was trying to get into your room using the window, in reality this may warn of possible interference in the relationship. This is a warning to the lady about the presence of a jealous admirer.

If a man presents flowers to a lady, this dream warns of the presence of a fan seeking to win your favor. Here it is important to pay attention to the freshness of the bouquet. If he withered, then this naturally promises the withering of the relationship.

If in a dream a lady strokes a man on the head, this means problems will leave her life. Such a dream promises peace and forgiveness.

But if a woman and a man hold hands, this is a warning about separation, which will come very soon.

Seeing a man you know with a head in a dream is a hint that solving emerging problems requires a creative approach. A man's courtship suggests that one should not delay in solving problems.

Dreams about being drunk

Seeing a drunk man you know in a dream is not the best dream. In a dream, it is important to remember what mood the representative of the stronger sex was in. If you felt his irritation, then in reality this will lead to trouble. Therefore, seeing a drunk man you know in a dream is not good. In some dream books, such dreams are interpreted as impending pain from a failed relationship. This may also be a warning that the girl should get rid of frivolity. The dream book interprets seeing a drunk man you know in a dream as a warning.

If you dreamed of a dead person

The world of dreams is mysterious and unpredictable. Seeing a dead man you know in a dream - these dreams can carry different information. This is a request for prayer, a warning, and a message about new events in life.

It is believed that it is important to pay attention to the words and actions of the deceased person in the dream. If he is calm and serene, then in reality everything will be fine.

IN different dream books meet different meanings such a dream. Seeing a man you know in a dream who hugs you, but in reality he is not alive - this is bad sign. It is believed that you cannot have any relationship with the dead - take their things, give yours, hug. But such a dream can also visit those who miss the departed person and are worried about this.

About violence

Seeing in a dream how a familiar man beats a woman can be interpreted in different ways:

Dreams are not a death sentence!

Whatever dream you have, it is important to remember that it will not be a death sentence. Even good changes inspired by a dream will not happen when you expect it. And then, when the time comes.

Dreams - a warning about possible bad situations - should be taken as an opportunity to draw conclusions and control your behavior. If the dream left an unpleasant impression, it is better to pray in the temple so that troubles will pass you by.

When you saw a famous person in a dream, this is the result of fantasies about And about the interest of his special one. A dream - seeing a man you know naked - can also be regarded as a desire for a relationship, as indicated in Freud’s dream book.

It all depends on the man

The dream book explains seeing a familiar man in a dream depending on who exactly was dreaming. Having studied the interpretations of several dream books, one can come to the conclusion that such dreams promise joy. In addition to a man’s status, his age is also important. For example:

The meaning of an erotic dream book

If we decipher a dream about a man from the point of view erotic dream book, then the dream can mean love joys in reality. In dreams, a man must have a beautiful body.

To successfully decipher a dream, it is important to reproduce its details. After all, dreams are the result of the work of the brain, which does not rest even at night. Sometimes our consciousness continues to create pictures that were seen throughout the day. Or reproduce events that have already happened or are expected.

Freud's Dream Book

According to Freud, when a girl dreamed that a man was lying in her bed without clothes, in reality this means that sexual satisfaction is not available to her. And she strives to realize her fantasies.

The appearance of a naked man in a lady’s dream means that she does not experience satisfaction in her relationship with her husband.

If you dreamed that a young man was meeting a girl, it means that he was ready to do anything just to win her affection.

If you dreamed that a man and a woman were kissing, this could mean that there is sexual attraction between them. A simple conversation between people of the opposite sex can promise unpleasant situations in the workplace.

Let's sum it up

Dreams visit us with different purposes. They can be the result of emotions experienced throughout the day. Or a projection of our desires. There are also prophetic dreams, which warn about events that are destined to happen in reality.

Often the meaning of what is seen in a dream becomes clear only after the event has already occurred, and nothing can be changed. In order to be ready to interpret the meaning of a dream, various dream books have been created. The description of the meaning of dreams about familiar men was taken from these works.

To successfully interpret a dream, it is important to remember not only its meaning in detail, but also the emotions that the dreamer experienced. It is from the experiences of a dream that its meaning depends. It is also important to consider who exactly was dreaming. And in what condition. Dreams about violence carry negative information, as do dreams in which we are visited by people who are drunk.

Dreams about people who are no longer among the living can mean both our longing for them and the request of a deceased person to remember him in prayer.

Under no circumstances should dreams be considered an inevitable death sentence. A person has a choice in real life. Therefore, you just need to draw the right conclusions from dreams and monitor your actions and words. Whatever dream you have, with the first rays of the sun there will again be a chance to change everything in better side and be happy.